#((Gayest game in the Xbox))
antihibikase-archive · 6 months
hi I see your tales of vesperia posting. what is tales of vesperia those character designs look terrible (EXTREMELY POSITIVE)
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Tales of Vesperia is part of a bigger series called "Tales", but each Tales is its own story, kinda like Pokemon, Persona, etc. Its a fantasy RPG series, and Vesperia in particular follows the story of Yuri Lowell, an ex-knight-turned-vigilante as he tries to help out the Lower Quarter, the place where he grew up in, since the empire tends to ignore the common folk.
And he gets the funniest found family in all of media which consists of;
Princess that the empire's knights mistakenly thinks he kidnapped
8-12 year old with a big bag and an even bigger hammer that looks up to him (and becomes his boss)
Prickly mage who is a child prodigy and is nice to only the princess and has tried to kill someone once in her sleep (movie-exclusive)
Most pathetic sopping wet old man who has zero to no charm and I think half his screentime is spent by other characters clowning on him
Elf girl who shares "flirtatious" banter with Yuri, except its just both of them just enabling each others worst habits and encouraging each other that crime is definitely okay
Pirate girl who is a PS3-exlusive and also she has a gun
Yuri's 5 times divorced ex childhood friend, a knight who is supposedly better at everything Yuri does, EXCEPT cooking
His fucking dog that he had since his time as a knight, which carries around a knife, and is listed as the worst cook in the whole party
Yuri Lowell was such a popular character that he had to be banned from popularity contests since he was admittedly the coolest main character that the Tales series ever had like. One of his defining characters traits is that he's okay with murder. Also the opening of Tales of Vesperia is set up to be like "song that the female lead would sing to the male lead", but no, the singer says its a song about Yuri and Flynn's (the childhood friend) relationship in the point of view of Estelle, the princess ..............................
One of the Yuri Lowell videos ever <3
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sleepdeprivedqueer · 2 years
Quoting things my friends have said
(I got coffee when I wasn't supposed too so Imma be up tonight so Imma be writing fanfics, so he expecting that)
"Leave my pepperoni alone ya bitch!"
"I'm going to walk into your house and say to your father, 'Jessie, we need to cook',"
"I will use the power of the ancestors that I do not have against my children!"
"The more parental issues the kinkier"
"He looks Italian, he's a Italian dilf"
"(Ex's name) is a dumbass for dumping you"
"I will spend thousands of dollars on your bakery to the point that I'm in debt"
"You need to stop taking my month away!"
"My sweet succulent double A Xbox batteries!"
"I don't know your name but would you like a donut hole?"
"Wait, if you and (Ex's name) didn't, does that mean I'm adopted!?"
"He self adopted himself as your son? I don't think it works that way"
"Johnny the ball died"
"I will Russian kick right now"
"One piece, nah, more like One Piss" "Kota I will hit you!"
"I think my favorite line from Markiplier is him going 'Oh, the Klu Klux Klan!',"
"When I go to the Clown Motel, I'm going to punch one of the clown statues"
"Why does the burger look like sausage!?"
"We are not going to Ohio, or Alabama!"
"We're too close to Ohio, I do not like this"
"My dogs are so fucking annoying, the oldest one doesn't even bark he just wheezes while I'm eating!"
"I'm staying with Kenny, fuck the baby"
"Old people really being disrespectful by watching you while you're drawing, especially when they lean over towards you"
"I fucking hate seeing all these couples while I'm single as fuck"
"Sometimes, the straightest people become the gayest, I should know"
"I fucking hate Twilight because of how shit the werewolves are animated"
"Someone told me that the Hunger Games just came out, I almost bitch slapped them"
"I swear, the more children being born, the more I'm not attracted to my own race with how shitty they become"
"I'm a shame to my family for not speaking Spanish"
"Wash your damn rice!"
"I used to watch Underworld to help me fall asleep"
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letmebegaytodd · 3 years
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dickytwister · 4 years
minion gorl @occult-spells tagged me so here goes
1. are you named after anyone?
not anymore 😎
2. when was the last time you cried?
like an hour ago bc i lost my earbuds and somehow that made me mcfreaking lose it
3. do you have any kids?
i adopt every single person who ever talks to me
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
not as much as i used to but i rlly am a sarcastic piece of shit
5. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
this is gonna sound odd but i usually notice the set of their jaw first??? it tells me whether i should be careful with my words or if i can be playful or smth idk man ask freud
6. what’s your eye colour?
blue with a lil turd of yellow
7. scary movie or happy endings?
scary movie babey!!! all the way dude, i’ve been binging the chucky movies for a week and i finished the scream ones as well as the show and i’m looking for more ugly ass movies to watch owo
8. any special talents?
being the gayest in the walmart
9. where were you born?
assfuck nowhere in quebec, only reason we’re on the map is bc we invented putting a straw in your tim hortons coffee (fuck off sept-îles lmao)
10. what are your hobbies?
obsessing over stuff until i’ve sucked it dry of its serotonin, playing video games (i literally bought an entire xbox one to be able to play modern warfare that’s how bad it is), writing, reading, doing neither of the two, making coffee and forgetting it in the kitchen for two hours so i have to reheat it even though reheated coffee tastes like dry cum and then put too much sugar and milk so it tastes like nothingness and drink until the remaining coffee ground at the bottom of my mug spells “god has abandoned us”
11. do you have any pets?
yes!!!!!!! two doggos (cassiopea and shanny), two cats (mirage and calypso) and three birds (dean, sky and icarus) and they are ALL stupid
12. what sports do you play/have played?
i used to swim and do judo but then i decided to turn into a big fat disappointment
13. how tall are you?
5’6 or smth i think??? maybe 5’5 idk anyway i’m taller than my gf and that’s all that matters
14. dream job?
no job under capitalism
15. favourite subject in school?
criminogenesis was kind of nice ig??? english is easy pissy lemon squeezy so i like that and i used to love history classes but i sucked at them
imma tag hhuuuuhhhhh @gayoccultism @spot-the-brooklyn-pirate @letstalkaboutsebbaby @stars-of-the-rainbow @angelharahel @americachavex @kingdacre @yescanteloupe @coffeeshop-mornings and @hecallsme-sexygenius ✌🏼✌🏼✌🏼 have fun clowns
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signalwave · 7 years
another long one whoops
tagged by: @kleiio​ and @gothicauntie
tagging: @krugekaz @sensuell @lazyteea @rosy-tea @elliewilliams @mountaindave @luvkiddo @spectrism @qvaithe @roseloves
rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag others!
the last
1. drink: whiskey lol i just got home from a friend and he and i went on a bender  2. phone call: nick (moi friend) 3. text message: uhhh i think it was some salty message to my ex that i sent this afternoon?? idk though 4. song you listened to: i was made for lovin you by KISS 5. time you cried: on monday ): 6. dated someone twice: lol nope i dont do leftovers 7. kissed someone and regretted it: ugh some dude when i was 16 was the last time i ever regretted it  8. been cheated on: last year how ugly 9. lost someone special: on monday 10. been depressed: since 2010 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: my birthday last year (i have a strong tolerance for alcohol my dudes it takes a lot to get me drunk)
3 favourite colours
12. seafoam 13. lavender 14. mint green
in the last year have you
15. made new friends: yep 16. fallen out of love: yes n it was Hard  17. laughed until you cried: ha ha ha yes 18. found out someone was talking about you: yes becos i know a lot of uglee ppl 19. met someone who changed you: no i havent changed in many years 20. found out who your friends are: yeah and im not very happy with the results 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: god probably i dont use facebook that much anymore too many ragrets
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: like 90% 23. do you have any pets: aye three guinea pigs 24. do you want to change your name: nah i think im good with jade
25. what did you do for your last birthday: someone threw a surprise party for me 26. what time did you wake up: 4pm lmao 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: playing dead island on xbox 28. name something you can’t wait for: saturday i might be going to rALLYCROSS 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: like an hour ago 31. what are you listening to right now: passing afternoon by iron and wine 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: i knew like two or three of them 33. something that is getting on your nerves: my mothers boyfriend 34. most visited website: tumblr and youtube and ultimateguitar 35. hair colour: its like lilac with purple and a rosy pink 36. long or short hair: goes down past my shoulders so longish?? 37. do you have a crush on someone: um no but i wanna have one i miss crushing on ppl 38. what do you like about yourself: yo i have a great sense of style and music and shit so thats pretty cool. also tattoos and musical talent 39. piercings: nope 40. blood type: 0+ 41. nickname: people call me sammy or jadey  42. relationship status: single 43. zodiac: libra 44. pronouns: she/her 45. favourite tv show: game of thrones, supernatural, family guy, tosh.0 46. tattoos: three- a tree on my calf, the jackass logo on my forearm and the green day heart grenade from the american idiot album just above it 47. right or left handed: right 48. surgery: aye to have my appendix removed 50. sport: used to play softball and hockey. the gayest 51. vacation: various small coastal towns here in south africa 52. pair of trainers: ive got a pair of olympic international sneakers that i wear like all the time
53. eating: i had fries earlier 54. drinking: soda 55. I’m about to: idk scroll through tumblr and watch some family guy and hope i can fall asleep tonight 56. waiting for: the world to change 57. want: the people that hired me to get their asses into gear so i can finish my job, also to start a band 58. get married: lol idk i gotta find someone willing to put up with me first 59. career: im a pro freelance photographer currently doing a gig for a major food franchise here in s.a
60. hugs or kisses: kisses 61. lips or eyes: lips 62. shorter or taller: height doesnt matter?? 63. older or younger: as long as its legal lol 64. nice arms or nice stomach: arms 65. hook up or relationship: relationship 66. troublemaker or hesitant: erm both have their pros and cons idk
67. kissed a stranger: aye 68. drank hard liquor: aye 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: YES 70. turned someone down: yes tons 71. sex on the first date: coughs not a chance 72. broken someone’s heart: i hope not 73. had your heart broken: ff yes 74. been arrested: HAHA nearly 75. cried when someone died: aye  76. fallen for a friend: unfortunately yes
77. yourself:  ha no 78. miracles: nah 79. love at first sight: aye 80. santa claus: santa claus is terrifying 81. kiss on the first date: aye if it feels right 82. angels: erm unigjfknb
84. eye colour: hazel green 85. favourite movie: all of wes andersons’ films, though bottle rocket was slightly offkey 
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kaydashcapitalt · 7 years
A Letter to a Former Professor
Greetings Margaret, It's been a long time since we've seen each other, and since I've produced anything, but take comfort in that I am always finding new things to critique, I've taken great interest in a student from your VR class, known as Onofrey, from an article I read recently, http://iuhoosiers.com/news/2017/3/29/general-cuban-center-student-develops-virtual-reality-basketball-game.aspx?path=general&mobile=skip Who has been quoted to saying "It was more of supposed to be like an art piece at the end, but I realized I could make games." My heart went out to you, Margaret, and I can only imagine your frustration with having potentially lost another art student to the grasps of informatics, or worse, telecom,and I wanted to assure you that I have seen through it all, and this is still, in fact, an art piece at it's truest depth, and has potential to still bring pride to our DART family, Basketball is already a symbol of what could be considered the least gay sport of all, especially collegiate basketball,Not only is this artist using a "video game" making tool, which is already a male-dominated sphere, but it is using the medium to depict an even more heteromasculine medium of sports,Here she is quoted, "All my guy friends all had Xboxes but I’ve always loved video games"in saying that she has seized the opportunity to bring focus to women in digital art,and “It is really cool to realize that games like “Call of Duty,” had so much work put into them and it makes you respect them more.here she has realized that she too can create something that is within the language of these mainstream games in order to reach the demographic she is actually critiquing,By creating something familiar, she can earn the respect of the mainstream viewers, and thereby dismantle the medium from the inside, The artist must have known that as a woman basketball player and artist, this would negate the aggressive heterosexuality inherent in the subject, Not only are you placing the woman in the literal reconstruction of one of the most heteromasculine epicenters, but it is a place you can actually visit on campus,And not just any campus, but one of the gayest campuses in The United States, and here a crucial juxtaposition takes place, So in a way, this location is one of the last standing heterosexual spaces left, and she has busted it wide open,The place you can visit with your carnal body would not allow you to perform in the way that the virtual reality experience has enabled you,You can now place yourself in the epicenter of the only straight "Sanctuary" left, alone, at your own agency, without a team or a crowd, just shooting baskets,which speaks to the rise in sex positive feminism, and to the reclaiming of the vulgarity and taboo that is female masturbation, It has revealed the artificiality of this gendered state, and the infancy of the technology still does not allow for the suspension of disbelief, so you are at every moment aware that you are not in fact shooting actual hoops in the actual stadium,Bringing you to a sense of awareness of the archaic social implications and the clumsy technological future, in which we as women, queers, and artists, now infiltrate,The stadium here is the final frontier, and we no longer must be sidelined, or simply spectators to the heteromasculine characters performing in the middle,The capability to monopolize the entire campus, or even the entire city of Bloomington is within our grasp at this very moment,But it does not sugar coat the loneliness and independence we will find at the beginning, we must perform our own duties often with little support or role models alongside us, but we are here, we now see that the heteromasculine powers that forever distract us from our own narratives are as artificial as the texture mapping we see in this VR environment of a space we may all know (I have never been to a sporting event at IU myself, so I have not, myself, been in this space), but have never been a true part of, until now, and so with this brave and subtle move, she has shifted the power, using their language and symbols against them, and the ball is now in our court,,,,, Always remember, Margaret, that losses are simply ironic satire of what a loss would be if it were not winning in disguise, Hope you are well and enjoy your summer,
Long Live DART, Kay-T Critiques
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