#Dave Franco imagines
Imagine Dave Franco distracting you while you’re attempting an audition tape.
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You shook off the jitters that had built up inside of you. You’ve been through the auditioning process a hundred times, you knew that you had this. You even had your boyfriend Dave with you to act as the other part, help you with the pacing. You had this. Just work it out, just work it out, just work it out.
Deep breath out. Clap. Ready. Look at the camera. You started off by saying your name, and then which part you were auditioning for, and really tried to get into the headspace of the role. An indie film, your favorite kind, and they were looking for a specific sort of person. You nodded towards Dave to show that you were going to start.
“How was the rest of your day?” You asked, keeping your tone, your face neutral. Casual. Like you were asking Dave. “Did you go skating with the guys?”
“I just wish they took shit more seriously,” Dave said in the same tone, slightly exasperated. But his body language - he dramatized it. He rolled his eyes. He shook his head. He dropped his shoulders and stuck his tongue out like he was annoyed with the whole thing. Oh, he was close to getting you with that. But you held tight to control.
“Well ...” You shrugged your shoulders slightly. “Maybe they don’t care about skating like you do. Maybe they care about other things.”
“But the things that they care about,” Dave said, grinning as he made dramatic hand motions all around himself. “-aren’t going to make them any money.”
He almost got you there. His antics usually made you laugh, he knew exactly what to do to get that reaction out of you. Your expression turned to thoughtful. A little concerned. “I promise, money won’t fix all your problems.”
You just got the line out. You got it out and then Dave did a very good impression of the famous whiny Emma Roberts gif, and you started to laugh, moving off of camera to swat at him playfully. “Hey, I was doing well in that take,” You said. Dave shut off the camera, and then wrapped you up in his arms, and kissed the top of your head.
“Yeah you were baby,” He said, and started to tickle your stomach. “You were making me feel jealous with all of your talent, had to make myself feel better somehow.”
Requested by: Anonymous Script from: North Hollywood (2021)
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cosmicblogs · 9 months
I love making moots on here
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I want to continue my watch of horror movies with Community actors today and I'm debating between a horror movie Joel McHale is in that I found out about yesterday and that seems pretty fun. Or the movie Alison Brie is in that I've been low-key avoiding bc it seems boring even though I still want to see it
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heliads · 1 year
I would like to request a one-shot where the female reader is a paramedic and Jack from Now You See Me has a crush on her and keeps doing things that result in minor injuries in the hopes that she will be the one to patch him up
i will love now you see me (and dave franco) until the day that i die
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If you were going to thank the Four Horsemen for anything, you’d owe them a great deal just for getting you out of yet another boring workplace training. Other people across the world can love the magicians for the money they scatter across their performances, or the thrill of getting into one of their exclusive shows, or just to appreciate someone getting one up on the FBI. There are many reasons to be a fan of the Horsemen, and yours has to be the most mundane.
In your defense, you’ve been hideously overworked for what must be years at this point, and at least this is one afternoon you can relax. You knew what you were signing up for when you decided to become a paramedic, but that doesn’t mean you can’t appreciate a bit of down time when it comes to you.
The marvelous performances of the Four Horsemen don’t usually involve a whole lot of injury, but ever since one of the original shows ended with an FBI agent getting tackled by fifteen people under deep hypnosis, it was determined that having a few paramedics around couldn’t be the worst thing in the world. Usually, the shows are in lavish places across the planet, but this time, they announced that they’d be putting on a display right in your city.
You were excited when you first heard the news, much like anyone else. Even if all tickets sold out within a few minutes, just the thought that the world famous magicians would be so close to you was thrilling. There could be magic right in front of your nose and you wouldn’t even know it unless they snapped their fingers. Maybe they’d cross your path without you realizing it. Maybe they’d even stay next door to your home.
Your schedule was filled during their performance, so you knew there wasn’t a chance that you’d actually get to see a second of their show. There will always be YouTube videos, someone uploading a grainy video from the nosebleeds of whatever venue hall the Horsemen have decided to occupy, but it wouldn’t be the same as being there in person.
You’d assumed you’d be distracting yourself from thoughts of whatever exquisite show was going on down the street with some lovely mandatory trainings. Unless your squad was called upon for an accident, you’d have to content yourself with lackluster meetings and the like. 
That was the case until you got the call that you’d actually be at the event hall. In a professional capacity, of course, but still, it was closer than you thought possible. The city had decided that it would be a good thing to have a few medical professionals on hand just in case something happened. There had been a handful of faintings and a small stampede at the last show, so you can understand why you and a few of your coworkers were called out here.
Most of you will be staying outside near your ambulance, parked just out of view. One or two paramedics are stationed inside, but you’re all going within the venue now just to get a feel for how the place is set up. Odds are nothing major happens, but it’s still fun to peer around and imagine what might be going on later that day.
The show won’t start for another hour or so, but the Horsemen are still kind enough to greet you and point out the major entrances and exits. You aren’t allowed to look around too closely, of course; half the fun of the magic is that no one knows it, not even the medical staff, but you can guess at the areas they’re keeping from you and what that might entail.
In all honesty, you’re kind of distracted from peering too closely behind various curtains by one of the Horsemen. Although you’ve never been to one of their shows before, that didn’t stop you from picking out a favorite:  Jack Wilder, the cutest, or so you tell your friends between bouts of laughter and over drinks.
And, by all twists of fate, he seems most interested in you. He stutters twice over his one-syllable first name, and tries both to shake your hand and hold it, too. He got distracted when you smiled at him, you think, but that didn’t stop the rest of the Horsemen from shooting each other knowing glances, especially when Jack insisted that you be one of the paramedics to stay inside the venue. Just in case, you know.
The rest of the Horsemen file away to their dressing rooms or wherever they go to practice their tricks one last time, but Jack sticks around a little longer. The other paramedic staying in the venue with you opts to scout out the surrounding hallways, but you take the seat Jack offers you and he sits down too, grinning like he’s the audience and you’re the main attraction.
“Don’t you have to go back with the rest and rehearse your show?” You ask, teasing him lightly.
Jack shakes his head a little too quickly. “No, no, I’m good. Always good. Besides, if I did that, how would I get to know you?”
You laugh. “I suppose that’s a good point. Do you flirt with all of the paramedics you meet at your shows or just me?”
“Only the prettiest ones,” Jack grins, “although you’ve blown any competition out of the water, I can assure you that.”
You can feel your cheeks heating up when he says it, and you look away quickly to regain your composure. “That’s nice of you to say.”
You can still see the ghost of Jack’s smile out of the corner of your eye, blinking in your mind like you’ve stared too long at the sun. “I only speak the truth, of course.”
He looks like he has plenty more to say, but Daniel Atlas appears at the corner of the stage, looking irritable and tapping the watch at his wrist. “We need you, Jack. Quit flirting and help us, will you?”
Jack groans. “Always such a control freak. I hate to leave you alone like this.”
You swat him lightly on the shoulder. “I’ll survive somehow. Go handle Daniel.”
Jack grins again, but he’s still looking disappointed. “Can I talk to you after the show, at least?”
You make a face. “I don’t know. We’ll probably handle any injuries, if there are any, then head back pretty quickly.”
Jack’s brow furrows, thinking something through. “Alright. Okay. That makes sense. I’ll be sorry to miss you, though.”
You smile up at him. “It was nice to meet you, Jack.”
“Nice to meet you too,” he says in a rush, standing up quickly when Daniel shouts for him again.
You let yourself sit there for a moment or two longer, giddy over the undivided attention of one of the prettier boys you’ve had the pleasure of meeting, then head back out of the performance hall to go find your other paramedic. They’re a friend of yours, have been for a while, and so they greet you with a raised eyebrow and a question about if you’ve managed to secure a second date with your little magician for later that night.
You roll your eyes, but inside your heart can’t help but do a slow loop in your chest. He’s certainly charming, the Horseman, you only hope that his affections were genuine and not him trying to set up a trick for later that evening.
You’re able to peek through a window to see most of the show, which is as stunning as all the critics claim. You head back to the ambulance once the performance, tending to a few minor injuries like people forgetting insulin or getting their hand stuck in a door on the way out. You’re assuming it’ll be another ordinary day until you look up and see Jack standing in front of you again.
He grimaces at you, embarrassed. “Managed to slice myself open a little during the show. Would you mind patching me up, Doc?”
You reach for some bandages behind you with a grin. “Too cocky with our tricks, were we?”
Jack nods, feigning sadness. “My pride may never recover. Can I get a kiss while you’re here? You know, to help with the healing process?”
You arch a brow. “I don’t think that kissing an open wound would be all that sanitary. I can’t recommend it.”
“What about here instead?” Jack asks, tapping his cheek. 
You laugh at the hopeful expression on his face, then, in a rush of adrenaline you expect just as little as Jack, lean forward and do as told. The look in his eyes could trick any girl into falling for him, and if you hadn’t already had an inkling of feelings for him, perhaps you have a little more now than before.
He’s pulled away soon enough, but you don’t think you’ll ever forget that day. It’s certainly a memory you’ll treasure for a while. All’s well that ends well, though, and you’re in the ambulance driving back soon enough, staring out at the road zipping by you like you’ll be able to sight him again if you just look hard enough, just want him enough.
You don’t know how long the Horsemen will be staying in town, if they haven’t already left, yet one week later, the news starts blaring headlines about how the magicians’ next show will be here again. Here, in your city. In your reach. It seems impossible– they don’t repeat locations without a good reason, but yet so it is.
You insist a little quickly on being a part of the paramedic team to cover the new venue, even though the times don’t quite line up on your schedule. A few days’ time finds you waiting by the ambulance after the second show of the by now very famous Horsemen, looking around with too much foolish hope. 
You’re about to give up on the idea that you’d ever see Jack again– who were you kidding, after all, thinking that he’d be interested in you more than a passing crush on a pretty face– and then there he is, heading quickly down the stairs, walking directly towards you.
He holds up his hand, and you can make out a small dash of blood before he’s excitedly telling you about how he managed to cut himself again, can you believe that, and how are you anyway? Jack didn’t see you in the venue, only two other paramedics, and he was starting to think that you weren’t coming until he looked out and saw you.
You listen to his delighted wave of words, then speak once you’re able to. “This is a pretty small wound, Wilder. I’m assuming you would be able to patch it up by yourself.”
Jack’s face falls. “Shoot, you’re right. Wait, I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere.”
You laugh when he turns to run, grabbing his hand so he can’t leave. “Are you going to go back inside so you can make a worse wound? That’s absurd, you know that.”
Jack’s eyes widen almost imperceptibly, caught in the act. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. No magician would ever fake an injury.”
“Not even to talk to a paramedic they like?” You ask, the picture of innocence.
Jack chuckles. “Well, maybe in those circumstances. I feel like it’s understandable, though. I don’t want to distract you from your work, you know, but I do want to see you. A lot, actually.”
You haven’t let go of his hand yet, you realize, but you find that you don’t really want to. “Alright,” you tell him, “How about something else? I’m free for dinner tomorrow night if that works with you.”
Jack’s eyes light up, fireworks in rowan wood. “That’s perfect, actually. I’d love that.”
Someone appears behind him– Henley, fresh from their show. “Are you two finally going out? Good, he insisted on switching the location of our second performance to be here again because he couldn’t ask the first time.”
Jack turns around, expression dawning with horror. “You said you weren’t going to do something like this. You said.”
Henley just grins. “I couldn’t resist.”
“I’m just glad you moved the second show,” you smile, “I was worried we wouldn’t be able to talk again.”
“We’re going to talk a lot,” Jack promises, “I just need Henley to apologize for interrupting.”
“Not a chance,” she says gleefully, much to Jack’s dismay.
They’ve been lingering for a while now, so you’re not surprised when Henley starts to head away again. Jack looks between her and you again, knowing that it’s time to go.
“Text me,” he pleads, “we’ll set this up, alright?”
You watch him go, and it takes a few minutes before you realize that you don’t have Jack’s number. When you reach in your pocket for your phone, though, you notice a playing card stuck to the back of the case. It’s the Queen of Hearts, and there’s a number scrawled hastily on the surface. 
You laugh to yourself. Falling in love with a Horseman certainly won’t be boring, but who would want that? You have Jack. The best trick was winning him, and you’ve come up with the best hand. Nothing could make you happier.
requested by @thornyrose463, i hope you enjoy!
now you see me tag list: empty for now!
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vintage1981 · 1 month
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The Life and Deaths of Christopher Lee Kickstarts Deluxe Blu-ray Edition
The Life and Deaths of Christopher Lee mixes traditional documentary with a dash of fantasy. It is narrated by Christopher Lee himself... in the form of an elaborate marionette, voiced by Peter Serafinowicz. The marionette was custom designed and built by Arch Model Studios, who made all of the puppets for Wes Anderson's Fantastic Mr. Fox, Isle of Dogs and Asteroid City and Tim Burton's Frankenweenie. 
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The film combines new, exclusive interviews with filmmakers, including Peter Jackson, John Landis and Joe Dante, friends and family members with animated flights of fantasy from a wide variety of artists including 2000AD's Simon Coleby, award winning stop-motion animator Astrid Goldsmith and the legendary illustrator Dave McKean who directed, scored and animated a whole chapter of the film himself. 
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Spanning eight decades and almost three hundred films, Christopher Lee became famous for his iconic performance as Dracula. But he was so much more than just the Hammer Horror roles he is so fondly remembered for. His career took him from uncredited parts in 1950s swashbucklers with Errol Flynn, through famous performances in 007 and Star Wars films, cult hits like The Wicker Man and The Return of Captain Invincible, right up to a lead role in cinema's biggest event - The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Along the way, he worked with everyone from Orson Welles to Mario Bava, Jess Franco, Tim Burton, Martin Scorsese and Steven Spielberg. 
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Yet his story is so much richer than just his career. Lee was born into Italian aristocracy, with a military career shrouded in secrecy and kept his private life closely guarded. Some of his ventures and adventures seem highly improbable yet, as the film reveals, he often found himself in unexpected situations - he witnessed the last ever death by guillotine, was cousins with 007 creator Ian Fleming, he met Tolkien, performed with the classic Saturday Night Live line-up, was a friend and neighbour of Boris Karloff, he was the oldest person to ever get on the Billboard music charts (with his own Heavy Metal album), was an expert knife thrower, professional opera singer and a Nazi hunter. And somehow, he also managed to appear in almost 300 films of both the highest and lowest quality imaginable. 
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The film is finished and producers Jon Spira and Hank Starrs want to share it with you by producing a top quality Blu-Ray with great extra features and a really amazing LIMITED/NUMBERED EDITION COFFIN-SHAPED BOX SET, full of goodies, which will look killer on the shelf of any discerning cineaste. The jewel in the crown of this box-set will be a 3D 'death mask' of Christopher Lee designed and produced by Arch Model Studio exclusively for this set. They also want to host some screenings - both online and in real cinemas - so we can all experience it together and you can get to meet some of the people behind it.
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Making this film has been a fascinating journey - producers excavated the British Film Institute archives where they hold Lee's personal collection of scrapbooks detailing his career in his own hand, been given access to personal photos from the family archive, they met and interviewed his closest friends and family from all over the world and we've worked with some incredible artists, puppeteers, animators, musicians and filmmakers to bring his story to the screen in the most cinematic way. Whether you're a fan of Horror, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings or just cinema history in general, we think you'll be delighted by this revealing and eclectic documentary.
Risks and challenges
The film is fully edited and ready to go. This Kickstarter is to fund the final bits of post-production and the production of a fantastic Blu-ray and deluxe collectors edition box set as we're all still committed to physical media. Please note that all illustrations of rewards are designs/prototype images. The final items might differ - we hope they'll actually be better.
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waynes-multiverse · 1 year
Drunk and/or high sex? W/ Dean or Jensen 😇🙏🏼
A/N: Picked Jensen for this since I already had a bunch of Dean requests! I imagined New Orleans in summer for this and thought the "love drug" was quite fitting. It was kinda inspired by the story of how Alison Brie started things with Dave Franco, which she told in a recent interview. Thought that was hilarious, so of course I had to use it. Hope you enjoy! 💜
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Female!Reader
Warnings: +18/NSFW, drinking & drugs (weed & mdma), flangst, smut (thigh riding, p in v)
Word Count: 1.4k (I'm really trying here lol)
Main Masterlist || Dirty Drabbles Masterlist
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Lavender Haze
There’s a visible haze flowing through the room, a midnight blue veil with particles of shimmering glitter in between that glistens like the night sky outside the French window. It feels surreal, like the fabric of the stars itself is blanketing you, enveloping your entire being as his plump lips touch every inch of your skin, ignite it as he worships your body. The entire universe is suddenly in your room.
The air smells of sweat, a mixture of drinks lingering on your breaths, and the damp summer heat that filters in through the open window despite the cool night air. You can’t remember how you got back to your hotel; too many shots have been downed tonight to care. Did you take a cab? Did you walk the busy streets till you landed back here? All of the above?
All you remember is the laughs, the music, the drinks, and the joint you shared with a friend in a dark alley. You never thought in your wildest dreams you’d land here – with him. More drinks flowed, his irresistible smile blinded you, and a few clumsy touches of his hands on places where he had never touched you before kindled your heart and soul. He was a kid playing with matches, too stupid, too innocent to know what he was doing, what dangerous game he started to play, and you were drunk enough to set both your bodies ablaze without wasting a second thought on it.
It was a harmless text from your friend that started this whole mess: Jensen – I think you should hit that tonight. Of course, your blurry mind thought it was a glorious idea. After all, you had wanted this, wanted him for a long time now.
You never thought he’d say yes, but if you were honest with yourself, you were always scared to ask in case he did agree to your insanity, knowing you weren’t good enough, knowing you’d only ruin it, knowing you could never dream this big. Maybe that’s why you posed the most outlandish question you could think of, hoping with certainty he’d deny your request and gently turn you down.
“I have a Molly… Wanna split it and have some fun in my hotel room?”
It wasn’t like him to agree to something like this. Maybe you’ve always been a bad influence on him, but you were still majorly surprised when he didn’t even blink. He just smirked at you and nodded like it was the million-dollar question he’d been waiting for.
And yes, maybe you knew he wanted you just the same, knew he harbored a crush on you for years, knew he craved the same things you craved. It’s been written in the stars since the two of you met and caught each other’s eyes for the very first time. But call it Southern gentlemanliness or whatever, in all these years, he never made a single move – not obvious ones, at least. True to form, he was never pushy, always waiting for your pull. And God, once you handed him that rope, he lassoed you like the coolest cowboy and tied you up good.
When your back hits the door, your lungs are barely able to catch a breath as Jensen is on you the second you enter the hotel room, scared if he gave you any wriggle room, you’d leave, even though you’d never dream of it. His ample lips find yours first, claiming you in a bruising kiss that leaves you speechless. You’ve kissed before, sharing the odd professional movie kisses between your characters on a set with an audience, but this kiss is entirely different.
Real. Raw. Breathtaking.
Then, his sinful lips trail down your jaw, find your throat, and mark your pulse point purple, green, and blue. His addicting hands have been on you nonstop since you each downed that little love drug with a bottle of water. It started with minute touches – his large palm on the small of your back when he guided you out of the bar, his warm hand on your knee in the back of the cab, his fingertips trailing up and down your spine in the elevator, and by the time, you’ve unlocked the door, he was ready to downright bounce on you. He loves touching you, loves to feel your skin ignite like a chemical reaction underneath his fingertips whenever the two connect.
His aura is emerald – soft, lush, and full of hope. Relaxing. Safe.
Yours is lavender – mysterious, sensitive, and full of passion. Inspiring. Chaotic.
With every touch and every kiss, his aura intoxicates yours, infecting every vein in your body until each drop of blood feels fused to his. A haze of green and purple, inseparable by the end. It’s surreal in the best way.
The tips of your fingers tingle whenever they smooth over an inch of cinnamon-freckled skin. He’s hot to the touch, his warmth swaddling you like a snuggly blanket that feels like childhood memories and home. You never want to let go. This feeling should last forever. The strong heartbeat behind his ribs tells you he feels the same.
His knee sneaks between your legs as his hand crawls inside your panties and finds an ocean waiting for him there. His groans reverberate against your skin, your throat, your chest as you needily seek more friction on his thigh, grinding your clothed cunt against the rough denim fabric as his thick thumb strokes your clit.
“God, this is so hot… you’re so hot,” he murmurs against your neck, his free hand pushing parts of your shirt and bra down to grope one breast, pinching the nipple between his fingertips until it hardens. “Wanted this for so long… So, so long…”
“Me too,” you whisper breathlessly, your cloudy brain torn between an orgasm and a love confession.
His attacks on your tit and cunt seize and still, his head slowly rising as he finds your gaze. The look in his eyes is overflowing with surprise, desire, and hope, showing a longing that’s finally sated. The hand on your breast leaves its place and cups your cheek, caressing it with gentle care.
A smile twitches on your lips as you nuzzle your nose against his and nod. “Yeah,” you admit your secret. “Of course, it is. All I need is you. I just wanna stay here forever with you.”
Jensen’s lips curl into a smile, one that hides something behind it you can’t decipher. “Good,” he says and entangles you in a kiss so deep it leaves you breathless once more as he sucks the air from your lungs while you start to think that this might be the sweetest death you could’ve ever imagined.
His hands grab your thighs, lift you up until your legs wrap around his waist. His full-grown erection presses against your pussy as you grab and bite and hold onto whatever of him you can get between your hands and mouth. Clothing items drop in haste, not sure who removes what from where, but you’re positive your lips part as he enters you in one thrust until his long, thick cock is fully sheathed by your heat, stretching your walls like no one ever has before. The delicious burn, the pleasurable sting between your thighs is a new feeling you could find yourself growing quite addicted to.
“Shit, ’m sorry…,” he mumbles into the crook of your neck at his eagerness and apologizes for his temporary loss of control, which you find quite flattering as his cock throbs inside of you while his fingers gently caress your head and comb through your hair to soothe the bits of pain you feel. “I love you,” he whispers softly against your lips and claims them in the same breath.
You smile shyly, happiness wrangling with sadness inside your heart. “It’s the drugs,” you tell him and excuse his irrational behavior, having been through this circle a few times before.
However, he shakes his head with all the stubbornness he can gather and cups your cheek, thumb caringly brushing over its rosy apple. “No, it’s you, sweetheart. Promise,” he assures you.
With a thick swallow, you nod and drop a tear on his thumb pad. “Okay… I love you, too,” you accept and cry out as he pushes back inside and never stops again.
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Considering the other drabbles I did up till now and the nature of this request, this turned out oddly romantic and sweet *pats self on back* 🥰
Tag Lists:
Everything J: @extraterrestriali @this-is-me19 @writercole @awkward-and-indecisive @eevvvaa @panicking-outside-the-disco @globetrotter28 @imherefordeanandbones @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior @xlynnbbyx @jassackles @maggiegirl17 @perpetualabsurdity @deans-spinster-witch @deandreamernp @foxyjwls007 @roseblue373 @lyarr24 @deanwanddamons @deanwithscissors @mrsjenniferwinchester @justrealizedimmascifygurl @akshi8278 @flamencodiva @chriszgirl92 @wittyboldsoul @djs8891 @leigh70 @snowlovespie @b3autyfuldisast3r @ladysparkles78 @muhahaha303 @mimaria420 @creepzeyecandy @iamsapphine
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hawkogurl · 27 days
Sorry for the dump you are about to read but I gotta tell you about a dream I had last week that was so earth shattering that I get sad to this day. I wrote it down when I woke up and thought of you. In my dream the year was 2001 and they were making the first Spider-Man movie. Sam Raimi decided that he wanted chemistry between Peter and Harry but your nemesis James Franco wasn’t interested since he didn’t like Tobey at all. James decided to drop out and I remember Tobey being upset because it was short notice. So he’s upset and crying in his mansion or whatever and his best friend Leonardo Di-fucking-Caprio was like “oh sure I can cover for him. I can be Harry.”
I forgot what happens in between but some time later, I sit down for the premiere and instead of the normal plot, Leo and Tobey derailed the movie by having their characters fall in love and it was a huge thing because the producers didn’t know. It was beautiful. Imagine the backyard conversations with Peter and MJ but instead it’s Leonardo DiCaprio giving the best performance of his life. They were in LOVE and the SM-2 unmasking scene was even more emotional than I could have imagined. They kissed before Tobey Maguire had to leave to save the city or whatever but like it was emo and hate filled for obvious plot related reasons. I remember crying SO hard in my dream and looking forward to SM-3. During the premiere, dream-me began to get confused because I was expecting things to happen that only happened in FTD, like the snake and the mushrooms. Apparently the producers knew you and were using your ideas so it was confusing that I never saw them materialized.
The ending of my dream came when Sony wanted Leo for Django unchained at the same time (timelines do not match up) so they had to kill him off and it was the most tragic death scene ever because it was like they really cared about each other. That boat movie has nothing on the misery this made me feel. They had a last kiss but never got to be together which was terrible because the first 2 movies were building up their relationship plus I never got to see the mushrooms and body horror! (I don’t know where MJ was actually. She sort of phased in and out of my consciousness) I woke up crying because for a moment, all of this was real and they were indeed this close to being together. Also I was PISSED that I woke up without completing the story. I saw an article a few days ago about the fact that they wear matching necklaces and the memory of my dream cut me.
They should have cast dave franco instead of trading one sex offender out for another.
Also Sony should in fact hire me and let nobody else touch spider man.
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adamwatchesmovies · 3 months
Now You See Me 2 (2016)
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I’m sure the cast of Now You See Me - well, everyone but Isla Fisher, who bowed out of this sequel (actually, she was too pregnant to film, but I'd like to think she saw the first movie and said "Nope!") - were excited when a follow-up was greenlit. Writer Ed Solomon? He must’ve been sweating bullets. Now You See Me 2 is so convoluted it hardly makes any sense.
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18 months after framing Thaddeus Bradley (Morgan Freeman), ruining Arthur Tressler (Michael Caine) and escaping the FBI, “Danny” Atlas (Jesse Eisenberg), Merrit McKinney (Woody Harrelson) and Jack Wilder (Dave Franco) are fugitives waiting to see what Dylan Rhodes (Mark Ruffalo), their leader and connection to the mysterious organization known as “The Eye” will ask of them next. Joined by Lula May (Lizzy Caplan), they're asked to expose corrupt tech CEO Owen Case (Ben Lamb). When their mission goes wrong, the Four Horsemen are strongarmed into stealing a data chip by criminal mastermind Walter Mabry (Daniel Radcliffe).
Now You See Me is a film that crumbles upon a second-watch, or even a first if you have a keen eye. On the sponge-like foundation, we’re now attempting to build another film. Jack Wilder faked his death. He, and everyone else, ditched their world-renowned personas as magicians to partake in some vendetta they had no association with. Their lives are essentially over, so what's next? No wonder they're thrilled about joining “The Eye”, a niche secret society that recruits stage magicians to combat crime. I bet they've got a long lineup of applicants with those restrictions.
Anyway, the plot kicks off when the Horsemen meet Walter Mabry. He wants them to steal a microchip that’s the size, weight and consistency of a playing card. If there was anyone in the world that could manipulate an object that size while being frisked by guards, it’s them… and that’s exactly the problem.
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As a picture featuring magicians, Now You See Me 2 has the same issues as the first: the tricks aren’t being performed live so there’s no wonder in them whatsoever. You know any screw-ups have been edited out or erased via computer. None of it is the least bit impressive. Like before, there’s no shocking reveal about sorcery and real-life incantations. The whole thing is nothing but a series of tricks - tricks people in this film should be able to see right through if the movie didn't constantly cheat.
If we look at Now You See Me 2 as a heist film, it also fails. Primarily because the “big score” is tossed in the middle of the movie and goes off so easily it’ll make you roll your eyes. This microchip they have to steal is passed from one person to the next over and over, and so effortlessly no human being alive, not with a million years of practicing could do it. The Horsemen? They hardly break a sweat. The key to any good heist film is that no single person is good at everything. The pickpocket can’t do the demolition. The demolition artist can’t drive the car the way the getaway driver can, etc. You might not be able to picture yourself as Danny Ocean, but you might recognize a bit of yourself in Frank Catton. You might not be Ethan Hunt… but you could imagine being chosen as Benji Dunn. Who are you in Now You See Me 2? You’re not even the bumbling FBI agent.
The film is edited in a way that makes actions nonsensical and character motivations just as puzzling. The Horsemen are insufferable so you don’t care whether they succeed or fail and all wind up with their heads on pikes. In theory, you might’ve gotten slightly attached to Lizzy Caplan - who is a great addition to the cast - but there’s so much going with the random storylines that eventually tie together (unsatisfyingly) that there’s no time to flesh out any of the characters. They’re just pieces moving in a Rube Goldberg machine that’s merely over-complicated instead of being over-complicated and entertaining/hilarious. Director Jon M. Chu cast Woody Harrelson in two roles and still leaves the audience feeling like he didn’t do anything in the entire movie.
Now You See Me 2 is a living contradiction. It lacks any innovation, which should make it predictable… but it leaves so much money on the table it'll bamboozle you more than once. It’s dull to watch but fascinating to talk about and dissect. With his association with the Harry Potter franchise, Daniel Radcliffe proves to be an inspired bit of casting but he’s awful because he isn’t the least bit intimidating. The movie makes no sense but goes to great lengths to assure us that none of what we saw was sponsored by sorcery and witch’s cauldrons. It’s a great heist film for people who are kind of dumb. (January 28, 2022)
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random-imagines-blog · 11 months
Imagine going over to Dave’s house for some Netflix and Chill.
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“C’mon now,” You laughed, tugging a little on Dave’s shirt. “You know you want to show them off.”
Dave had invited you over to his new place to watch a movie that came out on Netflix, which inevitably turned into some snacks, a couple of drinks and a lot of flirting. Staring at the movie had only lasted for about fifteen minutes before the two of you became bored, and only ten minutes after that, you were encouraging him to take his shirt off to show that he was more in shape than the main character in the movie.
“Let’s not say a word about this to anyone,” Dave said, giving in, taking off the t-shirt that he was wearing and tossed it over to an unused armchair. “Or I’ll get picked on forever.”
While you were already thinking of ways to pick on him, you were also checking out those wide shoulders, the way that his neck lead up to his jawline, the protruding collarbone. He was hot, to say the least - a little pasty, but definitely good looking, and him combined with the alcohol was making you feel some sort of way. “Maybe we should do something a little naughty, just so that we really have a secret to keep,” You smirked, leaning forward and pressed a line down the center of his chest.
“You mean really Netflix and chill?” He teased, a grin coming across his boyish features.
“Mhmm,” You nodded, putting your gaze back onto his chest. “You were right, by the way, you are way better looking than that other actor.”
“Forgotten his name already?” Dave asked, moving in, finger on your chin to keep your face tilted up while his lips experimentally started to go to your neck, feeling you out.
“Yes,” You said, closing your eyes, enjoying all of the sensations.
Requested by: Anonymous
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okimargarvez · 1 year
Original title: About time
Prompt: what if after 16x9.
Warning: spoiler for 16x9.
Genre: romantic, angst.
Characters: Penelope Garcia, Luke Alvez, (Tyler Green, Tara Lewis mentioned).
Pairing: Garvez.
Note: oneshot 87 in Garvez collection. 
Legend: 💏😘. Song mentioned: E ti vengo a cercare, Tiziano Ferro (Franco Battiato).
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I should change the object of my desires, not settle for small daily joys
I'm standing outside the hospital where Tyler Green has spent the past two weeks, teetering between life and death. But today something finally moves. We took Sicarius and saved Rossi.
I know perfectly well that I shouldn't be here, that I'm making yet another mistake, but my feet, my heart, my mind... Everything led me here, to her. As soon as we were sure Dave was safe, she ran to Tyler. Just because she felt she owed him, so she told JJ. That she would have closed, or at least stopped their contact, certainly for the time of the trial. And about after... Who knows.
The thought of them not being able to be together didn't make me feel any better. I don't think I have a chance, but if I did, I would never want to be picked because my rival isn't available. Winning because the opponents have all withdrawn. No, I would like Penelope to choose me because she wants me, she loves me. But the thing is, she's falling in love with someone else and that has changed her. I can't say for the better, although she has always been a goddess to me.
But she is no longer the same woman I fell for. The fault, if any, is not only Green's, but also the pandemic. In those three years after our one date, we saw very little. When the world seemed to go back to normality, we started dating a little more... but only for Sergio. And so, I found out I'm allergic to cat dander. Would it ever stop me to start a lifetime with her? Rhetorical question, since antihistamines exist and even if they didn't… no.
It's really absurd, how many times have I fantasized about her coming to my house, to keep Roxy company, maybe while we were out on a case? And I came home and found them hugging each other, asleep on the sofa. Undecided whether to wake her up or stay to contemplate her all night, until the last moment, before the sun made its appearance. And sometimes I would go further, dreaming of her eyelids lifting, a few seconds to focus on my face, an embarrassed smile that suddenly turned malicious, as she placed both hands on my neck, dragging me down, me happy to please her.
But I don't even know what her lips taste like, and I can be sure that I will never find out. Perhaps I should have been more proactive enterprising during our date. Not in words, but in gestures. I should have kissed her right under her house when I picked her up. Make it clear how things were, what was at stake on my part. Instead of letting things go, and pretending that I was okay with hearing her imagine meeting her soul mate, who knows when, who knows where.
I don't know if it's Tyler and if she's already thought that. I can only speak for myself. And as far as I'm concerned, I should have told her explicitly that there was no point in looking for my twin soul, because I had already found the right person and right at that moment she was in front of my nose. And it will stay that way, no matter what. In these three years I have never even made an attempt with another woman, although I have had some opportunities. But for what? To treat her like Lisa? No, better to be alone.
It hurts to see how strong JJ and Will's love is, I don't mean I'd rather think them apart, I'm not at that level. But that's exactly what I want, what I feel is missing in my life. What Tara and Matt, with whom I'm in constant contact, didn't understand (given the amount of people who tried to get me to know) is that I don't miss a woman by my side. But one in particular. And it's her or nobody.
A few days ago I had the umpteenth proof of it. If I haven't stopped loving her while she's been telling me unwanted details about her sex life with Tyler, when will that happen? I no longer hope for it, on the contrary, what am I saying, liar! I never believed it. I never even wanted to. No, I like to wallow in my grief, complain to Roxy about how unfortunate I am. Poor Luke. Too bad the only one I would like to console me is always… her. Penelope Garcia.
And it wasn't just for cowardice that I didn't venture further three years ago. No, it was because I can't lose her at all. Even as a friend, or whatever role she puts me in. I can't imagine my life without her, it takes my breath away just thinking about it. Yet despite all my efforts, despite all the bitter pills I've swallowed, I'm still losing her. She stopped responding to me, flirting with me, snapping back, which is kind of the same thing. She said, in that restaurant, that she finds hard to talk to me without using the provocation filter. And it’s half bullshit, because in these seven years we have had several profound conversations, I was the first one she told about her stalker. Maybe I'm still the only one, knowing her...
But that's the problem. I don't recognize her anymore. The Penelope I love is the one who was super nice to Lisa, despite the embarrassing situation (because even then a little cloud with all the unsaid was hovering between us). The one who always worried about her absence, partly because she loved her, directly to her, partly because, I'm sure, she thought about how it could reflect on me. Current Penelope, on the other hand, didn't give a damn when I tried to tell her to stop talking about her and Tyler; she ignored my pleading tone, my watery eyes, whatever. I didn't think she could ever be that selfish.
She killed me. And that hasn't changed anything, in what I feel. It hasn't wavered my love for her even for a second. It is always there, that proudly stands as one of the 300 before facing the Persians. Like I know I will still love her when she gives in and accepts Tyler's proposal, and I will try to endlessly dilate the one dance she'll allow me, during their wedding.
How much bullshit can be processed in a few minutes outside a hospital. Actually, it must have been at least half an hour and I can't figure out why the heck I haven't entered yet. What's the point of staying here? I should go home. Both Simmons and Tara would recommend it to me. I had the opportunity to really let off steam and I threw it away. I told Dr Lewis everything but being careful to avoid every detail that could give a face to the mysterious woman who had stolen (and broken) my heart. She probably understood, since she's not just a profiler… but maybe not, because her condition wasn't the usual one. Even her heart was in a thousand pieces that evening. We both got really drunk. It hasn't happened to me since… before entering the academy, I think. I hope it worked at least to her.
I look at my cell phone, hoping what? A text from her now? That a new case arrived? Neither option is realistically possible. I sigh, pulling it into my back pocket and making a decision at the same time. At least one. I turn around, and head to my car. I tried. I gave her half an hour, perhaps I should say that I gave fate, rather than her, the opportunity to prove something to me. But nothing happened, and Penelope will never know that I stayed outside the hospital where Tyler is being treated, completely alone, in the cold, hoping to see her appear.
And then, then what was I going to do? Stupid dilemmas that no longer make sense to wonder. I reach the car, but precisely because of my fingers are numb from the low temperature, my keys fall out. As I bend down to pick up them, I hear the sound of heels on the asphalt. I don't want to delude myself. Too late.
I carry on as if nothing had happened, ignoring that perfume which, although mixed with anxieties and fears, remains unmistakable. -Luke?- she called me by my first name instead of my last. This is already a victory, I can say I am satisfied, thank you very much. Can I go home now? I catch all the shades of uncertainty in her tone and not a single note of happiness to see me. I sigh and turn in her direction, leaning against the car door. -What are you doing here?- wrinkles on her forehead. She didn't do her makeup. Did she cry for him? Of course she did, what a stupid question. And for me, for me has she ever done it? When she thought I died in the explosion, did she shed even a tear at the thought of never seeing me again, except in a coffin?
All the techniques I've learned in years of military service and as a federal agent go to hell when I'm with her. There remains only a pathetic man unable to formulate a meaningful sentence. -Uh… I wanted to know how you were… and…- it came out like this, even if I should have asked her about Tyler, since he's the one in trouble. But I don't take it back, I was sincere. My priority is her.
She always has been, even on those occasions, like after the accident in which Walker lost his life, where training would have led me to focus on something else. And yet, one moan of pain from her was enough for me to abandon a half-blind JJ and run to her. As well as I stood by her side, coaching her on how to dab Tyler's wound. -Oh.- amazement again. How is it possible, after everything I've shown her since we've known each other, that she's still surprised to see me worrying about her? Is she really that naive? -I'm…I'm fine.- lie, like the first time I caught her crying in her office over Reid. She called me friend, but she won't let me near her. I thought I had knocked down all the walls, but instead there are some bricks that want to prevent me from reaching her.
I don't know what it was. The anger at seeing that I was always stuck at the starting line. The pure black (not green) jealousy of imagining her at another's bedside. Maybe all together. Before she even has time to think about it, I push her against my chest, hugging her, while a little voice in my head repeats over and over to enjoy this moment as much as possible, because it will be the last. Penelope instantly transforms from a rigid body to the soft and warm one of the woman I love. She sinks into my chest, and I let her pour all of her tears into my sweater. I will never wash it again. I'll hold it to me on nights when sleep won't keep me company. I remain silent, one hand in her hair and the other on her back. She looks so small and fragile now. I keep my grip firm as I whisper a question that is actually a statement. -You love him, don't you?- she tries to wriggle out of my arms, but I can't bear to look into her eyes as she kills me with the bullets I've personally provided for her.
I must have probably hit some bare spot, because I feel the change in her. -No.- she finally replies, but I can't believe her. If she denies her feelings for Tyler, the situation is even worse than I guessed. I let her go, but she doesn't go away. -No.- she repeats. And she seems really convinced of what she is saying. Indeed, she seems… sorry. And now I'm the one confused. -I worry about him, that's true. And we have an…- she meets my gaze and this time she notices by herself, without me having to point out anything, how little I want to hear her repeat what a great sex they had. -But I wouldn't call it love.- she stares at me, she literally pierces me and looks like she's waiting. For my step? What should I do? Damn, if I only knew what was the right thing to do! -Remember that talk about finding the right person, that we had during our date?- I hasten to nod, but I refrain from adding the obvious, I've never stopped thinking about it. -Here- I'm shaking, I'm fucking scared that she's going to say that she's realized she's found it, and that it's Tyler. It wouldn't make sense, since she just admitted she doesn't love him, but… -I know it's not him.- Penelope looks me in the eyes again, and she seems to be looking for something, but she can't find it. She sighs.
I'm afraid she'll leave, give up. Then I make what I usually did, like a last-ditch attempt to continue a conversation. I say any shit to keep her attention on me. Well, this time it's not technically bullshit, but a rhetorical question, but it carries the same weight. -How can you be sure?- and my voice becomes soft, falters. I hate myself immensely.
She shivers and it takes a moment to understand that it is not an emotional reaction, but a physiological one. Penelope doesn't have the patience to wait for me to wake up, anyway. -We could… we could keep talking about it… I don't know, in your car? I'm freezing.- and the coat she is wearing is too light. Such a drop in temperatures wasn't expected. I nod and hastily open the door for her. Penelope comes aboard without my help. I reach her. I'm quivering with joy, because for the first time she didn't take the opportunity to run away, but she chose to stay and face it head on. I see reflected in her pupils the Penelope that made me fall in love. I know she is still there. -Thank you.- a weak smile. -Tyler asked me to leave Quantico, the team… all of you, and start a life together, away from here. To come back just for the trial. Just the two of us against the world.- she doesn't look at me and I struggle to recover from the blow.
-Whoah.- I exclaim, shaking my head. The boy is not joking. He played hard. And how can you blame him? -And you…- luckily she keeps to tell.
-At first I almost said yes.- I swallow. -I don't know if you know… I had a chat with Emily, very nasty.- she stares at her shoes. -I deserved every single word, I know. I jeopardized one of the most important cases FBI has ever handled… I just wish at least someone would believe me when I say I didn't do it on purpose. Everything suddenly became bigger than me. But I didn't mean to.- her hands are constantly moving, despite the confined space in which we are. -And I know that I've been a bad friend, for everyone, not only since Tyler appeared.- I start to retort, but I'd be partially lying, so I'm silent. -I tried to work on myself, during the pandemic, I thought I had reached a balance, instead I went from one extreme to the other.- the cabin welcomes her first sob. Heartbreaking. -Oh, Luke!- before she finishes saying my name, my hands are already on her. -I became the anti Garcia. Selfishness incarnate!- I'm not willing to stand motionless while she insults herself.
-No, it's not true…- beyond the fogged lenses, her eyes challenge me. -Ok, let's say you've begun to think a little more about yourself, and this isn't necessarily a bad thing...- nothing, I can't bear to be mad at her or say something that might hurt her, not even when she herself asks me to.
A few tears slip through my fingers. She shakes her head. -Luke, you... you've always been too good to me. Do you think I never noticed?- I'm shaking. -You've always been my shadow, since you walked at the BAU, you've always been there for me, ready to hold me up every time I was about to fall... that someone to go to when I want to cry... and more.- know that she has noticed it causes me a wave of immense happiness. It wasn't all in vain. However, it doesn't last long. Because if she knows, how should I interpret all those behaviors that I have attributed to her naivety? -And I paid back you with snarking… but always hoping that you knew… how much I really care about you and how much I love you.- I know she means it affectionately, so I have no illusions.ù Her tone, her gaze suggests it. I hand her a tissue, to break the gloomy atmosphere that has been created. -Penelope- she looks at me in silence -what did you answer to him?- she seems initially disappointed that, about all her touching speech, I remained stuck on that trifle, that she thinks it doesn't concern me.
-I say I can't.- my lungs start pumping air again. -And thereby, it had no longer sense... to be together.- she shrugs, lost in another past. JJ once mentioned one her ex, another IT, that had proposed to her. It ended bad. Is this the fate of anyone who tries to approach her romantically?
I block her, forcing her to look at me again. -He didn't agree to proceed more... calmly?- why the heck am I carrying on this discussion, this is what her eyes ask me, but I know the answer well. I'm not thinking about her and Tyler at all. No, I'm… asking for a friend. Very close.
She sighs, as if her body is about to collapse, abandon her. Who knows how exhausting it must have been, the conversation with what she believed was her boyfriend, who had just re-emerged from the darkness. And I came to give her the coup de grace. -We didn't even considered it, because it wouldn't have mattered. I've been single for years and… that's okay. If he's not the right… and I know it's not, why should I delude him? I will never be able to love him the same way.- I nod. I no longer know how to get out of this situation and suddenly I would like to be alone.
-Should I... give you a ride home?- I expect her to nod. In any of my fantasies, Penelope would have done it, or she would have replied that wasn't needed, she could take a taxi, she had come here with her Esther, there was always the subway…
Instead she denies. -No.- her face still bears traces of the salty drops she poured, but her expression is serious and determined. I'm scared. -Luke, I don't think the fact that you, only you, came out here waiting for me... is a coincidence. Nor anything that would do a simple worried colleague.- she grabs my hand. Here we go, is this really going to happen? -Stop me or deny me, if I say something that seems incorrect to you.- but I even struggle to breathe. I'm in apnea. -Nothing you've done for me can be described as simple kindness. Especially the way I kept your at distance.- she has hit me. -So… when Tyler came up with that proposal, I realized two things. The first, that it wouldn't have been right to accept, and the second, that I could only say yes to one person.- her sweet gaze is not enough to convince me that she really means me.
Not entirely. But now... -Then why did you say that there was definitely something between us, but not like that?- finally, after three years, I get rid of this weight. I still have one clarification to make. -And what did you mean with "not like that"? As much as I've racked my brain, I haven't found a sensible solution.- Penelope giggles, but only from embarrassment.
-Uh, that night… everything was so weird, and the silence certainly didn't help. I know you tried your best to get things going, while I… I gave it a clean break, because it seemed like the easiest route. Because when you ordered two glasses of wine… both for you… I kind of had a vision, and I realized that I would really risk it all, with you, leave my whole heart in your hands and it's… something I've never done before, never, in more than forty years.- I have always adored witnessing her ravings, and now I'm the subject, and also the love (because it’s this) that she feels for me…
I caress the palm of her hand, I contemplate the lines drawn on her skin as if I were a fortune teller. -Me neither.- I whisper. -I've never given my heart to anyone either, not voluntarily… but it was yours anyway, ever since I've known you.- she gasps. We're competing to see who shoot biggest, and I don't give a damn who will win.
-Well, then you know how dangerous it is. How scary it is.- I nod. She leans her head on my shoulder, and it's not exactly the most comfortable position in the world, but inside I'm salsa dancing.
-Penelope?- I call her, after what seems like a century. She lifts her eyes to me. -Do you think that now can I…?- she senses what I can't say out loud, pulling me towards her, until our faces are practically stuck together. She gives me the last spur with a killer look. Hurry up, or do you really want me to change my mind? But it's her again, my Penelope. In any case, I decide not to risk my fate.
Her mouth fits perfectly on mine. Her fingers wander through my hair, my hands on her cheeks, as we moan in pleasure as we pass to the following step. -About time.- she exclaims, parting to catch her breath, before the next round.
Now I am sure that her lips will always be my personal paradise. And that she will be the place where I feel really safe. Things I've always known and that's why it hurt so much to see her deny my every step in her direction. Too much waste.
But now that doesn't matter anymore. What matters is that I know that she knows that I will be there for her through this process, that no matter what, I will be there, because this is my destiny. And she will be there for me, whether she decides to stay at the BAU or another job. No more secrets between us, and not even bricks.
And I'll come looking for you, because I feel good with you
Note: this story is based on my what if instead.
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cosmicblogs · 9 months
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livvyofthelake · 1 year
like the thing is that he’s a brain eating zombie and he literally ate her boyfriend dave franco and stole his memories of her. can you imagine just like. forgiving the ZOMBIE that ATE your boyfriend dave franco. and then falling in love with that zombie. jesus that was ridiculous like i know i was supposed to just get past the fact that he ate her boyfriend dave franco but i literally cannot. maybe they shouldn’t have cast dave franco. notorious babygirl. and then made the main guy an ugly little zombie freak who ate his crush’s boyfriend idk i’m no expert. whatever
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rickchung · 2 years
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Day Shift (dir. J.J. Perry).
Netflix’s San Fernando Valley set vampire action comedy starring Jamie Foxx emphasizes its supernatural bounty hunting storyline loaded with grounded fight choreography wrapped in a fairly basic but rushed family story about securing a blue-collar “day” job with good union benefits and a dental plan.
A nebbish Dave Franco seems to delight in playing the uptight pencil pusher in way over his head tasked with supervising Foxx’s rogue hunter disguised as a pool cleaner. It’s a fun premise fleshed out with some nicely detailed world-building details full of rules for what’s allowed when defanging the undead and cashing in on their value—imagine John Wick (whose director Chad Stahelski is a producer) with vampires and jokes.
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wqbytop100 · 18 hours
Top 100 for the week ending June 2, 2024
+End Of Time --Lucas & Steve, LAWRENT, Jordan Shaw -1 -5weeks-+
Lighter --Galantis, David Guetta, 5 Seconds of Summer -2 -16weeks-
Buscando Money --TWENTY SIX, Tayson Kryss -7 -6weeks-+
Sleep Tonight (This Is the Life) --Switch Disco, R2HAB, Sam Feldt -4 -12weeks-
Love & Pain --Enrique Iglesias -3 -8weeks-
One, Two & 3 --Galantis -5 -10weeks-+
Eyes Closed --Imagine Dragons -6 -6weeks-+
I Had Some Help --Post Malone, Morgan Wallen -15 -3weeks-+
Addicted --ZERB, The Chainsmokers feat/INK -19 -9weeks
Hell Together --David Archuleta -18 -9weeks-
Underwater --DubVision, Afrojack -20 -14weeks-
We Ain't Good At Breaking Up --Brothers Osborne -22 -9weeks-
Heaven Or Not --Diplo, Riva Starr, Kareem Lomax -13 -7weeks-
Fallin Luv --Gordo, Jeria -9 -6weeks-
Beat Of Your Love --Ownboss, LAWRENT feat/Ekko -8 -12weeks-
What If We Met ---Ali Gatie -11 -12weeks-
Lovers In A Past Life --Calvin Harris, Rag'N'Bone Man -14 -3weeks-
The Moves --NEIKED, Muni-Long, Nile Rodgers -17 -8weeks-
Jet Plane --R3HAB, VIZE, JP Cooper -12 -19weeks-
Kissing Strangers --USHER -10 -17weeks-
Take A Moment --ATB, David Frank -21 -16weeks-
My Favorite Drug --Justin Timberlake -23 -8weeks-
Glad I Found You --Elderbrook & George Fitzgerald -24 -5weeks-
Role Model --Fatboy Slim, Dan Diamond, Luca Guerrieri -27 -2weeks-
Weight of the World --Bonnie X Clyde -16 -15weeks-
Anthem --Diplo, Shram, Pony -35 -12weeks-
Without You --Disco Fries, Lavish Life -25 =12weeks-
When I Wake Up --Lucas & Steve, Skinny Days -26 -18weeks-
Enhancer --Northeast Party House -32 -6weeks-
Nothing Ever Changes --Vintage Culture, MAGNUS -33 -9weeks-
My Body --Illusionize, Y&M -46 -12weeks-
***Automatic --Roosevelt -(new)
Level Up --Wolfgang Gartner, Scrufizzer -42 -9weeks-
Make Me Your Mrs --Mae Stephens -34 -13weeks-
Willing To Let You Go --Diplo, Anella Herim, Abby Anderson -53 -4weeks-
Monster --A7S, ALOK -36 -13weeks-
Shadow --Trixie Mattel -37 -4weeks-
God Don't Leave Me Alone --Gioli & Assia -63 -3weeks-
Feel This Way --Victoria Nadine, R3HAB -38 -12weeks-
Low Again --BAKERMAT -28 -15weeks-
Reckless Child --Milky Chance -29
Young & Foolish ---Loud Luxury, Charlieonafriday -30
Outlaw Love --Brooke Eden (Dave Aude Remix) -31 -15weeks-
Houdini --Dua Lipa -39 -9weeks-
***Left Or Right --Laidback Luke, Mathew Nolan -(new)
The Afterhours --Kyle Watson -41 -15weeks-
Lil Tune --Gus Dapperton, Electric Guest -40 -14weeks-
Don't You Cry --Sunday Scaries, Discrete -48 -8weeks-
Loose Ends --Lucas Estrada, Syn Cole -47 -8weeks
Undone --Forest Blakk -50 -6weeks
Never Ending Song --Conan Gray -54 -8weeks-
No Shade At Pitti -The Chainsmokers -55 -3weeks-
Don't Look Down --Lusas Estrada, James TW, SUPER Hi -56 -4weeks-
Forgive Me --ODESZA, Izzy Bizu -57 -3weeks-
Whatever --KYGO feat/Ava Max -69 -6weeks-
One On One --Robin Schulz, Oaks, Topic -43 -8weeks-
Before You Go --Seeb -44 -13weeks-
Electricity --FAST BOY, R3HAB -45 -9weeks-
Slide Out --Life On Planets -49 -16weeks-
Wake Up --Young Franco, Master Peace -62 -4weeks-
Disconnect --Becky Hil, Chase & Statis (Tiesto Remix) -64 -3weeks-
Without You --Felix Jaehn, Jasmine Thompson -73 -3weeks-
Lonely Dancer --Conan Gray -51 -16weeks-
Love Me --INNA -52 -12weeks-
Make You Mine --Madison Beer -65 -3weeks-
Last Night --LOOFY -66 -3weeks-
Weatherman --Zach Hood -68 -3weeks-
Wake Up --Skylar Blatt feat/Chris Brown -70 -3weeks-
Eat The Bass --John Summit -67 -6weeks-
She's On My Mind --Romy -60 -36weeks-
Illusion --Dua Lipa -72 -5weeks-
LA --Northeast Party House -74 -2weeks-
One Cry --Galantis, Rosa Linn -75 -2weeks-
Animal --R3HAB, Jason Derulo -71 -4weeks-
Never Be Friends --Jost, Minogue -61 -22weeks-
Cutting Loose --Disco Lines, J. Worra, Anabel Englund -58 -20weeks-
Waterslides --Tiesto, Rudimental, Absolutely -59 -17weeks-
Wish I Never Felt --Nate Smith -76 -6weeks-
Dance Alone --SIA feat/Kylie Minogue -80 -6weeks-
Why Should i --Z3LLA -81 -4weeks-
Better Me --Michael Schulte, R3HAB -82 -6weeks-
Regret The Morning --SILK, Mali-Koa -83 -12weeks-
***Naked & Alive --Milky Chance -(new)
Monster --Don Diablo, Felix Jaehn -86 -8weeks-
America --Charlie Crockett -87 -3weeks-
i Believe --Bassjackers, WUKONG, D Jayne -88 -2weeks-
The Weekend --Anti-Up -90
Promised Land --Vintage Culture, Paige Cavell -93 -2weeks-
Give It to Me Good --SIDEPIECE, Disco Lines -95 -3weeks-
Come Come --Vintage Culture, Tube & Berger, Kyle Pearce -100 -2weeks-
Murder On The Dancefloor --Sophie Ellis-Bextor -89 -18weeks
***Morning --Cheat Codes, Jason Derulo -(new)
Save You A Seat --Alex Warren -79 -9weeks
***Sun Comes Up --Timmie Trumpet, Sam Feldt, Ekko, Joe Taylor -(new)
***The Craving --Twenty One Pilots -(new)
***Hero --Vintage Culture, Emery Taylor -(new)
***Man In Finance --Girl On Couch, Billen Ted -(new)
***NNTS --Ookay -(new)
Outside Of Love --Becky Hill -99 -9weeks-
Soultrain --Triplism, Nandu, Radeckt -78 -6weeks-
9 New on the Chart this week # 32 Automatic # 45 Left Or Right # 83 Naked & Alive # 92 Morning # 94 Sun Comes Up # 95 The Craving # 96 Hero # 97 Man In Finance # 98 NNTS
*** new on the chart >>> off the chart
0 notes
tctmp · 1 year
Comedy  Drama
0 notes
freelancertamal32 · 2 years
In Netflix’s upcoming motion horror thriller Day Shift from director J.J. Perry, Jamie Foxx stars as Bud Jablonski, a father who offers for his household by residing a harmful double life. While his family members imagine Bud spends his days working exhausting as a pool cleaner, in actuality he’s considered one of many unionized vampire hunters who’ve dedicated their lives to exterminating the bloodsucking residing lifeless. For this yr’s annual Geeked Week presentation of its upcoming initiatives, Netflix has simply launched a brand new behind-the-scenes have a look at Day Shift that teases a large chunk of the fast-paced motion that Foxx, Perry, and producer Chad Stahelski have infused the movie with. In the video, Stahelski describes how his earlier working relationships with Perry on the John Wick franchise made signing onto Day Shift a no brainer, and Perry added that the movie’s conceit lends itself to a heightened degree of motion that he’s excited to point out off. Day Shift additionally stars Dave Franco, Natasha Liu Bordizzo, Oliver Masucci, Steve Howey and C.S. Lee, and is slated to hit Netflix on August twelfth.
0 notes