starry-storms · 2 days
I'm not here to tell Zionists that they're on the wrong side of history, they're well aware of that and they don't care.
It's been seven months and all they've done since then is double down on their horrid fucking behavior.
These folks will go out of their way to brag about being pro genocidal lunatics because they don't view Palestinians or Arabs as people. And if they see other westerners call them out on their shit, they'll just play the antisemitism card.
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starry-storms · 5 days
@starry-storms i cant take any more footage tonight but if u need smth more i can do it tomorrow for you:)
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starry-storms · 7 days
Do you know anything i can donate to for palestine that's not the gofundmes because the idea of having to choose who needs my money more is just. scary to me they all need it 3: maybe there's a thing that splits/distributes money evenly???? idk but help would be appreciated
Gazafunds actually deals with this anxiety and makes a decision for you if you want. Their home page has a spotlighted fundraiser and the code consider things like how close the gfm is to finishing, when the most recent donation is, etc. So it's randomized to help as many people as possible.
There's also @helpgazachildren which if you donate, you can help multiple people at once since it's a whole mutual aid fund, or at least close to it. Hussam distributes money to people who need it when he's asked.
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starry-storms · 8 days
In my opinion, found family is so much funnier when it’s more like “these losers hold me hostage and won’t leave me alone”
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starry-storms · 8 days
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"You didn't answer the JL call."
but also
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he's aware. bruce hasn't known a moment of peace in years
bg based off of this image!
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starry-storms · 8 days
Gotham has so many rogues and most of them don’t actually cause that much trouble in the grand scheme of things, so other than the really big ones, like joker, news about Gotham rogues can get pretty muddled outside the city which leads the JL to believing that Batman and Manbat are the same person and that their colleague sometimes turns into a giant bat monster but they don’t bring it up bc they think it’s a sensitive topic
Which eventually leads to a scenario like this mid combat when they’re getting pretty desperate:
Green Lantern: I know we’re not supposed to talk about it or whatever, but it would be really helpful if you could turn into a giant bat right now, spooky
Batman, having zero context for this comment, pausing mid fight to look at Hal like he just grew a second head: What the fuck are you talking about, Jordan?
Green Lantern, suddenly much less confident: Um…you know how you…turn into a giant bat?
Batman, utterly bewildered, turning to the other members but finding that he is clearly the only one out of the loop: what is happening right now
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starry-storms · 8 days
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Art inspired by one of my fav timkon fics "buy back the secrets" by @vinelark ✨
The fanart is not exactly accurate to the fic but i loved the concept and everything about it so much it made me wanna draw this😭💕
A silly little extra doodle too:
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starry-storms · 9 days
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starry-storms · 9 days
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he pretends to be too tired to walk to get batman to carry him to the batmobile
and then spends the next hour cartwheeling around while batman tries to write reports
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starry-storms · 10 days
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my boys...
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starry-storms · 10 days
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Some gems I found in Tim’s monologue from the Red Robin series.
Tim is such a dork.
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starry-storms · 10 days
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Jorge Jiménez’s Tim Drake is too adorable not to draw fan art of. I usually draw this boy in cardigans and button down polos so this was definitely different for me. Hope I did him justice!
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starry-storms · 11 days
I really like the idea of the bat kids designating Dick and Jason's apartments as sibling gathering spots but for opposite reasons.
Sibling needs some comfort? Some eldest daughter advice? A shoulder to cry on or just a lil getaway spot from the chaos of Gotham? Dick's apartment is perfect.
But if a batkid wants to complain, maybe wants to talk shit about Bruce, or maybe even wants to discuss a lil felony in a judgement free zone? Jason's place it is.
And I like to imagine that while Dick readily keeps his doors open and reminds anyone that they can drop by anytime, it's the opposite for Jason.
Dude's got his place riddled with traps and locked up to the high heavens. He makes it obvious he doesn't want visitors, and vaguely insinuates that there are bombs rigged somewhere in his apartment so there's a always a 50/50 chance you might get blown up if he's feeling particularly bitchy one day.
But does that stop his siblings? Absolutely not. Unlike Dick (who assigns himself as the guiding older brother), Jason has been forcefully labelled as the older sibling you go to if you need to complain and stir up havoc. The hundreds of traps in his place mean nothing. And it's worse because Jason is never prepared for when someone drops in.
[Jason, 3 hours into his sleep, blearily waking up to a weight on his chest at 4am]:
[Damian, perched atop him, eyes dead-centre locked onto Jason without blinking]: Hello, Todd-stop screaming it is unbecoming-I just came to tell you that father won't allow me to adopt another stray I found on patrol.
Jason, half-asleep and like 70% sure he's hallucinating: Wha-
Damian: I need you to blow up his car.
[Jason, arriving home after a 6 hour patrol, exhausted out of his mind, turning on the lights]:
[Stephanie, previously baking brownies in the pitch black darkness before Jason arrived]: Oh hey! Just thought I'd drop by, y'know, for fun.
Jason: Bruce yelled at you again.
Stephanie: Bruce yelled at me again.
And yes, while most of the time, it ends up as wholesome sibling bonding, sometimes the other batkids just feel like inconveniencing Jason just whenever, because what are siblings for?
[Jason waking up and seeing all of his traps and security systems disarmed and very deliberately broken in a way where he'll have to replace all of them instead of being able to reactivate them]:
[Jason, immediately dialing his phone angrily]: Tim, I swear to GOD-
[Jason giving himself a rest-day and cooking some meals]:
[Dick somersaulting in through the open window unannounced (he missed his brother)]: Whatcha up to, littlewing? :>
Jason: GET OUT-
[Jason casually reading a book, feeling a sudden chill up his spine]:
[Cassandra standing in the corner without so much as an exhale, watching Jason intensely. Who knows how long she's been there]:
Jason: Are you here to kill me
Jason: Just make it quick.
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starry-storms · 11 days
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starry-storms · 15 days
jason: i physically cannot believe you’re the oldest
dick: wtf why not
jason: i literally heard you ask alfred if you can have wally over for a playdate, you’re 27 years old!! wally is 28 for gods sake, you have your own place!!
dick: …you are NEVER too old for a playdate with your homie
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starry-storms · 15 days
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Dick Grayson by Dan Mora you will always be famous.
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starry-storms · 16 days
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missing them !!
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