adellovesrowan · 1 year
YOU CANT JUST POST BANGER ART AND NOT EXPECT US TO WANT A DETAILED ANALYSIS OF THEIR LORE, CHARACTER ARCS AND STORYLINES (jk jk no pressure obv and this is all lighthearted but i'd LOVE to hear you out on the death is life au)
ok well. permission to ramble just a bit JDHDKJS
in case anyones new or couldnt tell, the characters here are rowan (they/them pls !) and adel (my mc, she/her)
both grew up very lonely. adel had no one back home but herself, and rowan had a huge family who all collectively look down on them. these two found each other and suddenly the world feels a little lighter and brighter. theyr inseparable
adel grew up not knowing about the genetical curse she has from her (dead) mother, called the suanggi. its a spiritual parasite that is acquired by a ritual, and unfortunately it passes genetically. its a parasite because the curse works by touching the target and absorbing the magic in them for yourself, rendering them weak and helpless. like a vampire for a wizard's magic.
the khannas have this tradition for their firstborn babies, where a tree from their tree farm "calls" for the firstborn baby, like a wand calling for their owner, and that tree shall later provide wood for the firstborn's wand and also be their name.
the rowan tree that called for rowan happens to contain magic so strong that unusual sparks of magic formed when baby rowan touched the wood. rowan wands are known for its accurate protection magic, and exclusively wielded by good-hearted protectors. just like how rowan protected their friends :)
rowan has always been there for adel, but slowly adel starts drifting away. and rowan misses her so much that it hurts. its like a limb being slowly torn away from their body. one night in a forest grove, rowan took a bullet for adel and her friends and died to save them. the magic from the rowan tree prevented rowan from completely dying, but they are also not completely alive. a ghost, if you will.
adel was absolutely destroyed. like i can write pages about her grief but basically her world will never be the same anymore. she leaves the forest, not knowing that rowan has been trying to talk to her. but she cant hear them from the other side of this plane of existence. they have nowhere else to go.
rowans glowing tree branch looking scars are thanks to the magic of the rowan tree. but as rowan died, so did the rowan tree back in the khanna farms. one of the khannas saw the tree rapidly dying and losing its magic, and no one knew what it meant except for rowans grandmother, who needed time to process such an early death of her own.
adel later finds her brother who she longed for. she fought and sacrificed so much to find him, if only to find a sense of normalcy and love by bringing him back. but her brother forced out the curse in her and attempted to kill her. by hugging her. which is fucked up and it drives me insane bc thats the one thing adel has longed for for years and once she gets it she will die bc of it
but her unstable suanggi allows the magic to fuck up the absorbtion, causing her brother to die instead via magic explosion from absorbing too much of the same suanggi magic. hence the blood splattes in adels piece. adels once again left completely alone in this world. she has nowhere else to go.
rowan could not leave the tree they died beside. for a year or so, theyve just been roaming the forest grove all alone, hoping for company. but ever since their death, no students were allowed to go to that area, once again leaving them a lonely spirit in this world.
until their spirit sensed a great loss that they cant understand. it pulls them down to the ground as they hurt and wail, haunting the forest with their cries of grief.
hearing rowans cries, adel immediately flew to the forest grove, a place she actively avoided ever since that night. rowan immediately sensed adels presence, and adel (no longer mortal) could finally see them. upon seeing each other again, both realise they do have somewhere to go.
no one knows what happened to adel, as she was kidnapped by r and the whole thing happened. and no one knew how adel basically died that night. search parties were sent out, but no one knows that she remains in the deeper parts of the forbidden forest with her partner, both mourned over but are quite alive together.
as a ghost, rowan cant touch anything. which saddens them a lot when they tried to hold a feather quill that went straight through them. they will heavily miss writing and reading and feeling adels arms and hugs and. a lot of things
but being with adel helps them. not just emotionally but also bc adels presence as a suanggi attracts the magic in the forest and it comes gathering around their little hut like a fog. and being around such thick magic helps rowan slowly regain a more tangible form.
its been a few years since they both reunited, and rowan never stopped practicing and hoping they can finally hold this quill. sometimes they get upset and frustrated, but adels always there to help them calm down.
one day, rowan got to feel adels warmth again.
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