jack-o-phantom · 7 months
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slaps this down then poofs into the void
AHHHHHHHHHH!!! fishing you out from that void STAT
AHH?? this is so nice??? ohmygod,,, it's him!!
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Ineffable Honeymoon: Part Five
(Something triggers Crowley and Aziraphale begins to have doubts (not about their relationship, don't worry))
After a few days on the road, and a stop at a tourist trap, Aziraphale and Crowley arrived at Yellowstone National Park.
They stepped out of the car and looked around at the Old Faithful Lodge. 
A gust of pungent air hit them, and Crowley paled. 
"Oh my, that is quite the scent," Aziraphale remarked, holding a handkerchief to his nose. 
"Y-yes," Crowley said quickly, "let'sss go inside."
"Good idea. I'll go get us a baggage trolley."
Aziraphale gave Crowley a quick kiss before running off, leaving the demon alone in the sulphurous air. 
Crowley felt a burning ache on their back as they felt themself being pulled back to the Fall. They closed their eyes, trying to snap out of it, but their entire body felt like it was in flames.
Inside the Lodge, Aziraphale was engaged in a friendly conversation with a Bellboy. He gotten distracted and couldn't help bragging about his wonderful partner. The Bellboy, a closeted gay teen, felt a glimmer of hope at hearing how confident and happy Aziraphale and his partner were. 
"Well, I'd better get back to them before they think something happened," Aziraphale chuckled.
He started wheeling the trolley to the door when a frantic man burst in. 
"Someone call an ambulance! There's a lady having a seizure!"
Aziraphale ran out to help. A crowd had formed right around where he had left Crowley. 
Oh no…
The angel pushed people aside, and his worst fears were confirmed. 
Crowley was sprawled on the pavement, writhing and thrashing and making unintelligible noises.
"Crowley!" he gasped, kneeling by the demon.
"Get back!" he shouted at the crowd, who stepped back fearfully.
Aziraphale took Crowley's hands, where long claws had protruded.
He leaned over his partner, shielding them from curious eyes. 
"Crowley, Crowley, my dear," Aziraphale crooned, grasping their head firmly. 
"You're in Yellowstone Park, the Apocalypse has been averted, and your name is Anthony J Crowley," he told him slowly and clearly. 
"You're not Falling, you're not in Hell, you're with me, Aziraphale, on Earth."
He held Crowley to his chest, rocking them gently. 
After what felt like an eternity, Crowley's erratic breathing finally slowed, and their body relaxed in Aziraphale's arms. 
"What's your name?" Aziraphale asked slowly.
Crowley's face was turned to Aziraphale, but their eyes were staring off past the concerned angel. 
"Anthony J Crowley," they finally answered meekly.
"What does the 'J' stand for?" 
"J-just a 'J,' really," Crowley replied quietly.
Aziraphale let out a soft smile. 
"Good, good, my dear. Where are you?" he continued.
Crowley hesitantly turned their head and looked around. 
Miraculously, there were no people looking, all having found something else to occupy their interest. 
"That's right, darling, we're on Earth. Not in Heaven, not in Hell." 
He kissed Crowley's forehead gently. 
"You must be exhausted," he murmured. 
"M sorry"
"Don't apologise, love. Let me take you to our room."
As Crowley slept, Aziraphale read anything he could find on the internet about trauma and mental health. 
"Aziraphale," Crowley's quiet voice pierced the tense silence.
"Crowley! How long have you been awake?" he closed his ancient laptop and sat by his partner.
"Long enough. I'm sorry for ruining our honeymoon," Crowley apologized.
Aziraphale felt warmth wash over him.
"You have nothing to apologize for, love. I shouldn't have suggested we take this trip. It seems it's only been hurting you," he told him sadly. 
Crowley sat up and took Aziraphale's hand.
"Don't sssay that, Angel. I've had fun" they insisted.
Aziraphale looked doubtful.
"Crowley, you were accosted by security officers and unfairly targeted before we even left the airport, you were kidnapped and tortured by crazed demon-hunters, and got triggered into going back to your Fall. And it's all my fault."
"S nothing I haven't dealt with before," Crowley responded, but when they saw how sad Aziraphale looked at hearing that, they immediately regretted mentioning it.
"Hey, look, Aziraphale, I've been having the time of my life, you know why?"
Aziraphale bit his lip, unable to bring himself to look at Crowley.
"Because I've been spending all my time with the love of my life and my besst friend, that'sss why," Crowley stroked Aziraphale's cheek, "and there's nowhere elssse I'd rather be than with you."
Aziraphale sniffed and wiped away a stray tear.
"Why are you comforting me? I should be comforting you!" he cried, pulling away.
"You don't have to carry the world on your shoulders, Angel. You're allowed to be upset."
Crowley wrapped themself around their angel, messaging his back.
"Angel, I made a promise to you that I'd be by your side, always."
They clasped Aziraphale's hand, spindly fingers intertwining with smooth ones.
"And I, by yours, darling," Aziraphale said tenderly.
"I love you so much, Crowley."
"I love you too, my dearest Aziraphale."
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