#I don't know if anyone has already bothered to do this
celaenaeiln · 3 days
What do you think of Nightwing/Robins relationship with each of the Titans through the years? Specifically Roy, Donna, and Wally.
With Donna and Wally it’s so fluffy! With Roy however I feel like they are either partners in crime or hitting each other where it hurts
You're so right anon. With Donna and Wally things are pretty much perfect but with Roy, Dick's relationship is back and forth but it's not because they don't like each other. It's because they like each other too much.
Donna is EVERYTHING to Dick Grayson. She's his sister, best friend, other half. Hardcore ride or die. He literally walked her down the aisle the day of her wedding.
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Tales of the Teen Titans Issue #50
She also said she would follow him all the way down to hell and she damn sure means it.
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Justice League of America (2006) Issue #50
These two aren't going anywhere but to each other.
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World's Finest: Teen Titans Issue #5
Wally just loves Dick a lot. Like if he could Wally would just live with Dick forever and the two of them would just be happy for that.
You've probably read my other posts about Wally already but I'll collate them here just because it's a long time and it's a nice refresher.
Dick and Wally's friendship post
Dick as Wally's lightning rod post
How Dick and Wally in a relationship would go post
Like I said. It's not a problem but Roy's relationship with Dick is based on the fact that he loves Dick too much. He thinks Dick is the best thing in the world to ever exist. All the Titans think that but Roy wants to BE Dick. If you look at it, Roy's relationship with Dick is a parallel to Jason's relationship with Dick and Donna, Wally, and Garth's relationship with Dick matches exactly with Tim's relationship with Dick.
Jason thinks the world of Dick Grayson and tried his best to live up to him. He tried to fill in Dick's shoes which is exactly what Roy does.
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Teen Titans (1996) Issue #13
He loves Dick to an extreme that he wants to emulate but finds himself struggling because he doesn't believe he achieves that. So, he acts out in order to recieve attention from Dick and Ollie and so on. He gets aggressive with the people he loves because he wants them to look at him. He wants to keep them looking at him. Which is the reason for the back and forth between best friend and angry friend moods he has going on with Dick. It's born out of respect and love and need for acknowledgement from the person who he considers is the greatest to have ever existed.
The reason I bring up Jason and Tim is because it's the clearest way to explain Dick's relationships with the Titans. The Titans and Dick's brothers hold him in the highest esteem - they just react to him differently. Wally,Donna, Garth, and Tim love Dick and think of him as the peak of perfection. So, Wally and Tim especially celebrate it by using him as an inspiration to be greater. In similar ways, Jason and Roy love Dick and think he's the peak of perfection and want to be him. They use him as inspiration but at the same time they feel the need to compete with him to prove their worth. Where Wally and Tim have just accepted that Dick is the best and can't be achieved by anyone, Jason and Roy actually do try to be like him. However you know what they say about Icarus - don't fly too close to the sun. Meaning, don't be too overly ambitious and greedy. I don't think there's anything wrong with what Jason and Roy do but the impact of what they're trying to achieve has negative consequences on their mental health.
They love him, want to be him, but personally feel they're falling short of him which brings in the mood swings. The rest of the Titans and Tim have a fluffier relationship because they don't even bother. They've just accepted that Dick is the best and go about on their day. So in summary, Roy's relationship with Dick is fraught with tension because of insecurities as a result of hero-worship. But truth be told, Roy loves Dick just as equally as Wally, Donna, and Garth. He simply shows his love a different way to him than they do because they're all their own individual people.
In terms of Dick viewing Roy, Dick is Roy's hardcore friend. He's a real one. When Roy was struggling with drugs, Dick single handedly dragged him into Rehab because he was there for him. Because for Dick, it makes him happy seeing Roy happy and successful.
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The New Titans (1988) Issue #101
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Titans (2008) Issue #23
And Roy literally holds down Dick when he freaks out and chases after Kori after she gets possessed at their wedding. The friendship they have is not the smoothest friendship but it's a real one. They need each other because when they're each at their worst the other other one comes in slaps the other around, gives a twisted love confession in the form of threats, and then they get better.
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New Titans (1988) Issue #101
Dick is stubborn as hell but Roy is willing to put in the dirty work to pull him out. Same goes for Dick with Roy.
Outsiders is probably the best explanation of their dynamic. Roy put together the Outsiders because he didn't want Dick constantly depressed WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT WALLY DID WHEN HE PUT TOGETHER THE TITANS IN TITANS (1999). But it comes off differently because Roy is more aggressive in the way he shows love. If Roy needs anything, Dick's there for him immediately.
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Action Comics (1938) Issue #631
THIS. This scene is them.
They're a flipping hot mess that love each other. In other words, Roy and Dick's friendship is what you get when you put two egoists in a room together and tell them that they're going to die only for them to start beating each other up because they're each screaming that they love the other more and neither refuses to let the other one go first. Kinda like the song Style. They fall apart and then they fall back together for an eternity.
151 notes · View notes
wholoveseggs · 3 days
Hey can can I ask for something soft with Elijah? Like a lot of praise kink it could even be her first time and he's so gentle and aftercare please
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18+ ---- {Masterlist} {Tag-List}
It's a warm summer night and Elijah plans a special date for you, hoping to make your dreams come true.
♡♡ Thanks for the request lovely anon! I love writing about soft and sweet Elijah ♡♡
4.7k words - Warnings: smut, oral sex, virgin!reader, first time, so fluffy, so sweet, lots of praise, cuddles & tiramisu ...
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It was a rather warm day in New Orleans, the birds were chirping and the sun was shining bright. You enjoyed the feeling of the sun on your skin, the warm breeze in your hair.
You were on your way to the compound, Elijah had invited you over for a special date night. A smile crept up on your lips at the thought, you felt giddy and breathless. You had never been so in love, it was a magical feeling, butterflies fluttering around in your stomach, a tingly feeling running through your body whenever you saw him.
It was still so hard to believe that this handsome, intelligent man could love you, wanted you, the same way you wanted him. You had spilled all your secrets to him, told him things about yourself that you had never shared with anyone else. Your heart felt so safe in his hands, he made you feel like you could tell him everything and he would still love you, still be there for you.
So you had decided to share something very special with him, something you had never shared with anybody before, something that you could only give once.
The closer you got to the compound the more nervous you got, not in a bad way, it was the good kind of nervousness, the butterflies in your stomach were fluttering harder and faster, your heart beat a bit quicker, your breathing was a little heavier, the giddiness increased.
A few minutes later you entered the compound and the smell of delicious food immediately hit your nose. Elijah had cooked dinner, your favourite meal. He was always so thoughtful, remembering little details about you and making sure to take good care of you.
You practically skipped into the kitchen, expecting to see Elijah, but it was empty, instead you spotted a note on the table, you recognized his beautiful handwriting.
My love, I've gone out to pick up dessert, please go ahead and make yourself comfortable, enjoy a glass of wine in the garden, it's such a lovely evening. -E
Your smile grew as you read the note, he had a tendency to be rather extra, always making you feel special.
You walked towards the wine cabinet and took out one of your favourite red wines and a glass before walking into the living room towards the garden.
"Don't you look absolutely lovely this evening," Klaus' voice sounded from the sofa, his nose buried in a book, he didn't even bother to look up.
"Thank you," you replied with a shaky voice, Klaus always made you feel nervous, but Elijah had assured you that his brother wouldn't hurt you, that he would respect your relationship and he had, but he did enjoy teasing you a bit too much, he knew exactly what buttons to push.
Klaus put his book down, "I see my brother has gone overboard for your date tonight. How long has it been, three months?" He looked at you, smirking.
You gulped, "Yeah," you managed to squeak out, not breaking eye contact.
"Hmm, and yet you haven't stayed the night here, not a fan of sleepovers?" Klaus grinned.
You blushed and quickly looked down, "We're just taking it slow," you replied shyly, knowing that that wasn't the truth, Elijah was waiting for you to be ready.
Klaus chuckled, "I see, well I will let you enjoy your evening then," he stood up and walked past you, stopping right behind you, he whispered in your ear, "Don't do anything I wouldn't do."
You blushed even harder and quickly turned around, but he was already gone. You sighed and walked out onto the patio, trying to calm down, it didn't take long for your nerves to go away.
Elijah had gone overboard, the whole patio had been decorated, a blanket and pillows laid out in the middle, fresh flowers everywhere, with twinkle lights hung all over the place. It was absolutely stunning.
You let out a quiet squeal of excitement and quickly poured yourself a glass of wine, sitting down in the soft blankets and pillows. You sipped your wine while enjoying the peaceful sounds and smells, the warm breeze brushing against your skin.
Alone with your thoughts, the nervousness started to come back, you shifted against the pillows, squeezing your thighs together. You couldn't help but think of what was going to happen later. The idea of Elijah touching you, filled your stomach with butterflies, a heat forming between your legs.
You heard the door slide open, pulling you out of your thoughts.
"Sorry I was gone for so long," Elijah smiled at you, "I couldn't find the right dessert."
He bent down to give you a quick kiss, placing a paper bag next to you.
"No worries," you smiled, "This is absolutely gorgeous," you gestured around you.
"Not as gorgeous as you," Elijah looked at you with admiration in his eyes.
"You're just being sweet," you blushed, looking down.
He softly pressed his lips against yours, his hand moving to cup your cheek. You kissed him back, putting your hand over his.
"Are you ready for tonight? I don't want you to feel any pressure," he asked softly, his eyes full of love and adoration.
"I'm nervous, but in a good way, I'm excited," you assured him.
"Good," he said and leaned in to kiss you again.
The servers came out with the dinner Elijah had prepared. It was delicious and the evening went by fast, you talked about everything and nothing, your conversations with him were always so easy and effortless.
"So," Elijah said as the servers took away the last plates. "Dessert?"
"I'd love that," you nodded, smiling.
He reached into the paper bag and pulled out a container. "Tiramisu," he said, opening the lid.
"My favourite," you said, looking at the desert with wide eyes.
"I know," Elijah winked.
You blushed and leaned forward to take a bite, moaning at the delicious taste, you had never had a better tiramisu, the creamy texture mixed with the bitter coffee and sweet ladyfingers.
Elijah couldn't tear his eyes away from you, hearing you moan was music to his ears. He couldn't wait to hear you make that noise again.
"You have a little cream there," Elijah chuckled, wiping it away from the corner of your mouth.
You blushed and watched as Elijah licked the cream off his finger, it was such a simple gesture, but it made your panties flood, you couldn't help the small gasp that escaped your mouth.
Elijah chuckled, you were so sweet and innocent. He loved seeing you flustered.
The sun had started to set, painting the sky in orange and pink colours, it was beautiful. You sat on the pillows, admiring the sunset and the stars slowly appearing in the dark sky, candles providing some light.
You leaned your head against Elijah's shoulder, letting out a content sigh, you felt so safe and warm, his arms around you.
"Thank you for tonight," you mumbled.
"Of course," Elijah whispered and kissed the top of your head, "I wanted to make it special," he said softly.
A comfortable quietness settled over the two of you, just enjoying each other's company, and the beautiful summer night.
Your mind raced, thinking of what came next, a warmth pooling between your legs, a wetness starting to form. You wanted him so badly, the thought of his touch was exciting and a bit scary, but you trusted him.
"Elijah? Can I ask you a personal question?" You asked nervously.
"Of course," he said softly, stroking your arm.
"What was your first time like?" You asked, looking up at him.
"Hmm, a very long time ago," Elijah chuckled. "She was a sweet girl, I was a young man, very eager," he smirked, thinking back.
"Were you nervous?" You asked, a hint of shyness in your voice.
"Extremely," Elijah said, smiling to himself. "I had no idea what I was doing... sex ed was nonexistent back then."
You giggled, imagining a nervous, young Elijah, all lanky and awkward.
"Fortunately she was a good teacher, she took control, guiding me, we laughed a lot and it was fun, despite not lasting very long," he smirked.
"Sounds like it was a good experience," you replied.
"I actually did something so embarrassing...I'll never forget the look on her face," Elijah shook his head, a laugh escaping his mouth.
"What was it?" You asked, hoping not to repeat his mistakes.
"Well... afterwards... we were cuddling and I... Thanked her," Elijah said, shaking his head, smiling.
"Thanked her?" You asked confused.
"Yeah, I thanked her for allowing me to have sex with her," he laughed.
"Oh my god," you burst out laughing. "How did she react?"
"She stared at me, completely dumbfounded, then she burst out laughing," Elijah shook his head. "Only then did I realise that wasn't the thing to say," he chuckled.
"Yeah, probably not," you giggled, imagining the situation. "But still very sweet of you," you smiled.
Elijah hummed softly, pulling you tighter, kissing the top of your head again.
The candles had died down, the patio was mostly dark now, the stars and the moon were the only things providing light.
You relaxed into his touch and the sweet scent of his cologne, it was so familiar, so comforting.
"Can we go inside?" You asked, looking up at him.
He nodded and helped you to your feet, leading you to his bedroom, which was just as thoughtfully decorated as the garden. He had scattered flowers on the bed, pink and red petals forming a heart on the soft cotton sheets.
Elijah could sense your unease, the tiny ways your body reacted, the quickening rise and fall of your chest, the skipping of a beat. It reminded him of his first time, the excitement and anxiety mixed together. He knew he had to take the lead, make you feel comfortable, make you feel confident and safe.
He walked up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist, kissing your neck softly.
"We can stop at any point, no matter how far we've gone, okay?" Elijah spoke quietly in your ear.
"Okay," you whispered, closing your eyes, his words giving you a sense of security.
You relaxed against him, enjoying the softness of his lips. His hand went to the zipper of your dress, slowly pulling it down, his fingertips grazing your spine as he did.
Elijah's other hand lightly traced along the straps of your dress, pushing them off your shoulders, letting the dress fall around you.
Your hands instinctively went to cover yourself, having never been naked with anyone like this, having anyone's eyes on you.
Elijah noticed your hesitation and kissed the sensitive spot right behind your ear, his stubble tickling your neck, making you giggle.
"You are beautiful," he whispered in your ear.
Your cheeks turned a light shade of pink and you smiled shyly, not used to being complimented like that, and knowing that he really meant it.
"Can I see?" He asked softly, wanting to make sure you were comfortable with every step of the way.
A wave of heat travelled through your body, another blush creeped up, settling on your cheeks. You felt so vulnerable, yet it felt right, safe, with him.
You took a deep breath and slowly moved your hands away from your chest, your arms resting by your sides, allowing him to look at you.
"Perfect," Elijah whispered, his hands slowly caressing your arms, his lips pressing soft kisses on your shoulder.
You loved the sound of his voice, the way his lips felt on your skin, they were so soft, so gentle. His hands were on your hips, his fingers travelling along the edge of your panties, he pulled on them slightly and let them snap back into place, teasing you.
You turned around to face him, your hands sliding up his chest and pushing his suit jacket off his broad shoulders, letting it fall to the floor with your dress.
Elijah cupped your cheek in his hand, rubbing his thumb across your cheekbone, lovingly looking down at you. You were so lovely and sweet, the trust you had in him made his heart flutter.
You locked eyes as you started to unbutton his shirt, your lips parted, your breath heavy, your chest heaving. Each inch of his chest that you revealed, made the fire in the pit of your stomach grow. You ran your fingers along his muscular chest, looking up at him shyly.
He leaned forward, capturing your lips in a tender kiss, his hands roaming down your body, gently kneading your ass, pulling you closer.
You gasped as he pressed your body into his, you could feel his erection against your stomach, it was a bit intimidating, the size and shape, but at the same time you wondered what it would feel like inside you.
Elijah let his shirt join his suit jacket, then his hands travel up your back, slowly unclasping your bra. He moved his fingers along your arms, gently removing it before he tossed it aside, his eyes never leaving yours.
You blushed under his intense gaze, feeling very exposed and vulnerable. You felt his hands gently cupping your breasts, smiling down at your flushed face.
"You are so beautiful," he whispered and softly squeezed them, rolling your hard nipples between his fingers.
A small moan escaped your lips, his touch sending sparks straight to your core.
"Do you like that?" Elijah asked softly.
"Yes," you breathed out, your hands gripping his biceps.
"Tell me what else you like," Elijah hummed, slowly walking you backwards towards the bed, his hands moving up to your shoulders, gently pushing you down onto the sheets.
"I..." You were at a total loss for words, he was leaning over you, his hands on either side of your waist. You felt his knee press against the bed between your legs, spreading them.
Elijah could tell you were enjoying yourself by the way your body reacted to his touch. The way your hips subtly pushed forward, the way your blood pumped faster, the way your breathing got heavier.
He dipped his head and captured a nipple in his mouth, sucking and gently biting. You moaned softly, tangling your fingers in his hair. Elijah chuckled, moving to your other nipple, his tongue swirling around the hard nub.
He released your nipple with a pop, looking up at you, "I asked you a question, sweetheart."
"I'm sorry," you gasped, feeling him move his knee higher between your legs.
"It's okay, just relax," he said soothingly, his lips pressing against yours.
He kissed you slowly, waiting for you to make the next move, wanting to make sure that you were comfortable enough to ask for what you needed.
You could feel him smile against your lips, "There we go," he hummed approvingly as you began to rub yourself on his knee, your hips rolled, slowly building a rhythm.
Your hands explored his arms and shoulders, feeling the soft chest hair underneath your fingertips. Your hands moved lower, feeling his toned stomach and the v muscles along his hips, stopping at the waistband of his pants.
Your fingers toyed with the fabric for a moment, debating what to do next, your heartbeat fast and your brain a bit hazy. Your eyes flickered up to meet his, his gaze was intense, with an obvious lust behind them.
You blushed and quickly looked away, nervousness washing over you.
"It's okay, we can go nice and slow," Elijah whispered into your ear, kissing along your neck as his hands travelled down your body.
You could only let out a small noise of pleasure, trying to swallow past the lump forming in your throat, nerves getting the better of you.
Elijah's fingers caressed your thigh as his lips made their way down your body, paying careful attention to every inch, every piece of skin, every curve, kissing each freckle and scar, until he reached your belly button.
He looked up at you through his lashes, pulling down your panties agonisingly slowly.
You shifted uncomfortably, your legs starting to tremble now that you were completely bare and exposed to him.
Elijah dropped your panties on the floor, his eyes finally able to look at the place he wanted to be for weeks.
You pulled your knees together, shrinking back from his gaze. You felt so embarrassed, so inexperienced, so clueless. You were afraid that you would disappoint him, knowing nothing about pleasuring another person.
He gently nudged your thighs apart, his thumb gently caressed your hip, kissing the other. "So pretty," he hummed as he trailed more kisses down your thigh.
He watched as your chest kept rising and falling rapidly, getting more and more intense the closer he got to the one place he wanted to spend the night worshipping.
Your hands fidgeted nervously, unsure of what to do with them, you squeezed them by your sides, digging your fingernails into the sheets. Your mind was racing with a million insecurities and desires all at once.
The first gentle flick of his tongue felt like heaven, your eyes rolling back as your breath hitched in your throat. 
"Oh," you sighed softly, your hands immediately going to his hair, threading your fingers through his locks and tugging slightly.
Elijah nipped and sucked at your inner thighs, building you up, "You taste so sweet," he said, before lapping at you again.
He felt your body starting to react, your hips pushing against his mouth, searching for more, more friction, more release, more pleasure.
His tongue felt amazing, swirling around your most sensitive spot, teasing you over and over. You had touched yourself before, but nothing like this, nothing you had ever done felt this good.
Your legs trembled, unable to stay still, but Elijah pinned them down, his strong hands tight around your thighs, holding you against the bed.
You couldn't help the noises coming out of you, as you gasped for air, watching Elijah bury his face between your thighs. You sat up a bit on your elbows, watching him please you.
His face was pressed so close to you, his eyelashes fluttered as his tongue flicked your clit. His nose nudging your most sensitive spot with every movement of his head.
"Elijah," you moaned, tugging on his hair, grabbing fistfuls of the sheets.
He couldn't get enough, the way your thighs trembled in his hands, the way your scent invaded his senses, the noises, the taste. You were everything he could dream of and more. His sweet girl.
As the heat between your legs grew, so did the pleasure, the familiar feeling of an orgasm was building within you. There was something utterly magical about having the person you love make you feel this good, how your heart swelled and pulsed along with the throbbing between your legs.
Your eyes fluttered shut and you felt your head spin, falling back onto the pillows. Your back arched and your hips began to move of their own accord, searching for more pressure, more release.
Your breath caught in your throat and then your body was overwhelmed with that wonderful blissful tingling feeling, crashing and crashing, over and over. All your muscles tensed and untensed, your mind going completely blank and fuzzy.
Elijah helped you ride out the waves of pleasure, licking you slowly, letting you come down from your high. Your eyes closed and lips parted, your hips still slowly moving on their own.
When the aftershocks finally faded, you opened your eyes, your chest heaving. Elijah was looking up at you, his hair wild and his cheeks covered in your wetness. Your whole body turned red as you blushed. You covered your face in embarrassment.
Elijah chuckled, wiping his face off on your thigh and then kissing and nipping his way up your body.
"Hey," he whispered, peppering little kisses on your hands.
You peeked at him through your fingers, giving him a coy smile.
He laughed softly and moved his hands along your arms, smiling down at you. He had never seen anything more gorgeous. You blushed like crazy and could barely handle him touching you.
He kicked off his pants and leaned forward pressing his lips to yours as he pulled the sheets over the two of you, cocooning you both under the white cotton.
You giggled, the feeling of his skin in the low light and his soft kisses kept your mind busy, allowing the pleasant butterflies to flourish.
"Still nervous?" Elijah asked playfully.
"A little," you admitted.
"We can stop," he hummed, stroking your hair.
"No way," you said, a smirk pulling at your lips.
Elijah grinned and then kissed you deeply. His hands explored your body, feeling the smooth curves and dips. He pushed you onto your back and pulled you gently under him, the sheets softly rustled with his movement.
The air was stuffy and warm under the covers, but you were both happy to stay enclosed. Cosy and surrounded by just each other, in your own little universe of bliss.
You could feel his erection hard and warm against your skin, the only thing separating you now was his boxers. You bit your lip, he was so big, far more impressive than any toy you had used.
Your fingers hesitantly pushed his underwear down, reaching between your bodies. Your hand was shaking as you felt his skin, soft but so firm, warm and delicate.
You wrapped your hand around him as best you could, feeling the silky skin, slowly stroking him. It was a feeling that was new to you, the first time feeling someone else like this. Your eyes met his and your stomach did a somersault, you felt so close, so intimate.
"Is this okay?" You asked in the softest tone, causing Elijah to lean into you and catch your lips in a passionate kiss.
"It feels wonderful," he murmured against your lips, his hips pushing into your touch, loving the sensation of your sweet touch.
Slowly, your hand moved along his shaft, your fingertips lightly squeezing him every so often. Your mind raced, nerves were creeping in again, it was time, it was actually happening, there was no backing out now.
You opened your legs a little wider, inviting him in, you knew that it might hurt a bit, but you were in the safest place you could possibly be, with the sweetest man you could ask for. 
He put his hand over yours, guiding himself to your entrance, his tip just barely grazing you. He took a deep breath, leaning into you, resting his weight on his forearm.
"I don't want to hurt you," Elijah whispered. "Tell me what feels good and I'll keep doing it."
You nodded and relaxed the tension that you didn't even realise you were holding. He supported his body and then eased into you slowly.
You inhaled sharply, your hands tightened into fists, holding onto his shoulders tightly, it hurt a bit more than you thought.
He paused, kissing you, his lips sweet and slow. You gradually started to feel more comfortable, his warm, firm length slowly filling you, inch by inch.
You broke the kiss and let out a deep shaky breath, the pain fading into pleasure. His lips didn't waste a moment, showering kisses along your neck.
"You're doing so good," he hummed. "I love how you feel," he breathed out heavily, not sure how long he was going to last, after fantasising about this moment for weeks.
You had imagined this moment so many times, how all your senses would react, but in your mind, it never felt like this. He was warm, careful and tender, protective and soft, loving and sweet. You felt so full of him, stretched in the most pleasurable way.
It was so strange and new, to feel this intimacy, to feel the connection. Your hearts beating, his lips on your skin, your hands laced together, your bodies melting into one.
He began to move slowly, with deep, gentle strokes. You tilted your hips slightly, the angle changing, his length brushing along the sensitive spot inside of you. A moan came flying out of your mouth as an incredible jolt of pleasure rocked your body.
Elijah made sure to keep the same angle, rolling his hips perfectly, listening to your small noises of pleasure, memorising every sigh and moan that escaped your perfect lips.
There was no rush, he didn't speed up, content on just making you feel good for as long as you both could last.
You were lost in a haze, your hands intertwined, the heat of the sheets surrounding you, the bed creaking with his even strokes. Everything in the outside world seemed to evaporate, there was nothing outside of the cocoon of your love.
It wasn't long until you were both moaning together, your chest heaved, your hips grinding together. He felt so deep, your fingers digging into his biceps, trying to ground yourself.
"Such a good girl," Elijah whispered. Observing a layer of sweat covering your skin. He could feel you squeezing around him when he praised you, your legs closing around his waist, pulling him close.
"Hmmm, you like that?" he murmured, kissing the side of your neck.
He felt you moan more and arch your back slightly, too lost for words, your mind was flooded with pure pleasure. All he wanted was to indulge in every single fantasy that had crossed your mind, to feel every sweet emotion that flowed through your veins.
"My love," Elijah mumbled, his own heart thrumming. You felt like a dream to him. "You were made for me,"
All your senses were overloading, his hands, his skin, his scent, his sweet voice in your ear, telling you how good you made him feel.
You squeezed his hands, letting out the sweetest moan he had ever heard. One he would etch into his memory forever, memorising the pitch, the way it started and fell, the softness of the sound.
You squeezed him so tightly that you almost pushed him out of you, your second orgasm washed over you, your mind focused solely on the warmth and fullness of his body on top of yours. It felt like nothing you could describe, emotional and overwhelming, absolute heaven.
Elijah could no longer contain himself, the feeling of you and the sounds of your moans of pleasure pushed him over the edge.
You watched him as his eyes squeezed shut, his muscles tense and he let out the sexiest groan, vibrating through his chest and into yours. You felt his warm release fill you as he thrust deep inside of you.
He kissed you deeply as you both rode out your highs together. Wrapped up in sheets and each other, you simply existed for a while, breathing heavily, your chests heaving against one another. Your breathing falling in sync after some time.
When the high had faded, he gently pulled out and collapsed next to you, his arms wrapped around you, pulling you to his chest. You felt sticky and exhausted, but happier than you ever had.
He pulled back the sheets, the cold air making you snuggle closer, his warmth radiating through your bodies. You kissed lazily and then simply laid together, listening to the other's heartbeat and breath.
"Thank you," you teased, looking up at him with a cheeky grin.
Elijah tickled your sides, rolling on top of you, smirking as you giggled and struggled to escape.
"How dare you throw my embarrassing secret back in my face, and so soon after we've made love," he growled, playfully, his lips peppering kisses all over your face.
"Oh, thank you Elijah! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" You squealed between laughs.
He smiled, kissing your forehead and then rolling off of you, laying on his side, pulling you to his chest. You rested your cheek against his shoulder, running your fingertips along the soft hair that was scattered across his chest.
"Sorry, I couldn't resist," you giggled, kissing your way up his neck.
"Worth the embarrassment," he said, gently lifting your chin with his finger and bringing your lips to his in a soft lingering kiss. "And you are very welcome,"
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cottagec0relover21 · 22 hours
Ok so, the idea just popped in my mind and I RLLY need someone to write it LMAO
Your Chilchuck fics give me LIFE so you were me go to, no questions asked
Could I get Chilchuck with a reader (preferably male, but gender neutral is also ok!) who miscalculated the ammount of anxiety medication they had left and ended up running out in the middle of the dungeon? Reader is having a hard time with their anxiety ticks and one of the side effects of going a bit too long without them is his body starting to "shut down" and become slightly like a ragdoll. Reader is still talkative and behaves as normal besides their head going to the side aggressively, flopping to the side and body parts just going all weak when they sit, flopping legit like a ragdoll (this os very self indulgent and has happened to me once, it is not good to say the least LMAO)
I completely understand if this makes you uncomfortable to write! And if so, a reader with severe generalized anxiety would work in the place of this request!
Hii! I'm sorry if this took too long ;-; since I have generalized anxiety and therefore I'm more knowledgeable about that subject, I'll write for a reader with severe generalized anxiety. I don't want to fuck up the other option with the ticks and such, because I don't know about the condition and I don't want to offend anyone. So hopefully this is okay!! love y'all thanks for being patient!
(Also changing my POV today) I'm so glad you love the way I write, it means the world to know that💗
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"A Comforting Half-ling"
[Chilchuck Tims x gn!reader]
Warnings: none - fluff
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Your hands were sweaty. You had been fidgeting with your fingers for a while, feeling a pit at the bottom of your stomach that made you even more anxious that you already were. The slight pang of pain in the chest that came from time to time the more you thought about the problem at hand bothering you as you sat on the corner of one of the rooms of the dungeon that the group had stopped by. Why were you so anxious? Simple. There was another party in that same room, and the rest of the group had decided to be all social and chat for a bit as they sat down to take a break from walking around.
Gosh I must look really weird sitting alone in this corner. I think they didn't hear me when I said "hi." What if they think I'm an asshole? Or a weirdo? Or a weird asshole?! you thought, looking around the room.
—Oh yeah, and that one there is (y/n), they're kinda shy— you jumped, your head snapping back to stare at the middle of the room as Laios pointed a finger back at you. Everyone's eyes were on you. Never had you wanted earth to swallow you whole and never come back so desperately before.
As the conversation resumed, the half-foot's eyes stayed on you, a curious and worried expression on his face as he watched you fidget with your hands.
He excused himself softly and walked up to them.
—Hey, why don't you come with me for a second? I need your help with something— Chilchuck pointed to the door, and your feet hurried to stand up and get out of the room as quickly as possible. Once outside that room, and away from the hearing range of the others, he sat against the wall, patting the space beside him.— What's got you so jumpy?— he looks at you, genuine curiosity in his voice.
Looking at him, you wonder if it's okay to admit out loud how anxious you were about, not just talking to people, but almost anything that had to do with being in public.— You're always behind us when we encounter other parties, and you don't seem to want to be there. I'm starting to think you're not just "shy"— Chilchuck called you out.
Beginning to explain to him how you were always on edge around people wasn't the easiest task. Admitting that, you were afraid of not being seen as capable, but being seen as a bother or even a burden ate you up every second of your life to Chilchuck was hard but worth it, because now you had someone that understood you better than any of the rest of the group. Everyone gets a little anxious at times, but you were a little extra anxious about everything.
Sitting cross-legged and now intently staring at you as you finished your through explanation of how you felt almost all the time, Chilchuck sighed and placed a comforting hand over your shoulder.— I'm really sorry you have to feel like that. I get anxious for five minutes and I hate it, so you being on edge all the damn time must suck— he offered a sympathetic apology, understanding you easily.— Whenever you feel like that, just... uh– try and tell me, or nudge me, whatever works best for you— he smiles softly, and the look on your face makes him huff softly in embarrassment and look away, retrieving his hand from your shoulder. When you give a soft laugh at his reaction he starts protesting and huffing at you, although we all know he wasn't seriously that upset.
When you hug him, however, he falls silent and sighs, taking a moment to return your embrace.
From then on Chilchuck tries his best to comfort you and help you everytime he notices you feeling anxious.
You need to buy something but can't because you're afraid of taking too long and upsetting the line behind you? He'll go with you and hold your hand. Maybe you're afraid of the guy at the stall, selling whatever it is you want to buy. Don't worry, he'll talk for you when you get nervous and start to stutter. Or even if you don't even want to talk at all.
Afraid someone is judging you? He's jokingly rolling his sleeves up and asking "Who? Who is it? Point at them and they'll never see what got them!" (They won't but that's because he's small and he kicks their knee from behind)
If you feel like everyone is judging you, though, he holds your hand and guides you away into a corridor/hallway where it's less crowded
Ever start hyperventilating? The first time he'll panic, and he'll struggle to find the words and actions to properly help you calm down. But it doesn't take him long before he has it memorized.
You're basically the only one on the group who's got Chikchuck breaking his rules about innerparty relationships, because he's grown very close and attached to you.
You're such an amazing person, you shouldn't have to struggle like this.
He gets very happy for you when you manage to do something that makes you anxious on your own. Maybe you spoke up to a whole group of people completely alone, or maybe you went and bought something that you really wanted without struggling at all.
When that happens he's sure to give you a smile and a thumbs up or a pat on your leg (you're taller than him, don't tease him about it or he'll get all red in the face and start mumbling to himself)
Overall, Chilchuck would understand you and try to help. He struggles, and sometimes you might think you're being a bother for him, but he makes sure to tell you that "no, you're not a burden nor a bother. I'm simply... not used to comforting people that often."
+ romantic established relationship headcannons
If you tell him that having him by your side is comforting, even in the slightest, he'll cough and look away, hiding his growing embarrassment.
If you ask to borrow something of his to comfort you, he's scrambling all over his words but eventually giving said item to you gladly.
You hide your face in his scarf after wrapping it around your neck and softly inhale his scent— Ah... you smell so nice. And the scarf is so warm— so is his face. A beautiful tomato red all over his cheeks and ears as he looks at you, genuinely feeling better just by borrowing his scarf.
Or maybe you borrow his gloves (if they fit) and put them on.— Okay... but why my gloves?— he asks curiously, waiting an eyebrow as he looks up at you.
You smile, wiggling your fingers after putting the gloves on— Makes me feel like I'm holding your hand— he falls silent, and he opens his mouth to speak, but the only thing that comes out is a flustered exhale as he turns around and walks away from you as he mumbles a "you're unbelievably.... cute" that you're sure he didn't mean for you to hear.
A few minutes later he'll return by your side as you're walking and extend his hand up, looking ahead— You can just hold my damn hand, you know?— he mumbles, and you notice how his cheeks tint with red once again.
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kingxgarm · 18 hours
A very special birthday
An OG Eclipse oneshot, for his birthday
"Today... why did it have to be today!?" Eclipse mumbled to himself as he walked to the center of the forest. His magic coursing through him. He was going to need it.
It was the day when the connection would be strongest. Where he could have the clearest communication. He really needed to talk to him…
After finally making his way to the perfect spot, the strongest spot, he stopped and dropped to his knees. Eclipse put his hands to the ground, directing his magic beneath the earth, beneath this plane of existence.
“Hear me, spirits. I wish to call upon one of you. I have experience with death herself. I am worthy of you. Come to me. I call to you, Eclipse.” Eclipse bent down to a bowing position. It would help draw him out.
A flash of light appeared as the ground began to glow. A chuckle could be heard in his own voice, but he knew it wasn't coming from himself.
“Well, well, well… I've never had anyone bow to me before. I have to say… I’m flattered you bothered.” Looking up only slightly but still appearing as low as possible, he saw what looked to be Sun’s feet, but… very different. Glowing. A bright gold. Too bright, in his opinion.
“Get up, let's get this over with.” Eclipse got up as quick as possible. He stared down at the original Eclipse. He was the same height as Sun, which was jarring.
It was very strange for the original, high, and mighty Eclipse to be… shorter. There was one major difference setting them apart, proving that the spirit before him was superior. He was very bright. Blinding almost. His golden skin glistened. His electric blue eyes felt like daggers they way they pierced Eclipse with his stare.
“Not even going to wish me a happy birthday? You should know I expect cake and party hats.” The spirit chuckled. For some reason, his carefree nature scared Eclipse. Maybe it was just the concept of standing in front of the original… The one who began and ruined his life…
“You don't talk much, do you?” The spirit cocked his head.
“No, I… just…”
“Intimidated?” The spirit smiled evily.
“No. I'm just thinking… I really needed to talk to you.” Eclipse's rays flared. Drawing back into his head before shooting out and reflecting downwards. He often got upset that he couldn't control his rays, but his emotions could.
“You have my full attention, copy.” The name cut deep for Eclipse coming from the original, but he already knew it was true.
“I want to know… everything. You're the Eclipse I have the most fragmented memories of. I want the full story. From very beginning to the end.” Eclipse's rays changed direction again. Embarrassed, he decided to ignore it from then on.
“That's quite an ask. Does this have something to do with… Lunar?” The spirit stopped smiling, but from his tone, you'd think he was.
“He's not the main reason, but I do think I deserve to know. It would make me a better copy, and that's all I want from you.” It sounded pathetic, but all Eclipses have experience with being pathetic. This one would understand.
“Really, now? I've been watching you Eclipse, and I have to say… At first, I was deeply disappointed… but now-” Eclipse interrupted the spirit.
“You're angry… I know I'm not like you at all… but-”
“Ha! You really think you know me better than I do? You really ARE trying to copy!” The spirit laughed a deep, bellowing laugh.
Eclipse sighed. This wasn't going anywhere.
“No. Now I feel… almost jealous, if I'm being honest.” Eclipse looked down at the spirit. Jealous?
“You are giving yourself the chance that I threw away, that I never really had. You have the opportunity at something greater. I don't really care if what you do next is evil or in Sun and Moon’s best interest. You're better than them. You're an Eclipse. You're better than everyone.”
It wasn't what Eclipse was expecting to hear, but… it did help. To hear the original Eclipse, the best Eclipse, say all this. It was… different.
“Now I wish I brought you a cake.” Eclipse smiled. “If you follow me back to the pizzaplex, I'll get you one.”
“I might take you up on that offer. We can walk and talk about… whatever you want, I guess.” The spirit shrugged but smiled back at Eclipse.
“Ok.” Eclipse began to walk away, but the spirit didn't follow.
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rocksibblingsau · 2 days
okay, I’ve been wondering how band together happens with Bergan branch for awhile, I want to know how much his brothers freak out
I imagine Branch has befriended the Pop Trolls by then and similarly bergens and trolls are at peace. The main change is there is no wedding crash because Bridget and Gristle are already married.
Honestly it's a little cursed but... I like to think instead he cut off Bridget from telling Bridget they were expecting because instead of the Broppy kiss on camera it's Bridget telling Gristle she's 'eating for two'.
So JD didn't seem bothered by the Bergens in the least which was... very odd? So John Dory doesn't freak out about Gristle just existing, but he's very confused by the fact that Bridget refers to Gristle and Branch as brothers. He assumes she means they're 'good bros'.
Bruce I like to imagine that Bergens have ended up on the island so while he used to freak out, he now knows how to handle perpetually miserable customers. Though Brandy always handles them, just in case. Lately though his Bergen clients have been in a cheerful mood, Brandy insists it's the tropical vibes and that everyone can be happy, but he doesn't know what to make of it.
I think he's a little put off by Branch constantly sitting on Gristle's shoulder, which Branch does by default as it's 1. A great mode of transportation in a place as big as Bergentown and 2. How he stayed under Gristle's watch before the true Last Trollstice so he didn't get snatched up.
The real issue comes with Clay and Viva. When they arrive to the golf course, Bridget and Gristle are attacked like normal, with Branch and Poppy working to fight off the attacking Trolls. Mostly Branch but Poppy will defend her bestie if she's gotta.
It's a lot harder to come to a peaceful discussion between them and the putt putt trolls, with Viva accusing them of being Bergen spies. Bridget and Gristle get freed by Branch and they agree to wait outside (but Gristle insists on taking the fries with them).
Clay and Viva are pretty horrified about the whole ordeal, but even more so to learn Branch was raised by Bergens. That's the moment where JD and Bruce are clued in a bit because none of them really bothered to think on it too much. Viva asks how Branch could do that knowing how many trolls fell victim to Bergens, which has Branch lashing out that he knows better than anyone about losing someone to Bergens because of what happened to his grandma.
Viva goes with them this time because she believes if they're wrong and Bridget and Gristle aren't changed that she's the only one who can protect her sister.
They have the fight they have post practicing and Branch leaves with Poppy, Bridget and Gristle. Viva demands to come too again. Branch says they'll figure out how to do a family harmony on their own to which Gristle gives his normal 'voice of reason' commentary.
Gristle: WE'RE going to figure it out? It took us until a year ago to all come to the conclusion we can be happy without eating trolls, now you want us to perform a super magical troll thing that not even the most talented trolls could do? Branch: Yeah. Gristle: *sigh* I'll get my keyboard.
It would be silly, but I like the idea that with the help of Bridget and Gristle they actually don't even need the family harmony because they both have the size and grip strength to open the diamonds themselves. So they yoink Floyd and he gets let out early. Yippieeee.
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hyohaehyuk · 11 months
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bloopers (part 1) vs the actual ep scene
of Alec and Magnus (Season 2A but not quite bc the last magnus set is from 2x12)
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fiapple · 20 days
i'm getting towards the end of the skypeia arc, & i'd like to say just how much i adore the way the female strawhats have been treated.
just... every aspect of how the way their characters have been previously contextualized influences the story-line is treated with a masterful amount of consideration. we're given so many layers to both of them that enrich not only their characters specifically, but the arc, and the one piece world as a whole. without nami & robin having their specific skills, and their specific values, without those being built upon, the story would have come to a halt.
you could not have skypeia without nami & robin being who they are as individuals. not just because they never would've gotten there without nami, but also because the way these women think is itself foundational to the machinations of the arc as a whole.
to be totally upfront, if you think any other strawhats were more central to the skypeia arc than nami & robin were you are full-on fucking lying to yourself.
#obligatory disclaimer that i’m aware luffy is the protagonist & a lot of interesting stuff is explored w him. this isn’t abt him though.#part of me wonders if this is an aspect of why people will write off this arc sometimes tbh... like that & the political themes.#but yeah anyway i get why people say that for all there are 100% misogynistic tendencies in oda's writing & character design#it is very very hard to say that he as an individual is an ideological misogynist. like the level of care he puts into his female cast mem#-ers generally speaking & how he approaches what existing as a multi-dimensional individual would look like in their specific contexts is#like... in a lot of ways still something that is unprecedented across all forms of media.#but also not the point but anyone who says nami in particular doesnt get real fights/is unskilled um... no you're wrong read her fight in#alabasta & then all of skypeia.#like in alabasta she takes on arguably a stronger opponent than sanji when considering the structuring of BW. not only that but she does s#with a weapon she has never used before while actively reading the instruction manual. and she WINS. she wins based on sheer intellect &#the ability to utilize skills the audience already knows she has. the pre-existing basic fighting skills she's introduced with are elabora#-ed upon by incorporating her skill w navigation. same with the way her cunning is used in skypeia to cover her lack of sheer brute. &#the best part about it is she's fucking tough in a way that makes sense! she isn't strong/weak just for the sake of positioning her as such#it is thoughtful & it strengthens her as a character rather than just like giving the power-scaler types smth to mindlessly chew on.#like do i wish nami got to fight more & take a more active role in that regard even if i don't think she needs to be a fighter in the same#sense as the monster trio? yes absolutely. i'm guessing this is going to be smth that bothers me potentially even more with robin.#but that does not mean her fights are not masterfully written when she gets them or that she isn't tough as a bag of nails.#respect my darling woman or die.#skypeia#nico robin#nami#grey's one piece tag
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> be a robin buckley fan
> be lesbian
> project on robin
> look up "internalized homophobia robin buckley" on tumblr because it's cathartic
> 3/4 of the posts are about st3ddie or just about steve
#saw one in which steve was like ''no robin you don't understand! i have never been loved! i don't know how that feels like!''#i have several grips about that interpretation#going from the fact that's not true (dustin is clearly a big steve fan + robin herself cares about him deeply)#to the fact he probably wouldn't be introspective enough to voice his emotions this concisely not to mention he'd probably wouldn't take#a moment to realize he's never felt loved if that were the case. i mean. he could think that. when he's like 35 and more in touch with his#inner world. 19yo steve can't even get the hint that hitting on a girl who's already clearly taken (nancy) is wrong so like i don't expect#him to be that smart#but i can live with people having takes i don't agree with. my opinion doesn't have to be everyone else's opinion if you see steve that way#it fine#what bothered me was the fact he was saying this to a lesbian living in the 80s lmao#who tells him that 1) her whole life has been an error 2) she doesn't think he'd want to be close to her if he truly knew her and 3)#3) is paralyzed by fear of social suicide if she dares believe for even a second that the girl she likes may like her too#like i dont need people to do deep dives into robin lore and quote from memory lines from Surviving Hawkins abt robin feeling like she's#rotten inside. not supposed to have friends. feeling like something is wrong with her and that pushes people away etc etc#the fact that she's a lesbian should tell you enough abt who has the biggest chances of being loved 😭#also bothered me that it showed up when looking up posts abt internalized homophobia because?? where's the internalized homophobia therw#unless it's gay steve feeling bad abt it in an AU (as if canon robin didn't go through it)#like look im not bothered to find steve-centric content in the robin tag cos people are gonna tag her in posts mentioning her.#she's his friend.#but there are barely any posts at all about robin's internalized homophobia. like i saw 2 or 3. compared to all the steve or steddie ones#where's the love for my babygirl 😭😭#anti steddie#not really but y'know i don't wanna bother anyone#edit: the bit about there being like 3 posts on robin w internalized homophobia isn't exactly true. there are a few. but they still feel#drowned in st3ddie posts#like something isn't right here
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theflyingfeeling · 10 months
I don’t know if I’m just imagining things but I feel like Olli and Aleksi are actually so close 🥺 for example I feel like they post so many pics together and I know they post with others too and it’s not a big deal but e.g. Olli has posted 5 pics with someone else this year and 3 of them are with Aleksi.. so it must mean something right?? 🥺 and I feel like they spend a lot of time together yk even ”outside the band” when they’re having a day off and they still do music (the remix) etc. together 😭
Yeah I mean I for one am so deep in the Olli/Allu delulu land that it's VERY easy for me to agree and confirm all of this 😭 they're boyfriends secret lovers special friends and it shows 🥺
Here are all the pictures of the two of them I could find on Olli's IG, for reference 💞
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+ the group picture Olli posted when Aleksi first joined the band, with the caption 'so now there's six of us' 🥺
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#i left out the one where he's pushing aleksi's and niko's heads in the water 😳#and one from balboa bts with tommi in the background#ngl the anon ask i got yesterday has given me MASSIVE headworms of 2 young guys having thought they had their life all figured out already#and then one day they realise they've fallen for their friend and bandmate 😭#friends to lovers but with troubles in between my most beloved trope in the world 💞💖💗💓💕💖💞#with truckloads of (mutual) pining and just general confusion about what they should do about their stupid (mutual) feelings#(i'd love to read/write something of this sort but i'm too anxious about everyone being all#'boohoo they'd never cheat also you're disrespecting their gfs'#like............first of all it's fiction second of all IT'S FUCKING FICTION third of all i ain't gonna tell 'em lol#obviously i wouldn’t include their actual gfs and OBVIOUSLY i wouldn’t show the fic to anyone who's in it??#i just don't understand how someone could be offended about something they don't know about lol#and OBBVVVIOUSSSLLYYYY i wouldn’t write either of the guys as somehow happy or confident about cheating like come on#there'd be SO MUCH guilt and shame and angst and they’d still love their gfs so much#but then there's also this guy who's their friend and whose stinky socks made them barf once on the tourbus#and who means the world to them. they didn’t mean for it to happen. it just did 😭#anyway sorry for rambling i swear i don't mean to make everything about my silly fic ideas#i just can't help myself and i need a way to let it all out somehow without bothering anyone in particular 😭😭😭)#ollixallu#anon asks#answered asks
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ghost-of-someone · 1 year
literally just saw some radfem bullshit on my dash, & then when I went to their blog to block them not only was it full of anti-trans half arguments & accusations of other people being childish, but one of the very first posts was about how a certain show would be better if one of the main characters was a young woman instead of an old man because they "don't like old people"
#there is no point to this other than i'm pissed and tired of having terf bullshit pass my dash#i feel like i'm gonna have to get that eye thing because i don't super vet the blogs i interact with casually#so as long as they're not immediately anti queer i usually don't notice#and then i've got fucking radfem shit in my 'based on your likes' feed#all because i interacted with feminism stuff that - without the anti-trans lens - seemed totally fine#& like terfs are already shitty people but i feel like the anti older person sentiment just further highlighted the fact that#terfs are just shitty hypocrytical people who play the 'poor me boo hoo you're all childish' card & act like they're so fucking superior#& that any trans folks are terrible#and then turn around and spout all kinds of bigotry#but it's okay i guess because they've got a vagina <3 (& experience the exact same kind of misogyny that tons of us do but they're special)#ALSO#I learned what 'moid' means and you guys are fucking assholes#men are not just mindless sex freaks you fucking cunts#& the fact that you think that just shows how warped your sense of the world is#you 'hate the patriarchy' but aren't interested in actually dismantling it#how could you when you don't even view half of the people involved as really human!#fuck off#terfs and radfems aren't welcome here and you can all kick rocks#i try my best for this to be a queer friendly space and i want that to be clear right fucking now#if anyone who follows me has bothered to read this please let me know if i've accidentally reblogged something from the 'drop the t' crowd#i am not the golden standard queer or whatever the fuck the term is#but i dont ever want someone to think that i'm part of that crowd
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illithiddies · 6 months
The bg3 fandom is so big and active rn I can't imagine there aren't at least a few servers out there that put like... a reasonable limit on the sort of dark content that can be discussed in it while still also allowing nuanced and mature discussion about it, especially considering the game's canon topics.
It's such a bizarre delicate balance but there has to be something right?
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xxlelaxx · 1 month
Anxiety makes enjoying good things so hard
#ignore me#my life has been too good lately and I'm starring to go insane from everything working#i hate myself so much#I've been trying ao be more social and be a good mom and be someone that my daughter can look up to and my husband can love#but it always ends up with me hating myself so fucking much#I've been eating too many sweets which already is setting a bad example qhen it comes to a healthy diet and my media consumption has been#worse lately and my anxiety is now making me unabke to sleep and I've stopped going on daily walks cause the pain is back#it was so nice not having it around for a while and it is makibg everything so much harder#the sleep makes me more irritable and i feel like all i do is fail my baby#my husbans said he doesnt feel loved by me anymore and I've been trying so hard to manage household baby and everything else but its not#enough i always feel like I'm never enough#I've been a horrible friend like always so i guess that is a constant thing in my life#as if that isnt the worst when my mental health gets worse i start getting flashbacks to remind me of everything that went wrong with me#and that just fuels my anxiety around my daughter living through everything i did as a child and i just cant do this#i just wish i could sleeo again#i think all of this is sleep deprivation but i don't know how to do everything without losing sleep or something#i just wanna rest and sleep for more then four hours without veing woken up#god what i would give for eight hours of continuous sleep#but my husbands shifts are so shit that i cant do that to him... also now that I'm at home he's the only one working and I'm terrified of#loosing him so i dont want him to be at work without sleeping well cause it could actually kill him#worst of all I'm just too stupid to ask for help or bother anyone with my stupid problems#and every time I'm away from her she just screams and i just can't take her screams anyo#anymore#i just want to pee and ahit and eat in peace
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Amity parkers are feral and insane
Somehow, someway, Casper high finds their selves in Gotham.
It could be a field trip or a ghost shoved them in a portal, doesn't matter, they're in Gotham.
As they arrive in Gotham, the Casper teachers decide to turn this into something educational and hire a tour guide from Gotham Academy (or was it Gotham university? I forgot) GA agrees and also Sends some of their students to partner up with the amity parkers as a sort "buddy" and to hopefully teacher em the ways of surviving in Gotham.
To the gothamites, the amity parkers look like children who have never been exposed to crime in their life, never been mugged, never been been kidnapped.
But the truth is, compared to the BS amity is used to, Gothams issues are like kindergarten.
First thing the tour guide hears when she greets Casper high Mr lancer telling them to, "Please don't walk into danger, please don't try and provoke the joker, I know he's a bitch but still. If you find yourself in a tricky situation, do not hesitate to punch yourself to freedom, but ABSOLUTELY NO CRITICAL HITs these are NORMAL people they're not like us or the ghosts, they will not survive. Please do not give phantom problems, He's already failing in class he doesn't need more problems"
Its important to keep in mind that:
amity parkers and ghosts are buddies now.
The Ambient ectoplasm gave them a form of super strength, also making it so that they are able to touch ghost.
They join the ghost brawls everyone in a while and has some wins.
Most, if not all are liminal in a way.
Everyone knows that Danny is phantom but have signed an NDA that says they aren't allowed to tell anyone who isn't a native amity parker who he is.
Things is, The gothamites don't know about this and take it as if Mr lancer and the students are underestimating Gotham. So as a from of pettiness, all the Gotham students decided to bring their amity partner to the most dangerous places they can think of.
Niky has lead sam into a park that poison ivy frequents. Of course, poison ivy is there but instead of running away in fear like niky expected, Sam runs up to ivy, complements her and joins the path of eco terrorism.
Tucker and his partner Vic finds himself in the middle of a riddler attack, locked in a room with no way out, a countdown timer with 20 secs remaining and a riddle in a computer.
Vic is panicking as he tries to figure it out, he looked to tucker for help. Tucker just shrugged and hacked the computer, not even bothering to solve the riddle. It worked and Vic is baffled and the riddler is frustrated.
Danny find himself in the hands of the joker, (his partner ran the moment joker was seen) hanging upside down on top of a large pool of acid, because, it's classic for joker. He is also being live streamed.
The teachers in GA are panicking, the bats are panicking.
Casper high teacher took one look at the stream and shrugged. "Eh, he'll be fine." They also called the number that joker has displayed on the screen, just to say, "Daniel Fenton, make sure your back before in GA 6 pm or else were leaving you to find the hotel on your own."
The time is 5:30 pm.
It takes 25 minutes to walk from Joker to GA.
Danny sighs, might as well start walking.
He uses intangibility to free himself and fall into the vat of acid.
The Gothamites are shocked and screaming, the bats are shocked. Amity parkes went "oh" and continued placing bets on how fast Danny will get back.
Danny then proceeds to swim out of the acid pool, punch the joker in the face, knocking him out in a single hit and then proceeds to casually squeeze out the acid from his Casper high "I am a proud amitian" shirt as if it's regular water.
All of this was done in 5 minutes.
All of this was caught on stream.
The Gothamites are passed out, the bats are questioning everything. Batman is searching up everything he can about acid side effects and about Danny but ends up with nothing.
The amity parkers just raised their bets even further.
Danny somehow makes it back 10 minutes late and Wes wins the bet.
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maniculum · 8 months
Medieval Scorpions Effortpost
So yesterday I reblogged this post featuring an 11th-century depiction of the Apocalypse Locusts from Revelations, noting the following incongruity as another medieval scorpion issue:
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The artist, as you can see, has interpreted "tails like scorpions" as meaning "glue cheerful-looking snakes to their butts".
Anyway, it occurred to me that the medieval scorpion thing might not be as widely known as I think it is, and that Tumblr would probably enjoy knowing about it if it isn't known already. So, finding myself unable to focus on the research I'm supposed to be doing, I decided to write about this instead. I'll just go ahead and put a cut here.
As we can see in the image above, at least one artist out there thought a "scorpion" was a type of snake. Which makes it difficult to draw "tails like scorpions", because a snake's tail is not that distinctive or menacing (maybe rattlesnakes, but they don't have those outside the Americas). So they interpreted "tails like scorpions" as "the tail looks like a whole snake complete with head".
Let me tell you. This is not a problem unique to this illustration.
See, people throughout medieval Europe were aware of scorpions. As just alluded to, they are mentioned in the Bible, and if the people producing manuscripts in medieval Europe knew one thing, it was Stuff In Bible. They're also in the Zodiac, which medieval Europe had inherited through classical sources. However, let's take a look at this map:
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That's Wikipedia's map of the native range of the Scorpiones order, i.e., all scorpion species. You may notice something -- the range just stops at a certain northern latitude. Pretty much all of northern Europe is scorpion-free. If you lived in the north half of Europe, odds were good you had never seen a scorpion in your life. But if you were literate or educated at all, or you knew they were a thing, because you'd almost certainly run across them being mentioned in texts from farther south. And those texts wouldn't bother to explain what a scorpion was, of course -- everyone knows scorpions, right? When was the last time you stopped to explain What Is Spiders?
So medieval writers and artists in northern Europe were kind of stuck. There was all this scorpion imagery and metaphor in the texts they liked to work from, but they didn't really know what a scorpion was. Writers could kind of work around it (there's a lot of "oh, it's a venomous creature, moving on"), but sometimes they felt the need to break it down better. For this, of course, they'd have to refer to a bestiary -- but due to Bestiary Telephone and the persistent need of bestiary authors to turn animals into allegories, one of the only visual details you got on scorpions was that they... had a beautiful face, which they used to distract people in order to sting them.
And look. I'm not here to yuck anyone's yum, but I would say that a scorpion's face has significant aesthetic appeal only for a fairly small segment of the population. I'm sure you could get an entomologist to rhapsodize about it a bit, but your average person on the street will not be entranced by the face of a scorpion. So this did not help the medieval Europeans in figuring out how to depict scorpions. There was also some semantic confusion -- see, in some languages (such as Old and Middle English), "worm" could be a general term for very small animals of any kind. But it also could mean "serpent".* So there were some, like our artist at the top of the post, who were pretty sure a scorpion was a snake. This was probably helped along by the fact that "venomous" was one of the only things everyone knew about them, and hey, snakes are venomous. Also, Pliny the Elder had floated the idea that there were scorpions in Africa that could fly, and at least one author (13th-century monk Bartholomaeus Anglicus) therefore suggested that they had feathers. I don't see that last one coming up much, I just share it because it's funny to me.
*English eventually resolved this by borrowing the Latin vermin for very small animals, using the specialized spelling wyrm for big impressive mythical-type serpents, and sticking with the more specific snake for normal serpents.
Some authors, like the anonymous author of the Ancrene Wisse, therefore suggested that a scorpion was a snake with a woman's face and a stinging tail. (Everyone seemed to be on the same page with regards to the fact that the sting was in the tail, which is in fact probably the most recognizable aspect of scorpions, so good job there.) However, while authors could avoid this problem, visual artists could not. And if you were illustrating a bestiary or a calendar, including a scorpion was not optional. So they had to take a shot at what this thing looked like.
And so, after this way-too-long explanation, the thing you're probably here for: inaccurate medieval drawings of scorpions. (There are of course accurate medieval drawings of scorpions, from artists who lived in the southern part of Europe and/or visited places where scorpions lived; I'm just not showing you those.) And if you find yourself wondering, "how sure are you that that's meant to be a scorpion?" -- all of these are either from bestiaries or from calendars that include zodiac illustrations.
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11th-century England, MS Arundel 60. (Be honest, without the rest of this post, if I had asked you to guess what animal this was supposed to be, would you have ever guessed “scorpion”?)
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12th-century Germany, "Psalter of Henry the Lion". (Looks a bit undercooked. Kind of fetal.)
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12th-century France, Peter Lombard's Sententiae. (Very colorful, itsy bitsy claws, what is happening with that tail?)
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12th-century England, "The Shaftesbury Psalter". (So a scorpion is some sort of wyvern with a face like a duck, correct?)
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13th-century France, Thomas de Cantimpré's Liber de natura rerum. (I’d give them credit for the silhouette not being that far off, but there’s a certain bestiary style where all the animals kind of look like that. Also note how few of these have claws.)
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13th-century England, "The Bodley Bestiary". (Mischievous flying squirrel impales local man’s hand, local man fails to notice.)
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13th-century England, Harley MS 3244. (A scorpion is definitely either a mouse or a fish. Either way it has six legs.)
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13th-century England, Harley MS 3244. (Wait, no, it’s a baby theropod, and it has two legs. (Yes, this is the same manuscript, that’s not an error, this artist did four scorpions and no two are the same.))
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13th-century England, Harley MS 3244. (Actually it’s a lizard with tiny ears and it has four legs.)
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13th-century England, Harley MS 3244. (Now that we’re at the big fancy illustration, I think I’ve got it — it’s like that last one, but two legs, longer ears, and a less goofy face. Also I’ve decided it’s not pink anymore, I think that was the main problem.)
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13th-century England, MS Kk.4.25. (A scorpion is a flat crocodile with a bear’s head.)
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13th-century England, "The Huth Psalter". (Wyvern but baby! Does not seem to be enjoying biting its own tail.)
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13th-century England, MS Royal 1 D X. (This triangular-headed gentlecreature gets the award for “closest guess at correct limb configuration”. If two of those were claws, I might actually believe this artist had seen a scorpion before, or at least a picture of one.)
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13th-century England, "The Westminster Psalter". (A scorpion is the offspring of a wyvern and a fawn.)
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13th-century England, "The Rutland Psalter". (Too many legs! Pull back! Pull back!)
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13th or 14th-century France, Bestiaire d'amour rimé. (This is very similar to the fawn-wyvern, but putting it in an actual Scene makes it even more obvious that you’re just guessing.)
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14th-century Netherlands, Jacob van Maerlant's Der Naturen Bloeme. (More top-down six-legged guys that look too furry to be arthropods.)
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14th-century Germany, MS Additional 22413. (That is clearly a turtle.)
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14th-century France, Matfres Eymengau de Beziers's Breviari d'amor. (Who came up with that head shape and what was their deal?)
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15th-century England, "Bestiary of Ann Walsh". (Screw it, a scorpion is a big lizard that glares at you for trying to make me draw things I don’t know about.)
I've spent way too much time on this now. End of post, thank you to anyone who got all the way down here.
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hyohaehyuk · 11 months
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bloopers (part 2) vs the actual ep scene
of Alec and Magnus (Season 2b)
Note: there isn't really a scene of alec trying to take off magnus' handcuffs in the episode so i used the scene where he takes out the gag out of valentine/magnus' mouth
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celibibratty · 1 year
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Hmph, even tumblr knows what is the right thing😒 (being a proshipper)
#oh#I see something that i dislike#i get away from it and then i move on with my life🌸#Okay okay i get it people sometimes being ant1s cuz pr0blematic people sometimes invents a lot of shit that get on our nerves🔥#Urgh but ant1 culture is so boring and awful full of lies and politicaly correctcy#Call yourself and hate whatever you want but just don't harass others#I tried to find this reblog again just to see if that really happened or not well i guess it does i will put the screenshot just to idk...#As a reminder?#I thought tumblr would had already deleted that or something but it don't(respect✨)antis were kinda nice on this one i didn't saw anyone..#Complaining or saying hateful things on the reblog just the skull emojis/the “WHAT!?/EWW” reactions(that's good;those are fine...#Reactions they are annoying but nothing harmful so its good#Hmn i know it says all pro-shippers but i never feel inclued on this types of post💧 i don't feel i'm a part of it💧#Cuz i not like all these problematic enjoyers/proshipper people that respect and endure or enjoy anything i mean i-i do respect (i guess)#Cuz i don't go witch hunt and say those heavy antis things(buut i can't not Just don't express my hate/contempt towards the things that...#Trigger me/i dislike💢i can't be like this proshippers texts#I don't move on that easily and maybe never will it will always bother/hurt me i will always hate it the existence and the people that...#Has to do with it (people saying this in that way make it seems like my feelings are petty/childish cuz “oh it just pixels get over it”#I KNOW IT JUST PIXELS GOD DAMNIT💢but i can't control it bothers me/hurts me!!! I hate it! Doesn't matter if i see yes or no the simple exis#You see💧i not like the typical proshipper person; not like the people that usually are seems to be like💧#Cuz i'm petty and immature I guess💧#reflection
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