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Happy Independence Day.  
May we, as a nation, remember what makes America truly “great”.
Celebrate wisely and safely!
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I’ve seen this quote everywhere, yet I forget to remember...especially when times are rough.  Like really rough.  So, kindly...don’t forget!
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Today, one of my close, close friends told me that she was inspired to take action on something she believed in.  And I know that she will.  Whatever shape or form that may take.  In turn I said (well, actually typed), “Remember...insight without action is worthless.” 
This message is so powerful and true.  Why don’t we engage more on what we’ve learned in our lives? Why don’t we let our profound truths (both new and old) sink into our bones so that we MUST move and live accordingly?
To be continued...
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So, I have this “3 song rule” for an album on which I can reassuringly place my stamp of approval.  And the criteria by which I judge individual songs is, of course, no different.  
The message(s) in this piece, however, are what really won me over.  Namely, no DAPL. 
But, let’s also remember the importance of peace.  And how socially conscious expressions of music and art can really broaden knowledge and express opinions in a non-violent way.  A way which, in my opinion, is the best way.
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I looked up one day (actually, May 4, 2015) and through my car’s moonroof, I saw this tree.  And, I was overwhelmed with how pretty and fragrant it was. 
How I wish I knew what kind of tree this was.  Do you?
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Some tricky pills to swallow about that there statement:
You aren’t always aware that you are a blessing to others.  You really have no idea whose prayers/wishes/dreams you will fulfill, or in what way, shape, form, or size.  But, to affect someone IS impactful, no matter the intensity.  That there is tremendous. 
So, remember. You are, always have been, and always will BE blessed in some way or another.
Keep going! I believe in you!
PS This kinda thing comes full circle--in a good way. 
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a film by Denis Villeneuve
12 UFOs land, peacefully, all over the world, which, not surprisingly, cause widespread hysteria and fear.  In cooperation with other countries who have also made contact with the on-board aliens (later named Heptapods), two key figures, a professor in linguistics (Adams) and a theoretical physicist (Renner) help the US government translate their visual language in order to figure out why they’re really here.
Through the Heptapods’ ring shaped and smoke-like communication, Adams and Renner lead a long and weary investigation into “alien” territory and eventually discover some unworldly (and worldly) things about themselves, namely Adams.
what i learned
It takes love in all its forms of honest courage, openness and creativity to understand anything that may seem alien, that is, anything (or anyone) that may initially elicit fear.  I think we are all better, as a human race, for turning to this love and acting upon it, rather than rushing into instinctual fear and unfounded hate. (andddd, maybe I had our current US political state on my brain when I wrote this last sentence)
This was a sci-fi movie that made me think and feel more about the human condition and its responses than about a destructive alien takeover and world domination.  I was pleasantly surprised. 
The story feels slow, like really slow at first.  But I realized that if the story went any faster, it would’ve seemed disingenuous.  I mean, you try finding, “Alien” on Google Translate.
Amy Adams does something very difficult, very well: she performs convincingly without any words.  It’s not painful to watch.  Quite the opposite. 
The cinematography and score absolutely gripped me in anxiety, fear, and frustration. In a good way.
Jóhann Jóhannsson makes some really cool (and often times really frightening) music. Again, in a very good way.
When I walk away from a movie and look forward to watching it all over again with “new” eyes, I know that I’ve been told a captivating and entertaining story.
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Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with what there is.
Ernest Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea (via yesdarlingido)
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Fall in love with someone who makes you glad to be different.
Sue Zhao (via thatkindofwoman)
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stuff i might like more than just a little.
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wallaby organic.
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dannon’s oikos.
on yogurt.
i had a previous post about yogurt, and i think fage was the winner in that round. but, do not let these images above deceive you.  i still really, really like fage (a winner in both taste and nutrition). i just also might have a second go to: chobani. it also tends to go on sale a lot, which is easy on the wallet, if you eat a lot of yogurt like i do. good yogurt is NOT cheap.  siggi yogurt IS, by far, the healthiest option, though more expensive of the bunch.  
wallaby organic is pretty yum when i decide to splurge and/or when it goes on sale, which it never seems to.
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on regret.
for that someone (and really, everyone) who can’t escape regret.  maybe we don’t ever.  and maybe this is why.
some of my favorite thoughts:
"the point isn't to live life without any regrets. the point is not to hate ourselves for having them.”
"regret doesn't remind us that we did badly.  it reminds us that we know we can do better."
PS I love that her TED profile states that she is a “wrongologist.”  I mean, duh.
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on this look.
i really like...
these tried and true colors that go so well together
the oxford inspired slip-on shoes
the white, flirty peek-a-boo top alongside its serious, but chilled out dark navy blazer
that perfectly matched bag
that look on her face
yes to everything.
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on this look.
here’s a way to wear red, white (ok, just a smidge) and blue without people thinking that you’re on your way to a 4th of July shindig.  i love everything about this outfit:
the plush comfiness of the pants  the calming, yet bold blue the casual, yet classy top aka fancy sweatshirt the gold rings around her neck the way that doorknob looks like an earring (and quite frankly, should be) and just as importantly, that yummy dessert.
eating sweet treats + dressing up = a great look anywhere
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I love the art of Edward Gorey.  But, I love my niece more.  A whole lot more. =)
Happy Birthday, Serenity.  
If I were right there with you, I’d be building your cake miles high into the sky. 
I love and miss you very much.
Auntie Missy
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jacket on jacket.
Lots going on here, but I like the splash of dark blue.  And I’m sure she’s warm, which is just as important here, folks.
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