#Granny squares
noballoonsinspace 2 months
Self-taught one work-in-progress at a time so that there鈥檚 some beginner stuff I don鈥檛 know and advanced stuff that I do know and I will forever be making silly beginner mistakes in complex projects that I鈥檒l probably never complete :)
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wordsforrain 6 months
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I found my mom鈥檚 old granny squares crochet catalog from 1973 and boy is it the most seventies thing that ever seventiesed. That said, I feel like tumblr might like these for inspiration
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loichte 5 months
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Crochet for grandma Pattern: In Treble Afghan- Yulie Jaeger / Ravelry
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dozydawn 1 year
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granny square crochet wear
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wastelesscrafts 1 year
Project: crocheted top
Thanks again to everyone who gave me good crochet 101 resources last year! I've been having a blast learning how to crochet.
I finished this top a while ago. It's kind of improvised, containing various stitches and squares I found in library books. The yarn's a beige cotton I had in my stash.
I used this project as a challenge to try out as many different techniques and stitches I could think of, making it a great learning experience.
The project:
The shape's a very simple T-shape, with buttons at the shoulders to make it easier to slip over my head. It's basically a tube body with a rectangle at the top for sleeves.
I started out by making enough squares for the bottom lace to fit around my hips. Once those were attached together into a circle, I evened out the edge with (US) single crochet stitches while also adding a tiny bit of shaping. I then started my tube for the body, which consists of a strip of lace and a double crochet flower pattern.
Once the tube reached where I wanted the sleeves to begin, I made enough squares to fit the width of the tube plus four extra squares (one for the back and front of each sleeve). I wanted to try and see if I could turn a square into a triangle, so two of those squares ended up being triangles in the front of the top.
Once all that was attached, I built up the rest of the sleeves and the neckline and worked buttonholes into the final rows.
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[ID: a crocheted T-shaped top with short sleeves hanging from a wooden hanger in front of a white background. The top is made with beige cotton yarn and consists of multiple different types of floral lace and and squares. Four beige buttons sit at the top of each shoulder.]
I fell in love with the versatility of crochet! It's such a cool craft if you love improvising as much as I do.
When I struggled making my first chain a year ago, I never thought I'd be creating something like this any time soon. Now when I look at this top, I can already see multiple things I would do differently next time.
That's the beauty of learning new things. If you allow yourself the time and kindness needed to practice and to learn from your mistakes, you'd be surprised by what you can do.
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bilbao-song 7 months
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hibernation-fibres 11 months
New orange bag!! This turned out so cute :D it was a gift but I think I鈥檓 gonna have to make one for myself.
There鈥檒l be a full post coming with all the details but here are the main patterns I used for the orange squares, the flower squares, and the bag shape!
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titaniumelemental 8 months
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It's done!!!
This blanket is hands-down my favorite thing I've ever made. I gave the last one to my parents but this one I'm keeping all to myself. 320 unique (!) squares and 49 balls of yarn.
Yarn and pattern details under the cut:
Square pattern: "Little Sunburst Square" by Jacquie aka Bunny Mummy
Yarn: KnitPicks Wool of the Andes worsted in Oyster, Almond, Camel, Grizzly (since discontinued), Bramble, Onyx, Marble, and Crane. 6 balls of each plus one extra of Bramble (for the border.)
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sweetlittlevampire 1 year
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I crocheted a book pouch for my paperbacks! I just need to resew the closure because I did an awful job with that, but I am very happy with the rest. Lined with strawberry fabric! 馃崜
That way the corners of my paperbacks don't get damaged anymore when I throw them in my bag.
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hooksnstitches 2 months
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My current crochet wip, it鈥檚 going to be a bag
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forever70s 4 months
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1970s granny squares cap & vest
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butchcrafts 5 months
Granny square bag
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After multiple granny square projects, I told my girlfriend that I was so done with them, but obviously like a week later I made this. My girlfriend went on a five day trip to Spain last week and I got to spend some time alone and I thought, how cool would it be to make an entire bag in just these five days? So I went onto crocheting and ended up finishing it on my way to pick her up from the airport! Talk about time management 馃ぃ
Now the bag is a simple tote bag with long straps and a lining. I ended up only using yarn from stash which was great because one of my goals from this year is downsizing the amount of yarn I have. I even had this cotton fabric for the lining laying around, so I didn't even have to leave my house!
I'm very happy with the way it looks and so does my girlfriends which is the most important thing.
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feral-space-faerie 3 months
Don't forget to reblog (only if you want to) so I can get enough votes to see levels of interest in these vague concepts 馃Ф鉂わ笍
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amimere 1 year
ive finally gotten around to blocking my granny square shawl
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the mats were almost too small so i definetly need another set, super excited to have it done tho
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ghost-roads 1 year
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i also listed these cuties <3
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natasha-rogersbarnes 16 days
Granny squares for lifeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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