surielbonecarver · 4 months
My ACOTAR Roman Empire is that in the sneak peak for ACOSF at the end of ACOFAS it says that Nesta is still receiving a salary from Rhys and then that line gets cut from ACOSF when it’s actually published.
And the reason that’s so significant is because Amren literally SAYS MONTHS ARE INCONSEQUENTIAL NOW when referring to Nesta after the war but then all of a sudden the year mark hits and wow unacceptable?!?! Cassian also says on the trauma hike(tm) that SHE CAN TAKE 10 YEARS IF SHE WANTS and that the IC THEMSELVES HAVE GONE THROUGH YEARS LIKE THAT.
So it’s literally about money?!?! You can’t tell me it’s “healing” when they all say she can have as much time as she wants … as long as she isn’t spending their apparently unending fortune?!?!
In conclusion, Nesta’s intervention was not about healing. It was about telling her she is only ALLOWED to heal in a specific way (violence and sex as long as it’s with Cassian)
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surielbonecarver · 1 year
Also, Tamlin pretending to ally with Hybern to get intel. That wasn't okay, but Rhys killing, antagonizing, and SA'ing people while playing the bad guy is? 😭
So wait if it was okay for Rhysand to pretend to be a bad guy UTM for Feyres own good so that Amarantha wouldn't discover she's his mate and make everything worse, then why was it wrong for Tamlin to be stoic during the trials so that Amarantha wouldn't make it worse for her? Hypocrisy in this series is insane
Ask the stans to explain why and it’ll get clinically insane.
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surielbonecarver · 1 year
hating nesta for "what she did to feyre" but not rhysand IS misogyny idc
ah yes, the mean-spirited difficult bitch woman vs the brooding man whose trauma dictates his actions and causes him to lash out but it's sexy and deep because he's a man
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surielbonecarver · 1 year
Lucien showing up at Helion’s court:
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surielbonecarver · 1 year
Types out a long post about my thoughts and opinions about something
Mm... on second thought... I don't feel like posting this rn
save as draft
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surielbonecarver · 1 year
I love Nesta idc idc
I love her difficult personality. She was interesting.
I understand that a lot of people hate her, but I've liked her from Book 1. From the moment all 3 sisters were going into the market and Nesta stepped in to shoo away the Children of the Blessed, and pulled Feyre aside to warn her to stay away from mercenaries, and especially when it was revealed that Nesta was so strong willed that Tamlin's glamor didn't work on her and that she went to those same mercenaries and tried to cross the wall to save Feyre. I knew instantly that I liked her.
So when Cassian was in her house in Book 2 talking about the past issues between Feyre and Nesta I was???? Confused??? Because didn't Feyre and Nesta move past that in Book 1???? Why is he bringing it up??? I thought we were over this??? And that has nothing to do with him? (Literally Rhys and Feyre weren't even dating yet, I think? So it was literally my sister's friend of a friend is talking shit in my house type of situation)
Sidebar: I wish any of my friends would take words out my mouth to talk shit about my siblings. Yeh, me and my siblings have beef sometimes, but that ain't got shit to do with you???? (Sidesidebar: I don't wanna see anyone trying to say "yeh but I bet your siblings didn't abuse you like Nesta did to Feyre". Stop. You don't know me, my siblings, or my life.)
I, for one, am big on the idea of having a life away from your partner.
So Feyre's literal entire life revolving around the ic was a pass for me. And it actually annoyed tf out of me that Rhysand and The Pips (sry, Feysand and The Pips) were fighting so hard to make Nesta fit in. Because why? If you hate her so much, leave her alone. Don't want her spending your money? Send her somewhere else? The way they constantly verbally and mentally beat her down until she had no choice but to fit in had me grinding my teeth.
She's mean. So what? Amren's attitude was a million times worse than Nesta imo, the only difference is that Amren was a five thousand year old eldrich being the fey told bedtime stories to their kids about to get them to behave. No one says shit to Amren about her attitude because what tf are they going to do about it? Amren literally even says that she likes Nesta and her attitude because it was just like her. But the moment Nesta stops doing what Amren wanted her to do, now she all of a sudden has a problem with her attitude, lol.
We see there are a handful of examples within the books of people that have no problem at all with Nesta. It's literally just Rhys and The Pips that have a problem, and if Rhys has a problem then it's everyone's problem.
We are literally told that Nesta was visiting Feyre, Elain, and Amren regularly on her own after acowar and that the only time she seemed to kick up a fuss is when she was being made to participate in ic gatherings. Sooooo.... besides Az, that means Rhys, Morgan, and Cassian were the problem. Rhys and Morgan very openly hate her, and after acowar she made it clear that she wasn't ready for whatever Cassian wanted from her, so she was avoiding him. And Nesta says herself that she didn't hate Rhys. She thought he was an asshole (because he is), but all in all she thinks he's a good male. (**she calls Rhys an asshole to Cassian, but after training when she sees Gwen/the priestesses move away from Rhys she notes how it made her sad (??) because he's a good male and would never hurt a female like that COUGH CHOKE)
Wow this post derailed from the main point
My point is: why does Nesta have to be nice/nicer? Why? And why is Nesta being blamed for everything bad that happened to Feyre when they were kids?
I'm not even joking. Every time Rhys did some shit to Nesta I was WAITING for Feyre to give him shit for it. Feyre does call him out for treating Nesta poorly on multiple occasions across FOUR (4) BOOKS (acomaf, acowar, acofas, & acosf) [I will say that it may only be called out in 3 books, but it's 3 at the very least]. And just when I think she's finally going to snap at him in acosf, it ends up being downplayed as a joke between Cassian and Rhys
Cass: oooh you know you're in trouble for what you did/said to Nesta... you send the staff away so they won't hear the wife nag at you?
Rhys: naaaah, I sent them away so they won't hear something else *suggestive eyebrow wiggle*
Bffr. Seriously? Did he really just sidestep the fact that he did something that obviously upset Feyre.... to fuck?
And the one and only time Rhys is called out specifically for how hypocritical it is for him to hate Nesta but be perfectly fine with Elain, he says that "Elain is Elain" bs (yall my blood ran so hot reading that line I had to put the book down for a moment). Like Rhys actually could've given about a thousand legitimate reasons for why he likes Elain but doesn't like Nesta, and he says THAT?
I'm not going to defend any of Nesta's actions cuz yeah she definitely was being a bitch for a good portion of the book, but also... she doesn't really owe them anything. Especially not her time or her kindness.
Listen. I'm of the opinion that no one owes anyone anything, so I don't wanna hear "well after Feyre did all that the least Nesta can do is blah blah blah—"
I heard enough of that growing up. Enough of that, "I provided for you, so you owe me" bs (this isn't directed at Feyre specificly, since Feyre never actually asks Nesta for anything besides using her home for negotiations but that was a separate, unrelated occurrence). Absolutely not. Nesta didn't ask or tell Feyre to go into the woods. So why should Nesta owe Feyre for that?
I will also never forget how Feyre said Nesta and her were at each other's throats and were mean to each other. Feyre said that. So when people started hating on Nesta because Nesta was mean to Feyre, it felt very one-sided. Also because that detail is one of the many retcons in acotar. Like sjm literally forgot that she wrote that Nesta and Feyre were mean to EACH OTHER but also forgave each other and reached an understanding (all in Book 1), only in the very next book to take it all back.
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surielbonecarver · 1 year
people have got to learn the difference between I didnt like it and It was bad
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surielbonecarver · 1 year
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surielbonecarver · 1 year
I really liked the acotar series until I finished reading it. Like after I sat with it for a while and let it all sink in... and then I found soooo many things not to like about it
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surielbonecarver · 1 year
I can't keep this in anymore.
ACOTAR is the perfect tragedy tbh. First, we have Feyre who was strong willed and stubborn at first then she's manipulated and broken until she becomes the perfect accessory for Rhysand. She has no friends outside of his inner circle. She has nothing outside of him. Rhysand is the center piece of Feyre's life. Her personality is gone. She's not some badass High Lady, she was a woman who was taken in at her weakest and is now reflective of the very people that surround her. Plus, nobody would give a shit about her unless Rhysand did. That's not heart warming, that's just scary.
Now onto Nesta, the outcast. She was beaten down and molded until she fit into the inner circle. That story is not about redemption, it's about a woman being emotionally and physically whipped until she conformed to what their idea of her should be. That shit is disgusting. I will never forgive sjm for this.
Elain never even gets a chance to have her own agency. She's just there. Just like Feyre, she acts according to the people surrounding her.
Sjm hated all them fr and it makes me so sad cause they have so much potential. Anyways, give them to me bc y'all don't deserve them.
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surielbonecarver · 1 year
I love Lucien
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surielbonecarver · 1 year
In defense of Tamlin
I never really had the chance to like tamlin because the person who recommended acotar to me told me not to get attached to him, so I was riding the tamlin hate train until acowar. After I finished acosf, however, I started to reevaluate how I felt about pretty much all of the characters because I started to realize my feelings about some characters was influenced by semi-spoilers and after I finally caught up on the series I noticed my interpretation of the story was different then what I'd been told.
Once I realized that, I quickly got off the tamlin hate train and am currently (affectionately) riding the Rhys hate train lmao. (Affectionately, because, at the end of the day, I'm a bat boy stan, but I acknowledge that Rhys is kind of a pos too).
Tbh I still don't feel one way or another about tamlin (I'm not into blonds, sry), but it's a little wild to me how many people jump on hating him when objectively (subjectively) he really doesn't do anything. At least, imo he doesn't do anything to warrent all the hate. The hate he gets seems so wildly inflated compared to what he did, imo. Same with Nesta, actually. People treat them like they're the worst villains in fictional history, and???? To me, Nesta is a bully at worst (not to say bullies aren't bad, but people act like Nesta tossed Nyx off Ramiel or something). And Tamlin, most everything he does *from his point of view* makes sense to me. Not to excuse his behavior, but I find myself wondering if I would've done any different.
Like how people jump to defend Rhys for withholding information about Feyre's pregnancy. Tbh, if I were Rhys, I think I might've done the same thing. And when Tamlin joined forces with Hybern to get Feyre back...
Keep in mind that Rhys has played the villain for 500 years. For the last 50 years, he made everyone believe he was willingly working for Amarantha, killing and torturing innocence. (He literally put a severed head in Tamlin's garden in book 1 both to antagonize and warn him). That is the Rhys Tamlin knows. Tamlin has known Rhys as a villain for 500 years, but Feyre has known Rhys for what... 2 years? 3?? And Rhys showed a very different side of himself to Feyre. So Tamlin and Lucien believing that Feyre was kidnapped and mind controlled/manipulated by Rhys when that's what Rhys has been doing for 500 years is valid. When I look at it that way, Tamlin being willing to team up with his enemy to rescue someone (he loves) he believes to be in danger isn't *that* bad. And I probably would've done the same, if I'm being honest. Rhys has definitely done much worse.
Tamlin teamed up with Hybern to rescue Feyre. Feyre destroyed the Spring Court... because Tamlin tried to rescue her???? Rhys has mind controlled people to do things they wouldn't normally do (Feyre has, too), and Tamlin *knows* this. So ofc Tamlin is reasonably confused and concerned when Feyre (who had been riding the Rhys hate train pretty hard), all of a sudden writes him a letter saying "I'm in the night court with Rhysie~ I'm doing just fine so you don't have to come get me~ teehee~ ✨️". Let's also not forget that from Tamlin's pov, he doesn't know that Rhys has been teaching Feyre to read and write, so receiving a letter from "Feyre" was probably highly suspicious.
Tamlin also being over protective and overbearing to Feyre after under the mountain makes sense. *She* was his trauma. He forsaked his land and people to send Feyre back home and to protect her, but she came back and *died*. He lost her, and he doesn't want to go through that again. Obviously, as someone from the outside looking in, I think what he did was wrong. However, if I look at everything that happened from his point of view, he never had any malicious intent and did everything out of a want to protect Feyre. This ended up being a detriment to her mental, physical, and emotional well-being and ultimately drove her away, though.
It's like I sometimes say: sometimes you're not the one that's best equipped to help. Tamlin wanted to help Feyre, but he just wasn't the one. And trying to be the one only made things worse. (That and very poor writing/recons, but that is a different story).
Besides locking her up (seriously, I felt my heart crack a little at that part), I genuinely wonder if I would've done any different. I'd like to think I would've communicated with Feyre better and tried to help her through her trauma, but again that's outside looking in and I don't have 50-500+ years of trauma clouding my judgment.
Tamlin is the type to hope that his trauma will disappear with time (technically, a lot of characters are like this too, but this isn't about them). And going back to what I said about Feyre being Tamlin's trauma (or a very big part of it, at least), you see that's exactly what he did. He ignored the warnings and the triggers and hoped that it would eventually all go away/get better with time. And when you look at it like that, how many of us can really point fingers at him? I know a lot of people who ignore their problems and hope that they'll eventually go away. In that regard, do some people hate tamlin because his red flags are similar to their own, but they just don't want to admit it?
After Feyre dismantles the Spring Court, that's when Tamlin realizes that Feyre wasn't being manipulated by Rhys and that she was with him because she wanted to be. So his feelings turned sour as he felt she'd betrayed him. Which, again, considering Rhys *purposefully* played the villain for 500+ years, that's not a wholly unusual conclusion to come to.
Anyway, tl;dr tamlin ain't so bad
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surielbonecarver · 1 year
Lucien was the better friend
that is all
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surielbonecarver · 1 year
It doesn’t matter who you ship Azriel with, I think we can all collectively agree that the necklace thing it’s going to bite him in the ass.
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surielbonecarver · 1 year
Agree to disagree
Did it annoy anyone else the way Nesta was treated in SF?
Trauma is not an excuse to treat people like shit. I don't excuse the way Nesta treated everyone around her, but tbh they weren't treating her much better either.
The only 2 characters that made me feel they really cared about Nesta was Feyre and Cassian.
Feyre and Cassian make it clear that they don't condone her actions, but they also show over and over how much they truly care about her.
- Rhys: When they had their intervention with Nesta he spent the entire time trying to threaten and intimidate her. What got on my nerves was how both Feyre and Cassian call him out on this, but nothing really comes of it even when he's described as feeling "guilty" for doing so. Another thing that got on my nerves was how it seemed like Feyre was going to put her foot down because he kept crossing a boundary she put in place regarding how he treated Nesta only for the narrative to turn around and say "nope, they're actually jus gonna have sex" (when Rhys dismisses the servants after the intervention and Cassian asks if he dismissed them so they wouldn't have to hear Feyre scolding him for how he acted).
One of the few times we see Feyre actually talk to Rhys about how he treats Nesta, he says that "Elain is Elain" bs. I get that Nesta isn't a Saint and she was definitely in the wrong for how treated everyone, but tbh it really made it feel like the only reason he didn't like her was because she has a disagreeable personality as opposed to Elain who's easier to get along with. Which... to each their own, but if someone said some bs like that to me about my siblings, I'd be pretty pissed tbh.
When it comes to Rhys, it reminds me of when Feyre asked him "how do you know when to be High Lord and when to be family?" Rhys constantly approached Nesta as a High Lord when she really needed family, and apparently seemed to not understand why she kept figuratively slamming the door in his face because of it.
Amren: In the beginning, it did feel like Amren cared for and was concerned about Nesta. But it was the constant slut shaming for me. Definitely could've went without that. It was also how to felt like Amren weaponized her trauma and insecurities against her. Amren used that as an excuse to not tell Nesta something she had every right to know about herself. And then was upset with Nesta when it ultimately ended up blowing up in their faces (Nesta telling Feyre the truth). Even though Nesta didn't do it for the right reasons, it still left a sour taste in my mouth that they got mad at her even though they were the ones that lied to Feyre.
Mor: Mor has literally been Nesta Hater from the beginning, because the bond between Nesta and Cassian has been obvious from day 1 and that threatened the dynamic she had with Cassian and Azriel. Let's be honest and admit that that's why she doesn't like Nesta. All things considered, Nesta has never done anything to Mor personally. Especially nothing to warrant Mor comparing her to the people of the Hewn City aka the people that literally tortured her. When Mor said that, there were question marks floating around my head. Because yes, Nesta can be a bitch sometimes, but comparing her to the people that dumped her outside of the Autumn Court and left her to die? Uh... no. Bffr.
Elain: It was the slut shaming for me. I did the math... after Nesta was put in the House of Wind, and Elain visits her... it had only been 2 weeks since Nesta started rehabilitating. 2 weeks in the HoW, and when Elain comes to Nesta saying stuff that ofc upsets her she wants to say "Nesta isn't getting any better". Babe... it's been 2 weeks. Idk... sibling dynamics are complicated, so I kind of give Elain a little bit of a pass compared to everyone else because of it but the slut shaming really really got me. The way Elain made it seem like she was better than Nesta because "at least she wasn't fucking strangers".
Which was super ironic to me, because it ignores the fact that 95% of the inner circle has said numerous times they they have 1) drowned their problems with alcohol and/or 2) had sex with strangers on numerous occasions. The alcohol and sex was never the problem. The problem was why she was doing it. So it was annoying whenever Amren or Elain made it out like that was the problem, when it wasn't (off the top of my head, they were the only two that actually slut shamed Nesta).
Azriel: He mostly keeps to himself in SF, and there aren't a lot of interactions between him and Nesta, but what gave me the inkling that he at least cared about her was how much care and thought he put into getting a gift for her. Which shows that he took a lot of consideration into her likes and interests.
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surielbonecarver · 1 year
Jurian calling Vassa “your highness” but in a condescending way
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surielbonecarver · 1 year
anyways, here i am to spill the hot tea:
critical reading ≠ criticizing what you read. so when we say read acotar critically, we mean actually analyze and comprehend what it is you’re reading—the messages within the story, the things the narrative says and the things it doesn’t, what the story is trying to convey and what it actually shows, and so on.
and what happens when you do look critically at acotar is that you become fully aware of all the terrible things it displays: the racism, the sexism, the misogyny, the abuse apologism, etc etc. this is why most people who read it critically are categorized as “antis”—it’s hard not to dislike/develop a distaste for what these books peddle, and to thus fairly criticize it, which is where this misconception that critical reading = criticism is borne.
and this is why people get so damn pressed when we say to be critical of what you are reading when you read acotar (or anything sjm, really)—because all of their favs faults become impossible to ignore when you do and they just can’t handle that.
anyways, i’m really tired of people getting mad at people who encourage critical reading because they think we’re encouraging shitting on the acotar books. we’re not. and it’s not our fault the books prove to be as problematic as we say. y’all think we’re creating issues out of nothing and changing up canon just to hate when the reality is that we see the canon in the books and simply point out that it is full of issues.
it’s okay if you like the books. it’s okay if you love them. what’s not okay is to choose to be ignorant of the plethora of shitty things the books portray that are representative of real issues, especially when they hurt other readers. like honestly, how does it affect you so terribly that you would rather defend fictional characters than acknowledge that things in literature can be harmful to real people? 😭 that’s the bare minimum, babe.
be 👏🏼 critical 👏🏼 of 👏🏼 what 👏🏼 you 👏🏼 read 👏🏼
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