#:O this is just like silence in the library!!!!
expelliarmus · 25 days
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julietsbody · 3 months
divine figures — luke castellan + reader : nothing could steer luke off his path to god now, until you came along. 
tags : southern setting au, small town setting, loser!luke, idolization, christian religious references & imagery, religious inconsistencies, church sex, religious guilt, body worship, sex but poetic, cannibalistic imagery…………..
a/n : heavily inspired by the lovely @murdrdocs!! 
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luke castellan was never one to follow a religion, well, not at first he wasn’t. he thought it was all bullshit, to put your all into someone nobody is sure even exists, it’s bullshit. but then his mom began insisting that he went, that he needed to find god, they both did, so he went.   
luke lacked a father figure, so when he stared up at the statue perched at the apse of the church, he found the man he always lacked in his life, no matter how much the statue ignored his gaze, never bothering to look his way. he was quick to read the bible like it was a drug he just couldn’t get enough of, he sat straight with his eyes forward during each sermon, he kept himself pure. 
and he stuck true to that, until you came. 
he never really noticed you at first, but you were always there. 
always looking over your shoulder to his place in the pew, always smiling at him when he accidentally glances your way, always passing by his house on your bike on hot summer days in hopes of seeing him outside, shirtless and working on his mother’s car. 
you hadn’t mustered up the proper courage to speak to him, not until your parents have tugged you over to where he stood with his mother in the nave. your mother and father immediately sparked up conversation with his mother, leaving you to awkwardly look around the church in hopes of finding something worthy of speaking of. nothing, there was nothing. so you just mumbled out a, “hey.” 
he hesitates for a second, “hi.” 
“did you like the sermon?” your southern drawl, along with your sugar coated smile, luke can feel the thumping of his heart against his knit sweater. 
“‘course,” he smiles shyly, “i always do— um.. did you?” 
you nod at him, your ability to hold eye contact so well had him feeling nervous, constantly breaking it to glance around the room, “are you excited for easter?”
luke’s lips curve to a brighter smile, one that proves that he hopes that with jesus’ return, there will be a proper savior for him, his prayers will finally be listened to, maybe for once the statue on the wall will glance his way. 
jesus molded everything about luke, at this point, if he couldn’t believe in his father, jesus was going to take that place— and he did, luke was taught everything by the bible, all he ever relied on was the words of the lord, everything he ever did was a representation of what lied in those scriptures. he never worshipped another god, never said the lord’s name in vain, always remembered sabbath day, as well as honored his mother and… father. 
he didn’t commit adultery, in fact, he never spoke to women, really. his mother kept him sheltered, he was only allowed to speak to the women at church, not any of the women who rode on their bikes past his house, or smiled at him in the library. he just stared at them for a minute and looked away, contemplating how different things would be if he was able to speak to them. 
at the thought of women, luke’s mind races back to you, who is currently blinking at him and thinking he didn’t hear you. “i am excited— for easter, will you be at— the um.. the church that day?” 
another nod, then an awkward silence as you find nothing more to say, and neither does he. the church was a beautiful place, decorated with swirls of gold and dark wood, colorful stained glass windows that painted pictures of jesus, or virgin mary. if luke could move out of his home and live somewhere he genuinely enjoyed, it would be the church. 
there was something so comforting about it, maybe the faint music that played in the background, or the way it smelled of old books and floral perfumes, or the fact that it was just a place where so many people went to put their faith into someone. god was just so important, if luke didn’t know any better, he’d envy him. 
“you should come on sabbath days,” you interject his thoughts, leaning in to his vision. 
he blinks, eyes refocusing on your face, and he awkwardly chuckles, scratching the back of his neck, “i thought they were for relaxation?” 
“and worship,” you correct, and he crystalizes the memory of how each word sounds on your tongue, how it flows out so well, how it makes him swallow. 
“right, right,” he wets his lips nervously, “i’ll just— ask my mom. mama?” 
as soon as he asks his mom, she’s all smiles at him, nodding and even shaking your hand, thanking you for urging him to go to church more. 
“i’ll see you there,” is the last thing you say to luke that day. 
˚₊‧꒰ა ♱ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
luke would be a liar to say he wasn’t riddled with visions of you in the darkest parts of the night, they started from the day you first spoke to him, and never left him since. he hated how much it plagued him, because it tempted him so well. it was like you were eve, offering him, adam, the apple. you reassure him that it’s sweet, that there’s no harm in taking a bite, and luke is parting his lips, ready to taste it, when he finally wakes up. 
the heat of the room is beating down on him, even in the cool of the night. his skin is sticky from sweat, and all he can ever think about is you. it should be a crime, really, how much you had consumed his every waking thought. for once, he wasn’t thinking of the bible verses he would be reading that day, what prayer he would be saying. 
luke didn’t know one thing about women, but the way you spoke to him, the way you smiled at him, the glints in your eyes, it had him wondering how he could make your face twist up in pleasure— fuck. he shouldn’t be thinking like this, it’s unholy, it’s weird, but he’s already in too deep. 
he’s already fed the memory of how pink your lips are, how soft they look, they probably feel the same. is it a sin to wonder how well you kiss? would you be all - consuming? or slow, sweet? luke doesn’t know why he prefers if you’d be hungry, if you’d bite and nip at him like you’re hungry, like he’s the last supper. 
his boxers feel tight on his skin, dick twitching in the confines of them. luke hardly knows this feeling well, he wasn’t one to allow himself to get hard, nor was he one to properly take care of it. but something about the idea of your teeth clashing against his when you kiss him, pushing your tongue into his mouth to taste him properly— it had his fingers pushing underneath the waistband of his underwear. 
when his fingertips graze his cock, he immediately shudders, lashes fluttering. every time luke touched himself, it felt like the first time, only now it felt.. better. better because he was thinking of you. luke had never watched porn, he hardly knows what it is, so the idea of what sex would be like is.. a gray area for him. 
but he works with what his mind is capable of, which is dry humping. the first setting that comes to mind is the church, which leaves a bitter taste on his tongue, but he goes with it. it comes to vividly, you on his lap, wet patch evident on his jeans from where your hips push down, whispering sweet nothings into his ear. when you moan, he does, when you whimper, he does, when you roll your hips, he does. 
everything was in sync, and it was all so sinful. masturbation itself wasn’t a sin, unless you thought of someone, and for the longest time, luke never thought of anyone, but you were a parasite he couldn’t shake, and he honestly wasn’t sure if he wanted to. 
luke wonders how much the priest will judge him when he utters these thoughts, these events in the confessional tomorrow. he has only ever uttered small, pitiful confessions, i didn’t help my mom with dinner, i turned in a book to the library late, i forgot to pray. he’s never had to confess anything larger. 
heat bubbles in luke’s stomach, it’s pleasant, sweet, but it curls, and curls until it’s suffocating, until his wrist is hurting from the fast pumps of his cock, sweat glistening on his skin, cheeks flushed. he can feel a whine scratching up his throat, in the confines of his mind, something is screaming at him, telling him to stop, but it’s too late, he can barely hear it over the blood pumping in his ears. 
˚₊‧꒰ა ♱ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
when luke comes into the church the next day, it’s a saturday, a sabbath day. typically on these days, he would be spending his time lounging around his house, reading some piece of classical literature that he has hidden from his mother, wishing to keep the inked pictures of statues reeking of desire for one another a secret. 
but he was here, and so, he prayed. 
the sun had barely risen over the horizon (courtesy of daylight savings), yet the candles in the church were lit, leaving an orange hue to project around the empty room. 
luke felt gross, corrupt, unholy. 
for once, luke feels as though the statue above is glaring down on him, and he tries his best to not shrink into himself under the piercing gaze. he knows. his mouth is dry with each prayer, fingers sweaty around the rosary, but he wouldn’t allow himself to falter once more. 
as soon as he starts his fifth prayer, he hears the creak of the floorboards that he knows all too well, eyes fluttering open so he can look back to see who was there, hoping they hadn’t heard his last confessions in his prayers. 
you. his mind is tugged to a halt, every prayer he had rehearsed on his way to the church, completely forgotten. it was all just.. you. you seared on his skin, burned him until he was nothing but smoke. your gaze softens on him, a stark contrast to jesus’ pointed glares, “i didn’t think you’d come.” 
his voice is coarse from the nonstop prayers, “of course i would.” 
all he can think about is you underneath him, his own skin bitten and scratched, decorated in mulberry and deep pinks, he’s practically salivating at the idea. he wonders if, behind the confines of the church walls, would anyone hear you? would the priests dare to look for whoever is letting out such unholy noises? 
luke feels frozen the second he comes back to reality, dick hardening underneath the fabric beyond his control, his mind is tearing itself apart before he can even realize you’re speaking to him. 
“— wondering if you’d like to sit next to me tomorrow,” you pose, seemingly unaware of the bulge in luke’s pants that he is desperately trying to naturally cover with his hands. but you knew, you knew the effect you had on him, and he had the same effect on you. 
is it so cruel to only tease him harder? 
luke swallows the remaining saliva in his drying mouth, quickly moving to a stand, rosary bringing more attention to his covered crotch, “sure, yes— um.. i need to— go.” 
before you can even say anything, he is pushing past you, hand moving only to chastly grab your waist for a mere second as he passes, an instinct of trying to keep you stable, but it only makes a heat between your legs grow. 
desires go both ways, and it’s only a matter of time before they snap. 
˚₊‧꒰ა ♱ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
easter was once luke’s most anticipated day of the year, but now it was the day of his nightmares. he barely slept last night, kept himself awake with chores, prayers, and reading the bible until it made him sick. he couldn’t have another dream, he couldn’t let you get to him anymore. he thought it would be easy to avoid you today, but he was cursed with his own mistakes as you sat down next to him in the pew. 
the worst part wasn’t that you sat down next to it, it’s that his mind was riddled with disgusting thoughts as soon as he saw how your dress brushed up your thighs, it was so simple, such a small act, but it just made him think the worst possible things. 
you bent over the pew, the bottom of your dress tugged up to show your panties, his hands are gripping your hips like his life depends on it, crotch pressed to your clothed pussy from behind. 
luke blinks back with his cheeks hot, noticing the bible in your hands. when he speaks, he doesn’t even realize what he’s saying, it’s like he’s possessed, “what verse are you reading?” 
“luke 22:40,” you say it so simply, a smile barely teasing your lips. 
on reaching the place, 
he said to them, “pray that you 
will not fall into temptation.” 
the saliva on luke’s tongue is sour, near poisonous, his lips were stained maroon from the skin of the apple. luke 22:40 was the exact line he had been reciting to himself, luke was his name. the serpent was squeezing him tight, his breath felt swiped away from his lungs. 
luke is quiet for the rest of the evening, even through the sermon, when he should be smiling when everyone else is, clapping when everyone else is— he is just silent, blank - faced. 
you can’t decipher what he’s feeling until everyone has gone off to eat after the sermon, and he’s tugging you back into the pew once it’s vacant, fingers forming a tight grip around your wrist, “why are you doing this?” 
he’s out of breath, and no matter how tough he tries to seem, he sounds pathetic, his voice a near whimper, like he’s pleading with you. 
“doing what?” you blink up at him, doe eyes making his teeth press together. 
“you’re tempting me— this, this isn’t fair, why?” his breath is shaky when he exhales. 
“i’m not doing anything, luke.” 
“you’re making me think— making me imagine things.. sinful things.” 
“what exactly are you thinking?” your voice is softer, and the heat of the sun is seeping into the church. 
“i..” how can he explain himself? every image that he wants to communicate is all too disgusting, a mixture of hunger and desire, it seemed luke wanted you to eat him alive, “you know what i’m thinking.” 
“why don’t you show it to me?” 
formal release from guilt, 
obligation, or punishment. 
an ecclesiastical declaration
of forgiveness of sins.
morals trickle down luke’s back when he kisses you, he knows it’s all wrong, he knows he could just leave it at a kiss, but he didn’t want to be haunted with these visions any longer, maybe if he made them a reality, they would just leave. he could be himself again, the picture - perfect religious boy he was always supposed to be. the kiss is small at first, the hesitant movement of lips, the adjusting to the feeling, but it quickly grows into something hungry. 
luke didn’t know how to properly kiss, so he just followed your lead, and soon enough, he was kissing you like a starving man. from tongues clashing, to his hand mindlessly moving to your hip, body pressing against yours, it was everything he saw in the pictures printed in those books he read. 
when luke falls back into his seat on the pew, you had pulled away from him, admiring how flushed his lips are. when your hand meets his jaw, luke forgets who his god is supposed to be, all he can think about is you, even on the day dedicated to the man he has spent all of his life worshiping. 
“please,” it’s barely even audible, only made out by the slight flick of his tongue from the l. 
“tell me what you want.” 
it felt like luke was sitting in the confessional, admitting all of his nastiest desires when his lips part, finally being able to say his thoughts out loud, “can you— ride me? or.. if you don’t want to— that’s okay.” does luke know what riding is? only from the overheard gossip of other men, but he was told it was something he had to try, when he got married, of course. 
“i want to,” it’s as if you aren’t in a church, as if nobody could just walk in and see how you’re moving onto his lap, moving his hands to your ass, letting his desperate fingers tug your dress up. his purity bracelet brushes against your skin when you move to guide his hands to your ass, watching the nervous look in his eyes when he squeezes the flesh. 
he has no idea what he’s doing, he just wants to please you, to make you feel as good as he made himself feel to the idea of you the other night. maybe, at this point, luke isn’t praying to jesus, maybe he never was, because you were always in the back of his mind. no matter how guilty it made him feel, how many times he had squeezed his tear - ridden eyes shut and wished he was different, wished he wasn’t so easy to fall for temptation. 
god is watching, is what his mind tells him, but your eyes tell him to keep going, watching as he moves his hands to unbuckle his belt, the sound of metal clinging being so improper for the walls ridden with crosses, but it just felt so right. he sucks in a sharp breath when he pulls out his dick, the cool air searing his delicate skin, pupils blown wide when they watch your lips slightly part at the sight. 
 “you’re so big,” is all you can manage out. 
luke’s lips twitch around a small smile, “is that a good thing?” 
“if it fits,” you move through a few twists to properly take your panties off, letting them hang off your ankle when you reposition yourself to have your entrance pressing against the tip of his dick, “then yes.” 
luke’s lips press together as soon as you start sinking down on him, you’re so slow with it it’s almost torturous. the holy water he had dipped his water in and pressed to his skin, was now scorching him with each inch that filled your velvet walls. when you reached the hilt, it was safe to say you felt stuffed, and luke was making more noise than you. 
whimpers, grunts, he tried to hide them all behind the confines of his lips, but they dug their nails into his throat and crawled their way up until it was impossible for him to hold them back. as soon as you began moving, luke was purely fighting for his life against the own noises leaving him to the point of where he had to sit up, pressing his lips to your neck, he was quick to press his lips against the sensitive areas, biting, sucking— he wasn’t even sure if he was doing it properly, but he was just so desperate. 
he wanted you to shatter him like fine porcelain, to snap off his glass parts and crush them underneath your fingers with pure ease, to deconstruct every inch of him that he had taken years to build. no matter how empty he would feel in the end, to put himself in your hands, like a lump of clay in the hands of a goddess, he trusted your instincts. 
“i want you to ruin me,” he mumbles against the flesh of your neck, barely audible. 
“what?” your voice is breathless between moans, walls tightening around his dick with each movement of your hips. 
he whimpers out a simple, “sorry.” 
you didn’t forget his words, though, in fact, you let your fingers run through his dark curls, tangling through them until you tugged him back from your neck, just so you can take his place, now the one pressing your lips to his neck. he felt small underneath you, but he didn’t hate it, he liked the way that your lips felt on his skin, enough for him to lean his head back to provide you more blank canvas. 
you painted him in maroons and mulberries, blooming rose petals on his skin, marking him as your own. no matter how much luke knew he would be praying for forgiveness tonight, in this moment, everything he’s ever stood for has fallen off his broad shoulders. his hair is messy and sticking to his sweaty forehead, skin peppered with bite marks, deep reds, purples, every color in between and beyond.
“‘m gonna—“ luke’s words come out choked, dick pulsing inside of you, “gonna cum—“ 
luke’s orgasm hits him hard enough to have tears pooling into his eyes, maybe it was the guilt, or the everlasting pleasure, he wasn’t entirely sure, how could he even be? all he could think of was you, now. 
“do you still believe in god?” you offer him once you’re off him and he’s putting his belt back on. 
he stares at you for a second, hesitating, then his lips part, “yes.” 
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junrenjun · 18 days
love and lacrosse jackets
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pe teacher!vernon x chemistry teacher!reader (fem)
genre: fluff
wc: 3k
warnings: reader is referred to as ms. (and other fem pronouns), reader wears vernon's clothes
a/n: this is not an understand series update and i apologize for that. however, here's a vernon teacher au with a little side of lacrosse and dad!seungcheol
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You were suddenly thrown out of your thoughts by one of your students sighing and turning from her worksheet. “Ms. y/n, can I ask a question?” 
You knew this student, Maya, was likely trying to get out of doing her assignment. She was too smart for her own good. “Depends. Is it about the worksheet?” 
She paused for a second, turning her head slightly away in order to avoid your gaze. “...no.”
You continued. “Do you need to go to the bathroom or the nurse?”
Maya sighed and mumbled, “no.”
You turned back to your computer while giving your final response. “Then I think you know the answer. I would be happy to talk to you once you’ve balanced all those equations.” 
You should’ve known she wasn’t giving up that easily. If anything, she probably gave up halfway through the worksheet because she knew the answers and was just looking for something to entertain herself. “Mr. Chwe lets us ask him questions all the time.”
You snorted. “Mr. Chwe is a PE teacher Maya. You don’t have worksheets to do in his classes. Unfortunately, you do in chemistry. So please finish this or at least study for your quiz next week.” 
Maya was apparently taken aback by this. She was quick to defend herself, saying, “how do you know we don’t do worksheets in PE?”
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. Maybe you should've been a college professor instead of a high school teacher. “I’m the girls lacrosse coach and he’s the boys coach. We spend a lot of time together and I’ve never once seen him make a worksheet.” 
An evil grin spread across Maya’s face. You internally groaned at this. That expression means she’s up to absolutely no good. She turned and tapped on her partner’s arm. Great, now she’s distracting other students too. “Henry, wouldn’t Ms. y/n and Mr. Chwe make a cute couple?” He grinned and started going off on a tangent about how funny it would be if the two lacrosse coaches were dating. 
This conversation really took a turn for the worse, didn’t it? There’s nothing you could do but groan, out loud this time, and put your head in your hands. Your neighboring teacher, Mr. Seokmin, really has impeccable timing though. He stuck his head through your door and grabbed your attention a few moments later. “Hey Ms. y/n, do you have a student that can run an errand for me real quick?”
Now was your chance. “Maya, since you seem to have no interest in balancing any more equations, why don’t you go help Mr. Seokmin?”
Before she could protest, the physics teacher grinned brightly at her before exclaiming, “perfect! Come on Maya, I need someone to help me carry these projects to the library.” Once she was finally out of the room, you breathed a sigh of relief. 
It didn’t last long though because your other students suddenly started giggling and murmuring amongst each other. Henry, who was still turned toward you, decided he needed to continue Maya’s antics in her absence. “You did say you and Mr. Chwe were close.” More giggles were heard. 
You’re not sure what you did to deserve this treatment from your 3rd hour honors class of all people, but clearly it was something. “Alright if you all don’t go back to your work I’m not offering any extra credit on this next quiz.” The rest of the hour passed in silence. 
“What’s with the long face?” Vernon thought the joking would cheer his best player up, but it just made Henry frown even more. 
After a few moments of silence, he finally answered, “I had a quiz in chemistry today. Don’t think I did too well on it.”
Vernon was quick to ask him which teacher he had. “Your favorite, Ms. y/n,” Henry responded. 
The PE teacher rolled his eyes at the comment but still clapped his hand on the player’s shoulder. “You’ll be fine, kid. She offers extra credit. But she also told me you and Maya were pestering her the other day instead of doing your work, so maybe you should put a little more effort into understanding the material next time.”
Henry grumbled, knowing nothing good would come of an argument. “Yeah, whatever you say Coach.” Then, he dropped his bag on the ground and ran out onto the field to start warming up.
Vernon felt someone approach him from behind. “See dude, even the kids can pick up on you and y/n’s chemistry. Haha, get it? Chemistry? Y/n teaches chemistry.” The head coach could barely restrain himself from flicking Mingyu in the forehead. He was a great assistant coach, but an incredibly annoying friend. 
“Why can’t I just be friends with a coworker and fellow lacrosse coach?” Vernon complained. Mingyu simply watched on as his friend continued. “Just because we’re both single doesn’t mean we should get together. I mean she’s really cool and works really well with the kids. And she’s an insane lacrosse player, an even better coach too. I think she could get the girls to state this year. I just think…” He’s cut off by Mingyu smacking his arm. 
For once, he’s grateful for the assistant coach’s intrusion, because he turns around to find you jogging up to him. Weird, he thought to himself, since you and the girls have a game today. You skid to a stop next to the two, and make eye contact with him. “You don’t happen to have an extra SVHS shirt do you? I think I forgot my coaching shirt at home today and I really don’t want Seungcheol getting on my ass for it.” 
Vernon’s world comes crashing down at that moment. Maybe he does have a teensy little crush on you. Because the thought of you wearing his clothes has him swooning. Mingyu, ever so helpful, snaps him out of the moment by clearing his throat to yell at the boys for messing around. Vernon blinks at you for a second before stammering out, “uh yeah I think so,” and reaching into his bag. He pulls out a gray quarter zip with the words “SVHS” and “Coach Chwe” embroidered on the chest. He debates hiding it from your sight and shoving it back in his bag to save you both the embarrassment, but he knows how strict Seungcheol is as an athletic director. 
He eventually tosses it to you, stuttering out something about good luck while watching you throw it over your head. Once it’s on you say, “I have the same one, so hopefully no one sees the difference. Thanks Chwe.” He can’t even process your words because his brain is simply malfunctioning seeing you in his clothes, especially ones that say his name. He’s no better than his high schoolers. Before he knows it, you’re turning on your heel and jogging back to the main field. 
Someone comes up behind him, filling Mingyu’s absence, since the assistant coach ran off to lead practice drills in the middle of Vernon’s little crisis. He hears the lacrosse captain snickering and then telling him, “damn Coach, you’ve got it bad. You’re redder than a tomato.”
Vernon simply cannot handle it any further. “Oscar, for heaven’s sake, please shut your mouth and go back to practice.” Oscar throws his hands up in mock defense, before grabbing the ball that rolled over to Vernon’s feet and running back onto the field.
You really need to give Vernon his coach’s jacket back. It didn’t help that you weren’t a morning person, and seemed to accidentally leave it at home whenever you left for work each day. It also maybe didn’t help that it smelled just like the boy’s lacrosse coach, who, admittedly, smelled pretty damn good. But, you couldn’t hoard Vernon’s things forever. You were lucky enough that you had gone a week without him mentioning the jacket at all, which you chalked up to him knowing you were busy.
Tomorrow, you told yourself. Tomorrow you would take the jacket back to school and give it to him. You even laid it out with your own jacket, which you were going to wear the next since you had a game anyways. That, however, was a mistake. Because in the morning, groggy from lack of sleep, you accidentally threw on Vernon’s jacket and shoved your own into your work bag. 
How no one told you until 3rd period, you’re not quite sure. Mainly because Seokmin had specifically complimented your outfit when you visited him before your first class. You thought maybe it was because you were wearing a new pair of pants. Clearly it was not and the physics teacher was using it as a means to tease you (and Vernon by proxy). If only you had known.
Maya stepped into your classroom extra peppy that day, which was already a recipe for disaster. The fact that she was the one to catch that you were wearing Mr. Chwe’s zip-up certainly did not help. A gasped “oh my god” stopped you in the middle of your lecture. You pointedly looked at the girl before asking, “Maya, is everything alright?”
The poor girl could barely contain her excitement, practically shaking in her seat. “You’re dating Mr. Chwe! I knew it!”
You were caught so off-guard that it took you a while to respond. “Maya, where did you even get that idea from? And you’re being disruptive, I’m trying to teach about equilibrium.” 
She stood from her seat and pointed at you, before excitedly exclaiming, “your jacket. You’re wearing Mr. Chwe’s jacket!” You looked down and, sure enough, Vernon’s name was plastered across the chest. To put it plainly, you were mortified. In fact, you’re pretty sure you’ve embarrassed yourself even more when you don’t respond for a solid minute. 
Finally, when you’re done wallowing in pity in front of a bunch of 16 year olds, you make your way to your desk and pull out a hall pass. You hand it to Maya swiftly before telling her, “if you’re too invested in this to learn chemistry, go bother Mr. Chwe about it. It’s his planning period.” She gapes up at you before scrambling out of the room.
You turn back to the rest of the class, making sure to pointedly look at Henry. “No other questions about my love life?”
A deadly silence spreads across the room. Henry sinks back in his chair but you watch a hand creep up from the back of the classroom. You sigh and call on the girl. She’s clearly surprised you even allowed her to speak, because the question is whispered to the point you can barely hear it. “Why do you have Mr. Chwe’s jacket?”
The inquiry is enough to throw you off the deep end. “Ok, I’m not teaching the rest of class. I don’t care what you guys do as it’s either A) not disruptive or B) asking me about my personal life.” 
Seungcheol is surprised when there is a knock on the athletic office door in the middle of 3rd period. Students should be in class and if it were a staff member, they would have just let themselves in. He tells whoever it is to come in and is slightly less surprised to see Maya standing in front of him. She doesn’t let him speak first, quickly letting out, “do you know where Mr. Chwe is?”
He raises an eyebrow at the girl. “You got a hall pass kid?” he fires back. Maya waves the piece of paper around in his face. He rolls his eyes. 
She puts her hands on her hips and looks pointedly at him. “Seriously though. Do you know where Mr. Chwe is? It’s supposed to be his planning period or something.”
Seungcheol is still confused why she needs to see Vernon in the middle of 3rd hour and how she managed a hall pass for it. “Why?”
Maya plops down on the chair in front of his desk with a sigh, clearly this conversation was not happening without a little bit of a fight. “Ms. y/n sent me to ask him a question.”
The athletic director can’t help but let out a snort at the girl’s comment. Maya is suddenly interested in his reaction. “Why is that so funny? Do you think they’re dating too?”
Seungcheol is surprised yet again. “Do you think they’re dating?”
Now Maya snorts. “Obviously. Ms. y/n is wearing his lacrosse jacket today.” She laughs when the man’s eyes practically bulge out of his skull. He rustles around his desk, grabbing a notepad and writing another hall pass for the girl.
After scribbling for a second, he passes the note to the girl and tells her, “Mr. Chwe is in his office, room 218.”
The girl grabs the note from his hands and gleefully gets up to skip out the door. She stops midway through and calls out over her shoulder, “thanks Dad!”
“I’m not dating Ms. y/n, Maya. You know that.” Vernon sighs exasperatedly. “Why are you even asking me this?”
He knows he’s in for trouble when she smirks. “She’s wearing your coaching jacket today. Care to explain that?”
Vernon knows he should’ve asked for it back sooner rather than later. But he was secretly hoping that he would be able to see it on you one more time. And the longer you have it, the more likely it’s going to come back smelling like you (not that Vernon cares anyways right?). He doesn’t miss a beat though, explaining to Maya that he lent you his jacket for a game and that you probably mixed it up with your own. She’s not impressed, but she knows it’s an explanation that’s most likely true. This doesn’t stop her from interrogating Vernon further. “Do you want to date Ms. y/n?”
His silence is incriminating. He can tell by Maya’s mile wide grin. Trying to put an end to it, the lacrosse coach stands up from his desk, telling her that he’ll walk her back to whatever class she left from.
One tiny important detail he forgot is that you teach 3rd hour honors chemistry. A class that one of his players, Henry, shares with Maya. And he’s currently standing outside your door, watching as you type away on your computer. Sure enough, “Mr. Chwe” is embroidered across the chest. Vernon thinks he might combust on the spot. His student clearly picks up on this, muttering something about how she’s “seen middle schoolers with more balls.” 
He waits outside your door as Maya enters the room. There’s only a few minutes left of the period, so he figured it would be better for both of you to talk away from prying eyes. As the bell rings, he patiently watches the students trickle out your door. When he’s sure that everyone is gone, he steps into the doorway. What he does not expect is for you to walk straight into his chest, stumbling back with the cutest “oomph” he’s ever heard. 
Vernon is stunned but you look completely mortified. Probably because you just ran into the man whose jacket you’re wearing basically without his consent. His assumption is correct because you start mumbling out apologies. “I’m so sorry I thought this was my jacket when I grabbed it this morning. I didn’t mean to wear it today, I made such a mess of this. I shouldn’t have even asked for it in the first place. I was just about to change, give me a second I…”
The lacrosse coach cuts you off in the middle of your little rant. “Do you want to go out with me after your game on Friday?” 
You blink at him, not even processing the words he just said. When you finally do, your cheeks flush and you glance down at your watch. “Do you think you can ask me that in like 4 hours, Chwe?”
Vernon has no idea what you mean by that. He gawks a little bit. Do you need time to think about it? Are you not interested? Do you already have a boyfriend? Shit, he should’ve thought this through.
You break him out of his little trance with a small chuckle. “We’re on the clock Vernon. And you have a class in three minutes.” 
He glances at his watch. His freshman PE class is probably waiting for him. He mumbles something about meeting him on the main field before practice. Then he’s out the door. You’re left there, stunned, still in his jacket. You don’t bother to take it off the rest of the day.
A few hours later, Mingyu and Seokmin are watching you both converse from afar. Vernon’s cheeks are the reddest they’ve ever been. You’re fidgeting nervously but also smiling. It seems to be going well. Seokmin turns to the assistant coach before saying, “took them long enough.”
They hear someone approaching and turn to see Seungcheol. “You both owe me $20.” 
Both the teachers roll their eyes at him but reach for their wallets. Maya pops up from their other side, walking up to her father. “I should be getting at least half of that. I did all the work.” 
Seungcheol grunts, pondering her proposition. He turns to her. “What about this? You can either get $20 now or $200 if y/n is Mrs. Chwe before you graduate college?”
Maya’s eyes brighten and that sinister smile spreads across her cheeks once again. “Deal.” (She’s $200 richer at her college graduation).
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harringtonstilinski · 5 months
...Ready For It? (Eddie's Version) - Eddie Munson (Smut)
Author: @harringtonstilinski​ Characters: Eddie Munson x Henderson!Reader Word Count: 8,372 Warnings: fluff, shy/innocent/virgin!henderson!reader, multiple uses of the word chuckle Requested: no | yes; i hope it meets your expectations, @fandom-princess-forevermore!! Smut: no | yes; protected p in v, oral (f receiving), virginity loss, A/N: Hi, friends! Just like with my first Steve fic (what seems like forever ago), my first Eddie Munson fic is a smut piece!! Even though Eddie's still in high school when this is based, he and reader are roughly the same age; around their early 20s. Vecna isn't in this because fuck that piece of shit, lol. If you like this chapter, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox. As always, read at your own risk and enjoy 😊
eddie munson masterlist
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Eddie fucking Munson. The boy you’ve had your eye on since you first noticed him in the library during study hall your freshman year. Now that Dustin, your little brother, is in Hellfire Club with him, your crush on him grew.
You were currently with Dustin and the Hellfire Club at their latest meeting, sitting in the corner of the room with a book in hand, minding your own business as you read the words on the pages, but as Eddie’s voice rang out, you looked up at him through your lashes, watching him speak to the group.
“The hooded cultists chant, hail Lord Vecna. Hail Lord Vecna,” he said. “They turn to you, remove their hoods. You recognize most of them from Makbar. But there is one you do not recognize, his skin shriveled, desiccated. And something else. He is not only missing his left arm, but his left eye!” He covered his left eye with right hand, his left arm behind his back.
The group exclaimed their protests as you looked on, confused. You never sat in on the campaigns, but Dustin had begged you to and said that you could bring your books to read, so you caved. 
You and Eddie locked eyes for a moment, a small smirk on his lips as he watched your cheeks flush the smallest amount before you cast your eyes back down to the pages of your book.
“Vecna’s dead!” Jeff exclaimed.
“He was killed by Kas,” Mike added.
“So it was thought, my friends,” Eddie said. “So it was thought.” Grabbing a playing piece, he stood up a little straighter and said, “But Vecna lives.” He placed the playing piece where he needed to on the board.
You looked up again as his voice captured your attention once more as he said, “You are scared. You’re tired. You are injured. Do you flee Vecna and his cultists, or do you stand your ground and fight?” After a few seconds of silence, he added, “Come on.”
Dustin looked back at you with pleading eyes, but you shrugged your shoulders, looking back at your book when your brother turned back around to face the group, silent for a moment as he thought before he spoke up saying, “I say we fight.”
Deciding to speak up, you quietly said, “To the death,” while keeping your eyes on your book.
“To the death,” Dustin and Mike agreed.
“To the death,” Erica added, the entire group looking back at you as they chanted, “To the death!” 
Eddie, however, just looked at you with that smile of his as you shyly smiled and sunk more in the chair you were occupying, going back to your book. His laughter caused you to sneak a glance at him once more, that shy smile coming back to your features.
He sat back down, his smile bigger than ever as the group continued to chant, your brother yelling it out. A chuckle sounded from you as you went back to your book. 
Dice and gaming pieces hitting the board, protests and happy exclaims sounded as you flipped through the pages, immersed in the story you were reading about two lovers. You hadn’t realized that you were biting your bottom lip from the steamy scene you were reading when you looked at the Dungeon Master over the edge of your book as he laughed at something to do with the game.
“Time out! Time out!” Doug exclaimed before he, Gareth, Mike, Dustin, Erica, and Jeff gathered into a huddle to talk out what to do within the game. You couldn’t help but overhear their conversation.
“Guys, I hate to say, but we have got to flee,” Gareth said.
“I conquer,” Doug said.
“Did we just agree with Y/N to the death?” Erica asked.
“That wasn’t literal,” Gareth replied.
Jeff spoke up next, adding, “Vecna just decimated us. We can’t kill him with two players.”
“You too?” Dustin asked. “He has 15 hit points left. Don’t be pussies.”
“Dustin!” you chastised.
“Pussies?” Gareth said.
“Gareth!” you chastised… again.
He looked at you, saying, “Really?” before turning back to the group, saying, “ ‘Cause we’re not delusional.”
“Delusional?” Erica said. “How about not cowards?”
You jumped as Eddie’s voice rang through your ears as he said, “Hey!” He looked at you as he was sitting on the balls of his feet in the chair, an apologetic look on his face before he turned to the group, saying, “If I may interrupt, gentlemen, Lady Applejack.” He moved to sit down with the group turning to look at him as he said, “Whilst I respect the passion, you’d be wise to take Gareth the Great’s concern to heart. There is no shame in running. Don’t try to be heroes. Not today, ‘kay?” 
He smiled and you felt something deep in your core as you looked at him, your bottom lip back between your teeth. You were thanking the Gods above that he couldn’t see the motion through your book.
Dustin held up a finger, saying, “One sec,” before turning back towards the group. “What do you think, Mike?”
“How many hit points do you and Applejack have left?” the Wheeler boy asked.
“Twelve,” Dustin and Erica replied.
“It’s risky as hell. But you’re the ones on the battlefield. So it’s your call.”
“What do you say, Lady Applejack?” Dustin asked.
“You really gotta ask?” Erica replied.
After a couple of seconds, Dustin said, “Screw it,” and the group turned back to Eddie, your brother saying, “Let’s kill the son of a bitch.”
As they stepped closer to the table, Jeff said, “The chances of success are 20-to-1.”
Holding a finger in the air, Dustin said, “Never tell me the odds,” to which you giggled at, your eyes never having left the words in front of you. “Give me the D20.” Dustin held his hand out, which caused you to look back up from the pages as Eddie smiled again and threw the die at your brother.
Dustin rolled the die and released it onto the board. You watched as Eddie stood to watch the die before saying with two headbangs, “That’s. A,” before shaking his head while saying, “Miss!”
“No!” came from everyone but Dustin, who exclaimed, “Shit! Shit!”
Laughing again, you pressed your forehead into the middle of your book, looking back up at the group as Dustin and Erica switched places. The youngest Sinclair rolled the die in her hands with Gareth and Dustin exclaiming a “please” and “come on” before tossing it onto the board, everyone watching with anticipation.
“Crit hit!” Erica shouted, the six of them jumping happily at their win.
Eddie stood up straight, saying, “What? What?” before clapping his hands once and bending over, a happy look on his face as he looked over towards you as he added, “That’s why we play.”
You didn’t know that was looking at you, you were too immersed in your book again to see or hear anything that was going on. What you also didn’t notice was the fact that you were lowering your book as you continued to read, your lip still in between your teeth as the characters in your book were getting it on.
As they started to pack up, you couldn’t help but picture yourself doing these steamy scenes with Eddie. Yes, you’d develop a little crush on him since you’d been bringing Dustin to Hellfire. He’d also dropped Dustin off at home sometimes, talking with your mom in the living room. He’s even been over for dinner a few times!
Those nights he’d stay to hang out after dinner, you’d be curled up on the couch next to him with a book, a decent amount of space in between the two of you to not make things awkward.
Eddie kept stealing glances at you that night, a crush of his own developing that night. When he kept smiling at himself while looking at you, he couldn’t help but think of having you leaning against him, a book in your hand as you read to him.
He also couldn’t help but think of all of the ways he could pleasure you, like the characters in your books. Once or twice, he’d sneak a glance at your pages, seeing what you were so immersed in. Eddie always knew that when you read those scenes, your lip would go in between your teeth. He always wondered what scenario you pictured or who you pictured while you read.
Eddie was brought from his thoughts when Dustin called your name, saying with a smile that it was time for you to go home. You put your bookmark in your book to keep your place before standing from the chair, your shirt having risen a little bit.
Eddie couldn’t help but look at the small bit of your exposed skin, a tingling sensation happening below his belt. Shaking his head from his thoughts, he took a deep breath and released it, grabbing his D&D book to shut it just as you were looking over at him.
You watched him for a second before saying to Dustin that you’d be at the car in a moment before he nodded and walked off with his friends, happy about the events that occurred during the game.
Walking to Eddie, you placed your hand on the table as his back was turned, picking up one of the pieces of the game. “What is this?” you asked, quietly. 
Even though he knew you were there, he still jumped as he turned to look at you. Placing a hand on his heart and the other on the table, he took in a deep breath as you lightly chuckled.
“Sorry,” you said.
Shaking his head, he said, “No, it’s fine.” He sighed, loudly, which made you chuckle again before he stood up straighter, looking at the piece in your hand. “That, uhm…” he started, bringing his hand to rub at his chin. A nervous tick you noticed he had. “That’s Vecna.”
You looked at the playing piece, an eyebrow cocked. “The… thing they were fighting tonight?”
He chuckled and crossed his arms. “Yeah. The thing they were fighting.” Looking at you, Eddie couldn’t help but smile the tiniest bit at you as you handed him the piece. 
“Uhm,” you started, feeling a small spark run through your hand as Eddie’s fingers grazed yours. “I-I think Dustin was going to see if you all could come and hang out at the house for a little while since it’s Spring Break now.”
“Y/N/N! Eddie!” Dustin called.
“Speak of the little devil,” you and Eddie said in unison. You looked at each other and started laughing. 
Ignoring the two of you, Dustin rolled his eyes and asked, “Hey, Eddie, did you want to come to the house and hang out for a little while? You could work on a new campaign!” You watched as his eyes lit up with that suggestion.
Sighing, Eddie scratched at his cheek, feigning thought as Dustin practically begged him to say yes, a chuckle coming from the other male with a nod. Your little brother almost jumped in excitement at his friend’s answer. 
After he had packed everything up, Eddie walked with you down the hallway, attempting to make small talk. “You’re not gonna, like, hide away in your room all night, are you?”
“Uhm,” you stuttered. “I-I’m not sure. You guys coming over is more for Dustin than anything.”
Eddie stopped walking as soon as the two of you made it outside, gently grabbing your elbow to make you stop and face him. He tucked a piece of loose hair behind your ear before cupping your cheek. Shaking his head, he said, “You don’t have to be shy around us. Especially me.”
You felt your breath hitch a little as he took a step closer to you, your head tilting back to look at him. As you looked into his eyes, you couldn’t help but want to kiss him, and you almost did until Dustin’s voice called for you, your head snapping his direction.
With a sigh, you pulled away from Eddie, looking at him shyly before starting the walk to your car. “I guess I’ll see you at my house?”
Nodding, Eddie replied with a yeah before scratching at the back of his neck. He couldn’t help but feel a little jealous when you saw Steve walking to his own car before you ran up to him, giving him a hug.
“How’s my favorite bookworm?” Steve asked, setting you back on the ground.
“I’m good, a little tired. How was the game?” you asked.
“It was awesome. We won!”
“What?!” you squealed, excitedly. With your hands on his shoulders, you jumped a little, saying, “That’s amazing!”
“Yeah, Lucas made the winning shot,” Steve smiled, holding your waist. 
You looked around for the oldest Sinclair with a big smile on your face. “I need to go congratulate him!” Looking back at Steve, you hugged him again, bidding him a good night before you found Lucas, running to him and giving him a hug.
Lucas welcomed it, his eyes locking with Eddie’s, a knowing look on both of their faces. When the two of you pulled back, you wrapped your arm around his shoulders, walking to your car with him. You always took him from Hellfire, so taking him home from the game shouldn’t feel any different, but he kindly declined, saying that he was going to the after party at Benny’s.
You told him to be safe before making your way to your car, getting into the front seat of the car but not before looking at Eddie with a small smile. Once you were on the road, you could feel three pairs of eyes on you. Jeff and Gareth in the backseat while your brother occupied the front. 
“You and Eddie almost kissed,” Dustin said, a smile on his face.
“What?” you chuckled. “No we didn’t.”
“Well, if that’s not almost kissing,” Gareth said.
“Then the stolen looks all night were just stolen looks then,” Jeff added.
You looked at them in the rearview mirror before looking at your brother, shaking your head. “Whatever, losers.” When you looked in your side mirror, you saw headlights gaining up on you, a small smile coming over your features as they slowed down. You could faintly hear a guitar solo sounding from Eddie’s van. 
A laugh came out from you as he stuck his hand out of his window, making the rock on symbol. The boys laughed along with you as you put your eyes back on the road. As the boys were talking about the night and what they plan on doing while hanging out in either Dustin’s room or the living room, you couldn’t help but let your mind wander.
Not being able to stop yourself from letting your mind go there, you thought about your book and what the characters were doing. All the sex you had read about, the thoughts that ran through your mind about you and Eddie doing those things. 
You’d never have sex before; yes, you were a virgin. You were also shy; not wanting to change in front of anyone in the locker room when you were in school. When you were home alone, you wouldn’t even run across the hall to your bedroom to get dressed after your shower. And you were innocent, but not as innocent as some people might think. Since your books had a lot of sex in them, you knew about certain positions… but that’s all you really knew about. You’ve heard girls talk about giving a blowjob, but didn’t stick around enough to listen to their explanations.
Pulling into your driveway, you were pulled out of your thoughts as the boys cheered at the fact that your mom bought more chips the other day at the store. You made a mental note to pick more up when you went within the next couple of days.
After you had walked into the house, you did exactly what Eddie asked you about at the school. You went to hide in your room. Once you had your favorite record on, you took off the jacket you were wearing to drape over your vanity chair. 
Before you could get sucked back into your own little bookworld, your landline rang, a groan coming from your throat, which was the wrong time for Eddie to walk up to your door, his cock twitching a little at the sound, his mind immediately going into the gutter.
Picking up your phone, you said into the mouthpiece, “I swear to all that is good in this world, Steven-”
“It’s Max.”
“Oh,” you sighed. “Sorry, what’s up?”
“I need to you come by.”
Sitting up, concern started to flow through you as Dustin yelled your name before opening your door as you replied back to Max. “What happened?”
She sighed before she replied, “Mom went on a bender again. She ended up calling from some rando’s house.”
Before she even finished her statement, you were up and putting your shoes and jacket back on. “Don’t say another word. I’m on my way.” After she gave you her thanks, you hung up the phone, and turned around to walk out of your room but stopped once you saw the Hellfire Club looking at you with confused looks, concerned looks… worry.
You chuckled and shook your head. “Don’t worry, it wasn’t Steve.” Hearing a breath of relief, you looked up, locking eyes with Dustin. “Oh, don’t act like you wouldn’t leave the house to come with me if it was him.”
“Then who was it?” Dustin asked.
Looking at each boy before stopping on Eddie’s eyes, you sighed. “It was Max. Her mom went out and didn’t come home. She wants me to go over.” You grabbed your book before walking towards your door, placing your hand on Dustin’s shoulder. “I’ll be back later.” Looking at each boy again, you gave a stern look to each of them as you said, “Don’t. Go. Into. My. Room. Period.”
Eddie chuckled, gaining your attention. “I won’t go in because I’m taking you to Max’s.”
Now it was your turn to give him a confused look. “What are you talking about? You’re staying here to hang out with Dustin and your friends.”
“No, I’m taking you to Max’s house. I live across the way from her. I don’t mind.”
“Eddie,” you softly said, tilting your head towards your shoulder. 
“No, really. I don’t mind. Besides, if you're coming back then I have to come back.”
You sighed, giving in. “Okay. Let’s go then.” 
The boys parted like the Red Sea as you walked out of your room, Dustin shutting the door behind everyone. 
“Oh, Y/N/N,” your mom said. “Where are you going?”
Scratching between Tews’ ears, you answered your mom. “Going to check in on Max. She said her mom went out.” You only told your mom what information you wanted. “Eddie’s gonna take me over there, but I should be back later.”
“Okay, honey. Just be careful.”
“I will, Mom.” With that, you and Eddie walked out of your house after he bid your mom a good night. 
Once the two of you made it to his van, he opened the door for you, holding his hand out of you to take. “M’lady.”
You chuckled, taking his hand in yours before getting into the seat, giving your thanks. Knowing Eddie, you knew he probably didn’t turn his music down before he got out, so you leaned over the middle console, turning the volume dial to the left, knowing it had turned down a little.
When he got in, he put the key into the ignition and turned the key to crank the engine. He was already prepared to apologize, the words on his tongue, but he was cut off when the sound didn’t come through the speakers, his eyes on the radio.
You laughed out loud at his reaction, covering your mouth as you did. “I turned it down when you closed the door.”
“Without it being on?” he asked, incredulously.
Nodding, you smiled. “I do it all the time in my mom’s car after Dustin’s been in it. I think you’re influencing him a little with the loud music.”
While you were explaining all that, Eddie had backed out of your driveway, driving towards Forest Hills, the trailer park he and Max lived in. “I hope it’s a good kind of influence.”
You chuckled, looking down at the cover of your book. “Well, considering I also listen to metal music, I would say it’s a good influence.”
Eddie’s heart and cock swelled at hearing you say that. He knew that you listened to all the popular music on the radio, having heard and seen you jam out to Madonna a few good times. 
The both of you were comfortable in the silence that had surrounded you. Eddie didn’t want to ruin it, but his next words slipped out before he could stop them. “I’m glad you came tonight. I didn’t think you’d stay.”
“I wasn’t planning on it,” you say, honestly. “I was just gonna drop him off and have him catch a ride home from Steve, but he practically begged me to stay, so… there I sat all night. Nose stuck in this book.” You chuckled breathily, slightly holding up your book.
“What’s it about?” Eddie asked.
You looked at him with wide eyes. “My-my book?”
Keeping his eyes on the dark road, he nodded. “Yeah. I wanna know what has captured your attention.”
Taking a deep breath, you sunk a little lower into the seat, the action not going unnoticed by Eddie.
“You don't have to tell me. You can tell me to fuck off, for all I care.”
“I would never do that.” You were quiet for a moment before you quietly added, “I’m not a mean person.”
“Am I?”
You looked at him and sat up straighter. “What, mean?”
He sighed. “People like to think I’m mean and scary.”
“All because you play D&D?” you asked, an eyebrow cocked.
Stealing a glance your way, Eddie nodded his head, saying, “Yeah.”
That angered you. Eddie was one of the sweetest people you’ve had the pleasure of knowing. So, for people to call him scary and mean was downright… well, mean! You decided to voice your opinion on the matter. “Well… they’re just mean! And can fuck right off!”
Surprise flew Eddie at hearing you cuss. He smiled, and once again, his cock twitched in his pants, a bulge starting to appear, and he was thanking all the higher powers above that you couldn’t see it.
The two of you made small talk as he drove to his trailer, the sound of your laughter something that he was loving to hear from you. He wanted to hear it for the rest of his life. Once he parked in front of his trailer and got out, he walked over to your side, helping you out the same way he helped you in.
You walked over to Max’s house, knocking on the door. As you waited for the redhead to open the door, you looked back over at Eddie’s, seeing that he was standing on the small slab of concrete at his front door. Giving him a small smile, you looked back to Max’s door as it opened, the teenager looking at you with relief in her eyes.
She grabbed your arm and dragged you inside, shutting the door behind you. With her hands on your shoulders, she looked you deep in your eyes asking, “Two things. One; why are you with Eddie ‘the Freak’ Munson? Two; I need relationship advice.”
“Okay, one; he’s not a freak. You’re reading way into what the popular kids are saying. Two; I thought you and Lucas were broken up?”
“We are,” she answered, completely disregarding the fact that you just defended Eddie. “But, a part of me still loves him. Like, I can’t stop thinking about him. I want to be with him, but at the same time I don’t want to be with him. I’m still fucked up from Billy’s death. Like - do you see my dilemma here?”
You chuckled, sitting down on the couch, placing your book on your lap. “Max, listen. If you still love Lucas and want to be with him, but you’re not totally sure if you want to be with him, just continue this little break you’re on. Hang out with him as friends first, and if your feelings are still there, then just talk to him about it. You can’t keep being radio silent on him forever. He’ll eventually move on if you do.”
She sat next to you as you spoke, thinking your words over. “Would you be mad if I said I called him right after you, and asked him to come over?”
“Why the fuck would I be mad?”
“Eddie know you have a mouth on you?” she asked, a playful smile on her lips.
You started to stutter over your words, not sure how she knows about your crush. Sighing, you said, “Fucking hell, Dustin.”
“Can’t keep his mouth closed for shit,” she chuckled.
“I’m gonna kill him.”
Looking over at Max, you couldn’t help but let out a laugh, her own joining yours. A knock interrupted your moment with the girl that was like a little sister to you, as well as El. Standing, you placed a hand on her shoulder, giving her an encouraging smile and gentle squeeze. “Just talk to him.”
She nodded her head as another knock sounded, which caused you to sigh. “Alright, Sinclair. I’m coming.” Opening the door, you were met with a very confused Lucas. “I thought you were at Benny’s?”
He shook his head, pointing towards Max. “She called. Said she wanted to hang out.”
“Awwww,” you happily whined, putting a hand on your chest. “You ditched your asshole friends to hang out with your ex-girlfriend? Lucas Charles Sinclair-”
Holding his hands up, he scrunched his face and said, “Please don’t full name me. It sounds weird, and makes me feel like I’m in trouble.”
Chuckling, you walked by Lucas, squeezing his upper arm. “Talk. And listen.”
He nodded as you walked down the steps that led up to Max’s trailer. Looking straight ahead, you sighed as you looked at Eddie’s trailer, deciding to walk over and knock on his door. You had to take a step down as you heard his footsteps. 
Opening the door, he smiled and held his arms out as if saying welcome. You chuckled and stepped into his trailer, turning to look towards Max’s, seeing her and Lucas watching you. Sticking your tongue out to them, you closed the door and turned to face Eddie.
He was standing in the middle of his living room, an amused smile on his face.
“What?” you asked, holding your book to your chest.
“Really? Sticking your tongue out? At two teenagers?”
“I’ve known them since they were pre-teens, it’s fine.” You waved him off and looked around, smiling a little to yourself. “I know this is probably a stupid ass question, but do you live here alone?”
Eddie chuckled, looking down. “No. I live here with my uncle. He’s working nights again.”
You nodded your head, looking around.
“I know it’s not fancy or anything–”
“It’s nice,” you whispered. You looked at him and he at you. It was like there was a magnet between the two of you, pulling you to each other. Nothing happened yet between the two of you, but you were both panting from anticipation. His hands on your face, yours on his waist.
“I just have two questions,” Eddie whispered. “Have you had your first kiss yet? Has anyone made you feel good?”
“Yes to the first,” you replied, breath hitting Eddie’s face. “No to the second.”
He pulled back a little. “You’re a virgin?”
You nodded, looking at him. “No one ever felt right.”
“And I do?”
“The rightest.”
He chuckled, resting his forehead on yours. “I don’t think that’s a word, babe.”
Closing your eyes, you smiled. “It is. Now, kiss me.”
You didn’t have to tell him twice. As soon as his lips met yours, you were a goner. Arms snaking up his body to wrap around his neck while his slid down your body to wrap his arms around your waist before squatting ever so slightly to place his hands on the backs of your hips, you already knowing to jump.
Wrapping your legs around his middle, he turned and walked the two of you into his bedroom, your lips working in tandem with his steps on his neck. 
Eddie groaned as he placed your back on his mattress, your lips never stopping their assault as he breathed out, “Fuck, baby.”
It was your turn to groan as the telephone rang, Eddie’s forehead meeting your shoulder. “I should just ignore it,” he said.
“Yeah, maybe,” you breathed. You went to kiss him again when the phone rang again. 
He sighed. “I’ll be right back.” Looking at you, he smiled. “Don’t go anywhere.” Lifting himself from you, he walked out of his bedroom, giving you a chance to look around as you sat up on your elbows.
“Y/N/N,” Eddie said, walking back into his room. “It’s for you, too.”
You got up from his bed, confused before you walked over to where his phone was, picking it up from where Eddie had placed it. “Hello?” you sighed as you felt Eddie’s chest on your back, the neckline of your shirt being pulled from where it sat on your skin, Eddie’s lips meeting the juncture of your neck and shoulder.
“Cast protection!” Dustin exclaimed from the other end of the line.
“Jesus, Y/N/N. Cast protection!”
Eddie started sucking where his lips were, a sigh falling from your lips. “Fuck off, Dustin,” you said before hanging up. Bringing your hand to rest on the back of Eddie’s head, you gasped as you felt his teeth sink into your skin. “Eddie!”
“Yes, princess?”
“Do more, please. Wait, what did you just call me?” You turned to face him, an amused smirk on his face. 
“I called you princess.”
“No one has ever called me that before. Where did-” Your words got stuck in your throat as your eyes widened. “You read my books.”
“Only the good parts.” Putting your face in your hands, you groaned, embarrassed. “Oh, my god. I’m mortified.”
He chuckled. “Don’t be.” He rubbed his hands up and down your arms. “Did you know you bite your lip when you read those steamy” - Kiss to the top of your head. “Hot-” Hands on your face to lift your head up. “Erotic-” Kiss to your forehead. “Smutty-” Kiss to your cheek. “Fucking scenes?”
Without another word, you wrapped your arms around his neck again, crashing your lips to his in a heated, passionate kiss. Eddie turned you both around to walk you backwards into his room, where your back met the mattress again after your shirt was stripped from your body.
Before he was able to crawl over you, you wrapped your hands on the hem of his shirt, lifting it to reveal his bare torso and tattoos to you. One of a spider and the other of a skullish looking head with red eyes and tongue, hair looking like it was blowing in the wind. You traced your fingers over the permanent ink. 
“You like ‘em?” Eddie asked, watching your eyes. When you nodded, he cupped your cheek with his left hand, your eyes landing back on his. “I have three more.”
“Really?” you breathed.
He smiled, softly, sitting on his knees in between your legs to guide you to sit up. “Right arm.”
You looked at his right forearm, seeing a demonized marionette doll connected by strings to what looked like a clawed hand. “Looks like a witch’s hand,” you whispered. Flipping his arm over, you smiled a little at seeing the bats you always saw. “Bats.”
Eddie twisted his arm a little to give you a view of his tricep. 
Confused, you asked. “What’s this one?”
“It’s a wyvern,” he said. “It’s a dragon with two legs. Part of D&D.”
Your smile returned as you look at him. “It suits you.” 
“Thanks, princess.” He kissed you, softly this time as he reached behind you to unclasp your bra. Feeling the material go slack against your chest, you pressed your arms to the cups, keeping the material in place. 
Eddie noticed your hesitation, bringing his hand back to cup your cheek. “Hey, look at me.” Once your eyes met his, he shook his head, his hair moving with the motion. “Please don’t hide from me. You have nothing to hide. No reason to be shy.”
“But you’re the fir-” You stopped yourself, your shyness peaking through.
“I’m the first to see your tits?” He was so quiet as he spoke, your head nodding ever so slightly. 
“Comes with being a virgin, I guess.”
“Then we’ll take things slow,” he said, rubbing his thumb along your cheek. 
All you saw in his eyes was honesty and respect when you looked into those chocolate orbs you were quickly falling in love with. “Thank you,” you smiled as you added, “Dungeon Master.”
Eddie laughed, hanging his head for a moment. That gave you the opportunity to let out a quiet breath and release your arms from your breasts, your bra falling into your lap. Once Eddie saw the material, he slowly looked up at you, his eyes on your chest for a moment. 
When he looked at you, he slowly laid you down onto your back, bringing his hand down from your cheek to your breast.
Your breath hitched as you watched him place a kiss on your areola. Closing your eyes to savor the moment, you drew out a gasp with your back arching a little as Eddie’s lips wrapped around your nipple, lightly sucking and licking the hardening bud.
“You like that, baby?” he asked, taking the bud back into his mouth.
“Y-yes,” you stuttered. You could feel your core reacting to his tongue and lips. “Please keep going.”
Eddie snickered, pressing kisses to your breasts as he switched, taking your left bud into his mouth to give the same attention he gave to the right. 
“Fuck, your mouth is amazing,” you sighed.
He released your bud with a soft pop, bringing his face back up to yours, his hair falling on either side of his face to create a curtain or veil around the two of you, blocking out the world around you, even though it’s just the two of you in the trailer. “You haven’t felt what it can do yet,” he smirked.
You giggled as you watched him kiss down the valley of your breasts and stomach, stopping when he reached the top of your jeans, looking up at you as he unbuttoned and unzipped them, sitting up on his knees. This time, you saw his erection straining against his jeans. “Happy to see me, Eddie, or do you have a really big joint in your pocket?”
“Oh, little Eddie is very happy to see you, baby.”
Laughing, you lifted your hips off the mattress so that he could take your jeans and panties off in one fell swoop. Your nerves set in again, and Eddie could tell that you wanted to close your legs, so he quickly but gently put his hands on your knees to keep them from moving.
“Remember what I said, baby? You don’t have a reason to hide or be shy.”
His words put your nerves at ease as you released the breath you didn’t realize you were holding as he spread your knees apart, his eyes downcast to your glistening core. “Shit, baby,” he murmured as you scooted up the bed to give him room to lay down. Once your head hit his pillow, you tilted your head to get a good look at him. “All that for me?” 
Nodding your head, you took a deep breath as he laid on his mattress, arms wrapping under your thighs, his rings digging deliciously into your skin. 
“Fuck me,” he whispered, kissing the inside of your left thigh. When he kissed your right, his eyes locked on yours as he turned his face towards where you wanted him most. “You ready, baby?”
Releasing a shaky breath, you nodded. “Yes.”
Looking down at your pussy, he pressed a light kiss to your clit, a small gasp sounding from you before you released a breathy chuckle. Once, twice, three more times he kissed your clit before lightly licking a stripe up from your entrance back to your clit.
“Oh, my god,” you moaned, hands gripping the sheets. 
“Think you can handle it a little rougher?” he asked before kitten licking your clit again.
“Y-yes, Eddie, fuck,” you breathed. You thought you heard him growl before sucked your clit in his mouth, licking it like it was an ice cream cone on a hot as shit summer day. “Oh, my god!” you moaned, loudly. 
He released your clit, continuing his licks as he circled your entrance with one of his fingers. “Have you ever fingered yourself?” he asked, sucking on your clit again. 
When you looked down at him, you grabbed the sides of his hair, pulling it away from your body, holding it in place at the crown of his head. He looked at you as you took one of your hands away, nodding. “Yes. You can… f-finger me, Eddie.”
Since you had a light hold on his hair to keep it out of his face, he was able to turn his head to the side to kiss the inside of your thigh as he inserted a finger in your dripping cunt. “How many?” he asked.
“Two,” you whined as he pumped his finger in and out of you. “Sometimes three. Just depends.”
“Think I’ll stick with two for now,” he said, rising to rest on his hand that was now flat against the mattress. He pumped his fingers in and out of you at almost too fast pace for you, but at the sight of slight discomfort on your face, he slowed his pace to a more perfect one; not too fast, not too slow… just right. “You like that, baby? That the right pace for you?”
You nodded, running your fingers through his hair that was dangling over his shoulder. “S’good!” Placing a hand on his neck, you brought his face closer to yours, pressing your lips on his after his hand moved from beside your waist to beside your head to better balance himself. You all but squealed when you felt his thumb on your clit, your release coming on fast. “Please don’t stop, You breathed. “I’m so close, Eddie. S’close.”
“You gonna cum all over my fingers, baby? Do it. Cum for me.” Eddie bent down the small distance to your breast, taking your nipple back into his mouth to help your release come a little fast.
“Fuck, don’t stop,” you breathed, putting your hand on his forearm, lightly squeezing. ��I’m gonna cum. Don’t stop.” You took a deep breath, releasing it as you exclaimed his name. “E-Eddie!” 
“That’s it, baby,” Eddie cooed, watching as he slowed his hand to a slower pace to help ride out your high. Once he was sure you were calm, he released his fingers from your core, placing them in his mouth to lick himself clean. “Damn, you taste incredible.”
You immediately kissed his mouth, tongues tangling together as you tasted yourself on him. “Fuck, I do.”
“You’re dirty,” he chuckled. “I like it.”
“I’ll cum in your mouth next time,” you smiled.
“There’s gonna be a next time?” 
“Well, I hope so!”
He was quiet for a moment before you squealed as he all but rolled on top of you, careful not to dead weight you. “Damn, I’m a lucky Munson.”
“You’ll be even more lucky if you stuck your cock in me,” you smiled. Placing your hands on the waistband of his pants, you repeated his earlier motions in taking off your jeans and panties. “Jeans and boxers off.” Flashing him your pearly whites had him laughing lightly, getting off the bed to take off his jeans and boxers and to retrieve a condom. 
You moaned as you watch him pump himself a few times before opening the foil packet to grab the latex out to roll it onto his hardened cock. “Fuck, Eddie, that’s hot.”
He settled himself between your legs again, the both of you getting into a somewhat comfortable position. Gathering your wetness that was still leaking out of you, Eddie lined himself up to your entrance before looking up at you. “Before I slide in, I’ve gotta ask; are you absolutely sure about this?”
Without missing a beat, you said, “Yes,” while cupping his cheeks. 
He nodded, looking down once more before his eyes came back to yours. “Ready for it?”
Nodding, you took a deep breath, feeling the sting of Eddie’s cock entering for the very first time. You held your breath as you tapped his shoulders, Eddie stopping all movements.
“Breathe,” he whispered, kissing your cheek. 
“What’s in?” you whispered back.
“Just the head.”
“Fuck, it’s huge.”
Eddie looked at you, feeling bad that you were in pain before he tried pushing himself in a little more, watching as a tear leaked from the corner of your eye and down to your ear. “I’m sorry, baby,” he whispered. Kissing the corner of your eye, he took a deep breath of his own. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay,” you breathed. “Try some more.”
He carefully and slowly pushed into you more, a shaky breath coming from your lips. “I’m s-”
“If you say you’re sorry one more goddamn time, Edward, I will have you pull out and I’ll be known as the half-virgin Henderson.”
He chuckled as you turned your head to look at him. “Yes, ma’am.”
“Kiss me.”
Not missing a beat, Eddie placed his lips on yours as your hands went to his waist and pulled, his cock pushing into you more until he was fully sheathed. 
“Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck,” he groaned. “You feel incredible. So fucking tight.”
“You did it, Eddie,” you whispered. He looked at you as you smiled. “You took my virginity.”
“You’re happy?”
Nodding, you sniffled lightly, bringing your hands from where they had fallen onto his shoulders back to cup his cheeks. “Because it’s you who took it. I wouldn’t have wanted it to be anyone else.”
“Not even Harrington?”
“Steve?” You giggled. “Steve is just a friend. A really good friend. Since I met you, I’ve wanted you to be the one. And now look! We’re connected.”
With a cock brow, he lifted up a little. “Are you quoting your book?”
Looking around at the ceiling in thought, you thought about the words you’d read just almost an hour ago. “Oh, fuck!” Realization hit you like a bus. “Fuck. Ignore that. Come here.” You brought his lips back to yours, a heated kiss shared between you two. “Please move. I’m good now. Just needed time to adjust.” Your words were pretty much cut off as Eddie pulled his hips back and slowly pushed them forward. 
He did this a few times before you asked him to move a little faster. A light sheen of sweat started to coat your bodies as he moved faster and faster until he was slamming his hips against yours at the perfect pace.
When you announced that your release was coming again, his fingers met your clit, rubbing in circles until you were chanting his name like a prayer. “Eddie! Eddie! Eddie!”
“That’s it, baby, cum for me again. I’m so close.”
Three more thrusts is all it took for the dam to break within you again, your second orgasm of the night hitting, your walls fluttering and tightening around Eddie’s cock, sending his own release into the condom. 
Once you both were calmed down, he gently pulled out, a hiss coming from him while an almost pained groan sounded from you. He kissed all over your core as an apology before saying it, dipping out of the room with a smile on his face as one of his pillows was thrown at his face by you.
When Eddie came into his room, he had a warm cloth in his hand, ready to help clean you up. “This is called–”
“Aftercare,” you said, rolling your eyes. “I may have been a virgin, but I wasn’t stupid. I’m still not!”
He chuckled before reaching down to grab his Hellfire shirt to hand to you, as well helping slide your panties back up your legs to sit comfortably on your waist. Once he had his boxers on, he laid in the bed beside you, bringing you to cuddle against his side.
It was silent between the two of you as you both laid there, thinking about the events that just transpired. With a smile on your face, you tilted your head back on his shoulder, bringing your arm to rest on his chest to play with his guitar pick necklace. 
“Thank you,” you whispered.
“For what?” he asked, fingers lightly running up and down your arm.
“Giving me the best night of my life.”
He looked down at you, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “You’re welcome, m’lady.”
For some reason, that pet name had you jolting upright in his bed, the word, “Shit,” escaping your mouth. Jumping from the bed, you grabbed your bra and put it on before finding your jeans and putting those on. Without a word, you tossed Eddie his clothes and a random shirt you found on the floor. “Get dressed.”
Stopping your movements, you looked at him as he put his jeans back on. “You have to take me back home. Remember? I told Dustin and my mom I’d be back!”
That seemed to get his ass into gear because within the next few seconds, he had written a note to his Uncle Wayne and was out the door and driving down the road to your house in a comfortable silence.
What made you smile was the fact that Eddie’s hand never left your thigh, his thumb rubbing back and forth, even with your fingers laced with his. It put a smile on your face that you never wanted to leave.
Once he parked in your driveway, you didn’t move. When he tried to remove his hand from your thigh, you tightened your grip on his hand. He looked at you, the smallest of worry laced in his eyes.
“We should talk,” you said, a small smile on your face. “About us. Like, what we are.”
Eddie leaned closer to you, his head tilted a little in your direction. “Well, how about I call you my girlfriend, you call me your boyfriend, and we’ll call it even?”
Giggling, you looked dead in his eyes, your smile never faltering as you replied, “I like the sound of that.”
Walking into your house, the Club met you in the living room, a smile on their faces, cheers all around as they noticed your fingers laced together.
“It’s about time,” Gareth exclaimed.
“Congrats, man!” Jeff said, clapping Eddie’s back.
You looked at Dustin, who had a look on his face that you couldn’t decipher. Sitting next to him, you placed your arm around his shoulders. “What’s up, kid?”
He looked at you, eyebrows up in worry. “You and Eddie? Really?”
Looking down at his lap, he whispered, “I always thought it’d be you and Steve.”
Chuckling, you wrapped your arms around him, giving him an awkward hug. “I love you, Dustin. Steve and I are just friends. Always have been. We talked about it, sure, but I didn’t like his King Steve attitude, so we just remained friends. He’s my best friend now because of how he took you in.”
Dustin looked at you. “What about Eddie? You were so shy around him.”
“I’m shy around everyone,” you retorted. “But Eddie’s different. You know how when you saw Suzie for the first time, how your heart almost exploded?” At his nod, you continued, not realizing that Jeff, Gareth and Doug had sat on the floor in front of you, listening to your story as Eddie leaned against the wall by the door, watching your interaction. “That’s how I felt when I first saw Eddie. Seeing him those nights that I stayed during those nights you wanted me to, I kept having that… heart exploding feeling. I had tonight during Hellfire.”
“So, since the two of you went to Max’s and then had sex after, what does that make you two now?” your brother asked.
Mortified, you widened your eyes. “How do you know about that?”
“Y/N/N, I’m not stupid.”
Narrowing your eyes, you asked, “You’ve read my books?”
“I think everyone in this room has,” he chuckled. “You’re not subtle when you’re reading those scenes.”
“Anyway!” you exclaimed as everyone laughed, your own chuckle sounding from you. “Eddie and I… we’re… together.”
Cheers were heard all around, Jeff and Gareth all but tackling you to the couch, Eddie’s voice sounding over the noise as he said, “Alright, get off my girl!” He pulled to your feet, wrapping an arm around your lower back, his free hand resting on your hip as you wrapped an arm around his neck, your free hand resting on his shoulder. “You ready for this wild ride with this bunch?”
Nodding, you brought the hand that was resting on his shoulder to wrap behind his neck at the same moment he wrapped his arm around your waist, hands resting just above your ass. “The wildest.”
Eddie dipped his head with a smile, meeting your lips in a sweet, passionate kiss… before Dustin’s groan broke it up, leaving the two of you laughing.
“Quit making out with my sister!”
A/N 2:  hi, friends! let me know what you thought about my first eddie munson fic! again, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox.
Additional Notes: 
Forever / Everything Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24 @stixnstripesworld @fandom-princess-forevermore @quanticobae @mischiefandi @kellyashcroft @lauren-novak​
If you’re tagged and didn’t want to be, please let me know.
Italics wouldn’t let me tag!
*Please don’t post my writing anywhere else without my consent. The author of this work will always and forever be @harringtonstilinski​.
All characters, story lines, and plot aside from y/n and her storyline & plot, are all of the work of The Duffer Brothers.
*These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.
No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.
Posted on January 9, 2024
625 notes · View notes
cherryslyce · 1 year
Amalfi Coast | Theodore Nott
Synopsis: The end of your years at Hogwarts brings about stirring changes: the unveiling of your betrothal to Theodore Nott and an all-expense getaway to Italy for alone time with your husband-to-be.
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PAIRING: Theodore Nott x GN!Reader
WORD COUNT + NOTES: 4.5k. I am so weak for Theodore.
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The shards of glimmering light that dance across the soft peaks of water distances away seem to speak to you as you drift into your thoughts. Crowded between cliff-hanging abodes and the frothing shore, you’ve never felt so insignificant until that moment. 
Your hand absentmindedly brushes against the fine grains of sand below you, the microscopic beads emanating a pleasant warmth against your palm. You hear a soft thud from beside you just as a comforting presence graces you, the uncomfortable stir of disorientation washing away with the drag of the waves. 
“The unit should be prepped soon. We can grab some food after Mitzy brings over our luggage.” Theodore’s smooth voice hums out, eyes clambering to drink in the sight of the sea as well. 
You smile softly at the mention of the boy’s house-elf, remembering how she had been keen to help you pack for the trip. Nodding, you unconsciously shift closer to the boy as you glance at him, “Sounds like a plan.” 
Theodore looks completely serene much to your confusion. A large part of you was grateful that Theodore was chosen to be your betrothed, but another chunk of your heart twinged painfully at the thought. It was no secret that Nott Sr. was a strict man, and you couldn’t help but spiral into a web of thoughts about how Theodore was likely forced into being with you. 
It had only been a few months since you both graduated from Hogwarts, but you distinctly recall how close Theodore was to Millicent Bulstrode. Your brain sifted through your memories of the girl, remembering her calculative eyes and pin-straight posture. 
You just hoped the girl wouldn’t hex you for swooping in and stealing her boyfriend. 
You and Theodore weren’t exactly close friends, but you both sought out each other’s company during exam season, enjoying the comfortable routine of silence that you both fell into during those days. Outside of the library, interactions with the boy dwindled into nods and occasional smiles. Despite the distance between you both during school, you held onto hope that your familiarity with one another would serve as a stepping stone towards a smooth relationship. 
Conversation with Theodore is sparse for the hours that follow, the both of you mulling over thoughts of pleasantries and faltering topics of chatter. The fervid wind settles the farther you trek from the shoreline, now teetering past assortments of clustered buildings, all mottled with bright colors. 
Your wand presses stiffly against your side as you tuck it into the waistband of your bottoms, concealing it from view as you both approach a swarm of people. Theodore keeps beside you, donning black sunglasses that keeps his searching gaze hidden as you both bask in the foreign environment. 
It was lively and bright, the antithesis to the perpetual gloom and blisters of humming that was encroached in every stone of Britain. White verandas and endless shrubbery adorned the collection of shops around you, catching your eyes every so often. 
“Here we are.” Theodore mutters, throwing you a small smile as your mouth drops into a vague o-shape. 
The restaurant is stretched open with white beams of wood streaming upward to a flat wooden ceiling, the entirety of the seating area is squared away by the side banisters instead of proper walls, letting in the cool wind and seaside view. Theodore steps forward to speak with the hostess, hand lifting up to tug off his sunglasses as a blanket of shade envelopes you both. 
You’re entranced by Theodore’s rapid-fire speaking, wondering if he had chosen Italian for his language lessons in order to strengthen his friendship with Blaise. With Theodore’s fluency and the restaurant’s expansive array of tables, you’re both seated in a matter of minutes. 
The speckless table cloth drapes past your legs like a waterfall, effectively providing a shield against the breeze as you take your spot across from Theodore. The boy plucks his menu up and shoots you an indecipherable look from above the booklet as you remain motionless, seeing as your elementary understanding of Italian begins and ends at Ciao and Grazie.
Theodore’s lips flicker up momentarily before he lays his menu down and shuffles it over to you, “Do you want pasta? Or salad? They also have pizza, if you prefer that.” 
Your lips split into a small smile of relief, a warmth blossoming in your chest as the stiff atmosphere around you both seems to wash away. Theodore reads off of the entire menu for you, eyes occasionally shifting to your concentrated face as you pedal between a few options.
When you finally decide on a dish, Theodore offers you a light hum and shining eyes, paralyzing you for a few moments. Perhaps, and to your relief, your relationship could work out after all. You just needed to clear the air between you both first. 
The meal continues on without a hitch, but you have to make a conscious effort to not stare at the boy in front of you when the sun begins to sink behind the basin of sea water. 
The swirls of orange and pink of the sky illuminate his sharp features, complementing his already striking complexion. A tamed buzzing of conversation wafts through the air, spurring you to word-vomit the thoughts that were plaguing you since your first joint dinner with Theodore and his father weeks before. 
“I’m sorry,” You begin, looking away from Theodore when he meets your gaze with furrowed eyebrows, “about our marriage.” 
Silence ensues after your vague words, and when you finally work up the courage to glance back at Theodore, confusion settles into the etches of your mind as you see his frown and penitent gaze. You had expected false platitudes of reassurance, or bitter resignation—hell, maybe anger—but certainly not the look he was giving you right now. 
Clearing your throat, you sit up and lean forward, “I mean, I know that you would rather not be betrothed to me, so I’m sorry. My parents are quite lenient people, so I should have fought against it since I know your heart belongs to someone else already.” 
“What?” Theodore wheezes out, reeling back to process your words. 
Feeling heat creep up your neck, you falter back with quiet words, “Maybe, if I had refused vehemently, my parents could have convinced your father to not force you. I just wanted to apologize because I don’t want any lingering awkwardness or expectations for each other.”
Before Theodore can respond, your waiter paces over, giving you a polite smile before turning to address Theodore. The boy in front of you distractedly answers the waiter, eyes flickering back to your rigid figure amidst his words. 
Once the waiter parts from your tableside, leaving behind a quaint black tray for your sum, Theodore seems to fall into a silent daze as he robotically composes himself and leaves the money on the tray. When he pushes his chair back, you follow suit, ready to play catch up if he swept away and down into the streets without you. 
To your muted surprise, Theodore stops by your side and holds out his hand for you to take. Hesitantly clasping his calloused hand in yours, you are only able to await his words with bated breath, distracting yourself by focusing on the feeling of his rings against your fingers. 
Theodore leads you yards away from the restaurant, only falling to a halt once you both reach a secluded area beside a blocked-off cliffside. The sound of crashing waves tangles into the air as Theodore’s eyes run around your face for a few moments. 
“Do you want to call this off?” Theodore whispers, eyes steely with resolution as his other hand moves to lightly grip your arm. 
You gape at his blunt words, swallowing thickly as your gaze falls to the ground, “If that’s what you want.” 
“But what do you want?” He mumbles, stepping closer to you as another chilly gust of wind flies around your unguarded figures. 
Peering back up to him, you frown before divulging, “I don’t want to call it off.” 
“Good. Me neither.” Theodore nods, eyes softening at your honesty. 
“But what about Millicent?” You mutter, head tilting with visible perplexion. The poignant reminder of her existence evokes a storm of doubts in your veins, and your head starts spinning with the culmination of the day’s events. 
Theodore cranes his head back to assess you as he plainly responds, “What about her?” 
This time, it’s your turn to survey his confused face with a mirrored look, “What? She’s your girlfriend? I can’t in good conscience do that to someone, arranged or not.” 
Theodore’s mouth parts as he stares at you, and for a moment you’re disconcerted by the thought that he perhaps only just remembered her, but then, the most remarkable thing happens—Theodore starts to chuckle. His shoulders quake faintly with every muffled sound, and after a few moments, he throws his head back to let it out toward the darkening sky. 
Before you have a moment to question the boy’s sanity, he turns back to you with a wide grin, “Is that what you were talking about earlier? You caught me from left field. I was worried that you were displeased because your heart belonged to someone already.” 
Seeing your inquiring eyes, he shuffles closer and shakes his head, “I’m not dating Millicent, silly one. Where’d you get that grand idea from?”
“You guys were always together, and all the rumors–” Your words come out borderline defensive, neck blazing from embarrassment. 
Theodore huffs and squeezes your arm, softly cutting you off from your spiel, “Just rumors. I wouldn’t have agreed to any sort of arrangement if I was with someone else, my father knows that much.” 
“Right, yeah. Sorry.” You nod, scratching at your neck to dispel the humiliation that would live on in your head until your last moments on Earth. 
“Silly.” Theodore hums, letting go of your arm to tap at your forehead, “Let’s head to our place before we freeze, yeah?” 
Your rental unit was quite spacious to your surprise, and you were almost too enraptured with touching every inch of furniture to notice that there was only one bed in the entire space. Almost. 
Theodore is cognizant of the same dilemma, clicking his tongue dryly as he murmurs quietly under his breath. 
“I can take the floor.” You speak up almost zealously, easily masking how the prospect of waking with a sore back was killing you on the inside. Theodore and you had barely started building a thin understanding for your relationship, and you’d be damned if a single bed would stir up tension again. 
Theodore swivels to look at you, “No need, we can share the bed. If you’re uncomfortable, I’ll take the floor.” His voice leaves little room for argument, and he runs a hand through his locks as he nods reassuringly at you. You’re touched by his consideration and understanding, glad that you weren’t in such a position with someone like Crabbe or Goyle, both of whom would likely grunt inaudibly and leave you to your ministrations. 
“Let’s share, then.” You concede, heart thrumming fervently in your chest. 
Theodore smiles softly at you and beckons you closer as he sits down on the bed, hand reaching out for you as you slowly tread forward. When you gently place your hand in his, he gives a faint tug, eyes darting down to the empty spot beside him. 
Once you’re snug on the plush mattress, you turn to him with a wry grin, “We’ve skipped pretty much every single conventional step to get here. From study partners to life partners.” 
“I suppose you’re right,” the corner of his mouth slants up, “from barely knowing my name to taking my surname, hm? Quite unorthodox.” 
Shaking your head, you flop back onto the bed, keenly aware of how Theodore tightens his hold on your hand as it begins to slip away. Peering up at him, you raise an eyebrow, “Who said I’m taking your last name, Nott? You’re taking mine.” 
“Hyphenating, it is.” He murmurs as his eyes trail toward the balcony ways off across the room. 
You chuckle and stare into the abyss of the dim ceiling, “Any excuse to have a ridiculously extensive name.” 
“Never as ridiculous as Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.” He muses, slowly lowering himself to lay beside you. 
A few tantalizing beats pass before your jumbled mind seems to take away any semblance of restraint from your mouth, “I never thought it would be you, to be frank.” 
“Yeah?” Theodore hums, head now turned towards you. 
Nodding, you run your free hand along the edge of the bed as you continue, “My parents had been considering Crabbe for a while. I mean, they know nothing about him, but I can just imagine how that dinner would have gone once they realized just who they were shipping me off to.” 
Theodore continues to study you, hand squeezing yours again before he mumbles, “I knew it’d be you.” 
Snapping your head to the side, your eyes widen at his hooded gaze, “Really?” 
“My father knew it too. That I wouldn’t have anyone but you.” His admission knocks the wind from your lungs, and you almost want to throttle yourself off the bed to ensure that you weren’t dreaming. 
“Yeah?” You ask dumbly, heart stuttering against your ribs. 
Theodore shifts to lean on his elbow, bringing his face closer to yours as he whispers, “Want to know a secret?” 
All you can do is nod, trying to blink away the dizziness coiling around your head from the close proximity. 
He hums and slowly retracts his hand, bringing a finger to trail the bedding beside your shoulder, “I was the one to ask your parents for permission to court you. Now, I’m going to wash up first, I promise I won’t be long.” 
Without a hitch, Theodore swiftly clambers off of the bed, leaving the mattress to gently recoil against your back as it expands to its original form. You’re only able to grapple for a coherent thought once the bathroom door shuts with a click, barring you from staring at Theodore in wonder. 
Once you hear the stream of the shower head emit from the bathroom, you slowly prop yourself up and trudge towards the balcony, swinging the glass doors open and allowing the whistling wind to zip through the newly exposed aperture. The biting breeze nips at your cheeks as you stare into the sky, surveying all the twinkling stars as you recount the day’s events. 
You aren’t exactly sure what you’re going to say to Theodore, or if you’re even going to be able to look him in the eyes once he emerges from the bathroom, but you supposed that the turn of events unfolded more pleasantly than you could have hoped.
The distant clamoring of partygoers ways away from the balcony lulls you into a loop of idle daydreams, and you aren’t sure how many minutes have passed since Theodore’s departure from your side, but the whirlwind of your elusive thoughts dissipates when a warm hand grazes your arm. 
“You alright? I’ve been calling your name for a bit now.” Theodore mumbles, eyes glazed with worry as he searches your blank expression. 
Blinking slowly, you nod and offer a faint smile, “Fine, just lost in my thoughts.” 
“It’s a bit chilly out here,” He glances to his right, evidently hearing the faint pulsing of music as well, “why don’t we head in?” 
“Yeah,” you whisper, smiling at him, “I’ll try not to wake you when I get out of the shower.” 
As you make your way to weave around the boy, body feeling weightless despite the fatigue drenching your muscles, you can feel his eyes following you until you’re swallowed by the shadows of the room. 
The numbing balm of the night’s wind melts away from your face as you peer up into the shower head. The swath of steam that swirls around your body, cloaking the mirrors and walls, seems to inhibit the taunts of your overactive brain. 
Your getaway would continue for another week before you’d begin wedding arrangements, already feeling the splintering headache emerging at the thought of sitting down and picking between a plethora of cloth samples. Unions between pureblood families were a big deal for the elite circle of families as the event would serve as the perfect opportunity for pretense and business transactions between different houses. 
When you crack the bathroom door open with a muffled pop, dismissing the rush of steam that flees hurriedly into the cool room, you vaguely make out the figure of Theodore propped up against the headboard. The hues of moonlight peek through the bare panes of your window, curtains swept aside, faintly illuminating the silhouette of the furniture. 
“Still up?” You whisper, padding over to delicately arrange yourself beside the boy. 
As you shuffle under the plush covers, dragging the edges under your arms, you turn to peer at Theodore’s profile, watching as his throat bobs down as he slowly turns to you. 
“Didn’t want to sleep without you.” He mutters, slowly sinking to lay down beside you. 
You suppress the tender smile threatening to peel across your face and nod, “I see. You’re not a restless sleeper, are you?”
“Are you?” He quietly intones, voice growing fainter as sleep begins to grip at his consciousness. 
“No, I’m not.” You hum, resisting the urge to sweep your fingers forward in search of his, “Goodnight, Theodore.” 
You both fall asleep facing one another, inches apart as the glow of the moonlight chases away the gulfs of darkness that slink in the corners of your room. It is in this position that your slumber is torn away from you mere hours later, moonlight now dispersing into small shards that nearly blend away against the white covers. 
The foggy film that clouds your senses and sight reel away as you hear a small grunt from beside you followed by incessant shifting. Blinking away your drowsiness, you slowly shift up to survey Theodore, slowly comprehending his distress. 
Theodore huffs out, a muffled groan blooming into the quiet atmosphere around you. Carefully reaching over, you shake the boy’s arm, eyebrows furrowing when he simply shifts again. 
“Theodore, hey,” You feebly call out, shaking his arm more frantically as he remains trapped in the desolate rapids of unconsciousness. 
Leaning down you bring your other hand to softly pat his cheek, you wait with bated breath as his ministrations quell before ceasing entirely. Eyes now accustomed to the veil of midnight darkness, you see his eyes slowly blink open, a light sigh escaping his lips as he begins to claw back into reality. 
“Hey, it’s alright, you’re alright,” You softly murmur, bringing your fingers up to gently card back his waves, any semblance of fatigue evaporating from your bones as you focus on comforting the boy. 
Theodore brings his hand up to yours, eyes beginning to sluggishly droop again, “Y/N?” 
“Hm?” You hum out, readjusting your position as sickly soreness jolts up your arm. 
“I guess I am a restless sleeper.” He mumbles, nudging against his pillow before he emits another sigh. His voice rumbles lethargically, and you sense that he is about to slip away into slumber again when he tightens his hold on your hand. 
“Hm. What’s up?” You whisper, moving to lay down as well. 
Theodore is silent for a few seconds before he tersely whispers back, voice nearly drowned out by the thumping of your heart in your ears, “Can I hold you?” 
You shift closer to the cocoon of warmth batting off of him, steadily bringing your arm to wrap around him, “Of course.” 
Theodore wraps his arms around you and drags you towards him, a content hum buzzing from his throat as he tucks you under his chin. For the few grand moments that pass afterward, you are left to contemplate the consequences your position would entail for when the sun rose, and you fervently hoped that no awkwardness would ensue. 
Your close proximity to Theodore allows you to hear the faint thumping of his heartbeat, now undeviating in its rhythm. Bringing your free hand forward, you tuck it in the nestle of warmth between your bodies, trying to conjure inklings of sleep as a dense pressure burrowed itself in your eyes. 
The lull of concentration fades into blind navigation in the crevices of your mind, and when your pulsing thoughts dwindle to incomprehensible echoes, slumber greets you once again.
When your mind blisters into stark clarity, it is with recognition of the orange hues flashing in your vision and the traces of aimless lines on your back. Your body instinctively pines for the cushion of bliss that mutely calls for you: a mixture of aftershave and pear. 
For a few moments, it is completely tranquil. Until you realize that your pillow had a heartbeat. 
The revelation is enough to jumpstart the discombobulated wires of your brain. Your eyes crack open to greet the rays of light that crowd your vision, an unpleasant stinging causing you to squint as you huff out. 
“Good morning.” Theodore’s voice is gravelly, barely above a whisper. 
“Hi Theodore.” You mumble out, remaining motionless against him. 
His chest vaguely rumbles and you feel him splay one his hands against your back, “Theo. Only my father and Blaise call me Theodore.” 
“Blaise?” You tiredly repeat, cheek squishing against his shirt. 
“At his insistence, honestly. He thinks it’s fun.” Theodore hums, and that reminder has your hazy brain blinking with a sudden memory. 
“Wait. Theodora, right?” You raise your head up, a wide grin plastered on your face as you remember the one night when Blaise dragged him away from your study routine using that nickname. 
Theodore blinks before he groans into the air, bringing one of his arms up to throw over his eyes as he grumbles, “Merlin, I was hoping you’d forget or even mishear that.”  
“Oh, I almost did, but Blaise’s ruckus was far more interesting than a Potions essay.” Theodore hums tiredly at the mention, and his reaction only spurs you on, “So, does he make it a habit to say Theodora, or is Dora better?” You say cheekily, shrugging innocently when Theodore peers down at you with a playful glare. 
“Enough about Blaise,” Theodore mumbles, poking your ribs with his fingers as he maneuvers to sit up, dragging you to lean into his side as he did so, “I have something planned for today.” 
“You’re being frighteningly vague, should I be worried?” You hum, muffling a low yawn. 
Theodore shakes his head and dryly huffs , “Actually, I was planning on testing a few levitating charms on you.” His fingers dance lightly against your back as his voice drops into a feathery tone, “Have some faith in me.” 
“I trust you.” You murmur, exhaling through your nose in amusement before you grow serious, “Anyway, did you sleep okay?” 
Theodore doesn’t answer you, and you slowly raise your eyes to meet his face in confusion, “Theo?” 
“Hm?” He hums distractedly, face craning closer to yours as he seems to almost stare through you. 
Your heart collapses into the void of your ribcage for a split second before it begins to thrust violently against your chest, spurring a sea of warmth up your neck and ears. Theodore’s eyes flicker across your face as his hands begin to absentmindedly draw patterns against your sides. 
You aren’t sure you’re breathing properly. Or at all. 
One of his hands trails up to your arm, sliding to rest on the junction between your neck and shoulder as he muses, “Before we get up and go on about our day, I have something for you.” 
Your eyebrows wrinkle at his words, eyes not straying away from his unwavering gaze. This time, it’s you who gives a small hum, patiently waiting for his next words. 
“Just a small gift,” He whispers, slowly slotting his other hand on the small of your back, “It’s been a long time coming, really.” 
His eyes drop down to your lips and that’s all you really need before you’re leaning towards him with anticipation, hands steadying themselves on his chest. Theodore’s lips part and he gazes at you for confirmation, jaw clenching imperceptibly as words become lost between you both. 
When you remain resolute, he swiftly connects his lips to yours, mouth moving feverishly against yours. His hands press against your body, keeping you grounded as he begins to lean over you, lips never ceasing in their frenzied dance against yours. 
Grasping the sides of his neck, you tug him impossibly closer to you as he hovers over you, one of his hands moving to run soothingly along your waist. 
A few more heated moments pass before the tug for air becomes too great to ignore, causing you to break away from him, head tilting to the side as your lungs tinge with a faint tightness. Theodore grunts at your escape, chasing after you as he tries to satiate his desire, only opting to leave heavy kisses against your cheek and jaw when you tap his neck. 
Closing your eyes, you bring your fingers to card through his hair as you attempt to halt the dizzying stars spinning across your eyelids. Amidst your fruitless efforts, a sudden tug has your eyes flying open, a bemused hum echoing through the air once you realize Theodore is guiding you to sit up. 
He remains silent as he glides down from the side of the bed, hand drifting to lace with yours as he pulls you to sit at the edge of the mattress. Reaching towards the bottom drawer of the white dresser, Theodore only briefly glances away as he fishes out a small velvet box. 
“Theo?” You mumble, eyes widening as he drops down on both of his knees. 
“Ring.” He answers quietly, deftly opening the box and pulling out a thin silver band. 
He drops kisses to your knees as he gazes up towards you, bringing one of his hands forward in muted questioning. Smiling softly, you place your left hand in his outstretched one, holding your breath when he slips the ring onto your ring finger with ease. 
His hand continues to hold yours, thumb rubbing against your skin as he stares at the band. 
“Thank you.” He finally says, lifting his face up to survey yours, his position leaving him at your complete mercy. 
Your hands instinctively reach out to cup his face, bringing him in for another kiss as a newfound contentment curls into your chest. Theodore remains on his knees as he leans forwards, hands chancing a light slide against your hips as he reciprocates your affection.  
“Fuck, how mad do you think everyone will be if we just eloped?” He grunts out before diving forward again to meet your lips. 
Pulling back with a small laugh, you shake your head, “My parents would have your head.” 
“I’m willing to pay that price, love.” He grins against your lips, nose nudging against yours. 
Patting his cheek, you narrow your eyes playfully, “Well I’m not, so behave.” 
“Yes, dear.”
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ggukiepie · 7 months
one of your girls (pt. 2) (jungkook x reader)
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we go 'round again, we jump back in bed that's what you do when you love somebody these bad omens, i look right through them that's what you do when you love somebody bad omens by 5sos
pairing: jungkook x fem oc
tags: smut, angst, fluff, fuckboy!jk, fwb rel, oc is...she thinks with her heart <//3, college au, jungkook is sus and a bit mean but is oc any better ? hmmmm
warnings: kissing, fingering, protected sex, mirror kink, backshots wooo but make it romantic, light choking, multiple orgasms, a little bit of aftercare, cuddling :o
word count: 6k
a/n: weeeee part 2 is finally here !! sorry this took so long yall. i have two more parts to release for this series (flashback then part 3). anw happy reading !! uhhhhhh the ending..dont scream at me :D / part 1 / drabble i (flashback)
taglist: @yuwaimo @haileycannotcometothephonern @hoseokteardrop @hoodrejects @agrika @joonwater @moonchild1
It's sunny today which calls for hanging out at the quad. It's what you and your friends usually do to take advantage of the rare warm days. Jihyo's busy bickering with Mingyu, you don't know what they're really talking about because you're busy re-writing your notes. You haven't seen Jimin yet but he texted the group chat saying he's just buying food. And Jungkook...well you don't know if he's going to show up today. You haven't talked to him since that night. It's just been three days anyway.
You feel someone sit down beside you and you notice it's Jimin. He's wearing those skinny jeans he loves so much because he says it makes his ass look nice. You roll your eyes every time he mentions that.
"Cool guy alert," Mingyu suddenly calls out. You whip your head up to stare at Jimin who's wearing the biggest pair of sunglasses you've ever seen, it's covering half of his face already.
"Too sunny for you, Jiminie?" Jihyo teases this time.
You all watch Jimin silently as he removes the sunglasses. His left eye is bruised and it's ugly and purple and almost black.
"What the fuck," Jihyo says to break the silence. "What happened to you?"
Jimin doesn't say anything yet, just simply fixes his hair and shakes his head. You can tell he's trying not to get angry because his jaw is clenched.
"Jimin?" you whisper.
"It was Jungkook," he says gruffly. Your heart stops again at the mention of his name. Why would Jimin and Jungkook fight? Their friendship is pretty solid and they always get along well. You've never seen them annoyed at each other.
Your eyes flit to Mingyu and you think he knows what happened because he's silent, no hint of surprise on his face. He's looking down at the table while playing with his food.
"You guys never fight," Jihyo interjects. "What happened?"
Jimin turns to face you and you suddenly think you know why. You don't want to say it yourself but you think you've got an inkling why Jungkook punched him. You just hope you're wrong.
"You need to talk to him," Jimin tells you, completely ignoring Jihyo's question. You nod silently and check your phone to see if Jungkook has texted you at all. Of course he hasn't. Typical. But you'll find him today. You don't know exactly what went down but Jimin telling you to find him confirms your suspicions. It's enough to get you mad, your body heating and tensing up in simmering anger. You don't mind what Jungkook does to you, how he hurts your feelings without intending to, how he treats you like you're some disposable object, like you're just there always on the sidelines waiting for him. What you can't tolerate is Jungkook bringing both your friends into your situationship. What goes on between you and Jungkook should stay between you both and that's it. You can't handle him hurting Jimin as well.
There are a few places where you think Jungkook might be. You walk to the cafeteria first and search for him in the crowd. He's not there so you head to the library instead and your heart drops the moment you see him talking to some girl.
"Hey," you practically shout, suprising the people in the library and yourself as well, even. You're usually never this angry. Never address someone in such a venomous way. But you can't help but feel irked at what Jungkook's done.
He looks back and his eyes widen at your angry form. It only lasts for a second before he smirks and walks closer to you.
"Yeah?" he says, all smug and cocky.
"We need to talk."
Then you turn around and start walking out of the library, could hear Jungkook walking behind you already. Girl he was talking to all forgotten.
Surprisingly, you end up at his place.
You walk into his living room, ignoring him when he tells you to take a seat on the couch.
"Did you punch Jimin?" you ask right away, wanting to get this stupid issue over with.
You watch as his jaw clenches, tongue poking the inside of his cheek. He looks at you for a moment, eyes in slits at your hostility. "And what if I did?"
"What the fuck was that, Jungkook?" You look at him with stern eyes and could tell he's angry as well, chest rising up and down in quick breaths.
"Don't mess with my friends," he says.
"Jimin is my friend too!" you retort. "What happens between me and Jimin has nothing to do with you."
"Just what, Jungkook?" you cut him off. "You had no right to punch Jimin like that. Why'd you even do it in the first place?" You place your hands on your hips as you wait for him to answer you, puffing out a breath in frustration.
He looks a bit lost, eyes darting from side to side to look for an answer. The longer the silence goes, the shorter your patience gets.
"Well?" you prompt.
"Just don't, alright?" he says lamely. You roll your eyes. "You can sleep with anyone else except—"
"Who the fuck gave you the right to tell me who I can and can't sleep with?" You're almost screaming now but you don't care. This push and pull with Jungkook is making you so angry you want to punch him. You walk up to him and shove at his chest but he barely stumbles back. It just angers you even further. "I don't even give you shit when you sleep with other girls!" You continue pushing him back, practically punching his chest now. "It's not like you agreed to be exclusive. You said it yourself that you still wanted to fuck around. That was the agreement."
Jungkook grabs your wrists to stop you from pushing him. You watch him clench his jaw as he makes eye contact with you. "What if I want to take back what I said?"
"What?" you mumble dumbly, all the fight leaving your body.
He lets go of your wrists and takes a step back. You watch him pace back and forth in his room. "What if I want us to be exclusive?"
You say the first thing that comes to mind. "You're lying." He must be. He's just trying to lure you in, get him on your good side again.
He looks at you dead in the eyes and it seems like all the anger and frustration is leaving his body as well. He looks defeated and tired, and you're sure you look the same. "I'm not. I never lie to you."
"You do, Kook," you say quietly. But you're not saying it to make him feel bad. You're simply saying it because it's the truth and both of you know that.
He sits down beside you on his bed and buries his face in his hands. You watch him and try to keep your tears at bay.
"Kook, if this is some sick joke—"
"It's not," he says all of a sudden. "What if I want us to be exclusive?" he tries again.
You don't like it when he looks at you like that. Like you matter to him. Like he actually cares. Like he feels the same way as you. Looking into his eyes is too much so you turn your head away and stare at the wall instead.
"Why?" you whisper.
"Because..." he tries. "Because—"
"Because what, Kook? Suddenly you don't like the idea of me sleeping with other guys? But you can sleep with other girls? And if I say yes to you, what'll happen then?" you say harshly. "Huh? You're gonna forget about me? Just use me whenever you want?"
"It's not like that, sweetheart." He tries grabbing your hand but you shake him off. You stand up and walk to the other side of the room, suddenly wanting to be away from him. Being near Jungkook clouds your senses and makes you act irrationally.
"Don't call me that." You feel your lips trembling and you're pretty sure tears are streaming down your face. "I don't know what you want from me, Jungkook. You can't even explain why you want us to be exclusive."
He mirrors your expression, big doe eyes suddenly teary as well. "I'm sorry," he chokes out. It stays silent after that. You nod to yourself. Maybe this is the best explanation you'll get. You gather your things and mumble a goodbye. You exit his bedroom and Jungkook doesn't chase after you. At this point you don't expect him to anymore. You bump into Mingyu and Jihyo upon exiting Jungkook's apartment. They call out to you but you ignore them and speed walk out of the building.
Your heart hurts. Like, it physically hurts. You know you should feel happy with what Jungkook's just told you. It's what you wanted ever since you fell for him. But why are you pushing away? Why don't you want to believe him all of a sudden?
Because you used to. Believe him, that is. Used to look at him all starry eyed with whatever he said. Said yes to whatever he asked. Looked at him like he can achieve world peace. Something stupid of the sort. Wore your heart on your sleeve every time you were with him. Even when you weren't, now that you think about it.
You always showed your feelings through your actions. He just showed his feelings through his words.
It's different but it's the same. This time you don't believe him. Stopped believing his words some time ago. Always knew there was some lie beneath his words. Always doubted what he said. Or just brushed it over your shoulder. Never let it settle in the crevices of your heart, which is sadly just filled with him. Him, him, him.
Jungkook, Jungkook, Jungkook.
You should feel sorry for yourself for how much he's changed you without even trying to directly. You never thought you'd have to change yourself for a man. But here he is, making you doubt him and the world. You were never like this before.
You thought love was easy. That if it was the right person, everything would fall into place naturally. You didn't know love would be like this. That you'd always be cautious, always had your walls up, looking over your shoulder. That you had to fight for love, or that it hurt so much you found difficulty in breathing.
But is Jungkook the right person?
It's not something you want to answer yourself, because you'll get hurt either way. You just brush the thought aside like you do with your feelings.
You don't go back to your apartment because you know Jihyo thinks it'll be the first place you go to. Will barge in your room because she has a spare key. Is confrontational and protective of you like that, she'll ask questions right away.
But you don't want to think of what just transpired. You want to forget. Move on. Not sure if that means moving on from Jungkook entirely (you doubt you ever will) but you just want to forget about today.
So you keep walking. No destination in mind, you just let your feet walk you to wherever. Away from campus. Walking through some random park. Eventually, you end up at a Korean BBQ. Don't realize the meaning this place holds till you're seated. It's Jungkook's favorite restaurant. He brought you here twice.
Now you're here alone. You start feeling pathetic. Who the fuck goes to a restaurant like this alone? You scan the area—you see couples, friends, families eating together. But you're alone which means you have to grill the meat alone. Serve yourself. Eat by yourself.
You order two bottles of soju. Might as well be drunk while looking pathetic.
You think you've made a good decision. The food is good and you're doing everything yourself so you have no time to think about other things. Or people. Person.
You flip the meat only to see that you've flipped it too early. It's not properly cooked yet. Jungkook always knew when to flip it at the right time.
You sigh. That was what, twenty minutes of him being out of your head? At least it's progress. Somewhat.
After a while you decide you can't inhale anymore food. You'll probably explode. But a happy tummy is a happy heart. Or whatever people say. You're drunk, can't think straight. You're drunk but not stupid, so you ask Jihyo if she can pick you up.
She simply replies otw and is outside the restaurant ten minutes later. She comes in full force—which is really just Mingyu and Jimin with her in the car. It's Mingyu's car, anyway, so you expected to see him. You don't know why Jimin's with them, but you don't mind. Seeing your group of friends eases the ache in your heart even more. Even though one person's missing.
You don't mind. Well, just a little.
You smile at them as you walk to the car while Jihyo runs out of it to give you a big hug. She doesn't say anything as she rubs your back soothingly and you don't cry on her shoulder like you normally would. You're too tired of crying. Being sad.
You don't say anything as the both of you get back in the car. They don't ask about what happened and for that you're grateful. You don't want to process it yet, anyway. Don't think there's much to process. You love Jungkook and he doesn't love you back. Simple.
Your friends fill in the quiet pretty well. Jimin goes off on some tangent. You don't really know the topic. But Jihyo's interjecting from time to time. Mingyu makes a joke and it has all of you laughing. Eventually you get to Jimin's place. It's the usual hangout spot. A one bedroom apartment with a nice balcony. Not too big but not too small either. Just right for the four of you.
Usually five.
You don't know what transpired after you left Jungkook's place. How Mingyu and Jihyo saw you running out with tears down your cheeks. You don't know and you don't ask. You all watch a movie together. All fall asleep in Jimin's living room. Will complain about your backs hurting the next morning but you don't care. It's nice to be around them.
You leave Jimin's place the morning after. You, Mingyu and Jihyo leave because Jimin shoos all of you out. Says he has an exam to study for. He'll probably complain about it during lunch. Tuesdays are reserved for lunch with each other. Out on the quad, if it's sunny enough. In the cafeteria otherwise. You're not sure if Jungkook will show up. You doubt he will.
Mingyu and Jihyo walk you home. You shower and get ready for class. You move as if you're on autopilot. Shower. Get dressed. Get the right textbooks. Lock your door. Walk to class.
You put yourself in this bubble, in this false sense of security that things are ok. You'll be okay. You've been through a lot and you're still here standing, breathing, living. This? This is nothing.
You just have to give yourself time. Have to push your feelings away. Out of sight, out of mind. Don't think it works like that when it's about your feelings. Whatever. Your heart will mend itself back to place.
But what makes a heart whole? It's people, mostly. It's your friends. Your family.
Always gonna be Jungkook.
And you're back at square one.
jk (sent two weeks ago): can we talk?
jk (sent one week ago): hi
jk (sent one week ago): can we talk pls?
jk (sent five days ago): y/n?
jk (sent three days ago): im so sorry, y/n. i just want to talk. please.
It's been two weeks since the incident and your group hasn't been complete ever since. Either Mingyu and Jihyo are with Jungkook, or with you. Things are starting to change for the worse, and it's making you sad.
At least Jimin and Jungkook have made up already. You don't know the details exactly (because you didn't ask), but you've heard that they've started hanging out again.
You and Jungkook?
You haven't replied to any of his texts. You haven't seen him for two weeks. It's weird. It feels like there's something wrong, something off. Like there's a small pebble in your shoe. Like there's a nagging voice in your head telling you to go back home because you forgot to unplug your straightener.
Like you're missing a piece of you. This hole in your chest that leaves you feeling empty.
You miss Jungkook. And not just the sex. You also miss the friendship. The intimate moments.
You don't have the courage to ask about him, to text him back or look for him. Frankly, you're still hurt from what transpired and you think you might just break if he hurts you again.
It's even raining today. The cold and gloomy weather dampens your mood even more. You baked cookies to try to cheer you up. You used to love baking but haven't done so in a while, you're not really sure why. But you needed an extra pick me up today.
You're holding the tupperware of cookies close to your chest when you walk in the cafeteria, looking for your friends. You always bake extra for them—love the looks on their faces when Jihyo counts all the cookies first and divides it accordingly, when Mingyu gets more than what he should have, when they all fight over the last piece.
When Jungkook would ask if you had extra cookies back at your place.
You don't think that'll happen anymore.
You spot your friends by a table in the corner of the cafeteria, next to a large window where the rain hits it outside in a steady patter.
You see Mingyu who's taking to Jimin, Jihyo typing something on her laptop.
And there's the missing piece, beanie-clad head hung low, tattooed hand busy writing on his notebook.
You feel your heart lurch in your chest. You stop walking, not minding that you're blocking the way.
You take deep breaths to calm your nerves. You have to see each other at some point. And also, you don't want your friends to feel awkward anymore.
You continue walking again and because the universe wants to torture you even further, the only available seat left is right across Jungkook.
"Hi," you chirp, trying to sound as cheery as you can as you sit down. Mingyu, Jihyo and Jimin all look at you in surprise, then Jimin starts talking about his day to fill in the awkward silence. The three of them try to make things go back to normal. You would've laughed at the looks of your friends' faces (sans Jungkook, because you refuse to look at him) if you didn't feel so nervous.
You join in the conversation as well, not an ounce of sadness shown on your face. You don't want your situation with Jungkook to affect the rest of your friends.
The both of you never address each other directly, but you do feel him looking at you from time to time.
You place the cookies in the middle of the table. Like old times, Jihyo counts all the cookies and tells everyone they can only have three pieces each. Mingyu eats more than three. The three of them fight over the last piece, Jimin proposing that they battle it out through rock paper scissors.
You're laughing at the scene in front of you. Good thing you saved some for yourself back at your apartment.
Amidst the chaos, you feel Jungkook lean over the table to whisper in your ear.
"You got more cookies back at yours?"
Your body stiffens at the proximity. Usually you'd say yes. He'd follow you home, make some small talk while you place cookies in a ziplock for him, then he'd hug you goodbye.
That was before the agreement. It was essentially the same routine when you started sleeping with each other, though of course he'd stay a little bit longer.
You turn your head and look at him for the first time. You will yourself not to cry, to steel your emotions.
He looks so soft, so comfy like he just rolled out of bed. He's wearing a beanie to tame his curls, and he's wearing one of his oversized shirts paired with gray sweatpants.
He smells good too. And you realize that you really, really miss him.
"Yeah," you say just as quietly. You feel your heart lighten, but your head's screaming at you to reject him.
Jungkook doesn't say anything else and neither do you. You wait for your friends to finish eating and once everyone stands up, Jungkook walks to your side. Jihyo looks at you quizzically but you just shake your head, silently telling her not to voice out anything out loud. You say your goodbyes and start walking towards your apartment, Jungkook right beside you.
It's silent. And a little bit awkward. You're thinking of what to tell him, whether he wants to talk about what happened, or he just wants your damn cookies.
You close the door behind the both of you and you immediately walk to your small kitchen, grabbing the container of extra cookies and putting some in a ziplock, like you usually do. You feel from the corner of your eyes that Jungkook's watching you, and you feel like your heart is about to burst at what he might say.
"About that night..." he starts.
You sigh and drop the cookies on the counter, turning to him to look at him directly. For the first time in a while, Jungkook looks nervous. Fingers fidgeting, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.
"You know I like you, right?" you suddenly say.
"Yeah," he answers right away without a beat of hesitation.
"Then I want to stop whatever it is we have between us."
You watch Jungkook's face for his reaction. How his eyes widen, how he clenches and unclenches his fists, how his chest rises up and down in quick beats.
"Why?" he simply asks.
You bite your lip in thought, thinking of the right words to say. "I can't let you treat me like shit anymore, Jungkook. It's not healthy for the both of us. I don't know how you feel or what you want but look," you sigh. "You punched Jimin because what? Because I slept with him?"
"What if I want us to try?"
Now it's your turn for your eyes to widen, for your heart to lurch in your chest, body seizing at the question. Acting the same way you did when he asked the first time.
Jungkook nods, lips pursed as he walks closer to you. "You and me. Let's try. No more fooling around with other people." He swears under his breath as he comes to stand in front of you, both arms caging you against the counter. He breathes out and rests his forehead against yours, eyes closed like he's tired.
You're tired as well. But you let him do what he wants. Like you always do.
"(Y/N)," he starts to say. "Look, I— The thought of you sleeping with someone else... It made me crazy," he laughs dryly.
You lean back and scrunch your eyebrows at him. "Jungkook, I'm not some object for you to be possessive over. You just can't—"
"I don't mean it like that," he says, looking at you directly now. Your knees would've buckled at the intensity of his gaze were it not for your body leaning on the kitchen counter. "I just mean..." He turns his head to look away. "I just mean I can't bear the thought of you being with someone else anymore. Doing the things we do."
You open your mouth in reply then close it again when you realize you don't know what to say. You've been waiting to hear this confession for so long, but now that you've heard it, you're suddenly not happy. You're unsure. Guarded. Hurt.
"Jungkook," you whisper unsurely.
He turns his head back to you, gaze right on your lips before he locks eyes with you again.
"We can try. Please," he whispers. It's weird seeing Jungkook this way, all vulnerable and desperate. Begging. Usually, you'd be in his position. Not the other way around. "I promise this time."
You feel your resolve slowly crumbling. All the walls you've built up from your last interaction with him come falling down. You should hate yourself, you really should. But you know where your heart lies. What it wants. That you'd take any inkling of love he'd give you. Even if he may not mean it. Even if it might not last forever.
"Okay," you say, and the moment you do, you see the most beautiful smile grace his face. It makes you smile as well, ignoring the little voice in the back of your head to say no. "But we start slowly, alright?"
He nods his head, smile still there, body slowly pressing against yours. He nuzzles his head in the crook of your neck and your arms automatically go around him.
"Kook," you sigh. "We should probably talk first—"
"In the morning, baby," he says in between the kisses he's placing on your shoulder. "I promise."
You play with his hair while Jungkook does what he wants. Kissing your shoulder, your collarbone, up to your jaw. It's playful at first, big smooches echoing in your apartment. Then it starts getting heated the moment you feel his tongue on your skin.
"J-Jungkook," you stutter.
He grips your waist and lifts you up so you're seated on the counter. "You drive me crazy, I hope you know that."
You smile at him and say nothing else as you grab his face towards yours, finally reconnecting your lips with his. It's soft and sensual, no sense of urgency like how you usually kiss. Like how Jungkook had somewhere to be after. Or that he wanted to get it over with.
He's taking his time now by the way his lips mold slowly against yours, like he wants to map out how you taste, how you feel, how your tongue feels like pressed against his.
You stay like that for a while, just kissing and basking in each other's presence. Jungkook holds your waist firmly like he doesn't want to let go. Frankly, you don't want him to either.
You start getting antsy so you grab the hem of his shirt and try to slip it over his head. He laughs at your impatience as you throw the shirt somewhere in your apartment, hands going to his back instantly. Scratching your nails lightly down his skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake. Then your hands go down to his pants and you start toying with his jeans.
"Sweetheart," he leans back and chuckles. He holds your face gently. "There's no need to rush, okay? We've got all the time in the world."
You lean back as well, exhaling the breath you didn't know you were holding. "Okay," you agree. "Yeah, sorry."
"Let me take my time with you," he murmurs as he leans in again to kiss you.
Jungkook does his take time. Practically kisses every inch of your skin. Takes off your clothing one by one. Fingers you slowly that you're seeing stars. Cleans you up with his mouth that you're left breathless and dizzy. Disoriented. You're both (finally) naked by the time you're in bed.
"Look at yourself, baby," he whispers right into your ear.
His words go in your ear and out the other, head too clouded with the mind blowing orgasm he just gave you. You don't understand what he's telling you to do until he gently grabs your chin and turns it to where he wants you to look. Your eyes spot your full length mirror. You see yourself, bare and sitting on the bed with your legs folded beneath you, thighs open and pussy on display. Jungkook's right behind you in a similar position, body so big and wide that you notice the stark difference of your bodies.
You see your chest heaving up and down, tits moving in sync with your breaths. Your hands are resting on his thighs. Jungkook slithers his arm to wrap around your waist. Finally, you lock eyes with him through the mirror.
"See?" he says, though you don't really know what he wants you to see. "You look so pretty. S'why I can't get enough of you."
"Oh," you breathe out.
"Yeah, oh," Jungkook chuckles lightly. "Gonna fuck you now, okay?"
You nod your head in reply and Jungkook lifts you up a bit to enter you from behind. You gasp when he fills you up right away, a perfect fit like always. He starts thrusting slowly but deeply, and you feel his tip kiss your cervix each time. You would've toppled forward were it not for his protective hold around your waist.
"Feels good," you finally moan out.
"I know, baby," he pants from behind you. "You take me so well. Like you were made for me. Like we were made for each other."
Your heart seizes at that, and all words get stuck in your throat when Jungkook picks up the pace of his thrusts, both hands going to your chest to cup your breasts.
Jungkook presses his chest to your back, practically molding himself around your body, you're starting to feel as one. He buries his face in the crook of your neck, lips on your sweaty skin.
"I might not last long," he grunts.
"Me too," you mewl. It stays silent for a while, just both your breaths filling the room. It's not like you need to say anything, to be vocal like you both usually are. It's different this time and you know Jungkook can feel it too. With the way his body is pressed to yours, to his tight hold on you like you might disappear into thin air if he lets go, how his mouth never seems to leave your skin, how your hand holds his. Like you're too overwhelmed with the events that happened today, the past few weeks—since this started. That it's all coming to an end, but an end with a new beautiful beginning. It feels overwhelming because you're entering new territory. You still have your doubts (you don't think those will ever leave), but at least now you're on the same page with Jungkook. Together. Jumping into the unknown. Even if you're not sure how this will turn out—being together with him, for real this time. If it'll end in greater heartbreak or will be your best decision yet. But you're here because you want to try. You've let him in because you want to try. Because your heart has been with his from the start, you realize.
You're brought back to reality when Jungkook brings his hand up to wrap around your throat—not tightly, a hold barely there but firm enough to know he has you in his hold. You stare at yourself again in the mirror, at Jungkook moving his hips from behind you. How you're so pressed into each other.
"Jungkook," you choke out, suddenly so overwhelmed and full of emotion. His gaze shifts from your body to your face, looking at you through the mirror so intently you feel like melting. You move your hips back to meet his thrusts, your body feeling like it's on fire and that you might snap soon. "Kook, I—"
"I know, baby," he murmured. "I know." Knows that you're close, that this moment feels different, electrifying. "I got you, okay?" he whispers so sweetly. You lean your head back against his shoulder. "Let go for me. Hm?"
"Okay," you whisper, eyes closing and focusing on doing just that. It doesn't take you much longer to reach your peak, to let go and let the pleasure take control of your body. It comes to you gradually, getting stronger and stronger, and Jungkook talks you through it all. Though you can't make out his words since everything sounds so muffled. Like you're under water and the wave's crashed.
"Gonna come too," he grunts. "You're so beautiful when you come, baby. I can't—"
Jungkook reaches his orgasm after and fills up the condom. Fucks you so slow and deep through his high it sets you off once more. Don't realize that his finger is rubbing your clit slowly. Like he wanted you to reach your high again.
"That's it," he whispers. "So good for me."
You almost fall face first on your bed, but Jungkook catches you with a hand around your waist. Moves you around the bed so that you're laying on your back with him right beside you. You curl into him instantly as his arm wraps around your shoulder. He brings his lips to the crown of your head and places a gentle kiss.
You close your eyes and listen to the beat of his heart slowing down, focusing on the rise and fall of his chest. "We need to clean up soon," you mumble after a while.
"I'll do it," he mumbles back. "Let me just— Let me catch my breath first."
You laugh lightly, your body slowly succumbing to sleep. You feel Jungkook stand up and for a second your heart seizes in your chest. You keep your eyes closed while you try to listen for any sounds of clothes being picked up, of him getting dressed.
All you hear is your bathroom door being open then closed, then you feel a damp washcloth between your legs, and only then does your heart start beating again. Jungkook's back beside you in bed a few moments later, and then you finally succumb to sleep.
An alarm wakes you up the next morning. You know it isn't yours since it's not the usual ringtone you use. You open your eyes slowly and smile sleepily at Jungkook's arm draped across your waist. You look back to see him sleeping peacefully, mouth slightly ajar. You reach your arm out to your beside table to look for the noisy phone, realizing it's Jungkook's when you bring it close to your face to turn off the alarm.
You notice he's gotten a few notifications since last night, are about to place it back on your table when a text stands out to you. Waking you up fully. Your tummy churning, your breath seizing.
You can't see the preview of the message, but the name is enough to leave you feeling dizzy.
It's from Iseul. You know her because she's one of Jungkook's regulars. And you know this because she texts him a lot, her name always popping up in his phone. Not that you secretly went through it before, but sometimes Jungkook likes showing his phone to you and your friends, either of a cool photo he took lately or some random meme.
You try to stop your thoughts from thinking of the worst, but you can't help it. You and Jungkook haven't talked much about your relationship, because there is a lot to talk about. You know it won't all be fixed in one sitting. So you don't know if they're still seeing each other. You don't know if he meant what he said last night.
You start feeling ill, your palms sweating and your head beginning to pound. You find yourself standing up, getting dressed and grabbing just your phone with you. Never mind the fact that you're leaving Jungkook yet you're in your place. That he might still be here when you're back, whenever that will be. For the first time since you started this thing with him, you leave without saying goodbye.
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siriuslynutswrites · 1 month
a cute little oneshot for me to get myself through exams 😖😖😖
T.N. | Shotgun Kisses
theodore nott x f!reader
warnings; light sub!theo, shotgunning; it's mostly fluff
word count: 1.9k
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Rain pitter-patters against the many glass panes lining the hall, and your footsteps ring out in accompaniment to the drumming beats. The air is slightly chilly, damp feeling, as if the never ending rain from today has finally soaked into the castle, weighing the air down. Candle light flickers, drawing long, yellowed strokes on the cobbled wall, and there’s an echo of ghostly laughter from a few corridors away.
March is right around the corner, and seniors are starting to feel the exam crunch, with parties coming to an unusual standstill, crowds thinning on the dancefloor only to ebb and flow into a thickened mob of silence in the library. The scratches of quills, pens and turning of pages seems to be the only things heard in the common rooms after nine, save for the snaps of prefects telling the juniors to shut the hell up and leave the revising students at peace.
In all of this stress, Theo has been working himself thin over subjects, the bags under his eyes growing the more nights he spends sleepless at the fire, straining to read just that little bit more about Transfiguration. He’s always tense these days, save for his smoking breaks with Mattheo, and a few first years have suffered his wrath; you’re sure there may be a few eleven year old shaped dents in the walls around the castle.
In all fairness, it’s kind of funny to watch the little kids sprawl when Theo has had enough of their slow pace.
Alas, you haven’t seen him since the last study period, which he had even spent away from you (as much as he could at the same table at least), huddled at the corner of his desk with books piled high around like a makeshift defence against conversation.
His shoulders were way too tensed and eyebrows way too furrowed for him to be enjoying the Rune work he was going over. Now he’s disappeared, and you’re determined to find him, just so that you can convince him that a break will do him good.
Where would a stressed, anxious Theo go? That’s right. The astronomy tower.
For somebody who hates the subjects of Astronomy and Divination with a living passion, Theo spends a lot of time up there, even if it’s just to smoke.
You finally make it to the steps, and walk up the spiralling steps, fingers trailing along the stepping cracks in the stone. You step out onto the floor just beneath the large open air balcony above, and then climb up the spindly stairs to the absolute summit of the tower.
The rain is falling softly from all sides, the kind that doesn’t freeze you to the bone, but caresses you as it slowly soaks your clothes. The wind is chilly, and you wrap your arms tighter around yourself as you glance around the top of the tower.
And there, in the corner, your giant of a boyfriend is stood, elbows braced on the railing as the raindrops seem to slide off an invisible barrier around his body.
You probably should’ve thought of that, but your excuse is that you’re just not as Charms based as Theo is. Your strengths lie in Runes, and decoding secrets, not in remembering the vast incantations the magical world has to offer.
Nevertheless, you step out, not fully soaked yet as you walk up to join his side at the railing.
He doesn’t notice you until you bump his elbow with yours, and his eyes snap to yours, alight cigarette trapped between his fingers.
“Ciao, principessa.” Theo smiles, and you take in his tired eyes, droopy with the effects of study induced insomnia. “I didn’t realise somebody would want to join me with the weather like this.”
“I’ll always join you, even in the rain.” You say to him, and watch as he lifts his hands to brush the individual hairs soaked against your face away.
“I can see that.” He hums, and then with a snap of his fingers, extends his shield around you too. His runs his hands across you, and you feel deliciously warm air dry you off, making you feel cosy and even slightly sleepy.
“What are you doing out here?” You ask at last, bracing against his arm, your shoulder pressed against his bicep. “It can’t be this nice, out in the dark, cold night.”
“It’s better now that you’re here.” He grins, and then lets out a sigh, placing the cigarette between his lips, next words muffled. “But honestly it was just to have a little smoke. I’m sorry, principessa.”
“It’s okay.” You whisper to him, laying your head on his shoulder as he retracts his hand to let out a billow of smoke. “I know that’s it’s stress. We can work on quitting after exams, yeah? We have time, Theo.”
“Ti amo.” He kisses on top of your head, and then takes another drag.
There’s a moment of silence, and then you finally speak up.
“Theo, I think it would do you some good if you didn’t do any school work tomorrow.” You say, eyes trying to pierce through the rain colouring the air grey and desolate. He tenses next to you, and you already know the protest that will come from his lips.
“Y/N, I need to get all Os. I think I’ll descend into a pit of misery if I get even one E.” He says, voice low, and fingers ever so slightly crush his cigarette. “You don’t want to see me being in a pit of misery.”
“I know, you bloody perfectionist. But you won’t get all Os if you go through a nervous breakdown, okay?” You whisper, taking the cigarette away from him. “Just one day break. If you do get an E— which I doubt more than I doubt Draco’s ability to get over his crush on Potter— then you can blame it on me and have a go at me. Just, please, take a break.”
“I could never have a go at you, even if something really were your fault.” Theo admits, eyes softly tensed as he runs his gaze over your face. “But I really can’t, principessa. I just— I can’t risk it.”
The two of you stand there in silence for a moment, save for the rain smacking off the stone balcony and metal railing, before you let out a lilting sigh and turn away, his cigarette still lit between your fingers.
“This isn’t anything to do with your father, is it?” You ask, and raise the cigarette, taking a drag. “He’s an asshole.”
“Getting perfect grades is just one way to get him off my back.” Theo admits, soft, and you can feel his gaze heavy on your face. “Plus, I can’t be getting anything less than the best. I’m Theodore fucking Nott.”
“I love you, Theo.” You say, a gentle smile splitting your lips. “But sometimes, you have such a superiority complex it kinda hurts.”
“At least I can admit to it.” He says. There’s a beat, two, and then he’s talking again. “Are you done with that? I’m not done smoking yet.”
Your gaze flickers down to the cigarette, and then you look back up to Theo, brain ticking away.
At last, you lift the cigarette to your lips, and take a long, strong drag, your free hand reaching up to curl into the hair at the nape of his neck, fingers twisted in the brown.
Theo furrows his brows at you, eyes flickering to the cigarette and back to yours, before promptly tilting his head down agreeably when you pull slightly.
Your lips connect to his, and you give him a moment to rewrap his hands around your waist before parting your lips against his, tongue teasing over his mouth.
Theo lets out a shivered breath as his mouth opens, and then you’re pushing the smoke into his mouth, feeling his fingers twitch and tighten as he accepts the smoke like it’s oxygen. He takes it in and takes it in, fingers caught curled around your clothes, and then you break away, a smile already on your face.
Theo flickers his gaze over you, and then a lazy grin spreads on his face before he’s blowing the smoke out into the side, remainders trailing lazily from his nose. He stands there for a beat, two, and then he’s leaning forwards again, lips ghosting over your mouth in an invite.
“Do that again. Please?”
You concede, your mouth already wrapped around the cigarette, and by the time you're tilting your mouth up to his, he’s turned away from the railing, both hands grasped onto your hips as he moulds your body against his.
“Impatient, are you?” You laugh softly, the majority of the smoke spilling from your lips, and Theo simply whines, head pushed down so he can press against yours. You comply, breathing the smoke into his lungs, and you feel him squeeze your hips tightly when you do so, head tilting to the side to deepen the shallow shotgun kiss.
You break away, and watch him inhale the smoke deeper, head tipping back with the movement until he can exhale it all in a cloud of smoke up into the air, contentment colouring the sound from his lips.
There’s a moment where he just breathes, and then he’s looking down back at you, eyes lidded and wanting.
“More.” He simply breathes, and you let out a laugh, tugging his hair softly so that his head rolls back once more as you take in your next inhale.
While you do so, Theo squirms slightly, hands gripping you tightly as he tries to look at you again, only to be corrected by your controlling palm.
“Patience.” You whisper, knowing that you enjoy toying and teasing him way too much. The smoke billows from your lips, and you take in another drag.
“I don’t think mixing my best and worst addictions is a good idea.” Theo lets out, his hands travelling around from your hips to claimingly plant his palms on the curve of your ass. “But I really don’t care. Please, Y/N?”
You hum, and redirect his head to look at you. Your mouth catches another breath of smoke, and then you simply blow it at his face, making him squint through the smoke.
“Promise me you’ll take a break tomorrow.” You say, and take another drag from the cigarette, seeing the way he eyes your lips as you do so. “Then we can talk.”
Theo simply remains silent, eyes on your mouth, at least until you tug at his hair and make him look at you properly.
“Promise.” He mumbles, looking back down, only to let out a pained gasp when you yank his hair.
“Like you mean it, Theo.” You say, and he lets out a frustrated breath.
“Fucking hell.” He says, and then rolling his eyes, forces his mouth down to yours, kissing you despite how you pull his hair. “I promise to take a break.”
“There you go.” You praise, and kiss him back at last, mouth moving against his. You break a breath away, only to murmur into his mouth, “Wasn’t that hard, was it?”
“I’ll be harder if you kiss me again.” He says unexpectedly, and you burst out laughing, fingers relenting in his hair. His tone was entirely serious, but that doesn’t stop him from grinning when he sees the joy on your face, eyebrows raised. “What?”
“I can’t fucking breathe.” You wheeze out, feebly holding the cigarette as you crumple into his chest. “You’re killing me Theo. You’re killing me.”
”There there.” He says, voice low as his hands gently ghost over your back. “Breathe.”
”I can’t.” You say, despite taking a deep breath at his command.
“Want me to perform CPR or what?”
“That just sounds like an excuse to kiss me.”
“So what? Rather we keep shotgunning as an excuse?”
icl when its fictional, smoking is lowkey kinda hot..... however my motivating factor is fear, and im terrified of lung cancer!!!!
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ophidianoccultist · 10 months
Sebastian Sallow x F!Reader
18+ MDNI
Tags: first time, cluelessness, p in v, some angst if you squint?, interruption, oral (f receiving), choking/leash?
Word Count: 8.3k
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"Ah, there you are." Sebastian said.
His face bore the usual composed smile, and his short, brown, curly hair remained tousled atop his head. Freckles dotted his cheeks, while his deep brown eyes exuded arrogance and confidence. Y/N looked up from her Herbology book at her best friend, Sebastian. The two had been friends since their fifth year, and here they were now, going to gradute this year.
Sebastian looked tired and a tad sweaty, appearing as if he had run down every flight of stairs in the whole of Hogwarts. And apparently, he had been searching for her. And here she was in the library, studying for her Herbology exam. Why had he not thought to look here first?
"Are you alright? You look dreadful."
Y/N bookmarked her page and closed the textbook, looking up at her freckled friend.
"I've been trying to find you," he said, his voice tinged with exhaustion. He sat in the seat next to her, looking somewhat dejected and out of place.
"I have something very important to tell you."
His deep brown eyes gazed intently into Y/N's, his expression a strange mix of nervousness and confidence. Her brows furrowed slightly at the urgency in his voice. Oh Merlin, had he been out on some ludicrous errand again?
"Yes, I'm listening. What is it, Seb?"
She turned her body to face him, giving him her full attention. Sebastian took a deep breath and looked down for a moment, before meeting Y/N's eyes and finally saying the words he had rehearsed in his head over and over again.
"Y/N, I've been meaning to tell you this for a very, very long time. Since fifth year, in fact. But I could never find the courage..."
He seemed to be struggling to keep his emotions in check, and his voice was shaking slightly.
"...I'm in love with you."
Both of their faces flushed a deep shade of crimson as she stared at him with a dazed expression. No... He doesn't really like me, right? Did someone put him up to this?
"I beg your pardon?"
"You heard me."
He was quiet for a moment, the silence broken only by his shallow breathing. His gaze remained locked on Y/N's, his eyes filled with a mixture of hope and fear, like a soldier preparing for battle. After a few moments of painful tension, he spoke again:
"I know we've been friends for a while," he said, "but I was too shy to express my feelings before. Maybe I still am."
He paused again, looking for some response from Y/N. She blinked a few times before she actually processed his words, and then she flushed a deep cherry red. This wasn't a joke, she knew he would never play around with her feelings like that. Sebastian was silly, sure, but he's not mean.
"O-Oh, well... I, um..."
Her hands started fiddling with the collar of her shirt as she always did when she was nervous.
"Look, if you don't feel the same way, that's..."
His voice trailed off, his expression now a mixture of embarrassment and hope.
"It's fine, I would understand..."
After a long pause, he finished his thought.
"But I was too scared to say anything before. And I know I should've probably just kept those feelings to myself, but I couldn't help it."
He looked down again and took a deep breath, waiting for Y/N's answer. It was now or never, she had to tell him. The anger in her was quickly rising though; why did he have to admit this now of all times? She had felt this way about him for ages, and thought he didn't see her the same way.
"Sebastian, why didn't you tell me earlier on? Right when I start to move on, you come out with this and make me confused all over again."
Y/N's voice raised a little, but her tone was more exasperated than accusatory. Sebastian looked surprised at her forcefulness, her words a total shock to him.
"Wait, you've...you've liked me?" he asked.
He could feel his heart leaping in his chest.
"I thought you were already over me..."
His voice was filled with both hope and confusion.
"Are you not?"
"Not completely, I still have feelings for you, but..."
All Y/N would like to do at this very moment is just have a Graphorn bite her head off. It was hard telling him this, but he needed to know...
"I've already begun pursuing someone else? We aren't together, just flirting, but that's the situation."
A wave of sadness washed over Sebastian's face as he listened to her words.
"Oh... I understand."
His voice was quiet and somber, his gaze cast down towards his feet.
"I-I hope you'll be happy, Y/N."
He was clearly devastated, but his tone remained calm and collected. He paused for a moment, biting the inside of his cheek before looking back up at her.
"But what if it doesn't work out...?"
A sigh escaped Y/N's lips, not enjoying being put on the spot like this.
"Sebastian, I don't know who to pursue now. I really like you, but I'm beginning to really like him too. I just..."
Y/N trailed off, burying her face in her hands, wanting to simply disappear and not have this conversation at all. Yet Sebastian reached out and gently took her hands in his own all the same, rubbing her palms with his thumbs in an effort to comfort her.
"Look at me," he said.
He tilted Y/N's head up so that he could look at her eyes.
"Please listen. We've known each other since fifth year; we like the same things, we're best friends... I know you think you like...him, but if you could be with the one you already know and trust, wouldn't you choose that over some new fling?"
He paused for a few seconds, contemplating his next words carefully. He felt emasculated and slightly manipulative saying these things, but as he looked into her eyes, all of those feelings were put on the back burner.
"Please... choose me."
"Can we speak somewhere a little more private? I always feel listened to in here, and not in the good way..."
Her eyes met the bright green eyes of Garreth Weasley, who was the boy she had been pursuing. He shot her a silly smile laced with worry, and it was all she could do to not giggle at him. Y/N turned back to Sebastian and asked:
"We could go to the Undercroft? Or the Room of Requirement? So we can discuss this?"
"Yes, of course."
He squeezed her hand and gave it a little kiss before letting go. Sebastian rose from his seat and held out his hand, gesturing for Y/N to take it.
"Shall we go?"
Hesitantly, she grabbed a hold of his wrist and allowed him to lead her to wherever he was taking her.
"Of course, lead the way."
Even though she was wary of the conversation, Y/N felt a little warmth spread through her body upon touching him. All of the blood rushed to her face as he held her hand and she took a real look at him. Sure, he was cute in his fifth year, but over the past couple of years, he had grown taller so he nearly towered over her. He had filled out a lot better as well, and she could confidently say that he looked handsome. Sebastian slowly led Y/N out of the library, turning to face her as they headed down the corridor. He smiled warmly at her, his amber eyes shining with a glimmer of hope. Sebastian looked back behing him where Y/N was trailing along and took note of her increased height and curves, the flush of her cheeks, and the way her hair moved in the light breeze.
Y/N was far more attractive than she had been at the start of fifth year, and Sebastian's feelings for her were only growing as they headed towards their destination. After a bit of walking and a couple of flights of stairs, they soon found themselves at the Undercroft, which was the place the both of them and Ominis went when they needed to be alone. Although now that she was cured, Anne joined them down there too at times. The gate closed behind them, and Y/N sat down on the slightly dusty sofa in the cold stone room.
Sebastian sat down beside her, looking her in the eyes.
"Yeah. So..."
Y/N could see the faint sparkle of tears in his eyes. Sebastian was clearly on the edge, and he felt like the weight of the world was on his shoulders.
"Look, I know you like the other guy. But the truth is, I don't know if I can handle watching you spend that kind of time with him."
He paused for a moment to take a breath and get his thoughts properly aligned, then continued.
"All that time spent together... I don't just want you as my friend."
An uncomfortable and heavy silence weighed over the pair like a cold, wet blanket. It was only Y/N's words that cut through it.
"I feel the same way about you, Sebastian."
Bravely, she scooted a bit closer to him, their knees brushing together, and she noticed Sebastian tense up at the miniscule touch. Just how much did he really feel for her? Sebastian drew in a sharp breath as he felt her body brush against his own. He was speechless for a moment, trying desperately to process his own emotions and feelings.
"You... you like me?"
Sebastian's head was whirring with questions and he felt confused.
"But what about Garreth... I mean, I saw you together... "
"Let me deal with Garreth, okay? I'll wean him off the flirting, we haven't even admitted any feelings to each other, we were only flirtatious. He's sweet and a good friend, and I don't want to lose him."
Y/N took a deep breath as she saw Sebastian's eyes darken at her calling Garreth 'sweet'.
"Look, I want to make this work between us. I really do like you, Seb, and I have for ages..."
Her head settled on his left shoulder and she grabbed his hand in both of hers, the tangle of them resting on her right thigh. Sebastian was taken aback when Y/N placed her head on his shoulder and wrapped her hands around his. Her actions gave him the sudden urge to pull her close and kiss her right then and there. He felt overwhelmed by a wave of emotions and sensations, trying his best to keep his composure. He looked over, their faces only inches apart.
"Then what's stopping us...?"
Y/N could feel the rapid beating of his heart, his deep breaths brushing against the skin of her neck each time he leabed in to whisper into her ear. He cleared his throat and continued:
"What are we waiting for?"
A proper sentence or even syllable couldn't even escape her lips. After all, Sebastian was right. What was stopping them from giving in to each other? Yet Y/N was still hesitant. She'd only ever kissed one person, but that was Leander Prewett in their second year; it was awkward and only lasted a moment or two.
Her head rose from his shoulder to stare back into his beautiful brown eyes. It would only take a slight push to close the gap between them, with how close they were to each other. Y/N parted her lips slightly, waiting for him to move in and close the gap for her. Sebastian held her gaze for what seemed like an eternity. His heart was racing so fast, he thought it would jump out of his chest altogether. He knew he shouldn't hesitate, but for some reason he felt scared, like a diricawl in a poacher's crosshairs. He took a deep breath, gathered all of his courage, and finally did it.
He moved his face towards Y/N's in one smooth motion and kissed her. It wasn't a peck on the cheeks or on the lips, but a full on kiss, filled with passion and emotion. That kiss was all Y/N needed to break down her inhibitions. Sebastian's lips were soft and slightly chapped, but the way they moved so well against her own, you'd think he had done this a thousand times before. One of her hands pried away from his to rest on his cheek, smooth and smattered with freckles. Her thumb stroked his face softly, but her whole body froze as his tongue grazed her lower lip. Sebastian's heart almost leapt out of his chest as his tongue was allowed to enter the equation. The soft caress of Y/N's thumb on his face and the heat building between their bodies felt amazing, and he desperately wanted more. He wanted to be touched, to be loved physically, to seal their feelings for each other with such an intimate act.
He slipped his arm behind Y/N's back and slowly pulled her closer, his tongue slowly caressing her lower lip once more before finally entering and tasting her mouth. His hands caressed the small of her back and he could feel his body heat up as they kissed.
"Oh..." he moaned quietly before continuing to kiss her passionately. Sebastian's mouth tasted like tea and mint, and it was intoxicating to her. His tongue explored her mouth, somewhat clumsily from inexperience. But as his hand found her hip, Y/N felt lightning jolt throughout her body, as if she had just had a hearty gulp of Pepper-Up Potion.
The chilly tension in the air was soon replaced with a hot and more pleasant tension. Sebastian's arms around her made her absolutely melt, and she hadn't felt a rush quite like this before. Sebastian's body was simply radiating with lust and desire. His hands roamed her body, squeezing her rear and sliding down her back to caress her hips. Every kiss was more passionate than the last, and he began to moan more and more between their kisses. He felt light-headed and dizzy, and the way his lover's soft lips caressing his body in the dim, dusty room was so much better than how he had imagined it nearly every night for two years.
"I love you, Y/N."
A low groan escaped her throat at the feeling of him getting more handsy with her. She could feel in her soul that he really wanted her, he needed her. On impulse, she laid her legs over his lap; but soon after, she felt him hungrily grab her by the hips and lift her to straddle him instead. For a brief moment, though, sense overrode the near drunkenness she felt from his touch. Y/N broke away from the kiss for a moment, slightly panting.
"Sebastian...what if Ominis or Anne come in here? What if they interrupt us?"
Sebastian stopped his movements and froze when she asked the question. He hadn't thought of that...
...they hadn't even locked the door.
Before he could say anything, however, a faint knock came from the other side of the door. Y/N cursed herself for speaking this situation into existence.
"Y/N... Sebastian... is everything alright in there?"
It was Anne. Her voice was quiet and uncertain, but it was clear that she was worried things were going south. Sebastian told her that he was going to confess, and she just wanted to make sure everything went well. Y/N's eyes clenched shut and she let out a small groan to herself, although she was screaming bloody murder in her head. She exchanged a desperate glance with Sebastian before she rose from her place on his lap and made her way to the door. Sebastian's face, however, seemed to go white as he adjusted his trousers. The door opened to Anne Sallow, who was a bit taller and looked healthier now that she was rid of her curse. She shot her friend a faint smile which Y/N returned.
"Hey Anne, everything's fine. Seb and I are just having a discussion."
The flushed faces and general disarray, however, seemed to suggest that it was more than a 'discussion'. Anne's eyes widened when she saw the flushed faces and disheveled clothing as she peeked around the room. She could clearly tell what had been happening in the Undercroft, and she felt very awkward about it.
"Riiight... a discussion. How nice," she said awkwardly.
She glanced over at Sebastian, noticing the look he was giving her, something between a plea and a death glare. She cleared her throat and spoke again, very disturbed at this point.
"So, um... shall I give you two some privacy? Do you want a few minutes to resume your...discussion?"
"If you don't mind. I'm sorry, Anne, but we have a lot to discuss, so we might need a while. Please don't tell Ominis?"
Her voice cracked and she got fidgety from the embarrassment, and second-hand embarrassment from Anne. Y/N could only imagine how awkward it was for her to see her brother in such a state with her best friend. They both stood there for a moment, still as statues, as Sebastian crossed his legs in an attempt to cover himself. Anne nodded her head quickly, her face still a bit red.
"Right! I'll... I'll be in the library then."
She turned around and hurried out of the Undercroft, closing the door behind her. Sebastian could feel his face flush even more than it already was. He sat in silence, his thoughts filled with embarrassment and shame. He looked over at his lover, his eyes pleading with her to speak, to say something that would break the awkward mood. The shade of red that spread across her face was so intense, she thought that maybe her hair would also turn bright Weasley red. Y/N took a deep breath and then promptly spoke:
"It's okay. It's fine, let's just..."
After locking the door with a wave of her wand, she sat back down on the squashy sofa next to Sebastian once more, looking him in the eyes. Her hand rested on his cheek and she turned his head to look at her.
"Focus on me, okay? Let's not think about her right now..."
Her other hand grazed his thigh, making him tense up. Sebastian felt his body heat up as she touched him. It seemed as if he forgot his sister even existed, judging by the way his breath hitched and his muscles tensed. He was so sensitive, and all he needed now was release.
"Oh..." he moaned quietly, his eyes wandering downwards to her hips as she sat back on his lap. He looked back up at Y/N's face, absorbing every single feature on it, as if this were the last time he would ever see her again.
"It's so hard to think clearly when I look at you..."
Her voice was sweet and calming, and her eyes were piercing and beautiful. Her words managed to break the tension ever so slightly.
"Please, I... I need you..." he pleaded as a blush spread across his cheeks again. Her eyes gazed into his with a suble intensity coming from the both of them. Y/N could almost feel the heat radiating from his body, and her own body was soaking it in.
Her voice was almost a whisper, as the sight before her was breathtaking. Sebastian took a deep breath, taking in Y/N's enchanting beauty before he spoke. The thoughts going through his head at that very moment could have made a whore blush.
"I need you, you know...in the sense that..."
He looked down at his lap where Allana was sitting, thinking for a moment. He was confused by his own words...he was never one to beg or submit to others, right? But then again, he couldn't deny how much of an influence her presence had on him and how his mind and thoughts were always clouded by thoughts of her.
"I love you. I always thought it was just lust, but there's so much more..."
This time, Y/N didn't even need to think about her words before she spoke:
"I love you too, Sebastian. And if you feel the same, then show me. Make me feel what you feel for me."
Her hand found his, and placed it on her thigh, her gaze never breaking from his. At this point, Y/N was completely drunk on love and desire for Sebastian. Garreth Weasley was put completely out of her mind now; all she needed or wanted now was Sebastian Sallow.
Her lips collided with his once more, needing to taste him again. The second their lips melted into each other, his hands were on her again, travelling over her body. Y/N placed one hand on the back of his neck, and the other grabbed his tie to pull him closer to her. Sebastian's heart seemed to skip a beat as she placed his hands on her thighs. He felt like he could drown in her gorgeous eyes and he knew that he had to make her feel what she made him feel.
As her soft lips touched his, his mind was filled with a rush of pleasure and his body trembled with joy. His hands ran through her hair, caressing her body with every movement. Y/N's lips tasted sweet and he wanted more...the feeling of her on his body was addicting and he couldn't hold back any longer. Their lips danced together, as if it just came so naturally to the both of them. Once more, Sebastian grabbed hold of her hips and rear, shifting them a bit so he could gain some pleasure from the friction. Underneath her, Y/N could feel the bulge in his pants, and it get her even more excited.
Her voice was almost a squeak, like a bunny rabbit, as his name escaped her lips. Her body was so warm now, and the layers she was wearing made her sweat a bit. Sebastian was less dressed than she was, already without his robe and blazer from running around earlier, but she tugged at his shirt all the same. Sebastian felt a rush of pure pleasure as he witnessed and felt just how eager she was. His tongue continued to dance with her lips, exploring her mouth like it was a new continent. His heart was beating so fast that he could hardly stand it for a moment, but when Y/N began to tug at his shirt and move his hand down to her rear, his breathing quickened and his mind went blank.
He looked at her, his eyes reassuring her that she was doing the right thing. It was so surreal seeing the girl he had fantasized about sitting on his lap, so close and intimate. Y/N ceased her movements and pulled away from their passionate kiss to look at him seriously, but her eyes and her voice were still dripping with a sultry desire.
"Sebastian...are you sure about this? Are you ready? It's okay if you aren't..."
That last statement was laced with a subtle disappointment, however, which betrayed her real thoughts. Sebastian sighed, taking deep and careful breaths as he looked back at his lover.
"Y/N..." he said, his voice quivering a bit. "I'm... I'm sure."
He looked away for a moment, thinking about his next words carefully.
"... I'm more than ready."
He could feel his face flush with embarrassment as he said this. The confirmation from Sebastian was all Y/N needed to go all in. In mere seconds, her lips were on his once more, and her hips were now harshly grinding against his. He groaned into the kiss from the friction against the ever growing tent in his trousers. Sebastian was practically melting beneath her, and she was loving every second of it.
Y/N lazily shrugged her robes off of her shoulders, leaving them in a pile on the floor. Soon after that, her hands fumbled to undo Sebastian's tie and began unbuttoning his shirt. Something so simple as Y/N's robes falling to the floor almost sent him over the edge. Her hips grinding against him, her lips pressed against his. The scent of her, her skin, the feeling of her warm thighs against his trousers. It was more than he could bear.
As Y/N's hands fumbled with his tie, he began helping her. He unbuttoned his shirt quickly and pulled it off in the same motion. When the shirt fell to the floor beside her robes, Y/N could see Sebastian's muscular frame in the light of the candles, his hair still mussed up from their intense making out session. The sight before her made her almost drool, but Y/N didn't allow herself to stop now. Quickly, she pulled back to remove her tie and vest and skirt; but as she worked to unbutton her blouse, Sebastian's hand grabbed her wrist and deigned to work on the buttons himself.
Both of their faces grew hotter and redder, as if it was just now dawning on them what they were doing. Sebastian began to work on the buttons of Y/N's blouse slowly. Although it was taking some time without him using magic, fumbling a bit from nerves, it was still an intimate activity to do together. As the blouse slid off of Y/N's shoulders, Sebastian's eyes trailed down her body, the sound of his breaths quickly filling the room as his own excitement rose.
Sebastian whispered, almost in awe of the beauty in front of him. He felt her skin, it was so smooth and soft, so warm. His body was almost shaking in anticipation of what was to come next. While his lover was smaller in frame, Sebastian was more toned. Not exactly muscular, but still a bit broad, and his chest was covered in the same freckles that decorated his face, and especially concentrated around his shoulders. As her eyes trailed down though, she noticed the outline of his pelvis and the ever so small line of hair that led down to his crotch. It was all Y/N could do not to rip his trousers off of him, but she thought it was better to savor the moment.
Slowly, she reached behind her back to unlace her corset and let it fall to the floor with her robes, leaving her only in her thin cotton chemise. And then her fingers traveled to his trousers, removing his belt and undoing the buttons on them. Y/N's touch set each of Sebastian's senses ablaze. He could feel the smooth fabric of her chemise, the lace on her corset before it fell to the floor. When he felt her fingers undo the buttons on his trousers, his heart seemed to skip a beat. He let out a soft moan as he felt her gently caress him, and when the trousers fell to the floor beside his shirt, it became clear just how excited and eager he was.
He looked at Y/N once more, hoping that she would take the next step... The only thing between them now was her thin chemise and his undershorts. Their breathing was stilted and uneven, since they were both holding back their primal desire to just claw at each other. Wait a minute... Why am I holding back?
Sebastian and Y/N both exchanged an intense look, wordlessly agreeing to not hold anything back. He seemed to understand, as his lips crashed into hers yet again, but then they moved down her jaw to her neck, leaving small bites along the way. His hands grabbed at her body, trailing up under her chemise to grab at the soft bare flesh of her ass.
Y/N's hands, however, palmed at the bulge in Sebastian's shorts, earning a low groan from him at his own sensitivity. Sebastian's heart practically skipped a beat as he swallowed Y/N's moans through their locked lips. Her voice was like honey in his ears as he kissed her fiercely. The feeling of her hands and lips on his body drove him wild, especially so when her hands reached for him under his shorts.
His own hands went back to her body, exploring her curves underneath her chemise. This was something that they had both wanted for so long and he couldn't believe that he was finally giving it to her and herself.
"Y/N..." Sebastian moaned, biting the side of her neck.
"Sebastian... Do you want to take charge?"
She punctuated her question with a small bite to his earlobe, and Sebastian took no time in flipping them over to where he was on top of her. His hands unbuttoned the top of her chemise with a clumsy fervor, and he quickly pulled it off of her body.
Y/N was now left completely bare underneath him, save for her stockings. Sebastian pulled back from her neck to absorb the sight before him with his eyes. It was everything he had fantasized about and more. Y/N stared back at him before muttering out nervously:
"Is everything okay? You're staring, do you not like it...?"
Sebastian looked at the object of all his desires, her breathtaking body and her precious face. He couldn't believe that she was his, that she was finally in his arms. He smiled, looking down at her, admiring her beauty.
"Y/N...." Sebastian murmured. "What would possibly make you think that I don't like it? You are everything I have ever wanted. I'm just...amazed by you, that's all."
He looked at her body, his eyes traveling along her curves, taking in every inch of her. He leaned down and gave her another kiss, his hands still exploring the shape of her body. This kiss was warmer and a bit less hungry than the others, and his hands were less rough. He was comforting with his touches, making sure she felt completely comfortable and loved. He was tender and needy at once, and Y/N loved him for it. It reassured her that this isn't the only thing he wants from her.
His hands settled on her chest, kneading and massaging at the mounds of flesh. It was here Y/N could tell how inexperienced Sebastian was, but at least he was trying. He was experimenting with different things to see what she enjoyed. When his thumbs grazed her sensitive buds though, he knew he had figured out something she liked, and that filled him with a bit of pride and confidence. Sebastian was so focused on Y/N's reactions, her sounds of pleasure and her body that it almost took him out of the moment. Seeing her react to his touch filled him with pride and joy.
"Is that good, darling?" he asked gently, slowing his movements. "Should I continue? Do you want me to?"
Sebastian was almost breathing heavy, his heart beating so fast that it felt as though it was about to burst. All he wanted was to hear his lover's soft voice telling him to continue.
Was all Y/N could croak out as she wrapped her legs around his waist. She made every effort to try and steady her breathing as Sebastian tried pleasuring her. During his excursions to the adult section in the Hogsmeade library, Sebastian had read a few of the more saucy romance novels, and attempted to do the things he read about. Because otherwise, he was completely clueless. He knew well enough how to pleasure himself, but to pleasure a woman: that was something foreign. From what he read, he decided to be bold and lean down to run his tongue over her chest, flicking his tongue at the sensitive bud. This got a gasp from Y/N as her eyes fluttered shut, and he took that as a sign to keep going.
"Never stop, Sebastian."
She mewled out at him. With every movement of his tongue, she could feel the growing heat and wetness in her core. Sebastian took extra care to make sure both breasts got an equal amount of love. After a while, he pulled away to look down at her chest. Her buds were now stiff and red from his affection. He took this as a sign to continue with something else. His hand now trailed down her stomach and nestled down at the short bit of hair between her thighs. Sebastian could almost feel the heat radiating from her core, and according to what he read, this was a good thing. Y/N's breathing was ragged and fast as Sebastian explored her nakedness with his hands. She was almost panting as he traced his fingers over her skin, moving slowly down toward her slick slit.
In that moment, Sebastian began to realize how perfect and beautiful Y/N's body was. He could feel her soft and plump legs against his waist as he kissed and licked her thighs. He made sure to touch her in many different areas to see her reactions and find her sweet spots. From what he was doing, Y/N found out that she was particularly sensitive to him biting her inner thighs, which made her let out soft moans. Sebastian had slid down to where his head hovered between her thighs.
His eyes were dripping with lust, but behind that, he was just as clueless as she was about any of this. Sebastian remembered a certain part of his saucy novels that he found quite strange, but he wanted to try. Y/N felt his lips graze against her core, planting a chaste kiss on her sensitive bundle of nerves.
"Sebastian, what are you doing? Isn't it supposed to be you...in me?"
Y/N asked awkwardly. Sebastian chuckled and pulled back to look at her; her innocence and her confusion was so adorable to him. He gently pushed her knees apart as he nestled his head once more between her thighs. His eyes trailed over every inch of her skin as his fingers trailed over her wetness.
Without looking at her, Sebastian replied simply, "I want to taste you, darling. I want you to enjoy this...as much as I am."
Y/N knew somewhat about how sex was supposed to go, but she had never heard about using your mouth on someone. But all the same, it made her shudder and purr when he experimentally licked a long stripe between her folds.
"Merlin's beard, that feels nice... Where did you learn all this?"
Sebastian gave a warm smile, a smile that said 'just trust me'. He was careful to not be too rough, to not go too fast. Y/N was delicate and innocent, he couldn't be too aggressive. Instead, Sebastian focused on pleasing her, on her pleasure, on her reactions.
Sebastian kept it up, licking and exploring. Y/N's words did nothing but add to his lust and desire. This was her body, he could do what he wanted with it, and that made him feel amazing. And it looked as though his lover's pleasure was increasing as well. As Sebastian licked and sucked and even bit sometimes at her sensitive region, the more she felt that familiar knot tighten in her abdomen. Y/N had pleasured herself sometimes during late nights in the Room of Requirement where she had complete privacy, but it was nothing like what Sebastian was doing to her. Her breathing quickened and her hips instinctively ground against his tongue, needing more of his touch. He took the hint and she felt his finger find her entrance, pushing in.
"S-Sebastian, I..."
Sebastian was almost shaking with excitement. This was real...this was the moment that he had been waiting for. And it was so perfect... Y/N's body, her moans, her lustful breath and her expressions... He was loving every moment of this. He pulled back for a moment, looking at her.
"Y/N, would you like me to continue?" Sebastian asked, his voice almost a whisper.
He felt a rush of adrenaline as he looked at Y/N, as if his body was preparing to release everything that it has in it. Her words were stuck in her throat, so she only looked up at him and nodded fervently. On instinct, Y/N brought her knees up to her chest to give Sebastian easier access as he unlaced his shorts. Soon, his length sprung free and stood proud before her, making her eyes widen.
"Merlin, I don't think that's going to go in.."
Sebastian chuckled, and his expression become a warm and tender as he leaned down and gave his love another kiss. The feeling of her soft lips, combined with her sweet and innocent demeanor, was melting his heart.
"Shhh... trust me, Y/N." He whispered.
Sebastian's hand came to rest upon her cheek, and he leaned down onto her once more as he slowly entered her. Even though he took it really slow, Y/N's face still twisted up in pain. She had never put anything in there before, so Sebastian's thickness was especially painful for her. Once he was fully sheathed, he kept still, letting her adjust.
"T-That hurts..."
A tear formed in her eye and her body scrunched up a little. Sebastian could see the tears in her eyes and that made him feel terrible.
"Darling, I'm sorry." He whispered.
He kept still to give her time to adjust, but he was anxious to continue. He just wanted to please her. He gave her a loving kiss on her cheek, letting her know that he still cared.
"Just keep breathing." Sebastian murmured. "Just relax."
Y/N nodded and closed her eyes, taking deep breaths. Slowly, she felt her insides relaxing and opening up more, and the pain grew lesser.
"You can move..."
Her voice was nearly a whisper as she opened her eyes to look at him once more. Sebastian started to move back and forth, slowly and gently. He was careful not to hurt Y/N, making sure to go at her pace and never force her.
"How does that feel, darling?" he whispered.
With every time he pushed in, she felt tingles ripple through her body. It was nice, even though the size of him still hurt a little.
"That feels lovely, Sebastian... Have you done this before?"
That last question sounded anxious, desperate for him to say no. Sebastian hesitated for a second before he spoke.
"No, actually, I've never done this before." He said softly. "Honestly, my heart is racing right now. In a good way, my love."
He slowed his movements to a stop, not able to speak for a moment. He was so focused on Y/N and the way her body felt, and all his anxiousness was washed away by his desire to make her feel good. Noticing that he stopped, Y/N moved her hips against his and opened her legs up more to reassure him that he was doing well, and that she wanted this.
"I've never done this either, but I've thought about us doing it a lot."
She paused, and looked deep in thought for a moment.
"Could you do something for me? It's just something I've pictured..."
Sebastian's heartbeat quickened at her words. "Yes, of course, my love. What do you want me to do?"
Sebastian was curious as to what Y/N wanted. Her thoughts, her feelings -- these were things he had wondered about. And to finally, be able to do exactly what she asked of him... his heart raced in excitement.
"Uhm...could you..."
Y/N looked incredibly nervous and a little ashamed as the words wouldn't exit her throat. Instead, she picked his tie up off of the floor and tied it tightly around her neck, handing him the long end nervously. Sebastian was taken aback. He understood where this was going, but he was still somewhat speechless.
"Are you sure...?" he asked softly, his voice gentle and calm as he took the end of the tie from her hands. "I... I could never do anything you don't want me to do, Y/N."
His breath was ragged as he looked down at her, noticing that her eyes were closed, almost as if in anticipation for his answer.
"I'm sure, just...pull it. Whenever you like."
She bit her lip and looked off to the side, feeling a bit dirty for requesting such a thing, especially for their first time. But on the other hand, she was incredibly eager for him to act out her fantasies with her. Sebastian looked back at his lover, a nervous smile on his face...and then, slowly, he began to pull as his hips snapped against hers once more. He took in her expression and her body's reaction. She seemed to get more excited the tighter he pulled it. His heart pumped faster in his chest, his breathing faster, and he closed his eyes to experience the moment.
He could feel that Y/N was very close to her release and he continued to pull, his mind in a daze. It was as if he was in his own little world, completely oblivious to anything and anyone else but her. As Sebastian started moving in and out of her once again, her gaze met his once more. Her eyelids were heavy and her breath was hot, just as she always had been while in her bed when she pleasured herself as she thought about him. Soon, he sped up with his movements, his length massaging her walls. The hand that wasn't holding the tie rested on her breast, kneading it and thumbing at her sensitive bud. Y/N's moans grew steadily louder and her legs wrapped around his waist once again, pulling him closer to her.
"Sebastian, I... I love you..."
A harsher wave of pleasure washed over Sebastian. He was overwhelmed with emotion, with love, with affection, as his body moved in tune to Y/N's. Her words washed over him like a warm embrace, wrapping him in a blanket of passion as she pulled him closer. Their lips met in a soft and tender kiss as Sebastian moved even faster, his breath hot and his mind lost in the thrill and enjoyment of the moment. He had never felt this way before... His heart was beating out of his chest and his body was shaking with emotion. He felt like he could cry and laugh at the same time. After their admission of love to each other, Sebastian's pace rapidly increased and he got rougher with her, the both of them overcome with need. The sound of skin slapping on skin reverberated throughout the Undercroft, and only added to their arousal.
Sebastian leaned down to Y/N's neck and left a harsh bite, chewing and sucking at her soft skin to leave a bruise. The hand that was on her breast traveled down to her abdomen, feeling her stomach bulge up slightly every time he pushed in. Sebastian's kisses got more passionate as he got rougher with Y/N. His hands went exploring as he looked for somewhere to leave his mark on her. He sucked aggressively at her neck, biting into her flesh and marking her with his lips so that everyone could know who she belongs to.
His free hand trailed lower and lower until he managed to find the spot that he was looking for. The feeling of his teeth grinding into her skin and his cock quickly pushing in and out of her sent Y/N into absolute overdrive. It didn't take long at all for her to melt into a panting, moaning mess underneath Sebastian. Her hands grabbed at his shoulders and back, leaving long claw marks that would definitely last a few days. That oh-so familiar knot started tightening in her stomach, and she knew she was close to her release.
"Mm, Sebastian, I... I-I'm gonna..."
Sebastian's heart was pounding out of his chest at this point. His breathing was ragged and his eyes were almost glazed over. He could picture those claw marks that would be left on his body and his mind was filled with a fiery excitement.
"Yes, my love, let it out." He whispered, his voice low with lust. "Give into it, darling."
The pure obsession and desire that laced Sebastian's voice was all she needed to reach her breaking point. Y/N's body seized up, her back arched, and she let out a long, loud squeal as her walls clamped around his length. Sebastian felt Y/N's insides gripping him tightly and his body started shaking violently. He felt every last bit of his release and it was more than he could've ever imagined it being.
"Y/N..." He groaned, his eyes rolling back from pleasure. He was out of breath, his heart pumping like crazy.
"That...oh my gods..." he muttered. He could feel her claws digging into his flesh even harder.
"That was so good." He sighed.
Y/N purred at the feeling of his fluids painting her insides, and as soon as he stopped, she relaxed and looked up at him with so much love and need that it made his heart melt. Sebastian soon laid on top of her out of exhaustion, his head resting on her chest. Sebastian kept his body tight against Y/N's, feeling safe and content. His chest rose and fell quickly - he could feel his heart still pounding in his ears.
Slowly, he turned his head to look at her face. He wanted to remember every detail about this moment: every feature on her face, every single expression that she made. He smiled softly as his eyes drifted lower and he traced one of the scratches she had left on his arm with his fingers.
"That...was amazing." He whispered.
"You are amazing, Sebastian."
Y/N smiled warmly at him and played with his messy hair, some of which now stuck to his face from how sweaty they were. And when he smiled back at her...she nearly fell in love with him all over again. The way his freckles looked, the way his eyes smiled as well...it was absolutely precious.
"And you are absolutely beautiful, Y/N."
Sebastian's breath was coming in warm puffs as he looked into her eyes. He felt a surge of emotion and was tempted to give her another kiss.
"I'm so in love with you, Y/N." He whispered, softly tracing her cheek with his fingertips.
"And to think... I almost didn't meet you tonight." She was so special to him; without her, he might not have known what love truly is.
"I'm glad that we're together..."
"I want us to be together. Officially. I want everyone to know."
Sebastian said, a grin spreading across his face and a fire roaring in his eyes. His head rested on her chest once more as they both just basked the afterglow. That was, until they came back to the reality that the Undercroft got particularly cold in the wintertime. The pair sat up and stretched a bit before Y/N spoke:
"Maybe we should get dressed and go let Anne know we aren't dead."
"Oh, I forgot we were in here." Sebastian replied, nodding as he noticed that it was cold.
"Alright then." He stood up and reached down to help her up. "Let me give you a kiss first, before we go back to looking respectable, darling."
He bent down, meeting her lips with his own as his hands gripped her hips. Once he had finished, all that was left was a red mark on Y/N's neck -- it would have certainly given away their activities. Y/N giggled, knowing that she had equally marked him by clawing his back. The two quickly pulled their clothes back on and made themselves presentable once again.
"Oh Merlin, I've never felt like this before."
She couldn't resist pulling Sebastian into a tight hug before the two exited the Undercroft. Sebastian sighed, still reeling from the experience, trying to make sense of the feelings he had.
"Nor have I." Sebastian replied, looking down at Y/N with loving eyes. "I wish I knew how I could make you feel this way all the time."
When the two reentered the Dark Arts tower, their faces were flushed and their hair was still disheveled. They knew it was late, due to the now golden light pouring through the large windows, but neither of them really cared at that moment. They had each other's love, and that was all that mattered. And to Sebastian, it was definitely worth running a marathon around the halls of Hogwarts for.
maybe a part 2 if yall want, idk?
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galactic-magick · 1 year
hey! can you please write something with peter quill when the guardians needs informations from a guy and his girlfriend starts flirting with him. at the end she got what she wanted but also a jealous/angry boyfriend
Starlord Charm: Peter Quill x Reader
Summary: Peter always flirts with people in front of you on missions, so you decide it’s your turn.
Words: 0.8k+
Warnings: some language
You’ve lost count of how many missions you’ve had to witness your boyfriend’s “Starlord Charm” on people other than yourself. Flirting with people is one of his favorite tactics for getting information, and it works maybe about half the time (although he likes to insist that it works more than that). Usually you don’t mind at all, especially because you know that under the act he puts on he only has eyes for you, but lately it’s been getting particularly annoying.
He’s gotten a lot more intense and elaborate with his flirting, and it usually happens after you’ve gotten into an argument. It’s his way of messing with you and getting back at you. Sure, you could be the bigger, more mature person and just talk to him about how it makes you feel, but you’d rather have fun with it.
The next time you’re on a mission with the Guardians, you’re tracking down some dangerous weapons and trying to figure out who’s manufacturing and selling them. You really don’t have a lot to go on so far, so currently you’re looking through the archives in the largest library in the galaxy. You’ve all been at it for hours, and you haven’t found so much as a single clue or lead. Whoever it is you’re looking for, they basically don’t exist.
You stay long after dark, and eventually the librarians have to kick you out. You’re all feeling defeated and exasperated, trudging back to the ship in the city lights.
That is, until a certain symbol catches your eye.
You see the same symbol you saw on one of the weapons on the window of a store down the street, and the last employee seems to me walking out right now.
“Come with me, guys,” you say softly, running towards the man.
He watches you as you approach him, understandably on guard.
“Hey!” you wave, trying to be friendly and not scare him away. “Could you help us with something?”
“I guess so?” his eyes dart around the whole group. “I was about to go home actually-”
“Great, thank you,” you beam at him, completely disregarding the last part of what he said. “That symbol on the window, what does it mean?”
“I don’t know,” he shrugs. “I just work the closing shift, I don’t really ask questions,”
You sigh, a bit annoyed that you ran into yet another dead end. But maybe, just maybe, he just needs a little persuading.
This is your time to have a little fun.
You look Peter dead straight in the eyes, and then back at the man.
“Hey,” you get the worker’s attention again. “I’m sure you’re tired, handsome, but I could really use the information,”
Both his and Peter’s eyebrows raise at your words.
“Well, I mean, I think my boss has a deal with some company that uses that symbol,” he says. “That’s all I know, though,”
“Oh, you’re the best,” you laugh, briefly touching his arm. “Do you think we could take a look around inside to find out more?”
“I really shouldn’t let you do that-”
“Don’t you want to help us, honey? It’s important,”
“I-” his face changes color from your deep, doe-eyed stare. “I can’t let you in after hours because I’d get in huge trouble, but I can give you my boss’s information. That way you can contact the people who know about it directly,”
He transfers the data to your device instantaneously, as well as his own contact information.
“Oh, thank you!” you peck his cheek and wink at him as he walks away, “Have a good night!”
Peter’s face is still scrunched up long after you part ways with the man, and he finally breaks his silence once you all reach the ship.
“What the fuck was that?”
“I was just getting information, Peter. And I got it, didn’t I?”
“Not like that, you’re not!”
“Oh, so when you flirt with people in front of me it’s fine, but when I do it it’s a problem? That was nothing compared to what you do!”
“My charm is just part of who I am, okay? What do you want me to do, turn it off?”
“Only if you’re going to throw a fit about me turning mine on!”
He sits down with a thump, still glaring at you.
“Does it-” his face softens a bit. “Does it really bother you that much when I flirt with people on missions?”
“A little bit, yeah,” you admit. “Especially because it seems like you do it to make me mad. That’s why I wanted to make you mad back,”
“Well, it worked,” he chuckles. “Although I’m not as cute as you when I’m mad,”
“Wow,” you punch him playfully.
“C’mere,” he pulls you closer, and you sit on his lap. “If it really bothers you, I’ll tone it down, I promise. I’ll find some other way to get back at you when I’m mad at you,”
“Oh really, you’d do that for me?” you say sarcastically, rolling your eyes at his antics.
“I’m serious. I love you too much to let something like this cause problems,” he kisses the side of your head. “Besides, you’re my favorite person to flirt with,”
You smirk, succumbing to his enticements, “I better be.”
Read this to make a Guardians request!
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the-autistic-vulcan · 11 months
They Called It Puppy Love: Headcanons (Simu!Ken x Shy!Reader)
Request: Hello 💕 I wanna request a Simu!Ken please - Simu!Ken (Barbie) where he's dating a new Barbie shyreader and Barbies & Kens find it adorable that Simu!Ken follows her like a lost puppy and just deeply in love with her, please?
Genre: Fluff
Description: Headcanons for Ken and a timid s/o
a/n: he's so cute <3
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Upon knowing of Ken's existence in Barbieland, there was a definite: He was a damn show-off
And a cute one on top of it - and that did annoy you
You were a lesser know Barbie that was released and, let's say, didn't fly off the shelves
You were pretty happy in your own little corner by the library and you always kept to yourself
Ken noticed you...eventually
It was another perfect day in Barbieland, you were simply walking on the pier near the beach, your eyes down and not making any move to speak to people
Then he saw you, the beachball bounced off of his head in an instant
He found it quite cute that you were doing anything to avoid talking to people, so, he did what he did best - showed off his beach skills
And with enough oomph in his step, you finally looked up and saw
His smile beaming with comfidence
Was that a wink? Hell yeah!
Your face was bright red, your palms sweaty, your breath quickened - *in squidward's voice* OH NO HE'S HOT!
He then approached you after to talk to you
"Hi, hi there, I'm Ken - you know, from beach?"
"Yeah, I know..."
It may have been only a few sentences after and then he asks
"Do you, uh...do you know how to play volleyball?"
"...No, I'm, um, I'm not a Beach Barbie..."
"Huh...can I teach you?"
And the rest is history
In Relationship:
He follows you around
Not in a 'ooo I like here, let me invade her privacy' kind of way
But he follows you like a lost puppy - all bright-eyed, a big smile on his face and not so subtly praising you for the bare minimum
Like, you could be doing the most basic thing like reading and he's just looking at you with heart eyes
Dates usually consist of watching him do beach things like volleyball, surfing and such
But that doesn't mean he won't do anything else
One of your favourite things to do is to simply sit in silence, enjoying the company of someone else
That soon became a mandatory ritual for the both of you
He calls you "baby, love, sweetie, darling", like, all the basic ones
He also is a GOD at respecting boundaries when they're put in place
He is a touchy-feely guy and he likes to hold you in any way he can and any time he can
But if you quietly tell him 'no', he will immediately move away
But if you're craving a little extra touch, he's more than happy to oblige
This was adorable! Anything you wish to request, go to my inbox!
Please like and reblog! Do not pass this as your own.
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bcyhoods · 4 months
lovefool — “you’re welcome to stay, if you want” w eddie!!
librarian!reader is always calling my name so i needed to do something before i combusted | 1.1k fem!reader
Eddie’s got his feet propped up on the study table and his chair teetering on its hind legs. The dull sound of his rings tapping the hardcover in his hands fills the immediate space. Despite the fact that he’s actually read this particular horror novel at least thrice before, today it only serves as bookworm-ish guise.
The boy aimlessly flicks through the pages, eyes reflexively leaping over entire paragraphs to peak over at the reception desk. With each glance, he feels his heart start racing, his stomach starts flipping. And it has nothing to do with Stephen King, everything to do with you.
You’re sitting behind the polished wood with a pair of deep auburn-colored reading glasses perched on the bridge of your nose. Every so often, they slide down and prompt you to scrunch the muscles in your face and wiggle them back up. Whenever you ultimately give up and push them back into place with your finger, Eddie smiles to himself.
The pair of you have spoken quite a handful of times, but it only took Eddie seconds within that first interaction to be smitten. You’d worn a pretty color on your lips, an even prettier smile behind it. Your eyes lit up upon seeing the tower of Tolkien novels he’d placed in front of you to check out, then you’d complimented his taste, then his hair. Then as if to seal the deal, you reached underneath the desk to retrieve a flimsy bookmark with a map of Middle Earth and placed it on top of the stack.
Now, he’s proud to be a frequent library-goer. Admittedly he feels a little silly about it, at first. But the flash of recognition that crosses your face before you wave at him makes him forget.
You float through the building, burning hot under his watchful eye, shutting off yellow desk lamps and bidding farewell to patrons with a sweet smile. The closer you get to him, the more the familiar aroma of cigarettes and his cologne seem to engulf you. It’s your turn now to have your heart beat erratically in your chest.
“Hi, Eddie.” Your saccharine voice cuts through the silence and has him immediately closing his book. He gazes up at you, big brown eyes boring right into yours. Like he knows you’re about to swat his feet, he grins and kicks his legs down onto the floor.
“Hey,” he sighs out.
“Carrie’s that good, huh? ”
Eddie’s head twists in confusion. It’s like your presence sent him face first into a stupor, and now he’s racking his brain trying to figure out what you were asking. Only when you smirk and point at him does he realize you’re talking about the book. The book that’s in his hand, that he was meant to be reading this whole time.
“Oh! Yeah, Carrie,” he confirms with a gummy smile as he waves the novel up, “What can I say? The lady calls to me. You finished it yet?”
You wince at the question. A few weeks ago you’d each recommended each other a book, per Eddie’s suggestion. He’d read your recommendation within the week, returning it with a broad smile that made you feel giddy. It’s taken you a little longer. He sees it all over your face and gasps.
“Don’t tell me you haven’t read it, yet? You’re really hurting my feelings here, sweetheart.”
The nickname makes your heart catch in your throat and stumble on your words for a second. “It’s—I just…I started it! I promise. I just haven’t had time to read the whole thing,” you explain through a shy smile.
Eddie chuckles at your suddenly bashful demeanor before an idea pops into his mind. Even thinking about it makes him blush. He doesn’t give himself much time to dwell on the idea of your rejection before he’s blurting it out.
“I can read it to you.”
You watch him, surveying his expression to find any hint that he’s joking. But he’s got a doe-eyed look on his face. He’s dragging one of his rings across the curve of his lips with uncertainty.
“You’d…? You’re kidding,” you decide matter-of-factly.
He vigorously shakes his head, hair flying in every direction as he throws his hand over his chest. A bright smile shines across his face. “Cross my heart. I’ve been told I got a shot in the audiobook industry. Might even hear me on one of those little cassettes in the future.”
The boy is lying through his teeth. It’s rare that someone indulged in a positive conversation with him, let alone complimented his voice. Though, it makes you huff out a laugh, maybe a little too loud for a library setting and he swears his heart is about to break out of his rib cage.
You nod at him rather emphatically and agree, “Must be your charisma.” Your hand drops to pick at the chipped wood of the table and your gaze drops with it to hide from him.
“Hey, your words.” He tosses his hands up in the air, smugness tugging at the corners of his mouth. He clears his throat before asking, “What do you say? Think it’d be good practice for me to have a live audience.”
He looks so genuine, a soft expression taking over rough features. His leg bounces under the table with anticipation. His fingers move to where yours are, and he hesitantly reaches his pinky to your own. It’s just a tap, but it sends a tingle up your entire arm and has you reciprocating the touch.
He’s making it so hard for you to say no. You glance up at the clock on the nearby wall and frown. “Well, right now I’m kinda supposed to tell you that the library closes in a few minutes.”
Eddie spares a glance behind you and realizes that he’s the last person on this floor, maybe the entire building.
“Oh. Yeah, well…some other time.” His shoulders sink just slightly before he’s standing upright and smiling at you. “I’ll get out of your hair, m’lady.” He bends at the waist to bow at you, waving his arms theatrically.
You’re smiling at him again, something warm and entirely too sweet. As he turns to the exit, you feel something tug at your chest. Like he’s taking a piece of you with him. It has you calling out before you’re able to stop yourself.
He twists back and hums.
“You’re welcome to stay, if you want. I mean I’d love to take you up on the offer, if you don’t mind following me around while I reshelve some returns?” A nervous laugh falls from your mouth as you hitch your thumb towards the non-fiction shelves. Eddie spots your other hand still picking at the chipped wood.
He beams at you with flushed cheeks and a puffed chest.
“I thought you’d never ask.”
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marwhoa · 10 months
request: All four of the rise boys with a gn!S/O (separate) who has super powers (like controlling plants or something) but the boys dont know about it AND s/o goes out as a superhero/vigilante?? I think it would be really cute if they banter while out on patrol and stuff
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🝮 “ two-in-one ”
rise boys x g/n
author’s note: woo, i whipped this up quick, feeding y’all good. Two fics in like three, four days? Nice
word count: 5.2k
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┆ ── ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ — Mikey 💌
Your hands, slick and sticky from the city rain, rose to twist the cloaking gem that hung around your neck. Blue-hued skin shifted into a more human-like shade, and with it came the courage to reach out to the green stranger who sat precariously at the roof’s edge.
“ Hello��? ”
Swam your delicate whisper, straight over to his ears, wishing to provide some kind of shelter from the sorrow. Mere seconds passed before he whirled around like a startled cat and stumbled off to the side. Now up to his feet, he cleared his throat as his frantic blue eyes searched your silhouette for something…
As his heaving chest slowed down and his eyes wrinkled back up with their tears, shrinking from their widened, frightened state, you wondered if he had found the answer he needed as the sadness flooded back through him.
“ It’s not fair, ” the stranger started, fisting tears from his eyes roughly before gesturing wildly to the rumbling city below, “ We’ve saved this city time and time again, and how do they repay us? ” Something told you those weren’t questions that seeked an answer, but rather sought a listener. Donning the necessary role, you gave a simple nod and took a step forward. He mirrored, stepping back, but continued.
“ Without fail, we’re always there, we’re the only ones stepping up, and each time they just—! ” He threw his hands up in frustration and let them fall back to his sides with a grumble. The blanket of silence paved the way for response, but you left it be and did what instinct told you—held out your hands with a smile. Whether he caught it through all that rain or not, you simply stood your ground as he poured into your embrace instantly. It was almost as though this was what he wanted all along.
From that day, you had decided to become a hero for the city—but not for them. Call it selfish, but your role was to lighten their load. You wanted to make their job easy, so as to bring a smile to your peachy hero’s face, all while trying to boost their image. You would sign your acts as though they were done by the brothers’ request, strengthening their image as the city’s protectors, covering every corner to pave a way for peace, rather than damage! As a hero, you simply had went uncloaked, known by the city as the Chameleon, on part of your shifting ability. With just a touch of your antennas upon your opponent, they would be downloaded into a library of skins for you to fit into. Donning their appearance, you would pull from their abilities and thwart villains left and right, lightening the load in the turtley heroes’ backs.
But, behind your cloaking broach, you were none other than plain, human Y/N, the beloved partner to the orange hero, Michelangelo! At first juggling the two identities was easy, but you would soon find yourself experiencing trouble and in quite the conundrum.
A fool from space appeared as the villain this go around, targeting the brother heroes in a pathetic attempt to take over the city as her own. If not for her annoying control of plants making her out to be a challenge, you would have been able to take her down before the brothers had to lift a finger! But now, here you were, fighting alongside them against the villain, trying desperately to slink away without your perceptive beloved connecting the dots on who you were.
“ Chameleon, we need you to copy her power and hold back those plants! “
Commanded brother blue, to which you chirped back a “ gotcha ! right on it, sir ! “ Fighting alongside them would have been a delight, if not for the cold seeping into your veins as your dearest boy grabbed your hand and stared into your big black eyes with a squint.
“ Say… You sound awfully familiar, have we met? “
“ Me-Met?! No! I mean, ahem, no, perhaps you have heard me on the tell of vision before, or the news! “
Putting on a fake accent instantly, you tugged your hand away and left the dumbfounded boy with more questions than answers. Your focus turned to the gap between you and the villainess, Phyro. The battlefield has made its way to the park, which only served as a perfect place for one whose whole shtick is plants. Each time you tried to close the gap, her plants would bap you away as though you were nothing but a small inconvenience to her.
“ Now now, what have we over here~! You’re one of those Harbins, aren’t you? That race of little adventurous warriors, how’d you make it all the way out here? “
You skidded to a stop, paling a bit at the acknowledgement. Coming this far was a goal for only one reason—escape, from the place you once called home, hoping to never hear that name again. With a dry chuckle, you shook it off and wordlessly lunged forth, ducking and weaving over viney tendrils drilling towards you.
“ Your kind is usually awfully talkative, how strange. “
Phyro continued, jerking her wrist to puppeteer more plants zeroing in on you.
Luckily, a second plan had been set forth, and while she watched only you, she had all but forgotten four others who also had it out for her. The platform of wood that she perched highly upon was set aflame in one fell swoop of the grinning orange hero, who ducked for his brother clad in purple to land a hit that sent her flying. Straight to your feet she collided, groaning as she writhed on the ground.
As you crouched down, quick to slap a pair of cuffs to her wrists while contemplating whether she’d go to the human’s jail or the hidden city’s, you were negligent of the creeping vine reaching for the gem that hung on your neck.
“ What is a Harbin doing, parading around for such a small planet? Rare for your kind to be found alone. “
Your antenna flicked as you teetered back and forth from “ ignore her and leave “ and “ entertain the captured villain. “
Foolishly, you chose the latter, but who could have known?
“ I just wanted to get away, that’s all. Sometimes you wanna be more than what you’re raised to be. “
“ Intriguing. And to be more, is to be someone else? “
“ What? “
The vine shot through the gem, infecting it with a pulsating green hue that seemed to layer and combine both the illusory you and the actual you. Your human form washed over your appearance. The glitching identities seemed to flicker back and forth, unsure which to settle on as Phyro rose to her feet and quickly backed away from you. While trying to shift, to tail after her, you found yourself rendered powerless.
“ Y/N…? “
Slowing down from his run, Mikey seemed completely confused as he scanned your frame on the floor.
“ You’re Chameleon? “
“ I can explain! “
“ That’s so—so cool? But reckless, Y/N, why would you do that? And wait, was that a cloaking broach—which form is you? “
He ran off question after question while you just stared at him in a daze. Meanwhile, his brothers were quick to tail after Phyro, but not before Brother Blue called out, “ vamonos hermanos, she’s getting away! “
“ Oh—right, Y/N, stay here! “
He turned, ready to pursue his brothers and the villain, until his hand was tugged. Shoved playfully to the ground, you leapt to your feet and blew raspberries at him.
“ As if! “
Mikey stared wide-eyed as his partner, who turned out to be the incredibly helpful Chameleon, left him in the dust. Uhh, excuse me? Not a chance in hell would he let you out-hero him!
“ Hey—HEY! WAIT UP ! “
┆ ── ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ — Leo 💌
Your rise to the status of hero was all BUT planned. It started out as an attempt to seem cool and snowballed into something bigger than yourself.
Picture this, you were just a human, normal in every way—except for the fact that you may have somehow charmed THE city’s hero, Leonardo Hamato!
… Well, Leo and his brothers, but come on, the real star of the show was obviously your boyfriend. You might as well have been his number one fan, pulling the strings behind the scene to aid him in battle and make him shine. His brothers would whine about him having s special little helper, but you knew that was nothing more than hogwash and obviously they loved you—who doesn’t?!
“ Leo, duck! “
You shouted, yanking down a lever that would set off a rather impressive—if you do say so yourself—trap to douse the flame-rider villain of the day. It may have splashed a brother or two, but it also slowed down TREMENDOUSLY their enemy and left him crumbling into a pile of annoyed coal, yipping and yapping about how “ that was cheating! ” A comment which was awarded with agreement by the drenched brothers,
“ Yeah Leo, we’re a team, ya gotta include us if y’all got a plan. ”
“ It got results, why’s it matter if you get just a little wet? ”
Leo teased, high-giving you as you emerged from the shadows and joined his side.
“ Yeah, no harm no foul! ”
They scowled at you, but you shrugged it off with a little peck to your boyfriend’s cheek—a gesture that was met with groans of disgust from the audience of red, purple, orange, and… villain!
Acts such as these were your thing, pulling strings and doing things to give Leo a leg up. Of course over time you learned to be a team player, and soon you carried out tasks and laid traps that the brothers had illustrated in plans, but you were still a worker from the shadows for the heroic four! That is, until one little date night led you to a treasure trove of information—your boyfriend loved magic tricks, and you’re sneaky little self may have overheard the perfect place to get a book of magic!
Tailing your unknowing informant, you had inadvertently landed yourself in a city under yours, something called the Hidden City—for obvious reasons. If not for its far-from-human city goers, you would have assumed you stumbled into an extra bizarre black market, but you knew better than to believe such nonsense. This was a city of magic folk, and what better a place than to find a book of magic? Weaving down dizzying paths, you eventually stopped before a shop ironically advertised as the “ MAGICIAN’S BOOK STORE “ and dipped in to find the book.
Your one mistake was thinking these books would be of the sorts such as “ Pull a rabbit out of a hat, oooh! ” or a “ dozens of scarves from your throat, fantastic! ”. Book in hand, you would rush home to practice your newfound spells to amaze and put on a show for your amazing boyfriend, Leo.
Instead, you paved the way for a new hero to step into the light, Daybreak, a magician with more than a few tricks up their sleeves. Opening the book had caused an instant change of appearance, a masquerade mask to seal facial identification, and a flashy performer’s fit to give you a spunky look whirled across your body. You never did get to hold a private performance for Leo, but you DID manage to become his favorite hero! Well, second favorite, but Jupiter Jim isn’t real so he doesn’t count, so number 1 favorite! But, still, you were Leo’s favorite hero, and he always brightened at the sight of you appearing on the scene!
Though, you did have to dodge his trying to introduce you to, well, yourself, multiple times.
“ C’mon, Breaker, you know my secret identity, let me know yours! “
“ Leonardo, EVERYONE knows your secret identity. It’s not exactly a secret if it’s the only identity you have. “
Grinning, your hand rested upon the book at your hip, charmed to a smaller size for it to stay on you at all times.
“ Oh, say, don’t you like magicians? “
“ Of course, who doesn’t? Wait, are you going to tell me you will hold a personal magic show for just me because we’re friends? “
Giddily, he stared at you starstruck, and you could only look back with a wobbly grin.
“ That was, uh… Oddly spot on, yeah! “
He beamed for a second, then quickly reached for his phone.
“ There’s no danger, so I’m going to call Y/N and tell them to come see—you won’t mind a plus one, would you? ”
“ Ah! No need, don’t bother them, haha, I’ll just give them their own personal show after you! “
Leo hesitated for a second, as though the idea of watching this without you seemed unpleasant, but he recovered soon enough and obliged.
Rising to your feet, you unclasped the bag hanging at your waist and pulled out your spellbook.
“ Let’s see, what’s the perfect opening act… Ah! I got it. “
You cleared your throat, stepping back from the roof top’s edge and falling straight down. Leo lunged to react, but was taken off guard as you rose back up in a lounged position, carried by a wind spell that needed no verbal cues to activate.
“ Come one, come all, to Daybreak’s suave display of tricks. For our opening act, I shall put a spin on the ‘rabbit out of a hat’ trick! “
Eagerly, your one-man audience watched with a stare so intense that you couldn’t fight the flush of red upon your cheeks. Every day you wanted to expose your secret to him, tell him you were his number one hero, but every day something odd lingered over your head, banishing such an idea.
But, never mind that. Tonight it was just you and Leo, and you were going to finally give him the magic show you had always planned to give him!
Maybe Y/N and Daybreak can remain two different people for a liiiiittle bit longer.
┆ ── ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ — Raph 💌
Being a hero wasn’t your first idea. In fact, it was the farthest from it. You began as a lowly thief, a worker for Big Mama. Just a witch with an ability no one could imagine as a hero’s. You could turn to marble and turn others into statues, swim through stone and concrete as though it were water, and in the concrete jungle, who would have ever imagined being a hero over anything else?
It only became a seed in your head after a particular hero from the surface had planted the idea and tended to its garden. A particular museum in the city that never sleeps had come into possession of a particular yokai you had turned to stone yourself years ago, albeit by accident. This yokai happened to be a powerhouse that a certain bigwig ring leader was practically salivating over, so you were hired to retrieve them.
Through seas of concrete, up to the surface, you had easily come out on the inside of the museum whose walls were concocted of the finest stone money could buy. As you dove through the walls and found yourself in one of the many exhibits of the trove of stolen art and artifacts, dodging the security was an easy feat. All you had to do was strike fancy poses, hands gracefully held in delightful positions with fabric cascading around your silhouette in the classic fashion that everyone appreciates from marble. Guards would pass you, stopping if only to admire whatever Artist could have perfectly carved stone to emerge your figure, then continue on their way.
If anything, your missions were delightfully fun. Paid to pose about and easily escape with whatever it is you were sent for? It was enough to cloud the negative thoughts of a life of villainy.
That is, until you had accidentally released the yokai with a misuse of your power. The powerhouse roared to life, shoving you away with ease before setting its sights on the rest of the human’s city to release years worth of pent up energy.
Describing yourself as a villain wouldn’t have been the proper terminology, not even an anti-hero. You were just a witch getting by however you saw fit. Thus, the idea of letting not just your ticket to money get away but simultaneously letting your mistake wreck havoc on topsiders, well that just didn’t sit right with you. So you pursued, through the hole, eyes zeroing in on the path of debris left in the rampage’s way.
That was when you met him—what was it he called himself again, Red Riot? No, something about an angel? Whatever it was, you couldn’t help but hold your breath when he intervened. You were trying to get in close enough to land a firm smack across the monster’s face, to spread marble throughout its body once more, when a voice rang out and distracted you. Stumbling away to narrowly dodge succumbing to his strike, your eyes searched for the source and watched the red blur slam down between you and the yokai.
“ It’s not safe for you! ”
He roared, turning to you in a rather interesting red & black get up. Bewildered, you watched as he caught the yokai’s fists with ease, even pushing him back in a battle of strength that he was lopsidedly winning. At such a sight, you didn’t blame your heart for skipping, nor did you blame your breath for hitching in your throat. But, you would blame him for labeling you a “ damsel in distress”.
“ Slow your roll, big boy, who said I needed saving? ”
The hero gawked at you as you climbed his shell and leapt off his shoulders, landing a clean swipe against the yokai right as he reached out to seal you in his vice grip. Just as the stone coursed through his body, you swung on the outstretched arm, plantings yourself into a neat little sit on the marble forearm.
“ I won’t lie though, handsome, your heroic knight act gets a solid 10 in my book. ”
“ Are ya a hero or…? ”
The red hero straightened up, tilting his head in a curious puppy fashion. It was the toothy grin that tripped your heart into yet another skip this go around.
“ … Wouldn’t you like to know, Big Boy? ”
Before he had even a chance to answer, just an outreaching hand, you unpocketed a trinket from Big Mama herself that instantly delivered you and her next prized fighter right at the foot of her desk.
The next time you saw Red Reign was by accident. You weren’t on a mission or anything, but you had stumbled upon a scene between him and some mutant. With a clean dive into the city’s cement, you peeked your head into the conflict enough times to get close enough to his enemy. One tap later, and marble coursed through their body, immobilizing them as you climbed from the stony surface as if you were stepping up out of the pool.
“ You— “
He stilled, watching you before his eyes narrowed.
“ So yo were one of Big Mama’s lackeys. ”
It was your turn to pause, cocking your head to the side with confusion.
“ One of Big Mama’s—no, no, you mistake me. I work under no one but myself! Your accusation pains me, Red Reign~ ”
Purring, you neared the flustered hero and circled him. He loosened, though still watched you carefully, gaze shifting to the marble statue he fought mere seconds before.
“ Ya never did answer my question, and I never caughtcha name, either. ”
You stopped in front of him, eyes meandering about as you contemplated a response.
“ It’s Y/N. ”
“ Nothin’ special, just Y/N—ouch! ”
You laid a playful hit into his arm, sticking out your tongue and blowing raspberries at his comment.
“ Hey, my name is special! And yeah, I’m not some nutjob like you, mister Red Reign. ”
“ Oh, fair. ”
He clicked his tongue, and you both shared a bout of laughter before he gestured to the villain.
“ I’ve gotta haul him in, wanna come with? Y’know, to unstonify him? ”
With a shrug, you grabbed his arm and swung up to neatly sit on his shoulder. Patting his shoulder, you crossed your legs and purred.
“ Lead the way. ”
Raph began to expect your company, whether on casual patrols or in the heat of battle. He had began to see you as a hero, perhaps even a spotty sidekick, over time. That assumption only served to get him hurt in the end though, when you stared him down on the other end of justice’s stick.
“ Y/N, what are ya doin’?! ”
He hissed, grabbing your arm and gripping it solidly as you attempted to slip away. Over time, he had become far too accustomed to your stone swimming ability to let you get the upper hand on him. Planted, you tugged a few times before looking to glare at him.
“ My job, Raph, now let GO! ”
His other hand shot out, grabbing your free hand to try and wrestle its contents out.
“ Ya can’t do this, Y/N, we need to confiscate all Kraang remains fer public safety! ”
You squirmed away, hold not loosening even a teensy bit on the kraang parts you were trying to swipe. See, a certain weapon-smith in the Hidden City was offering top dollar to whoever could bring him in alien tech, and only a fool would pass up this kind of job.
And you were no fool.
“ What do you take me for, Raph, a hero!? I’m not ONE OF YOU, okay? I never was! Now let me go, or else. ”
Your tone grew dark, as did the gaze you gave him. He faltered, but stood his ground. Your eyes never held such hostility towards him, but then again he never stood in the way of your antics. So, since he hadn’t let go, your other hand latched onto his wrist and held on tight as marble started to climb and cover his wrist, arm, then shoulder.
His eyes followed the creeping material stiffening his body, then locked with yours. They swirled with an emotion that caught you off guard, but nothing could have prepared you for his response. Meridian eyes, glistening with threatened tears peered into your shaky hues, pleading goodness. It was a silent ask for mercy.
“ Y/N… Don’t do this, please. ”
┆ ── ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ — Donnie 💌
Heroics were not your thing at all. If anything, you and your friends constantly joked that you’d be a villain way before you were ever a hero, so how did you end up becoming a vigilante for New York’s evil-doers? Why, it was such a silly reason, truly. Not a soul would ever know the real reason—well, except for you, of course. Mystic abilities were something you knew in and out, partly due to it being an innate part of you.
You were born half of a magical being, the child of a human and a yokai. Your father would have loved to see you become a protector, to use your magic to protect other humans like your mother, but unfortunately he didn’t live to see it happen, and you had sworn off that kind of responsibility. Far too much to weigh in your shoulders! You, a protector of the city? Depended on by all those people? Never in your wildest dreams would you have stepped up to such a role.
That is, until you found yourself on the receiving end of a vigilante’s help. It was during the threat of apocalypse when you met him, a mutant clad in purple with the signature of mystic enchantment. When the alien goo had set its sights on you, seconds from engulfing you and possessing you to become one of the mindless soldiers to the invaders, it was the turtle boy who slammed down with his purple magic who saved you. And, well, could anyone blame you for falling in love?
The way his freehand took yours, hoisting you up as though you were as light as a feather, holding you behind him while his other hand masterfully wielded a technologically improved Bo. How he swept you up, immediately taking you to safety—and not even leaving once he dropped you off! He let you down and turned his focus to some device adhered to his forearm, asking you all sorts of questions for your well-being.
At the end of it all, he had but one simple question for you, and that was “ are you okay? ” With your nod, he disappeared off into the night, likely to save other cityfolk in just as much danger, but god had you felt so special in that moment.
So much so that you longed to encounter him again, thus going against your own ruling against heroism.
And boy had it paid off.
“ Doooonnnniiiieeeee, there’s no way Fun-Gus is going to be right here in exactly, what, 3 minutes? ”
“ Have faith, dearest Illusori, by my calculations Fun-Gus will land right there in, correction, 2.43 minutes—not 3. ”
He gave you a sly smirk, knowing it irked you whenever he was technical with small details, but you would be lying if you said it wasn’t one of his cute traits. Plus, he was usually always right. As you both waited in place for the fungal mutant to touch down, a timer ticked away on his device—juuuuust in case his calculations were off.
“ Fun Gus appears on the scene! ”
Roared the mushroom villain as he hit the pavement, right as an alarm went off.
“ Called it! ”
“ Ugghhhh, annoyed sigh! ”
You groaned, snickering at the playful glare he gave for your copying of his little “ saying the action aloud ” habit.
“ Whatever, copycat, you know the plan! ”
He kicked off, lunging towards the villain, while you nodded, determined to execute your part ever so perfectly! He might even just give you praise…
Ah, wait, don’t get off topic! Focus, that’s your cue! With closed eyes, the world drowned out around you as magic welled at your fingertips. You could feel the power surging through your veins, tingling with so much pressure that it was almost a bit overstimulating, but onwards you pushed. Soon, an illusion would seep into Gus’ perception, duplicating Donnie’s image around him and amplifying the mystic display of his own magic.
Of course, only one of the Donnie’s was real, since your magic could only play illusion-based tricks.
Just as powerful, though. Especially on victims who had no clue of your ability.
“ Whether there’s five or a thousand of you, turtle, you can’t defeat me! ”
Annoyed, Gus slammed his palms into the ground and forced dozens of mushrooms to sprout up—all surging towards Donnie. With one slow rotation of your hand, the mushrooms vanished from sight, further confusing the villain as he stumbled back, dumbfounded.
“ Huh—what? Where—“
He glanced up as the Donnie Duplicates closed in, all syncing into one as he landed a heavy hit into the mushroom’s cheek. He rolled and tumbled a bit, instantly rendered unconscious, thus cuing your part to drop the illusion. The world around you three warbled and popped, revealing a mushroom-covered space.
“ If you give me a couple more minutes, I can come up with a great mushroom pun for this! ”
Trotting up to his side, unceremoniously stomping a couple ‘shrooms on the way, you have a cheeky grin as your partner in crime groaned at the thought.
“ No, no, no, no, nope, not happening. I’m going to ensure you do NOT get the chance to make any sorts of puns. ”
Donnie crouched down, plucking a few mushrooms from the villain’s face, then dropping them into a vial.
“ Are you spore you want to be that close to him? ”
“ That was terrible. ”
Crouching beside him, you smiled fondly at the slight grin he gave to a “ terrible joke ”. Reaching forward, you poked his cheek lightly and he pulled away with an ever-growing grin as he swatted your hand back.
“ Ah, but who still smiled? ”
“ An unimportant observation! ”
You had snuck your way into Donnie’s heart, securing your part as “ Patrol Partner ”.
But, as charming as you were as his vigilante plus one, no one could blame either of you for wanting more. There had been plenty of times, as the two of you readied to part for the night, that you yearned to reach out, grab his hands, and go “ hi, my name is Y/N, and i really want to go on a date with you! ”
and just as many times had Donnie needed to resist pulling your retreating form back, locking eye contact, and requesting that you become more than a patrol partner.
Luckily, that stage had been set on the night of a particularly uneventful patrol that landed you both in a prime location usually used for couples bonding. Following a trail that turned into a dead end, you both lingered at a clearing where the trees perfectly framed what might have been the only part of the city where the stars were visible.
“ … Illusori? ”
“ Mm? ”
You perked up, turning to see him completely enraptured by the view. He leaned back to sit in the grass, and you followed suit almost instantly. Soon, you were both laid back, watching the stars twinkle. Silence tiptoed around you both for a few seconds before he finally breathed in deeply and exhaled.
“ Who are you, really? ”
This was the moment you had been waiting for all this time, and yet here you were, at a loss for words. Before awkwardness could plateau, you glanced at him, then sat up. Propped up by one of your arms, you leaned over him and hesitated. As Illusori, your magic would play its part by also hiding your identity behind disguise, but this was your chance to finally drop that disguise and potentially become closer to the one who started this whole “ vigilante double life ” to begin with…
So, taking your own deep breath, you gave a wonky smile.
“ That depends, can I request ‘Mrs. Donatello’ as an acceptable response? ”
“ … ”
With widened eyes, Donnie averted his gaze and looked everywhere but you. Nervousness crept up your throat as he began gesturing with one hand while the other laid behind his head as a pillow.
“ Y—Ahem, you may, if only I can request permission to see you beneath the mask. ”
“ Only if I can see you. ”
“ What? My mask—it hides nothing! ”
He shot up, completely taken off guard by your request, but loosened up as your laughter indicated that was sarcasm. With a twirl of your hand, the magic hiding away your true appearance slipped away, and all he could do was stare. Wide-eyed, he soon broke the silence with a whistle.
“ Wow, you’re… ”
You could practically see the hearts in his eyes as his gaze on you softened with a heart wrenching smile. God you were in love with him.
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xcyphoz0a · 6 months
4 steps to (not so) discreetly show interest + the one moment you do.
Recipient: @yuellii , secret santa event! Enjoy :)
Gender neutral reader, fluff TW/CW: injury(minor) Word count: 2739 Proofread: n/a | she think’s she’s discreet, her act is to perfection. is it? oh, no, no– you know. it’s painfully obvious but you can’t help but watch in amusement, watching as she trip on her own heels, but you’re there to help. | A/N: set in modern times, highschool au, ITS CHRISTMAS, SNOW!! :D
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Furina, as confident and enthusiastic she may be on stage, still has sides that she feels difficult to show– perhaps some of her more softer and ‘weaker’ sides that she kept behind the facade of flamboyancy.
Recently having found newfound interest in you, the school librarian, she couldn’t help but subconsciously make her way to the school library, taking a seat near your station, peeking from the top of her book as she watches you work on your laptop.
Perhaps it was in the spur of the moment, or it was her muscles that moved on their own, when she had walked up towards the small desk, slamming her hands down on the table.
Eyes moving rapidly from your startled form towards the book ridden wall, she finds her words stuck in her throat, unable to form a coherent sentence.
You adjust your posture as you form a small smile, not knowing what to say.
“May I help you?”
Furina finds her face flaring up into fire as she rethinks her sudden movements, finding herself at a loss of words. She stares at you for a good while until you wave a timid hand in front of the famous school actress.
“Ah, I thought I saw a bug near you– haha…”
The heterochromia girl wanted to sink into a hole and never be seen again– what kind of excuse was that? – to her, it seemed like a loss of face as one of the best students with great acting in the drama club. 
“I… see. Thanks for your concern.” Your voice is laced with some bit of confusion, watching the flustered girl run outside of the library.
1) Befriending you
Furina, at first, finds this idea of hers quite easy.
“You know, I think befriending them is the easiest way to win their heart!” Her voice is filled with anticipation, until she gets shut down by another club member.
“But that can make them only see you as a friend, perhaps?” Yun Jin suggests, “It may not be a 100% possibility, but there’s a chance.”
“True, true, like, you might become one of those second leads that finds their romantic interest get taken away by someone else!” Hu Tao chimes, hands animatedly flailing around.
Furina slumps down on the chair as she sighs. Perhaps she just had to keep it to herself.
“But you can try to woo them, find out their interests maybe?” Nilou pitches an idea.
The white haired girl straightens back in her chair again, grabbing a hold of the red haired’s hands, heterochromic eyes sparkling as she hurriedly mutters out a thank you, running towards the library.
The three look at the door that Furina dashed out of, sharing a knowing look as they hear her footsteps fade.
The sliding door of the library opens as the girl slumps down a bit, taking some breaths as she makes her way to her usual spot to ‘read’, sneaking glances at your form typing away on your laptop. Tapping sounds of the keyboard is heard throughout the ambient silence as Furina closes her book, walking towards your desk as you look up at the approaching figure.
“May I help you?” You close your laptop as you tilt your head.
“Ah, no– I just, well, wanted to know you better– I think my actions yesterday shocked you a little, yeah?”
You smile as you nod slightly, finding some amusement in the obvious stuttering the famed actress’ words. You think you know what’s going on.
Furina conjures up a small smile, “So, as an… apology! I’d like to treat you to something you like, if you have the time…” voice fading as she waits for your response.
“I’m free today after club activities, is that okay with you?”
The girl in front of you perks up as she nods, the single lock of hair seemingly also bouncing up and down, thanking you for your time as she makes her way out of the library– in a calmer manner.
As the door closes, you can hear a faint, ‘Yay!’, with excited footsteps fading into the distance.
2) Sitting closer
After Furina’s apology, the two of you became closer, finding the two of you going out regularly towards the small cafe outside of the school after club activities from school. Some days when one of you didn’t have the time, it felt slightly odd and empty, finding nothing interesting to do.
You haven’t noticed yet, but Furina thinks it’d be better for you to not to know, as she takes the seat opposite of you in the library as she opens the book to the bookmark she placed, blushing when she finds the exact book next to your arm, with a small paper folded saying ‘Furina’s’
The white haired girl thinks her club members– friends– are delusional when they tease her about how you may like her back.
She wishes it was true, but the chance of you liking her back in that way was way too low. Always slamming her forehead onto the round table in the drama room.
Today, she came from the drama room once again, though with a slight red marking on her forehead from the excessive slamming of her head onto the table, smiling weakly as you turn your head towards the library’s entrance, greeting her like you always did.
You refocus on your laptop again, until you jerk your head back towards Furina, eyebrows furrowing at the circular red swelling of her forehead. Standing up from your seat, you walk towards the white haired girl, brushing her hair from her face.
“You’re hurt…” 
Furina’s unable to think nor respond as she slightly malfunctions between the small distance from you to her, once again, finding herself at a loss for words.
You take the girl’s hand as you lead her towards the infirmary, setting Furina down on one of the beds as you search for a cooling pack in the fridge.
“You should be more careful next time, what if you get a concussion?” Your voice is laced with concern as you carefully pack the cold pack with tissue, setting it on the girl’s forehead.
“I accidentally slammed my head on the table too hard today– nothing serious!”
You sigh as you let Furina hold the ice pack on her head, making sure to check for any signs of other damage, until you find a small but bleeding cut on the top of her knee.
“What happened here?”
“I don’t know how that happened, really! I’m serious… I didn’t feel anything there–”
You rush to get some disinfectant and a bandaid, setting a chair towards the bed as you sanitise the cut, applying some pressure. Setting the bandaid on the small injury, you look at the girl as she stares back at you, dumbfounded and flustered.
You squint your eyes in confusion until you recall your actions, finding yourself flustered and bashful as well.
3) Trying to impress
The day after that small interaction was pretty normal.
“...I’m telling you, Furina, they definitely like you back!” an energetic voice is heard outside of the drama room as the said girl slaps her hands on Hu Tao’s mouth.
“Be quiet! I don’t want anyone to hear about this– I want to keep my dignity today!”
Yun Jin laughs as she agrees with Hu Tao, “I’m sure (y/n) likes you back, you said they were also flustered in the end as well, no?”
“But still– they could be just caring…”
This time, Nilou shakes her head. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard of (y/n) doing that to any of their friends– I can try ask Tighnari– he’s one of their closest friends, if my memory serves me right.”
Slightly– quite obviously– desperate, Furina nods, clasping her hands around Nilou’s own.
“That’d be wonderful! Thank you so much, Nilou~”
A few days later, Nilou brings in newfound information from Tighnari about you.
“Apparently, they aren’t outwardly caring, but do care for their friends… oh! And he did say they seemed to find interest in someone in the school, but didn’t tell him who…”
Furina, with the first bit of information, perked up in glee, though soon dropped on the floor in some despair when she heard the latter.
“They definitely don’t like me back… archons, what will I do?”
As the imaginary rain and thunder cloud splashed tears of despair onto the white haired girl, Yun Jin speaks.
“That mysterious person could be you–”
“That, is being delusional!” Furina chides.
“Maybe you can try impressing them in some way?” Hu Tao mumbles, chin on hand, “They’re the librarian, right? Try reading something they like or something, I don’t know~”
With the brunette’s suggestion, the girl in distress seem to have a weight lifted off her shoulders as she smiles.
“Great idea, Hu Tao!”
And off went Furina, skipping towards the entrance of the library once again.
Yun Jin sighs in amusement, closing the room’s door, chuckling at how this situation felt like many cliches in romance dramas.
When the familiar footsteps of Furina’s shoes clacked on the wooden and marble tiles of the floor, you look towards the library entrance, expecting the white haired girl to arrive soon enough.
“Welcome back.”
Furina’s eyes seemingly brighten when she hears your voice, as she nearly skids towards the opposite seat, sitting down in front of you as she leans towards your laptop.
“So, (Y/n), I think I’ve ran out of books to read, any suggestions for books you like?”
The girl prides herself for not stuttering this time– she thinks that now, she perfected her acts to hide her feelings.
“Oh? Well– I don’t really have much suggestions, but I can lend you a book that I finished reading last week, if you’d like?”
The floating lock of white hair bobs up and down vigorously as Furina hears your suggestion. You smile a little, reaching down for your back and picking up the hardcover book.
“Tell me about it after you read it, yeah?”
4) Jealousy?
Furina thinks she really isn’t the jealous type– especially when she isn’t in a relationship at all.
She also thinks that she shouldn’t really be jealous when she thinks–thinks– you smile more when you’re talking with Neuvillette.
But she can’t help but find a grimace settling on her face whenever she sees the tall white haired man in the library, taking her seat as you both talk about some matters surrounding costs in the library– it wasn’t something really meaningful, but perhaps it was the jealousy setting in, as she feels like the person you were interested in could be one of her friends– moreso babysitter– but still, she disliked the odd feeling in her chest.
“What if they like Neuvillette? I definitely saw them smiling–”
The rest of her words are muffled in her sweater sleeve as she buries her face, unable to knock the odd feeling in her chest.
“That’s your feelings acting up there, messes up with your logical view on a situation, Furina.” Yun Jin sighs, patting the despair stricken girl on the back.
“But still, think about it– it’s possible!”
Hu Tao seems to be fed up with Furina’s continuous despair, drawling out,“Yeah, yeah, what were they talking about anyway?”
The latter’s mouth thins out to a straight line. “Costs…”
Several sighs are heard from her club members, as the white haired girl peeks up from her arm.
“Yeah, no chance of (Y/n) liking Neuvillette, he’s in the student council, of course he’s going to talk about costs with the student librarian!”
Hu Tao sighs, hands and shoulders creating a shrugging motion as she slumps down to her chair.
Furina sighs as she slinks down on the chair, heterochromia eyes staring up at the ceiling.
However, the four club members’ attention is directed towards the door, several knocks heard from outside. Furina weakly speaks,
“Come in…”
Your hand slides open the wooden door to the drama club, waving a small ‘hi’ towards the startled three. Your shoes make little sounds on the floor as you tap the white haired girl’s shoulder, watching the girl immediately correct both her posture and expression.
“Are you still coming to the cafe? You weren’t near the library for a while, so I wanted to ask–”
“Oh, it’s already time? I guess I was a little caught off, haha– shall we go now?”
You nod, already near the entrance door as you wave back towards the three other members, taking the much happier girl in tow with you as the two of you walk towards the cafe outside of the school.
“I’m like, 1000% sure that they both like each other, it’s so suffocating–”
“I think so too…”
5) Your own interest.
In your opinion, you didn’t really find anyone in the school pretty interesting– though your friends, particularly Tighnari and Cyno, did comment that it was most likely due to how much time you spent stuck in the library.
It all changed when a random girl– which you later knew as one of the most popular and famous actress in the drama club in the school– slammed her hands in front of you.
After the small interaction, you found slight interest towards her, finding amusement whenever she tripped on her own heels, both metaphorically and literally, stuttering in the moments when the both of you were alone, and how she became more fidgety during those moments.
You didn’t know that you’d find someone as interesting and funny like Furina in your school years, but you think that this pretty much changed when you saw the girl hurt.
It must’ve been your subconcsiousness acting, because you barely remembered what happened, but you know you remember how Furina stared at you, face red hot, as you found yourself close and taking care of the injury. You remember how after that day, you’d find yourself blushing and warm thinking of the girl.
It was until Tighnari told you that Nilou– one of the other drama club members– asked him for some of your information, telling you his own thought– which you can directly quote,
“Maybe Furina asked her? They’re all pretty close, so it does make some sense.”
Especially when you told Tighnari about how you did find some interest in Furina, Tighnari did convey some information, though taking away some information just for some amusement.
It also didn’t really help when one of your other friends, as well as senior, Lisa, told you that your interest was most likely romantic attraction after you told some of your feelings about Furina towards the senior librarian.
With you, nearly a hundred percent sure about your feelings being reciprocated, waited for Furina to be at the library or its vicinity, but weren’t able to find her after your conversation with Neuvillette.
Perhaps, you think, she went home because of the cold? It is winter…
You take some hesitant but haste steps towards the drama room, knocking on the door as you hear the familiar yet uncharacteristic deflated voice of the white haired girl speak out a weak ‘come in’. You sigh in slight relief, knowing that she didn’t go home yet.
When the two of you make your way towards the cafe that the both of you mostly went after extracurricular activities, you decide to say your feelings– it was now or never.
“Wait, I have something to, uh, say.”
The girl next to you turns towards you, attention focused on your tensed form, eyebrows raising up in both confusion and anticipation.
“Uh… I– I like you, a lot, really…”
Furina’s face heats up, blinking incredulously at you as you look away, unable to look at the heterochromia eyed girl, finding interest in the falling snowflakes from the dark but nice clouds in the sky, though your head immediately turns back as you feel her hands taking your own.
“That’s– that… I– I like you too!”
You smile. Your confession definitely wasn’t one of the smoothest, nor was it the best– but you knew that now, your feelings were reciprocated.
“So, we’re official now?”
“Of course we are– besides, you should be feeling grateful that I– Furina– even liked you back~”
You bonk her head slightly as the two of you make your way towards the cafe, snow crunching on the pavement as you watch the warm orange fairy lights decorate the cafe.
“Merry Christmas.”
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mncein · 11 months
hello !! can i request for newjeans where they react to their s/o looking good in glasses and their s/o being popular due to their nerdy look?
will do !! thanks anon for this request, enjoy~
notes : this will be in high school au :)
hcs and scenarios ahead !!
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the type of person to judge you a bit but soon to realize that you look even good with your glasses on. casually stealing glances from you during class, and one time in gym that a sport where a ball is included, you had to take off your glasses and you placed them by minji's seat. and almost everyone didn't seem to know you because you had your glasses off. and now you're known as 'pretty with glasses on, even prettier when off.' she's like, shocked, when you became popular because of it. she doesn't mind but the thought of someone crushing on you has been invading her mind recently.
— "hey, you look so funny." minji laughs, she hands you your glasses back after pe. and the both of you are outside, in the courtyard.
"how so? i just took off my glasses." you ask, rubbing your eyes before putting your glasses back on. minji doesn't answer as she stares at you, taking her time to admire your eyes.
"they're definitely right." she mumbles out of nowhere. and you don't know what she's referring to, you just spoke to each other just now, after all.
"what do you mean?" you tilt your head.
"that you look prettier with your glasses off."
doesn't mind at all! whether your glasses are on or not, she still sees you as her wonderful lover. but actually cares for yout eyesight, thought of something silly where you mistaken her as haerin. she just loves you and cares for you, but since you're getting a lot more attention and popularity, she was just happy for you. but still quite shocked because you weren't that popular when you first met. she loves to borrow your glasses, but she doesn't wear it over her eyes, but over her head. she has a lot of pictures of it on. and she sends them to you whenever she has one.
— "i love your glasses so much. it suits you the best." hanni spoke while sitting on her seat during break time.
"really? no one compliments my glasses, that's a first." you adjust your glasses so it doesn't fall off. hanni turns to you with a confused face.
"they don't?" she asks. not believing what you just said. how could they not compliment your glasses if you're this popular now?
"would you be mad if i tell you that they've been complimenting my face and not my glasses?" you ask, it's pretty much of what's happening everyday in school.
she shakes her head, "no, not at all. i actually agree with them." she smiles and nudged you playfully.
she has one herself! (i just see her with glasses in this high school au 😭). would ask you to have matching glasses colors and stickers. she prefers your plain glasses though, dani jokes about being harry potter when she brought a stick with her so randomly when you both went to see more glasses designs 😭 she finds you cool like the others, even if with your nerdy look, she'll love you no matter what <3 she's not against with you being popular around the school, but like minji, she worries about other people admiring you.
— "hello my little intelligent bird~" danielle hops on your side while you were checking some books in the library.
"bird?" you ask, setting what you're doing aside and turned to look at her.
"just saw a picture of a bird in instagram wearing the same glasses as you! but i prefer your version, it's much cuter." danielle shares with such joy on her face.
"i'm not a bird." you chuckled.
"you are, let me give an example. i tried to stop you from studying, but all you did was say, 'wait, wait, wait!'." danielle explains, she looks at you with an expecting face that you don't get it.
"that doesn't make any sense."
she shakes her head and laughs, "what does a bird say? 'wait, wait, wait!'." (please tell me you get it 😭)
expect silence from this girl. she's just staring at you 😭 a wave of wows exit her mouth while she watches you work on a project. telling you how much your glasses looks good on you while you're busy and focused. she was honestly shocked when she found out that your source of popularity was from your glasses. she always believed that your pretty face was the cause of their attraction. since she sits far away from your during class, she seriously took this opportunity to stare at you the whole time.
— "haerin, you're staring again." you groan, you've been talking to her for a while now during lunch break.
"sorry, you're just so undeniably pretty." she admits with a sly smile.
"seriously." she repeats, she raises her hand that you thought was gonna cup your cheek. but instead, she snatched your glasses and wore it.
"haerin." you sighed, she's been stealing your glasses whenever she can so she can use it for silly reasons.
"i love it. but i love you more." she says and pecks your cheek.
like haerin, she likes to steal your glasses and take pictures with it just like hanni. one time she used it, she faked being dizzy so she can fall in your arms and pretend as a princess 😭 loves your popularity, she's popular herself. being the tall girl crush of the campus and dating the hot nerd. but feels jealous when her friends talk about you so much when it's her responsibility to brag about you. :( and absolutely loves to BRAG about you.
— "i love the glasses." said some girls passing by you.
hyein eyes them as they walk away, rolling her eyes in response.
"they don't know i only get to say that to you." hyein crosses her arms and pouts.
"forget about them, they don't have me but you do." you smile.
"i know. but still." hyein huffs and rolls her eyes at the girl's once again.
"there's nothing to worry about. you're much better than them." you reassure.
"i also and always love the glasses. by the way." she adds cutely.
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joheunsaram · 2 years
pretty hallucinations (jjk)
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summary: Drunk words are sober thoughts, and now Jungkook knows all of yours — even the ones about him. And you know what they say, once a secret’s out, it’s hard to take it back.
word count- 3.9k 
pairing- best friend!Jungkook x Reader
rating- PG 15
genre- f2l, idiots in love, fluff, slight angst, slight crack
warnings- reader is wasted, jungkook is a softie, SO MUCH PINING, mention of bondage and spreader bars lmfao
a.n- a birthday fic to celebrate my favourite bunny! happy birthday jk! this fic came to me after I read a scene in ten trends to seduce your best friend that had me cackling. read that book if you enjoyed this, that ones a real f2l slow burn hehe
special s/o to @daechwitatamic for beta reading, helping with the summary, and leaving the most hilarious comments on my doc haha I will cherish them forever💕
As always feedback appreciated, a reblog and a like goes a far way. Send me an ask! 💌
The room was spinning. A kaleidoscope of colours twirling in the air and you couldn’t help the bitterness rising through you. This used to be your favourite place, a library you had created after years of collecting your favourite words. Systematically organized, it seemed now that a hurricane had passed through.
Well, after ten drinks, you were nothing less than a hurricane. Books with their once perfect spines laid dog-eared and haphazard. You couldn’t find it. Couldn’t find the perfect words for the moment. There was always supposed to be something for every emotion in your collection.
Some may think losing yourself in fictional words was cowardice, but to you it was a reprieve. Reality was boring. In the real world you were just a nerdy overgrown virgin who would never confess your feelings to a man — to the man. In reality, you would always be the girl who talked big about sex and hid behind bravado instead of ever opening yourself up to the vulnerability that came with it. The real you was a phony.
Stumbling with your fingers wrapped around the bottle of whiskey, you meandered to the opposite wall, pulling romance novels off the shelves. They would have answers for your predicament. Wasn’t that the purpose of them? To show how the characters overcame their fears?
The words blurred but you lost yourself. You were Catherine sharing your love but having it misconstrued, leaving you to misery, a death of a life never fully lived. As you read Heathcliff’s grief, daring you to haunt him, he transformed from the Englishman to someone too familiar, his proper attire morphing to the comfortable baggy black shirts and giant stomping boots. His dark eyebrow manifested a silver barbell, his eyes widening into a doe-eyed stare. Ebony tendrils grew from his fingertips, running up his right arm until they formed shapes as intimate as your breaths. Tiger lillies and eclipses and snakes and clocks and words so dear they played as a melody on your lips.
And then Jungkook’s words transformed from the enraged howling of ghosts to silence, his lips parted in shock as his eyes looked at you with pity. The memory was visceral and it forced your hand to tip the bottle against your lips, your tongue coating in the warm bite of liquor. Yet, it permeated through, the single moment of bravery you had been saving your whole life coming back to haunt you.
He had a friendly arm around you, the two of you laughing at the television screen as the characters finally confessed and Jungkook shook his head, chastising them for not coming clean sooner and saving him the trouble. The innocuous words gave you the courage to share a secret ten years in the making.
A simple I like you.
But unlike the characters who were living their happily ever after, Jungkook sputtered, moving away with an awkward laugh, shattering your heart into a million pieces. The distance was a chasm growing wide with his questions and the lifetime of bravery fizzled much quicker than you anticipated.
“I should’ve never opened my stupid mouth,” you lamented, tossing back another searing gulp, books digging into your back as you stared at nothing. Nothing that spurred into a familiar shadow making you cackle at your imagination. It really was better than reality.
Because in your imagination, Jungkook crouched in front of you smelling like fresh laundry that made you hazy. His fingers caressed your face, moving the curls that had spilled from their usual tight bun atop your head to frame your face. But even an imaginary Jungkook wouldn’t give you your happy ending.
Moving your hair away, he smiled, helping you up. His voice was gravelly when he spoke, a novel rasp that you wanted to pluck from the air and store it next to your array of books.
“Your mouth is not stupid,” he chuckled, an arm around your waist as he moved you from the library to the kitchen. You refused to look at this hallucination, instead focusing on the tiles that you had handpicked for the kitchen. Small white ones. They had a pattern in the middle, cobalt outlines of squares interwoven together to form stars of the skies.
He deposited you on the stool next to the breakfast nook and placed a glass in front of you. Condensation trickled down the glass to the island and before your clumsy hands could do any damage, your figment picked the glass and placed it on a coaster. Of course he knew what to do, imaginary men were perfect.
“I’m not imaginary, Trix,” Jungkook answered your inner monologue, amusement lacing his tone. But his mirth did not placate you, there was no way Jungkook would seek you out after he stomped on your heart. Your best friend was not that cruel. Not intentionally at least.
“Trix are for kids! Don’t call me that,” you whined, your words mumbled by the glass that he held to your lips. With the coldest glare you could manage, you stared at him as you finished the drink, refusing to acknowledge how soothing the cool water felt trickling down your throat.
“But they’re your favourite, Trix,” he retorted, bemused before running a hand over your head. You wanted to chastise your heart for skipping a beat at the platonic touch as he mussed your hair but you couldn’t help it. This always happened. You hated that he used that nickname, an inside joke that did nothing other than give you false hope. It was cute when he started. It made you flush to your toes and stutter over your words, but it was unfair how he could easily give you a pet name when your boyfriends had trouble coming up with anything that didn’t make you wince.
“What are you doing here, Jungkook?” Your voice wobbled as did you when he helped you up, moving you towards your bedroom. Tears still streaked down your face, stuffing your sinuses with regret as you leaned against his infuriatingly hard body.
“I’m taking care of you. I always take care of you,” he answered. “Watch your step.”
His answer made you fume. Why couldn’t you feel this way for Jimin? He was supposed to be your type, flirty and loud and unafraid to go after what he wanted. In comparison, Jungkook was just a shy, awkward teenager who showed more emotions when he lost a game of League. Sure, what if the way Jimin called you sugar was a little cringey, it was better than babe or doll!
“Those are all terrible pet names, Trix,” Jungkook commented, his grin audible even when you refused to look at him. All you could do was weakly punch his arm, missing wildly while he steadied you on your never-ending path to your bedroom.
You missed your bed. Your mattress was the most expensive thing you owned. Jungkook had given you a lot of shit for spending a pretty penny on it, but it was like sleeping on a cloud, so soft and plush that you could just sink in and forget about everything.
And you really needed to forget the humiliation of Jungkook’s rejection.
“I didn’t reject you. You were drunk, Trix. You didn’t mean it,” Jungkook answered your thoughts once again. “Also your bed is very comfy so I promise not to annoy you about wasting money again.”
He was laughing at you and you couldn’t help but grunt, turning around and placing a clumsy hand on his chest as you steadied yourself. Your eyes met his and you hated how you melted a little at their sparkle. He always had the prettiest eyes, round with expressive mocha irises that burned your heart. Even his lashes were pretty, long and curved like he was a newborn fawn made to be fawned at. Gathering your drunken thoughts, you came to a single conclusion.
Honesty. Best case scenario, this Jungkook was just imaginary and would disappear soon. Worst case scenario, he was real and since you had already humiliated yourself, you couldn’t dig a deeper hole.
“I did mean it! I love you, you dumb idiot,” you announced, your words surprisingly clear. Yet Jungkook still laughed, rolling his eyes as he settled you into bed, telling you again that you were drunk. But he didn’t understand and he had to understand.
“I’ve been in love with you since I saw you play in that dumb ultimate frisbee match when you were a freshman. When you lost your cool at that concert when a guy tried copping a feel. When you gave me a hug when my mom was in the hospital and everything seemed okay for a little while. I love you, Jeon Jungkook. I’ve always been insanely in love with your stupid, dumb face,” you ranted. Kneeling in front of you, Jungkook’s smile wavered into a concentrated frown, brows bunching together before he was smiling again and shaking his head.
“You love me, but you don’t love love me, Y/N,” he countered, making you groan in exasperation, hand coming to his mouth to silence him. Sometimes you hated him.
“You don’t get it, Jungkook! How do I even–” you sighed loudly, grabbing his shoulders to make him understand. But if your words wouldn’t work, maybe someone else’s would. “It is at moments after I have dreamed of the rare entertainment of your eyes, when (being fool to fancy) I have deemed with your peculiar mouth my heart made wise,” you quoted your favourite poet, eyes stuck on his. “Do you get it now?”
Jungkook stared at you for a moment, awestruck in a way that made you want to lean in and kiss him, but kissing without consent was bad, especially if he was looking for a way to reject you again. You still had at least some of your pride. And then he was laying you back and tucking you in, crushing your heart in his palm till it was dust that pricked your eyes, making them dry and watery all at once.
“We’ll talk about this in the morning, Trix. We shouldn’t when you’re not sober,” said softly, fingers running on your scalp before tracing away your tears. With all the alcohol in your system, your filter was off and all you had was misery.
“Can you at least just stay before you reject me? I need a hug,” you whispered, heartbeat accelerating when he climbed in next to you, engulfing you in his arms. He was so warm. Like your favourite blanket shielding you from the cold in the middle of winter. He needed to know the effect he had on you and even though you were feeling the drowsiness from all that whiskey, you wanted to let him in. He had to understand.
“I know you think I love you platonically. I don’t. I really don’t.”
Jungkook exhaled loudly, moving away so only his forearm acted as a pillow for you. Lying on his side he looked at you, eyes tracing your features as you tried your best to keep yours open.
“You’re drunk. We’ll talk about it in the morning,” he said finally. With mere inches between you, you felt your face heat, your thoughts pouring over your tongue without your consent.
“Jungkook, do you know what a spreader bar is?” you asked, staring at him as his eyes widened. He blinked slowly a few times before landing on his back, looking straight at the ceiling.
“Jesus… yes, Trix. I know what that is.”
“I want you to use it on me,” you continued, loose-lipped and hazy. There was no chance you’d remember this in the morning so why not just go all out and let him in on your fantasies. “Tie me up and bend me over. Fuck me so hard I forget my name. God, I wanna be pinned under you so bad.”
“Stop. Fuck… stop, please,” he whispered, his teeth worrying the inside of his cheek in a way you only saw when he was angry. Was he angry? Is that why even in the dim light of the room you could see his ears slowly turning red?
“Still think I like you platonically?” you asked, tone much more mischievous than you had planned. “Would you choke me? Make me lose my breath as you kiss me or will you be nice and gently hold my jaw when you kiss me? I think about that a lot, you know.”
He groaned, his free arm coming to rest over his eyes. He seemed resigned and somehow that made you grin, especially when he sighed loudly before speaking. “Fucking hell Y/N… please just go to sleep.”
“I wanna feel your tongue between my thighs and—“ Before you could finish, he turned, a hand coming to rest gently over your lips.
“Sleep! You need to go to sleep!” he exclaimed in a panic that made your nerves tingle and your stomach warm.
“Why?” you mumbled against his fingers before he removed them.
“Cause you’re making me hard and I need you to be sober when I tell you I love you too,” he replied in a whine that was equal parts adorable as it was surprising. Did he say he loved you too? What a ridiculous concept! You were positive you were imagining him now.
“Wow, you really are a hallucination,” you giggled. This was a nice dream. You liked how all the edges of light were soft in it, how it seemed as if you were floating in bliss. Dream Jungkook was amazing. He felt so real. You wished you never woke up. Especially when exasperated by your chuckles, his arm wound around you and pulled you close, plastering you to his body.
“Does that feel like a hallucination to you?” he rasped, his exhale hitting on your forehead. His comment diverted your attention to the weight poking against your stomach. You wanted to rub up against him but your body felt heavy, powerless against the haze around you.
“Go to sleep now,” he ordered softly and you couldn’t help how your eyelids fluttered shut at his words. Drowning in his scent of fresh lavender laundry, you felt safe and coddled and finally sleepy.
“You’ll be here when I wake up?” you asked, needing the confirmation that the comfort of his arms wouldn’t disappear, even when you sure he was just a figment of your imagination.
“I’ll be here, Trix. Go to sleep.”
“I love you. I really do, you know,” you assured him, getting a giggle in response.
“I’m starting to believe you do, yes.” You felt his lips land on your forehead, so soft and warm that it felt as if falling into slumber was the easiest thing to do. You wrapped your arms around him, snuggling in closer, enjoying the steady beat of his heart as he whispered once again.
“Good night, Y/N.”
Your head was pounding when you woke up. A drummer having its solo, double bass and all. With a groan you opened your eyes to an unmade bed and curtains wide open to the infuriating morning sun. Needles prickling your throat, you say up only to be interrupted by the smell of bacon, the heavenly grease so inviting that your dry mouth watered instantly.
Why was someone making bacon at your home? Last you checked you lived alone.
Slow as molasses, you got out of bed, your eyes zoning onto the glass of water and a few painkillers sat on your bedside table. Without further ado, you drowned the glass, the relief near instant.
And with the relief came the memories. Whiskey. Wuthering Heights. Jungkook. Confessions. Spreader bars. And Jungkook’s words that were no longer so innocent in the morning light.
“Cause you’re making me hard and I need you to be sober when I tell you I love you too.”
Holy. Fuck. Was that real? Did Jungkook really just confess to you? Did you really feel him when he pulled you close last night?
All semblance of a hangover dissolved in the sudden adrenaline rushing through you, pumping your heart into a frenzy that propelled your legs to carry you to the kitchen. Jungkook stood at the stove, frying bacon as he hummed something under his breath. You stared at him as he worked undisturbed, frying bacon, before snapping his fingers and rushing to the plastic bag at the end of your breakfast nook.
You had decided to watch him quietly but as soon as he pulled out the red box, laughter bubbled through you, effervescent and fizzling. He stared at you, joining you with his own giggles as he walked over waving the box of cereal.
“Trix for my Trix,” he said with a grin that scrunched his nose and made his eyes disappear. So cute that your heart skipped a beat and your filter disappeared.
“So I made you hard?” you asked, immediately slapping a hand over your mouth. Perhaps you were still drunk. Jungkook on the other hand just chuckled, bowing his head and running his hand over the nape of his neck. His dark hair fell into his face, covering the blush you loved so much.
“Yeah. Yeah you did,” he confirmed sheepishly.
The silence between you was a little stunted; awkward and too long for people who were meant to be best friends. Before long, Jungkook was distracted by the task of making breakfast, his attention on the pan as he cooked scrambled eggs and bacon, plating them for the two of you. The silence continued as you ate, but you weren’t one to hold your tongue for too long, wanting to just rip the bandaid off and address the very giant elephant in the room.
“Can you please reject me already? This is too embarrassing,” you bemoaned, trying to drown the prickly heat that climbed up your neck with orange juice. Jungkook’s fork paused on the way to his mouth, his eyes large and alert. He swallowed loudly, placed the fork back on his plate and then cleared his throat.
“I… I’m not gonna reject you,” he said softly, his tone so gentle it made you curl your hands into fists to brace yourself for the opposite. “I just… I still can’t believe you love me too…”
You always read about how time slows when you are having a stroke. But you were also meant to smell burnt toast and right now other than the smell of the delicious breakfast in front of you, there was nothing suspicious. Yet, your heart was racing, your palms were sweating and you could feel your legs quivering even when you were sitting down.
“Too?” you asked in disbelief and he nodded, smiling but infuriatingly quiet. Slamming your fist on the table, much to Jungkook’s amusement, you glared at him. “Please spell it out like I spelled it out for you,” you seethed.
“Yes, Trix. I love you. Ever since you walked into my dorm room two days after we met, pulled the plug on my PC, made me lose my ranked game and demanded I go outside and make new friends,” he teased with an eye roll.
“Are you fucking serious?”
“Yes. If you stayed last night instead of running back here and reenacting Doctor Sleep, we could’ve talked it out,” he grumbled, the smile still ever present. With a shake of his head, he stood up, making his way over to you and pulling you up from your seat. Eyes blinking and hands shaking, you looked up at him, your skin burning where it touched you – one hand on the small of your back and the other at the nape of your neck. His thumb caressed your jaw as his eyes traced over your face.
You felt light headed, your breaths too quick to catch, each nerve ending sparking relentlessly. You bit your lip in an anticipation that only made Jungkook move slower, leaning closer and closer till his nose was brushing against yours lightly. His lips barely touched yours and you were frozen, relishing his breath on your skin, fingers curling into the material of his shirt on his chest.
“Kiss me,” you requested, earning a giggle from your tease of a best friend.
“Okay,” he whispered, finally sealing your lips. It wasn’t the rough kiss of your fantasies, nor  gentle innocence of your daydreams. It was searing, tilting your world on its axis. It felt like he was breathing fire into you, yet your whole body was erupting into goosebumps. It felt like colours bursting in the wind.
It was life changing and you wanted more.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you stood on your toes to deepen the kiss and he easily acquiesced, his arms fitting perfectly around your waist. His lips moved against yours, the tip of his nose grazing ever so lightly against your cheek. When you moaned against him, too overwhelmed to see anything but stars, he picked you up and placed you on the table, easily fitting between your legs. With a hand on your neck, his thumb gently pulled at your chin till his tongue met yours, making you shiver so violently that he broke away with a laugh, his forehead resting on yours as he caught his breath.
“More,” you asked and his lips met yours once again. This was better than anything you could've ever imagined. You didn’t know how long you kissed, but all you knew was that you never wanted to stop. Especially when he nipped your lower lip in a way that sent a current zapping all the way down to your toes. And then his lips slowed until he was pecking at you, once, twice, three times, his hands cradling your jaw.
Dazed, all you could say was, “Are you going to fuck me on this table?” and Jungkook laughed, loud and boisterous, hugging you to his chest. And what a great chest it was.
“But don’t I need to go get a spreader bar and some bondage tape for that?” he asked with a grin, kissing your forehead, once, twice, three times.
“I mean… we could do that next time?”
“If you think after years of being in love with you, I’m going to let you have your first time on the kitchen table, you are sorely mistaken, Trix,” he replied, a finger coming up to boop your nose.
“Virginity is a social construct!” you protested, but Jungkook just shook his head, kissing away your complaints.
“You fell in love with a romantic, so let me romance you,” he whispered, hands tangled with yours, his words sending a warmth through you.
You never thought you would be someone who would enjoy being romanced. But when Jungkook drove you to the park for your first date with a picnic he had packed from his early morning grocery run, he proved you wrong. Sitting on the grass with Jungkook’s arm around you, you thought about all the books in your collection, and how with their endless words they still couldn’t capture the glow of your love fulfilled.
Perhaps reality was better than pretty hallucinations after all.
taglist -  @awhnamjoon​ @alpacaseoks @raplinesmoon @codeinebelle @aislinnstanaka @miscelunaaa @moonchild1 @shydestinyyouth @itsjaneeet @piecesofapril11 @yoontaethings @jeonyreads @pb-n-juju @everythingaboutfangirling
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plscallmeeren · 10 months
G I R L  O N
G I R L ?
Hermione J. Granger x Reader
Request: indeed
Summary: upon accidentally witnessing Cho and Ginny making out, you and your friend Hermione grow curious as to the concept of doing something with other girls and decide to experiment ;)
Warnings: swearing; scissoring; top!reader; bottom!Hermione; fingering (her receiving); loss of virginity ig
Word Count: 2.9K+
"Have you written your essay on bezoars yet?" you asked suddenly, disturbing the quiet library air.
"Yes. Now, don't tell me you want me to write one for you-"
"I'm not Ron," you interjected, slightly insulted. "I was just wondering which points you covered in order to write three feet on it."
"Oh. Sorry. I just- Ron's really getting to me, y'know. I mean, he always has, but couldn't he just- just- oh, I don't know."
You posture softened at the desperation in her voice. "Do you still like him?"
"No, no, none of that... if I'm being completely honest- Can I be completely honest? If there's anyone I can tell, it's you." You nodded. "He... I used to find him attractive, you know. Like, I thought about it and about- well, you know what, but now it just... he has no appeal and he's still a blithering idiot, so really, there's nothing left to like. Oh, does that make me awful?"
"No, love," you consoled immediately, "not at all. If it weren't for Harry, I'd say maybe you've just grown too far apart. C'mon, let's talk about this some more in the privacy of our room. I think I've still got some sweets from Honeydukes?" You smiled warmly and she gladly agreed.
The two of you laughed at the unfortunate victim of one of the twins' pranks who was sitting rather unhappily in the hallway, Hermione albeit a little ruefully.
"Oh! I forgot my textbook in the Transfiguration classroom, I almost forgot. Can we quickly-"
"Sure. It's just around the corner, anyway."
You lay an arm around her shoulders and she wrapped hers around your waist, the both of you ambling along in comfortable silence.
"Alright, I'll be just a second," she said, letting go of you and heading to the classroom.
"Yeah- 'Mione?" you questioned, a tad concerned. She stood with the door ajar, frozen in place, staring inside.
"What's wrong?" you asked again, but she didn't bother replying. A little on edge, you moved behind her, staring over her head to see what had captivated her.
Inside the classroom, Ginny Weasley pushed Cho Chang against a desk, a firm grasp on her ass as they welded their lips together in beautiful sync.
You weren't as shocked, perhaps, as Hermione, but your eyes went wide and you could hardly force your gaze off the two of them. Your lips parted involuntarily and you hardly noticed the way your friend's body was pressing flush against yours.
Ginny began trailing kisses down Cho's jaw, the latter moaning out her name as if god herself was doing this to her. She grasped the hem of the red-head's shirt and just as she was about to pull it over her head-
Hermione closed the door and locked it with a charm simple enough to beat with Alohamora.
She turned and only then did you realise how close you were, foreheads almost touching, hips pressed against each other. You quickly stepped back.
"W-What was that?" she asked shakily, gulping when we heard a carnal groan from the other side of the door and casting a quick silencing charm to their benefit, too.
"I'd say it was pretty clear what that was," you replied, unsure as to what she wanted to hear.
"Yes, but- but they're girls. Both of them." You could see her trembling, wondered why this bothered her so much.
"Well, yeah. I haven't really heard much about it, either, but I don't see why it's a bad thing."
"No- No, I'm not saying that. I think my second aunt Marie was a lesbian, or at least my mother thinks so, but they're so... so close to our age and- and-"
You cupped her face in your palms, looking her in the eye in an attempt to gift her some sort of comfort.
"It's okay. You don't have to feel that way or feel challenged by it or- alternatively, if that's what you're worried about, if you share that sentiment, you don't have to be ashamed of that, either."
"Right," she breathed, calming, but much to your confusion, her legs were still shaking. "Do you... Do you ever think about girls like that?"
The question caught you thoroughly off guard and you noticed with mild surprise that while you never thought of boys sexually, you had never really considered girls.
"I... I haven't, but..."
Before you could stop yourself, you began imagining things, and you almost slapped yourself when an erotic painting of Hermione, a naked mess of moaning limbs in your bed, came to mind.
"But what?" She stared at you inquiringly, and that image of her letting you fuck her only took on more detail.
"Well, I could imagine... some girls are pretty hot, I mean."
"Yes. Yes, that's true... Would you- Let's just go to our dorm."
You nodded hurriedly and you made your way to the Gryffindor common room, although this time keeping your hands to yourself, in a silence that was not so much unpleasant as thick.
Brown waves splayed across your pillows, her back arched and nipples perked-
Stop it.
Her toes curled, fingers grasping the bedsheet as she cries out for you, she needs you, she needs more-
Stop it!
Hermione, so vulnerable before you, core throbbing, clenching around your fingers, so wet the slick runs down her thighs-
You shook your head as if that would help. Hermione wasn't looking in your direction and you considered - just for a split second - whether the same thoughts were plaguing her mind. But surely not. Hermione wasn't like that. She wouldn't.
Eventually you arrived at your shared dorm (together with Lavender and Parvati). Much to your surprise, she whirled around, a look of studious determination on her face you knew all too well.
"Okay, I- I've thought about it. I think these things need to be tried out, you know? Just to see if they work."
"Oh, I think they work," you smirked, but she only glared. "Okay, fine. What are you suggesting? That we make out and see if we find it better than our experiences with boys?"
"Well, if you put it that way... Yes. I think it would be a beneficial experiment for both of us. You know - broadening our horizons. I wasn't particularly attracted to Viktor, necessarily, and you said your attempts at - you know what - sort of failed with Dean, so maybe..."
"Maybe we would be better off with another girl?"
"Girl on girl?" she affirmed, and the images of her flooded back.
"Yeah, okay, well- Do you want to prepare or...," you trailed off half-heartedly, fearing this might be awkwarder than necessary considering how you had worked up to it.
To underline one important thing; You couldn’t believe in the least what was happening. You were almost certain you were dreaming. And yet… her hot breath on your skin felt so life-like.
"No, now's probably best, Parvati and Lavender will probably be in Hogsmeade until this evening.
Deciding waiting wouldn't improve the atmosphere at all, you simply dove in.
Your lips crashed against hers and a moment later she reciprocated, her movements a little sloppy but otherwise pleasant. More than pleasant. Electricity seemed to be sparking between you, a force that drove you to push her back against the door to gain more friction.
With half a mind to just risk being caught, you pointed your wand at the door from the inside of your pocket and muttered colloportus and silencio.
Hermione’s hands clasped behind the nape of your neck, the kiss morphing to open-mouthed movements as she whimpered, your hands roaming the curves of her waist and finally grasping her ass.
You noticed as a dull sort of side-note that it all came naturally. Not once had your fingers ventured like this over the curves of a woman’s body, not once had you arched your back in just the right way to press your body flush against another female one, not any of it. But it came like second nature, just like a first kiss, where you formerly wonder if you’ll know how to even move properly.
“More,” Hermione whispered frantically, only urging you further to drag your lips along her jaw, hardly coming up for air.
“More what, sweetheart?”
She expressed a high-pitched moan that told you everything, but you needed to hear it.
“Use your big words for me, love,” you purred, and with a groan she managed ‘you’.
“I thought you only wanted to make out?”
“G-God, I need you. I’ve never felt like this before, I can barely stand- my legs- my legs-“ You sucked on the sweet spot below her collar bone that you could still reach without taking off her shirt.
“Hm… I think these’ll be getting in the way, then,” you nodded at her attire, and she sank along the door in need of rest, sitting on the floor with her legs spread wide before her.
“Do it for me, (y/n). Please,” she whimpered, and you couldn’t help but obey.
You slowly sunk to her height, crouching before her, starting by pulling off the tie loosely hanging around her neck (she only allowed such slack in herself on weekends) and then opening button after button on her shirt.
You continued to undo her slowly, her legs spreading wider and wider as if welcoming you in, raking her fingers over the carpet in an attempt to ground herself.
You finally pulled off her shirt and Hermione gasped as you ripped off her skirt in one swift motion. Her fingers grabbed at your hair instead and you could already feel the slight scratches on your scalp.
Her shoes and leggings were discarded carelessly and finally you could stare at her in nothing but her white lacy panties and a frilly white bra, not to mention the matching socks. If you hadn’t already known she was a virgin, you might have noticed at the sheer innocence of her arms covering her torso half-heartedly and the dark patch - ever-growing - in her white underwear.
“I-I’m not- I know I don’t look perfect, I… I don’t exercise much and I know my breasts are-“
You shushed her with a passionate kiss in which you hoped to share even a magnitude of how beautiful you found her. She moulded her lips against yours with just as much ferocious attraction.
“You wanna see me, too?” you asked quietly and she nodded immediately.
With hardly a second’s thought, hoping Hermione might be too hot and bothered to care how you looked or notice all the things you were insecure about, you pulled off your shirt, pants, shoes, and socks, finally leaving you in your underwear as well, although a tad more simple and certainly more black.
“You- You’re- You’re gorgeous,” she stuttered, eyes widened.
“Thank you, darling, but if I may continue,” you taunted, expertly undoing her bra (which, lucky for you, opened at the front) with your teeth, a skill you were most surprised you possessed, considering you had definitely done no such thing before.
“That’s, uh, that’s hot,” she murmured, panting slightly as you sucked on her left nipple, rolling the other in between your fingers. Your tongue traced a spiral around her nip and eventually you were massaging both of her tits as your mouth wandered further down, placing open-mouthed kisses and hickeys along her sides and abdomen.
“Oh, my God,” she whined, throwing her head back with closed eyes.
“It’s not God who’s doing this to you, love,” you teased, smiling into her as you finally reached her clothed pussy. The wet stain was dark and sweat beaded on every patch of skin, but you wouldn’t assume, you wouldn’t dare.
Stopping, your eyes flicked up to look at Hermione, the brunette needing a moment to realise why you had stopped.
“Please, I need you,” she groaned, and that was confirmation enough.
You ripped her panties clean in half in desperation, taking only two seconds to examine her pretty cunt and press your lips once to each inner thigh, diving two fingers into her without warning.
She moaned loudly, a sound so crazed and pleasurable you were glad only you could hear it. Then again, if Lavender and Parvati walked in on you both, they - and probably the rest of the school - would always know she was yours…
But she wasn’t yours.
This thought angered you more than anything could have in the foreseeable future, encouraging your fingers even more-so to pound into her at an ungodly speed. Her whines matched your pace, a girlish sound escaping her every time her back hit the wooden door.
“Am I fucking you good, ‘Mione? Better than Viktor could’ve?” You weren’t sure where the confidence came from or how you knew what words to choose to almost drive your friend over the edge, but the risk of her being put off by them vanished into thin air when her pathetic moans only grew louder.
“Much,” she squeaked between thrusts. You could feel her walls clenching around your fingers, climax ebbing just one more lick of your thumb over her clit away, all so close, so close, trembling, yelling your name, unspeakable sounds-
You pulled out of her and licked your lips. Slowly, taking your time as she stared at you in utter horror. Obviously, she was new to a little something called edging.
“Don’t look at me like that, baby,” you cooed, swiping up the last of her juices with your tongue. She was so wet it was pooling on the floor.
“You- You- How could you!? I’ve never came before and you just took-“
“C’m’ere,” you offered, standing and sitting down with open legs open on your bed. “I wanted to try something. This is supposed to be an experiment, right?”
She flushed so deeply red you considered calling it something else.
“If there’s one thing I did learn from Dean, it’s that an orgasm is always better if you’ve been denied one several times. Don’t worry, I won’t make it several times,” you promised, seeing the look on her face. “But, because we’re two females, which was the point of this whole exercise, I thought we should try doing something you can’t do with a dick.”
You took a moment to stare at her, let your hungry eyes roam as you licked your lips. There she lay, leaning against the door for support, legs spread incredibly wide, liquid spilling out of her, coating her inner thighs, cunt tensing around nothing, nipples perked, trembling, panting, hair a mess, a slight smudge of her mascara.
Almost how you had imagined it. Only better.
“What’s that?” she asked, with the same kind of intrigue she had when examining a bowtruckle.
“Well, we both have cunts-“
“(Y/n)! Don’t use that word!”
“Why not? It describes something so pretty,” you countered, nodding at her pussy, and she blushed anew.
“We could try… I don’t know, rubbing them together or something. It’s not like it can go wrong. If it doesn’t work, I’ll fuck you like that again and you can cum, I’m getting the hang of it, I think. Please. For the love of science?”
“We’re going to a magic school,” she teased, standing up shakily and making her way towards your bed.
“Well, that certainly felt like magic, hon’.”
She smiled shyly, letting herself down with one leg over yours on the red covers, watching closely as your sexes edged closer.
“Okay, just…”
The effect was immediate, and you weren’t prepared for feeling so good yourself.
Your gaze flicked back and forth between the squirming mess where your bodies connected, soaked to the brim, and this beautiful woman as naked as anything, jaw dropped in concentration and pleasure.
“F-Fuck,” she cried out, tensing yet again. On any other occasion you would have teased her for using a ‘bad word’, but now wasn’t the time.
Your stomach was doing somersaults. Your lungs burned with the effort of humping against her. Your legs had about as much idea of where they were as a bear in the Sahara desert.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum, ‘Mione,” you groaned, a guttural noise that had her throw her head back. No answer met your comment but high-pitched ‘ah’s strung an unstoppable melody from her mouth.
You were so close, she was tensing, so close, so close, so close-
You both came simultaneously, a mess of limbs as she climbed over you to slump on your body, flush against you. After what you had just seen the other do, there was no more shame. Yet, perhaps.
“Oh, God, that was so good,” she whined, almost bumping your abdomen at the mere thought.
You couldn’t find it in yourself to answer, simply pulling the blanket over the two of you to keep warm. Not that the hot flush would die down any time soon.
“So, uh,” she started unsurely, at once glad she was hidden under the covers, even if her knee was at your groin and your breasts were practically entangled. “Would you say we’re attracted to other girls?”
“Fuck, ‘Mione,” you cursed, feeling the need to fuck her all over again. “Yeah. I think it’s pretty clear we’re both very capable of being attracted to other girls.”
“I thought so.”
You pulled her even closer, relished in the smell of sweat and sex and her vanilla perfume.
I hope this is something like what you wanted :)
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