#17jttw fanart
margueritedaisies · 7 months
Working on giving Wukong different facial structures based on human to monkey level
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Behold, the devolution of man lol.
I realize Im so inconsistent with him. Or maybe it depends on the context of my art. Human AU, he really has human features. In DSB Canon(well my headcanon) he retains a bit of monkey traits in his human disguise. And in LMK I give him actual humanoid monkeyman look.
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frozenladybug · 3 years
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Yeah, I don’t know how I can draw so much art for @dorkshadows fic From Here the Rain Falls either (aaaaaaaaa)
Shown are:
The gang finding out the severity of Wukong’s wounds (Ch.10)/ Wukong’s fever (Ch.10)/ the cloak given to Wukong (Ch.10)/ Sanzang’s breakdown (Ch.10)/ Tudigong (Ch.11)/ Rabbit fight (Ch.12)/ bathing scene (Ch.12)
these few chapters clenched my heart and squeezed all the blood out (the bathing scene makes me want to pass out)
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sneakydraws · 3 years
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today i bring you not just any 17jttw fanart........ but fanart for the delightful, ongoing 17jttw fic i've been reading penned by the wonderful @dorkshadows!!!! go watch the movie journey to the west 2 the demons strike back and then go read From Here the Rain Falls which i can't link if i want this post to show in tags <3
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dorkshadows · 3 years
OK I WANTED TO REPLY TO SOME OF YOUR TAGS- this is sneakydraws btw- 1st of all im super happy you liked the ao lie comic and THAT YOU CAUGHT THE PONYTAIL=DRAGONTAIL PARALELL- i wanted to make it more obvious but i couldn’t fit it into the space SO IT’S LOWKEY SURPRISING IT STILL CAME ACROSS... 2nd of all don't EVER think i (or FLB for that matter) could ever get sick of your tags!!! they're so lovely to see!!! if anything we worry that all this fanart is overwhelming, it's a lot i know 😭and finally since you expressed your... intrigue... at the phrase ‘cats hs au’ it’s. it’s a hs au of the characters from the cats musical. as in the og stage musical. which FLB was briefly obsessed with last year and got me into as well. the entire thing is on my blog under the ‘cats hs au’ tag and it’s actually fairly long 😭😭😭idk why the shit she shows me has to be the weirdest most obscure thing 90% of the time but i usually end up loving it so i can’t complain can i!!! ANYWAY im still recivering from ch16 but thank you for your service the western 17jttw fandom is literally like 4 people and yet we have this amazing fic thanks to you!!! xoxo
Hi Hi!! Thanks so much for the message- sorry it took a while to reply! (and I'll be replying your ao3 comments over the weekend!!) I loved the Ao Lie comic. Ah, so glad I wasn't imagining the dragontail thing! It was deliberate and I can't thank you enough :D It came across perfectly imo
I'm really glad you guys aren't annoyed by the long tags! I try to be as detailed as possible because I know how long drawings take (or maybe you guys are geniuses who do 5-second drawings, but it still deserves the appreciation), and getting art of my humble fic is honestly one of the best gifts an author can receive :'D And I needed to let you guys know that I 100% notice and appreciate every detail you put into them. (And no, not overwhelming at all! The opposite of overwhelming! I feel absolutely spoiled by your lovely art and no joke, it's one of the things keeping me motivated throughout the weeks, the possibility of seeing your arts!)
For some reason, I thought the cats HS au was going to be a crack jttw x cats!the musical/movie high school au XD I'm so glad you and FLB vibe on everything- having a friend to share a braincell with you is the best feeling. There is so much power in the obscure and niche asdfasdf It forces you to embrace the inner weirdo. Best of luck on your cats hs au! (love that you specified the stage musical and not the cgi film LOL)
Hope the rest of Act 2 is treating you well ;) And ahh, it's my pleasure. When I first started posting that fic, there were virtually no readers (I vividly remember receiving my first comment on ch. 6, and my sworn bro earl supporting me by reviewing the one and only platonic chapter involved! #loveyoubro) but for once in my life, that didn't stop me LMAO Suntang took over my soul like nothing else ever had that year (and it continued through 2018, and would have continued if not for the pandemic alas), and I kept publishing anyway. I regret nothing!
Seriously an honor to know you enjoy the fic, and thank you for your service to our 17!fandom of +/- 4. And hopefully I can finally finish the fic up in the near future!
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margueritedaisies · 7 months
Everyday and every way I draw Wukong cuntier and cuntier
Here me out sparring match between DSB Wukong and '96 Wukong, btw they dressed like Sukuna and Gojo here
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Also some LMK best girls
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margueritedaisies · 9 months
When you trynna show to your crush that you pay attention to everything they say
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And this half assed AU where Sanzang is a college student and Wukong is a barista(just wanted a reason to draw DSB Wukong as an alt guy)
But I also had a variation for a coffeeshop AU where Sanzang's the barista and Wukong's an indie musician that happens to have gig at the place Sanzang works in. Was inspired by Gary and Marshall in the new Fionna and Cake spinoff.
I also think Wukong was a regular patron before getting the gig offer, and liked testing Sanzang's patience everytime he asks for his order. Like taking long to decide despite ordering his usual, or asking for overcomplicated drinks.
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margueritedaisies · 7 months
@sneakystorms I heard about DSB Twilight AU and I bring to you... Vampire! Wukong. Took inspo of his outfit to James' coven in the movie and Mortal Instruments. Just wanted to give that edgy 90s-2000s feel. And yes it cannot be complete without the blue filter
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The whole point of it is to make him look fashionably ratty. Tbh I like giving him the fur jacket really makes a statement. And he wears the fangs and claws of the werewolves he hunted.
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Wukong as Marceline and Sanzang as Bonnie, tbh I can really see parallels. But I just wanted to draw alt guy Wukong with a guitar lol. And Sanzang with a gun , took inspo from those memes.
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margueritedaisies · 8 months
Uni activities been clobbering me for these past few months, so I did some soft DSB SunTang for my sanity🥺🙃They so cute
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Somehow I end up making Wukong's hair look like its alive 😬😭😂It looks like a clump of spiderlegs, but oh well, adds up to the scary unsettling factor.
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margueritedaisies · 9 months
Kids at the backseat be like:
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"It's hard being a single mother when you're a male teenager with three kids"
-Probbably Sanzang
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margueritedaisies · 9 months
Drew more of these sillies
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Also I just thought that one painting a demon yoinking Jesus like a cardboard cutout is so them
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More sillies
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And also yeah, spreading my agenda that Wukong dyes or bleaches his hair between brownish ochre to bottle blond, and auburns occasionally. Styles it in spikes or grows it out, reason his hair is so dry because of products. Just gives off that gangster vibe yaknow. And a reminisce to his many monkey forms fur colors.
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margueritedaisies · 7 months
@sneakydraws @frozenladybug
Tried to design also a Fem! DSB Wukong but I end up drawing her wayyy to pretty.
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Well, she is a supernatural being , and female faes usually have that impish charm in looks. But she also has this vibe that gives her the uncanny valley. I was thinking her hair texture be similar to Palm (HXH) but more volume, strands are always curtaining her eyes. Thinking of making her eyes wider apart and a bit bigger to make her look elvish. Her hair's slightly more healthy than her male counterpart. Forming whispy tendrils at the ends.
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margueritedaisies · 7 months
@sneakydraws @frozenladybug
Tried to do this for Halloween but hated doing every second of it, kinda halfassed oh well😭😂😂
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SunTang ready for Halloween night out, Bajie and Jiu Gong hosted the party.
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I've no idea how to draw Lin Gengxin I just wing whatever looks good on Wukong, Im pretty inconsistent with him. His face just morphs in my head like AI.
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Some CTD Sanzang and Wukong in Breaking Bad costumes lmfao.Really tried to push myself in drawing studies, but I just get easily bored and uninspired.
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Sanzang and Wukong showing him the pictures and status updates from friends after the party
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Even if these two are in a relationship they act like just close friends. But there are some changes like Wukong mellowing out towards Tang and both communicating better. But doesnt stop them in messing with each other.
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margueritedaisies · 6 months
Blockmate let .e borrow her stylus , it was soo much better to draw with. I was cookin🔥🔥Heres more Wukong Cullen
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margueritedaisies · 7 months
Im so delulu for them😳
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Tbh if these two got married I think their dynamic to be similar to Jake and Rainicorn
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Tang thought it was just their usual dates, Wukong already got his heart all set
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Listen but what if Wukong let Tripitaka keep the baby and they end up raising it as their own?? I know people make a joke of it but come on, why shippers aint using this trope??
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margueritedaisies · 6 months
can i admit something silly? i adore your jttw art SOOO much but i never interacted with the posts, bc that way i was guaranteed to see at least one or two of them randomly almost every day on my dash again (bc of the tags i follow), and every time they popped up it gave me such a serotonin boost when i was going through a bit of a stressful time. now things are calming down a little and i wanna go back and reblog them properly; i guess i wanted you to know how much joy your art brought me in the last few months, and im so happy that you share what you make. i hope you have the best month/holidays/etc!
Omg tbh I love it when someone does tags in reblogs or comments. Thats the best part when sharing art in social media. I get a chance to run my mouth about the concepts and silly stuff related to it. It kinda gets a bit boring in my socmeds since my followers barely interact and just lessen more overtime.
But glad I made people happy with my doodles. And this ask also made my day, sorry I replied just now since school and life been hectic for me rn
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So heres a lil SunTang doodle in that new meme lol. Havent drawn them in awhile
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margueritedaisies · 9 months
@sneakystorms @frozenladybug
Saw your old JTTW content and I am currently hooked with this fanbase. So here's a lil gift I did for fun during vacant period in class.
Recently drew dynamic combat poses with Wukong trying to fight fair and square (but he still has higher ground) so he wouldnt get disqualified in some brawling tournament. So he's in human form, no weapons or magic.
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Personal fave drawing, just love to think if Wukong really put the finesse in his combat skills to full potential .We barely get a chance to see him really do a fair hand to hand combat, usually just him abruptly throwing punches and kicks, and those poorly executed flying harness scenes. And always relying on his supernatural abilities and cudgel. Like I get he's so self assured and usually takes things easy for himself. But would really love to see his mastery in martial arts . I guess he'd only do it when he wants to really show off against those who he has bad blood with. If he's on a risky fight where he finds his match. The more things at stake, more thrill and hes definitely having fun . He'd want to pull off flashy moves to overwhelm his opponent.
Smear lines are a powerful thing for dynamic fighting poses. Been looking at One punch man manga fight scenes.
"He is dignified and beautiful, and I love him. "
*While Wukong shreds his way through the carnage*
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Feral bb, I imagine demon monkey roars sound like cheetahs/leopards
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Hoo boi 😭🥹🔥 Wukong's ponytail is just Shikamaru and Musashi(Vagabond) hair combined
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Oh yeah,just can't pass up to draw more SunTang
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