#I have weed now but unfortunately I forgot that weed makes bone pain significantly worse for me
arlo-venn · 1 year
This is psychological warfare
#why has my whole entire life been one big continuous test of endurance#like a video game where each level after the next is more and more difficult to get through#How Much Physical Distress Can One Remy Endure All At Once?#I just tossed back two Percocet in hopes of it taking the edge off#I stg it better work#I have already gotten desperate enough twice today to take the toradol that I’m not supposed to be taking#so I don’t want to take that or ibuprofen again#I have weed now but unfortunately I forgot that weed makes bone pain significantly worse for me#but it does help with the gallbladder and abdominal pains#and nausea#it’s like the universe ran out of ways to pull me through emotional distress and moved on to taking me down physically#Guess what!!!! My left (good) foot#is starting to develop what feels like tendinitis along my Achilles#from over compensating for the other foot#do you know how painful tendinitis is#it also feels like I’m walking directly on my heel bone on that foot#need some sort of soft slipper with good traction#same situation for my hands#it feels like bare bone pushing on the crutches#I can tolerate the underarm pain at least#I have a pair of non-springy forearm crutches in storage but#Tyrell rearranged everything so now idk where they#are and I can’t climb around in there atm#very worried about pain management following gallbladder surgery!!!#ahhhhhhhhh#you know what some of my biggest fears are?#broken bones without pain management#and#deep incisions without pain management#before this my left foot was my bad foot and my left big toe needs surgical intervention already so relying on this foot is actually hell
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