sunshinesight · 2 days
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At the doctors…
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sunshinesight · 6 days
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I'm sarahkdesigns on Spoonflower.
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sunshinesight · 6 days
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It's ruby throated hummingbird season here in Michigan.
Persephone having herself a drink… while sparring with the other female in the vicinity.
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sunshinesight · 6 days
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This year's crop of irises…
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sunshinesight · 6 days
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There's a house wren in the next box…
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sunshinesight · 6 days
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Playing catch up with the things that bloomed in the yard in April 2024…
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sunshinesight · 6 days
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The snowball, the palladia iris, and the alliums.
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sunshinesight · 6 days
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Just like everyone else — I took less than spectacular eclipse photos on 4/8/2024
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sunshinesight · 1 month
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The painted turtle I didn’t run over yesterday as I pulled into the parking lot at work.
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sunshinesight · 1 month
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Please vote for my entry in the Spoonflower Party Wall Design Challenge: https://www.spoonflower.com/design-challenge/party-wall-2024-05/vote Voting is open until 3pm on 7 May 2024.
my entry: pansy party You don’t need an account to vote, but it requires a captcha.
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sunshinesight · 2 months
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Went back up (sideways?) to Watkins Lake outside Manchester, to see the swans, the Canada geese, and some common mergansers… and a beaver.
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sunshinesight · 2 months
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The eastern bluebirds checking out the nest box… with a lot of preening. Frigging mites.
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sunshinesight · 2 months
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The Queen.
on Society6: https://society6.com/product/jk-rowling-portrait_print?sku=s6-28241046p4a1v45
on Imagekind: https://www.imagekind.com/JK-Rowling-portrait_art?IMID=010b65c1-d8d2-4ae9-8b31-2936256c2067
on Zazzle: https://www.zazzle.com/the_queen_portrait_t_shirt-256887270140023620
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sunshinesight · 2 months
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Please vote for my entry in the Spoonflower Treat Yourself Design Challenge: https://www.spoonflower.com/design-challenge/treat-yourself-2024-04/vote Voting is open until 3pm on 9 April 2024.
my entry: ranunculus & fruit cupcakes You don’t need an account to vote, but it requires a captcha.
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sunshinesight · 2 months
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Technically, it's Easter dinner. It's also what's for dinner — until we run out of ham. Ham, BTW, for those in the MI/OH/IN area is on sale — the spiral sliced variety at Meijer for 89¢/lb. So, yeah, we're having ham. We'll still be eating it on Easter. It was my turn to cook.
Rounding out the feast are sliced carrots, baked beans (with an assist from bacon bits), biscuits from a tube, cherry-tapioca jello salad, and cake.
Normally, I would make a carrot cake. But, I stood in front of the cake mixes at the grocery store — and Pillsbury decided to get creative. The cake is "creamy almond" flavored. The frosting is "caramel latte." For the cake snobs out there sifting flour — why are you still reading this? I'm unabashedly unashamed to make cake from a box mix. Ha ha. That being said, if you know what the bottle of almond flavoring tastes like — that's what the cake tastes like. The caramel latte frosting is better than the salted caramel flavored frosting that they used to sell. "Salted caramel" tasted like chemicals, this new caramel version actually tastes like caramel as we all know it from the Kraft caramel candies.
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sunshinesight · 2 months
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By the time I got my camera to focus on the male eastern bluebird instead of that branch or a random magnolia bud — he was like: I got shit to do today.
Filter provided by double paned windows from the seventies that definitely accumulate moisture between the 2 panes of glass.
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sunshinesight · 2 months
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Well, I just drove all the way out to Manchester for an appointment that, it turns out, is not until next week. So, I drove a little further, past the road I was supposed to turn down, turned around, then proceeded to drive past the road I should next should have turned off on — which required turning around twice… and I finally made it to Trolz's farm, which I'm sure is no longer called that.
The barbed wire fence that used to be along the road? Ha ha ha. Not any more. It's just an almost 1.5 lane wide dirt road surrounded by water.
Nothing particularly interesting. Just Canada geese, and what according to the first thing that came up when I typed in "duck with green head, white body, and red beak" is a Common Merganser.
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