sugahyeon · 23 days
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anyway egg admins if y'all are here-
((come cope with us))
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sugahyeon · 1 month
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sugahyeon · 1 month
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sugahyeon · 1 month
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There are only TWELVE HOURS remaining until our contributor applications close! ¡Sólo quedan DOCE HORAS antes de que nuestras aplicaciones como colaborador cierren! Faltam apenas DOZE HORAS para o encerramento das nossas inscrições de colaboradores! Plus que DOUZE HEURES avant la fermeture des inscriptions pour les contributeurs !
Do you love the eggs of the QSMP? Are you an artist or author? Apply now to be a contributor for the Chronicles fanzine - a zine dedicated to the eggs of the QSMP! ¿Amas a los huevos del QSMP? ¿Eres un artista o autor? Aplica ahora para ser colaborador del fanzine Chronicles - ¡un zine dedicado a los huevos del QSMP! Você ama os ovos do QSMP? Você é um artista ou escritor? Se candidate agora para ser um participante do fanzine Chronicles - um zine dedicado aos ovos do QSMP! Tu aimes les œufs de QSMP ? Tu es un artiste ou un auteur ? Pose ta candidature maintenant pour être un contributeur pour le Chronicles fanzine - un zine dédié aux oeufs de QSMP !
Want to learn more? ¿Quieres saber más? Quer saber mais? Voulez-vous en savoir plus?
Check out our schedule! ¡Revisa nuestro calendario! Confira nossa programação! Pour voir notre programme !
Meet the mod team! ¡Conoce al equipo de moderadores! Conheça a equipe de mods! Rencontre l'équipe de modération !
Learn more about being a Contributor! ¡Aprende más acerca de ser un Colaborador! Saiba mais sobre como ser um Colaborador! Apprends en plus sur le rôle de Contributeur !
Interested in being a Translator? ¿Interesado en ser un Traductor? Está interessado em ser um Tradutor? Devenir Traducteur t'intéresse ?
Frequently Asked Questions Preguntas Frecuentes Perguntas Frequentes Foire aux Questions
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sugahyeon · 1 month
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There is only ONE DAY remaining until our contributor applications close! ¡Sólo queda UN DÍA antes de que nuestras aplicaciones como colaborador cierren! Falta apenas UM DIA para o encerramento das nossas inscrições de colaboradores! Plus qu’UN JOUR avant la fermeture des inscriptions pour les contributeurs!
Do you love the eggs of the QSMP? Are you an artist or author? Apply now to be a contributor for the Chronicles fanzine - a zine dedicated to the eggs of the QSMP! ¿Amas a los huevos del QSMP? ¿Eres un artista o autor? Aplica ahora para ser colaborador del fanzine Chronicles - ¡un zine dedicado a los huevos del QSMP! Você ama os ovos do QSMP? Você é um artista ou escritor? Se candidate agora para ser um participante do fanzine Chronicles - um zine dedicado aos ovos do QSMP! Tu aimes les œufs de QSMP ? Tu es un artiste ou un auteur ? Pose ta candidature maintenant pour être un contributeur pour le Chronicles fanzine - un zine dédié aux oeufs de QSMP !
Want to learn more? ¿Quieres saber más? Quer saber mais? Voulez-vous en savoir plus?
Check out our schedule! ¡Revisa nuestro calendario! Confira nossa programação! Pour voir notre programme !
Meet the mod team! ¡Conoce al equipo de moderadores! Conheça a equipe de mods! Rencontre l'équipe de modération !
Learn more about being a Contributor! ¡Aprende más acerca de ser un Colaborador! Saiba mais sobre como ser um Colaborador! Apprends en plus sur le rôle de Contributeur !
Interested in being a Translator? ¿Interesado en ser un Traductor? Está interessado em ser um Tradutor? Devenir Traducteur t'intéresse ?
Frequently Asked Questions Preguntas Frecuentes Perguntas Frequentes Foire aux Questions
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sugahyeon · 2 months
Hello! I'm interested in applying for a writer but it's my first time ever doing this and I wanted to know more about what I would have to do as a writer before applying to make sure I would be able to do the best I can.
Thank you so much for asking! Here’s what being an author would entail!
- Regularly checking the discord server for information about deadlines, requirements, and other important info. (This server is also where you will be able to connect with your fellow contributors to brainstorm, get translation help, and even potentially work with artists to have illustrations that correspond to your story created)
- Pitch Phase: May 7th - 14th
This is when you will be coming up with ideas for what you would like to write! Our mods will pick one of your ideas which you will use as your basis for your work!
- Voting Phase: May 14th - May 21st
During this week, you will be able to vote on what charity the zine will be donating all its profits to!
- Creation Phase: May 21st - July 25th
This is when you will write your story! You will submit check ins (short forms where you can ask questions and where you will submit what you have written so far) on June 1st, June 19th, and July 7th, with the final submission being on July 25th! During these check ins, our writing mods will help you catch any spelling or grammar errors and beta read your work.
- Preorder Phase: July 26th - October 23rd
During this phase, the majority of your work is done! You will need to submit a short sample of your finished work that you want featured in promotional posts for the zine, and you may be contacted by the translation teams while they work to translate your fic into other languages. Weekly updates about the zines progress will be posted in the discord so you can keep up with the production!
I hope I answered your question! Please feel free to ask for further details!
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sugahyeon · 2 months
Ramon had no one. No one but the sun, burning his exposed skin, putting a hint of golden light in the red pool surrounding him.
He was the first. The first to die. The first to fall. The first to meet Death, at least halfway through. The first to see the sun.
They were doomed. That was one way to say it.
Or, a canon compliant retelling of each egg deaths, in chronological order. (Two chapters out as of now)
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sugahyeon · 2 months
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Do you love to create art or come up with merchandise designs?
So much has happened since the eggs first arrived on Quesadilla Island, many moments that have brought joy and happiness. The eggs (and the admins that played them!) really brought the QSMP to life.
If you want to help tell their stories and create merch that highlights these eggs - apply to join Chronicles!
Chronicles is a QSMP, egg-centric fanzine! We are accepting applications for authors, page artists, and especially merch artists!
Apply now!
Wanna know more? Check out our pinned post for a directory!
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sugahyeon · 2 months
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Introducing our first two guest contributors, @edgarallanpoestan and @kristophwhy!
Hi, there! I'm Bee, and I'm super excited to work with this fantastic group of people. I don't write about the eggs too often, but I do think about them a lot, so I finally get to force my incoherent thoughts into something that makes sense. Fantastic!
Hello! im kristoph betako, while im an entusiast of cursed paintings, one of my favorite things are the eggs! specially early QSMP ones, this is one of the first fanzines im in and im so excited to be working with such talented people!, my personal favorite is Juanaflippa<3
Want to work alongside these amazing people?
Apply for Chronicles, a QSMP Egg zine!
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sugahyeon · 2 months
Lil guyyyy
This was fun to make!
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No pressure tag: @leemontoast @rosepetalswriting @prenzea
Let's all make ourselves as little guys! Everyone is welcome to join!
Here's mine:
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Tagging: @silentwillowwhisperer @hecateisalesbian @mushr00mswirl @mischievousmary
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sugahyeon · 2 months
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Do you love to create art?
So much has happened since the eggs first arrived on Quesadilla Island, many moments that have brought joy and happiness. The eggs (and the admins that played them!) really brought the QSMP to life.
If you want to help tell their stories and illustrate these moments, and even those we never saw on screen - apply to join Chronicles!
Chronicles is a QSMP, egg-centric fanzine! We are accepting applications for merch artists, authors, and especially artists!
Apply now!
Wanna know more? Check out our pinned post for a directory!
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sugahyeon · 2 months
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Do you love to write poetry or fanfiction?
So much has happened since the eggs first arrived on Quesadilla Island, many moments that have brought joy and happiness. The eggs (and the admins that played them!) really brought the QSMP to life.
If you want to help tell their stories and write about these moments, and even those we never saw on screen - apply to join Chronicles!
Chronicles is a QSMP, egg-centric fanzine! We are accepting applications for merch artists, page artists, and especially authors!
Apply now!
Wanna know more? Check out our pinned post for a directory!
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sugahyeon · 2 months
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Do you love the eggs of the QSMP? Are you an artist or author?
...to be a contributor for the Chronicles fanzine - a zine dedicated to the eggs of the QSMP!
Chronicles is a for-charity fanzine with content focused on the history and stories of the eggs from the QSMP. This zine is dedicated to honoring the great memories and moments that the eggs (and their admins) brought to the server; chronicling the eggs' lives over the course of the QSMP.
Check out our schedule! Meet the mod team! Learn more about being a Contributor! Interested in being a translator?
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sugahyeon · 3 months
Hello everyone!!
As you may know, we are a fan-run QSMP tumblr account, and we have a Discord server where we do Lore Updates and many other community centered events!
Regarding the Lore Updates, we wanted to let everyone know that the lorehead volunteer applications are always open :D The only requirement you need to get the role is to be a consistent watcher of your favorite streamer! Whether you're a vod watcher or a live watcher, it doesn't matter as long as you are well versed with the lore of the character you want to keep track of the lore for. And updating lore doesn't have to be instantaneous either, we take our time and not at all strict with our update schedules, it'll be all up to you and your availability <3
Currently, we have no loreheads for the Korean and the German creators, but additional lorheads for the English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese speaking creators would be amazing too! So if you're willing to invest some of your time on this project, do please let us know through Discord which is linked on our pinned post.
That will be all everyone, have a great rest of your day/night!
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sugahyeon · 3 months
/!\QSMP neg
To say that i'm beyond disgusted is an understatement.
We knew that communication was bad. That people weren't paid.
It was already far more than upsetting.
But ignoring Pomme's admin? Banning her from the server and removing her from the discord? Refusing to answer her questions?
She doesn't even know why she was FIRED from a project she spent MONTHS on.
The background checks? Probably never even read. The egg kidnapping? No communication. Getting paid? God, they were SCARED to ask the higher manager. SCARED of getting fired for the smallest mistake.
Knowing that she sacrificed her health for a project that she loved and yet didn't get anything in the end, apart from silence.
Beyond Pomme's admin, Dapper.
Dapper was in pretty much the same situation, apart from the extra work Pomme was putting in (unpaid, in case you had forgotten).
Hours making puzzles, warned hours to a few days (entirely too short delay) in advance? Having to translate Quackity's streams because they wouldn't get any info otherwise?
Yea, i can understand why they left.
Ramon's first admin? Banned. Fired. No reason.
The twitter team? Understaffed, overworked, trapped in a volunteer position that was just pure exploitation.
Hey, dare i say it again:
Not paying volunteers is normal. Forcing volunteers to work full time jobs with no contracts, no pay and no clear positions (oh sorry, they had discord roles, my bad /s) is abuse.
Quackity not being aware is one thing. Tbh, i was kinda ok with the lack of communication with the public.
Ignoring your workers despite promising change is another. You can't keep quiet and hope for people to let you be.
So ye, i don't think i'll watch the QSMP any further, other than for lore gathering (QSMP News, my beloveds, i'm never leaving) and for the QSMP fan zine (that you should check out when it's out, it's an awesome project)
Honestly, the mere idea of them releasing figurines makes me gag. The fucking audacity to make money out of characters created by people who themselves never got paid.
The french cc will probably be leaving, from what they said in earliers streams.
And if that doesn't scream the end, idk what does.
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sugahyeon · 3 months
It's crazy to think the QSMP will have been online for a whole year this month. What's even crazier is to think that the eggs are nearly a year old too! As we get closer to the 1 year eggiversary, we want to remind everyone that Chronicles, a QSMP egg-centric fan zine, is still looking for moderators and translators! We are specifically looking for people who are passionate about the QSMP! The current roles still open are: Formatting Mod - Designs the layout for the cover and inner contents of the zine such as the fanfiction and table of contents pages. Social Media Mod - Posts about the zine and gives updates on the zine social media pages. Graphics Mod - designs graphics for the social media mods. Art & Merch Mod - helps keep track of artists and provides feedback for artists during the creation phase Translators - Openings for all languages except French. (Shout-out to the French, who have showed up en masse, love yall <3)
We are looking for more Spanish, Korean, and Portuguese translators especially, as we want to offer the zine in all the languages on the QSMP!
Never heard of a zine? Zines are fan-run, small-scale publishing projects that create a magazine centering on a main theme - in our case, the QSMP eggs! Our zine will feature fanart and fanfiction all dedicated to the eggs, and will be available both digitally and physically!
If you are interested, or want to know more, check out our Applications page and FAQ page!
Want to be a contributor? Follow our blog so you get the notification that contributor applications are open!
And if you want to apply to be a moderator or translator, apply here!
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sugahyeon · 3 months
All my heart goes to the admins
Unpaid artwork is theft.
Unpaid acting work is exploitation.
Some devs were barely paid, same for builders. Eggs' admins weren't paid for their rp job.
Translations? Unpaid.
Background checks? Never done.
People got fired for being burned out or not available due to personal issues. They were FIRED, from a VOLUNTEER post that was UNPAID for not being ''available enough'' (which doesn't seem to be a very defined criteria)
Lea got paid 169€.
The minimum wage in France is (very roughly) 1200€.
A plastic figurine isn't compensation for all of that unpaid work.
It's a nice gift, at most, and here, it mostly feels like a joke.
The admins are the backbone of the server, from lore planning, translations, roleplay, builds, devs, art, clips and art gathering, designs...
Without them, the QSMP literally wouldn't be able to function.
That's the number of french admins on the mc server. There's only one left now.
Let's remember how the french ccs kept getting forgotten about. And now, let's realize that Lea said that multiple times, they had to quickly add stuff about the french because the others had forgotten.
It happened often enough to be noticed by the viewers.
It happened even more behind the scenes.
To say that i feel sick is an understatement.
Pay your artists.
Pay your employees.
Not allowing them to speak to each other only reveals how wrong you know you are: if there was nothing to hide, you wouldn't be scared to let them talk.
(oh and also: not allowing ANONYMOUS people to express themselves about ABUSERS? That's fucked. Support Shelby and all the victims, always.)
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