suedoodle · 2 days
Can we both agree that whatever comes next for Trolls, there needs to be more interaction between Poppy and Floyd? They got one verbal exchange, and that’s it! But I’m sure the two trolls closest to Branch will hit it off. Am I right?
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The pink-haired Branch appreciation club
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suedoodle · 3 days
Hi! I want to get ibto animation! What was your first job and how did you get it?
First job was motion media/animating lessons for a textbook publishing company coinciding with the lesson material in the books. I had a demo reel of animation I did in school, a portfolio website, and the recommendation of a former professor that brought me on. Kept working on small projects on the side in order to afford the TB software license for myself so I could keep building up a body of work. (Yuck, this one is so old. ⬆️😩And prior to my license; I can do so much better now)
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suedoodle · 4 days
hi!! do you work professionally as an artist? if so, do you have any tips for artists just finishing uni and such? :') i really admire your work
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Yes, animator. UM, I'm not sure I have any great advice; 1. I'm a bit too out of the loop of what graduates are being taught and 2. It'd really depend on what field of art. Because what an animator should do is different from, let's say, what a comic artist or gallery painter would need to do starting out.
The only thing I know for sure is you need to at least have a portfolio site to show what you can do. Something you can easily pull up on the phone or computer. It doesn't need to be especially fancy starting out, just a site that goes "Tah-Dah, this is me" for clients/hiring managers to review on their own time. Oh, and set up a work email. One with either your name or art business in the title.
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suedoodle · 5 days
Been having fun in Paper Mario TTYD. If only I can have a lil Mario running around my desktop- WAIT, I CAN. I made a very simple (to me) rig in Toon Boom and he came out adorable!
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Look at em go 🌟
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The best part is it's ridiculously easy to adjust colors in the palette library. Now I have a colorful army of lil guys! Bwahaha!
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suedoodle · 8 days
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suedoodle · 11 days
I really love how you draw Trolls/the guys (BroZone), especially JD. Do you have any other socials other than Tumblr? Possibly Instagram?
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Nope. Just here.
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suedoodle · 16 days
Not to be too silly but your art actually almost made me cry it’s so pure and so cute and so wholesome and that comic with the baby Mario bros I’m sobbing 😭😭 I love when people show how much the brothers love one another WAAAA.
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They make me happy. I love making short bro stories when I can.
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suedoodle · 28 days
Good to see you again😀 I missed you😀
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Miss y'all too. Sorry I haven't been sketching as much as I used to. Y'all have probably scene a lot of production studios having massive layoffs or flat out shutting down; yeeeeaaaahh, I'm not immune, got laid off too. 🥲 In between jobs now so I've been gathering up my stuffs, updating my reels, and keeping an eye out for new work. BUT- in the meantime I plan on learning some new animation software, maybe taking a few art classes to beef up my traditional skills, and hopefully it'll all work out. So if I disappear for long periods of time, it's because I'm putting together new stuff that'll hopefully dazzle the recruiters 💃✨
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suedoodle · 1 month
hey, i’ve seen some of your brozone stuff reposted on tiktok. they did give credit, but im just wondering if you’re okay with that?
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It did??? Where? 😆
Honestly if they give credit (which a majority of people do when my stuff manages to escape it's Tumblr confines), it's fine with me. I don't have any other social media accounts, so I'm blissfully unaware when my stuff pops up somewhere else. Usually a friend will tell me.
Also, I post with the understanding that it's more than likely going to get grabbed. And 95% of the time it's not done maliciously. Some just want it for a profile pic, a cute banner, or a tiktok (that's new 🤣) I can't fault folks for doing it, I'll not quash that creative expression.
Also-also, these are not pieces I'd be especially miffed about loosing track of. I NEVER post the super important works of mine. These are just the works I do for fun.
🤲 Have some sillies
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suedoodle · 1 month
Hello, I still adore your works.😊
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suedoodle · 1 month
Hey there Suedoodle, could you maybe do a Heavy Koopa doodle from Mario RPG please, he’s become one of my fav enemies currently
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suedoodle · 2 months
I wonder if you could doodle classic long Yoshi? I love his old design, it makes me so happy and I'd love to see the big friendly boy in your style if you fancy it!
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Long boy 📏
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suedoodle · 2 months
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Happy birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day!
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I meant to get to this a lot sooner, but events happened and I forgot... But thank ya'll for the birthday wishes! 🎂Very kind, very lovely. Blows out candles* 🌬️
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suedoodle · 2 months
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Been a tad busy lately. Good news: had the most lovely vacation. Terrible news: my kitty started having seizures midway into the vacay. Very scary, but we took her to the emergency room and vet and she's on medication that seems to have stabilized her. Leading theory- might be cat epilepsy. I give her lots of head pats, and she seems back to her normal (ish) self. ❤️
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suedoodle · 2 months
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suedoodle · 2 months
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I got a carrot bundt cake for my birthday today! My favorite. And flowers 💐
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suedoodle · 2 months
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Some original stuff I don't think I shared before. The ones with the cats n' dogs was for a 'thank you' card competition for my city's animal shelter many years ago. And I won. That poor printing house had to deal with every color under the rainbow, Hehehe
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