#George did NOT have to go this hard when writing about them but I am so glad that he did
fromtheseventhhell · 3 months
"I have no sister." The words were knives. What do you know of my heart, priestess? What do you know of my sister? | Jon VI
--metaphorical knives at feigning neutrality regarding his sister
Jon fell to his knees. He found the dagger's hilt and wrenched it free. In the cold night air the wound was smoking. "Ghost," he whispered. Pain washed over him. Stick them with the pointy end. When the third dagger took him between the shoulder blades, he gave a grunt and fell face-first into the snow. He never felt the fourth knife. Only the cold... | Jon XIII
--literal knives from breaking that neutrality to save her
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disneyprincemuke · 5 months
"wanna hang out?" * ls2
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it's never fun feeling like an outsider, so you'd sworn that nobody would ever feel the way you did all those years ago
pairings: logan sargeant x platonic fem!driver
notes: also nothing to do with vr, but ON GOD I'VE GOT SOMETHING PLANNED WITH THEM I- i am also making this a mini series, because i cant physically sit down and write anything too long because this ask was very long and i simply can't not break it down into parts im sorry anon i love you
| "wanna hang out?" | driver's parade | american burgers | american football | the thanksgiving incident | another williams adoptee | beating the heat | you’re embarrassing me | santa baby | the favourite driver | the situationship | it's nice to have a friend |
"mate, just go up and him and say 'hi'. it's not that hard."
"i know, but i'm scared."
"scared? he's a 22-year-old. he won't bite you."
"you don't know that!"
"he's a really nice kid. just go up to him and ask him if he wants to hang out."
"okay, but only if you come with me?"
"you're a fully grown adult! you don't need me with you to play matchmaker to get a new friend."
"please, george? i'm asking you this one favour."
"no can do. look! there he is! go!"
that's the last thing you hear before you are rudely shoved out of alex's driver's room. you press your lips together into a thin line, fists balled by your side as you hear george close the door behind you. you knew hanging out with george in alex's room without alex is stupid.
you had simply noticed the american rookie quietly following the thai driver around, not making many conversations with other drivers during the pre-season test a couple of weeks ago. while you're very well equipped with making friends and incorporating yourself with the rest of your colleagues, logan seemed to be one of the people you found quite difficult to approach.
not because he's unapproachable. simply because he is also very quiet and reserved on his own. once upon a time, when you first joined formula 1 as the only woman on the grid, you were good friends with charles. that was before you had drifted apart amidst all the outright comparisons everyone would make, and eventually, you had fallen into his shadow while he achieved greater things in the sport.
you had learned to find solace in your own company for about a year or so, only speaking to whoever spoke to you. it wasn't until things started falling into place when toto wolff had picked you to race with mercedes, following lewis hamilton's retirement in 2021 after failing to secure himself a championship.
logan, who has just finished his climb up the stairs, flashes you a friendly smile as he fiddles with his keys. "hey," he greets you, before abruptly turning to unlock the door to his driver's room.
"hi," you smile, awkwardly wiping your palms against the material of your shorts. "i haven't had the chance to properly introduce myself to you. i'm (y/n)."
he pushes his door open, craning his neck to acknowledge you. "i know. i've been a big fan since you joined the sport," he glances elsewhere before meeting your eyes again, "i'm logan?"
"right, we already know that," you sigh, shaking your head. you take a step forward, maintaining your distance from the entrance of his driver's room. you don't want to wind up overstepping your welcome. "um, well, welcome to formula 1."
he smiles at you, slightly more genuine this time. you watch as he puts his bag down by the door. "thank you."
"no problem." you bite on the inside of your cheek, turning around to open the door to alex's driver's room. you hear the door creaking behind you, and you vaguely remember that all this awkward conversation wasn't initiated for nothing.
you turn back around and try to hold the door open. your palm meets the door, logan flinching back in surprise as you tilt your head to peek up at him. "have you had your lunch yet?"
he shakes his head. "why?"
"george and i are waiting for alex to finish his meeting with james before we go and grab lunch somewhere in the paddocks," you smile. "wanna hang out?"
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adventuringblind · 11 months
If you’re still taking requests, can you please write a wolff!reader x charles leclerc fic? And they’re secretly engaged and in love and toto finds out and he doesn’t want them together and tries to break them up. Maybe they break up for toto and then he sees how sad they are w/o each other and how happy they were together? Angst to fluff and happy ending please 😭💕💕 Tysmmm i love your work sm
Romeo and Juliet
Charles Leclerc X Wolff!Reader
Genre: ANGST lots of it but a happy fluffy ending
Request: yes, and forbidden love? Yes please! Sorry if this is darker then you were thinking… I got a little carried away 😅. I am open for requests! Mainly for Max, Charles, Oscar, Lando, Daniel, and George.
Summary: Reader and Charles are in love. Unfortunately for them, Toto is determined to keep them apart.
Warnings: Angry Toto, sad reader, Charles trying to problem solve. MENTIONS OF SH but not description of it, MENTIONS OF SUICIDAL IDEATION but again nothing descriptive, bullying and toxic media.
Notes: written in third person. Please like, comment, and reblog. I like to hear from y'all. It makes me feel like a celebrity 🥹.
Also, I've sent up my account to let tips be enabled. I was debating whether or not to say this because i dont want to sound like im begging, but frankly, people opinions do not matter me me. If you like my writing and want to support me, please consider tipping my posts or my blog. I put a lot of effort into my writing, and it would mean the world to me. Obviously, I won't have my feelings hurt if you ignor this, but I wanted to put it out there.
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She’d never been quite sure how it happened. How she managed to find her soulmate. The two are meant for each other. The only downside is that she is living a Romeo and Juliet parody.
Being a Wolff meant spending majority of her time around the race track or at the factory. From the time she was little, she was following her dad around.
Toto never had any hard and fast rules regarding being friends with people from other teams. He couldn’t stop her from being friends with those she spent majority of her time around. He did, however, have rules about dating. Mainly not to date a driver and if she was then he would allow a Mercedes driver.
So her options were Lewis and George. She liked both, but not in any romantic way. They are her brothers. She annoys them and them tease her and she wouldn’t have it any other way.
Her and Charles had been friends since he first started with AlfaRomeo. The two clicked instantly and talked constantly. She was the first person he looked for after a good race or a bad one. He was her everything and she was his.
Four years later they started dating. Secretly, of course, because she didn’t want her dad smashing anymore headphones. They made it work and were willing to do what it took.
It helped that she already lived in Monaco since that’s where majority of her friends lived. It made sense why they would ‘run into each other’ so often since they live in a small place.
George found out by accident right before a race. He’d found her phone in the ground. It had fallen out of her pocket and she’d not noticed. When she had noted it’s disappearance, she tried to locate it by calling it with Charles phone.
George took one look at the caller ID and knew. The less then friendly contact name, mix of heart emoji’s, and Charles contact photo gave it away. He answered anyways. If Charles knew where she was then at least he could give her phone back.
“Hello, this is George.” He only got silence in return. “Hello…?”
“Please tell me you didn’t see the called name.” Came her voice from the other end. The desperation in your voice making him chuckle. He was never going to let her live this down.
“Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me. Now can you please come get your phone.”
The two lovebirds were able to make more things work after. Being able to have George cover form them helped immensely. Dates became more frequent. Places they wouldn’t normally go were suddenly a possibility.
Lewis caught on eventually. He saw right past the sheepish smiles of George and Y/N. While she was sneaking back in the garage through George’s driver room.
Between George and Lewis the teasing only escalated, but the two of them were the best possible wingmen she could have asked for. They managed to distract her father away when she was cutting things close.
It didn’t last forever though. The ending of Romeo and Juliet isn’t a happy one.
Someone had managed to take a picture of them kissing. It was a cute picture. Charles kissing her on what was supposed to be a private beach during the sunset. A picture that she woke up to circling the medial faster that the cars on race day.
Charles woke up to her rapid breathing. Her phone lighting up the dark room with constant notifications. Charles wrapped his arms around her. “It’s alright amour. We’ll figure this out on day at a time.
Things were weird after that. She clung to Charles as she was ripped to shred by the media, the fans, and her father.
She was being called a traitor to her fathers team. Her father had labeled her disrespectful. It was an utter nightmare.
The two Mercedes boys stood protectively behind her. Toto’s voice getting louder by the second. She was still sitting in the chair opposite his. Her eyes downcast to the lightly colored desk.
“I don’t understand why you chose him. A rival team! How do I know your not telling him everything about our operations?” Toto’s voice was laced with venom. This arms waving around to exaggerate his point.
“Because I love him. And I would never do that to you.” She wanted to stay strong, but the tears were threatening to spill over.
“I don’t want to see you back here until you two are broken up.” He turned his back to her.
She quickly exited, George following close behind her. Lewis remained in the office.
“I think you’re being too hard on her.” Lewis pointed out. Still leaning in the wall close to the door. His arms crossed over his chest, staring at the team principal he holds immense respect for.
“Aren’t you concerned at all?”
“No, she loves her family to much to do anything like that.” Then he left. Finding the girl he considered his sister clinging to George’s shirt.
Both of them had seen the comments. Both had been asked about it during interviews. Both had told their fans to leave her alone. It hurt both of them to see how people were treating her. The names they felt no remorse for spewing. It made them sick.
Charles’ fans were not any better. He hated seeing them tell her nasty things. Spreading rumors they knew nothing about.
He’d tried reassuring her constantly that she is his everything, but he knew she was losing her family. The last thing he wanted to happen. He wanted to protect her from this. Guilt wracking his body because he felt powerless to do anything.
When he found her that day, sobs wracking her body as she went to find him, he knew how he could help her. The last option either of them wanted.
“I love you so much.” He said, cupping her cheek gently, letting the tears roll down his cheeks and attempting to wipe away hers. “But I don’t want you to lose your family because of me.”
Charles called George that day to tell him want he was going to do. George having understood his actions and promised to be there for her. So when the broken girl showed up at his house that night, eyes red and puffy, he’d already been ready for her. Carmen making sure that she had extra clothes for her in case she ended up staying awhile.
Charles’ next stop was to see Toto. The older man hardly sparing him a glance as he walked into the office. “I’m sorry for any inconvenience I may have caused you.” He started. Toto still faced the wall, refusing to look at him. Something Charles was grateful for. “Me and your daughter have parted ways. So, I’ll hope you’ll allow her to stay with her family. Neither of us wanted things to happen this way. But I’d rather lose her then watch her lose everything she’s grown up with and worked for.”
Charles waited a moment to see if he’d get a response before turning around and ducking out of the office.
He stayed with Pierre that night. Broken and defeated. His heart heavy with the sadness and longing to be with the woman he loved so dearly.
The media didn’t stop though. The news around them still trending. People still feeling the need to voice their disgusting comments.
Toto had tried to connect with his daughter, but received no response. In fact, nobody had. She hadn’t been to a race in months. Both George and Lewis had tried calling and texting her only to receive nothing in return. She hadn’t even read their messages.
Charles was hurting as well. He didn’t want to cause her anymore pain. So he distanced himself from everything that related to her. Carlos and Pierre had been watching his behavior. His head clearly not in a good place mentally. They were running out of ideas in how to help him.
Lewis was the one who caved first. He’d given her enough space, now it was time to invade it. He dragged George with him to her apartment in Monaco one morning. Determined to see proof that she was at least breathing.
When they got no answer, they searched for the spare key. The one she hid in the light above her front door. Relief flooding them both as George managed to locate it.
When they finally got the door open, they were greeted with the dark apartment. It looked like no one lived there. The fridge was empty and the cupboards almost mirrored it, aside from the open box of your favorite cereal.
There was broken glass along the counters and floor. Pictures had been taken off the walls. A few empty bottles of alcohol lay strewn along flat surfaces.
The woman they’d been looking for was wrapped in a blanket on the couch. Her chest slowly rising and falling.
George went to gently try and pull her from her sleep without scaring her.
Lewis on the other hand, went to investigate the rest of the rooms. Terrified at what he’d discovered.
He lightly jogged back to George, who didn’t want to pull her from her peaceful slumber, and tapped his shoulder. Motioning for the younger Brit to follow him.
Their first stop was the bedroom. Everything that reminded her of Charles had been stripped away. leaving only the mattress in the center of the room. The long mirror hanging next to the closet had been shattered. The glass that had fallen out of it scattered around the base word they’d seen people calling her written in thick black marker now divided by cracks.
Next, Lewis led them to the bathroom. The sight of it making George want to vomit. The bathroom mirror had also been cracked. Towels stained red line the countertop. Pills litter the bathroom floor. And the knife she’d been gifted by her father for her 18th birthday lay on the edge of the sink. 
Who is obviously what had happened here recently.
George who was struggling to look at the scene went back to trying to coax the woman, his sister, out of her slumber. Lewis making an attempt to at lease get the area safe. Their hearts hurt for her. They knew she was hurting but neither knew it had gotten so bad.
Charles was her soulmate. Both her and Charles knew it. They had envisioned their life together. A life that she saw every time she closed her eyes.
She tried to separate herself from his memory. Tried to distract herself. But she couldn’t get her mind away from him. How he made her smile. How he listened even to the pettiest things she complained about. She wanted that back.
If her family didn’t want her for it and Charles couldn’t stand to see her hurting, then she would get back there on her own.
If their story was like Romeo and Juliet’s, why shouldn’t it end in tragedy as well?
But their story keeps going. Because they are meant for each other. So they will find away even if they don’t know it yet.
The gentle touches of Charles ghosted over her bare arms. Her mind trying to hold into the feeling even if he wasn’t here.
She cracked her eyes open to the dark room. Her body revolting as she tries to sit up. Her dehydration finally getting to her. Her head pounding from last night events.
She’s had a few episodes like this and knows she needs to get help. She doesn’t know where to start though.
She hadn’t really eaten much the last sixth months. Even food reminded her of him. How was she ever going to move in at this rate?
Then she noticed the sounds of breathing beside her. The familiar face of George greeting her, though his eyes are sad.
She immediately sits up. The horrible scene that is her apartment now clearly seen by one of the last people she wanted to know she’d sunk this far.
“George?” Her voice merely a quiet rasp.
“It’s okay now, we’re gonna help you. Okay?” His voice cracked. The male is clear distress.
Lewis came around the corner upon hearing voices. Relieved that she’d woken up. “I think we need to talk.”
Charles hadn’t been staying at his apartment. He knew he wasn’t in a good place mentally, so he went back home. His mother welcomed him with open arms, sad to hear the news of the two splitting.
He’d talked to Lewis and George about her during race weekends. Their lack of knowledge causing his concern to grow more with each passing week.
He’d tried for sixth months to force himself to move on but he knew it was in vain. She was made for him and he belonged to her. How was he supposed to move on from that?
Pascale had struggled watching her middle child. He struggled to eat, struggled to sleep, to the point it was affecting his performance.
“You should talk to her.” She suggested.
“I’ll only hurt her more.”
“I’ve been looking in social media for her. The things people are saying is terrible.” She sighs, the situation itself only getting worse. “She needs you.”
Toto knew he messed up. As soon as he’d made her choose, he knew. Only to have it confirmed when he heard the waver in Charles voice. When he didn’t see his daughter for moths. As he watched Charles performance fall.
He’d tried to contact her. Susie had encouraged him to call her the night everything happened. He’d received no response for sixth months. He’d asked Lewis about her only to be met with his sigh and sad eyes.
It’s like she disappeared from the planet. Everyone worried about her. But they collectively decided that maybe she needed space.
He knew she and Charles were happy together. He’d seen how big her smile was when she was with him. Even when he thought they were just friends. The two of them had been contagiously happy.
The next race came around quickly. At least for Charles that’s how it felt as he strode to the Mercedes paddock.
He spotted Lewis and George and weaved his way towards them. Everyone trying to get one roared for the weekend. Exactly what he should be doing.
“Charles! Listen mate-“ George had started. But Charles cut him off with the urgent need to speak with Toto before he could get in his head. “I need Toto. I need to see her again.” He was ready to break.
“He’s in his office.”
Charles didn’t waist any time making his way there. The older man a bit startled at the sudden appearance. “I love your daughter. I am begging you to not make her choose.” He was pleading but he didn’t care.
“I’m sorry.” Toto looked pained. Charles is taken off guard by it. His reaction the last thing the monegasque was expecting. “I should have never made her choose. She was happy with you. So when you go get her back, tell her I’m sorry and that I want her to come home.”
Charles fumbled around with his words. Gesturing wildly with his hands but for some reason his voice was stuck in his throat. Eventually he just nodded his head, attempting to get across his thanks.
Lewis and George were still talking. So he did the only logical thing and tackled then both in a hug. “I need to know where she is. He’s not going to make her choose.” The smile on his face so big it might fall off. “Please tell me where she’s been staying.”
Lewis and George shared a look. One that didn’t go unnoticed. “We need to talk.”
They’d told him about her state. About what she’d been going through. How they found her that morning, alone and so far into her head they didn’t know if she was going to come out.
His heart shattered listening to them. The two were connected deeper then anything he could’ve imagined. He’s upset that he didn’t get the courage to fight for her sooner.
She’d been spending her time since they found her with either if the boys. Neither wanted to leave her alone after that. So they made sure she wasn’t alone after that.
Her apartment was still mildly wrecked but they weren’t worried about it. They just wanted to get her out of her head.
Now he had a chance. They had brought her with them. She didn’t want to come to the track so she was back at the hotel. Tucked away from the world.
Now Charles was speeding to her location. Lewis’ key card in hand. Determination filling his veins. He needed to see her, desperately. His heart ached the last six months. He didn’t want to never see her again. Charles loved her with his entire being.
The trip was a blur for him. Not even realizing he was at the door until he had no more steps left to take.
He decided to knock first. He wanted to be respectful. He’d use the key as his last resort.
He got nervous when the handle turned. What was he going to say? He didn’t have time to think about it as the door swung open. Revealing the love of his life. Still as beautiful as when he last saw her. Though his heart dropped at the sight.
Bags under eyes, her body smaller then he remembered. Then there was the white bandages running up her arms. She was wearing a tank top and sweats, obviously not expecting him to show up.
They stared at each other for a moment. Then the tears started. She was in his arms in a second. Clutching him like he would disappear if she let go.
He breathed her in. “I’m here, I got you, and I’m never letting you go again.”
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vaspider · 2 years
Pete Buttigieg is not the fucking point.
Truly amazed at the people whose big takeaway from that thread is "you hate Pete Buttigieg" like buddy did you not... read... all of it?
I genuinely don't give a shit about Pete himself. If you think this is about Democratic self-devouring or whatever the fuck, please mentally substitute Ellen or George Takei or Rachel Maddow or your favorite Other Respectable Gay. I hear some dude named Rubin is even a conservative who is getting turned on for adopting a baby? I don't know who he is and I don't care (do not tell me, I do not care) but if it makes you feel better, substitute any of those names.
I think the ones that actually make me sad are the people who keep insisting that 70% of people support gay marriage, and that I'm just 'acting out my trauma', and we won't see things turn against us, we're perfectly safe now, how dare I say that cishets won't put themselves out for us when it counts, it's different now.
Honey, 99% of people want tomorrow to go on pretty much like today, and what they'll support when it doesn't cost them anything has nothing to do with what they'll support when it does. Those of us telling you 'we were abandoned before, and we were the ones who took care of us then' aren't telling you because we're incorrigibly bitter misanthropes. I am annoyingly hopeful, actually, and in love with humanity and the beauty of life. Seriously, I have to write poems about it because I love the universe and all of humanity so fucking much. One of the things I love about humanity is its fragility and its uncertainty. I love the ways in which we fail.
And humans, over and over again, turn our eyes away from tragedy.
If you are lucky enough to have cishet friends and family who will put themselves out for you when it really matters, that is fucking fantastic. That's not nearly universal, and I'm afraid that you're going to find out sooner rather than later that it's far less universal for you than you'd like to believe.
At the end of the day, you can believe me or not about all of this. You can say that I'm just a bitter old transfag, an angry old dyke, a traumatized old queer if it lets you sleep better at night, if it allows you to just close your eyes and say 'this is all going to be fine, because 70% of people support marriage equality!' and get some rest. I can't make you pay attention.
And the thing is? I'd love to be wrong. I would absolutely love for every cishet who has ever said "one of them" or said "well, I mean, I just don't want to see it, they can do whatever they want in private" or whatever to turn out to be the raddest fucking ally the world has ever seen. I know it can happen! My in-laws went from being Baptist homophobes to getting weekly chatty update phone calls from the two trans women refugees from Latin America who they housed and helped get their papers sorted and who are now living in New York and call them Mom and Dad. Like, truly, it can fucking happen!
But you can't count on that from the vast majority of people, because when it comes down to it, most people want tomorrow to go on pretty much like today. You're much more likely to be able to count on someone with a dog in the hunt.
More than that, though, the point of that essay -- which, when people miss it, they miss it so hard that it feels deliberate, honestly -- is that all of our bullshit infighting doesn't mean dick. I've been saying that for years, begging people to think inclusively about our community, begging people to stop all the bullshit infighting because I could see this shit fucking coming, you didn't need to be Cassandra to see it coming but sometimes I felt like I was screaming until my throat was horse, the fucking tsunami is coming, it's coming, motherfuckers, can't you see the way the water is pulling back?
And here we are, and all the arguing about whether bi lesbians are "valid" doesn't matter, and everyone's attempt to gatekeep butch and femme doesn't matter, and everyone's arguments about whether neopronouns are bad doesn't fucking matter because we are all just fags, dykes and trannies to them, they do not care for one fucking second about any of this. None of them care for one second about our infighting. No one is going to stop and ask you what your orientation is so they can call you the right slur when they're gaybashing you, kids. They. Don't. Care.
So now here we are, and people are acting like the point of the essay is that I wanted to call one particular dude a fag, rather than that it doesn't matter how perfectly primed you are to fit into Respectable WASP Society, it is your queerness which is objectionable. It is your gayness. It is your transness. It is your bisexuality, your asexuality, your lesbianism. You will never be granted rights and respectability. You have to defend your rights, and stop giving a shit about respectability as a metric of whether or not someone deserves them.
I mean, for fuck's sake, some Iowa voters tried to withdraw their caucus support once they realized that Pete was gay. It literally fucking happened. There's video. Someone they supported above all the other candidates in the Iowa primary was immediately disqualified for them to the point where they tried to retract their support the minute they found out he was gay.
That's the fucking point. I don't care who you use as your Proxy Respectable Gay.
Pete Buttigieg is not the fucking point.
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wsleysworld · 1 year
I’m Here, I Promise - Fred Weasley
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Paring: Fred Weasley x F!reader
Summary: Fifth year. After a detention, Fred comforts you.
Warnings: Bitch!Umbridge, fluff fluff fluff 
Word count: 1.2k
AN: hii, this is my first Fred Weasley fanfiction, I hope you like it!!
Defence against the dark arts with Umbridge. Ugh.
You were on your way for your next class with Fred Weasley, George Weasley and Lee Jordan, you were about to suffer another class with Umbridge. This year was like living a nightmare, it wasn’t Hogwarts anymore, it wasn’t your safe place. You couldn’t even make any pranks with the Weasley twins, whatever you three were doing, she was there to stop you. So, classes? Hell.
You’ve been friends with the Weasley twins since the first day they entered this school, you three were alike, always there to help people, and to make them laugh. George was your best friend, he knew how to make you laugh. And Fred, your relationship with him was different, you both have been flirting for a few months now, but nothing happened. You couldn’t lose him, he was your safe place.
You entered the class and sat next to Fred at the back of the class. You just wanted to ignore Umbridge as much as you could.
George sat next to Lee just in front of you, waiting for the class to begin.
‘’I wish I could just go.’’ You sighed and whispered.
Fred was about to say something, but Umbridge entered the class at the same moment. As she walked to her desk, she looked at everyone to see if they were using their wand or anything related to magic. ‘’That’s rubbish.’’ You heard Fred and George said that at the same time.
Umbridge didn’t react at this, she was kind of used to it, to be honest. The class was getting more and more boring, you couldn’t even use your wand, you never learned how to defend yourself. What was the point of this class then?
A few minutes later, you decided to have fun with Fred, you took out your wand that was in your pocket and were about to cast a spell, when you saw Umbridge approaching to your desk. You tried to hide your wand discreetly, when you heard her voice. Shit
‘’Miss Y/L/N, what do you think you’re doing?’’
‘’Nothing, professor.’’ You answered as if nothing happened.
‘’You were about to use your wand, am I right?’’
‘’No.’’ You could feel that everyone was looking at you.
‘’LIAR.’’ She yelled with such a high voice. ‘’You’ll see me at the end of the class and- ‘’
‘’No, I won’t. We can’t even use our wand in your class, so how are we supposed to protect ourselves? This is supposed to be Defence Against the Dark.’’
‘’I am the professor, this is my class, and you’re the student.’’
‘’I DON’T CARE.’’ You felt that Fred was trying to calm you but you were too upset. ‘’I can’t respect you anym-‘’
‘’ENOUGH!’’ you jumped as she yelled and approached you. ‘’Detention in 30 minutes, Miss Y/L/N.’’ You could feel a tear falling down your cheek and whipped it before Fred could see it. ‘’You okay?’’ Fred whispered and you smiled.
It was finally the end of the class, you tried so hard not to show any emotions during the rest of the class, you could see that the Weasley twins were worried about you and what was going to happen.
‘’Are you gonna be okay, Y/N?’’ George asked and you sighed.
‘’Don’t have a choice. See you guys later.’’
You were now with Umbridge, she asked you to write a few times : I must respect my professor.
‘’How many times, professor?’’ you sighed.
‘’You’ll know when to stop.’’ At first sight, you didn’t understand why she said that, but when you started writing, you did. You felt your left hand burning and you realized your writing was now scarred in your skin. Once you finished writing the sentence, you looked at your hand again, and looked at Umbridge. ‘’I hope you understand,’’ She said.
‘’Get out of here now, Miss Y/L/N.’’
You didn’t waste any more time and got out of the classroom, you saw Fred waiting for you but you didn’t even looked at him, you walked as fast as you can. ‘’Y/N, wait please.’’ But you didn’t stop, Umbridge tortured you, and you were too hurt to talk about it.
Fred grabbed you by your arm and turned you around. ‘’Hey, what happ-‘’
‘’LEAVE ME ALONE.’’ You yelled. You were shaking, crying, and it was the first time Fred saw you like that. ‘’I’m sorry..please, leave me Fred.’’
Fred didn’t move, he stood there, looking at you. ‘’No. I won’t leave you, never.’’ He moved closer but you stepped back, you were afraid, after what just happened.
‘’I won’t hurt you, love.’’
He moved closer, again. This time you didn’t step back, you stood there without saying anything. Suddenly you felt pressed against him, he wrapped his arms around you for a hug. His hugs were the best. You couldn’t hold your tears anymore. You were crying, sobbing, and he was there to comfort you. He kissed the back of your head and lifted your chin up to look at you.
‘’Come with me.’’ He said softly and you accepted.
You were now in the Gryffindor common room, he sat on the couch in front of the chimney. It was just the two of you, you sat next to him without hesitating and felt suddenly safe. He moved closer to wrap his arm around you and kiss the back of your head. At first sight, you didn’t talk, you just stood there in his arms, your head against his neck, safe. ‘’You okay, Y/N?’’
You nodded looking at the flames of the chimney. You wanted to tell him what happened in Umbridge’s office but you just didn’t know how to start. you lifted your head and looked at him, trying to say something, after a few seconds you finally said : ‘’She tortured me.’’
‘’What?’’ He immediately looked at you, worried.
You didn’t say anything, you just took your hand out of your pocket and showed him. You felt a tear falling down your cheek, he read what was on your hand.
‘’I’m so sorry,’’ He whispered. ‘’You didn’t deserve this.’’
‘’I did, Fred. I’m the one who talked to her that way. I should’ve done that and-‘’
‘’Stop. Don’t say that, please.’’ He was still looking at your hand and started to caress it. ‘’She doesn’t have the right to do this, and you know it. And trust me, you said what we all wanted to say.’’ He smiled and looked at you in your eyes.
Other tears were falling down your cheeks, and you looked away. ‘’I’m sorry, I – I just can’t, I-‘’
‘’Hey,’’ he lifted your head up while wiping your tears away with his thumb. You felt his finger stroking your cheek, and that was the best feeling ever. ‘’Do not apologize, never. I’m here, I promise.’’
You were now so closed to each other, you felt Fred leaning down and pressing his lips against yours. It was a sweet kiss, you two needed each other at the moment. You smirked against his lips and kissed him back, he put his other hand on your waist and pulled you closer.
After a moment, you stopped the kiss softly, you were looking at each other when he said : ‘’I wanted to do that for a long time.’’
You smiled and gave him a kiss, as an answer. ‘’I’m sorry for yelling at you, earlier. I didn’t mean-‘’
‘’Shh,’’ he whispered ‘’I know.’’ And he gave you a kiss on your forehead, holding your hand that was hurt.
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russellsppttemplates · 4 months
Haloo 🤗🤗 , how have you been ?? I just finished rereading the lewis hamilton imagine and recently i found this gem on insta and i just want to share with you
I don't know whether I'm so delulu or stress or need my ear fixed or what, but somehow i feel like the dad's voice sounds a lot like lewis . I don't know ,i probably need help
Note: I get what you mean, it does sound a bit like him! I had this in my drafts and forgot about it, sorry sorry 😬🫠 I also added the idea from the last ask you sent!
Noah was a smart kid, that much you knew. And because of his age, it wasn't hard for him to watch and learn from your actions. So when he wanted to speak to his daddy, he grabbed your phone while you took a shower. Opening the app and tapping the screen, he held on the icon as he spoke into it.
Hi daddy! Mummy says you're travelling back home!
He waited for a response but Lewis seemed to be taking too long.
You drive so fast, daddy, why are you taking so long to reply? Do you not like these messages? They're fun because I can't write yet and we can talk to eachother.
He waited until the double arrows turned a different colour, meaning he had heard the voice notes.
Sorry, buddy! I was talking with the team. Did you steal mummy's phone again?
Giddy, Noah tapped the screen again.
Yes! She's in the shower because she said she is going to make a special dinner for us when you get back! Are you bringing anything for her? You always bring her flowers.
On the plane, Lewis had a little giggle as Toto and George, who happened to sit in front of him, heard the audio.
"He's just letting everyone know Y/N's routine and plans!", George chuckled.
I am, buddy. I told the florist to have them ready so I can pick them up before I go home.
When are you going to buy me flowers, buddy buddy?
Do you want me to buy you some flowers, Noah?
Yes, some flowers and some chocolate, please.
"Oh, that worked up fast, hm?", Toto wiggled his eyebrows.
How did we get from flowers to chocolate, hm?
You love mummy and you always bring some chocolate when you give her flowers, right? So if you love me, you'll give me the two too!
And what's in it for me?
I'll give you a big big hug and say thank you!
Okay, I can do with that, buddy!
Safe to say that as soon as you got your phone back, you giggled at your little boy's antics.
(Thank you for your submission ✨️)
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reginaaxxwrites · 10 months
It Took Time (Fred Weasley)
This was been in my draft for months already. I decided to finally post it. This story contains 6.2k words. Enjoy!
Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader (With a little bit George x Fem!Reader)
Warning: IT CONTAINS SMUT (Guys, I know this is the first time I released smut fanfiction. I just hope this one is good enough. I did not intend this story to have smut, but there you go. Enjoy your meal.)
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How do I start this?
I am madly in love with George Weasley. Yes, the famous George Weasley who always gets into trouble along with his brother, Fred Weasley. It was hard liking someone inside your circle of friends.
I tried not to be obvious about my feelings for him. I try to act casual because it's my way of controlling myself to burst my emotions when I'm with him. But sometimes I just can't help myself from showing him.
George would always sit beside me and talk about everything. Like his favorite spell or his memorable pranks. With every word he says, I can't help but get lost in it. I stare at him with dreamy eyes. And even if I get lost in his words, I still understand everything he said and it always piques my interest. I'll never get tired of his stories.
Unlike his brother, George seems to be more reserved. I don't know how to explain it but without Fred, he wouldn't be as chaotic as he is today. I guess they just complete each other.
"I think he fancies you," Angelina whispered beside me. I nudged her and rolled my eyes.
"I think not. Now, shut up and let me do homework." I continued to write on my parchment paper.
"Boringgg." She yawned.
I would be lying if I say I didn't think that he fancies me. I mean, it's possible. Or maybe I just like to assume things and feed my delusions. Because there are times he would flirt, but I don't know if that was intentional or if it's not.
"Damn you, Angelina." I glared at her. She looks confused as to why I cursed at her.
"I am mad. I really fancy him. And I can't do something about it." I buried myself on the table.
"Then confess to him. You'll never know until you initiate the move to tell him." She's right but what if I have been wrong all this time? That he simply just sees me as his friend.
George Weasley, why are you so hard to read?
"So... Any ideas how will you confess to him?" Angelina leaned on the table with a teasing smirk placed upon her lips.
"Shut it." I tried to ignore her but she was too clever to know it'll just keep bothering me and in the end, I would talk about it.
"Oh, I don't know, Angelina!" I slammed my quill and looked at her. I noticed that the Common Room went silent, so I looked around. They were all looking at me.
Okay, maybe I slam my quill too loud and too hard. I gave them my apology look and went on about what they were doing a while ago.
"Whoa, calm down, girl. You know I think it's unnecessary to confess--"
"But you just said a while ago?!" I am upset. Because it's been frustrating since then when I started to like him.
"I know. But listen to me. Everyone in this room knows you fancy him. Even his twin teases you about it. I'm sure George knows it too somehow. Maybe he just acts dumb because like you, he doesn't want to assume things."
"So, I should confess to him?"
"It's not like it's your obligation to do so. But if it's what you want. If it's the only way to stop you from overthinking then go. Take the risk or lose the chance, they say." Angelina smiled at me. She just knew the right thing to say.
I'm scared.
As the day goes by, I intend to show that I like him. But I'm not sure if he can tell. I'm not good with words. Never was. I'm starting to stutter, I can't even look at his eyes when I talk to him. I'm nervous whenever he's around.
Poor George doesn't know what I was feeling. How I was acting weird when he sits beside me during class and in the Great Hall.
If I don't tell him sooner, I'll forever look dumb in front of him.
"I can't tell him," I whispered to myself. Maybe it's because it's too soon. George and I recently got close this year because he joined me in playing exploding snaps during the first day of our sixth year. Ever since then, we just talk and talk.
"Hey, Longbottom." I knew I recognized that voice. I looked to see George making his way beside me.
"George." I greeted with a faint smile.
"I was looking for you."
"You are?" Why was he looking for me? Millions of possibilities went through my mind about why he was looking at me.
"Yes, I am. Lee was telling me about our paper and told me to get you so we could start at the Library." Oh. Of course, our research paper.
"You? When did George Weasley suddenly talk about boring stuff? What piques your interest?" I teased him and he just laughs.
Damn, his laughter. It's making my stomach churn or whatever it is.
"Well for one, Lee wanted to finish this paper so he could still be commenting in the upcoming Quidditch. Because Godric knows how bad his marks are."
"Aren't yours bad as his?" I raised my eyebrow at him.
"Rude but yes. That's one, no, two. And lastly, we know the kind of nerd you are and how you like to finish the given tasks as soon as possible. Aren't we making this easy for you, Longbottom?" He was grinning and looking at me. I swear I could feel my whole face turning into a beet red.
"Fine, Weasley." I took my stuff as he leads the way through the Library where Lee is waiting for us.
Once we entered the Library, Lee waves us over to the table where he was and books are already opened. I sat beside him while George took the seat in front of us.
"You do realize we still have a month to do this paper, right? We don't have to start right away." I told him while I bring out my notebooks and quills and ink.
"Who are you and what have you done to Y/N?" Lee acted surprised as I rolled my eyes at him.
"I mean, the sooner we finish this, the better. Don't you agree, George?" He looked at his best friend who nodded and grinned like an idiot.
"I feel like you two are messing with me." I glared at them.
"Never," George answered.
I didn't push the subject any longer and started to skim the books Lee placed on our table. I guess, it is better to have this paper finished.
Later that night, I told Angelina how my day and her day went like we always do before going to bed.
"Have you decided?" Angelina asked while she was helping me brush my hair. We were both looking at each other in our reflection in the mirror.
"It's only a month since I started liking him. Don't you think it's too soon?" I was already playing with my necklace's pendant which was given by my mother. I did this a lot of times whenever I'm nervous.
My best friend held both of my shoulders and gave me an assuring smile.
"Then take your time. I'm sure you'll get the courage to tell him. I mean, we're Gryffindors, are we?"
"We are."
It was getting worst.
Exams are coming soon and I cannot focus. His image comes into my mind and I can't focus. I really need to tell him. I should, it would help me clear my thoughts. It was now or never.
I grabbed my sweater before leaving the Common Room and looked for the red-haired male almost everywhere in the castle. Then, I remembered they were supposed to be at the Courtyard today.
When I finally saw the guy I was looking for, I didn't waste any moment and grabbed his wrist. I heard some of the students whistling and teasing us, including his brother while I look for a quiet place where we can talk.
"Is something the matter, Y/N?" He looked into my eyes, his eyebrows furrowed.
"I... I--there's something I need to tell you..." I could faint at any moment because my hands were cold and shaking.
Deep breaths, Y/N. You can do this.
"I like you. It's bad, I know. We became friends not long ago. It was getting worst and I can't just sit still and do nothing about it. You don't have to like me back. And I understand if...if you don't want to be friends with me anymore..." I could feel my cheeks getting wet from my tears.
Ha, why am I crying?
I'm frustrated and confused because, for the first time, he's the first guy who is gentle toward me. I couldn't look at him even though I want to see his reaction. I'm scared.
"I don't know what to say... It's not like every day I received confessions like this. But..." He took a step closer to me. "Could you give me time? To think about, I mean."
I didn't answer him instead, I nodded. I tried to wipe my tears but a hand stopped me and gave me a handkerchief.
"Here. Don't cry."
I went back to the Common Room and saw Angelina waiting for me. She saw how red my eyes are and quickly went over to me. She embraced me, comforting me in her arms.
"How did it go?" She asked as we enter our dorm room. We sat in my bed and she tried to fix my face.
"I do not know. He told me to give him time. But Godric knows he won't talk about that conversation again unless I initiate it."
I tried to avoid George every time we cross the hallways, Angelina would sit beside me during classes and never left my side. 
I was fixing my things when suddenly the door slammed hard. I turned to look around to see Angelina panting hard as if she had run all the way into our dorm room.
"Angelina! Are you all right? You look like you ran--"
"That's because I ran all the way in here." She took off her scarf and throw it on her bed.
"You need to talk to him." She firmly said to me. I looked away.
"Y/N, it's more painful to leave a question not answered than get rejected. I cannot stand my two best friends avoiding each other when they only got to be friends before the term started." She took my hand and helped me to stand up.
"I don't want to get your hopes up. But I heard him and Lee talked about you. He told Lee that you had a chance but--"
"Nothing comes good after 'but'." I joked.
"I know. But he's scared, Y/N. He doesn't want to hurt you. If you talk to him now... You might help him to chase away anything that scares him from being with you. You need to take another risk."
Another risk...
"He's in the Common Room. Talk to him, Y/N. If it doesn't work out then I'm here for you. Always." She kissed my cheeks and pulled me out of the room. We took downstairs and saw the three of them.
He was laughing together with his best friends, Lee and Fred. Angelina went over to them and the two boys stood up. They both looked at me and smiled. The boys and Angelina left the room, leaving me and George.
"Am I an idiot for liking you this much? Because if I am, then I must be the most idiotic of all idiots." I fake laughed but he didn't. His face showed an expression I'd never seen before. It was dark. It feels like he took my breath away.
He took steps closer to me.
"I'm sorry. I don't think I am ready to be with someone. I don't want to hurt you because you are one of the most important people in my life." I saw how he wanted to touch me or take my hand. But something was stopping him. It's like he can't take the risk of touching me like I'm fragile. He thinks that once he touches me, I'm going to break. He is scared of hurting me more.
"I'm sorry for making you wait for nothing."
"No, I get it. And I'm sorry... For avoiding you, for acting like I didn't know you, or pretending like we weren't friends at all after I did something that made you feel uncomfortable." I gave him a faint smile.
"I hope we can still be friends."
"We are friends, George. We always will be." our eyes never left looking at each other until the clock struck midnight.
"Good night, Weasley. I'll see you tomorrow." I started to walk away. I didn't bother to wait for his response.
"Good night." I heard him say before I reach the top of the stairs to look at him one last time before entering into my dorm room.
The rejection helped me to calm my thoughts. To stop me from assuming but the sudden actions from him never stopped. How he makes sure I don't get sweaty and hot from the sun's heat. Or when it rains he casts a spell to make an umbrella and we would share it.
I don't get him.
How can I move on when his words are contradicting his actions? Why does he keep making me a fool?
"What're you three doing?" I saw the twins and Lee brewing something in their cauldron. Potions ingredients were everywhere. If McGonagall saw this mess they would've been sent to detention straight away.
Newt Spleens
An orange snake.
A green leaf.
"Fred and George Weasley! You're making an aging potion! And you, Lee Jordan, tell me why am I not surprised that you're also a part of this?" I know what they're trying to do. They're going to try and trick the Goblet of Fire.
"Of course, you could tell by looking at the ingredients. Brilliant, isn't she?" Fred grinned like an idiot.
"No need to state what's always been obvious, Forge." He commented on his brother. They continued to mix the potion as if I wasn't there to scold them which I am debating on it.
"Have you decided?" Lee asked.
"It's painful to look at you when you're trying to decide whether to tell McGonagall or you'd rather help us finish this potion." He explained.
"Actually... I'm not. Because this is stupid. Dumbledore cast a spell around the Goblet. You cannot trick the Goblet of Fire or Dumbledore." I lectured them but they just snickered.
These boys.
"No wonder Hermione worships the ground you walk, Longbottom." Fred teased me as I rolled my eyes at him.
"You three are going to regret it," I warned them but they just seem not to care.
"And thank you for the warning." The twins said in chorus.
"you know us--"
"breaking the rules." They gave me their most mischievous smiles.
I looked at Lee and he just shrugged. "What they said."
The next day, we were in the Great Hall during our free time. Hermione sat beside me, reading her book while I helped my brother with his assignment.
"You're joking," I told my brother. He looked at me, confused.
"You don't need my help in Herbology, Neville. You have high marks than I was when I'm in your year. Have confidence in yourself."
"Really?" I pinched his cheeks as I nod at his question.
Suddenly we heard laughter and looked to see the three pig brains. They went over in our direction while holding a small bottle containing the potion.
"Done it." Fred showed us the potion. I rolled my eyes at him while Hermione was trying to stop them.
"Honestly, don't even try," I whispered to her but she continued.
"It's not going to work." Hermione sang the words as the twins went closer to her. Fred looking at her, closely as well as George.
"Oh, really, Granger?" Fred smirked at her. Hermione tried to explain what I already told them last night.
And of course, they didn't listen to her and drank the potion. She looked at me, annoyed at the three boys. I mouthed her 'I told you, so.' before she went back to her book. Harry and Ron seem to be fascinated by the trick.
After they drank the potion, they stepped inside the circle and the students clapped and cheered them on.
Oh, now I'm curious what's going to happen. I watched them put their paper in the Goblet. We saw nothing happen to them so the students clapped in amazement. Of course, I believed that something is still going to happen.
And something did happen.
"Argh!" Lee, Fred, and George flew out of the circle as they aged into an old man. Peals of laughter filled the entire Great Hall. I couldn't help but also laugh. They tried to punch each other and put the blame on one another.
Later that day, Angelina and I decided to visit them in the Hospital Wing. They were finally going back to their age. Well, almost.
"I'd say a beard looks good on you, Weasley." I joked as I sat beside his bed. I touched his beard as he chuckled.
"I still look like a thirty-year-old man." He smiled.
"Better than looking like an eighty-year-old man."
"Ouch. I expect to still look handsome at that age." He placed his right arm on his left chest as if he was struck in the heart.
"Are you? I didn't take a good look. I was busy laughing earlier." I teased him and Godric, I hated when he gave me that smirk on his lips. I want to rip it.
Calm down, Y/N.
"At least tell me I made a perfect potion. Don't want to disappoint a potion master."
"You... You were never bad at potions, George Weasley." I gave him a gentle smile and he just kept quiet looking at me.
"I was already rejected and yet I still hope for us to happen." I buried my face in my pillow. My best friend sat beside me.
"Why do I feel like you're about to try and confess to him one more time?" I know she was teasing but damn her because she is giving me an idea to do so.
"Oh, no. I am only joking, Y/N! Don't even think about it." She said, firmly. "I swear I'm this close to swinging a bat on a bludger and then aiming it in his face."
"Please don't."
"I won't. Only because you said 'please'."
"What am I supposed to do? I expect these feelings would go away after getting rejected. Now, I'm only falling deeper." I'm starting to cry again out of frustration.
"Nothing. Just nothing." She looks at me as I sat down properly at my bed.
"You are not the problem here, Y/N. He's the one to blame. Putting you in this position where you should be moving on. Because Godric's sword, if only you know how boys from Durmstrang and Beauxbaton look at you every time you walked past them."
"See. You don't need to set your eyes only on one boy who rejected you but proceeds to act as if he fancies you. Find other guys. Move on."
"But what if he does like me? He's just not ready like he said..."
"That's bullshit. It doesn't matter whether you're ready or not. If you like someone, you'd still pursue them, take the risk even if it's scary. Just like you did. Clearly, he's giving you mixed signals." Angelina sounded angry. She was annoyed like she wanted to punch George if she ever saw him.
"Would you get mad if I told you that I just sent him a letter? Confessing to him the second time?" I pout as she turns her face into a sour one.
"Y/N LONGBOTTOM!" She was angry. Really angry. "What exactly did you write in that letter?!"
"That I still fancy him. That if I didn't receive an owl from him later this evening, it means... All he did meant nothing to him."
"Please swear to me that this will be the last thing you will do." She just sighed.
"I promise."
"Then, are you sure you're ready for whatever response you receive from him?" Angelina looked worried for me. That's why I am lucky to have her by my side.
As expected from him, I didn't receive any owls from him. I slept through the night so I don't have to cry until it reaches morning.
My best friend and I went to breakfast, avoiding that one Weasley. While I was eating and chatting with Angelina, someone poked my sides. I look to see Fred, grinning as he sat beside me.
"Morning." He greeted us.
"Is there something you need, Fred?" Angelina raised an eyebrow at her friend.
"Nothing. I just wanted to eat breakfast." He shrugged his shoulders while placing a toast on his plate and into mine.
"I can get my own toast." I sounded mean but I didn't mean to.
"Looks like someone had a bad sleep."
"She did, Fred." Angelina rolled her eyes at him.
"I see... Well, let me just enjoy my breakfast, at least." Fred grinned like an idiot.
The twins were a bit mean when they started a bet between Harry and Cedric. Poor Harry seemed to look like he wants to drop out of the Tournament. Sadly, he can't because it's part of the rules.
And then there's Fred, who would always pester me around. He would poke my sides, even if he goddamn well knows that's my tickle spot. He would open up to me easily, telling me how he had a crush on Angelina during our 4th year. But stopped pursuing her because my best friend clearly doesn't look interested in dating him.
We became closer. We became more than acquaintances. We were close friends.
We became inseparable.
Angelina noticed it. How happy I am. I was blooming, she said. She never saw me this happy. And she was wondering why but didn't bother to have it answered because all she cares about was my happiness.
"You're an idiot, Fred." I scold him. "And stop that betting game you and your twin started. It only brings war upon Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors."
"You know, I've noticed you kept saying 'your twin'." He changed the subject. I looked away and watch the birds fly into the gloomy sky.
We are both in Black Lake to get some fresh air.
"I do not know what you mean."
"Damn, I know he rejected you. But I get it. You see, the problem with George is that he's afraid of women. He once liked Angelina but he did nothing about it." I was surprised that George liked Angelina. This is the first time I am hearing this.
"You both liked the same girl?"
"It always happens. A bit frustrating, honestly. But at times like that, I'm willing to give up the woman I like for him. We're twins but he's the younger one so..."
"You let go."
"Always. For my twin's happiness."
"What about yours?" I felt pity for him. I know I shouldn't because he wouldn't like that.
"George's happiness is my happiness." He smiled at me. But I know it was a sad one. I leaned my head against his shoulder.
"A true Gryffindor." I felt him chuckle.
"So are you."
Oh, no.
No... I can't possibly be falling for him now. This would be an outrage. I can't.
It's only been three months ever since I stopped liking George. Three months since then I have not talked to him.
"You and Fred seemed gotten closer. Both of you suited more perfectly." Angelina, once again, I know she's joking but she isn't helping.
Does she need to know? Must she know? I don't know. She might make fun of me.
Godric, it feels like a sin to fall for Fred.
"Oh, dear... I know that look. You like Fred." She placed her hand on her lips and went beside me. "Tell me everything." She doesn't look disgusted. Instead, she looks like she's excited.
I told her everything I know and she can't remove her smile ever since I started talking.
"Godric! I knew it!" She was giggling. "So what do you intend to do?"
"Nothing. I can't let him know. He can't know. I won't confess. I won't tell him anything." I mumbled.
"Right. Let him be the one to develop his feelings for you. You don't have to do anything this time." She smiled and pulled me into a hug.
"You should never feel guilty for liking someone. I pray that this time, Fred will do exactly the opposite George did to you. You two suit together, really."
"Thank you, Angelina. For everything."
"What friends are for?"
Professor McGonagall announced that there will be a ball. The ball is only exclusive for the fourth year and above.
Our head of house started to prepare us for the ball. She called all Gryffindors from the fourth year and above to practice our dance steps. So we don't look stupid on the day of the event.
Ron and his friends joked about something while looking at Eloise Mignon. I felt my insides get irritated and then McGonagall called him over for a dance. Fred and George made fun of their brother as well as Harry.
"Now, boys. Find your partners." I saw my brother the first one to rise on his chair. I smiled at him and asked Hermione to dance with him. She gladly accepted my brother's offer.
The other boys finally went to our side. Fred reached my wrist and pulled me on the dance floor.
"Really? No asking but pull the woman you see first? How gentleman of you, Weasley." I joked as he laughs at my words.
"Pleasures all mine, Longbottom." He winked at me as he spun me and then dipped me down while his hand was on my waist and the other one on my hand.
I saw George looking in our direction while he was dancing with Angelina. I immediately broke our eye contact and focus on Fred.
"Smooth." I smiled. "Who do you plan to ask on the ball?" 
"Maybe Angelina? Or some girls from other houses." He answered. I got to admit that it broke my heart a little. I thought that it might occur to him that he can ask me.
"And you?" 
"No one." 
"I thought you were waiting for George to ask you." He teased but ignored it.
"Well, you thought wrong." I didn't mean to sound annoyed but I am. I don't why my mood changes suddenly. "Sorry..." 
"Hey, don't be. I heard girls tend to get stressed on upcoming occasions like this." I unbelievably looked at him. "What? I mean, has anyone asked you?"
"That's a bit rude to ask a girl." I raised my eyebrow at him.
"So, no one--"
"Fred!" I playfully hit his arm. "Of course, someone had asked me. But I turned them down."
"May I ask why?"
"I'm waiting for someone to ask me." I could feel my cheeks burn from embarrassment.
"George, then." He continued to tease me to his twin.
"Please stop." He just laughs at me and continued to dance me away.
The day of the Yule Ball came.
The person I wanted to ask me, is going with someone from Beauxbaton. While my best friend is going with George. 
"Stop fussing over your dress, Y/N." Angelina scolded me while she tries to adjust the back part of my dress.
"Must I attend?" I groaned.
"Yes! Because this might be the last time you'll experience this as a teenager. Now do me a favor and have fun." She finished fixing my dress and place an accessory on my hair.
"You look beautiful."
"I look like a clown." 
"I know you feel bitter because of him but please don't let it ruin your night. Besides going without a date has its perks." She winked at me while I got up and took my white shawl to keep me warm for the night.
"Like what?"
"You can flirt with any guy!"
"Funny. Because you know exactly enough that I can't flirt." I rolled my eyes. "So...you and George?"
"It was a last minute. He just happened to ask me in front of Lee and Fred just to prove to Ron and Harry that they can ask any girl to the dance. We're going as friends." I can't help but smile when Angelina told me what happened.
"Idiots." Both of us giggled the way out of the dorm and went downstairs. 
We saw George patiently waiting for his date, together with Lee. George's eyes were on me instead of Angelina's. I immediately looked away and pretended that didn't happen.
"You look stunning." He complimented her. I went beside Lee who smiled at me.
"Who's the lucky girl?" I asked Lee. The two started walking and we followed.
"Oh, I'm going alone." 
"I'm having trouble who to ask. So, I decided not to come with a date." I immediately understood what he meant.
"How about you? I heard you received a lot of requests and yet you rejected every one of them." Lee gave me his playful smirk as I rolled my eyes at him.
"Piss off, Jordan. Maybe I decided to come alone just like you did." 
"An answer that I'll never believe it's true." I slapped his arm, and we laughed it off as we reached the Great Hall.
Students are already interacting with each other. Giving compliments on how they looked good and the dress robes they were wearing. Some were already dancing while others are eating appetizers and drinking butterbeer.
While Lee keeps talking about asking the girl from Beauxbaton to dance and telling me exactly how he will approach the girl. A tall red-haired caught my gaze. Even though everyone can't tell who is who. I know and I can tell.
He looks handsome in his robes. That long hair he tried not to cut for a new look. But he looks good whether his hair is long or short. I pray not that he will not look in my way. Because I know what he'll do if he does. And I am not yet ready.
"Why don't you go and ask her already? I'm thirsty so I'll go fetch some drinks, okay?" I push my friend towards the girl. He didn't utter another word so I made my way to the tables.
I wasn't feeling to drink anything but water. After I got myself some water, I went further away from the crowd and the dance floor. I hid from my friends because I didn't want them to adjust to me. I want them to have fun without feeling obligated to make me feel better.
A famous band, Weird Sisters, started to take the floor. All of the students laugh and dance the night away. I saw two familiar Gryffindors, who also seems not to enjoy the event.
"And here I thought you went for the evening." I look up to see him lending his hand to me.
"And I thought no one will ever notice that I'm gone." 
"It's already impossible to not notice you, love." He was still waiting for me to take my hand. I was hesitating, scared even. 
"Were... Were you looking for me?" I asked.
"From the moment the ball started. But it seems you were hiding from the crowd." He answered. I took his hand and then led me to the dance floor. 
"I might start to think you fancy me." I joked. He pulled me closer, placing his hands around my waist. His face was close to mine. I could smell his cologne, his breath. I could feel him, his warmth. My heart was racing. 
"What if I am?" He answered in his low voice. His forehead rested on mine, never breaking his gaze on me.
"You're playing pranks on me." 
"Maybe I am." 
"Then stop."
"I can't." 
His eyes kept looking into mine and my lips. He was moving closer as if he was about to kiss me. Maybe he was. When the music stopped playing so did he.  
"I'm sorry." He gently pulled away from me.
"What for?"
"This." I felt sharp in my gut. "Shit. That's not what I meant."
"Clearly, it is. Good night, Fred." I turned my back on him and ran outside the Great Hall. I didn't expect him to follow me through the Courtyard.
"Y/N, please. Listen to me."
"I get it. I know you feel sorry for me. I know that the girl you asked should be the one you held earlier like that. So, why did you even bother to look for me, Fred? I am just your friend, aren't I?" My face was burning in anger but it was also cold because it was snowing. I was stupid for forgetting my coat in the Great Hall because I tried to run away from him.
"You are my friend. And you like my brother. So, you see? I'll be damned if he knew I was about to kiss you." 
"George made it clear he didn't like me. But I know it's also wrong to like you after George." Tears started to fall on my cheeks. "Merlin's beard, you are his brother, his twin. What will they think of me once they know I like you when not long ago I was trying to chase your brother?"
"We can't argue again because of a girl. I like you. Hell, I dreamt about holding you close to me, kissing you. Some of it came true, it was enchanting while it lasts." He tried to laugh it off. There was pain in his voice, his eyes were longing for me.
"I think I'm in love with you. You saw and accepted me. Understood me and my messy life. You have been patient with me. But I can't be with you when I know he's starting to fall for you." 
"That's not true."
"It is. You don't have to believe in me. But you will when he tells you. I'm encouraging him to. So, please. Let all your feelings for him fall back in."
"No. You don't get to decide for me. And you don't get to set free all the things so that your brother could get it. You may care for his happiness, but I care for yours." I stomp all my way to him. It was hard to walk wearing my gown and the heavy snow on the ground.
"George had his chance with me. He took that for granted. You don't have to fix things for him. I understand you love your brother, unconditionally. Because I also have a brother that I'm willing to bet my life on. But I know he can take care of himself. He can make his own choices. I guide him but that's just it. His actions, his consequences to face." 
"You're a good brother, Fred." I smiled at him.
"She's right, Gred." Fred and I turned to see George walking toward us.
"It turns out this potion worked." He showed us an empty bottle of invisibility potion. 
"I'm sorry for making you feel like you don't deserve anything at all you have to give everything so that I could have it. You don't have to sacrifice everything." He placed his hand on his brother's shoulder.
George then looked at me. He removed his coat and placed it on my shoulder.
"I guess I liked you a little too late." He placed his hand on the top of my head and when closer to my ear.
"Thank you." He messed up my hair and left the two of us.
Fred took my hand as he removed his brother's blazer. We followed him when Fred threw the coat on him.
"She doesn't need it." He said and he led me somewhere more quiet. I heard George laugh as we disappear in his sight.
We entered an empty classroom. He closed the door behind him and muttered spells on it. I was starting to get nervous. 
He turned to look at me. It was like seeing a whole different version of him.
"Sorry. Are you still cold?" He went close to me and held both sides of my arms. Caressing them to make me feel warm.
"A little." My eyes found his. 
We were about to kiss and this one would be it.
His lips found mine. He was gentle but started to get rough when I kissed him back, trying to follow him as if he was leading me. He lifted my weight which I was surprised by because I have a plump body. I don't have a toned and thin body like any other girl. And yet he still managed to lift me up as he placed me on a table. His rough, huge hands roam and grabbed my thighs. A moan escaped from my mouth.
"Don't hold it back in." He whispered between our kisses.
"Someone could hear us." 
"I cast a spell, love. No one can hear you. So be loud as you can be." He bit my lip and then his kisses went down on my neck. I could feel he was trying to hold back leaving me marks.
His body rested between my thighs. I could feel him getting hard every time he pushed his body while he kissed me. He was trying so hard not to undress me so he stayed his hands on my bare thighs.
"Tell me to stop. Tell me to go on. Whatever you want. I'll do it. Tell me." He stopped kissing me. His lips were plump and had lipstick stains. My hand went over to his buttoned shirt and unbuttoned the first one.
"Do not stop." With that, his hand on my thigh went higher to grab my ass. I grabbed his wrist while my other hand tried to mess up his hair.
"God, you're breathtaking." While kissing my neck, he slowly unzipped the back of my dress. I felt the warmth of his hand on my bare back. I wasn't wearing any bra so it was easy for him to access my breasts.
He grabbed my breast while his tongue played with my nipple. I arched back in pleasure, making it easy for him to do what he was doing.
"Be patient, darling." He pulled away from me and completely removed my dress, leaving me only with my undergarment. He also removed his top as I was still sitting on the table. I was awed to see him topless. Quidditch training did his body justice.
He went over to me once more to kiss me. 
"Open your legs." His voice filled with such dominance that I didn't hesitate to do what I was told. He continued to kiss me, massaging my breasts. Those kisses slowly went down my neck, chest, stomach...and down to my...
"Do you want to stop?" He asked. I was thankful for making sure I still want to continue.
"It's just..."
"What is it, love? Tell me." 
"Must you kiss me down there?" I looked away because I just asked a dumb question. I heard him chuckle and placed his hand on my chin to make me look at him.
"Do you trust me?"
I nodded at him and he smiled, kissing my forehead for assurance.
"I'm preparing you so you won't have to feel pain."
He slowly removed my undergarment and kissed my pelvis as he went down to my womanhood. As soon as I felt his lips and tongue on my folds, I arched back. The empty classroom was filled with my moans and his kisses. I was starting to feel like I'm going to explode so I grabbed his hair. He stopped.
"Not yet." He licked his lips and unbuckled his trousers. I saw how huge he was. I was starting to get scared, wondering if it'll fit inside me.
"Do you still want to continue?" He asked one more time.
"Will it hurt?" 
"Maybe. You have to tell me. May I have your permission?"
He slowly entered his length inside me. I winced in pain but knew Fred that was trying to be gentle as much as possible. When the whole of him was already inside me, he kissed my cheeks and tried to whisper sweet nothings. He was slowly thrusting, making sure I was feeling all nothing but pleasure before fasting his pace.
He continued to kiss me as his pace started to go fast. My moans were getting louder as well as his groans. He keeps kissing my neck and shoulders, hugging me ever so tightly. We were both close to our climax. And when he did, he pulled it out.
He kissed my forehead and went over to pick up my clothes. He helped me to clean up before we put our clothes back on.
"Can you walk?" He asked when he saw me struggling to stand straight.
"It's a little sore down there," I tell him. He looked like he was sorry for what he did. I smiled and tiptoed to kiss his cheeks.
"I'll be gentle next time. I promise." He said and then placed his coat on my shoulder. "Warm enough?" He smirked at me.
I knew it was a lie when he told me he'd be gentle. Because he never was. Can't blame a man with this amount of energy.
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Omg I am absolutely in love with your writing, especially the ones with Bill and a daughter/son reader😭😭🙏 (I got issues and dad!Bill solves them💀) Could you possibly do Bill with a teen daughter reader that’s in ballet and she’s doing the ‘Swan Lake’ dance, (I guess it’s the hardest ballet dance to do and I’ve only ever seen older people do the dance.) So imagine when Bills TEEN! daughter dances to hardest ballet dance. I definitely feel like he would be the proudest parent in the world especially since it’s a hard dance to master! Please and thank you 🤍🤍
(I don't know much about ballet so I did what I could lol. I love dance Mom Bill sm and I'm so glad you love my writing! I'm happy you requested and enjoy!)
Dance!Mom!Bill K. x Swan Lake
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At first, putting you in ballet was just something to get energy out and because you expressed interest in a tutu
So, Bill of course put you in the best ballet classes he could find and you bet your ass he loved watching you dance
He didn't know if you would stay in it for long but when you did?
He was so, so happy and proud
He loves how happy it made you and how amazing you looked
He also saw how hard you worked in it and he loved it
So, so proud
On his Instagram you can literally find your first day of ballet when you're like five to when you're already grown up
He never stops bragging his baby is a professional ballerina
He always attends your dances and every recital
He would move heaven and earth to just make it
He also doesn't even have to force Gustav, Georg and Tom to come
Your uncle's love coming just as much, Gustav brings his daughter, Tom's step kids even love watching you, and Georg's fiance loves encouraging you as well
You know damn well they're the family who's so proud they start to embarrass you
"Oh, did you know she's my daughter? She's amazing, isn't she?"
"Your daughter was the understudy? What a shame…anyway, that's my baby-"
When he heard you were doing swan lake his didn't know much about it
Until he researched and found out it was a very, very hard dance to do
And only adults usually do it so you being a teen and doing it worried him
He wondered if it was too much pressure but if you wanted to do it, he wouldn't stop you
He would always be there to watch you try and succeed
And babe he was so happy he was
He made EVERYONE be there
He was hitting Tom's arm and going "she's on next! She's on next!"
His eyes couldn't leave you from the moment you started till the end
He was in tears
I feel like in that moment he realized you were growing up
He had one of those moments of watching you as a baby starting out to a teenager and doing it on your own and beautifully
And that made him cry in the crowd
Once your part ended he was clapping the loudest as well as your family
Once he saw you after you bet your ass he gave you the biggest hug, so much so you were taken off the ground
He was bragging about you on social media
In interviews and everything
He always manages to mention his baby and her ballet
And how much she's better than their children because his baby did SWAN LAKE
a hard dance routine at only being a teen
So take that shit, BETTY (a mother he got beef with in your classes
@billsjum6ie @bigbootahjudy @ilovebill-and-gustav @r3dheadedw0rld @kiwitsune @V4mpyboyy @novaaisstupid @billybabeskaulitz @yas-v @iischafer @dilfverz @ahswhore0 @graciegizmo3184 @sweetpuffy12 @80s-tingz @ryiana @yuriayato5 @bunnysenpai31 @banshailey @bellastoner420 @victryzvv9 @stxngnr @killed-kiss @stilesandjames @m00nzyblogs @sylisan @lyzit @trixiekaulitz @laylasbunbunny @5hyslv7 @limaswife @nyxwritesshit
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Wind Down
A/N: forgotten how to write. Smut especially. My attempt at getting back into it.
Warnings: smut.
She smiled against his neck, the salty taste of his sweat on the tip of her tongue.
Matty giggled, her lips, her breath, her hands that roamed his body tickling him. “What-are- you doin’ ?”
Her hands moved to wrap around his neck. She licked the spot in between his collarbones, then bit it, ever so slightly. When Matty began to relax, and pushed his head back to rest it on the wall behind them, she took that as an invitation to kiss his neck.
He laughed. “What’s gotten into you?”
“Hot,” she mumbled in between kisses, “you’re hot. Like a rockstar.”
Matty felt his cheeks blush.
It’s not that they’ve never done this before. They have. Quite a few times, actually. Sometimes, matty would get off-stage, caught up in the adrenalin of it all, and she’d find it attractive whenever he’d take the lead. Tonight was different. He hadn’t even gotten a chance to take the lead. Because she did. As soon as he’d stepped offstage, in between his post-show towel and water bottle, she stood there, waiting to get her hands on him.
“Get a room, Christ” George mumbled, faking annoyance as he walked by. Adam and Ross making gagging noises and giggling, causing Matty to laugh, his teeth accidentally bumping against hers in a failed kiss.
“Sorry, sorry,” he chuckled.
She took his hand firmly in hers, intertwining their fingers. “Come with me.” She stopped, determined, towards his dressing room, sticking her tongue out at Hann and Ross as she pulled Matty along.
She kept a firm grip on him as she shut the door behind them, and even as she led him to the couch in the center of the room.
Matty slumped down, on his stomach, on top of her body as she made herself comfortable on the couch, letting out an incoherent, long groan.
“I’m soooo tired.” He whined, burying his face in the tiny space between her head and shoulder.
“You want a back rub? Wink, wink” she giggled.
“Did you just say ‘wink, wink’?” His words were absorbed by the leather couch.
“Mhm,” she smiled. “You know, cuz….the rubbing wasn’t supposed to be for your back but I’ll give you an honest-to-god back rub if you’d like one.”
“How about we just lay here for a little while longer?”
They stayed there, her hand eventually finding his hair, stroking it delicately, scratching at his scalp gently, and listening to him silently breathe in and out.
“Think I’ll take that back rub now.” He spoke after a long silence.
Matty had no idea she’d be this thrilled to rub his back. Seemingly within seconds, she’d pulled lotions, oils, and magical potions out of her bag, and began to apply them to his skin, expertly kneading at his muscles.
“Fuck- yeah! You’re quite good at this, you know?” He muttered, his arm dangling from the couch. “I’m getting to old for this, darlin’”
“No, you’re not. You’re young and strong. And you looked so good up there tonight.”
“I did?” Matty’s eyebrow shot up.
“Yeah, I like when you keep things simple. The black trousers, the form-fitting black top. Shows off….all of you. This cute bum.” She swatted at him playfully.
“You like my bum, do ya?” He wiggled.
“Mhm. In fact I’m gonna go ahead and undress it,” she hooked her fingers into the waistband of his briefs “is that alright?”
“Yeah, I mean— I’m sweaty and-“
“I don’t mind. Do you?”
“Not at all.”
She squeezed his bum by the handfuls, dipping her head down to plant kisses all over. Matty jolted, surprised, at first. But he soon relaxed, a sleepy grin shining across his face.
“Remind me to thank the trainers. Their work here is impeccable.”
“I’m the one you should be thanking. I actually do the hard work.”
“You and I both know that, without someone bothering you about it regularly, your ass would not look like this. We ought to get you one of those sweats that say ‘JUICY’ across the butt.”
“You see me onstage holding a guitar and crooning into the mic and now all I am is a piece of ass to you?”
“Well, you’re not JUST a piece of ass.” She giggled. “There’s also your arms. And your hair….and your hips- in fact, why don’t you turn around and lay on your back so I can see those hips properly?”
Matty hesitated for a moment, knowing that she was going to notice his erection.
“Oh my, my, my- well, you certainly love being a piece of ass, don’t you?”
Matty’s face turned red as he laughed. He exhaled, “for you, I do.”
“Awww, that’s kinda sweet….I think?”
A devious idea flashed across her mind as soon as she looked down at his naked, taut body. She but her lip, oiling up her hands, then gently dragging them down his chest.
Matty tracked the movements of her fingers as she traced random circles into his skin. Her circles grew smaller, faster, higher until she brushed past his nipples, drawing a moan from his lips.
“Oh f-f-fuck!” He’d panicked as soon as he figured out what she was up to.
With a finger on each nipple, she had Matty’s hips thrusting up into the air, and swaying frantically from one side to the other. But that wasn’t enough for her, she knew she could get more out of him.
Her right hand moved away from his chest, reaching between his legs to grab his hardened cock. She licked circles around his now free nipple, eliciting endless whines from him.
“Oh-my- ah….angel- angel, I’m not- gonna last. I don’t think- faster, yes, yes, yes!”
Matty seemed to lose track of what he’d wanted to say, entranced by her rhythmic motions.
“Fuck, darling, I’m-“
“It’s okay, do it, go ahead.”
The grin in her voice was what he needed to push him over the edge. She felt him thrust into her hand, tensing up for a moment, and bursting around her grip.
A long and weak “fuckkkk” left his lips, before he finally fell back to the couch with a thud.
He heard her make an obscene and dramatic licking sound. “You taste so good.” She whispered, watching his lips twitched.
He whined at the sudden and unexpected intrusion when he felt her wipe between his legs. He was exhausted but grateful.
“Do- uhm…” he cleared his hoarse throat. “Do we; erm, have time for a nap?”
She checked the time on her phone. “Yeah, a quick nap.”
“Oh, but there aren’t any blankets.” Matty propped himself up on his elbows, looking around the room.
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll be your blanket.”
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on-partiality · 6 months
December 19th, 1777, the day George Washington marched his troops into Valley Forge!
Hello everyone! Today's the day George Washington and his army moved to the Valley Forge Encampment for the winter (except today may not be the day because while most sources claim it was the 19th a select few say it was the 18th also I live in the Southern Hemisphere and I'm not entirely sure what day it is for you North-folk). Also sorry for any bad quality, I'm writing this at 1:12 AM on a Wednesday and I have not slept since Sunday.
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Anyway about Valley Forge:
George Washington and his soldiers moved into the Valley Forge encampment on the 19th of December, 1777. George Washington chose to stay at the Valley Forge for multiple reasons, number 1 being that it wasn't too far from the capital of Philadelphia, which at the time was being occupied by the British, and the Continentals had to make sure that they kept an eye on the redcoats because if they didn't then the redcoats could attack American citizens or take over random people's houses, something that they did rather frequently (think the Quartering Act), and the army wouldn't be there to fight back or wouldn't know that they were occupying a certain house. Also, they needed to know where the redcoats were in case they moved, because if they moved, they might be going off to battle and trying to do a surprise attack on the Continentals. Knowing where the British were made it so that surprise attacks couldn't be used against the Americans. + Valley Forge wasn't too close to the Philadelphia countryside, so the Army wouldn't bother the local farmers with the noise of thousands of soldiers training every day. And the Valley Forge was on high ground and surrounded by hills, so it'd be hard for the British to get to them.
About 11,000 soldiers and a few hundred of their wives, children, and friends made it to the Valley Forge, and if you're particularly observant, you may have noticed that in the image above, the soldiers aren't wearing any one uniform. This is because the Continental Army at this time was comprised of mainly little militia groups with their own distinct uniforms. Anyway, Valley Forge wasn't unenjoyable because of bad weather, but rather bad weather combined with a severe lack of supplies like shoes, shirts (really any clothing item), and food and drink. Washington estimated that nearly a third of his men didn't have shoes during the journey to Valley Forge, and quite a few of them didn't have a frock coat to protect them from the winter wind and rain. When they arrived at the camp, Washington gave orders to all of his men to build their own wooden huts and find some straw to use as bedding, as they didn't have enough blankets for everyone. Then Washington was informed by another senior officer that they had 25 barrels of flour and a little salt pork, and they were meant to somehow use that to feed the whole army. Washington wrote to Henry Laurens, the president of Congress at the time, about this issue. Washington and his aides-de-camp stayed in a two-story house made of stone, and Washington spent much of his time writing to Congress, asking for more supplies and defending himself against Congress' claims that he wasn't a good military leader and that he wanted total power, and he complained about the Conway Cabal (a group of three men who Congress decided to give as much power as the Commander-in-Chief). But outside of Washington's personal struggles, the Valley Forge encampment was all about training. When the Continentals were there, they trained for battle constantly and learned how to use bayonets properly, fight in a disciplined way, march in a near perfect straight line and execute commands quickly on the battle field.
Many generals helped George Washington during his struggle, both to show his competence and with his men. Lafayette got officers from Europe (mainly France and Poland) to help with the war; Henry Knox helped build defensive walls on the Valley Forge's hills to help the Continentals protect themselves against the British; Nathanael Greene and Anthony Wayne searched for farm animals from the country side; and probably most famously, Baron Frederich von Steuben taught the Americans all about fighting and took care of all of the training in fact he added some of his lessons into the Army's blue book and it was the official US military training manual for decades. Even Martha Washington helped by managing Washington's household, helping him with his letters to Congress, and bringing some cheer to the camp by entertaining the guests. By the spring of 1777, life at Valley Forge wasn't half bad. Washington figured out a way he could get enough supplies into camp, and everyone happily celebrated when they heard that France was officially their ally in the war. In June 1778 the Continentals happily marched out of the Valley Forge with heaps of new knowledge that they'd use to help them on the battlefield and eventually beat the British with.
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milflewis · 7 months
22 + chalex for the prompt thing! 🫶🏻
22. hug
[LOG ENTRY: SOL 1: So. I am fucked. Surprise though! So you can stop all the tears — talking about you, Commander, the softy that you are - I am alive.]
Two weeks after NASA has declared Alex Albon dead and left on Mars, Charles writes to George. He sends it to Sebastian and makes him swear to get it to Lewis in the crew’s next info dump, who will give it to George.
He tells him about how Alex’s plants are doing, and about his shifts at the hospital, how he’s on night work now, with the shifts rotating over. He tells him about going to the beach and just standing there for hours, staring out at the water, until he could no longer feel his face from the cold. He tells that he’s more or less sleeping, that he’s going to work, that he’s eating. He tells him that he hopes they’re keeping safe and that he loves him.
He doesn’t talk about Alex. He doesn’t tell George he doesn’t blame him. He knows he’ll know. That he won’t need Charles to write the words.
[LOG ENTRY: SOL 2: I think I've got this actually. Ignore yesterday. Getting stranded on Mars kinda messes with your head. I've got a plan and I'm feeling good about it! ]
[LOG ENTRY: SOL 2: Update. I do not got this. If I die, Charles, I demand a mourning period of at least eighty-three years. Please bury me under some nice flowers. Blue if you can.]
“Come back to me,” Charles says, arms tight around Alex’s neck, mouth pressed under his ear. He smells of shampoo and asphalt. His bony elbows are digging into Charles’s back.
“I’m going to make Mars my bitch,” Alex says, grinning, and Charles shoves him away with a laugh.
Alex catches his wrist with a warm hand. His palm is dry and calloused. “Charlie,” he starts, low and careful. “I love you, you know that, right?”
“Yeah.” Charles’s voice cracks. He tries again. “Yes, I know, of course, of course. Me too.”
Alex smiles, and it’s wonderful. Charles memorises the shape of it.
Down the line, with his back to the hoard of cameras, Commander Lewis Hamilton is pressing his mouth against his husband’s knuckles. Both of their eyes are closed.
[LOG ENTRY: SOL 54]: Did you know that if you grow something somewhere that you've then colonised it? So, like, now that I've got my potatoes going does that mean I now own Mars? A win for the gays and the losers, motherfuckers!]
Toto swivels in his chair and looks out of the window to the sky beyond. Night is slipping in.
"What is it like?" he wonders. “Stuck up there. Alone. He does not know we know. What does that do?"
He looks at Niki. "I wonder what he is thinking right now."
[LOG ENTRY: SOL 61: How come Aquaman can control whales. They're mammals! Makes no sense.]
Some days, when he hasn’t had much sleep and the air warps and curls over on itself with heat, he sees Charles.
He’ll only ever be far off in the distance — too far for Alex to even see the details of his face, let alone touch him. He’d know the shape of those shoulders anywhere.
Alex waves to him sometimes. This dark blur on the horizon that just stands there and watches. He never waves back. The sun on Mars is unforgiving.
Alex wonders if he’s moisturising his hands. The latex exam gloves he has to wear for work always dry out his skin.
[LOG ENTRY: SOL 76: I'm going to have to science the shit out of this. George, please don't use this as porn. I know how hot and bothered you get about me being all smart and sexy.]
George has, like, every sitcom ever downloaded in his personal storage. Alex works his way through them all. If he never hears another laugh track in his life he’d die happy.
Lewis’s music list is jam packed full of different genres. There is a surprising amount of The Beatles in there. Alex wouldn’t have guessed he was a fan of them.
Alex decides the music Lewis had made himself, all chords and notes and little words, is some of his favourites. It can be hard hearing other people speak at you and not being able to talk back.
Every book Valtteri had downloaded is in Finnish. Alex thinks he probably should’ve guessed that would be the case.
It turns out Finnish is very hard to learn, especially when the only words you’ve picked up are swears that you’ve heard Valtteri muttering under his breath before media duties.
[LOG ENTRY: SOL 206: Finally got into contact with NASA because I am that bitch and I will be damned if I die here, and that is a promise. They won’t stop telling me what to do now though, so, like, it’s a give and take, I guess.]
The first thing Charles notices about Alex is that he has freckles all over his face but especially across his nose and cheeks. This feels very important.
The second thing he notices is that he is tall and his wrists are bony. Charles eyes the strip of skin where his MATHS IS SEXY top rides up. There is an equally tall man sitting in the booth beside him with a shirt that reads: NO ITS NOT.
The third thing he notices is that he is extremely drunk. His cheeks are flushed and he’s half falling over the table as he tries to explain something while laughing.
Charles probably falls in love right there if he’s being honest, even if he never gets the courage to go up and talk to him. Alex is the one who says hi, weeks later, asking him if he wants to play pool.
Charles doesn’t know how to play pool. He says yes anyway because he thinks it might make Alex smile. It does.
He keeps saying yes and Alex keeps smiling. They move together after college graduation.
Charles is coming off a double shift and he can’t feel his feet when Sebastian shows up to give him a ride home. He makes him tea when they get in. It’s a blend of something herbal and sweet like honey.
Sebastian tells him Alex is still alive as Charles breathes in the steam. He tells him that they left him behind on Mars. That it was an accident. That they’re figuring out how to get him home.
Alex is alive, Charles thinks. I’ll get to see Alex smile again, Charles thinks, and promptly bursts into tears.
[08:47] BUTTON: Good, keep us posted on any mechanical or electrical problems. By the way, the name of the probe we're sending you is Iris. You know, the one who rode the waves of heaven using the wind. I think she's also the chick with the rainbows.
[08:49] ALBON: Gay probe coming to save me. Got it.
I’m so glad it’s not me stuck up there, the navigational assistant tells him. He was the one who discovered Alex was still alive in the first place. He tells him he noticed the MAV moving. His name is Yuki.
Alex thinks he’s going to say he’d miss people or fresh fruit or Netflix or sex or something. Alex hasn’t had a mango in so long. He hasn’t had a blowjob in even longer. Some days he isn’t sure which is worse.
Yuki is very very funny.
Can you imagine only eating potatoes, he tells Alex. I would rather die dead and alone. And then: though I guess you would not have to imagine.
And then: the eating potatoes bit. sorry. you haven’t done the other one yet.
Alex laughs so much he rebreaks a only barely healed rib and NASA yells at them both. His calcium levels are very low.
[21:27] BUTTON: How are the crops affecting that number? As to your question: We haven't told the crew you're alive yet. We wanted them to concentrate on their own mission.
[21:30] ALBON: The crops are potatoes. I got them from the ones we were supposed to eat for Christmas. They're doing great but the available farmland isn't sustainable. I'll run out of food around SOL 900. Also. Fucking tell the crew I'm alive???? What the fuck is wrong with you????
[21:31] BUTTON: SOL 900 is great news. That'll give us time to get a supply mission to you. And I’ve been told to tell you to watch your language. Everything you type is being broadcasted around the world.
[21:32] ALBON: Look! A pair of boobs - > ( . Y . )
Dear Alex: Apparently, NASA is letting us talk to you now. And I drew the short straw. Sorry we left you behind on Mars.
But we just don't like you. You're sort of annoying. And you shed hair everywhere.
Also, it's a lot roomier on the Hermes without you. We have to take turns doing your tasks. But, I mean, it's only botany. It's not a real science.
How's Mars?
— George.
Alex stares up at the plain white ceiling of the HAB. The wind roars and rages outside and the Level Threw sandstorm shakes the walls. It holds. It always holds.
When he makes the journey to find the HAB of the HERMES TWO, he’ll be technically crossing international waters without any explicit permission from a governmental body. That makes him a pirate.
I’m going home, Alex thinks. And then: I can’t wait to tell Charlie that he’s married to a bad boy.
Alex runs a hand over his face. He’s even gotten the beard to go with it.
Dear George: Mars is fine. When I get lonely I think of that steamy night I spent with your mum.
How are things on Hermes? Cramped and claustrophobic? Yesterday I went outside and looked at the horizons. They really do go on forever.
— Alex.
"Thing is," Alex scrambles to say, mouth dry and sore. "I'm selfish. I want all the memorials back home to be just about me. I don't want the rest of you losers in any of them. I can't let you guys blow the VAL. Also, I'm the only one who is allowed to make Charlie cry. Them's the rules."
"Oh," Lewis says. "Well, I mean, if you won't let us — wait. Wait a minute, I think I see something on my shoulder patch here. Oh, right, yeah, it says I'm the Commander. So, you know, what I say goes. Shut the fuck up and sit tight. We're coming to get you."
Alex swallows — or tries to at least. His whole body aches. He thinks he broke a rib, or two. Or three. He wants to cry.
"Copy that, sir."
"We've got you, man." Lewis's voice is warm. Alex doesn't have to imagine his smile anymore. He's going to get to see it very soon.
Alex is all bone and mouth when Charles gets to see him again. He has lost so many of his freckles. He hugs him close, pressing his thumbs into the hinge of Alex's jaw. Alex bows and curls over him and Charles doesn't let either of them fall.
He tastes vaguely of salt and snot when Charles kisses him. Charles is crying.
Alex is smiling when he pulls away, arms tight around Charles' back. "Look at your face," he says softly. He's talking to himself.
"I'm here," Charles replies, louder than necessary. Alex blinks at him and his smile, impossibly, gets even bigger. Charles's stomach squirms.
"You're a mess," Alex teases him, running a hand through Charles' hair. Charles doesn't say anything about how his hands shake.
“You should stay here and take care of me then,” Charles says, and Alex closes his eyes, smushing his nose hard into the skull of Charles’s forehead. Charles digs his nails in.
Fuck you, Mars, Charles. Fuck you.
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smrsxx · 1 year
Celebrity Crush | Erling Haaland x fem!shy!short!reader
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Request :
Imagine you and Erling are each others celebrity crushes (reader is an f1 driver or whatever you want them to be) and she goes to her first Man City Game but she is nervous because even though these famous she is quite shy
Most of the city lads know about Erling crush so when they see her they tease him saying things like “ooo your girls here” Erling doesn’t believe it until he see you for himself
After the game (a win of course) you both meet up after and since it’s your first time meeting they are both really flustered
Erling asks them on a data and they exchange numbers
After there 5th date Erling confesses his love for the reader and is such a simp for her
Maybe if you are comfortable it ends in really soft smut between the two and even softer aftercare
Ps- I love your writing your doing so well, keep it up 🩷🩷
Thank you so much for requesting this imagine , the idea was amazing and I was so glad that I had the chance on writing it .
Again thank you all for the undying suuport < 3 ( I WILL NOT STOP TELLING YOU ) .
Tw : nervousness , shyness , shity friends , the fem!reader is described as short , AND SMUT ( I tried OK ? ) .
Ps . I was so happy writing this .
English isn't my first language , so if you spot a mistake , please just bare with me .
5k words : )
Enjoy < 3
Reader's Pov
Being a F1 driver is not an easy thing . It is not an easy thing at all . Everyone is constantly judging you for everything .
Especially if you are the only woman in a sport that most people are men .
I am not saying that F1 is a man's sport . I've known a lot of women in the Formula world , it is just that everyone is hard one you when you are the only woman in Formula racing with other people . And it is even harder when you are racing in F1 .
Currently I'm sitting in Toto Wolff's office with Susie .
" I don't know what I did wrong . I didn't say anything to him ." I said to Susie about what happened a few minutes ago in the conference room .
I was sitting with Lewis , George and Mike and we were all waiting for the other drivers to show up so we could discuss some things for the upcoming season .
But someone had other plans . . .
A lot of drivers didn't even showed up .
Lewis was starting to lose his patience and after a couple of minutes he got up and tried to search for the others .
" Where are you going ? " I asked him quietly looking up at him .
" I just want to get this over with and go home as everybody else wants , but there are just a few of us . " He said angrily .
" Let me come with you . " I said to him and the moment I got up from my chair , a certain Red Bull driver whispered : " Puppet " .
After that I just left the conference room and didn't show up .
" Honey it wasn't your fault . Everyone is anxious for the race . He didn't really mean it . " Susie said trying to calm my down .
It wasn't really working .
When Toto came in followed by Lewis , we went through the situation again , and then decided that we all need a brake .
This was a really good opportunity to visit Manchester and my family.
Maybe go out with some of my friends .
I hate my friends .
We decided to go all out tonight , maybe at some bar and then head back home , but my friends decided to bring me to my first football mach with Manchester City against Chelsea .
Not because they wanted to watch a football game .
No .
Because they know about the crash I have on a certain striker .
Erling Braut Haaland .
The man isn't even aware about my existence .
So what am I even doing here ?
Erling's Pov
" OOO YOUR GIRLS HERE " !!! Jack Grealish screamed to Erling while they werje training before the start of the game .
" Stop screaming man . What are you even saying ? " Erling asked his close friend .
" I saw her man . I swear . She is right over there in the VIP section . " Jack said to him while pointing out in the crowd .
Erling grabbed his hand shocked . " Stop pointing . Your blind . She's not here . I would have seen her . "
" Yeah right . " Jack said while trying to hold his laugh .
" Ayo bro . Y/N's here . " Phil said walking towards them .
And with that Erling started panicking and Jack bursted out laughing.
" Famous F1 driver for the AMG Petronas team is in the house . " The presenter said quietly while your face showed on the big screen of the City stadium .
Erling was shocked .
He stoped dead in his track .
Your beautiful features right infront of him .
" She is so cute . " He said to himself not knowing that the cameras were filming his reaction .
The internet is going to be on fire tonight .
" OMG Y/N YOU ARE ON THE SCREEN !!! " Your friend scream to you pointing at the camera .
" Huh ? " You asked quietly , but she was right . Your while face was on the screen .
Feelinh embarrassed you looked down and missed the face of your biggest crush looking at you .
" OMG Y/N ERLING IS LOOKING AT YOU !!! " Your friend scream at you again shaking you this time .
" No he doesn't . " You said with a red face .
" OMG Y/N THERE IS A VIDEO ON TWITTER . YOU ARE ERLING'S CRUSH . " Your friend said to you while looking at her phone screen .
Soon the game started .
Manchester City won against Chelsea and Ofcourse Erling scored the goal .
Everyone was celebrating .
Even you .
You left the stadium . Your friend went home with an other guy and left you alone . You didn't brought your car with you .
" I miss my Benz now . " You said to yourself while looking down walking to the parking session and then head out , when suddenly you heard laughs and voices .
" Oi Y/N how are you ? Did you liked the game ? You know Erling scored a goal . " Jack said to you while you saw Erling Haaland himself for the first time behing him .
When Jack started walking towars you , Erling went behind him and in a matters of seconds they were both right in front of you .
You and Erling were both looking at each other .
Didn't say a word .
" Erling has a really big crush on you Y/N and by your looks you seem to have too . I'll leave you both to it . " Jack said proud of himself and then walked away , leaving you both looking at each other .
" Your face is really red . " Erling said quietly while looking down at you.
" Your really tall . " You too said guietly while looking up at him .
When you two realished what you both told one another you started laughing .
" Can I have your number ? " Erling asked you smiling .
" Ofcourse . "
" Do you have a ride home ? I can take you if you want . " He told you .
That night were he drove you home , you had your first date . It was a long drive and you got to know some things about each other .
" Will I see you again ? " He asked you when you reached your house .
" We can go out tomorrow for dinner . Is it okay with you ? " You asked him with a smile .
" Yes it is . " He answered and you gave him a kiss on the cheek .
After that you thanked him again and got out .
You were both sitting in a park near your apartment , eating burger's and drinking Ice Tea .
" Are you sure you should be eating those things ? " You askeh him once again .
" No but I'm not gonna tell anyone and neither do you . " He answered and kissed your cheek smiling .
You were both dating for a couple of months and things have been great .
You loved him , but you were really afraid telling him .
" I am gonna delete my Instagram account . " Erling said defeated . " Everyone keeps calling me a simp and Jack encourages them . " He added and you laughed .
God . . . how much he loved you . Your smile , your eyes , your laugh .
" I know it's only been a while , but I think I love you . I really do . " He confessed and you could sense that he was worried that you might not share the same feelings .
But you interrupted his thoughts .
" I think I am in love with you too . I mean I know it's only been two months , but we are both happy and we are having a great time . We don't have to be anxious about it right ? " You said looking him in the eyes .
Suddenly you started kissing .
You didn't even know how you ended up in your apartment .
Erling holding your hands beside your head , your legs spread out for him , slowly sliding in and out of you .
All you could think about was him .
Only him .
The way he was giving you so much pleasure , but at the same time he was so soft with you .
Leaving kisses and hickeys on your neck and your collarbone's .
Holding each other like your entire life's depended on it .
Him kissing you like the worls was ending .
But the way his hips found yours in every thrust made you see oblivion .
You could feel him twitching everytime a soft moan escaped your mouth .
When he was close he left your hands and wrapped them beneath your back and your head embracing you in a thigh and warm hug .
Your hands found their way into his hair .
You were close too . He could feel you squeezing him everytime he reached a certain spot .
After a couple of minutes he bottomed out .
You reacher your high .
Both feeling high .
He didn't let you go for a second that night .
Holding each other , laughing , telling stories , having sex again , kissing .
And when the morning sun made it's appearance , you finally fell asleep .
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thmles · 1 year
| Self Love.
- He don't love himself, tryna love me.
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[pairing: miguel o'hara x gwen stacy!reader]
[warnings: mention of death, sweet to angst, marriage, miguel being a player, barely proofread]
[a/n: so i was listening to self love from the across the spider-verse album/soundtrack and i kept on listening to it while playing ranked so i ended up writing this while playing and really ran with it! gwen's dialogue really pushed me to write this. it would've been longer if it were an actual fic but i hope you enjoy 🫶🏻]
Miguel considered himself a player back in college. Infamous for swooning over girls to try and get them in his bed. At least, that was the rumors. He targeted almost every girl in their major, from freshmen to graduating. His favorite target was you, Gwen Stacy.
You were an only child trying to keep up the appearance that your parents raised a perfect young lady. You rarely went out and only ever had one boyfriend. You were finishing your undergraduate degree in hopes of pursuing a PhD in Biology and to hopefully work for Alchemax, one of Nueva York’s biggest chemical corporations.
It was finals and truthfully, you were cramming almost everything. You had a paper due in a couple of hours and you had to review all of the syllabus word for word if you want to ace your exams. So here you were, in your quiet university library trying to finally finish your undergraduate degree when a certain someone decided to disturb you. You were looking at the screen of your laptop while taking notes with your tablet. A few strands of your hair managed to get itself on the side of your face. You raised your hand to tuck it back in when a hand beat you to it. You looked at your left to see the most annoying and smug face you have seen. Ever.
“Hey. Gwen Stacy, right? Daughter of Chief of Police, Chief George Stacy and Doctor Helen Stacy?” Miguel asked with a smirk. You raised an eyebrow at him before looking back at your laptop to continue reading the slideshow. He chuckled and sat on the long table beside your bag.
“Hard to get, Miss Stacy?” He asked again with another smirk. You looked at him and narrowed your eyes. “Very.”
Miguel let out a chuckle and ran a hand through his hair. “Care for a coffee date?” He asks again. You rolled your eyes in annoyance. What did this human turd want? You just wanted to finish university and get your PhD and start working. He’s just a bother. “No.” You answered sternly before going back to your notes.
“C’mon. It’ll be my treat.”
When Miguel realized you weren���t going to reply, he slammed your laptop shut. “Hey!” You exclaimed in annoyance. He laughed and crossed his arms. “Will you answer me now?”
“Please with a cherry on top?” He asked again with hopeful eyes.
“Look, Miguel is it?” You stood up and looked at him. “I said no, already didn’t I? We all know about your very colorful affairs and I am not going to be one of them.” You were yelling by now and the rest of the students in the library were looking over at the pair of you. You glared at Miguel and you could see a hint of hurt in his eyes. You quickly stuffed your laptop and tablet in your bag, leaving him by himself as you left the library to study at your house.
The very next day, you were woken up by your dad knocking on your door. “Honey, someone wants to see you.” His voice muffled by the door. You groaned and sat up, rubbing your eyes as it adjusted to the lighting. “Who?” You asked tiredly, slipping on your fuzzy slippers your friend had gifted you. “A guy named Miguel.” As soon as you heard those words, it was as if cold water was poured over your head. “Uh, I’ll be right there, dad!” You replied and sauntered over to your bathroom to make yourself decent. No way were you letting that human turd see you as a mess.
After a while, you headed downstairs and saw your father and Miguel conversing in the dining room. A maid placed a plate for Miguel to which he accepted gratefully. Your dad seemed pleased with Miguel. “What exactly are you doing in my house on a Tuesday morning, O’hara?” You spat out rudely. Miguel smiled as you entered the room and sat across from him.
“Gwen.” Your dad warned you. You crossed your arms as the maid from earlier put a plate in front of you as well as a cup. She poured orange juice in the cup as you glared at the man across from you.
“Dad, Miguel and I aren’t even close. We aren’t even friends!” You exclaimed as you tried to decipher why your father decided to let him in. “Well, if you aren’t friends, why did he just ask me if he could court you?”
That morning was eventful. Miguel and your father had been bonding and had even approved of Miguel courting you. Hell, Miguel brought flowers for you and your mom. You don’t know how he even knew your favorite flowers when you never conversed before. You had to pull him aside and asked him what the hell was he doing to which he answered: “I’ve liked you for years, I just want to shoot my shot.”
Somehow, you don’t know how, you warmed up to him. He went with you to Alchemax and was very supportive of your choices. Miguel bought you your favorite chocolates every week, and surprised you with romantic dinners. A few months into him courting you, you made it abundantly clear that you wouldn’t sleep with him until after a year you started dating. He also became your boyfriend that day. Miguel respected your choice and made an effort to give you a secure relationship.
Even after years, when Miguel managed to get his DNA spliced with that of a spider’s, you stood by him. You left Alchemax to work for a pharmaceutical company as you could never forgive what happened with Miguel. You supported Miguel in being Nueva York’s ‘Spider-man.’ You gave him massages, left food for him to eat, waited for him to come home. He was very much grateful for you. He knew he wanted to marry you the moment he laid eyes on you at an orientation of a class you took together freshman year. Miguel only proposed one night after a brutal fight with the Vulture.
Miguel stumbled in through the unlocked window of your shared bedroom. He was badly bruised and his whole body ached. The commotion caught your attention from the kitchen and was quick to run in the room. Miguel tugged off his mask and threw it on the bed. When you saw Miguel’s bruised face, you let out a gasp and helped him sit on the bed.
“I told you to not get hurt, didn’t I?” You exclaimed as you ran to the kitchen to get a pack of frozen corn to help soothe Miguel’s swollen face. He let out a chuckle and only looked at you as you held the pack to his cheek. “Jesus, what am I going to do with you, hm?” You asked softly as your fingers brushed over his other swollen cheek. You sniffed as you felt yourself becoming teary-eyed at Miguel’s state. He was badly bruised and you knew he would do it all over again to keep the city safe. To keep you safe. “You should marry me.” Miguel replied softly with a smile. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He shuffled to his nightstand and with a few grunts and groans he held out a small velvet box. You dropped the pack of frozen corn beside him and looked into his eyes.
“Marry me, Gwen Stacy. You’re the love of my life. I knew I loved you the moment I laid eyes on you in Professor Jacob’s class. You gave me a chance to love you. You stayed with me throughout everything that happened at Alchemax and sacrificed the career you built there for me. I can’t see myself with anyone else besides you. Will you marry me?”
Needless to say the wedding was grand. Almost the whole police department of Nueva York showed up to ensure that the wedding was secure. Your batch mates who were genuinely surprised at the pair you and Miguel had even showed up. And after a week long honeymoon in Switzerland, you were ecstatic. But good things come to an end, right?
When an anomaly from another dimension managed to severely injure you, Miguel was set on figuring out how to travel the multiverse. And when he did, he recruited every Spider-Men, Spider-Women, hell even a Spider-Car to ensure that anomalies are dealt with accordingly so they couldn’t do the damage they did to you.
As you were recovering from your injuries, Miguel was quick to discover that for every Spider-Man that had a Gwen Stacy, she always dies. It led him to spiral into keeping you safe and he almost always made sure that you call him when you leave the house and get home.
However, despite the best of his abilities, he was unable to save you as the Green Goblin threw you off a clock tower. Miguel managed to wrap his makeshift webs around you but it was too late. Your head hit the ground and you were gone.
Miguel tried his best to move on, focusing on his work and the Spider Society. As he looks at the picture of you in your wedding dress smiling at the camera, in Miles’ world, Gwen was looking at Miles as they sat upside down.
“In every other universe, Gwen Stacy falls for Spider-Man,” She paused to look into Miles’ eyes before gazing out at the city. “And in every other universe, it doesn’t end well.”
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autumn816 · 30 days
Those George pictures did something so of course I had to write. Enjoy 1.3k of uncles/dads gewis. I guess a little sequel to this.
“Do you really have a baby in your tummy?”
George lets Leo poke him in the stomach a few more times before intercepting his hands and keeping them between his own hands. His baby bump isn’t too big yet. It’s still showing a little but he can easily cover it up with loose clothes. He is only 17 weeks in.
“Yeah. I do.”
“So, I’m getting a cousin?”
“You are.”
“This is your fault.” Leo crosses his arms, looking at Lewis with accusing eyes.
“My fault?” The corners of Lewis’ lips twitch in amusement. “How?”
“I don’t know. You must have done something to Uncle George. You can’t come near him anymore. I won’t let you.”
Oh, Lewis has done something to him, alright.
“Yeah, I did do something to Uncle George. We—”
“Finish the sentence and you and the sofa will be best mates for the next few months.”
Lewis has practically shifted into his home. He wasn’t lying to George when he said that whatever they do, they do it together. That George won’t be alone. He just didn’t expect it to this extent, in a whole literal sense where sometimes George can’t even go to the toilet without as much as telling Lewis where he is going. George gets it. The anxiety of a first child but George can do with some freedom.
It’s also confusing. He doesn’t know where he stands with Lewis. If they are still doing the whole fake dating thing since they didn’t actually go with their fake break-up or are they actually together now. The things they have done in the past few months are messing with George’s brain about what the status of their relationship is.
“I wasn’t actually gonna tell him. Who do you think I am?”
“I can tell him.” Milly lifts her head from George’s shoulder. A grin on her face. “So what happens is—”
Her grin widens. “It’s an educational lesson.”
“Tell me.”
“No,” George denies. “You need to go take a bath.”
“Tell me first.”
“Bath or we aren’t going out for ice cream.” George gives his nephew an ultimatum. Or threatens with an ultimatum, more like.
“That’s not nice, Uncle G.” Leo huffs. “At least tell me if it’s a boy or a girl.”
“I don’t know yet,” George says. His ultrasound is next week. They’ll find out then.
“I hope it’s a boy,” Milly says.
“No,” Leo argues. “A girl. So I can be the only boy. Three girls and one boy.”
“It’s gonna be a boy.”
Leo doesn’t take the bait. “Fine. As long as we get another playing buddy.”
“You will but right now, go shower,” George repeats.
“I don’t want to.” Leo turns to Lewis, looking at him with puppy eyes. “Can you tell Uncle G that I don’t need to take a bath?”
Lewis’ eyes land on him. George only raises an eyebrow, daring Lewis to say something other than no.
Lewis ruffles Leo’s hair. “Sorry, kiddo. You gotta take your bath.”
“Wow. One look from Uncle George is all it took,” Milly teases. “I expected better from you.”
“What can I say? I’m smart enough to pick my battles.” Lewis jumps in on the joke.
“He can be scary.” Leo joins in as well.
George rolls his eyes. “Alright, give it a rest.”
The three burst out laughing and high-fived each other.
Watching Lewis get along with his niece and nephew fills him with warmth. Yeah, it’s certainly confirmed and undeniable now.
George is in love with Lewis.
4 years later.
“There’s a baby in there?”
Hayden pats and rubs his tiny hands on George’s stomach, his eyes widening with curiosity. George is filled with deja vu from the time Leo asked the same question.
“Yeah, there’s a baby in here.”
George glances at Lewis but his boyfriend is too busy picking up things scattered in the room or pretending to. He is 90% sure Lewis is listening to them. For as brave and as courageous Lewis is, he always leaves George to explain the hard parts.
“It’s just how it happens.” George tries to be as vague as possible.
“It’s what it is. So you’re going to have either two sisters or two brothers or one sister and one brother.”
George just had his ultrasound yesterday and they found out he is having twins this time.
Hayden is at the stage where “why” is his favourite word. Nothing can be answered without a “why” accompanying it right after.
“That’s just how it is, baby.” George runs his hand through Hayden’s hair. He needs to get him a haircut.
“I’m guessing two girls,” Willow chimes in. She is sitting on the floor with Milly, both of them taking turns to put nail polish on each other. Milly is currently putting Rosy Future on Willow’s fingernails. Yes, Rosy Future. He made the mistake of calling it pink earlier. Never again.
“I say two girls too,” Milly agrees.
“What about you, Sir Uncle?” Willow asks Lewis.
Lewis shrugs his shoulders. George was right. Lewis was listening in. “It could be anything.”
“Oh, come on, Uncle Lew,” Milly groans. “Just pick something.”
George doesn’t really remember when Milly and Leo took up to call Lewis Uncle Lewis or Uncle Lew but somewhere along the four years they had.
“I’ll go with a girl and a boy.”
“What about you, Hay?”
Hayden doesn’t pay attention. He is too busy rubbing his hand over George’s stomach. Too fascinated with the concept of having babies in his dad’s stomach.
George catches Lewis’ eyes from across the room, both of them smiling before looking fondly at their son. Everyone had wondered who Hayden would take more after: George or Lewis. He is a perfect combination of both. Looks and personality wise.
“Kai, Leo, did you get ready?” Lewis shouts so he can be heard in the next room.
“Two minutes,” Kai says. “The episode is almost about to finish.”
Lewis walks to the doorway that connects their room to Hayden’s room, popping his face over the frame. Kaiden and Leo are on their stomachs, the iPad supported by the bed’s headboard. “You said that ten minutes ago. Did you start a new episode?”
“No!” Both Kaiden and Leo exclaim at the same time. Lewis knows a lie when he hears one.
“Benjy is gonna be here in 15 minutes,” Lewis says. “Let’s go. Start getting ready.”
“Dad’s always late,” Leo argues. “It’s fine. We’ll be ready on time.”
George presses his lips in a thin line when he hears it. “Two minutes and I should have the iPad in my hands.”
The next ten minutes are filled with chaos. Leo and Kaiden rush to get ready while Milly and Willow do a final check to see if they have everything they want.
The whole time Hayden doesn’t move from where he is sitting on George’s thighs, his head laying on the baby bump when he suddenly gasps. “Papa, was I in there?”
George thought the conversation had ended. “You were.”
“How did I come out?”
Yeah, he wants the conversation to end. He doesn’t want to explain the logistics of childbirth to his three year-old.
“Okay.” Lewis walks in the room again at the right time. He scoops Hayden into his arms, causing their son to giggle. “Let’s get you to wear your shoes and your jacket. We don’t want to make Uncle Benjy wait when he’s here. Say bye to Papa.”
Lewis bends down so Hayden can hug and kiss George on the cheek. “Buh-bye, Papa. I love you.”
George kisses Hayden on the cheek back. “I love you, too. Don’t have too much fun without me.”
It’s only for a few hours. Hayden will be back soon enough. But since he has become a dad, even a minute away from his son seems like too much sometimes. It’s fine. Just a few hours, George reminds himself.
“I’ll be right back.” Lewis steals a kiss from George before walking out of the room.
Hayden waves over Lewis’ shoulder. George waves back.
A smile dances on George’s lips. This is the happiest he has ever been.
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givemea-dam-break · 1 year
since so many of you wanted a part two to this fic:
"" please, could you write something were the reader is part of kipps crew and lockwood is like obsessed with her. anytime they encounter he goes out of his way to be nice to her and kipps finds it so weird because she is like is best friend or sister even. that would be so cool! also love the new things you’ve posted earlier!!! ""
a/n: i am here to deliver! i have to say, i did not expect many, if any, requests for a part two of this piece (named Anthony on my masterlist), but here you go! thank you all for your support and love on not just this piece, but my other fics i love you all <3
warnings: angst, brief mention of suicide (for a case) female reader (few pronouns used)
part one
Your day could not get any worse, not even if a ghost appeared out of nowhere and killed you. No, in fact, that would be preferable to having Kipps screaming in your face.
"I told you to stay away from him! And now you tell me that you want to join his agency? You have got to be kidding me. This is some kind of prank, right? Is Bobby in on it? Ned? Surely not Kat."
You can't bring yourself to look at the guy who you have relied on for most of your life. The guilt is tearing you apart.
"No, it's not a prank," you say. "But, I'm not happy here, Kipps. I feel so... constrained. I don't want to keep having to follow a system that is so pick-and-choose with what they do and who they send. I want action. I want freedom."
Kipps looks like he's going to tear his hair out. "Freedom? You won't be getting freedom when DEPRAC arrests Lockwood and his little friends, you right along with them, for breaking the rules! God, do you ever listen to me?"
It feels like your heart is sinking, attached to a heavy weight. "Do you listen to me? I've told you I'm not happy here. The team barely speaks to each other, and all we seem to be doing is trying to show up Lockwood, George, and Lucy, and that's not what all of this is meant to be about. What happened to saving the world, Kipps? Isn't that what you used to tell me we'd do?"
And there it is: the breaking point. You've never seen him look so hurt, so betrayed, but you feel the exact same. He was meant to be your biggest supporter, and he can't even do that. Instead, he's so caught up in his pride, his love for the Fittes agency over his love for you, that he won't acknowledge how you feel.
"Hand in your notice by the end of the day," he says, his tone hard and his teeth gritted. "I want you gone by the morning."
"Kipps -" you say, but he's already lost interest and is walking away.
Asshole, you think, but there's no malice to it.
You can only watch as he, the only family figure you ever had in your life, leaves you behind.
"Oh, (name), we didn't expect to see you so soon," Lucy says upon opening the front door of 35 Portland Row. "I've almost finished setting up your bed in the attic with me, but - Wait, what's wrong?"
"Nothing, I'm fine," you say, but it's not overly convincing. "Just thought I'd leave before I got caught up in any big cases."
"You fell out, didn't you?" She ushers you inside, softly shutting the door behind you. "(name), I'm sorry -"
"I'm fine, Lucy," you insist.
She nods, but the look on her face tells you everything. Even if she doesn't know you that well, she's a little worried. With an attempt at a comforting smile, she leads you up the stairs, pointing out the boys' bedrooms and the bathroom, along with a room that no one enters - "We've been in it before, but only because Lockwood let us. You'd best wait until he's comfortable with you going in before finding out what's in there." - and, then, finally the attic.
It's a big space, crowded with over-large furniture. A double bed in the centre of the wall on the right, a wardrobe over on the other wall near the window, and a dresser beside. A small door leads to a tiny, cramped bathroom. Your bed, a fold-up one with a mattress haphazardly thrown on it, is squished in between the door and the wardrobe and, as tightly-packed as everything is, you smile at the cosiness of it.
"I'll just finish up on your bed -"
"I can get it, Lucy," you say, dropping your bags down at the foot of the bed. "Thank you. Are Lockwood and George here? It's awfully quiet."
Lucy snorts. "No, they're out at the moment, doing something or other. Do you want me to go put some tea on?"
You manage a smile. "Yes, please."
As it turns out, Lucy makes nicer tea than Geroge, and she's also kind enough to give you a bigger mug, although there are a few chips on the top. You suppose that's the norm with most of their things.
It doesn't take long for Lockwood and George to return from whatever they were doing. They trudge into the kitchen, arguing about something, but stop short in the doorway. Lucy gets up from her seat, halting her conversation with you, to pour them some tea while you sit, clutching your mug close in both hands.
"(name)!" Lockwood says, plastering on his infamous smile. "I didn't know you were here."
George shuffles past Lockwood and reaches into a cupboard, grabbing a biscuit. "She wasn't meant to be here for another week or two. Isn't that how notices work?"
"Uh, well." You shrug awkwardly, opting to stare at the scribbles on the thinking cloth, as you've been told it's called. "Things changed."
"Kipps made her leave sooner," Lucy says, and though she's worded it a little more gently than you had while talking to her over tea, it still hurts to hear. "Fell out."
"Well, you're here now," Lockwood says cheerfully, sitting down at the head of the table, just diagonal from you. "You'll have none of that from us."
Soundlessly, you move a plate slightly to reveal in loopy handwriting: "Lockwood is a prick and I hate him" next to a poor drawing of his face with devil horns. You raise your eyebrows, but he only laughs.
"What actually happened?" George asks. He looks a little too eager.
You purse your lips. "Told Kipps I wanted to leave, gave him a load of solid reasons, and he shouted at me a bunch. It's whatever."
Lockwood is watching you carefully as if watching and waiting to catch the pieces of you when you inevitably break. You offer up the best smile you can muster, but it doesn't seem to convince him.
"I'm fine, I promise," you say. "What about you guys? Any interesting cases lately?"
"Well," Lockwood says. His usual expression has returned - the cocky grin and sparkling eyes - but there's something a little subdued about it. His eyes still haven't left you. "George and I have just come back from the Archives doing some research for a case we've got tonight -"
"You mean George did the research," George grumbles. "You sat and daydreamed the whole time."
Lockwood only rolls his eyes. "Either way, you're welcome to join us on the case tonight - we could use an extra pair of hands."
Sipping your tea, you shrug again. "Might as well, as long as you're all fine with it."
George looks a little apprehensive about it, but Lucy nods. "What do we know so far?" she asks.
"Ms Diven, the client we met with this morning," George clarifies, glancing at you, "told us that there's a presence in her house, something she can sense but can't see, obviously, and that it's causing trouble. Well, that leads us to believe it's a Type Two, but who?" A smile splits his face, clearly very in his element. "In the Archives, I found some information on previous owners of the house, but only one of them seemed worth noting." He slides a newspaper cutting onto the table.
"Heidi Kairn," Lucy reads. "But, who was she?"
"Famous singer in the forties," George says. "The industry messed her up. A lot of stuff went down, and she ended up..." He drew a finger across his throat. Everyone got the message. "She's the only notable death from that house."
"Any clue what the source could be?" Lockwood asks. You notice how his hand on the table has moved slightly closer to yours. "Surely there won't be anything left from when the death occurred."
George shrugs. "It could be anything. A floorboard, a piece of furniture. We'll have to scout it out when we're there."
"Well!" Lockwood grins widely. "I suppose we should get our equipment ready."
Staring up at the house in front of you, you can't help but feel guilty. Not even a whole day since leaving Fittes, since leaving Kipps, and already you're on a case. Maybe Kipps was right to feel betrayed.
A hand closes softly around yours. When you look, it's Lockwood, looking straight on at the house with a grin.
"It's still daylight, so we'll scout out the house, use our Talents to see if we can figure anything out, and do our usual setup: iron circles in the main rooms, temperature readings. In half an hour, we'll all meet up back here on the porch."
You have to admire the confidence he speaks with. Kipps, for all his pride, would shout orders and stay behind with a facade of confidence, but it was easy enough to hear the fear lingering in his words. But, Lockwood doesn't show fear. Whether he even feels it right now is beyond you.
"George, Lucy, you guys take the bottom floor. (name) and I will take the top."
Lucy looks like she's trying to suppress a smile, glancing between you, Lockwood, and your clasped hands. "Got it. See you guys soon. Come on, George."
The pair trudge into the house, immediately taking a right into what you assume is the living room.
"Are you alright?"
You look back at Lockwood. "Hmm?"
That careful look is back. "It wasn't your fault, you know, yours and Kipps' argument. If anything, it's mine."
"That doesn't matter right now," you say, but you appreciate his words nonetheless. "Come on, I'd like to get this case over with as soon as."
It appeared to be harder than you thought. Lockwood and Co, though using many Fittes techniques for their procedures, also did some things very differently. They used the Fittes grid technique for temperature readings, but where they placed their iron circles was entirely different from where you would've done so. And, while you were glad that orders weren't being shouted at you by someone who didn't have the full scope of what was going on, the silence made you uneasy. The investigation of the house took a lot less time than it would've at Fittes, and even though everything that needed to be done had been, you couldn't get that pit of dread out of your stomach.
It was a moderately sized house, not large in any sense, but grand enough to have guest bedrooms which, in your eyes, said enough. The rooms were all relatively simple, with plain-coloured walls and light and trodden carpets. There were two kids' bedrooms, both concerningly beige, and the bathroom was about the size of the kitchen back at Portland Row.
"You've got Sight, too, right?" Lockwood asks, opening the door to the master bedroom.
"Yeah. Not as good as my Touch, but strong enough."
"So you see that deathglow, too?"
You step into the room, only to stop short. Lockwood pulls a pair of sunglasses from his coat, placing them over his eyes. A deathglow hovers over the ground, blindingly bright in the growing darkness of the room.
"Sense anything?" Lockwood asks.
Shuffling back slightly, you touch your hand to the doorframe and open your senses.
Crying. Someone is sobbing hysterically as they run into the room, throwing themself onto the bed. There's a strong chemical-like smell, something that has your gut twisting. A faint figure, one you can barely see, pushes itself off the bed as horrid cries escape their lips. The sound is heart-wrenching. They reach for something on a dresser that is no longer there, clutching at their chest and putting a hand to their mouth. Shortly after, they collapse, seizing.
Gasping, you tear your hand from the doorframe, stumbling back. It hurts to breathe.
"Anthony," you manage. Your heart is pounding in your chest.
Lockwood's face appears before yours, hands gently touching your face as he repeats, over and over, "You're okay. You're safe. You're with me."
It's at times like this that you hate your Talent. Sometimes, Touch just gives you the echoes of the past you need to hear to locate a source or figure out who the Visitor really is, but, other times, it feels like you're being sucked back into the past. Everything, all the emotions, feel amplified.
"Hey, you're okay," Lockwood repeats. His forehead presses against yours as his dark eyes meet yours. His gaze is so reassuring that you can't look away. "We need to get back outside, tell the others whatever it is you've seen. Can you do that?"
Taking a deep breath, you nod.
"You don't have to continue with this case," he says. "Lucy, George, and I should be able to manage on our own."
"I'll be okay," you say, your voice quieter than you thought it'd be.
His eyes close momentarily, then his hands fall from your face and he steps back. "Come on," he says gently.
George and Lucy's findings are very limited. The temperatures in each of the rooms are relatively normal, except for the office which, judging from the layout of the house, is just beneath the room with the deathglow. Lucy had heard nothing out of the ordinary, not until the same moment you had used your Touch.
"Horrible crying," she says. "Full of pain. I couldn't make out any words. It was very faint."
"(name)?" George says. "What about you?"
You take a sip of tea from your flask to soothe your nerves. "The same, but I was dragged back to that moment, if you get what I mean. I could see her faintly - Heidi, that is. There was a really strong smell, something chemically, probably some kind of drug. I saw -" It takes you a moment to get the words out. "She overdosed in the master bedroom. As she... you know, she was holding something on her chest, a necklace, maybe."
Lockwood's hand closes around yours once more. You can't look at him, any of them. "You don't have to carry on with this case. That's a horrible thing to have to see."
"I've told you already, I'll be fine." Another sip of tea. "George, does that give you any clue what or where the source is?"
George takes a minute to think, biting down on a block of chocolate from Lucy's bag. "Well, it could well be a necklace. If I remember correctly, a lot of newspapers commented on her outfits a lot, and she wore the same necklace everywhere. A string of pearls, I think."
Lucy groans. "Yeah, because all that women cared about back then was what everyone wore." She breaks off another chunk of chocolate for herself. "Surely, she would've still been wearing the necklace when she was buried, or whatever. Why would it be in the house?"
"God knows," Lockwood says. "We're not here to figure that out. We're here to secure it and get rid of the Visitor."
You glance at the sky and then check your watch. Summer means that the days are longer, so Visitors take longer to gain strength. "Nine p.m. Getting dark."
Lockwood grins, and it helps ease you. "Let's go jewellery shopping."
A lantern on the dimmest light setting is placed in the master bedroom to give George some light as he scours the room for the suspected source.
It's better to keep light usage as low as possible, a fact you're more than aware of, but the darkness of the landing that seems to stretch on endlessly is making you anxious. Even with Lockwood to your right, and Lucy just behind, making sure nothing comes at George from inside the bedroom, you can't help but feel worried.
It takes all of your power to pull those emotions together and shove them deep, deep down. You can't afford for the Visitor to feed off of them.
"Ghost fog at the end of the hall," Lockwood announces. "George, you any closer to a source?"
"Not yet. I'm about to start prying up the floorboards. Luce, you have any gum? Miasma is starting to taste horrid."
There's a sound of crinkling wrappers, then silence again.
"Crying is back," Lucy says. Slowly, she draws her rapier, and the sound of the metal unsheathing gives you comfort. "Getting louder."
"There's a faint figure appearing," you say. "It's her."
The weight of the salt bomb in your hand is familiar, soothing. This is no different from every other case you've been on, it's just a different team.
Slowly, the ghost of Heidi Kairn becomes more and more visible. She wears a summer frock that reaches her knees, patterned with polka dots, and her hair reaches her shoulders, slightly curled and neatly styled. Her face is beautiful in a timeless sort of way. A string of pearls hangs around her neck, glittering in the other-light she produces.
For a moment, you believe she's harmless. She approaches curiously and cautiously, eyes doe-like. You don't want to hurt her. She's causing no trouble. She's so, so sad, and so lonely...
A shriek of rage pierces the air, and the ghost shoots towards you and Lockwood. Out of pure instinct, you throw the salt bomb, preventing her approach momentarily, and Lockwood keeps her back with a continuous movement of his rapier. His arm reaches out, slightly in front of you.
"I've found it!" George shouts.
"Well, get it out!" Lucy says, throwing another salt bomb at the ghost.
The ghost wails, floating around desperately to find a gap to dart through, but she's kept at bay by three rapiers and a few more salt bombs.
"My arm is stuck!" George says. "Lucy, help!"
Lucy hurries backwards, and Lockwood moves back to cover her space slightly. You throw another salt bomb, earning another shriek of anger.
Fighting Visitors is what you've spent most of your life doing. This is the easy part, for you. It takes almost no time for you to fall back into a routine of rapier manoeuvres and throwing salt bombs, and, soon enough, you and Lockwood are working in tandem.
"Got it!" Lucy says.
Heidi Kairn's ghost wails once more, darting straight for the master bedroom, but she never reaches it. She's cut down by two rapiers and before she can fully reform, her source is wrapped tightly in a silver net.
There's a moment of silence, and then Lockwood, Lucy, and George burst out into laughter. It's contagious and before long, you're laughing, too, leaning against the wall.
Already, they feel like family, and the realisation makes you smile even wider.
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knickynoo · 10 months
[Fair warning that some things here may spoil parts of the show.]
• First things first: It was so good. It was so, so, very good. Incredible show. I'd been hearing great things about the show since it first came out in London, and I've been listening to the music since it dropped, so I pretty much went in knowing I'd like it but it still managed to be even better than I thought.
• Just the setup of the theater itself and the ambiance prior to it starting was so cool. The way everything is lit blue and there's all the electrical zapping and humming. THE CONSTANT TICKING OF CLOCKS THAT FILLED THE THEATER. Nothing had even happened yet, and I was like, "This is such a good show."
• My one big cause for hesitation was Casey playing Marty. I know absolutely nothing about the guy, but Marty is just so dear to my heart, and MJF's energy and physicality isn't something easily captured. I had my doubts about seeing someone try to bring Marty to Broadway, but Casey walked onto the stage, called out, "Doc?" and I went, "Yeah, okay. There's Marty."
• For real, though, Casey was phenomenal as Marty. He had the vocal inflection down. The right amount of crackliness. Very good balance of cool kid and disoriented mess.
• Um. HUGH COLES?!? Talk about brilliant casting. I mean it when I say that he somehow seemed more George than George from the movie. The audience reacted with a sense of awe when he started speaking and moving around the stage. It was like Crispin Glover had been plucked straight from the film and injected with More Georgeness. When he did the laugh, the audience went nuts. His physical acting and the way he captured George's gestures perfectly was amazing to watch.
• As I'd expected, Musical Doc is ten times more chaotic and unhinged than Movie Doc. Roger Bart's comedic timing is impeccable. He earned himself frequent howling laughter from the audience from the moment he appeared on stage.
• His "Good thing I kept this radiation suit from my Manhattan Project days" line was a nice touch.
• "Despite my fear of heights, I was standing on my toilet," was such a gem of a line.
• THE DELOREAN. WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT THE DELOREAN. I had no idea how they were going to depict a car speeding to 88mph on a small stage, but THEY DID IT. Astounding. Honestly might be the coolest effects I've ever seen done on a stage. Also, I wasn't sure how I'd feel about the addition of it being voice-activated and talking, but it worked nicely!
• The musical obviously had to trim some parts of the movie—and even omit parts entirely—but it was done so well that you either didn't even notice or miss they were gone. The change from George being hit by a car to simply falling out of the tree was one of these changes. (Marty's under the tree trying to catch him, btw, which is how he ends up getting knocked out)
• I couldn't tell if this was an ad-lib from Casey, but when he was trying to get his pants back on in the Baines house scene, he started struggling a bit with the tangled suspenders that were wrapped around one of the legs of the jeans and muttered in frustration, "Why do I wear suspenders??" Very funny little moment.
• Great chemistry between Bart and Casey. The connection between Doc and Marty was THERE. The musical GOT IT RIGHT. So many hilarious moments between them in the form of completely unintelligible banter, where they're just talking over each other and having like...verbal tennis matches of nonsense. It's hard to describe in writing, but trust me, it was so good. It went something like this:
Doc: "Marty!"
Marty: "Doc!"
Both Simultaneously: *literal gibberish*
• There's a beautiful little addition to the scene when Marty shows up at Doc's house in 1955 and tries to convince him he's from the future. After Doc asks him to take him to this supposed "time machine" Marty goes, "Sure, hang on, I just gotta grab some flashlights." Then he goes straight to a cabinet and quickly retrieves two flashlights without a second thought, to which Doc is like, "How did you know they were in there??" Marty knows!! He knows exactly where the flashlights are because of course he does!!
• Perhaps one of the funniest moments of the show was right at the end of the "Future Boy" number, where the music stops and there's that breaking of the fourth wall moment. Doc and Marty look around in confusion at all the backup singers and dancers awkwardly standing around his house (one of the singers continues dancing/singing long after the others has stopped lol) and Doc wordlessly opens the door so they can all scurry out.
• Doc's dream of visiting the year 2020 where everything is perfect and there's "no disease" got some very loud laughter from the audience.
• Oh. Oh, the scene at Doc's house at night after the demonstration with the toy car. The way everything gets solemn for a moment, and Doc is doubting himself and worried about failing. Marty's lovely little speech about how everything will be okay because he believes in him. He trusts Doc. He knows it'll work and they'll get him home. The way Marty is the one looking after and taking care of Doc in that moment. When he asks, "Do you need anything, Doc? Can I make you a sandwich?" And then when he says softly, "Goodnight, Doc. Pleasant dreams."
• "PUT YOUR MIND TO IT" !!!! I loved this sequence so, so much. Marty gets to strut his stuff while George flails around trying to imitate him. It was funny, the choreography was great, and we get such a nice Marty and George hug at the end! Why didn't they hug in the movie??
• The audience was super engaged and reactive through the whole show, but it noticeably ramped up in the latter part—starting with the night of the dance. There was such an excitement as people anticipated George swooping in to take down Biff and protect Lorraine. When Biff went down, the audience whooped and clapped and cheered so much.
• EARTH ANGEL! THE MOMENT GEORGE AND LORRAINE KISS. It was just like the movie. The music suddenly swelled, Marvin belted out, "The vision of your happiness", George and Lorraine kissed, and the audience. Lost. Their. Minds. It was as if people were experiencing the story for the first time—that's how strong the reaction was. So cool.
• Audience also went wild at the start of Johnny B. Goode. That was a neat sequence as well. Huge laughs at the "But your kids are gonna love it" line.
• The clocktower scene! Marty handing Doc the letter and saying, "I wrote you a thank-you note; don't read it until you get home!!" LOL. So many amazing effects going on in this one. For those of you who have seen the show, you probably remember Doc running up the clocktower stairs, right? Did the audience nearly die of laughter like they did at my showing? That was truly one of the top 5 funniest moments of the show, in my opinion. It had me giggling hours later once I was home. For those of you who have not seen the show, I don't think I can adequately put into words what was happening during this scene, but it was incredibly funny. It's good there wasn't any dialogue during it, because no one would have heard it with the way everyone was laughing.
• The fire trails on stage got quite the awed reaction. Super cool.
• The hug! We get our Doc and Marty hug at the end! I'm so glad they realized that moment was missing from the movie.
• I liked the shift from Marty waking up at home to him waking up on the bench in town instead. The "George McFly Day" part was a fun addition, and it flowed nicely into Marty's "Power of Love" performance.
• THE CAR FLEW. IT FLEW UP IN THE AIR AND THE WHEELS TURNED IN AND IT WENT OUT OVER THE AUDIENCE. HOW DID THEY DO THAT. IT DID A COMPLETE ROTATION UPSIDE DOWN WHILE CASEY AND BART WAVED TO PEOPLE. If anyone knows of any videos or articles explaining how they did things with the car, please let me know because I can't find anything and I would love to know how they did it! You couldn't see anything holding the car, and i'm so confused! The effects were so good.
• Love how, when the show ended, the giant screen on the stage just said, "Make like a tree and get outta here."
...I think those are all my thoughts. I was planning to write up a post with just a couple of bullet points of highlights and instead. Well. This is what you get from me, and if you've followed my blog for any length of time, you know that. But really, the show was so well done. I had a blast. I bought a pin that says, "Whoa, this is heavy" and I'm going to put it on my denim jacket :)
For those who are planning to see the musical, I hope this helps hype you up for it. And for those who can't see it, I hope this gives you a good look at what it's like!
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