strawberry-metal · 1 hour
Thank you for using my model! She looks amazing and badass, and the image makes me feel a little better about being sick!!💙
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Cirno: @strawberry-metal / ShannaHeart
Background: Misty Lake image from the Gensokyo weebly site
Ice: Free to use stock image
HgDiffusion, Post Manga Lines: Harigane
ikClut Vibrance: ikeno, edit by Chestnutscoop
Diffusion, SvSSAO, TexSnowLite, Blizzard: Sovoro
PostGlowEffect: Cell Yukari
Dream Shader: Ianami
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strawberry-metal · 3 hours
Another update post, mostly health related:
Went to the doctor today, slept like shite last night because I would not stop coughing. When I went to the doctor I actually ended up coughing up some blood in my face mask. I asked her about the blood and she saw it, and she said it's not enough to worry about so that's good.
I'm getting more anti biotics, some steroids, cough syrups, along with a new inhaler. I also got a shot in my ass lmao. She said if I'm not better in 3-4 days to call. So thank goodness, I'm getting more help.
This Saturday I'll be celebrating my birthday two days early so that way all my family can come. (Except one of my brothers. u.u) We'll be going to something called Medieval Times. It's kinda childish, I know, but I only went once as a teen and I kinda wanted to go again for awhile now. Wanna be a little girl again for a day haha. My fam was cool with it but then I found out how expensive it was and I feel bad about it... my parents are paying for everyone and they really don't have that kind of money. They said it's ok just this once though. I'm very grateful to them, I hope I can find a way to make this up to them.
And lastly, it's Sakura Amakura's birthday today, my most precious oc. <3 For very obvious reasons I cannot make a picture for her and that deeply saddens me...I'll see if I can maybe get some modded Project Diva screenshots of her but even then I'm not sure, because some of my mods have been kaput lately and I'm just so worn out that even something that simple seems so tiring to do.
Thanks for reading this update and I hope you all have a lovely day.
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strawberry-metal · 3 hours
Happy early birthday, you deserve all the best <333
Thank you so much. ;~;
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strawberry-metal · 3 hours
I hope you get better really soon - ☠
Thank you. 💚
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strawberry-metal · 20 hours
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strawberry-metal · 23 hours
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If you insist….here. I’m with my parents rn hence the familiar bathroom. It doesn’t even look cute and I look like a little boy now…
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strawberry-metal · 23 hours
Strawberry, I'll be praying you'll be better by then...
Thank you. 💚
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strawberry-metal · 23 hours
One more update today: I’m still sick, apparently never got better, and it got aggravated and I’m now bedridden today. I run out of antibiotics tonight, so I’ll have to see a doctor again. My birthday is on Monday, so I truly hope my health can recover enough so that I can still enjoy it.
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strawberry-metal · 1 day
I had to get my hair cut short to about my collarbone because I have a horrible habit of pulling my hair now, and I've been struggling with it for about two years or so. (I also claw at my scalp...) I was feeling really down about it but I have it tied in a low ponytail now and I feel slightly better because it's roughly the same length of Fiona's hair from Haunting Ground.
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strawberry-metal · 1 day
Ok, so I managed to get sick today and ended up throwing up stomach acid. Fun. Soooo I’ll try to make this update readable despite feeling like shite. Also if I come across as rude at any points I do also apologize for that. >.<
Ok… I’ll try to make this easy to read.
-First off I ask that any invasive questions be kept to yourself, even if you’re a friend. Alot of this is private life matters and it is between me and those involved. I do not want to talk or reveal things about my private life, and I don’t want to do that about THEIR own private life as well. Please respect that. Only ONE of my friends knows everything and that’s just because they happened to be online when I REALLY needed an outsider to talk to and get an opinion from. Do not try to find out who it is, and if you know who it is, leave them alone please. And to my other friends, do not get jealous if you don’t know anything. It was again, simply because this person happened to be the one person online at the time. Do not bother them or start drama over it, please.
-Sooooo as I said above, I’m sick and threw up stomach acid. Hooraaaaay :D My allergies are also on high alert because I took a little walk in my backyard annnnnnd it’s full of ragweed. I’m REALLY allergic to ragweed. Rip. 🫠
-After moving I’ve… realized alot of things…in regards to my parents. I’m not gonna delve into the past or reveal private matters but…I was not the best daughter. I regret it so much. I did not cherish them. I also realized just… how much I love them. Legit cried for three days and didn’t sleep for two. Heh, since when was I such a crybaby? I want to be their little girl again but no matter how much I ask, the lord won’t rewind time.
-I spent all my time on the internet and I would stay home when they would go out to do stuff. For years. My parents had me really late, they’re both in their 70s now… while I’m in my 20s. I regret so much. Most kids get to have their parents until they're middle aged. I might not very well get that blessing and that tears my heart apart. It’s so unfair. There’s so much I need to make up for. I wanna make up for all the fights with mom, never really talking much or confiding in with my Dad, not going out with them to places, being so easily irritable, etc. I want to make up for things and lost time while I still can so I don’t have any regrets…
-I’m always so damn worried something will happen when I’m not around. My mom has bell’s palsy so if she gets sick she could end up in the emergency room. I almost lost her to covid. Dad I’m scared of him getting hurt because he’s a workaholic and always doing strenuous activity despite his age. What if he finally gets badly hurt? I’m not around all the time anymore if something does happen.
-And truthfully, I… realized I wasn’t as ready to move out as I thought I was. Alot of the reasons will remain private, but I’ll just say that I… wasn’t properly prepared for it, and the dating years weren’t like how most couples do them. My autism certainly makes that so much harder too. And all my stuff is already moved into the new place. Nothing of mine is at my folks anymore. Not even a bed. It just breaks my heart because I honestly feel like I don’t belong anywhere anymore, and I know I’m getting people hurt because of it. I just wish I was honest from the get go about how I felt so this whole situation could of been avoided.
-Honestly I just wish there was a way all four of us could be together.
-That’s all I’m gonna talk about. I don’t want to talk about or reveal anything more as it is private life matters. Please respect that.
-I’m probably gonna spend less time on social media because I desperately want to make up for lost time. I don’t want to have any regrets… so please don’t be scared if you don’t hear from me in two days or so.
-I will not answer any asks regarding this post but thank you for taking the time to read this update.
-I just feel like such a fuck up.
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strawberry-metal · 2 days
Sorry for silence, I’m alive. 💚 There’s just alot going on! I’ll try to provide a proper update post either on Tuesday or Wednesday!
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strawberry-metal · 3 days
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Cute personality test. :D
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strawberry-metal · 3 days
An "Alice in Wonderland" themed room huh? Classy.
Thank you. 💜
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strawberry-metal · 3 days
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Extremely homesick and miss my parents so much. 😔
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strawberry-metal · 4 days
I wish I could of stayed a little girl forever. I’ll miss this room so much. Thank you mom and dad for everything you’ve done for me, I know I wasn’t an easy child to raise. I love you both so much, you’re the best parents in the world. 💚
Also don’t worry, Iggy and I cuddled after this, I always joke around with him when he stares haha.
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strawberry-metal · 5 days
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The many stages of harassing @strawberry-metal's boyfriend lol
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strawberry-metal · 5 days
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The many stages of harassing @strawberry-metal's boyfriend lol
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