#☾★ adonis beloveds ★☽
adonisbeloveds · 10 days
Sagau!Genshin impact and Sagau!Hsr ganging up to take down Wuthering Waves because they are jelly that its taking all your attention meanwhile Sagau!Wuthering Waves knows they are now your hyperfixation.
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adonisbeloveds · 8 months
You did it! You came back! You actually came back! Don't EVER leave again please! you made them so worried :( Your...your using them? Your not just coming to do your dailys and logging off? oh! they are so so happy they could just pull you in and give you the biggest hug so you never leave again! Your back to your normal self! oh how they missed you using them to explore, farm, quest, everything! they missed your amazing face, your amazing voice, they missed you so much but your back! Please don't leave them again :(! they didn't mean to get angry! but why did you leave them for others? what was it called again? honkai star rail..? no matter what its called just don't do it again!
Your their creator! your their overseer! only theirs!
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adonisbeloveds · 6 months
You use them to farm for another character
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Neuvillette: Forcast says its gonna flood, don't get it wrong! he is honoured to be your first choice to farm with but...for someone else? Are you gonna show that person more love? will you forget about him? please don't fontaine won't survive if you do! scratch that all of teyvat won't survive. The only way you would know he is sad is forever rain in your game, you don't want your poor dragon to cry do you? Well go farm for him and not someone else you monster.
Wanderer: At first he was super excited that you chose him but when he found out it wasn't to farm for him he was devistated, where you going to abandon him like someone? Of course you won't! now apologise for scaring him. Bring him to your teapot, feed him the best food and care for him, its the least you can do after that! show him that you love him unlike someone. Don't worry he forgives you he could never stay mad at you!
Zhongli: The first few times he was jealous but when you kept using him he started to get silent pride and all doubts he had? washed away because he knew you would never stop using him, his sheilds are the best arn't they? Hes not one to brag because he already knows the others are jealous animals, he has the strongest sheild and a good damage burst, why would you even think twice to not use him?
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Yes there was raiden slander, and yes I am alive(•◡•) /
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adonisbeloveds · 5 months
Hello! I really enjoyed how you wrote the SAGAU Genshin characters reacting to reader using them to farm for other characters. It ended up giving me inspiration for a request.
I don't know when I started doing it, but it originally started out as a joke. At some point, I started to "Pray" to Barbatos whenever I went to do a ten pull. It was always something short and simple like "Lord Barbatos please bless my pulls." And for whatever reason it just sorta stuck.
So my request is, how would the archons (Or just the archons of your choice if that's too much) react to hearing the player "Pray" To them before pulling for a new character?
Thanks a bunch for your time! Hope you have a nice day
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Zhongli: When he first heard you pray to him he was both shocked and happy, shocked that you would pray to him of all archons but happy you did so at all, although he isn't an archon anymore he will try to bless all and every one of your pulls even though he will feel kinda jealous that your pulling for another archon. Even though he isn't an archon he will always be ready to bless your pulls whenever you ask him to <3
Venti: His pride would skyrocket and you already know hes bragging to the other archons that you chose him over them, hes not just some bard whos an archon anymore no no hes the archon that the creator prays to!
He will bless every and all your pulls, he needs to prove to you that you made the right choice! that you were right to pray to him! he will be salty that your pulling for another archon but he trusts you not to abandon him!...right? Him and zhongli are just little guys who feel the most amount of pride and happiness when you pray to them <3
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I don't write for females but I will give a sentance or two for them because its christmas and I feel bad for leaving this for to long <3 also these are all to be seen as platonic
Ei: Would be surprised but grateful that you trust her after what shes done i hate ei soo idk what to write here
Nahida: Would be glad and blessed all of your pull and might even give you a con or two ahem my wanderer c1 ahem
Furina: literally cried because you still see her as a archon and her dad neuvilette had to comfort her, she will bless all your pulls
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Sorry if its a little shit i feel the writers block coming but i still tried :D
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adonisbeloveds · 7 months
Sagau with a creator thats like me
.When the creator has a favourite everyone would know because they risk it and pull on the weapon banner just for their fav character <3 .The creator first hated furina but after the 4.2 quest furia turned into their child, they didn't pull though furina was seen crying the day she found out .Everyone knew the creator was upset when Navia started yelling at Neuvillette in the 4.1 quest, and knows they still hold a grudge to Navia ever sense Navia was dissapointed in herself and hoped one day they would forgive her .Its a well known thing that Neuvillette is the creators favourite, Xiao coming in at a close second and hes salty about it .The creator is a very sleepy person and usually is on the verge of sleeping at their desk, and as much as the characters love to see your sleeping face they can't help but worry that their creator isn't taking care of themself .They love your teapot, its very pretty and actually made with effort! that wasn't me flexing shhh .You genuinely care for them and feel slightly bad when they die and they can't help but love you more for that
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The ending just turned into random thoughts...
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adonisbeloveds · 7 months
The creator changing the time of day every second just so they can take the perfect photo of their favourite character while everyone else is just like "This is normal" while silently being jelly of favourite character
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adonisbeloveds · 1 year
Child y/n wanting attention from Wally: Wally: So you think you can just tilt your head like that and its going to convince me to give you whatever you want? Wally: Well your absolutely right, what do you want? do you want treats? do you want my soul? do you want my undying loyalty? i'll give you anything.
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adonisbeloveds · 11 months
Hmm, how about a genshin story with a child god of Teyvat? I honestly can't think of any character(s) who should be in there, so I think I'll let you decide. I really like your writing, so I can't be disappointed. 👁👁
Genshin Characters with a child god of Teyvat
-Reader: They/them + no gender implied -They/them for Traveler -He/him for Dottore -They/it for Albedo -He/it/they for Baizhu
Requested: No/Yes
Warnings: None Disclamer: Characters personality, looks, ect may be different from canon due to either hc or author has just forgotten.
A/N: I am so happy that you like my writing! This one is also a pretty long one but I hope you like it! I picked some of my fav characters for this and had a lot of fun writing for them :D
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-⚔️ The Traveler and Paimon were just wandering around sumeru when they got called to meet up with Nahida. When they both made it to nahida they saw her talking to a child who looked like they were half listening and half paying attention to they toys they were playing with. -⚔️ After Paimon made their presents known Nahida walked towards them and started explaining why they were here, she explained that the god of teyvat was here and asked if they could protect and care for them after explaining that the child was the god of teyvat and being such a young child they are defensless and even though she is sure no one would hurt them people cough the fatui cough might try to take them. -⚔️ The Traveler agreed straight away and went to talk to you, after some talking with each other the Traveler picked you up as you three said goodbye to Nahida and made your way to the place the Traveler and Paimon were staying for the meantime. -⚔️ Paimon loved playing with you and your toys, you were just so cute and calming to be around, you two also ate lots of food together. You guys were almost like siblings and the Traveler was like your parent!
"Okay you two, we will be going to the market to get some things okay? go get your shoes on little light and wait near the door okay?" you nodded and ran to go put your shoes on. After a little while of you rocking back and forth the Traveler and Paimon came to the door and you three went off. The traveler was looking at different stalls when they heard the sound of you screaming, they looked over to see a fatui agent trying to drag you away from the market, as soon as they were about to run over the whole ground shook and Paimon held onto the Traveler, they looked over to see you were sitting down and crying with the fatui agent no were to bee seen, not even thinking twice the Traveler ran over and scooped you up in their arms and started comforting you. After they were finished and your crying turned into small sniffles they laughed softly "thats a new one huh? thats the perks of being the god of teyvat I guess"
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-🧪 When all the fatui got called by the Tsaritsa they weren't expecting to be told that the god of teyvat was found and one of them are going to take care of them. -🧪 Thats when Dottore found out that he was going to take care of the god, the god thats a child at that and I mean even he was confused that they were trusting him with a child but yet again he would never think of hurting you. -🧪 He picked you up after bowing to the Tsaritsa and left to his office, contacting pantalone to get you some toys, coloring books and everything else you wanted. -🧪 He never did experiments while you were in the room and always called Pantalone to take you out whenever he was going to do experiments.
"Dot! Dot! look what I drew! its us and Mr Pantalone!" you squealed as you ran into his office and showing him your drawing, he smiled and patted you on the head as you giggled softly "that looks amazing my little god, have you shown Mr Pantalone?" he asked pausing his report on his new experiment and turning his attention to you, you shook your head "well you should go show him huh?" you gasped and quickly nodded running out of his office and making your way to pantalones office. It has been a few hours scence you came and showed Dottore your drawing and he was just thinking you were deciding to spend time with Pantalone when he heard screaming that sounded like your voice, quickly he stood up from his desk and was about to run to the door when it slammed open to show 2 new fatui agents holding you. Dottore marched over with a dark auror around him and commanded them to drop you, after they did you quickly got up and ran to him hugging his leg and crying into his pants, he picked you up and softly comforted you while usally he wouldn't show this side infront of fatui agents these ones wouldn't last long enough to step out of the room. After you calmed down and fell asleep in his arms he called Pantalone and he took you from Dottore, meanwhile the two new agents knew that they messed up big time and that this would be the last time they ever got to live. No one hurts you and gets away with it while your in Dottores care.
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-🎨 Albedo was looking at different papers when Klee ran into the house dragging another kid with her, she started rambling but they were able to make out the important parts such as you being the god of teyvat and that Amber found you when she was out and brought you too the favonius knights and that Klee took you. -🎨 Albedo smiled softly and crouched down infront of you and asked if you were okay staying with it and Klee, you nodded and hugged him. -🎨 Albedo soon informed the knights that they would be taking care of you and that you will be staying at their house. While it was telling the knights that Klee decided to show you her bombs! -🎨 You mostly stayed inside the house helping Albedo with paper work and cooking, when your not in the house your running around with Klee and blowing fish up and covering Klee up so she doesn't get introuble!
Albedo tried not to laugh and only let out small snickers at seeing you on your tippy toes trying to see over the tall desk to see what it was drawing, after enough of your suffering you pouted and turned around looking up at Albedo with puppy eyes and grabby hands, shaking his head while smiling he picked you up and placed you on his lap and you looked with sparkles in your eyes at the drawing they did. They got you some paper and crayons and you started your own art with your tongue slightly poked out showing your concentration. A couple hours later you you were finished and lifted it up to show albedo "look! look!" you squealed while showing your finished drawing of it, Klee and you as a family! Albedo smiled softly and picked you up making its way to the kitchen "that's amazing my little artist! why don't you hang it on the fridge and grab some stuff for dinner?" you nodded and slid out of their grip, running over to the fridge and hanging the drawing up. After Klee got home you all cooked dinner together like the small found family you were!
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-🐍 It was like what happened with Klee and Albedo, Baizhu was looking around for his medicine when he heard Qiqi's voice calling out for them, when he turned around to greet Qiqi it saw that she had another child that looked like the god of teyvat. -🐍 After Changsheng confirmed that you were the god it took it upon themself to look after you and Qiqi, Changsheng didn't want another child running around but she could let it pass just for you. -🐍 You helped Baizhu out by getting different ingredients for medicine, putting cold towels on paitents heads, keeping Hu toa away from Qiqi whenever she tried to steal Qiqi, you were just a helpful little assistant! -🐍 Qiqi also loved having a sibling around to keep her company and to keep the Hu toa lady away from her, she once intruduced you to coco goat milk and you loved it!
"Itss been quiet for a while hassn't it Baizhu?" Changsheng said while watching Baizhu write down a letter to a paitents family telling them that the paitent was okay and healthy "mm, it has been quiet hasn't it? I'll go check on the kids" they got up and left the room, slowly shutting the door behind him so it doesn't wake the person up and making his way to the place they sent you and Qiqi to collect some glaze lilies. When Baizhu made it they didn't see you two at first glance but after looking around it saw you and Qiqi making little flower crowns out of the glaze lilies, smiling they made their way towards you too and sat down "what happened to collecting glaze lilies you two?" he asked with a smirk on its face, you just smiled and started giggling "but we made flower crowns for you and Changsheng!" you got up and plopped a flower crown on his head and a smaller one on Changshengs head. You squealed and started laughing when Baizhu grabbed you and started tickling your sides "this is payback for making me worried little assistant!" you couldn't stop laughing as you fell into Baizhus lap, Qiqi running over and plopping into their lap too.
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adonisbeloveds · 11 months
RF Wally trying to steal child y/n: OG Wally: What. The. Fuck? Opposite Wally: What are you doing with MY kid OG Wally: Sorry, WHOS KID?
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adonisbeloveds · 1 year
Wally: Just SHUT UP! Wally: I'm going to kill the next person I fucking see I swear to goddd Child y/n: Hello! hi! i'm so happy to see you! Home and barnaby dying from laughter: Wally: Hey omg.....! omg whats going on *picks you up* Child y/n: Wow! i’m so happy to see you!
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adonisbeloveds · 9 months
have a request if you don't mind, so I was thinking platonic yandere rainbow factory Wally with a reader who's his assistant and they basically just try to keep their head down and do their work avoiding having any conversation with him when they can due to them being afraid of him
Yandere RF Wally with assistant reader
-Reader: They/them + no gender implied -He/him for RF Wally
Requested: No/Yes
Warnings: Slight stalking? Disclamer: Characters personality, looks, ect may be different from canon due to either hc or author has just forgotten.
A/N: I AM SO SO SO SORRY I TOOK SO LONG (╥﹏╥) I have the worst writers block ever ❤(っ^▿^)I hope you like it tho!
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-🌈When Wally first met you, he didn't think much of you except that you where his assistant, at first he just thought that you where shy and intoverted but than he started to notice how you strangely talked to others just fine. -🌈Wally started to notice every little thing you did with others and not him, the way you actually talked to others and not just nod and leave, the way you laughed when others talked, the way you smiled at others, he watched all of it and it slowly started to annoy him. -🌈After noticing all of the little things he tried to talk with you more but you always seemed to push him away when it wasn't work related, that was what started to annoy him more, he's trying his best to make you comfortable with him! but why won't you accept it?
You always dreaded going to Wallys office, you don't know why but you always got bad vibes from him therefore you trying to keep your distance from him.
You knocked on the door before opening it and walking in, keeping your head slightly slanted, enough to be able to see where you where going but still not being able to look at his eyes, but even then you could feel his eyes staring at your every movement. Quickly placing the papers on his desk you nodded in respect before making your way to the door.
You didn't want to, by gods you didn't want to but he was your boss and it was work hours, you turned around and waited for him to talk "why do you treat me so different? You don't even look at me, at first I thought you where shy but you act so different infront of others than me, why?" every bone in your body told you to run, but you knew you couldn't even if you tried.
You knew what he was capable of, thats why he owns this business.
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adonisbeloveds · 1 year
Wally Darling with a child reader
-Reader: no pronouns used + no gender implied -He/him for Wally
Requested: No/Yes
Warnings: None Disclamer: Characters personality, looks, ect may be different from canon due to either hc or author has just forgotten.
A/N: I don't know much about Wally but I tried my hardest. Also i wrote this at night so it will most likely be bad or not like wally so rip.
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-🍎 When you first came to the neighbourhood Wally was confused on how and why a child ended up in the neighbourhood alone, he was confused and mad, I mean who would leave their child alone in a random neighbourhood? -🍎 As soon as he picked you up you latched onto him like a Koala, he smiled and started to make his way back to home as you played with his neck tie scarf, every time you would try and play with his hair though he would softly grab your hand and direct your attention back to his scarf. -🍎 Wally made it back to home with you safely snug in his arms, home made a confused face at the child in his arms but after he explained what happened home opened the door and Wally walked in, closing the door silently as to not wake you up and went to place you onto his bed. After some time you slowly woke up and yawned, alerting both Wally and home, you looked around confused than you saw Wally and you squealed with delight while making grabbing hands towards him.
"and this is home!" Wally said pointing to home, your eyes lit up as you looked at home "ome! ome!" you squealed while waving at home, home waved one of its shutters, happy to see a new face in town. Wally and you went back inside and he made a bee line to his painting area, sitting down and placing you on his lap he started painting while taking small glances at you every now and then. At some point you slipped off his lap and started wobbling around his paints, Wally paused his painting and grabbed some crayons and paper handing them to you, patting you on the head and going back to his painting. When Wally was done with his painting he felt a tug on his pants, he looked down to see you smiling and showing your picture of him and you together, Wally smiled brightly and picked you up showing you the painting he made, your eyes sparkled and you squealed and squirmed with excitement. After a long day of painting, eating, drawing, Wally got you cleaned and changed into something comfy for bed, you both waved home good night and home creaked good night back. You both got snugged into bed with you lightly gripping onto Wallys shirt like a plushie.
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adonisbeloveds · 1 year
Zhongli with a child reader
-Reader: They/them + no gender implied -They/them used for Traveler -He/him for Zhongli -They/he for Xiao
Requested: No/Yes
Warnings: None Disclamer: Characters personality, looks, ect may be different from canon due to either hc or author has just forgotten.
A/N: So i forgot where Zhongli lives so i just said "home", anyway i hope you like it, i made it at like 12am in the morning so ya.
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-♥ Zhongli was walking around the streets when he felt something tug at his pants, when he looked down he saw a small child around the age of 3-4 looking up at him with sparkles in their eyes, Zhongli smiled softly and knelt down to the childs height "hello little dragon, aren't you meant to be with Xiao?" He asked picking you up and hoisting you onto his hip. You reached up and tugged his hair while muttering "da" as he walked to Iron Tongue Tian stall. -♥ When you both got there he sat down on the chair and placed you in his lap than lended his hand to you so you could fiddle with it. As time went on and he sipped his tea while you where taking small bites of food and tracing Zhonglis hand when he remembered why your here in the first place, "didn't you run from Xiao little dragon?" he calmly said placing the cup down and looking at you, you paused your tracing and grinned up at him while he softly chuckled and went back to listening to the story.
"Zhongli!" Zhongli looked behind him after hearing his name be called by a certain Traveler with a floating child "Ah Traveler, come take a seat" he gestured to the seat next to him. When the two sat down (Paimon floating next to the Traveler) thats when they saw you sitting on Zhonglis lap and tracing his hand not looking at the two of them at all "Zhongli, whos the kid?" Traveler asked, Zhongli looked down at you than back at them "ah, this is [Name], my child" he smiled and patted you on the head with his unoccupied hand as you softly squealed with happiness "CHILD?!" After explaining that he adopted you after finding you on the streets the atmosphere changed slightly cold "ah, it seems they found you huh?" Zhongli spoke as Xiao apearded next to him and the Traveler, you looked up and gasped when you saw your big brother and made grabby hands while squealing "up up up!", Xiao silently sighed in relief and took you from Zhongli as you hugged him tightly "don't ever do that again okay? you worried me" they said the last part very quietly so you where you only one who heard it. It was starting to get late so the Traveler and Paimon bid farewell and started walking back to where they where going to stay, Zhongli looked down with soft eyes upon seeing Xiao and you playing together "well its been a long day so how about we get back home" Xiao looked up at him and nodded as you yawned and rested your head sideways on Xiaos shoulder as they both started walking back home.
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adonisbeloveds · 1 year
Doll!Wally darling with child reader
-Reader: no pronouns used + no gender implied -He/him for Wally
Requested: No/Yes
Warnings: Some angst at the end. Disclamer: Characters personality, looks, ect may be different from canon due to either hc or author has just forgotten.
A/N: Help....I am running out of things on my writing to do list so if you have any request please gimmie them :D! /nf. Also! the idea of Doll!Wally was from @tiredly101 please go check them out bc they make amazing Wally Darling/Welcome Home stuff!
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-🍎 Seeing a box infront of your house that was adressed to you was not the first thing you thought you would be seeing after you got off the bus, shrugging it off and going inside to ask your caregiver to bring it inside and up to your room. -🍎 After thanking your caregiver and closing the door you carefully started to take the tape off, half confused and half excited to see what was in the box. After opening the box you had sparkles in your eyes and quickly took the doll of Wally Darling from Welcome Home aka your favourite show ever! -🍎 You quickly ran downstairs hugging Wally tightly as you made your way to your caregiver to thank them for the Wally doll! there was just a small problem, they didn't buy you the doll...but who where they to tell you that? besides it could have been one of their friends who mailed it to you! -🍎 Wally was very happy that you liked him! you always carried him everywhere, the kitchen whenever you wanted a snack, the living room when you where watching his show, your room when you would hug him to sleep, the only place you didn't take him was the bathroom which he was thankful and understanding of. Wally was sitting on your bed and looking around your room while waiting for you to come home from school so you two can go watch his show together when he heard the front door open and you walking upstairs, he was so happy but than you walked into the room with tears in your eyes as you took your bag off and made a bee line to grab his doll and flop face first into your bed. To say that Wally was furious was a massive understatement, who the hell hurt you? why were you crying? were you hurt anywhere? he swears if you were hurt- "they were being so mean Wally!" you softly sobbed as you hugged him tightly, "[Name] was being such a meanie Wally..." so now he knows the name of who hurt his child. After some time of you telling Wally what happened you remembered that Welcome Home was going to start playing soon so you quickly got up from bed and ran downstairs giggling the whole time ready to see your favourite show! Wally was also very happy that you where back to your giggling self and that the cause of it was his show.
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adonisbeloveds · 7 months
SB animatronics as house pets
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Gl Freddy: big doggo .Would follow you everywhere, your making food? he's at your feet, your watching tv? he's in your lap, your home from work? he's at your door, the most loyalist and goodest boi ever .Best cuddle buddy ever, if your sad or just needs some cuddles call him and he will be there faster than light, he just doesn't want you sad :( .Hungry little guy, he needs all the food you have in your house, give it all to him you can't say no to his face can you?
Monty: protective doggo .You have to take him everywhere, you don't have a choice because the moment you say your leaving he's already waiting at the door .Likes to be dressed up in glasses and those dog pants, also loves the water so have fun trying to dry him off after a bath :D! .WILL jump ontop of you if your laying down it doesn't matter where you are laying because next thing you know he's ontop of you and isn't thinking of getting off until you force him off .If someone is looking at you, even a glace you know this boy is going full feral mode, barking, growling, chasing, scratching you name it and don't even get started if its another animal..
Sundrop: clingy cat .They are on you 24/7 no matter what your doing, its best to work from home or you will come back to a smol sad kitty D: .It doesn't really care about anything apart from sticking to you and random things, oh also play with them every once and a while! They are a very hyper kitty y'know~ .Please don't get mad at it if they accidentally break something! They were just playing and knocked it over! You won't yell at it right? :(
Moondrop: Your classic cat .The most agressive yet attention wanting cat ever, they would knock something over just because it knows you will look at them, and if you don't? it will follow you everywhere while meowing and maybe scratch you if it gets fed up .Loves cuddles, only is ever calm when theres cuddles and sleep, will lay down on you to force you asleep and if you struggle with not being able to sleep? let the purring commense! .Gets jealous very easily, what do you mean you where petting another cat? they thought they were your only cat >:( maybe your furniture needs some scratches to teach you better
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Don't ask where this came from, I don't know either(◑_◑)
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adonisbeloveds · 9 months
Hello. I'm sorry if this is sudden but I was wondering if you took story requests and if you do, could you make a platonic Dan heng IL story with the reader being the child of his previous incarnation and with the reader still being quite young and Jing Yuan is the one to tell Dan Heng about them even though he's only met them a couple and doesn't know them personally, but Jing Yuan felt like Dan Heng had the right to know about the reader especially after the reader had an encounter with Blade. (If this is too much or if you don't do requests that's completely understandable and I wish you a good day/afternoon and or night😊)
"Dan heng has a child?!"
-Reader: They/them + no gender implied -He/it for Dan Heng -He/him for Jing Yuan
Requested: No/Yes
Warnings: None Disclamer: Characters personality, looks, ect may be different from canon due to either hc or author has just forgotten.
A/N: I hope this is what you meant by the reader being the child of his previous incarnation (╥﹏╥) oh and also! one thank you guys for 100+ followers! and two im wondering if you guys would prefer the names being colored, bold or just plain normal!
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Dan Heng quickly made his way to Jing Yuans office after getting news that you were there. It slammed the doors of the office open and looked around but didn't see you anywhere, he than heard Jing Yuans voice.
"Don't worry they are hanging out with Yanqing, firstly I would like to talk with you about the situation" the general smiled and motioned for him to sit, after they both sat down Jing Yuan started explaining what happened.
"We came at the right time as they where fighting Blade, luckily they only had a few cut wounds but nothing to serious" Dan Heng already had a suspicion as to why Blade attacked you because although he doesn't have any conflict with you, you are from Dan Heng so killing you would help him. Dan Heng shook the thoughts away when the doors of the office opened and you walked in not noticing him until you looked up and saw both of them looking at you.
You froze when you saw Dan Heng and you could have swore it looked familiar to a certain person, you cleared your throat and spoke "um mr Jing Yuan, who is this?" you asked looking back and forth between the two, your right ear flickered slightly as Jing Yuan laughed and patted you on the head "this is Imbibitor Lunae, or Dan Heng" your ears widened and your tail curled around your leg "oh!...oh...um hello" Dan Heng softened its face and smiled "hello little dragon" you groaned and rolled your eyes but had a slight smile on your face "even after all this time you still use that nickname on me? i'm not a kid anymore!" you two laughed as Jing Yuan observed with a soft smile.
"You have a child?!"
"Yes March...yes Caelus.."
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