#Help Iran
marcos--budt · 2 years
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Update on Iran. The Iranian parliament says protestors will now be sentenced to death.
@staff still not putting Iran under things we care about.
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amessforlife · 2 years
I am FURIOUS and BAFFLED that major news outlets are not covering what’s going on in Iran right now and I don’t fucking have a twitter so I can’t make noise over there, even though apparently that’s the only social media platform people pay attention to????
Students at Sharif University of Technology in Tehran have been one group of many students and professors across the nation protesting, and NOW, the regime’s security forces have LOCKED THE STUDENTS IN THE UNIVERSITY AND ARE ARRESTING THEM IN MASSES AND SHOOTING AT THEM IF THEY TRY TO ESCAPE OUT THE GATES.
You have DOZENS of teenagers running for their lives in the dark while their parents and fellow citizens are protesting outside the gates chanting “free the students”. And NOW, the they’re sending more repression forces to the University!!
A BBC article says it’s unable to verify the events at the university in the same space it writes that VIDEO FOOTAGE on social media shows students RUNNING FROM SECURITY FORCES ON CAMPUS.
Share as much as you can about this on all of your social media platforms. Tag as many human rights activists and groups and news outlets you can think of to get the information out there. And if you have any friends or family in Tehran, let them know if they already don’t that people are mobilising to the university. Help the students!! Use the hashtags that are going around on social media (#mahsaamini, #jinaamini, #opiran, #iranprotests, to name a few).
I’m adding photos from instagram that give more information. Follow @1500tasvir on instagram for on the ground footage, @middleeastmatters, and @golfarahani to name a few.
[If someone has the time to ID these, you are more than welcome to.]
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EDIT: This was posted October 2, 2022, please keep this in mind when engaging with content.
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luminalunii97 · 2 years
People outside of iran are asking how they can help. I can suggest these options:
Be our voice, spread our stories. It's important to share what's happening in Iran as much as you can. The more people hear about it, the harder it gets for governments to deny it. Acknowledgment can be a tool here.
Have peaceful gatherings and protests in front of Iran embassy in your country of residence if possible. Obviously I don't want anyone to get in trouble but if you live in a country that allows freedom of speech and peaceful protests, do it. The sense of solidarity alone helps our courage.
Demand your government to un-recognize our government as legit. We do not know Islamic republic of Iran as our representative government, we wish other countries to stop shaking hands and welcoming Islamic republic politicians in international affairs. Iran's current government is not recognized by majority of people and it shouldn't be by other nations. You can demand this by just tweeting and posting about it.
Thank you in advance for any help you're able to do. We appreciate it.
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zahrabasiri · 2 years
Could I ask you guys to do a favour for me? I don't know if you've heard it or not but there is some news going on that our protests have succeeded and morality police has been shut down. This is a half truth. And half-truths are worse than lies. Let me explain.
While it's true that it has been "shut down" (at least in theory) it's nothing to celebrate about. As it's just a strategy to calm the people (the gullible ones at least) and show themselves as good people to the outside world. As soon as they feel the protests are dying down they will bring it back tenfold.
Hijab is still a law in the constitution. You will still not be serviced anywhere if you're not a hijabi. there are still polices and extremists who will crackdown and arrest women who are not wearing their hijab. So just because the morality police is disbanded doesn't mean that there is a freedom to choose at all.
Furthermore, simply the shutdown of the morality police is NOT the Iranian people's goal In these protests. We don't just want the morality police gone. We want THE ENTIRE REGIME gone.
So I want you guys to once again be our voices and let everyone know that this war is still not done, and ask them to not turn their attention away from us. I will now copy and paste the text you will need to tweet (or you can use your own words) and the organizations you need to tag. Remember the hashtag #mahsa amini as well.
*Some international news sites are talking about the Iranian people winning the revolution because the morality police has stopped working. The work of morality police has not been stopped and only its name has been changed*
*This is a PR move by the regime to quiet the upcoming nationwide protests. After 3 months of violence, rape, imprisonment & murder of protesters, it’s too little too late. This uprising is no longer just about draconian dress codes. The Iranian people want democracy.*
@wolfblitzer @ABaerbock @CNNPolitics @CNN @cnnbrk @CNBC @Europarl_EN
Please do not turn your attention away from us. Do not allow them to slaughter us in silence.
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Istanbul, Turkey, September 21, 2022 • Beirut, Lebanon, September 21, 2022
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Paris, France, September 25, 2022 • Berlin, Germany, September 23, 2022
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Brussels, Belgium, September 23, 2022 • Santiago, Chile, September 23, 2022
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Sao Paulo, Brazil, September 23, 2022 • Nicosia, Cyprus, September 25, 2022
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New York, United States of America, September 21, 2022 • The Hague, The Netherlands, September 23, 2022
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Athens, Greece, September 24, 2022 • Madrid, Spain, September 23, 2022
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Washington, United States of America, September 24, 2022 • Los Angeles, September 22, 2022
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Toronto, Canada, September 24, 2022 • Hassaké, Syria, September 25, 2022
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New York, United States of America, September 21, 2022.
People around the world standing up to support Iranians in their protests.
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bellamonde · 2 years
Source: @iranrights
A 22 year old Iranian protestor is at risk of being sentenced to death. Please share. 
22-year old Mohammad Qobadlu has been sentenced to death at his very first trial session, to which the court denied entry to his lawyers, and is imminent danger of execution, according to a video message released by his mother. HRANA reports Qobadlu was tried on Oct. 29 at the Public & Revolutionary Court of Tehran under Judge Salavati on charge of “corruption on earth.” Prosecutors allege he drove a vehicle into motorcycle-mounted law enforcement agents, killing one. Besides the grave due process violations mentioned by Qobadlu’s mother, lawyer Amir Raisian has raised violations and inconsistencies in the case: - No images exist depicting the incident, the collision, or the hospitalization of medical examination of the agents involved -Preliminary reporting did not mention head wounds to officers involved in the collision, but the deceased officer died of a strike to the brain and skull fracture. The extent to which hospital treatment may have contributed to the cranial injury is not mentioned. -The criminal complaint gives the cause of the officer’s death as a car collision, but lawyer Raisian’s sources indicate only a skull fracture - no bodily injuries - was detected. Special force officers typically wear helmets, moreover. -The forensic medical authority ascertained Qobadlu’s mental fitness / sanity only on the basis of his own statements, neglecting letters from prison authorities stating he was mentally “precarious.” -Authorities present at the mourning service for the deceased officer made comments that were “not consistent with the car collision death narrative” said lawyer Raisian.
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queerism1969 · 2 years
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deafeningqueensoul · 2 years
Please spread the word and help the people Mahabad, THEY NEED YOUR HELP!!!!
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Be their voice!!!
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tulipsofthemorning · 2 years
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Nika was a 17-year-old girl who disappeared on 20 September 2022 in Tehran during the protests. She was found dead ten days later. According to the forensic doctor, she was repeatedly raped and tortured for eight days. her body was stitched up from the stomach to the chest . Be our voice. The Islamic Republic of Iran is killing and torturing people. Help us be heard in the world.
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cherieye · 2 years
Please don't get distracted, listen to actual Iranian voices. This so called "misinformation" about the 14,000 to 15,000 prisoners being excicuted, (people that are also miners I might add) that is going around saying it's not true is just another way to distract you from what's happening in iran. The Islamic Regime has done multiple executions In their past, including not that long ago in 2019. Why would they hesitate to do it again once people stop paying attention to their crimes against humanity? The Regime wants you to forget about the voices in Iran, don't let that happen!
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luminalunii97 · 2 years
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The Islamic Republic: we canceled the morality police!
Iranians: so?! Does that change the fact that you have committed genocide in Kurdish cities and Zahedan? Does that restore people's eyesight that you took from them with your rubble bullets? Does that bring back to life almost 500 murdered protesters in the last 3 months, among them at least 60 children? Does that bring back to life 1500 people you massacred in 2019 and those you executed afterwards? Or the 30000 people you executed in the first decade of your rule? And everyone you've arrested, raped, tortured and executed in between simply because they didn't agree with you? Does that mean current executions are stopped? Does that mean tens of thousands of arrested protesters are free? Does that mean fired or suspended students are back to classes and can get an education? Does that mean the poverty threshold is no longer so absolutely high that even the once above average families are considered absolutely poor? Does that erase 40 years of apartheid? State racism? State misogyny? Inequality? Have you stopped bothering religious minorities and are giving them their basic human rights back? Does that mean there's no more child marriages? Legal rape? Does that mean you no longer kill and torture LGBTQ people? Does that make up for the environmental disaster you've caused in Iran? Water shortage? Bewildering fuel shortage? All the lakes and water bodies that are dry now and the jungles that has been destroyed? Currently northern jungles are on fire, are the trees restored? Does that mean you no longer execute environmental activists because they object your unscientific environment policies? Does that mean all censorships and restrictions are lifted? Does that end your meddling in other countries affairs? Does it mean you're not a bunch of thieves and murderers who know nothing about running a country? Does that make up for all the lives you've destroyed? And most importantly does that bring Mahsa Amini back to life???
It's too late for that. Iranians have been loud and clear. We won't sit down until this regime is completely and irreversibly changed. The whole government system, the constitution, and the people in powers. And those who committed crimes have to be put on trial.
(The morality police have been around under different names for almost the entirety of this regime. This is just a temporary stop. Even if the morality police is disbanded for good, compulsory hijab is still a law and it's illegal to not wear appropriate clothing. Any police force is able to arrest non hijabis since they're doing something illegal, it's not an exclusive morality police duty. Plus the morality police was just enforcing hijab in the streets. What about every governmental and private offices and institutions? They all have to enforce mandatory hijab on both their employees and costumers So this news means literally nothing. West media should research these things better before publishing misleading informations)
I strongly recommend everyone to go to #MahsaAmini in twitter and read iranians tweets. Like, I strongly recommend it. I even put the link to make it easier for you. Just click on it.
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hongjoongscafe · 2 years
Iran protest.
I never ask for reblogs but this needs to be reblogged. I'm not seeing many reblogs or posts about this in my feed. Whatever is happening in Iran, needs exposure to more and more people around the world. In the name of religion and morality, an innocent lost her life. We can never even know how many people have already lost their lives in the past years.
They talk about morality but do the most disgusting thing. It shouldn't be "Morality Police" when they are moral-less themselves and beat an individual to literal death.
Nobody can tell you how you want to wear your hijab or if you wanna wear it at all. It's about respect from the heart. And it is great shame on the Iranian government for trying to hide everything.
I'll add more posts as I find them. If you have something to share, please do it or link other posts for me as well!
Note: I have attached more links in the reblog, look for them as well!
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estoy-full · 2 years
Cutting hair is a very old and traditional way of grieving in Iran so fuck you.
Not everything is about you. For years women have been oppressed and forced to wear hijab so fuck you. If we don't wear it properly we end up in jail, get lashed or beaten and in cases we end up dead.
Mahsa Amini wasn't the first woman to be killed because of such rules so FUCK YOU.
If we have to, then we will burn our forced hijab. We are oppressed and we need people to be our voice. So for once shut the fuck up and go fuck your selves.
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bellamonde · 2 years
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The numbers are rising. They are using executions as a tactic to frighten the people and stop the protests. Be their voice. For anyone living in G7 countries, please urge your representatives to talk about the executions in Iran, bring attention to it in their parliament and in the UN. These students do not deserve death; they are heroes. They need to be saved. 
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