#'okay I'll cool down and start side order!'
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try again?
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cherryredcheol · 2 months
just one secret
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tldr: you know what they say about assuming... a/n: reader is referred to as she/her/wife. this is as angsty as i'll ever be (and this isn't angst)
“okay, just make sure she doesn’t find out. i don’t want her to know.”
you stopped dead in your tracks. you weren’t trying to spy on mingyu and his phone conversation, honest. you had just woken up from a very peaceful nap and the plan was to go beg mingyu to cook for you, or at least pay for take-out. your blood ran cold hearing mingyu on the phone in the living room. you didn’t keep secrets from each other. or at least you didn’t keep secrets from him. you were under the impression it went both ways but suddenly you’re not sure. 
you knew you were jumping to conclusions. you’re not even sure what he was talking about. who he was talking about. it could be any other woman in his life, his sister or his mom. but how were you not supposed to spiral when you hear him whispering on the phone to god knows who about secrets? your stomach twisted uncomfortably. what were you going to-
“angel? you up? are you hungry?” mingyu was calling to you from the living room. he must’ve heard you down the hall. before you could even figure out what your next steps were going to be, he appeared in the doorway, backlit from the sunny windows, and you almost melted seeing him smile at you. but then that little voice in the back of your head reminded you mingyu was keeping secrets. 
“who were you on the phone with?” you had to play it cool, not wanting to alert him of your suspicion. you didn’t want to accuse him of something that was nothing. the best course of action here was to let him tell you. ask a few leading questions and let him fill in the blanks. if it really was nothing, he’d tell you. 
mingyu started walking towards you, holding his arms out for you. “it was no one, angel. are you hungry? i can cook or we can get take-out. what sounds good?” he had reached you at this point, wrapped you up in his arms where you stood stiff as a board. 
your thoughts were racing. why didn’t he tell you who was on the phone? what was going on? why was mingyu keeping secrets?
“angel?” he peered down at you, clearly waiting for your answer. 
you shook your head, clearing your thoughts, “i’ll eat whatever, gyu. i’m not picky.” you pulled yourself out of his arms, suddenly feeling suffocated by his embrace for the first time since you met him. “i’m going to shower real quick while we wait for dinner. okay?” 
you didn’t even wait for his reply before you abruptly turned and went back into the bedroom you had just come from. 
in the safety of the ensuite bathroom, you stripped and let your thoughts run wild as the shower warmed up. what was going on? things with mingyu had been so good for the last 3 years. you two were so in love, his members often complained about spending time with the two of you, citing nausea at the sight of mingyu’s lovesick eyes boring into yours. 
you jumped when you heard a knock at the door. 
“angel? can i come in?” you could hear the confusion in his voice. probably wondering why you had suddenly decided on a shower and not engaging in your usual bicker over what to eat for dinner. you two would go back and forth but mingyu always gave in to you, paying for your favorite take-out spot or cooking whatever you requested. 
you didn’t want to alert him to your strange behavior, still not sure exactly what was going on, “yeah, come in.” 
the door cracked open and he peeked his head in the steamy room, eyes searching yours for signs of what was wrong. he could sense it, of course he could. 
he entered the room fully now, not reaching out to you, but fingers twitching at his sides begging to touch all your exposed skin. he stayed respectful though, eyes never leaving yours. “um, i ordered your favorite sushi. hope that’s okay.” 
things were awkward, tense. “yeah. thanks.” 
mingyu sighed, “angel, are you okay? things were okay before you took your nap. did something happen? can i fix it for you?” he was desperate for answers, hating this distance between you two suddenly. he’s not even sure what was going on, he just knew you were not okay. 
you looked away from him, “yeah. i’m okay. just have a bit of a headache. i’m hoping this shower will help. thanks for ordering dinner gyu, i’ll be out soon.” you effectively ended the conversation, hoping he’d get the hint and leave. 
he did.  “okay, angel. love you,” he gave you one last lingering look before closing the door behind him. 
you did everything you could to drag the shower out for as long as possible but you knew you were being a bit ridiculous. mingyu didn’t deserve the cold shoulder and you’re not even sure if he did anything beyond having a suspicious phone call. pulling one of his shirts on over your head, you decided it was time to face him. if you stewed in your thoughts any longer you were actually going to go crazy.
the first thing you noticed walking out of the bedroom was the darkness of the apartment. all the lights were off and the sun had set while you were in the shower. had he left? 
that one little word pulled you out of your spiral. he hadn’t left, just turned off all the lights? you were confused, wandering down the hall pausing in the doorway to the living room, yep, lights off in there too. as you reached the kitchen you saw mingyu hunched over the kitchen table, trying and failing to light a candle in the middle of the table. one of many candles he had lit, you realized as you looked around the room. there were little candles all over the room, a soft glow illuminating the dark space. you could see that the sushi had arrived and mingyu set the table, making for a much fancier take-out night than you usually had. 
“hey,” you called from the doorway, softly to not scare the big, clumsy man holding a lighter above your dinner. 
he jumped anyway, spinning around to see you. he was apprehensive, nervous energy pouring off of both of you as you eyed each other. neither of you wanted to upset the other, doing this delicate waltz around each other's feelings. 
he smiled despite himself, “hey angel. feeling better?”
“what is all this?” you ignored his question, very confused as to what was going on. 
his hand went to the back of his neck, suddenly feeling embarrassed about all the effort he went to, “well, you said you had a headache so i thought you might like softer lighting in the apartment so your eyes wouldn’t hurt from the overheads.” 
you made him jump a second time when you burst into tears. mingyu stood there looking at you holding your face in your hands, sobs wracking your body, frozen for only a second before he jumped into action, crossing the room in long strides and holding you to his chest. you kept crying, the wet spot on his shirt growing larger and larger.
when your sobs turned to sniffles, he loosened his grip on you. pulling back only enough to look at your face. 
“what is going on, angel? please tell me so i can help.” he was pleading with you, begging even. it hurt him to see you upset like this, especially because he didn’t know what was causing it. 
you couldn’t look into his eyes, instead, you stared at his feet, clad in soft socks, one on either side of yours, caging you in. “why would you do all this for me when you’re keeping secrets?” you sniffled, tears pooling at your lash line, threatening to spill again. 
mingyu blinked, confused, “what are you talking about? what secrets, angel?”
you still couldn’t look at him, “i heard you on the phone earlier. you said, ‘make sure she doesn’t find out.’ what did that mean? and when i asked you who it was you said it was no one. are you keeping secrets from me, gyu?” you felt so small in that moment. all the air around you still as you waited for his answer. 
“angel,” he cooed at you. grabbing your chin and bringing your eyes up to meet his. “you heard me on the phone? that’s what you’ve been upset about this whole time? i didn’t even know you heard that.” 
“you still have not answered my question, mingyu.” 
he winced hearing you use his full name, “angel, i promise you i am not keeping secrets. well, just one. but i was going to tell you soon! it just wasn’t the right time.” 
you tried to back out of his grip but his arms tightened around you, keeping you against him. “we promised not to keep secrets.” 
he laughed, “i can’t exactly tell you about my plan to propose, can i?” 
you went rigid, “you better not be fucking kidding, kim mingyu.” 
“i’m not fucking kidding, angel. that was wonwoo on the phone earlier. he’s been keeping the ring hidden at his place for months. he’s dropping it off tomorrow and we had to coordinate when he could swing by because i didn’t want you to be here. didn’t want to ruin the surprise. guess that doesn’t matter anymore,” he laughed, squeezing you even tighter to him. 
you suddenly felt very stupid. and so guilty. how could you wreck his surprise like this? you felt like crying, “i’m so sorry gyu. i shouldn’t have assumed and now i’ve ruined the whole thing.” 
he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, “angel, you ruined nothing. you should’ve just asked me in the first place, though. could’ve saved yourself all this heartache.” 
belly full of sushi, comfort show playing on the tv, mingyu by your side, you have never felt more content. you loved this man so much and you couldn’t wait to be his wife. 
“wait, are you proposing tomorrow?” 
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teashellscape · 2 months
Harvey x reader: massages (minors dni)
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Pairing: sdv Harvey x reader
Synopsis: after a rough, long day on the farm Harvey decides he wants to give you a nice massage with a happy ending.
Warnings: 18+ (MINORS DNI), smut, fluffy smut, reader described as having a vagina, massage with a happy ending, oral (reader receiving), toys being used (reader receiving).
Word count: 2.37k
You trudge your way back into the farmhouse, body burning and aching all over; it was always a long day when you had to move heavy stuff about the farm, despite how much you love your work, you always hated those days. Especially when those days occurred mid summer. You walk in and spot your husband over in the kitchen drinking a glass of wine and you slump down on one of the armchairs in the room. You close your eyes and lean your head back before hearing Harvey's footsteps come closer, he places his hands on your shoulders and gives them a nice firm squeeze. "You look like you could use a good massage tonight." He says lowly and gives you a kiss on the head.
"Mmm that would be nice." You look up at him with a small smile and he leans down and plants a kiss on your lips.
"Okay, go upstairs and lay down, I'll be up in a minute." He says giving you one more kiss before you stand up and make your way over to the stairs. "Do you want a glass of wine honey?" He calls over.
"Oo yes please!" Once you get into your shared bedroom you sit on the bed and begin stripping off leaving on just your panties, you can't be bothered to put anything away neatly so just throw your clothes across the room into a pile, you then proceed to lay on your stomach with your head being cradled by your arms. Your body exposed to the elements, there's a slight chill in the air giving you small goosebumps. It's a great feeling after being in the sweltering heat all day. You hear Harvey's footsteps coming up the stairs and smile to yourself. He enters the room and you turn around and sit up grabbing your glass of wine from him and taking a nice long sip as he lights a couple of candles.
"Lucky for you, that new massage oil that I ordered arrived today. It's lavender scented." He smiles placing the small bottle on the bed next to you. He plants a kiss on your lips and takes your wineglass, placing it on one of the coasters on your bedside table. You take this as your queue to lay back down. You roll over onto your front and Harvey starts straddling you, you feel the cool oil drip onto your skin and flinch slightly. Harvey chuckles and begin to rub slow, heavy circles on your back making you immediately relax and begin to loosen up.
"Oh wow, god I love it when you give me massages, you have such incredible hands." You moan out feeling all your shoulder muscles contracting and relaxing.
Harvey chuckles and you can practically see that wide smile without even looking behind you. “Well I am a doctor, I should hope I’m good with my hands.” You chuckle to yourself and start to relax even more under the man’s god like hands. “Okay, you want to sit up darling? I can give you a nice shoulder massage them.” He stops what he’s doing and climbs off of you allowing you to sit up. You once again feel that nice, cold oil drip onto your shoulders and Harvey’s firm hands begin to rub. Harvey starts to get closer to you, so close you start to feel his warm breath against the back of your neck. You could feel the goosebumps popping up one by one on your skin and heat begin to pool in your panties. “Mm you have such smooth skin honey, you know that?”
“I do now.” You moan out, chuckling slightly. Harvey keeps getting closer and you can feel his brown curly hair tickling the side of your head. His head turns and you can feel his teeth graze your ear, he slowly moves down and leaves light pecks on your neck. “I love you Harvey.” You whisper to him, placing your hand on top of his on your shoulder. You turn around to face him and he leaves a soft kiss on your lips.
He stays nose to nose with you, “I love you too darling.” He kisses you again with those soft lips. You put your arms around his neck deepening the kiss, every now and then feeling his teeth graze lightly against your lips, slowly without breaking the kiss you both fall backwards onto the bed, Harvey caging your head between his arms. You slip your hands under his shirt, moving them up and down his back slowly, not wanting to miss one bit of his soft skin. You both pull away and take a deep breath, both of you panting slightly. Harvey moves to your neck while he waits for you to catch your breath, licking, sucking and kissing lightly up and down. One of your hands leaves from under his shirt moving upwards to start playing with his soft curls. He leans up and kisses you on the nose making you giggle and him smile before diving back into a deep kiss.
You begin to unbutton his shirt and rub your hands up and down his chest and stomach before wrapping your arms back around his neck. He pulls away quickly to discard of his shirt before giving you a peck on the lips, then your jaw, then neck, collarbone, both your breasts, and starts to leave multiple kisses on your stomach, all while massaging your thighs with his big hands. The deep massage makes you begin to moan again quietly making Harvey smile against your abdomen,. He continues to leave kisses on your soft stomach and nipping at the sensitive parts, while his hand moves up from your thigh to your little bundle of nerves, he starts rubbing slow circles through the fabric of your panties making you mewl and move your hand back to his head tangling in his curls.
Harvey stops kissing your stomach and is smiling against your skin, his eyes looking up focused completely on you. “Do you want me to keep moving down darling?” He says in a low slightly gruffer voice than usual which makes your legs begin to tingle. You can only nod in agreement, his hand already making quick work on you. His finger starts to slowly trace circles around your entrance making you clench, begging for some friction down there. He plants a light kiss on your vagina over your panties and hooks his fingers round them slipping down your legs; slowly he slips his middle finger in and starts to curl it upwards in slow gentle motions, making you whine out. And then his tongue begins to work, lapping up your juices making slow circles on your clit, he sometimes stops and moves in closer to suck on it and lets out moans to add vibrations sending you crazy under his touch.
“Oh fuck Harvey, feels so good-“ you moan out, your legs wrapping around his head and your hand making a tighter grip in his hair. The doctor slowly inserts a second finger, quickening the pace of the curling motion while adding thrusting to the mix, you close your eyes in absolute bliss feeling your heart pounding out of your chest. Harvey pulls away for a second causing you to tangle your hand more in his hair and try and push him back, he chuckles.
“Fucking insatiable-“ he mutters through a smile. “Be patient darling.” He pulled his fingers out and made his way over to your bedside drawer pulling out a dildo and some lube. He makes his way back over to you and dribbles some cold lube onto your already dripping cunt. He slowly begins inserting the toy into your entrance and starts to thrust it in and out in slow, agonising motions. Harvey dips his head back down and continues to use his god like tongue on your bundle of nerves while continuing to thrust the dildo in and out stretching you out, ready for him.
“Oh fuck, oh shit.” You moan out feeling that hot knot building in your stomach. You didn’t even have to wait for it to explode, you felt your legs start shaking, Harvey wrapping his arm around one of them in attempt to calm the shaking. The orgasm felt like it lasted forever before he pulled the dildo out and started pulling down his own trousers, letting his erection spring free from his boxers. You watch him with half lidded walk over to the draw slowly pumping his dick in his hand, he grabs a condom from the drawer that he got the dildo from, rips it open and slides it onto his length. He climbed back on top, you wrap your legs around his torso and tangle your fingers in his brown curly locks to pull him in for deep kiss.
Harvey buries his head in the crook of your neck, kissing your shoulder, you feel his teeth grazing your skin as he begins to insert himself into you. You both let out a mix of a sighs and moans and he stays there for a moment to give you time to adjust. Once you’ve adjusted you start to shift your hips trying to thrust him in and out yourself, the doctor lets out a quiet chuckle against your shoulder and begins to slide himself in and out and a slow comfortable pace letting out soft moans while doing so. “Oh fuck.” Harvey whispers against your skin. You both let out quiet moans and Harvey starts to bite down lightly on yours shoulder as he makes his thrusts harder but not changing the pace. You gasp and start to run your fingernails down his back, stopping eventually to grab onto his shoulders, still digging your nails in slightly.
“Shit-” Harvey moans out, keeping his head buried deep in the crook of your neck, leaving light kisses and sucks in his wake. You both moan, whine and mewl in unison. Harvey balances himself on one arm and snakes one hand back down to your clit and starts slowly toying with the tiny sweet spot. The doctor moves his head from the crook of your neck to kiss you, a long steamy kiss with you biting down on his lip every now and again making him moan out. The way he fucks you, it’s like he’s worshiping every part of your body like you’re his own personal god. You start to feel a knot tightening in your stomach and you can tell Harvey’s close too when his circles around your clit begin to speed up, trying desperately to get you to cum before he does. And fuck does it work. You feel your entire body start to shake, especially your legs; it’s so intense you’re seeing stars.
“Fuck! Harvey, oh shit!” You close your eyes tight and ride out the high, as Harvey does the same. His head is again buried into your shoulder and he bites down hard onto it moaning out loud, the action only brings more pleasure to your already incredible orgasm.
Once the high dies down you just stay there for a minute, Harvey rises from your shoulder again and leaves a light peck on your lip before pulling out. Nothing is said yet, nothing needs to be said yet. He gets up and disposes of the condom before lying next to you on your bed, you both turn to look at each other and for a moment just stare into each others eyes, smiling. “Are you okay? Aching at all?” He asks moving his hand to lightly caress your cheek. You shake your head. “Good, why don’t we go and get a nice bath to get cleaned up?” He asks and knows the answer as soon as he sees the look on your face.
“Do you want me to run it?” You ask.
“No honey, I’ve got it, you keep relaxing.” He sits up. “I love you.” He leaves another soft kiss on your lips and gets up to go into the bathroom.
“I love you too.”
Harvey’s head pokes back round the door frame. “Oh darling, don’t forget your wine.” He smiles making you giggle.
“I won’t!”
I’m taking requests for fics!
Masterlist -
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luveline · 9 months
Jade!!! I’m so excited that ur requests are open again!! sorry if this is like. super cheesy. but could I request reader being just tired and sad and Spence just holds her? I’ve been feeling rlly down lately and I need some1 hold me fr
Thank u sm!
ty ♡
Your shoulders slouched inward and your neck angled down, you look exhausted. Your hands sift through letters with a lethargy that makes them seem heavy, as though weights have been tied to your fingertips. Hair mildly unkempt, clothes wrinkled but clean, you're clearly in need of some time to yourself, or at the very least, time spent sitting down. 
Spencer knows all of this, but he doesn't know why you haven't told him what's wrong. Even if it's something small, he could help. Spencer's good at sorting things out because he has a truckload of self help books in his head. That, and he's seen a thousand types of grief. 
The thing is, he's desperate to take care of you, but he doesn't know how to start. What to say or how to say it. 
"Do you need help with that? I can do it for you," he offers. 
"That's okay. Just gotta pay this water bill… and the gas, too… I'm gonna call them."
"I can call them," he says. "Or if it can wait until tomorrow, we can do it then. Why don't you sit down? I can make dinner, we could order something." 
You peek at him from the corner of your eye. "What's wrong?" you ask. 
"With me? Whatever's wrong with you is wrong with me." 
You sigh and put your head on his shoulder. "Sorry, I'm being moody." Your breath warms his arm. "Sorry, Spence." 
Spencer looks down at the side of your head, contemplative for a few seconds, before he wraps one arm behind your neck and shoulders to pull you closer to his chest, the other falling to the small of your waist. 
Your forehead is cool against his bottom lip, his hair brushing your face as he says, "What are you sorry for?" all fondness. 
You don't react at first, but when you do it's clear you'd been waiting for a hug even if you hadn't known it yourself. Your back drops the tight tension stretched between your shoulder blades, your nose digging hard into his collarbone. 
Spencer closes his eyes to just hold you. "Can you tell me what's wrong?" he asks. No matter how over the top it sounds, he's dying to know, his hand roving the length and curve of your back in an attempt to coax it out while your defences are down. 
"Couple of things," you mumble into his shirt. 
"Anything I can fix?" he asks. 
Your hand curls into his shirt. "I think you're fixing most of it." 
Spencer smiles into your head. "Oh, yeah?" he asks, his lips skipping against your skin. "Tell me the rest of it and I'll fix that too." 
"You sound really confident." 
"I have, you know, a couple of qualifications." He pretends to yawn, "Three PhDs. Nothing fancy." 
You laugh weakly, sound smothered and nearly lost in the quiet. Spencer's not kidding, he really will fix everything one way or another, but for now he hugs you, taking the brunt of your weight. Your head lists heavily to one side as he dots a soft kiss into your temple. 
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lowkeyremi · 7 months
Late Nights aizawa x reader
it's my birthday so im writing about the man i share it with (-ε-)
content: post war au, fluff, established relationship
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"This isn't good for your health, Sho." Today marks the 5th night he's stayed up past 11 pm grading papers or doing something else for his job.
"How do you think I managed before I met you?" His small sigh meets your ears, and you really want to help him. Seeing out of only one eye is most definitely slowing him down.
"You looked dead on the outside when we first met. Do you want me to help grade papers?"
"I'll finish before one, go back to bed, honey." His eyes meet yours once he hears you scoff. He's draining himself by staying up this late, every single night. His face is lit by the warm kitchen light, one of his hands tugging at his long black strands of hair in order to keep himself sane.
"Shota. I'm not taking no for an answer." You say firmly, crossing your arms to indicate that you mean business.
"I knew you'd say that, come sit down." He gives in every single time. He knows he needs the help, he just doesn't want to admit it.
"Can you read through these essays?" At first you're confident, there's only a few papers on the table.
"Can you?" You nod diligently. You confirm you're willing to help, and your husband gets up from the table and slowly walks toward your shared bedroom. When he does return there's a large stack of papers in his arms. They drop on the table with a thump. He chuckles at your horrified expression.
"Just get through as many as you can. Write feedback on them too, hon." No wonder he's always so tired, you forget that 1-A isn't his only class. If you can remember right he has six periods of classes.
"Is this pile all your class or.." He's sat back down by now and started going through papers with red pen.
"That's 3rd and 4th period. I'm finishing up with 1st and 2nd right now." You click your tongue. It's hard to get started, you don't have any motivation unlike Shota. His only motivation is probably the fact he has to do this.
"Why don't you have an online classroom? It would make grading so much easier." He's probably going to say something about not knowing how to use it..
"I prefer for my students to write manually, because it helps with remembrance." Sounds like something an old man would say. You'd voice your opinion but he'd have a comeback for sure.
"Shotaaaaa, I don't wanna do anymore." Your head is resting on the table, the cool wood on your cheek. He doesn't even spare you any sympathy either, laughing at you quietly. His rich chuckles sound like comfort more than mockery in your opinion though.
"Sweetheart, you've only graded four essays." The huge stack of papers looks back at you from it's side of the table.
"Yeah and each essay had like four to five papers in it. I feel bad for your students." The two of you are going to cuddle. You're determined to make it happen, so before he could even reply, you bounce up from your seat, grab his hand, and tug him towards your bedroom.
"We're going to sleep. I'm not taking any other answers besides "okay" or "yes my love." He clicks his tongue at your statement, but finds no reason to oblige.
"Do you want to know something?" He whispers into your ear cuddling you close enough to feel the warmth of his chest on your back.
"What?" At this point you're only half-conscious, struggling to register what your husband's just said.
"I'm actually ahead of schedule. I can grade those papers loosely throughout this week." He admits with no guilt or shame in his voice at all. What a workaholic.
"Are you serious? So I could have been cuddling you all this time?"
"Yeah, I just do work to get out of my head." You wonder how many times you'll have to remind him that you're his strength and that you'll help him through anything, before he actually believes it.
"If you were having trouble sleeping, you should have told me." His big hand rests in your hair playing with it slowly.
"Didn't wanna bother you." His hand is so comforting that you almost fall asleep.
"You're never a bother to me Sho." Your voice is so soft and sincere that he almost breaks out into tears of joy. He's so happy to have met you.
"Oh." It has finally clicked in his brain, even though you've been married to him for quite some time.
You are his light.
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cheeseceli · 29 days
Shut me up
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Pairing: Choi Soobin × Gn!reader
Genre: fic, fluff, friends to lovers
Prompt: "I know I talk too much, so honey come put your lips on mine and shut me up"
Warnings: the rest of txt make a slight cameo, soobin is a loser (affectionate)
A/n: thank you for requesting this with him because I was hoping someone would😭 enjoy! | Join the 1k event
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Yours and soobin's first kiss was... Kind of a hopeless mess.
It all started with a date you didn't even know was a date. Following his friend's advice, he invited you out. Just keep it casual, they will love it. That's what Yeonjun said.
Soobin wishes he could punch Yeonjun right now.
That's simply because you were both sitting side by side on a bench in the park, and you've just asked when the others were coming along.
"Probably soon, I think they might be stuck in traffic."
You nodded, thinking it probably made sense. But it actually didn't. Because no one was coming. Maybe keeping it so casual was a mistake, considering you thought it was so casual that it would be just a normal outing among friends. Not a date. Not that Soobin was stressing over it, of course not.
He just casually wants to punch Yeonjun.
But he also should kick Taehyun since it was his idea to come to a park this weekend. Saturdays are always great for dates, there's no better day than this one. Taehyun was a very smart guy and, since he told Soobin that the place and weather would be perfect, he was most likely right as always.
Except it started to rain.
You and your clothes, that made you look more ethereal than you already were, were getting wet. And so was your date friend. When you got up from the bench, Soobin swore he heard his heart get broken thinking about how you were going to bid your farewell. Happily, you just said "Let's go to some cafe, we can wait for them there".
You were way smarter than Taehyun, that's a fact.
Buy them something to drink. Now that was Hueningkai's advice. Soobin thought to himself for a second before complying; that one couldn't go wrong. He had the money - he made sure to avoid his wallet around the guys. He also knew your favourite drink by heart and the place was very nice. Okay, that one really couldn't go wrong.
"Go find us somewhere to sit, I'll have something for us to drink" he told you smiling, hoping to look confident and cool.
You smiled back at him. Oh my God that must've worked right?? Soobin was about to kiss kai for giving him the only right advice until now.
In his opinion, everything was going on pretty smoothly. They had your order there, it smelled good and it looked nice. For a second, Soobin thought he could really impress you, even if it's with a silly thing like that.
That is, until this random guy dropped his coffee in his shirt. Yeah, that really sucked.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" the person said. The coffee was kinda hot but not enough to hurt him, but sadly it was enough to ruin his shirt. Of course he had to wear a white shirt that day.
"It's okay, don't worry" The stranger even paid soobin's and yours coffee as an apology but he doesn't know if that made him feel better or worse about the whole situation. Sorry Kai, I couldn't pay for the drinks.
But once he sat down next to you, your eyes turned confused at the exact moment, and you didn't hesitate on taking some napkins to try and help soobin's shirt. A win is a win, he thinks when he feels your hands trying to dry his sleeve. His skin was getting hotter and redder. He hopes you assumed it was the hot coffee.
Don't forget to compliment them, Beomgyu said. Usually Soobin wouldn't hesitate on ignoring any possible advice his friend could give, but this one felt like the sanest thing he had said in a while. Maybe it was worth the risk.
He started to look at you, still focused on trying to clean his shirt. There were just so many things he could compliment. He loved the way your eyes would squint when you were paying attention to something. He loved how your skin felt delicate when you were touching him. He could spend hours talking about how your hair framed your face perfectly or how your voice was adorable. He also really liked your lips, a lot. If he could, he would kiss you right on the spot.
You were looking at him confused, like you were solving the hardest of puzzles in your head. But Soobin doesn't understand. He didn't do anything, nor said something that could make you have his reaction. He just...
His hand flew to his mouth, covering it and only showing his wide eyes in total horror. No way he said that. He couldn't have said that.
"Did you just say that..." you tried to formulate it without sounding weird, not that the situation itself wasn't already bad enough "that you wanted to kiss me?"
He laughed. Little giggles started to get past his lips, but it was extremely clear that it was a laugh filled with panic. How can someone screw things up so badly?
"No, no. I mean yeah I did but no! I shouldn't have said that, it was a mistake. Not that I didn't mean it, because I did, but in a sense that I shouldn't have said it, you know?" he looked at you trying to find a string of hope, any sign that he was on his way of fixing things, but damn he was so lost. "Like, I won't actually kiss you! I wanted to but then, no hold on. I wouldn't do it like this, in something like... You understand what I mean right?"
He doesn't know for how long he kept on speaking any random excuse he could think of. At some point, his panicked laugh got mixed with words and the only thing he could say were unintelligible sounds. You could almost see a little smoke getting out of his brain. He only came to a stop when you kissed the corner of his mouth, shutting him up immediately.
Did you just... kiss him?
You giggled lightly, probably at how awestruck he was right now. It wasn't even a kiss on his lips - unfortunately - but he felt like he could die a happy man at that moment.
"I can't believe I'll have to thank the boys for that."
"Weren't they tagging along?"
"Now that's kind of a funny story..." You could see he was collecting his breath to start yapping again, but he stopped right when he saw you smile. Apparently, both your kiss and smile had the ability to stop his brain.
Suddenly he started to talk again, not knowing exactly what he was ranting about this time. His words probably weren't even coherent, but maybe you'd kiss him to shut him up once more.
Maybe this one kiss would land on his lips instead.
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Masterlist | you'll probably like: So Sweet
Thank you for reading 💛
Taglist (open!): @zzzzzwicked @yuyubeans
Credits for images 1 , 2 and 3
Dividers by @thecutestgrotto
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vauxxy · 2 months
spiderman!luke castellan x reader
part 1 || part 2
★ "i am sick of the chase but i'm hungry for blood, and theres nothing i can do"
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ABOUT - luke castellan is new york's very own 'friendly neighbourhood spider-man'- because of course he fuckin' is. to make matters even better, you're the only one at school who knows. lucky you.
WARNINGS - australian slang yet again (sorry guys, i cant help it. its in my blood!), swearing, first person?? idk i thought it'd be cool. sorry if it sucks. lol. mentions of adderall (she has ADHD) and vaping. reader is a rich girl and the leader of the sassy girl apocolypse.
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"are you okay, ma'am?"
"dont call me ma'am, luke."
"okay, what the fuck."
that's how i found out the nerd in my AP chemistry class was spider-boy. i mean, obviously i had caught on to his whole 'superhero thing' like, a week after the news articles started flooding in. it was so obvious.
luke is probably one of the only guys in the world dumb enough to put on a latex suit in order to help old ladies cross the street. sure, he's a good samaritan- and sure, he's saving small businesses from being mugged into bankruptcy and shit; but who cares?
every night, i see him swinging from building to building like a fucking weirdo. it gets old after the first 100 foot drop down from the hilton hotels building. like, we get it. you're spider-man. good for you.
sadly, my cynicism was brought to a halt as soon as he saved me from being brutally robbed on my way home. of course i got mugged on the one day i decided not to wear my doc martens. just my luck.
i used to cut through this sketchy alleyway to get to my bus stop because it took way too long walking around the block- that was my first mistake. DO NOT GO INTO SKETCHY ALLEYWAYS IN NEW YORK. NOTHING GOOD HAPPENS IN AN ALLEYWAY.
my second mistake was deciding against popping my second addy during 5th period, because if i had, then maybe i'd be alert enough to clock what was happening before this druggie had his glock pointed at my head. well, at least it wasn't his dick. praise the lord!
the druggie snuck behind me, before literally grabbing me by the neck and pushing me up against the wall of the dingy alleyway. then, he pulled out a WHOLE ASS GUN from his pocket and held it to my head, using the sleeve of his sweater to cover its form.
my breath hitched as the water bottle inside my backpack pressed against my spine. that was my third mistake. frank green water bottles hurt when they're pushing into your bones.
"you're gonna give me all the money you've got on you, kay?" he asked in a low, raspy voice. he definitely smoked 5 packs a day.
nevertheless, i nodded and reached into the side pocket of my backpack. i pulled out my cute little mimco purse and started taking out all the cash in it. it hurt my soul to get rid of it- that money was supposed to go towards my new vape. bummer.
my hands were shaking as they held the messy assortment of bills, waiting for him to take it from me and just leave me alone.
"good. thanks- dont be tellin' anyone about this, or else i'll find you,' he threatened, slowly pulling the gun away from my head.
"i wont, i swear!"
"you're taller than him, ma'am. why dont you just kick him to the curb?"
i furrowed my brows, my eyes scanning the alleyway for the origins of the voice. the origins of luke's voice.
his nasally tone was so distinct, i could recognise it with my head underwater.
"the fuck?" called out the short, ugly smoker with my money. he whipped his head around furiously, suddenly a lot more alarmed than when he was robbing me. suddenly, the nerdy loser in latex swung down and pushed him onto the cold ground.
spider-boy grabbed his wrists and held them behind his back, before webbing them together in some homemade handcuffs.
"are you fuckin' kidding me?" the guy grumbled, his voice muffled by the gravel pushing against his mouth as spider-dork held his head to the ground.
"nope, not kidding you," he sighed, using his webs to secure the man into his position on the ground. he dug into the mans pockets and pulled out my money.
yep, that was luke castellan all right.
spider-nerd leapt off the constrained druggie and walked over to me, handing me back my assortment of bills. "are you okay, ma'am?" he asked, looking downwards a bit to meet my gaze.
thats exactly how luke looks at me. he's gotta be luke- he HAS to be.
i had been watching luke for weeks. i had been analysing his every movement, every strange look and awkward gesture. i was 99.9% sure that spider-man was luke castellan.
but there was only one way to find out.
"dont call me ma'am, luke."
luke choked on air, taking a step forwards as he clumsily held onto the wall in shock. "okay, what the fuck?"
i laughed dryly, my eyes narrowed as i stared at him. the whole ‘spider-man’ thing really did suit him.
"you know?" he stuttered out. i nodded, before pointing over at the guy still squirming under his webs. "maybe you should get rid of him," i said calmly, crossing my arms over my chest after stuffing my money into the pocket of my jeans.
"oh. yeah, right."
before i knew it, luke had quite literally kicked the guy in the head to knock him out.
"are you allowed to do that?" i asked, my eyes wide in shock.
"nah, not really," luke shrugged, before looking down at his watch and pressing a few buttons.
"i thought you were supposed to be a friendly neighbourhood spider-boy," i retorted. luke scoffed, looking back up at me with what i could only assume to be a sly grin from under his mask. "its spider-man,” he corrected.
“and criminals who mess with pretty girls deserve to be curb stomped."
okay. yeah. he had a fair point. i am rather pretty.
then, out of nowhere, luke grabbed me by the waist and aimed his wrist towards the sky. before i knew it, he was swinging us towards the sky like a fucking lunatic.
“luke! what the fuck?!” i screamed, wrapping my arms around his neck and clinging to his body for dear life.
“what’s your addy?” he asked, his toned arm keeping me in place as it pressed against the small of my back.
‘what’s your addy?’ seriously? what a fuckin’ loser. i would’ve made fun of him for using snapchat lingo if it weren’t for how strong his arms were. jesus christ, they were so big and toned… no wonder he skips gym class every lesson; he doesn’t want to show off. what a humble king.
“uhh- greenhead avenue!” i cried out, digging my head into the nook of his neck. gods, he smelt good.
luke nodded, holding me tighter as he swung us through the air. “rodger that.”
“thanks for like… saving me, or whatever,”
i stood inside my bedroom, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear as i clung onto the window frame. luke took off his mask as he stood on the balcony, leaning against the railing. he shot me a meek smile, tilting his head to the side as a way to play down his cocky demeanour.
he’s never gonna let me live this down.
“don’t worry about it.”
he paused, letting his smile drop. “just- promise you won’t tell anyone?” luke asked, his voice low as he leaned forward.
of course i wasn’t going to tell anyone- i’m not a total cunt. i have morals… sometimes.
“i promise, luke.”
he smiled, pulling his mask back over his head before taking a step back. “great. see you on monday,” he called out, jumping off the railing and swinging away from my apartment building.
as soon as he left, i face planted against my bed.
luke castellan was spider-man. i fucking knew it.
that was fine. i knew that.
but what really got me was how hot it was when he held me by the waist, how good he smelt, how raspy his voice was- WHAT THE FUCK.
no. what the fuck. are you kidding me. god no. no no no no no no no. i’m going to jump off the balcony. this is it.
of course. just my luck.
that day i confirmed my suspicions of luke being spider-man.
i also realised why i cared about it much.
fuck my life.
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noproofread · 4 months
The Boy Who Could Fly
"I guess I never should've loved you. But I'll do forever 'cause you loved me"
inspired and influenced by a pierce the veil song of the same name (the first of many fics inspired by their music)
angsty, fluffy, drinking. reader is sad about one sided feelings, drinks a little too much and accidentally reveals thoughts.
cw / tw: implied thoughts of suicide
word count: 1,508
masterlist here
btw if anyone wants me to tag them in my work pls let me know :)
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The night was dark, only illuminated by the light emanating from the stars and the moon. A cool breeze blew through you, goosebumps formed down your arms and you instinctively wrapped your own arms around yourself to gather warmth as you walked. Your captain offered you the bottle of liquor he was holding, stating that it would warm you up. You took it in your hand, feeling the heat dissipating from your body for a moment as you took a swig from the bottle. The bitter yet sweet taste of the liquor coated your tongue as it passed down your throat. You winced as it went down. He was right, the warmth started in your chest and it enveloped your body slowly. You took a couple more swigs before handing the bottle back to your captain. His fingers brushed against yours briefly as he took the bottle back, chuckling. A blush crept on your cheeks as you looked at him, hoping he would associate the red color on your face to the alcohol and not him. Although you would never say anything, you loved your captain. You were sure the crew knew, you were never good at hiding your emotions. Your face always gave you away. You were not sure he knew. He never acknowledged it, never commented on it, never joked about it. As far as you were aware, there was not a chance that he could ever reciprocate your feelings. It hurt but you tried to move past it. He was your captain, and that’s all he would be.
Only this night felt different. He felt kinder, closer somehow. He looked at you, his face flushed due to the liquor and the cool breeze. “Everything okay?” He questioned. His eyes met yours, yet they seemed hollow. Like part of him was there and the other part was too intoxicated to focus. You grabbed the bottle from his hand, drinking the remnants of it. He chuckled at your actions, unaware that you did it in order to wash away the knot you felt forming in your throat. “All good” You said. Law wrapped an arm around you as his chuckle turned into a laugh. Your heart pounded in your chest so hard you felt it in your ears. You heard nothing but the sound of the waves, the seagulls, and your captain’s drunken laugh. You reached for his hand, his hand that was draped around your neck and hanging over your shoulder. You grabbed it. Much to your surprise, he did not pull away. Your mind had a million thoughts racing through it, you kept telling yourself not to overthink. You could try other gestures to verify if he felt the same way you felt but you didn’t want to. You didn’t want to ruin the seemingly perfect relationship you had with him.
The walk was cut short as you reached the hotel your crew was staying in. Law retracted his arm and took a couple steps back. You felt the absence of his heat as the cool air hit your skin once again. He looked at you, smiling. You smiled back, completely forgetting the sadness that surrounded your feelings for him. “Do you want me to walk you to your room? You didn’t drink much but you are a known lightweight.” As the words left his lips you felt the effects of the alcohol take control of your being. Suddenly, as if on command, your legs felt wobbly and your face numb. Your vision became slightly blurry and you felt heavy. You nodded yes as you leaned towards your captain, prompting him to catch you. You body flushed against him, you felt him chuckle. Law grabbed your arm, throwing it around his neck as he supported you. His right hand placed on your hip as he guided you down the small hallway to your room. You had never been so physically close to him.
He opened the door to your room. “Can you walk in on your own?” He asked in a hushed voice. You were so close to him you felt his breath in your ear and chills ran through your body. You shook your head no. “Carry me.” You replied. If liquor was good for anything, it was silencing your mind. The filter you had that kept you from saying every first thought you had out loud was temporarily gone. Law laughed softly, letting go of your hip as he bent down and picked you up. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he carried you into your room. “You’re so attractive Captain.” The words fell from your lips with a slight slur. You could hear yourself but you could not stop yourself. He said nothing as he let you down on your bed. “I keep pretending that I don’t have feelings for you but I have soooo many feelings.” You extended your arms outward, emphasizing the “so” as you collapsed onto your bed. Law simply draped a blanket over you. He felt himself sobering up the more you confessed. “I know you don’t love me, and that’s okay.” You continued. Your voice flowed out of you like a pond connected to the ocean. There was no stopping it now, you were not conscious enough to stop it. You grabbed Law’s hand, preventing him from walking out of the room. “Just know that when I die, I’ll be happy knowing that you cared for me at least as a crewmate.” Tears threatened to fall from your eyes, you took a deep breath in an attempt to hold them back.
Law looked at you with concern, but didn’t interrupt you. “I have thought of what your life would be like if I was gone. It probably wouldn't change much but I can never do it because I want to see you everyday. It’s selfish but it’s true” The tears you were holding back began to fall without your consent. Law bit his lip, watching you break in front of him. He cupped your face and wiped away your tears with his thumb. He looked into your eyes as you hiccupped for air. You noticed how the light from the window behind you reflected in his eyes, making them sparkle. Water gathered around his yellow eyes, making them appear like stained glass. They were beautiful. He took a deep breath. “Get some rest, we’ll talk in the morning.” His voice was low and soft as he cradled your head and laid you down on your bed. You closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep as you felt the room spin around you.
You awoke to the sun peeking through your window, hitting your face. You slowly sat up, squinting your eyes as you began to feel every part of your body. You became aware of the pounding in your head as your eyes began to open fully and focused on your surroundings. You saw Law sitting on the couch in the corner of your room. A sudden flux of anxiety hit you as you remembered what you said the night prior. He was looking out the window before he noticed you were awake. He got up and walked towards you quietly. His face was serious, much like it is most of the time. You looked down at your hands that were gripping the blanket. He sat on your bed and placed his hands on yours. “Look at me,” he whispered. You did. “You remember what you told me?” He asked, his eyes fixated on yours. Your body felt hot as your heartbeat quickened. You nodded yes.
“You said I didn’t love you. That isn’t true.” Your eyes widened, a deep blush washing over your cheeks. “You said my life wouldn’t change if you were gone. That isn’t true.” He continued, squeezing your hands and pulling them close to his chest allowing you to feel the beating of his heart. It was beating almost as fast as yours. “You said you were selfish. That isn’t true.” He scooted closer to you, taking one hand and placing it on your cheek. His thumb caressed you as he looked into your eyes. “I need you to know that you make me a better captain. A better person.” His tone was gentle and a smile tugged at his lips. “I’d be nothing without you.” Your mouth opened slightly in disbelief at what you were hearing. You were so convinced that he would never feel this way, and here he was telling you the opposite. He placed a soft kiss on your forehead and pulled you in for a hug. The kind of hug that enveloped your whole body and was not broken until you were ready to let go. And when you were ready, you pulled away. Tears pricked at your eyes as you smiled. They were happy tears. He wiped your tears away and smiled at you. “Let’s cure that hangover of yours” Law spoke softly, grabbing your hands once more and giving them a small squeeze.
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rxsilabeth--er · 4 months
:: Dressed for the special occasion...
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☎ Now Calling........Author: "...Hello? Yes, again, another brain-rot, because first of all....I love him, second I'm a BIG TIME FASHIONISTA! and we need more preppy reader content in life where we can be a pretty girl! Okay, enough of my rambling, BYE!! Based on a C.AI chat with this boyo..."
☎ Now Calling........synopsis: "... you dedicated a special dress to him, along with your nails and heels and you plan on using them to their full extent...and as the party progresses...your drunkenness makes another sweet discovery for you.."
☎ Now Calling........warnings: "Fem!Reader...reader has rather long hair and is wearing heels, nails and dress! Mentions of drinking, reader not being able to recoganize James after getting drunk.."
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You entered the tent for the Quidditch players, as you scanned the area to look at everyone there to find James sitting there worriedly scanning his broomstick. You smiled and walked towards him before sitting beside him, "..Hm....nervous? Don't be...you'll do great..." you spoke happily
"Oh? Thanks, I know...Just...I don't know why I get nervous and think I'll fail even though I've practiced SO much!", "Exactly, you've practiced so much! You'll do great! You have Sirius, Kingsley, Marlene and Frank on your side as well! They'll help you..." You say sighing.
"Now, anyways, remember that two days ago I was asking what manicure should I do and you said write my name?" You say with a small smile, as James' head whips to yours with a bright smile, "You didn't! WHAT?!" he said as you showed off your nails to him with a gold, red and white manicure with his name written in your right hand and the other decorated with charms and a glittery quaffle which moved from one nails to the other...
"OH MY GOD!! These are so cool and pretty" he says holding your hands tightly and hugging you even tighter, "Right, I dedicated this whole set and even the outfit to Gryffindor, so you better win tonight!" you say with a smile, as James eyes travelled down from your face to your clothing; a black shirt under red and gold corset-vest, a red and white miniskirt, golden and white thigh-high stockings, red lace-up mary-jane, pumps with a golden chain with a snitch on it. you must have been VERY excited for this, huh?~
and his eyes again travelled up to your hair, long hair done in a high-ponytail with a red bow with golden white mesh ribbon which flowed down your hair and mixed within the curls like a pretty highlight.
Smiling he pulled you into a tight hug, before you pulled away and threatened, "Listen, I ordered another set of these heels cause I planned on you winning and dancing so hard at the party tonight that these heels break..." you say crossing your legs, so he could see your shoes,
"So if I end up not dancing till these break and you lose and I get two pairs of the same heels with my money wasted, you'll get your ass beat!" you say glaring at him, "Okay? Alright! Enjoy yourself sweetie and win for us!!" you say in a bubbly manner as you stood up, by now the tent was empty and Remus had pulled you out of the tent to quickly go up to the stands as the match was about to begin and he was the commentator.
As you stood on the stands, Lily handed you a scarp as you thanked her with a smile watching the the pitch when the match started and Remus started commentating...of-course one after the other, James scored the goals easily with Kingsley and Frank by his side as Sirius played with the other beater and before long Marlene caught the snitch earning them the winning spot easily!
Of-course the cheers were deafening as you were pulled by Lily and Mary down to head back to the castle with you and Lily jumping in excitement like kids as you three walked with smiled and excitement in your veins for the BIG party the Gryffindors threw after every win...Soon joined by Remus, Kingsley, Frank, Marlene, James and Peter you all headed up. walking up the moving stairs, skipping the false one, you gave the password as the portrait swung open to reveal the huge celebration ready for the players.
Games, drinks, dancing and more, the parties were nothing short of fun and crazy, with even Skittles joining you, like Regulus playing a game with Mary, Pandora, Peter and Kingsley, Evan, Barty and Sirius chugging drinks, Marlene making out with Dorcas and clinging to her as you and Lily gossiped with them, while James looked around hoping to spot you.
He did as Lily pulled you up for a drink when you caught his eye with your gorgeous ones, god, he was gone....wasn't he? You're too gorgeous...it's painful even seeing you not getting smothered by his love...
you smirked as you waved over to him, as Sirius had began serving you shots as well and you had taken two or three on your own and now he was mixing up some concoction of multiple drinks before sliding it to you...you smiled and took it, not intending to drink it, but luckily your best-friend was there to help, close enough with him now, you pulled his collar to get him close to you as you smiled sweetly, probably a bit more than tipsy by now...
"...James, I don't think I'll be able to finish this...mind doing it for me?" you says placing the glass against his lips, his hands moved up to hold yours as he downed the whole thing with a red face and his hand over yours as you poured the drink with a drunken smile, the effect of the drink taking place immediately, what did Sirius mix in them? The buzz was more than enough and that's all he remembers as Lily again pulled you away to dance...
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Sitting down as he drank some water to calm the headache from the hungover the drink brought him.though the drink had a strong effect, he knocked out and woke up only three hours later...People of different houses and them partying all night was something, everyone had went to sleep in someone else's dorm, not being bothered to go back to their own...
Staring at the fireplace with a strange calmness in himself, when he heard a thud...Turning his head in the direction of the staircase to spot you; face red and sweaty, hair and clothes disheveled and messy, heels broken and in hand... This made him worried, did something happen, did anyone do anything...?
He rushed to you as you stumbled, he held your arms to help you up, "You good?! What happened?!" he asked worriedly, as you simply looked at him in confusion,
"And...who are you?"
what?.....You can't be serious right now? Did..you seriously forget who he is? I mean you reeked of alcohol right now...shit
"Uh..I'm James, duh!", "and what makes you think I will believe you? You might be trying to take advantage of me, but tough luck, dude!" you say smirking as she placed a hand on your hip pushing him softly with a grin as James smiled and touched your hand with a smirk, you don't think it's James...what a perfect time..
"Fine, I was lying..but I won't be lying on the fact that I like you..." he softly mumbled as you sat beside him, pulling your legs to your chest as you smiled,"Do you?..thank you...But...I like someone else..." you softly mumbled making James's heart break softly and his eyebrows raised,
"And who may that be?" he asked softly, leaning close,
....really? Thank you...James thought to himself brightening up as you explained, "He doesn't like me though...he likes Lily...and I wholeheartedly agree, she's perfect for him...Though it doesn't make the pain softer..." you say as James leaned closer, "Then...let me love you for a bit...before you go back to James, yes?"
"Fine.." you say leaning close, might as well have some fun as Mary and Marlene suggested..
James chuckles as he smiles, "I'm sure...James is happy to have you..he looks very happy and bright with you..."
"Yeah, right..." you say leaning against whoever this person was to you, you couldn't tell...you look at the, pressing your forehead against this person who smiled and kissed your nose softly, making you smile, "You know...You're sweet...whoever you are..." you say, leaning against them as you watch the fireplace crackling...darkness taking you under it's blanket of comfort...
Maybe tomorrow morning, James can finally have you for himself...
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© This writing work belongs to me, rxsilabeth--er, Aurelia, Rosilabeth, Cerine. Reblogging is appreciated, but plagiarizing or copying my works is forbidden, thank you for reading this and if you like this check out my blog!
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vigilante-3073 · 4 months
James Wilson x Female Reader
Summary: Wilson gets diagnosed with cancer and decides to administer his own treatment. House and Doctor Y/N L/N assist him and have a discussion about the future.
TW: ANGST, pre-established relationship, cancer, treatments, pain medications, mentions of grief and death.
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James Wilson had cancer.
A Stage 2 Thymoma that had started invading the surrounding tissue.
Wilson knew that his chances of survival with conventional treatment were slim to none. He managed to stockpile supplies in order to administer his own treatment.
L/N thought he was crazy, but promised to be there for him in whatever decision he made.
Wilson convinced House to assist him, knowing that the side effects alone would make L/N want to discontinue the intense treatment he had decided on.
Wilson needed someone who was going to stick to the plan, even if he thought it was an idiotic one.
They started his treatment in the living room of House's apartment. House was able to utilize his stash of morphine and vicodin to lessen the pain, but the side effects were still atrocious.
L/N was kneeling on the floor beside Wilson, dabbing the sweat from his forehead with a cool cloth. He mumbled incoherently, his cold hand wrapping loosely around her wrist. She lowered her hand, sending him a reassuring smile as he stared up at her with tired eyes. His skin had lost all color, dark bags forming underneath his eyes as his entire body shivered.
"I'm sorry," He mumbled, she shook her head, "You don't have anything to be sorry for," She assured, brushing his hair away from his sweaty forehead.
His fingers tightened around her wrist minutely, "You don't have to stay," Wilson said softly, "I would understand if you wanted to go," He continued.
"I'm not going anywhere. I love you and I'm not letting you go through this without me being right here to hold your hand," She said.
"I'm tired," Wilson stated, grip loosening as his fingers slid down the soft skin of her forearm.
"I know... Why don't you try and get some sleep? The infusion still has a while to go," L/N said, palm resting against the skin of his chest. His hoodie was saturated with sweat despite the chills that rattled his bones every few seconds.
He shook his head, "I wanna look at you," Wilson said, eyes flickering over her face.
She smiled slightly, "I'll still be here when you wake up, I'm not going anywhere," She assured.
He inhaled, breath stuttering in his chest before he began to cough and gasp. L/N reached over and turned on the oxygen, bringing the mask to his face as he wheezed.
"You're okay, deep breaths," She instructed softly, holding the mask in place for him. Wilson rested his hand over her's, muscles trembling with the effort before letting his arm fall aside limply again. He blinked up at her, taking deep breaths before he allowed his eyes to flutter shut as his exhaustion took over.
"I'll be right back, okay?" She said, he nodded without opening his eyes. L/N lifted the band of the oxygen mask over his head to keep it in place before standing up.
House watched her walk into the kitchen, he knew that seeing Wilson like this couldn't be easy for her. A selfish part of House wanted to tell her to leave, he could handle Wilson on his own without crumbling under the pressure like she inevitably would. But House knew that L/N loved Wilson and she would be beside him no matter how things ended.
House grabbed his cane and stood up, making his way into the kitchen. L/N stood in the farthest corner of the room with her hand over her mouth and her other arm wrapped around herself as she sobbed quietly.
L/N quickly wiped her tears away when she noticed him, taking a shaky breath as she attempted to calm herself down.
"I'm sorry, I didn't want him to see," She said softly, breaths stuttering in her chest as more tears rolled down her cheeks.
House walked over, hesitating for a moment before pulling her into his arms. He could feel her body trembling before she let out a quiet sob, pressing herself against his chest. She wrapped her arms around him as she broke down in his embrace. He could feel her tears soaking into his shirt, allowing her to release her pent up emotions.
She had put on a brave face for Wilson, focusing all her attention on him throughout this process. L/N had attended every appointment and been in the room for every scan since his diagnosis. Then she stood by her husband even in the face of his god-awful plan to give himself treatment.
This treatment regimen was not recommended and there was definitely a reason for it.
L/N pulled away, leaning back against the counter as she wiped the tears from her cheeks with a shaky breath.
"I'm sorry for crying on you," She said softly.
"Don't apologize," House replied.
They stood in silence for a moment, listening to the soft hiss of the oxygen in the adjacent room.
"I-I don't know how to do this," L/N admitted quietly, twisting her wedding band around her finger, "I know that you're probably the worst person to ask, but you won't sugarcoat it... How am I supposed to let him go if this doesn't work?" She asked, voice shaking as she tried to keep from falling apart again. More tears rolled down her cheeks as she looked up at him, waiting for a reply.
House let out a breath, "You don't," He stated.
L/N nodded, wiping the tears from her cheeks before more quickly fell to replace them. House looked down at the floor between them, tapping his cane against the wood.
"You love him... You're going to keep loving him even after he's gone," House stated, grip tightening on his cane.
"You either feel everything or absolutely nothing when you first get the news. Then you go numb or you shatter under the weight of your loss. You'll see him everywhere and miss him every second of every day. It could take a year or more for you to get through that initial wave of grief... Some people never get through it," He continued, eyes briefly meeting with her's.
"Then maybe you'll miss having someone around, the silence will feel like it's suffocating. You'll go out on a date, but realize how different they are and you'll miss him."
He glanced into the living room to where Wilson was laying on the couch before his eyes returned to the floor, "You'll grieve again. You'll feel like nothing will ever be right without him. Every day will feel like a battle until one day you can think about him without crying. You'll pack his things away, pretend that life didn't stop when he died. Then you'll see something that makes you think of him, smell his cologne on someone or hear a stupid joke that will throw you right back into that grief," He stated.
He looked up at her, finding her staring up at him with tear-filled eyes, "The pain never stops, you just learn to live with it," House said.
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Can I place an order for Marvel? If yes: HERE YOU GO. Where the reader is Steve and Natasha's daughter, Tony and Bucky's goddaughter (you can already imagine that) and mainly, she was raised by all the avengers and hidden from the spotlight. Just something pretty fluffy for what her relationship with them would be like 🥺✋
Ohana means family
Paring: Romanogers!Daughter!reader X Avengers(Platonic)
A/n: thank you for the request. This is my first request for the MCU Fandom, hope you enjoy.
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Being the daughter of Captain America and Black Widow is blessing a curse... I'll tell you why.
But first if your the daughter of them I could imagine you having Steve's kind heart and Natasha's temper. Your Godfather Tony always got a kick out of a tiny you getting all angry. And his laughter would only get heavier if you came and started punching his leg for laughing.
Tony would definitely be a second father. He's wanted to be different from his father so he will always show you the love and affection his father didn't show him.
You don't like hearing about Peggy. I think it's because she was almost your dad's love. Natasha never had a problem with hearing Steve talk about her but the woman always left you frustrated just by the sound of her name... You'd never tell your dad this though.
Anyway, being around all theses heros obviously inspired your choice of future work, this scares not only your parents but the whole team.
Sure your mother would teach you how to shoot or Tony will teach you how to build a robot but they all fear the day you'll actually have to use those skills.
Your other Godfather Bucky seems to be the only one with peace about this suprisenly. If you told him you want to be a superhero he'll grien and listen to your reasoning.
There's been times where he'll put toy boxing gloves on your hands and teach you how to punch. Natasha put a stop to it quickly though. One day he was setting on his knees so he was your hight and you kept punching his flesh hand. He wouldn't let you hit his metal hand in fear you'll hurt your self.
Sam would always tease that you have Bucky wrapped around your little finger.
Bucky and Tony always compete to see who can be the coolest Godfather. If one gets you a cool Lego set or dollhouse the other one will get the bigger version. You love Elvis Presley at the time Tony will take you right to Graceland. You want to go you a waterpark Bucky will have you there in a flash before Tony can have the chance.
A down side is you learned how to be independent with your Hero Family. It's not a bad thing and they don't do it intentionally but there's many times you spent at the compound with Pepper and Happy.
But your mom and dad always make it up to you. I wouldn't say your spoiled, but if you ask one of your godfathers nicely(with puppy eyes) you usually get it.
But another down side of being a part of this family is them being extremely over protective. There's been many times you couldn't do something or had to stay indoors for long periods of time because someone was plotting your father's death.
If you do go somewhere one of them is with you. If you want to go to a zoo trip for school one of them is with you. You want to check the mailbox Sam is flying around watching you. And don't even think about going to friends house for a slumber party. Steve and Nat aren't trying to be strick or anything they just always have this sicking feeling something will happen.
On a more positive note... You always have the best time with them. To be honest you never worried about having friends because you had them. You of course have friends your age but you consider the Avengers your Best Friends. Speaking of which Cassie Lang is probably your Best Friend.
Which means the first sleepover you ever had was with Cassie. Since you technically would be with an Avenger it was okay. Tony thought it was dumb to leave you alone with "Thumbelina" but Steve trusts Scott and Nat trusts Hope.
Speaking of which play time is always token to the extreme. You want a nerf gun war, the whole team is involved. You want to build a Lego thing, tony will buy the biggest one. Blanket fort? You don't have to ask Clint and Scott twise.
I think you'll always try and lift Thor's hammer. You've tried but couldn't so one time Thor lifted it with you so you could have the experience.
You love it when Bruce reads to you. If you come up to him with a book he'll drop everything and read to you. It's the only thing that will make him leave the lab immediately. It's calming to him and he always uses different funny voices to make you laugh.
I won't tell anyone but once you got older you had a small crush on Peitro, which didn't set well with most of the men in the compound when Cassie acdently let the cat out of the bag. You've never saw the ironman suit appear so quickly..
I think once you got older the over protectiveness got old. You found it annoying a frustrating at times but in the end you're greatful that you have a group of people that care about you so much.
Be patient with them. They love you and trust you, they just don't trust other people.
Since you can't be on the flighting field you went to medical school and with everyones help(especially from Bruce and Tony) you were able to graduate with a trauma certification and now you work with Dr. Cho in the med bay.
You always hate seeing them beat up from missions but you also love helping Them and other people.
I don't think you and Peter would get along. I don't know why, I just do. I think at one point they tried to get you to go on a date with him but it never happened.
For a little bit I think you had a jealously thing going on and didn't like how close Peter was getting to Tony. Your Godfather noticed this and told you that you'll always be his number one.
Speaking of Starks, your literally the best big sister to Morgan. You two are basically two peas in a pod. And don't even think about messing with her because you will through hands to anyone who's rude to her.
Your basically to her what Tony was to you.
When you get older you do become an Avenger and the elders got over it. You proved you can survive and they couldn't be more proud of you.
This is your family and you couldn't be more thank full. There may have been bumbs mountains along the the way but they'll always be family. And that's forever.
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melbatron5000 · 5 days
Please, go insane with me.
I'm still digging through the chiastic structure looking for Clues, and BOY HOWDY am I finding them.
Number one, I'm pretty certain I found TWO middle points.
There's one spot where the current show as it is meets up and extends out from. And another spot that isn't, but which I think is the True Middle. And I'll tell you what, I came at it a little bass-ackwards, and somehow accidentally wound up with the True Middle before I came across what I've been calling the Fool's Middle.
Okay. Great. Yay me. When I first found the Fool's Middle, I thought it must be the True Middle, and I'd been messing up this whole while. Except, I've been finding some very clear matches in some odd spots to the "right" of the middle, if we lay the story out in a left-to-right order. That shouldn't be. Chiastic structure is a mirror. Matches should be on opposite sides of the middle. But my assumed middle is working out MUCH better than the middle that actually falls in the center.
What the what.
Unless we're missing scenes.
Which brings me to find number two.
Several people have suggested that the scenes might be out of order, given the vehemence that Crowley shouts this at the demons before they attack the ball. I thought so too, and I figured the chiastic structure breakdown would show me what order they belong in.
Well, almost.
As I busily sorted through looking for mirror parallels, I started to notice that there's one chunk that has no real matches on the other side of the middle. Not the Fool's Middle, and not the True Middle. No real echoes, either.
The Resurrectionists minisode.
The present-day scenes that are interspersed with the Resurrectionists flashbacks have parallels. Just not any moments from the actual flashbacks themselves.
I figured I must just be blind, and decided to comb through that particular bit more thoroughly.
Here's the first thing I found:
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Note 138: "We do a miracle so no one knows it's him, now no one knows it's him. Nice one, us." Hand-written note: "It's definitely Gabriel."
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Note 134: Crowley brings Aziraphale to see the Gabriel statue in the 1700s. (1827, I know. They're notes, bear with me.) Hand-written note: "It's definitely Gabriel." "We do a miracle so no one knows it's him."
Okay, awesome, so there ARE mirror parallels in the Resurrectionists minisode. When Aziraphale says "it's definitely Gabriel" mirrors when no one knows it's Gabriel. Cool. No missing scenes. Yeah?
Oh, no. Not so freaking fast. Here's the next thing I found:
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Note 160: Wee Morag is shot. (By the grave gun.) Hand-written note: "You are out of order!"
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Note 161: "YOU ARE OUT OF ORDER!" Hand-written note: this is pretty much where the mirror of the Resurrectionists minisode should go.
Yeah. You'd think Wee Morag getting shot would have a solid mirror, right? But it doesn't. Unless you count Crowley yelling about demons -- or something -- being out of order. Hmmmm . . .
Okay, let's keep digging.
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Note 171: Crowley vanishes down a hole. Handwritten note: Something's wrong -- like a hangover.
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Note 170: Something's wrong, go to my friend. Hand-written note: Crowley vanishes down the hole to Hell.
Hot damn. Here we go.
Believe me when I felt a little bit like Aziraphale reading that his cocoa doth grow cold. A tad like Crowley was yelling right at me. At least, for a moment.
I can't find any other mirrors for Resurrectionists. I've looked. I'm not seeing anything.
Crowley can tell something isn't right. Something else is meant to be happening now, not a demon attack. And to him, it feels like a hangover -- that laudanum hangover, that ended in him getting sucked to Hell.
In the book, we learn that Crowley has a fine time trying to describe helicopters to Leonardo Da Vinci. In the Resurrectionists minisode, he tells Mr. Dalrymple he might want to wash his hands.
I don't think Crowley can see the future. In season 1, when Aziraphale asks him how the end of the world is going to go, he says rather irritably that he's never done it before, it's not like they let you go round again until you get it right. I don't think Crowley knows precisely what's wrong or what's meant to be happening when he feels that hangover mirror -- but his talent is time, and through that sense, he can tell whatever's happening isn't right.
Thus why he demands of the demons -- what are you doing here? What are any of you doing here? And then tells them, you are OUT OF ORDER!
The demon attack has plenty of parallels, it is supposed to happen -- but it's not meant to happen just yet. It's too soon. We need the Resurrectionist parallels first. Once we have those, the Fool's Middle falls away, and the True Middle takes its rightful place.
I'm NOT a fan of "The Magic Trick You Didn't See" theory. I don't think the Metatron has Dicky Bird to do with re-writing the Book of Life, which, by the way, we have no evidence of one way or the other even functioning as described. We have three different characters tell us two different things about it, and we never see it in action. Also, the only things that are missing and that has Crowley out-of-sorts are the Resurrectionist parallels. We're missing a couple of scenes that should match those. Just a few things. But important things, I should think.
Who took them? What events now suddenly didn't happen? And why were they taken?
Listen to me, I'm so wrapped up in this I'm writing like this is just fact. These are my thoughts. The chiastic structure has yielded some awesome stuff, stuff I think is really true. Is this true? Do I have this right? I don't know, and I've certainly been wrong about stuff before. But I do think I'm on to something here.
Also, now that I think of it for a moment, those are maybe not the right questions. DID someone take the missing scenes? Or did time jump forward past them? If time did just skip ahead -- hello, book shop clock -- why did it do that? And why can Crowley tell it did it this time, but isn't concerned about the other times? We all know about the book shop clock jumping ahead during the kiss scene, but the damn thing jumps ahead almost every time it's in a shot. Always ahead, though, never back. There are a lot of references to time, so I think it's important somehow.
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alyswritings · 1 year
JJ Clone
Request: Could you do a JJ Maybank x daughter!reader where they fight a lot because reader keeps getting in trouble and after she leaves home to cool off someone attacks her and she calls him and she apologizes crying and he says that it's okay and he's gonna take care of her??
JJ Maybank x daughter!reader
Summary: Y/N gets hurt after a fight with her dad.
Warnings: angst, injuries
a/n: thank you for the request! hope you all enjoy!
(gif not mine)
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"Y/N, stop." JJ orders, following his daughter inside.
"Why?" She grumbles.
"Because we need to talk." JJ states.
"We talked in the car, you talked to the principal, we talk every day, I think we're good." Y/N argues.
"Y/N Y/M/N Maybank, get your ass back here!" He shouts. Y/N rolls her eyes, but turns around, taking a few steps towards him.
"What?" She asks, annoyance and anger in her voice.
"What's wrong?" JJ asks.
"Nothing's wrong."
"Baby, you keep getting in trouble. This is the fourth time this week I've been called to the principal's office. Out of five days, I've been called four! Something is obviously wrong!"
"Nothing's wrong! Teenagers get in trouble, it happens! You were reckless when you were my age. You drank and smoke all the time!"
"Look, I'm trying to make sure you're better than me!"
"Who the fuck cares? Teenagers fuck up! I fuck up! Get over it!"
"What is the big deal?"
"You're one suspension away from getting expelled! That's the big deal!"
"So I'll get a GED and get a job or something."
"Since when did you get so uptight? You used to be more bearable. God, you're worse than Uncle Pope."
"Y/N-- hey!" He calls as she storms towards the door. "Y/N!"
"Just leave me the fuck alone!" She yells, slamming the door shut behind her.
"Y/N!" JJ screams. He lets out a quiet growl of frustration, running his hands through his hair.
- - -
JJ is on the phone with John B, Y/N still not home yet.
"Dude, you both needed time to cool down. I'm sure she's fine." John B says.
"And if she's not?" JJ asks.
"She'll call you." John B says.
"Not if she's fucking pissed at me. Plus, what if her phone's dead? What if she got kidnapped? Or-or killed?" JJ rambles.
"JJ, she's smart. She'll be okay. And if she isn't, then-- then we'll figure it out."
"God, I hate fighting." JJ groans, rubbing his temples.
"You do realize why you fight so much, right?" John B asks.
"Cause she's a teenager and I finally realize why adults hate teenagers. I mean, I love her, but other teenagers are just so fucking annoying, and-and I love my daughter, but the fighting just--"
"JJ." John B cuts him off. "You fight so much cause she's basically you're clone."
"What? No, she isn't." JJ denies.
"Dude, she's more like you than you are. Honestly, it's kind of concerning." John B chuckles.
"Dude, it-- no. No, that's not why. We just both have anger issues or some shit."
"Yeah, which would make you alike. Plus, every other little reckless, impulsive, doesn't give a shit about school, yada yada ya." John B says.
"I thought opposite personalities clashed." JJ comments.
"They do. But so do the same personalities. All personalities clash."
"Whatever. Look, I-I'm gonna try to call her or something. Make sure she still has a heartbeat, at least."
"I'm in town. I'll look around for her."
"Thanks, man." JJ hangs up. He starts to scroll to find Y/N's contact, stopping when his phone starts ringing. He looks at the name, it being his daughter's, along with the picture of him and her he has for her contact picture.
JJ immediately answers the phone, putting it to his ear.
"Y/N? Baby?" He asks.
"Daddy." He hears her hiccup.
"Whoa, whoa, hey, hey. What's wrong?" He asks, standing up, his heart speeding up.
"I... I need you." She says, sniffling.
"Okay. Okay, where are you? What happened?" He asks.
"I... th-the side of the road." Y/N says.
"Okay, I-- here, I have your location. I'll use that. Are you hurt?" JJ asks.
"Um..." Her hesitation makes JJ's heart drop. "Nothing's broken."
"Okay. Okay." JJ mumbles to himself, trying to collect himself. "Hey, you're gonna be just fine, I'll be right there." He snatches the keys off the counter, racing outside and to the car.
"Can you hurry up?" Y/N sniffles.
"Yes, baby. I'm on my way." JJ says. He puts the phone on speaker and finds her location. Starting the car, he peels away, speeding down the road.
Halfway there, the call ended, Y/N's phone having died. That only made JJ speed up, not caring about breaking any of the laws. When he finds Y/N, he slows down, pulling off to the side of the road.
He climbs out of the car, rushing over to where Y/N is leaning against a tree.
"Hey. Hey, hey, hey." JJ calls, getting Y/N's attention. She looks up, JJ freezing at the bruises and cuts littering her face. The shock dissipates, quickly replaced by anger. "What the fuck happened?" He asks, his jaw clenched. He swears he'll kill whoever did this to his baby girl.
"I-I-- I'm sorry." Y/N sobs and JJ softens. "I should've stayed home or-or at least not have gone too far. I-I didn't know, I-- it just happened and-and--"
"Hey, hey, hey." JJ softly coos. "Hey, it's okay, baby." He pulls her into a tight hug, Y/N sobbing into his chest. "I got you, baby girl. I got you." He tightly holds onto her, trying to comfort her. He rests his hand on her head, fingers tangling with her hair as he scratches her head lightly.
"You're safe now. I got you." JJ kisses her on the head. "I got you. I'm not mad at you. It's okay." He tightens his grip as Y/N clutches onto him like a lifeline.
After a while, she pulls away, still sobbing.
"I'm sorry. I've been such a bitch and I don't listen, and--"
"Hey, hey, no. No." JJ pushes her hair away from her face, some of it sticking from being wet with her tears. After, he cups her face, making her look at him. He winces at her injuries.
"I'm sorry." She sobs again.
"No, no. Baby, relax. We can deal with all of that shit later, okay? I'm not mad at you. I'm just happy you're alive." He says, lightly rubbing her temples. "Okay. So... so right now, we're gonna go home and I'm gonna take care of you, okay? We're gonna disinfect the cuts, ice the bruises, and whatever else you wanna do, okay? And when you're ready, whether it's tonight or not, you can tell me what happened, okay?"
Y/N nods, still crying.
"Okay. Okay." JJ kisses her on the forehead and pulls her back into a hug, resting his head on top of hers. "It's okay, baby. It's okay, I'm right here with you." He kisses her on the head, holding onto her as tightly as he can.
After getting home, they both changed into pajamas and JJ treated her injuries before they had some instant ramen to get some food in her. Y/N stayed glued to his side the whole night, sleeping in his bed so she wasn't alone.
Taglist: @glxwingrxse @venomsvl @wildieflower @aliciacat20 @allyson15 @gabbylovesreading @itsmaneskinbitch @ironmaiden1313
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jiihu · 1 year
﹅ 𝗽𝘂𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗰 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗰𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻; 𝗵𝘂𝗵 𝘆𝘂𝗻𝗷𝗶𝗻
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﹅ summary — behind closed doors, yunjin makes you feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. in public, not so much. what happens when you’ve finally had enough?
﹅ content — toxic relationship, angst, slight abuse, manipulation, idol!au
﹅ word count — 2.7k
﹅ a/n — aaa idk why but i'm not satisfied with this, but i still wanted to post something while i worked on the produce48 fic (which is coming next !)
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"…on, I'm already late." I groaned, rolling over into the covers. "I'm serious, Y/N. Get up." I blinked groggily, opening my eyes to see Yunjin standing over me, her irritation evident as she squinted her eyes at me. "Why do you do this every day? You know the routine; you leave before me, and I walk out afterward so the paparazzi won't suspect anything. It shouldn't have to be this difficult."
"Well, it's 9 am right now." I rolled over to check the time on the clock. "Of course, it would be difficult. Not all of us are early birds like you." I sat up and rested my face in my palms, trying to calm my heart from being woken up so abruptly. I felt clothes hitting my side and looked up to see Yunjin picking my clothes from the floor before throwing them toward me.
"Five minutes or I'm sending you out of the door, clothed or not." I watched as she took a seat on the end of the bed, toying with her watch.
"I don't get why it's such a big deal if they see us together. The paparazzi probably think we're just friends regardless but even so, why does it matter?" She scoffed, shaking her head as her lips twitched upwards.
"Listen, Y/N. I love you, but you know how ruthless the media can be. Don't you care how they'd treat me if they found out about us?" I nodded, chewing on the inside of my lip. "I love you, okay? Don't forget that." She took her face in her hands and gently pressed a kiss to my lips before stepping back with an expecting look on her face.
"I love you too."
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"I'm not asking you to believe me, but I'm telling the truth!" Daeun sighed, side-stepping a scooter that was barreling down the sidewalk.
"I'm not calling you a liar. It's just that we've known each other for four years, Y/N. Do you expect to convince me that you've been dating 'the' Huh Yunjin?" She furrowed her eyebrows, shrugging her shoulders in doubt. I opened the door to the coffee shop, feeling the cool air wash over me.
"Fine, let's just drop it." I walked into the shop and pointed at a booth for Daeun to take as I ordered our drinks. "I'll take one large iced sweet tea and one medium iced coffee." I heard a crowd of voices behind me as I was swiping my card, and I turned around to see Yunjin walking into the shop, the paparazzi having enough decency to wait outside for her.
"Could I get a aurora chamomile relaxer, please?" I smiled, remembering when she would repeatedly ask me to pick up that specific drink from the shop.
"Jinnie, hi." I smiled at her, happy to finally see her somewhere else other than her apartment.
"Hi?" She responded with a puzzled expression, barely sparing me a glance before turning to take a seat at the chairs in front of the counter.
"Wait," I grabbed her arm to get her attention again, and she jerked her arm out of my grasp, almost sending me to the floor.
"Don't grab me like that." She spat, her features morphing into disgust as she looked at me. I stood there in shock, my hand still extended toward her. I heard cameras start clicking from outside the shop, and I felt my stomach twist, quickly brushing past her to head to Daeun’s booth. As I walked by, I saw her expression change to one of concern, her hand reaching out to comfort me before she pulled away, glancing up at the cameras outside.
"Y/N, what the fuck was that?" She exclaimed, her eyes darting between Yunjin and me.
"I'm… I'm not sure. I thought…" I stuttered, still feeling a bit dizzy from that interaction.
"Order number 56!" Daeun took a deep breath before patting my shoulder with a sympathetic expression and standing up to grab the drinks. I glanced toward Yunjin and barely caught her eyes darting away from me before we could even make eye contact. When Daeun returned with the cups, I sat quietly and sipped my tea until the sound of the doorbell and paparazzi yelling snapped me out of it. I watched as Daeun began to open her mouth and quickly cut her off.
"I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to cut this short. I'm not feeling very well." I stated, walking away before she could respond. I could feel a knot rising in my throat, and I briskly started walking to my apartment, throwing open the door once I arrived and collapsing on the couch. I laid there and stared at the ceiling for what felt like hours, the feelings of humiliation and embarrassment terrorizing my thoughts.
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I woke up to my phone buzzing endlessly, and I rubbed my face with the back of my hand as my eyes adjusted to the screen's brightness. Texts from friends and family flooded my notifications with an article titled, "Crazy Fan Tries To Grab K-Pop Star, LESSERAFIM's Huh Yunjin?" I stared at my phone as if I were waiting for someone to tell me this was a prank. Looking at the texts on my phone, I couldn't even think of where to start explaining this. Before I could begin responding, I heard three knocks on my door. I assumed it was one of my friends coming to check on me, and I sat up, shuffling over to the door to open it. When I saw Yunjin’s face, I tried to close it, but she stuck her shoe between the door. "Y/N, I'm so sorry about this. I swear I didn't mean for this to happen." She blurted out, trying to persuade me to open the door.
"Then why did you do it? You made me look like a fool in front of all those people! Jesus, even my friends, and family saw it!" She forced her way into the door, quietly shutting the door before taking a seat on the couch.
"I'm sorry, but what else did you want me to do? Unlike you, I have a reputation to uphold!" She argued.
"That's not the point! The point is that you humiliated me in front of everyone and didn't even bother to apologize, clear it up, nothing! You just let the media run with it!" She sighed, massing her temples as her leg bounced.
"Y/N, you knew what you were getting into when we started dating. It's not fair for me to deal with stress at work, then I get home and have to deal with this. This situation isn't that big of a deal."
"Seriously? It isn't that big of a deal? Are you saying I don't have the right to be upset after what happened today? After the way you treated me?" She rolled her eyes, standing up from her seat.
"You're too upset right now. Call me when you've calmed down later on."
"You know what? No. I'm done; we're done. Whatever this is," I gestured around myself, "is done." Yunjin turned around with a look of surprise on her face.
"What do you mean we're done? You don't just get to decide that on your own." I scoffed, surprised at her bold words.
"Get out," I said, pointing towards the door. She stood with her arms crossed, one eyebrow raised as if daring me to do something. "I said get out!" I yelled, shoving her towards the door. She grabbed my wrists as I tried to pull away from her, using her strength to twist them behind my back. "Stop, you're hurting me!" I cried out, my body contorting unnaturally as I tried to free myself from her grasp. She quickly let go, pulling me into her chest as I winced.
"I'm so, so sorry, baby. I didn't want to hurt you like that. But you made me do it." I shook my head, unable to get any words out, as I sobbed into her shirt. "Yes, you did. If only you would've just been compliant and stayed at home, I wouldn't have had to do this to you." I let out quiet sniffles now and then as she rubbed my back, losing the will to fight back as her touch relaxed me like it always did. "You know I love you, right?" She squeezed me tighter the longer I didn't respond, her nails digging into my shoulder blades.
"I love you too." She hummed in acceptance, finally releasing me as I stumbled backward, sniffling as I watched her from a distance. “Can you please clear this up? At least tell them I’m your friend or something. I’m never going to live this down.” Yunjin sat back down and stared at the TV, deep in thought before she sighed and nodded her head.
“I guess I could, but that would involve everyone also finding out who you are. I thought you wanted to stay anonymous?”
“Well, I did before. Now everyone who sees me is going to immediately think of 'that' crazy fan, so I’d rather clear that up first.” She shrugged, scratching her ear as she pulled out her phone.
“I’ll just make a quick post letting everyone know that we’re friends.” She started typing on her phone, pausing now and then in thought. “Y/N Y/LN… my friend… we argued… having a bad day,” she mumbled, putting her phone to the side.
“Happy?” I nodded, hoping that this would clear my name. “Come sit,” she said, patting the couch beside her. I sat on the other end of the couch, awkwardly curled into the arm of the couch. She glanced at me, frowning before turning away.
“I should probably call my friends. You know, to explain what happened,” I suggested, hinting at the fact that I wanted her to leave. She nodded, gesturing with her hands as if to say “go ahead”. “So if you could leave…” I trailed off, hoping that she would understand and leave.
“Are you kicking me out?” She questioned me, staring with her eyebrow raised.
“No, of course not, I’m just-” She cut me off with a laugh, standing up from her seat.
“I’m kidding, Y/N. Calm down a bit. See you tomorrow, yeah?” I nodded, awkwardly letting out a small laugh.
“Yeah, see you tomorrow.” I followed her to the door, wincing as she grabbed my bruised wrist to pull me in for a kiss before closing it. I let out a shaky breath, reaching for my phone to call Daeun.
“Y/N, are you alright?” She asked me, sounding concerned over the phone.
“I’m fine. Could you please come over for a while?” I asked her, my words coming out almost begging-like.
“Of course. I’ll be there in 10.”
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“Then, I threatened to break up with her and she almost broke my arms!” I exclaimed, showing her the indents on my wrist from where she grabbed me. Daeun gently turned my wrists over in her hands, inspecting them.
“I believe you, Y/N. But I don’t understand why she would do this. She seems so sweet on television.” Daeun muttered, running her fingertips over the marks.
“I know, right? Then I had to ask her twice,” I ranted, emphasizing the word ‘twice’, “to clear up this mess. I mean, isn’t that obvious? Now I don’t know what to do. I love her so much, I do, but I’m scared of what she might do next time something like this happens.” Daeun stared off into space, deep in thought before she sat up with a thought.
“Just block her on everything and come stay with me for a few nights. I mean, she wouldn’t be able to look for you without paparazzi following, right?” I made a sound of agreement before standing up to pack a bag of clothes for at least three nights. As I was getting my toothbrush from the bathroom, I heard a knock at the door. I perked up and made eye contact with Daeun before going to my phone to see the camera. I saw Yunjin outside of the door and I showed Daeun, her hands coming up to steady the phone as mine were still shaking.
“Open the door, Y/N. I know you’re still here.” Yunjin insisted from outside the door.
“Just open it, she won’t do anything when I’m here.” I nodded, taking a deep breath before opening the door.
“I know I said I’d see you tomorrow, but I couldn’t wait. I had to come back to apologize, not only for what happened at the shop but for how I treated you earlier," he mumbled, seemingly nervous from the way she was playing with her fingers.
“Jen, I don’t think we should do this anymore. I mean, I love you but I can’t keep sneaking around like this forever. I can't keep feeling like I can’t even interact with my girlfriend normally, because you’re so scared of what other people might think of you!” I ranted, still holding the door so that she couldn’t see Daeun.
“Scared? I’m not scared of what people think of me, Y/N. I’m scared of the effect that this might have on my group. If you want to break up, then fine, but don’t think for one second that you or anyone else is more important than my job, She raised her voice, pushing past me to grab her jacket that was lying on the chair in the living room. As she turned around, she saw Daeun sitting on the couch and froze.
"I won't say anything. I'm just making sure you don't hurt her again," Daeun hissed.
"I didn't..." Yunjin trailed off, shaking her head with a huff as she walked towards the door. "Whatever. I don't know what thing," she gestured towards us with her hands, "you two have going on here, but I won't be a part of it. You can break up with me if you want, but know you won't find another person that treats you even close to the way I do." She pushed past me, storming out of the door and down the hallway.
I let out a breath of relief, quietly closing the door behind her and falling on the couch beside Daeun. She wrapped her arm around my shoulder, pulling my head to lay against her.
"That's it?" She questioned me as I felt her eyes burning a hole into the side of my face. I shrugged, staring at the TV.
"I guess so."
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The next day, I didn’t hear anything back from Yunjin, and I saw my name trending on social media because of the post that Yunjin made. I felt nervous because my name and face was plastered everywhere, but I felt slightly better since it wasn’t in a negative way anymore. After letting the rest of my friends and family know what happened while leaving out the part about Yunjin twisting my arms behind my back, I laid down on the couch, trying my best to erase the memories from yesterday. As I felt myself begin to drift to sleep, I heard a knock on the door. I tried to close my eyes again, but the knocking became more frantic. I sleepily got up and opened the door, still wiping sleep from my eyes as I squinted to see who it is. “Yunjin?”
“I’m sorry, Y/N, but I couldn’t just leave like that. Even going just one night and morning without your texts is making me miss you. Please take me back, Y/N. I promise if you do, I’ll never treat you like that again.” She pleaded, looking at me with wide eyes. I took a deep breath before nodding, watching as a smile spread across her face and she pulled me in for a deep kiss. “I swear you won’t regret it.”
After a few weeks, I did begin to regret it. Yunjin went back to her old ways almost instantly, her sweet act dropping after she realized that she had me reeled back in again. She started acting cold towards me in public, until she eventually stopped seeing me in public altogether, blaming it on the media. She became more secretive as well, disappearing during the day and coming back late into the night. “It’s because of practice, you know this.” She would tell me, but I had a hard time believing her. This time though, I chose not to confront her because I knew that no matter what, I’d always end up back in her arms again.
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eponymous-rose · 7 months
Had another RIDICULOUS fight in BG3 (major spoilers for Act 3!):
So there's my Tav, Shadowheart, Astarion and Karlach heading to the House of Grief. We get into a confrontation with Viconia DeVir, as you do, and suddenly there we are, somewhat underprepared (no elixirs, no dipped weapons), facing down an even 20 enemies on Tactician difficulty.
Okay. Okay. Shadowheart is isolated from the rest in the initiative order, so even though my fighter Tav and Karlach each whittle down one of the weaker enemies, the rest have ample time to bring Shadowheart down, again and again. I'm in a situation where I know that trying to keep her up is going to make things impossibly difficult, but I hate giving up the damage and healing (not to mention I really really want her to be conscious in case the game chucks me straight into a cutscene). I also don't want to Globe of Invulnerability this fight out of sheer cussedness.
Okay. Karlach and Astarion (tied at the top of the initiative order) are nearby, maybe they can get something set up? But oh, Shadowheart's gone down in a region of Darkness, so nothing can be thrown at her, including healing potions. I'm doing some complicated mental math with bonus actions and actions and trying to figure out how to get Shadowheart up, get some health into her, and get her out of the line of fire. My hail-Mary attempt to use Astarion to break concentration on the caster of Darkness fails, so I have to give up Shadowheart for dead (at least for now) and have Karlach leap over most of the enemies and flee up the stairs to at least force some of the enemies to waste their turn dashing up to follow her.
Shadowheart is immediately killed, and Astarion (exposed in his attempt to help Shadowheart) is unfortunately right behind her. Finger hovering over the "reload" button, I hesitate. Eighteen enemies remaining, just two very fighty girlfriends (Tav and Karlach) remaining alive. Wouldn't that be a cool story if it worked out?
Here we go. I have my Tav cast Haste on herself (she has it from some item or other - this version of Haste is 10 turns instead of the lesser amount you get with Potion of Speed, there's literally *no* downside!) and she starts wrecking shop. One turn: 3 dead. Another turn: another 3 dead. Meanwhile Karlach is whittling away at a few of the enemies up on the stairs, mostly just soaking up hits masterfully with the halved damage.
Uh-oh. Tav loses concentration on Haste (there's literally *one* downside!). From there, it's pretty quick - she's downed and killed within a turn, leaving Karlach alone at the top of the stairs. 10 enemies remain, most of them magic users with the ability to nullify healing, several of which are untouched with over 100 HP.
Uhhhhhh, okay. Let's try this. Karlach is wielding Nyrulna, which does more damage (as well as some extra damage in an AOE) if you throw it instead of using it in melee (it teleports back to her hand). She manages to throw it at a few of the enemies up close and pick off one, then jumps over one enemy, grabs another enemy, and throws that enemy at a third enemy. Just barbarian things, you know?
But things are starting to look rough. I have Karlach take a Potion of Speed at some point, mainly to do some running away from the enemies to force them to Dash on their turns, and I realize quickly that said Potion of Speed about to wear off, which means I will have one missed turn where I'm out of commission entirely and Karlach (who currently cannot heal herself due to a spell and will also lose her damage-halving Rage) will be dead.
Okay. Uh. What do I have in my inventory? Oh! Spell scrolls! Those might do some good, although I'll still be a sitting duck even after dealing some substantial damage. Or... wait, is that a Potion of Invisibility?
Karlach uses both of her actions to run to a side chamber, out of sight of the remaining ten enemies. She chugs that Potion of Invisibility.
The enemies all stare at each other. The enemies yell threats. The enemies do not come after her. Her next turn comes around, and she is immobilized by the lethargy at the end of the effects of the Potion of Speed, and her Rage drops. But she's still invisible! Another round of confused enemies yelling. And we're back!
The effect preventing her from healing is also gone, so I have her take a couple health potions over a couple more turns of invisibility. Now we're back to full HP, baby! Emboldened, but before going back to raging, she walks up to the Big Bad and uses a spell scroll to cast Disintegrate. 12% chance of killing her, 88% chance of 0 damage!
And... yeah, of course that didn't work. Not sure why I thought it would. Goodbye invisibility. Hello rage.
What ensues is a Yakety-Sax-worthy chase around the level, with Karlach sprinting a bit ahead, doubling back to throw the trident at a few enemies, then sprinting away. They're going to flank her, though, as she runs back towards the original staircase. Hey, there's a door here! She has juuuuust enough movement to pop inside. Hey, line-of-sight is a thing with most spells!
She closes the door behind her.
The enemies waste another turn just getting close enough to fling the door open, at which point Karlach has done some more healing and is ready for further violence. By this point more and more of the enemies have been dropping (including the Big Bad), and we're down to just five.
More kiting, more sprinting around, lots of jumps, strategic pushes, a few close calls, and Karlach is staring down the last 23 HP of her final enemy. Incredible. Amazing. A worthy feat.
.......wouldn't it be funny if I managed to rez all the other characters before finishing the fight?
Instead of dealing the finishing blow this poor Justiciar was doubtlessly expecting, Karlach cuts and runs back over to Shadowheart, pulling out a scroll of Revivify and bringing Shadowheart back as far from the remaining enemy as possible.
Shadowheart spawns in, baffled and at 1 HP. Shadowheart also is not currently in the initiative order. Shadowheart promptly heals herself to full and revivifies Tav, lying nearby, before both are pulled into the initiative order.
Karlach takes a hit from the remaining enemy, and then again when she pulls away to try to find Astarion. Yes, find Astarion. Our rogue has stealthed his dead body off the map. She fumbles around for a bit and finally just gets into melee with the last enemy and ends her turn. Amisra and Shadowheart are up, Amisra heals, and it takes a prod from @loquaciousquark for me to remember you can click on the character portraits along the side to target them directly. Shadowheart brings back Astarion and heals him!
Karlach, fire in her eyes, chases down the remaining Sharran and takes down the last little flicker of HP.
Final result: all 20 enemies killed, all 4 of my party members alive, conscious, and sitting at over half HP.
Exactly as planned.
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fadedmunson · 2 years
you know, that i'm no good.
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PROMPTS "so, there was a scuffle." & "let me guess.. you caused it?"
PAIRINGS charlie swan/fem!reader
SUMMARY a fight ensues, and of course, you just had to be there.
WARNINGS a hint of violence, some profanities, charlie yelling at you like dad, angst if you squint, age gap! READER IS LEGAL AGE, & fluffy ending.
WORD COUNT .6k words
! not edited !
forks, washington. a quiet town that just got hit with a tiny storm (well, metaphorically.)
and where were you in all of this? you were in the eye of it.
the day was like any other. you woke up that morning to a note right next to you bedside table that read, 'went to work, love you honey :)"
you got out of bed to close your window and get dressed. off to the diner you went.
the diner was usually pretty busy in the afternoon. you could barely hear the door chime when you walked in.
"good morning y/n!" one of the waitresses chimed.
"hey cora. did you move the aprons?" you asked.
"yeah, sorry. there was no space to put them anywhere else. they should be in the back somewhere."
"thank you!" you ran to get your apron and your notepad
you ran out the back and smoothed out your clothes, breathe.
"hi, im y/n and i'll be your server. what can i getcha?" you sang.
"can't you see we're still looking through the menu? give us a minute." a young woman, around your age, spat.
'okay, ouch.' you thought
there was a man that sat across from her, looking stunned at her outburst.
"riley! i'm really sorry ma'am i--" he panicked.
"don't even worry about it, just let me know when you're ready. i'll be around." you shined a quick sad smile and walked off.
it had been a couple of minutes and as you're pouring a coffee you hear her annoying voice.
"hey lady! take our order." she demanded.
you turned around and just breathed through your nose and smiled at her.
"what can i get you guys?"
"we'll both just have a burger with a side of fries." the man smiled
"cool, any drinks?" you looked down at your notepad and then back to him
"no thanks." he replied.
"i'll have those out for you in just a moment." you walked off
"babe, i gotta go the bathroom can you wait for me to start eating?"
"sure honey." she flashed her teeth in a sickly sweet smile.
"your two burgers with fries." you spoke.
"hey, what is your problem?" she barked.
you paused for a moment. is she talking to me?
"excuse me?" you retorted.
"you heard me, stop acting like a whore around my boyfriend and do me the favor of getting us another waitress." she sneered.
you were beginning to just walk off at that point but then you turned around.
whore. you were just called a whore.
absolutely not.
you turned on your heel and punched her square in the jaw.
at this point the girl was fuming and had tackled you onto the ground. around three minutes of kicking and yelling and you were escorted to the er for scratches, bruises, and a bloody nose.
you hear shoes walking closer to your bed, they weren't just anyone's, they were charlies. fuck
he throws the curtains open and begins to examine your face while he begins to hound you.
"what on god's gracious earth did you do now?" he demanded
"so, there was a scuffle." you mumbled, avoiding eye contact.
"and let me guess.. you caused it?" he deadpanned.
"she started it." you muttered lowly.
"someone told me what happened." he paused "as much as i hate how you handled it, im glad you're okay sweetheart." he crouched and pressed small kisses all around your face.
"oh charlie, i never meant to make you worry." you held his face in your hands.
"i know you didn't, i just hate seeing you hurt. if someone ever tries anything--"
"charlie no." you both started quietly laughing.
once it got a little quiet he laid his face on your shoulder.
"so, we good?" you quietly questioned.
"yeah. i guess we're good." he smiled at you before catching your lips in a kiss.
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