sunsetuniverse · 1 day
House of Dadneto prompt: Power Deprivation
As an animator first and foremost I'm beyond excited to be posting my first animatic for the @house-of-dadneto event!! Somehow I managed to get this done within 24 hours which is inSANE but I'm so damn pleased I get to show it to you all now! Hope you enjoy it, and have an awesome day!
@sunsetuniverse @lunasquared @callie-caje
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sunsetuniverse · 2 days
The House of Dadneto 2024 has started with a bang! ✨
Thank you so much to everyone who has been participating in the House of Dadneto 2024 so far, it's been absolutely mind blowing to see how many amazingly talented creators out there have joined us for this event!
In the first week, the House of Dadneto had 25 unique works posted for the event!! How awesome is that?!
So, to highlight all the incredible works that have come out so far, we have created a list below with links to all the fics and edits that were posted in this past week! Be sure to give these creators some love as they've all done an amazing job bringing these prompts to life, and we look forward to see what else is in store for the week ahead!
✨ Before we jump into the list however, just a quick reminder that the House of Dadneto has an official AO3 Collection you can add to if you are posting on AO3! Check out this post for more details on how! ✨
First Week of the House of Dadneto!
Rest now, my child (the day is over) by @superherotiger
Erik helps Peter through the aftermath of a failed mission.
safer to be alone by @creaturejaskier
"With Erik’s children, he’s always dealt with their pain--cut fingers, scraped knees, fire…and arrows--but that’s just the physical." Another child? How can he accept this when he's failed as a father so many times before?
Finding Home by @dick-helmet-magneto
"It hadn’t been like Erik wanted to leave them. There had never been a time since his children were born that he wanted to leave them for any reason. Sadly though, there were times when it had to be done and this was just another one of those occasions. " - Erik goes on a mission and leaves the twins at the school with Charles. After the longest he's ever been away from them, they're reunited.
reunited (yet all alone) by @callie-caje
Time had not been kind to Erik. Years upon years spent in a cell, moved from cement to glass to plastic prisons had begun to show its strain in the man's face. Peter could see it in the lines on his forehead to his gaunt cheeks and dim eyes. It was time to remedy that. OR Peter heads to the Pentagon with his Dad to free his friend Erik from prison. Secrets are revealed.
The Father's Day Cards by @dick-helmet-magneto
"It had taken Pietro a concerning amount of time to come to the, perhaps obvious, decision on how to tell Erik that he was his father. A card. It was simple, easy, and best of all, he could give it to Erik and run away as he looked at it. All around, it sounded like the best plan he could’ve had. And to make it better, Father’s Day was coming up. What better day to give the card to him?"
Misfortune by @theaterpug-writes
“Whatever decisions you make, make them well.” Wanda said, staring into his eyes with a sympathetic expression. “I will.” “I trust you’ll follow your heart.” She continued, “If there’s one thing I know, it’s that.” “Does this mean you trust me to make the right decision?” “No.” She smiled sadly, “It means I trust that you’ll make the decision you believe in.” Wanda and Erik play chess.
Powerless by @dick-helmet-magneto
"When her powers first manifested, he had felt a pride he had never before known. The knowledge that he shared something else with his daughter, something she got from him, he could help her learn to control and master them. But what he hadn’t considered at the time was the target that was going to make on her back. Of course, sharing something with Magneto would be dangerous. He should’ve seen that coming but for some reason, he hadn’t. That only made it worse when he found out his daughter was captured."
Polaris by @theaterpug-writes
Erik takes 7-year-old Lorna stargazing.
Important Decisions by @dick-helmet-magneto
“Did you know there’s a school for mutants?” Wanda asked and Erik paused washing the dishes to look at her. “What?” He asked, “How do you know about this? Where is it?” It wasn't a bad idea, exactly. He couldn’t imagine it being anywhere near their house or he would know about it. “New York,” The girl replied, “Where is New York, papa?” Of course, it would be on another continent. “It’s in the U.S.” He replied, going back to washing, “You didn’t say, how did you learn about this school?” “Someone told me. He said we could all stay and he was the one running the school and his name was Charles. He was in my head. Do people have powers to do that?” ” She replied, rocking back and forth on her feet as she talked to her dad, “Can we go? It would be fun.” - Single father of five Erik homeschools his kids until he's made aware of Xavier's School. A school most of his kids want to go to.
Acceleration, Tangential Speed, and the Practicality of Fatherhood by @theaterpug-writes
As Erik fixes up a broken Training Sentinel in the Danger Room, he and his son have a heart-to-heart.
astronomers by @creaturejaskier
“Up for midnight tea and cookies or something?” “You can’t lead a life such as mine without some things haunting you.” “Oh.”
In the Name of Love by @nathanbellamy
Days after Erik stumbles upon Peter and Kurt covertly kissing in the library, he learns that Peter has a secret he's been too afraid to share, and Erik comes to the only logical conclusion: Peter is struggling to come out of the closet to Erik. Not wanting to force Peter before he's ready, Erik devises the ultimate plan to make Peter feel loved and accepted for his sexuality in every way possible. No matter what it takes, Erik will show Peter that there's nothing wrong with being gay. It’s a foolproof scheme, except for one problem—not only does everyone at the mansion already know that Peter's gay, but now Peter thinks Erik's so obsessed with romance that he'd never have time...for a secret son.
I Think I Saw A Ghost by @superherotiger
Dadneto Edit: Parallels
Nina Ruth Gurzsky by @theaterpug-writes
The night after his daughter is born, Erik contemplates his new role.
Like Father Like Son by @dick-helmet-magneto
“Can you help me find Pietro? I want to make sure he’s okay too?” There was silence after the question and Erik noticed Charles looking off behind him. Erik turned his head to look where Charles was to find Jean and Scott behind him. They were both silent as well and Erik felt his heart drop. “Charles, where is my son?” He asked, his head turning back to look at the man. “Where’s my boy? Tell me he’s okay.” There were tears in his eyes that he was fighting, doing everything in his power to keep himself from panicking at least until he had an answer. - Pietro is hurt in battle with the Sentinels. Erik's reaction isn't out of proportion at all, even if his boy will be okay.
An Overture to the Rest of Our Lives by @theaterpug-writes
When Erik gets shot on a mission gone wrong, Peter contemplates their relationship, and what his father truly means to him.
Weather the storm by Whiplaaash123
Upon overhearing Peter on the phone, Erik begins to wonder what exactly is up with his son, and why does he keep avoiding talking to him all of a sudden? Wherein Erik tries to do what's best for his son.
Work Song by @sunsetuniverse
Dadneto Edit: Good Ending + Parallels
Dear Dad by @theaterpug-writes
You’ve been all over the news lately, so Charles has banned all students under the age of fifteen from watching it because Peter kept getting into fights with other kids over you and the Brotherhood. I know you’re helping mutants, but I still worry about you and I want you to come home, even if that means you’re not helping mutants anymore, I hope that doesn't make me selfish, even though I think it does. After the assassination of JFK and her father's arrest, Wanda writes a letter.
Running Away by @dick-helmet-magneto
“We’re going to ask one more time, Erik, and we both want an answer from you,” Charles said, and Erik had never seen the look on his face before. It almost scared him. “What happened on your last mission?” “Yeah,” Pietro said, “You’ve been acting strange since you came back. We all know something happened. The limping, the sleeping. You haven’t been on a run once,” He listed off, “You run anytime anyone asks, and believe me, I know what it means when someone keeps running away like that.” 
One Son's Worth by @superherotiger
Peter becomes the target of an assassin from the future, and the only way he'll survive the week is with the help of his team, a couple of time travellers, and his father. Only problem is, Peter still hasn't told Erik the truth…
shelter me from the storm by @lunasquared
“This okay?” Peter questioned. Erik nodded and Peter let out a breath, allowing himself to sink further into his dad’s side. He wasn’t exactly sure if this was helping Erik or not but the man told him he could stay so it had to be doing something or at least nothing of harm. OR Erik is scared of storms and Peter is there to comfort him.
Time in a Bottle by @theaterpug-writes
A moment in time between father and son.
We'll be a fine line by Etoilemauve
A character study of Dadneto through Charles' eyes
Scraped Knees and Sweets by @dick-helmet-magneto
Erik could say there wasn’t much that scared him. Not anymore. He felt like he’d lived through the worst of the worst and now he could take on anything and live to tell the tale. There was one thing—person—that could scare him to death though. She had brown hair and his eyes, a smiling four-year-old who was just as stubborn as he and her mama.
If there are any details missing or mistakes in this list please let us know and we will amend it as soon as possible!
Thanks again to everyone who has participated so far! We've loved seeing your creations and we hope to see many more as June continues! ✨
Announcement // Prompts // Event Info
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sunsetuniverse · 5 days
House of Dadneto edit prompt: Good Ending + Parallels
More edits on my Tiktok 💜@house-of-dadneto please accept my offering
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sunsetuniverse · 7 days
House of Dadneto edit prompt: Parallels
(Check out my edits on TikTok for better quality lol)
Hello, hello everyone! Thought I’d brush off my old edit WIPs for the @house-of-dadneto and finally bring some of them to completion! This one was started January last year so it’s about time it had its chance to shine lol.
Hope you enjoy! ✨
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sunsetuniverse · 11 days
The saddest thing about the ending of Dot and Bubble is even after Lindy and her friends use words like taboo and contaminated when around the Doctor, even after they outright scoff at his offer of salvation when he says they will die in the outside world, even after he is faced, for the first time in this body, pure racism, and that they would rather take their chances than be saved by a black man—he is watching them leave and still trying so hard to not think they deserve it.
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sunsetuniverse · 11 days
Rest now, my child (the day is over) - Dadneto Fic
House of Dadneto prompt: Embrace + Protective
Hello everyone! I've had this fic ready for months now and I'm so excited to finally be sharing it with you for the @house-of-dadneto 2024!! Thank you to all my besties who supported me along the way!! Love you guys!
Please be warned that this fic does include descriptions of blood, implied gore, and a character recalling a minor's death.
Normally if Peter wanted space, Erik wouldn’t hesitate to respect it. He was a grown man after all. He didn’t need Erik as a father in the same way Nina had. But standing amidst a minefield of bloodied clothes and held away from his wounded child by a mere wooden door, instinct overthrew every other thought as Erik twisted his hand and unlocked the door with his powers, nearly crushing the mechanism in the process. Apologies could be made later. But for now, Erik would rather face Peter’s wrath than face his grave. As the door flew open with a forceful magnetic shove, Erik felt his heart stutter at the sight of his son staring back at him with stunned, tearful eyes, stripped down to his boxers and absolutely covered in blood. It was everywhere. On Peter’s hands, painted across his face, stained into his chest, setting into his hair- it was impossible to tell where it began or ended. “Oh God- Peter…” Erik breathed in horror. Tears spilled over his son’s cheeks, cutting through the bloodstains on his skin like rivers, before he answered in a shattered whisper, “Dad…” ~~~ Or, Erik helps Peter through the aftermath of a failed mission.
Be sure to check out the House of Dadneto event blog if you haven't already!!
Have an awesome day!
@sunsetuniverse @lunasquared @callie-caje @lbigreyhound13
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sunsetuniverse · 11 days
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The House of Dadneto 2024 Begins!!
At last, it's time to share all of the amazing creations you've been cooking up for the House of Dadneto 2024 these past few months! We can't wait to see what you've got in store! And hey, if you haven't got anything ready for the event yet, it's not too late to participate! The event runs through the entirety of June, so be sure to check out the Prompt Lists and Event Info if you want to join in the fun!
Be sure to use the tag #houseofdadneto2024 and @ this blog so we can share all your wonderful works!
And remember, if you complete 15 or 30 prompts by the end of the month, you’re also eligible for a prize, so make sure to check out the Prize Information and Rules to make sure that you qualify! You can can also find more information about Posting Guidelines here and our Frequently Asked Questions here. If you have any more questions, feel free to send us an ask and we’ll answer as soon as we can! 
The most important thing of all though is to have fun! We all love Magneto and his plethora of children, and this event is a celebration of those relationships and of all the talented fans out here who love to create things about them!
So show us what you love about Dadneto, share some love to your fellow creators, and above all, have an amazing time during the House of Dadneto! ✨✨✨
Announcement // Prompts // Event Info
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sunsetuniverse · 12 days
Important reminders before the event begins! ✨
Hello everyone!
I hope you're all as excited as I am for the House of Dadneto, and since we're only a day away from the beginning of the event, I thought it would be a good time to run over the most important details before we start!
✨Rules, Dates, and Prizes✨
Firstly, a quick reminder of the rules for this event:
No inc*st is allowed. (Any works containing this will be excluded from the event.)
Works must focus on Magneto and at least one of his children, though his 'children' can also extend to those that aren't blood related, such as the New Mutants.
Please @ this blog and tag your works with #houseofdadneto2024 so that we can reblog your magnificent works here on the blog!
The event runs for the entirety of June 2024, though you are more than welcome to continue using the Prompt Lists or share/submit works to this blog after it finishes.
Every prompt completed during the event counts towards two possible prizes:
Completed 15 Prompts: Small Black & White inked drawing
Completed 30 Prompts: Full Illustration
To collect this prize, you must post a masterlist including links to your works for the event and their corresponding prompts and @ this blog. Repeated prompts or works posted outside of June 2024 will not count towards the prizes. Prizes will be drawn by @superherotiger (examples of their works: 1, 2, 3).
✨Posting guidelines✨
If posting your works to Tumblr, please use the hashtag #houseofdadneto2024 and @ this blog so that we can share your works!
If posting on Ao3, you can also add your work to the official event Ao3 Collection by finding the 'Post to Collections/Challenges' tab when posting a new work and select 'House of Dadneto 2024'. It should look like this:
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If posting on other platforms (especially video formats like YouTube, TikTok etc.), please create a post with a link to your work and @ this blog, or submit a post to this blog and we will share it for you.
If you have any further questions be sure to check out our Frequently Asked Questions, and please don't hesitate to send a message or ask if anything seems unclear.
That's all for now though folks! Wishing you all the best, and I can't wait to see your awesome creations during the event! ✨
Announcement // Prompts // Event Info
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sunsetuniverse · 15 days
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Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver (2024) #4
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sunsetuniverse · 15 days
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Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver (2024) #4
NO 💥💥 BAD DAD 💥 💥 💥
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sunsetuniverse · 15 days
how could the comic writers fuck me this badly I didn't think it was possible and yet here I am
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sunsetuniverse · 17 days
*pokes head through your catflap* humbly asking for a 97 drabble of pietro (+wanda? rahne? anyone else if you want) looking for erik post-ep5
This definitely became bigger than a drabble but I hope you enjoy it bestie haha!
The eeriest moment on a battlefield wasn’t the fight itself, but the silence that followed in its wake.
Genosha was a void of sound. Streets that were once filled with music and laughter had been smothered beneath layers of rubble, and statues that represented hope to so many were now torn down and scattered across the broken palace. The city was once a home to thousands of mutants- new lives just waiting to begin.
Now, it was nothing but a graveyard.
Pietro had seen his fair share of battlefields, but they all paled in comparison to Genosha. At least- what was left of it. Debris stretched for miles in every direction, creating a perilous, scorched terrain that few had dared to enter.
The last known survivor had been brought into camp nearly three weeks ago. The last body that had been recovered over two. Despite how hard X-Factor had been working since they touched down on the island, even they were beginning to lose hope.
But Pietro couldn’t stop.
Couldn’t stop moving.
Couldn’t stop searching.
Couldn’t stop until he found…
The team were beginning to worry about him, he knew. Especially Lorna. He could always feel her eyes following him whenever he left camp on another fruitless search in the desolate remains of the city.
“Pietro… it may be time to end the search and turn our energy towards the survivors,” Lorna had told him earlier that morning.
“How can you say that?” Pietro bit back coldly. “There are still hundreds missing!”
“And there are hundreds more here, right now- and they need us,” Lorna implored, her eyes betraying the grief and exhaustion they both felt. “We can’t keep chasing ghosts, Pietro.”
“And what makes you think there are no survivors left?” he asked bitterly. 
Lorna’s expression softened with pity.
There was nothing Pietro hated more than pity.
“I know what he meant to you…”
Pietro didn’t stay long enough to hear the rest of her words. He couldn’t bear it. Not the crushing sympathy in her gaze or the truth awaiting in her patient voice. He just couldn’t accept it.
Not yet- not until he knew for certain that his father had fallen in this hellish wasteland. 
The thought seemed impossible to comprehend. Magneto was not one to die easily- history had proven it time and time again. To believe that the man hadn’t clawed his way out of death like he had a dozen times before seemed like a disservice to his strength and resilience.
So no, Pietro didn’t stop his search.
For hours he traversed the decimated land, digging through endless mountains of rubble and climbing through the unstable burrows and tunnels that wove beneath the surface. While Pietro searched for any survivor or body he could recover, his heart longed to find his father above all else. The two hadn’t always been on the best of terms, but they were attempting to mend old wounds in recent years. To make something new out of a history littered with secrets and betrayals.
Pietro should have gone to see his father sooner. He regretted not seeking him out as soon as he heard the rumours of Magneto’s reform, or better yet after the trial by the UN swung in his favour. Over the past months Pietro had considered going to visit, but without fail he would talk himself out of it. Tell himself that his father didn’t need to be bothered. That he would find another time.
And as was the speedster’s cruel fate, time had run out.
It always did…
The sound of shifting rubble drew Pietro out of his fixation, peering up from the pit of cracked walls and shattered glass that had once been someone’s home to find the source of the noise. For a moment, he felt his heart spark with hope. Perhaps there was another survivor. Maybe he hadn’t been too late-
His hope swiftly extinguished at the familiar voice.
“You shouldn’t be this far out- it’s dangerous,” Pietro called back with barely concealed frustration.
Drawn to his voice, a figure covered in dusty red fur climbed over the ledge of debris and gazed down at him in relief. “I could say the same to you,” Rahne -the youngest member of X-Factor- chimed back lightly, pearly white eyes shifting to emerald green as she returned to her human form.
Pietro ignored her comment and started shoving aside broken furniture and scorched foundations again to continue his mission, asking sharply, “Did Lorna send you to retrieve me?”
Rocks skidded as Rahne came to join him in the hollow, kneeling down beside the speedster before she answered gently, “No. I came because I was worried about you.”
Pietro scoffed, though regret was quick to flood in when he noticed Rahne’s saddened stare in the corner of his eye. He took a breath so not to let any harsh words slip. Rahne deserved better than that. “Though I appreciate your concern, it’s unnecessary. You should return to the camp where it’s safe,” he suggested.
“It would do little help,” Rahne said, placing a warm hand on his shoulder as she explained, “I can’t stop worrying about you anymore than you can stop worrying about him.”
Pietro’s fingers clenched around the jagged rocks below. “Since when did everybody become an expert on how I feel.”
“Well, are we wrong?”
Sighing, Pietro turned his gaze towards the sky that was painted in shades of orange and pink. It was only now that he realised the sun was well on the way to setting, too lost in his search to notice. No wonder Rahne had been worried.
So, figuring she at least deserved an honest answer, Pietro said, “It’s not that simple. With Magneto, it never is. I hated being his son in the beginning. How could my sister and I have been born of someone so cruel? So monstrous?”
Rahne hummed in understanding -perhaps more understanding than he would ever know- and waited patiently for him to continue.
“I wanted to hate him- and I did, for a long time after we learnt of our connection,” Pietro admitted, before closing his eyes as memories flooded back in like a tidal wave. “And then the Phalanx attacked. You remember how vicious they were- how close we were to losing everything that day.”
“I do,” Rahne said solemnly.
Grimacing, Pietro confessed, “It was my fault… the speed of it, at least. The Phalanx studied and replicated my mutation to hasten their conquest. I was the accelerant to humanity’s downfall.”
“Pietro, you can’t blame yourself like that,” Rahne attempted to sooth. “We were all caught off guard by their attack. And besides, we still won in the end. That’s what really matters.”
“Yes, a victory that relied on Magneto’s cooperation,” Pietro said with a humourless scoff. “My father -the self proclaimed judge, jury and executioner of the world- saved humanity that day. Do you know why, Rahne?”
The girl shook her head.
“He did it for me,” Pietro said, nearly choking on the grief that rose in his throat as he did. “As soon as he heard of my capture, he joined Beast and the others to destroy the Phalanx. Saved the very world he despised just to protect me.”
It was a truth Pietro had never dared to tell anyone else before, afraid of the backlash he might face. He knew his father was a dangerous and hated man. Pietro of all people had not forgotten his transgressions. But no one else knew what it felt like to be the son of Magneto. To hear the words “Thank God you’re safe,” whispered against his temple like a prayer as he soaked in the security of his father’s embrace. To know that the fate of the world had relied on one man’s love for his child.
How could anyone else ever understand that burden -the confusion, the confliction- when Pietro barely understood it himself?
Wrapping his arms around his chest to still the cries that desperately wanted to burst forward, Pietro said shakily, “Do you have any idea how that feels? To know that someone loves you enough that they would sacrifice everything just to keep you? It’s an impossible debt to repay.”
A beat of silence passed, before Rahne asked softly, “Is that why you won’t stop?”
Pietro bowed his head with a sigh. “My father would do the same for me,” he answered simply. “What kind of son am I if I gave up on him now.”
Slowly, Rahne leant her head against Pietro’s shoulder, awaiting his reaction before laying a hand on his arm when he didn’t push her away. “I would never ask you to give up,” she said with such compassion it made his eyes well with tears. “All I ask is that you would take care of yourself. We’ve already lost so many… please, I don’t want to lose you too, Pietro.”
Despite their voices sounding nothing alike, Pietro could hear an echo of his sister’s concern in Rahne’s words. Wanda had asked for the very same thing when they were children. Orphaned and alone and starving, Pietro had done everything in his power to keep her safe, no matter the cost to himself. No matter how hard Wanda begged him to stop and rest.
Now, years later, Rahne had taken his sister’s place. An unfair sentence for such a kind heart. And though Pietro hadn’t been able to spare Wanda of that burden, he refused to let Rahne experience the same thing.
Pietro would not give up on his father. Regardless of where X-Factor went next or how much time passed, there would always be a part of his soul searching for the man. But with a humbling realisation, Pietro knew Magneto wasn’t the only family that needed him right now.
So lifting an arm around Rahne’s shoulders to embrace her like he had done for Wanda so many times before, Pietro assured gently, “I promise you Rahne, you will never lose me. I’m sorry if I ever made you fear that you would.”
Smiling up at him with relief etched into every feature, Rahne teased, “I’m going to hold you to that, Speedy.”
Pietro scoffed in amusement. “I’d expect nothing less.”
Looking ahead, the two watched as the sun finally dipped below the horizon, casting the battlefield into shadows and hiding its horrors from view. For the first time since landing in Genosha, the silence didn’t feel uncanny. It felt peaceful. The same peace Pietro felt when Wanda welcomed him with a warm embrace, or when his father pressed an adoring kiss against the crown of his head.
Tightening his hold around Rahne ever so slightly, Pietro was grateful that in his greatest time of uncertainty, he still had family to rely on.
“Ready to head home?” Rahne asked gently.
Releasing a heavy sigh, Pietro felt the crushing weight on his chest ease at last. “Yes, I am,” he answered, pleased that his words were entirely honest.
But pulling out of the embrace with a spark of mischief in her eyes, Rahne joked, “Bet I could beat you in a race.”
Pietro rolled his eyes and stood up, brushing the dirt and dust from his suit. “Gambling would not be a wise career for you then,” he said bluntly.
“Sounds like you’re scared, Speedy,” she said as she bounced up to her feet with a grin. “Afraid I’ll win?”
“You’d be talking to my dust before you even said ‘go’,” he mocked, though a smile was quick to follow when Rahne burst into laughter, knowing full well that the speedster would never abandon her, not even for a joke.
It was the most beautiful sound to echo across of Genosha in weeks.
Don't forget to check out the @house-of-dadneto event!! ✨
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sunsetuniverse · 19 days
Announcing the House of Dadneto AO3 Collection! ✨
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Hello everyone! June is only a week away now, so I'm very excited to announce that the official AO3 Collection for the House of Dadneto event is now up and running!!
As with participating here on tumblr, you are more than welcome to use the prompts and add works to this collection outside of June 2024, but if you do, just be aware they will not count towards a prize.
To submit to the collection, find the 'Post to Collections/Challenges' tab when posting a new work and select 'House of Dadneto 2024'. It should look like this:
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Hope you're all getting excited for the event! I know I sure am! And as always, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to send them in!
See you all next week! ✨
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sunsetuniverse · 28 days
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"There's a power in seeing yourself in another, in resemblance..."
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sunsetuniverse · 28 days
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Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver & Polaris Cameo in X-Men '97 S01E10 - Tolerance is Extinction Part 3
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sunsetuniverse · 28 days
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X-Men '97 S01E10 - Tolerance is Extinction Part 3
[ Real Name: Magnus A.K.A: Erik Lehnsherr, David Hemblen, Ian M---, Michael F--- Height: 6'2" - Weight: 190 LBS - Species: Mutant Team Affiliations: Brotherhood of Mutants, Acolytes, X-Men Marital Status: Widowed Children: Quicksilver (Son), Scarlet Witch (Daughter), P--- ]
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sunsetuniverse · 1 month
cool episode n all but where is quicksilver
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