#I dont think I ever made thIS MANY gifs in one set
cametotheshowinsd · 5 months
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whispersoftheton · 1 year
Do you think you could write an anthony x reader angst turned fluff/smut fic?
They’ve married out of duty but both have feelings for each other they refuse to admit
Hi! This is also my first fic for this fandom and I got kind of carried away with it, hope you don't mind :) Thank you for requesting btw <3
dont worry the next request i post will have smut in it and im posting that one this weekend >:)
Anthony Bridgerton x F!Reader
Warnings: reader and Anthony are married, pining, death of parents (reader), angst, kissing, fluff at the end
Word Count: 2.4K
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The day dawned crisp and clear, sunlight peering through the flowing curtains and illuminating your path along the long hallway of your lavish home. The sounds of maids bustling through the estate and the gravel crackling beneath the horse's hoofs from outside filled your ears. Your mind raced with the many tasks at hand for today as you straightened out your dress. The last ball of the season was a significant one indeed, and you had the honor of hosting it tonight. The last few days were filled with overseeing that every detail of the evening, no matter how small, was managed and executed perfectly. 
As the maids fetched accessories and floral arrangements for you to approve ahead of the festivities, you pondered how your life had drastically changed. A mere three months had passed since your wedding day. Still, it seemed a lifetime ago. You had every reason to be happy, you had married well, living more than comfortably, and your husband was not unkind towards you like others you've heard about. But your marriage to the viscount wasn't exactly the love story of the century, to say the least. 
After the passing of both your parents, Lady Danbury had taken you in as one of her own. Raised you to be a lady of society in every way she saw fit and even sponsored your coming out last season. The very same season, the Queen appointed you as her diamond. Not long after, none other than Anthony Bridgerton set his sights on you, surpassing any honorable suitor that even thought about appearing at your doorstep. The entire courtship, along with the proposal, felt purely transactional. Anthony berated you with questions, encounters feeling more like interviews than any courting you were used to. It was not as if you were not attracted to the man if you were being entirely honest with yourself; you'd spent the better half of your time bottling up whatever it is that blossoms in your chest when he is near. And you hated yourself for it. For feeling something you couldn't even name for a man who treated as nothing more than an object. Every public outing where he was caring towards you, even kind and every bit of charming you could ever hope for, raised your hopes high only to see them crashing down at the indifference towards you the moment you were alone without the peering eyes of the ton on you.
Your wedding and honeymoon came and went in a blur. Not even able to consummate the marriage properly due to an argument that left you both enraged and unable to look each other in the eye in the days that followed. The following months were a string of simple greetings in passing and only speaking to one another when absolutely necessary. The empty house you now lived in was becoming your own personal void without so much as the company of your supposed husband.
"Viscountess Bridgerton, are you alright?" Your maid questioned as you snapped out of your haze and directed your attention back to the bouquets before you.
"Yes, this one will be lovely for tonight, thank you." You made your final decision as Anthony strolled into the room. Your maids quickly making themselves sparse, leaving the two of you alone.
"My family should be arriving any second; I assume everything for tonight is in order, is it not?" The underlying sarcasm and questioning of your ability as the lady of the house crawled right under your skin, any lingering feelings you had been contemplating only a moment ago for the Viscount gone in an instant at his distasteful manner.
"Yes, Lord Bridgerton." You replied dryly.
"Dear, we are married and have been for some time now. I would very much like it if I did not have to tell you to address me by my first name while we are in our home." You audibly scoffed at his command while standing from your seat.
"And I would very much like it if my husband would not treat me as though I do not exist." You snapped. Anthony's jaw clenched as he tensed before you. "Seems like neither of us shall get what we want. Now if you'll excuse me, my lord, I have some preparations still pending for tonight. I am sure you can see your family to their rooms for now." 
"Now, you will not even greet my family. Do you have a distaste for them as well?"
"Never. I adore your mama and siblings as if they were my own." Anthony searched for any sign of deceit but instead found honest eyes staring back at him, making his heart ache. "If anything, I am grateful. Alas, there shall be a Bridgerton in this home I do not dislike." 
Your thoughts betrayed you abruptly exited the room and returned to your bed chambers to prepare for the evening, shutting the door and leaning against it in an attempt to steady yourself. Damn him. His scent blurred your thoughts and inhibited every one of your senses as you attempted to concentrate on the anger portrayed in his words. Instead, your mind wandered to how his white shirt hugged every curve of his chest, the plumpness of his lips, and the curve of his jaw. It was alluring in the most intoxicating way. You knew you had to compose yourself before the night began; the last thing you needed was to be distraught at your own ball.
You stepped into the ballroom in your new dress gown the modiste had spent a significant amount of time making especially for this occasion. The staircase was beautifully adorned with white roses and touches of lilacs cascading down onto the main area. Candelabras and other flourishing arrangements were stationed around the refreshment tables your guests gathered at, and the thrumming rhythm of classical music whispered into your ears as you took notice of everyone enjoying themselves before greeting them. 
Unbeknownst to you, Anthony stood at the opposite end of the ballroom, observing how you conducted yourself gracefully amongst the guests—making light conversations while extending your kindness to everyone. He marveled at your ability to make each person feel as though they had your undivided attention; although he would never admit it, he found himself yearning for that same attention from you.
Early on, Anthony knew you fit all the requirements he had given himself for a wife. Someone honorable and suitable enough to hold the role of his Viscountess. It was precisely why he had chosen you, but that wasn't the only motive. You were the only lady's company outside his sisters; he did not particularly hate. Every potential partner he sought that season out had come up empty, whether it had been on the conversation or any other unfulfilling matter they discussed. You were different. You carried a conversation like no other, educated in far more areas than he could've hoped for, but none of that quite captured his heart in an unsuspecting manner like your character. You were kind and compassionate in a way he admired; you challenged him in ways that irritated him to no end, yet he found himself entirely enraptured by you. This is precisely why he had no choice other than shut you out completely. Anthony knew letting you get too close would be going against everything he wanted for himself. He couldn't let himself love another or have another love him; with love came loss. That he knew for certain.
"All seems good with the two of you, I see." Daphne smiled while moving to stand by Anthony as she spoke, breaking his train of thought.
"Good? I do not follow, dear sister." Anthony cleared his throat.
"Yes, good. With the way you were just openly admiring your wife, I assume it is only because the two of you have finally gotten over yourselves and admitted whatever it is you feel for one another." Anthony practically rolled his eyes at his younger sister, beginning to regret ever being forthcoming with her about the circumstances of his marriage early on. "Oh, do not tell me you are still playing this game? At this stage of marriage? Anthony-" She began scolding him, but he interrupted and led her to a more private area of the ballroom. 
"There is no game. We married because it was our duty to do so. Nothing more, nothing less. You will have to accept that, Daphne." Anthony's voice grew stern as he furrowed his brows at his sister.
"And I do. What I will not accept is the way your love for each other goes unspoken when it is clear to everyone around you." She spoke her following words in a hushed tone as to keep anyone who may be standing near from listening to them. "There is no doubt you hold love in your heart for her, brother. But if you do not tell her soon, I fear you will lose her and your only chance at happiness forever." With that, Daphne offered him a soft smile before walking towards Simon, who busied himself greeting Lady Danbury and her mama.
The night went on better than you could've hoped for. The dances and mingling were without a flaw, and even Lady Bridgerton and the Dutchess were quick to praise you on how well everything had turned out. Soon the guests started to filter out, making their way home after a long night of celebration. You strolled over to your husband after bidding goodbye to her majesty the Queen and ensuring everything had been to her liking. Anthony couldn't help but take notice of how stunning you looked tonight. How your dress fell perfectly over your figure, gems scattered throughout to match his mother's necklace laid in the most alluring way on the supple skin of your neck and chest. He was entranced in a way he'd never been before. Perhaps Daphne had been right. There's a sentence he never thought he'd utter, he thought to himself. Perhaps he had let his fears control him for far too long.
You had barely noticed your ring slipping from your fingers to fall at Anthony's feet as you approached him. Both of you leaned down to reach for it in unison, fingers ghosting over one another, making your breath catch and your eyes meet as he placed it upon your finger once again. The intimacy of such a small moment becoming too much to bear far too quickly.
"I must go." You could not bear to withstand one more moment under Anthony's intense glare, the part of you that wanted to finally divulge all the feelings you'd fought so hard to suppress after all this time threatening to break through at any given moment. You suddenly stepped back, picked up your dress the best you could, and walked hastily to avoid attracting unwanted attention from lingering guests. As you paced through the gardens, an overwhelming and uncertain feeling washed over you before you overheard Anthony's steps behind you.
"Why? Why is it that you distance yourself from me?" Anthony shouted in a hushed tone toward you. 
"Me? I am not the one stuffed in my office all day, coming to bed at late hours of the night when I am asleep and gone once I wake. Avoiding me day in and day out as if I am a plague to you." Tears welled in your eyes, making Anthony's breath hitch. He could not stand to see you like this. Every nerve in his body burned to fix whatever was troubling you, even if he was the one who caused it. Every feeling he had worked so hard to bury all this time, convincing himself he did not love you, could not love you, surfacing with every word that escaped your lips. "You treat me as though you do not care for me." Your voice was just low enough for him to hear, eyes cast downward, unable to give him so much as a glance through his silence. 
"Do not care for you? It is as if I am being consumed when I am with you. I cannot hold a breath or do the most ordinary task without you racing across my every thought. I feel as though I am losing my sanity because I cannot bear to be without you for one second. And when you are near me, it is positively intoxicating in ways I did not know to be possible." Anthony stepped cautiously toward you, fingers ghosting over your cheek, eyes dancing along your features with adoration filling them. "I love you. I love you as much as a person can love another. I do not wish to hold it inside anymore. I love you."
"I love you too." A sob wracked your chest as you responded without hesitation. The reflection in your eyes conveyed the devotion and tenderness he yearned for. It was as if you indeed saw the pieces of him but only sought to love him as he was, incomplete and perfect in every way in your eyes. As your husband.
Your heartbeat quickened as Anthony stepped close enough so that your noses practically brushed against one another—a familiar desire spreading from your heart to your chest.
Anthony cupped your face, his thumb tenderly stroking your cheek. Chills spread along your skin at the warmth of his touch. Unbridled affection flowed freely and filled the space between you. Your lips met for what felt like the first time; his other hand settled at your waist, prompting you closer to him and deepening the kiss. His lips moved against yours with a gentle urgency. It was as if nothing else mattered, the past becoming more of a distant memory the further you melted into him. There was only this moment. Anthony unwillingly pulled away, leaving your foreheads pressed against one another, his hair slightly disheveled from your fingers running through it, lips swollen and thoroughly kissed. A deep sigh escaped him before he spoke.
"I would marry you again if I could. Do it all over from the very beginning." His voice slightly wavered at the sentiment; it suddenly weighed on him how much he truly meant it. He wished nothing more than to turn back time and love you the way you deserve from the very beginning. Things would have been so different.
"Anthony, you do not need to embellish. We already married." A chuckle escaped you, a knowing smile gracing his lips. "What?"
"You called me Anthony." 
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trumanbluee · 3 months
an encounter - matty healy
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minors dni !! this is 17+ nsfw material !!!
content; you meet a stranger in the bar after your breakup ;)
word count: 3271
warnings: somewhat dubious consent (reader is intoxicated), unsafe sex (wrap it b4 you tap it!!) dom/sub undertones, degradation, teasing. lmk if i missed anything! <3
a/n: hi !!! this is the first fic i'm ever posting!! eek! i dont know how many people are going to see this but please tell me if you like it!!!
It’s not often she spilt her entire life story to a stranger at the bar, but this stranger, with his head of ringlets upon ringlets of messy, dark curls, plush light-pink lips, and deep, chocolate brown eyes, was particularly inviting; charismatic to a fault. It made her want to give him everything, and absentmindedly, in her alcohol-riddled mind, she’d thought he would be a good scammer, or serial killer, whichever he prefers really. 
But it's not entirely his fault; she’s stress drinking, downing too many shots in too little a time frame, and the alcohol’s already hit her system ten-fold. 
She’s there because she’d broken up with her boyfriend the night before. They’d been dating just short of a year. He was required to travel a lot, mostly in Europe, as per his job, and she let him go each time without qualms - love them, let them go, right? 
Wrong. He’d been cheating on her since he went to Australia — four months, now — with a pretty little Sheila that he wanted to marry.
She was furious when he told her, of course, it’s fucking insanity for him to marry someone he’s known for four months, but she began seeing all the differences between her and the woman he cheated on her with: she, a perfect homemaker, her, a distressed professional he saw maybe once a month. 
“Hey, hey, don’t beat yourself up,” The soft english voice of the man across the bar cut through the buzz of her hazy, drunken brain, bringing her back to reality. “Cause he’s a right dickhead. For cheating on you like that.”
The man had entered the bar hours after she did, housing a simple drink or two and absently watching the soccer game on the TV above the bar, before she’d drunkenly inched closer to him, desperate to rant her dilemma to just about anyone who’d listen. He bit, and here she was now.  
She peered up at the man, inspecting him. He’s gorgeous, definitely, but she can’t tell if she actually thinks that, or her foggy, not-been-fucked-for-months mind just wants him to rail her into next week. 
No matter, she thought, downing another shot. It burned the back of her throat sweetly, fire trailing down her insides. “M’not beating myself up,” she protested weakly, “jus’ — m’just… wondering if her cunt was - so much better than mine,” 
He laughed, boisterously, the kind of laugh you hear rumble out from a close friend while you detail every wrongdoing or shameful memory in your life: he’s comfortable right now, as is she.
“Well,” he inched closer, large hand setting itself on her thigh and slowly inching upwards, “if it bothers you that much, why not prove it? That your pussy’s as good as you think.” 
This wasn’t the first of his attempts to flirt with her: firstly he’d tucked a stray hair away from her face, later he swiped a drop of her Sex On The Beach off her lip, then he’d clutched her by the waist, pulling her close to him when someone squeezed past her in the crowded bar. His brisk touch wasn’t unfamiliar by any means, but it did suggest more than the other ones, especially coupled with the lustful words he was purring in her ear. 
Then, there’s a gap in her memory. One too many shots, a stranger toying with the hem of the skirt she’d donned for the bar, and his sweet voice in her ear was too much for her dizzy head, and the only thing she remembers is this: one moment, he’s getting braver, rough fingers ghosting the sensitive skin of her inner thigh, and the next, she’s pressed against a bathroom stall wall, the handsome stranger’s knee knocking her quivering legs apart. 
They’re trading wet, sloppy kisses, and his hands are sneakily climbing up her shirt till they reach her chest. There’s a sharp intake of breath from him: “Fuck, sweetheart, no bra? You really were looking for someone to prove you right,” he cooed, touching her breasts needily.
He’s kneading her softly, fingers pawing at her flesh like he’d never felt something so soft, so plump. Her back arches as he does this; she’s practically putty in his hands. 
It doesn’t slip past her that she’s being felt up in a bar bathroom by a gorgeous stranger whom she doesn’t know the name of, but she doesn't care. “Please,” she begs, his name coming up completely blank on her tongue, “please.”
“‘Please’ what, honey?” The stranger says huskily, hot breath against her ear as one of his hands moves from her breasts up to her jaw, pushing it to the side to gain access to her neck. “Please kiss me? Finger me? Fuck me?”
She’s too drunk - and fucking horny - to deal with his theatrics, so she whines instead of answering, her weak fingers carding through his dark curls. 
“God,” he says, “How long has it been since you’ve been properly fucked? Just some touching and you’re already too fucking dumb to speak.”
His words make her cheeks burn with shame, but it also makes her core throb. The oh-so sweet stranger who listened to her problems all night telling her she’s just a dumb horny bitch is such a juxtaposition it's got her all hot and bothered. 
“Please,” she begs again, more desperate than before, “I need you.”
The man let out an incredulous chuckle, head cocking back. “Baby, don’t tell me you like it like that. God, you’re such a fucking whore,” he said, before undoing his belt buckle and fly. 
He had noticed how her legs clenched around his knee, how her breathing got sharper as soon as the words “dumb” and “whore” slipped out of his pretty mouth, how her fingers trailed his back needily, desperate for any kind of touch. 
She bit her lip, watching the stranger through bleary, hooded eyes. He’d pulled his pants down just enough for his boxer shorts to be visible, before he grabbed her by the waist and turned her to press her face against the wall. 
One of his arms then draped across her shoulders, pinning her down and arching her back, hard, making her ass press flush against the large tent in his underwear. She let out a small gasp at the feeling, and she could practically see the smirk curling slyly on his face
He can’t be that big, right? It was just her drunk mind, making him feel bigger than she thought through his shorts. Plus, she hadn’t been fucked in over a month — she was probably just not used to it. . 
Because, that’d be totally unfair - he’s beautiful, charming, an amazing kisser, and has a huge cock? No fucking way — if he was all that, he’s definitely a secret terrorist, or something.
 However, these days, she’d learned that she didn't have the best intuition. First, with her boyfriend, then again, with the man who just pulled out his thick cock, stroking it gently. 
“Oh, fuck,” she cursed, head straining to look at him behind her. Unconsciously, she shyly closed her legs at the sight of him. 
“Ah, ah, ah,” the man crooned, his other hand sliding between her legs and spreading them apart once more. “No take backs, honey. You did say you wanted me, did you not?”
Completely flush against each other, she could feel his hard length resting between her legs. Just that, just him between her, already had her trembling in anticipation.
“Then fuck me already,” she bit back, feigning confidence. In actuality, she was thinking: how was all that supposed to fit? And, of all people, her, who hadn’t been stretched out to fit any cock at all, not since last month, when her boyfriend made his routine visit. She was a loyal girl, alright, and her fingers never went as deep as any cock could.
But the moment for her to reveal her worries passed, and he simpered. “So fucking eager.”
Then, his large hands smoothed down the swell of her ass, following the curve, before he lifted his hand up and came down on her cheek, making a loud noise reverberate throughout the empty bathroom.
Her breath caught in her throat, a choked gasp mixed with a tense moan coming out instead, and she flushed. Thank god she was pressed against the cold bathroom stall wall, for it provided a miniscule relief to her burning face.
He’d spanked her, and she’d fucking moaned.
“So you do like it dirty.” he cooed, fingers returning and hooking into the waistband of her panties.
“I bet,” he said, dragging the thin fabric down extremely slow, “that you didn’t come to the bar tonight to just drink,” he pressed closer against her, her folds now sitting right above his thick length, “you came, with no bra and a slutty skirt on, looking to get fucked senseless, didn’t you?”
He slowly slid in and out against her folds, his cock just barely grazing her clit, and she swore she could have screamed. The way he was teasing her was absolutely delectable and, in the same vein, incredibly torturous.
“Answer me, honey.” he hummed, free hand rubbing light circles on the skin of her hip.
She let out an exasperated groan. “I - I came here tonight, to - ah!” she squeaked when the fat tip of the man’s cock poked her tight hole.
“You came here tonight to… what?” He said, nonchalant, as if he wasn’t slowly driving his large dick into her.
“I came here to…” she squeezed her eyes shut, trying to ground her thoughts, and squarely not think about how mouthwateringly good the handsome strangers cock felt, “to get—“
Then, the loudest keen she’d ever heard tore out of her, her eyes rolling into the back of her head, when he suddenly shoved all of his length into her soaking cunt.
He bottomed out with a breathy laugh, watching her knees buckle and mouth hang wide open. Then, once more, his calloused hand came down on her ass, a large crack sounding out within the bathroom. 
“Shut the fuck up, whore. Someone’ll hear.” The stranger said, as if he hadn’t just made a loud noise spanking her like that.
But the way he insulted, complimented, mocked and teased all in a few sentences had her shuddering; never in her life did she think such dirty words could make her so wet.
She barely kept in another whine, waves of pleasure ebbing throughout her body. The burning pain of the spank in combination to how her walls squeezed around his cock had her barely coherent, face taut with pleasure.
“Fuck, baby, you’re dripping all over my cock,” he whispered, leaning down for her to hear. As he did so, however, his dick pressed further into her, and another helpless groan rolled off her tongue.
“But you’re too goddamn loud.” The stranger growled, and the arm of the hand that was pressing her against the wall shifted, now covering her mouth.
Before she could protest, he slid out, then snapped into her. Immediately, she saw stars, and a muffled mewl slipped past her lips.
“Jesus christ,” he murmured, “your little pussy’s taking me so well.” He began to slide in and out at a fast, rhythmic pace, so fast she could barely comprehend the ecstasy she was feeling.
“Oh my god,” she barely stuttered out past his large hand. He was pounding in and out of her relentlessly, selfishly, no regard for her moans or helpless whines, merely focussed on thrusting his fat cock into her sweet cunt.
Then, the two heard the bathroom door open, and she froze. The handsome stranger moved quickly, grabbing her by the waist and planting her on his lap as he sat down on the toilet. His other hand, still trained on her mouth, gripped tighter than ever when he felt the groan bubble up from her throat: this new position of her on his lap had his long length pressed right against her cervix.
“Now you really gotta be quiet, baby,” he whispered, pressing his face into her neck. She shut her eyes helplessly, a dejected whimper exiting her mouth.
“Just be fucking quiet. You don’t want everyone in this bar to know what a dirty slut you are, spreading your legs for a fucking stranger in the bathroom, right?” He said, words foul and like poison, but actions completely stark to it: he was pressing sweet, chaste kisses on her shoulder, laying his head on her back.
The man in the other stall was taking so fucking long to finish, and, despite the stranger’s words, he began to slowly rut into her, his large hands coming to rest on her hips and help her slide up and down on his cock.
Her eyes widened. “What are- ah, wh— what are you doing?” she said, a stuttered, hesitant moan leaving her mouth, but she was completely without the motivation to actually stop him: the pleasure she felt earlier had increased immensely in this slower, riskier pace he took on.
“Shh,” was all she saw him say, as she strained her neck to look at him. He looked the epitome of smug, lips curled, cheeks flushed attractively, strands of hair falling down onto his forehead.
Without his hand to muffle her groans, she muffled them herself, biting down on her tongue. One hand of hers gripped onto the stranger's thigh to keep her balance, and her other hand sneakily travelled down to her wet, hot mound, fingers beginning to rub at her clit.
He noticed this, however, hand gripping at her wrist and pulling her back to pin her arm behind her. “Only I get to touch you,” he snarled, “because this fuckin’ pussy’s all mine. Gonna be all mine.”
She let out a shaky exhale at his words, but she found her cunt more flexible than before, the soft slapping of her skin between each other sounding easier, wetter. Jesus, did she really get more turned on by what he’d said?
Finally, the person who had wandered in and entered the stall beside the one the two of them occupied, exited the bathroom entirely, and she belted out a sharp moan with how the stranger swiftly picked her up and pressed her against the wall once more, this time facing him.
He plunged his big cock into her like nothing before, animalistically, nails digging so hard into her hips she swore he drew blood. His pace was stuttered, desperate, like nothing could distract him from pounding into her, not even a fucking meteor. 
She, on the other hand, was arching, the pleasure taking her body over completely. Her hands carded through his brown hair, tugging when he hit that particularly spongy spot into her. He groaned, a rough and stuttered thing, feeling himself brush against that spot every time.
Her tight cunt was stretching and contracting around his dick, like she was made with his fat length in mind, and it drove her up the fucking wall: the pain in her hip, the cold linoleum wall, his cock thrusting in and out — it was all so much, and her orgasm began to spill out from under her. It was slow, like water coming out of an overfilled glass.
“You — god, you’re fucking coming, aren’t you,” the stranger said knowingly. Her cunt had gotten tenser, stickier, trying to grip at him like she was afraid he’d never come back to her.
She nodded rapidly, opting to do so in fear an unintelligible string of groans would come out instead of  words.
He grinned, and lifted her legs to wrap around his waist, allowing his cock deeper access into her. Her toes curled, the new angle like being impaled, his dick easily slipping past her slick folds.
One of his hands lifted off her hip and trailed across her lower stomach, “Can you feel that, baby? Its my fucking cock, so deep m’gonna shoot my come right in your womb,” he purred, pressing the bulge.
Both were affected, a breathy grunt slipping past his lips, and her a feverish mewl. She couldn’t believe how big he was, large enough for him to be fucking visible on her from the outside.
Suddenly, she remembered the man’s name: he’d said it, offhand, to the bartender before she had dragged him to the bathroom. He asked the bartender to put her drinks on his tab, under the name Matty.
Her face grew taut, her orgasm suddenly switching from a slow, sneaky drip to a hard smack, right across her face. “Matty! Matty, please,” she moaned at last, his name sounding right at home on her tongue.
“Fuck, honey, you remembered? God, that’s so hot,” He whispered sweetly, then dragged her through her orgasm, thick cock pounding in and out of her throbbing core. 
It was like all the pleasure had steadily built up within her insides, all up into a big ball, then had suddenly burst, flowing throughout her entire body like she wasn’t already being fucked relentlessly.
“Such a - fuck - tight and pretty pussy,” he said, leaning in to rest his head against her chest. She was weak, sensitively riding out her high, but she knew Matty wasn’t quite as close.
His thrusts began getting sloppier, harsher and focussed merely on feeling her walls against every inch of him. Her head rested beside his own, eyes practically crossing with the overstimulation.
Despite her orgasm, her cunt was still soaking, definitely dripping and marking a wet patch on both her skirt and his pants. It made her tremble, thinking of them both tiredly exiting the bathroom, dishevelled and having to cover the other up.
At this point, she didn’t know what kind of filthy fucking noises were exiting her mouth, with Matty’s grunts and groans covering up her whines completely.
“M’gonna come,” he said a few long moments later, almost inaudible. “Say my name, say who owns this tight fucking pussy.”
“You do! Matty does!” She exclaimed, his cock ripping in and out of her quicker and more jolted. “Matty owns this pussy!”
Matty grinned weakly, and with one final, harried thrust, he let go deep within her. He clenched his jaw, brown eyes shutting tight and losing himself within the warm and wet feeling of her cunt squeezing him for every drop.
You was so fucking full, and even when Matty pulled his softening cock out of her — which, was still huge despite its idleness — she felt stuffed to the brim.
His come dripped down her leg, and he promptly pulled her panties up, patting her worn out cunt as he did so. “You’re taking all my fucking come, so good baby.” he said, pressing a hungry kiss to her neck. “You were right: this cunt’s better than whoever your shit ex cheated on you with.”
“Told you so.” She gazed up at him through heavy-lidded, gleeful eyes. He was an absolute darling sweetheart, it seemed, switching from degradingly fucking her to romantically praising you. “Are you… up for round two?” you said, as he slipped his hand within her own, clasping tightly. She didn’t really mean round two - though, she wouldn’t protest it, especially with his delectable way of fucking her - she actually just wanted to go home with him… see where this relationship could lead her.
“Sweetheart, you don’t have to ask. You’re comin’ home with me tonight,” he saw through her cheekily, pulling her close to him.
So, she did go home with him, and in the morning she laid beside him in the ruffled white sheets, studying the beauty of his face whilst he slept. After that, they made frequent visits to that pub, specifically to the final stall on the left in the mens bathroom.
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he-goes-down · 5 months
Hiii I don’t know if you take requests if you don’t I’m so very sorry but could you maybe make one where axl caughts reader his gf masturbating when he comes home from tour and then smut ??❤️
Speedin’ Back To My Baby
Pairing: Axl Rose x Reader
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Warnings: smut, masterbating unprotected p in v, dirty talk
Second Person POV:
Axl had been gone out this tour for longer than you could stand. You missed him deeply. Needing and wanting him every night before you go to be as your mind starts to drift off. The only other option to fix your needs was doing it yourself.
It was late night, your boyfriend had made it a point to come back a day earlier to surprise you. Flowers in hand, creeping into the house. Getting closer to your shared room. But as he got closer he heard you. Heard you moaning. Rage began to fill his veins. Were you cheating on him? If you were he was going to make this new guy have hell to pay. He lurked and peaked into your room, but only to find alone, with your fingers. He watched as you pleased yourself, mumbling and whining his name as your hips bucked up into your hand. “Shit…” he groaned silently, watching the pornographic scene in-front of him. Your heard the small grunt he made and looked in the direction only to find Axl’s piercing eyes staring at you. You screamed in surprise and your first instinct was to cover yourself up. “Ax- you’re back…?” You breathed out. “See you were having fun without me.” He smirked as he set the flowers down on the end table and came to sit next to your semi naked self. “I was just-…” “Mmm, save the excuses for later, I heard everything and I’m back for you.” He spoke lowly as he kissed your neck trailing up to your cheek and smirking against the skin as he spoke.
As much as he would have loved to see you please yourself as your thought of him, he needed you, he’s been needing you for the past few weeks, and you have been needing him.
Axl’s hand went up your bare thigh, getting closer and closer to your heat until he was spreading your folds and interesting his two fingers in you. “So wet… just for me. Fuck” he cursed before his mouth attached to yours and you began to kiss like it was your last one. You whined his name against him as he finger fucked your pussy. Needing to spread you out as you haven’t been filled in weeks. “Oh- Fuck-…” you moaned against his luscious lips, feeling your climax as you were nearly there before Axl came in. “Axl… fuck- I’m gonna…” as you were about to cum, Axl took out his fingers, removing any friction you needed to finish. “You can cum all over my dick as many times as you want honey, no use for fingers.” He told you as he crawled over you and kissed your cheek while you breathed hard at him denying your orgasm.
Axl took off his clothes and additionally taking off your pj shirt. “I missed this.” He said as his eyes wondered every nook and cranny of your body, like it’s his first time ever seeing you. “Axl just fuck me.” You whined, your body burned and your stomach felt empty, your body aching and pleading to cum. “Say no more baby.” He said cocking his head. Taking your lags and pushing them back slightly, positioning himself to your soaking wet entrance. He bent dien to kiss you before he pushed past your folds with a snap of your hips together and a slap echoing from it. You jolted as a shock sent through your body as he directly hit your good spot. You moaned and screamed loudly as he began to pound his dick into you. Your legs pushed further back even more, wanting to get a perfect angle. “Bet no fucking fingers made you scream this loud.” He grunted into your ear. “My little fucking slut.” You moaned again at his comment. “Hm? Thinking if me when you cum? Mmm so fucking dirty.” He thrusted more roughly with each pound to your pussy as he spoke his words. You gripped with one hand around the back if his beck and the other clutching the sheets. Shaking as you came all over his dick. And along with it, your tight clench milked Axl’s orgasm out harder. “Fuck baby!-“ he yelled as he came all inside you, walls coated in white and leaking out onto the sheets.
“Such a needy little slut.”
A/n: its 3am and my eyes keep closing i cant focus but here’s your content goodnight
Sorry if it’s kaka. 🙁🫶
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michelleleewise · 2 years
Forget Me Not...
Pairing: Loki x reader
Warnings: mentions of injury, mentions of memory loss, depression, hurt, crying, anger, exhaustion, hallucinations, illness, all the angst, no happy ending in site......
Summary: Loki reads your letter, and is determined to find a way to get his memory back.
*I just want to say thank you to everyone who has read, commented and reblogged!! This has really become its own thing at this point and it means alot to me that you guys like it!!! This isn't the end......
Part two- Part three-
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Loki sat on the bed, running his hand through his hair, sighing as he opened the envelope, hoping something would spark some memory...
My Dearest Loki,
I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted you to know I didn't leave because of you, this was not your fault, so please don't blame yourself. The time we had together was the best of my life. You gave me something no one else ever had, love. No one before you could compare to you, and there could never be anyone for me after you. My heart will never be capable of loving another, I will forever be yours. Whatever happens, please know I will always be thinking of you, but I could not stay. The pain was too much to bear. I hope life gives you everything you've ever wanted, you deserve all of the love and kindness you think you are unworthy of. In the year that I got to share with you, I saw a side of you I believe not many, if any have seen. And I am honored to have been the one that you loved, that you trusted with your heart. I know life hasn't been kind to you, but it made you the beautiful person you are, never forget how simply amazing you are my love. Never let this world dim your light. And know, through everything you endure, and all the hardships you may face, I am with you, heart and soul. You have my heart, and you always will, forever.
All my love, always- y/n 💚
Loki sat, reading the letter over and over as he felt tears stream down his cheek. A year, he and been with you a year before the accident and he remembered none of it. He pulled the ring out, looking at it as the light reflected off of it. "How can I not remember you y/n?" He said to himself as he closed the box, setting it on the nightstand.
He wiped his face, getting up and heading to the kitchen, he needed something to help calm him. He sat the kettle on the stove, seeing Thor walk in "Brother. Could you not sleep?" Thor asked sitting down. "No, too much on my mind. You?" He asked "I as well, I just.....i wish things had been different." Thor said looking down. "Thor, i know you have told me before, but y/n and I, I was prepared to propose?" Loki aaked grabbing the tea bags "Yes Loki, you had been dating y/n for almost a year, you had just asked her to move in with you when...." he said training off.
"The accident." Loki finished leaning on the counter. "I am sorry brother, this is all my fault." Thor said running his hand through his hair. "From what i am told, it was an accident, a miscalculation." Loki said furrowing his eyebrows. "That may be, but if I hadn't.." he said looking at Loki, tears in his eyes "Thor, you are not to blame. I just.....how can I forget someone I care for so much?" Loki asked as tears formed in his eyes. Thor got up, walking around the counter standing in front of Loki "Don't stab me ok?" He said as Loki huffed a laugh and Thor pulled him into a hug.
Loki returned the hug as tears streamed down his cheeks "what am I going to do?" He asked as Thor released him. "I am not sure. It has been almost six months, and your memory has yet to return. I dont know if there is anything we can do." Thor said leaning on the counter. "I have been having dreams of her, memories I am sure of it now. They are trying to push through, but when I wake, they are gone." Loki said as the kettle screamed.
He stood sipping his tea "What of the witch, Wanda, can she not enter my mind?" Loki asked Thor. "I believe so but I don't think she likes doing it." He said looking at Loki. "I will speak to her tomorrow, I have to find a way Thor, and she may be my only hope" he said, setting his cup in the sink. "Then I shall go with you, I want to help anyway I can." Thor said as Loki nodded. He had a plan, he just hoped it wasn't too late.
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You laid in bed, waking from another dream as you stared at the ceiling, tears streaming across your face. This time, your brain assaulted you with dreams of you and Loki..
"Do you know how much I love you y/n?" Loki asked, your limbs tangled together.
"Mmm, I think I may have an idea." You said smiling.
"Then you would be wrong my love." He smiled "I love you as the moon loves the stars. As the flowers love the sun. I have traveled through life, merely existing until I met you. Your smile, your laugh, your kind heart have all ignited my soul. I need you as I need air. Without you, I'm afraid my heart would stop and I would cease to exist." He said, gazing into your eyes, cupping your cheek.
You put your hand over your mouth, muffling your sobs as the tears continued. If this was life without Loki, you didn't want it. A world without him was one you didn't want to be in. But some small, tiny spot in your heart held hope. Hope that one day he would remember. One day he would come back to you. But would it be too late? He was already living with Melissa, what if he married her, started a family with her? What if he never remembered?
You sighed, getting up going to the bathroom you washed your face. Looking in the mirror you didn't recognize the person looking back at you. There was no joy in your face anymore. Dark circles prominent under your sunken eyes that didn't seem to sparkle anymore. Your hair a mess, and you were pretty sure you had lost weight as your clothes didn't fit as they used to. You decided maybe a walk would help.
You got dressed, slipping your shoes on you headed out. You trekked across the island as the sun came up. "I probably should have packed some water." You thought to yourself as you made it to the top of a cliff. Sitting down watching the sun rise in the sky. You looked out onto the vast ocean, you were truly alone. You felt the sweat rolling down your face as you felt a little dizzy. You got up, deciding to head back, standing you saw spots in your vision.
You sank back down to your knees, closing your eyes. "I just need to make it back, I'll be fine." You breathed, opening your eyes, you saw someone standing a few yards away "who.....whose there?" You asked shakily as they walked closer. "Love, you need to go back." You heard, shaking your head, you knew that voice. "L...loki? Is that you?" You asked rubbing your eyes, but your vision was still blurry. "I need you to go back, please." He said again as you swayed back and forth. "Ok, I've lost my mind." You sighed looking down.
You looked up again, seeing you were alone. "Loki! Are you there!?" You called out, getting no response as tears welled in your eyes. You laid down in the grass, looking out to the ocean. "I love you Loki." You whispered, closing your eyes as the darkness finally overtook you.
@vbecker10 @lokiprompts @lokisninerealms @lulubelle814 @commanding-officer @juulle987 @xorpsbane @immersed-in-mischief @stupidthoughtsinwriting @midnights-ramblings @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @lokislittleprincess @d1a2n389 @lokisprettygirl22 @your-taste-on-my-lips @buttercupbestie @daggers-and-mischief @lucylaufeyson3 @12-pm-510 @geekwritersworld @freshprincessofpain @evansabove1981 @lonadane @azurethebts @nixymarvelkins @curiousdumbass101 @lokidbadguy
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calcja · 11 months
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CHARACTERS: Haitani Ran, Haitani Rindou, Kokonoi Hajime
SYPNOSIS: Here's what i think whether these bonten members are virgins or nah
A/N: Hello! this is the pt. 2 of Saint or Slut. Thank you very much for liking the first one! I DIDNT EXPECT THAT IT WOULD HAVE THAT MANY LIKES SO THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYONE HUHUHUHU!!! Again, There might be some grammars and spellings error bc english is not my first language.
❗️This does not follow the manga❗️
❗️Bonten timeskip, They're not minors here anymore❗️
❗️I do not own any images here. CREDITS TO THE RIGHTFUL OWNERS ❗️
link to first part:
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• 😁😁😁😁... no.
• He's not a virgin anymore. End of the topic.
• Ran is a high maintenance guy, He canonically likes to take care of himself, inside and out. Ran seems to be the type of guy who fills up his needs and wants as a man.
• Now every guy have already imagined themselves having sex AND wanting sex, most of them engage into it just like Ran.
• Just like Sanzu, this man always do his job first especially when it benefits him (and his bro)
• Ran might not be THAT slut but he's a BIG FLIRT especially to girls his types
• idk but i dont rlly see him fuck some random bitches, THIS MAN HAS STANDARDS. he would probably test that person first before he leads them to bed and what i meant by testing is flirting w them first duhhh
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• Not a virgin anymore
• Just the fact that he's a DJ in Ropponggi says it all. He's a club owner. He's a Haitani.
• He spends his free time at his own club or sometimes at the club he and his brother own, hosting parties and socializing w other people.
• It's either u're the one who's gonna approach him at the dj booth or he's the one who's going to approach u when u got his eyes and attention.
• Rindou would be the type of guy to chat w u first and have a nice conversation before u end up on his bed
• Would definitely interrogate u first abt what type of music u like lol
• I can see him fucking u in a much more private settings not just in some bathrooms or small romms or what
• This is so random but he gives me "i'm alrdy taken" vibes 😲😲😲
• Kokonoi Hajime
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• yuhhh (a virgin)
• cmon give my man a break
• He's defo the most stressed person at bonten
• Always busy. 24/7 paperworks. short breaks.
• He's too busy to fuck w someone, bro just want 8 hours of sleep.
• but im sure he alrdy made out w someone
•If he ever will makeout w someone, i dont see him meeting someone to makeout w at some club like the other members but rather i see him at the office or sumthn
• Koko rlly needs to know u first before he gets freaky w u, It will take long bcs he needs to be comfy w u first.
a/n: That's all! thanks again for reading the first part of this series
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smizzy · 1 year
Jenna dating hcs
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She'd very much like to take you with her to set everyday
She misses you more often she stays sending photos and texts of what she's doin, what she's eating, who she's with
you too
She's made many playlists for you two for different occasions
she believes you are the funniest person and people should know that
even her cast mates love seeing you knowing you always have them laughing over anything
She'd try and cook your favorite dish and 1-up you because you made hers a 5-star Michelin dish
pictures pictures picturessss
shares her earphones with you because she likes you too much
younger and taller than her? you came to the right place
the height difference is so cute
dancing around the house at 2 AM
would 100% learn how to braid your hair if you got sum thick thick ifykyk
you are the finest mf she ever laid her eyes on
i know dasss rightttt
now that im high lets get to the real stuff
definitely has a little part of her room that belongs to you and your stuff
she's learned about the .5 photos from you
she won't stop doing them on you and her sister
disagreements only cus you take things to heart a lil too much
me fr
"dont talk to me" almost every time she (someone) hurts your (my) feelings
she likes that about us twinnn
tiktok drafts pile like bodies
going to the beach til nighttime w those bonfires
back to disagreements *more like hurt feelings*
serious ones don't happen often
and when they do, u puttin air pods in and listening loud
either way you're always in the right
surprisingly deep conversations you start bc of high rambling
cue the end loop of 'not allowed' by tv girl
when you text her she always responds faster than you can even swipe out of the conversation
unless filming
you send her photos of what you eat in a day
likes hugging u very much thanku
also eye contact
anywhere you wanna go she'd book a flight for you
hate to c u cry baby :(
rubbing your back, kissin your cheek, getting you what you wanna eat purr
school or if ur busy she'd she see on the weekends
and i mean every weekend
with new food to try with her
thinks of you as her whole heart, soul, mind, veins,and blood
definitely a deeper connection this aint no tomfoolery
never fails to blush at flowers you get her no matter what they are she's thankful and loves them no less
always up after 12 sending her tiktoks but its the comments that got you covering your mouth from laughing
"why are u up stop sending me tiktoks gts"
showing each other how the sky looks for both of you if you two are away from one another
she hates shopping apparently
cus when she with you its like ts flew out the window
any photo on good with you two on google has both of you two staring at each other with love
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chiiyuuvv · 6 months
1.9k words
For the poll: @ohmykwonsoonyoung , @kissohee (i decided to combine it since its basically the same)
Taglist -> @snowyseungs , @eun-luv , @cr1tzen , @cupofmelatea
taglist | masterlist
Celebration for 300 :( <3
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His steady eyes pace around the room, a hand scratching the back of his nape and the other twiddling with his pencil, playing it off like he wasnt just staring at you. His eyes glance back to yours, finding that you were still looking at him, so he awkwardly ducks his head, faking laughing with his set of friends beside him.
'Go along with it' his eyes seemed to convey, the boys look at themselves, him, then at you. Sohee watches as their mouths turn into small 'o's, before faking a loud laugh, one slapping his knee while the other pointing.
"You should just talk to her," sungchan whispers into the annoyed males ears. "You've been staring at her for weeks." He exaggerates, his eyes widening as he looks at the boy. But no matter how many times sohee had to explain, no one would ever listen.
You see, yes its well known that sohee has been googly eyes over you for weeks, (hes pretty sure you know by now since hes so obvious) but he cant just walk up to you and start a conversation. What if he trips? What if he stutters? What if you dont like him? What if he makes you uncomfortable? That was his biggest fear.
Especially since you were so pretty and a tad reserved unlike his friends, he didnt know how to approach you; It made his heart jump.
He still remembers the first day hes laid eyes on you, his breath instantly taken away. Anton had invited you to sit at his table since you were working together for a project, and you needed to discuss who would do what.
The light shined on your face perfectly, complimenting your hair length as you sat on the small bench, a little smile on your face as you conversed with anton. Anton stopped talking to take a bite of his food, giving you the opportunity to look around the wide table; wonbin and shotaro laughing at a video, eunseoks head resting on sungchans shoulder, and seunghan annoying anton as he eats.
You look forward to find sohee staring at you, his jaw dropped open and small, quick blinks leaving his eyes. Who was he staring at? You think to yourself, turning to look behind you to only find your shadow, facing forward to see that he was still looking at you.
So you wave. Why not be friendly, you know? You watch as the boys face slowly turns red, frozen like a stone until he realizes you waved at him. It finally dawns on him, you just waved at him. Quicker than flash he snaps his head to his plate, taking a bite full of the cafeteria food, refusing to look in your direction.
A bit confused, you brush it off, welcoming anton back to your paused conversation as he was done eating, your forearms resting on the table as you get back to planning.
You had no idea how fast sohees heart was beating.
One look at you, one sound of your laugh, one accidental touch; he knew he had fallen deep this time, his face burning red at any simple interaction, if you were in the same room as him. He hated it. It was so embarrassing how easily flustered he got, only able to look at you when you turn your head, getting to know you more through anton. He still had to thank him.
"Shoot." Sohee mumbles under his breath, looking down to see that his phone was about to die. "Eunseok hyung!" He calls for the older, swinging back on his chair to see him better. "Let's switch spots, so i can charge my phone."
"Hmm..." eunseok thinks to himself, a finger tapping his chin. "Nope." He finally says with a smile.
"What?! But theres a plug right beside you."
"No there isnt." A voice calls, seunghans, as he plugs his charger in. "But i know where another one is.." he says in a flirty tone, wiggling his eyebrows with a little giggle at the end.
Sohee scans the room confused, before his eyes widen, his head shaking profoundly. "Oh no.. no, no, no."
"Yep!" Seunghan exclaims, the boys laughing at sohees red expression. There was another charging port, yes, but it was right beside you. Great!
"Just go!!" Anton pushes him out of his chair. "Shes really nice, i promise."
But you guys arent
His heart hammering out of his chest as he nervously gulps, hearing a small "thank us later!" From shotaro as he tries to calm himself down.
"H-hey umm.." no stuttering!! "..can i plug in my phone, right next to you? I-its fine if you dont want to haha.."
"Oh yeah, sure!" You wave him off with your hands, looking up from your own phone. "T-thanks.." he mutters, looking over to find the boys gesturing him to sit beside him. And so he does, a little clumsily, a hand coming up to move some hair away from his face, the other awkwardly scrolling on his phone.
Sohee rests lazily against his chair, stealing a glance of you working on your laptop, your mouth curled up to blow some of your bangs annoyedly, your chin resting on your raised knee. It seemed like you needed help with something.
Sohee steals another glance at you before batting his eyes away, looking back at his phone when he sees something out of the corner of his eye. There he found wonbin, frantically shaking around in his chair. He was trying to say something to sohee, the latters eyes narrowed to decode what he was trying to say.
Go.. beside you.. snatch your phone.. and start texting??
Wonbin lets out a loud sigh, slapping his hand over his closed eyes before whipping his phone out of his pocket.
Go help her idiot!!
Sohees mouth turns into an 'o' when he reads wonbins text, looking at you with a concerned look then back at wonbin, he shrugs his shoulders. How??
Wonbin slaps his face over his closed eyes for the ninth time. Do you need help??
"Ahh.." sohee mumbles, his heart beating heavy against his chest at the thought of talking to you, but he does it anyway. Its now or never!!
"Um hey.." he taps your shoulder, a awkward smile on his face as his voice was barely above a whisper. "D-do you need any help? I couldnt help but notice you struggling."
A small smile appears on your face, shaking your head with a light chuckle leaving your lips. "No its fine.. you wouldnt understand my teacher anyways."
"Mr. Han?"
"Yea- wait, how do you know?" Your eyebrows raise, looking at him expectedly as he nervously gulps. How was he going to get out of this one?
"I um.. it says it right there." He stammers, pointing to the corner on your laptop, the words MR. HAN typed proudly in all caps.
"Oh!" You let out a tired laugh, "sorry, i didnt notice."
"Yeah.." he lets out a laugh of his own, scratching the back of his head as he looks over, finding the boys silently cheering him on. He turns his head with a light blush on a cheek, looking over to find you staring at him. The view makes his heart jump, his eyes widen and his lips parted, his throat suddenly feeling dry. "I, um-"
"You're in my class too." You cut him off, tapping your pencil against the side of your head while thinking to yourself. Yeah, you've totally seen him before, outside of this class, and lunch. It was making sense now.
"Oh yeah! I didnt notice you!" A complete, total lie. Of course he saw you, and of course he was staring at you the entire time. You were too busy typing up your essays to notice.
"Me either!" You chuckle, feeling a bit guilty. "Its so hard to see students other than those couples that block the view of everything."
Sohee lets out a gasp. "You find that annoying too?" He points at your nodding figure, clicking his tongue, "they arent going to last long anyways, just break up and go home."
You laugh at his statement, his cheeks going rosy red as you nod again. "You know," you add, taking a breath. "I hear one breaking up with the other by playing the song candy, by nct dream. It was so harsh and everyone was laughing."
"Wait you know that song too?? Thats one of my favorites."
"Yeah, i love cand- wait the song candy, or the food, candy?"
"Both, i guess." You share a laugh. "Yeah me too." You reply. "I guess we have something in common." You say in a flirtly tone, winking at the grinning boy before cringing at yourself.
"So sorry!! I promised myself i would have a mysterious personality, cant show you my real self until you've fallen in my trap." You joke.
"No, no, i get it. Its really cute."
"Its what?" You ask, turning your gaze from the boy to power off your computer.
"Nothing uh- whats your favorite candy??" He quickly changes the conversation, letting out an awkward laugh.
"My favorite candy.." you ponder to yourself, placing your foot onto your chair and resting your chin to your knee again. "Hmm, maybe sour patch? Hershey? I think those two are my favorites."
"I love sour patch! Sour, sweet, gone." He imitates the sour patch ads, a giggle leaving your lips. "Yeah, I-" the bell rings, signaling the period was over. "Aw." You pout, watching visable disappointed wash sohees face.
"See you tomorrow?" You ask, sliding your laptop into your bag and swing it over your shoulder. "Yeah, yeah, of course, sure." He gets up, nodding his head wildly as he gets up too, bring his hand up for you to shake. Wait, for you to shake?
A bit confused, you laughed at his gesture, slipping your hand into his with a shake. A wide smile plastered on your face before letting go and walking out the class, stopping one final time to wave at the frozen boy.
After a few seconds he waves back, his smile matching yours as his cheeks were light red, pumping his closed fist in the air. "Yes! Yes!!" He laughs to himself, finally able to talk to you after staring at you for weeks. The boys come to circle him, letting out a series of cheers, shaking the boy with such pride; your laughter from a few minutes ago filling his ears, your touch engraved in his mind.
The next day, sohee ditches the boys, claiming that 'he had to charge his phone again' even though it was at 100 percent. They let out a series of wiggled eyebrows and 'ohh's in a flirty tone, teasing him before letting him go sit with the love of his life, sohee giving you a shy smile and wave as you welcome him.
"Wait, wait." He says, sitting down in his chair and taking off his backpack. In one of the pockets, he pulls out a bag of sour patch kids, a gasp leaving your mouth as he hands them to you. "I um.. saw them when i went to the convenient store.. and i thought of you, so i got them for you!!" He shyly admits, a light blush forming on his neck at the soft smile you were giving him.
"Thats so sweet of you." Sohee lets out a smile, looking down to hide it. "Want some?" You open the pack, gesturing him to take some which he does, a soft giggle leaving his lips as he bites into the sweet but sour treat.
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marvelwomenarehot0 · 6 months
𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬.
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Warnings: cursing, talking of cancer, character death, no happy ending, crying, bad spelling, lmk if I missed anything!!!
Summary: Natasha’s been acting weird lately. I wonder why?
Word count: 1002
Authors notes: anddddd I did it!!! I don’t know if it’s angsty enough, but I wrote this for the lovely Jess (aka @daddynattt)!! hope you enjoy and my requests are open if you want to!! happy readinggggg!!!
The wind that blew against the windows along with the rain made you shiver. The chilly winds of December blew through, giving not much room for any sort of warmth. Your girlfriend of three years, Natasha, stood next to you holding your hand with a smile. She gave you a soft kiss, before slowly pulling away and looking around.
Natasha had been on her phone a lot more now. You couldn’t really understand why, yet it did give you a sort of bad feeling in your stomach.
“I’m going to run out, grab something to eat” Natasha spoke, finally prying her eyes off of her phone to look at you. You nodded and smiled, awaiting a kiss that never came as Natasha stood up. She collected her things and left.
You watched the door, your stomach churning a little and you looked down. Something just felt off in every way. You didn’t understand it- not truly Natasha was your first girlfriend and only girlfriend that you’d ever had. You had met in college and had stayed together through it.
A bit of time went by of you just waiting. You texted her a few times- no reply. Which, to you, was weird considering the fact that she was always on her phone lately. Eventually as you kept texting, you got worried, and you set your phone down just to grab some water from the kitchen.
When you returned to the couch and opened up your phone, the texts you saw truly broke your heart.
“Stop fucking texting me. This? This was a joke, a stupid dare that went to far. Let me be very clear when I say this, I’ve never loved you. Any I love yous I’ve said have been fake. Lies. Dont message me again.”
You stared at the text in disbelief, blinking a few times as the tears rushed into your eyes. They almost immediately started falling down your face, dripping onto the screen. You went to type something and to send it, and the message turned green. She’d blocked you.
The nagging feeling in your stomach grew heavy. You could no longer fight the tears that streamed down your face, onto your shirt, under your shirt and staining the couch below you. You let out a few choked sobs, scratching at your throat as you stared at the phone.
How could she? The dates, the I love yous, the promises of having kids together and marriage was all lies. A dare. A stupid dare. The truth felt like a knife through the heart, piercing in so many ways. She had dug the knife into your back and pulled it out to let you bleed, alone.
It wasn’t like you had anyone else. Everyone in your family believed you were a mistake, a gross idea of what could have been. Natasha had been the first person to ever truly love you. She’d made you feel like the happiest girl in the world.
Laying there on the couch only made things worse. Your head wouldn’t stop spinning, sobs falling freely as your hands clawed at the cushions. You managed to pull yourself up, stumbling into your shared room, only to realize that none of her stuff was there. Completely wiped off, like she’d never been there.
You stood there, unable to think clearly. How? Why? When? You moved a little closer and ran your hand across the side Natasha used to sleep on. It made you sob harder, collapsing to the floor in a heap of tears and snot.
(About a one year timeskip here)
You stared down at the grave in front of you, the flowers and small teddy bear sitting in front of it making your tears flow faster.
Three months after the breakup, Natasha had been admitted to the hospital. You hadn’t known, you’d obviously gone no contact, especially since you couldn’t contact her in the first place.
Natasha had been diagnosed with leukemia, and was dying. She didn’t have the heart to actually tell you that, and she wasn’t even the one who’d actually sent the text to you that day. A stupid old friend.
As Natasha laid on that hospital bed, her thoughts were of you. She did love you. She loved you so much. Natasha stared up at the white ceilings and let her eyes closed, the monitor beside her slowly stopping the beeping that it had made. Her final thoughts were of you.
Standing above the grave made you even sadder inside. You slowly sat down and sniffled a bit, fixing the flowers and teddy bear so it looked perfect. You eventually laid down what you had gotten for her- a tiny necklace. You laid it on the teddy bears neck, pressing a kiss to its small head before looking back towards rhe grave.
“I forgive you. For- for everything.. I miss you so much, I never stopped loving you” you whispered quietly, taking a deep breath before continuing.
“I hate you for the pain you caused me, but I never could truly stay angry at you. I- I can’t let you go.” You mumbled, tears dropping onto the ground as you spoke in shambles. You took a shuddery breath before you stood back up, pressing a kiss to the grave with closed eyes.
“Till we meet again, my love.” There was a gentle rustle of the trees, and you gave a tiny smile. Maybe you would meet again, maybe you wouldn’t. All you knew was that you would never stop loving her.
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callsigndragon · 2 years
You never asked | Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia
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Summary: Mickey has a secret. He didn't want to hide it. It's just that nobody ever asked.
Pairing: Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia x fem!reader
Word count: 976
Warnings: fluff. domestic fluff. and i dont want to say anything more bc spoilers
A/N: So this is probably the beginning of many drabbles... Because i literally fell in love with Mickey Garcia, and I have the power to create all the content i want.
Tag list: @tayrae515 @alexxavicry @xoxabs88xox  @mercurio23 @shrimping-for-all @abaker74
(if you want to be tagged in everything TGM, let me know <3)
@purplevortexx this is the first appearance of our latina queen. Her time to shine has come.
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Mickey Garcia had a big secret. Well, it wasn't a secret. Nobody had asked him if he was married. And he just didn't share that tiny detail. 
He loved his wife. More than words could ever express. They met in high school, she was the new member of Mickey's D&D club. Well, it wasn't his club. He was just a member, just like her when she joined. Mickey swears that when Y/N walked through the doors of that small, messy basement they used as a club, he knew. 
That was the girl he was going to marry. 
He asked her hand in marriage when his training period in the Naval Academy ended. She said yes. He laughed, she cried. 
Life was good. 
Every time Mickey was deployed, Mickey's grandma, Camila, took care of her. Abuelita Garcia had a room prepared for her nieta (granddaughter) and tried to feed her every time Y/N was a bit sad or missed Mickey. The wizzo loved that his family adored his wife as much as he did. And he also liked how Y/N's cheeks were a bit chubbier whenever he came back from deployment, due to the big amount of tamales that Camila made her eat. 
"Camila wants me to gain weight. She said I'm too thin, and I need to eat more, so I can be a good mom in the future," Y/N told Mickey in one of their FaceTime calls. 
"Amor, she literally told me that every day for the first 18 years of my life" he answered, chuckling at the thought of Camila filling his wife's plate with more tamales. 
"That's where the cute cheeks come from!" 
"I don't have cute cheeks" he whined. 
"Whatever you wanna say, babe" 
Mickey had missed his girls a lot during the uranium mission. He didn't want to bring Y/N with him, knowing that he was only going to be there for a few weeks, then he'll be back home. 
But now that the mission is over, and he is staying in this base for a while, he needs to tell the squad that he's married. 
He can imagine Phoenix's face already. 
"So, my dear buddies," says Rooster, setting down his beer. "I think it's time to know more about each other's lives. You know about my life already but… i don't know anything about you" 
"I mean, we only know about your life because this mission was more like a soap opera than a life-threatening experience" Bob jokes, grabbing more peanuts. 
"Bob, you're not as quiet and shy as I thought you'd be," Hangman comments, moving to play his turn at darts. Phoenix is trying to beat him, even though it's virtually impossible. 
"I never said I was. You just saw a guy with glasses and thought that he would be the average quiet kid that sits at the end of the class" the wizzo retorts. 
"Which you totally are," Phoenix affirms. 
Mickey smiles, knowing how much Y/N would love to be with these amazing aviators. She is such an amazing woman… Mickey can't wait for the squad to meet her. They keep talking and sharing parts of their lives, and just when it's Fanboy's turn to speak, a little, dark haired baby girl runs into the bar, looking around and trying to find the person she's been missing for weeks.
"DADDY!" the little girl yells, sprinting towards his father, her curls bouncing up and down at every step. 
Fanboy, recognizing the voice of his little girl, kneels down, opening his arms for his princess. Once she's secured in his dad's arms, Mickey gets up, looking at the dumbfounded aviators in front of him. 
"Did she just call you Daddy?" Coyote questions, looking between baby Garcia and Mickey. "You know what, don't answer. You're identical" 
"Yeah, nine months inside me, and she grows up to be her father's spitting image" Y/N says, appearing next to Fanboy. "She missed you so much that we had to come early" 
Mickey looks at his wife and then at his daughter, not surprised to hear that his pequeña princesa (little princess) couldn't wait more to see him. She is daddy's girl. 
"Mi princesa, ¿no pudiste esperar más?" (My princess couldn't wait longer?)
"Daddy, I missed you so much" the little girl pouts, looking at his father with the same big, dark brown eyes she had inherited from him. 
"Cam, amor, ¡sólo tenías que esperar dos días más!" (Cam, love, you only had to wait two more days!) 
"That was too much time," she protests. 
"Pendejo que no piensas saludar a tu abuela o qué" says a woman standing behind Y/N. The very same woman his daughter got her name from. (Idiot, are you not going to say hi to your grandma?)
"Oh my, abuela. I didn't see you there!" Explains Mickey, a bit scared of his grandma's reaction for not hugging her. It doesn't matter how much of a grown man Mickey is. He would always be a bit scared of his grandma. 
"Who are these people, hmm? And why are all of them so skinny! Look at this girl" Camila pinches Phoenix's cheek. "You have to eat more! I have tamales in the car, do you want some?" 
"Jesus, abuelita. Don't do that to my friend" 
"Payback, why aren't you fazed by this?" Hangman's words make the whole Garcia family laugh, just then moving to hug Cam and kiss her chubby cheeks. "I'm the godfather" 
"You mean to tell me that you knew that Fanboy is not only married, but a father, and you never shared any of that information with the rest?" Rooster exposes, feeling really, really betrayed. 
And as if Fanboy and Payback had rehearsed the answer for hours, they both say it at the same time. "You never asked!" 
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lily1718 · 2 years
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1. First of all. THE PARALLELS. Idk how to explain but soon there would be many gif sets that would explain by what i mean of the godamn parallels.
2. THE RANDOM ASS CAMEO I NEVER EVER SAW COMING. (Token white boy's wife as well as the one from the ancestral plane)
3. Costumes?! Slayed. Idk man at this point if they gave Oscar for the costumes I feel like it would be belittling them.
4. Dora Milaje and Okoye my beloved ❤️❤️❤️
5. Shuri's character development was so so SOOO WELL WRITTEN. How do i even explain this without spoilers.... Homegorl got everyone gasping here and there.
6. The tribute made me cry all right. However, I really have mixed feelings on the ending they gave T'Challa the entire film. Something felt off. But again the tribute was beautiful and raw.
8. Anyways this one had the spirit of MCU, no Disney-esque jokes. One liners was here and there and perfectly delivered. Loved it.
9. The visuals were absolutely gorgeous and lived up to the first film's standard.
I loved it.
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1. When the scene showed Riri under the suit. It took me RIGHT BACK AT TONY STARK. DID I CRY BECAUSE I MISS THAT MAN? YES I DID.
2. The greeting Shuri and Riri did at Shuri's lab and the direct parallel to the greeting Shuri had with T'Challa. Dont mind me crying in this corner.
4. Shuri going villain mode was not in my bingo card.
5. Val? I just hate her. Good job actress who played her.
6. Token white man 😌❤️
7. Killmonger mentioning Bucky walking freely got me worried Shuri might hunt him down💀
8. Also what's up with Marvel suddenly introducing these superhero's sons in phase four.
9. When Shuri the new Black Panther war cried Wakanda Forever, I think it was such a beautiful bittersweet moment.
10. I just love how this movie centred around women but not even once it felt like they were shoving promotional feminism down our throats. It just is. And i think that's beautiful.
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chateau7afra · 5 months
Folklore in Fargo
Spoilers ahead, Sailor.
One of the things I loved about Fargo this season so far, is the incorporation of Folklore, suberstition and God. We meet Ole Munch (Sam Spurrell) in the first episode. He seems to be a regular hitman of sorts, who is set on Dorothy (Juno Temple) He comes across a bit excentric and the way he talks and dresses seem very anachronistic. We also learn, that Dot is not the regular homemaker and loving mum, she seems to be. Munch and his handyman set out to kidnap Dot. Munch and his handyman aren't able to capture her and the handyman was killed in the process. We get to know Roy Tillman (John Hamm) who was the one who sent Munch on his mission, but because he failed the task, Roy is not paying Munch, which sets off a rather bleak storyline in which Roy and his son Gator (Joe Keery, my love) try to kill him. He escapes! The most intriguing thing about Ole Munch is one, the ritual he performs at the Tillman Farm. He kills a goat, covers himself in it's blood and leaves a message for Roy over his Daughter's beds. And two, the flashback to Wales in 1522. See now, this is where it gets weird. And where I had to google some stuff.
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We see a character, dressed in what seems to be clothes of the lower class, entering a house full of upper class people who are in mourning, dressed in black and weaping. We have a funeral on our hands here. The poor person looks like Ole Munch. Is it him? Is it an ancestor of his? We dont know. On the belly of the deseiced is a plate with food. When Munch enters the house, there is a tense energy in the room. Munch walks up to the dead body and consumes the food offered on the plate in an almos animalistic fashion. The people in the room gasp, some of them disgusted, some of them afraid. Or both. Before Munch leaves, he gets two silver coins. Which must have been a lot of money back in the day, I did not research that. But we clearly witnessed some sort of ritual happening. It turns out, sin eating was a practice rich people took part of in Wales, Ireland and England in the 1600s. A willing poor person was invited to literally eat the sins of the deseaced person, so they could be welcomed at the pearly gates, with a clean record. All the sins are transferred, to the person who ate the food. A grewsome fate for people at the time, but hey, a mans gotta eat. The world is bleak, so I don't go with the rational reason in fiction, ever. I like to think that Ole Munch ate so many sins, that he became a spirit, that can not die, who is forced to wander around the earth forever, and for some reason chose america. His very beautifully written monologues would suggest that. They almost sound shakespearian.
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But how does this play into the bigger theme of Fargo S5? Well, if you think about it, the whole season is about unpaid depts and consequences. Dot ran away from Roy and the farm, because of domestic violence. In Roy's book, she owes him, because she made a pledge to him, when they got married. Ole Munch sees a debt not paid, because he didn't receive paymant for "eating the sin" of kidnapping Dot. Dot's husband's mother, who is a very rich lady played by the brilliant Jennifer Jason Leigh points out "What is the point of being a billionaire, if you can't get someone killed.", while on the phone with an ex-president, apparently Bill Clinton, if I remember right. It's like, we never got over the sin eating, because with money and power, you can pay your way out of any circumstance, be it kidnapping or murder. There is always going to be someone who needs the money more than their soul. And there is always going to be someone who takes advantage of that. Roy Tillma, quotes the bible a lot. He thinks of himself as a right and just man and leader, even though he likes to bend the law to his will. He does not give a flying fuck about the law as it is "dictated by washington" and funds a right wing militia with taxpayer money. He is the law of the land. These scenes sent shivers down my spine.
Anyway. All of the storylines in this show are so amazing and worth writing about. Go watch it, you won't regret a second.
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slytherwrites · 2 years
I don't mean to be mean or rude but there were these people in my class who were wearing like REALLY revealing clothes and I've gotten an idea: How would yanderes Draco, poly yanderes Fred and George react to the reader who's usually an introvert suddenly wearing really revealing clothing since she wants to be noticed and doesn't want to be viewed as an introvert anymore? Tbh, this is actually what I'm thinking rn... it's like if I want to be noticed in my college these days, that's the step I'll have to take but I don't feel comfortable wearing such revealing clothes
i think this is my first non mha request across my two writing blogs and im esctatic!!! also, dont do things youre not comfortable with just for attention.
also im assuming that this is for two different sets, draco and the weasley twins, not all three of them (which would be an... interesting set up)
and anything mean or degrading i say does not represent my feeling on how people dress, just how i imagine these characters feeling, whilst being yanderes
and i made sure to make this as gender neutral as possible
Draco Malfoy - 6th Year (HBP)
He isn't a stranger to attractive girls trying to get his attention. His family is rich and powerful and with the state of the world at the moment, siding with a notoriously dark wizarding family isn't the worst thing in the world.
But you? He expected better.
You were dressed like one of those muggle harlots pureblood men would talk about. If their wives were frigid, they could always get someone of an inferior status for a short little while. Women like that were always impressed by riches and jewels.
But you? Nice, pureblood you? He couldn't believe it.
The Hogwarts uniform itself looked nice on you. You dressed respectable, nice even in your house color. But you ditched the cloak and hiked up your uniform to show skin. The hem at the bottoms were brought up and your button up shirt left with one too many buttons undone. Your tie was strung haphazardly across your neck, lining up against your collarbone.
It was sickening, pathetic, and dare he say, hot.
But, you weren't supposed to be like that. You were supposed to be better than that. And that causes Draco to intercept you.
He grabs your arm before you can even get to the Great Hall for breakfast, clenching your wrist until his knuckles turn white. He looks up, then down. Slowly taking everything in.
"I take it you don't like my outfit, Draco."
"You're getting bold."
"I guess."
"And, dare I ask why you're dressed like this?" He asks, "You're not a veela you know."
"Just..." You reply, "Wanted a change of wardrobe."
He lets go of you just long enough to wrap his own cloak around you.
"You shouldn't dress like that you know." He says, "And keep the cloak on. No one should see you in this state."
You look at him, taking it off before he puts his wand in your face.
"Put it on, or there will be consequences for your behavior."
"Okay Draco." You add, "Whatever."
You roll your eyes, taking the cloak. You can always just go change in between classes.
He lets you go before getting the last word in, "And if you want to dress that slutty again, stop by my dorm before doing so."
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Weasley Twins - 6th Year (GOF)
It's the Yule Ball and the twins didn't officially bring anyone. Neither did you. But everyone in Gryffindor Tower knows not to touch what the twins want.
And what they want, is you.
It's been apparent ever since the three of you started Hogwarts together. The twins and their person, their third half. There was a sense of safety when it came from them. Nobody would mess with the one thing that some of the most mischievous students at Hogwarts desired.
And oh, did they desire you. They have wanted you ever since they rode the train with you, all those years ago. You were their third half, the born-away piece of their soul. The one person who knew either of them just with one look. Because you knew them for who each of them are, not for who they are. And that's what makes you special. It's what makes you one of them.
"Oh Georgie..." Fred comments, "Look what the cat dragged in."
George whistle, "Look what the cat came in with."
Damn, did their other partner clean up nice. Well, nice may not be te right word, but it certainly must be what you were feeling, because you never graced them with this amount of skin ever.
"I don't think I've ever felt so..."
"Understandable, Freddie."
The encircled you, cutting off most people's view of you. And oh, was it a view. They need to take you to nicer places more often if this is how you'll dress for them. It's better than the muggle photos people smuggle in and even more so thatn the magical magazines in circulation. even if everything isn't showing, you've left nothing to the imagination.
Part of them wants to show you off, keep you pressed against them and ensnared in their arms. everyone could look and be envious of what they could have, but then people would try to take you away from them. And that's not an option, ever.
You aren't leaving their side, even if you want to. You can keep on dressing pretty and showing yourself off, but they're going to make it big. Their business will rise off the ground. And they'll be able to dress you up in the sluttiesst of dress robes all of the godamn time, if you left them take a peek at what's underneath afterwards, of course.
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pastanest · 1 year
if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to @iamburdened - thanks so much!! ♡
Daryl Dixon x she/her!reader
spoilers: set in season 6
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We’ll Meet Again
Before, you were living the dream, and you didnt even know it. Much to your parents disappointment, you fell in love with a redneck, who stole your heart with the kindest, saddest eyes you’d ever known. A pair of lovesick teenagers; most nights you snuck out of your bedroom window to get on the back of his bike, and the two of you would ride away, to nowhere, to everywhere.
Obviously, when you became adults, things were a lot less simple, but they were still a dream. Your sweetheart redneck waiting for you at the end of every shift, leaning against his bike with his arms crossed and a stern expression that melted away the moment he saw you. The two of you took lovesick teenagers to the next level, it wasnt something you grew out of. While still in a pencil skirt and a blazer from your office, the two of you would be climbing trees, running through the grass, your heels hanging from your hand as the rocks and sticks beneath your feet shredded yet another pair of stockings. Wherever you went, whenever you discovered a patch of something new, you carved a heart into a tree with his knife, the heart always had a line that went straight down the middle, to represent how you were two halves of each other. Life, back then, was everything you could have ever wanted.
When the world you knew fell to pieces, you were away on a business trip, in an entirely different state. With all forms of long distance communication made redundant, you had no way of reconnecting with him. That didnt stop either of you from trying, though. He stayed at your house for a month, waiting for you, while you made your way back through the broken world. Less than a day before you arrived home, he had decided to go out and look for you. Somehow, the two of you completely missed each other.
Years have passed since the beginning, and you are still on your own. You prefer it that way. That’s what you tell yourself, anyway. All this time spent outside, you have been searching for him, but you have no way of knowing where he is, and it breaks your heart. Just thinking of his name is too much for you to take. Behind you, your journey is drawn out on the trees that you carved into, and at this point you dont know if you’re carving them in tribute to someone you’ve lost, or if you’re trying to guide them back to you.
When you find Alexandria, you decide that maybe being alone isnt ideal anymore. He wouldnt want you to be by yourself out there; you often laugh to yourself at the thought of his reaction to the things you’ve done since he last saw you. The people of Alexandria are naive, that‘s obvious, but you are one person, one against many, and it isnt your place to try and change the way they do things. They let you into their home, and for that you are grateful. So instead of changing them, you put your own skills to good use. When the dead gather at the gates, you are the one to dispose of them, and when it comes to supply runs, you are the one people go to.
While out on your supply runs, you decide to carve trails in every direction, leading back to the gates, in the hopes that maybe, someday, he’ll find one, and he’ll follow them back to you. It’s wishful thinking.
When Aaron brings Rick’s group back to Alexandria, you’re away on a long run, andyou miss him, again. He’s grieved the loss of you, he’s still grieving, he will forever, he thinks. He’s so convinced you’re gone that when Deanna mentions the other survivor who arrived not long ago and refers to your name, Daryl’s only thoughts are that some bitch is going to arrive to torture him with the memory of you. As if being stuck in these walls couldnt be made any worse. As if seeing this neighbourhood filled with people didnt remind him of riding home with you from high school, dropping you off and walking you to your door like the gentleman he was proud to be. As if life without you wasnt painful enough.
He spends as much time outside of the walls as possible, not looking forward to being forced to interact with the ghost of your memory. He heads back to the walls almost every night, so that his friends dont come looking for him, and by then, if this other survivor has arrived he’ll have hopefully avoided them, and he can run back out of the walls the following morning to avoid them further. On one of his walks back, though, he notices something that he didnt before. Something that he hadnt seen in years, but something he’d never forgotten. His shaking hands traced the carved marking in the tree trunk, and then he hears something he never thought he’d heard again.
“Awh, you guys didnt have to throw me a welcome-back party, you’re too kind!”
He turns so slowly, his mind at war with the rest of him as optimism and cynicism battle each other to the death. When his eyes land on you, cynicism evaporates.
You’re jumping on the walkers you’d just greeted, stabbing them through the skull, kicking others to the floor and telling them to wait their turn. A pile of the dead forms around you, and you sigh, your back facing him. He cant move, he has to be dreaming. A walker stumbles right past him, heading for you, and something primal awakens in him. In an instant, he has aimed, fired, and knocked it down. It’s your turn to freeze. The sound of a crossbow is something you’ll always remember, even after all these years. Your heart pounds against your ribs, gripping the string of the very bow that he had made for you and gifted on your 19th birthday. With the same disbelief weighing you down, your body turns just as slowly as his had.
Your eyes meet his, and for a moment, neither of you can move. For just one precious moment, you both accept the realisation that you were both alive all this time, and against all odds, you’ve found each other again. You’ve found Daryl. And then, the moment changes, and you’re running to each other. You jump into his open arms, wrapping your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck, his arms locking around your back as he falls to the ground, resulting in you now sitting on his lap. The mixture of laughing and crying that ensues is one of utter madness, the greatest form of bliss, as you hold each other’s faces, your hands roaming all over each other’s clothes bodies for the first time in what feels like an eternity.
“I thought’cha were dead!” Daryl chokes out, and you cant stop smiling at him.
“I thought you were too!” You cry.
“Why’d ya keep leavin’ the carvin’s on the tree if ya thought I was gone?” He asks, unable to comprehend that you are really here, in his arms again. His impossible girl.
“Couldnt give up on you, not ever.” You tell him, and then the two of you are sobbing into each other, crushing each other so tightly that any other time it would probably be too painful, but not now.
From the gates, Rick’s group have gathered, and they’re watching on in confusion. Daryl had never had the strength to tell anyone about you, not even Carol. Talking about you would lead to him talking about how he thought you were gone, and if he actually spoke those words aloud, they would be too real.
“I never stopped lovin’ you, ya gotta know that.” Daryl sniffles, resting his forehead against yours.
You close your eyes, your face aching from smiling more than you have in years. “I know, I never stopped loving you either, Daryl.”
Hearing you say his name broke him, and he buries his face in your neck. “Shit, (Y/N), ya got me back round your li’l finger already.”
You cant help laughing at that, lifting his head from your neck so that you can kiss his forehead, and then you’re staring at each other again, waiting. There’s some hesitance, some nervousness, it’s been so long since either of you have kissed anyone, what if you arent good at it anymore? But against all that, something else wins, and you’re leaning in, your lips meeting his. Daryl’s arms pull your body flush against his, deepening the kiss, and you both sigh, because it hasnt changed. Despite everything the two of you have been through since you last saw each other, you are still the same people, the same lovesick teenagers, deep down in your own heads, in a place where only you two can go.
From beyond the gates, cheers erupt, and you and Daryl break apart, resting your heads together as you laugh and look to the crowd. Maggie and Glenn have their arms around each other, grinning at the two of you. Rick, Michonne, Abraham and Aaron are applauding and smiling in disbelief. Rosita is rolling her eyes at how cheesy this is, but she’s smiling. Carol’s watching on with a hand over her heart and an emotional smile on her face, and Tara’s giving Daryl two thumbs up. Everyone is so happy, and you can tell from the looks on their faces that they’ve never seen Daryl this happy.
“Friends of yours?” You ask him teasingly, and he shakes his head.
“Naw.” Daryl answers, standing to his feet and lifting you up with him. “Come meet the family.”
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michelleleewise · 1 year
I know your not taking requests rn, but I think this would be a really good idea and I don’t want to forget.
So the reader is an aspiring author/artist, whatever u want. They always go to Loki for ideas and help articulating ideas/anatomy. Again, whatever.
One day he comes into their room, and sees the reader crying. When he finally calms the reader down enough to speak, he learns that the reader had accidentally knocked over their water bottle, spilling it on (device), and lost all their work.
Whatever happens next is up to you!
Again, I know your not taking requests rn, but I think it’s just a really cute idea and I’m going to kick myself if I start writing smthn other than the 12+ docs I have open.
Hope u have a great day! I really dont mind I’d u don’t do this, I just wanted to put it out into the abyss. 😁
Also, I absolutely love your stories, they are my only source of dopamine rn! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Heeeeeeey!!!!!!! Sorry this took me a minute to get to!!!!!! I have also had too many to keep up with hahaha but......I'm doing this!!! Thank you so much for sending me this, i hope i did it justice and i did ok, and thank you for all the love and support!! Your aaaaaamazing!!!! Here we go....
Let Me Help
Pairing: Loki x female reader
Warnings: crying, a disastrous anniversary, a broken computer..... and all the fluff imaginable
Summary: you are an aspiring author working on your first book, when an accident derails your plans...
A/n- graphics by @harlequin-hangout
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You grabbed your pen and paper, making sure to save your progress on your computer before scooting the chair back to hunt for your lover. You were writing your very first romance novel and you needed his perspective. When you began this endeavor he was nothing if not supportive, telling you how proud he was that you were doing what you loved, and offered his assistance with anything you needed, and to be honest you were more then grateful. Who better to ask advice from then a thousand year old God who has probably read every book in existence.
You walked into the living room seeing him settled in his chair, book in hand of course blowing on a cup of tea "Hello love, how is the writing coming?" He asked smiling up at you "Loki...when did you know you loved me?" You asked sitting on the ottoman in front of him "from the minute I laid eyes on you." He purred as you stared blankly at him making him laugh "ok, real answer." He said sitting up a bit "I would say it had to be our one year anniversary, do you remember?" He asked watching you "God Loki, that was the worst night ever." You laughed remembering that fateful evening.
You had just bought a brand new dress, emerald green silk that hugged every inch of you, pairing it with strappy black heels. You had had your hair and make up done professionally and made sure everything was perfect. Loki had come to pick you up, wearing your favorite suit that made you want to climb him like a tree, where you had set off for the evening, until one disaster after another hit in full force. First, as soon as you stepped outside a cab drove past a puddle spraying water all down your front making you gasp...loki had magicked you dry but it wasn't looking good. You made it to the restaurant finding they were out of half the menu when a waiter past by with a flaming you didn't know what and got to close to your hairspray coated hair igniting it, causing you to panic when another waiter dumped a bucket of water over your head.
You sat back at the table as Loki stared at you wide eyed "Darling, did you want to call it a night?" He asked standing up "no, no its ok. Its over let's....just enjoy dinner." You smiled seeing him slowly sit down. "Are you certain? We can go out another time." He smiled grabbing your hand. "It's our anniversary Loki, I'm fine." You smiled again. You were not going to let whatever was going on mess this up. But the evening wasn't done with you yet. You broke a heel walking to the bathroom making you trip and rip your dress, the sink in the bathroom broke spraying water in your face. Anything that could go wrong did as you sat back down at the table, the waiter bringing your food setting Loki's down in front of him, about to do the same with yours as he tripped sending it into your lap.
So there you were, dripping wet, makeup long gone, your hair a singed mess covered in food as you looked up seeing Loki looking at you with a softeness in his eyes "let me help." He said, waving his hand a green mist traveled down you, righting everything as you sighed. "Thank you Loki." You smiled at him. "Anything for you my love." He said grabbing your hand he pushed his plate between you "allow me." He said digging his fork into his food bringing it to your lips. "I cannot tell you how much I adore you love." He said smiling making your face heat up. The rest of the night going more smoothly.
"Well that can't be, I was an entire mess." You laughed looking at him. "No my dear, you were like a valkyrie facing battle. And no matter what happened, or what the evening threw at you you would not allow it to deter you, to ruin our special evening." He said leaning forward "I knew then that you my dear had the spirit of a warrior, with the heart and patience of a saint." He said cupping your cheek "and I couldn't picture the rest of my life without your light in it." He said leaning forward kissing you gently. "Lokiii...." you blushed as he pulled back smiling "is there anything else you would like to know my love?" He asked rubbing your cheek "no, I think I got it, thank you love." You said pecking his lips as you got up. "Anything for you love." He said sitting back picking his book back up.
You walked to the kitchen grabbing a bottle of water before heading back to the bedroom to continue your work, new ideas sprouting in your mind as you sat at the desk, popping the lid off your bottle you got to work.
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Loki looked up at the clock seeing it had been several hours since he last saw you. Usually you would have come out to hunt for snacks or a drink but he hadn't seen you since that afternoon. He set his book down slowly standing up stretching as he made his way to the bedroom, expecting to find you asleep on your computer as he had several times before. He reached up grabbing the knob hearing a whimper come from inside "Darling.." he said walking in seeing your cheeks a deep red, your eyes puffy and red as tears spilled down your beautiful face, what had happened since he saw you last.
"Darling, what's the matter? What happened?" He asked as he saw the towel in your hand, reaching up trying to wipe the keyboard "i...l..loki....i...." your voice soft and strained, his heart aching hearing you sound so broken. He rushed over kneeling in front of you. "Take a deep breath love." He said rubbing your arm as another round of sobs broke his heart "i...I d..dropped m...my w...water..." you said through broken sobs pointing at the computer, loki looking over seeing the screen black as you covered your face with your hands "oh darling." He said pulling you forward wrapping his arms around you, rubbing your back as you cried into his shoulder "just breath love, it's ok" He said holding you tighter.
You pulled back looking at him, the site making his heart hurt as you wiped your face "a...all of my work...." you trailed off looking at the blank screen "it's.....gone loki....a...all gone." You said, a new wave of sobs wracked through you. He pulled you into his lap, rocking you back and forth as the sobs slowly quieted to soft snors. He looked down seeing you had cried yourself to sleep in his arms. He looked at the computer sighing as he slowly looped his arm under your legs, genlty standing as to not wake you He carefully walked to the bed laying you down pulling the blanket up around you hearing you sniffle. He pushed your hair back seeing the tear lines streaking down your cheeks making his heart clench in his chest, they had no business being on your beautiful face.
He waved his hand over you, the lines disappearing in a green flash as he leaned down kissing your cheek "I love you darling." He whispered against your skin hearing you groan as he stood, turning back to the computer. He stode towards it, taking the seat that you had been in staring at the black screen, he had no idea if he could fix it, he hadn't tried to fix these Midgardian devices before, turning when he heard you sniffle again seeing you had shifted but still sleeping. He turned back around, hovering his hands over the keyboard he closed his eyes, summoning his seidr as he concentrated on the task...to help you. As his hands glowed green he hoped he could do this for you, after everything you had done for him.
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You woke to a pounding behind your eyes, groaning you rolled over to hug Loki but were met with cold sheets...and no Loki. You popped your head up as confusion swirled in your mind, looking over seeing his side hadn't been slept in. You dropped your head back to the pillow remembering what had happened, the water meeting the keyboard as the screen went black. The pit in your stomach returning remembering all your work was gone...in the flash of an eye everything you had put into it vanished. You rubbed your eyes trying to relieve some of the pain sitting up. You had two options, either give up, or start again, and with as much as you had written that was a discouraging thought.
You opened your eyes, confusion hitting you seeing Loki slumped over at the desk, his arms tucked under his head as he softly snored. "What the.." you started when you looked up seeing the computer screen on. You jumped up, stumbling over the blanket as you ran over, seeing your words written in black and white on the screen making you smile. It wasn't gone....you looked down at your sleeping God, gently brushing his hair back seeing his nose twitch. He looked so peaceful like this, so carefree. You carefully leaned down pressing a kiss to his cheek hearing him groan "no mother, I don't want to go to the tutor today." He said furrowing his eyebrows making you giggle. Apparently not wanting to go to school was a universal thing.
"Loki, my love wake up." You said genlty shaking him "no, I'm not doing get help." He groaned confusing you "umm Loki, your sleeping love, wake up." You said nudging him a bit harder when his eyes slowly opened "mm hello darling, what.." he trailed off slowly sitting up seeing he was at the desk "I'm sorry love I must have fallen asleep." He said rubbing his eyes "Loki, did you do this?" You asked pointing to the computer "oh, yes. You were so heartbroken I wanted to help, so I used my seidr and luckily I was able to get it working again, I started reading what you had and I must have dozed off. It is quite good love." He said smiling up at you.
"Oh Loki." You said jumping into his lap wrapping your arms around his neck hearing him laugh "Thank you so so so much! I can't..." you said "I was gonna have to start over, but you..." you trailed off pulling back to look at him "my savior. What can I do to repay you?" You asked smiling at him "Well, there are a few things I could think of." He said winking making you laugh. "I can't thank you enough Loki, this....you are utterly amazing" you said running your fingers through his hair. "To help you my love, I would do anything." He said cupping your cheek. "I love you Loki." You said looking deep into his eyes "and I love you my little warrior. Now, about that payment" He said making you laugh as he picked you up carrying you towards the bed "anything for you love." You said as he laid you down.
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shwarmii · 5 months
You know the books and like Clarisse and I haven't read the books yet, so maybe you can explain something for me? They say the gods don't always claim their kids especially if they don't have 'glory' yet, and they say (and I see on tumblr) that Ares doesn't like his girls, and he's overly mean and almost abusive to Clarisse, but she's HIS.
Does it ever say when/why he claimed her? Was it a possession thing even though he doesn't at first like her or approve of her? Did she do something special and he went yup that's my kid I guess?
this ask is referencing this post
oooooh, okay, uh... important things to note: (1) i have chronic memory loss, (2) i havent read these books in years, so let's see how i do from what i remember lmao
regardless, thank you for asking me a question! very sweet that you thought id have the answer
the answer will be a bit of a spoiler in terms of world-building, so lemme just
⚠️ pjo world-building + mild plot spoilers below ⚠️
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so, the last book in the first series ("Percy Jackson and the Olympians") reveals most of the unclaimed kids are actually the demigod children of minor gods
these minor gods were implied to have been fearful of what might happen to their kids if their kids were claimed. because then, their kid would need their own cabin, and a minor god getting a set-up right next to the big 12 could cause anyone in said big 12 to percieve that act as a slight, and might take out that fury on either the said minor god in question OR their newly claimed kid. not even Hestia had a cabin for her kids, and she used to be in the main 12 until she stepped down for Dionysus to be amongst the big 12 instead (when the minor gods are allowed cabins, she gets cabin 21). Percy Jackson is the one who makes the demand that every god claims their kid within a time-frame of arriving at Camp Halfblood, which then gives the minor gods a pass to claim their kid without being worried they or their child will be punished for doing so
Riordan makes this a very small reveal, considering how important it is. but Percy isn't friends with any unclaimed kids really, all the people Percy meets who are new to Camp get claimed within the book they are introduced in. so there's no one to really be our emotional throughline for that reveal, nobody for fans to theorize who such-and-such's godly parent might be. it takes up only a few paragraphs, unfortunately, not much; definitely not a full chapter. i dont remember if there were any stragglers from the big 12's kids who had been unclaimed up to that point? i dont think there were many, if any. it sets up and disillusions in one go that the whole "you get claimed if you are worthy" as having been an assumption the kids made to find "logic" (in a self-deprecation way, similar to how divorced kids or kids of a single parent may "logic" their parental situatuon as their own fault) to their unclaiming
however, the toxic notion of "achieve glory = godly parental attention" is still prevelant in the claimed kids too. it is why Clarisse targets Percy; he comes into camp having already fought a minotaur and won? him doing that sets off her insecurities about not being worthy and makes her jealous, which is why she goes after him so often before Percy's first quest. there's very few chances for kids at camp Halfblood to prove themselves, unless they leave; and they only can leave by either sneaking out (and dying, or at least risking death) or going on a quest (which also risks their deaths). so any chance to prove themselves for glory, in friendly or unfriendly ways, is highly covetted
i mention this because Clarisse HAS proven herself to her dad in some way. her electric spear is from Ares. now, because we dont get a lot of gossip about WHY Ares gave her a gift (esp since he isnt the gift-giving sort. he values violence/battle prowress, strategy, and victory (regardless of if that is an "honorable victory" or not)). she likely proved herself in an above-average way from her cabin-mates but not in a legendary way. if it had been legendary, we wouldve heard about how she got her spear when people were warning Percy about Clarisse. and we know Clarisse didn't earn her spear as a reward for a quest (or as "good luck" gift before a quest), because Clarisse's first quest comes in a later book. but yeah, makes it all the harsher in this world where it is so hard to get godly parental attention that Percy broke the one token of it that Clarisse had (and, no, Ares never replaced it. tho Clarisse does get a new spear called "Maimer"; but all the kids, including her cabin-mates, call it "Lamer" behind her back unfortunately), and Percy breaking her spear definitely adds to her hatred of him. so Clarisse HAS proven herself to her dad once. and it is unlikely that she did something so great that he claimed her and gave her a spear in one go. so the two (her being claimed and her getting the spear) are likely unrelated events
now, did she prove herself in order to get claimed? perhaps. the big 12 gods tend to claim their kids as a reward within their first year or less of being there (fucked up that Poseidon chose "good job humilating that Ares girl who misdirected her anger to be at you" for Percy's, but okay). it isnt until Percy Jackson wins the war that he demandingky bargins for all gods to claim their kids. but yeah, out of the big 12 (minus the Big Three, minus Artemis, and minus Hera = 7 gods), they all are decently prompt when it comes to their own kids. they are implied ot have been, at least. again, very few stragglers, if any, that were not the demigods of minor gods within the books
Dionysus especially was prompt (bc he is AT the camp). which, i know this is a tangent, but i gotta talk about Dionysus as a godly parent because the books barely do. but part of his punishment regarding being exiled to Camp Halfblood isnt just about his punishment being no throwing parties and no Olympus. his punishment is his own kids, and not in the way that initially sounds. Camp Halfblood kids dont live long. theyre considered lucky to make it to college-age, and absurdly lucky to get to their 30s. Percy himself never imagines himself getting older. this fucked up lifespan is resolved in many ways thanks to the "Heroes of Olympus" series. but, before then? Dionysus' exile is about being forced to be a present figure in his kids' life and watch them all die tragically young, being forced to help bury them. he's actually very traumatized from it all. he even begs Percy at one point to keep an eye out for any Dionysus kids during the war's final battle; and he even runs up to some of his kids who survived (i think? it was his twin girls?) and hugs them, crying. we dont get to know any of Dionysus' kids through virtue of none of them being friends of Percy, so we don't get to really know how Dionysus is like as a parent, especially as a godly one that is very present in his kids' lives. we get glimpses of him in the background, and for a guy who misdirects all his bitter anger about his exile onto the campers who are not his kid... he sounds lovely to his own kids? idk, thats at least from what i remember. shitty and bitter to other kids at camp, very loving in a quiet and traumatized way to his own. its not an excuse but it does make sense. (its also why he hates Percy; his presence means dangerous things will happen as long as he is alive, which therefore puts his own kids in danger. ...maybe thats why Percy isnt friends with any of Dionysus' kids, maybe he forbade them from getting close to Percy? idk)
but yeah, the big 12 are all p good about claiming their kids in the book, in retrospect once its revealed that the unclaimed children are largely the minor gods' kids. the timeline Percy forces them into does demand they somewhat untangle the "claimed as a reward" aspect too which is nice, they now just have to claim their kids p much as they are (unless their kid doesnt something great FAST), and not during a moment where it is good for the godly parent's image to be associated with this "moment of glory"
that being said, that doesn't mean Ares is a good dad in the books. the one moment we do see Ares and Clarisse together is in a later book, and she is uncomfortable in his presence and one time even flinches around him. i dont think Ares physically abuses his kids, mostly because i dont think he is present enough in any of his kids' lives to find a fucked up "reason" to hit them (i would not be surprised if the flinch and whatnot was from a sparring match gone too rough the last time they met tho). i think it is more so a flinch because Mrs. La Rue likely has gone after similar men to Ares, therefore making visual markers of Ares (eg. a leather jacket, motorcycle, etc) triggers to Clarisse's mind to be on guard as these other men have been unpredictable and/or abusive; and Ares hasnt been around Clarisse enough for her to trust him not to be the same nor does she trust him enough to be comfortable in general around him (as it's an Event when her dad shows up, not just some Tuesday). and that's in the books. thats not accounting for the tv show deciding "Clarisse will never be good enough to Ares because she is not one of his sons" (which i think makes sense in a representation point of view; but i also think it makes less sense sense about Ares specifically. because Athena is also a god of war, and theres even evidence that Aphrodite is/was a god of war when she was initially worshipped, so Ares is aware of women being equal and capable; Ares was also the patron of Sparta, which was the city-state with the most rights for women, one of which was that it was only one that allowed women to protect themselves against their husbands. and you could also argue, due to some of his actions in his legends, that Ares protected mistreated women. however, "Percy Jackson and the Olympians" states that Olympus' move to New York meant that the gods changed to better reflect their enviroment, and Ares is the most likely best-fit to represent the Western/American brand of toxic masculinity. so. his depiction in the books works well enough for a man still in an affair with Aphrodite who upholds glory in battle as the pinnacle of human greatness, and his built-up depiction in the show to be more abusive and sexist does and doesnt make sense. i care more about representation and a good story than i do have Ares be academically perfect to how we understand his lore to have made him out to be, personally). but yeah, in both versions, he's been set up as a shitty dad. he's inattentive and lacking self-awareness at best (and, again, is still actively having an on/off affair with Aphrodite, which no doubt complicates his kids' feelings for him the same way any irl dad cheating and/or paying more attention to his girlfriend than to his kids would) in the books. which does then feed into Clarisse's relationship with him. Ares, like many of the gods, sees their kids as extentions or representations of themselves. so its good when things are good and you make them proud, but then anything you do badly then "reflects badly on them too" which can be really damaging to a kid
the only gods we see as exempt from this mindset of extension/representation (other than obviously Hera and Artemis, as neither have any biological demigod children. Artemis does have her mistresses of the hunt tho) is arguably Dionysus as aforementioned, kind of Poseidon as he keeps trying to connect with Percy (also maybe Hades for the same? we don't see him a lot, so it is hard to tell), as well as Apollo kind of? Apollo had his initial personality kind of backtracked and retroactively better-dad-ified, as he got his own POV book series ("The Trials of Apollo"), which includes a very heartfelt scene for when he got reunited with his son, Will Solace. so the gods arent terrible parents with all the same ideaologies, but they are absent more than they are present (with the exception of Dionysus, whose punishment is to be present and get attached 💔 not an encouraging move, guys)
which brings up another important point: that we dont really get other points of view in the first series, Percy is all we get. and though Clarisse is his ally (i love that Riordan did not have her betray the camp for the war in the first series. she just doesnt fucking like Percy lol), she is his most argumentative ally. in order for the reader to know Clarisse's backstory and know if she had to earn her claiming or not (which again: i dont think she had to. she may have been manipulated to think she did tho via the whole "i will claim you as a reward/i will claim you when it makes me look good and i can have some of your spotlight" bit), as well as learn how she earned her electric spear from Ares that Percy broke, Clarisse or someone close to her would have to sit down and tell Percy about it. and Clarisse wouldnt do that because she is not close with Percy; and nobody close to Clarisse would do that because they know Clarisse would feel betrayed if they talked about her private stuff to anybody, Percy or otherwise. all we really know about Clarisse La Rue's backstory is she was born in Phoenix, Arizona; and the satyr who led her to Camp Halfblood was Gleeson Hedge. that's it.
and i have a lot of complaints about how Rick Riordan writes (mostly how he writes women and people of color, especially women of color. but other parts of his writing does suck too). and part of the novel aspects of the new show is it allows "Percy Jackson and the Olympians" have a new re-write with a team of writers (which does still include Riordan), so there are likely things that will be changing. hopefully, unclaimed children will have a spotlight (i would love to have a show-exclusive character be unclaimed, but thats unlikely to happen). again, i havent seen the show yet, but it is possible that they will not follow the books in the aforementioned claiming details and will instead go "no, all claimings happen in a moment of glory", rather than "it was going to happen if you were a kid of the main 12 regardless, and we are just waiting to do it when it most looks good for us to announce you are ours". maybe they will explain the circumstances around Clarisse's claiming and spear, i dunno. the first series of books are all written in First Person POV and limited to just Percy's, and the nature of television is to be more Third-Person Omniscient, so there is a good chance we will learn things outside of what Percy knows this time around
but yeah! that's the climate around claiming and parenthood at Camp Halfblood, which even impacts claimed kids post-claiming; and everything we know about Clarisse past and her relationship with Ares before Percy Jackson arrives (at least in the books, lol) if you read this far, i do apologize that this is very long and that i kind of meander into some tangents. i have a habit of overexplaining. however, i hope that makes sense!✌️
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