#Disney pictures
anticosmo13 · 2 months
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Envy and Ennui💙 can’t wait until It comes out to theatre’s!😎
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krystaalklear · 4 months
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𝘋𝘪𝘴𝘯𝘦𝘺𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥 , 𝘊𝘈 📍
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buckcluck67 · 4 months
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daily-lego-sets · 3 months
LEGO Disney:
Walt Disney Tribute Camera
Set: 43230
Pieces: 811
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inbarfink · 4 months
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heyits-milkysworld · 3 months
Some pics from my most recent Disneyland trip
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rebelontheroad · 2 months
Esplorando il Mondo Magico di "Wish": Un Viaggio Sentimentale nei Sogni e nella Magia Disney
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Nel mondo incantato dei film d'animazione, "Wish" si distingue come un'esplorazione sentita dei sogni e della magia che essi racchiudono. Tuttavia, nonostante la sua narrazione avvincente e i suoi personaggi affascinanti, ha ricevuto la sua giusta dose di critiche. Come appassionato ammiratore del film, trovo difficile capire perché alcuni spettatori non siano riusciti ad apprezzarne la bellezza.
"Wish" si addentra nella vera essenza dei desideri e delle aspirazioni delle persone, mettendo in evidenza come plasmino le nostre emozioni e le nostre esperienze. Attraverso la sua ricca narrazione e la sua animazione vivace, il film risuona profondamente con il pubblico, evocando un senso di meraviglia e nostalgia tipico dei classici racconti Disney.
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Ciò che distingue "Wish" è la sua capacità di intrecciare elementi tratti dai personaggi e dalle storie Disney amati da tutti, creando un tessuto di familiarità e incanto, ogni aspetto del film rende omaggio alla magia senza tempo di Disney.
Tuttavia, nonostante il suo fascino indiscutibile, "Wish" ha ricevuto critiche da alcune parti. A coloro che non sono riusciti a connettersi con il film, non posso fare a meno di chiedermi se la loro mancanza di apprezzamento derivi da una comprensione limitata della cultura Disney o da una mancanza di sensibilità al suo messaggio profondo.
Secondo me, liquidare "Wish" come qualcosa di non degno di attenzione riflette una mancanza di comprensione della sua significatività più profonda. È un toccante promemoria del potere dei sogni e della gioia che portano nella nostra vita. Tralasciare un messaggio così profondo significa perdere la magia che "Wish" incarna così magnificamente.
"Wish" è una gemma di film che merita di essere celebrata per la sua narrazione sentita, la sua animazione sbalorditiva e i suoi temi profondi. A coloro che non l'hanno apprezzato, li esorto a rivedere il film con un cuore aperto e la volontà di abbracciare il suo mondo incantato. Dopotutto, a volte la vera magia di Disney risiede nelle lezioni che ci insegna sulla vita, sull'amore e sul potere dei sogni.
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penetroxart · 11 months
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crookedcandynerd · 5 months
Cinderella & Prince Charming por DDB Photography Por Flickr: Disney On Ice - Frozen Consol Energy Center Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania March 12th, 2016
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firelordgrantham · 2 years
Not to be philosophical about Kuzco, but Kronk illustrates the problems of our modern society with manual labor.
he is a great cook
he has a good short-term memory (again, see how he takes on the cooking duties and make everything that was ordered)
he thinks a lot (waking up because he just realized something from the day before)
he's good at analysing his environment and taking actions due to this (he gets at ease in the kitchen quite quickly, he tries to slam the chandelier on Yzma and it only misses cause she's so thin...)
he's a great sportsman (running for days with someone on his back)
he is kind to animals and kids (as seen with the squirrel then with Pacha's kids)
he is also ready to jump in to replace the cook at the tavern with no obligation whatsoever.
but... he is not a great intellectual nor super wise and so he is deemed stupid and turned into a laughing stock.
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thelowerdecker · 5 months
When you saw this at the beginning of a movie, you know you’re gonna be in for a good one! ♥️
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leseigneurdufeu · 2 years
I know (hope) Mickey, Donald and Goofy the Three Musketeers is not people’s primary source of french swashbuckler, but in case it is, here are a few historical errors sprinkled here and there.
(not even going to start on the plot because it’s nothing like the book obviously)
- Musketeers are called peasants (or some social equivalent) by Daisy, to explain why Minnie cannot be in love with Mickey. Actually Musketeers were all nobles. Also, Daisy would have been, too, because she’s the lady in waiting of the princess/queen and thus would be one of the highest ranking ladies in the kingdom herself.
- Now obviously modern plumbing, blue overalls for plumbers and electric polishers didn’t exist yet.
- Mount Saint Michael is referenced as a torture place. It was not. I mean it still isn’t. It was a monastery. I’m pretty sure I remember a novel in which they mentionned it as a prison, too. But prisons in monasteries were never torture chambers, and if there had been one case where it was, which I don’t know about, it wouldn’t have been the Mount.
- The opera at the end is the Pirates of Penzance, which premiered in 1879. The Three Musketeers era is under Louis XIII so basically the middle of the XVII (17)th century. On that note, since Pete hears the music on which he sings his king of france song, we’ll count it as an anachronism too (Peer Gynt, Edvard Grieg, 1875), but well every bit of classical/romantic/otherwise music heard in the movie is anachronic. Only counted those canonically heard by the characters.
- Also, but that’s something that’s everywhere even in the original book, the musketeers’ emblematic weapon was not the sword but the musket (that’s... where the name comes from).
- The sword one of the beagle boys uses is a north-african sword, which could mean they are african/arabic mercenaries. However most mercenaries at the time were from Switzerland and Italy.
- Also obviously the fact Minnie is reigning as a princess is doubly, triply... I mean very very bizaar. Because 1) a princess cannot reign. only queens do. 2) at no point in the century in which the Musketeers happens did a woman reign without being the widow of the former king and mother of the newest. That did happen a lot longer than should have legally happened. But Minnie is not with child (or that was left out of the script lol).
- The musketeers being basically the only form of army they have is also not on point at all even if I can understand that an animated pictures movie cannot show twenty different army corps with different uniforms etc, plus it had no place in the plot. Musketeers were, basically, the navy seals of the french army. That means there were also regular marines, plus the terrestrial army and the aviation and the police and...
- The royal palace is shown in the countryside with big gardens. In the Musketeers’ era, the royal palace was in the center of Paris and had no notable gardens.
- The guillotine scene? Well sorry but it’s a century too early, maybe a century and a half.
- Also the whole plan Pete has to get a beagle boy to impersonate the princess and give him the power? Well one couldn’t abdicate that easily, and even now one cannot abdicate in anybody’s favor. If, say, Charles III abdicated today, it could only be in favor of his eldest son William. Here Minnie could only abdicate to her closest eligible relative. The only way it could work would be if Pete was her closest eligible relative. Problem is he is older than her and a boy, so if he had already been eligible at the time she received the crown, due to old succession laws that were valid at the time, he would have been given the crown instead, because being a boy trumped being a closer-to-the-throne girl. So nope. Impossible. But I mean it’s Peg-leg Pete’s plan in a mickey mouse picture so...
Kinda getting sidetracked but I think I’ve covered the subject.
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animatedpixie · 2 years
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I was rewatching Sonny with a Chance and got to this part
Which made me think of two things 😂
1. Hannah Montana is a show in the Sonny with a Chance Verse and Miley is an actress just like Selena Gomez was
2. It’s cannon (at least in the Sonny with a Chance verse) that everyone just - knows Miley is Hannah but - no one says anything
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buckcluck67 · 3 months
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going to school
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magicalthoughtsblog · 2 years
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“The wilderness must be explored!”
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pincessshannon · 2 years
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Bubblegum wall in Epcot 🫧💗
@pincessshannon Instagram
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