some-rfa-imagines · 2 years
I loved the one with V, omg my heart! Out of curiosity, what animals would the other characters be?
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some-rfa-imagines · 3 years
ANON I FOUND IT FOR YOU I HOPE YOU'RE STILL AROUND https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v39PFOrY2Pc
Hi! Sorry if this sounds weird lmao but I'm dying here. Idk how long ago you reblogged an audio of saeyoung from mysme's va singing. I lost the post and can't find it anywhere. You're the only person who I can remember that reblogged it. If you happen to know where to find it I would super mega appreciate the info. If not then its totally ok don't drive yourself crazy looking for it like I am LMAO. Sorry for the super long ask and ty!
anon i know exactly the audio you're talking about and i am AAAAAA bc i saw it liTERALLy the other month but i went through my blog and can't find it anywhere hhhhhh i'm so sorry (╥﹏╥)
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some-rfa-imagines · 3 years
Hi! Sorry if this sounds weird lmao but I'm dying here. Idk how long ago you reblogged an audio of saeyoung from mysme's va singing. I lost the post and can't find it anywhere. You're the only person who I can remember that reblogged it. If you happen to know where to find it I would super mega appreciate the info. If not then its totally ok don't drive yourself crazy looking for it like I am LMAO. Sorry for the super long ask and ty!
anon i know exactly the audio you're talking about and i am AAAAAA bc i saw it liTERALLy the other month but i went through my blog and can't find it anywhere hhhhhh i'm so sorry (╥﹏╥)
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some-rfa-imagines · 3 years
i’ll be honest,,, i forgot tumblr existed (affectionate)
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some-rfa-imagines · 4 years
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Always ~
I miss drawing him. For real TT
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some-rfa-imagines · 4 years
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To all my black followers and friends, stay safe.
Also, I would like to add that black lives have always mattered, will always matter.
It’s awful that we even have to say that because it should be a given. However, we need to say it loud and clear for the racists.
We cannot be silent. 
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some-rfa-imagines · 4 years
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some-rfa-imagines · 4 years
hi and welcome to all of you getting back into mystic messenger or getting into it for the first time, this blog has spoilers and i relate to that quarantine mood
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some-rfa-imagines · 4 years
i see quarantine is getting to y’all too
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some-rfa-imagines · 4 years
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some-rfa-imagines · 4 years
[Cheritz] To the Users Facing the Crisis of COVID-19
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this is Cheritz.
Are you all healthy and well?
Recently, our days have been flooded by constant news about COVID-19.
We know that it is easy to fall into a depressing mood and fatigue due to series of bad news and lack of freedom.
However, all of our staff are hoping you would take care of yourself and stay positive, especially during such trying times.
We also wish that you will make sure, more than ever, to keep yourself safe, loved, and cared for.
Our team would like to send a message of love to everyone trying their best in respective places and wish nothing but happiness and health for all of your loved ones.
Thank you.
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some-rfa-imagines · 4 years
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Artists beware!
When a few likes become more important than what’s right.
We started this initiative Sunday due to finding out former active MM fan artist Myetie had taken down all her MM art from her Instagram, deactivated their Tumblr and abandoned the past completely. Myetie was and is probably one of the most famous artists within the fandom (together with @r-e-i-i​ , @eori-namo​ and a couple of others).
Credit Myetie: https://www.instagram.com/myetarts/ It was tragic to see such efforts Myetie had gone to to protect their original art from theft. They created a new protected twitter and IG account to separate herself from what happened. I don’t intend to drag her or any of the others into it, but this is a callout post for one particular Facebook Fan page we’d like to call out for their offensive behavior towards artists and entitlement.
And here they are
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This particular group continuously posts images from artists with no more than a CTTO as a general rule at best. They flat out ignore people telling them the artists doesn’t want their art reposted, and they call Artists PMing their crew to take down their art harassment. They literally wrote that artists should be thankful for them reposting their art and they are doing their best job. MM CAT has shared a ton of their reposts with credit since Sunday, and they do not put credits on still. We literally pointed out to them that R e i i and Eori Namo doesn’t want to get reposted, but still they continue to do so afterward. We also informed them of Myetie’s departure. Here are 2 of their mods opinion pieces on why they are the good guys and people who have their art stolen are harassers as well as sharing their reposts with full credit.
I want you to know that all 3 images used in their posts by artists had already been shared by our page with full credit previously. So we’re considering that they deliberately chose those images to mock our efforts for artists. As they have blocked us too.
So artists beware! - The CAT TEAM
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some-rfa-imagines · 4 years
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happy birthday to my birthday twin
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some-rfa-imagines · 4 years
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some-rfa-imagines · 4 years
[MM] Three Events to Celebrate the Beginning of a New Year
Hello, this is Cheritz.
We are already on the verge of saying goodbye to 2019, as the new year is nearly upon us! Did you all have a happy and healthy year? :D
In order to continue bringing you joy in 2020, we have prepared three events for you to enjoy!!
<1. Intro Chats in Celebration of the New Year>
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In December, Santa 707 and Princess Elizabeth the Third greeted you with an adorable look when you accessed the game!🐾
Aren’t you curious to know which RFA member will greet you with a new look in January?
Please remember to access the game during the following period to see the new title image, and also to check out why the RFA chat rooms are bustling with energy!
*The intro chats will be available from the 1st to the 3rd of January, 2020 (KST). *The title image will be displayed from the 1st to the 31st of January, 2020 (KST).
[Winner Announcement: Intro Chats for New Year’s Day]
Parveez Melissa Arenagua Mk
*Please refer to the following notice to find out more about the <Making My Very Own Game Intro Chats!> event! [MM] <Making My Very Own Game Intro Chats!> : (Link)
<2. “Have You Had Your Meal?” Event>
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Every day, the RFA members check to see whether you have had your meals or not!!
In order to reassure them that your tummy is full, share a picture of a healthy or tasty meal that you had with the hashtag #MM_yummy on Twitter or Tumblr!
*Perhaps if you keep letting them know about your healthy lifestyle, s.o.m.e.o.n.e from the RFA may suddenly come to say hello…! *Keep an eye out for the account, @cheritz_msg_bot, for the appearance!
Event Period: January 13th, Mon. - January 26th, Sun. (KST) Winner Announcement: January 31st, Fri. (KST)
<3. Game Access Event Announcement>
We will be giving out a small gift of appreciation to those who start off the new year with Mystic Messenger!!
So, drop by the app during the event period and get free hourglasses! *The gift is provided only once during the event period.
Event Period: January 13th, Mon. - January 26th, Sun. (KST) Event Reward: 30 hourglasses
As a final note, we would like to inform you about a change that will be made regarding the birthday events in 2020. We are sad to announce that the <7 Questions XX Has Wanted to Ask You> birthday event, which began with V’s birthday this year, will no longer continue once Jaehee’s birthday event ends.
We feel very grateful for the interest you have shown towards the event so far. :( Through the questions and answers that were exchanged, we were able to truly get to know you, and so it will be remembered as a meaningful event to us as well…♡
Although the <7 Questions XX Has Wanted to Ask You> birthday event ends here, as per the RFA members’ wishes, 30 hourglasses will be added to your Mystic Messenger accounts on their birthdays. So please remember to access the game and to celebrate their birthdays together!  
With your love♥ and support, this year couldn’t have been better for us!
We wish you a safe end of the year and hope that you will begin year 2020 with your hearts filled with hopes and dreams for a fresh new start.
Happy New Year!
Thank you!
Best,   Cheritz
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some-rfa-imagines · 4 years
Not to be dramatic but 🥺🥺J- 🥺💕 Jihyun Kim 💗🥺🥺💕
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some-rfa-imagines · 5 years
aNyway hi y’all i’m playing mysme again and it’s ruining my life AgAin
aka i’m cosplaying seven and it’s only taken me four years
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