#Feel free to comment
yukinon-writes · 1 year
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a-grayscale · 26 days
Okay hear me out on this one, you know how during your run ins with the bishops during Crusades and such during the game they all seem relatively okay despite their injuries? (Relatively as in they’re definitely not actually okay, but they can still function just fine) Is it just me, or is that relative okayness most definitely because the crowns helped hold them together?
Like, the most obvious example of this I can think of would be Heket being able to speak during our encounters with her despite not having her throat. I feel like it’s pretty obviously the case there, right? The crown is allowing her to speak through it. I think that the other crowns allowed the bishops to function with their injuries by sorta holding them all together in godhood, yeah? We on the same page there?
Okay, hear me out. Narinder has serious, possibly chronic pain in his arms and probably also legs.
I mean, the guy was chained in place for a thousand years, there’s no way that’s not painful. More on that, considering we don’t know exactly HOW MUCH leeway those chains had(it’s obviously not a lot, but we don’t know if there was any at all or if it was one or two possible positions ever for 1000 years) there’s a good chance his bones and muscles and the ligaments and everything weakened over time to the point of being really fragile and brittle. We don’t know if he always had skeletal arms, maybe that was a symptom?
What does this have to do with the crowns holding the bishops injuries together? Well, what if the reason he didn’t move a whole lot during the boss battle was because he didn’t have his crown and thus, was in a lot of pain? I mean, we’ve all seen the boss battle, the dude hits hard but it’s almost always with chains or fire, or summoning enemies while he floats around. What if that’s because he hurt too much to move any more?
I think that’d add a really interesting dynamic between him and his desire for the crown, as well as his dynamic with the cult as a whole. A big reason he might want the crown back is because it helped dull the pain it’s bearer felt, just as the other crowns did to keep their respective bearers from falling apart.
I think it’d affect his dynamic and relationships within the cult because, like the other bishops post indoctrination, he wouldn’t have the luxury of a magic crown that helped with the pain. I’m not too familiar with chronic pain, but from what I’ve heard and seen and been told, it fucking sucks. I can’t imagine Narinder’s being any less sucky, at least not for a long long LOOOONG time. And when I say long time, I mean LOOONG TIME.
I think it’d also affect his relationships with say, the other bishops for example. Not to say that everything about them isn’t an absolute MESS already, cause it absolutely is, but I think they’d all feel at least a little guilty about the injuries they caused each other, even if they don’t admit it aloud. I mean, I’m no emotional undertones expert, but some of the dialogue leads me to believe they still at least CARE about each other somewhat as family. (Mostly mean Shamura’s dialogue during their bishop encounters, Narinder’s dialogue when receiving the silk from silk cradle, and Leshy’s line still calling Narinder his brother when asking the Lamb to retrieve his eye) Again, I’m no expert on feelings so I might be wrong here, but if you care about someone who you see is hurting, hurting BECAUSE OF YOU… I mean, even if it was self defense I’d still feel pretty fucking guilty personally, so there’s a good chance they’d probably feel the same.
I also think this pain Narinder has could affect his relationship with the Lamb(regardless of if you ship them or not, I do personally but you do you boo <3) I mean, they ARE still the leader of the flock. Narinder is now part of said flock. So he really is their responsibility. I feel like it would be a learning curve for both of them to at least SOME degree. Narinder hasn’t been without a crown that can dull the sense of pain until now so he probably doesn’t know wtf to do, and while The Lamb might have more experience from helping their followers who could also have had chronic issues, they’d still be pretty in the dark about it. I think it’d be a rough but necessary road for them both to cross in order to understand and help Narinder.
But this is all just head canon talk, so it might not matter. Idk but I hope it was interesting at least, or that it helped form some lovely little brainworms! Goodbyyyeeeee-
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sea-blue-heart · 8 months
break seeking redemption for the deaths he caused and ultimately finding solace in sharon/reim/the other leads. oz searching for a way to kill himself to absolve his guilt over existing and ultimately finding self-actualization through his bonds with his loved ones. vincent convinced he needs to erase himself because he cannot stand to exist as a person who causes suffering by just being alive, and ada (an outsider) forgiving him for being. AND THEN. paradoxically first and last, lacie asking her brother (and, in a way, the reader) to forgive her for what she’s done. because pandora hearts is about how nothing is ever going to change until the children of ill omen are absolved of their ‘crime’. it’s okay that they were alive. they did not deserve their oppression. they did not deserve to suffer.
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motleybirdbones · 11 months
Hey tumblr, I know it’s been a Hot Minute since I last posted, but I Need Your Advice/any critiques you have to offer on these wips -
For context, I am putting together a Tutorial on Wolves/werewolves for a friend of mine (who is a fellow artist and is also probably viewing this 👋) and here are some of the wips I have put together thus far:
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I am planning to draw at least double this amount and do a tonne of Cleanup, but in the meantime is there anything obvious that needs to be fixed/do you believe any of this would be Tutorial worthy?
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jobrrr · 3 months
Even in the Next One - Chapter 6, Stumbling Around
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Stuff is on a roll in this one, it's a busy for day for Rei as Claire takes her from one thing to the next, a trip to the Clinic for Catherine, shopping for dapper clothes and then schmoozing at a bar party. It's a long one and plot pushes forward.
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ktskibkg0 · 3 months
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Position talk ;p
Okay so I truly feel like only a handful are viable. No karma sutra craziness here lol no pretzeling.
I'm just gonna shoot from the hip and you can add and discus as you'd like <3
Doggy is always a good go to for alot of reasons. I'm a lover of the body and it gives me a wonderful view of ass, back muscles, movements I soak up the little details! Plus being able to put my body weight down and really rutt into someone is other worldly. Not to mention the things they/I can do from the bottom (disclaimer I have yet to have the pleasure of bottoming or really ventured into that space unfortunately). I'm a sucker for matching the rhythm of the thrusts, pushing back onto them ugh!!! Reaching back and feeling them up, making out from behind all of it!
I'm also a big sucker for being ridden like just letting me lay back and be used and enjoyed while I get to absolutely admire and worship your body! Like I said details details details I'm looking at all of them, also hip grabbing no matter the position is the best thing to ever be ever. Reverse isn't something I've had any real experience with outside seeing other people do it but fuck if it wouldn't absolutely melt my brain. I'm a horny mess as it is so you give me anything and I'm absolutely addicted.
Oh oh oh big fan of bigspoon, littlespoon cuddleducking oh gods do I love that!!!! Cuddling on the couch and watching TV and suddenly pulling your bottoms down and slowly fucking them while hands roam bodies gods take me now lol. I truly am a slut and will match your horny energy as best I can!
Anywhere for the most part is game for me I'm not super shy when we get me to that comfort level. Whatever position we need to pull off to make whatever space we are in to work I'm 100000% down. Hell I know alpg of people consider 69ing to be impractical but holy hells do I absolutely love someone putting their weight down on me and letting me enjoy a full meal! Head is something for me that is so interesting to me, I haven't really had it done much at all to me. The partners I have/had just didn't have the want to reciprocate or even the desire to give me that solo pleasure. So I have this sorta obsession with it lol.
Mim a service switch so I'll do what you want me to lol.
Throwing legs over shoulders is always super fun! Like full mating press! (Breeding kink goes burr) I really tiptoe into the few sexual encounters I've had because I can become so ravenous with partners. I love sex so much and if you have that same energy I can't keep my hands off you. I just lose myself in it.
Oh another one that just came to mind but any form of standing/carrying positions!! While difficult at times oh gods does it do something to me. Like I always imagine someone standing behind me or vise versa perking me off and whispering just the dirtiest things.
Speaking of dont let anyone tell you hand stuff isn't worth doing! I use to be on that boat but I was fooling myself. Touch me, kiss me, lick me, suck me, bite me I do not care just as long as you make me yours!! Like if you actively show me that you want me physically I'm over the moon!
Not a position per se but texting, pics, phone sex definitely counts in my book. Super into it! Long distance relationships are something I have no issue with whatsoever, I will make time for you as much as I can :p. Finding ways to keep that flair alive is so so fun! You just get so innovative with ways to please your partner!! Ugh I'll for sure have to do a part 2 to this or if people respond I'll just continue talling there im on Like 2hrs sleep in 48hrs (sleepy sex is my favorite as well lol)
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cistematicchaos · 6 months
I think it's fucked that when I got semi-outed to my mom, it was essentially decided by my mom that I was "too ill" to really get into "gender stuff" rn and now I've kinda pushed it all away. I haven't even told my new therapist I'm trans or my pronouns.
It's not that I think she's altogether wrong. I'm disabled, we don't know exactly what's wrong with me, I'm in a lot of pain, it'd be hard to look into gender-related healthcare shit. But it wasn't my decision and it fucked with me. She didn't even ask my pronouns or anything and I just kind of...quit interacting with gender, in a way.
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timetakeswords · 6 months
I'm so frustrated.
I get why Language learning is the first thing to get neglected whenever my brain goes back to depressionland. It's hard, it's frustrating, I'm shit at it even when I'm running on full capacity. Also it's something I purely do for fun(tm) and so there is no other, deeper incentive to keep at it whenever it gets hard to even leave the bed. This alone is frustrating enough, especially with this latest fallout running for more than a year now (this year has been very very bad for my continued existence x_x), but I'm kinda used to it. It sucks to have to start over all the time, but oh well. At least I'm still going.
Which is where my current frustrations are coming in.
See, with working on Mental Health stuff the last couple months, a lot has happened re priorieties and where my limited motivation/energy is needed more. And with spending more time on art, better social integration and (potential) new hobbies it constantly feels like there is just no time/energy left to grapple with being shit at vocab.
And that sucks!
I know part of it comes from lack of smooth access. I've relegated language and writing actitvities to the laptop cause I can't figure out how to do both art and typing on the desktop without fucking up my spine.
But I can ALSO not figure out how to integrate "Chill on laptop" into my overall workflow in a way that doesn't make me deeply anxious (cause there are more important things I gotta be doing!!!). And when I do spontanously find a way to switch over devices, I'm faced with the choices of: Wanna read? Wanna smash your blorbos together like dolls? Wanna see how utterly stupid you are for not remembering 東京?
Guess which of these tends to lose x_x
Idk, I recently remembered that I was able to clumsily talk to people on  Tandem and now I get excited when I manage to recall basics. And part of me wants to just give up on this completely cause it's not worth the frustration and the time could be spent better on other things. Just gotta accept that languages are just not my thing and find something else to do.
Otherwise I have this laying around my to do things while not actually doing it properly(tm) and hhhhhh have a constant "you suck" reminder is what I'm trying to avoid having tbh
But also I don't wanna. I love languages too much and there is this chance that my motivation Pool increases and I've got time to learn more again as I'm improving things overall
Just....right now I hate it here :/
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katariinasworld · 8 months
OMG im in the train and thinking about Lookism (of course) ! When an idea just popped up in my little brain. Idk if someone already has that theory but I didn’t see it anyways !
What if James Lee our love DG is Jake’s brother?
Jinyoung said that it was the son of Gapryoung (I seriously can’t write but that Jake father) who killed him and since it’s not Jake who did it means it’s his half brother and when we saw a little bit of him why not ?
Plus we know that DG did something terrible and killed someone and I think they clearly showed it was Jake’s father. Since then Charles Choi is threatening him to expose his a$$.
So what if ?
Thank you for reading this and pls feel free to comment or just talk about lookism I love this ❤️❤️ (and sorry if I misspelled some words)
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ilovehotfood1999 · 1 month
I might start to take requests for drawing
I’m not that good at art and I have problems with body proportions, hands, legs etc. (you can spot a few problems in my posts..) but I will try my best and I will put twice as much time into it as I do normally.. I take requests mainly inspired by the band KISS.. The main reason that I’m doing this is because I genuinely enjoy drawing if someone tells me what to do exactly.. It can be any theme, time period, scenario or gender swap.. I don’t mind anything really as long as it’s not a really weird fetishy thing.. I will be happy to draw whatever you might want me to :3
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deisbookofdemons · 2 months
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"Oh there's going to be an Eclipse today!"
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"̸H̴o̸w̴ ̷f̵u̶n̴.̶"̷
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paralysnooze · 6 months
I'm pretty new with the Dr Who fandom and I just feel like this series is just for me! But what to know and when to start? Hmmmm.. Can you guys tells me some tips or reccomendations or just some few fun lore as a new/ beginner whovian?
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genottr · 2 years
Art question. I’m trying to help a friend who’s trying to make it as an artist, but she gets little to nonattention and her art isn’t bad by any means. What advice would you have that could her?
Ah, this is a pretty tough question. Even I struggled with this when I first started posting online.
It's taken me some time to get to where I am, but the best advice that I can give is to keep drawing and keep posting. It may also help to learn how to curate your social media by learning:
optimal times to post for the most engagement (according to your timezone)
how to properly tag your work so people can see it
using proper phrasing for your posts (you can explain your process or just give a short blurb, just make sure it's easy for people to understand)
Social media apps are still a tool artists have at their disposal, so it doesn't hurt to learn how to use them efficiently.
Don't be afraid to put your original work out there! whether it be comics, original characters, animation materials, or just the roughest of sketches and WIPS! it's a good way to build a relationship with the people following you.
I am not sure if they do fan art, but it's one way to get "noticed" so to speak. Drawing fan art is fun for a few reasons because
people will also share an interest in what you like
it's a good way for people to understand your influences
it's also a good way to study other styles as a learning tool
Also, my one thing is that it's okay to step outside your comfort zone! but make a body of work or work on projects that speak to you as a person. Don't just make the content you think people will like, do the things that you will enjoy or care about as well. Art touches people in different ways and people can really connect to the person behind the artwork this way.
I know this is a bit general, but it's a principle I like to adhere to as I've been drawing for a long time. I hope this helps!
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wolf-with-moxie · 8 months
Chapters: 2/?
Fandom: LEGO Monkie Kid, Xi You Ji | Journey to the West - Wu Cheng'en Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Liu Er Mihou | Six-eared Macaque/Sun Wukong | Monkey King Characters: Sun Wukong | Monkey King, Liu Er Mihou | Six-eared Macaque, Jade Emperor (Monkie Kid), Tai Bai Jin Xing | Gold Star of Venus, Monkeys of Hua Guo Shan | The Mountain of Flowers and Fruit Additional Tags: Angst with a Happy Ending, Stockholm Syndrome, Neglect, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Animal Abuse, Protective Liu Er Mihou | Six-eared Macaque, Monkeys, Mental Breakdown, Touch-Starved Sun Wukong | Monkey King, Sun Wukong | Monkey King Needs a Hug, Traumatized Sun Wukong | Monkey King, Emotional Manipulation, Conditioning, Sleep Deprivation, Author Is Sleep Deprived, The Author Regrets Nothing, Hurt Sun Wukong | Monkey King Summary:
AU. After being freed from the furnace, the heavens detained the Monkey King before he could cause more chaos. Unsure of what to do to get rid of him, someone suggested the opposite. Instead of trying to get rid of Sun Wukong, why not make him completely reliant on the Heavens instead? Take away his freedom, and only give it back piece by piece when they see fit. Trapped in a beautiful garden, Sun Wukong slowly loses himself, hopefully with the help of the Six Eared Macaque can he remember who he is.
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nelson-riddle-me-this · 9 months
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