#B would listen to this and kick his lil feet and giggle and draw lil hearts all over a note book about it
qeyond · 1 year
oghh ive got B/L brainworms
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praydastles · 7 years
Title: Needed You  Group: Toppdogg Member: Hansol Genre/Warning: Gang!au, mild violence, angst Summary/Request: Hey! Please could I request a Toppdogg scenario where Hansol is like a leader of a gang and you're his gf and one night you're walking home through a park and a rival gang member stabs you and all of Hansol's men suddenly come out of nowhere and kill the guy while you've collapsed on the ground. Then he rushes you to the hospital and the ending is up to you!With a lot of angst please.  A/N: This was requested ages ago, so I’m very sorry for taking so long :( also, mostly sure this isn’t what you had in mind, but this is what I conjured up and I hope you enjoy it nonetheless :) Word Count: 4413
You sighed into the soft lips pressing to yours. A perfect ending to a perfect day. Hansol clasped your hands, fingers loosely interlocked while the both of your lips slowly danced together. Both your eyes had stuttered to a close and even after the kiss had ended and your foreheads pressed together you both remained in each others embrace.
“I’ll see you later.” You finally said with a smile, eyes looking at Hansol’s. Hansol whined, shaking his shoulders in a cute manner. “I don’t want to.” You laughed. He always made you laugh. A quick peck on the lips and you reluctantly began to pull away, fingers slipping from his as you walked backward. “I’ll text you when I’m home.” He pouted. “No, phone me so I can hear your voice before I sleep.” you giggle rolling your eyes as you finally turn around with a “fine, ya baby.”
The sun had set, the sky shifting to a navy blue, the stars dotting the sky to signal night. You sighed in content, walking just a bit slower to enjoy the peaceful scenery.
Soon you reached the park entrance that you usually use to cut through. you had gotten use to the eerie atmosphere of a an empty park at night; the wind slightly shifting the swings to a creak, the croaks of various insects, the crunch of dry leaves beneath your feet.
Passing the playground of the park, you reached the path between the wooded area. During the day it was a peaceful place to sit on the benches and enjoy the sun casting over the various coloured leaves, but at night it was slightly ominous in the way the trees seemed to harbour the darkness, shadows bleeding into the background.
You paid no mind, continuing to walk the path when a rustle came from behind you. You ignored it, assuming the breeze had picked up some leaves. Until you heard the unattractive noise of a man spitting his phloem out. You heard his footsteps quicken behind you so you quickly walked to the other side of the path. Out of the corner of your eye you saw him. You sped up when he changed to the same side as you.
“Wait baby I just wanna talk.” His tone was lazy, but the edge in his voice sent a chill down your spine. “I don’t want trouble, just trying to go home.” You were proud that your tone was firm and quickened your walking pace again.
“Wait, I said,” you jerked around to face him quickly when you felt his hand on your shoulder. “Don’t touch me.” Your eyes were hard and your voice quivered just slightly. You felt adrenaline rush through you, knowing that you could be in a fight or fly situation. “Wow, don’t have to be such a stuck up bitch.” Your brow twitched. “Excuse me?” He ignored you, coming closer while you shifted backward. “I just want some of what dear lil Hansolie is having.” You froze, staring wide eyed at the stranger.
“You need to go.” Your voice quaked now. Why would he mention Hansol? Who the fuck is this guy. He paused and tilted his head as if in thought. “Hmmm, nah I don’t think so baby.” You shivered in disgust hearing that pet name leave his dirty mouth.
Just as he neared, you brought your foot up and kicked out, stomping his stomach effectively before spinning on your foot and running. You calves ached as you pushed them as hard as you could, lungs burning for oxygen. Tears threatened to escape, whimpers leaving your mouth and the only thought running through your head, in hopes that saying it will somehow summon him:“Hansol.”
“AH!” You yelped. The guys hand had come up into your hair and pushed his weight onto you. You fell harshly to the ground, immediately trying to turn when you felt his weight on your back. “NO! GET THE FUCK AH-!” Your scream echoed throughout the park as did the pain. Your back tensed and your breathe caught in your throat; a quick wave of shock, disbelief and finally intense pain went through you as you cried out. You felt your clothes dampen and knew why; the bastard stabbed me!
The weight of him was suddenly gone and through the rushing of blood in your ears you registered a few shouts and a scuffle beside you. You rolled onto your back, looking up at the stars melting into the night sky. “YOU PIECE OF SHIT.” The guy cried out as he felt the brute of the punches landing on his face, over and over. You heard the sickening thud of fists hitting skin, the crunch of bone breaking from the force. You felt sick, the pain and the scene before you curdling the food in your stomach. You face turned to the side, your body violently convulsing as you retched, vomit and drops of blood spilling from your lips.
“HYUNG!“ there were numerous steps now, each going toward you while the guy who must’ve passed out by now was still getting viciously punched in the face. You focused on the night sky, feeling the cold begin to seep into your pores. The sounds around you melted away until the only sound you heard was the drum of your heart beat fighting for you. "Hansol.” You weakly croaked before blacking out.
Hansol had to be pulled away by three of his members as he continued to beat the piece of shit who tried to hurt you. He was breathing heavily, seeing red and tensed up when he turned to the shout for his attention. He saw you paling on the ground, a puddle of blood slowly growing under you. “FUCK!” He ran to you, not caring  if he shoved his members. The only thing he cared about right now was you.
“Baby, baby” He whimpered as he lifted you, lips buried in your hair as he felt tears sting at his eyes. He quickly hooked an arm beneath your legs and hauled the both of you up. “Bring the car around. Quick! Hojoon come.” Hansol ran out the entrance while someone ran to bring the car around. The others checking if your attacker was dead or alive - not that it really mattered to them.
Hojoon pulled the door open when the car came around, allowing Hansol to shuffle inside with you in his arms. “Turn her over.” Hojoon said as soon as he had the door closed behind him. Hansol listened and watched as Hojoon lifted your shirt to inspect the wound in your lower back. “Hyung,” Hansol whimpered, “Tell me she’ll be okay.” Tears slipped down Hansol’s face. He needed you to be okay, he didn’t care about anything else. Hojoon ignored him as he put pressure on the wound. He hoped the bleeding would stop as P-Goon sped them to the hospital.
Everything was a blur for Hansol from there. The bleeding hadn’t stopped once they’d arrived and you had gone so cold. You wouldn’t open your eyes no matter how much Hansol had called out to you, no matter how many kisses he placed to your cheeks.
Hansol paced around, the long hours seeming like days to him. More than once did Hojoon have to draw Hansol out of a panic attack; him hyperventilating, tears and broken words about you spilling from his lips every time. He couldn’t find sleep, the few times he did a new nightmare involving you would scar his mind.
The doctors hadn’t said anything to him. You were still in surgery. Hansol rubbed his sore bruised knuckles instantly thinking about the chill of your usual warm skin beneath his fingertips. He sighed heavily, feeling his body tense at the impending panic attack.
“Sol, you should eat.” Hansol ignored Sangdo who had arrived with his favourite food. He couldn’t stomach anything at the moment. Sangdo looked to Hojoon, sighing sympathetically. He knew how much his friend cared for you. The worries he had when you first took interest in him and gradually stole bits of his heart, till he surrendered himself to you. Hansol had always feared something would happen to you because of him. Now his fears had become a reality.
“Who was it?” Sangdo relayed the information he had got from B-Joo. “Rival gang, one of goong’s people… The guy has um… been taken care of.” Sangdo whispered looking around at the other people in the waiting room. Hansol nodded. “Get the others. I think we should pay our old friend a visit.” That angel like smile Hansol wears always manages to send shivers down their spines and the two of them knew it was going to be a very long night.
“You’re doing well.” The physio told you as you went through the few exercises she had shown you. “You’ve made remarkable progress these past few months. Keep it up.” That usual bright clinical smile was met with an empty one from you as you bid your goodbyes while showing her out your door.
You had gotten use to the crutches after two months, the first four being either you staying in bed or using a wheelchair. At first, you could barely move and broke down numerous times feeling the sore reminder of your wounds. The knife had done enough damage to your lower muscle’s to hinder your movement, but thankfully with the help of your physio and also a counsellor you had found the confidence and strength to get back on your feet. Still, it was hard.
Not only had these been roughly six long months of pain and rebuilding your body and mind, but it had also been six long months of no sign of Hansol. When you woke up, there were numerous flowers, all unsigned but you knew it was him, only he remembered all of your favourites. None of your friends or family had been there at the time, but you eye’s were only in search for those familiar brown orb’s, the colour of the sun shining on a dark river, those eyes that always looked at yours softly and with such care that you felt safe and loved.
But you never found them. For the first week, you convinced yourself he would come. Even your mother was convinced while she cared for you. That he must be busy - you knew how busy he got - because there was just no chance that he didn’t hear about what happened to you and there was no chance that he wouldn’t come and see you if he could… right?
But the following week, when you tried to phone him and found that the number no longer existed you knew deep down that something was wrong. But, still you hoped that he would turn up, for weeks you hoped and with that hope you tried to better yourself, just for him, so you wouldn’t burden him when he finally came to you, so you could make him proud and show him how strong you are.
After 3 and a half months that hope slipped away. It was when you had your first break down. The memory of a weight atop of you, you crushed to concrete and then the way your nerves almost seemed to be burning you, the way your body had tensed at the pain when the knife had pierced through your flesh had woken you one night, the sound of your screams bringing you out of the dream that felt so real. A miserable repeat of a horrific event that you had to go through alone. Of course you had the support of your family and friends, but you knew exactly who you needed. All you wanted was his reassuring warm hugs, his sweet whispers in your ear to let you know that he was there for you and that everything would be all right. But he wasn’t and so that night you had sobbed into your sheets, curled up as you let out painful cries until the early hours of the morning.
You let out a shaky breath, leaning on the crutches as you slowly turned to walk to the sofa. You sat down, feeling a little breathless and lethargic. Since the incident, you haven’t had much energy, becoming tired easily when you walked. Your body behaved like you were a 80 year old man, slow and just slightly frail. You haven’t even had the energy to eat lately, even that felt like you were over exerting yourself.
You closed your eyes and as expected sleep took over, the session with your physio had taken more out of you than you thought. A bittersweet dream of your past played in your mind and your heart tightened in longing. At least it wasn’t a nightmare.
Hansol was the literal definition of ‘look like shit.’ Even ‘look like death’ wouldn’t be far off, his pale skin dull and almost translucent; blue veins clear as day, eyes sunken and dark under his dark overgrown hair, he almost looked vampiric.
“Sol, are you sure you’re up to this? Me and the boys can ta-”
“I will do it.” The man was startled by the sharp look Hansol’s otherwise dull eye’s held when he turned to him. He regarded him for a mere second before turning his head back toward his dirtied fingernails, scraping the dirt from beneath. He only had one thing on his mind after all these months and that was to kill the bastard who dared to fuck with you.
It was nearing one in the morning, the street’s more or less empty and the sky drowning the city in darkness for the various lights to shine. They had followed him from the business district of Tokyo. He was clad in a smart suit that was tailored in a way that encompassed him perfectly: arrogant, ruthless, power hungry. Hansol’s breathing had become harsh when he saw him, hands already reaching for the door handle as his anger possessed him, commanded him to go and beat him to a pulp and ruin his suit and his care free face. The thought that he was walking around so freely while you were struggling pissed him off to the point he was shaking.
The other’s had to restrain him of course. The street’s were still busy, plenty of witnesses that they really did not need. It was Sangdo who was the voice of reason, urging Hansol to remain calm and to stick to the plan.
It went on like this for a few weeks. Hansol and the boys staking him out, seeing where he was going, who was he associated with, what was he doing, till he snapped. “WE NEED TO FUCKING GET HIM ALREADY!” It was a rare moment that Hansol lost it, but since the incident with you it had become more frequent. He was on a verge of a panic attack, breaths coming out harsh as he muttered the same thing over and over, “I need to get him.”
And so, that night they followed Seogoong.  He was headed to a bar he frequented 3 times during the week. He wasn’t going to get that far though.
Two cars pulled up right beside his as he drove and the car Hansol was in came up his rear. Jiho, whom was driving smirked as he bumped him a little, the car in front jolting when he did so.
At this point Seogoong was more than aware of the situation and who was behind this little play. He was only partly surprised it had taken Hansol this long to take action, but of course he knew that Hansol would have spent a lot of his time blaming himself, wouldn’t have been able to focus as clearly as usual, even if Seogoong was right under his nose.
Seogoong was all smirks as he texted his location to his right-hands, whom were never too far in case their boss was in need, before carelessly flinging his phone into the passenger seat, one hand leisurely on the steering wheel as he decided to return the favour, roughly swinging his vehicle to scrape against the car beside him. The car to his left momentarily swerved, scraping against the barrier on the edge before aligning itself on the road again.
Yooncheol growled in aggravation, frown lines taking over his face as he slowed and then changed his angle ever so slightly to directly bump the side of Seogoong car. Sanggyun, who was sitting at the back rolled down his window and shot at the glass, but found it ricocheted, bouncing off their own door. Seogoong smirked, ‘Do they think I’m an amateur?’
Jiho revved his engine and rocked into the back of Seogoong’s car harder, the latter rocking forward, only being restrained by his seatbelt. Seogoong ignored the buzzing of his phone as he handled the clutch and then pressed his foot down, his paint job ruined as he scraped against both cars narrowly crowding him as he sped ahead, the others not far behind.
Tires burned against the road as each car fought to gain speed and Hansol’s eyes were wild, glazed over and drained of light as they darkened with his barely kept rage. His throat was taught as he released strained shouts that made his voice hoarse, angry commands to not let that bastard get away.
Sangyun didn’t need to hear the furious pain filled shouts of Hansol’s voice to urge him to grab the glass, the soaked cloth hanging as he lit it and stretched out the window, throwing it with squinted eyes as the wind slapped his face.
The glass broke against the back of Seogoong’s car, the flame melting the metal slightly and burning against the rubber of his tire. Jiho growled deep in his throat as his car drew closer to seogoong's knocking into him only a little, seogoong just that bit faster.
“We got company.” Bullets were released in quick succession at the back of their car, but of course it wouldn’t penetrate. Hansol slurred instructions for another car to deal with them. The car swung around and Sol watched as the car impacted head on with one of Goong’s guys, the bumper hanging and sparking along the road as it reversed away.
This time Hansol got in on the action, sticking just his arm out the window, wary of the flying bullets as he tried to shoot at Seogoong’s back tires. With a hiss of hair, he smirked as a bullet penetrated, slowly deflating the tire and imbalancing Seogoong’s car. Sanggyun and others were throwing glass bombs, trying to flame his car, but with the speed and caution of bullets from Seogoong’s guys, it was hard to aim properly.
The cars were messily swerving on the road and Hansol heard Sangdo muffle something before their radio went static. Hansol looked back at the dark cloud of smoke floating from flames go up in the sky, a car turning over and another ramming through the barriers and off the cliff.
Jiho looked through his rearview, feeling to go back, but at the same time knowing that they had to keep going. Hansol kicked against the seat, cursed into the air, grabbing for a bigger gun as he watched the last of Seogoong’s car pass Sangdo’s overturned car and shoot at it before driving on toward them.
“Sol throw the barb.” His member told him calmly, also reaching for a bigger gun. Hansol grabbed for the wire traps and threw them as best he could out the window hoping they would drive over it. Even if it didn’t kill them, at least it would slow them enough that they could concentrate on Goong.
Seogoong’s car was losing momentum and he cursed his men for being so weak and cursed that only two cars had come. When he got back he was going to release his wrath on them.
The two cars on either side drove into him and stayed rammed into his side as they came to a bend. Jiho drove forward and Sol and others positioned their guns out the window to shoot at the car behind, hitting their rear view mirrors and into the air.
“BYE YOU FUCK!” Jiho suddenly yelled as he revved his engine and crashed into the back of Seogoong’s car; Hansol was drowned in the sound of speeding cars, metal grating, bullets being fired and in that moment he stopped and breathed for the first time in ages as he sent a prayer to God to help him get justice.
You had started to go out more, even willing yourself to go there… That place where your life changed. Seeing the park felt surreal. It was daytime and filled with the bright laughter and squeals of children, filled with birds being fed crumbs of bread, the path packed with a range of people taking strolls and enjoying the nature.
Your heart clenched painfully, but you willed yourself to be strong. When you got back home the air felt different. Something palpable that had the hairs on your arms raising. As the door clicked shut, you willed the feelings away, willed yourself to remember to breathe because the feeling that washed over you was choking you and it felt as if your ribs were caving in as your heart tightened impossibly.
“Hey.” Your eye’s widen, your body freezing in place as the voice locked your body up. You squeezed your eyes shut, a nonsense of murmurs leaving your lips as you fought to calm yourself, to yell at yourself that it’s not real, that he’s not here, all the while your tears begin to fall.
A warmth, too familiar connected with the forearms shielding you away from what you convinced yourself was a fake reality and you violently jolted, feeling the way your body melted at the familiar touch.
Your tear filled eyes shook as they looked disbelievingly back into his own tear filled eyes, brown muggy and dull as they fell on you. A whimper of your name leaves his lips and he doesn’t think twice to reach for you and comfort you, but his hands are left hanging in the air when you scream, “NO!” almost scared and you're shivering against the door as you push yourself as far away from him as possible. “No.” You whisper in a broken sob as your eyes drift elsewhere, lost in a nightmare that holds you even when you’re awake. “No.” It leaves your lips again, and then again, getting louder more urgent as your nails claw and your face, your scalp, tangling your hair into a mess as your breath harshen.
He whispers your name again, more panicked as his body reacts to comfort you again, not realising that he is the cause of it. He breaks, his heart knocking violently into his ribs as his own tears slip down his cheeks. He never wanted to see you like this. His hands clenched to fists, Seogoong burning into his mind as he wished to kill him over and over, painful as the last.
Your eyes shoot to his, glazed over as the tears stop after a while. But, it’s like you’re looking through him, like he’s not really there as you give a slight shake of your head. “It’s not real… He’s… gone… left… me… no....” Hansol chokes out a sob, not caring to be wary as he quickly, desperately approaches your shrunken form, his hands grasping your forearms tightly as he wills you too look at him and see that he is here. “No, baby! I’m here. It’s me. It’s Hansol. I’m here baby!” And then he’s shoving your head into his chest, sighing with tears as he feels your warmth meld into his being for the first time in so long and you still fit so perfectly against him and he sobs, choked up on so much emotion that he barely feels your weak fist banging against his chest until you find the strength to hit him harsher.
You shove him away with difficulty, hurt and rage now filling your eyes. “YOU’RE HERE?” There was no timidness in your voice. No fear, or disbelief or panic, just pure rage and hurt. A disbelieving laugh leaves your lips as you reach forward to shove at his chest, his body stumbling backward a bit. You feel the pain in your back as you strain yourself and it shows on your face and Hansol worries, wanting to tell you to sit, but you don’t give him a chance. “YOU’RE HERE NOW? WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?”
 “I promised myself that I would return once I made sure none of those arseholes could never hurt you again! I had to be certain!” He replied softly, in attempt to soothe the rage growing over the months.
“THAT WASN’T YOUR CALL TO MAKE! I. NEEDED. YOU.” Your voice was hoarse, your throat dry and sore and searing pain in your back had locked up your spine as you lent against the wooden door, but the pain was nothing in comparison to seeing Hansol again.
“Baby please.”
“NO!” You cried, “YOU DON’T GET TO CALL ME THAT.” You were heaving, bending slightly as a sweat broke out on your skin. “YOU DON’T GET TO BE HERE AFTER ALL THIS TIME TO ACT LIKE YOU DIDN’T FUCKING DISAPPEAR AND LEFT ME ALONE.FUCKING ALONE TO PIECE MYSELF BACK TOGETHER.” You finally slid against the wall, bottom hitting the ground as you lent against the door and shut your eyes. Hansol rushed to you immediately but you kicked your arms and legs out. “DON’T COME NEAR ME!”
“PLEASE JUST LET ME HELP YOU, YOU’RE IN PAIN!” He finally yelled; this was unbearable and he fought the kicks and hits against his skin as he wrapped his arms around you, dragging you closer and breathing you in. Your nails dug into him, you hit as hard as you could, but no pain was comparable to Hansol watching you break like this.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, God I’m so sorry, I’m sorry, please, I’m sorry” He kept whispering into your hair even as you screamed for him to let you go into his shoulder, willing yourself to not relax in his hold as his hands rubbed your back.
“I hate you.” You breathed against his skin.
“So do I.”
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