#Destiny 2 Season of Tithe
diana-3 · 10 months
That showcase was super skuffed and tbh I'm not impressed 😮‍💨
The good
The lfg system looks extensive and well though out. It's a QoL we've been waiting on for years tbh. Glad to see it finally implemented instead of relying on LFG groups on third party apps or message boards
The cinematics in Destiny Showcases are always amazing but it looked like there were some great call backs to things like the live action trailers during D1 era and the landscape inside the traveler (called Pale Heart) looks gorgeous and thought provoking. They nailed the nostalgia.
The bad
I want to know more about these "missions" that are supposed to be edited tl;Dr recaps of entire expansions. Because from my understanding, that's what they'll be. They've edited an entire season down to one mission that will fill you in on what happened and why it's important if you came after it.
I want to know how "episodes" are any different than "seasons". Is the content more bite size? Will the price go down as well? Will the content be bigger but slower released? Will there be a price increase? Or will it be about the same and price remain unchanged?
The ugly
The seasonal armor looks like the devs rolled them through a cow pasture in white/brown armor and then told them to stand up lol 🤣
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paracawsal · 9 months
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the amount of restraint she showed here by not taking the staff and knocking his ass into next tuesday like an annoying pointy baseball is admirable tbh
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thefirstknife · 10 months
One more thing. In the cutscene, when Eris starts chanting and "invokes the Worm gods," we hear her say three words:
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"Akka... Xita... Sel..."
Obviously Akka and Xita are Worm gods. New Worm god just dropped??? We've never before heard the name "Sel." The only pattern I'm seeing in these being invoked is that Akka and Xita are dead. So maybe Sel is another, some forgotten Worm god that's died a long time ago. Or maybe it's just a word in the incantation, but that's a strange placement for it here with two other Worms.
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flowers-of-io · 15 days
Tithe (to) me baby one more time
This post is my personal attempt to understand Season of the Witch, and potentially defend my hypothesis that at its core it doesn't make sense. I may yet change my opinion on this as I write and research, because here at flowers of io dot tumblr dot com we do real science and do not let ourselves be blinded by prior assumptions, prejudice, and bitterness. Maybe there is yet something there that I don't see.
Disclaimer: This essay is nearly 4k words long and has not been beta read, so any typos, tangents and formatting issues you may find here are my fault only and I preemptively apologise for them. Please tell me if anything is unclear or worded weirdly! I haven’t written a longer lore analysis in a good while and I may have got a little rusty.
With that out of the way, let's take a look at how Hive tithes, tributes, and willpower actually work!
1) Anthem Anatheme
Over three years ago in this post I wrote a bit about anthem anatheme, which is the way both worms and ahamkara feed. I did not explain it well, though (and I was being very comically exasperated over Truth to Power), so let me try again.
From the Merriam-Webster:
First appearing in Old English in the form antefn, anthem derives ultimately from Greek antiphōnos—a word meaning "responsive" that is a combination of anti-, meaning "over" or "against," and phōnē, "sound" or "voice." The Greek root gives a hint as to what the musical form of early anthems was like. Originally, anthems were devotional verses sung as a response during a religious service.
French anathème and English anathema is the formal exclusion from the community of Christians (in the New Testament) or the Catholic Church (in contemporary canon law). The original meaning of the word was a little different, though. I'll quote the Wikipedia article because I don't think I'd be able to word it better than it is explained there:
The word anathema has two main meanings. One is to describe that something or someone is being hated or avoided. The other refers to a formal excommunication by a church. These meanings come from the New Testament, where an Anathema was a person or thing cursed or condemned by God. In the Old Testament, an Anathema was something or someone dedicated to God as a sacrifice, or cursed and separated from God because of sin. These represent two types of settings, one for devotion, the other for destruction.
Anathema derives from Ancient Greek: ἀνάθεμα, anáthema, meaning "an offering" or "anything dedicated", itself derived from the verb ἀνατίθημι, anatíthēmi, meaning "to offer up". In the Old Testament, חֵרֶם (chērem) referred to both objects consecrated to divine use and those dedicated to destruction in the Lord's name, such as enemies and their weapons during religious wars. Since weapons of the enemy were considered unholy, the meaning became "anything dedicated to evil" or "a curse".
Combining these two meanings would give us something like ‘a hymn of offering’, the ‘offering’ part having a derogatory ring to it.
In the most recent Destiny loretab on the topic (Queensfoil Censer) Anthem Anatheme is explained as "a manner of subjecting reality to one's will, similar to a Lightbearer's ability to affect paracausality", and this is in line with the prior, much more vague definitions that we've had. It is both the invocation and the act of changing reality to match your will. It does have a similar vibe to aiat, which I wrote about here: "Ahamkara drive power from the space between ‘what-is’ and ‘what-is-desired’. Stating ‘aiat’ creates this connection between ‘what-is’, ‘why-it-is’ and the space in between: ‘why-it-is-?’."
It is also what worms and ahamkara feed on. The reason ahamkara "tweak" the wishes they grant is precisely to widen that gap between how the universe was before the wish and how it will be after it - the impact it will make on the universe - how much it will change.
2) Tithe to Power
Worms feed in the same way, except they are not the ones invoking Anthem Anatheme, and instead it is their hosts who do that. Contrary to the popular belief, worms do not feed on *killing*, per say--but killing is one of, if not the most efficient way of reshaping universe according to your will. Toland says: "This is the shape of victory: to rule the universe so absolutely that nothing will ever exist except by your consent".
The worms sort of... cede the ability(?) to invoke Anthem Anatheme to their hosts, and so also it is the host who gains power from that — the worm feeds, yes, but there is also something else there, something I don't quite understand but it's tied to the Darkness, Ascendant Plane, and Taking. The power that allows you to will things into existence, to define and dictate the rules. "Nothing will ever exist except by your consent".
Ergo: the more powerful—or rather... impactful, or influential—entity you kill, the bigger is the space of their absence; the more sustenance the worm gets, and the more power you gain — because you've asserted your will over them, you did not permit them to exist. As Toland explains: "Oryx inhabits a world where power is truth. To win is to be noble, and to be real. [...] The echoes of Oryx go forth to ask a question: are you the truth?"
So what I will be referring to in this essay as power is the total sum of your impact on the universe, which (thanks to your worm's paracausal abilities) gives you paracausal abilities. Willpower given shape, sort of. That is the foundation the entire Hive system is built on: magic, runes, philosophy, everything.
Now, I used to think tribute and tithe were two different things, but they are apparently used interchangeably in the lore: "The Worm within demands tribute. Now you shall kill what you can and take what killing you need to grow—or for your own purposes, if you dare—and tithe the rest to that which rules you. Thus, tribute will ascend the chain and the excess shall pool at the height, as unlike a river to an ocean" (Truth to Power: Injection). This entry is supposed to quote Oryx in the Books of Sorrow, but it doesn't repeat the words exactly, and omits something very interesting (and confusing). In Carved in Ruin, where Oryx dictates his law, he actually says: "You Thrall, each of you will claw and scream, and kill what you can. Take enough killing to feed your worm, and a little more to grow. Tithe the rest to the Acolyte who commands you."
"Take enough killing to feed your worm, and a little more to grow" seems to suggest the Hive-host and the worm feed on the same thing, or at least that the same thing that the worms feed on is what allows the Hive to grow. The whole shtick with the worm pact was supposed to give the Krill power over their own flesh and the world around them, so we can presume they grow physically as they attain more (will)power - to will their form to change. The lore about it is very vaguely worded though, and a lot of this is my own interpretation, so don't take it as indubitably true.
What I want to make extremely clear, though, is that neither tribute/tithe nor (will)power is a physical thing. Of course the power you have can manifest as paracausal abilities, but it's like with hitting something really hard with your fist - the stronger you are, the more impact you will have on what you're hitting, and the effects are very tangible, but your physical strength itself is not an, I don't know, physical object. It's the potential energy in your muscles I'm struggling to word it better, but I hope you understand the metaphor. The more you affect the world, the stronger your paracausal muscles get, so to say.
The way I understand the logic behind tithing, then, is that in the Hive pyramid scheme you transfer some of your power to your direct commander because they have power over you. Your will is subservient to the one above you, so they demand a cut of its potential growth. It's a way to organise the Hive society, really, because without this system in place everyone would be mindlessly killing each other to survive, while now the ones in command have an incentive not to slaughter all their soldiers if those soldiers are a source of power. It's delicate calculation - is it more beneficial for me to kill my underling and gain the entirety of their power in a single slurp, or allow them to live and transfer to you a percentage of their own power gain? How risky is it to leave them alive, in case they get too powerful and strike against you? But then again - the more power they gain, the bigger the percentage that you get. Is it worth to kill them now, or wait for them to get more powerful, so you can then gobble up a larger meal? It's like fattening a pig but the fatter it gets the more it is able (and willing) to kill you. At which point does the risk outweigh the potential future gain?
2.1) Nature
This part of Hive gods lore also ties into the way aiat works, and the whole thing with definitions and essences that I wrote about in that essay, so I won't go into this right now. What is essential to remember for the purpose of this post is that the Hive gods emulate their natures, or are their natures, and by invoking those natures they can be fed power, summoned into a given place, and even brought back from beyond the grave. I’ll just put a few lore quotes that sort of explain this concept, or at least illustrate it. It will be important later.
You must obey your nature forever. In your immortality, Aurash, you may never cease to explore and inquire, for the sake of your children. In your immortality, Xi Ro, you may never cease to test your strength. In your immortality, Sathona, you may never abandon cunning. (IX: The Bargain)
Oryx made war on the Ecumene for a hundred years. At the end of those hundred years he killed the Ecumene Council on the Fractal Wreath, and from their blood rose Xivu Arath, saying, “I am war, and you have conjured me back with war.” […] He drove the Dakaua Nest into a trap, and they were made extinct. From their ashes rose cunning Savathûn, saying, “I am trickery, and you have conjured me back with trickery.” (XXIX: Carved in Ruin)
In each act of His power Oryx seeks to incarnate the self-sustaining, immortal suzerainty that He worships. The power that He uses to wash his Taken clean and etch them into useful shapes. (Echo of Oryx)
He is not a simple thing to kill. He wants to be isomorphic to conquest, to triumph, to killing and death.** He is a syllogism, now, but in time He hopes to become an axiom. (Oryx: Rebuked)
[Xivu Arath, hear me.]
[You are war, and I conjure you with war and blood.]
[A gift for my favorite sister.]
(Empress: CHAPTER 5: NEW GODS)
3) Season of the Witch
So now let's talk about the premise of Season of the Witch.
We don't know what Savathûn's plan was exactly; we didn't get a scene of Immaru dictating it to Eris or Ikora, only scraps of it mentioned by various characters. But the gist of it, pretty much, was this: Eris plugs herself into the tithing system through the ritual in the first cutscene, and we - using the Acolyte's Staff, which contains worms - transfer the power we generate through killing to her. I say generate because I'm not sure we would've been able to actually use that power (for example, to create a throne world) if we're not connected to the system, but then again Hiraks had done it somehow, so idk.
Another thing, which I hadn't caught while playing the season, but either @winnower-winnower or @the-goldendragon pointed it out to me when we were talking about this, is Eris' nature as the god of vengeance. Every act of violence done in revenge against the Hive and/or the Witness, either by her hand or ours, should technically give her additional power.
So what was the goal of all of this?
Well, apparently the whole point of Eris becoming a Hive god and plugging into the tithing system was that she could become more powerful than Xivu Arath and beat her at her own game. And how would she get all that power? Why, by killing, of course! That's the sword logic, right? Nothing is permitted to exist except by your consent. That's power. And Eris already has so much power, as the hand wielding the blade which ended both Crota and Oryx, and possibly Nokris, and Hashladûn, and Alak-Hul, and countless other Hive. She did not perform these feats alone, granted (something that very cool sword logic cutscene seems to have forgotten), but she was the inciter, guide, and main motivator for them.
And this is all true, except for the one small detail which is exactly the reason why Xivu is (used to be?) such a compelling antagonist: this is not how you beat her at her own game.
3.1) Xivu and War
Remember imbaru? Remember how Savathûn made an entire power-generating scheme based around the idea that she, the god of cunning, cannot be outsmarted or outwitted, and every wrong guess about her would only feed her power? It was conveniently forgotten for the duration of The Witch Queen, an investigation-based campaign, but it HAD BEEN a thing.
And Xivu Arath had done her homework, and copied this idea. If she is war, then every act of war will invoke her and so give her power.
And earlier seasons remembered this! The whole reason why Rasputin sacrificed himself was because Mara had enlightened everybody on the idea that Xivu would've gained power from any act of war and slaughter, regardless if it'd been against ours or her own soldiers. She'd set herself up to be struck against, and it would've been a power factory for her. Rasputin had no other choice than to fold and disable the weapons entirely. That was his sacrifice, that was what set him apart from the god of war in the end.
Season of the Deep had some insight on that too:
Zavala: Rasputin proved we can't beat Xivu Arath in direct conflict, but..
Sloane: Zavala, I tried every which way to fight her when Titan went dark. I never managed to put a dent in her plans. Just survive.
Zavala: So it is truly it. [sighs] And all that's left is for us to accept it.
(Deep Dives, Week Six)
And my absolute favourite:
Sloane: This report is interesting. Xivu Arath intended to use Rasputin's Warsat network as an unwinning scenario. We fire the Warsats on her army, she gains power through death. She fires the Warsats on the City, everyone dies. We only achieved victory through defeat. Through a... moment of sacrifice. It makes me wonder about our approach to defeating her.
Lord Saladin: Winning without fighting. Philosophers of war have contemplated this very thing, both in our culture and, as I've learned, those beyond Earth.
Sloane: How do you defeat the undefeatable? That's an interesting problem.
(Salvage, Week Three)
...But then we got Season of the Witch, and it turned out the way to defeat the undefeatable is simply to hit it harder.
Okay, but why shouldn't it work? I've said before Eris was extremely powerful by herself, and with the plan to boost her with our tithes, she'd be even more beefed up on sword logic. Why couldn't she hit Xivu Arath harder?
Well, for the simple reason that Xivu gets power from war--all war, or at least all war against herself. Even disregarding the sheer disparity in power at the start, the billions of years of tithes that Xivu was ahead of Eris, this idea was doomed at the start, because for every ounce of killing-power we passed over to Eris, Xivu got the same amount of tribute. We were making war on her, for Eir's sake, what else were we expecting?
Same goes for the idea that we cut off the tribute Xivu was getting from her powerful lieutenants like Ir Uulxal and took it for ourselves/Eris. Yeah, that's probable, but at the same time we were powering Xivu up by making war on her. That had been the whole point of her as an undefeatable antagonist.
I've heard people argue that what we were doing in Witch wasn't direct violence against Xivu, so it didn't count as war. And to those people I say that hybrid warfare is a thing. Seriously, my country neighbours both Russia and Belarus, and I don't want go on an IRL tangent but claiming the only act that count as war is the direct clashing of blades is some extremely medieval thinking. It's like saying the Cold War wasn't a war. Planning, plotting and strategising how to destroy an enemy absolutely is war, gathering power in order to destroy the enemy is war, trying to outmaneouver and outplay the enemy tactically is war. If the point is aggression or counteraggression, if there is An Enemy, it is war.
I'm willing to accept Eris got some amount of power from Xivu invoking her nature of vengeance in her acts of war against us, but still, it would be ridiculous to believe that would've been enough to match and surpass the might of Xivu herself. I'm sorry, it's simply unrealistic. In her acts of vengeance Xivu did not alter the universe in any meaningful way, she just threw a few beefed up Taken at us and that was it. If she'd, idk, kicked Venus into the Sun in her vengeful rage, then maybe we could've talked about Eris gaining a substantial boost of tribute, but as things stand there was barely anything to go by.
3.2) Savathûn and Death
Alright, but what about that extremely sexy assassination of Savathûn that Eris performed after the final mission? The game said that this was the source for the missing chunk of power Eris needed to defeat Xivu! Savathûn had been super powerful, right? Why wouldn't that be enough?
There are two problems here, and let's tackle the smaller one first. We don't really know how powerful Savathûn was after she had been raised as a Lightbearer, exactly. The tactical obliviousness of the entirety of Witch Queen to imbaru suggests post-rez Sav is no longer in the tithe system and cannot gain power through the Hive magic means because she doesn't have a worm anymore. That doesn't mind she isn't powerful, and that by deposing her one wouldn't make an enormous change in the universe, but we don't know if she can get more powerful anymore. SotWitch reintroduced the imbaru engine, but doesn't elaborate on what it even does now that Sav doesn't have a worm, or how it works.
And now the bigger problem: Eris did not claim Savathûn's power when she killed her.
This whole system is based on Anthem Anatheme, remember? Making ripples in the universe. Creating spaces between what-is and what-is-wanted. What Toland says after we kill Ascendant Oryx puts it well:
Dwell a moment on the weight of what you’ve done. Contemplate the story you just ended. Will you ever do anything that screams down the millennia? Will you ever hammer your will on the universe until it rings and rings and rings? Oryx was an awesome power. Show reverence. (Oryx: Defeated)
There is a reason why the Grimoire card unlocked by killing Oryx in Regicide is called "Oryx: Rebuked", and the one we get after killing him in King's Fall is "Oryx: Defeated". We did not defeat him in Regicide. We put a dent in his plans, sure, we weakened him, but we did not kill him. That's the point of Ascendance, of throne world and oversouls and other means of hiding death: they make you harder to kill permanently.
Ghosts are funny, because they serve pretty much the same purpose. They hide their Guardians' death. The Guardian isn't dead as long as their Ghost lives. That's our conditional immortality - we depend on our Ghosts just as Ascendant Hive depend on their throne worlds.
Death doesn't stick unless it's permanent and irreversible. I'll even risk the claim that the power Mara generated (and would've assumed, has she been in the tithing system) by indirectly causing Savathûn's death—immense power—was removed from her tally, so to say, in the moment of either Savathûn's resurrection, or when she got her memories back and decided she was still herself and not a new person with a clean record.
Eris couldn't have claimed Savathûn's power for herself without killing Immaru, just as she couldn't have taken the power generated by Oryx's death if he'd been killed in the physical world only. This wasn't an "interesting sword logic stunt", this was a suspension of logic priory established in-universe and it infuriates me to the point of pulling out hair. There is no way this can work. If it DID work, Ascendant Hive would've created power batteries for themselves by killing each other in the physical world and coming back to life as if nothing had happened eons ago. The Books of Sorrow go out of their way to point out that Savathûn and Xivu's deaths in star by star by star were "true deaths" and that's why Auryx was able to claim his sisters' power.
This is either a lazy retcon serving to nerf a character too powerful for the narrative to handle, or the writers not understanding how their own universe works. It's infuriating, it's stupid, and it does Xivu Arath so dirty I struggle to find words for it. It strips her of the most compelling part of her as an antagonist. And down at its core, it's a lack of creative courage. Did her undefeatability make Xivu Arath an extremely difficult antagonist to handle? Of course!! But when you write characters like that, you should be brave about it. You should commit. And as things stand now, it appears the creators had been challenged by their own story and instead of picking up a fight they backed out and changed the rules. They were been defeated by their own creation. Which is, of course, a note of praise to how good the creation was, but in the end it leads to a sad conclusion. Bungie can no longer handle the story they're telling; and whether that is because of the seasonal model, or the speed at which they've forced themselves to update at, or a lack of communication in the writing team, or any other reason, I sincerely don't care. The result remains the same either way.
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destiny-aesthetics · 9 months
Destiny 2: Season of the Witch | Lo-Fi Beats to Tithe To
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sercj · 9 months
Okay, so, I like coming up with crazy predictions for Destiny 2's story, and sometimes they have merit or are interesting. But none of my friends play anymore so I don't have anyone to inflict these theories upon so I'm just gonna vomit them up on here.
This week we got confirmation that Eris just can't hope to hold enough power to match Xivu, but I don't think that was ever Eris' intention. Or, at least, it isn't Eris' endgame. After all, we established with Rasputin that the only way to win against Xivu is to not play by her rules. I think Eris is gathering this power, collecting tithes, and waxing on about vengeance to lure Xivu into thinking we're doing things her way. Look at how Xivu encourages Eris, calls her sister, talks about how Vengeance and War go so well together.
And, when Eris has all the power she can possibly hold, and Xivu is ready for a fight she's sure she can win... I think Eris is going to metaphorically lean in, whisper 'psyche', and toss the pieces on the floor. She's going to release the power, the tithes, the ritual, all of it. She's going to spit on the face of the sword logic, give up her power and influence, all to rob Xivu of the same. Leaving Xivu with a full board of chess pieces but we were actually playing monopoly the entire time. Pulling the rug from under Xivu. Undermining her, making her seem like a joke.
Maybe this involves Eris sacrificing her life as well, but I feel like that would be too similar to the story we already did tell with Rasputin. I think this will be more of a sacrifice of Eris' hive side - maybe she loses the eyes, maybe not, but she does give up on her vengance. Maybe even tossing pity Xivu's way ("I'm sorry you and your kin were so corrupted, manipulated, and destroyed by The Witness" kinda deal), just absolutely invalidating Xivu's whole 'purpose'. All without an actual fight, as such a fight would only serve to strengthen Xivu in the long run.
And we all know from season of therapy how much Eris understands about letting go and accepting the past. I can see her understanding that the only way forward is to set her vengance aside, recognize that it will accomplish nothing itself, and use that action in a bombastic way to destroy Xivu.
Anyway, that's just my crackpot theory. We'll find out in the next few weeks if it hold any water, but it was fun to type out in the now!
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lizzieraindrops · 3 months
Ikora is terrified of losing Eris now that she has become the Hive god of vengeance. The long tension between them has finally been driven to breaking point. Can the two of them reconcile their conflicts and misunderstandings before it might be too late?
Some good old-fashioned monster-loving.
I simply cannot accept that so few Eris/Ikora monsterfucker fics have been written when Season of the Witch offered them up to us on a silver platter. I had to take matters into my own hands. So I offer you: some deeply fucked-up women who love each other so very much. Absolute shout-out to my mvp of a beta @jazzhandsmcleg.
Liminal - Chapter 1 (1728 words)
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
All things considered, Ikora has done a remarkable job of keeping her apprehensions under control. However, after a violent week of tithes and transformations, Eris turns an assessing look upon her as they discuss strategy in the HELM.
"You are troubled by this," she says flatly. Ikora cannot deny it, so she doesn't. Although Eris' posture these days is already impeccable, she draws herself up even taller as if bracing for something where she stands, precisely in the center of the stern wing of the HELM. The shimmer of the Hive portal to the Athenaeum behind her frames an imposing portrait. "Is it the form my vengeance takes that upsets you, or the part of me that chooses to take it?"
The impact of those words in Ikora's chest makes her gape in dismay. "Eris, no, that's not..." The sheer harshness of perspective that only shows Eris possibilities of judgement leaves Ikora at a rare loss for words. She surges a step forward before halting her half-reaching hand, retreating like an uncertain eddy in the water.
"My concern is for your safety, Eris. I have others, but none so pressing as that."
After a moment's consideration, Eris turns away. "Of course it is." She sounds faintly abashed. “Nonetheless, I must press forward. Surely you can see that this is the best strategy available to us."
With another soft step that narrows the gap between them, Ikora dares to lay a hand on Eris' upper arm. Though she is often strict about intrusions into her personal space, Eris merely turns back to her in open surprise.
"As far as I can tell, it is the only option currently offered to us. I don't like it. But it is where we are."
Eris acknowledges her with a nod, but dissatisfaction still shutters her demeanor.
With a light squeeze on her arm, Ikora asks: "What is it, Eris?"
Eris does not meet her concerned gaze. "The shape of my vengeance has not changed, only altered its direction as I have walked its path. This spell unbinds the limits of my body, yes, but the shape I take within it is still mine. It has always been a part of me. Did you know that, before this?"
They do not move except to breathe, drawing neither further away nor closer together. Ikora thinks long and hard, reaching for both honesty and compassion.
"I'm not sure that I can ever know it with the same intimacy that you do. The Hive and their lore have been so intertwined into your life, but...you are the only one who can decide their role within it. They can't. You've clearly demonstrated that over the years. And neither can I. While I don't think I knew the depth of that connection, before, I understand that this is how you are choosing to define it."
Silence. "You didn't answer my question."
Ikora had, but only the surface inquiry, not the deeper meaning beneath it. Do you realize that this monstrosity is not only who I have become, but part of who I have always been? Has it changed how you see me? "You didn't actually ask it," she says quietly.
Eris gestures open-palmed acceptance. In her other hand, her lurid Ahamkara bone casts shadows and sickly green light that wreath about it in perpetual unrest.
Ikora would not make her ask.
"I didn't know, not quite. But all of...this, it makes sense for the Eris I do know. It's everything you've ever striven for since you escaped the Hellmouth. I don't fear that this spell is controlling you, because I know you are perfectly capable of choosing such a drastic course of action all on your own. And I will defend your actions to the others, despite my own fears for you."
Eris lays a gauntleted hand over hers in brief acknowledgement. "I believe you, I think. Time will tell."
Ikora nods. Her heart sinks, but the soft rebuff does not take her by surprise. She had not supported Eris through the relatively tame controversy of acquiring Stasis: why would Eris rely on her now? "Truth in action," she says like a promise. Their old refrain, from long before this; before many of the latest losses in their neverending list. Asher. Sagira. The Traveler itself. Everything they still have to lose looms over them like a promise of failure.
Yet Ikora is rewarded with a faint smile. It only soothes the very edges of her glass-sharp fears, and only for a little while. That is not the reason why she treasures it, why she tucks it away deep within herself where the shards will have to tear through her own flesh before they can take it from her.
As the weeks pass and Eris grows ever stronger by the tithes of the sword, Ikora keeps her promise despite her concerns growing in tandem.
She maintains her distance from the throne world. She has many other duties, after all, when she needs to keep her mind off this mission of utmost critical importance. But she remains within close call on comms as often as possible while Guardians cavort through the endless, treacherous floors of the Spire, sweeping across its buried Altars like a wavefront of death.
She has not seen Eris transform since that first time; never up close. But her voice changes as she drinks the lakes of lifeblood Guardians spill upon Savathûn's Altars for her. In its cadence and flourish, it's completely recognizable as hers; but the deepened tone and even fuller timbre buzzes in layered intervals, at turns grating against or harmonizing alongside each other. The sound of it makes Ikora shiver to hear, even over comms. The many voices of the many-mouthed hunger multiply and grow ever more potent. How much more Hive-sculpted power can she possibly contain without searing herself from the inside out?
Yet whenever they meet to discuss strategy, Eris is the same as ever. Perhaps she stands a little taller, now, a little prouder in the shoulder than before. She has every right to do so. She is a god now.
It makes Ikora's heart quail like nothing else has in her life. She is losing her. She cannot stop her. She can only aid her, so she does. She tries. Her chest won't stop hurting no matter how long she ignores it.
In a feeble attempt to wrest a nonexistent solution from an impossible situation, she meets Eris at the Lectern in the Athenaeum to assess her Deck of Whispers. Perhaps before the sheer force and breadth of Ikora's analytical skills, the strange cards' paracausal potential will yield something, anything—anything.
She is losing hope that she can make any difference to Eris' survival. Once more betrayed by her doubts, the shivering of Ikora's traitor heart makes her hands just a little unsteady as she draws a card from the gleaming deck.
Before she can turn the card over, Eris closes her fingers on the other end of it. Surely she feels the tremor through the heavy gilded paper. For a moment, thick silence holds them.
"Even you tremble in my presence now?" Eris asks softly.
"What?" Ikora whispers, crestfallen.
"It is all right," Eris says. Her voice hangs heavy with resignation. Her hand falls from the card as she retreats. "Others who did not shrink from me before do, now. I merely thought...you never recoiled from me even at my worst. But I know what I have embraced goes far beyond what most could condone. I could never expect of you—"
"Eris, do you think that I am—afraid of, or—repulsed," she lets the word fall off her tongue like vomit. "By—this? By you?"
"You have every right to be."
Whatever Ikora had been feeling before, this is far worse. "Eris, no. No..." Ikora puts her card down on the Lectern’s table without even looking at it and reaches for the hand Eris has withdrawn. So gently, she cups those slack fingers in her own palms, as if they were burned and in need of bandaging. "That's not it at all. Please don't think so little of me."
"I don't. I have always thought most highly of you. Therefore, I should expect you to eschew...this."
Ikora sighs. "I may have reservations about the high risks of your strategy, Eris, but that doesn't mean I'm going to abandon you. I won’t listen to you speak of yourself this way." Then again, can she truly blame Eris for expecting more of the same pattern? "I know that my actions in the past have given you reason to expect such disregard. And for that, Eris...I'm sorry."
Eris stands silent for a moment. "That is kind of you to say." Her tone is smooth with sincerity, yet relatively unaffected. What she leaves unspoken sours the air between them like the obscuring cloud of a Wizard's poison curse. Her hand twitches in Ikora's as if to draw away. Ikora wraps her fingers more firmly about hers, but not so tightly that Eris cannot escape.
Desperate not to let any more of her actions drive Eris further away, Ikora speaks before she even knows what she intends to say, only that she means it.
"Will you transform for me?"
Silence rings. Standing perfectly still, Eris stares at her. "Why?" Minimal emotion inflects her voice, neither reluctant nor eager, but more simply curious than anything else.
Ikora chooses her next words very carefully.
"I wish to bring my actions into harmony with what I speak." Her heart is pounding like a premonition of battle, except for the fact that Ikora is afraid.
For a long time, Eris merely watches her. Then, in a strange, delicate voice, she says: "Yes. Then I shall."
A chill like undiffused static runs down Ikora's back, and it is not unpleasant. A gleam of blue catches the corner of her eye among the green chiaroscuro of the Athenaeum. The card she had cast aside lies face-up on the red velvet tablecloth, showing jagged curves that branch off a whirl of crackling Arc energy. She had drawn Liminal.
The spiking electric potential between them reaches a height that makes her skin prickle. For the first time, Ikora thinks she may finally understand the beauty, the glorious inevitability, encapsulated in the prayer and invocation of Aiat.
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xivu-arath · 2 years
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#mostly i have a lot of friends who play on one server and i'd like to go back at some point to get to play with them at least once in my li
My Top Posts in 2022:
a collection of hive headcanons
physical touch and presence are very significant for the hive. it starts from thrallhood, when the world is defined by what you can fit between your teeth and what is under your claws. later it becomes more complex and potent. proximity can be a challenge or a threat, true affection or the lure for a trap. yet all of these can still mean love
thralls hatch in large broods and stick together, both when hunting and at rest. numbers mean safety, and a greater chance to escape danger in the crowd. hive overseeing thrall often get tired of herding them from place to place (and often more than a few stray or get lost or start fights) and will transport them in a great wriggling tangle like a thrall katamari
thrall will bite anything and everything, but it isn’t always from hunger. often a bite can be curious and investigative, or even reassuring - sometimes you gnaw on part of your brood to know that they’re still there
becoming a knight is a fairly simple thing - just a matter of gathering enough strength for a period of rushed growth. becoming a wizard is more complicated. wizards guard the method closely, encouraging acolytes to have to seek it out through threats, leverage or digging in secret places. it is a known chokepoint and often a problem in more isolated broods, where a lone wizard will try to ensure no rivals can arise. wizard-heavy courts such as the high coven operate on a complex and esoteric web of favours, sponsorship and tithe chains to get around this
performances are a big deal. ascendant hive will often go all out with showcases of specialized spells or group rituals, or performing shared stories and notable history - complete with dying if your role demands it. bad or merely boring shows also tend to end in death, from an unamused audience
the deathsong is always a hit, but by necessity debuts prior to or during battles. only wizards with a great deal of power and influence can get away with killing off a chunk of their armies for a show
art shows up in other ways too - in the evolution and adaptation of runes and sigils, the eternal and very lethal debates about individualized spells versus brutally optimized ones. there is expertise and pride in the making of shriekers and ships, and the design of war moons. it is all drowned in a singular purpose, and so unrecognizable to any outside the hive
79 notes - Posted September 29, 2022
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80 notes - Posted February 15, 2022
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my charr necromancer ossath bonesire, by the lovely (and impressively fast) @spindlewit!
I love so much about this, but the little minion is so unfathomably cute that I can’t look at it for long. yes ossath might look ragged and menacing and tends to carry an extra skull around just in case but he’s got a little baby on his shoulder!!!
82 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
I’m Really Feeling Something about that statue of oryx fighting akka enshrined in what savathun proclaims is tantamount to her mind
she really doesn’t refer to oryx much on-screen, apart from lightly hinting towards him and ghaul in the same breath in one of this season’s friendly conversations. she’s much more comfortable discussing xivu. how could she not, when her sister is, for all intents and purposes, gunning for her? (I am still holding out hope they’re working together in secret but! who knows!) but oryx is... a layered absence, I think the closest we have in her private lore is the yearning and loss she expresses in the hawkmoon lore tab
the statue is also quite likely a commentary on her feelings about worms, so it can serve a lot of purposes at once. very efficient of her
106 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
things I appreciate about gw2:
- silly quests where you’re transformed into or disguised as various things. I just spent some time running around as a pig yesterday, it reminds me of the quests in lotro where you’re a chicken
- all the map completion
- progressing events on the map that temporarily affect it, like bridges being torn down
- sometimes an event has a whole little chain depending on if you succeed or fail. fighting off an attack might lead to repairing an outpost and then assembling a team to take out an important enemy or structure. or failing to defend a bridge means protecting the engineers that come along to fix it
- just the general richness of each area with npcs and ambient dialogue, many moving around and doing their own things
338 notes - Posted July 31, 2022
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nerdiertides · 9 months
Relax to remixes of Destiny 2's Season of the Witch with a new Lo-fi beats video
(Featured Image Source: Bungie) Take a break, Guardian, and rest. Bungie has released a new Destiny 2: Season of the Witch lo-fi beats video, offering you some chill tunes and tones to relax with between raids. “Vibe while you tithe. Show them what it means to be Hive with a few songs of your own and enjoy these tracks while you help Eris Morn grow her newfound powers through battling Xivu…
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malphurisms · 9 months
i looooove obsession and knighthood and killing in someone’s name and tithes and exchange of power. so you can imagine how insane i get when playing destiny 2 season of the witch
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ghostcultmagazine · 1 year
What are YOU looking forward to this week? All My Shadows – Eerie Monsters (Frontiers srl) Avatar – Dance Devil Dance (Thirty Tigers Music) Chris Rosander – The Monster Inside (Pride & Joy) Creye – III: Weightless (Frontiers srl) Czakan – State Of Confusion Re-Release (Pride & Joy) Darkspace – Darkspace I, II, and III Re-Releases (Season Of Mist) Dead Soul Alliance – Spiralling To Lunacy (Cryptorium9) Deicide – Bible Bashers (Dissonance Records) Depravation – IV: Letvm (Lifeforce Records) Dusk – Spectrums (Self-Released) Enisum – Forgotten Mountains (Avantgarde Music) First Signal – Face Your Fears (Frontiers srl) Grade 2 - Self-titled (Epitaph Records) Graphic Nature - Killing Floor (Rude Records) Gravehuffer – Depart From So Much Evil (Black Doomba Records) Half Me – Soma (Arising Empire Records) Hail The Void – Memento Mori (Ripple Music) Hellripper – Warlocks Grim & Withered Hags (Peaceville Records) Horrible Earth – Weakened By Civilization (HPGD Records) Jack Harlon & The Dead Crows – Hail To The Underground (Blues Funeral Records) Man Must Die – The Pain Behind It All (Distortion Music) Miss Behaviour – Heart Of Midwinter Re-Release (Pride & Joy) Motley Crue – Crücial Crüe: The Studio Albums 1981-1989 (BMG Music) Owl – Geomancy (Lummox Records) Parasitio – Everything Belongs To Death (FDA Rekotz) Robin McAuley – Alive (Frontiers srl) Scars Of Oblivion – Misanthropy (Self-Released) See You Next Tuesday – Distractions (Good Fight Music) Siege Of Power – This Is Tomorrow (Metal Blade Records) Skillet – Dominion: Day Of Destiny - Deluxe Edition (Atlantic Records) Skinflint – Hate Spell (Self-Released) Street Tombs – Reclusive Decay (Carbonized Music) Tithe – Inverse Rapture (Profound Lore Records) Tramalizer – Fumes Of Funeral Pyres (Soulseller Records) Transatlantic – The Final Flight: Live At L’Olympia (InsideOut Music) Tryglav – The Ritual (Extreme Metal) Tulus – Fandens Kall (Soulseller Records) UFO – Werewolves Of London Re-Release (Cleopatra Records) Ulthar – Anthronomicon and Helionomicon (20 Buck Spin) 💻 Omar Cordy (https://www.instagram.com/ojcpics​​) 🎤 Nik Cameron (https://ift.tt/fnzxJGa) 🎵 Fahad Syed (https://www.instagram.com/fahanzi​​). Shoutout to some good labels: @centurymedia @NuclearBlastVEVO @NuclearBlastRecords @NuclearBlastUSA @RippleMusic @metalassaultLA @UniqueLeaderRecords @insideoutmusic @napalmrecords @SpinefarmRec @SpinefarmUS @pelagicrecords @MetalvilleTV @MightyMusicDK @Mighty Music @Metal Blade Records @HEAVY PSYCH SOUNDS RECORDS @RidingEasy Records @Seeing Red Records @Blues Funeral Recordings @STB Records @Rise Above Records @Black Doomba Records @Triple B Records @UNFD @Fearless Records @Hopeless Records @Bridge Nine Records @Deathwishinc @Fat Wreck Chords @Epitaph Records @Ipecac Recordings @threeonegrecords @Revelation Records @Cruz del Sur @Sumerian Records @Atomic Fire Records @Season of Mist @Upstate Records New York @Tankcrimes @Trepanation Recordings @Roadrunner Records @Sub Pop ▵ PODCAST ▵ (Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Anchor) 👉 Ghost Cult Magazine Podcast https://ift.tt/yH48ku9 ▵ GEAR WE USE ▵ (These are affiliate links) Set up A: Sony A7 III - https://amzn.to/3tQm422 Tamron 17-28 - https://amzn.to/3ePrlTd Tamron 28-75 - https://amzn.to/3fqCjgY Desview Mavo-P5 Monitor- https://amzn.to/33LlTub Manfrotto Befree Travel Tripod - https://amzn.to/3hxbL0e Lighting: YONGNUO YN600L - https://amzn.to/2QkNrn5 YONGNUO YN300 Air - https://amzn.to/2QjN5gu Dfuse Softbox - https://amzn.to/3uQq4AN Aputure MC - https://amzn.to/3oirFgx NanLite PavoTube II 6C - http://bit.ly/NanLitePavoTubeII Lightstands - https://amzn.to/3uSBl3x 5 in 1 Reflector - https://amzn.to/33KHdjo And our iconic Rope Light https://amzn.to/3ycdmyz For the full list of Ghost Cult gear: http://bit.ly/OJCPicsKit ▵ LET'S BE FRIENDS ▵ https://ift.tt/4MLezAD https://twitter.com/GhostCultMag https://ift.tt/f6ARbNd https://ift.tt/wKNqtsv #newmusicfriday #nmf #newmusic #ghostcultmag
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dalyunministry · 4 years
Topic: Understanding the Time
By. Bro. Israel Apeh
God day My Beloved Brethren.
I welcome all of you in Jesus Name Amen
Am Bro. Israel Apeh as Mentioned in the flayer.
Am glad to share with us Tonight.
Be blessed as we equip our selves IJN AMEN.
TEXT : 1 Peter 4:1-11, 1John2:18
ENTITLED: Understanding the Time.
A case study of the pandemic and calamities around the world as signs and wonders for the second coming of Christ.(Last days).
1 Peter 4:7. But the end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers.
Dear Father, we thank you for a moment like this. Lord as read and study your word, please grant us total understanding and the Grace to be conscious and pragmatic about your words in Jesus Name Amen.
Beloveth, Time they said everything including money. That is why we don’t have to joke with time nor waste it. I recently read an article about time, and it says I(time) am powerful, if you waste me, I will destroy your future and destiny. So use me well. (I was shock to read that). Lesson: Beloved, never play with your God given time, always use it rightly.
The Devil has blindfolded Many men and women of God are carried away by fame, tithe, prosperity and posterity. We are failing to pay great attention to the season and time for the last days.
1 John 2:18. Children, it is the last hour the end of this age; and just as you heard that the antichrist is coming the one who will oppose Christ and attempt to replace Him, even now many antichrists (false teachers) have appeared, which confirms our belief that it is the last hour.
Dear Beloved, the Holy Spirit had bestowed on me to announce, remind and disclose to all and sundry that “The set TIME is near that when we first believe”. The bells are ringing with miracles, signs and wonders. God made everything beautiful in His TIME.
Beloveth, be reminded that there is a time and a season for everything. Let us be on our guard for the end is NEAR.
Message Outline:
A. I will highlight two (2) stories about TIME so that we can build our Message God willing; (The first, is the story of Gehazi and Elisha and secondly is the story of the ten Virgins ).
B. Lesson from the Stories.
C. Implication of these stories
D. possible solution to redeeming our time in our dispensation.
A. The Story of Gehazi and Elisha (MOG) (2Kings 5:20-27) In summary Gehazi miss out his destiny completely. After serving Elisha for some time, when it was closer to receive a double portion of anointing, he miss out completely just for silver and garment. (V26. Elisha said to him, "Did my heart not go with you, when the man turned from his chariot to meet you? IS IT A PROPER TIME to accept money and clothing and olive orchards and vineyards and sheep and oxen and male and female servants?).
B. The story of the ten virgins. (Mat 25:1-13) In summary, all the ten virgins prepared for the coming of the bridegroom. But unfortunately, the other five failed to understand the timing. (Matthew 25:6. But at Midnight(time) there was a shout, 'Look! The bridegroom is coming! Go out to meet him).
1. Gahazi failed to understand the time. The time which Gahazi was, was to stay close to the Man of God to continue his service, not to go after silver and garment(gifts).
2. The five unwise virgins, actually made effort to fall within the time, but unfortunately they missed by out because the did not fully prepare for the bridegroom(Christ).
1. Not been alert: Beloveth, Jesus is coming like a thief in the night night. 1 Thessalonians 5:2 & 2Peter 3:10.
Who knows that it could be when we are so busy with our night activities or sleeping, that He will return. In the parable of the Ten young virgins, Jesus came in/by NIGHT.
Beloveth, the perilous times, signs and wonders of Jesus second coming are clear (the pandemic, earthquakes, massacre killings, Nation raising up against another, economic world order, micro chip, the mark of the beast etc.)
May the Good Lord give us an understanding of the Time concerning these happenings in Jesus Name.
2. We become lukewarm: Just like the Laudecian Church. May of us are neither hot nor cold.(Rev 3:16-18). We need a revival in the Land. (SS&S 309: Revive thy work Oh Lord!,
Now to thy saint appear,
Oh, Speak with power to every Soul,
And let thy people hear).
Beloveth, without revival, when the trumpet shall sound and time shall be no more, many will may not hear it sound.
3. We are sleeping: Many of us are sleeping instead of whatching and waiting in prayer. (Eph 5:14 says awake oh sleepers and Christ will shine on you.) 1 Corithians 15:34 also encourage us to awake for our righteousness. Grace is all I see for all of us in Jesus name.
4. We are carried away: Beloveth, let remember Lot's wife. The enemy has drift and digressed Many men and women of God away. Their attention is now channeled by fame, tithe, prosperity and posterity. We are failing to pay great attention to the season and time for the last days.
5. We are unprepared and unready: Beloveth, from our text today in
1 Peter 4:7. But the end of all things is at hand(this means time is almost running out); therefore we need to be ready, serious and watchful in our prayers.
6. Lovers of ourselves only: Beloveth, we are in the last days. 2 Timothy 3:1-2 But know this, that in the last days, perilous times will come: v2. For people will be lovers of self narcissistic, self-focused, lovers of money impelled by greed, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy and profane and they will despise what is good.
My Beloved Brethren, the devil knows and Understand that his TIME is short, so he Working hard to win souls for his kingdom(hell fire).
This why we must wise up, let us know that the end time is near.
A. Be Alert: from our text we need to Remain holy, have self-control and surrender all to Jesus (1Pet4:7).
B. Love God and Love one to another: Be there for others, 1 Peter 4:8. And above all things have fervent love for one another, for "love will cover a multitude of sins."
C. Preach the Gospel: Those who preach must preach God's messages; those who serve must serve with the strength that God gives them, so that in all things praise may be given to God through Jesus Christ, to whom belong glory and power forever and ever.(1peter4:11) Amen.
Beloveth, in the light of the above charge, may announced to us that: let us be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that our labor is not in vain in the Lord(1 Corinthians 15:58).
And that, Christ is coming quickly, and He is bringing rewards with him, to give to every one according to his work. (Revelation 22:12.)
Dear Beloved, time and chance happened to them all, therefore, let us have this Understanding that the end is near and be HOLY, and also WORK for your reward while is day for night is coming where no man can work. PRAISE THE LORD HALLELUJAH.
Dear Lord, thank you for the revelation of your word. Please grant us the grace stay prepared and ready for the second coming of our Saviour in Jesus Name AMEN . GOD BLESS YOU RICHLY.
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thefirstknife · 3 years
Born of Wrath - Ruins of Wrath
I want to elaborate on this post because I think it's important how the whole boss area is set up.
First of all, the whole Shattered Realm this week feels different. It's just a vibe and some aspects of the whole area. But the boss room is definitely the most interesting.
It's in a Hive warship and the centerpiece of the room is something like an elevated podium from which you have a good view towards the big Taken ball in a strange device hovering in the air. This was shown during the reveal trailer as well.
The rest (with pictures even!) under the read more:
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This is the same device located in the Shrine of Oryx:
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It almost appears like the one in the Shattered Realm is positioned to look into the Shrine of Oryx from above. This structure, btw, is a communication device that the Hive on the Moon used to talk to Oryx. Now, obviously, no longer used to talk to Oryx and instead, they most likely use it to talk to Xivu Arath. This would also make sense as the Shattered Realm is Xivu's domain. That room is a place from which the Hive in the ascendant plane can communicate with the Hive in the Hellmouth, vice-versa and beyond. Presumably.
And of course, there's the elephant in the room.
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A strange dark crystal bound with chains overlooking the Shrine communication device structure. I'm not the only one to be unnerved by this, nor am I the only one to have the thought that this is Osiris' prison. A place where real Osiris is suspended in some sort of hellish Hive version of cryo. The chains are what really sell it to me. If this were bigger, I'd probably say it some sort of a Hive creature being held here for some future boss fight, but the size just doesn't fit.
Furthermore, I've said a few times now, but I am beginning to suspect that Xivu Arath and Savathun are not really the enemies they're trying to tell us they are. It's important to know that the Hive have a very strange and utterly alien social structure. To them, murder and torture are expressions of love. They believe that this is what gives them strength so if you kill someone a lot, it means you love them a lot because you're helping them grow stronger.
Of course, Savathun is legitimately an exile to the Hive. She has practiced heresies. Goes without saying. The problem is that we kinda took her word for a fact that she is being hunted by her sister while not really thinking about how we have no confirmation of this from the other side. We don't know what Xivu thinks. Is she tolerating her sister's heresies for a grander plan? It wouldn't be the first time that Savathun is scheming in order to strengthen the Hive. Xivu knows her sister. I am finding it harder and harder to accept that Xivu would simply hunt her down on behalf of the Black Fleet without thinking it through.
After all, their last known interaction was Savathun preparing Torobatl for Xivu's invasion. They were on good terms. Savathun helped Xivu to obliterate the Cabal. And what was the whole plan with Osiris if not Savathun preparing OUR system for Xivu's invasion? These two are mirrors of each other, but with slightly different execution due to the fact that humanity has something the Cabal do not: Light. So obviously, infiltrating the Guardians required a more careful and insidious plan.
I believe this plan started a long time ago, but was finally fully put in motion, you guessed it, in Immolant. In Immolant, Osiris is exposed to the whispers of Xivu Arath, is drawn out to fight her and is eventually stripped off his Light BUT he is left alive.
There are two points I have to mention that do not align with what we know from Immolant (and Immolant is the most reliable source out of them all):
1. Savathun's speech from week 1 - specifically, the cutscene. Quote: “I found a form more pleasing to your eyes. Osiris was lost. Lightless. I saved him from Xivu Arath and assumed his shape.” This is a lie. Savathun did not save him from Xivu: Sagira did. Sagira's sacrifice is what pushed Xivu's influence away: "Blinding Light erupts from Sagira's core as she splits apart. A wave of Light surges and tears across the chasm. Her sacrifice cleanses every trace of Xivu Arath's presence. The sigil: erased. The cryptolith that supported her projection: destroyed." 2. Page 3 of the new lore book Ripples (still not on Ishtar as of writing this so I'm linking to my post with the relevant bit) - For easier reading:
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"Savathun was weak to allow their deaths. To cede ground to the Celebrant; to Guardians." - This is not what happened. Xivu Arath lured Osiris to the Moon, Xivu Arath spoke to Osiris, goaded him into killing everyone and LAUGHED while he did so, because Osiris' rampage gave her tithe. Not only that, but Immolant describes the Celebrant carving a ritual to drain Osiris' Light away and let him die. The Celebrant then leaves. So it wasn't Savathun who ceded any ground.
"The Celebrant steps forward. A massive cleaver dangles from its hand, weightless. The beast carves a rune into the stone on either side of Osiris, its eyes locked with his. It nods to him, and then turns to the sigil.
"All tithes to Xivu Arath. War Dominant. Endless." Its tone is soft rasp and soot."
"The Celebrant drives its sword into the cliffside stone above Osiris's head. The cryptolith erupts in neon flare.
"Die well, Osiris." The Celebrant bows and withdraws from sight into Luna's depths.
Wisps of Light hemorrhage through his skin, trimmed in blood and drawn around the blade embedded above him as if it were a nostepinne spike."
This is very odd. There's a lot of inconsistency and lying going on. Hell, Xivu didn't even take Osiris' Light at all. The attempt was made but Sagira made sure the ritual isn't finished by sacrificing herself. Kelgorath was lied to, both by Savathun AND Xivu Arath to whom he pledged himself (and died for in the first mission during Season of the Lost: Kelgorath was the Wrathborn we fight just before we enter the portal to the Mara & Osiris cutscene).
This, to me, implies that they're in on this together. It's important to note that when it came to the Cabal, everyone thought that Umun'Arath was being influenced by Xivu, but it was actually Savathun doing it on Xivu's behalf. It is possible that all the voices Osiris was hearing were actually also coming from Savathun on Xivu's behalf. But if that was the case, then Kelgorath wouldn't have felt the need to renounce Savathun because she was the one who helped Xivu, instead of "ceding ground" as he claims. This inconsistency makes me believe that Savathun's and Xivu's courts don't really know the full scope and details of their mutual plan. The Hive sisters are literally lying to their own people for the benefit of the plan.
We only have Savathun speaking to us, but never Xivu Arath. What are her thoughts on all of this? What are her thoughts on Savathun? Is she really hunting Savathun at all? Obviously, Xivu would know that Savathun will most likely betray her, but if Savathun lays down the ground work for Xivu's invasion (like on Torobatl), why would she care? She knows her scheming sister well enough. As long as there's war, Xivu will be fed her tithe, making herself stronger and stronger. Savathun's schemes are benefitting her.
Which leads me back to the chained crystal in Shattered Realm.
Savathun's bargaining chip, Osiris. Where is he? Who is looking after this most valuable prisoner while she's trapped in her own crystal? Who would she trust to make sure he stays bound until the time is right? Who has the power to keep him bound while she's playing the game on the other side?
Well, it's Xivu Arath of course. So it would not surprise me for this crystal to really be him, bound and chained in Xivu's domain, under her watchful eye and kept in place by her power.
And, of course, where did we find "Osiris" on the Moon when we went to rescue him? In the Shrine of Oryx. The same place that the chained crystal is located in, on the other side, looking down to the Shrine from the ascendant plane.
I didn't mention it until now, but the post's title is a reference to both Immolant and Shattered Realm. "Born of Wrath" is the name of the first chapter of Immolant pt. 2, where Osiris first encounters the cryptolith, visions and voices of Xivu and gives her tithe. It would be fitting if Osiris' wrath that was "born" in that moment led to his "ruin" and eventual imprisonment in the "Ruins of Wrath."
I am looking WAY too hard into this, but it really isn't a Destiny lore analysis unless I'm a little unhinged. :)
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prophetkofi40 · 4 years
I am walking in the abundant life I have in Jesus. I have all things that pertains to life and godliness which includes good health, prosperity, long life, my God given husband, a successful and fruitful marriage, mutually beneficial relationships, godly children, provision, protection, joy, peace, help, happiness and rest on every side in Jesus Name.
This is my year of manifestation. What I could not have in the past, I have it now. Every blessing from my heavenly father who is El-Shaddai, my God who more is than enough that I’m overdue for, manifests in my life speedily. There are no obstructions in the heavenly realms and in pathway of my blessings. Every mountain is removed and cast into the sea. There are no limits and no boundaries preventing me from fulfilling my destiny in Jesus Name.
Lord, let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. I decree that God’s will is done in my life just as it is in heaven.
Devil take your hands off my stuff. Take your hands of my marriage, my children, my husband, my family, my finances, my health, my wealth, my friends, my businesses, my ministry, my investments, my career, my education, my property etc. (mention any other thing) in Jesus Name. I declare restoration of everything that the devil has stolen from me and my family.
I prophesy breakthrough in every stagnant area of my life. My territory and my sphere of influence is being enlarged.
I prophesy that doors that were once shut have now been opened for me. I declare that I have access to new doors of opportunities, scholarships, sponsorships, promotions, mentorship, new employment opportunities, resourceful partnerships, assets, profit making business opportunities, a hundred fold increase on every investment, multiple streams of income, positive cash flow, divine strategies, cutting edge ideas and inventions in Jesus Name.
I have a hundred fold increase on every investment. I reap a harvest of what I sow in the same year on every financial seed, tithes and offering. I receive my due harvest for every need and charitable donation.
According to 2 Corinthians 9:8, God is making all grace (every favor and [a]earthly blessing) come to me in abundance, so that I may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need [b]be self-sufficient [possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation].
Beginning now, I am presented with new life changing opportunities. The much awaited change I have prayed for is coming my way today. This change is propelling my life to the next level and to a new dimension. This change is setting me ahead. There is a shift happening in my mind and in the spirit realm so that I am in alignment with God’s plan and purpose for my life.
I prophesy acceleration, things should have taken years to accomplish will now take days in Jesus Name.
I say in faith that from this day forward, my steps are ordered by the Lord. He directs my steps, causing me to be at the right place at the right time so things will happen to make my life great and I give Him praise for it in the name of Jesus. I have divine direction to know what and where to invest my time, money and resources in Jesus Name.
I decree that my gifts, passions, talents and abilities are fully utilized for the kingdom of God. People are lined up to use their favor and influence on my behalf so I can fulfill God’s purpose for my life and serve and in doing so give Him all the glory.
I prophesy the favor of God over my life. A favor that lasts for a lifetime. I now have favor with God and man. People go out of their way to favor me. I have preferential treatment and special privileges even from ungodly authorities.
I declare that I am a virtuous woman. I gird myself with strength i.e. spiritual, mental, and physical fitness for my God-given task and make my arms strong and firm. I taste and see that my gain from work [with and for God] is good; my lamp does not go out but it burns on continually in every season in Jesus Name.
I declare that I have the wisdom, understanding, counsel, prophetic insight, might, knowledge and the fear of the Lord.
I walk in the supernatural things of God and I experience the supernatural while I am asleep and awake.
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How You Can Neutralize a Curse with Blessings
Thus saith the Lord, As the new wine is found in the cluster, and one saith, DESTROY IT NOT; FOR A BLESSING IS IN IT: so will I do for my servants’ sakes, that I may not destroy them all.
Isaiah 65:8
This scripture teaches that you cannot be destroyed because a blessing is found in you. “Destroy it not, because there is a blessing in it.” Even though you may have brought upon yourself a curse, the presence of a blessing can prevent you from being destroyed.
Most of the problems in our lives arise from curses. Most of the things we do not want for ourselves have been spoken to people as curses. Most of the good things we desire in lives have already been spoken over people as blessings.
Somehow, we believe that these things we desire came upon people because they had the right attitudes. We are brought up to believe that everything we will ever have must be as a result of hard work and sacrifice. Reading the Bible will show you that many of the things you desire actually happen to people as a result of blessings being spoken over their lives, rather than them working very hard.
Indeed, many things come to us because of our hard work. But many things also come to people because a specific blessing has been spoken over their lives.
There are many people who work very hard and still do not have the good things we all desire. If you work very hard but do not have the blessing of the Lord over your life, your hard work amounts to nothing.
It is important to desire blessings that have already been declared and that are already governing our world. Look carefully and you will see that it is blessings that lift people up and determine the outcome of their destiny. Desire each one of these blessings and speak them over your life and over the lives of those you love.
You must desire powerful blessings and work towards them, because they can absolutely neutralize the power of any curse in your life. You may never know if you have done anything to incur a curse in your life. It is very likely that you may have. You must work towards triggering off blessings in your life. These blessings are very important to you because they neutralize all lingering curses.
Curses can be neutralized by blessings. A blessing often results in the exact opposite of a curse. Therefore, if you receive a blessing to go up, it neutralizes the curse that makes you go down. A curse to go down is neutralized by a blessing that makes you go up!
Let’s have a look at how curses and blessings neutralize each other in the scripture.
Seven Neutralizing Blessings
1. I want you to notice how the curse of demotion in Deuteronomy 28:43 is completely neutralized by the blessing of promotion in Deuteronomy 28:13.
But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that ALL THESE CURSES shall come upon thee, and overtake thee:
The stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee very high; and THOU SHALT COME DOWN VERY LOW.
Deuteronomy 28:15, 43
And ALL THESE BLESSINGS shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God. Blessed shalt thou be in the city, and blessed shalt thou be in the field.
And the lord shall make thee the head, and not the tail; AND THOU SHALT BE ABOVE ONLY, AND THOU SHALT NOT BE BENEATH; if that thou hearken unto the commandments of the Lord thy God, which I command thee this day, to observe and to do them:
Deuteronomy 28:2-3, 13
2. I want you to notice how the curse of financial difficulty in Malachi 3:9 is completely neutralized by the blessing of super abundance Malachi 3:10-12.
Invoking the blessing by paying tithes rebukes the agents of the curse. Who are the agents of the curse? The agents of the curse are the devourers who have been sent to swallow up your increase. The blessings of paying tithes totally wipe out the agents that bring the curse. This is one of the clearest examples of how a blessing neutralizes curse.
YE ARE CURSED WITH A CURSE: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation.
Malachi 3:9
Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and POUR YOU OUT A BLESSING, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the Lord of hosts.
And all nations shall call you blessed: for ye shall be a delightsome land, saith the Lord of hosts.
Malachi 3:10-12
3. I want you to notice how the curse in all that you set your hand to do in Deuteronomy 28:20 is completely neutralized by the blessing on all that you set your hand to do in Deuteronomy 28:8.
The curse is declared on everything you do with your hands. But the blessing is equally declared on everything you do with your hands. The curse is targeted at what you set your hands on and the blessing is targeted at the same hands. If you have made a mistake and brought upon yourself a curse on the work of your hands, you can take a step that will bring a blessing on the work of your hands.
The Lord shall send upon thee CURSING, vexation, and rebuke, IN ALL THAT THOU SETTEST THINE HAND UNTO FOR TO DO, until thou be destroyed, and until thou perish quickly; because of the wickedness of thy doings, whereby thou hast forsaken me.
Deuteronomy 28:20
The Lord shall command the BLESSING upon thee in thy storehouses, and IN ALL THAT THOU SETTEST THINE HAND UNTO; and he shall bless thee in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.
Deuteronomy 28:8
4. I want you to notice how the curse of sickness in Deuteronomy 28:21-22 is completely neutralized by the blessings of health in Exodus 23:25.
The opposite of sickness is health. The curse brings sickness and the blessing brings health. Every curse of sickness in your body is completely neutralized by the blessing of health!
The Lord SHALL MAKE THE PESTILENCE CLEAVE UNTO THEE, until he have consumed thee from off the land, whither thou goest to possess it. The Lord shall SMITE THEE WITH A CONSUMPTION, AND WITH A FEVER, AND WITH AN INFLAMMATION, AND WITH AN EXTREME BURNING, and with the sword, and with blasting, and with mildew; and they shall pursue thee until thou perish.
Deuteronomy 28:21-22
And ye shall serve the Lord your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I WILL TAKE SICKNESS AWAY from the midst of thee.
Exodus 23:25
5. I want you to notice how the curse of drought in Deuteronomy 28:24 is completely neutralized by the blessings of rain in Deuteronomy 28:12.
The blessing of rain brings the much needed water. The curse of drought takes away the much needed water. As you can see, the blessing is the direct opposite of the curse.
The Lord SHALL MAKE THE RAIN OF THY LAND POWDER AND DUST: from heaven shall it come down upon thee, until thou be destroyed.
Deuteronomy 28:24
The Lord shall open unto thee his good treasure, THE HEAVEN TO GIVE THE RAIN UNTO THY LAND IN HIS SEASON, and to bless all the work of thine hand: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow.
Deuteronomy 28:12
6. I want you to notice how the curse of being an astonishment and a byword in Deuteronomy 28:37 is completely neutralized by the blessings of being an awesome wonder in Deuteronomy 28:10.
If somebody has cursed you to become an astonishment and a byword, the blessing of God to become a wonder will neutralize that curse. You must do things that will bring about blessings in your life. The more blessings that are spoken over your life, the further you are from having terrible curses being fulfilled in your life.
And thou shalt become an astonishment, a proverb, and a byword, among all nations whither the Lord shall lead thee.
Deuteronomy 28:37
Then all the nations of the world will see that you are a people claimed by the Lord, and they will stand in AWE of you.
Deuteronomy 28:10 (NLT)
7. I want you to notice how the curse of a failed harvest in Deuteronomy 28:38-42 is completely neutralized by the blessing of an abundant harvest in Deuteronomy 28:11.
Thou shalt carry much seed out into the field, and SHALT GATHER BUT LITTLE IN; for THE LOCUST SHALL CONSUME IT. Thou shalt plant vineyards, and dress them, but shalt neither drink of the wine, nor gather the grapes; for THE WORMS SHALL EAT THEM. Thou shalt have olive trees throughout all thy coasts, but thou shalt not anoint thyself with the oil; for thine olive shall cast his fruit. Thou shalt beget sons and daughters, but THOU SHALT NOT ENJOY THEM; for they shall go into captivity. All thy trees and fruit of thy land shall THE LOCUST CONSUME.
Deuteronomy 28:38-42
And the Lord shall make thee PLENTEOUS IN GOODS, in the FRUIT OF THY BODY, and in the FRUIT OF THY CATTLE, and in the FRUIT OF THY GROUND, in the land which the Lord sware unto thy fathers to give thee.
Deuteronomy 28:11
May the blessings that make you go up far outweigh the curses that make you go down!
by Dag Heward-Mills
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destiny-aesthetics · 1 year
𝔸 𝔾𝕦𝕒𝕣𝕕𝕚𝕒𝕟'𝕤 𝔾𝕦𝕚𝕕𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝔾𝕒𝕝𝕒𝕩𝕪
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