sukisthoughts Ā· 1 year
Hey babe, remember this? Well-
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Is this shit recording yet?
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sukisthoughts Ā· 1 year
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Harder, Munson.
Thank you very much for trusting the process again with me šŸ’š
Go check the version 2.0 of this fanart! You won't regret it šŸ“¼šŸŽ¬
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sukisthoughts Ā· 1 year
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I'm not sure if you're mine... or if I'm yours.
This is the final art!
Then again, thank you so, so much for trusting the process šŸŒ™
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sukisthoughts Ā· 1 year
Eddie, at the hospital post Upside Down, is out of it because of meds and keeps blabbering nonsense. Dustin visits him with Steve and Eddie keeps referring to him as his son.
Dustin replies jokingly with "Yeah and this is your husband, Steve" and rolls his eyes.
And if Eddie has some memory of parenting Dustin, he doesn't recall ever being in a relationship with Steve, which makes him come to the conclusion that he must've lost his memory.
Dustin feels immensely guilty as Eddie keeps apologizing to Steve in tears, for forgetting such a "wonderful and beautiful husband".
It goes on for a few days and surprisingly, Steve gets quickly adjusted to being Eddie's husband.
When Eddie is finally better and doesn't need that many painkillers, he still remembers how he acted around Dustin and Steve.
He's too embarrassed to face them again so he asks his uncle to keep them away if they ever come to visit again. And they do.
Steve barges into the hospital room "What the hell is going on?"
Eddie can't blabber anything coherent so Steve presses "Do you want to divorce me? is that it?"
To which, for some unknown reason, Eddie takes offense to "What the fuck, Harrington?"
"Oh, I'm 'Harrington' now? great" he replies, clearly pissed "No, fantastic! You'll have a word with my lawyer."
"I'm taking Dustin and you'll have to pay for child support!"
"You can't take Dustin! He's my kid too!"
Wayne and Dustin observe their whole discussion from the entrance door, too scared to come into the room.
"Does Steve really have a lawyer?" Wayne muses.
Dustin turns to him, scandalized "They aren't married! I'm not their child!"
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sukisthoughts Ā· 1 year
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What happens when the dilf you're trying to hit on is actually a father
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sukisthoughts Ā· 1 year
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"I'm gonna snatch that diploma and I'm gonna run like hell outta heereeee" šŸ¤ŸšŸ¤Ÿ
This is his year!!!! Eddie and his well deserved diploma šŸ˜­šŸ’—šŸ’— I love him so much he deserves the world
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sukisthoughts Ā· 1 year
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childhood friends AU where they're just super dumb
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sukisthoughts Ā· 1 year
@scooprtroopr ur tags on this post inspired a lil something and well, here you go friend <3 / also omg this fits for @steddie-weekā€™s prompt pining! tehe / you can also read it over on ao3 :)
Steve gets that this is how karma works.
You do something bad, you donā€™t have the best intentions, you trample on one or two peopleā€™s feelings selfishly, yadda yadda. Then what do you know? Next month, itā€™s happening to you. What goes around comes around, right?
Thatā€™s how karma works. Steve gets that.
And yet, the sting in the morning when another hookup has crept out in the night feels so goddamn unshakeable. It slices through his ego, hitting every feeling on the way, and cuts right down the bone, and it hurts.
But itā€™s karma though, Steve knows that. Heā€™s left a girl more than once or twice, and snuck back out the window he had crept into. Stumbled back to his car in the early morning hours.
(Steve pointedly ignores the old part of him that was- is so hesitant to stay ā€” after the iciness of his first ever hookup, who had wrinkled her nose at the thought of him staying the night.
Who had patted him on the cheek in a near condescending way, a girl the year above him, and said, ā€œDonā€™t overstay your welcome, yeah?ā€)
So when the other side of the bed is empty when he wakes, he knows heā€™s lost another game of ā€˜who can sneak out on who?ā€™
Which Steve hates ā€” itā€™s why he stopped going over to his dates house and instead started bringing them back to his. Hoping they might read that his invitation to stay the night extended right out til breakfast. Hell, til lunch if they wanted.
No one has come close to overstaying their welcome in the Harrington house.
Empty sheets rip a new ache in Steveā€™s chest and he groans, a pitiful noise becauseā€” of course, he hasnā€™t stayed.
Karma has the biggest bone to pick with Steve Harrington and he was really hoping it would be done after all these years. Evidently not.
Butā€¦ Steve canā€™t help how much more this one hurts because this one was Eddie.
Steve tries to not let regret coil in his gut. Rolling over he buries his face into his pillow, eyes scrunched shut as he tries to think it over logically. Rationally. Ignores the burning in his throat.
Maybe heā€™s a fool for thinking Eddie would be different from the past.
But the buildup ā€” before there had been flirting, there had been friendship, proper company between the two of them where there were no expectations. That may very well be due to the fact both of them were dudes butā€¦ Steve was so sure. So much of him believed Eddie would still be here when he woke up.
Steve huffs a loud sigh into the pillow. Pretends his chest doesnā€™t hurt a little bit.
ā€œItā€™s fine,ā€ He murmurs to himself, voice thick with sleep. His fists clench into the sheets for a moment. ā€œItā€™s fine.ā€
He drags himself up and out of bed. Tugs on some stray sweats hanging over the back of his desk chair and ducks into the bathroom. Staring in the mirror, hair tousled and eyes still sleepy, Steve eyes the shower through the reflection. He should, probably, but he might get stuck on a loop in there.
Where did he go wrong this time? Why didnā€™t he stay? Why didnā€™t any of them stay? Why didā€”
Steve splashes cold water on his face instead, rubbing probably a bit too forcefully at his eyes. He spies the faint pink shape of Eddieā€™s lips, a mark left on his neck. His fingers grace over it lightly, softly, like a lover would.
Memories hazed with lust remind him of how it had got there, Eddieā€™s body on his, Eddieā€™s hands in his hair, Eddieā€” without thinking, Steve scrubs at the skin harshly. He wishes it wasnā€™t there. Wishes there wasnā€™t any remnant of Eddie left behind.
Steve doesnā€™t need any mementos to remind him heā€™s been left behind again.
He needs food, needs to get on with his day, Steve decides. The bathroom door swings closed behind him and Steve tries his best to wrangle his thoughts as he wanders out to the top of the stairs.
A run. Thatā€™s what he needs to clear his head. A long run til his heart is pounding in his chest so hard it hurts, til his muscles start burning, breathes coming too fast and his head is finally fucking quiet. Yep, thatā€™s precisely what he needs to shake the sting of last night.
Steveā€™s so enwrapped in his head, thoughts swirling, that he get manages to get halfway down the hall to the kitchen before he hears the radio. Itā€™s not loud, just enough to carry out the kitchen. Strange. He doesnā€™t remember leaving it on last night.
His feet carry him into the kitchen, another yawn creeping up and he rubs at his eyes, blinking a bit blearily andā€” and stops in his tracks. Thereā€™s someone at the stove.
Eddieā€™s at the stove.
Standing in the morning sunlight, hair lighter than ever, puckered scars along his arms standing out. Heā€™s clearly ransacked Steveā€™s drawers, a pair of Steveā€™s plaid pj pants hanging low on his hips, his own softened band tee from yesterday still on. Itā€™s had its sleeves hacked off, the fabric curling up into little rolls. Steve feels his stomach rise halfway up his throat, his hopes going with it. His heart does a strange stumbling pitter-patter.
He must make a noise because suddenly Eddieā€™s peaking over his shoulder and smiling at him.
ā€œHey,ā€ Eddie says, shifting a bit to turn more toward him. Steve can see that heā€™s cooking, something delicious wafting up from the sizzling pan. His chest tightens, pure surprise wrapping around his sternum and gripping - so much, he canā€™t control the expression on his face.
ā€œHi,ā€ Steve breathes. Heā€™s still frozen where he is. He stayed. Steve blinks, taking in the scene before him; Eddie has clearly been puttering around, putting together some sort of breakfast. He fucking stayed and heā€™s cooking.
Eddie takes it the wrong way. He skittishly looks over the benches, covered in his mess, and tugs on the ends of his hair nervously. ā€œI- itā€™s a mess, I know, Iā€™m real sorry. I was gonna clean it, I just thought you might likeā€¦ā€
He trails off, unable to get a read on Steveā€™s expression. Steve doesnā€™t blame him but he canā€™t fucking stop his chest from feeling like itā€™s being pulled open, his heart from feeling like itā€™s soaring. He huffs an awed laugh, a smile curling at his lips.
Eddie deflates a bit in his relief, giving his own smile. He turns back to the stove quickly, giving the skillet a bit of a shake to keep it from burning and Steve draws closer, feet finally moving. Eddie watches him from the corner of his eye, barely biting back his grin as Steve gets closer. He hovers, feels the heat of Eddieā€™s back theyā€™re so close.
He tries to feel brave ā€” he stayed ā€” and keeps his closeness, peering over Eddieā€™s shoulder at the skillet on the stove. Itā€™s the Munson Special that Eddieā€™s cooked a few times for him over at the trailer; eggs, potatoes, shit tons of cheese, maybe a vegetable if heā€™s feeling healthy.
ā€œWas gonna bring it to you in bed, but,ā€ Eddie laughs, still tinged in nervousness. He sets down the spatula to tuck his hair behind both ears, glancing sideways at Steve as if trying to understand his silence.
He stayed and he cooked and heā€™s nervous. Steve thinks he might be holding his breath in disbelief, head dizzy with relief. With affection.
Very slowly, Steveā€™s hands move and, like heā€™s waiting for Eddie to flinch away, settles then very gently onto Eddieā€™s waist. His fingers curl into the soft fabric and Eddie makes a little chirp of happiness and leans back.
Leans into Steve a bit, like he wants his touch the morning after everything and Steve releases a shuddering breath, hooking his chin over Eddieā€™s shoulder. His hands grow a little more bold, sliding around to hug him around the middle.
Eddieā€™s cheeks have turned pink and his grin hasnā€™t faltered.
ā€œMade meā€”ā€ Steve starts, but his voice is a bit raspy. He clears his throat, avoids Eddieā€™s burning stare. ā€œYā€™made me breakfast?ā€
Eddie nods, his curls brushing against Steveā€™s cheek as he does. His tummy is warm beneath Steveā€™s hand and his hair smells good and Steve just wants to burrow into him- he tucks himself closer and is rewarded with a content noise from Eddie.
ā€œThatā€™s not weird, is it?ā€ Eddie asks suddenly, picking up the spatula again and beginning to fiddle needlessly with the food. He flips it once, then again, so itā€™s on the same side as it was before.
He sounds a bit sheepish when he says, ā€œIā€™m not sure- I havenā€™t ever reallyā€” Iā€™m actually just gonna shut the hell up before I say anything stupid.ā€
Steve laughs quietly. His hands tighten around Eddieā€™s middle, head tilting so he can bury his grin into his shoulderā€” his heart is going haywire, going a million miles an hour, because karma is finally through with Steve Harrington and he gets to have this.
ā€œSā€™not weird,ā€ Steve mumbles. He thinks about pressing a kiss into Eddieā€™s shoulder.
ā€œHa, you said snot,ā€ Eddie retorts with a childish snort and Steve canā€™t help it, he laughs at that too, muffled laughter into his t-shirt. Then he presses a kiss to Eddieā€™s shoulder, quick as lightning. Rests his chin back on it like nothing happened.
Eddie still stiffens just a bit- turns his head just a bit to glance at Steve and fuck, Steve canā€™t help the way his stomach swoops.
Because Eddie softens him unbearably with those nervous brown eyes, his pink lips twisted as he tries to hold back his grin. Steveā€™s beginning to understand that both of them seem equally surprised that this is happening.
Eddieā€™s free hand moves, pausing only briefly in a moment's hesitance, before it covers one of Steveā€™s on his tummy. Itā€™s cold, much colder than Steveā€™s, and he covers it with one of his own instinctively.
Eddieā€™s trembling fingers give him a little squeeze. Steve thinks he must be able to feel how hard his heart is beating from where his chest is pressed against his back. Itā€™s a lot to deal with; this perfect morning in the sun, the soft sound of the radio, the sweet boy in his arms.
Theyā€™re both grinning to themselves. Eddie focuses back on the food before him, doing all his work with one hand, and starts a little hum.
The radio switches to a love song.
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sukisthoughts Ā· 1 year
Eddieā€™s quiet, which is so fucking weird it pricks Steveā€™s attention almost immediately.
He leaves it thirty seconds, just to make sure heā€™s right before he says anything.
Since thirty seconds is a really long fucking time with Eddie Munson, Steve figures heā€™s right.
Eddieā€™s never quiet, even if heā€™s not talking, heā€™s tapping. Heā€™s fidgeting with something, spinning his rings, chewing noisily on a hang nail, tapping his foot...something.
Usually, heā€™s singing, ā€˜Dancing in the Darkā€™ is playing on the radio right now, and even though Eddie will deny it with his final breath, Steve knows for a fact that Eddie knows every word to this one.
No matter how many times he says itā€™s not ā€˜realā€™ music.
Whatever that means.
The song ends and ā€˜West End Girlsā€™ starts up.
Just Eddie, working mechanically, squirting mustard, flipping the bread onto the side already done with ham, slicing, moving the sandwich, starting again.
ā€œAlright, whatā€™s wrong?ā€
ā€œWhat?ā€ Eddie grumbles.
ā€œThereā€™s something up with you, spill.ā€
Eddie snorts a sad sounding laugh, no humor to it, ā€œnothing.ā€
ā€œThatā€™s absolute bull shit, come on, fess up,ā€ Steve stops grating cheese and goes on to buttering slices of his own loaf. The kids are like locusts, and theyā€™ve learnt over the months that itā€™s just easier to be prepared before they descend. Eddieā€™s got all the stuff set up for game night already.
ā€œSteve, come on, thereā€™s nothing-ā€
Steve points in Eddieā€™s face with a pickle juice covered fork, ā€œfriends donā€™t lie.ā€
ā€œHoly fuck Harrington. Donā€™t pull that shit with me, come on.ā€ Steve knows full well what a massive soft spot Eddie has for El, so he knows this is sure fire. After a second, Eddie sighs and sort of collapses onto one of the stools at the breakfast bar, ā€œcanā€™t you leave it? I donā€™t want to talk about it, you donā€™t want to hear about it-ā€
ā€œI do. Of course I do.ā€ Which is total truth, Steve is here for Eddie, no matter what he has going on. If he can help, he will, and seeing Eddie down like this isnā€™t fun.
Eddie runs his fingers through his fluffy bangs, dragging them back. He looks real tired, Steve doesnā€™t know how he hasnā€™t already noticed that yet today, ā€œare you sick?ā€ Steve puts the back of his hand against Eddieā€™s cheek and then up under his hair to feel his forehead, itā€™s as big as a warning sign as any when Eddie not only doesnā€™t pull away...but kind of, leans into the touch. Which is...odd. Normally Eddie would be flapping his hands at Steve to get him off.
Because thatā€™s another thing about Eddie. He can touch you as much as he likes; as soon as you try and touch him back? Heā€™s pulling Ninja moves to get away. Eddie will flop right onto Steve on the couch, will trail himself all over Steveā€™s back when heā€™s sitting somewhere. He will hug Steve from behind with no hesitation at all. Heā€™ll tug Steveā€™s hair and run away giggling which...Steve has tried not to read too much into that one, considering. The point is, Eddie is free and easy with his affection.
The second Steve so much as lays a finger on Eddieā€™s shoulder? Itā€™s like Steveā€™s hands are fire or something.
But the temperature feels fine so Steve takes his hand away again, ā€œcome on man, whatā€™s up?ā€ Steve leans against the counter top, facing Eddie to show he has his full attention.
ā€œAll right, you know what, fine, you asked for it,ā€ Eddie takes a deep breath, spine straight, hands braces on his knees while he looks Steve square in the face, ā€œIā€™m gay.ā€
Steve nods, waiting for Eddie to explain whatā€™s up. After a minute, it gets awkward and nothing else seems forthcoming, ā€œyeah. Sure. So whatā€™s eating you?ā€
Eddie rolls his eyes, heā€™s hated the expression, ā€˜whatā€™s eating you?ā€™ since the bats, so Steve always goes out of his way to use it.
ā€œThatā€™s it, youā€™re not, like bothered? Or surprised?ā€
ā€œOh, nah, Iā€™ve known for ages.ā€
Eddieā€™s mouth flaps like a fish, clearly shocked, which Steve is deeply satisfied by, ā€œyouā€™ve known for...you know? You knew? You already know? How do you know?ā€ Eddieā€™s surprise is genuinely comical, and nice to see since itā€™s almost over done and thatā€™s more like usual Eddie.
Steve sighs, ā€œit really, really wasnā€™t hard to work out. You are not a subtle guy Eddie-ā€
ā€œAnd what the hell does that mean?ā€ Eddie snaps back, clearly affronted.
Steve stands straight, and without missing a beat lifts his shirt up to his armpits. Eddieā€™s eyes immediately, hungrily, rake over the newly exposed skin. Steve waves a hand in front of his own torso like a magician revealing the trick, and Eddie turns bright pink and starts sputtering, ā€œthatā€™s not- I mean- you canā€™t-ā€ but heā€™s glaring at the floor, chargrinned and caught out, and he knows it.
Steve goes back to constructing sandwiches, making two grape jelly, cream cheese and turkey especially for Eddie since itā€™s his favorite, ā€œyeah, so I knew. And then Rob explained the hanky code thing to me. So I know...well, sorry, but I sort of know your preferences too, I didnā€™t mean to know that part but.ā€ Steve shrugs, doesnā€™t know what else he can do really. If Eddieā€™s going to walk around in public advertising that he likes to be tied up and fucked, well, itā€™s not Steveā€™s fault if he knows that. Since itā€™s right there, public knowledge, and everything.
All of that seems to be settling in with Eddie too, from the way he now wonā€™t really look at Steve, so Steve moves him along a little bit, ā€œsooooo, whatā€™s the problem?ā€
Eddie sighs, scratching at his knees, ā€œI donā€™t know how much you know about...stuff. And...you know. There are limits to what you, you know, probably want to hear about.ā€
ā€œEddie,ā€ Steve stands firm, ā€œI have held your guts in with my bare hands. I have seen you, literally, naked and crying in the bathroom that time. I have helped you with the stitches, with showering, I have cut your toe nails when you couldnā€™t bend and washed your hair for you and helped you with getting to the bathroom so you can shit-ā€
ā€œI get it, I get it, fine, fine-ā€
ā€œWhat Iā€™m saying is, I donā€™t think those kind of boundaries exist any more. What Iā€™m saying is, you can tell me anything, and it wonā€™t bother me. Literally anything. But it will bother me if something's bothering you and I canā€™t help. So. Spill.ā€
ā€œGod, youā€™re such a Mom,ā€ Eddie huffs and whines, looking away for a second. ā€œPretty sure you canā€™t help anyway,ā€ he adds, mumbling.
Steve sighs.
ā€œOkay. Okay. Fine. Look. Guys are. Itā€™s just hookups okay. Thatā€™s my choice, hookups or nothing. Hawkins isnā€™t exactly...you know. And with the cult leader murder thing. So, not a choice, really. Thereā€™s no real option, for you know, an actual relationship. And. Anyway. I go. I hook up. I come back. Thatā€™s it. But that doesnā€™t give me a lot of time for...anything meaningful. And I like to be, you know, I have things I like. Specific things-ā€
ā€œTied up things-ā€ Steve smirks.
ā€œYeah, sure, whatever.ā€ Eddie waves his hand dismissively. ā€œBut...after that, especially if itā€™s...rough. Youā€™re supposed to take care of each other a little bit and I didnā€™t get that and now Iā€™m. Pretty sure Iā€™m dropping.ā€
ā€œYeah itā€™s...like a bad come down after being high, I guess. Feel, jittery. Tired. Kind of, worried about...I dunno, something. Nothing. Feels bad, man.ā€
ā€œRight, so what do we do?ā€
Eddie snorts, ā€œthereā€™s nothing you can do. Itā€™s a,ā€ Eddie mumbles the next part, ā€œsubmissive thing.ā€
ā€œLike a post sex kind of thing? Like you get roughed up and then you need to be...taken care of, after, to like, put it right again?ā€ Steve frowns, thinking through what Eddieā€™s making a half assed job of articulating.
Eddieā€™s mouth flaps again, ā€œI, yeah. Yeah, kind of, exactly kind of that, yeah. So that, you know, you know it wasnā€™t really real, I guess? I donā€™t know.ā€
ā€œBut whoever this asshole is, he didnā€™t do that for you?ā€ Eddie nods. Steve checks the clock. They have well over an hour before the kids are due, ā€œso what's this entail then?ā€
ā€œEh,ā€ Eddie shrugs, ā€œyou know, clean up, maybe food and water. Reassurance,ā€ Eddie hides behind his hair, hesitating before he adds, ā€œsnuggles.ā€ Steve gives him what he hopes is an encouraging look, ā€œā€¦normally I can sort of just, I donā€™t know, push through it, hot shower and that, go for a nap. Didnā€™t work so good this time.ā€
ā€œRight,ā€ Steve puts the tray of now covered sandwiches in the fridge and pulls out a bottle of water, ā€œhere, drink this.ā€
Eddie takes the bottle reflexively, but rolls his eyes, ā€œyou canā€™t just fix this Steve-ā€
Steve adopts his pissed off Mom of several children tone, hands on his hips, ā€œdrink it.ā€
Interestingly enough, that works, Eddieā€™s jaw snaps shut and after a moment of looking absolutely shocked, he cracks the bottle and starts to chug it. Which is deeply satisfying considering Eddie Munson doesnā€™t seem to listen to anyone. Next Steve cuts up an apple and drizzles chocolate sauce over the slices, then peanut butters some crackers. He puts them next to Eddieā€™s elbow on the counter. Eddieā€™s eyes are wide and clearly very fucking interested, he sits there, poised, but he doesnā€™t move until Steve says, ā€œeat,ā€ which he immediately does with no argument at all this time.
What a thrill. Telling Eddie Munson to do something and him actually doing it. Itā€™s wild. Not only that but actually waiting quietly to be told. Itā€™s a minor miracle.
ā€œOkay, come and wash your hands,ā€ Steve says after, and Eddie does, again without any kind of argument at all, ā€œgo sit on the couch.ā€
Eddie does that too, and Steve follows him in. He parks himself next to Eddie. And Steveā€™s not, like, gay or anything, but he can do this. Those physical boundaries donā€™t exist any more between them, not with everything theyā€™ve been through together, so if Eddie needs a snuggle, so be it.
He tugs Eddie into his side; Eddie goes, but is kind of stiff to start with. Steve perseveres, getting an arm loosely against Eddieā€™s shoulders and the gently playing with his hair. Pulling his fingers through the ends results in a little gentle tugging to work through some slight tangles, but that seems to do the trick, and Eddie absolutely melts against Steve, ā€œthere you go,ā€ Steve whispers, ā€œfeel better, huh?ā€
Eddie hums, but otherwise doesnā€™t move. Steve can sit like this for an hour if it makes Eddie better, no problem at all.
Later, Steve listens from the kitchen as the game runs, Eddieā€™s definitely feeling better, heā€™s absolutely on top form out there. Steve smiles to himself, plating up Eddieā€™s sandwich separately, emptying out a bag of gold fish on the side and folding a paper towel and tucking that under the sandwich.
Eddie grins at Steve when he delivers it, and Steve has to resist the funny urge to kiss Eddie on top of his curls as he makes his way past.
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sukisthoughts Ā· 1 year
Wayne Munson canā€™t read beyond a very basic elementary level, enough to read warnings and food labels, road signs, small notes Eddie leaves for him, but thatā€™s it
But he tells stories. Always has. Thatā€™s where Eddie got it from
So when Eddie is in the hospital, in a medically induced coma so he can heal properly without pain, Wayne struggles. He knows he can tell Eddie stories, but he wishes he could read to him, give him something familiar to grab onto
One day he walks in to see Steve reading The Hobbit to him, blushing when heā€™s caught like Wayne would give two shits about anything when it comes to someone supporting Eddie
It happens every day after that and Wayne listens. He hears the way Steve stumbles over words sometimes, how he pauses after a complicated paragraph as if he needs to read it silently again to understand what it said
And he realizes Steve isnā€™t a strong reader either, but heā€™s pushing himself for Eddie
He doesnā€™t say anything outright, but he starts sitting next to Steve when he reads instead of across the room, watches his fingers glide across the pages and associates words with what he says, starts to feel like maybe he wants to try reading to Eddie too
Steve doesnā€™t say anything outright either but he recognizes what Wayneā€™s doing, hopes heā€™s able to find the confidence to try because Eddie wonā€™t care how fast or well he reads to him, heā€™ll just be happy that his uncle is trying
Steve intentionally leaves the book on the bed when he leaves to get food at the cafeteria and hopes Wayne tries
When he comes back he quietly peeks around the doorway and smiles to himself when he sees that Wayne is trying, heā€™s going slowly, sounding out words and names that are actually difficult for anyone not just people like them
Decides he doesnā€™t want to interrupt today, gives them privacy for this
Doesnā€™t say anything when the bookmark is only three pages ahead of where steve was the day before, just smiles and picks up where Wayne left off
When Eddie wakes up, Wayne is the one reading to him, Steve asleep in the corner
Wayne still prefers telling his own stories, may never be a great reader, but Eddie will never forget the way it felt to see Wayne so engrossed in his favorite book
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sukisthoughts Ā· 1 year
As much as I love Steve losing his ability to pull anyone that doesnā€™t mean heā€™s rusty with his skills. Imagine him talking to the boys and telling them what to do when it comes to girls, laying down all the basics heā€™s learned. The boys are skeptical and genuinely think that Steve have lost his touch in the romance department. To prove them wrong, he takes Eddie whoā€™s minding his business and gently grabs his wrist to lead him towards him. Eddie is confused by how he even got dragged into this situation but before he could do anything Steveā€™s arms were already wrapped around his waist and he was pulling Eddie close. Steve leaning close to Eddieā€™s ear and whispering lowly ā€œFollow my lead.ā€
Eddie listens despite him being confused and Steve ends up intertwining his hands with Eddieā€™s over his waist. Eddie starts blushing with such intensity that the kids start to die of laughter, even Steve chimes in. To make things worse when Steve pulls away to release Eddie from his embrace he points to Eddieā€™s face blushing face and says ā€œand thatā€™s the reaction you want fellas.ā€ He jokes. So itā€™s safe to say that Steve never really lost his touch he just needed the right person to do it to.
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sukisthoughts Ā· 1 year
Synesthesia: when you hear a word or a name and see a colour.
Now, Eddie doesn't know what it's called. As far as he knows, everyone sees colours when they hear certain words. He's spent his whole life associating people with the colour he sees when he hears their name, and its got him curious to know what colour he is to his friends.
When he asks Steve one day, "What colour do you see when you hear my name?" He's given the most confused little pout and head tilt from his boyfriend.
"Colour? I don't know, I guess I associate you with red."
Associate is something entirely different. Does Steve not see colours?
Eddie sits up from the bed and stares down at Steve, his hair spilling around his shoulders as he leans down to try and see any trace of a lie on Steve's gorgeous face. He finds nothing but confusion and mild curiosity. "You don't see colours?"
Steve shakes his head and reaches up to trace his fingers along the side of Eddie's face, his fingers ghosting over Eddie's eyes. "Do you? What colour is my name?" He sounds so genuine, not a single ounce of mockery in his voice.
"Hmm, Steve." Eddie whispers and bends down to press a kiss to his boyfriend's forehead, his hair still messy from sleep. "Your name is a mix of colours. I mainly see yellow and orange, it almost looks like a sunset. Somedays, the yellow is more prominent and it feels like I'm staring at the sun when I hear your name." He chuckles and presses another kiss to Steve's smiling lips.
"What do you see when I say I love you?" The words are whispered against Eddie's lips as Eddie gently lies on top of Steve and presses him into the mattress, his hands threading through Steve's messy bed hair as they kiss lazily in the morning sun.
"I see the whole damn rainbow every time you say you love me."
"That's a bit gay, Eds."
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sukisthoughts Ā· 1 year
writing, in theory: fun
writing, in practice: [unintelligible noises] [sobs] [maniacal laughter] [screams]
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sukisthoughts Ā· 1 year
Eddie explains the whole battle vest process and history to Steve one night when theyā€™re hanging out, Robin passed out somewhere in the house because itā€™s nearly three in the morning and they should ALL be asleep, but itā€™s always worth the exhaustion the next day to get to talk with Eddie alone.
Steve hangs onto every word, asking questions about the patches heā€™s seen on Eddieā€™s and if he wants to add more and which ones would he add if he could find them and Eddie answers them all because Steve is showing interest in his interests so how could he not?
He doesnā€™t think about it the next day or any of the days after
Until Christmas morning, the first Christmas after Vecna, the first one that they all agreed they should spend together even if they donā€™t give gifts.
But Steve gives everyone a package, all the same size, all the same wrapping paper, just labeled with first names to know who gets what. Even Eddie gets one.
He tells them all to open them at the same time.
And they all just stare at what theyā€™re holding in their laps.
Eddie tells himself not to cry as he looks at his own gift and then everyone elseā€™s.
Theyā€™re battle vests. Everyoneā€™s is personalized for what they like, patches and pins special to the things they care about regardless of how ā€œmetalā€ it is.
Itā€™s not until five minutes later they all realize that they all have one button on the front thatā€™s the same. Its just a pin in the shape of a party hat. Itā€™s funny. Confusing, but funny.
And then Steve explains that he thought it was a good way to show that theyā€™re all part of this group, all part of the party, whether theyā€™ve been around since day one or just joined this year.
Of course everyone loves it, loves that Steve put this effort into their gifts.
Nobody notices that Eddieā€™s vest has an even more special button, clearly handmade.
It says ā€˜property of s.h.ā€™ And Eddie keeps it to wear forever, including on his tux when they can finally get married
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sukisthoughts Ā· 1 year
My Eddie Munson Ref Post
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Eddieā€™s tattoos~ the artists did an awesome job with these! I really appreciate small details like these; most arenā€™t ever fully visible in show, but they add a lot of character depth. Originals were posted on Amy L Forsytheā€™s instagram account, I just sketched the little placement maps.
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The rings on his left were easy to find via Google, they're likely G&S Jewelry. Those models have been made and sold for a long time and this style is still popular in metal and biker aesthetics. For cosplayers there's obviously cheaper options on Etsy and such, or if you're super crafty you can make your own, but I thought these were great close-ups for detail. The ring on his right hand is more obscure; I was able to find a handful of lookalikes, but not with the same stone, or more inlaid stone workā€¦? If anyone else digs deeper and finds out more about it, leave me info and Iā€™ll edit the post šŸ™‚ But as it is, simple observance and good close-up shots make great refs.
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The button style pins on the jacket are easy to find, plenty of independent artists remake these on Etsy if you canā€™t find officially licensed ones. W.A.S.P. ā€˜s metal pin may only be available/easier to find through officially licensed sellers, just ā€˜cause ya know, metal pins are a little harder to make than button pins. But! All bands are still currently active, so that also makes things easier for those looking to actually buy šŸ™‚
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These pages may seem a little redundant, but I wanted to include actual shots for placement notes and good clear individual shots of the patches for drawing reference ; a lot of the scenes are dark, people are moving around, etc. and a few of the patches are on the sides of the jacket, theyā€™re not fully visible a majority of the time anyway. Most of these can be found pretty quickly and easily on the internet, like the pins. Even the Dio shirt should still be easy enough to obtain for a cosplayer, although a special vintage shirt was donated to the team for wardrobe. Iron Maiden and Megadeth are still active, Dio and Motƶrhead are not, though.
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So, here we have a nice little collective post! Hope this helps some other artists/cosplayers/fans and saves you some time digging on your own. This was a lot of fun to do!
20 Jul ā€˜22 ~ Mad
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sukisthoughts Ā· 1 year
nsfw text
me and steve šŸ¤ torturing eddie
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sukisthoughts Ā· 1 year
Steve, Nancy and Robin go back into the Upside Down to get Eddie's body. They come across a fully transformed Kas, fangs snarling, clawed slashing, wings bared. Heā€™s vicious and angry and very territorial, hissing at them. The whole group is really freaked out.
Until Steve steps closer and says, "Ed... Eddie?"
Then this ravenous monster goes full on Bambi-eyed and scampers over to them. Robin jumps back and Nancy slowly lowers her gun, both of them watching utterly dumbstruck as ā€˜Eddieā€™ excitedly jumps around Steve's feet.
Confused, but trying to keep Eddie happy, Steveā€™s like, ā€œThatā€™s itā€¦ nice little monster puppy?ā€
Eddieā€™s tail is wagging, butt wiggling, nuzzling Steveā€™s hand and making a purring noise when Steve carefully ruffles his hair, ā€œGood boyā€¦?ā€
Eddieā€™s wings flap happily in response.
This is how they find out that not only is Eddie alive, but his vampire-half is not subtle at all. Especially when Eddie finally admits he has feelings for Steve and to his surprise, Steve already knows, mostly because Eddieā€™s been ā€˜giftingā€™ him all the random shiny things he finds for weeks.
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