sombersubcon-blog ¡ 5 years
(She looks over the contract rather quickly and carelessly, then scribbles the name "Sugar" with a tiny heart beside it.) There you go! I'm sure it will be a breeze...but I must say these "weeping angels" sound weird, do you have any tips to share? Not that I would NEED any. (She mumbles the last part) But the information would be nice...
“Why thank you...” A sly smile creeps up across his face, wider than the quick-narrowing eyes he gives his willing slave. There was absolutely no way a measly human could take on Weeping Angels, and he’d have their Soul in no time. This would be a hard contract, even for an alien like Hat Kid. 
The contract fizzled out of sight and the purple-pink bubble that encased Sugar faded. Snatcher’s voice boomed ominously in the night. “Go fast, kiddo, because those Weeping Angels are faster. Don’t look them in the eyes, and only stare at the stone they rest on if you have to look at them. They’re pretty brittle unless you wake them up from their little nap.” He shrugged. He didn’t look at them often. As for the one time he did, it was very easy to outrun a statue when you were a giant spiraling ghost, though he couldn’t say the same for his little Minion.
“Now shoo!”
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sombersubcon-blog ¡ 5 years
🍑 ran into the forest, carrying coolers and Tupperware containers containing fresh, and still warm, spectral bacon. The coolers contained different ice cream flavors, such as coffee, as he had requested, and, oddly, some home-made flavors, such as fig, (fig ice cream is GOOD. Also, first home-made flavor that came to my mind.) watermelon, and blueberry. 🍑 was hoping he would love these flavors she made, as she worked hard on them. (RP STARTER @peachys-univeral-roleplay)
Snatcher’s yellow tongue flitted up to lick at his lips as he twirled in the sky like a loose kite, long body loop-de-looping as he thrusted forth. Breaking out of the trees to survey the intruder, he blinked at their slow speed. Were they old, perhaps? He would simply turn them around if so, as they had obviously made a mistake wandering here. The wind blew around him as he increased his speed, arms at his sides as he dove forward. Had he a dragon-shaped mask on, he’d be praised as a Chinese dragon - but that wasn’t the case.
His arms moved infront of him and he disappeared into the trees again. On the ground, the gloomy surface formed a black shadow as he zipped beneath it. When Snatcher arrived at his destination, he paused before he came out of the his hiding spot, the shadow fizzling as he watched them haul their items. Snatcher thought back to his letter, considering the odds. Had someone who wrote him actually turned up for once?
“And what exactly are you doing here? You selling goods?” Snatcher rose up from the ground, arms crossed tightly against his body as he peered down at his uninvited guest. “What business do you have?”
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sombersubcon-blog ¡ 5 years
                          Now you’re 🇬​🇴​🇳​🇪​ 🇦​🇼​🇦​🇾​.
                           I’m no longer 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨,                   From the 𝖕𝖆𝖎𝖓 you put me through.
      And now I think that                   It’s not me, it’s you.
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sombersubcon-blog ¡ 5 years
*salutes* Thank you sir! I promise I'll be good! And sorry for calling you noodle man, how do you want me to address you? It seems people like to call you "soon-deh-ray" and "snicker doodle pool noodle". What is a soon-deh-ray anyway? (๑•́ ∀ •̀๑)
“You better be.” Snatcher swirled back up from the ground with a contract in tow. If he wasn’t going to snatch their Soul, he still needed to make sure they were stuck in something that legally bound them to good behavior, otherwise he’d be stalking them through the forest the entire time. Not that he wouldn’t anyway...
Snatcher loomed over the small, brave little human, harsh eyes gleaming with mischief momentarily. Then, he leaned back, crossing an arm behind his head and floating in the air. He closed his eyes and snapped his fingers with his free hand, the contract poofing infront of them. It was complete with a quill.
Banish the Weeping Angels from The Court. Ensure no Dwellers get hurt.
The following parts of the forest will be available: The Court.
If you fail, [YOUR SOUL] will be mine.
“Now sign it, Minion, or I’ll make better use of your remains.” Snatcher growled, displeased by their line of questioning. He’d answered to enough of their games and been nice enough - he had no more patience for more antics.
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sombersubcon-blog ¡ 5 years
     Won’t be your friend when I’m around.
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sombersubcon-blog ¡ 5 years
Yee! You are Fluffy Noodle Man! Glad the letter got to the right place! Starting off... 1. What is your actual name? 2. Do you like kids? 3. Do you like Ice Cream? 4. Do you like bacon? Thank you!
“I’m going to start putting Curses of Befuddlement on these things if you don’t stop,” Snatcher emptily threatened, frowning in distaste. For such a prettily hand-crafted letter, it sure was full of things designed just to tick him off in all the right spots. He swore that smoke could come out of him right now! Well, he could curse the sender, but he wasn’t sure it would travel back with his reply.
“If you want to know all this stuff, you should really take me out to dinner!” He blinked innocently, a sly smile slowly spreading across his face. “I’m sure with that last question, you know my diet.” Giggling evilly, the tip of his pointer claw hung out of his maw teasingly. “Feel free to drop by with your offer!” Snatcher winked dramatically, then resumed his reading. A soul and a plate of spectral bacon in one day? He’d have to be dreaming!
“No. I hate them.” He sighed, thinking of Hat Kid. The lonely specter missed that girl, but he’d never admit it.
“Depends on the flavor. Coffee ice cream is tasty.” He stuck his tongue out playfully. “Bring me some and I might spare your life! Maybe. No absolutes.”
“I’d kill for bacon. Meet me tomorrow with it and I’ll consider sparing you for calling me fluffy.”
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sombersubcon-blog ¡ 5 years
[ ��� ]
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sombersubcon-blog ¡ 5 years
Forever’s a long time when it doesn’t feel right
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sombersubcon-blog ¡ 5 years
“You’re not going to do something are you? Empress is tough, I couldn’t land a blow on her. She also has an endless group of cats around to protect her. I’m not trying to compare her to you, I’m really not. I’m pretty sure you could beat her Snatcher.”
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The thing she couldn’t get over was the fact she’d been so scared. Normally, no one ever got to the little girt in this fashion. Even as she described how her encounter with Empress went there were hints of her being scared. Hatty did tell Snatcher the details which is why Snatcher might have thought Empress was ugly. It was true! Empress was an ugly cat! The most ugly ever! Yet, she was also scary and Hatty couldn’t understand why that was. She desired to know why.
“She’s my enemy, I’m the one who has to face her. I don’t want to put you or anyone else in Subcon in danger. I’m sorry that I mentioned her, I shouldn’t have.”
If Snatcher had his way, Empress might be killed before Hatty could learn what it was about the feline that scared her. She couldn’t allow that! If she never found out she would think about it forever and ever. So she chose not to tell anything.
“Please, don’t ask me anything else. I’m done talking about Empress.”
Drats! That kid was smart... too smart for his antics, even. He’d really raised her with all those Death Wishes, hadn’t he? She knew him too well, it was almost aggravating. Then again, everything was aggravating to him; he dropped that line of thought before it could continue. He did cut her off at the end of her sentence, however -- “If I can beat her, yes, well, kid-- if I’m stronger than her, why can’t I meet her?”
He tried to reason with her, but she continued before Snatcher could finish and he was left dry. She never had been this talkative in the past, and he found himself confused by her insistence. She talked a lot to herself in her ship when he was summoned there, but she never said much to others as far as he’d seen. This was something new to him. Was this even his Kid, or another Hat Kid just like his? Perhaps some looked the same, he thought.
When Hat Kid hastily replied, talking about Subcon and danger, he snapped impatiently back at her. “You’re not endangering me, kiddo!” He sighed in defeat. “Listen... I can ta--” Snatcher stopped as she continued on, anger rising. He could feel his fur fluffing up in annoyance, spectral winds curling through it. Snatcher’s appearance took a quick turn to ‘scary’ and ‘pissed off,’ his anger visible.
“Okay, okay, you’re in my home telling me what to do. That’s not how it works, kid! What’s your name, anyway? It still ‘Hat Kid’? You’re ‘Hat Kid’, right?” He blinked, his appearance softening as he leaned forward and crossed his arms, looming over her. Perhaps he was too harsh -- he hadn’t seen her in so long, though, and he felt it was appropriate.
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sombersubcon-blog ¡ 5 years
Open up your eyes  - see the world from where I stand, 
me among the mighty you caged at my command 
open up your eyes  - give up your sweet fantasy land
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sombersubcon-blog ¡ 5 years
Hmm, what if I sweeten the deal? I could possibly bring souls to you? It won't be easy for me, since I'm simply a human, but I know some people! How about it noodle man? (๑¯◡¯๑)
Snatcher swirled around the willing slave, ghastly purple form pulsating in the eternal night of Subcon. He rested his head in his hands, propping his elbows up on his long slinking body as he gave their request a mental once-over.
Considering it and all the angles it had, Snatcher had never had a human with a soul walk around before; Hat Kid was an alien, so regardless of her appearance, she didn’t necessarily count after their Best Friends Forever contract. If this human stranger were truly alive, they couldn’t use advanced forms of magic like him, nor could they cause all that much trouble -- being dead came with advantages that fleshy humans just couldn’t make use of.
He blinked, then gave a short frown, impatient with their request. Snatcher didn’t have much patience for them to wear. “Alright, I’ll give it a go, but one mistake and your soul is mine! This isn’t baseball, kid.”
He grumbled something incomprehensible, then turned back and raised one pointed finger in the air, pressing it to their chest roughly as his fur bristled. Snatcher’s voice doubled in its’ backing chorus, his tone accusatory. “And don’t call me ‘noodle man’ ever again. Got it?”
“Now, wait here for a moment and I’ll whip you up a contract. Move out of our little bubble and you’re going to be my midnight snack.” Snatcher disappeared into the ground immediately, though the menacing cascade of purple and pink surrounding the intruder remained.
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sombersubcon-blog ¡ 5 years
Greetings once more your highness! I must apologize for the lost souls from that charm I sent you a while ago,I'm still sort of new to the "binding charm" business. Being my own weird flavor of dead can be kind of strange,and I'm still trying to get used to it. How are the minions,by the way? Not too much trouble for you? I've left an old and nice looking hair pin on here with the letter. It seems to be flower themed,based on Marigolds. It's actually quite beautiful if you ask me. Have fun~! -R
When the letter was dropped off, Snatcher picked it up immediately, excited to exchange with the pen pal that he’d made. He settled down in his beaten old chair, getting nice and comfy, and then began to read.
“Greetings!” Now that was a greeting! He did love it when people stroked his ego -- maybe a little too much. It was the golden key that turned him from frenemy to friend. Nice to get some respect for a change! He hummed quietly to himself and continued.
“That’s alright, kid. Takes time. We can’t all be masters, you know.” He delivered the back-handed reassurance with a sly smile.
He stared out of one of his windows, keen eyes watching the Minions outside stand guard like good little chess pawns. He’d have been the king on such a set, and the queen, too... Snatcher turned back to the letter, focusing again. “They’re doing fine.”
Snatcher eyed the hair pin, one of his eyes raising comically as his face drew out a long line of pause. “Uhh... thanks?” While it was dreadfully nice of them, it wasn’t his fashion, sadly. He’d end up giving it to a Minion later, probably.
“See ya later, kiddo.” The letter erupted into blue-green flame.
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sombersubcon-blog ¡ 5 years
If the larger ghost minions do come across these spectral suckers,their going to brighten up like a fire at it as sweets were not something they had often. Mostly because things like that weren’t in their subcon and they haven’t figured out yet wither or not they could taste such treats.
He wouldn’t do that, not in first meeting at lest. Right now he’s just trying to find the missing Minions. Knowing how far they could travel, he’s just hoping that he could gather them all up before they end up getting stuck in their new found place. Besides, he’s under contract to keep them out of that level of trouble.
A few seconds later the shadow made portal closes due to no one using it. Pulling his claws back out from the ground thinking about it. He didn’t really bother with making the dolls bodies used for the Minions anything strange. Just a basic shape. Tail twitching a little behind him, probably should change that when he gets back to his forest.
“ On their cape is stitched design of a lamp. Looks like one of the lamps hanging around “
When food was enchanted by a soul -- or, at least in the universe that Snatcher lived in, by shards of a soul -- it became spectral food. Spectral food was edible for ghosts, but the methods of obtaining it was often unethical. While usually Snatcher was the one to enchant food with shards from those who stepped out of line, he’d recently gotten a letter from a potential minion who could do that job for him.
A long time ago, Snatcher had made the Minions’ doll forms -- they had been all the same, like little clones of each other running around; bulbous and purple with simple stitches, the same raspy high-pitched voices. Over time, however, some of the Minions had taken it upon themselves to creatively alter their outfits. He didn’t mind as long as they followed their given directives, and he found that he could differentiate between them much better that way anyway.
He gave a short ‘mhm,’ to the reply of the other, head tilting slightly to signal his attentiveness. “Might as well begin searching around here. Do they like any spot in particular?”
Snatcher drifted idly towards the path to the village -- it was the best first place to look since his Minions usually congregated there when anything odd went on. He still wasn’t sure what to make of the situation, but he’d do his best to respect circumstance.
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sombersubcon-blog ¡ 5 years
If someone wanted a job but had issues with their body, could you help said someone fit in or accommodate them? Its just i would rather like to escape and join the force but my heart causes me issues.
Snatcher was confused by the enthusiasm in the letter he’d read. What was up with this sudden influx of people who wanted to be Minions? It confused him. Was it some kind of in-joke he hadn’t been invited to? Not that he was complaining, really - he could coddle himself with servants tending to his every need.
“I’m not too picky, really,” He twirled in his chair, a faux-innocent grin plastering itself onto his face. “I’m an equal opportunity employer, you know! I’ll take souls of any shape and size!”
He tapped his chin for a few seconds, thinking. “I could give you some cooking lessons and you could cook for the Minions, if that’s your shtick, kiddo.” Snatcher’s hands clasped together as he continued to speak, “You take the souls of the living and stick it inside something edible and they’ll just love it. How’s that sound?”
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sombersubcon-blog ¡ 5 years
Continued from => {( :🖋️: )} ————————————–
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He would be sharing the same surprise look on the other if knowing about there being other Snatchers out there were fresh news to him, or having used the shadow made portals often enough that appearing in another Subcon wouldn’t be to out of the norm.
Despite the idea of causing some trouble for others, he’s not that keen on doing that to another’s Subcon or fello ghost. Something about it being to familiar or something like that.
Smile still dipped into a frown hearing that the Minion has yet to be spotted. There goes making this quick. He does perk up at the question. Claws digging into the ground for a few seconds before a portal made of shadows swirls into being.
“ This way. Just working with Shadows more “
It was a surprise to him, but a welcome one as long as the other treated him with respect. He figured he could at least give the others that in their homes if random portal transportation became the new big thing. His mind drifted; maybe he should start keeping a bowl of spectral suckers in his home for the Minions that invaded. He could deposit them home safely much easier, or perhaps he’d introduce a new resident if their Subcon was particularly cruel. 
Focusing on the task at hand, Snatcher watched his alternate dig their hands into the ground and floated backwards to give them a wider space to cast. He was still cautious that they could try something - after all, he’d met them only a moment ago and knew little of their personality. 
Watching in awe, he drifted closer to the shadowy portal, examining it for a moment before turning back to the other. His expression flat-lined tepidly to keep an aura of mystery and confidence, though that was hard when your duplicate was taller and more experienced with this than you.
“Do your Minions have any other features that stand out? Maybe we can find this one better if there’s more physical differences...” 
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sombersubcon-blog ¡ 5 years
Are you accepting new minions? If yes, could I be one with the exception of NOT having my soul snatched? Pretty please? (๑•́ ∀ •̀๑)
Snatcher glared at the tiny human that dared to make their entrance known, their small form beaming up at him with glee. He didn’t like that suspicious attitude one bit! He didn’t trust anyone, and he most definitely didn’t trust them. What did they take him for? Prey? It wasn’t that he wanted to be cruel, he just needed to trust them enough for them to walk around with their soul first.
“Sorry to ruin your party, kiddo... will you be a dear and sign this for me? Don’t read it, that’ll ruin the surprise!” He presented a rather large contract complete with a floating quill dipped in spectral ink.
Snatcher leaned in very close to them, whispering in their ear. His voice grew soft and lacked the usual chorus. “I’ll give it back as long as you’re nice and get your chores done.”
He clasped his hands together impatiently, smile as wide as ever as he returned to his original position. It betrayed how wrong it felt, but he had to be heartless or he’d be seen as weak. Snatcher was lucky enough the Minions hadn’t caught him shedding tears earlier - even as an isolated event, it had given him a blow to his usual confidence.
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sombersubcon-blog ¡ 5 years
Have any bad memories you feel like telling? Maybe when you were locked away by Vanessa, or when the other half of you got deleted, wait... is he present in this universe? I have a tendency to mix universes up, surely you know what I'm talking about, You've already broken the 4th wall with the Scream.wav file joke.
When his eyes glanced over Her name, his claws crumpled the gray paper in shock. She was the one he didn’t speak of, never named -- not aloud; the magical thinking that merely pronouncing it would summon her deathly grip to choke him again was too strong. He didn’t want to think about Her or his weaknesses -- and yet, this parchment made it perfectly clear that Snatcher would have to, as the magical properties it contained stifled his outburst and refused to allow itself to tear in his hands. 
Snatcher waited, wishing the paper would singe itself and erupt, but it didn’t. 
He hoped Vanessa wouldn’t peek into the mouth of his lair and kidnap him, but She didn’t.
The only thing that burned was his mind, set alight with memories he wished he could deny. The letter waited as much as he did, patient for his reply to complete its purpose. He had no choice but to oblige it, damned if he didn’t and damned if he did; he just wanted it to get the hell away from him.
“Vanessa...” Uncharacteristically, Snatcher’s reply trembled. He felt as if his voice could collapse in on itself. It was so hard to compose yourself when all you wanted was to hide for an eternity, but he supposed that’s what he’d been doing in all his time dead anyway, and so pressed forth, “-- Vanessa, yes, she’s... something. Someone.” His words caught, tripped on themselves, ran circles in his mind, but they peaked with rising courage now that her name wasn’t a deadly taboo. They were disobedient to his quick-decaying reputation and showed too much of himself. Ah, so this was vulnerability. 
Drawing in a breath, he sighed, powerful voice echoing through his lonely home as he regained some of his composure. That damn paper wouldn’t go away regardless of how he stared it down. His gaze softened after a few moments of contemplation. “Vanessa never treated me like a human being, not that I ever was-- before all of this.” He looked away, uncomfortable silence beckoning words he couldn’t dare speak. He was in too deep, above his head, mind blazing with unanswered questions, what ifs, and self-doubts. “She was very split... Sometimes she was the most gorgeous, beautiful queen in all the land, a lantern in the dark world that her and I lived in.” Lived. He spat the word like it was an insult to him. His voice seemed to double the backing chorus that it usually had when he pronounced it, a dreadful distortion like nails raking on a chalk board. 
“Other times, she was cold. She had a way with words. There was never anyone else who could make me feel so impossibly small.” The fur that cradled his head bristled, the ghost equivalency of goosebumps treading on the courage he’d grasped. The edges of Snatcher’s eyes had formed small yellow orbs that gradually became larger like golden pearls, then trickled down the purple contours of his face and stained the fabric of the chair. Wherever they landed softly glowed with spectral light for a few brief moments. 
He hadn’t noticed that he was curled up tightly like a coiled viper, trying to hide from the paper that invaded the deepest corners of his mind. It floated in the air now. Snatcher wasn’t far from begging it to leave him alone, as he’d lost all shame earlier when it refused to go away. 
It, having completed its purpose, burst into a show of flame. 
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