stromuprisahat · 2 hours
ancient dog names, courtesy of ovid
melampus: blackfoot
ichnobates: tracker
pamphagos: glutton
dorceus: gazelle
oribasos: hiker
nebrophonos: deercatcher
laelape: hurricane
theron: hunter
pterelas: wingy boy
agre: hunter 2
hylaeus: woody
nape: valley girl
poemenis: shep
harpyia: snatchy
ladon: bitey
dromas: speedy
canache: loudmouth
sticte: spot
tigris: tiger
alce: strong girl
leucon: whitey
asbolos: soot
lacon: howler
aello: stormy
thoos: fast boy
cyprius: cyprus boy
lycisce: wolfdog
harpalos: snatchy 2
melaneus: blacky
lachne: fuzzy girl
labros: rowdy boy
argiodus: white fang
hylactor: barker
melanchaetes: black-hair
theridamas: killer
orestriphos: mountain boy
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stromuprisahat · 2 hours
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stromuprisahat · 5 hours
When my head feels like a room overflowing with randomly piled up furniture, corners and edges in the worst places possible. Trying to think- or not to think for that matter- physically hurts. Skin too tight around the edges, not quite fitting...
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stromuprisahat · 7 hours
I've never read Shadow and Bone. But after reading your posts. It makes me feel as if the narrative punishes Alina for wanting to be powerful, or even liking her power. When her power is a part of herself.
That's TGT in a nutshell!
It also shames her for it (and other things) and drags her into situation, where she believes gathering power is her only option, without a single person rationally pointing out there might be other way. But don't worry! NONE of Alina's many issues will be meaningfully addressed!
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stromuprisahat · 7 hours
Given his age and social activity, Sasha had to meet SEVERAL Grisha, who claimed human amplifiers. Can you imagine looking at a string of bones around someone's wrist, thinking "That could've been me."?
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stromuprisahat · 13 hours
I just talked to someone about reading fanfics at a young age and how it fundamentally changed us and then she asked me what age I stopped reading them and I... ?? Brother I plan to be in the old folks home searching up banned tropes on a vpn
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stromuprisahat · 14 hours
Do NOT Do unto Others What You Would Not Want Others to Do unto You
Siege and Storm- Chapter 20
The gall of Malyen to demand Alina to stop and listen to his factually incorrect justification of his drunken brawling and public cheating on her, when he weren't willing to even let her finish a sentence after she didn't enthusiastically respond to his amorous advances...
Her attempt to explain her "misdeed" two chapters earlier:
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... and him AFTER noticing Alina saw him kiss Zoya:
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... and he's aggressive about it?!
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"I am a commoner. ... Not ... some pampered watchdog who sits outside your door all night on the off chance that you might need me." ... btw, that's his reaction to Alina's reproach "You’re the captain of my guard. You shouldn’t be brawling like some kind of commoner!"
Did anyone truly believe he was taking his appointment seriously?! That he wanted to protect Alina?! That he didn't "accept" the job only to get paid for stalking Alina and constantly reminding her WHO's the important person in her life?!
But don't worry, it gets worse- he points out it's Alina's fault, because Zoya doesn't make him feel undesirable and thanks to Alina, he feels unwanted and useless, and his identity crisis is something she should've thought about earlier...
Just in case you're wondering, why I interrupted my decent streak of Siege and Storm analyses...
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stromuprisahat · 15 hours
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“Jack won't be easy to kill. He'll be armed. He's strong, well trained. We can't hesitate.”
Hannibal 3.04 Aperitivo
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stromuprisahat · 15 hours
Don't we all?!
Okay people I need to know everything about merzost and how it works.
It's important.
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stromuprisahat · 15 hours
Slovo hrdina může mít na Ukrajině hned několik podob. Voják chránící svou vlast, elektrikář opravující vedení pod hrozbou dělostřelecké palby, ale taky farmář, který na Ukrajině zasévá zrno v polích posetých minami a skrytě připravuje Molotovovy koktejly, aby je pak mohl házet po technice nepřítele. To jsem se dozvěděla od farmáře Alexeje, který nás na svá úrodná pole doprovázel. "První dny jsme tu všichni byli v šoku, když se nepřátelská technika prohnala přes naše území, a pak se prostě rozpoutalo velké partyzánské hnutí. Mnozí vstoupili do teritoriální obrany. Další pomáhali tím, čím mohli. Jídlo. Palivo. Technika. Farmáři darovali armádě taky své drahé drony," říká mi muž. Ještě toho rána jsme se u Sumy setkali taky s jinou formou občanského odboje. Náš Igor nám dohodl rozhovor s člověkem, jenž by jinak na kameru nešel. Mykola je ukrajinský mechanik, který vyprošťuje ruskou válečnou techniku uvízlou v ukrajinské černozemi, opravuje ji, aby ji pak vojáci mohli znovu použít na obranu Ukrajiny. Na tajné místo, kde se dějí technické zázraky, nás sice nevzal, ale jako kulisu jsme si našli jedno z mnoha vozidel, jež tu po Rusech zůstalo. "Ten už nikam nepojede," mávl rukou na tank, u kterého jsme stáli. "Koukej se. Optika? Nepoužitelná. Možná ty pásy by se na něco hodily, ale jinak je to kus šrotu..." svým expertním zrakem zhodnotil kus kovu u silnice. O své práci nám toho Mykola příliš neřekl, ale zato hned po natáčení se chlubil videi, jež se mu podařilo pořídit. ~ The word hero can have several forms in Ukraine. A soldier protecting his homeland, an electrician repairing power lines under the threat of artillery fire, but also a farmer who sows grain in fields littered with mines in Ukraine and secretly prepares Molotov cocktails to throw at the enemy's equipment. I learned this from farmer Alexei, who accompanied us to his fertile fields. "The first days we were all in shock here, when the enemy's equipment swept through our territory, and then a large guerrilla movement simply broke out. Many joined the territorial defense. Others helped with what they could. Food. Fuel. Equipment. Farmers also donated their expensive drones to the army," the man tells me. That morning we also encountered another form of civil resistance at Suma. Our Igor arranged an interview for us with a person who otherwise would not go on camera. Mykola is an Ukrainian mechanic who extricates Russian military equipment stuck in the Ukrainian black soil, repairs it so that the soldiers can use it again to defend Ukraine. He didn't take us to the secret place where technical miracles happen, but as a backdrop we found one of the many vehicles left behind by the Russians. "This one isn't going anywhere," he waved his hand at the tank next to which we were standing. "Look. Optics? Unusable. Maybe the tracks would be useful for something, but otherwise it's a piece of scrap…" he assessed the piece of metal by the side of the road with his expert eye. Mykola didn't tell us much about his work, but immediately after filming he boasted of the videos he managed to make.
Pod štítem Charkova: Autentické svědectví z válečné zóny- Kapitola dvanáctá: "Tichá noc a čisté nebe." (Darja Stomatová, Ján Schürger)
Under the shield of Kharkiv: Authentic testimony from the war zone- Chapter twelve: "Silent night and clear sky."
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stromuprisahat · 16 hours
Během naší cesty do Sumy jsme se ještě zastavili v obchodě, abychom si dokoupili zásoby. Na pokladně jsem se chvilku bavila s prodavačkou o nedávných raketových útocích v oblasti kdesi u ruských hranic. Když se žena se mnou loučila, pronesla: "Přeji vám tichou noc a čisté nebe." "To jsem ještě neslyšela," otočila jsem se na prodavačku. "Když vám budou každý večer lítat nad hlavou stíhačky a za barákem vybuchovat rakety, tohle bude to jediné, co si ještě budete přát," doplnila. Na tuto větu jsem nikdy nezapomněla. ~ During our trip to Suma, we stopped at a store to buy supplies. At the checkout, I chatted for a while with the saleswoman about the recent rocket attacks in the area somewhere near the Russian border. As the woman said goodbye to me, she said, "I wish you a silent night and a clear sky." "I haven't heard that yet," I turned to the saleswoman. "When fighter jets fly over your head every night and rockets explode behind your house, this will be the only thing you will wish for," she added. I have never forgotten this sentence.
Pod štítem Charkova: Autentické svědectví z válečné zóny- Kapitola dvanáctá: "Tichá noc a čisté nebe." (Darja Stomatová, Ján Schürger)
Under the shield of Kharkiv: Authentic testimony from the war zone- Chapter twelve: "Silent night and clear sky."
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stromuprisahat · 18 hours
Jsme na místě, kde nedávno proběhl útok. Kdy přesně, to nevím. Není to dobrá situace. Když chcete někomu ublížit, vypálíte raketu, počkáte, až místní budou odklízet trosky a pak ji na stejné místo pošlete znovu. Že to není fér? Válka není fér! Několikrát jsem podobné případy zažil. ~ We are at the site of the recent attack. I don't know exactly when it happened. It's not a good situation. When you want to hurt someone, you fire a rocket, wait for the locals to go clean up the debris, and then send another to the same place again. Isn't that fair? War is not fair! I have experienced similar cases several times.
Pod štítem Charkova: Autentické svědectví z válečné zóny- Kapitola šestá: Setkání se smrtí (Darja Stomatová, Ján Schürger)
Under the shield of Kharkiv: Authentic testimony from the war zone- Chapter six: Encountering death
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stromuprisahat · 18 hours
#this book series is so unbelievably problematic #“the Darkling could have found another way!!” #WHICH way??? I would really like to know #and instead praise Nikolai who did nothing to stop anything and the Darkling did all the things for him #“Nikolai saved his country!” #literally where????? #passages please??? #that author speaks from a privileged place and it shows #the Darkling was just a product of all this but the genocide and persecution were the true diseases
Violence isn't THE way! Discussion, tolerance and understanding is!
And if they're not willing to offer it to you, just roll over and keep talking! It SO works! Especially when they're stronger and/or armed!
I would know, I grew up in once-Jewish ghetto with nice crematorium right behind the town walls...
Leigh Bardugo should become universally criticized just for the fact that she presented a victim of persecution and his actions as worse and more important to deal with than the genocide that takes place in that world.
She really said: "It's not the genocide we should worry about. It's that man and his efforts to stop it".
And people applaud her for it instead. Wow. You're all seriously fucked up.
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stromuprisahat · 19 hours
I have a character in a book WIP I made who is the physical manifestation of that which is dark and evil. Her best friend is the physical manifestation of that which is light and good. They are mortal enemies and best friends. When I started reading S&B, I was so excited. I obviously knew that Darklina wouldn't work out, but I thought they might be, like, political enemies with benefits or something. I was incredibly disappointed about it. I wanted Alina and the Darkling to argue all the time, to fight, but for them to still love each other, even if they have different ideas. I also expected for them to... not be fighting for basic human rights or not. I thought it would be more "We shouldn't kill people!" "They won't listen otherwise!" type thing.
I felt very bait and switched by the lack of this dynamic.
Honestly, the lack of Darklina interaction, considering they're supposed to be sort of exlusive enemies, is beyond disappointing.
Sure, Aleksander has thousand little problems to solve, but we never get his, or even his side's POV.
Alina, on the other side, has truly only one goal- to get rid of the Darkling, so she can disappear into obscurity again. The rest is just a series of supporting quests, helping her to achieve it.
And yet they meet like three times per book. Part of it not even on "material plane".
As for their relationship... while there are moments offering tragic understanding, Alina's constantly struggling with her bigotry, seeing Aleksander and everything he represents as corruption, something to be avoided or better- outright rejected.
A dark heart. A pure soul. A love that that will last forever. sets the expectations elsewhere.
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stromuprisahat · 22 hours
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Sorry for this relatable shit. My anxiety has been a bitch lately.
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stromuprisahat · 22 hours
Oh my gods no! A man, belonging to hunted minority, KILLED people! A man, whose usefulness depends on the political position he managed to earn, position that deals with "killing people" among other things, KILLED people!
How did ~that~ come to be?!
And worst of all- he isn't clairvoyant, to predict ANOTHER man's actions, that should've been prevented by the EXACT position he put his subordiante into, even though the second man is legally an all-powerful owner of them all...
Perhaps do some research on ABSOLUTE monarchy, SERFS or the difference of influence between Queen, backed by her own Royal line, and an APPOINTED General (, who happens to belong to hated minority with virtually no rights).
To quote one of the additions to posts linked above (well-said @black-rose-writings):
She [Genya] wasn't caught in a powerplay between the Darkling and the King. She was caught in a powerplay between the royal couple.
#justice for genya safin
Yes! Exactly!
I SO hate it, when people take away HER choice, agency, possible selflessness or simply desire for justice, and the strength behind HER decision!
Like- how can you call yourself "fan" when all you want to do, is to mince your "fav" into one-dimensional pretty victim?
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Siege and Storm- Chapter 19 (Leigh Bardugo)
This started off as sinister, except it turns out pathetic little meow meow is just lonely.
How am I to take him seriously as THE villain, when there are rapists, genocidal mass murderers or cult leaders running around unpunished? This loser just wants some peace and company.
He isn't even really messing with Alina!
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stromuprisahat · 2 days
Lost note from watching second season of Shadow and Bone:
My to pochopili. Sashovy nohsledi jsou zlí! Trhaj motýlkům křidýlka, kopou do štěňátek a děti maj nejradši s kečupem!
Loose translation:
We got it. Sasha's minions are evil! They tear off the wings of butterflies, kick puppies, and prefer children with ketchup!
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