#Ecto-beings Specialist
dcxdpdabbles · 14 days
DCxDP fanfic idea: Ecto-Specialist
Danny Fenton gets sent by his parents as a Fenton Ecto-Specialist at the request of the Justice League. They would have gone themselves, but unfortunately, every other Fenton had come down with the flu.
Danny was happy about his ghost immune system because this meant he could present Ghosts in a much more favorable light. He left behind all his parents' weapon blueprints and research reports.
He switched them out with his PowerPoint, ghost notes, and interviews he managed to obtain from the friendlier spiris. He arrived to the Hall of Justice, was given a special access pass and was told to set up in a board room.
He nervously plugged everything in, smooth down his suit, and practiced his speech. He's given presentations before, but they have always been school assignments. It was still nerve-wracking, but at least everyone else had to give the exact same topic for the same five to six minutes requirement.
Here, he was going to speak before some of the best heroes of the world to convince them that ghosts were sentiment. To prove they should have rights.
No pressure.
"Hello, I'm Danny Fenton. I'm going to speak about Ecto-beings and their vast culture within the Infinite Realms, " He says to the empty chairs. He pauses for a moment before, as if though he was gathering the attention of a audience before pressing the clicker abd watching his slide move.
"What are Ecto-beings?" He makes a gesture, that he once saw Tim Drake do on TV. It was a smooth wrist roll that he thought look sophisticated. "They can come in all shapes and sizes. Some are naturally formed from their environment, others are born to Ecto-beings and a few or deceased spirits. But they all share a core build from ectoplasm. That's what classifieds them as-"
"Maybe start but explaining what ectoplasm is" a voice cuts him off. Danny is not proud of the high pitch scream that releases from his throat. He is even less proud that he jumps so badly, he ends up tripping over his feet and falling over.
Bell-like laughter, fills the air, and Danny swings his head to the doorway only to further choke on his spit. Standing there looking like a Greek god is Tim Drake.
The very person he was attempting to imitate.
"Are you the Fenton Works representative?" Drake asks, strutting in with a wink. "I'm here on Wayne Enterprises behalf. We may be doing a joint charity effort for Ecto-beings rights. I'm Timothy Drake. And you?"
"I ugh, I'm Danny. Ugh- Danny Fenton. My parents own Fenton Works." He scrambles to his feet, flushing dark red when Drake smiles. "I'm presenting today. I was um practicing?"
"You're doing great" Drake assures. "Just remember to not stand in front of the screen. You want people to ready your bullet points."
"Oh." Danny drags his podium over. He cringes when he realizes that causes it yo scrap against the floor, leaving two long lines.
Drake's grin widens. "It has wheels. You just press the little lever on the right"
Danny wants to die "right. Sorry"
"Nothing a wax machine can't fix." Drake tilts his head, studying his face before asking,"Want to get a quick coffee to calm your nerves? They sell a great brand in the cafeteria"
Danny rubs his hands "Coffee makes me more nervous but thank you"
Drake's smile flatters before it switches back. "Icecream then?"
"No thank you. I run cold naturally and ice cream makes it worse"
".....how about afterwards? We could go watch a moive? Dinner?"
"I would, but I'm supposed to stay in the hotel my parents rented for me. They'll know if I'm not."
The other teen nods and looks a bit disappointed. "Alright, you can't blame a guy for trying . Well, good luck with your practice. I'll be back in an hour for the presentation."
Dannybwaves goodbye, trying to slow his fluttering heart rate. He just spoke to Tim Drake! He can't wait to text Sam and Tucker.
It's only after re-running the presentation once, about thirty minutes later, that Danny jolts in place "HE WAS ASKING ME OUT?!"
"Who was?"
For the second time that day, Danny released a high pitch scream. It's much worse to find Wonder Woman fighting a amused smile standing in the doorway instead of a Teenage Hearttob.
He hasn't even started. Maybe he should have fake being sick, too.
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evilminji · 9 months
The Anti-Ecto Acts... could literally start WW3
I am sitting here, contemplating China. The country. Literally one of THE OLDEST countries. With a truely massive population. And... I will admit my ignorance. But from what I have heard? They are big on honoring the Dead.
Their Dead.
The Dead of China. Hundreds of millions of souls. Which, statistically, would mean the average human ghost has a good chance to come from the region. And they are not alone.
Again, my ignorance curses me, but if my general knowledge is to be believed? It is a common practice in Asianic Countries. Oh sure, they won't argue there might be BAD ghosts. But that's to be expected! There are bad PEOPLE! They die.
They have monks and priests for such things. Specialists. Ancient problem, tried and true solutions. They move on and have lunch, consider what options there are for dinner. Business of the day and all that.
Fanatics from the West. Painting themselves as Men Of Science, not only dare to play god, but tear open a hole to THE AFTERLIFE? And start ATTACKING indiscriminately? They stand before an international stage and spew clearly bigoted pseudoscience, to justify their genocide, while ALSO letting God's and demons run roughshod over the WORLD, just so they can try to convince everyone they have the right to MURDER YOUR ANCESTORS?
They OPENED THAT GATE! They LET THEM OUT! There is a difference, culturally, for many of your countries between the soul of a dead man (powers be damned) and a SPIRIT OF LIVING STORMS.
You are not IDIOTS. Tigers are dangerous. Wolves are dangerous. But someone walking into a crowded mall and releasing frightened wild animals DOES NOT mean we go into the wilds and start killing! We charge the madmen you attacked innocent people!
The fact that tigers and wolves are dangerous IS NOT NEW. The fact that the souls of the dead are dangerous is ALSO not new! It is not malicious. It is INHERENT. A state of being. That is why they are not encouraged to linger! We love them, but this world is not built for them. It is fragile and barren, built for the living.
But dear sweet FUCK, the WROTH.
How? Many countries EXACTLY. How many religions? SPECIFICALLY honor and protect the dead. Declare in no uncertain terms, the SANCTITY of the soul?
How many people have LOST somebody? A friend, a lover, a CHILD.
And in one breath you give them hope then THREATEN it? "They may still be out there... we are going to brutally torture them to death. Because your loved ones are animals to us."
The UN would have the SINGLE most ugly, barely contained, riot imaginable. Spiritual Leaders would be tearing CHUNKS out of the US. The Pope, the Dalai Lama, you name it. You can NOT invade THE AFTERLIFE and not have it IMMEDIATELY become a religious concern.
Not to mention the international SAFETY concern. One countries actions? Unleashing beings that can effect the GLOBAL ECOSYSTEM? The ENTIRE planets weather? Plunged EVERYONE into Eternal Sleep??! How can that not be considered DILBERATE after the first one!
Your grand idea is to ANTAGONIZE them? Make MORE of them come through??
"Kill death itself". You fanatical NUTJOBS! That's not even a NEW hypothetical! That ends HORRIFICLY for literally EVERYONE. Eternal starvation, suffocation, crushing, and worse! We suck the planet dry, over populate so horrifically we end up BURIED UNDER OUR OWN CHILDREN, and suffer FOREVER without the release of death!
You fucking MORONS! Eternal life is a well known CURSE!
Their science is shaky at best, hardly peer reviewed. DEEPLY unethical. And clearly dangerous! Radioactive!!! In a population center?! How many innocent people have been exposed!?
And if the Ghost are reaching OUT? Imagine meeting long dead countrymen, who come to you fearing for their very SOULS. Who have lived in peace. Unknown to you, for CENTURIES. Who beg you, in YOUR native tounge, to help. Talks of people disappearing. Fear and desperation.
This is not to say world leaders are great and benevolent figures, free of greed or sin. Nor their governments. But it is quite another thing entirely, when they talk... and all you can think is "you are talking about my dead father. My late wife. My deceased son."
When they spew their HATE. And back hand your loved ones by doing so.
What powerful person has not lost SOMEBODY.
All this? And I have not even TOUCHED on the shit storm DC would add on top. The Drama? The IMMEDIATE near certain SMITING? You want to MURDER Superman's FAMILY??? I'd say pick a god and pray, but you've already made enemy of ALL of them.
So... good luck and get fucked?
@hdgnj @the-witchhunter @stealingyourbones @nerdpoe
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aikoiya · 2 months
Hello there, I love your post and I like your idea about Danny being affected by hamon but now not the time for dp x jjba and i have a long post idea that I would be understanding that it takes you days to research and post your idea.
Danny Phantom (phantom planet not happen in this au idea) x hunter: the parenting and by extension the world of darkness.
A few months before the event of Adorable Family Trip, the D family went to Amity Park for a month to visit one of Big-D ex, Jack Fenton, and while at Amity Park Kitten decided to look into Amity Park folklore. I want to know what 3 folklore that Amity Park has and what Kitten and Big-D thought about it, also bonus point if one of them is not about ghosts.
Also I have fun idea that the D family shenanigans while in Amity Park like Kitten learning about ecto ghost from Maddie ( who has extreme bias), Jack ( who is still learning about ecto ghost), and Big-D ( who usually keeps info until it's relevant), Marckus telling Danny and Dash about his experience with bully and tell them about how Brok Blacklaw eat Marckus book, gross Danny and Dash out, Door and Boy waiting in line at Nasty Burger for the meatiest burger for Boy and telling Jazz about his old 'mining day' unintentionally misled Jazz into thinking he was a miner and not a EOD specialist that he actually is, and Big-D and Jack have a journey and talk about why Big-D broke up with Jack as while Jack is good against ghost, he is not prepared for Big-D reckoning against the various supernatural.
Also for the funny Big-D know Danny Fenton is Danny Phantom when first met and didn't tell his family until on the plane back to Norfolk UK and his reasoning is that "it is obvious".
Holy cow! Honestly, I was confused for a bit. But the further down I got, the more I recognized. Like, Big-D was my first tip off, but it wasn’t until I read Markus, Door, & Boy that it clicked.
Now, I know what we’re talking about. I was afraid this was about Monster Hunter or Hunter x Hunter because I know practically nothing about either of those except dragons & that they are an absolute infestation in Monster Hunter.
You have no idea how lucky you are that my brother got me to watch the animated adaptation on YouTube or I would be completely lost! XD
So, congratulations, I can ramble about this subject!
However, I have only seen the animated adaptation up to Big-D's guide to avoiding arrest & am actually currently watching it as I type because I asked my brother a question about the show & he later said he'd rather watch more of it rather than continue with Lupin III. So, thanks for that. (Jk.)
Brok literally just appeared for the first time. His crew certainly seems to possess quite the motley assortment of very unfortunate faces, don't they?
But, yeah, I haven't seen any of the actual sessions, so my knowledge about how that world works is limited to that.
First off, I love, love, love all the supernatural lore in it. I was literally taking down notes.
Anyway, hmm… Well, I just looked at a list of Michigan cryptids & it talked about Michigan Mermen, though evidently, it's “bad luck to threaten one.” Though, the legend specifically says it's in Lake Superior. At the same time, the 2 lakes are connected by Whitefish Bay, so I wouldn't understand why they wouldn't also appear in Lake Michigan unless it was specifically inhabited by a predator of theirs. There's also apparently the Chicago Mothman, which according to a really cool map someone made from doing a bunch of research (Amity Park Location & Map), is most likely not even a full day's travel from Amity. Then there's the Lake Michigan Sea Serpent, which is, like, right there.
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if it lived in Lake Eerie. Maybe even just a short walk away from Amity itself.
Though, I do also have something a bit more benign that I made up myself. It's not really a creature. It's just a jukebox that plays creepily accurate music. → The Haunted Jukebox
It's really not much, but I figure that it'd be nice to investigate something that wouldn't try to do unspeakable things to them for once, ya know?
And I do have to say that I very much don't see Jack as the type who'd be into Big-D. In fact, I think the only dude that Jack might have a chance of being into is Vlad, who was never interested & will never be interested. And I don't even know if Jack would be aware of his own interest or if it's ever even crossed his mind.
However, I do have an alternate suggestion. What if Jack & Big-D… were brothers or cousins?
Now, I have a lot of thoughts on not only the Fenton Family’s lineage, but several others too, so here's a link so that I don't have to put it all here. → DP AU - Family Legacy
For that matter, I also hc that Warden Walker is Maddie's dad (but neither are aware). Seriously, go read Grandpappy Walker on Fanfiction.com. It’s an interesting read. However, it never finished. I have other hcs involving her family here, too. → The Walker Family
Now, moving on. This could absolutely work because my theories regarding both the Fenton family & Big-D actually align very well.
Mainly in that I hc that the Fentons are descended from a Lugat, thus making everyone descended from him dhampirs after a fashion.
Now, if we go this route, my suggestion is that Jack was the black sheep of the family… but Big-D was the bedazzled, feral sheep that kept biting everyone. Brilliant & the star of the Fenton family with a brain like a supernatural encyclopedia, but obviously has something very wrong in his head.
In my mind, Jack was never good at learning other languages (which was very important for research) or the apotropaic magics of his family because he could never really wrap his head around the mechanics of how it all worked, so he became frustrated with it all, called it a load of hooey & became determined to prove himself a hunter through the medium he did understand: SCIENCE!!!
And engineering. However, because he'd felt like an outcast due to being unable to understand the magical side of things, he'd begun to reject a lot of the old, tried & true hunter methods, relegating them to the domain of superstition even though a part of him knew that it was all true. He was bitter, okay?
Despite this, he's actually surprisingly honest with himself, considering how full of himself he can be. As such, if he's ever shown concrete evidence that he's wrong, he's actually very quick to adapt & accept that fact.
Then, promptly make amends.
Maddie, however, is ridiculously secular & stubborn. As such, she would be ridiculously difficult to convince regarding subjects involving the supernatural that couldn't be explained using science.
Interestingly, despite being so very different, Big-D was actually one of the only ones in their family who actually heard out Jack’s theories.
At the same time, though Big-D thought that the possibility of this “Ghost Zone” was, indeed, possible, he'd never thought that Jack would not only be able to reach it, consistently of all things, but then prove it!
Personally, I love it when experts of the supernatural are entirely blindsided by something that completely shatters their understanding of the world around them. Like, science is making new discoveries all the time. Why can't the supernatural hunter field also be doing the same?
I'm saying that I think it would be fun if the entirety of Big-D's knowledge of this new plane of existence completely consisted of whatever theories Jack had spoken to him about regarding it.
On the one hand, he's so ridiculously PROUD of Jackie-Boy!!
On the other, Big-D is absolutely shitting his short shorts as it slowly dawns on him the implications of all this.
I mean… this… this is the fucking trans-universal thanatonexus!! Literal proof of alternate & parallel universes!!!
The universe between universes & the moment between times!!!
Big-D needs to sit down before he passes out…
Which, my guy. I have a full freaking masterlist of hcs regarding how the Infinite Realms work, how it interacts with the Living Realms, how ectoplasm is made. As well as hcs about Clockwork & Nocturn. → DP Ghost Zone Masterlist
Clockwork - The Origin of Clockwork - Clockwork Through the Multiverse - Nocturn (My Style)
Peruse at your leisure.
Seriously, I might have a problem…
I mean, if you really think about it, how would Big-D know much of anything about ecto-ghosts? The only people shown to possess portals are the Fentons & Vlad & the only other portals are natural portals which open randomly & very rarely. Like, maybe he's heard stories about powerful beings that could fly & shoot lasers, but I don’t think he’d know anything truly concrete.
But I definitely think he's aware of Danny's time traveling shenanigans, though only from the perspective of having seen imagery of Phantom & Plasmius scattered through time. But not that it’s Danny & the mayor of Amity (at least initially).
Which, I honestly think that they'd legitimately despise each other. D & Vlad, that is.
Which, perhaps Big-D's actual reason for visiting could partially be because of that? Maybe he saw a picture in a supernatural tabloid about a little town in Illinois that was a tourist trap centering around ghosts? And the picture used was of one of Danny & Vlad's fights?
Maybe it was Kitten who was reading it & Big-D was just sort of sipping his drink at breakfast, was chatting with Kitten, & glanced down only to choke on his drink as he recognized the figures from one of the single greatest mysteries in all of hunter history. He gasps & wheezes rather comically as he tries to catch his breath. Kitten is concerned, but the second D caught his breath, he declared that they were headed to Amity Park to visit family.
The terrifying thing is that I actually think that the Fentons of Amity might be the most well-adjusted members of the current Fentons in the family… This realization haunts me…
Holy fudge, I think Jack would end up being the responsible & rational one between him & D…
Like, I can just see Jack looking D dead in the eye & telling him that drugs, psychedelics, alcohol any purer than near beer, & especially sacrifices were not allowed within 5 yards of the perimeter of Fenton Works & neither were D's sexual indiscretions.
If he brings that shit anywhere near his family, no one will find the pieces. And if he gets caught with that sort of thing here, then Jack's never met the man.
Like, the supernatural stuff is fine, whatever.
Typical Fenton clan brouhaha, but Jack raised a couple of wonderful, talented, genius kids.
(Even if Danny was having a rough time keeping his grades up at the moment, he could still reverse engineer any one of their inventions practically on autopilot & sometimes could even surpass Jack himself in terms of guerilla science & ingenuity, but that's not the point!)
His kids were brilliant & they don't do drugs or commit crimes or go out drinking, & he's not about to have one Bignaceous Ditryck T. Fenton walking in & screwing up the 2 (3 if they’ve adopted Ellie) most sane, well-adjusted children born into the Fenton clan in 5 generations just because he couldn't behave like an adult for a week! Like, he loves D, but “Seriously, D, you need serious help.”
Which would probably start a bit of a dismissive handwaving about how, of course, he’d never dream of it! But Jack just narrowed his eyes at the other man’s insane smile before sighing with a slump of his shoulders before letting them in reluctantly.
Anyway, I'd very much appreciate Amethyst Ocean to be a thing here. This is the DP ship that I've been shipping since I first watched the show. And it was made canon.
Of course, in the end, it's your choice. Not mine.
Also, keep in mind that if Phantom Planet isn't canon, then neither is A Glitch In Time. Just something to remember.
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I have this weird thing for liking the idea of Team Phantom having a Phantom First Aid Kit.
Like, they use Fenton Fishing Line for stitches & Ecto-Dejecto. Also, a sort of Blood Blossom-based anesthetic.
Stuff like that.
i don't think blood blossom based anesthetic would work out but for the other things yeah. they also have regular first aid kids for when sam and tucker get hurt, god forbid they mix them up. oh they could also get ghost healing supplies from frostbite. especially for when the problem is ice core related. they're prepared.
honestly i've always been partial to stories where the trio+jazz have ghost hunting to a science. where the longer they've been doing the more systematic and prepared they become. danny is their main fighter and also comes in with the ghost tech from his parents.
sam is usually the back up and is the best with weapons, she also funds them and is often the one replacing clothes and broken tech, and med supplies. she's also probably their main med person and occult specialist. she's got the magic books, but her allowance suffers.
tucker is their tech guy, and the one usually in charge of schedules. he's who they turn to when skulker or technus show up. he's also the hacker and records keeper. he has a locked folder with records of their ghost attacks and the different attacks their enemies have displayed. he also is usually the one covering up things like security camera footage and government investigations. he covers their digital traces.
jazz is obviously emotional support/therapist to the group when she can convince them to talk about their problems. she also run interference with the fenton parents and sometimes teachers like lancer. or other adults. she's trusted and takes advantage of that to lie her ass off. someday it's going to come out and cause problems for all of them but she's doing the wrong thing for the right reasons as far as she's concerned. she also generally a... what's the word. she's a backup type fighter. the trio are usually in the thick of things. if they're otherwise incapacitated, she and to an extent valerie are the backup. she's often usually taking part in evacuation efforts when it comes to that.
dani is in a similar position of being back up but in more of a fighting capacity. they call her when danny can't defeat the ghost alone, when he isn't in the position to protect the town, when he's mia or when his parents make him travel or so on. she mainly ends up covering shifts, but has her own life so she's not supper involved in the day to day.
val isn't an official member of team phantom. but similarly is called to cover shifts when danny is mia or when there's an emergency. she mainly covers her own territory and danny covers his. until the reveal danny avoids her when he can.
i like it when my kids are capable, even if it's said, if they're going to put all their effort into protecting the town i want them to be really good at it
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five-rivers · 3 years
Questions (Not Answered)
@amabsis  MERRY CHRISTMAS FEATURING CRYTIC DANNY AND HIS SPACE FRECKLES (and one other prompt you sent me, but that one’s a mystery).
Bare feet on ice. Breathe, he reminded himself.  He was human, for now, and he wasn’t supposed to be here.
Ice.  Thin ice.  
He was human, for now, but he didn’t have the weight of it.
In slow motion, he saw the much, much heavier man—Boy, really, he hadn’t graduated that long ago—step out on the ice, brow furrowed. A kind of rage lit him up, a paper lantern that burns itself, like the last time Danny had seen him, a frustration born of not being believed and—
The ice gave way.  
It took him a moment to remember to fall.  
Beeping.  White. It took him a moment to remember and remember he had been human.  At least then.  At least now. Something like a fever danced over his skin.  Pinpricks. A heated blanket.  Whiteness he has come to associate with a threat.  
This is a hospital.  
He breathes.  He remembers. He wasn’t supposed to be there, but even less is he supposed to be here.  
There will be questions.  
It isn’t his fault, he reassures himself.  No way he could have been anywhere else, done anything else, except by the actions of others.  Not with safety.  Not with grace.  Not with morals.  
He can smell the other person in the room.  Their sweat.  The fabric softener their suit had been laundered in.  
“You should be dead,” said the man.  Accused the man.  
“Well,” croaked Danny, “clearly not.”
“We didn’t pull you out until after Agent W.”
Couldn’t they use the guy’s real name?  Agent W.  Too many syllables.  Too long to say in the heat of battle, or to keep him from running out and nearly drowning in a half-frozen lake.  
“You’re not dead until you’re warm and dead,” said Danny. “Heard it in a documentary.  Mom and Dad say it’s why you don’t see too many ghosts who died that way.  That and the hallucinations.”
His parents don’t think happy people leave ghosts.  They’re wrong.  In that and many other things.  
He does not look at the man.  The line on the heart monitor goes up and down, dead steady. He did not think of the ghosts he left behind him.  Of the battle and journey that left him on the ice, surrounded by white.
“I think we both know that isn’t true,” said the man with an edge of a growl.  His shadow fell on the edge of the bed.  “We’ve had our specialists look into you, you know.  With your parents’ blessing.”
Blessing.  What a strange way to say permission.  Danny has received blessings.  True blessings.  One is not the same as the other.  He remembers them, towering, like storm clouds, like mountains, like the forest, like the moon, the sun, the stars.  He remembers the lights overhead, circling, and himself, looking up, beneath it all.  He remembers the well, the fountain, the door, the path.
He remembers.  
And he has none of that right now.  No lightning but what he was born with.  No ice but what the doctors chased away, if there were doctors, and not simply more men like the one at his bedside.  No knife or poison but the words on his tongue.  No shield but his disregard.
“We even ran you through some of our pattern recognition programs.  Do you know what we found?”
“Enlighten me,” said Danny, dryly.  His voice cracked again, painfully.  
His effort was rewarded with a finger shoved harshly against his cheek.  He winced at the sharpness of the nail and looked directly at the man for the first time since he woke up.  He was reflected twice in the man’s sunglasses, and a third time on the warped silver casing of his overlarge earpiece.  
“Your freckles,” said the man.
“What, did your program decide I had skin cancer or something? Forgive me if I decide I want a second opinion.”
“Constellations,” hissed the man.  “You have constellations in your freckles.  The same as the ghost boy.”
Danny endeavored to raise his eyebrows as far as they could go. “I’m pretty sure that whatever Phantom has on his face aren’t freckles.  Freckles don’t glow.”
“Don’t play games with me,” said the man.  “We aren’t the only ones who’ve noticed.  We aren’t the only ones who’ve put two and two together.”
“To me, it sounds like all you’ve done is give a computer pareidolia, but whatever floats your boat.”
“What is your connection to Phantom?”
“You’ve been listening to Wes,” said Danny.  If his voice wasn’t wrecked, his words would have been dripping with disdain thick enough to drown the man.  Twice.
“Agent W is not the only one to make note of your behavior,” said the man.  “Paulina Sanchez, for example.”
“Paulina,” repeated Danny.  “You mean the girl who has used every available opportunity to tear me down and mock me since I asked her out in freshman year?  You think she wouldn’t lie to your clown squad?”
“Excuse me?”
“That’s what everyone calls you,” said Danny.  “Also, you shouldn’t be interrogating a minor without their guardian present.”
“How convenient, that you know that.  Reading up on the legal system?”
“My sister had a Law and Order phase.  Speaking of, I want a lawyer.”
“You aren’t under arrest,” clearly disgusted.
“Great.  So, can you tell the doctor I’m awake?  Thanks.”
“We aren’t done here.”
“I am,” said Danny.  He closed his eyes.  “If you don’t tell the doctor I’m awake, I might as well go back to sleep.”  He faked a yawn.  Then yawned for real because yawns were like that.
Then the GIW representative shook him by the shoulders.
He shouldn’t have done that.  For a number of reasons.  Not the least of which being that if Danny was connected to ghostly happenings, he could most likely kill the man with his bare hands.  
This is not what occurred.  
Monitors need leads, need sensors.  Disconnected, they scream.  Much like anything else.
In a hospital, such screaming attracts doctors.  
How nice to know that they were in a hospital.  
Snow underfoot.  Booted foot, incidentally.  His parents had brought his boots when they came to pick him up, along with other winter clothes.  The snow crunched and squeaked, declining to melt when he stepped on it.  Which.  Rude.  
The trip to the car was silent and sulky.  Or possibly accusatory.  Or morose.  The nuances of the emotions escaped him.  
“Danny,” said his mother.  “Why were you out on the lake last night?”
Danny had been dreading this.  Anticipating it as one would the end of a fall.  Except he hadn’t hit the ground yet, only the branch of a tree that had the misfortune to get in the way.  
He didn’t have a good answer.  
“There was something I had to do,” said Danny.  Which was both true and vague.  
“In your pajamas?”
Danny winced.  That hadn’t been his fault.  
“We don’t know why you keep sneaking out,” said his father. “But it has to stop.  You can’t do this anymore, Danny-boy.  Especially not if it’s going to end up with you in the hospital.”
“That wasn’t my fault,” protested Danny.  “It isn’t like I lured Wes out.  He went out all by himself!”
“Danny,” said his mother.  “You almost died.  And now the GIW is telling us that your freckles are in the same pattern as Phantom’s ecto-luminescence!”  She visibly worried at her lower lip.  “What happened?”
“And what did you go out for?”  added his father.  
Danny shrugged.  
“Were you trying to help Phantom?”
“No,” said Danny.  
“We know how you and Jazz feel about him, but, Danny, this is dangerous.  That ghost is dangerous.”
Danny looked away.  
“You’re grounded,” said his mother.  
Danny whipped around to face her again.  “What!”
“What else can we do?” asked his mother.  “What else do you expect us to do?  You won’t tell us anything!”
“It was just—” spluttered Danny.  He pressed his lips together, considering.  “I did not go out to meet Phantom,” he said.  Again, it was true.  “I went out because one of my classmates said they were being haunted, and I wanted to help.”  Also true.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” asked his father.  “It’s our job to deal with ghosts.”
“Yes,” said his mother.  “In fact, I thought you wanted nothing to do with ghosts.”
“I don’t know,” said Danny.  “Sometimes—” He winced, knowing what he was about to say would hurt. “You aren’t very good at catching ghosts.  And the part I want to have nothing to do with is the one where you cut ghosts up into pieces.”  He paused. “And I don’t know what happened after I got there.”  He did not specify where there was.  “I think the GIW had some kind of weapon?  I didn’t expect them there.  Anyway, there was a bright light, and the next thing I know, I’m out on the water.”
Alright.  He was leaving a bunch out, but the rest was still true.
“You’re still grounded.”
He felt heavy.  Whatever had kept him from making footprints on the ice had left him entirely. Or reversed itself.  Either way, stairs, such as the ones he had to climb to reach his room, felt like an imposition.  Nonetheless, he persevered.  
Right up until he collapsed on his bed, overcome with the unfairness of it all.  
“Hey,” whispered the monster that had taken up residence underneath his bed.  “Can I come out, now?”
“You’re clear,” mumbled Danny.
The monster, Phantom, phased up through the bed to lie on it next to Danny.  
“Where did they even get the Ghost Catcher?” he asked, aggrieved.  
“That’s what I’ve been trying to figure out!” replied Danny. “It doesn’t make any sense, and I can’t very well ask Mom and Dad about it.”
“Ugh.  We’re grounded, aren’t we?”
“I am.  You aren’t.” Danny pulled a face he hoped his other half would recognize from the outside.  “Be careful, though.  Your escape route is gone.”
“I will.  You need to find out how to get us back together.”
“I will,” said Danny.  “By the way, just after it happened, I think I still had access to some ghost powers.  I think I’m still a little, you know.  Not quite right.  It might be the other way around for you.”
“I’ll try and keep an eye on that,” said Phantom.  “It might be important.”
“Yeah,” agreed Danny.  “You should go, for now.  I’m pretty sure Mom and Dad are going to be checking on me all night, and if they see you…”
“Yeah.  I get it.”
Phantom bumped his head lightly against Danny’s.  “Nothing to be sorry about.  We both know what they’re like.  I’m going to patrol a bit, then I’ll probably go over to Sam or Tucker’s. In case you need me.”
“Sounds good,” said Danny.  “I’ll just… stay here.  Try to make the Ghost Catcher from scratch.”
“We have homework, too, while you’re at it,” said Phantom, halfway through the wall.  
Danny groaned and rolled over.  He would have to be careful about getting into the lab while he was grounded, and his parents were on high alert.  Perhaps he could convince his sister to cause a distraction?
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tomeandflickcorner · 4 years
Episode Review- The Real Ghostbusters: The Spirit of Aunt Lois
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Hmm.  For some reason, this episode seemed a bit shorter than normal.  Not sure why, because it was the same standard length as the other episodes.
It begins with the Ghostbusters returning to the Firehouse after a successful bust.  Though it was clearly a rough one, as their uniforms are visibly dirty, and Peter’s boots are covered in ectoplasmic slime.  When Egon and Winston head down to the basement with two smoking Ghost Traps in order to load the captured ghosts into the Containment Unit, Slimer apparently decides to troll Peter by hugging his leg, just as he was announcing his intention to head up to bed for some much-needed rest.  The sound of Peter screaming ends up being enough to cause Egon and Winston to emerge from the basement, just in time to see Peter trying to aim his Proton Pack at Slimer, who is essentially using a protesting Janine as a human shield.  (And yes, Slimer is really being a little stinker here, openly taunting Peter from behind Janine’s legs.)  Eventually, Egon is able to talk Peter down, reminding him that they need to keep Slimer around for scientific reasons, and that the little ghost could be their ticket to earning the Nobel Peace Prize.  As Slimer makes his escape by slipping up through the ceiling, Ray and Winston state that they’re sure Slimer will change, and that Peter has to have a little faith.
At that moment, a kind-looking older woman announces her presence, having stepped into the Firehouse while the guys were distracted. Upon seeing her, Ray greets her as Aunt Lois.  (Remember Ray previously mentioning her back in Mr. Sandman, Dream Me a Dream?  Now we get to put a face with a name.)  When the Ghostbusters step over to properly greet Ray’s aunt, she gifts them with a plate of Pirozhki.  For those of you who aren’t familiar with Pirozhki (I myself have never heard of it before writing this review), they’re baked or fried buns stuffed with a variety of fillings, and these filled buns are apparently a popular food offering in Russia. Yeah, this episode reveals that Ray’s family has some Russian ancestry. Which is slightly surprising, as I didn’t think Stantz was a Russian surname.  Maybe he’s Russian on his mother’s side, or his paternal grandmother’s family was Russian? I suppose it’s a possibility.
Anyway, Aunt Lois proceeds to invite the Ghostbusters to her home that evening.  At first, Ray states that they can’t make it as they have a job lined up at Museum of Modern Art, but Janine chimes in, informing them that the art museum had decided to cancel the appointment on account of a previous incident at the Guggenheim. I guess the Ghostbusters left a pretty big mess when they dealt with a bust at that particular museum and the curator of the Museum of Modern Art heard about it and didn’t want to risk something similar happening at his museum. So now that their schedule is all cleared up, the Ghostbusters are able to accept Aunt Lois’ invitation.  She informs them that she’s apparently been dealing with a series of headaches, and is convinced the cause of these headaches is spiritual in nature.  As such, she’s contacted a specialist to help resolve the issue.  Namely this TV spiritual medium called Dr. Bassingame. Aunt Lois is hoping the Ghostbusters will agree to come join Dr. Bassingame’s séance.  Upon hearing this, Ray is immediately ticked off, as he dismisses Dr. Bassingame as a snake oil salesman.  But Aunt Lois insists that he’s the real deal and begs them to come join the séance.  Ray is still visibly miffed about the whole thing, but Peter accepts the invitation.   After Aunt Lois leaves, Ray continues to vent about the matter, frustrated that his aunt would trust a quack like Dr. Bassingame.  To this, Egon reassures Ray that the worst thing that could happen is Dr. Bassingame would expose himself as a jerk and Aunt Lois would stop believing in him. And then, because the episode wanted to throw in a little more humor, we get to see Peter heading upstairs to get that nap he’d been planning on taking when they first returned to the Firehouse, and then screaming when he saw what Slimer did to his bed.
That evening, the Ghostbusters all arrive at Aunt Lois’ place in their Sunday best.  Aunt Lois’ home ends up being revealed as a fancy mansion that Ray states has been in the family for 100 years.  (So, does this mean Ray came from a rich family? Wow, I’m learning so much about him this episode.)  Aunt Lois leads the Ghostbusters through her mansion home into the dining room, where Dr. Bassingame is already hard at work setting up his equipment for the séance. And the episode wastes no time in portraying him as a slick con-artist, as even his voice comes across as slimy. And, in what was apparently meant to be a subtle jab at Filmmation’s Ghostbusters, Dr. Bassingame’s outfit is similar to the one worn by Jake Kong Jr. (Refer to my review of the episode Ghosts R Us if you want a refresher on the rivalry between the two shows.)  
As they enter the dining room and meet Dr. Bassingame, Egon pulls out his PKE Meter, which he’s brought with him for some reason.  He determines there is indeed a paranormal presence in the house, but it’s lying dormant.  Before he could figure out anything more, however, Dr. Bassingame instructs him to put away the PKE Meter, as they are only using his equipment that evening.  Egon complies with the request at Aunt Lois’ urging, and the séance begins. Right away, we’re shown that Dr. Bassingame is the con artist Ray thought him to be, as he’s secretly using some sort of switch panel positioned near his feet to activate a series of projectors and voice recorders to make it look as if a ghostly woman is appearing before them, beseeching Aunt Lois to help put her soul at rest. Dr. Bassingame’s ‘ghost woman’ begins to explain that a sum of money was supposed to be left to her, indicating that Dr. Bassingame is indeed trying to swindle Aunt Lois.
However, the fake séance is abruptly interrupted when a bunch of creatures appear in the dining room, with one of them cutting the tape on the voice recording reel, thereby disrupting the voice playback.  Acting quickly, Egon once again pulls out his PKE Meter, announcing the ghosts that had been dormant moments before have all woken up, no doubt a result of Dr. Bassingame’s interference.   Ray immediately offers to help put a stop to things by fetching their Proton Packs, but Aunt Lois insists that Dr. Bassingame can handle it, her faith in him still not swayed.  Dr. Bassingame states that he can indeed settle the matter, but insists the Ghostbusters step out into the hall to let him work.  Of course, not a minute goes by before the doors fly open again, and Dr. Bassingame gets thrown out into the hall by the rampaging ghosts.  Meaning Aunt Lois is now trapped inside the dining room by herself.  When the Ghostbusters all run in to try and help her themselves, they all end up getting blown out of the house completely.
In order to figure out what to do now, the Ghostbusters gather around the Ecto-1 to come up with a plan.  Egon consults his copy of Tobin’s Sprit Guide while cross-checking the family history information Ray provides him with.  Namely that his family came over to America from Russia in the 1860s. With that information, Egon is able to determine that they’re dealing with Domoviye, which are a type of Russian spirit that are usually tied to a household and do their best to make things go right.  In other words, they’re supposed to be helpful ghosts.  Unless they’re provoked, which is what happened when Dr. Bassingame attempted his phony séance.  The Domoviye considered it a direct insult to everything they stood for and therefore became violent.  
With that in mind, the Ghostbusters decide the best course of action is to hold another séance, so the Domoviye will direct their attention onto them instead of Aunt Lois, who is still trapped in the dining room.  They even try to rope the highly reluctant Dr. Bassingame to lead the second séance, but the creep chickens out and dives for cover almost instantly.  So the Ghostbusters, in the hopes of making the Domoviye believe the séance is still going on, start chanting out the first random things they could think of.  Peter and Ray begin singing 99 Bottles of Beer, Egon, being Egon, starts rambling out various mathematic rules such as the Pythagorean theorem, and Winston…. Um….. Yeah, I’m not really sure what he’s doing.  He’s just saying ‘Ghost, get out of my face, ha!’ Apparently, he was trying to imitate James Brown, an American singer and songwriter who was a major figure of 20th century music and dance and is often referred to as the Godfather of Soul.  Kinda feel bad I never really heard of him before, but then again, I don’t really follow music that closely.
In any event, this ends up working, and Aunt Lois is able to safely make it out of the dining room and back into the hall.  At first, the Ghostbusters are left wondering why the Domoviye didn’t follow them out into the hall as well, but Egon reminds them that they’re location spirits and therefore are tied to that specific room. However, they then hear Dr. Bassingame’s yells, revealing that he’s still in the dining room.  Even though the Ghostbusters know Dr. Bassingame probably deserves whatever he’s getting right now, they decide they really should do the decent thing and get him out of there.  Ray asks Aunt Lois if she’ll allow them to fetch their Ghostbusting gear now.  This time, she agrees, apologizing to Ray and announcing that it’s probably best to leave it to them, as they know best.
So the Ghostbusters gear up and return to the dining room, where they proceed to successfully trap all the Domoviye.  Which I admit makes me feel pretty sorry for the Domoviye.  It was established earlier that these were helpful ghosts and they were only acting up because they were angered.  It just seems to me that there had to have been a better solution to the problem than simply trapping them.  But I suppose I really shouldn’t expect too much from a 20 minute episode.  And for all we know, the Ghostbusters later released them after they calmed down a bit. Anyway, when Aunt Lois cautiously reenters the dining room after the last ghost has been trapped, it becomes clear that the combined antics of the Domoviye and the Ghostbusters attempts and catching them left a pretty big mess in the dining room.  The Ghostbusters apologize for the mess, but Aunt Lois reassures them that the Domoviye caused most of the damages.
Of course, there’s still the matter of Dr. Bassingame, who takes this chance to announce he still expects payment for his services.  Upon hearing this, Aunt Lois becomes incensed, appalled that he has the gall to demand payment when it was his actions that led to her dining room getting destroyed.  Dr. Bassingame, however, doesn’t bat an eye and shows her the contract that she’d signed earlier, which clearly states that he was not liable for any damages that resulted from spiritual work on the premises.  Obviously, this was clearly a low handed tactic meant to make us dislike this guy even more, but I am wondering how the Ghostbusters typically handle things when their Ghostbusting actions cause sizable damages. Don’t forget, it was stated earlier in the episode that they did leave a mess behind at the Guggenheim.  So do they take a similar stance as Dr. Bassingame in regards to damages that occur during busts, or do they include a complementary discount on the bill?  Either way, I guess it doesn’t really matter in this case, as Peter and Ray are able to blackmail him into essentially ripping up the contract by threatening to find out where he lives and releasing all the Domoviye there.  This does the trick, and Dr. Bassingame writes out a check for Aunt Lois.  Of course, it then turns out that Aunt Lois might have a vindictive side to her, in spite of the sweet old lady persona she’s been displaying throughout the episode, for she chooses to not warn him that a single Domovoy has decided to hitch a ride on his back.  Which I guess is meant to indicate that this particular Domovoy will end up following Dr. Bassingame home, where it will continue to terrorize him.  Though this doesn’t make much sense, as it was clearly stated earlier that the Domoviye were tied to Aunt Lois’ dining room.  So how was this one remaining Domovoy able to leave with Dr. Bassingame?  And even if this was possible, the Domoviye were supposed to be peaceful unless angered. So if this Domovoy took up residence in Dr. Bassingame’s place, wouldn’t it simply settle down and become the dormant, docile ghost it was supposed to be?  Because I doubt Dr. Bassingame typically hosts fake séances at his place.
So, while the ending of this episode does leave you with some lingering questions, the story as a whole was still enjoyable.  And it does present a subtle moral about trusting TV spiritualists, mediums and psychics.  Because the world sadly is full of people like Dr. Bassingame, who go on TV pretending that they can communicate with ghosts and spirits by relying on cold readings in order to make a quick buck, and have no qualms about scamming people who are grieving the death of a loved one.  In fact, John Oliver did a segment on these scam artists, which you can find on YouTube.  It’s well worth a watch, especially because you get to see some of these so-called ‘psychics’ get caught in their lies.  However, I am wondering about one thing.  Aunt Lois stated at the start of the episode that she was experiencing headaches. Well, Dr. Bassingame clearly made her believe spiritual activity was causing the headaches, but since he was a con artist the whole time, then… does that mean that Aunt Lois might be suffering from some sort of medical issue?  Because if the headaches were happening frequently enough that Aunt Lois would actually seek him out in the first place, that might be an indication that something could be wrong with her physiologically.  Then again, we’re clearly not supposed to read too much into these episodes, so she was probably just suffering an ordinary headache.
(Click here for more Ghostbusters reviews)
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fashionoutfit6 · 6 years
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Do you have talent for triathlon? for swimming? for cycling or running? Read and compare yourself with elite level athletes. I presented a seminar about triathlon #talent few years ago. This article is summary of that. Please ask if you have any question. #Triathletes compete in three #sports often over ultra #endurance distances. Physical and physiological characteristics that are a blend of those seen in endurance #swimming , #cycling and #running specialists. This does not imply that all successful triathletes will be the same shape and size! AgeAverage age of #triathlon 2012 #Olympics :  3220 best #athletes of #Ironman:  40In 1994 Jim Ward (age 77) could complete the Ironman (16hrs, 48 mins) Height#Elite triathletes are generally tall, of average to light weight and have low levels of body fat.Both elite and sub-elite male triathletes are similar in height to specialist #cyclists , but tend to be taller than the specialist #runners and shorter than specialist distance #swimmers . WeightMale triathletes are similar in weight to elite cyclists but weigh less than swimmers and more than runnersTriathletes: ecto mesomorphIronman:  meso ectomorphSuccess in sports is a combination of genetic, environmental conditions, psychological desire and condition and specialized training. Somatotype is probably one of the factors that predispose the individual to potentially high achievement. The body mass of elite male triathletes has been reported to range between 65 and 75 kg. Body #fatBody fat values ranged between 5% and 11.3% for males and 7.4% and 17.2% for females.#Body fat percentages of triathletes most closely resemble those of cyclists.Elite male distance runners range from 3% – 5% body fat. For successful #swimming outcome The “segmental lengths” factor is important for performance prediction as these body measurements are directly related to the motor processes of stride, stroke length and frequency, where long limbs allow for greater economy of effort. Among athletes, swimmers are taller and heavier. successful distance swimmers being smaller and lighter than swimmers in shorter distances such as #100m and #200m events. The open water swimmers(5km-25km) were shorter and lighter than the pool swimmers. #VO2maxThe average VO2max for elite male triathletes 72.0 ± 3 ml.min.kg-1Swimming performance was not however significantly related to swimming VO2max therefore stroke mechanics and efficiency are presumably a more important determinant of swimming performance than VO2max. Middle distance swimming is a function of both aerobic capacity and exercise efficiency. Highly trained male and female swimmers have been reported to have VO2max values ranging from 50 – 75 ml.min.kg-1 and 45 – 65 ml.min.kg-1 Mean values of VO2max for 23 world-class male competitive cyclists in the US national team (1980) were reported to be 74,0 + 8,3 mlO2.min.kg-1. Elite cyclists are categorized by high VO2max values even higher than triathletes.VO2max values of Ironman were equal to or greater than those of swimmers and somewhat less than what is typical of elite cyclists and runners. Have questions about this?Comment below and I’ll answer them!
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