stargirl-and-potts · 1 hour
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This scene is a prime example of Donna's healing presence in the Doctor's life. She would find the right words and give him hope, and get him to smile even in the darkest of times.
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stargirl-and-potts · 2 hours
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George Rexstrew as Edwin Payne Dead Boy Detectives (2024-)
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stargirl-and-potts · 2 hours
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what if unicorn cowboy
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stargirl-and-potts · 2 hours
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Happy Pride Month, friends! <3
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stargirl-and-potts · 2 hours
Tumblr Tuesday: Brills!
Hello to all sleuths, dead or alive, demon-tormented or pixie-riddled! You're celebrating the dead boy detectives and their friends and foes in style, and we're so here for it. 
(Spoilers ahead! Please proceed with the same caution you would perhaps employ upon approaching a ghost trapped in the here and now <3)
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stargirl-and-potts · 2 hours
Hello! Hope you're having a great day/night! I absolutely adore your art, you are one of my favourite artists. I love the way you shade and do backrounds. Also everytime I get into a new show I immediately see your art for it??
I was wondering if you had any advice on drawing more realistically (backrounds, anatomy etc) but still keeping a style?
Hey hey!
Thank you so much!
I have a pretty good understanding of facial structures, because before I got into drawing more semi-realisticly, I heavily focused on realistic portraits. Here are some example, these are from around 2019!
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(yes, I was really into danmei and kpop back then, haha)
I just always loved drawing/painting faces and it was all I did. But at some point I realized that I wanted to do more than that because just portraits felt super restricting. So it took me around 2-3 years to somewhat find my style. Thought it would be fun to show a little timeline! Advice will follow afterwards :)
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I began working on my OCs in 2020 and since I didn't have an exact reference to work off of, I struggled a lot. My art from this year is super wonky.
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Still wonky, but the Lokius obsession was the jumpstart into finding my style! My work from this year is all over the place haha, I was experimenting a lot.
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This first ofmd piece is pretty much the first drawing where you can see where my style is gonna go, which I think is pretty cool! This is the year I made the biggest progress cos I was drawing SO much. These two pieces are only six months apart. The one on the right was the first time I gave drawing a background a proper go, too! It was a good year.
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And this is where I am now! I'm still constantly learning and improving, but I'd say I have a style you can recognize now!
Now here comes some actual advice, haha:
What I highly recommend you to do is to study your favorite artists as much as you can! I have like 5 A4 sketchbooks all from 2020 that I filled with sooooo many studies, where basically all I did was look at artists I like and copy how they draw stuff, to try and figure out how to stylize certain things. Some of my favorite artists are Ami Thompson, Velinxi and TB Choi. But I also liked to just scroll through pinterest and study all the art I came across that I liked! For example, if I saw a really great drawing of a pair of pants I would copy it many times in my sketchbook and try to learn how they stylized the folds. Doing this for a prolongued period of time will naturally improve your own work! It'll be difficult at first, but you gotta push through, it's gonna be worth it!
I also highly recommend studying unique faces to try and avoid the same-face syndrome. Find some cool looking people and try to draw them as simple as you can! Maybe even draw a little timeline where you first draw them as cartoon-y as you can, and keep going until you end up with a more detailed, realistic drawing. Maybe in the middle of it you find a step that feels the most fun to you, so you can try to build on that! It's a great way to figure out what kind of style might be the best for you.
Here are some cool faces I found on pinterest!
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I have a pinterest board with many more!
One REALLY important part of learning how to draw all kinds of things is to understand forms and shapes and how to manipulate them. I have so many pages in my sketchbook filled with just shapes that I drew from all kinds of angles without any references.
This is a great video on it:
6 Ways to Draw Anything by Proko
Learning how to do this is so crucial! Young artists often think they first have to learn all kinds of detailed anatomy before doing anything else, but all that's gonna do is make you tired and hate drawing. Shapes are where it's at! Once you understand how shapes work and which ones to use for certain parts of bodies or objects, drawing is gonna get so much easier! Once you understand them, you can get into details such as muscles and bones!
And honestly the most important point is to just absolutely love what you're doing! I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't for the fact that I get extreme hyperfixations on certain media that turn me into some kind of beast where I can suddenly draw 10 detailed illustrations a week, haha. Just be passionate about what you do, find something you REALLY love and go crazy!
I really hope this was somewhat helpful! My inbox is always open if there's any more questions :)
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stargirl-and-potts · 2 hours
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the best person I know.
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stargirl-and-potts · 2 hours
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All of my Dead Boy Detectives fanart is now available on INPRNT! They're having a sale with up to 40% off today, so it's a great time to grab some prints! ✨
Get them here!
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stargirl-and-potts · 3 hours
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No such thing as too Butch
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stargirl-and-potts · 3 hours
Our Flag Means Pride Charity Raffle now open!
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🏳️‍🌈 Happy Pride Month! 🏳️‍🌈
From June 1 to June 28, with proof of donation to an LGBTQ+ charity of your choosing, you can enter the #OurFlagMeansPride charity raffle for a chance to win prizes from fandom creators!
Submit your entries here!
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stargirl-and-potts · 3 hours
"On a Bright Day, Next Week" is now complete!
When Stede Bonnet wakes up from cryosleep alone and with no memories other than a vague feeling of unease, he's not sure who he is or how he wound up at Queen Anne Research Laboratories. When he's told that he has to help replace ED, the AI controlling the facility, he and ED are thrown straight into a mystery surrounding ED's history of bizarre behavior, Stede's missing memories, and how their pasts intersect.
This is a Portal-inspired AU, but it veers heavily away from the source material! If you like Portal, you'll find some fun easter eggs, but knowledge of those games isn't at all necessary. This fic is rated M, 54k words across 16 chapters. Expect lots of angst and hurt/comfort to start with a very soft, satisfying finish.
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stargirl-and-potts · 3 hours
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(Last years post)
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stargirl-and-potts · 3 hours
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Fuck you, Stede Bonnet🔥
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stargirl-and-potts · 4 hours
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more mermay sketches, also with Arne's brothers, Enri and Coal
Tor belongs to @littleulvar
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stargirl-and-potts · 5 hours
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cas again
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stargirl-and-potts · 7 hours
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Follow Ultrafacts for more facts
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stargirl-and-potts · 8 hours
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Little Cas midnight sketch from a few days ago
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