#00 flour
fieriframes · 1 year
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[We've got some 00 flour, whole-milk ricotta.]
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Tomato-flavored lasagnette all’amatriciana.
Tomato lasagnette all’amatriciana April was kind of a strange month. It started out great–we were finishing up our week in Mexico City–and a week later we were getting ready for the Easter holiday weekend that we’d be spending in PA. I was a bit jet-lagged because I didn’t sleep great during our trip, and I blame that on forgetting a few kitchen tools we wanted to cook dinner that Sunday, but…
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outdoorpizzaoven · 1 year
Is 00 Flour Truly The Best Flour for Pizza?
When it comes to making a delicious, fluffy pizza dough, there is no denying that the right kind of flour can make all the difference. Many serious pizza makers have come to champion 00 flour for its finely milled texture and high-protein content; however, does this mean that it truly deserves its title as the best flour for pizza?
In this blog post, we will explore whether 00 flour is truly worth its lofty claims or if you should be looking elsewhere when preparing your next round of pizzas. By delving into the properties and characteristics of 00 flour we hope to provide you with everything you need to know before getting started in the kitchen. So, grab an apron and some yeast – let’s dive right in together!
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what-marsha-eats · 2 years
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petermorwood · 3 months
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Our local Supervalu supermarket has a small but totally authentic Italian section, and @dduane bought this flour to try it out.
She prepared enough dough - once divided up - for three pizze, and the first one (Friday) was so remarkably good that it was half-consumed and thoroughly non-photogenic before either of us said "Pix...?"
So here are a couple of shots of what happened next (Saturday). Instead of pizza, Flammkuchen.
Dish from Alsace, recipe from Switzerland, flour from Italy, sour cream from Lithuania, smoked pork belly from Poland, onions from Ireland, cook from USA.
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Today (Sunday) was pizza again, to finish the last ball of prepared dough, and it was nearly * as good as the first time.
This time, photos!
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* Three days is enough for any one batch of dough, even when kept in the fridge. It no longer stretches as well, so this pizza crust didn't develop a nice puffy edge the way the first one did.
An insignificant niggle, noted for next time. Make and use immediately for best effect.
The imbalanced layout of the onions...
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...is so DD can avoid eating too many and annoying her IBS.
So, onto the peel and into the oven (10 mins / 230°C).
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Out of the oven...
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...and into the diners.
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We're DEFINITELY going to buy more of that flour.
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bastionbibi · 1 month
Its 1 am but i want to make homemade pasta
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whats-in-a-sentence · 3 months
The Brown Bread Act, commonly known by sceptical housewives as 'the Poison Act', banned millers from making anything but wholemeal flour in 1800. In Horsham, Sussex, a women's riot went to the windmill:
A number of women proceeded to Gosden wind-mill where, abusing the Miller for having served them with brown flour they seized on the cloth with which he was then dressing meal, according to the directions of the Bread Act, and cut it into a thousand pieces; threatening at the same time to serve all similar utensils he might in future attempt to use in the same manner. The Amazonian leader of this petticoated cavalcade afterwards regaled her associates with a Guinea's worth of liquor at the Crab Tree public house.
"Normal Women: 900 Years of Making History" - Philippa Gregory
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blondefoxmedic · 1 year
Very excited for my flour arriving tomorrow. Yes i ordered italian flour because i wanna make some DECENT PIZZA and Focaccia.
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lapiazzaovens · 1 year
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Is 00 Flour Truly The Best Flour for Pizza?
Tipo 00 flour, also known as "double zero flour," is a finely ground Italian wheat flour that is often used for making pasta and pizza dough. It is named after the fineness of the grind, with 00 indicating the finest grind. In comparison to traditional all-purpose flour and bread flour, tipo 00 flour has a higher protein content and a finer grind, which makes it ideal for certain baked goods.
Read more: https://lapiazzaovens.com/blogs/news/is-00-flour-truly-the-best-flour-for-pizza
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acetonitril · 1 year
list 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. learn to know your mutuals and followers.♡
This is gonna make me sound so old, oh my god. Here we go:
Farmers markets
Baking with yeasted dough
Owning a washing machine
Regular working hours
My ability to manually repair things when required
Thank you ☺️
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Tagliolini with citrus-herb pesto.
Tagliolini with citrus-herb pesto.
Tagliolini with citrus-herb pesto Happy winter solstice! It may seem a little odd, or at least aseasonal, to be sharing a pesto recipe on the first day of winter, but this one is special due to its inclusion of both lemon and orange, both of which taste their best in the colder months. Inspired by a recipe in Giada De Laurentiss’s Everyday Pasta, I made some tweaks to it based on my own pesto…
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outdoorpizzaoven · 1 year
Is 00 Flour Truly The Best Flour for Pizza?
When it comes to making a delicious, fluffy pizza dough, there is no denying that the right kind of flour can make all the difference. Many serious pizza makers have come to champion 00 flour for its finely milled texture and high-protein content; however, does this mean that it truly deserves its title as the best flour for pizza?
In this blog post, we will explore whether 00 flour is truly worth its lofty claims or if you should be looking elsewhere when preparing your next round of pizzas. By delving into the properties and characteristics of 00 flour we hope to provide you with everything you need to know before getting started in the kitchen. So, grab an apron and some yeast – let’s dive right in together!
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sourdoughbakeshop · 1 year
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Lately I have been making a lot pizza, nearly every day it seems at least one pizza, some days 2-3. This was the latest vegetarian, mushrooms, pineapple, black olives, yellow zucchini, Mozzarella and sauce plus seasoning. The crust is crunchy but chewy. I don't like my crust so thin it looks like thin sheet of gooey rubber, but rather a 1/4" to 1/2" thick. This was made using a poolish that was cold fermented for 18 hours before mixing up the dough, the dough goes through a slow retarded fermentation for 12 - 24 hours. Baked on a 1" thick stone at 550° the oven and stone are preheated for one hour.
Currently I am working on my kitchen. In the future I will be posting with more detail, for the time being it's mostly going to be photos and a brief description. I've taken a break away from the internet these past three years, I'll probably be a little slow getting back into creating posts.
Thanks for having a look.
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thebowieconstricker · 3 months
Sweet Mornings
Lucifer Morningstar x reader oneshot
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Request: Them cooking together and it ending in either him cuddling her so much that they forget about the food and it burns, or baking and that ends in a food fight and kisses. Bonus points, if it burns down the Hotels kitchen and Charlie freaks out.
Okay so this is the CUTEST FREAKING THING EVER??? Love this request sm sorry it took a million years whoops lol enjoy
Tags: Literally just pure fluff, pancakes, kinda language, whipped-cream-related violence, gender neutral reader
Warm, soft mornings in bed with your beloved partner were becoming more common ever since you and Lucifer had become a couple. Not only was he excellent at cuddles, but his wings made the most delightful blankets to fall asleep under. On this particular morning, you were slowly waking up, and the first thing you noticed was the gentle grip Lucifer had on your form, clinging to your waist even in his sleep. You glanced at the clock to your right as you laid on your back and softly giggled. It was 3:00 in the morning, aka the “devil’s hour”, as some called it, and here he was, asleep in your shared bed. You shifted a bit to stretch and Lucifer made a small noise.
“I’m just moving a bit.” You whispered, bringing up a hand to brush through his blonde locks.
“Mmm, nah, just stay here.” He reached his arm back over your stomach and grabbed your hip, pulling you against his side.
You smiled affectionately, and while you looked at his quite literally angelic face, you thought of an idea.
“Hey, Luci… you wanna make pancakes?”
His eyes sprang open and his eyebrows shot up. A wide grin broke out on his face and quicker than you could blink, he had pulled both you and himself up and off the bed. With a snap of his fingers, the two of you were dressed in comfortable robes with silly slippers. He wore a bright yellow pair with duck faces, because of course he did. Your slippers were of your favorite animal, which was one of the many gifts Lucifer had given you.
With a wave of his hand, Lucifer had magically transported the two of you to the kitchen downstairs. It was a rather large kitchen, plenty of shelves and cabinets stocked with ingredients. You adjusted your robe and began to move towards one of the cupboards when you felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around your torso. Following close behind was the warm face of your lover, nuzzling into the back of your neck.
“Honey, we can’t cuddle and make pancakes.” You rolled your eyes with a smile on your face. You could hear the smirk in his voice as he replied, “Who says we can’t?”
He snapped once more and suddenly, all of your necessary materials and ingredients appeared on the kitchen island.
“There ya go, now you’ve just gotta stand there.”
You laughed and shuffled to the island.
You quickly realized that this was going to be far more difficult than you originally anticipated. For some reason, Lucifer was determined to make the simple activity of pancake-making as tedious as possible for you. When you measured the flour, he insisted that you had poured too much, leading you to re-measure six times. The eggs that you cracked always had a bit of shell in them, and instead of helping, Lucifer would just magic you more. “I’ll keep my arms right here, thank you.” He said from behind you. He did, however, beg you to add more sugar. You finally had to put your foot down after the 3rd empty bag. Why did you trust his horrible advice? No one knows, but according to legend, he apparently knows what he’s doing when it comes to pancakes.
After you had finally created some kind of batter, you struggled over to the oven with Lucifer’s arms still around you. You carefully poured the mixtures onto the skillet after putting the eye on the ‘high’ setting, and with the warm, sweet smells from the food and the demon snuggling your back, you were starting to get pretty sleepy.
That’s when you noticed it. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw that Lucifer had magicked some whipped cream in a can. Obviously, for the purpose of a topping, but you had other plans. You were sure that Lucifer’s eyes were closed behind you (you had even heard him snore a couple of times). Stealthily, you reached for the whipped cream and uncapped the can. You shook it and poured a bit into your mouth, just for fun. Then, you made your real move. You sprayed a good amount on your hand and put the can down.
“Hey, Luci, is it brown enough?” You asked innocently.
“Hmm..? I uh-“ He rubbed his eyes behind you and leaned over your shoulder to take a look at your pancake. “Yeah, you should probably flip-“
You swung your hand around and threw the whipped cream so it landed squarely on his face.
Lucifer’s arms eat go from your waist as he stumbled backwards in shock. His arms reached for his face to feel the whipped cream. Realizing what it was, he smiled wickedly as a forked licked the sweets off his hand.
“Oh, you have no idea who you just fucked.”
You doubled over as you cried with laughter at the sight of him, and laughed even more at that statement.
“It’s- it’s fucked with, Luci-“
Suddenly, whipped cream had landed on your face, splattering on your robe. You heard his musical laughter in front of you and, just like that, it was on.
Lucifer had summoned cans and cans of whipped cream on either of your sides and the two of you ducked behind and hopped over the kitchen island, throwing whipped cream at each other and throwing any other food you could find in the kitchen. You found a sleeve of graham crackers and started chucking those at some point while Lucifer grabbed some of his fire breathing ducks to melt the sugary ammo before it hit him. You took one of your shoes off and began chasing him with it, half laughing and half threatening him, when he finally, finally, held up a white napkin, and called, “I surrender!”
You kept laughing as you tackled him in a hug, the two of you falling to the ground.
“I’m sorry, Luci, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” You playfully said to him.
“Hurt? I’m offended you think I could even get hurt-“
“Then why’d you surrender?”
His arms snaked around your waist once again and he smirked.
“I guess I missed ya.”
You rolled your eyes and kissed him swiftly, the two of you too wrapped up in each other to care about the hectic state of the kitchen. Your hand went to his hair and carefully caressed it, trying to tidying it a bit. When you finally broke away, he looked at you breathlessly.
“Don’t get so excited there, you just had some whipped cream on your face.” You said to him, smiling.
Lucifer raised an eyebrow and another can appeared in his hand, spraying some on his lips without missing a beat.
“You dork.” You said, and kissed him again.
Then, suddenly, a voice from across the room.
So, the two of you may have forgotten about the pancakes.
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melobin · 8 months
cw. park wonbin x reader, sort of dom!wonbin, fingering, praise, slight hair pulling heavy use of pet names., brief mention of blood, lip biting. minors dni.
wc. 1k
an. a while back i got this ask and i’ve been thinking about it a lot lately so, this has come from it.
getting home late after a long day was never wonbins favorite thing, but knowing you’d be sitting there when he did return home made everything a little more bearable.
so coming home to find you sat on your bed in just one of his shirts filled his heart with joy, the joy didn’t stop at his heart though, the sight of you looking so peaceful, a small smile on your face as you scrolled through whatever you were looking at on your phone, it sent a different kind of joy straight to his cock.
one thing wonbin adored, especially after a stressful day, was having you cuddled in his arms telling him about your own day. his responses would be a hit or miss, some days he’d be more talkative, asking you questions about what happened and such, other days he found himself sitting back and just listening to you talk. your voice done more for him than any one of those silly asmr videos could ever.
that night, wonbin found himself stuck in the middle of wanting to talk your ear off and just wanting to sit and listen. yet, he also found himself in a new position, wanting to ravage the insides of your cunt as you told him about your day. oh, what a predicament. but he found himself sorting it quickly.
with one of your legs over his, the tips of wonbins fingers traced the skin of your inner thigh, ever so slowly closing in on your panties. he swore he grew dizzy as he felt the heat that was radiating off you. poor thing, you’ve probably been sitting here waiting for him to come and help you for hours.
“how was your day baby?” you shivered as his breath fanned over your neck, lips ghosting over your skin as his fingers slowly massaged the inside of your thigh. you swore he was doing it on purpose, he had to have been.
“uhh” your mind blanked for a few seconds “i had to go pick up some things from the store” your voice faltered when his fingers touched the hem of your panties.
“you’ll let me take them off of you won’t you love?”
“mhm” you hummed, unable to think of a proper verbal reply as his fingers dragged down the skin of your legs, underwear being discarded to the floor.
“what did you get from the store, angel?” you didn’t expect him to continue the previous conversation, especially as his fingers pressed against you. his middle finger pushed further against you, circling around your hole that was already oozing out wetness for him. his lips pressed against your shoulder that had been exposed from his shirt falling down your arm.
“well” your eyes closed as you relaxed against him, head falling onto his chest as you tried to regain your ability to think. “just. just some flour and things”
“oh? baking?” his finger grazed against your clit, your body shook slightly at the contact. he circled it, barely touching it.
“yeah..” you trailed off, his index finger joined his middle one as he placed more pressure on your clit, fingers fingers dipping down to coat themselves in the arousal that was leaking from you.
“new recipes?” you were in awe that he was able to keep himself so sane as he touched you, it wasn’t like you couldn’t feel his cock hardening beneath your leg. wonbin was never one for self restraint, when he wanted you he got you, even if he had to beg for it. wonbin really wasn’t one for shame when it came to begging. that’s why it shocked you so much that he was so visibly calm in that moment.
“i followed a girl on tiktok” the motion of his fingers sped up slightly, any coherent thoughts you had seemed to fade away.
“hmm? what does she do baby?” it felt as if he was taunting you, especially when his fingers moved down to your entrance. circling it, pressing a kiss to the top of your head as he felt it clench under the tips of his fingers. “baby?” he called out for you again, gaining your attention as his fingers slipped inside of you, it drew a moan from you. his arm around you become tighter, holding you closer to him as he smoothly thrusted his fingers into you in a painfully slow motion. “shh baby, why don’t you tell me about her profile?”
“she. she makes baking videos” you felt dizzy, mind clouded as his fingers curled up inside of you, your fingers gripped the fabric of the shirt he was wearing.
“hmm? what kind of things does she bake?”
“brownies” you were on the edge of crying out for him as the pads of his fingers reached deep inside of you to press against that one spot. “she makes good brownies. binnie” his name fell from you in a whine, you could have sworn you heard him laugh.
“what’s wrong angel?”
“it’s too much” you let yourself moan again, feeling as if his fingers were only picking up in speed. wonbin didn’t reply for a few moments, his fingers not stopping their attack on you. it was only when you felt his other hand move that he spoke.
“fuck” was all he said before you felt his hand in your hair, pulling on it slightly so your head was tipped back, the look on your face sent sparks straight to his cock. he couldn’t wait before kissing, having to devour every whimper that came from you due to him.
his teeth sank down on your bottom lip, tongue moving against yours once he let go. you almost sworn you could taste blood come from it after. your mind was elsewhere though, the feeling of your incoming orgasm too distracting.
“binnie” you intention of the kiss almost left your words unanswered “gonna cum” he smiled against you slightly, fingers not stopping as his hand gripped your hair a little tighter. you were insane. he was insane. and so were his words.
“cum baby, i’ll let you cum on my cock after too”
tag list. @starrypen @austirecs @antinitonny @wonbons @nctxtrash @iridescentboba @annton-s @moons4yu @kpoprhia @chichiuu
if your name is in bold it means tumblr won’t let me tag you!
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gojos-thot-patrol · 8 months
can't stop thinking about reader being a baker and gojo being absolutely OBSSESSED w them
idk if this is what you were going for, but my mind IMMEDIATELY went to Yandere Gojo
🍰Yandere Gojo who only really tried out this new bakery because Nanami said they had the best cupcakes in Tokyo. Gojo had been loyal to his bakery for years, but Nanami didn't dole out praise like that often- so he had to see what the hype was about.
🍰Yandere Gojo who's at least 58.5% sure part of why they're they best cupcakes in Tokyo is because they're made by the most beautiful baker in Tokyo.
🍰Yandere Gojo who wasn't speechless often- in fact Gojo almost always had something to say about everything. But the first time he saw your sweet face- smeared with flour and a perfect customer service smile, he was left bereft of speech.
🍰Yandere Gojo who goes to your bakery every single day, and makes a point of being your first customer. Who knows that you make the cupcakes a little bit later in your baking process, so he always has to wait about 15 minuets before he can get his baked good.
🍰Yandere Gojo who uses his fifteen minuets a day to get to know the ins and outs of your life. He learns about when and why you came to Tokyo, he learns about your hobbies outside of baking and why you came to love baking to deeply in the first place. He learns about your boyfriend.
🍰Yandere Gojo who is your loving, gentle shoulder to cry on when your boyfriend's breaks went out, and he passed in the ensuing six car pile up.
🍰Yandere Gojo who goes out of his way to make himself a primary presence in your life. You bump into him at your favorite grocery store and bar. He volunteers at the same community center your mom volunteers at, hell he's even in the same painting class you're in- and he's not very good at it. And every morning, at 6:00 AM on the dot- he's standing outside of your bakery-smiling as he waits for you to unlock the door for him.
🍰Yandere Gojo who had made himself such a force in your life, that it almost makes sense to go stay with him for a few days after your apartment mysteriously burns down.
🍰Yandere Gojo who wastes no time letting you know just how much he loves you once you're in his home. Once it's too late for you to leave. Once you realize you don't know the code to the lock on the door, and Gojo lives in a pent house. It's only then Gojo reveals the true depth of his obsession.
🍰Yandere Gojo who proudly showed off the creep shots he took of you- shots that made no sense for him to have. Who kept all of the wrappers from your cupcakes, and showed off the pillow cases he stole from your apartment that he burned down.
🍰Yandere Gojo who sees his obsession as devotion, and cant quite figure out why you're so weirded out right now. Was it the change in environment? Yeah, that was probably it! It's okay baby, don't be scared.
🍰Yandere Gojo who fully stocked up his kitchen with baking ingredients so that way you still had access to your favorite hobby. Isn't he sweet! Come on darling, let's go make some cupcakes together 🧁
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