softgrungeprophet · 8 hours
okay working the scene out in my notes
may actually have donald and aracely not be there to simplify certain scenes. obv this prevents the drama i posted a screenshot of earlier but it makes more sense for what i have. not that it's impossible to work that specific flavor of drama in elsewhere.
also while it may make some sense continuity wise for zoe to have a bazooka, those are hard to hide and i think i'm going to have her pour a bottle of gin out over kaine's head and then pull a lighter out of her bra.
for the drama. also because she strikes me as the type to be a bit of a pyromaniac.
bazooka for later probably. we'll see. i do think i'll have it so that she's actually working with the huntress directly, meaning zoe's plan is probably to set kaine on fire so he'll go Othery and then let the huntress, well. hunt him.
or something like that.
obviously like i said, kaine is on immunosuppressants so no Other normally but i think kraven having weird immune stimulating poisons would be well within the realm of believability for that character so i think that helps there.
no bazooka...
flaming arrows.
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softgrungeprophet · 11 hours
That reblog of Aaron Philip brought up a question for me - how often do wheelchair users need to sacrifice/adjust their personal style for safety in their chair? Would it make sense to have a character try to integrate their chair into their fashion, or would it be too unrealistic with all the moving parts and the risk of fabric getting caught in something? I'm picturing someone dressing up their chair in matching vibes (maybe some draped fabric to match their evening dress) but I don't know if that would be seen as too risky/not worth it.
Hi lovely asker <3
[Post in question for context] We actually just answered an ask here about decorating wheelchairs, and so many people decorate them to their style and fashion sense!
The sacrifice of Function and/or Fashion is becoming less because more brands and people are making Accessible functional fashion. Iz adaptive is one brand that comes up for that and they even have a whole page on why clothes are different for wheelchair users and how to make it accessible. This doesn't mean It is not still a constant problem but it is slowly getting better. Genetech did a fashion show for people with SMA, and what I like about that video is that with each person they put up a card with what alterations were made to make the clothes accessible for each individual.
And on that, often a lot of time we also know how to alter or mend our own clothes too (or we have a close person/loved one who does it for us). This is partly why the disabled community and the Fiber arts community tend to intermingle a lot also.
If you're doing something more extravagant, with flowy draped fabric that hangs past the wheels, sacrificing function for fashion may happen, but also a lot of pictures that do have that long fabric over them are usually just for photoshoots. They're ways to make it accessible for functionality though! Tieing up the fabric is one way, altering the way the fabric sits/falls, or even removing underlayers of volume can help decrease the weight or length of the fabric. Sewing buttons and buttonholes into it so you can pin the fabric up is another; or even just carrying some safety pins and pinning it up that way too.
One example that I can think of is at Pride Parades actually! A lot of people drape or pin flags on the back of their wheelchairs. Sometimes it drags, sometimes you snag the edges of it, a lot of times it's turning to your friend and going "It's not dragging too much right?". If someone/a character is doing the same sorta thing, where they knowingly put hanging fabric that they know may drag or snag, usually your just very vigilant and (if their able too) constantly checking on it/moving it out of the way, I would say it's likely someone may risk functionality for fashion.
I would recommend looking up stuff like "Wheelchair fashion" or "disabled fashion" because there is so many people who do so many cool things. Find disabled models who do photoshoots, or disabled actors/actresses is another way too!
~ Mod Virus 🌸
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softgrungeprophet · 11 hours
phantoms in the early dark, canaries in the mines
The Mountain Goats - “Maybe Sprout Wings”
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softgrungeprophet · 11 hours
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Unknown slug species photographed by Matthieu Berroneau in Tanzania
Had to share this one because it has me wildly confused. Thought it was a sea slug at first, but it’s pretty clearly on land and has all the morphology of a terrestrial slug. I’ve never seen a terrestrial slug with coloring like this and couldn’t find any matches for similar species online. The photographer is usually great at IDing and did not recognize the species. If anyone can find anything, please share!
Photo shared with permission; do not remove credit or re-post!
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softgrungeprophet · 11 hours
Daredevil rogues gallery FMK Spin the Wheel
RB and put in the tags who you got!
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softgrungeprophet · 11 hours
Hey! So I’m a fairly new ambulatory wheelchair user with EDS writing about a character who is also an ambulatory wheelchair user. I feel like I keep using the same words over and over to portray movement though (rolled, propelled, “pushed themself,” etc) so I would love to hear if you have any more ideas for alternatives! I’ll take as many as you’ve got!
Thank you!!!
Hello dearest asker!
This is the list that we have provided over time plus others:
Pulled (by a service animal etc)
Popped ("Popped up their wheels/chair" to get over a surface etc)
Slid (In rainy or icy weather)
And a lot of many other verbs that would take me a long time to list! Consider what type of wheelchair the person has, as mention Here. And also how the person moves or places their hands can be another detail to include.
If the actual definition of the verb doesn't involve the specific actions of one or two lower extremities (ex. walk, run, stepped, trot, stride) then it's otherwise good to use! Other words like Moseyed, sauntered, paced, I think depends on the writer. A particularly mischievous character may saunter of a manner in their wheelchair. And a character who is nervous would pace—although possibly tiring—back and forth. And Moseyed, well, I just particularly like this word—but, a character could mosey on by in a certain fashion. Happy writing!
(last ask about verb terminology on wheelchairs per this post we made about it)
~ Mod Virus 🌸
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softgrungeprophet · 13 hours
Hey, this pride month (or literally any time of year), you wanna know something fairly easy and great you can do?
Contact your local library (or comment on their social media) positively for any pride/LGBTQIA+/queer-related displays or events they have going on.
What I’m seeing and hearing from the (mostly US-based) library workers in my groups and social circles is that the anti-queer (anti-gay, anti-trans, anti-drag queen story time, etc.) comments and complaints that have ramped up in the past year aren’t going away. Even library workers with supportive coworkers/bosses/boards are steeling themselves to deal with an avalanche of garbage, or are second-guessing their displays and events because the amount of vitriol can wear a person down so much. And the ones without supportive people or work environments? It’s worse.
Give the library something else: give them both the ammo (by being one of the numbers they can count worth the positive group) if they need to show their community isn’t wholly negative. Give them the compliment of knowing that their work got appreciated.
A comment like “I love this” or “Wow, that looks great!”
An email about how much you’re excited about X event
A call saying you wanted to let them know you appreciate this thing
Tagging them if you share a picture or positive comment on social media
“Cool shirt/pins/etc!” (Because people are also bring harassed about personally being queer, even if it’s not a library display)
Literally anything that would be positive for them to receive
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softgrungeprophet · 13 hours
lets give it up for pleasures of the flesh !!
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softgrungeprophet · 13 hours
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An informational comic I drew last year for my Comics 2 class, reposting it to my new account (had to jump ship from the old one unfortunately) with some minor grammar changes and learned my lesson in adding watermarks! Happy early pride :)
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softgrungeprophet · 13 hours
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my little selkie detective, Sorcha!
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softgrungeprophet · 14 hours
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I'm almost certain someone has done this before but
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softgrungeprophet · 14 hours
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finishing touches 🧶
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softgrungeprophet · 14 hours
s2g i need like an ice pack to go between my laptop keyboard and my actual keyboard
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softgrungeprophet · 15 hours
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it's true! you can't make this stuff up! officially made my deposit, and its happening on the funny tv day for real. i've already made some progress toward the total doll hair amount i'll need (thank you endlessly), but if you want to help me not stress as much about not being able to work for six weeks, you can
get one of my comics (specifically oh huh, which is about gender stuff, but they're all free/PWYW)
pre-order one of the items from my top surgery collection (physical comic, stickers, that sort of thing)
buy me a coffee (or the pypl equivalent)
or if you can't do any of that, just sharing around my art helps as well :) thank you thank you thank you
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softgrungeprophet · 16 hours
Jaskier: Now, Geralt, just hear me out...
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softgrungeprophet · 17 hours
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softgrungeprophet · 17 hours
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rubbing my hands together as i coalesce some plot
subject to a lot of changes obviously lol
i actually am planning on bringing Kraven the Hunter(ess) in to hunt the Other/Kaine, esp as in windowverse she kills the original Tarantula (Anton), but as far as her interacting with Kaine, it won't necessarily be the way it happens in the comics. Def not anything from GH either, because that would make no sense in this timeline, though Mrs. O does have an appearance as Sra. Ortega when Kaine is in Colombia prior to Houston.
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