dailyfigures · 7 months
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Doria ; Honor of Kings ☆ Myethos
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weirdmarioenemies · 1 year
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You know, all this time I never realized that Bomberman had Enemies! I thought it was just all those Bombers Men blowing each other up for sport. And I love those Bombers Men, they are very cute, but wow! Enemies! I love those! Enemies are my friends. There have been sooo many enemies over the course of the franchise, but here I will be talking about the originals from the very beginning! For the sake of consistency, I will be using the artwork from Bomberman Party Edition, since that was sadly the most recent time they all got official art for the same game. Here they come! Some creatures!
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Ballom is The Enemy. The first one! It is very simple. It is really just a balloon, sometimes with a string, sometimes not. Watch out for this one! Ever try to kill a balloon before? Don’t let the media fool you, you need a bomb to do it. Ballom actually appeared before all the others in the very first game, called Bomber Man, where it was the only enemy! This game was localized in Europe as... Eric and the Floaters. It sounds like a band name! A real Yoshi’s Island style localization choice. This is not a Bomberman game anymore. It’s an Eric game.
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I do not think this is what balloons look like
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Already we have reached my favorite one! Onil is a blue onion sort of thing, and I am really just a sucker for creatures that are vegetables. It is so cute! It’s almost not recognizable as an onion most of the time, with its tip looking like a dollop of frosting rater than actual onion skin, but the original sprite does a pretty good job of communicating Onion. As you can see at the beginning of the post, its name was originally localized as O’Neal, which I think is very funny. That’s a Last Name right there! This onion was named like a Fortnite character!
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Dahl is a sort of barrel of a thing! Finally we reach a thing that would more reasonably require a bomb to destroy. Look at its little face though! I feel bad talking about destroying these things with bombs. I don’t have much to say about Dahl, it’s a barrel, though it is a very cute barrel. I can’t think of THAT many other cute barrels.
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Minvo is a little boring. I’m sorry. But it’s just a Face! Sometimes it is a very inoffensive-looking face, while sometimes it is showing a few teeth, but still just a Face. They don’t do anything all that interesting either. However!
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In some 3D appearances, they are not a sphere, but instead shaped like a sandwich cookie! Maybe they have been cookies all along! They even have Filling!
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Ovape is a funny one! Originally, it was basically a smiley Pac-Man ghost, which is cute and funny, but not very unique. When allowed more detail, though, it often looks more like an octopus, and not just any octopus, but a hot dog cut into an octopus shape!
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You know? Yeah! I don’t know how intentional the resemblance is, but it is very cute and fun.
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I love Doria! It is some kind of Substance, or perhaps an amoeba, and I love a simple cute blob. It is often seen in this weirdly flat-looking shape, like it was spread on an invisible piece of bread! I would not eat it! Doria moves slowly, but it is slippery and smart, chasing Bomberman while avoiding bombs. Very impressive for a brainless (I assume) blob!
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Here we have our Token Mammal! Pass is a tiger who forgot the rest of itself at home and hops around as a head lump. It almost feels like Minvo, but with an actual design! You’re lucky you became a cookie, Minvo. Pass is fast, like a real tiger, and is able to Pass right through certain solid blocks, which real tigers cannot do. Only snow leopards can.
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Another face? Kind of! But not completely! Pontan is a COIN, so more interesting than just a face, and spins around flatly in its animations. They are the most dangerous of the original enemies, and their design does nothing to reflect this! That is funny. Like Pass, it passes through some blocks, but it also hunts you down! If Pontan finds you, you will learn that it can indeed be used as currency. One Pontan is enough to buy you one Death!
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Some, but not all, of these enemies would have the privilege of appearing in a Mobile Match 3 Game with the release of Bomberman Chains, and boy! They look weird! All of them! Ballom looks like Chris Griffin. Onil looks like it just woke up at 3:26 AM to go to the bathroom. I cannot say I Like any of these designs here, which is a shame because I think they could have all looked especially cute in Doodle Aesthetic, like Bomberman himself does! But I am glad this happened, it’s funny.
These have been just a few of the many funny little creatures specifically designed to be obliterated by explosions. Thank you.
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pk-starst0rm · 5 months
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kawaii-foodie · 4 months
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thefigureresource · 6 months
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Doria [Honor of Kings] 1/7 scale from Myethos coming September 2024.
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shoku-and-awe · 5 months
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Beef hamburg curry doria from 7-11! Not something that would normally tempt me, but my husband got one and it smelled so good that I jumped at my next chance.
Apparently it's made under the supervision of the Indian restaurant Ginza Delhi, but the curry is pretty solidly in the Japanese category. For me, the curry-cheese combo can be hit or miss, but this time it worked beautifully, especially if it's cold and you're craving something hearty.
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chuck-snowbug · 2 months
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カメさん付きの黒龍二種飲み比べ(日本酒/しずく 大吟醸 & 吟風 2021)、鯛のカルパッチョ、ドリア。
Two Kinds of Kokuryu(Japanese Sake) feat. Kame-San, Tai Carpaccio & Doria - January 2024
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My idea for the song of both Mothra Astra and Ma. Celestina.
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I saw this lovely music in Tiktok and I just couldn't help but feel myself blown away by this beautiful song.
I will use this song on the unnamed 9th Chapter of Princess of the Monsters.
The 9th chapter is where the confrontation and battle began between Godzilla, Mothra, and Mothra Leo to protect Ma. Celestina against Mothra's dark twin brother Battra, who was resurrected and wants to destroy them and the human girl before humanity first.
In the midst of the battle, Ma. Celestina gave up her longing to find her human parents, only to realized her true strength and willingness to discover her newfound journey: a family she had shared and the acceptance. After 18 years of silence, Mothra Astra finally awakened as Ma. Celestina sung this song.
The testament of theirs are fulfilled, and is about to unlock the past behind...
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55madworks · 4 months
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lizzieshinkicker · 1 year
Hello. I'm Florina D.I. Mushin. One half of STUDIO//LYNFLO. Let me talk about our game, DRAGONFRUIT: a mother's love. We have a demo.
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Art by the incredible BeakLimit. Our intrepid protagonists, Doria and Kestrel.
Here is the game project we've been making. We have a demo if you want to play it.
DRAGONFRUIT: a mother's love
It is a strategy RPG with the soul of a visual novel. A love letter to character strategy with plenty of scribbles in the margins.
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Our story is about a princess named Doria who, inspired by her favorite storybooks, runs away from the castle to strike it out on her own and be a brave hero-princess! However, reality is no storybook, and she is immediately captured and taken for ransom by a clever rogue named Kestrel. The fragile stability of the continent begins to unravel as the Empire seems to want their princess back more dead than alive, invading every neighboring country in the process. Doria will assuredly get her fill of adventure and Kestrel might find a reward more valuable than a princess's ransom.
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With themes of conspiracy, adventure, body dysmorphia, societal expectations, generational trauma, and above all else: community and healing through found family, in a world that is anything but stable, there is one truth that is certain:
"You will change, and I'll still love you."
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You can play the first three chapters of DRAGONFRUIT: a mother's love... RIGHT NOW. (You can play the rest of the chapters a bit later.)
It'll take a bit more time than we'd like to finish it, but finish it we will.
(Yes, we aren’t going to make that July 10th, 2023 deadline. Feel free to make fun of us preemptively...)
Feel free to ask us any questions here, and I'll do my best to answer them. I wanted to make the game that I needed to play when I was younger. With any luck, I'll make something that younger self would be proud of.
Thank you.
- Florina D.I. Mushin STUDIO//LYNFLO https://studiolynflo.itch.io/
𐑔𐑨𐑙𐑒 𐑿 𐑓 𐑚𐑰𐑦𐑙 𐑩 𐑐𐑸𐑑 𐑝 𐑥𐑲 𐑤𐑲𐑓. 𐑲 𐑤𐑳𐑝 𐑿 𐑷𐑤, 𐑚𐑳𐑑 𐑲 𐑯𐑧𐑝𐑼 𐑤𐑻𐑯𐑛 𐑣𐑬 𐑑 𐑕𐑱 𐑦𐑑.
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rip meggie folchert you would have loved polyamory
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fairytale-poll · 3 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
This little mermaid rescued her “prince” from the Titanic, and suffers a fate very similar to the original tale.
[No Propaganda Submitted]
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xainuyu · 7 months
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Doria, Honor of Kings
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heir-less · 1 year
If this was Meghan family she would be crucified like lbr Doria got into a car with Meghan and was dragged for MONTHS
Doria sat in a fucking car with Meghan back in 2018 and people here were writing think posts about taxes and whether it was acceptable for a non-royal to be driving in a car meant for "official members".
So, yeah, there's a double standard and when it comes to Doria it's pretty damn racist.
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Meghan Markle is a fool who lacks real friends.
It is clear to me from this scripted reality tv show (designed to rehabilitate Meghan's image and reputation) that Meghan Markle remains a woman devoid of true friendship. Real Friends don't allow friends to go through life making a fool of themselves in front of the entire world.
The scripted commentary with Doria is a new low, and a stark reminder that Doria Ragland trained her daughter to view all relationships through a transactional lens.
"What are you getting in return?"
Meghan's high school was shocked to learn that Meghan's mother was black (they only met her father), yet this duo is attempting to surplant Thomas Markle's parenting with an absentee mother and some invisible (it takes a village) women who weren't worthy enough to accompany Doria to London for her daughter's "spectacle." In the end, Doria failed at her mission to offer the necessary "street credit" that Meghan so desperately needs to politically exploit the black community.
If anyone in the world needed to stop talking, it is Rachel Meghan Markle. It will never happen because she's a narcissist who lacks the discipline and self awareness to simply sit down and shut up. I truly feel sorry for any children. With Harry and Meghan as full or part-time parents, they have sadly been setup for serious emotional and psychological damage. Tragic.
With a personal mantra that is to always complain and over explain, there was no hope for Meghan as a working member of the BRF.
I only entertained a small dose of Meghan and her mom, and I'll attach clips in a separate rant, but suffice it to say that they were both insufferable. I now understand the reason Tom Bower felt the need to go on GB news in defense of Thomas Markle. Doria could have explained her ressons for abandoning Meghan, but none of these characters are interested in authenticity or humility. Doria nor Meghan will accept personal responsibility for their failures.
They say the narcissist is incapable of learning to remain quiet. While that might be true, her behavior does serve as a cautionary tale for us.
We know Meghan (and her teams) are obsessed with our criticism of her via social media. The best counsel I could find is found in a devotional taken from Proverbs 17:28.
Image and Reputation Repair:
"Improve your image and reputation today. Anyone can do it, even a fool. Cut your words in half – others will consider you a wise and knowledgeable person. What a proverb! Here is profound advice and a wise tip to quickly enhance what others think about you.
Hasty speech, unstudied speech, or much speech marks a fool. Closing your mouth and reducing your words will cause others to assume you are a wise and understanding person, even if you are a fool. God and King Solomon, both truly wise, guarantee it.
Speech reveals character (Pr 15:2; 29:11; Eccl 5:3; 10:12-14). Careful, deliberate, profitable, and proper speech marks a wise man. Hasty, impulsive, vain, and froward words mark a foolish and wicked man. A fool seldom says anything profitable or suitable (Eccl 10:3), but reducing his words will cause others to think he is careful and deliberate.
It is wise to see and hear well, but to say little. You learn by listening, not by talking. You should not talk until necessary or profitable. Others will assume your silence indicates careful observation and deep consideration of the topic and a deep search for the right thoughts and words before speaking. Has a wise reputation ever been so cheap? Never!
The tongue is dangerous and easily hurts others (Pr 10:19; 18:21; Jas 3:2-12), so wise men limit words to avoid sin (Pr 17:27; Job 13:5), and they study before speaking (Pr 15:28). It is better to be swift at hearing than at speaking (Jas 1:19-20). God gave you two ears but only one mouth. Cutting your words in half will then match your anatomy.
Ah, but the fire to speak burns in some men (Ps 39:1-3). They cannot quench this fire; they cannot reduce the heat; they cannot rule the impulse; they must talk, now! What a curse to have an unruly mouth and tell everyone within hearing distance that you are a fool. Close your mouth, and even though you truly are one, no one but you will know it."
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Famous leaders have revised it
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richardmurrayhumblr · 5 months
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Model: India Doria PHotographer: Bobby Ponder https://www.flickr.com/photos/bobponderphotography/30537259477/in/feed
#rmaalbc #model #doria
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