sybill-the-seer · 16 days
I truly do not understand how much of the arguments about the marauders intelligence are being tied to their detentions.
It's always "Remus pulled the strings behind the scenes, he was just better than sirius and james at not getting caught" and I have to entirely disagree with this.
We know that sirius and james can keep a secret, and can do incredibly complicated magic in secret, right under the nose of a teacher who had done the same process herself. They became animagi at 15, they snuck out every full moon after that without getting caught, they made a map of the entire castle that nobody knew about, they made the most useful and accurate form of long distance communication known to wizard kind, which again nobody knew about, just to make their detentions less boring.
If they had wanted to not get caught for hexing their fellow students, they wouldn't have been.
Harry mentions that the two often got detention for cruel things, for being bullies basically. And I am not saying that they weren't.
But also, they went to school during a war, and both of them were squarely against pureblood ideology. They were also both proud of their position, and very proactive about it. They were fighting the war in hogwarts, even before joining the order. And both of them maintain a pretty traditional view of chivalry and honor. Sirius outright condemns Peters desire to stay in the shadow rather than being outright about his standing.
So why would either of james and sirius hide away as they hex blood purists. They are proud of it!
Meanwhile, Peter and remus are less often part of the detentions. Peter, as we've covered, likes to stay out of the lime light, and just be grouped in by proximity.
Remus acts differently. We see him operate, and, yes he has a talent to bully in such a way that he doesnt end up punished. He is a trickster, even if he's basically as open in his mockery as sirius and james are.
This isn't about intelligence or capability.
It matters to remus and for remus what being caught could mean for him, how much it would open a target on him if he didn't operate this way.
And it matters to sirius and james to show very openly where their loyalties lie. It matters to them to not hide away when the only consequence would be writing lines or cleaning cauldrons or even getting hexed in turn.
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sybill-the-seer · 16 days
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we don't talk about this parallel enough
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sybill-the-seer · 16 days
Harry: I don’t think the mind healer is supposed to say ‘wow’ that many times during their first session with a client, but here we are...
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sybill-the-seer · 16 days
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It was a bright spring morning when the topic of eloping came up. It seemed like the perfect solution—small, private, no way for the press to get any leaked information.
But then Ginny brought up a very good point while taking a sip of tea. “Well, we can’t get married without Mum. She’d absolutely die and then murder us.”
“Okay, so your parents and Ron and Hermione,” Harry conceded, pouring himself a cup of coffee and sitting down next to Ginny at the small wooden table.
“Well, if Ron is there, we need to invite all the brothers, or else it will be a whole thing. And they’ll all bring their families, of course. Hold on, let’s make a list so we don’t forget anyone.” Ginny summoned a quill and a piece of parchment and started writing down the various names of the Weasley family.
Harry leaned over and watched as she added the names of their nieces and nephews to the list. “If kids are invited, then I’d like Teddy and Andromeda to be there.”
“Obviously, Teddy can be the ring bearer, and Vic will be the flower girl.”
“You still do that in an elopement?”
Ginny shrugged. “I don’t know, but they’d be cute. We should also invite Luna and Neville.”
“Sounds good,” Harry said, taking another sip of his coffee.
“And Neville will bring Hannah,” Ginny said, adding the names to the growing list. “We should probably invite Dean and Seamus so they don’t feel left out.”
Harry nodded along, “Kingsley and some of the other Order members. Hagrid, of course.” 
“Oh, Hagrid! Definitely.” Ginny nodded. “Do you think he will bring Buckbeak if we ask?”
“A hippogriff in a bow tie?” Ginny and Harry laughed at the image, which cemented their agreement to extend an invitation to Buckbeak.
“And Viktor Krum and my Quidditch team, obviously,” Ginny said through bites of toast.
“I’d like McGonagall there,” But then Harry hesitated. “Or is that weird?”
“I don’t think so,” Ginny said while shaking her head. “I think she’d appreciate the invite. What about your relatives? Should we at least send them an invite?”
“Don’t be stupid, Gin,” Harry said, leaning back in his chair as he took another sip of coffee and gave Ginny a wink. “We’re eloping, not having a real wedding, after all.”
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sybill-the-seer · 18 days
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Take my coffee black by @chocfrog-enjoyer
Crookfoot moodboard by @artemisia-black
The Marauders by @thelighthousestale
Sirius in the Shrieking shack by @casquecest
Sirius moodboard by @sansasdragonfly
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1.Retrouvaille by the @thelighthousestale
2. Decaying Orbit by @crookshanksagentofowca
3. The mugshot by @midnightstargazer
4. The ascetics fire by @artemisia-black
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1.Sirius Black in PoA, through the Lens of Foucault by @artemisia-black
Thank you to everyone who participated ♥️
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sybill-the-seer · 18 days
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'Snape?' said Black harshly, taking his eyes off Scabbers for the first time in minutes and looking up at Lupin. 'What's Snape got to do with it?'
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sybill-the-seer · 18 days
Can we talk about the fact that in book 1 the Hogwarts rules clearly say the only pets allowed are a cat or toad or owl? Which means Ron wasn't actually allowed to have "Scabbers." Which means...
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sybill-the-seer · 18 days
Prompt 21: Fresh
Writing at the pace my life permits, have prompt 21 real late, @hinnymicrofic
He’s decidedly an idiot, and a blind one at that.
How in the bloody fuck had it taken him this long to notice? She’s attractive in an obvious, you’re-a-prat-for-not-seeing-it sort of way, to the point that he’s beginning to question his sanity.
They’re at lunch, and the beaming sunlight catches her shiny hair, and he’s staring. They’re at Quidditch and she’s arching her back to urge her broom faster, and the only thing that causes him to look away is the bludger that strikes his chest. They’re in the common room, and she’s laughing heartily with Demelza, and he decides right then and there that he’s gone. 
Because he catches himelf thinking fuck, she’s beautiful, subconsciously plotting how he might make her laugh like that at practice later, and he’s a ponce and an idiot and he should be committed to St. Mungos for evaluation because how could he have gone this long without seeing it?
She’s Ron sister, only he can’t tell anymore whether that’s a respectful boundary, a weak defense, or a pitiful excuse. 
Their practice is miserable, or would be if she weren’t there. The rain is falling in sheets, soaking them all to the bone, and Harry calls it early. 
As they’re walking back to the locker room, Ginny walks next to him. She snatches his glasses from his face, and he’s on fire despite the cold.
“How in the hell do you see in the rain with these?” she demands. 
“Impervious Charm.”
“Ha!” she says. “That’s cheating, captain.”
He can’t see anything at all, but he knows she looks adorable as the blurry shape of her dons his specs. 
“We’ve got to practice in all conditions!” she says, and he realizes with a jolt that she’s nailed his Surrey accent. “I don’t care if you’ve got to swim to the goal posts!”
He laughs, as do Katie and Jimmy Peakes. 
She abandons his accent as she says, “Blimey, you’re blind, aren’t you?”
He nearly chokes - yes, so fucking blind - but manages to pass it off as a laugh. “I prefer visually impaired.”
“A Seeker with shit eyes. Who made you captain of this team, anyway?”
“Excuse me,” he says, pretending to be affronted. “I’ve got eyes as green as a fresh pickled toad.”
He doesn’t know what compelled him to say it; he’s never once alluded to the poem she’d written about him when she was eleven. He panics internally that he’s gone and stuck his foot in it. 
Instead, she lets out a surprised bark of laughter, and he laments that he can’t see her expression with his shit pickled eyes. “Hey, I still stand by that, by the way,” she says, unfazed. “They’re very green.”
“Very green and very shit. Got it.”
She laughs and hands back his glasses. He puts them back on and can see her once again, hair dripping wet, Quidditch robes plastered against her, and something like a rosy blush coloring her cheeks. Perhaps not as unfazed as she sounded, but utterly, devastatingly fit all the same.
Yeah, he thinks. Very, very shit eyes.
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sybill-the-seer · 18 days
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Hermione Granger, you wonderful bookworm, you.
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sybill-the-seer · 18 days
Harry must have been very happy when he saw Ginny in her wedding dress, but can you imagine how happy he was when he first saw her with her Holyhead Harpies uniform with "Potter" on the back?
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sybill-the-seer · 21 days
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Forgive me, Peter
My lost fearless leader
In closets like cedar
Preserved from when we were just kids
Is it somethin' I did?
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sybill-the-seer · 21 days
Voldemort Fic Recs
I meant to post this for hprecfest over four months ago, but uh... I didn't.
The Limits Of Perception by deslea
Rec: A truly fantastic character study in few words.
He meets a different kind of falsehood at school. The Pure prize the collective. They put aside their individual interests and feelings, follow codes of honour designed to protect family and name. It is still lying, but at least it is lying for something better than one's own ends. This is a kind of hypocrisy that he can tolerate, he decides.
of all my demon spirits by slashmarks
Rec: Ginny writes to Tom after the events of CoS. Paints a detailed picture of Tom and Ginny's relationship, and it's a great character study of Tom in addition to Ginny.
But I think maybe you were lying when you said that I was boring and stupid after all. Do you remember when we talked about the last war and I didn’t understand how anybody could think muggles were animals, because even if I don’t really know any muggles we go into the village to get groceries and stuff all the time and Mrs. Hoof keeps sweets by the counter just to give them to kids like me? You teased me about being bought with candy, but then you said the Death Eaters had to decide muggles weren’t people in order to kill them, and that really most people do that all of the time, like with house elves and stuff. You said that it was because most people are hypocrites and can’t face their real choices, but I think maybe it’s something you do, too, Tom. Maybe I had to be a boring and stupid little girl because you were about to kill me.
a shade amidst the shadowy dead by slashmarks
Rec: THE Voldemort backstory of all time - Bellatrix's great-aunt Cassiopeia Black, a lesbian Dark Lord with a Muggle lover, and Tom Riddle and Bellatrix's mutual teacher and Mother Figure (TM) who they're both grieving when they meet. AKA Bellamort's very own Bathilda Bagshot.
Circling around to the potions shelving, she stopped halfway, a small twitch of a half-smile disturbing her serene face. Tom had fallen asleep with his face in a book in the armchair between bookshelves. In a moment he would wake, hearing her move. He would politely pretend he had lost track of time, and she would politely pretend to believe him. Of course, she knew perfectly well he was sleeping in the lab all the time for the summer, and she knew why. The school-leaving age in muggle Britain was fourteen, and Tom had therefore been expected to leave the orphanage two years ago.
The Shack at the End of the Lane by Asenora
Rec: Voldemort’s victims meet Merope in the afterlife. A wonderful concept.
One day, a second bedroom materialised in the shack. It had white-washed walls and a black-and-white tiled floor, and contained no furniture other than a rickety iron bedstead, a wardrobe, and a hard wooden chair. She opened the wardrobe, and found nothing in it except an empty shoebox. 'This place needs some cheer,' she thought, and was unsurprised when a set of paint pots appeared in front of her.
the serpent's tale has come undone by slashmarks
Rec: Fantastic Voldemort POV in a Bellamort getting together fic. Slashmarks' ability to write both Voldemort's hunger for connection and intimacy and his cruelty is so impressive.
Orion Black's idiocy would be his prize, in this case. He understood what he was seeing when he looked into Bellatrix Black's cool gray eyes and the mind beyond them. He would gratefully use what Orion Black had discarded or overlooked as essentially worthless; or at least, not worthy of his attention and maintenance. He knew that pureblood men were often idiots about women, but sometimes the boundless capacity for it in otherwise intelligent ones surprised him. - Moreover... He had wanted family as a student, he remembered that; something to replace the loss that had occurred at and before his birth, someone to claim him, someone who would defend his interests and give him something to defend. He had the Death Eaters as the closest possible thing now. The demands marriage would have made on him would not be... tenable.
endless nights took on my whole life by slashmarks
Rec: My absolute favorite Tom Riddle POV. A HILARIOUS Voldemort and Rodolphus dynamic in addition to a wonderful Bellamort.
That sounded like Riddle wanted Lestrange to go back to killing people for him, which might be a relief in a sense, in that it might provide the impetus he needed to get around to suicide. "I would also prefer not to lose you entirely," Riddle said, dryly. "I thought I might try something new and offer you a choice of assignments." Lestrange's first thought was something obscene about what Riddle could assign him to do which he had heard Rabastan bellow, drunk, during an argument with a prostitute last weekend. (Lestrange had had to go and apologize to her after, and pay her off.) He shut that thought down rapidly, hoping Riddle hadn't been listening. If he had, he didn't do the thought the dignity of responding. - Bellatrix was a new experience for Tom, as something of a kindred spirit. Abraxas might be the closest thing Tom would admit to a brother, but he had no real patience for magical theory or interest in it beyond utilitarian concerns, and Reinhard was simply too nice a person, deep down, a condition even the Lestranges had never cured him of. Bellatrix, though, was capable of sharing everything for the first time: she could keep up with him intellectually, she was as fascinated by magic as him, and any squeamish bone had long ago been extracted. Best of all, she shared Tom Riddle's fervent loathing for every aspect of magical Britain's society and his desire to personally torture to death most of the Wizengamot, which Tom had always known better than to fully express even to Abraxas.
The Edge of Reality by deslea
Rec: Fascinating exploration of the Death Eater cult and initiation.
To ensure their continued loyalty, they must be given a new family and future, better than the one they have agreed to cast away. When this is achieved, in his experience, they will do virtually anything in his service. Their loyalty to old laws and values and connections is either severed, or so conditional as to be irrelevant. It is a delicate exercise, carried out with an intricate blend of Legilimency and plain old-fashioned manipulation. It is magic at its finest.
'The son and heir of nothing in particular by @artemisia-black
Rec: Beautifully written, and I love Tom's musings on London in this fic.
But unlike the damp which pervaded the orphanage in the depths of winter, this scent did not evoke desperation and destitution. It did not remind him of scratchy government-issued pinafores and the flavourless soups that the matron insisted warded off the flu.  No, this damp smelled different. It smelled of ancient, untapped magic. But most importantly, it smelled like home.
The Velveteen Rabbit by Asenora
Rec: A unique take on Mrs. Cole and Tom's relationship, and a heartbreaking young Tom.
It’s just about pride - when he’s hurt, when one of the bigger lads punches him in the face, he won’t give anyone the satisfaction of knowing. He just watches, his face completely unmoving, staring whoever's attacked him down until they're the one that's frightened, and then whirling off triumphantly, with his chin in the air. But, if you know where to look, you can find him a wee while later curled up in a corner of the orphanage where nobody usually goes, running his fingers over his black eye or bruised jaw like he could cure the injury by magic, muttering words of comfort to himself, telling himself he’s all he needs, and he’ll be alright, and he will always, always manage to survive.
My True Family: Voldemort and Family Connections by slashmarks
Rec: Cheating ‘cause this isn’t a fic, but a must-read essay that challenges the idea of an inhuman Voldemort who can’t love.
Voldemort immediately knows how to lure Harry to the Department of Mysteries when curiosity isn't enough: a threat to Sirius Black will be enough, and it is. Sirius is not only Harry's only remaining magical family, but he represents a hope Tom Riddle once shared, and once was equally disappointed in: a magical guardian who would take either boy away from the muggle world and status as a friendless orphan.
In Place And Blood. by Lanna Michaels
Rec: Tom raised by Merope still becomes Voldemort and this time his motivation is solely revenge on purebloods for his mother.
That night, for the first time, he shares a room with six other boys, five of them purebloods, and he wants to murder them where they sleep. He doesn't know how to do it, but he has ideas. They all deserve it. They deserve it for what they did to his mother. Purebloods had left his mother friendless, a disgrace, had thrown her out and left her to die and her son with her. Tom is going to make sure they live to regret it. Tom is going to make every one of them regret it.
if the sea were sand alone by Anonymous
Rec: A gorgeous and heartbreaking what-could-have-been for the Dumbledore and Tom relationship, the starting point being Slughorn comes to the orphanage to introduce the magical world to Tom instead of Dumbledore.
"I wanted to kill them," he said. "They left me there. All those years, and my father, and my grandparents, they left me there. The last thing my mother said to him was, 'What about the baby?' and the last thing he said to her--" He cut himself off. There was so much pain etched into his face that Albus shuffled off the bed, and, standing over him, pulled his head to his chest like he was still a small child. He had felt abandoned, once. It was a wound that had never truly healed, and it had taken him years to realize the extent of the damage.
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sybill-the-seer · 21 days
I love love love the way you draw animals! it would be an honour to see your version of our fave bandy-legged, squashy-faced, half-kneazle, crookshanks <3 <3
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Oh I’ve been wanting to draw this little critter for so long! Thank you for the prompt and your lovely words 🧡
You may have noticed I typically favour hairless creatures, but I hope I’ve done him justice.
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sybill-the-seer · 21 days
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you should be.
if you’d like to support my work, please consider donating to my ko-fi <3 
my commissions are open! dm me <3
get it on redbubble
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sybill-the-seer · 21 days
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Love in Secret: The Secret Wedding Everyone's Talking About
By Rita Skeeter
The Vanquisher of Voldemort, Harry Potter, and his Hogwarts sweetheart, Ginny Weasley, have secretly eloped!
Mr Potter, hero of the Second Wizarding War now a celebrated Auror, and Ms Weasley, a star Quidditch player for the Holyhead Harpies, have long been a favorite couple among fans. Their popularity endured even through persistent rumors that Ms Weasley used love potions to secure her longtime relationship to the famous wizard.
Ginny Weasley, the youngest daughter of the famously large and somewhat eccentric Weasley family, has always had her eyes set on Harry Potter. Friends from their Hogwarts days recall a shy young girl with a crush that bordered on obsessive. But could this infatuation have driven her to take more sinister measures?
Anonymous sources from the Ministry of Magic have hinted at an investigation into the matter. “It’s not uncommon for witches to resort to such measures when their affections are unreturned,” said one insider. “And with Harry Potter’s fame and fortune, who could blame her?”
When reached for comment, Ron Weasley, Ms Weasley's brother and Mr. Potter’s wartime sidekick, told this reporter to perform a vulgar sexual act on oneself that is too crude to write in this prestigious paper.
Despite their high-profile lives, the couple has always sought to keep certain aspects of their relationship private. Their decision to elope reflects their desire to cherish their love away from the prying eyes of the public.
The newlyweds have yet to make an official statement, but sources indicate they are currently enjoying a romantic honeymoon at an undisclosed location.
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sybill-the-seer · 21 days
how is it possible for people to make unironic posts like, "you Know james and barty became besties after reggie and james got together!!!!" and get like 2000 notes?
like, wtf?? did we read the same books???
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sybill-the-seer · 21 days
Do u think Remus and Sirius were best friends or just friends
(Just to make it clear, what I write in my fanfics and what I think was in canon are different things.) In my fanfic, I write Sirius and Remus as a bit closer to each other than I think they were in canon. To be honest, I think that at some point Peter was even closer to Sirius than Remus was. But overall, neither of them were his best friends, not the ones he could share his inner world with. For Remus, young Sirius was probably always a closed book. By the end, Peter was even closer (not more respected, Sirius didn’t respect him, that’s the complexity of such dynamic, I can easily see how he trusted him and even wanted to protect him at some point).
James was Sirius’s only best friend.
If anyone has other thoughts, I’d like to read them.
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