#Aces Wild
desdasiwrites · 6 months
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– Amanda DeWitt, Aces Wild: A Heist
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celepom · 1 year
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Sometimes it gets put off indefinitely.
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stayoutofitnick · 2 years
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Breanna has an asexual pride sticker in the middle of her laptop in the new Leverage eps. She also has two rainbow pride peace signs. i am very normal about this and chill.
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aroaessidhe · 7 months
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Aro & Ace books: M/nonbinary ships
Aces Wild - ace MC, ace nonbinary love interest
Meet Cute Diary - ace nonbinary love interest
Tears In The Water - acespec gender questioning MC, demi love interest
Help Wanted - ace nonbinary MC
Blasted Research - ace nonbinary MC
The Story of the Hundred Promises - arospec MC, other aro characters & themes
The Wolf Among The Wild Hunt - aroace MC (QPR)
Our Bloody Pearl - ace man / aroacespec agender MCs
Assassins: Nemesis - grey-ace nonbinary MC
#aspec books / aspec database / tumblr masterpost
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pridepages · 2 years
Frankly, I didn't know where people found the time to have sexual attraction.
Jack Shannon, Aces Wild by Amanda Dewitt
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xserpx · 2 months
It's very easy to lie about who you are on the Internet. But sometimes the people on the other side of the screen are who you need to figure out who you are in the first place.
— Aces Wild: A Heist by Amanda DeWitt
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I started reading Aces Wild by Amanda Dewitt, which is about a casino heist done by asexual teens (I just hit chapter seven, not done yet) and it’s so surreal to have actual representation in a book where the ace character isn’t Murderbot (who is a construct and I love it, but also not human) and asexuality is taken seriously, along with how relatable (to me at least) it was for the protagonist figuring out he’s ace from reading a post on a fan forum.
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ID: text passage reading
Thread: What Am 1?
Author: sithskywalker13
Hello, friends! I could use a little advice if you've got the time... I'm just not really sure what to do. I'm a sophomore in high school, and I keep thinking that I'll end up dating, but it hasn't happened yet? I thought it would happen when I went to middle school, and then high school, but it hasn't, and I'm not sure if that's a problem. Am I doing something wrong? Do I just pick someone and ask? I don't really know if it should be a boy or a girl. I guess it doesn't really matter.
The problem is that I don't really know if I'm straight or gay. I don't really feel like either, I think? Honestly I'm not really sure if I'm a boy or a girl either, ha ha, so | guess that doesn't help. But I don't know what it's supposed to feel like. Everyone else just seems to know who they like. Are they making it up Or is something wrong with me?
Plus this relatable description of realizing you’re ace
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Ace meant asexual, which meant the lack of sexual attraction, which made things make a lot more sense. I felt like a puzzle, mostly put together but with a piece missing, waiting to be filled. There were plenty of pieces to fill it-gay, straight, bisexual- but none fit quite right. Sometimes I thought I could make one fit if I pressed hard enough, but it would never lie flat.
The word asexual took the puzzle piece and turned it, letting it click into place where before it'd been better to just leave the space empty. I wasn't broken. I wasn't empy.I wasn't nothing at all. Just a little differently shaped.
Be ace do crime guys
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coulson-is-an-avenger · 4 months
thinking about Gabe Gutiérrez Aces Wild. our first impression is of him arguing that dogsledding is a metaphor for love. he's aroace. his best friends are all on Discord. he met several of them on a star wars oc forum. he's 6'3 and lanky and loves to be sparkly. he's the funniest motherfucker alive. he helps his friend do major crimes for fun. his friends are pining over each other so he sets them up for an undercover fake relationship that they both get mad at him for. he sets up his own fake relationship that is a delightful con with a full backstory and has zero romantic undertones. he gives his best friend relationship advice and when questioned about his ability to do so, says "coaches don't play" with terminal seriousness. he's bad at blackjack. he nearly threw hands with a 14 year old. i love him so much.
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Gabe Gutiérrez from Aces Wild: A Heist is aromantic asexual!
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reigenismyhusband · 10 days
0, 7, and 3 for your MP100 s/i for the ask game? :3
HII TYSM !!!! ask game is here !! i also answered three here but i wanted to answer it again hehe
0 – What are some of the inspirations behind your S/I? Are they exactly like you? Were they an OC? Did any of your favorite characters have any influence in their design/personality?
okay okay so hes basically just like me if i were a 14 y/o japanese middle schooler…canon mob was definitely an inspiration!! his role in the story + base relationship with reigen is definitely based on mob in canon, and then his appearance is based off of me! in terms of personality, hes basically me/whatever i think i would do in his situation lol. very self-indulgent but i love it <33
3 – Have you ever imagined any episodes or segments of your F/O’s source starring your S/I? If so, what did they get up to?
okay HMM another episode…OH i love thinking about ace and reigen in the claw fight, tldr ace is fighting a bunch of powerful espers and reigen shows up and calms him down, and through Stuff ace's powers get transferred to reigen and he effortlessly fights back the espers!! its so impressive and hot asf since reigen isnt an esper but he uses the powers so effortlessly, and he gets to help out ace too!! its so sweet and i think after this when ace gets worked up and needs a moment to breathe, he can transfer his powers to reigen and let him take care of him <33
7 – Within canon, is your S/I considered a hero, villain, anti-hero or a regular citizen? How does this affect their day to day life and their relationship with your F/O?
oooo okay so technically really ace is just an ordinary guy - hes just a middle schooler - but hes also a very powerful esper!! esp with reimobace i like to think that people target him because hes close to mob (the most powerful esper ever) and he gets kidnapped and stuff and so they have to end up rescueing him a lot! i think reigen would think of him as his hero bc he helps people (and him) out by exorcizing spirits! ace doesnt really see himself as anything special, if anything, next to mob he feels not as powerful, but mob tries to convince him that his powers are his own, and power isnt the only thing that matters! day to day is spent helping people with small jobs at the spirits and such office!!
again thank you so much!!!!! :')
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aroaceconfessions · 1 year
Book rec: Aces Wild by Amanda DeWitt. the main characters are ace and I haven't enjoyed a book as much as this one in a very long time. Being ace was talked about but it wasn't the plot. And, no part of the book left me feeling mystified, because it matched my ace perspective so closely. So, I am very glad I read this book, and would like to recommend it to you all as well.
I’ve added it to our Goodreads bookshelf!
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celepom · 1 year
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Sex Repulsion often leads to people limiting their exposure to sexual situations for their own well being. It's a personal responsibility.
But just like allergies if someone is informed of this situation and chooses to expose them to it as a "test" or a "joke" or because they don't believe it's that serious - they're a butthole.
On the flip-side, it's everywhere. Not everyone is negatively affected, lots of people quite enjoy it, and the world doesn't revolve around you. That's where the personal responsibility really comes in. Advocate for yourself, but don't force others to be like you when they are fundamentally different.
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hambor12 · 10 months
Is there an OC of yours that you find the most fun drawing?
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I'd have to say really ANY of Team Aces Wild, mainly as i just really enjoy Sammy, Melanie, Creme, and Abernathy as like a few of my Oldest OCs. Outside of the legacy/seniority favor i give to Aces Wild, Valerie and Spade are incredibly fun to draw whenever i get the chance to do so
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magicalyaku · 1 year
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Thanks for joining me on this ride through 2022! When I started my reading spree in autumn 2021 I did not expect to find so much joy (and sometimes frustation) to motivate me to write hundreds of words about books every month. I read and write what I want and because I want to, but it's nice to know that sometimes there’s actually someone interested in what I have to say. So thank you for even the small interactions. :)
I had to edit this overview like five times because whenever I thought I was done I found another book I missed. So if I counted correctly I have read a total of 93 books (written and audio, not including manga, comics and non-fiction). That is ... a damn lot! Like 6 years combined compared to before. I also reread two of those books and while editing my novel I read it two whole times. That counts, right? (That’s why there’s 94 covers up there. Because i snuck it inbetween. Because I can. uAu) Only 14 of all these books I would categorise as non-queer. Funnily enough, 6 of those I didn’t like very much. Of the remaining 75 queer books I only found 1 book really bad and I’m picky about 2 more. Huh.
On to the award ceremony! (But don’t expect laudations. I wouldn’t shut up.)
Least favourite phrase:
... it smelled like boy.
(from: The Song that moves the Sun, Darius the Great (probably the 2nd) and the third time I already blocked from my mind (Here the Whole Time???)) That sentence came up fucking three times! Seriously. WHY?! I hate it. 8D
Favourite phrase:
But we have more important things to do than hook up.
(from: The Darkness Outside Us) I laughed so hard at this sentence. Finally someone who gets it! All stupid YA heroines should listen to this.
Favourite protagonists:
Jack Shannon (Aces Wild) and Neil Josten (All for the Game)!
Favourite covers:
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Least favourite books:
A Far Wilder Magic (Allison Saft) and If You Change Your Mind (Robbie Weber)
Favourite books (no order):
The Darkness Outside Us (Eliot Schrefer)
Aces Wild: A Heist (Amanda DeWitt)
The City Beautiful (Aden Polydoros)
Every Bird a Prince (Jenn Reese)
All for the Game series: (Nora Sacavic)
I Wish You All the Best (Mason Deaver)
I Hope You Get this Message (Farah Naz Rishi)
More books I greatly enjoyed:
Both can be true (Jules Machias)
A Taste of Gold and Iron (Alexandra Rowland)
The Language of Seabirds (Will Taylor)
A Complicated Love Story Set in Space (Shaun David Hutchinson)
At the Edge of the Universe (Shaun David Hutchinson)
Milo and Marcos at the End of the World (Kevin Christopher Snipes)
Little Black Bird (Anna Kirchner)
The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea (Axie Oh)
In Deeper Waters (F.T. Lukens)
So this is Ever After (F.T. Lukens)
All that’s Left in the World (Erik J. Brown)
.... aaaand many many more! uAu
At the half year point I actually counted how often the protagonists names were being used throughout those different books. I felt to lazy do to it in detail for the second half, but I can still present you my preliminery count of most used names for the protagonist, love interest and possibly best friend. These came up at least 3 times!
Lame, right? 8D My favourite name choice award goes to Rosemary and Rowan from Mirrored in Evergreen by B. Pigeon!
That’s it! Phew! Thanks the universe for books! :D
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oblivionsdream · 2 years
I am so thrilled that I finally get to share Dazzling Bookish Box’s special edition cover for Aces Wild: A Heist by Amanda DeWitt!! I absolutely loved being a part of this project! 🥰
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pridepages · 1 year
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🌈 Happy Pride! 🌈
This June, good things come in sets of six as I spotlight some of my favorite rainbow reads.
✨ Category is: Be Gay, Do Crime✨
Learn more about these titles under the cut!
A Million to One by Adiba Jaigirdar (a YA historical sapphic thriller as a girl gang sets out to pull off a heist on the high seas. But the mission turns into a deadly race against the clock when the Titanic strike an iceberg… Rep: F/F, BIPOC characters)
Outlawed by Anna North (Historical fiction, in a world where AFAB people are reduced to their reproductive value, an outlaw band seeks to create a paradise for the forgotten queer children who dare to defy the norm. Rep: trans/nonbinary mc, sapphic characters)
Fingersmith by Sarah Waters (Dark Historical Romance, In Victorian England, a thief poses as a lady’s maid to con her employer. But what happens when she falls for the mark? Rep: F/F)
Aces Wild by Amanda Dewitt (YA, a group of online friends meets IRL to plan a casino heist to save one of their own. Ever thought Ocean’s 11 would be better without the distraction of sex and romance? Rep: NB/M, trans/nonbinary mc, asexual mcs, asexual scs, aromantic scs, BIPOC characters)
The Queer Principles of Kit Webb by Cat Sebastian (Historical Romance, a young lordling hires an ex highway man to teach him how to stand and deliver. The two find their partnership becomes more than they bargained for. Rep: M/M, gay mc, bisexual characters)
Lavender House by Lev AC Rosen (Historical Mystery, an ex policeman newly outed and ostracized is given a new job: investigate the death of a mysterious soap magnate. But behind the doors of Lavender House hides more than one secret…could someone among this queer found family have murdered one of their own? Rep: M/M, F/F, gay characters, lesbian scs)
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