#I fucking love rambley
wiz-jerboa · 24 days
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Shout out to the DSaF reference in Indigo Park btw
(Also is pretty neat game) (the reference is an audio recording you get from a collectible ;))
Screenshots below ⬇️
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(The first two are the lovely rambley btw)
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These come from the Rye Toast stream of Indigo Park if you’d like to see it for yourself, or just play the game it is free~✨
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marzzapan · 24 days
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spooksier · 6 months
having a moment. but when i was little and first getting into writing stories and drawing characters i always used to make every single character white, strange when you consider that im literally black but much less strange when you realize that at that point in the early 2000s i had never before seen a black person play a hero in something i loved or see a black person on tv with an actual role period (me and my sister used to see how long we could watch tv without ever seeing a black person, INCLUDING ads and it would go on for hours) so to little me, all the heroes were white. things slowly got better and i obviously got over that idea but still most roles i saw a black person play on tv was the sassy best friend of the white protagonist who existed only to be a sidekick or anything like that. but this is the first year ive actually felt like things were actually looking up.
between spiderverse, doctor who, and percy jackson i have never seen so many widely loved protagonist roles in mainstream media held by black people ever before in my life, ESPECIALLY by dark-skin people!! and they're well written! and they're the hero! and they have full lives outside of just being "the black character"! idk man it's just nice to finally get this, i love u miles morales, i love u the 15th doctor, i love u annabeth chase <333
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latteandjacks · 17 days
I think the reason why Rambley hates Lloyd is very simple tbh
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It's not just jealously, is the fact that they clearly give Lloyd way much attention than any of the other characters Like Rambley gets a big amound of merchandise of course, but in his case he's the main MASCOT, it would be like complaining that Mickey has more merchandise than Donald or Goofy, in his case it makes sense But then we have the fact that apparently don't give the other 4 mascots the same attention, Finley and Mollie don't get the same stuff Lloyd does from part of the park staff, Lloyd gets almost the same attention as Rambley and it's not fair in his eyes because why Lloyd? Why not the other two? He doesn't just question why he doesn't have a limited version Plushie like Lloyd that is ACTUALLY a new plush and not a golden spry version of his, but also question why Mollie and Finley don't get one, and Salem? They get zero, and while they're the villain and all they clearly were important as well, they had their own part on the ride and appeared on the arcade game, yet zero merchandise found
Sentient Rambley sees it as unfair that they all don't get the same attention and that Lloyd is used much more than his friends, so he lashes out on him for that It's also a funny contrast giving that MC favorite mascot was Lloyd And also I think in the in-universe canon lore they get along a lot more, it's probably just sentient Rambley
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lighthouseas · 10 months
lumax kissing each other to shut each other up
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calicothewolf · 16 days
ruh roh..
im going to fall asleep to a ship scenario of two characters, that would prob be rambley and lloyd or however you spell his god forsaken name, i swear they act like a old married couple
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touchfluffytaiil · 2 years
cole is my oc at this point i see him so differently in my mind than in game
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gemharvest · 2 years
I am SO excited to play TWDG tonight. We're finally out of Jane hell and can move onto S3 !!!!!! I hate the way Kenny is written out but my god do I love Javier's story so much that it doesn't get me too down abt the game as a whole.
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indulgentdaydream · 5 months
Can you write something where the reader is badly injured in some way and jason rushes her to the manor for help and everybody is confused on who she is bc they didnt even know he was in a relationship (despite them being together for awhile) but they see how soft and cute he is with her. (I’ve never made a request so sorry if it got kinda rambley)
anon you’ve got me TEEMING with ideas I LOVE the trope of nobody knowing jason has a girlfriend and they find out but it is NOT by Jason’s choice nor reader’s.
Also omg? Your first ask is to lil ol me?? That means this is a special occassion. And you’re doing great I’ve def sent worse asks.
Out of the Bag
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Jason Todd x Fem!Reader || Hurt and Comfort.
Word Count: 1,862
Warnings: Injuries, swearing, near death experience, blood, knife mention, stabbing, canon-typical violence, use of pet names (princess, baby), drug (pain med) use
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You were sat in an alleyway, vision going in and out.
“Tell me something, princess. Anything.” Jason’s voice rang out in your ear.
That’s right. In your right hand, you held your phone, to your ear. Your other hand was pressing the fabric of your coat to the side of your stomach. The blood had soaked through, becoming sticking on your palm and fingers.
You should’ve listened to Jason. You shouldn’t have walked home alone, at night. Luckily your phone had been in your pocket and not your purse, which had been stolen from you by the same guy who decided to stab you.
“Princess,” he sounded panicked.
Right. “Wish I had kicked him harder.”
You heard a sigh of relief leave him, “That’s my girl.”
The phone slipped from your grip a little as your head swam. The sight of blood coming from your own abdomen made no help in quelling your nausea.
You fixed the phone. You had called Jason the second the guy ran off, leaving you to bleed out. He was driving, you think. Tracking your phone to try and get to you. “How far?”
He said something you didn’t hear. Your vision was swimming, your side was aching, and you couldn’t help but keep this funny understanding out of your mind that you were dying.
That this is something Jason had come back to your apartment with a few times, claiming it was nothing. It was something.
You heard him call your name, “What’s around you?”
“I’m tired,” you mumbled.
It seemed to happen in a blink of an eye. Jason was trying to tell you to stay awake, to look at the alley around you. To look out towards the street and tell him what you saw. Then he was there, standing in front of you, his helmet hiding his face.
“I’m here. I’m here, baby.” He cupped your face, tapping your cheek to get you to open up your eyes. He crouched down, pulling your hand from your side to assess the damage.
You smiled lazily and leaned forward, resting your forehead against his shoulder.
Jason muttered a slew of swears as he pressed something soft yet hard against your agonizing wound. You let out a yelp before Jason was picking you up, placing you on his bike.
He’s talking fast, “Fuck. Okay, listen to me. We’re going to go somewhere new, okay? There’s nowhere around here except there for me to get you safe.”
You passed out nearly as soon as he started the bike.
Jason’s freaking. He had tried to keep you safe from anything like this. From everything less than this. And here you were, bleeding out in his arms as he carried you through the batcave. He beelined for the cots and the medical supplies off to the side. He knows his motorcycle couldn’t have been the smoothest of rides for someone in your condition, but it’s all he had in such a short time span.
He’ll apologize when you wake up.
When. He repeats. When she wakes up and when we can get the hell out of this place again and when I can remind her I love her.
No one was back from patrol yet. He set you down on the cot before tearing off his helmet. He tossed it aside, pulling out a med bag and ripping it open. He pushed up your shirt, examining your side and where he had placed the military-grade gauze pad. He curses at the amount of blood.
His hands are shaking. Jason’s hands don’t shake, but you’ve proven to him a lot of things you could make him do that he hadn’t known he was capable of in the last year and (almost) a half of your relationship.
Jason nearly drops the suture thread before another hand is reaching out from just behind him. It catches the thread and Jason looks back over his shoulder. Alfred’s there, moving up to you.
“Allow me. You keep checking her vitals.”
Jason hadn’t even heard him come up. He’s nodding, stepping back to let Alfred take over the stitching. He moves to the other side of the bed.
That’s when he catches sight of the dark figure moving closer from behind Alfred. Jason immediately fixes him with a deadly glare, pointing at Bruce, “Do not come closer!”
Bruce stills. He’s in his bat suit, his cowl hanging behind his head, exposing his face. He looks down to your body, “Who is she?”
Jason doesn’t want him here. Rather, he doesn’t want to be here. You should’ve been home by now. Getting ready for bed and sending him a goodnight text. He turns his gaze back to you.
There’s some hair across your face that he hadn’t noticed. He moves it out of your way without a second thought, “My girlfriend.”
“Finally feel some remorse for sending someone to their grave, Todd?” Damian’s voice spoke up, walking up and stopping beside Bruce, “He’s probably trying to just reverse what he did.”
Jason ignores him. He wants to yell, scream, and maybe shoot the little bastard, but he was right. In a way, this was his fault. He didn’t look after you. He should’ve offered you a ride. Called you a taxi. An uber. Anything.
Jason grips your hand into his. It’s a way to count your heartbeat, and another way to ground himself. To reassure that you’ll be okay. His other hand stays on your cheek. His thumb gently moves back and forth, stroking your skin.
He barely registers Bruce telling Damian to go wash up. When the brat is gone, Bruce speaks up again, “What happened?”
Jason doesn’t take his eyes off of you, “She was walking home from her friend’s. A mugger got her purse, she fought back. He stabbed her.” Jason takes a deep breath, “She still had her phone. She called me. I brought her here because it was closest.”
A beat of silence. Still stitching you up, Alfred speaks, “How come we’ve never been introduced?”
Jason shakes his head, “I didn’t want her near any of this. She’s bad off enough sticking with me.”
Once you stabilize, Jason brings you up to his room in the manor. He walks past Dick, Tim, Duke, Cass, and Steph without looking at them. They sit around the batcomputer, watching Jason gently carry you out ot the cave.
He changes you out of your dirty clothes once he makes a run back to your apartment to grab you some of your own spare clothes.
Asides from that, he doesn’t leave your side.
He lets you have the bed to yourself. He pulls up a chair beside it, waiting for you to wake up. He didn’t want you to be alone when you did, in a strange place after a traumatic event. It was a recipe for disaster.
The sun’s been up for a long while and Jason hasn’t budged. He sits there, your hand gripped in both of his, held up and pressed against his mouth. His lips brush over your knuckles whenever he speaks up. Uttering a “I’m sorry.” every now and then.
There’s a light knock at the door before it’s cracking open. Jason turns his head to find Dick poking his head in. Jason glares at him.
Dick steps further in, presenting the tray he was holding. There were two glasses of water, some solid foods, and lighter ones, probably for you. Jason looked back down at you, letting his older brother enter.
“Just… figured since you’ve been cooped up in here all day,” Dick begins, setting the tray down on the beside table beside Jason.
Dick moves back around. He stands at the end of the bed, leaning against the tall bed post that was meant to hold up a canopy. “I heard…” he trails off, before nodding and your body in the bed, still unconscious, “Who is she?”
Jason looks up at his brother, not letting go of your hand, “So you haven’t heard.”
Dick rolls his eyes, “You know what I mean.”
Jason raises his brows a little. He looks back down at you. His hand reaches out to brush along your forehead, moving away imaginary stray hairs, “My girl.”
Dick nods in understanding, “How long you two been together.”
Jason pauses in thought, “Over a year. Our anniversary was in December.”
A small, choked sound comes from outside the door, in the hallway. “A year?”
Jason looks up at Dick, who makes a face that shows he’s knows he’s been caught.
“Are they seriously listening right now?”
Steph poked her head in first, an apologetic smile on her face, “We wanted to know!”
Duke pokes his head in next, just above Steph’s, “And we wanted to meet her.”
Tim’s head in next, above Duke’s, “You can’t carry a random bleeding woman into the cave and expect the family of detectives to not be curious.”
Cass’ head appears below Steph’s. She nods in agreement.
Jason let’s one hand go of yours to wave his hand through the air, “What the fuck? She’s not even awake!”
“Well that’s why we sent Dick as bait.”
“For the record,” Dick held up a finger, “They built off of my original, innocent idea of bringing you snacks.”
“Jesus Christ,” Jason stands up, taking a few steps forward. He points them all back towards the door as they start to filter into the room, “Get—“
“What’s going on…?”
Jason’s whole body whipped back around at the sound of your groggy, rough voice. The others watch as he’s back at your side in a millisecond, his whole demeanour changed. “Hey, you’re okay. Everything’s okay. Remember how I said we were going somewhere new? You thirsty, baby? Here, I got you some water.”
“Oh, you certainly did not get the water,” Dick piped up.
Jason glared back over his shoulder as he held the glass of water for you, keeping the straw Dick had added placed in your mouth.
You stopped drinking, your eyes now on the other people in the room. You turned your head, propped up against pillows Jason had put there for you. You weakly raised your left hand to wave, “Hi… oh?” your gaze turned down to your hand. A heart monitor clip sitting on your finger grabbed your attention. You gave a confused pout at it, “I feel funny.”
Jason set the water aside again. His glare was gone. He leaned in, kissing your forehead, “You’re hopped up on pain meds. That’s why, princess.”
“Damn,” Steph spoke up, “I wish I got the literal princess treatment.”
Jason turned back around, pointing out the door, “Get. Out. Leave my girlfriend alone until she’s better.”
You looked at the strangers, pointing at Jason with your left hand, “I’m his girlfriend.” Your head tilted back against the pillows as you stared up at Jason, pursing your lips, "I’m tired.”
“I know,” Jason said softly. The others began to filter out of the room as he leaned down and gave you a soft kiss, this time on the lips.
From the exit, a collective, “Awwww,” sounded out.
Your drugged up voice came after his, once they were all back in the hall, “Nice to meet you!”
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bussyslayer333 · 2 years
Looking for somebody (to love)
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summary: a flurry of bad dates leads bradley bradshaw to you.
pairing: bradley bradshaw x reader
word count: 5k+
warnings: swearing, mentions of alcohol, smut, big dick bradley 🙏 MDNI 18+
Phoenix had pushed him into this, dating wasn’t really Bradley’s scene. As much as he rebuked Jake’s love ‘em and leave ‘em mentality Bradley wasn’t much better. It was easier that way, no strings and no one left pining when he inevitably was sent on deployment.
He’d been on three dates in total so far this month, each one worse than the last.
The first wasn’t so bad in comparison to the rest. Her name began with an L, Bradley couldn’t quite remember whether it was Lana or Lara, either way Jake had set them up which should have been the first red flag.
She was pretty and blonde, definitely Jake’s type. In fact, Bradley was pretty sure he’d been on a date with the female version of Jake Seresin. The whole date she had talked about herself, and not in the cute, rambley sort of way that Bradley could get behind. But in the braggy, daddy’s money kind of way.
“Yeah and that’s the story of how that bitch of a barista burned my tongue off.” Lan/ra snarled, picking her fork at her salad.
“Oh, yeah, that sounds horrible.” Bradley tried to sound sincere.
“And I didn’t even tell you about the time a waitress scuffed my vintage Dior bag-” She interrupts herself, “fuck is that a tomato?”
Bradley looked up from where he had been cutting at his steak (that she had turned her nose up at) and winced, recalling how she had made a large scene out of not having tomatoes in her salad.
Unfortunately, one of the younger waiters at the restaurant managed to walk past their table as said revelation took place. Bradley’s date snapped her fingers in the poor waiters face, stilling him and looking down at her in fear.
“Hi miss, how can I help?” The waiter, who couldn’t be more than 17, stuttered out.
“Help?!” She looked to Bradley as if to encourage him to join her in complaining.
Bradley looked at the waiter apologetically, hoping for this to pan out calmly. Much like everything else that happened in Bradley’s life, it did not go the way he wanted it to.
“Are you fucking kidding me right now?” Lan(r)a snapped, staring angrily up at the boy.
She stared at him expectantly, clearly waiting for a reply. Bradley wondered if it was worth slamming a few bills on the table and making his way out now.
“Uhm..” The waiter is looking around now, making pleading eye contact with who must be his manager.
Bradley finally tries to speak up, maybe diffuse the situation, “It’s okay, look I’ll just pay and we can get out of here.”
Lan(r)a objected once again, “We won’t be paying for anything! I want this meal free of charge!”
Bradley held in a laugh at her use of “we”, she had made it very clear at the start of the date that he would be paying. He was going to anyway, but her insistence made Bradley’s eyebrows furrow. Before her grating voice could start again, Bradley looked to the waiter.
“If you could just get us the bill, please?” He tried his best to communicate how apologetic he felt through his eyes and hoped that the waiter understood.
The waiter scurried off, fearing for another berating and in lieu of finding the bill.
“Why did you do that?” Bradley’s date seethed.
“I didn’t want to cause a scene,” Bradley didn’t really know why he was explaining himself to this girl.
“Whatever, Jake told me you were a dick anyway.”
Bradley laughed, loud. This girl could not be serious. He stood up and did what he should have done after the first ten minutes of being here. Slapped a hundred on the table and walked out.
In his car, Bradley considered his options. He could go home drink a few beers, maybe wallow about that pitiful date and pass out. Or, he could drive to the Hard Deck where he knew all his friends would be and chew Jake out.
He chose the latter.
“Bagman, what the fuck?”
Jake span around from where he was bent over the pool table, a smile plastered on his face.
“Not with Lana?” Jake chuckled, winding his neck around slightly trying to see if she was in tow.
“Fuck no! Why did you send her on a date with me?” Bradley all but whined to Jake.
By now Phoenix had made her way back from the bar top and was interested in what had seemingly got Bradley’s panties in a twist.
“She’s a friend, I thought you guys would have a lot in common.” Jake’s smile still scheming.
Bradley scoffs, “Like what?”
“You’re both bitches.” Jake cackles, picking his beer out of Phoenix’s hand.
Bradley’s pissed. He all but snatches the beer from Jake’s hands and takes a long swig.
“I’m never going on a date ever again.”
Bradley’s vow of no dates didn’t last long. Phoenix had tricked him into another date, this time with someone of Coyote’s choosing. She was one of Javy’s sister’s friends and around the same age as Bradley and she was a total knockout.
When Javy had shown Bradley a picture he thought he was getting pranked. Seeing her in real life was even more insane. He’d decided this time on a more casual date, drinks at a bar in downtown San Diego. Although he was regretting his casual attire now. He definitely should have worn the black button up, Bob said it made his arms pop or whatever.
“Hi, I’m Bradley. Javy’s friend, you must be Maria?”
Bradley’s eyebrows quirked slightly, maybe she was just nervous?
“Do you want to go in and get some drinks?”
Okay maybe she’s just a woman of a few words, Bradley liked that. She’s mysterious, and hot. He’s sure he can crack her, maybe a few longing glances with his puppy dog eyes and she’d be done for.
Or at least that’s what he thought.
“So, what do you do for a living?”
This was one of Bradley’s many ice breakers he had tried, and he still couldn’t figure out for the life of him whether this girl was that uninterested in him or if she was actually just this goddamn boring.
“I model.”
“Oh cool, I mean I’m not surprised you’re totally beautiful.”
Even the bartender was looking somewhat sympathetically at Bradley’s poor attempt at saving this date. They sat in another few seconds of silence as Bradley wondered whether she was going to ask him a question. She did not.
“…yeah I’m a fighter pilot, like Javy?”
Bradley was about to gouge his eyes out with the trendy metal straws sat in a ceramic pot on the bar top next to him. He mulled over whether he should bite the bullet and ask if she really even wanted to be here. He decided on a more polite version of that.
“So.. what made you decide to come on this date?”
Maria sits quietly for a moment, sips at the straw of her daiquiri and hums.
“I’m not sure.”
Bradley was going to bang his head on the table.
“Yeah I don’t know, I’m not really into guys with facial hair.”
Bradley snorts as he takes a sip of his beer, and Maria pulls back slightly disgusted. He taps a finger against his moustache in consideration. Was she hot enough for him to get rid of the stache?
“Okay, cool. I’m not sure this is gonna work out.”
“Yeah.” Maria shrugs.
Bradley nods curtly, and pays off his tab. As he’s walking out he notices a guy approaching Maria, clean shaven. Bradley sees for the first time tonight a smile grace her face and rolls his eyes.
He’s on the phone to Phoenix as he enters his apartment, “Seriously Phe she was the most boring girl I’ve ever met.”
“What, because she didn’t like your moustache?”
“Shut up, you know that’s not why.”
Phoenix can hear Bradley pacing around his apartment and the opening of the fridge, she hears the clink of a beer opening and decides to bite the bullet.
“Look, I know these past two dates haven’t been great but I have one more for you-”
“Absolutely not.”
Phoenix huffs.“Hear me out. pleeeeeeeeeea-”
Bradley cannot believe he’s on the phone with a thirty year old woman, “Oh my god, fine.”
“She’s an old school friend, recently broken up with her boyfriend so she’s not looking for anything super serious and she’s your type to a T.”
Phoenix can hear Bradley tapping his foot on the wooden floor of his apartment, a sign he’s clearly thinking about her offer. He hums,
“Nothing serious?”
“Not at all.”
Phoenix holds her breath.
“Ugh, fine.”
Bradley hopes he doesn’t regret this.
Clare is exactly what Bradley was looking for, as much as he hated to admit it; Phoenix was right. Clare was just what she promised to be, funny, not looking for anything serious and exactly Bradley’s type. Honestly the date was going pretty good considering the horror show that the last two were.
“Nat never told me her pilot friends were so handsome.” She flirted.
Bradley chuckles into his wine glass, “I think Nat would probably throw up if she called me handsome.”
“She’s still that stubborn?” Clare giggles.
“As ever.”
There’s a lull in conversation as flirtatious looks are exchanged whilst they both sip at their wine. It gives Bradley a chance to remind himself to text Phoenix a thank you message.
Clare breaks the silence, “How come you’re single? I feel like you’re too good to be true.”
Bradley stews, wondering if he’s going to reveal himself so early on in the date,
“Well, if I’m being completely transparent I’m usually more of a one night stand kind of guy.”
Clare smirks, “What if I told you that was exactly what I was looking for?”
Bradley’s eyebrows quirk in intrigue, “Oh?”
“I just got out of a long term relationship so I don’t want to jump into something immediately, buuuut I like you Bradley. You’re cute.”
Bradley laughs, “Cute?”
Clare rolls her eyes, “You know what I mean.”
Bradley feels the tip of her heel begin to trace its way up his calf, stroking up and down lightly. She looks up at him smiling and he widens his legs, a suggestion for her to continue on her ministrations. It’s a nice kind of teasing, that promises a fun night ahead for Bradley. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t excited. However, Clare suddenly removes her foot from his calf and sits up straight, Bradley’s about to whine when a deep voice from behind him speaks,
“Shit, Clare?”
Bradley turns to see who Clare’s eyes are locked on. There’s a tall man stood behind him and a pretty woman slightly to the side, her dress short and red.
“Fuck, Daniel what are you doing here?”
“I’m with my date,” Daniel gestures to you.
You frown as the woman you now know as Clare glares at you.
“Yeah well I am too.” Clare folds her arms and gestures to Bradley.
You let your eyes wander to the man sat opposite her. He’s attractive, wavy brown hair, tan skin and muscular. He’s somehow even pulling off his porn stache. You finally pull your eyes away from your date’s ex girlfriend’s date and back to whatever was unfolding in front of you.
Daniel scoffs and gestures to Bradley, “This guy?”
Bradley isn’t sure whether he should be offended or not. As he sizes Daniel up he catches your eye, you’re even prettier on second look. You make a look at him as if to say “is this really happening right now?” and in that moment he decides he likes you infinitely more than Clare.
Clare rolls her eyes at Daniel, “Yeah, and what new skank have you got with you?”
Your eyes widen. This girl cannot be serious. Daniel had told you he’d recently gotten out of a long term relationship but he failed to mention it was clearly with someone who was still hung up on him, and probably vice versa. Your eyes wander back down to Clare’s date who has a disgusted look on his face, clearly equally surprised and annoyed by her words.
He speaks up for you before Daniel does, “That was uncalled for.”
“Bradley you don’t know what Daniel or the girls he used to cheat on me with are like.”
Repulsed by the newfound revelation about your date and tired of being slandered by a girl you’ve never met, you storm out of the restaurant. Early winter air in San Diego is chilly, especially at night when you’re wearing a skimpy slip dress. Your heels clack along the concrete loud enough that you don’t hear the footsteps approaching behind you. A hand grasps lightly at your shoulder and your shake it off in anger,
“Fuck off Daniel, this isn’t going to work.”
You spin on your heel, ready to berate him further when you realise it’s not Daniel at all.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have jumped out on you. My name’s Bradley.”
Bradley. Clare’s date. He’s gorgeous, big brown eyes lit up by the moon. He’s looking at you with so much concern you don’t even realise that you’ve started crying until he raises a hand to wipe a tear off of your cheek. You blink quickly, willing the tears away and chuckle wetly,
“Sorry, I’m so embarrassed.”
“Please don’t be.” Bradley’s thumb swiped across your cheek in a comforting gesture.
“Hey, do you want to go on a walk?” He suggests, offering his arm to you.
You let out a shaky breath, “Yeah, okay.”
You walk slowly along the sidewalk, arm in arm with Bradley as he tells you about himself and asks about you. You learn that he’s 35 and a fighter pilot for the navy and probably the most charming man you’ve ever met.
He looks at you hesitantly, “Can I ask you something?”
You smile at him reassuringly, “Of course.”
“Why were you on a date with that douche bag? You’re way out of his league.”
You giggle at his suggestion and stare at him as you continue to walk, trusting him to guide you.
“My friends thought I needed to get out more, but every date I’ve been on this past month has been horrific.”
Bradley cackles, “No fucking way!”
You frown at him slightly, not enjoying the feeling of being laughed at. He quickly picks up on your expression and rectifies what he said.
“Sorry, shit, it’s just that’s exactly what happened to me.”
You cock your head to the side and let a small grin onto your face, “Really?”
Bradley smiles, “Totally.” He carries on, “The first girl was insufferable, I’m pretty sure my friend only picked her to annoy me.”
You chuckle, “Damn, why was she so annoying?”
“All she did was talk about herself and her money, and then flipped on the waiter when there was a tomato in her salad.”
You look up at him and giggle, somewhat uncontrollably. He joins in with you until your both leaning on each other for support. Once you’ve stopped laughing and alarming the other people in the street, you realise you’ve come full circle in your walk and back to the front of the restaurant you had left. You peer into the window and see Daniel sat where Bradley was previously, sticking his tongue down Clare’s throat. You hold down another bout of laughter as you look at Bradley’s shocked face.
“They fucking suck, don’t they?” He whispers into your ear.
You look back at him, “Oh 100%.”
You look into each others eyes for a moment, not really sure where to go from here. You hesitantly speak up,
“I should call an uber.”
Bradley frowns, “No way, I’ll drive you.”
You smile, teasing, “Haven’t you ever heard of stranger danger, Bradley?”
“I promise I’m not an axe murderer, sugar.”
You scoff in mock offence, “I’m talking about me.”
He rolls his eyes, “I’ll take my chances.”
Bradley’s bronco is clean, he has a pine scented air freshener dangling from the rear view mirror next to some mini fuzzy dice and he lets the radio hum 70s r&b hits whilst you direct him to your apartment.
When he comes to a slow in front of your apartment building you consider your options for a moment. Were you really about to let the first man who genuinely made you laugh for the first time in months slip out of your hands? Fuck no.
“Would you- Do you want to come up to my apartment with me?”
Bradley is so glad you have more initiative than him.
“Yeah, definitely.”
He steps out of the car and jogs round to help you out of your side. He’s holding your hand as you step down and once your feet are planted on the ground you look up at him and giggle,
“Definitely?” You tease, hand dragging up and down his chest.
He smirks at that and fires back, “I mean, I can just go?”
You roll your eyes and turn on your heel, taking his hand in yours and dragging him behind you, “Yeah sure.”
In your apartment, you make quick work of kicking your heels off. You make your way into the kitchen and return with two beers. Bradley’s sat on your couch, legs spread invitingly wide. You hand a beer to him and he smiles,
“Thanks, gorgeous.”
It’s impossible to ignore the way he makes your stomach flutter with want. Once you’re planted on the couch next to him he pulls your legs onto his lap and strokes a hand up and down your calf.
“So, tell me about your tragic dates.” He speaks, startling you out of your daze.
You take a sip of your beer and lean back, dragging your eyes across his face. He looks genuinely interested so you decide to indulge him.
“The second one was definitely the worst.” You chuckle in memory.
“Colour me intrigued, gorgeous.”
You rolls your eyes at the pet name but continue, “This guy took me to dinner and made eye contact with my boobs the whole time, and when I say the whole time I mean like I couldn’t even tell you what colour his eyes are because we never made actual eye contact for long enough.”
Bradley laughs at your explanation and can’t help himself but glance down at your exposed cleavage, he shrugs appreciatively, making a little “ow!” sound when you smack his shoulder lightly.
“Anyways, he kept insinuating that I was going to sleep with him and when I told him I wasn’t interested he immediately asked for the waitresses number.”
Bradley splutters into his beer and mumbles something about your date “fumbling the bag.”
“I’ve gotta see a picture of this guy,” Bradley laughs, curious as to what type of man could have such audacity.
You smirk and reach for your phone on the coffee table and quickly swipe open instagram, clicking on his profile in your recently searched. You hand your phone over to Bradley and he places his beer down before swiping through the pictures. He outright cackles,
“This fuckin’ guy? He’s literally the size of one of my thighs.”
You look down at his muscular thighs where your legs are resting and suck in a deep breath. When you look back up Bradley’s showing you a post on his instagram where he’s awkwardly stood next to two beautiful girls clearly dressed in some type of festival outfits and clearly not friends with him. Bradley’s laughing so loudly you consider your neighbours complaining.
You pout at him, holding in your own laugh, “Don’t be mean! He’s kind of cute in his own right?”
“Sugar, how do you expect me to believe that when you don’t even believe it yourself?”
You hum at his explanation.
“Besides, I think I have a good grasp on what your type is.”
You raise you eyebrows at his statement, “Really? Enlighten me.”
Bradley quirks his upper lip, “Well first off you like big tall guys, maybe some would even describe them as hunky.”
You giggle as he continues.
“Brown hair, brown eyes, huge dick, killer moustache and absolutely hilarious. Am I missing anything?” He peers down at you, teasing smile on his face.
“What was that middle one again?” You cock your head to the side in faux innocence.
“Killer moustache?”
“Brown eyes?”
“Not quite.”
“Ohhhh, huge dick?”
You giggle, “Yeah that was the one, I was wondering why you think that’s part of my specific type?”
Bradley grins, “Well, you seem to like every thing else about me.”
Your stomach burns with desire at his confidence and you have to quickly compose yourself to answer.
“Well since we don’t have any proof, I’m not sure I can hold you to that, handsome.”
You move your legs from his lap and tuck them under yourself, moving your front towards him until your breasts are pressed up against his bicep, lips hovering over his ear.
“Unless you’re willing to provide some?”
You meet Bradley’s lust filled gaze and he groans,
His lips are on yours in an instant, his strong hands threading through the hair at the back of your head. Bradley revels in the feeling of your soft lips against his, the taste of alcohol mixing between your mouths. You’re moaning into his mouth as his tongue licks into yours. His hand leaves the back of your head in favour of gripping at your waist and pulling you over onto his lap. Bradley’s thighs are firm beneath you, as you roll your crotch down into his you get evidence of his claim and whimper into his kiss. He pulls back to smile smugly at you,
“You okay there, gorgeous?”
His cocky tone only proves as fuel for the slick accumulating between your thighs and you whine as you grind down onto his hard cock, straining against his dark jeans.
“I’d be better if you fucked me.” You whimper out.
Bradley chuckles, playing with the hem of your dress,
“Is that what you want, sugar?”
You aid him in pulling of your dress, once it’s flung on the floor you speak up,
“Right now? More than anything.”
Bradley is biting his lip, eyes trained on your breasts as he reaches out to grab at them.
“Shit I can’t blame that guy, you’ve got great tits.”
Your roll your eyes at him and prepare a quip, but all thought are wiped from your mind as he reaches down and swipes his tongue across your pebbled nipple. Instead, you moan out his name breathily with another roll of your hips.
“Bradley, please.”
He pulls back and looks up at you, “What do you need, sugar?”
“You, Bradley.” You whine, nimble fingers already unbuttoning his shirt.
Once you’ve finished with his shirt, you help him slide it from his shoulders and where it sits tight around his biceps. As you suspected, he’s just as muscular under his shirt. You reach down to suck at the skin of his chest, marking his pecs.
“You’ve got great tits too, Brad.”
He grants you with a laugh which turns into a moan as your small hands begin to palm at his cock. Your touch is momentarily stopped as you help him remove his jeans and boxers. You’re sat before him staring with your mouth slightly agape at his sheer size.
“Jesus,” You murmur, hand reaching out to stroke him slowly.
Bradley wants to gloat but your touch feels so good that he doesn’t want to risk you leaving him high and dry. He watches in awe as you reach forward to spit on the tip of his cock, using your saliva as lubricant as you speed up your strokes. Once you begin to lightly circle his tip with your tongue he pulls you back up with a whimper,
“Sugar, if you carry on i’m going to cum.”
You smile coyly, “Isn’t that the whole point?”
Bradley reaches a hand down to pull at your lacy underwear. Once he’s removed it he cups your pussy, the feeling of his large, warm hand making you shiver in excitement.
“I was kind of hoping to be inside of you before doing that.”
You grind down into his hand as he speaks, finger tips grazing at your clit deliciously.
“Well don’t let me ruin your plans.”
Bradley’s eyes roll back slightly at your words and he pulls away his hand to lick at the juices you left. He hums down at you,
You whine and turn your back to him, lying into the couch and arching your back up so that your ass is pressing against his hard cock. You wiggle your ass back against him and feel some of his precum seep out onto you.
“You gonna fuck me now?” You simper at him, turning your head slightly and giving him your best doe eyes.
He reaches a hand out to stroke at your flushed cheek, “How could I say no to this pretty face?”
You keen under his praise and squeal as you feel him guiding his cock through your folds, collecting your wetness onto himself. Bradley groans at the feeling as he begins to push into your hole, the way your velvety walls are squeezing him is almost addictive.
Your eyes roll to the back of your head as he finally bottoms out after what feels like hours of him pushing his considerate length in. You feel so fucking full with him pushed all the way into you.
“You good, gorgeous?” Bradley asks, care in his voice evident.
You moan and push back against him, “Shit yeah, you feel so good, so deep.”
Bradley feels a whine catch in his throat at your words and tentatively thrusts into you. When he’s met with a high pitched moan he takes that as a sign to start moving.
Bradley’s thrusts are deep, making you whimper with each one. Managing to make you feel even more full than before. He has both hands placed at your waist, strong grip almost intoxicating.
The sound of slapping skin and your combined moans fill up the space of your apartment as Bradley keeps up his pace. You’re beginning to drool slightly onto your couch as Bradley lifts your body up so that your back is pressed against his chest. His strength is so attractive to you that you can’t help but let a strangled moan fall from your mouth. He smirks at the sound and reaches one of his hands on your waist down to toy with your clit. The action makes your jolt as your pleasure suddenly intensifies. You turn your head and whimper into his neck,
“Fuck, Brad please.”
Bradley’s starting to think your moans are the best thing he’s ever heard. He only increases his ministrations, spurred on by your whimpers, close to making the sound himself as your walls clench around him. Bradley increases the pace of his thrusts quickly, determined to push you over the edge. It’s working faster than you would have liked and you would have felt embarrassed was it not for the way he also increases the pressure on your clit, making you twitch and squeak out, “Bradley! Oh my God!”
You can feel him chuckle breathlessly into your shoulder, his breath on your hot skin making the coil growing in your stomach tight. With one last quick thrust the coil snaps and you’re moaning unabashedly as you spasm on his cock. Your moans are music to Bradley’s ears and the feeling of your pulsing walls pushes Bradley to his precipice.
He pulls out quickly and flips you over so he can look at your gorgeous blissed out face as he cums. It spurts out in thick ropes onto your belly and Bradley groans deeply at the sight, growling as you reach down with a few fingers to swirl it around and lift it back up to your lips.
He’s still heaving whilst looking down at you. The sight of his sweaty chest dropping up and down enough to make you squeeze your legs as another flood of arousal leaks from you. He catches sight of the action and smirks, but chooses not to taunt you any further.
He finally speaks up, “Was that good enough proof for you gorgeous?”
You giggle up at him, hair splayed around your head, reminding Bradley of and angel.
“Maybe I need some more?”
You widen your legs for him to look down at your pussy, arousal dripping from you. He whines albeit somewhat pathetically.
“Yeah I think so too.”
When Bradley wakes in the morning, his arm is draped around your naked waist. He smiles down at the sight and picks up his phone to text Phoenix a quick thanks for sending him on that date.
a/n: sorry guys i’m on my big dick bradley agenda rn !!!
i love this so i hope everyone else does too HAHEJA
also apologies for the filth i literally cant help myself
pls comment, reblog or send me an ask and tell me what u think !!!
thank u for reading :))
- honey <333
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cigaretez · 25 days
Spoiler warning for Indigo Park Chapter 1! (available for free on Steam!) ^^
Not Rambley literally telling us the whole park is all sorts of fucked AFTER we got attacked by both Lloyd and Mollie, not only that but after we saw her get decapitated 😭
I'm hoping we can see more of Lloyd later on! I genuinely loved this lil game.
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concordebethicc · 11 days
I adore this fucking raccoon
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Words cannot describe how much I love Rambley. He is rotund and friend-shaped, he has the face of someone who is incapable of intentional evil. I want to pick him up. I want to hug this goober. I want to give him a kiss on his little forehead. I would actually fucking cry if anything bad happened to him.
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lemonjestercoffee · 2 months
so i said something about alicorns being funky in my last mlp redesign post yeah? well before i get into that-
the beautiful bride and the ugly ass groom
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okay okay jokes aside here's Shining's real sheets and Cadance on her own
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starting off with design choice notes
Shining Armor - his was like- really hard to figure out and i didn't really know what i was doing, but i did like the concept of him having lost a leg in some sorts of battle. one thing i did know what i was doing with tho was his armor, i never really liked the canon armor so i decided to take my own stab at it. decided to make it cover the more important areas better, added gambeson underneath, put a royal crest on it, and gave them a head weapon. yes the metal horns are on all species armor, it's there not only to protect real horns from oncoming attacks but also give all soldiers an emergency weapon if they get disarmed. the tassels would be colored differently depending on rank
Cadance - the only through i really had going into her design was i wanted her to have a cloud and heart motif, but i'm unsure if the way i handled it is the best. her cutiemark is meant to resemble a Mexican sacred heart because deity of love- like come on. i also wanna kinda change the color of the carnation in her hair to stand out more, but white carnations have a different meaning so it's fiiiinee
okay now what we really wanna hear about, what the fuck did i do to the alicorns?
i decided to tamper with their lore quite a bit, as i was inspired to by the Skyscraper Gods Au by Shirecorn. now mine is no were near as drastic as that au, obviously, but it did inspire me to come up with my own quirks for them.
i went more "alicorns are more like the elves of ponies but because they can only be made by some unexplained rare mystical intervention and live for fuck off long, normal ponies see them as demigods of sorts". i've even given them things like groups or locations that they act as patrons of and prioritize above other things, but that stuff gets a little rambley so imma not do that on this post
for the anatomy tho, i can talk. i'll be using Twilight as a visual example because she's the one i've drawn in all stages
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so basically the concept here is pretty similar to the canon, but with some funky add-ons.
first up- when an alicorn ascends, not only do they gain the wings/horn combo and grow an inch, they also gain some other unique anatomy from the other species.
Unicorn- along with the horn, they also receive the ear tip tufts i gave unicorns. these actually have a purpose, they're sensitive to magic energy and allow unicorns to tell where magic is coming from. depending on the unicorn they vary in sensitivity but alicorns are by far the most sensitive Pegasus- along with the wings, the get some of the extra feathers pegasai have on their bodies, namely the ones on their ankles that are used for finer trajectory adjustments in flight. they also receive the sensitivity of their hooves that's used to pick up changes in cloud texture and sense their stability Earth Pony- earth ponies may seem like they don't add shit, but they actually give two very important things. the first thing is a strength boost, as they're stronger than the other two pony species by nature. the other thing is dense as fuck hooves. that sounds kinda lame but they have rock hard hooves that allow for them to dig into dense materials and have a kick with some real bite in it that the others just can't replicate and might tear their own hooves up trying. they also add the visible fluff in the ear canal. but that's just a dust filter and if isn't cleaned properly might actually be more of hindrance
it's worth noting- if you look at Cadance and Twilight side by side- that despite being given extra anatomical traits from the other species they will always look more like the species they were before ascension. this is mostly visible in the ears, tails, and hoof shapes -unicorns have long tails with hair only growing from the underside, basic ears, narrower hooves, and usually have long fetlocks as part of their culture. -pegasai have short tails that are completely covered with hair and have rudder feathers at the base, pinned back feathery ears with restricted movement, and really shallow hooves with no fur around them -earth ponies have medium tails with even hair growth around a third of the way down, basic ears, and slightly taller hooves with varying fetlock sizes.
second up- the only uniquely alicorn physical traits that they really have (aside from height) are their hair and beards. unlike normal pony beards that are made of the same hair as their manes, alicorn beards are made of coat fur and will grow a specific length each year that marks how old they are kinda like tree rings. due to this the alicorns don't try to cut them. the manes are kinda funky cause they start out at the roots as normal hair, but then become more "ethereal" after a few inches or so. they tend to start to become ethereal roughly 10 years after ascension
they do have one more weird trait but it's less noticeable and that's the thing with the patterns. when an alicorn is first ascended they gain an extra pattern on their legs, and that pattern gains a second layer around the time they start to get their ethereal manes. you can see it happening on Twilight's lineup.
there's also a bonus thing here that has nothing to do with alicorns as much as it does unicorns- but i like the idea of Unicorn tails (flesh/bone, not hair) getting longer with age. it's usually not too noticeable because they don't normally live long enough for it to be really noticeable compared to younger unicorns, but alicorns do- so former unicorns can end up with some long ass tails in their 1000's
that's all i really got now- if i added in magic and social stuff this would have been way longer. i'm done with my rambles
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patricia-taxxon · 19 days
hi i have nothing to say beyond Thank You for being someone that Absolutely Fucking Gets It about Rambley. You Get It. Thank You.
i know its probably not true but i feel like hardly anyone loves him in the way i do.
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sockysucks · 23 days
ive come to create a incredibly lengthy post about the new mascot horror game called Indigo Park
I need to ramble ( haha rambley ) about it as i have just quit twitter for an indefinite time for my own mental health as an autistic cannot last on there at all
anyway, im going to talk about all the reason why indigo park is so good and what i hope from it!! and any criticisms i have for it, i honestly dont have many even though its so early to talk about.
how i found out about indigo park:
UNIQUEGEESE!! naturally, i was watching one of masons past streams on his youtube playing FNF after having rejoined the FNF community after its update and finding out about the mod HIT SINGLE; the mod masons was playing( people know it mostly for the silly billy song ) and he had mentioned about him making a mascot horror game which i shrugged off naturally because i am not a fan of modern mascot horror as most of it seems to be low effort and genuinely unappealing, i knew he had made something that was definitely made with love but i didnt have the will to check it out until a announcement trailer dropped which i then saw snippets of the game and the characters and environment, which i was definitely intrigued so I played the game myself.
My thoughts playing the game:
and found it surpisingly good compared to any other mascot horror game, it was unique, genuinely had awesome character designs and very high quality’s graphics and beautiful models and lighting were stunning, again really surprised having endured the hideousness of other low quality mascot horror games, to then find a game with fucking great models ( unlike banban, 2 billion polygon remote or whatever lmfao ).
I started the game and to be real as a extremely gay furry who loves little silly furry boys i felt like i was gonna explode during every single rambley voice line and animation played and fell so in love with him, now a massive comfort character and ive draw. him like 12 times prior to the games first chapter being released like 2 days ago lol, ive never gotten so attached so quicky in my life which definitely makes rambley and indigo park a really special game.
I really love this game, the pacing is really well done, the horror isnt low quality, the like actual character models for lloyd and molly are really gorgeous, i just think the hair and some of the texturing is over done slightly, but definitely made me shit myself multiple times despite this, all while i was laughing with my new silly raccoon boyfriend 💜💜💜💜
hugeeeeww shoutout to team neutron for the the absolute gorgeous expressive rambley screen animations and the credits theme that left me almost tbe same way portal 2’s credits effected me the first time i ever played and definitely huge huge props to otterboyva for the super adorable voice of rambley.
what do I hope for the future of Indigo Park
I hope for the future of this game that content farms and bootleggers disregard it, but this doesnt give me hope seeing that one rambley plush that a company made before the first chapter even released that was completely unlicensed. I will be avoiding social media in efforts to not see people start shitting on this game if it becomes on the same level and milked by content farms like what happened to the amazing digital circus ( i watched this on the day the pilot released, and was equally devastated as many others to see it being used as low effort bait in shitty kids cartoons on youtube shorts )
in case you didnt see i did a little animation at the top of this!! very rough but yeah
I love tgis game PLEASEEEE i cannot wait to see more high quality content from this really passionate creative team uniquegeese/mason has formed
in case you wanted to play it for yourself, heres a link to the steam page!! the first chapter is free and a kickstarter started a couple days ago has been completed funded so…. CHAPTER 2 IS CONFIRMED!!
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whomst-the-hell · 1 year
uhhhhh steddie 10 things i hate about you au where steve and chrissy are siblings and jason pays eddie to date steve (bc theyre both “demons from hell” so clearly theyre made for each other) so he can date chrissy.
steve never really reformed from the bitchy king steve thing and he’s popular in an untouchable kind of way, and he refuses to spend more than one night with a person even though deep down he’s starved for affection. chrissy’s sweet and nice and pretty, but their mum’s a total psycho who has all these toxic ideas about purity and beauty and gender and everything, so she isnt allowed to date until steve does (ie: never).
enter eddie munson, school freak, who has a volley of bizarre rumours about him, who has been paid to woo ice queen steve, mythic bitch, and he knows its shitty but fuck he needs the money — he just managed to get away from his dad and move in with his uncle, but money’s tight with an extra mouth to feed and eddie would do anything for his uncle wayne, morals be damned. except that steve’s actually really cool when you get to know him — definitely mean, but he has a gaggle of nerdy middle schoolers he keeps an eye on and he clearly cares a lot for his best friend robin, even though behind her own cold exterior shes a rambley nervous mess, and even though they fight steve tries so hard to be there for chrissy — and oh no this cant be happening, shit, eddie really likes steve harrington. he goes all in on the dates, learns to play steve’s favourite song on guitar even though its totally against his image, watches steve’s basketball practice, looks after him when he gets way too drunk at a party, takes him paint balling and asks him to the school dance. steve learns about the money at the dance, cries about it in class, then eddie gives one of his famous table speeches where he apologises and tells steve he really loves him and then sings steve’s song again, kind of humiliating himself, and steve and him end up working things out and getting back together.
also, chrissy punches jason at the school dance after learning what he did to steve, then spends the rest of the night with steve and robin buckley, who’s so pretty and cool and kind to poor heartbroken steve, and chrissy falls hard, and robins been lowkey crushing on chrissy for years, and they end up together as well. all four of them move out of hawkins together at the end of the fic and chrissy and steve get away from their manipulative controlling parents and we get the end credits scene of corroded coffin on a roof playing a song clearly written about steve
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