sudoprincess · 6 days
Womanhood Tip 10?:Never let your elders “little girl” or bully you
Many elders try to intimidate or humiliate you in order to feel better about themselves. Supervisors. Aunts. Mothers.
Respect is earned and some of them are undeserving.
Learn the art of knowing when to stay silent and when to speak up for yourself.
Remember when we talked about Law #9 -Win Through Actions, Not Arguments?
Set a boundary & send a reminder: you are not a child even if you’re somebody’s child. You’re an adult, a woman and would be treated no less than. Carry yourself as such.
Learn how to be “nice nasty” (i.e. a professional read)
Master eye contact
Put some bass in your voice. You sound whiny when arguing with “your man”. Practice deepening, lowering and tweaking your voice to adjust your pitch
Never hesitate to walk away in the middle of someone talking.
This post is specifically for my (darkskinned, non racially ambiguous) black women working in corporate settings with condescending Caucasians. Bullies (or narcs) test their victim’s boundaries before attacking them. They’re looking for signs of weakness.
Show them confidence instead
You need to speak up for yourself. Have that “diva” “serious” “bitch”reputation. You’ve earned respect, not cool points.
Btw, how are you doing? Let’s catch up
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sudoprincess · 6 days
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sudoprincess · 13 days
When a woman is consistently spoken to softly & treated gently, she becomes a new woman. You're helping her heal her nervous system, you're helping her heal generational trauma, you're allowing her feminine energy to flourish, you're helping her to remember who she is.
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sudoprincess · 17 days
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sudoprincess · 17 days
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sudoprincess · 20 days
I consider my beauty maintenance routine to be a essential ritual for my soul. Because when I look good, I feel good and vibrate on a higher frequency. Which then allows me to be in alignment with all that I wish and aim for in life. It allows me to attract positive moments, and opportunities. It’s highly important to take care of ourselves in every way possible.
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sudoprincess · 25 days
You are so powerful when you are fully aware of your worth and everything you deserve.
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sudoprincess · 26 days
⭐Vitamin Cheat Sheet⭐
Vitamin A: Vision, immune system, skin health.
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine): Energy metabolism, nerve function.
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): Energy production, skin health.
Vitamin B3 (Niacin): Cellular energy production, skin health.
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid): Metabolism, hormone production.
Vitamin B6: Brain function, mood regulation.
Vitamin B7 (Biotin): Healthy hair, skin, and nails.
Vitamin B9 (Folate): Cell division, DNA synthesis.
Vitamin B12: Nervous system, red blood cells.
Vitamin C: Immune system, collagen synthesis.
Vitamin D: Bone health, immune function.
Vitamin E: Antioxidant, skin health.
Vitamin K: Blood clotting, bone health.
Calcium: Bone and teeth health, muscle function.
Iron: Oxygen transport, energy production.
Magnesium: Nerve function, muscle relaxation.
Zinc: Immune system, wound healing.
Potassium: Fluid balance, nerve function.
Iodine: Thyroid function, metabolism.
Selenium: Antioxidant, thyroid health.
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sudoprincess · 29 days
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A very powerful message
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sudoprincess · 29 days
that constant nagging of ambition and fear of stagnancy literally rules my life. sometimes it paralyzes me and i end up barely doing anything for the day and sometimes it energizes me. the need to get better, the need to improve skills, and the need to reinvent myself. it still shocks me that the average person doesn’t feel this ache to BECOME. to evolve. to flourish. to kickstart a metamorphosis every month. hell, maybe every week. like who am i without gutting my wardrobe or deciding a new career path? idk. but at least I’m another skill smarter, another look hotter, and another business wealthier. better than nothing at all.
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sudoprincess · 1 month
You deserve a calm love with somebody who's your safe space, your best friend, and brings peace to your soul during stressful times.
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sudoprincess · 1 month
Learn to Say Less Than Needed.
The less you speak, and the more conviction, authority, and calculation your words have when you do increases the value of what you have to say and your outer persona. The more you speak, the less your words are valued and the more you make yourself vulnerable to others.
This is something I'm practicing. Every thought that comes across our heads is not supposed to be vocalized. We should be curating what we say carefully and be strategic with our words. The power of life and death lies on the tongue, and a well-trained and sharp tongue can be a powerful weapon when utilized correctly.
From now on, every time I feel like oversharing, giving an opinion on a controversial subject, or about someone directly, I assess the situation and how my speaking my thoughts can affect my proximity to whatever I'm trying to achieve. It's all about being strategic.
Unfortunately, it's easy to give up to reckless speaking when everyone else seems to be doing just that - especially on social media. It's good to take a deep breath before doing the same thing as others, after all, more often than not we are not trying to emulate the ways of the common folk.
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sudoprincess · 2 months
“It’s about who you miss at 2 in the afternoon when you’re busy, not 2 in the morning when you’re lonely.”
— Unknown
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sudoprincess · 2 months
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sudoprincess · 2 months
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sudoprincess · 2 months
“When it’s over, leave. Don’t continue watering a dead flower.”
— Unknown
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sudoprincess · 2 months
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spoiled pretty princess vibes 🎀
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