stcvii Β· 4 years
Turn your sadness and troubles into an art.
Hira (via hedonistpoet)
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stcvii Β· 4 years
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James Corden and Daisy Ridley take the β€˜LIE DETECTOR CHALLENGE’
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stcvii Β· 4 years
β‹†ΛŠβ—ŸπŽπ‹πˆπ•π‚π‘π…π„ππ† β€š
β€œHey!” Oliver enthusiastically greeted, though as he came to a halt in the path, he could tell that his hunch had been right. Something was wrong, and it didn’t seem as if she could continue much or any farther than where they currently were. β€œYou sure? That’s just it?” His brows furrowed, already glancing down at the leg she apparently was cradling just a few moments earlier. Though he had to laugh a bit at her remark about the bike beside him. β€œGuilty, you did catch me. I mean, I usually run. Only sometimes I do the rentals. But it might become temporarily yours here in a few minutes to steer you back to town.” Oliver mentioned, still intending to not stray too far from the matter at hand that she may actually be hurting and needed medical attention.
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Oh, Stevie... why must you be so stubborn? The pain in her stomach somehow intensified the instant she chose to ignore itβ€”as if her body were now punishing her for it. Still, she refused to acknowledge the fact she was hurting and instead laughed lightly in reply. β€œNo, no, I'm fine. Thank you, but it’s nothing. I just haven’t eaten anything ye–” Ohp! Brows buckled as the pain suddenly doubled and her abdomen tensed. She finally succumbed and listened to her body by returning her palm to her stomach in search of relief. β€œ...I may have overworked a muscle, I’m not sure.” She admitted after a beat, voice strained, before groaning lowly. β€œOw. This doesn’t feel good.”
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stcvii Β· 4 years
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(β— β€Ώβ— βœΏ)
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stcvii Β· 4 years
( @eli-wyatt​ )
stay there, by my side. i want you with me
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stcvii Β· 4 years
β‹†ΛŠβ—Ÿπ–π˜π€π“π“πƒπ‚π•πˆπ’ β€š
Wyatt was probably beginning to spend more time at Moonie’s than was good for him. But coming back- no, scratch that, _being _back in Mystic was a lot. Still was, even five months after he moved back here. There was just too much history, too much hurt, too much trauma, for it to not affect him. And if Wyatt needed a drink or two to deal with it occasionally, well his therapist back in New York might not approve, but Wyatt wasn’t that concerned. Plus, Stevie did a pretty good job of keeping him in line.Β 
He sat at the bar, waiting for her expectantly. They never really made plans to meet up, necessarily. They just happened to show up at Moonie’s on the same nights. And Wyatt wasn’t about to question it. Stevie had become a very welcome new addition to his life in Mystic, one he was very grateful for.Β 
He grinned as she sat down on the stool next to him.Β β€œDo you really need to ask? You know we only go straight for the hard stuff on days ending inΒ β€˜y.’” he teased, knocking back the last of his beer before getting the bartender’s attention and ordering a couple shots for the both of them.
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Well, now! This had to be (hands down) her favorite part of the day! Perhaps not the healthiest part, but boy did she ever enjoy sitting down and knocking back a few bottles at Moonie’s with Wyatt after a long day. And there had been a lot of long days lately. She got comfortable on the stool and snickered at him. β€œThere he is!” She teased back, β€œLet me tell ya’, I’m ready to get a little goofy after the weird day I had.” Her eyes landed on his beer as he set it downβ€”a permanent smile across her face, and she rested her elbows up on the counter. β€œHow ahead of me are you, Davis?” She chuckled, wondering just how much she’d have to take down in order to catch up to him. She glanced at the bartender as they lined up the shots in front of them and she snatched one, looking back over to him.
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stcvii Β· 4 years
β€œThank you, Eli!”
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stcvii Β· 4 years
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stcvii Β· 4 years
β‹†ΛŠβ—ŸππŽπ‘π€π‹πˆπ’π„ππ‘πŽπƒπ„π‘πˆπ‚πŠ β€š
Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β With every single counter spotless, and her last part-time employee on their way home, Nora was preparing to closeout the register, so she could finally get home. The warmer it got, the more people seemed to have reason to celebrate. She wasn’t complaining, of course, because this time of year was good for business. but it meant long days and, more importantly, more time away from her favorite person.Β 
Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β Nora was in the middle of promising her son she’d be on her way to pick him up from grandma’s soon, when the bell over the door rung.Β β€œβ€¦ Yes, I’ll see you very sΒ β€” hello?Β β€” sorry, baby, Mama’s gotta go. Hopefully I’ll be home soon.” She paused then, hanging up her phone and re-emerging from the back of the house to take a gander at who could possibly be holding up the remainder of her evening.Β β€œHello? I’m sorry, but I’m closing up. Can I help you with something?”
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Dammit. She was usually on top of things, but today she’d struggled since the second she’d gotten out of bed. After receiving a text that her mother β€˜may be coming tomorrow’ from Wisconsin to visit, the brunette had planned to hit up Sugar Daddy in hopes she could buy some banana bread for the occasion. But she completely forgot to... and only remembered at the last minute. Way to go, Stevie; outstanding.
Seeing the times on the front of the store, she was surprised to find the door was unlocked when she’d attempted to pull it open, and couldn’t help but creep in after the bell above it had rung. Well... perhaps she could squeeze in one last order? She wasn’t sure what she was thinking. She detested last minute customers, especially when she just wanted to go home, and here she was being one.
Stevie brought her bottom lip in to bite, not seeing anyone; attentionΒ darted over to the woman as she came out, however.Β β€œOh! Uh...” She started, arching her brows. She appeared a bit like a deer in headlights and was speechless for a moment.Β β€œ...Sorry, hi, um... I was just wondering if I could buy some banana bread?” She asked nervously, cringing slightly at herself. She knew she was in the wrong here.Β β€œ...I can–I can go if–I know its late. I completely forgot to stop by earlier today... when you were actually open.”
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stcvii Β· 4 years
β‹†ΛŠβ—Ÿπƒπ˜π‹π€ππ„π•π‚π‘π‹π˜ β€š
Β  Β  Β  Β β€œVery much so,” she sighs defeatedly and chuckles, admittedly a little embarrassed that her outburst had been caught by another.Β β€œPressed?” Dylan almost perks up at that, her curiousity getting the better of her as she straightens her posture a little to listen, intrigued. Hell, at this point she was willing to try anything.. even have a complete stranger press against her head. Peering over at the woman now, her knight in shining armour, she offers a hopeful smile, her brows pulling together and upwards some. β€œI’m definitely willing to try.. I just might call you my hero if you’re right.” 
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Catching the other woman may have been interested before she’d vocalized it, Stevie had smiled and gotten up to walk over. She chuckled softly in response to the notion, shaking her head. β€œWell, I sincerely hope I am.” She returned, smiling over the other. Standing at her side, Stevie brought her arms up. β€œOkay... turn a little towards me?” She asked before gently placing her palm against the stranger’s forehead and the other on the back of her head. β€œSo, I’m just gonna...” Slowly, she began to apply pressure, gradually squeezing a little harder, and held it there. At this juncture, she was hoping the other woman was feeling the relief she’d promised. As it’d only last as long as she squeezed, she kept the pressure there for about a minute and a half before slowly releasing, and leaned a bit to look at her. β€œHow was that?”
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stcvii Β· 4 years
β‹†ΛŠβ—ŸπŽπ‹πˆπ•πˆπ€π“π‚π“π„ β€š
Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  While this conversation hadn’t been productive in any of the ways Olivia had originally intended, it had certainly put things into perspective for her. While most were offended by her presence, there were a few good people who admired what she was doing and they were the one who made all the difference. As a smile stretched across her lips, the detective thought for a moment.Β β€œThank you, that really means a lot to me and I appreciate the offer more than you could ever know. Let me give you my number and maybe you can reach out if you hear something? I think you’ll be surprised what you pick up on now that you know.” Reaching into her purse, she pulled out a small notebook and pen so that she could scribble down her information before tearing it off and passing it to the other woman.Β β€œI’m Olivia by the way. And you are?”
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β€œDefinitely! I’ll let you know,” Stevie smiled lightly, nodding. The other’s ending comment had a curious look becoming her, however, watching as she wrote her number down. She hadn’t expected to hear tragedy had befallen the small town. Most places had some skeletons in their closets, but Mystic just seemed so… untouched. It was a shame; it only really had her relating with the town more and appreciating how kind everyone had been, regardless. And she was thankful for the woman for having informed her… even if it hadn’t been on purpose. Hazel hues flickered down as the paper was offered. She smiled again, taking it, and slipped it into her pocket. She’d definitely put her into her contacts later. β€œOh! I’m Stevie,” she returned, reaching her hand out for the other woman to shake. β€œI’m a mechanic over at Hank’s Garage.” She idly gestured in its direction before wrapping her hand around the strap of her bag. β€œSo, have you asked anyone else about the fire yet?”
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stcvii Β· 4 years
β‹†ΛŠβ—Ÿπ‰π”π‹πˆπ€ππ„π–πˆπ β€š
With the hand holding her coffee, Juli moved her coffee cup towards her lips to take a sip. β€œI wish I had that same confidence you have in me.” She raises a hand in defeat.Β β€œOkay, next time you invite me to a run, I’ll come with. I guess that’s the only way I can build stamina.” The thought of running made her feel so tired that she took another sip of her coffee,Β β€œOh! I’ve been hiking a few days a week if you want to join me on those too.” At Stevie’s mention of Rosie’s diner, Juli’s stomach began to rumble. β€œUgh, you always know the way to my heart.” Juli made a face as she imagined a plate of buttery pancakes and golden-brown fried chicken.Β β€œLet’s go!” Juli pushed herself off the railings, leading the way towards the direction of the diner.
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Stevie merely shook her head, smiling warmly at the other woman. If she hadn’t the confidence in herself, the brunette would simply keep trying to instill it, she decided. Juli seemed shy but she was kind, talented, and strong, too. She saw this without even really knowing the girl for long and just wanted her to see it, too. β€œYes! That’s what I like to hear,” she cheered before chuckling softly. Hearing she hiked had Stevie’s eyes lighting up. β€œI didn’t know you hiked!” She returned, arching her brows. β€œI’d love to.” Appreciate eyes kept on the raven-haired beauty and she laughed heartily at the face she made before following after her. Thankfully, the diner wasn’t too far off. The only things keeping her going at the moment were the leftover endorphins in her system and the idea of a mountain of whip cream on a stack of waffles. She took another sip from the bottle of water she’d been gifted. β€œHow have you been? How has work been?”
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stcvii Β· 4 years
balancing personality flaws
Conformist Β  Β  β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† Β  Β  Rebel Β  Β  Β Naive Β  Β  β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† Β  Β  Cynical Indecisive Β  Β  β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜† Β  Β  Inflexible Β  Β Selfish Β  Β  β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜† Β  Β  Self-sacrificing Β Apathetic Β  Β  β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† Β  Β  Emotional Β  Β Fearful Β  Β  β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† Β  Β  Reckless Β  Childish Β  Β  β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜† Β  Β  Humorless Β Dependent Β  Β  β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† Β  Β  Loner Β  Β Passive Β  Β  β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† Β  Β  Aggressive
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stcvii Β· 4 years
( @eli-wyatt )
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stcvii Β· 4 years
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stcvii Β· 4 years
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Rey smiling in the Star Wars sequel trilogy ✨
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stcvii Β· 4 years
*sees a feather on the ground* *small gasp* a gift
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