#99% true as far as we remember
fountainpenguin · 3 days
Cracking up over this Disney Wish analysis video I'm watching that talks about how the forest was meant to be in the mountains (with the villagers having fled to avoid getting their wishes stolen in that early version of the story), so it's full of high-altitude plants, but the creators later moved the forest right next to the castle and don't explain why people live outside the walls and they just... left all the high-altitude plants there, next to all the castle's low-altitude ones.
Yes queen, dunk on them for these things I would have never thought about but now I'm saying "HEY WAIT A MINUTE-" over.
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Today was Yom HaShoah, the day that Jews remember the Holocaust. The Holocaust was the industrialized genocide of the European Jewry by Nazi Germany and its collaborators from 1941-1945.
This is a really simple opening statement, but bear with me--I think it gets a lot more... 'yeah, buts' than most people may realize. And I think a good way of illuminating that is to break down the difference between how gentiles and Jews commemorate and remember it.
In my experience, gentiles seem to view the Holocaust as the ultimate example of mankind's barbarity to mankind. Like, the distillation of evil, the most obvious example of dehumanization and bigotry brought to its horrifying and extreme conclusion. They emphasize Nazi Germany's responsibility, elevate the instances of non-Jewish Frenchmen and Poles and Germans who made efforts to save Jewish lives, and generally view Nazi oppression as a catastrophe of whom Jews were one of many victims. And they emphasize the Allied Powers' role in ending it by liberating the camps and invading Germany. Hence why International Holocaust Remembrance Day falls on January 27th, the day Auschwitz was liberated.
But Jews have a different perspective.
We view the Holocaust as the most extreme manifestation of--but far from the conclusion to--mankind's barbarity to Jews. Not to his fellow man, per se, not to some universalized insert minority here slot, but to Jews, particularly and deliberately. The Nazis could never have accomplished their genocide were it not for the two millennia of anti-Jewish hatreds and dehumanization embedded deep in the institutions and political structures of European society. They didn't have to persuade Europe that the Jews were incurably evil, the Europeans already believed that. The Nazis had 99% of their work done before they'd even come to power, work that was done by the the Russian Empire, the Romans, Martin Luther, Christian Passion Plays, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the centuries of blood libels, the Fourth Lateran Council, the New Testament, the Spanish Empire, and on and on and on and on. It's as if some people think Hitler just woke up one day, out of the blue, with a total hatred of Jews and managed to use propaganda to convince the previously 100% tolerant Germans to hate Jews, too. Antisemitism did not begin or end with the Holocaust.
The sole responsibility of Nazi Germany in the Holocaust is also just... not true. Vichy France rounded up 13,152 Jews in the Vel' d'Hiv roundup, with not a single German participant, and sent them off to be murdered in Auschwitz. Vichy passed antisemitic legislation without any outside coercion--French Jews were hiding as much from the French police as they were from the Gestapo. France, of course, was the home of the Dreyfus Affair--antisemitism was and is a deep part of French society. And it isn't just France. Ukrainian nationalists participated in the Lviv pogroms, killing maybe around 8,000 Jews, Poles perpetrated the Jedwabne pogrom, and that doesn't even bring in that countries like the US, Switzerland and Ireland and Britain blocked Jewish emigrants, and I could just keep going on, but I think you get the point. Quite simply, six million Jews interspersed throughout Europe don't get murdered if it isn't without the collaboration of--or at minimum, silent assent and indifference--of all of their neighbors. The Nazis were the primary perpetrators of the Holocaust, of course, but almost all of Europe collaborated on some level, too. And this is a history that gets wiped away in favor of the comforting narrative of the Allied Powers bursting into Auschwitz, killing Nazis, and being horrified by what they've found, and then the poor people in the surrounding towns having NO IDEA about what had been going on. I think this narrative is why gentiles have International Holocaust Remembrance Day when Auschwitz was liberated--when they 'came to the rescue'--and why we have Yom HaShoah on the day in the Jewish calendar that the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising began--when we died on our own terms in spite of our murderers.
Think of the tiny, unwritten, centuries old minhagim of small Jewish shetls and towns like Trochenbrod, which were entirely annihilated. The end of the burgeoning Yiddish cinema. Yiddish going from 13 million speakers to 600,000 today. See how many entries in this list of shetls end with "town/city survived, but all/most Jews exterminated." Imagine for a moment, the potential rabbis and scholars and actors and scientists and artists who could have lived, had they survived or been born of Jews did. Three and a half million Polish Jews, to around 15,000 to 20,000 Polish Jews today. Imagine if Thessaloniki were still a majority Jewish city. How many Jews worldwide would be alive today had the Holocaust never happened? I've heard estimations of 32 million, compared to the real life 16 million. To kill such a massive number of people from an already tiny minority group--that has real consequences. The cultural loss for the Jewish people is staggering and beyond human comprehension.
And yet, the Nazis deliberate targeting of us is, in many ways, being pushed aside. Magnus Hirschfeld was gay, yes, and advanced the Institute of Sexology way ahead of its time and yeah, the Nazis were homophobic. But they were homophobic for antisemitic reasons. They viewed his work as Jewish perversions BECAUSE Dr. Hirschfeld was Jewish. In fact, they viewed homosexuality as a creation of the Jews. But so many progressive queer people, especially those who run in antizionist circles, seem to be trying to co-opt the Holocaust as being their trauma, downplaying Hirschfeld's Jewishness and holding the Institute up as proof that queer people were the 'real' victims of the Holocaust, entirely shutting out the millions of Jews, Sinti, Roma, and Slavs who were murdered. You can also see this in anti-mask conservatives comparing masking mandates during the pandemic to anti-Jewish legislation in the Holocaust, or the comparisons of the ongoing war against Hamas as being a 'modern day Holocaust.'
This phenomenon, Holocaust universalization, gets so much pushback from Jews for a reason--it downplays the anti-Jewish character of the Holocaust. It's softcore Holocaust denial. And it's so ridiculous we even have to say that, as the whole point of the Holocaust was to be anti-Jewish, to be the "Final Solution to the Jewish Question." It's 'All Lives Mattering' the Holocaust. Holocaust universalization, and Holocaust inversion--the phenomenon of talking about Jews, Zionists, or Israelis as perpetrating a 'new Holocaust'--minimizes and trivializes the astounding damage and traumas and death and destruction wrought by the Holocaust. It's a polemical lie, so incendiary and so insulting--imagine telling a sexual assault survivor that they're morally no better than their rapist--that the only thing it can be is antisemitic. It is beyond reprehensible to talk like that, but it's so mainstream and acceptable to do it. Activists who say these things need to examine their own rhetoric, because it's dangerous, antisemitic, and adjacent to Holocaust denial. Not a place I think anyone should want to be.
The Holocaust is not a lesson Jews should have learned, an educational seminar, a 'card' Jews play, a choose your own adventure novel, a philosophical meditation on the nature of mankind's evils, or an empty slate upon which to project modern politics, warfare, or your ideology onto.
The Holocaust is, quite simply, the industrialized genocide of the European Jewry by Nazi Germany and its collaborators from 1941-1945. And today was Yom HaShoah, the day we remember that.
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headspace-hotel · 1 year
I hope I can express this properly and sensitively, but I think oftentimes people need to have Categories and Identities and to be healthily exploratory and playful and elastic about them, else they can get vulnerable to some negative things, sometimes really awful things
I wish I could remember where I read it, but there was something that wrote about whiteness in America as an abyss.
Whiteness is something that sheltered white Americans' ancestors, and at the same time devoured them. They used to have a distinct medley of heritages: Irish, German, Scottish, Italian. "Whiteness" ate it up, the languages, the cultures. There were privileges if you destroyed it, and punishments if you held onto anything that was "Other." In a white supremacist society, white people wanted to be "white" first before any other possible identity or connection they could have.
Yay! You're white. You're on top. You win...what? Turns out the prize for "winning" is just that you get to perpetrate the violence of the game instead of being on the receiving end of it.
And that's the nasty twist—there is no prize. The deeply embedded vice of "Southern pride" is not just what the Confederate flag stands for, but also why they've got to cling so hard to that symbol of traitors and losers: they need to be on top of something so bad that even a pile of shit will do. My ancestors were ultimately dirt poor, loads of them ending up in prison or breaking their bodies down doing hard labor, but they were white. Their reward, and their pride, was being stepped on by the violence of poverty only, instead of also by the violence of white supremacy.
"White pride" is all about hate because white supremacy didn't give these folks anything to be proud of. It stripped away the culture and heritage their ancestors had in favor of "whiteness." All those jokes about how white people have no culture, well, it's true isn't it? This shit is how we ended up a primarily monolingual nation. And what looks like happened is that white Americans wound up just...scavenging most of their culture from those they oppressed. Food, music, all of that stuff. Our white ancestors didn't GIVE us anything that was their own to start with.
And this is something that really strikes me about the white supremacist and fascist movements nowadays: the starvation and hollowness behind them. These folks are empty inside. They were given nothing by white supremacy except a very vague sense that they deserve something, and they see people of all different cultures celebrating and flourishing in their unique heritages and identities, and they feel like...they've been cheated.
Equality is so threatening when you're in this situation because it feels like you've got less than everyone else at the end of the day. Not just because of comparison to previous privileges, but because your whole identity was "person that gets to step on everybody else" and your whole inheritance was "shit stolen from everybody else" and in a world where all is set right, you have no identity and nothing. You are nothing.
Anyway I was looking just now at a blog that seemed really white-supremacist-leaning and it was 99% about like, Norse and Proto-Indo-European paganism and "traditionalism" and that's what got me thinking about this again.
This person had apparently done DNA tests on themselves or something, and were really fixated on figuring out their Norse and Germanic ancestors and separating out their genetic and racial identity at a level of precision that seems really pointless that far back in time. And honestly all the paganism stuff seemed like totally arbitrary speculation as well.
And how to become satisfied as a person like this? I am just as much Germanic or Norse as they are, but I don't believe that distant ancestors determine who you are to such an extent that I have some sort of innate cultural tie to Vikings or Visigoths or what have you. I know what percentage Celtic or Anglo Saxon or Norse I am—zero. I learned about those things in books the exact same way I learned about all the cultures and past kingdoms of the world that I presumably don't have ancestors from.
I feel like the experience of being a baby ally and obsessing about apologizing for being white is the same kind of thing in another direction, or another outcome of the same process. Some people seem to get really twisted up for a time over how to stop being guilty about being white.
It's part of the same thing as this guy who is trying to genetically identify his ancestors from like 3,000 years ago. It's the emptiness and meaninglessness of "white" identity apart from white supremacy.
I talk about deradicalization sometimes and I've had the notion a few times that fascism appeals to people who are hollow and starving in terms of identity, and if it wasn't for the sense of emptiness and hunger, they would be less easily radicalized. But it's also a little bit awkward to talk about the deeply unsatisfying nature of white supremacy, because...well, that is pretty low on the list of things bad about white supremacy.
I think this concept is worth talking about in general, though: People want to feel like they come from or are part of something meaningful. They are drawn toward Identities and Categories and Belonging to groups. This is something I think is commonly true about humans, I think it is normal and not a bad thing, and I think we could stand to be a little more upfront about its reality.
I think this means that wanting, and seeking, a sense of cultural identity as a white person (particularly an American) needs to have some kind of non-horrible outlet for it. Because right now, it's nothing but a way to get radicalized, and the dominant other option people take (becoming the Guilty White Person) is liked by no one and helps nothing.
And maybe it doesn't need to have anything to do with race or culture or your ancestors or any of these things that can lead a person down such terrible paths. Maybe more of us should be furries!
As just another thing to consider, I'm reading the book Ecology of a Cracker Childhood and the author of the book uses the word "cracker" not like, with the gravity of reclaiming a "slur" or something like that, but seemingly because that is just the word she most strongly identifies with, the word that best articulates who "her people" are. This feels very solid and levelheaded to me, something that comes from someone with a good sense of themselves.
Personally I've thought a long time that more people should reclaim "redneck." Not in the sense of reclaiming a slur exactly, but in the sense of putting it in neutral usage among the folks it always referred to, instead of letting it increasingly be associated with any Southerner (regardless of working class background) that is the sort to wave a Confederate flag around. The very idea of gatekeeping "redneck" away from racists is just absolutely hilarious to me, I won't lie.
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catmilf4life · 11 days
I wish i hated you
Matt sturniolo x fem reader
!no smut in this oneee!
!enemies to lovers!
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★🎸🎧⋆。 °⋆
I hated matt. I mean it. He always picked on me and made fun of me in school, at my house on the internet he blabbed in his ‘car videos’ about how stupid i am and blah blah blah.
Practically he was a pain in the ass. Maybe just stop talking to him? ignore him? well, I fucking can’t. I really like nick and chris, they never were mean to me or anything and if they did, it was at LEAST funny. Matt was just straight up mean.
“are you fucking kidding me matt?!” I come speed walking through the hallway. My eyes were fixated on matt and his stupid smirk. How could he do this to me! this is too far.
“matt are you an absolute child or are you just stupid and have no brains?!” I yell at him now standing right in front of him. He looks down at me with a smirk lingering onto his face. “what.” he absolutely knew why was I mad and I knew it, he just wanted to piss me off even more push me through my limits and further.
“you said to MY best friend that i fucked with her boyfriend?! how could you!“ I held back my tears as i realised he made my best friend hate me. the one and only friend i had before chris and nick.
She was with me since day one. AND that fucker had to ruin it. “i don’t think she is a real best friend if she believed me instead of you, that’s really fucked up you know?” he said with a small laugh. That laugh made me even more furious. “fuck you, don’t you dare talk to me, ever ever again.” I pushed my tears.
His pupils get bigger as if he was showing some sympathy or sum. I rolled my eyes and left their friend group alone. I didn’t have the energy to fight with him in front of his friends.
It’s afternoon and am sitting in our living room binge watching brooklyn 99 for the fourth time just trying to not think about matt and my best friend.
I didn’t really answer anyone or actually i didn’t even check my phone when i came home. I heard it ding some time to time but nothing i would care about. It’s not my best friend so i don’t give a flying fuck who texts me. I was mad at myself, mad at matt, mad at the whole world.
i was in the middle of the episode when i heard my doorbell ring. I wasn’t expecting anyone my parents were supposed to come later. I put on my bunny slippers and went to the door.
I slowly open the door just a little incase it was a killer or something like that. I peek through a small hole and see the one and only matt sturniolo on my front porch. I roll my eyes as am not in the mood to be fighting and getting laughed at. “what now matt? don’t you know when too much is too much?!” I say now with fully opened door. “i just wanna talk.” he kind of whispered. Was he scared and anxious? The Matt sturniolo being scared? “i don’t want to talk to you remember? I don’t want to talk to you Ever.” i answered now feeling angry. “please let me just talk, you just need to listen. Please.” he pleaded looking at me.
I rolled my eyes as i moved to the side so he could come inside. I leaded him to my living room automatically sitting down on the couch. He sat right next to me.
there was a few second silence. I didn’t want to speak but he wanted so here we are. “am sorry for the thing with your best friend. I know she meant a lot to you. But i can promise i can fix it and i will.” I didn’t believe one bit of his bullshit.
Maybe a bet? Is his friend recording it somewhere? I looked straight into his blue eyes. “I don’t believe you one bit. First of all you come here randomly, just to say sorry for something you did and thinking i’ll be fine? Second why would you now apologise you did so many things why this one. I call bullshit.” I answered speaking the truth. “Look, it’s true i just felt bad after i did it. I took it too far and i realised it, so i came and apologised. Simple.”
i rolled my eyes still not believing one bit of this play. “what can i do for you to believe me?” he asked me waiting for an answer. the truth was there was nothing in this god damn world that would make me believe him. So let see if he is so ‘real’ and means this whole conversation well.
“kiss me.” I reply smirking as i knew he would never put up with the play if he was supposed to kiss me. I wasn’t even his type. I smiled from ear to ear knowing I won this game. He sighed as he looked into my eyes, he looked for a clue or a hint if i meant it or if i played with him.
I closed my eyes as I laughed to myself feeling the victory and a good feeling come back to me.
Until I felt cold lips on mine. I opened my eyes as my pupils went huge. Was Matthew Bernard fucking sturniolo kissing me, his greatest enemy?
So why didn’t he pull away right after? Why didn’t I pull away after the first second i felt his lips on mine? The right question is why did I like it?
I felt butterflies in my stomach swirling around. I kiss him for a second until i pull away.
He looked at me with a smirk crawling onto his face. “you meant it?” I asked him. He nodded his head slightly feeling the embarrassment come to him.
i picked up his chin and melted to the kiss once again. It felt right. This moment felt right.
“God how i wish i hated you”
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kdramaxoxo · 4 months
Can you recommend like a fun, silly, summery drama? I'm looking for similar vibes as Cheer Up or Age of Youth (female friendships are a plus). It's hard to find something without melodrama.
First off, I LOVE your user icon! (- ‿◦ )
And I definitely want to help you find something silly and easy to watch, especially as we enter the depths of winter! Some of these are a little less slice of life but still fun. Also I know you already watched/mentioned a couple of these but I'm adding them to the list for everyone else who might be game!
Light Hearted Fun K-dramas (little or no melo)
Soundtrack #1 (slice of life/romance) Best friends for almost 20 years, the two leads start having feelings for one another while working on a project. This drama only has a few episodes which is a shame because it's really cute! As a Park Hyung Sik Stan (sorry but Happiness broke me), he's great in this one and he hasn't lost all of his military weight yet which I LOVE :D
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Fanletter Please! (slice of life/ romance) A sick child writes fan letters to her favorite star, an actress who for kdrama reasons is afraid of fan letters. This was a super sweet, short drama - I really liked it so much!
Into The Ring (workplace/romcom): The perfect slice-of-life rom com! Goo Se Ra has trouble holding down a job due to her passionate personality so after she loses her latest job working for the ML, she decides to run for a small government office position because it pays a salary. Literally she does it for the money which is just *chef’s kiss.* The show is about her dealing with local politics and it’s SO FUNNY and smart and the OTP is the best! 
King The Land (rom/com): A cold chaebol hotel owner meets his match (literally and figuratively) who is a top notch employee. There's a lot of push pull and the ML (MY BIAS!) Lee Junho's character falls hard and fast. It does have slow moments but if you literally want to watch a happy couple be happy (plus the skinship is chef's kiss and there is so much of it) you'll enjoy this one.
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Melo Is My Nature (slice of life): This drama is by far my favorite slice-of-life drama of 2019. Found family, strong and complex characters, I laughed, I cried. Plus a gay character that’s an actual character, with the gay as a casual side note (classy k-drama!!) It was just a perfect show for me. There’s romance, but all of the stories are super interesting.
Top Management (slice of life) I know this show is mainly on Youtube Premium BUT I just got an email from Youtube basically saying “hey we know you never want to pay to watch our shows so we’re just going to let you ok?” so that’s something… Adorable mini drama about a girl who can see the future and becomes the rookie manager for a kpop band. Fun and easy.
Business Proposal (rom/com) Seriously this drama is almost the exact same plot as The Secret Life of My Secretary. It's really fun and cute (just like the latter) and if you like one, you'll like the other ;-)
True To Love / Bo Rah Deborah (rom/com) Bo Rah is a relationship expert publishing her book. She works with a man who is her total opposite making it a cute enemies to lovers. Yoo in Ah is literally so adorable I love watching her! (If I'm honest I can't remember a TON about this drama but I do remember it being an easy watch).
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Her Private Life (romcom): Park Min Young really knows how to pick dramas. I loved this one about a museum curator who is secretly a fangirl obsessed with an idol. It’s fun and fluffy but does have a very mild childhood trauma thing with his mother but I mean, 99% of dramas like this do? If you like this one, Touch Your Heart and Why Secretary Kim are by the same person and have similar vibes.
Touch Your Heart (rom/com) A sweet, silly and very mild rom com about a serious boss and his hallyu star secretary. This show was an obvious response to the chemistry that Lee Dong Wook and Yoo In Na had in Goblin so it was nice to see them together again. Yoo In Na is such a fun person to watch!
Fight for My Way (slice of life/romcom): I love this drama! Always a fave for me, this drama is funny and heartwarming! The leading lady is a strong female which I LOVE, and Park Seo Joon plays her really cute down to earth best friend. It’s a childhood friends to lovers trope with a group of regular people (no rich heirs in this show!) and has a happy ending and a lot of cute flirting, cuddling and kissing. Argh I love these two!
Age of Youth 1 (slice of life): Age of Youth/ Hello My Twenties is one of the best k-dramas that centers around strong female friendships. A group of wildly different girls find themselves rooming together in an apartment. Lots of romance too, but the girl’s lives and friendships are the primary focus.
Shopping King Louie (romcom): Ridiculously fun and lighthearted romp following a spoiled and useless chaebol with amnesia who is being taken care of by a country bumpkin in the city. Very low stakes, super adorable couple, and as many tropes as you can fit in your bag, this one is one of my favorites to recommend.
Eulachacha Waikiki / Laughter In Waikiki (slice of life comedy, romance) I hope you’re ready for a crazy amount of unlikely situations and nutty hijinks because this show is probably one the most silly ones I’ve ever watched. It follows a group of friends who own a hostel so it’s a slice of life drama. At certain points I was like “this is TOO silly” but I’m glad I stuck with it cause it was so hilarious. Plus, the baby is a star!
Wok of Love (rom/com) Despite the fact that the show was shortened by two episodes because of sports, this drama is a funny and quirky show worth watching. Many people dropped it because it was SO crazy for the first couple of episodes (it has a talking horse people!), but it does settle into a really sweet and fun story about a chef, a gangster and a rich girl and her family. If you love food, this show is for YOU!
And finally, if you don't mind a bit of melo, I highly recommend Run On!
Enjoy <3
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“The Brothers Karamazov”: Book 1 Random Thoughts
Spoilers under the cut!!!
Poor baby Mitya being forgotten at every turn by the adult guardians in his life 😭😭 This definitely won’t leave any long-lasting psychological damage…
We’re two chapters into the first part and Fyodor Pavlovitch is already proving himself to be worth less than the scum on my shoe 😤
I can tell Dostoevsky was a big believer in the “trauma during childhood leads to psychological challenges in adulthood” theory, which is so important since a huge portion of modern-day psychology believes this to be true as well. It just makes his book seem so real.
In the words of that Brooklyn-99 meme: “I’ve only had Alyosha for a day and a half, but if anything happened to him I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.” 🥹🥹
“There are “certain” words and conversations unhappily impossible to eradicate in schools. Boys pure in mind and heart, almost children, are fond of talking in school among themselves, and even aloud, of things, pictures, and images of which even soldiers would sometimes hesitate to speak.” - It appears that students in Russian schools in the mid-1800s acted the same as students in American public schools today 🙄
During the whole “Are there hooks in hell?” conversation between Fyodor and Alyosha at the end of Chapter 4, all I could think of was that one SpongeBob ep:
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“He entered upon this path only because, at that time, it alone struck his imagination and presented itself to him as offering an ideal means of escape for his soul from darkness to light.” - But why did Alyosha feel the need for the escape from “darkness”? So far, this kid seemed to grow up in a nice household where he was taken care of well, at least in comparison to his brother Dmitri. I’m curious to know if he’s secretly guilty about something, or maybe he is still grieving his mother? Hmm, he is a tough nut to crack…
I’m so fascinated by the chosen alliances of the brothers: you would expect that Dmitri, being the most similar to his father in behavior, would be the one to get along with Fyodor the best, but instead he allies with Alyosha almost immediately, and Ivan gets along with their father the most??
“He only sent word the day before, through a friend, to his brother Dmitri, that he loved him and expected him to keep his promise. Dmitri wondered, for he could not remember what he had promised…” - DMITRI 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
This has been SUCH an interesting read so far! I’m so excited to learn more about these brothers and their terrible father!!
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You don't consciously know who I am, & doubtedly unconsciously too. I, who write this, love you beyond infinice. I think about you all the time, how this world would be a better place If you loved me as I do you. I know what you're thinking: "(some psycho wrote me this harassing letter)" I hoped we could have been together... you seem a lot like me. Pensive, quiet, an observer, not wanting what is offered here (school, life, etc.) You almost seem lonely, like me. You probably have a boyfriend, though, & might have not given this note another thought. I have thought you my true love for a long time now, but... well... there was hesitation. You see I can't tell if you think of anyone as I do you, & if you did who that would be. Fate put me in need of you, yet this Earth blocked that with uncertainties. I will go away soon, but I just had to write this to you, the the one I truly loved. Please, for my sake, dont tell anyone about this, as it was only meant for you. Also, please don't feel any guilt about my soon-to-be "absense" of this world. [arrow points to a note in the margin that reads: "It is solely my decision: nobody else's."] Oh... the the thoughts of w us... doing everything together, not necessarily anything, just to be together would have been pure heaven heaven. I guess it's Time time to tell you who I am. I was in a class with you 1st semester, & was blessed w. being with you in a report. I still remember your laugh. Innocent, beautiful, pure. This semester I still see you rarely. I am entranced during 5th period, as we both have it off. To most people, I appear.. well... almost scary, but that's who I appear to be as people are afraid of what they don't understand. I denied who I was for a long time. until high school...
Anyway, you have noticed me a few times, I catch every one of these gazes w. an open heart. I think you know who I am by now. Unfortunately... you even if you did like me even the slightest bit, you would hate hate me if you knew who I was. I am a criminal, I have done things that almost nobody would even think about condoning. The reas reason that I'm writing you now is that I have been caught for the crimes I comitted, & I went want to go to a new existence. You know what I mean. (Suicide) I have have nothing to live for, & I won't be able to survive in this world after this legal conviction. However However, if it was true that you loved me as I do you,... I would find a way to survive. Anything to be with you. [arrow points to margin where Dylan writes: I would enjoy life knowing that you loved me.] 99/100 chances you prob. think I'm crazy, & want to stay as far away as possible. If that's the case, then I'm very sorry for involving an innocent person in my problems, & please don't think twice. However, If you are are who I hoped for in my dreams dreams & realities realities, then do me this a favor: Leave Leave a piece of paper in my locker, [arrow to margin note reading: "Locker #837 -- combo=19-37-9 --near the library"] saying anything that comes to you. Well, I guees guess this is it-- goodbye & I love(d) you.
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conkreetmonkey · 5 months
I've been thinking about how odd it is that despite their reputation for being the easiest type of houseplant to keep, I actually have worse luck with cacti than any other kind of plant, and I think I've finally figured out why: cacti don't let you know when they're not doing well.
Think of a plant with leaves. When you water it too little or too much, give it too little sunlight, whatever the problem is, it will usually visually show that it's unhealthy. Leaves will wilt, stems will droop, discolouration will delelop, and it will be obvious that you are doing something wrong. While it's obviously not intentional communication and just visual symptoms of a plant being unhealthy, in a purely analogous sense, leafy houseplants could be considered more "honest" than a cactus. When they're not doing well, they "tell" you, and you have time to adjust their situation before they die.
The cactus, however, does not communicate when it is not doing well. When you take care of a cactus in a way it doesn't like, it gives no outward visual indicator of this. It simply up and rots one day, like a switch was flipped, and you never even know what exactly you did to kill it.
I recall reading a book once in which a man goes on a pilgrimage through egypt. He spends a good deal of the trip on the back of a camel, but his mentor advises him to sell it and get a horse instead, his reasoning being that horses let you know when you're pushing them too hard and you can guage what they're capable of based on what they communicate to you, whereas camels will always stoically push through any amount of pain until they literally collapse of exhaustion and die underneath you. While the camel may seem "stronger" in this regard, the horse is far more practical because it communicates its feelings. When it is tired, it tells its owner through body language and horse noises and whatnot. The camel's complete lack of complaint is the reason the hero of the story trades it in for a horse; this "strength" is actually its biggest weakness.
And while I've been thinking of these things, of cacti and camels, I think it could apply to people to. I've heard and live by the Tumblr saying "people don't go from 0-100 out of nowhere, and if it seems that way they were actually at 99." I don't remember who said it, but it holds true. We all know a person who hold their emotions in until one day they explode with rage or tears, and we all know how this makes us feel, like we're walking on eggshells around them because we can't tell if they're at 1% or 99%. Talking to this kind of person is like driving a car with no fuel guage. It's stressful, because theoretically any moment could be the one the car suddenly grinds to a halt. You never know if it needs gas, or how much, because the car always insists no gas is needed, despite both of you knowing this isn't true. It doesn't want to bother you by asking for a refuel or telling you how far it thinks it can drive. It always insists it's fine, despite all cars needing a fuel source simply because that's how cars work.
So I urge you, don't be a cactus to your family and friends. Be a leafy plant. Allow yourself to wilt. Be emotionally honest, so that we can know when you need help. Everyone would vastly prefer that to you collapsing under the weight one day, never having asked for help, hoping against hope that this time, through sheer force of will, you would cease to have limits. Plants need water, pack animals need rest, cars need gas, and you, my friend, need some level of emotional support in your life, as all people do. Don't be afraid to act like it, it's far more practical in the long run.
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fountainpenguin · 7 months
slkdjflskdj literally me
The drawing in question:
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You'll see it again when I finally make my Twitchcon recap post, but yeah he liked it and got excited when I brought it back colored on Saturday; he asked me for a second picture <3
I actually drew this while he was playing Twitch Rivals live; got to watch that from the stands.
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I did not take a picture of the letter I gave him but it was this same drawing, but small in the corner. ty Impulse, honored to hear you say it made you tear up and honored to be your sign-off from this podcast episode I guess?? sdflkj
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gofancyninjaworld · 2 years
What a Waste
ONE has never been a writer who disrespects his readers, and his time and Murata's time are precious. If he was planning to cut Genos's life short for real and so as to get a cheap rise out of Saitama, then he could have left him pretty much as he did in the webcomic -- the guy who rushes hard into things without much of a plan. It'd still hurt. It'd still be a disgusting and senseless loss. But…
...I make no apologies for how long this is. I want to show just how much outrageous work ONE and Murata have put into developing this guy. Since 2016, ever since Gouketsu smashed him into the ground (remember? That was update 99 and we're 112 updates in, not counting redraws), he's been on a steep climb It's like he woke up to a series of ephiphanies that he's wasted no time in enacting.
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Ever since, the heat has really been on.
He stopped rushing unthinkingly into battles, bringing a terrifying analytical edge to his fighting. He also changed his attitude to paying attention to the situation around him. His situational awareness of both the locations of the fallen heroes and of monsters looking to ambush him was flawless.
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He literally stopped being the guy who fell apart when things went wrong.
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We've known Genos as the guy so determined to enact revenge on a cyborg that he gave up his own body. We've known him as a diligent pupil of Saitama, keen to earn his way into the top ten of the S-Class. Now, we saw him decide on a life goal on his own that had nothing to do with what anybody had told him.
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He's long had a say in what parts he gets, but this time, he's taken charge and specified to Dr Kuseno exactly what he wants from him, even if he's upset at having upset the old man.
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With that reckless body, he's saved lives like they're going out of fashion, such that there's heroes looking up to him. He works those reckless parts with such power and precision that he's able to stop Psykos-Orochi from using the Earth as their hostage while Tatsumaki saves the rest of the heroes. He's kept going far beyond their stated limits. He's literally gotten Tatsumaki's back right up to the bitter end.
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The Spirit of Audacity is an indelible part of Genos. It's why he got the hero name Demon Cyborg, for the relentless aggression with which he faces any enemy. Recent developments have taken nothing away from that audacity -- it's only grown -- but we have gotten insight into him thinking soberly about what he's proposing to do. It is not recklessness, nor the assumption that things will work out that motivates him, but rather his principles of doing what is right at any cost.
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ONE and Murata want us to know and took the time to show us that Genos does not just have a physical brain (that we got to see in chapter 40), but also a mind, a heart, and a soul. He makes momentous moral decisions, then questions himself as to whether he's done the right thing. He's falliable -- assuming that his sensors must be malfunctioning rather than considering that King might not be as mighty as he assumes him to be. And praise and acceptance mean as much to him as they do to anyone...well, provided it's coming from the right people, heh heh.
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His interpersonal skills have come on greatly. S-Class heroes are famously as leadable as cats. He tells them what he expects of them and they get up off their asses and make it happen. To see it spearheaded by Atomic Samurai, the very guy who initially thought Genos might just be good enough to entertain his disciples, is extra sweet. It's absolutely true that he can be a total asshole, but when he wants to, he can be empathetic as well (to people not named Saitama). That's not to say that he's tried to appoint himself king. On the contrary, we've watched this guy seamlessly flow between taking the initiative, cooperating with others, and supporting others. Without batting an eye. If it's getting the job done, Genos will do whatever it takes.
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So when he rammed Garou because otherwise Bang would just have kept walking forward until he was overwhelmed by radiation and died, we know it doesn't come from a stupid or suicidal place. Genos would have been relatively safe if he'd just laid doggo, but with Blast not looking like he was about to stop Bang, he just couldn't ignore the old man's plight. Genos introduced himself to the story as the Cyborg for Justice, and to the end, he's been true to his principles.
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Will he wake up a fourth time? That we don't know yet. Signs are not looking good.
If, against all odds, he does and if, against even greater odds, he recovers, then there's only one fitting hero name for Genos: Phoenix.
Storyline is all very well, but that's not all. Off the field, we've long known that Genos has a keen fashion sense. Increasingly, he's been getting Kuseno to make him clothes. Since there's no chance that the old man in his secret lab will be au fait with street wear, these one-off pieces are an expression of his creativity. An aspect of him completely separate from anything else that he does.
We've lost the character of a young man who was just beginning to come into his own person, not a trope. For no good reason. That is why we feel it so keenly.
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Cartoon Network Friday Spotlight: Johnny Bravo- “Bikini Space Planet!”
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I didn’t get to watch Johnny Bravo from day one, but I remember when the second season premiered, as I became a fan of the series during the interim. I didn’t quite realize that it had been a year and a half since the show aired new episodes, but I did realize that Dexter’s Lab and Cow & Chicken were airing more new episodes during that period, while Johnny kept going through the same baker’s dozen. So when we started getting more episodes during the Cartoon Cartoon summer in 99, I was excited.
I’ve gone on record explaining why I like the Van Partible-less seasons of the show, and I still do. Carl and Pops were likable characters who helped to expand and challenge Johnny’s world, and I think that trading the older celebrity crossovers for wilder storylines worked to its advantage. I’ll always love the first season, but it’s all a good time in my book. As a kid, I was just happy to have new adventures with Johnny.
And this first story is a good one, in which he gets abducted by an alien race consisting entirely of women who view Johnny as the perfect male specimen. This can get weird, but for Johnny, it’s a dream come true, being recognized as the perfect male specimen. Meanwhile, Carl and Pops, who we’ve just met, are working together to save their friend.
I can understand fans who lived for Johnny interacting with Adam West or Scooby-Doo being taken aback by this change of style and humor, but it doesn’t feel that far off to me despite a few changes. The script and voice acting in particular make it all work to my eyes and ears. I just wish that this was on Max.
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im-no-jedi · 1 year
the (true) problem with the TBB season 2 finale
the more I’ve been thinking on it and pondering wtf happened and why the fandom is reacting the way that it is, I’ve come to a conclusion about the season finale that I think explains it all.
over the years, I’ve been able to train myself to separate my personal opinions from things and look at them from an artistic perspective, despite the subject matter. things like blood and gore - although they still gross me out - aren’t as bothersome to me since taking theater classes in college and learning the science of how things like that are done in media. I’m able to look at things and critique them artistically as opposed to with pure emotion.
while I do still react on pure emotion (as some of y’all witnessed last Wednesday 😝), I also try to look back on things with that artistic perspective in mind. which is what I’ve been doing with The Summit and Plan 99. and while I can appreciate everything that happened artistically and dub each individual thing that happened as nothing short of a masterpiece, there’s one major issue that I realized right from the start that has been solidified now for me more than ever.
it was way too much content.
I’ve said already that I thought The Summit was done really, really well. the pacing was good, and it felt like the high-stakes TBB episodes we’re used to. but then Plan 99 hit. and golly gee, did it hit hard.
pardon the comparison, but everything that happened in Plan 99 was a literal train-wreck. Tech’s sacrifice. everyone getting injured. Cid’s betrayal. the Empire invading Ord Mantell. Hemlock capturing Omega. Crosshair and other Clones being experimented on. Emerie’s reveal of her true identity. and to top it all off, it ended on a cliffhanger.
that.... is WAY too much to absorb in one episode. like... waaaaaaaaay too much.
let’s just look at the fandom itself as an example. what’s everybody focused on right now more than anything else? Tech’s sacrifice. that in of itself is the hardest hitter here, by far. that alone was enough to carry the finale in terms of emotional intensity. but no, it didn’t stop there.
the team came out of the whole thing battered and bruised, with Omega seemingly taking the hardest hit. not too terrible, it’s happened before, like when Omega got taken by Cad Bane right after the whole Bracca endeavor. but here’s the thing. they barely had time to even grieve the loss of Tech before the Empire showed up on Ord Mantell. adding that plot point in so soon after losing Tech was literal lemon juice on our open wounds.
and then they had the gall to slap us in the face with everything on Mount Tantiss. do you know I’ve seen literally NOBODY talking about Emerie? we literally got confirmation of another female Clone, and NOBODY is talking about it???
this is what I mean. individually, on their own, these plot points are good and were done well imo. but geez louise, I felt like I went through a Super Saiyan fight having all of that thrown at me in one single episode. I feel like even if something like Tech’s sacrifice had been put at the end of The Summit as opposed to Plan 99, it might’ve alleviated things just a tad. still would’ve been too much though.
I’ve been absolutely blown away by every story choice made this season. I feel that way about the entire show, honestly. but I also think the finale was a misstep, solely in terms of the amount of content shown. I feel like this should’ve been the opener for season 3 as opposed to the end of season 2. at least have Omega getting captured be put off until then. cause right now, despite Omega being one of my favorite characters, I’m also still more focused on what happened to Tech more than anything else! and don’t even get me started on the Emerie thing, good GRIEF 🙄
again, individually, these plot points are GOOD. very good imo (except maybe the Emerie thing but I digress 😝). but man... why did we have to get them all at once. I remember, I literally stopped breathing at one point while watching Plan 99; that’s how bad it was. I was so overwhelmed and overstimulated and emotional that it was hard to even function. @jam-n-ham and I just sat in silence for like a full minute once the episode was over, unable to process what had even just happened. and well... I don’t necessarily count that as a good thing 😬
so yeah. all this to say, despite how good the individual plot points were in Plan 99, it was just far too much content for one episode. I think the whole thing with Ord Mantell and Mount Tantiss should’ve been held off for the beginning of season 3. because putting all of that immediately after the loss of Tech made it nearly impossible to even absorb properly as an audience. and the fandom’s reaction is proof of that.
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jackexmachina · 2 years
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Angels + “Abomination”
image description: scenes from episodes “Heaven and Hell,” “99 Problems,” “Caged Heat,” “What’s Up, Tiger Mommy?”, “Clip Show,” “Do You Believe in Miracles?”, “Angel Heart,” “LOTUS,” “Back and to the Future,” and “The Rupture”
4x10: Sam, Dean, and Ruby stand in a cabin across from Castiel and Uriel. Sam exclaims to Castiel, "Anna's an innocent girl!" Castiel shakes his head and responds, "She is far from innocent." Sam asks, "What's that supposed to mean?" Uriel answers him, "It means she's worse than this abomination you've been screwing." Ruby looks away and Castiel looks down.
5x17: Castiel stands in front of the kitchenette of their motel room, and tells Sam and Dean, "The whore can only be killed by a true servant of heaven." Dean asks, "Servant like–?" Castiel quickly interrupts, "Not you. Or me. Sam, of course, is an abomination." Sam winces a bit and Castiel continues, "We'll have to find someone else.
6x10: Castiel and Meg stand outside with Sam, Dean, and various demons. Meg looks Castiel up and down, then asks him, "Remember me? I sure remember you, Clarence." She smiles. Castiel looks at her with narrow eyes and asks Dean, "Why are we working with these abominations?" She responds, "Keep talking dirty, makes my meat suit all dewy."
8x02: Castiel and Dean stand standing by a river in purgatory. Dean licks his lips angrily and asks, "What the hell's wrong with you?" Castiel answers, "I am an angel in a land of abominations. There have been things hunting me from the moment we arrived." Dean yells, "Join the club!"
8x22: The Nephilim woman picks Metatron up off the ground by the neck and chokes him, saying, "You want an abomination? I'll show you an abomination." Her eyes begin to glow white, but then Castiel stabs her in the throat with an angel blade.
9x23: A woman yells at the angel who has come after Metatron, she says, "Do you know what he did?" The angel in a scarf says, "And I'm afraid if you'd seen what I'd seen, you'd think of him as nothing more than an abomination." Metatron looks offended, but a man responds, "'Abomination'?! Try 'Miracle Worker'!" Metatron flattens his mouth a little as if that's not enough.
10x20: Castiel stands with Sam and Dean in a dilapidated house, Castiel tells them about the Grigori, saying, "They were some of the first angels on earth. It was an elite unit that went bad. But they're– They're extinct. They were destroyed." Sam responds, "Well, no, some survived. And they've been hunting humans, making them create heavens in their minds and feeding off them." Castiel processes this, then asks, "Where is this abomination?"
12x08: Castiel pulls a Bible from a desk drawer, telling Kelly, "This thing inside you, it's unholy. It's an abomination." She starts to respond, "That's not–" but he holds the Bible in front of her and says, "Place your hand here." Before pressing her hand to the book, she looks up at him and then at Sam. It begins to sizzle and she pulls her hand away as the book catches fire.
15x01: In the mausoleum, Castiel has Belphegor pinned against the wall with an angel blade to his throat, Belphegor says, "I can help!" Dean walks away from Sam toward them, saying, "Cas, let him speak." Cas responds, "He's an abomination!" Belphegor counters, "You're an abomination with that stupid, dumb trenchcoat." Castiel presses closer to him, snarling, before Dean pushes him back, saying, "Cas, Cas! Hey! Hey! We need the help."
15x03: Castiel stands ahead of Belphegor in hell, not looking at him. He tells him, "You're wearing Jack, who was like a son to me, like a coat. Every second in your presence is intolerable. It's an abomination. You're an abomination." Belphegor watches him impassively.
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jaimehwatson · 4 months
20 Questions for Writers
tagged by: @sybilius thank you! <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I'm currently sitting at 99! I'll have to do something a little special for my 100th :)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The ones I've written for the most are Our Flag Means Death, Warhammer 40K (mostly the Ciaphas Cain series, my favourite boy), Snowpiercer (the TV show), and Sharpe! But there are quite a few more I've written at least a one-shot for - I get inspired by a lot of different things, and I also love exchanges like Yuletide!
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Restless Nights (OFMD)
You're the sun that makes me shine (OFMD)
Want to do something weird? (OFMD)
The Hidden Places Where The Fire Burns Hot And Bright (Stranger Things)
Sounds kind of dumb when I say it, but it's true: I would do anything for you (OFMD)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Almost always! I really appreciate nice comments so I make sure at least say thanks :)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
The first one that came to mind was one of my Sherlock Holmes fics, Some things you do just to see how bad they make you feel, which deals with Holmes's depression and drug use negatively affecting his relationship with Watson. It's a really sad one that I didn't come back to add a happier sequel to until a year later!
But I've written some pretty angsty Our Flag Means Death ones too, particularly I hope it stays dark forever, I hope the worst isn't over and It isn't that much fun, staring down a loaded gun
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think a lot of my fics are pretty happy! If I'm not writing something fucked-up and sad I'm usually writing a happy couple having good sex and a generally nice time. But if I had to try to pick one, maybe my little trilogy What makes Ed happy?, which gets a sweet Ed/Stede reunion at the end
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've fortunately avoided that so far! The comments I get are 99% lovely and maybe like 1% something kinda weird that maybe comes across a little bit negative but just makes me shrug my shoulders and say oh well
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Often! If there's any particular kind I gravitate towards it's probably characters slightly awkwardly but excitedly exploring a bit of light BDSM for the first time
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
One of the first fics I posted on Ao3 was a crossover between Death Note and The X-Files called The エクス-Files! (Translator's note: エクス means X) It was a really fun writing experience, and if that idea sounds fun to you at all, you should definitely check it out
But my craziest crossover (and maybe my only other one so far unless I'm forgetting something) is definitely my 2023 Yuletide fic Danger and Dance, in which Remington Steele and Laura Holt investigate a mystery involving DJ Crazy Times of "Planet of the Bass"!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of, is that a thing people do?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think so but I'd be honoured if someone did!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have not yet co-written anything that's published anywhere, but a good friend and I once put quite a bit of effort into a story taking place in the universe of The Dark Crystal like a decade ago - now I want to dig that up again and see if it was any good, I remember we had fun with it!
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Ciaphas Cain/Amberley Vail! The Ciaphas Cain books and Warhammer 40K in general were what really got me into writing fic regularly and participating in fandom more. Part of what made the ship so initially appealing to me, beyond just how much I like the characters, was that they're 100% canon but their relationship isn't the focus of the canon - you just get little hints and references to the fact that they're definitely fucking offscreen while the main thing going on is fighting aliens and shit. So it provides a great opportunity to speculate about what goes on when they're alone together and you don't see it, and how it might tie into their character development and the events of the canon storylines.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I mostly write a lot of shorter fic, so I don't really have any longer WIPs that gradually fizzled out the way I know some other writers struggle with. That being said, I do have plenty of sparse drafts that I started writing or outlining a little bit of and then never sat down and finished because I got distracted by some other idea. One that comes to mind was a Warhammer 40K fic that would have involved Cain and Yarrick meeting and getting involved in a Wild-West-style saloon shootout in space - fun idea but it never really went anywhere
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm pretty good at character voices, especially when I write fic for books I love and I can imitate the style of the narration
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I don't think my description is as good as my dialogue. A lot of my writing experience before I got into fic was in theatre and video games, two mediums where you're much less likely to have a narrator, so I don't have as much practice at it. I find it difficult sometimes to really get across the image in my head in a way that makes sense and flows naturally. But I do think I'm getting better at it all the time!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've never really done that beyond the occasional word here and there! If I was going to, I'd want it to be a language I can actually speak, and/or have a friend who speaks it look over it. Maybe one day I'll get to use my French skills in a fic but it hasn't happened yet!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
In the sense of actually deciding "I am going to write fanfic and put it on the internet for other fans," it was the Pathologic games! But in a more general sense, I've been making up stories about my favourite characters since I was a little kid. A while back my mom found something I wrote in high school based on Lord of the Flies that was really cute
20. Favorite fic you've written?
My proudest accomplishment is my OFMD wrestling AU, Tonight on Ring of Revenge!
Tagging @augustmourn @grandmastattoo @the-girl-with-the-algebra-book @scyllas-revenge if you feel like it!
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nonbigalmari · 4 months
[This is a transcript from January 18th at 4:25 PM of me (Mari Diaz) having a chat at the park written in third person.]
[Mari stands up from the park bench, placing their phone behind them back on the bench. Staring at someone who had walked up, The person is slightly taller, wearing a yellow hoodie with a black winter jacket over it and has a red beanie and long dark brown hair. Mari looks at the person, tilting their head.]
Ma: Um… Ok so I should ask before any other questions… Who are you and why did you walk up to me, sitting on a park bench eating an apple alone?
?: Oh, I’m Marigold Ash! Nice to meet you!
[Marigold sticks out her left arm, but instead of a hand there’s two black hooks coming from her sleeve. Mari stands there for a moment, before slowly grabbing one of the hooks and carefully shakes it.]
Ma: I hope I did that right? Um… This is going to sound dumb but I haven't met many people with a prosthetic arm…
[Mari laughs, but almost immediately stops.]
Mg: Most people haven’t, but I don’t mind questions as long as you aren’t a dick about it.
Ma: I uh right now my only question is… I wasn’t like… An asshole shaking the arm like that? Um… I would feel kinda bad.
Mg: The asshole move is just staring at it. Or staring at my other hand instead. You’re good dude.
Ma: Cool… Um… So why did you walk up to me randomly?
[Marigold stares blanky for a second before a look of understanding crosses her face and she reaches into her pocket with her right hand and pulls out a phone.]
Mg: Right! So uh, could be wrong, the lighting is shit and the footage is all blurry but uh, is this you?
[Mari looks at the footage and slowly nods, before looking back at Marigold.]
Ma: Yep, that's me. Why, are you a cop?
Mg: Ew no. I was just wondering if you knew the other person, I want to ask them how they designed that prosthetic of their’s. And why the hell they were wearing it to a random club when it’s not even close to Halloween.
Ma: I only know like… 3 people from that night? And uh that person you're talking about technically isn't one… I mean they have spoken to my coworkers over tumblr? They sign off with the letter H if that helps?
Mg: Damn, my search continues then. Oh well, nothing’s fun when it’s easy anyways as my mom always says.
Ma: Hm… Yeah I guess that's kinda true… Depends on the thing I guess.
[Mari looks at the ground, seemingly upset about something.]
Mg: Ah yeah, fair enough. But hey, you said some of your coworkers have talked to this person?
Ma: Yeahhhh?
[Marigold puts her phone away, and reaches into another pocket and pulls out a small card and holds it out to Mari.]
Mg: Here, if you ever learn any more about them, you can find me here!
Ma: I um… Ok.
[Mari grabs the card, slowly putting it in their hoodie pocket.]
Ma: Oh I uh forgot… Are you fine being recorded and this being turned into a transcript for uh… Tummmmmmmmmblrrrrrrrr purposesssss?
[Marigold paused for a few seconds before nodding.]
Mg: You know what? In any other circumstance I would probably have said no, but since you did actually ask, why the hell not.
Ma: Ok cool um… Also, um if you see the green haired person I was fighting, just… Don’t mention me to her? It’s a… Long fucking story.
[Marigold mimes zipping her lips with her prosthetic hand.]
Ma: Cool… Wait… The card is for a repair shop?
Mg: Yeah! It’s the family business. Well, it’s my mom’s and I also work there and that’s it most of the time.
Ma: Oh… I'll try to pop in sometime if I remember.
Mg: Yup! If you ever need pretty much anything repaired, there’s like a 99% chance we’ll be able to fix it!
Ma: Nice! I uh… might need some stuff repaired around my house… [Muttering.] Like the bluray player that just stopped working.
Mg: Just stop by any time we’re open and we can probably help! Although speaking of the shop… I’m technically almost running late for my shift…
Ma: Oh um… Need a ride..? I have my car.
Mg: No thanks, but it’s not too far from here so I’m good.
Ma: Oh, alright! Be careful.
[Marigold starts to turn to walk off.]
Mg: [Calling over her shoulder] My mom would kill me if I wasn’t!
[Mari laughs, before looking back at the phone. Grabbing it.]
Ma: Ok… Um… Interesting…
[End transcript.]
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johannestevans · 1 year
Having read a bunch of your fiction and essays on various topics, as well as followed you on social media for a while, I am in absolute awe of your confidence, self-assurance, and ability to set boundaries - all things I struggle with immensely, and far too much for someone who is almost 30 and should have their shit more than together by now! Any tips or tricks you have for increasing self-confidence and generally empowering oneself would be much appreciated.
Hi there, Anon!
I think that raising one's confidence can be a complicated process, especially because in various ways when our confidence is a lot lower, it's often because we've been made to feel in various ways like we shouldn't be confident, or that we don't have the right to take up the space that we take up.
Part of this becomes reflexive and self-replicating - because we're so used to saying "yes" to everything, we might just say "yes" automatically to everything, and even if internally we know that we would prefer to say something different or we know that we don't want to do something right away, we've said yes, or it's fine, or don't worry about it, almost as soon as someone asks!
So especially for the thing of building oneself up, I would say that one of the most important ways to assert yourself and your boundaries, and also to give yourself an opportunity to consider things for yourself, is to give yourself time.
Especially online, but also just in a generally very interconnected world, it can feel like as soon as someone reaches out to us, as soon as a question or request is made of us, we have to reply with urgency. You don't.
99% of the time, things are honestly not that urgent. And when I say "question" or "request" I honestly mean like, any kind of message - there's nothing wrong with leaving something for a little bit and giving ourselves time and space to think about it and consider it. If your mother asks you to come do x for her but you're never comfortable with family gatherings because other people treat you badly or similar, you can sit on it for a while and think about it, how to reply, whether to say no or to say "I can only do y, not x".
You can also say that face to face, you know? You can always go, "I don't know! Let me get back to you," or "Hmm, I'm not sure right now, let me think about it," and that's entirely fair. Anyone who would get upset or frustrated about you asking for time to consider things is someone who won't respond well to a harder boundary when it's set, and it can be a good way to prompt people to show their red flags, you know?
There's a lot of fear I think about being seen as a flake or being seen as unreliable, especially when expectations have been placed on us to be hypercompetent or always available, but most people honestly don't fixate or consider these things very deeply.
You don't have to be everything to everybody, you know? There are a lot of other people in the world who can and will fill any roles that you're not able to fill yourself, and you like everybody else have the right to assert your boundaries and to live without the weight of the world on your shoulders.
What you can be, and what you are, is you. Nobody is capable of being you better than you are, and all you can do, all you can be, is the best sort of you you want to be - it's often used as a cliché, but it's a true one, you know?
It's important to remember that you don't exist to service or please other people. You exist, in the first instance, to live your own life. The old adage is that you cannot pour from an empty cup, and that's true - you need to be fed, you need to be healthy enough, you need to be fulfilled and happy, and you need to juggle any external things you offer, any services or any further weights on you, alongside your own needs.
I much believe that it's a very important and very fulfilling thing to serve others and to work toward repairing around us what is broken, but we cannot and should not do that by breaking ourselves in the process.
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