#Dabi thirst
beezin-art · 9 hours
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loml <3
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kingkatsuki · 1 month
Thinking about Dabi developing a borderline obsession over a Pro-Hero’s pretty girlfriend, to the point that you see him everywhere.
It’s flattering and exciting at first— how dangerous it feels to be flirting with a villain with a powerful quirk. Catching you when you’re leaving your favourite coffee shop, or in the last carriage you always take on your morning commute.
But it starts to scare you when he’s literally everywhere. Finding you when you’re at a friends birthday party, or baby shower. You even see him across the room during your lowkey dates with your Pro boyfriend, trying to avoid meeting his piercing gaze as you stare down at your plate.
Things in your home feel like they’re out of place too. Looking for your favourite perfume bottle or the matching panties to a lace set you’d just bought last month. Noticing your toys have moved too, certain your boyfriend wouldn’t bother himself with a rummage in your panties drawer as you think about what could’ve happened.
And you start getting calls and texts from burners. A different number every few weeks, as though he’s deliberately changing SIM cards and phone numbers to go undetected. Some messages are nicer than others, some are pure filth that have your thighs rubbing together shamelessly as you read them in your bathroom, and others are borderline threats— or promises.
You’re scared, but it’s not like you can tell your Pro-Hero boyfriend that you indulged in it at first. That you leaned into his advances and you flirted back. No matter how innocently. But you’re safe. Your boyfriend would always make sure of it— wouldn’t he?
Or so you think until you find yourself pinned against a dirty brick wall just outside your local train station, barely a five minute walk from your house as Dabi weaves a palm around the column of your throat.
“There you are, sweetheart. I’ve been looking for you everywhere.”
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tojirights · 2 years
dabi always sits with his legs open when he slouches on the couch. every time you see it, you're half pissed off and half turned on. there was something so undeniably attractive about how he sits so... inviting... he's caught you staring from across the room on more than one occasion, and he always smirks in response. he'll tap the inside of his thigh to beckon you over, shifting to get even more comfortable. normally, you flip him off and turn away to hide the embarrassing flush on your cheeks, but today you feel like throwing caution to the wind.
dabi's eyes widen as you approach him, one eyebrow cocked as you kneel between his feet. "hm?" he starts, cold eyes peering down at you. "feelin' brave tonight, babe?" the smirk on his face one again makes you feel a mix of anger and lust. "don't be an ass, dabi." he chuckles at your remark and leans down, ring covered fingers gripping your jaw. "hey now. i've only been tryin' to get you to do this for months now, just know there's no going back." he whispers in your ear. you already knew that, but his words spark something dark deep within you. "better not be a waste of my time then." you shoot back, tugging on his belt.
"mh, that attitude's gotta go. nothin' i can't fix in time."
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jinns-anime-shit · 6 months
Dabi is the type of guy to push your chest down onto the bed and kick your legs apart while saying “spread ‘em wide for me, darling” before railing you right there until you’re gripping the sheets so hard they’re ripping and you’re screaming in pleasure as he makes your legs tremble
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stardust-sprinkler · 1 year
“Bad boy who’s always good to his girl—”
Is very much how I view Touya in like a College!AU.
* Like he either despises or is apathetic to almost everything. 99.9% of people aren’t worth his time, existing power structures are corrupt and can suck his d!ck, society as a whole is the fucking worst.
* But to you? Devoted. Unashamedly. Just fully ready to flip someone the bird and walk away mid-sentence just because you finally showed up to the party.
* And like who’s gonna be stupid enough to make fun of how head over heels he is for you? Of Todoroki Touya?? Do they have a death wish??
* And we all know Touya has definitely started fights over you—he’s stepping back into the dorm lobby after a smoke break and some dude’s making you uncomfortable while you’re trying to fucking study… Our man is throwing punches first and asking questions second. Must’ve been a freshman, because pretty much everyone on campus knows who you belong to. 🤷🏼
* Touya definitely has your name somewhere in his sprawling tattoos and never fucking dreamed of getting a second helmet for his motorcycle until he met you.
* When he did meet you at a party, he knew within the hour that you were gonna be his. Never before in his life has he had trouble making up his mind, wasn’t gonna start now. Before you left with your friends, he’d told you to be ready for him to pick you up tomorrow night.
* Now, you’ve been dating for a while and he has no qualms about doting on you in public. He’s still stoic and expressionless as hell, but he’ll run his hand through your hair while you’re sitting at the coffee bar or press a soft kiss to your temple when you’re posted up in a corner of the library.
* Someone who had a bone to pick with him was stupid enough to crack a joke about how whipped he must be to act like this just for some pūssy… Touya came back 10 minutes later, courteously using his white shirt to wipe his bloody knuckles clean so he could go back to tracing patterns on your skin with the hand slung over your shoulder.
* As for a stunt that mysteriously never got pinned on anyone— There was one time, you were freaking out about an exam with a huge class % that you somehow forgot to study for. Well, it seems odd that the sprinkler system went off for the whole building for no discernible reason… You never asked him about it, just wrapped your arms around his waist that evening and whispered a quiet “Thank you” into his chest. His response was a noncommittal grunt and a tight squeeze before he pulled you into his room and locked the door for the night.
* He’s always painted his nails blue or black, but now he lets you choose the color and do it for him, while he’s just leaning over the cafeteria table and flipping through a text book.
* At some point, you have a few more drinks than usual at a party and when he wraps his arms around your waist from behind, you try to push him away, saying, “I already have a boyfriend, asshole—” before realizing it’s him and it’s the first time you ever hear him laugh laugh. Fast forward to when you’re back at your dorm, he’s going down on you for a whole hour. You thought that, after one o, he was gonna be done—but when you pushed him back a little to change positions, he swatted your hand away and growled that he wasn’t done eating yet. You’d just been such a good girl for him, knowing who you belonged to. You deserved a reward, of course.
* This man’s always touching you in some capacity—holding your hand, slinging his arm around your waist or over your shoulders, pulling you into his lap every chance he gets.
* You have a surplus of little gifts he gets you just because—knows you like crystals so he’ll just procure one from his pocket once in a while on a day when you’re really stressed. Not that you’ve ever asked him for one, or for the snacks he brings over when you’re finally done with your midterms. Even specialty items. Say you’re into something like dragons or (ironically) certain anime characters. Well, occasionally you’ll find tiny figurines or charm bracelets with them on it, just mysteriously left in your room. Eventually you have little collections and the corner of his lip twitches upward watching you fawn over each new gift (and then over him next).
* Any gallery installation or stage performance or capstone project or thesis defense— This man is sitting silently in the rows, wearing the proudest (albeit very small) smile the whole time.
* In turn, being someone who didn’t get enough attention/affection at home—when you get him something for no reason, or pull him tight to your side during movie night, or card your fingers through his hair with his head on your lap, or embarrassingly whoop and holler just because he got some kind of good news… You can see this man just melt for you. No one else would catch it, but his eyes soften and he huffs out a small sigh that even you can barely hear.
* Even worse, when he’s sure you’re too busy furiously thumbing through a stack of books for a research paper or too wrapped up scouring your annotated essay for errors to notice… he just basks in you. Looks at you like you’ve hung the moon and the stars in the sky. So, you’re always caught off guard when he suddenly swings you over to straddle his lap and buries his face in your neck and stays there. You’re laughing and squirming, trying to get back to—something really important, babe—but he won’t let up and you inevitably have to just let him press languid kisses (and leave a hickey or two) along your collarbone until he’s satisfied. And THEN you can go back to what you were doing. (You make sure never to tell him it helps calm and refocus you. Lose your ability to fake complain about it? Not a chance.)
* He loves it when you play with his earrings or necklaces or rings when you’re curled up on the couch, just chatting. Makes his chest tight for some reason. Feels good. As for you, you love feeling his snakebites and tongue piercing when you kiss him—your brain short-circuits for a second everytime.
* Long story long, the resident bad boy on campus is smitten with you… And the rest of the world can go fuck itself.
(I have so many more College!Touya hcs—lemme know if y’all want some!)
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yanderenightmare · 1 year
aight so what's dabi like in bed?
Dabi - Todoroki Touya
TW: nsfw, noncon/dubcon, he's a sleazy dom
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Dabi is a scumbag sleaze.
A head-pusher and a cocky fucking asshole. Pets your head and hushes and tuts at you as he makes you swallow his dick balls-deep to the hilt. An ugly soft smile on his lips as he looks down at you serving him, at you struggling and gagging, ordering you to be a good girl and lick him up, take him all the way in.
He gets what he wants without much struggle. He’ll push and nudge and persuade and gently force his goal forward, rendering you in no position to say no, ignoring it if you do. He just tells you to relax and breathe and keeps pushing.
It would be a surprise to feel him play with your clit while rutting into you, as he doesn't usually chase anyone's end but his own. Selfishly using your body to fulfill whichever means he desires, whether that be as a cum-dumpster, body pillow, or a plushie for him to cry into when he wakes from yet another nightmare in the dead of night.
He likes to slap you around a bit. But not really in any effort to actually hurt you.
Giving your ass a rough squeeze and a nice loud smack doesn't hurt you. All it does is let you know how you need to ride his cock faster.
And those small taps he makes with his hand on your cheek when his cock is pressed into the pocket of your mouth are meant more as encouragement than anything else. It's just his way of expressing how cute you look when you're struggling to take his cock down your throat.
It's the same with the curt smacks he makes to the back of your skull. They're only meant to help. Assisting you in choking his cock further down until you have him nicely swallowed down to the base.
Besides, those light slaps to your face after you’ve gagged on his dick for the better half of an hour are always done with love, of endearment. When he’s smeared all spit and cum over your dumb expression, painted you with the sloppy mess, making you look so glossy and beautiful with those precious slicked teary lashes and blubbering swollen lips pouting up at him.
He circles his large, lanky fingers and ensnares your windpipe, liking how you squeeze him when he chokes you. Sinking into your weeping cunt, running you through until finally emptying all he's worth deep inside you.
It's his way of saying thanks.
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atomic-taco-muffin · 2 years
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Literally every Dabi fangirl: yes daddy
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savnofilter · 9 months
im sorry but imagine your baby daddy, touya todoroki, who is arguably a good dad. he's rich asf and doesn't give a fuck that his father wants him to settle down. his unconventional ways of courting definitely pops a vein to the old man but he takes sick joy in it.
touya gets super possessive over you but swears up and down that him fucking anyone else is different. if he hears any news about you going on a date or notices a text from someone else when youre around him, he makes it his mission to fuck you extra hard the next time he sees you. demands to know if anyone else can fuck you better or can make you orgasm the way he does. usually, touya fucks the answer out of you if youre not quick enough to reply.
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brittsacademia · 1 year
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• Title: You're My Bitch Tonight
• Pairing: Sub!Dabi X Dom!Reader
• Summary: You couldn't remember what prompted you to snap, but one thing you did know was that you'd make a bottom bitch out of Dabi.
• Warnings/Extra Tags: | Role Reversal | Fem!Reader | Dom!Reader | Sub!Dabi | PWP | Strap-on | Pegging | Handjobs | Nipple Play | Edging/Ruined Orgasms | Multiple Orgasms | Facesitting | Mild Suffocation | Restraints | Inappropriate Quirk Usage | Degredation | Aftercare | Dabi Being Kinda Bratty | Dabi Has Nipple and Dick Piercings | Reader Has a Navel Piercing | Pictures | One Empty Blackmail Threat | Slapping | Some Praise | Overstimulation |
• Word Count: 8,980
Notes: Here it is! The offspring of my current Dabi brain rot and life frustrations! Enjoy the filth, this came out way longer than I originally anticipated. It was supposed to be a short Drabble at first, then I got out of hand. Oops.
Minors, DNI. NSFW under the cut.
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Dabi. An A-ranked villain, former leader of the League of Villain's Vanguard Action Squad, and current lieutenant of the Paranormal Liberation Front's Violet Regiment — one of Japan's most wanted. He was a dangerous guy, one that could set fire to the skies and watch with a bored, unbothered glint in his eyes as the ashes of his victims dispersed with the wind.
This was a man set on revenge, one who would stop at nothing to ensure his success. None could stand between him and his goal, less they'd want to face the consequences — an agonizing demise; burned alive with no mercy.
He was a man who held all of the world's hatred in his eyes. A single glance from Dabi would be enough to make even the bravest of heroes second-guess their courage, wondering if their life was worth the attempt at capturing the blueflame user.
Dabi. A man who has killed over thirty innocent people with a straight face, and you knew for sure that more bodies would be added to that ever-growing list.
That's what the news and public said, and you supposed that yeah, they all had a very valid point. It was the truth.
You blinked, looking down at that very man — that very danger to society. Your lips twitched, threatening to break out into a sadistic grin. Your stomach fluttered with excitement because, at the moment, Dabi was none of those things.
Straddling his thighs as he laid on your bed, you never broke his gaze, remaining nonchalant as those pretty cerulean eyes of his narrowed at you with pure anger. You were sure that, should he have the capability of speaking, he'd be spouting some colourful words to express his disdain.
The dark room was illuminated by a hue of (colour) that emitted from your body due to your quirk. The abstract markings adorning your arms glowed, signalling the activation of your quirk, as did your eyes. You knew you lacked pupils at the moment — an aesthetic side effect — and it made you feel like some sort of divinity.
Disembodied, ghost-like hands of the same, faint colour held Dabi by the wrists, pining them above his head. You wouldn't even allow him full control of his legs as another pair of hands held them down; you didn't want to give him the opportunity to squirm much, after all.
And you figured that, since you could produce and control six hands at a time, why not clamp one down on his mouth? Shut him up, for once. It had been your initial goal, but it had escalated.
What had you been arguing about prior to this? You couldn't even quite remember, but that wasn't your preoccupation at the moment. All you could focus on was just how fucking turned on you were at the thought of having full control for once.
His words came out as inaudible, muffled grunts. You tilted your head, fingers tapping at your chin in mock contemplation.
"I dunno, babe. You look right at home down there," you said, voice nothing short of condescending. "If I had known that you'd look this pretty, shit, I woulda done this much sooner."
Of course, you got no coherent response, only sounds resonating from deep within his chest.
"Great. I'm glad we finally agree on something," you said, nodding as you pretended to have a normal conversation.
Dabi's stare hardened — obvious disagreement.
You raised a brow as you watched the hands holding him down glow brighter before dimming once more, signalling his attempt at using his own quirk. The sad display beneath you made you laugh.
"Babe, c'mon. Seriously? You know your quirk won't work while mine is latched onto you," you said before shrugging and making a vague hand gesture. "But by all means, go ahead and feed me more strength. It makes things even more fun."
A sixth hand materialized, slipping beneath his shirt and slithering its way up his torso. It reached his face, tenderly cupping his cheek before offering a few patronizing smacks. They weren't rough, by any means, but they had their desired effect of making Dabi's eyes glimmer with violence.
"Okay, okay," you nodded, mostly to yourself. "I think I'll let you speak a little."
You removed the hand that had been latched to his mouth, sliding it down his neck where you could feel his racing pulse; he was into it, but over his dead body he'd admit it.
Now able to speak, Dabi didn't skip a beat. "What the fuck?" He spoke the words slowly, drawing out every syllable with a low tone in a show of frustration.
"What?" You sneered. "I thought you got off when I'm pissed, so what gives, huh? Can't handle it now that I'm the one who's decided to put you in your place?"
"My place, huh?" He chuckled in disbelief, shaking his head. "Wanna try that again, sweetheart?"
"I'm sorry, I guess I should speak more clearly," you said, placing yourself atop the growing bulge in his jeans. You leaned forward, pressing your chest against his as your lips inched closer to his ear. "Your rightful place as a little bottom bitch."
"Fuck y— hmph."
Dabi didn't get to finish his sentence as you slipped cold fingers into his mouth, nearly hitting the back of his throat. Although the hand wasn't attached to your body, you could still feel the wet, slimy texture of his tongue.
"You can bitch all you want, Dabi, but we both know you're enjoying this as much as I am," you said, sitting straight before rolling your hips against his for emphasis.
You could have sworn that you saw his eye twitch, and you weren't quite sure if it was from arousal or anger. It was then that you softened in the slightest, sliding your hands — your real ones — up and down his sides soothingly as you removed the fingers from his mouth.
"... You know you can tell me to stop, right?" You said, making it clear that, although you were mad at him, you weren't there to make him uncomfortable either.
Dabi looked you in the eye, brows still firmly furrowed, as he held your gaze before casting a glance to the side. It was as if he were ashamed of his predicament and the conflicting feelings swirling inside of him. His mind screamed at him that this new territory wasn't for him, that he'd much rather have you all bent over for him to take his frustration out on your cunt. On the other hand, however, his cock said the opposite, nearly begging him to give in and see where this would go.
Fuck, he'd be a liar if he said that you looked anything but hot at the moment.
Eventually, he settled on his classic, shit-eating smirk. "Fine. Go ahead and have your little power trip. Enjoy it while it lasts, 'cause you know damn well what I'm gonna do to you when this is over."
"I think you're a little confused there. You should be more concerned with what I'm going to do to you," you said with a tilt of your head. "If, for whatever reason, you can't talk, try using your quirk if you want to stop. I'll notice."
“You're being awfully soft for someone who claims to be pissed with me," he said, still being a nuisance. You wondered if it was just Dabi being himself, or if he was being a brat as part of his play. Both, probably.
You smiled; it lacked any warmth, only holding a warning. "Don't worry. I won't be playing soft for too long."
Not being able to move his arms, Dabi gestured with his head, sneering. "Then impress me, sweetheart."
You chuckled. Poor thing didn't know what you had in mind for him, now that you had the green light for full control. That bratty attitude of his? It'd be gone. His pride? Shattered. His mind? So fucking broken.
Ghostly hands that had made their way down to the hem of his shirt, teasingly fiddling with the fabric, now had a firm grasp as they began to lift the clothing up above his head before disappearing into thin air. You made sure to relish in every bit of skin — every purple patch and glistening staple — that was revealed to you. Your gaze was piercing, unwavering and studious, but no less appreciative; it made Dabi swallow hard.
You leaned forward again, lips hovering over his. "I don't think you'll be disappointed."
In an attempt to salvage any remnants of control he had, Dabi pressed his lips to yours in a hard, passionate kiss that took both your breaths away. You allowed his tongue to flick against yours before he licked at the roof of your mouth, offering a pleasant tickling sensation that travelled down between your legs.
As much as you enjoyed his tongue inside your mouth, you had enough of this. You wouldn't allow him to think he had an edge over you, and so, as he attempted to slip his tongue deeper into your mouth, you pulled away, closing your lips around his tongue. You sucked at the muscle as you backed away, and you heard a frustrated grunt escape Dabi as you did so.
You smirked and pressed a kiss to the corner of his lips. You edged closer to his ear, making sure to barely brush your lips against the skin of his face as you made your way up there. You were sure that he could feel the way you grinned, unable to hide your excitement from the sudden rush of power traversing your body.
Your tongue dragged along his earlobe, pulling a deep sigh from Dabi. Kissing down his cheeks to his jawbone, you made your way to his neck, and you slowly licked down his pulse point, leaving a glistening trail of saliva in your wake before sinking your teeth into the junction between his neck and shoulder. You nicked his collarbone — a sensitive area of his — with your tongue closely following to soothe the little marks you left across his body. Beneath you, Dabi's hips shifted, cock jumping at the attention. You could feel the way his thighs tensed, and you just knew that every fibre of his being wanted to pin you down.
But he was powerless — powerless against you, an ordinary civilian — and fuck, seeing someone like Dabi being reduced to something so pathetic was a work of art that you were dying to immortalize.
"You're lucky I'm letting you do this," Dabi grumbled.
"Mhm," you hummed, barely acknowledging his words. All bark, no bite. Not that he could bite at the moment.
And a ghost hand was back to his mouth, silencing him. You felt his warm tongue licking into the palm of the hand — a feeble attempt at deterring you. You quickly glanced up and seeing his eyes full of annoyance, accompanied by unmistakable lust that he so desperately tried to hide, made you laugh. How he could still uphold that look, you didn't know, but you were going to make that petty little glare of his falter.
You gripped the hem of your oversized t-shirt — his shirt — and slowly, very agonizingly slowly pulled it up towards your chest, exposing your near-bare lower body as you only wore lacy underwear. Dabi's eyes immediately fell to your hips, intently glaring at the way your cunt rested so snugly atop his cock. Expectantly, Dabi's eyes wandered to your chest, waiting for your breasts to grace his view, but you wouldn't grant him that satisfaction quite yet. Your expression held cockiness as you took the shirt's hem between your teeth, not fully pulling it over your chest. Instead, from where he laid, Dabi was offered a tantalizing view of the under curvature of your breasts.
As you slid your hands down your body, teasingly pulling at the band of your panties though not removing them, you found amusement in the way Dabi's expression had been breaking as the seconds ticked by. Though anger still remained, it was faltering; it was as if there was an intense battle between anger and burning desire, and the latter was winning little by little.
Slowly, you began rutting your hips against him, moaning as your clit slid against Dabi's erection. With the right amount of pressure, jolts of pleasure shot through your veins that fuelled your arousal, even through the layers of clothing. You could feel Dabi attempt to rise his hips further against you, but your quirk held him down.
If you focused enough, you could make out the way Dabi muttered curses underneath his makeshift gag. His chest began to heave shakily, and his eyes grew heavier from lust as they zeroed in on the rocking of your hips. He watched the way the dangling, blue heart piercing on your navel gently swayed in time with your movements — a gift he had gotten for you last month.
A particularly hard thrust had Dabi grunting. His cock pulsed underneath his jeans and boxers; it was uncomfortable, and he was dying for a shred of relief, but judging by the predatory shine in your irises, Dabi knew he wouldn't be graced with his wishes.
Your shirt was still wedged between your teeth, fabric wet with your saliva. Then, you stilled, abruptly stopping your ruts as you slipped your panties to the side, giving Dabi a slight peek at your slick cunt as you made a show of stroking your lips before spreading them. He wanted to touch you, you knew he did, but you wouldn't let him.
You'd let him watch, though.
Your fingers slid through your lips, and as you brushed against your entrance, you dipped two fingers inside of you, gathering arousal across your digits which you dragged up to your clit. Your moans, although somewhat muffled by your shirt, went straight to Dabi's dick as you slowly stroked your clit up and down. His breathing grew heavier as he remained bound and unable to touch you. The wet shine coating your fingers was beyond enticing to him, and he couldn't tear his eyes away.
You pulled your fingers away from your pussy, letting your shirt fall back down. Now covered up, Dabi's trance seemingly broke, and he was narrowing his eyes at you once again.
You made the hand covering his mouth disappear, allowing him to speak, but before he could do so, you leaned down, gripping at his jaw to keep him in place as you brought your wet fingers to his mouth.
"Come on, babe," you prompted.
Dabi said nothing, only shifting his gaze between your face and fingers before reluctantly opening his mouth, allowing you to dip your fingers inside. He couldn't help the grunt as your taste hit his tongue; he savoured it. He closed his lips around your digits as you began thrusting them gently.
You licked your lips before parting them in a breathy exhalation as your cunt clenched at the sight beneath you. "Hollow your cheeks, hon."
When he didn't immediately comply, you roughly hit the back of his throat, making his body jump as he gagged rather loudly. His strong reaction made you coo condescendingly, and you were sure that, should he have been capable of producing tears, his eyes would be watering. Would it make you a shit person for saying that you wished you could see him cry in this context? Maybe, but you didn't really care.
"I won't ask again, Dabi," you said.
It was fucking humiliating, but Dabi eventually caved and did as you asked, hollowing his cheeks around your fingers, effectively creating more suction.
You groaned at the sight. "Fuck yeah. That's it."
You thrust your fingers a bit faster, occasionally hitting the back of his throat — though not as roughly as the first time — as you desperately wanted to hear him make those lovely gagging noises again.
"That's it, bitch," you said. "God, wouldn't you look pretty sucking on a cock?"
His eyes hardened at the degrading nickname, feeling beyond humiliated as a growl reverberated from deep within his chest.
Eventually, you pulled your fingers out of his mouth, which were heavily coated with his saliva. Dabi panted, attempting to catch his breath.
"Screw you. Fuck you," Dabi hissed at you.
"So vulgar..." you mused.
You gripped at his face, pressing onto his cheeks. "Open your mouth," you commanded.
He stubbornly gritted his teeth, attempting to turn his head away from you in defiance. You huffed, unappreciative of this bratty attitude of his. You tenderly cupped his cheek, tracing the seam of his marred skin with your fingertips in faux sympathy before giving him a nice smack. It wasn't hard enough to harm him, but enough to leave a red blotch on his healthy skin.
What you didn't expect was the damn-near pornographic moan that escaped him upon impact, pupils blown wide with want.
"Open your fucking mouth," you repeated.
He did, and when you leaned over his mouth, lining up yours with his, Dabi had a feeling that he knew where you were going with this; he had done it to you before. Payback's a bitch, he supposed.
You let your saliva drop into his mouth, and you were satisfied to see you didn't even need to tell him to swallow. He did so immediately, making a show of gulping audibly.
"Good boy," you said, rubbing the mark on his cheek. "Say thank you."
"... Thank you," he muttered gruffly, cringing as he said it; the words sounded as though they had physically hurt him to say.
You nodded approvingly and appreciatively. Perhaps he was beginning to submit to you a bit more; you were making progress.
You sat back up, running your hands down his toned chest before your thumbs rolled his nipples, making sure to play with the pretty barbells pierced through the sensitive flesh. The attention made Dabi bite his lip harshly, wanting nothing more than to cut off any moan that threatened to escape him.
You took it as a challenge, leaning down again as you flattened your tongue against a bud while your thumb and index fingers continued toying with the other one. Your tongue swirled, flicking the barbell around, making Dabi's body shake, the stimulation to his chest feeling overwhelming with your precise and rapid movements.
"Ngh... fuck, babe," Dabi moaned. It was strained as he tried to contain the noise.
You hummed, pressing a multitude of sloppy kisses to his body as you trailed downwards. His abs tensed underneath your lips, watching in anticipation as you neared the one place he wanted you the most. You slid your nails down the attractive trail of white hair until you reached the bulge in his pants, flattening your palm against it. You felt him up, groping as you revelled at how hard he was. You sat straight as you undid his belt and jeans.
"Fucking, finally," Dabi sighed, already feeling less confined.
You hummed, pulling Dabi's pants and boxers down his legs and letting his heavy cock slap onto his lower abdomen, leaving behind a small puddle of pre-cum. The liquid seeped from his tip, running down his shaft and making that pretty frenum piercing of his glisten further. The sight had your mouth watering, watching how he throbbed with a desperate need to cum.
You finally pulled your shirt over your head, effectively distracting Dabi as he focused his attention on your bare skin. As you did so, you took the opportunity to command your quirk to fumble beneath the bed, subtly pulling out what would be the main event of your night. Tossing your shirt to the floor, you smirked as you watched the hands emerge, holding the items, which did not go unnoticed by Dabi.
"What the fuck are you looking a—"
Dabi's words died as his eyes grew wide upon seeing the bottle of lube and harness that bore a realistic, beige-coloured dildo — around six and a half inches, curved with some texture and a smooth tip. Dabi gulped, knowing damn well what you were implying, but still, he managed to glare up at you in an attempt to salvage his wavering dignity.
"What in the fuck is that?" Dabi hissed. It was rhetorical, but you still answered.
"That," you gave him a bored look as you pointed at the toy for emphasis, "would be a strap-on."
His glare hardened. "I fucking know what it is. When did you even get that?"
"Gag gift from a friend," you shrugged, running your hands along his thighs before snaking them towards his ass. "And I am going to use that little toy to fuck this," you said, squeezing the flesh teasingly.
"As if I'm letting you do that. You're out of your mind," Dabi said.
"What?" You sneered. "Is the big, bad villain scared of a bit of cock in his ass?"
Perhaps it was wrong of you to play with his ego as such, but again, you didn't really care. Besides, you weren't about to ignore the uncharacteristic hue of pink coating Dabi's cheeks.
"I'd rather fuck into that pretty little cunt of yours," Dabi said.
"I'm sure you would," you said rather casually as you set the strap-on next to him and grabbed the lube. "Anyway, that's for a little later. I've got other things I want to do to you first."
You gripped the base of Dabi's cock, pouring a generous stream of lube onto it. With both hands wrapped around his girth, you slowly glided up and down his shaft to thoroughly coat it and your hands in the slippery liquid.
You chuckled under your breath; if Dabi thought you would jerk his cock as you usually did, he was sorely mistaken.
Reaching for the tip of his cock, you brought a fingertip to the head, tracing your finger in slow circles around it as to tease him. The lube slicking his cock made the simple action that much more satisfying, and you could see more beads of his own pre-cum leaking down and merging with the lube. The mild stimulation was enough to make his dick jump from how aroused and needy Dabi was.
"So reactive, and I'm not even doing anything," you cooed.
You wrapped your hand at the base of his tip, making sure to pump at a tortuously slow pace, twisting your hand and letting your thumb rub against the frenulum of his cock — the area's sensitivity being amplified by the piercing — before teasing his slit.
Dabi threw his head back, teeth gritted as he finally received the attention he wanted. You could see his thighs tensing and shaking as you repeated the action, over and over, but never picking up the pace.
Your unoccupied hand reached for his balls, gently caressing them and offering the occasional squeeze, which earned you more streams of pre-cum, and a pretty moan from your villainous boyfriend.
Dabi's lips parted, sucking in a breath. It felt simultaneously amazing, but barely enough. Dabi was used to rough sex and harsh tugs at his cock to get him off, but you seemed adamant on depriving him of such, content with edging him towards his release.
And you fucking knew that, but you liked watching the conflict on his face. You loved seeing how engorged his cock and heavy his balls were from the need to cum. You adored watching his brows crease together as his eyes clenched shut.
"F-Fuck. Go faster," Dabi asked.
You stopped your movements altogether, seemingly contemplating his request, and Dabi had thought for a moment that he'd get what he wanted.
"Hm... no," you said, smirking in the slightest as a brief look of defeat crossed Dabi's features, though it was gone in an instant.
What kind of fucking monster had he allowed control of him?
Placing your palm atop the tip, you extended your fingers in a claw-like manner before gliding them up and down, from the head to the shaft, still keeping the same, lazy pace. You varied the pressure, offering a variety of sensations that had him arching his back.
Lowering both your hands to the base of his cock, you leaned down and swirled your tongue at the underside of his tip before sensually lapping at his slit, tasting the mixture of lubes as you maintained eye contact.
You took him into your mouth, fully taking him until he hit the back of your throat, but you didn't offer much more, immediately popping off of his dick and resuming your torturous handjob. The whine that escaped Dabi was so worth it.
"Maybe if you beg for it, I'll go faster," you said.
"You've gotta be kidding?" Dabi hissed.
You shook your head, keeping your concentration on his cock. You could practically feel the sheer humiliation radiating from Dabi's very soul.
".... Please," he visibly gritted his teeth as the word left his mouth. "Please go faster. I need you to go faster."
"Aw. Good boy," you said, genuinely smiling. "No."
"Excuse me? You fucking said—"
"Maybe. I said 'maybe'," you said, suddenly gripping his dick in a tight hold, immediately causing it to pulse in your hand. "You don't need me to go faster. I'll make you cum by my own means. Thank you very much."
You let go for a moment before slapping his cock hard enough for Dabi to fucking yelp. His cheeks were bright red, tongue darting to wet his lips.
Your hand gripped him once more. "You're just a masochistic little whore, aren't you?"
Touching the tip of your index finger to your thumb, you made an 'O' shape with your fingers, and starting at the tip of his cock, you stroked him downwards, and as you reached the base of his dick, your other hand repeated the process. Like an escalator type of motion; it had Dabi's cock twitching with every one of your movements.
Dabi's breaths grew heavy and rapid, and his thighs were so tense his body shook. His cock pulsed frequently as his head was thrown back.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," he moaned, drawing out his words. "'M close. 'M so fuckin' close."
You hummed knowingly, yet you made no move to speed up as you normally would when he was close to orgasm. You were determined to draw this out as much as you could.
You began stroking his cock in a more standard motion, and to Dabi's horror and your sadistic amusement, you slowed your movements even more. He didn't know it was even possible.
"No! Ngh... fuck. Don't fuckin' slow down," he grunted. "The fuck's wrong with you?"
"Fuck yes! That's it," you moaned as he reached his peak.
It was unlike anything you had seen before: thick cum slowly beading at his tip before trickling down his shaft and gathering onto your hand and his pelvis. You've never seen him cum like this before, and you were mesmerized by every new drop that slowly dripped down his cock.
Dabi's reaction was beautiful. The grunts were loud, drawled out in a low tone that came from the deepest pits of his chest. His eyes had nearly rolled to the back of his skull as his tongue lolled out of his mouth for a brief second.
This was the longest orgasm he had ever gotten, and Dabi's head thrashed from side to side as he began feeling the overstimulation. Fuck — he was still leaking with cum; it wasn't over yet.
"H-Hah, fuck...!" He panted.
As his orgasm began to subside, your lips curled into a nearly-lopsided grin that Dabi missed due to his eyes being clenched shut.
"Take a deep breath, baby," you said.
"Why...?" He asked confusedly, still in a post-orgasm haze.
"Just do it."
He eyed you wearily but did as you asked. You watched as his chest rose, lungs being filled with oxygen. Before he could get a chance to exhale, you summoned your quirk, bringing a hand up to his face. You not only covered his mouth but also his nose.
Dabi's eyes widened at the sudden realization that he couldn't breathe, sending a brief shot of panic through his veins. He looked you in the eye, and as if you could sense his feelings, you softened.
"Remember what I said earlier?"
Dabi did; you were reminding him that he had the power to stop this at any given moment. He blinked, panic subsiding as he nodded. He became oddly relaxed for a man deprived of a necessary function for survival.
He trusted you.
You smiled at the green light and went straight back to work.
Unable to sharply inhale, his chest jumped as your hand resumed jerking off his cock — fast and rough. Your thumb stroked all of his most sensitive spots.
Dabi's eyes rolled to the back of his skull; grunts and moans remained caught in his throat. He was so fucking sensitive, and he wasn't sure if his head spun because of the overstimulation or from the lack of clean oxygen.
"What? Didn't you want me to go faster? I'm pretty sure that's what you were begging for earlier. Please, please go faster. I need you to go faster," you said, mocking him as you threw his previous words right back at him.
This was a foreign feeling to Dabi. Everything about this situation was foreign to him. But breath play? It was the last thing he expected out of you.
Dabi's Adam's Apple bobbed as the air trapped in his lungs tried to escape, cheeks bulging out as he grunted against the hand in an attempt to suck in fresh air. It was in vain; the hand was tightly clamped and suffocating him. His adrenaline seemed to be spiking, and it went straight to the swell of his cock.
He could hear his heartbeat thumping loudly in his own ears. His chest jumped again, convulsing hard enough that you got a brief view of his ribs.
"Hmph," he grunted again.
Dabi's lungs burned, and that warmth only fuelled his arousal. Fuck — it surprised him how into this he was. As his heart hammered against his chest in an erratic rhythm, his chest began to convulse more often, gagging noises sounding from his throat.
With the relentless way you fucked him with your hand and the lack of air, Dabi began growing dizzy, and he wondered if he was on the verge of passing out. He could tap out, but no way his pride would allow him to do such a thing.
Although his eyes threatened to fall shut, they shot wide open as he felt a second orgasm hit him like a train. It was a powerful one, painting his stomach white, with some nearly reaching his chest.
You took the hand off his face the moment his orgasm hit, enjoying the way he was torn between coughing, moaning and breathing heavily.
You gently stroked Dabi's thighs, shushing him as he came down from his high. Colour came flooding back to his face as he took in big gasps of air. He looked exhausted, and you sincerely contemplated ending the night there, thinking you may have gone too hard on him.
Dabi seemingly took notice of the soft, contemplative look in your eye. While he did appreciate your concern for his well-being, the night was still young, wasn't it?
"... 'S that all you got, princess?" He taunted with a tired smirk.
You laughed, getting back into character. "No, not at all."
You looked at your hand, still covered in Dabi's cum, before looking at him with a smirk. You lowered your hand near his mouth, looking at him expectantly.
"Clean it up, baby," you demanded.
Payback really was a bitch, huh? Dabi thought back to all the times he made you lick him clean, no matter if it was your or his mess. He opened his mouth, allowing you to shove a cum-coated finger inside. Dabi's glare was deadly as his own tangy taste hit his tongue.
"Don't look at me like that. It's not so bad, is it?" You taunted.
He much preferred your taste, but still, Dabi decided to put on a show for you as he began swirling his tongue around your finger, swallowing down his cum. As you removed your finger, his tongue darted towards your palm, sensually lapping up his substance while maintaining eye contact.
“Fuck, that's hot," you said, licking your lips as you pulled your hand away.
"You're a freak," Dabi said.
"Yet here you are, indulging me. Face it, you're loving this," you retorted.
For a brief second, you hopped off the bed in order to slide your panties down. You made sure to bend over as you did so, giving Dabi a nice view of your ass and pussy, and peeking over your shoulder, you could tell that Dabi was definitely appreciative of the sight.
"Now," you started, crawling back onto the bed. "I'm not that cruel, so I'll give you a moment to recover a bit before I make you cum again. So, in the meantime, it's my turn to get off."
You crawled over him before straddling his chest, and oh, Dabi now understood what you wanted from him. He smirked up at you, thinking that this was the perfect opportunity to regain a bit of control by making you helplessly cum all over his tongue.
"Yeah? I'll make you feel good. C'mere," he said in a low growl.
"Don't be mistaken, babe. I'm still holding the reins, here," you said.
You got into position, thighs on either side of his head as your pussy hovered above his mouth. You could see Dabi's fingers twitching, wishing that he could grip your flesh and grind you down onto his mouth on his own accord. Dabi's patience seemed to be wavering, especially when you had teased him with your arousal on your fingers earlier. He was dying to replace the taste of himself in his mouth with your essence; just your smell was enough to make his pupils dilate, hazing his brain and fuelling his sex drive.
"God, you look nothing short of pathetic, right now. You should see how desperate you look," you taunted.
Dabi huffed. "Yeah? 'Cause from where I'm lying, your cunt's looking pretty fuckin' wet."
You lowered yourself onto Dabi's waiting mouth without warning. "God. Shut the fuck up."
Dabi's grunts were muffled under your weight, but it didn't take him much coaxing before he began devouring your sweet pussy. His lips closed around your clit, sucking at the sensitive bud as his tongue flicked at it.
You threw your head back, lips parting in a moan as you looked down at your boyfriend, and the look of pure enjoyment in his eyes made your cunt clench, nearly cumming on the spot. Dabi was enthusiastic, sloppily lapping at your arousal with loud and lewd slurping noises as your lube and his saliva sloshed around. Drool dribbled down his chin, and paired with the raven strands of hair that clung to his forehead from all the sweat, his face already looked like a mess.
"Yess. F-Fuck yes, Dabi!" You said, earning you a particularly good flick of his tongue. "Good boy. Fuck, you're good at this. That's all you're good for, huh?"
He blinked, and to your surprise, his eyes didn't turn harsh, they remained curious, pleasured — vulnerable.
Your thighs tensed, squeezing Dabi's head; the man beneath you looked in fucking heaven. You added more pressure to his mouth, essentially suffocating him with your soaked cunt; Dabi never skipped a beat, only eating you out much more vigorously like a starved man.
"Shit, that's it," you moaned, running your hand through his hair before yanking it roughly, earning a muffled moan from him. "I've always wanted to do this."
You lifted yourself off his mouth, allowing him to catch his breath. Although Dabi was panting, he lifted his head off the mattress, attempting to re-attach his lips to your pussy, eager to resume.
"Stick your tongue out, baby. Lemme ride your face," you said.
"Hm.. a'right," he said, doing as you asked.
You lowered yourself back onto his mouth, and you wasted no time in thrusting your hips, gliding your clit against the wet muscle. Your pace was relentless, you were practically using him for your pleasure, but Dabi didn't seem to mind, the pleasured grunts he let out sent delightful vibrations to your cunt.
You pulled at his hair again. "Fuck, you love getting smothered by my pussy, huh?" He answered with a hum. "I think I — fuck — like you better like this. Putting your dirty, rude fucking mouth to good use for once. All bound up for me to use however I want."
Dabi was so focused on our pussy that he hadn't noticed that you had summoned another ghost hand. At least, not until he felt a cool liquid dripping into his ass. Dabi's eyes widened in surprise, looking up at you as if demanding an explanation.
You slowed your movement, looking back at your quirk as if you had been none the wiser to what was happening. "Oh, that? Don't worry, baby. I need to stretch you out a bit."
The hands that had been holding his legs down throughout the whole night spread his legs further, giving you better access to his hole. The free hand inched closer, soothing the ring of muscles with soft, teasing circles.
"You're tense. I'm gonna need you to relax, 'kay?" You said before lifting yourself off his tongue once more, giving him the opportunity to speak. "Is this something you're willing to try? Just say the word, and the idea is gone."
Dabi felt his resolve crumbling. If this were anyone else, he would've incinerated them on the spot for even proposing the idea. But with you? He could trust you with this kind of vulnerability, something that was difficult — so difficult — for him to show. So, he nodded.
"Yeah, okay. Do what you want. I put you in charge, after all," he said.
You laughed. "If I remember correctly, you didn't put me in charge, I just took it."
"Mhm. Whatever you say."
"Okay, baby. Relax, I'm going to put it in, okay?" You said.
Dabi nodded, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath as if to brace himself for the foreign breach that was to come, and when it came, his eyes shot wide open, breathing coming to a sharp halt as his teeth gritted together in a hiss as a chilly finger began pushing inside his ass.
The finger had more girth than the average human size, and so you stilled, allowing him to adjust to the feeling before resuming. You reminded him to breathe, which he obeyed. When he seemed less tense, you pushed deeper until you were knuckle-deep. With the size of the finger, you wouldn't need to insert a second one. It was good training, however, as the dildo size you planned to use on him was rather large for a first-time ride.
"How does it feel," you asked, unable to hide your arousal when you heard Dabi — of all fucking people — whimper.
"Weird... but s'not bad," Dabi grunted, and you could tell that he was holding back his true feelings due to pride.
"Good. You're doing really good," you praised — a stark contrast to your previous behaviour.
But it wouldn't last very long.
Dabi's mind seemed in a haze — in a whole other dimension — so you reached down to lightly smack his cheek to gain his attention.
"You know, you still haven't made me cum," you said, gesturing to your pussy that still remained above his mouth. "You better finish what you started, and I expect you to make me cum before you do. Don't be selfish."
Dabi nodded, eyes glinting with mischief as he accepted your little challenge, and like the obedient little toy you had reduced him to, he stuck his tongue out, waiting for you to smother him.
You moaned loudly; if you thought his enthusiasm was mind-blowing before, it had reached a whole other level. The tip of his tongue dipped inside your entrance before moving to rapidly flick your clit in a consistent up and down motion. The pressure he applied was perfect, and his pace was that of a man on a fucking mission, dead set on the end goal.
Your ghost hand began to thrust, causing Dabi's breath to hitch as his tongue faltered for a moment. In response, you rutted your hips against him — it was a warning.
You slid your finger in and out, setting a slow and steady pace to warm him up. You felt around for a special little spot, one that had possibly never been stimulated up until now, and by God, you were excited to be the first one to hit that jackpot.
As you prodded around, Dabi's whole body suddenly tensed up, and he couldn't stop himself when his mouth unlatched from your pussy as he threw his head back, wheezing as if the wind had just been knocked out of him.
You laughed. "There it is."
You adjusted the hand, making sure that you slid the finger at the perfect angle, continuously sliding against Dabi's sweet spot. You moved at a slow pace, making him anticipate the moment you would hit the area again, and when you did, fuck, the slow pace you set made him feel the intense stimulation on every little nerve ending.
Dabi's tongue lolled out of his mouth, nearly going cross-eyed at the sensation. It was a nice sight, for sure, but you were a little unhappy with the lack of stimulation you were receiving. Your clit felt swollen, pulsing from need.
"Hm... I'm happy that you're enjoying yourself, but don't forget what you're supposed to be doing," you said.
"F-Fuck... ahhh. 'M sorry — shit, feels so fuckin' good — c'mere," he moaned, regaining his focus.
You were relentless as you rode his tongue, not giving him the opportunity to catch his breath. You figured you'd do all the work if your little pillow princess was unable to focus because of one measly finger up his ass.
Dabi's eyes rolled back, grunts and whimpers muffled by your cunt. His senses were overwhelmed, and he was living for it. Your smell, the feel of your skin, your touch, your sounds, the sight of you — everything felt overstimulating.
"F-Fuck! I'm close, Dabi," you moaned, riding him so roughly that your clit occasionally hit his nose. "Are you gonna make me cum, baby?"
Dabi had a hard time answering, even if it was just a hum, especially when the finger began thrusting in time with your grinding. Fuck, he was close, about to hit his third orgasm of the night. He tried his best to keep the cum in his balls, but it proved difficult when you were massaging his prostate like that.
You knew Dabi well enough to know the signs, and you huffed, not pleased that he was failing his task, and so, just as he was about to cum, the finger stilled. You summoned a sixth hand, tightly wrapping it around Dabi's cock while pressing down at the back of his tip, forcing the urge to subside. Dabi whined at the ruined orgasm, eyes twitching as he gave you the most pitiful look you had ever seen on him.
"Uh-uh," you chided. "Remember what I said? I get to cum first."
He nodded, forcing his concentration back onto your cunt, determined to make you squirt all over his goddamn face. Your moans were music to his ears, and he found himself grunting with every little noise falling from your lips. Your head was thrown back, hands reaching for the bedsheets as you gripped them in an attempt to stabilize yourself. Your thighs clenched around his head as they shook, and Dabi could feel your clit pulse on his tongue.
"Dabi! Fuck! C-Cumming. I'm gonna cum," you panted.
You went silent for a brief moment as your body went rigid, and when the tension that had been building in your abdomen snapped, you let out a loud, elongated moan. Your chest heaved with rapid breaths as sharp pleasure had your pussy pulsing from a powerful orgasm. Dabi nearly growled as he savoured your taste when your cum hit his lips. It was a mess as the clear liquid he couldn't catch in his mouth trickled down his chin.
He slowed down his movements, helping you ride out your high until he completely stilled. You lifted yourself off his mouth, backing away so that you were straddling his chest as you caught your breath and recovered from your post-orgasm haze. After all, you still had one last thing to do.
"Fuck," Dabi licked his lips, swallowing down more of your cum, groaning in satisfaction. "Did I do good?"
"Hm... yeah, you did. But now," you said, grabbing the strap-on before stepping off the bed. "We get to the real fun."
You made the hands that had been preoccupied with his cock and ass disappear, making Dabi suddenly feel so empty. He watched as you slipped the harness on, the straps weren't complicated and awkward to figure out, so you didn't fiddle with them all that much.
You crawled back onto the bed, placing yourself between Dabi's spread legs before grabbing the bottle of lube and slathering some on the silicone cock. For safety, you applied some more to Dabi's asshole. You didn't want the stretch to hurt him, after all.
"You look pretty ecstatic with this. You have some kind of weird fetish for me with things in my ass, huh?" Dabi teased.
"Maybe I do. Who knows? Maybe next time, I'll make you wear a cute, fuzzy tail butt plug," you said, lining yourself up.
"As if I'd let you do that."
"That's what you've been saying all night, yet here we are."
You held onto his thighs, locking eyes with him. No words needed to be exchanged for Dabi to know that you were asking if he was ready, to which he nodded. Dabi exhaled, forcing his body to relax as he felt the tip of the cock prodding at his hole.
The toy began breaching, making Dabi's breath hitch. Shit — he was suddenly happy that you had prepped him with your quirk, that thing was much bigger than he had anticipated. Dabi's breath caught in his throat as you slowly pushed in deeper before stilling as means to let him adjust. His cock betrayed him, throbbing and seemingly getting even harder at the sensation of being filled up.
"Fuck. Oh my Go—" Dabi's words died down as his head fell back into the sheets, mouth parting in a silent moan.
You leaned down, pressing a surprisingly loving kiss to his lips, serving as a distraction from the stretch. Dabi lazily reciprocated, being as delirious as he was. You then brought your lips to his ear.
"I'm halfway in, okay? Just relax, it's gonna feel so good soon," you shushed with a reassuring tone that had Dabi nearly melting.
The shift between your harsh treatment of his body and your soft, caring side gave him whiplash at times, but he had to say: he loved it. He loved how you knew which side to use at which moment. Dabi would have never guessed that you would make such a good top, but you just kept surprising him, didn't you?
Gently, you pushed the dildo further in, pulling a sharp gasp from Dabi as you bottomed out, your hips firmly pressed against his. Again, you let him adjust to the depth the toy was reaching, to the stretch it was providing. Your thumbs traced soothing circles into the healthy skin of his thighs.
He had better enjoy this tenderness while it lasted, because you were going to fucking destroy him.
You gave an experimental thrust, only pulling out halfway before pushing back in; it made Dabi's body jolt. Grinning at his pleasured reaction, you fully pulled out the toy before giving one hard, deep thrust.
You grinned. "Atta boy. That's it."
You rocked your hips, rolling them in an attempt to find the perfect angle to hit his G-spot. The lube made the glide so slick and easy, and you found that Dabi's tight little hole had adjusted rather quickly, allowing you to push your hips against him rather roughly.
"Holy shit," you moaned, the sight underneath you bringing pleasure in of itself.
Dabi already looked fucked out, dignity thrown out the window as curses mingled with moans and pleas for more, more. His eyes blinked rapidly as if trying to clear his vision from whatever haze took over him, and drool pooled at the corner of his lips from the way the tip of his tongue poked out.
Fuck it, you thought as you fully deactivated your quirk, allowing Dabi not only free rein of his arms and legs but also his flames. But honestly? You had him right where you wanted, and you knew that he was too concentrated on the pleasure to even think about regaining control.
Your skin slapped against his, the rough thrusts making the bed creak. One of Dabi's arms shot to his face, covering his eyes and a portion of his sweat-covered forehead as the pleasure hit him hard, while his other hand gripped at the sheets beneath him. His legs seemed to have a mind of their own, spreading as much as they could to give you better angles to pleasure him.
His cock bobbed in time with your thrusts, and you watched as pre-cum seeped from the red, swollen tip. You knew he wouldn't last very long in this state, and you were fine with that; you just wanted to give him mind-boggling pleasure and make him forget his own fucking name.
"OH SHIT! Fuck!" Dabi screamed, back arching as you hit that spot.
"Right there, huh?" You grinned. "Get ready, baby."
You pushed one of his legs up towards his chest, making him gasp loudly as you found the perfect angle to fuck him stupid. Hearing him whine and moan, chanting your name like a prayer, gave your ego such a fucking boost, and you swore you might have cum from those sounds alone.
You licked your lips as you took notice of the previous spurts of cum painting Dabi's torso. He looked so fucking hot like that, and you couldn't help yourself when you activated your quirk one last time. A ghost hand brought your phone, opening up the camera app as you snapped a picture. The sound of the shutter caught Dabi's attention.
You groaned at the picture — a work of art, is what it was.
"Fuck, Dabi. Look at yourself," you said, bringing your phone to his face.
He could barely recognize himself: matted hair, all wet and clinging to his forehead. His body was covered in sweat and cum, while his lips shined with his drool and your own release. He had the most delirious, fucked-out look he had ever seen in his life, with eyes nearly crossing and rosy cheeks. From the angle, he could see the silicone cock inside his ass, and his rock-hard cock stood flushed and engorged as it seeped with his lube.
You put your phone away, deactivating your quirk. "God, what would they think if they saw you like this? Think anybody would take you seriously ever again? I'm sure I could make a fortune, whoring you out for the world to see. What do you think? One of the most dangerous villains getting fucked by thick cock."
He whined at your words. Even though he knew you wouldn't ever truly do that to him, hearing that little fantasy of yours had his cock pulsing. Dabi couldn't help himself when he reached for his dick, stroking it in time with your rough thrusts, only edging him closer to his release.
"That's it, babe. Stroke that fat cock," you encouraged, pace never faltering.
"G-Gonna... 'm gonna — fuck," he couldn't even form a coherent sentence, the pleasure was just getting too much.
"I know, Dabi," you said. "Do it. Cum for me."
He did, and the overstimulation hit him immediately. He could barely keep pumping his dick through his orgasm without squirming, especially when you slammed against his G-spot, thoroughly milking him dry. The amount of cum that poured out of him was impressive, possibly due to his previously interrupted orgasm. He covered his face with both his hands, grunting loudly yet lowly in a way that resembled a growl.
Your thrusts subsided, and you carefully slid the toy out. You leaned down to press soothing butterfly kisses to his thighs before moving up to his face. Pulling his arms away from his face, you peppered his face and lips with the same, loving kisses. You shushed him, muttering praises as he came down from his high.
"Are you okay?" You asked with genuine concern.
"Yeah. 'M good," he croaked in a tired voice.
"Stay here, okay?" You said, hopping off the bed and ridding yourself of the strap-on before heading out of the room.
Dabi nodded, staring up at the ceiling — not that he could move much at the moment; he felt so goddamn sore and tired. You did a number on him.
You came back after a moment, a sheepish smile on your face as you brought towels and a glass of water. You helped Dabi sit up, bringing the glass to his lips as he tilted his head back. He gulped down the water in one go, throat immediately feeling refreshed.
"What are you doing?" He asked, watching as you unfolded one of the damp cloths.
"Taking care of you."
You brought the cloth to his face, and being mindful of his staples, you cleaned his face of all the sweat, drool and dried cum. Dabi sighed at the feeling, the coolness feeling great on his overheated body. You went lower, cleaning the release off his chest and pelvis. You muttered an apology when Dabi hissed in sensitivity when you gently brought a fresh cloth to his softened dick.
You tossed the towels into a hamper before bringing your boyfriend into a hug, which he reciprocated tightly. "I hope I wasn't too rough on you.”
He chuckled, patting your back reassuringly. "I didn't know you had it in you. I can't remember what I did to piss you off to the point of ragdolling me around in bed, but shit, I must have deserved it."
You laughed, pulling away so that you could kiss his forehead. "So, can I say that I fucked you stupid?"
"Hm... I dunno, but maybe I should piss you off more often if that's the outcome."
"Don't test me," you said, shaking your head. "Alright, lemme go run a bath."
You attempted to get up, but Dabi was quick to pull you back into bed, laying you down on his chest. The warmth of his skin, paired with the calm and steady thump of his heart, nearly immediately lulled you to sleep.
"Nap first. Hygiene later."
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luna-indigoduh · 1 year
Baby fever
word count: 2492
CW:  Breeding kink, cursing, oral (Femal receiving)
AN: Hey guys I’ve been gone but im excited to release this. I suddenly had muse at like 3 Am and want to start being active more so ill be posting more headcanons and getting fics out when im not busy. Feel free to send headcanons or even small prompts would really like to interact with mutuals again. Anywho enjoy 
Touya had never thought about having kids.  There was nothing that was in him that had ever made the male wonder or dream of having kids of his own. Between his family trauma and the fact his quirk was one he wouldn't wish on to anyone (besides his father). He feared he would be just as good of a father compared to his father, which was like saying he'd  be the best at being the damn worst. With the same rage, stubbornness and passion that endeavor carried through his veins being in his there wasn't any guarantee that his child wouldn’t face the same amount of neglect or abuse he faced as a child . Then when it came to his quirk, he knew his own fucking body couldn’t handle his quirk. He knew for sure that a child that had the chance of gaining a much more powerful fire quirk and his weak frozen body, he’d be putting a death sentence on that's child's back even before birth   If it was up to him the todoroki bloodline would be put to an end with his siblings.     
Sadly he had no control in that seeing he sat face to face with his nephew that you had been babysitting for the weekend. Natsuo had asked if you two would be willing to watch his son for him and his wife. Touya could still remember how unsure his brother  was when he asked him. He was positive that had the same matching looks on their faces as he held the babbling baby in his arms. Touya was reluctant of  course when he asked.  Plus he was positive he was only asking him due to Fuyumi being out of town for vacation and Shoto being too busy with her0 work.  He couldn’t muster up any words and could feel as his nerves would boil over any second. That was until he felt your hand on his shoulder that instantly felt himself cool down .  
“Of course we will,” you said cheerfully with a smile ever so bright .
You hadn’t told Touya but you had been going through baby fever heavily . You found yourself looking in the baby aisle more than usual as you did your daily errands. You also have been going over that baby list of names and even scrolling through cute family tiktoks that could only make you imagine having a family with Touya. Sadly you knew about his past and what he had been through. As much as you were ready for a baby you understood his stance on children and you wouldn't push your want for a family onto the male. You respected him and accepted that at the moment your two cats would be just enough for the both of you right now. 
Touya would agree with you also, up until this weekend.    At first he had decided that he would have as little interaction with the child as possibly. It at first sounded like an easy task,but once he realized that you would be using this time to have as much fun with the child. If he wanted anytime with you, he was going to have to be with the baby. Nothing about the baby had given him the idea that he wanted his own. Especially with the fact he had cried for over an hour once his parents left. If anything he was sure it would be the best birth control that you guys had ever had. Then you had managed to calm the baby down and that had begun to ignite the spark in him that made him crave to put his own kid in you. Watching as you rock as you rock the small baby as it rested its head against your chest was an image he did not know he needed to see.   He could only think about how beautiful you looked in that moment, and how beautiful you would look with his own child in your arms.  From there that spark in him only grew more as the days carried on. While you cured your fever by playing with the child, feeding and caring for him it had seemed that this baby loving illness was contagious because Touya was positive that he had  come down with a case of it and there was only one way it could be cured for him. By the end of Saturday night Touya had easily fallen into a domestic role. He took the time to do your guy’s typical household chores  such as the laundry or cooking dinner for you guys . He also gave you chances to relax as he fed the baby or rocked him to sleep.  Of course after he let you show him he would hurt the small human in his arm.   It was as if you guys had been playing house all weekend,but sadly the fun was coming to an end .
He watched as the child giggled and smiled reaching out for him, a new sound that made his chest warmer than any fire that he had ever weld in him. “You know you weren't so  bad,” he said, picking up the child from the floor where he was originally playing. “How would you like a little cousin?” he asked the small child as he tickled the boy who erupted into a fit of giggles that were only stopped once the door bell rung causing you to quickly move from your bedroom where you where getting the baby’s things together (plus a little extra things you guys had bought when you guys took them shopping with you). “Hey,  Natsuo ,” you said as you  quickly answered the door with the baby bag on your shoulder. “ I knew you'd be here soon.”  You guys chatted a bit  before he asked how the weekend went knowing that watching a kid could be a handful. His worry had been dismissed once his older brother came in his view with his son who had the same striking white hair as the two of them. “It was alright, this little stinker is welcomed any time,” Touya spoke, giving the baby a smile just as bright as the one on the smallest Todoroki’s face. It was a pleasant surprise for all of you.
After your guy’s goodbyes and coming back anytime was given the house fell into a peaceful silence for you. Only you. Touya was doing his best to get over the emptiness within the house,but he couldn't shake the need to want to have a child with you. Later that night you and Touya  decided to cuddle and watch a movie wanting to make up for the lack of solo cuddles you guys had gotten.  While your mind was focused on the movie that played on your bedroom tv Touya seemed to have other plans for you guys . His soft lips found the skin on your neck as he gently placed kisses against it before leaving each kiss with a playful nip at your skin. As his hands began to wander under the hem of your shirt you couldn't help but to hum from his touch. He always knew your body. Where to touch, how to touch and exactly to make you want him more than you typically control. 
He rolled you over on you back easily pulling his  shirt  that your smaller form swam in over your head being glad to see you opted for no bra and just a beautiful blue thong that contrasted against your melanated skin that had him and his dick practically drooling for you before he could even get to touch you the way he wanted. “Fuck your gorgeous doll,” he said softly before pecking a kiss to your lips, going back kissing your now warm skin. You hadn't expected  this attention from him but god you were not going to turn him down for a second.   You watched as he trailed his fiery intense kisses down your body. Each one leaving a marking of love that made your body look like an art piece that was covered with every inch of passion the male had in his body for you that made him feel like an artist. Once he reached  your soaked cover pussy he couldn’t help, but top lap up a taste through your panties with kisses following right behind them.     
“Touya,” You gasped as your hips bucked, wanting more friction. Hating that he wouldn’t just take the stupid thong off of you. It wasn’t usual for him to move slow and take his time with you, but he sure as hell was going to tonight.  
“Just relax for me baby, let me take my time,” he said softly as he sat up to take off his own shirt leaving him in his boxers before finally relieving you from the drenched fabric.    
He couldn't stop himself from spreading your folds watching how your sticky lust connected them together. Touya was sure he had died and went to heaven at the sight.  He rubbed slow circles against your clit watching as you clench around nothing just begging for more. You were sure he was going to ignore how you whined for him to give you more before you heard the sound of him collecting saliva in his mouth as spitting on your pussy the easily meeting your eyes as he lapped it back up   then eating you like his dinner he had wasn't enough to settle his hunger. He needed dessert. It was hard to control the way you squirmed under his touch with how he didn't seem to let up against you. Switching between sucked your clit, small kitten licks that had you melting into the mattress and fucking you with his tongue. He gripped you thighs wanting to keep you close as he got lost in the taste of you.   It would explain how he didn't hear you first say his name.
“Please, I-I need to… fuck , “ moans slipped past your lips as your head fell back into your pillow before feeling a harsh smack against your thigh causing him to gain your attention back as you whimpered.
“You wanna cum? Then you’ll keep those pretty brown eyes on me doll.”
With ease he went back to eating you watching you just as intensely as he tasted every inch of you. He always loved how you came undone right in front of him. The sound of your moans made him believe the heavens gave you the voice of the most beautiful angel that had.  He wished he could hear it every second of the day.  Once you finished he looked at you standing taking in the sight of you.  The lust filled look in your eyes that had your pupils blown with the combination of thin layer or sweat that made your body glisten like gold as your juice continued to leak from you made his mind race. In that moment the image of you round with his spawn made his chest swell. He was going to make you a mom, you were going to have his baby and hell he was going to be the best goddamn father/ husband he could be. The only thing that pulled him from his thoughts was the sight of you getting on your knees reaching for the hem of his boxers before he took a hold of your wrist.
“Wanna make daddy feel good too,” You said licking your lips as seduction fell into your words.
Any other night he would love to see your full lips wrapped around him as his tip hit the back of his throat, but tonight he had a goal in mind.
   “Not tonight baby, you just let me take care of you tonight ok,”he said softly before kissing your forehead.  Something soft was brought out in him and you didn't have time to figure out what it was as he laid you back down. He removed his boxers leaving you both naked as his dick sprung out. Tip red and angry while dripping with his arousal, you licked your lips with anticipation as he pumped himself a few times before folding you in half in a mating press letting you legs rest on his shoulders. With you prepared properly and your pussy having been fucked to fit him over the few years he was easily able to fit. He didn’t take a second to wait to fuck you. The sound of how sloppy your pussy dripped for him was enough to encourage him to carry out fucking his baby into you.
   Long deep strokes made you gasp with sweet moans leaving in between. You loved feeling with each thrust how his tip kissed your cervix. All you could do was beg for him more and more as your arms wrapped around his neck.  He leaned down placing hot kisses into your neck as he found his thrust picking up with each second he felt you clench around him. He couldn’t control himself anymore as his mind was only focused on the feeling of you and the thought of giving you a baby.
  “God you're going to be such a pretty mommy,” he rasped as he slammed deeper into you.  “I’m going to fill this sloppy pussy over and over tonight until you're so full with my cum.”
 His words earned a whine from you before you found your fingers tangling into his hair and pulling it to make him look at you .
  “Cum in me Touya,” you begged as you looked at him with soft eyes. “I want to have you baby, please give me a baby. I’ll be a good mommy.”
 Between your words, your cheeks stained with tears of pleasure and how easily you were taking him, he knew he wasn’t going to last much longer.  After a few more thrust that became sloppy  with each second you both finished together causing you both to cry out each other's names.
He pulled out looking down at you taking in your after sex beauty as his eyes traveled over you before seeing how his seed dripped out of you. He watch proudly as he used his finger to take the mixture of you pushing it back inside wanting to be sure you didn't lose a drop before placing a kiss against your clit.
“I love you doll,” he said softly looking back to your eyes knowing this was a big next step for you guys.
“I love you too,” you said just as gently.
Just like he promised Touya spent the rest of your night fucking you into the sheets to be sure you were filled with him.   For the next few days Touya was happily showing you the same amount of attention. It was a month later that the two of you had found out your non-stop loving had accomplished exactly what he wanted.
You were going to have a baby.
Tag list/ mutuals: @nasty-quillz @darkmajesty-xo @plussizeficchick @dabilovesme @bookwormsenpai @bl–ankhaeji @bl–ankhaeji @xogabbiexo @38riku @tenyaiidasslut @riozakii @sintiva @namjoonswifeyy
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obitohno · 1 year
mouthing at dabi’s pulse and relishing in the smug pride that swells within you as the rapid thump, thump, thump falters when the pad of your thumb brushes over the slick-soaked curve of the titanium jewellery that adorns the pretty pink of his kiss-swollen tip.
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yourlovermori · 2 years
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idk man but something about dabi wanting to please his partner as a way to prove himself will forever live in my head. he’s never been enough for anybody in his life, but when he finds you — when he has you as you’ve assured him many times he gives you all of him. it’s intense being with him —loving him is intense. his soul sets fire every time you and him dance on the edge of sin —head burried in the crook of your neck, gripping your waist pushing himself deeper into your heaven angling his cock upwards making you gasp and tremble as he moans brokenly in your neck his tears staining your throat. and yes he is an asshole, selfish and cruel — a bit of a sadist too, but on nights like this when everything about him that he hates so much resurface along with him needing to prove that he’s worth something — on nights like this he chooses to give himself to you, his heart limp — caged behind his bones, body burned, and charcoaled. he knows it’s not much, but he hopes that for you, it’s enough.
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tojirights · 1 year
"stay away from my sister, dude."
your bothers words ring in dabi's ears as he puts your legs over his shoulders. there was nothing he could've done to prevent this from happening. you were caught in dabi's web the moment your sweet, innocent eyes met his dark gaze.
every drag of his cock makes you moan, eyes rolling back in your skull as he fucks you impossibly deep. "d-dabi please," you pant, barely able to catch your breath as he relentlessly thrusts his cock deep inside your aching cunt. "shhhh princess." dabi starts, putting his hand over your mouth and leaning down to whisper in your ear. "don't want anyone interupting us now, do we?" he smirks when you whimper against his palm.
"your brother would kill me if he knew."
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bnhabadass · 8 months
I want to go to a filthy grunge club with Dabi that reeks of weed and the floor is sticky with spilled beer.
I want to stand in front of Dabi while he wraps his arms around me and we're "dancing" to whatever band is playing but really, I'm just grinding my ass against his crotch and his hands are gripping my hips as he stifles little grunts.
I want his hands to trail up past my skirt and give my thigh a squeeze that has my knees buckling but no one can tell because he catches me before I trip.
I want to watch him join the mosh pit from the bar where I'm ordering us drinks, and when some asshole comes up to hit on me, I want Dabi's sixth sense to kick in and immediately race over to plant a sloppy, sweaty, hungry kiss on my lips that tastes like beer and cigarettes and him.
I want him to tug on my lip with his teeth while making direct eye contact with the stranger, daring him to make any further moves.
Dominant grunge!Dabi is just so hot and filthy.
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jinns-anime-shit · 5 months
Dabi for sure has a dick piercing, a tongue piercing, and both nipples pierced
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I wanna wear Dabi’s burnt handprint around my neck like a fuvk¡ng collar 🥵 woof
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