ssscentral · 3 years
Crocheting takes balls
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summary: What could Hoseok possibly be doing with all those large bags of yarn?
pairing: none 
members: Hoseok, Jungkook
rating: PG
genre: fluff, crack
warnings: none? 
wc: 596
member: rose || @biaswreckme​​
a/n: this was written as a small birthday gift for the incredible @moccahobi​ ♥ i wish you the happiest birthday, ily ♥ i hope you like this and the inside joke ;) also thanks @bluewhale52​ for beta-reading this ♥
drabble inspired by this tiktok 
It all seemed nice and normal until you started seeing the boys coming and going with large bags of that one crafting store you knew Hoseok liked to visit from time to time. One or two bags were normal every once in a while, but the amount and size of the bags struck your attention. And when you saw an equally large crocheting needle peeking out from one of the bags, you were suspicious. You found your opportunity when you saw Jungkook trying to sneak into the place with yet another giant bag .
“What is going on, Jungkook?”
“Nothing!” He almost shouted in surprise and tried to hide what he was carrying behind his back, but it was too late.
“Doesn’t seem like nothing. I’m curious, you guys have been all going around with these things and no one’s saying anything…” 
“It’s just Hobi-hyung’s new craft project… I don’t really know what it is…”
You looked him right into his eyes, and you let out a chuckle. He was trying so hard to lie, but it was obvious.
“Jungkook, you know you can’t lie like that.”
“I promised not to tell anyone! Please let me go and don’t look inside the bag.” He added, seeing you try to peek around to see. You could only identify some type of black yarn, but it seemed different, not the usual type of yarn you had seen around the house previously from Hoseok’s crafting.  
“Ok, I’ll let you go, but,”  you made the worldwide known sign, gesturing from your eyes to Jungkook's, “I’m watching you.”
After that incident, you had not seen the boys engaging in the suspicious activities again; Jungkook must have told them you were on their trail and they must have managed to be even more secretive. And to be honest, you had not realized your birthday was approaching quickly, and made no correlations between the two events.
So when the day arrived, you got the happy birthdays from the boys, when suddenly a giant figure was thrust upon your door.
“This is for you!” Hoseok exclaimed while entering your room with a big, no, a large, nay, the largest crocheted animal you had ever seen. And of all the possible animals for a person to crochet a giant version of, it had to be an opossum. “Happy birthday!”
You could barely believe what you were seeing and touching. It was giant. GIANT. GINORMOUS. You were trying to find synonyms for the word, because none seemed enough to express the true dimension of the craft. You were not very tall, but  you bet that if you stood together with the crocheted animal, you would be standing at the same height - or it would be even taller than you. But it was the perfect size for your bed. You hugged Hoseok first and then the opossum, feeling how fluffy it was.
“Its name is Soma, quite different, I know, but I thought you might appreciate it. You can hug it while we’re on tours and when you miss us...” He was almost sheepish in saying this, but happy at your reaction.
“I love it so much!” You had tears in your eyes and you tried to hug him while still clinging to your new handmade by sunshine Hobi stuffed animal. “This is so incredible, you made this?!” He just nodded and hugged you back, laughing.
All this time he had been crafting this for you, because of all the jokes and trivia you had on opossums, and you finally had one all to yourself. Best birthday ever?
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ssscentral · 3 years
Summary : Jung Hoseok loves you, regardless of what universe you’re in and he’s going to make sure to find you no matter what. Good thing you feel the same.
Pairing : Dimension Traveller!Jung Hoseok x Dimension Traveller!Reader
Genre : Fluff, Established Relationship!Au, Sci-Fi, Fantasy!Au, College!Au
Rating : PG13
Warnings : Swearing
Wc : 4.7k
Member : Hoebii || @hoebii
A/N : First of all, thank you @eatjeanjin and @kerikaaria for being my amazing betas! You’re what made this story even readable ukfhgj Second, HAPPY BIRTHDAY @moccahobi!!! ILYSM HOPE YOU HAVE A BLAST TODAY BB <3 I hope you like this fic, I literally crammed 12 prompts into this fic and made this hot mess in a few hours lmao so hope this isn’t too hard to read sksksksk. Love you lots Lil bean, happy birthday and thank you for existing, you’re such a precious bb, always there for everyone. You deserve the world, love <33 Also the time stamp for the text isn’t canon, so ignore the time!
“You will be transported to a new dimension after spending one month in each of them for this experiment,” the animated voice crackled from the speakers. “The inhabitants in those universes will already have memories of you to help you blend in easily. You are to live a normal life during these experiments while making sure not to disclose your true identities for that may cause unnecessary complications.”
The voice kept going on about the experiment that you no longer had any interest in after the first few minutes. You fiddled with the necklace around your neck in boredom while you waited for the meeting to be adjourned. This wasn’t the first time you were going to travel between dimensions and you were sure it wouldn’t be the last, so having to sit through the same briefing over and over again felt completely useless and a waste of time. 
The only reason you even attended these were to get your files for the potential dimensions you may get sent to. The management really needed to get their shit in control and stop sending you to these places with little to no information. 
You understood that these experiments were to test out the stability and how each universe was doing after being created but it made no sense for the management to send out travellers blindly like they do, they could at least provide you with a little backstory for your character rather than a list of ’potential’ places. Even those weren’t certain and that made no sense! For an organisation that thrived to keep peace and regulation of all dimensions, their system was chaotic as fuck.
You only came out of your thoughts when you felt someone nudge your leg under the table. Glancing up from your necklace, your eyes met that of a cheeky looking Hoseok who was now pushing a little harder against your leg, now that he had your attention. 
‘Hi,’ he mouthed happily only for you to answer with a raised eyebrow. ‘I miss you,’ he mouthed again, jutting his lower lip out in a pout. You snorted at his antics, coughing to hide your smile when the sound caught the attention of those around you. 
It was only when they shifted their attention back to the screen at the end of the room to continue with the briefing that was ongoing, did you finally look back at Hoseok. Rolling your eyes, you grabbed a pen and tore a paper from the diary they provided for the meeting before hastily scribbling down something and sliding it to the man sitting in front of you.
‘We’re literally sitting in front of each other.’
Hoseok picked up the paper and quickly read the content on it before grabbing his own pen to write his answer down and passing it back to you.
‘But I can’t hold your hand right now :(‘
You bit your lip to stop the smile that was fighting to shine through when you saw his adorable handwriting under yours. How someone could be as endearing as Hoseok was beyond you, but you loved that about him.
Wordlessly, you pretended to pay attention to the briefing once more while you slid your hand towards Hoseok to let him hold your hand. You could feel the way his smile brightened when his fingers intertwined with yours, squeezing it gently.
You shook your head as you bit your lips harder to fight the smile that was now on your face when you squeezed his hand back.
Walking out of the conference room, your hand was still engulfed by Hoseok’s bigger one. Your face was flushed in embarrassment as you walked out. It wasn’t because you were holding his hand, but rather the fact that he never let go after the meeting was over. So you had to walk from your seat to the end of the table with the said furniture in the middle of you as you walked. 
“If I didn’t love you as much as I do, I would’ve kicked your ass by now, just so you know,” you grumbled as you walked down the corridor towards your shared room. 
Hoseok laughed, his grip around your hand tightening as he bumped his shoulder with yours. “Good thing you love me then! It would be a nightmare to jump between dimensions with you otherwise.”
“Who said it’s still not a nightmare to have you as my partner?”
“Don’t be rude.”
“Make me,” you teased before quickly freeing your hand from his and running towards your destination.
“Come back here!”
It was the day of action, as you liked to call it, the day when you were supposed to start experiments. 
“You ready?” Hoseok asked as he came to join you in the transport chamber.
“Ready as I’ll ever be.”
“Promise to find each other no matter what?” he asked while putting his pinky finger out, smiling at you.
You laughed as you wrapped yours around his. “Of course.”  
“I’ll see you around then.”
You only hummed in agreement before pressing the power button on the transport bracelet and the world went dark.
You woke up to the blaring alarm of your phone, blindly looking for the device to turn the godforsaken sound off. When you failed to find it, you pushed yourself up from your bed to scan the area, getting more irked the longer the sound went on. 
Finally, your eyes landed on the black vibrating phone on the ground and you had half a mind to just stomp on the damn thing and break it. Picking it up, you harshly tapped on the stop button and sighed when the apartment went quiet, closing your eyes to bask in the peace. 
Wait. Apartment? 
Your eyes shot open again as you examined your surroundings, trying to decipher which universe you were in currently. The place seemed like any other average looking apartment in a bustling city. You unlocked your phone when you felt it vibrate in your hand, realising it was a text from someone saved as ‘Chicky Chimmy’. 
Opening the conversation, your confusion only grew at the text.
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“I’m a student, huh?” You pondered as you grabbed a random outfit for the day along with what you assumed to be your books on the reading table in your room. You then proceeded to head down and out of your apartment. “Could’ve been worse.”
Stepping out of the elevator, you saw your… friend impatiently leaning against his car looking at you with displeasure all over his face. You gave him a sheepish smile as you approached him, praying to whatever higher power that he says his name for one reason or another. From the previous conversations you had after taking some time to go through your phone, the two of you were supposed to be best friends so you weren’t in a position to ask his name.
“Y/N our class starts in 30 minutes and it takes 30 minutes to get there!”
He faced palm, moving to go around to the driver's seat. “Just get your cute butt inside.”
The moment Chimmy parked his car inside the university, he dashed out of the car with you close behind, panicking about how mad the professor was going to be for being late.
You almost bumped into him when he stopped in front of a classroom, shooting you a nervous glance before slowly stepping inside the class. The two of you couldn’t even get two steps in before the voice of the man teaching the class boomed across the room.
“Y/L/N Y/N and Park Jimin. Late again, I see?”
Again? How many times have we been late before? Jimin’s a cute name though, perfect for him. You smiled slightly at your thoughts before fixing your expression to be neutral before the professor could catch you. 
“We’re so sorry professor! This will be the last time!” Jimin pleaded, fidgeting on his spot.
“That’s what you said last time, Mr. Park,” the professor replied, looking unamused.
“I’m so sorry I’m late!” A new voice joins, the person who barged in after the two of you hunched over and panting from surely having run to class.
“Mr. Jung Hoseok, I did not expect such tardiness from you.”
Hoseok! You felt your heart rate kick up just at the mention of his name. It’s not often the higher ups make it easy to find your partner but it seemed that they were feeling courteous this time.
Hoseok’s eyes met yours and he flashed you a giant smile, one that had his eyes turning into crescents before looking back at the professor with a dashin smile. “I’m sorry sir, it surely won’t happen again.”
The professor sighed, rolling his eyes when he looked back at Jimin and you before muttering, “That’s what they always say.” Shaking his head, the professor gave a small nod. “Go to your seats and don’t be late again. Especially the two of you, Miss Y/L/N and Mr. Park.”
Jimin bowed before grabbing your hand and dragging you to the back of the room, taking a seat and patting the one beside him urgently. Glancing at Hoseok one last time, you sat beside Jimin. 
You couldn’t help but pout at the sight of Hoseok sitting somewhere else and already interacting with the strangers around him as if he knew them for a long time. He was always a social butterfly but it was always shocking to see him get accustomed to new universes so easily.
“You look amazing today, just so you know,” Jimin whispered in your ear, his eyes trained on the board even as he spoke.
It was lunch time and Jimin had basically dragged you to the cafe near the university, claiming that cheap and instant coffee was the only thing his body needed to go through the day. 
“Coffee is great and all but you need actual food too, you know,” you nagged Jimin as he downed his second cup of coffee in one sitting.
Placing the brown coffee cup down, Jimin raised his index finger as if giving a speech. “People need a lot of things, doesn’t mean they have it though.”
You gave Jimin an unimpressed look. “Stop trying to be a philosopher and get some food in you, tiny.”
“I’m literally taller than you.”
“I will fight you, Park Jimin.”
“I still don’t get why we need to do this,” you grumbled as you stretched your hands and legs.
“Because,” Jimin said, dribbling the orange basketball as he waited for you to finish. “Warming up is important before starting any exercise to decrease the chances of pulling a muscle or something.”
You snort at that, stretching one last time before dropping your hands. “You make it sound like I’m going to exercise.”
“Y/N we’re literally in PE class.”
Jimin could only give you an unamused look before shaking his head in defeat, his newly dyed pink hair bouncing from his movement. 
You were sitting in the library surrounded by textbooks for the upcoming exam when you felt someone pull out the chair in front of you and take a seat. Paying them no mind, you continued drowning yourself with new information from the book when you felt someone nudge your leg under the table.
You glanced up from the textbook in front of you to see none other than Jung Hoseok sitting in front of you with a smile. Just before you could shoot him a smile and delve into a conversation, your brain reminded you of the fact that it had been a week since you came to this dimension and this the first time he tried to come talk to you after seeing each other in that one class on day one. 
Scoffing, you looked back down at your book, ignoring the way he nudged your leg again to get your attention.
“Are you mad at me?” He finally asked when he realised that you were ignoring him.
“What do you think?”
“What did I dooooo?”
You slammed the pink covered book in your hand shut, looking him in the eye. “What did you do? Oh I don’t know, maybe because you basically ignored me for a week? Acted as if I don’t exist?”
Hoseok frowned, trying to take your hand in his but you moved away from him. “I’m sorry baby. I’ve just been so swamped with work. Did you know I’m the dance club leader and a part of the student council in this universe? I swear I would’ve come up to you earlier if I had the time!”
“I tried talking to you a few days back, you acted as if you didn’t even know me,” you replied, not being able to hide the hurt from your tone. “You didn’t seem busy then, you were just having lunch and laughing with your friends.” 
You sighed, pushing away the chair and standing up. “Forget it, I’ll see you around, Hoseok.” Collecting your books, you gave Hoseok one last look before walking away.
You were currently playing with the dog Jimin recently adopted on his couch when he plopped down beside you with snacks. You had come over for movie night but now you were more interested in playing with his dog than the movie.
“So you going to tell me why the Jung Hoseok has been following you around like a lovesick puppy for the past week?”
“No, because there’s nothing to say,” you replied, not paying much attention due to the energetic puppy that was jumping about on your lap.
Jimin groaned, placing the bowl of snack down on the coffee table and then taking the chocolate coloured labrador puppy away from you - much to your protest. “Stop playing with Doggo and give me the tea!”
“I still can’t believe you named your dog Doggo.”
“That is not the main topic of this conversation and you know it!”
You sighed, rolling your eyes so hard that your head hurt a little. “There’s nothing to say, Hoseok and I talked in the library when I was studying for the test and then had a little argument and I left.”
Jimin scoffed, his lips pulling into a pout as he crossed his arms. “That’s the weakest tea I’ve ever gotten. Give me the details! Since when do you two know each other enough to be having ‘fights’?”
“I-” you stuttered, trying to come up with an excuse. “We don’t! He just approached me in the library and I found him really annoying.”
Jimin gave you a skeptical look. “Y/N… You’ve had a crush on him for like a year now. You find him annoying?”
“Yes?” You answered, though it sounded more like a question. “What do you want me to say something like ‘Oh we’re actually dimension travellers and know each other from before and this is all just an experiment? Don’t be ridiculous!” You rambled, laughing nervously when you realised that you had basically just exposed yourself.
“Listen! I liked him but he’s actually annoying, so that’s over.”  
“If you say so…” Jimin conceded hesitantly, still looking at you skeptically which now looked more concerned.
You had successfully avoided Hoseok like the plague for almost the remainder of the time you had in this dimension. You knew what you were doing was petty and it really wasn’t his fault that he couldn’t come talk to you at first, but now you were in too deep to stop being petty. Not that it stopped Hoseok from trailing after you anytime he could, trying to get you to talk to him.
“Y/N, please stop!” You heard Hoseok call from behind you but you kept walking, ignoring him like you usually did. “Oh for fuck sake,” you heard him grumble before you felt someone grab you by your wrist and twirling you around for their lips to press against yours.
You were about to push them off when you realised that it was Hoseok who had kissed you, not a random person and you unconsciously melted into it. Your arms slithered around his neck to pull him closer as his hands wrapped around your waist to move closer to you too.
Breaking the kiss, Hoseok pressed his forehead against yours while looking you in the eyes. “It’s the last day here before we move on and who knows how long it’s going to take us to find each other there. Stop being mad, please?”
Not being able to help yourself, you placed a kiss on his nose, stepping away from him and smiling cheekily. “I’ll see you around, Hoseok.”
“YOU KISSED HOSEOK IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE CORRIDOR! OH MY GOD I NEED THE DETAILS!” Jimin exclaimed when you met up with him after school. He was your ride home after all. 
You only laughed, your face flushed in embarrassment. “Uh huh, how about I tell you all about it tomorrow?”
“Promise?” He asked, looking at you in disappointment that he couldn’t get you to tell him everything right then.
You shook your head, looking away from him. “We’ll see.” 
No point in making a promise that you knew you couldn’t keep it. You were going to leave tonight, who knows if you’ll ever come back here or if he would ever remember you once you left.
The next time you opened your eyes, you were underwater. At first, panic took over you from the possibility of you drowning. But when you opened your mouth, rather than feeling the water rushing in and suffocating you, you found out that you were completely fine.
“Huh?” You blurted out Your eyes widened when you realised that you could hear yourself clearly underwater too. Looking around, your eyes zeroed in on the shimmering tail that began from your waist down. “HUH?!”
You looked around only to see nothing but water, a few fish swam by you but that was about it. It wasn’t your first time in a fairytale universe but it was your first time being a mermaid. You wondered if Hoseok got transformed into some sort of mythical creature like you too. 
“Oh well, I hope he’s safe.”
You didn’t know how much time passed but you were still blindly swimming around trying to find out where to go. You had breached the water at one point and sat on some rocks by a beach in true fairytale mermaid fashion but even then you found nothing of interest. You did get to sit and watch the clear blue waves peacefully for a while but that got boring after some time, too.
“I never thought I’d miss wearing sandals but here I am,” you sighed to yourself before jumping back into the water.
You were just about ready to give up and just sit on the sea bed when you saw a cave underwater. You couldn’t help but snort at how similar this felt to the fairytale ‘Little Mermaid’ you used to read when you were younger. All you needed was some evil old witch to be residing in there and a prince charming to drown some time soon so you could save him and lose your voice.
Having nothing better to do, you began swimming down to the cave to explore it when you felt someone grab you and drag you away from the cave entrance urgently. 
“What the fuck? What are you doing, let me go!” You exclaimed as you tried to wiggle free from your captor.
“Stop struggling, you’re going to get us caught by the hag!” A deep voice harshly whispered in your ear. 
The mention of a hag had you stop struggling. “Caught by the what now?”
You felt your captor loosen their grip around you, giving you the perfect chance to move away from them. You turned to come face to face with a beautiful man… er merman? 
“The hag? Evil sea witch out to get merfolks?” the man asked, looking at you incredulously at the fact that you seemingly had no idea as to who the hag was. “Are you new here? I haven’t seen you before.”
“I guess you could say that. I’ve been swimming for ages now and you’re the first creature I found,” you explained.
The man hummed, tapping his lips as he scanned you over before breaking out into a large boxy smile. “Well then, nice to meet you! I’m Taehyung, what’s your name?”
Taehyung gasped when he heard your name. “Y/N? As in Y/L/N Y/N?”
“Why do you know my name?” You asked cautiously. Fuck, were you supposed to know who he was? If that was the case then why were you transported away from them, also he didn’t seem to know you before you introduced yourself.
“Princess! Welcome!”
Excuse me, WHAT?! You choked on nothing. “Who?”
“You! Princess! Welcome!”
When you were thinking about this universe being a knock-off ‘Little Mermaid’ universe, you didn’t think that would be the right assumption. 
Not knowing how to act, you shot Taehyung an awkward smile, waving a little. “Thank you?”
“You have to meet the others! Let’s go, princess!” Taehyung exclaimed excitedly before grabbing your hand and swimming away from the cave.
After Taehyung had brought you to others, you met 5 other mermen - each almost unimaginably beautiful. It was a pleasant surprise to see this dimension’s Jimin, he was just as sweet and excitable as the one before.
After the initial meet-up, you got to know that you were indeed the daughter of Triton - something that had you laughing at the absurdity for a good five minutes much to the confusion of others - and you were supposed to be visiting ‘your kingdom’ to get acquainted with everyone before your coronation and living here.
As Taehyung had escorted you to your room, you had joked that all you needed was a handsome man to drown so you could save him. Which, in hindsight may have been a very weird thing to say from the look Taehyung gave you. 
Currently, you were exploring the kingdom, asking people if they knew of anyone by the name Hoseok, only to end up with no clue as to where he might be. No one had any idea about Jung Hoseok and you were getting worried about not managing to find him.
Lost in your thoughts, you didn’t realise that you had left the premises of the city and wandered away. You stopped in your tracks when a giant shadow moved above you, completely leaving you in the dark. 
You looked up to see what blocked the sun when you realised you were directly underneath two ships, the sound of fighting barely audible under the water but present nevertheless. Curiosity getting the best of you, you cautiously swam up to peak above at what was going on, only to find that a full on war was ongoing between the two ships. 
“Damn, am I in a Grimm Brothers Fairytale or the Pirates of The Caribbean movie right now?”
You didn’t have much time to ponder, however, because you noticed someone eerily similar to Hoseok going overboard and you dove underwater for him.
“I swear if that’s actually Hoseok, I’m going to lose my mind.”
Catching the sinking body, you almost wanted to let him go so you could swim over and slam your head against a rock when you realised, it was indeed Hoseok. 
Muttering a few curses under your breath, you proceeded to drag Hoseok towards the beach close by to make sure he didn’t drown before you could give him a piece of your mind.
Hoseok sat up abruptly, his nose, throat and eyes burning as he coughed violently. “Mother of bitch, that’s salty,” he spoke, his voice hoarse from almost drowning.
“Of course it is! What were you doing on a pirate ship?!” You exclaimed, hitting his thigh with your palm.
“Y/N?” He asked, his eyes widening when he realised that it was you in front of him.
“The one and only.”
“Oh thank goodness you’re alright!” Hoseok exclaimed, pulling you to his chest and resting his head on top of yours after placing a kiss there.
“You didn’t answer my question,” you said, your voice muffled by his chest from the way he held you close.
“Hm? What was your question?” He asked, letting you go to face you properly. 
“What were you doing on a pirate ship?” 
“Ah! I’m the captain!”
“What? Why don’t I get to be badass characters like you,” you whined looking away from him petulantly. 
“You don’t need a character to be badass, you’re a natural one!” He happily answered, grabbing your chin to make you face him. “You look beautiful baby, but how’d you find me?”
“Are you telling me that you didn’t notice this huge ass tail I have?”
Looking down at your words, his eyes widened, voice rising in pitch with his excitement. “Oh my god you have a tail! You’re a mermaid!”
“Gee? Am I?! Wow Hoseok, thank you for enlightening me!” You mocked his excitement. You didn’t want to act so short with him but the adrenaline running through your body after basically finding the one you love drowning had your brain going haywire.
“Are you mad at me again?”
“I don’t know, Hoseok. Am I?”
“You know I don’t choose the roles I get!”
You sighed, feeling guilty for the way you acted towards him. “I know, it’s just. At first I couldn’t find you anywhere and when I did, you were drowning and it just fucked me up. I know I was joking about how I’m Ariel from Little Mermaid and I need to save a drowning prince but this was not what I was expecting.”
Understanding as ever, Hoseok gave you a sad smile before pulling you back into his embrace again, running his hand through your hair in the way he knew you loved. “It’s okay, I understand. I’d be worried too if I were you, just don’t be mad at me, you know I hate it when you’re mad at me.”
“‘M sorry.”
“Can I have a kiss?” he asked after the two of you basked in each other’s warmth for a moment. 
You pulled back from him, scrunching your nose at him, feeling shy when you noticed how intensely he was looking at you. Grabbing the collar of the shirt he was wearing, you pulled him down for a kiss, pouring out all your emotions into it - from how much you cared for him to how sorry you were for the way you acted. You hoped that he would understand. 
Hoseok kissed you back with just as much emotion, pulling you close and smiling into the kiss. Breaking away from it, he gave you a blinding smile, one that had your heart melting like butter. 
“I love you,” you whispered, afraid that speaking any louder would make you break from all the emotions that were rushing through your heart.
“I love you too. I need to go now, can see my ship coming towards us.”
You nodded, not really processing his words, too busy staring at his gorgeous face. Hoseok realised the fact you didn’t pay attention to his words, making him smile wider. Waving a hand in front of your face, Hoseok chuckled when you seemed as if just coming out of a trance.
“Did you hear anything I just said?”
“Not really,” you shrugged.
Hoseok threw his head back in laughter. “I said, I can see my ship coming towards us as we speak so I reckon it’s time to leave, baby. I’ll make sure to come visit you here as much as I can in the time we’re here.”
“Promise?” You asked, offering your pinky to him as you looked at him through your lashes.
“Promise,” Hoseok answered, wrapping his finger around yours, giving you one last smile as he stood back up. 
“I’ll see you around, alright?”
“I’ll see you around.”
With that you swam back to the sea, waiting just out of sight to make sure that Hoseok was okay before actually leaving. 
You might travel to various places with no certainty of what you may face but one thing was for sure, you’d always find your way to Hoseok.
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ssscentral · 3 years
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Pairing : Park Jimin x Reader Genre : Crack, Smut Rating : 18+ Warning : Handcuffs, unprotected sex, arm...armpit kissing and whistle blowing Wc : 1k Member : Hoebii || @hoebii​ A/N : @xiaokoo this is all on you. 100% of it and I hope this haunts you as much as it haunts me, love you darling <3 Thank you @birbdae​ and @voiceswithoutlips​ for betaing this cursed cursed story and not running for the hills~ Also I did keep both your advices in mind, just didn’t do much on this cause fhghg  Everyone who isn’t June, if you read this story- you didn’t and it wasn’t by me. Okay have a good day~
“You know, when you said you bought something for me, this is not what I had in mind,” Jimin commented as he watched you make sure the handcuffs around his hands were secure. 
You hummed, tugging one last time to confirm that his hands wouldn’t get free. Sliding your hand teasingly down his bare torso, you turned to him. “Yeah, well don’t tell me you don’t like it,” you asked, raising an eyebrow in challenge.
Jimin laughed, as he replied cheekily. “Fine, you caught me. Though I have to ask, why’d you keep the whistle on me?”
It was your turn to laugh, moving to straddle him,you leaned forward to barely brush your lips against his. “You’ll see~”
Before he could reply, however, your expression turned serious as you moved back. “But first, are you completely sure that you’re fine with this?”
Jimin gave you a small smile, eyes twinkling like little stars as he nodded. “Yeah.”
With that you made quick work of sliding his pants off, leaving him fully naked as you slowly started to stroke his dick. Jimin moaned at the feeling, moving his hips for you to speed up but you put all your weight on his thighs, restricting any movement. 
When you felt like he was hard enough, you leaned down to take his tip in your mouth, teasing him with kitten licks as you continued stroking him. Jimin threw his head back, moaning and groaning at your actions. “Babe, let me touch you.”
You pulled away from his length at that, pouting innocently as you replied, “But where’s the fun in that? Those heart-shaped handcuffs were expensive, you know.”
Jimin groaned, the sight turning him more than it should’ve, with you looking all innocent while pumping his dick. The irony was too good. “You’re gonna be the death of me, sweetheart.”
Giggling, you went back down, stopping only when he hit the back of your throat. You started moving at the same rhythm with your hands, whatever your mouth couldn’t reach, your hands did. 
The noises leaving Jimin’s plump lips were like music to your ear, only motivating you to move faster so you could hear more.  You felt his thighs quivering and his moans rising in pitch, a tell-tale sign that he was close. With one last suck, you pulled away before he could finish, making him whine as he pulled against his restraints. 
“Patience, baby,” you cooed as you stepped away from him. 
Smiling at him seductively, you slowly started taking your clothes off, your top coming off first. Jimin bit his lips as he watched you strip, struggling against the handcuffs that kept his hands tied to the bedpost. “Do you find pleasure in torturing me?”
You laughed, walking back to him, “Of course, I do.”
Giving him no chance to come up with a comeback, you straddled him - his dick rubbing against your cunt in a way that had you both moaning. The two of you stayed there like that for a while, lazily grinding against each other before you finally raised your hips and slamming it down - taking him in, in one thrust.
The two of you moaned at the pleasure that ran through your bodies. You set a slow pace, one that let you feel him deep inside you in the best way possible. Jimin moved his hips to match your pace. 
You leaned forward, placing kisses on his stomach and slowly moved upwards, leaving hickeys here and there. Jimin felt you laugh against his chest, causing him to look down at you in question. You chuckled, though it was cut short when a whine left your lips at Jimin thrusting up into you harder. 
“Hey, Jimin. You know I love you, right?”
 Jimin looked even more confused at that. “Of course, darling and I you. Why?”
You tried to suppress your smile as you shook your head. “Nothing, just making sure you know.”
Jimin squinted at you in suspicion but said nothing more as you left more kisses on his chest. You bit your lip as you contemplated if you should go through what your mind was telling you. Whispering a ’fuck it’ you wrapped your lips around the whistle that layed there - blowing on it. 
Jimin looked at you with wide eyes, his movements pausing in shock as he looked at you with his jaw hanging open. “Did… did you just blow the whistle?”
Your body shook with laughter, your eyes watering slightly from how hard you were laughing. “I’m sorry but it was so tempting!”
Jimin kept looking at you in indignation, still in disbelief at your actions. Clearing your throat, you wiped away the tears, placing a kiss on his lips as you voluntarily clenched around his dick - a moan leaving his lips. Jimin shook his head, red hair falling on his eyes as he kissed back softly, movement resuming. 
“Don’t think this is over, we’re talking about this afterwards,” Jimin mumbled against your lips, making you nod as you giggled. 
As the two of you fell back into the rhythm, obscene sounds escaped both of you. You started trailing kisses down his body - his jaw, neck, armpit, chest.
Jimin groaned as he felt you moving faster, trying his best to match as he rolled his hips up to meet yours. One of your hands moved to rub your clit as you kept riding him, clenching around him involuntarily, moaning and pushing deeper into you. 
A loud moan left you as you felt him cum inside you, the feeling pushing you over the edge too, clenching around him tighter as you did so. 
You moved off of him, feeling both your juices running down your thighs as you unlocked the cuffs and freed his hands. Jimin rubbed his wrists, standing up and stretching his back before turning to you. A shocked gasp left your lips when he picked you up bridal style, walking towards the washroom to clean the two of you up. 
As Jimin walked there, he looked down at you in question. “Did you kiss my armpits back there?” 
The only answer he got was your laughter filling the house.
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ssscentral · 3 years
Midnight Melodies | For Chelle
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Summary: Yoongi has a little surprise for you that leaves you entirely breathless.
pairing: Yoongi x female reader
rating: GA
genre: established relationship; fluff
warnings: none except that yoongi is an absolutely delightful partner and loves his girl to the moon and back <3
wc: 1k
member: Rid || @taegularities
a/n: with all my exams, assignments and vaccine brain, i couldn’t do much all week :( but you’re such a dear friend to me, so i HAD to write at least a little something for my favourite chellington <3 happy birthday again, mochi @ddaechwita​, even if i’m late with the present lol i love you so so much !!! and thank you to @hoebii for beta’ing this so fast, super thankful <3
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The air in the garden is lively and busy, chatters and laughter filling the fresh atmosphere of the night as you shift from one leg to another. The champagne flute in your hand is supposed to serve as decoration more than anything, and your eyes keep darting from left to right impatiently.
He actually promised to be here with you twenty minutes ago, but instead of holding your hand right now, he’s nowhere to be seen. You fix your dress with your free hand, time passing extremely slow as you smile at the relatives who pass you by occasionally.
The fact that it’s your birthday doesn’t seem to mean anything to anyone as you sigh into the warm and crisp June air, watching stars sparkle in the night sky before you start looking for constellations. And then, the ringtone of your phone pulls you out of your daydream, and you’re quick to place the flute onto a garden table nearby, so you can fish the device out of your semi-expensive, glittery handbag.
“Where are you?” you hiss into the speaker, growing frustrated at his absence as you walk back into the building.
At first, you only hear his steady breaths, but then he inhales deeply, clearing his throat as he says, “Come to the music room.”
More he doesn’t tell - more you can’t ask. Because right after the last word leaves him, he hangs up, leaving you to find the room alone in the big chateau you’ve rented just for your special day. Fortunately, you still remember the way to the aforementioned hall, the memory still fresh in your mind as it was the room that excited you the most - even if you knew you weren’t going to use it.
As you open the heavy door, the sounds of your high heels echo from the walls, stepping into a moonlit room that reminds you of fantasy movies and soft lullabies. You keep looking, seemingly the only existence between the four walls; other than the enormous window that allows the light to flow in freely, the only thing that catches your attention is the piano.
You want to approach the instrument, play a note or two - that is, until you experience the biggest scare of your life, hands creeping up your stomach and settling there as Yoongi’s tender voice says, “You made me wait long enough.”
A dramatic gasp escapes your lips, head shooting to the side and missing his nose by just a few inches. Your foot buckles slightly, almost making you lose your balance before he catches you and straightens mid-action.
“What the hell, Yoongi?” you breathe, annoyance written clearly in your eyes, and he laughs.
“I’m sorry for scaring you,” he apologises through his gummy smile, taking your soft palm into his as he leads you to the piano slowly. He’s walking backwards, clearly used to the room by now as he stops right in front of the instrument’s stool, sitting down and bringing you between his legs.
You look down into his crescent eyes and see the affection clear as day in the darkness that engulfs you. You don’t know why you never bothered to turn on the light - instead, you look around again, the Twilight-esque feeling so apparent before you drift your gaze back to your own, little makeshift vampire.
You laugh at the thought, tilting your head as your locks fall into your face. “So what are we doing here?”
“We are…” he begins, lifting his legs and turning around on the seat as he pats the spot next to him, “...surprising you.”
“Are we now?” you ask as you sit down beside him, pulling your dress down again and then crossing your legs.
Yoongi nods, a small hum vibrating in his chest. “For all the bad and good times and every second you make me happy and smile… this is for you, baby.”
He doesn’t give you a chance to respond to his announcement, only pulling his lips into a lopsided smile before his nimble fingers settle on the black and white keys. The first tone starts soft. Gentle, barely audible.
The beginning stays just that, a soft touch of the keys and breathtaking succession of beautiful notes. You fixate your eyes on the veins of his hands, pupils moving as his fingers do so smoothly, playing the prettiest and loveliest melody you’ve ever heard in your life.
Not even the pianist at your big day had managed to mesmerise you the way Yoongi does. And as the song progresses, you start to physically feel the love, affection and every unspoken whisper it emanates, things that words could never convey.
By the time he’s done, you’re crying through your waterproof make-up, sniffling endearingly before you bring the back of your hand to your face to wipe away the tears that managed to escape. You nod before he can ask, voice and breath shaky as you tell him, “Thank you... This is definitely not what I expected when you kept saying you were working late on new music.”
“You didn’t, huh?” he confirms with another grin, arms pulling you in close as his hand rubs your bare arm fondly. His lips press on your hair multiple times, leaving pecks until he hears you giggle in the sweet way he fell in love with when he first met you. “Did you like it or are you crying because it was so horrible?”
Your chuckles intensify, a hand pinching his thigh lightly as you promise, “Best present ever.”
“I’m sorry for disappearing. The nerves kicked in and I-” He pauses, sighing as he places his cheek on your head, “-wanted this to be perfect.”
“It was,” you assure, leaving his embrace and placing your hand on his cheek, “I love you so much.”
“I love you, too, angel,” he answers, leaning in to press his lips on yours. And when he backs away again, his thumb brushes yours delicately, nose rubbing against yours as he tells you, “Happy birthday - and marriage anniversary, my love.”
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if you liked it, leave a like or reblog, these things go a long way <3
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ssscentral · 3 years
Drawing Blood [Taehyung x Reader]
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Summary: An attempt to get over a two year crush on your friend (and a suspected vampire) leads to interesting discoveries.
genre: angst, fluff, supernatural, vampire, god
warnings: death mentioned in passing
wc: 3.8k
member: Lillia || @moccahobi​
a/n: Happy (late) birthday @voiceswithoutlips​!
You fell into your bed, a headache developing as you screamed into your pillow. You’d hoped that a date would help clear up some of your emotional constipation like some detox but instead you were left even more confused and torn. That date was so nice. 
Sure, you hadn’t been on many dates or even socialized much since you finally got a deadline for your next manuscript (and it in many ways felt more like two friends hanging out than a romantic date… but it was just one date… that could change). This was also by far one of the best dates you’d had. Jungkook was such a gentleman and you had so much fun.
You’d only met Jungkook last week, the man talking you up at the cafe you were writing at. He exuded confidence and you were drawn in by his detailed tattoos and soft voice (it’d helped as well that you could have sworn that you recognized him vaguely, although you couldn’t place where). Next thing you knew, the two of you were texting and excitedly making plans for a date at a small pizza shop that you immediately fell in love with. He was apparently a picky eater with a sensitive stomach, which reminded you so much of two of your friends (Seokjin and Taehyung), so he only had a few slices of pizza and one of the fancy drinks the shop sold (you suspected that Jungkook was a vampire and the drink was some fancy blood based drink but didn’t want to pry). Unlike Jungkook, you stuck with a simple soda to wash down your pizza, and unlike Jungkook you weren’t limited to a few foods (a perk of being a minor god probably). 
In fact, Jungkook got a hoot at just how much you could eat (you didn’t tell him yet since it was just the first date, but as a minor god, you needed to eat a lot since you burned so much energy) and you got a hoot out of slowly eating the pizza as he eyed it with hunger. The man had a sensitive stomach, not a lack of taste and the pizza was damn good.
That being said, the night seemed to pass in the blink of an eye and soon enough the pizza shop was closing and Jungkook was walking you home. You offered for him to come in since the two of you were having so much fun but he didn’t take you up on that offer . Jungkook simply kissed you sweetly and said goodbye. 
A sigh left you as you thought about the kiss, a ghost of the kiss still caressing your own lips still tingling at the idea of it. 
Jungkook was so sweet!
But you didn’t think the two of you clicked romantically. At least not this date. You’d probably give it a few more dates, a seed of hope whispering to you that he might be what you need to get over a long term crush. That being said, what if he developed feelings and you didn’t and then a potential friendship was ruined? 
It was an amazing date but the more you reflected on it, the less it felt like his romantic passes hit you as much. Sure, you felt giddy because of his soft kiss and the many compliments but was that because of Jungkook or because you wanted affection?
You’d been holding out for your crush to ask you out for so long and only recently settled on the idea that, despite the flirtyness of some conversations, he probably didn’t like you one bit. Seokjin was the one who urged you to go on a date with Jungkook. Seokjin was also the only one who knew about your crush on your mutual friend. 
A comfort did come to you in the fact that Jungkook was busy tonight. You didn’t have to text him expressing how much you enjoyed the date yet. You had time to think through stuff and hopefully have a better understanding of what you did want. 
With that thought in mind, you tried to clear your mind and fall asleep but after an hour, you still couldn’t. So you did what any logical insomniac did:
You rolled over and opened discord. Only one of your friends, Taehyung, was online and while you were torn about talking to your crush about your date, you also knew that he was dying to hear how your date went. Even if he was a tad suspicious about Jungkook (“who would just… walk up to you and talk?! That is extroverted… and extroverts are scary”), he was curious. Plus, with how sweet Jungkook was during the date, you were fairly positive that Taehyung would  have to love Jungkook.
The more you thought about it, the less sure you were.
You shook your head.
Taehyung was an oddball you’d met back when you were a regular at the local library. He was the main person who worked night shifts and you were one of the few people who liked to be at the library at night. After a week of him stuttering welcome and goodbye when you were in the library, you finally worked up the nerve to strike up a conversation about a manga he was reading. 
That was basically the start of your friendship with him. 
After that night, he would help you procrastinate on your work by reading mangas together and that then evolved to getting breakfast together some mornings after his shift. Not surprisingly, that also evolved into a small crush. He was funny and kind and sweet and good looking. That being said, you didn’t think he liked you back. Sometimes he’d flirt but for the most part he actually seemed to not care about romance which is understandable. You had an inkling that he was a supernatural being of sorts and you understood how hard it was to indulge in romance when humans were often very scared of the supernatural. It took you so long before you even contemplated going on a date with non-gods (and even gods because relationships got messy between gods).
Despite your crush, he was a good friends and he was bound to be up at this time, unlike Seokjin or Jisoo. If you messaged one of them, they’d probably wake up just to scold you for being up so late. 
Talking with Taehyung hadn’t turned out how you’d hoped though. You tried to show only the best parts so that he’d trust Jungkook more (and maybe also to try and make Taehyung jealous) but it seemed as if even the idealized store made  Jungkook seem even more suspicious and you found yourself stopping Taehyung in the middle of a tangent, your headache growing. You liked Jungkook. You were still unsure if you liked him romantically but you did like him in a friendly manner… what was Taehyung seeing that was so strange?
You thought that they were fairly similar. 
Both seemed to work late nights. They both enjoyed dark red drinks. They both had an interest in fashion. They both had a similar humor. Both enjoyed games. You could go on. They were very similar. 
Did they have some past conflict?
Taehyung was often overly protective of you. It was a struggle to have him accept your friendship with Seokjin but he was never this suspicious. Although that could have been because you were fairly positive they were friends before you became friends with either of them.
You tossed over in your bed, your mind becoming more clouded.
There were other friends that Seokjin and Taehyung shared that Taehyung was fairly determined to not let you meet. You had an inkling that Seokjin and Taehyung were either the same supernatural creature or were opposites which could explain why they fought… but Taehyung’s other friends? He chose them as friends, right? They would like each other. A tight knot formed in your stomach as you thought more about it. Taehyung didn’t have a problem with other people you were friends with (and some you knew for a fact were supernatural beings as well)… only those he knew previously… who from what you’ve seen in pictures, were fairly attractive bachelors…
Did Taehyung have a crush on you? 
Well… fuck… that would make sense. 
His original reasoning for not wanting you to go on a date was because Jungkook was extraverted… but so was Chae and Mina. He often checked in to make sure you got places safely and always jumped to hang with you. From what you’d gathered from some bruises that Seokjin and Taehyung sported shortly before Taehyung became ok with you being friends with Seokjin, there was also some sort of fight there. The more you thought about it, the more you were sure that the two fought shortly before Taehyung became ok with you two being friends. 
The possible fight was just so odd in general. You brushed it off because both seemed to be fine but it most definitely made you a tad apprehensive of the two and you practically avoided them for a month after that. If it hadn’t been for them working to show that they were close for almost a year after that, you would have been close to dropping both of them.
Did that mean that Seokjin was trying to come onto you at first?
The knot in your stomach tightened uncomfortably. 
He was friendly and somewhat flirty, but no more than he was for others! Were you just so oblivious? 
No. You were fairly positive that he didn’t try to come onto you. Sure he was flirty for a little at the beginning of your friendship, but it dropped soon into your friendship.
Taehyung has known you for at least three years now though… Why hasn’t he made a move? 
You got up anxiously. There was no way you’d be able to sleep tonight. Thoughts were racing through your head at the speed of professional track and field runners and they were all making you more anxious and confused. Nothing was adding up properly and a headache was blooming the longer you dwelled on it all… but you couldn’t stop thinking about it. 
By five in the morning, you were exhausted and just wanted an answer.
Which is what led to you doing one of the most ballsy things in your life. 
You texted Taehyung (in a long rambling paragraph) asking if he liked you romantically. 
He most definitely saw it and shortly after went offline (or invisible). Surely he got off at 4:30 unless the next person was late. He should have time to respond. You took a deep breath and went to your small and shabby kitchen to grab a glass of water, hopeful that the water would add clarity to the confusion you were feeling. 
As you sipped from your chipped cup, you tried to distract your mind from the many scenarios that were running through your mind. Every five seconds, your mind would stray again and you were once again forced to refocus on the world around you. 
In another moment of focus on the present moment, an incessant knock at your door made you jump in shock. The knocking scared you at first (because who in their right mind would possibly be at your house at five in the morning) until you noticed the knocks happening in a pattern.
It was Taehyung.
The man child could never resist knocking in a pattern even if it was a serious situation. But why was he at your house? 
If he didn’t have a crush on you, he could just text you that.
If he did… maybe that would warrant coming over? 
Or maybe he was so mortified at you even thinking that you liked him. 
Fuck. You hoped that wasn’t the case.
“Yeah! Open the door!” Taehyung’s shout pulled you out of your worries and you rushed over to let him in. 
His work and home were both at least three kilometers away from your house and yet when you opened the door, he seemed to have barely broken a sweat nor was he gasping for air (which just further verified to you that he was some sort of supernatural creature). If you didn’t know his habits after work, you would have thought that he was already in your area when you texted. 
“I don’t want to go out with you.” He stated as soon as he entered your house, his shoulders tense and eyes wide. 
“Ok? You could have just texted me that.” 
His wording was confusing but nonetheless, it cut like a sword. He didn’t like you and didn’t want to go out with you. It stung a little (maybe a lot… you did have a crush on him for a whole two years after all) to know that he didn’t like you but you’d been trying to accept that for a while so it was really just a confirmation of what you already knew.
It wasn’t important. 
He was just a good friend. You were friends. Nothing more. Besides, you were hopefully starting something with Jungkook. It was good that Taehyung didn’t like you. 
You didn’t like him. 
You didn’t want a relationship with him.
It wasn’t like you’d been crushing on him for a while.
“I did want to explain why I am so protective of you though. We’ve been friends for three years. I think you deserve to know at this point.”
“Taehyung…  what?” You were conflicted at what he said, wanting an answer for his strange actions but also nervous for how this might change your relationship.
Before Taehyung continued, you led him to your living room, him taking a seat in a large chair that practically swallowed him whole as he brought his knees to his chest, and you taking a seat on a matching chair, leaning forwards in your seat. 
He stilled as he spared you a quick glance and took a shaky breath in, “You know how humans and supernatural beings live together? Like… not a lot is shared and most talk about it is on the downlow?”
“Are you a supernatural being?” 
He nodded slowly, not meeting your eyes, “I am a vampire… but not like a sparkly one or something!”
You snorted at that comment, “Taehyung, I have seen you in the sunlight. I know you don’t sparkle… I know some about vampires… but not a ton. Does it hurt to go into the sun? Clearly you don’t burst into flames but I thought it burnt.” 
“Well… it irritates and we can get really bad sun burns…” Taehyung shifts uncomfortably, “We do some stuff to help mitigate it. Like the more skin we cover up, the less contact we will have with the sun.”
“Oh! Do you all have rings blessed by witches to help you venture into the sun?” 
“No? Where did you hear that?” Taehyung laughs and shakes his head.
“A show?”
At that, more tension seemed to leave him as he laughed more and shook his head, “Nah. I mean… There is some jewelry that can help… but not really because a spell is on them.”
“Ok… so why does this relate to me going out with Taehyung? Wh-” And then it clicked.
“Is Jungkook a vampire? Wait… is Seokjin a vampire? Is that why you didn’t want us to be friends? But if he is… then what made you change your mind? Why are we even friends if you are suspicious about… wait… even if Jungkook and Seokjin are vampires, why didn’t you want us to be friends or date?”
A blush rose on Taehyung’s face as you kept stammering, “I am honestly surprised that you didn’t realize we were vampires earlier… especially after Seokjin-hyung and I’s bruises healed so quickly after our fight.”
“I mean… I’ve honestly had suspicions that you three were some sort of supernatural beings.”
“You all have weak stomachs. I rarely see you drink anything other than some nondescript red drink. You all work night shifts mostly.”
Taehyung laughed awkwardly, “I should talk to them about varying up their habits… I hope no one else has found out.”
“Are the three of you in the same coven?”
You nodded slowly.
“So you’re… you’re not upset that we kept it from you?”
“I was more upset that you even fucking faught Seokjin! He’s part of your coven and your friend.” 
“Yeah… I was…” Taehyung coughed and blushed more, “I fought him because I was worried. Seokjin doesn’t always have the best track record with humans. I mean… that was a while ago but still.” 
Your brows furrowed some, visions of what Seokjin could have possibly done quickly playing through your mind like a movie going x5 the speed.
Older supernatural beings often didn’t have the best track record. You’d most definitely killed some beings in your time… but now you were tentatively curious and anxious about what he might have done.
You’d ask Seokjin later. 
“Well… I was avoiding you after that so I didn’t really pay much attention to how fast your injuries healed. I was just glad that they healed.” You said, choosing to gloss over his comment on Seokjin. 
He laughed, “Yeah. I figured. But… our fight… it was about you.” He coughed again, “I was worried about what he wanted with you. I don’t really remember how it became a fist fight… but he was teasing me about… stuff and then it devolved… but we’re good now. We have fights every once in a while. He is part of my coven and we’re bound to have some… conflict with how long we’ve been around.”
“What did he tease you about… if you don’t mind me asking?” 
“Oh… Uh. Nothing really.” Taehyung was practically as red as a tomato now. 
You knew he was covering for something but you didn’t have it in you to probe more on that topic at the moment. 
“So you were apprehensive about Seokjin because he has, in the past, not been the best with humans… why are you so worried about Jungkook then? He seems like a nice guy to me. Didn’t give me any creepy vibes… although Seokjin didn’t.”
“Uh… well he is also in my coven.” Taehyung finished softly, eyeing you shyly once again.
You eyed him from where you were now sitting in your kitchen, waiting for him to continue. 
Yet Taehyung didn’t continue. 
He just continued to shyly glance at you before looking away, his face practically radiating heat from how badly he was blushing.
Your heart sped up some.
Being part of his coven should be a good thing, right?
Covens are like family… So why was going on a date with Jungkook so bad?
Why was Taehyung talking about humans so much?
Why was Taehyung blushing so much?
What was it that Seokjin brought up that led to a physical conflict? 
You asked about him having a crush on you. Why did he say he didn’t want to date you instead of him not having a crush on you? Were you just reading too much into it?
“Why is that of importance?” You finally asked when a whole minute passed and Taehyung didn’t continue. 
“Well… uh… I might not have told the whole truth when I arrived?” His voice was soft and cautious as he kept eyeing you cautiously, “I… Uh… I said I didn’t want to go out with you… but uh… I do…”
You couldn’t hear what he said after that though, his voice too soft as he looked away shyly (curse you not being born as a being with sensitive hearing). 
“What? Can you repeat? I didn’t hear the ending.” 
Taehyung coughed and took a deep breath, “I d-do like you… I just… because I am a vampire I won’t die. You… a human will… I… I’ve had a past relationship that happened like that… and I can’t handle that again.”
You took a deep breath, your mind even more confused than before, and grabbed his hand gently, “Taehyung, I am so sorry you had past relationships like that, but… you thought I was human?” 
He nodded slowly, his brows furrowed in confusion.
“I… I’m a minor god? Didn’t I tell you that I spoke for the trees once?” 
“I am a minor god… I rule over the forests of this region… I’ve been around for at least a century… Probably more but I didn’t keep track of time until I left the woods.”
His eyes were wide as he stared at you, slowly blinking.
You nodded slowly, “Here I thought that all the talk in my manuscripts about the woods made it obvious that I was in some way connected to them.” 
A slow blink.
“Or what about the time that we literally were in a park and I told you to stop climbing the trees because they were weak.”
Another slow blink.
“All my plants?”
“I literally just thought you were a plant loving person. I’ve met more of those types of people. Hell, Namjoon hyung, another person in my coven, is obsessed with plants.” 
This time it was your turn to slowly blink.
“What about the trips I do to shrines? The gifts delivered to my house?”
“I just assumed you were spiritual and popular with readers.”
“Either way… your worry about me dying? Not likely. It’s possible like it’s possible for you to die… but not really something that is likely to happen.”
Taehyung simply looked at you wide eyed, his jaw slack and shoulders sagging. A small laugh left you at his expression as you gently patted his hand, “So… you have a crush on me?” 
“Bu-I” Taehyung shook his head slowly, not looking you in the eyes, “Yes? But you are dating Jungkook now so I guess I missed my chance?” 
At that you took a deep breath in, “I mean… if I am honest… I had fun with Jungkook but I really only accepted a date because I was trying to get over a crush I have on this really cute vampire… I had suspected him to be one for a tad but didn’t bring it up because I really didn’t think he liked me back.”
“Do you like Seokjin?” Taehyung interjected, his eyes wide as he gripped your hands tightly, “He said that he’d make you like him! He literally kept flirting with you and trying to make passes until I confronted him! Damn it!”
“Taehyung. I don’t like Seokjin-- although I did suspect him to be a vampire too. I like you. And while I had fun with Jungkook, I felt no romantic feelings for him on the date.”
“I- really?”
You nodded.
“And the chances of you passing are low?”
You nodded.
A heavy sigh left Taehyung and it was like he was deflating, “Thank fuck.” 
You pulled him into a tight hug, laughing lightly at his comment, “So… with all that out in the air… Would you like to go on a date with me later today, Taehyung?”
“I might appreciate you telling Jungkook that there will be no future dates first… but yes.”
“Thank fuck. I think that’s something I can do easily.”
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ssscentral · 3 years
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ssscentral · 3 years
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ssscentral · 3 years
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BTS for Rolling Stone
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ssscentral · 3 years
🧈 Let’s talk about Butter by Bts on American charts, Olivia Rodrigo Scandal & how Global Asian hate effect Butter, and more from a psychology students perspective 🐰
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As you all know, bts released their long-awaited new song butter last week and the song had great success in its first week. youtube records and Spotify's success in the global market made us all happy, but as some of its fans noticed, it was an unbalanced success on the American charts. it showed the statistics. the song that broke another record every day but had a hard time getting into the top 10 on the American Spotify charts. today I would like to explain the reasons personally and share with you the difficult process that bts went through as a minority from the perspective of American citizens. bts deserves to be congratulated by all of us and I want to share some reasons for this;
a.1 global hate of Asia and America
Another thing that spread rapidly in the world during the covid 19 pandemics was the global wave of hatred against Asian people. due to the global hatred of Asia, many fine artworks from Asia were subjected to unfair criticism and they did not get most of the success they deserved. the best example we can give is the Oscar success of the Parasite and the tragicomic criticism about this movie. The parasite was under attack with one-star reviews on the criticism sites because they had to watch the movie with subtitles by the American people and the American people directly judged the movie. After all, it was not in English. In such an environment , seeing an Asian music group successful is what a great strength they are. We must be proud.
a.2 Olivia Rodrigo company scandal
The singer who competed in the American charts with bts this week was undoubtedly Olivia Rodrigo. even though she is a cute and successful young woman, her company is not as well-intentioned as she is, their company produced an ad in Asian countries to promote their song, saying that it competes with bts. this is not an ethical and acceptable way of promotion. it is a great insult to art for a company to attract people who don't like bts to their field and to use it as a battleground IN the music market. but what we need to remember here is that this is not her fault, please don't have bad feelings for this talented young woman. what we should criticize is bigger, the big American companies with xenophobic and ugly intentions.
a.3 kpop perception of hate and the echo effect of hyper-masculinity
k-pop has opened a new era in the perception of male beauty bts is one of the biggest role models of this new male beauty understanding. hyper-masculinity that started in the middle east and then spread all over the world from America has left its place to a more colorful, free, and lively understanding of beauty. because their non-acceptance to this change old-fashioned individuals had a meaningless hatred towards Korean music and artists. people who have this hatred are usually really retarded racist or homophobic individuals. bts is the focus of criticism even unintentionally because of their futuristic and modern fashion sense, but still very successfully they continue their careers. we must support them because they try to help spread feminine male beauty globally.
a.4 the difference between American culture and Korean culture and... finally... grammy
America is a country that chooses hard power as a way of self-development, Korea uses soft power; They invest in their art and culture sector and this leads them to a more successful position in visual arts than any other country. America is an individualistic community in structure, so it is more individualistic an ensemble but Korean society is a collectivist structure, because of this difference we need to support every success that Korea has on American music charts. believe it or not, they do something harder than you think. grammy has always been famous for being racist and it's a system that lost prestige every year. therefore Instead of giving them an award that BTS deserves, they continued to give awards to people who won the same award more than once. Honestly, I don't understand why they never give awards to newly nominated artists and encourage them instead of giving awards to people who have already proven themselves at Grammy. with dynamite, it already shows how much they deserve this award but... they share the same story with The Weekend.
Dear army please don't feel bad and remind yourself how great your success is. I am not an army fandom but as a minority i want to support the success of a Korean group globally. America is a place we always remember with its xenophobic and racist past but true success is always win more in the future. I think you did a great job. Well done Army!
Don't forget to support Butter by bts
Thank you.
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ssscentral · 3 years
The Great Cake Off
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Summary: It’s your birthday, but the boys have forbidden you from entering your own kitchen. What is going on?
pairing: none
genre: GA
warnings: none really, this is just some fluff maybe mixed with a touch of crack?
wc: 597
member: rose || @biaswreckme​
a/n: this was written as a small birthday gift for the amazing and incredible @voiceswithoutlips ♥ the happiest of birthdays to you, ilysm ♥ also thanks to @taegularities​ for beta-reading this!
You could hear the clanking of pots and pans coming from the kitchen, the smell of sweet baked goods permeating the apartment, but you were not allowed anywhere else but your room, bathroom, or living room.
On your birthday.
They had asked for a couple more hours, almost up by then, and you had decided not to ask too much out of sheer fear of what was happening in the other room. The other boys were around too, looking with suspicion at the closed door. Namjoon tried to enter once, and when he did, the noise increased and you heard quite loud colorful expletives coming from both Jimin and Jin’s mouths. The leader was leaving the place quickly and with terror in his eyes, shaking his head and walking into your living room.
Your mind could not help but wander, trying to imagine what they were doing that demanded such clattering - well, you figured they were baking you something, the question that remained was whether that something would make it out of your kitchen in one piece or whether there would be no survivors in the battle. 
“Are the decorations done?” Jimin asked from the kitchen, his voice a little muffled from the closed door, but still loud enough to be audible by the others.
“Yes, Jimin-ssi,” Jungkook answered while he tied the last balloon to the colorful arch and Hoseok stuck the last letter in your curtains.
The only other person allowed free passage in the kitchen was Yoongi, who was coming out of that particular door with drinks, handing them to Taehyung who was finishing setting the table.
“Are you ready, birthday girl?” Seokjin asked, finally opening the door and peeking his head around it.
“Am I ready for what, Jin? Should I be scared? Are you okay? From all the noise I was considering calling the ambulance…”
“You joke, but you should know this was no easy task. Judges, assemble.”
“Judges?” you asked, confused, but watched as the other boys arranged the chairs so you would be sitting in the middle. 
“You’re the main judge, Y/n, so sit in the place of honor - also because it’s your birthday, so get ready,” Yoongi explained, rolling his eyes but clearly enjoying what was happening.
And then they came out of the mysterious closed room, both Seokjin and Jimin, each with a heavily decorated cake on their hands.
“We forgot something!” Jimin exclaimed, looking shocked. “No one said ‘On your marks, get set, bake’!”
You squinted your eyes at him, finally understanding what was happening.
“Did you just have a bake off on my birthday?”
“No, Y/n,” Seokjin answered, “We created The Great Cake Off. So now we present our cakes to the judges - well, mostly you, since it’s…”
“My birthday, yeah, I get it,” you interrupted him, completing his sentence. “I got two cakes, really?”
They nodded, anxious for your reaction, and you plotted your revenge instantly. You took your time savoring the slices of cake they handed to you, making noises, looking closely at the decorations, the layers, even going so far as to smell the sweet. But in the end, you could not choose a winner.
“If I have to be honest, I’d have to deduct points from all the noise and I don’t even want to see the state of my kitchen. You are cleaning that.”
“Just be thankful it was Jimin and I who decided to bake and not Namjoon.” Seokjin laughed, and you agreed. Well, two cakes and a possibly messy kitchen were indeed better than a destroyed home. 
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ssscentral · 3 years
Starry Eyes | For Kas
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Summary: A movie night is nothing compared to what Namjoon has actually planned for your birthday.
pairing: Namjoon x reader
rating: GA
genre: tooth-rotting fluff !! some crack too
warnings: kissing. kim namjoon’s existence, namjoon is very cheesy
wc: 2.8k
member: Rid & Melody || @taegularities & @hoebii 
a/n: this was written for our beautiful, amazing, intelligent, gorgeous friend @voiceswithoutlips !!! happy, happy birthday - we love you so so much, baby, and not even this fic can express how much you mean to us. here’s to many more years of annoying each other !! <333 also, thank you so much @oftenderweapons​ for beta’ing this, precious !! :-*
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The growling of the clouds woke you up.
A storm this early in the morning? That was surely unexpected and unusual. Not that you minded though — not only was it your favourite weather due to its aesthetics, but it calmed you in some odd way as well. However, while you were thoroughly enjoying the sound of the rain, something in the back of your mind reminded you that you were missing something important; something you’d even thought of before falling asleep.
And when you sat up, your eyes automatically shifted to the open window, a small curse escaping your lips as you pulled the blanket away and half sprinted to close it. Yes, rain was cool and all, but it had no business wetting your whole bedroom floor, and you had no wish of mopping the floor right after waking up.
You couldn’t help but cringe as you felt water on the floor while shutting the window, cursing at whoever had opened it last night in the first place. Thankfully, however, the amount of water that the wind had brought wasn’t much. It would dry in a moment, you thought, no need to clean it up. Nope. 
With that, you slunk back towards the bed, ready to return to the land of dreams.
As you were getting cosy again, your phone started vibrating incessantly. Mentally cursing at whatever the reason was for your phone to be buzzing so much, you laid there contemplating if you should just grab the device and chuck it out the window into the ongoing storm. No, control yourself. You don’t have the money to do that.
Grabbing the phone, you didn’t even bother checking what was on it, rather just switching it off in sheer spite. Laying there for a moment after that, you tried going back to sleep but soon realised that you weren’t sleepy anymore.
Grumbling, you decided to wake up the sleeping man beside you. Why? Because if you had to be up so early, then he had to as well.
His eyebrows furrowed as you shook his body, his hand coming up to rub his eyes until he let out an annoyed “What?”
But when he saw your mischievous grin and face so close to his, a smile appeared on his lips, the perfect dimples so deep you wanted to hide in them. The grin of a clown had nothing on the pretty man next to you.
“What?” you asked him with a tilt of your head, eyebrows raising as he pulled you down.
“What do you mean ‘what?’”
“Why are you looking at me like that?” 
The brightness in his expression disappeared slowly as confusion took over, blinking a few times in disbelief until he inquired, “Don’t you remember?”
Remember what?
The cogs in your brain started to rotate again as you thought about his question — and although you soon realised what he was hinting at, you acted oblivious, the need to annoy him too strong to ignore.
“Ah, is it Wednesday already? My assignment is due today,” you groaned, rolling your eyes.
Shaking his head, Namjoon gave you a questioning look. “Babe, I’ve been looking forward to this since this year started and managed to remember it, but you didn’t?”
It was your turn to give him a confused look, brows furrowing. “Why would you be looking forward to the due date of my assignment,” you asked, “actually, how did you look forward to it? We were given the work last week.” 
Before he could reply, you gasped - trying desperately to not burst out in laughter at his face. “Oh my god. Are you psychic?” you fake whispered, acting as if you were asking for the recipe to eternal life.
Namjoon contemplated his life choices as he looked at you baffled, eyes nearly hollow as he shook his head. “That’s not what I’m talking about.”
“Are you sure, because-”
“Babe, just…” he placed a hand on his face, fingers massaging his temples for a second, “Happy Birthday.”
You looked at him with a playful, devilish grin, brushing your chin with your fingers before you exclaimed, “Oh! It’s my birthday!... What’s a birthday again?”
Namjoon tried to suppress the smile that threatened to surface, tongue running along the inside of his cheek before he pulled you into his chest tightly. “Okay, now you’re just fucking with me.”
“What? Me? No,” you said, laughing into his shirt as he squeezed you lovingly, “Why fuck with you when I can fuck you?”
You felt the arms around you loosen before he threw you next to him, the sight too endearing to hold your laughter in. “I hate you.”
“I love you, too, baby. But if you keep pouting, I will bring mint-choco.”
“You hate that, too?” He looked offended but curious as well, one eyebrow cocked at you as he waited for your answer.
You barely shrugged, strands of hair wrapping around your finger. “I wouldn’t be eating it, you would.”
“Why do you hate me?”
You lifted your body, giving him a kiss with a clearly audible muah-sound as you said, “I don’t, baby.”
“My doubt increases the more you threaten me.”
You clicked your tongue, booping his nose. “Then stop giving me reasons to threaten you, sweetheart.”
And when he calmed down, you yawned, listening to the storm as it slowly died down until you finally asked, “So, cooking risotto, baking cake and watching lame movies - that’s the plan for today, right?”
“If we finish all of it, yes,” Namjoon agreed, smiling sweetly - a gesture you found harmless enough to suspect anything behind it.
Jumping from the bed, you tilted your head, stretching out your hand as if you were talking to a child, “Up, up, then.”
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Without further annoyance and teasing, the day had passed exactly as you’d expected: with endless giggles, flour on your face (and ass), bad jokes and a near death experience with Namjoon somehow tripping over nothing and barely avoiding a concussion. Finally, he’d managed to serve something somewhat edible while you’d handled the beautiful cake, it was already late, dusk passed and stars twinkled in the clear night sky.
The storm had long vanished and made way to a crystal clear sight - perfect for you to cuddle up and laugh about flopped movies all night long. Stuffing more of the icing and toppings of the cake into your mouth, you barely noticed when he shifted, assuming that he was only going to the bathroom when he pulled you up with him.
Surprised by his sudden move, you looked into his dark, shiny eyes, a questioning look making him speak up, “Do you trust me?”
Scary. One would think a sentence like this meant doom, but the way he looked at you, the fondness and affection so apparent in his gaze, made you simply nod.
“What if I told you there’s something I want to show you that’s a lot better than these movies?”
Then, you broke, eyes rolling as you asked, “Better than badly dubbed Jurassic Park? You have to convince me, Mister Kim.” 
He laughed as he brought his nose to yours, rubbing against it for a second before he pressed a gentle kiss against your lips. When he backed away, he mumbled a “Stay right here” before disappearing into your room. You remained standing at your spot, craning your neck.
“Huh?” was the only sound that left you when he came back with two thin jackets, handing you yours before he took your hand, grabbing the keys and gently urging you out of the apartment.
“Where are we going?” you asked, clutching his hand as he led you to god knew where.
“To the magical lands of Narnia,” he replied, snorting at his own words. He saw an opportunity to tease you and he would be damned if he didn’t take it.
Not one to back down, however, you replied, “Wouldn’t that be through our closet then, Mr. Smartass?”
Rolling his eyes, Namjoon chose to ignore your words, pushing open the door to the roof - making you raise an eyebrow.
“Did you bring me here to push me off for all the comments I’ve made today?” you asked, “‘Cause not only is that illegal, it’s also my birthday so that would be quite rude of you.”
Namjoon rolled his eyes, shaking his head as he answered. “If I wanted you dead, I’d much rather poison you.”
Putting a hand on your chest, you gasped. “How scandalous! Though the food you let me taste did make me suspicious,” you said as if deep in thought. 
Namjoon gave you a flat look, not impressed with your jab at his cooking skills. “Do you not want your gifts? Is that it?”
You perked up at the mention of gifts — plural —, looking at him innocently, “Nooo, I do. Gimme, gimme!”
Approaching the edge of the roof further, you noticed a small table, surprisingly dry and decorated with two little flowers and two weird looking glasses. You looked at him in question, pointing at the objects silently until you’d gathered enough words on your tongue to ask, “When did you do this?”
“I mean, this table is always here, but the rest… uh - remember when I told you that I had to take out the trash but took too long to come back?” When you nodded, he moved his head with you as if to indicate Yes, back then.
“And the glasses?” you inquired as you picked one up, faintly recognising them as those one uses to wear at nights when-
“Wait. Wait. I think I remember reading something about an eclipse somewhere.” You watched his expression change, the nervosity fleeing until he gave you a knowing look. “Oh, wait, really now?”
“Why is that so hard to believe?” He grinned at you, his pretty dyed silver hair floating in the wind as he gestured for you to take a seat. “We’ve looked at the stars before.”
You did as he asked, scanning the table for all its content before landing on a card. Picking it up, you couldn’t help but coo at how cute it was. The card had a cake on it’s center with what seemed to be balloons beside it, Namjoon’s beautiful handwritten ‘Happy Birthday’ on top as a banner. 
“Aww Joonie, you weren’t joking when you said you’d let your niece draw for my next birthday!” you gushed, failing to notice how he gave you an offended look. 
He cleared his throat to get your attention away from the card, “Actually, I made that myself.” 
Your eyes widened at that, lips pressing together so hard that it hurt as you tried not to burst out in laughter. You coughed, trying to mask the chuckles that still left your lips, “Oh babe. That’s um.. I love the card! The attention to all the details on the little cake is so cute!”
He would’ve remarked something snarky, you knew it. But instead, he pointed to the glasses, both of you placing them on your noses before you looked up just in time. Any laughter and giggle left you when you lost yourself in the view above you, mesmerised by the simple natural phenomenon that had you awestruck.
Floating in the eternal void called space, the Earth finally aligned with the sun and moon perfectly, shifting in between and colouring the latter a faint red. It was almost as if your planet’s natural satellite had become angered at the interruption of the sun’s illumination, separated from its lover and showing it in the furious hues of red and orange.
You laughed a little at the thought, sighing right after as your hand moved to find the one of your own lover, clutching it until he moved closer. His fingers left yours soon though, his arm instead wrapping around your shoulder as he pulled you in, your head resting on his chest comfortably as you watched the beauty in the sky silently. With how the colours of the moon changed slowly, the stars were momentarily forgotten, the soft breeze of the spring day grazing your cheeks pleasantly.
And as soon as everything had started, it had ended as well, the Earth finally reconciling the couple in your solar system and you stretched your legs, looking at him in awe. He was folding the glasses in his hands, teeth nibbling at his lower lip nervously without looking at you.
“Joonie,” you called before his stare met yours, eyes so big and confused at his own name that you knew something was off.
But he softened soon, gaze shifting from yours to your nose and settling on your lips. Without a warning, his hand cupped your face softly, mouths colliding and moving tenderly. When he backed away, you smiled, asking, “You’re distracting yourself from the pretty view because of kisses.”
“You’re the prettiest view though.”
“You know exactly what I mean,” you sang-song, wiping the hair away from his eyes.
He pressed you closer, still looking at your lips longingly, his expression nearly melancholic as he whispered, “The eclipse is over.”
“You’re here in my arms. The stars, sun and moon? They aren’t.” Despite loving you more than he’d ever considered possible, his lips on yours were the only thing that could distract him from his nervousness, his pounding heart and his shaking limbs.
Your smile melted his insides entirely, your features so soft and inviting that he couldn’t help but let out an overwhelmed sigh, fingers only pressing into you harder as you said, “I’d totally forgotten about the eclipse today.”
“Well, I’d been planning this for quite some while. Wanted to show you something that’s almost as fascinating as you.”
“Is that so?”
“Yeah, it is.” The chairs were uncomfortable, but with him, things always felt peaceful and calming, no space to complain ever.
“Okay then,” you started, kissing his cheek just once, “then show the birthday girl how fascinating she is for you.”
“Are you sure I should?”
And here was the nervous nibbling and distressed gaze again, by now worrying you a little as he took a deep breath. “Are you okay?” you asked, eyebrows furrowed. “Did I say something wrong?”
Namjoon was quick to shake his head, waving his hand to dismiss your worries, “You could never, baby.”
“Then what’s up, why do you look so nervous?”
He fidgeted on his spot for a second, trying to come up with the right words to say. “Well, you see, Y/N,” he started, slowly going down on one knee as he pulled out a velvet box from his pocket.
Your breath hitched as you looked at him in shock. Was he going to do what you thought he was?
“You know, I was always a happy, optimistic person and didn’t think life could get better, more wholesome with everything I already had,” he started, taking the glistening in your eyes as a good signal as he continued, “But that was until I met you.”
You could feel the warm tears run down your cheeks and onto the ground, your nails digging into your palms, twitching to reach out for him and hug him as close to you as possible.
“The way you just got me, how you understood me and how we can spend all the nights under this damn sky, look at all the stars and eclipses and shooting stars, and their beauty will still never compare to you. We talk about nothing and everything without any judgement, bicker about the stupidest things but also delve into such deep talks the next second, that’s the happiness you make me feel.” 
There was a clear pause, still something his heart carried, a few words he wanted to say that were the sole reason you didn’t drop to your knees and pressed your lips against his.
“And frankly, I want to keep feeling like this forever,” he said, his voice shaking at the end as the nerves took over yet again. Opening the box in his hand, he presented a beautiful ring that glinted under the moonlight as he finally asked, “So, what do you say, Y/N? Want to make me the happiest man alive and spend the rest of our lives together?”
And finally, your knees gave out, cheeks aching from how hard you were smiling as you pulled him in for a passionate kiss, whispering ‘yes’ over and over again.
Pulling back from you, he looked into your eyes, his own looking as if they were shining. “Are you sure?” he asked, his wide anticipation filled eyes reminding you of a puppy.
“Of course I am! Of course, Joon, I love you so much,” you replied, pulling him back into another kiss, smiling as you felt him put the ring on your finger. 
You broke the kiss, looking down to inspect the ring that sat on your finger. “It’s beautiful.”
Namjoon smiled, pulling you into his embrace and placing a kiss on top of your head. “Not as beautiful as you.”
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if you liked the story, don’t forget to like/reblog or send us an ask !! <3
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ssscentral · 3 years
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ssscentral · 3 years
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ssscentral · 3 years
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Cr twt fate_jimin
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ssscentral · 3 years
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light of my life ↦ endless gifs of jungkook (6/∞)
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ssscentral · 3 years
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im one of those 252,031 people
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ssscentral · 3 years
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namjoon drinking a jarritos
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