#I still haven’t watched s2 yet 😭
mmagurro · 4 months
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i like fish 🐟
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marrfixated · 9 months
Pinned post/My info:
Last updated May 29, 2024
TL;DR: Marr, he/she/they, neurodivergent, Total Drama (Alenoah, Priyemma, etc), fanfiction, sideblog @priyemma
Im goofin!
Hello! My name is Marr! I use He/She/They, whatever. I’m Omni, Bigender, and Aspec. I’m cool with any gendered terms, and I pretty much use them interchangeably myself. Gal, guy, neither, whatever!
I have ADHD and anxiety (both diagnosed) along with other things, but those are the ones I’ll probably talk about on here the most. I’m mixed White and Latina (plus Native) but fairly white passing. I speak English and want to learn Spanish, but I’m definitely not fluent. American, and a lot more “country” than I realize lol (I’m a midwestern gal)
Right now im really into Total Drama. It’s one of my longest lasting hyperfixations so far! I also post about a few other things, like House M.D and Dungeon Meshi. (More likely reblogging those things though)
Specifically in Total Drama I mostly post about Alenoah and Priyemma. Recently been talking about the newest Reboot season (and my complaints with it). I talk the most about World Tour and TDI 2023 because it’s been a while since I’ve watched all the seasons and those are the ones I remember the best. I plan to rewatch them all… someday. I haven’t even finished watching reboot s2 because it’s painful!
I love shipping! I can’t even list them all because there’s so many tbh. I am very much a multi shipper and I constantly am finding new things to ship! I try to not engage in ship hate ever, but sometimes I slip up lol. I post some less-than-positive content about Nemma on occasion or Juliayne… everything that could be considered ship hate is tagged as such and never tagged with the ship that is being slandered.
I can’t really draw, so if I ever post my beginner drawings please be nice lol 😭 I’m still developing a style and learning. I have many, many WIPs that I might share here and there. I do really want to be able to draw confidently and make art for the things I love!
I’ve started writing fanfiction again lately! It’s a struggle for a lot of reasons. Props to everyone who writes fics because it’s hard. It takes me hella long too… I have a lot I’m writing but few published lol. My user is Marrfixated on AO3, feel free to leave comments or kudos!
I’ve written four Alenoah oneshots so far. Most recently posted Contra Entendre, so go read that! I have 3 other oneshots that are somewhat written and I’ll post someday, but I’ve shifted my focus to planning some longer fics. I currently have an Alenoah AU and a Priyemma post-canon fic in the works! The latter is my main focus as I plan out the entire thing… kind of obsessed with it.
I also have tiktok @Marrfixated. I post on tumblr more than TikTok because it’s easier, but I started off there. I mainly repost (reblog) things on TikTok. I don’t really use anything else yet (except ao3). I also have a Priyemma centric sideblog on here (@priyemma), where I’ll usually reblog content from and vice versa.
You’re on thin ice if you engage in ship discourse, constantly hate on ship I like (it makes me sad 💔), or are a dsmp fan/an enjoyer of any of Vivziepop’s works (I don’t like you).
Proshippers DNI. Zionists DNI. TERFs DNI. Vivziepop defenders DNI. Dream supporters DNI. Dsmp supporters also DNI. Do some damn research. Also general DNI… I can’t list everything that makes someone a terrible person.
I might post suggestive things here sometimes, but rarely and usually jokingly. Anything like that would be tagged accordingly, and let me know if there’s something for me to add. I don’t plan to EVER post nsfw or suggestive content related to td, it makes me uncomfortable as most of the characters are minors. I do curse a lot, and reclaim the f slur on occasion. Please don’t engage in ship discourse on my account for no reason! That’s no fun.
I usually take like 3 years to answer asks or dms or whatnot for various reasons… but I swear I don’t mean any offense! I just um forget sometimes 😇 Or I post it to drafts instead… or I get nervous 😶 and sometimes idk if you just sent it or want me to actually respond so I just guess? Ummm yeah. Also they go missing a lot. Probably have to figure that out. Oops! But basically… I’m not a passive aggressive person, and I mean no ill will if I don’t answer anything
I reblog a lot, so I tag all my non-reblogs as #original post. Lazy posts are usually tagged with #shitpost. Random posts are usually tagged as #nonfandom post. My td fics are tagged as #my fanfiction, but it’s probably easier just to find them on ao3
That’s it!
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mehoyminoyyy · 9 months
TSITP S3 Predictions
Thank you!!! I took a while to really analyze things.
So my predictions for s3 based off my previous post would be this.
I believe were going to get a full season or close to a full season of jelly really in love. I think we are going to see them in a loving relationship as a campus couple , I think were going to get povs from Belly, Jere and people around them. I think their going to be happy for at least half of it or more than half of the season.
I don’t know much about the books but me being in this fandom for a bout a week now, I’ve seen a whole lot 😭😂
I know sort of what goes down in book 3. I gotta be honest that’s something I dint want to see because if would completely destroy Belly and Jeres characters. ( tbh I feel like it came left field in the books from what I know but that just my personal opinion)
I don’t think major conflict is going to happen untill close to the end of the season if any. The reason being the best stories are always built up really good just to term em down 😭.
I think people need to watch this as an adaptation and not a direct copy of the books too. I read something about Jenny wanting to change things for the show , and tbh I think thats great in this case of a love triangle story because its like a alt universe of the original. ( At least thats how I see adaptations anyway 🤣)
I think Jenny Han has things up her sleeve that probably haven’t even happened in the books , to bring a new life to the story or like a “what if” this could happen sort of thing.
I think possible themes of conflict could be any of these:
-Cheating ( which as of rn I don’t think would be implemented just yet, I’m not ruling it out though )
- Job opportunity difference / moving or something that is needed obligatory event and they’d have to split (long distance)
-Some random conflict in cousins
- A proposal /engagement but cold feet in the end
- An important character maybe gets misinformation and the pot gets messy and insecure feelings resurface
- Belly gets pregnant 👀 ( that would be so crazy tbh)
The possibilities are actually endless here. I think their relationships will be tested. I think were going to see how strong they are together. (Jelly)
s3 will be a mainly a jelly season , I think bonrad will have moments as well but more of the kind where conrad’s like “ Im happy for you” (actual character development)
I think Conrad will have a new partner and it might be going well like picture perfect ( at least from the outside) and Belly might get upset ( not because she misses being with con but because she might feel a lil silly for still letting him get to her like he does)
She might get conflicting feelings that resurface because lets face it Con put her through some trauma so ofc she is allowed to feel a certain way even if she is in a loving relationship.
I think were going to maybe see new sides of everyone because were reaching that in-between weird young adult/ still feeling like a teen stage. I think everyone going to have something happen to their characters that’s different from s1 and s2, essentially s3 will be a set up season a clam before the storm to take a break from how emotional s2 was.
If Jenny Han truly wants a bonrad endgame shes goinging to have break up jelly so badly they cant come back from it and that would be so so sad to see. Cons they spent most of s2 rebuilding everything.
( This is not what Susan would want either, her wish is that they all stay together )
Because if Belly were to get back with Con after everything after s2 I think that would be worse than her being with a completely different partner because of their history.
UNLESS there is a long as hell break for them all. Something would need to happen that major that splits the group apart. And may after some years after everyone went their separate ways they all rekindle, Conrad comes back as a better person etc . Thats the only way it could work ( But tbh even thats a reach)
So as of right now anything is bound to happen but what I do know for sure is that s3 ( if we get it) at least for the first half of it is going to be so wholesome and cute. I cant wait to see an actual healthy on screen relationship for once 😭
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maculate-mango · 1 year
so i binge watched alchemy of souls this week and was so excited for today’s ep but i’m lowkey disappointed. the whole show is so damn good tho btw but i feel like they really dragged out s2. if they had naksu & jang uk remember everything and recognize e/o sooner maybe we would’ve gotten a better less rushed ending. also maybe then we could’ve seen more of the og badass naksu like that s1 intro naksu is the whole reason i wanted to watch aos and we still haven’t gotten that naksu again yet. fingers crossed for the finale. also the ending of today’s ep lmao 😭 wtf like it definitely seems like the only reason they died was to be the grief of the main character (jang uk) and i hate when they do that
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canayams-art · 3 months
it's meee, the qianqing anon✨ it certainly been a while since ive been in your asks jsjdjdjd the uni has been crazy and the finals were approaching so i had to force my focus on studying instead of screaming about my faves to anyone who was willing to listen :") but now that that's out of the way for a while now because the second semester has already started, im free to go back to my deranged brainrots sjejejejjeke
OH I ALMOST FORGOT very very late merry christmas (if you celebrated) and happy new years!! 🎉🎉
im rewatching the second season of tgcf at the moment and im going crazy over the small lqq moments i missed in my first watch wjejejek he's just such an amazing character and soo 😍 i love/hate that im now restarting the angst 😭😭
SOMEHOW I ALSO MISSED THE BRIEF BLURRY SHI WUDU CAMEO AND I WAS SCREAMING ABOUT IT FOR HALF AN HOUR TO MY FRIEND!! I CANT WAIT TO SEE HIM IN HIS FULL CORRUPTED GLORY IF WE EVER GET GHE BLACK WATER ARC ANIMATED!! he actually might be in my top three favorite characters from tgcf even if i don't talk about him nearly as much as i talk about mq
anyways. LQQ!! i know i already watched everything and i know that i know what's going to happen but man i am not prepared to go through that again! while i am EXTREMELY glad that we got to see him boil qr alive AND slice him in half, THE PAIN THE ANGUISH THE CONFLICT JWJWIEKEKKEJJE
i don't think i will be getting him out of my head anytime soon :")) im even more salty that he doesn't get a more important scenes later in the series :((
unfortunately ive been a bit brain-dead because of the most boring subjects in the world ughhh so i don't have any new lqq and mq thoughts :(( if you do pls share with me, im dying for every crumb of creativity available skkekekeke
also idk if i mentioned this in my last ask, but it makes me so happy that both you and your followers like these little lqq/mq rants 🥹 it makes me excited to share whatever new idea pops into my brain and know that there are somewhere ppl who get just as excited about them as i do
anyways, i hope you're doing well!! 😽😽
Welcome back qianqing anon!!!
I hope finals went well for you and that you’ve been able to catch your breath again. I also hope you enjoyed the holiday season!
Every time I see or think about donghua lqq I feel so grateful to the production team for depicting the way lqq feels and expresses himself so intensely. I know we all know this by now but his arc really is my favorite within the entire story,,, 🥹 It’s a shame we really only see him in the early chapters and the final ones— I genuinely think his story could easily be its own novel/extra.
Also where does shi wudu show up???! If it’s later in s2 then I haven’t spotted him yet cos I,,,,, still haven’t gotten around to finishing s2 (life got in the way of quality time in lqq land 😭). I feel you though— I find shi wudu interesting in such a way where I love his character but I also feel he 100% got what was coming to him LMAO. Blackwater arc is gonna be so wild to see.
But!! Back to qianqing lol. I was thinking earlier about the fact that lqq answers any personal communication array regardless of who is contacting him. Meanwhile mq haunts the public communication array but gives this vibe that not a lot of people have access to his personal array,,,, made me think about how mq seems like the type who always reaches out to lqq privately, knowing that lqq will always answer, but refuses to give his password in return. Lqq probably asked him once and mq probably told him something like “It’s pointless when I know you’ll answer me no matter what.” (Bonus: maybe mq finally decides to hand his password over when lqq ends up going down to the mortal realm to seek his revenge— like it’s mq’s way of telling lqq that he’s concerned but without flat out saying he’s concerned for lqq LOL)
Anyway! Please always feel free to slide into the inbox. I may be slow to reply to these but they really do make my day. The qianqing brainrot never sleeps 😂
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sweet-little-dude · 1 year
taku it feels like i haven’t talked to you in ages. cries. also also i love the new theme!! even if i miss the mizo mid pfp
anyways i am here to tell you that i FINALLY watched s2 of tokrev omg aren’t you proud of me 😌😌 i don’t really have much to say abt it tbh bc i mean i knew everything that happened already you know everything that happened already soo... but i gotta tell you abt the moments that made me feel the most things bc well. i gotta tell someone and my qpp was live experiencing everything bc i watched s2 with them & three of our friends so it’s only you left. okay so first i gotta explain shakey time bc uhh my qpp & i are both shit with ~emotions~ and ~feelings~ so basically when either of us Feels Too Much TM we grab the other by the shoulder and shake?? honestly i have no clue why but somehow it helps with processing ??? well i’m calling whatever that is shakey time. so. too much shakey time in those 4 hours i swear. most notably the whole manila mikey shit (i mean i knew ehat was gonna happen but still 😭😭😭😭) and then on a wayyy happier note izana!! izana <33 and shion and mochi and the haitanis <33 so much shakey time. love izana’s japanese va (idk abt others we only watched it sub so). very happy and i have newfound motivation for sm stuff now help. also do you happen to know who that guy beside mochi was in that one shot where we see him, izana, shion, kisaki iirc, and the haitanis? bc my only guess is mucho. or some random unimportant guy. but like both of these don’t make that much sense. maybe i’m just forgetting smth idk
also i have no clue how the bd arc would do that but i am now going insane over the final timeline?? specifically the final timeline but everyone still has their memories from before the final jump. except maybe kisaki or smth idk but i haven’t figured good criteria for who remembers n why yet. i most specifically need bajitrio to remember bc i think that makes for fun hcs hehe. just kazu & fuyu subtly trying to check for baji’s pulse (or heartbeat) to make sure he’s actually still alive in this timeline n eventually it becoming a habit/subtle sign of love kinda thing bc they do it so often lol. also kazu & fuyu def have an obsession with falling asleep on baji’s chest while listening to his heartbeat. i feel it’d be very reassuring to them idk,, and i think kazu holds baji’s waist 24/7 when they’re the age he would’ve died + older bc there isn’t any injury or scar there (where he stabbed him in the other timeline-) and he sometimes needs to reassure himself that there really isn’t afjkfgjffh
while i’m on that mitsuya repeatedly calls draken in the middle of the night around the time where he died in the other timeline to make sure he’s alive. mikey just makes draken sleep over in his bed and solves the problem with that lol
also. hanma. hanma keeps forgetting that kisaki’s alive in this timeline at first and scares himself shitless every time they interact bc for a split second he thinks he’s going crazy seeing a ghost
kakucho simply never leaves izana again. problem solved 👍
mikey lives with emma & shin (& maybe izana... maybe......) so he knows they’re alive and well and since he makes draken sleep over anyways draken also knows they’re alive & well.
wakasa, benkei & takeomi call each other at ungodly times of the night n go ‘‘shinichiro is alive, right?’’ ‘‘last time i checked, yes’’ ‘‘good, thanks’’ and then hang up and go to sleep bc they don’t wanna bother shin but sometimes... sometimes there’s just doubt yk
while we’re at it i believe in takeomi being a better brother this time. like he still fucks up sometimes and all that but he genuinly tries and he actually pretty much fixes his relationships with his siblings bc they all learnt from the other timeline (and i want them to be happy okay). not sure if i believe in taiju being a better brother this time...
i’d like to say i’m normal abt this (au version of this) timeline but uh.... uh...... ngl i used to HATE hate the ending and i still don’t like it much but i am slowly starting to like it more but i’m not sure if i should be happy abt that ngl 😭 idk i think i mostly like the characters & some of the new interactions n dynamics, not the actual timeline. bc to me it will always be the final timeline’s biggest fault that basically nobody remembers anything from any of the other timelines bc all of the character development n shit is gone. but oh well
elys my love, hello! it really does feel like forever since we've talked youre righttttt. thank you haha!! my emo bands hyperfixation got so bad to the point of me putting in the effort of changing my theme, can you believe it? ok look, the mizo mid pfp aged like fine wine. still nice, but still aged
yayyyyyy!!! i am indeed very proud tehe. but that seems pretty effective? if it works for the both of you then good job!! yes the reveal of tenjiku!!!!! was screaming and pointing them out to my siblings the whole entire time so real. omg yes thatz good! [will answer that second ask of yours after this bcuz ik it was related to it lol]
big brainers i tell you
hanma :(((((((((
no cuz istg izana's whole death has to be one of the worst in tokyorev. like what did my boy kaku do to deserve this man :((
would be a nice house to live in / visit!
true theyre probably some of the characters that had it the worst ngl. like everyone went through an equal amount of shit with everyone's deaths but the bd's losing shin must've been horrible :(
YES LIVING FOR THE OMI GOOD BROTHER AGENDA this reminded me of that clear shot of him in s2 im gonna cry i love him i love him true i mean im sure he learns along the way tho, i'd hope so.
like the ending of tokyorev??? cuz boyyyy 💀💀 my thoughts on the ending is for another time but fr letz just say the ending wasnt the best thing ever like ong. i mean it was a good ending for the characters and its pretty much what everyone wanted but the way it took place was just not it T T ok but the koko n kisaki agenda is REAL they are so bffs honestly i live laugh love them. yeah nobody remembering what happened was shitty but at least chifuyu remembered? that was a nice detail during the ending ngl
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tough-n-dumb · 10 months
thank u @sagiow and @combat-librarian for the tag :)
last song: mykonos by fleet foxes, from my high school hits playlist lol also the lyrics “and the sun to maybe dissipate / shadows of the mess you made” hits hard when coming up on a big 2 yr anniversary
currently watching: started heartstopper s2 but haven’t finished it and just watched the first three episodes of only murders in the building s3 (watch this show if you haven’t. it’s so good)
currently reading: i am Supposed to be reading the guest by emma cline for my bookclub but have had a grand total of zero motivation to do anything but slump in bed and zone out after work. also doesn’t help that my friends didn’t like it very much. oh but actually i did start re-reading the bear by andrew krivak today for a project at work
current obsession: …yeah it’s still six of crows. can’t say i expected this obsession to happen when i thought “oh, s&b tv show is fun, maybe i should try reading soc!” in april yet here we are and uh i think it’s here to stay for a while longer. but can you blame me when kanej😭 and who doesn’t love a caper with six smart yet idiotic war criminals
tagging: @luarenah @little-kinger @divinecomedienne and whoever else would like to do it!!
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wildm00re · 2 years
so sorry for the late ass follow up but i would LOVE all the sapphic tv show recs!!!!
ok wait ik you said tv shows but i’m including some movies as well, also this is probably going to be long (sorry).
TV shows/movies with leading sapphic characters that get a happy ending:
Batwoman s2-s3 (2021-2022)
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simultaneously the best and worst thing that happened to me bc the show was canceled but not before they got their happy ending lol. but yeah you can watch from s1 before ryan takes over as the lead if you want to know more about sophie’s (right) coming out storyline but starting at s2 is fine as well
She Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018-2020)
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multiple sapphic relationships and characters, honestly this was such a fun show to watch
The Prom (2020)
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(hope you like musicals lol)
Crush (2022)
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it was fun
How to Get Away with Murder (2014-2020)
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a much more intense show seeing as it deals with murder and covering up (multiple) murders but annalise coming to terms with being bisexual (and ultimately learning how to love herself) is still one of my favorite things — eve (first gif) isn’t introduced until s2 and tegan (second gif) is introduced in s4, they’re both lesbians + there’s a main gay relationship as well
Ensemble Shows:
ok gonna just list them without gifs now:
Betty (HBO show)
multiple sapphic characters and it was fun :(
Maze is pansexual and ends up in a sapphic relationship around the last 2 seasons
ICarly Reboot
Carly’s roommate Harper is pan i believe and dates a woman for a bit
All American
Coop x Patience, both lesbians
Black Lightning
Oldest daughter of Black Lightning, Anissa Pierce is a lesbian who falls in love and marries Grace Choi who is bi
One Day at a Time
feel good coming out plot in a sitcom
Jane the Virgin
the lead guy’s sister is a lesbian and a few seasons into the show a main character realizes she is bi
The Sex Lives of College Girls
Gossip Girl Reboot
no relationship but Monet is a lesbian
Charmed Reboot
one of the sisters is a lesbian and is in multiple relationships throughout the show
Get Even
canceled(?) but it was cute while it lasted :(
again, canceled but cute while it lasted 😭
Dare Me
canceled AGAIN but if you love to suffer, definitely should watch 😭
The Originals
haven’t watched yet (currently & slowly watching tvd) but i do remember seeing clips of a sapphic couple getting married ?
anyways i’m sure there’s more i missed but can’t think of rn
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bagelbucket · 2 years
Finally started listening to season 2 of freelancer AND?? THE LORE???? IMMACULATE
also glad to finally know why regulus is always invisible, thanks gavin for that tidbit about empathy demons
WTF IS "Countdown to Inversion" ERIK IS FILLING ME WITH FEAR
prayin my bois make it out okay
Omg hi M!! How are you doing?
That’s awesome! There’s so much s2 lore it’s incredible. I still need to listen to s3 tbh you reminded me lol.
yeah!! (Have you hear regulus’s recent audio???)
THE TIMER IS LITERALLY EVERYONES BANE (does that phrasing eve work?? The bane of everyones existence I spose). It’s so ominous and it goes through all the EE games and AHHH. Gives me a little kick of adrenaline when I hear it 😭
If you haven’t yet (I thought you had but I’m not sure. It’s been a bit!) watch Vincent/David/Milos’ (and sam n Asher) POVs!!!
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cubedmango · 2 years
YOU’RE WELCOME BELOVED OMG I’M JUST SO HAPPY YOU GOT TO SEE THEM YOU DESERVED IT BUT ALSO FUCKNSKSG):&:? honestly the problem with having them downloaded is everytime I open my gallery and go to the favourites folder the thumbnails are there and it’s like a SICK TAUNT OF OH REMEMBER THIS HAPPENS? WELL YOU STILL GOTTA WAIT TO WATCH IT but oh my god. zaina. Oh my God I can’t explain there are truly no. words to explain how that messed me up I DON’T KNOW WHAT IT IS I REALLY DON’T KNOW BUT THE HANDSSSSSS LIKE MALFUNCTIONING IS THE ONLY WAY TO DESCRIBE IT BECAUSE ):£:!&::? only cherry magic like only them there was no need there was NONE why did they have to move their hands together like that why did they have to embed love and tenderness into every gesture THE FUCKIN CAMERA ANGLES ON THE [REDACTED] AND WHEN ADACHI JUST HELD UP KUROSAWA’S HAND I’M ACTUALLY BAWLING😭 I felt every single one of the exclamation marks you used like it truly feels like there’s seagulls in my brain i’m worried my neighbours think i’m insane like I just don’t understand how they managed to turn something so small as the union of hands into something so MOVING so EARNEST and so tender it’s such a trademark for cherry magic also same tbh… like yeah sure some people wanted a real kiss but I honestly don’t mind it at all like are we kidding the way kurosawa’s eyes fluttering closed… adachi being so nervous but initiating it first………. The INTERLACING………… THEY NEVER ONCE THOUGHT ABOUT MY MENTAL HEALTH WHILE MAKING THIS DAMN MOVIE and please I’m not even gonna begin to talk about that last part . I have never seen such a strong look of love before in all my years of life they make me feel as though even if I ever found love it would never compare i’m Tired . ALSO PLS I LOVE HOW YOU JUST GET IT LIKE YOU KNOW EXACTLY HOW IT FEELS WE’RE THE SAME🫂🫂 WE’RE NEVER GONNA BE FREEEEE I don’t know what it is but kurodachi are just Different I haven’t even watched the movie yet but i’m already willing to go on my knees for a season two PLEEK (also sorry for the long message omg i’m so Unwell…,,.,)
day 583068 of naina and cherry magic anon's "Losing It Over This Movie They Havent Seen" experience and this time . we are losing it over A Couple Of Hands !!! BIG AGREE W EVERYTHING U SAID THO there rlly is smth different abt the kurodachi brand of hand holding tho like i just dont know how to explain it..... its just Tender™ and maybe i have watched the drama too many times but its just Their Thing™ like handholding was invented uniquely for my sons its true !! no one else is allowed to hold hands and go suki kawaii suki suki daisuki only them Only Them!!!!!!
also day 9462856 of me going "god i wish that were me" every time i see a movie spoiler but ur right smth like what they have is physically impossible irl like it just Cannot be real 😔😔 idk what crack they put into the cherry magic medias but somehow every single one of them has made me yearn so hard its actually incredible. i need to copy this formula for oc purposes
ID CRY IF S2 HAPPENS tho i doubt it tbh bc they basically condensed all of vol 6-10 into the movie and idk how many more volumes the manga is gonna have ?? but they could literally make a s2 of just kurodachis morning routine or them at work doing their job from 8-6 never even interacting besides the occasional glances and id eat that shit up i just want them baacckkk
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hannanodaa · 2 years
Hey been seeing the artwork coming out and reminded me how nice your art is. Are you still into dr.stone?Have you seen the new special?
Aww thank you 😭😭 yes I am, I love dr stone ahhhhhhh 💖💖💖 but I’m strictly anime only (my attention span these days is so bad that I can’t even be bothered to read mangas lol) and so far I’m caught up to S2 but still haven’t seen the special yet, hopefully I can sit down and watch it sometime next week!!
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vampyshlut · 25 days
show and movie suggestions?? here i come babes
la casa de papel -> you won’t get bored, trust me
vis a vis -> so good but i stopped at s2 a long time ago and don’t remember anything😭probably gonna rewatch cause it was great
young royals -> so good but i haven’t seen s3 yet
heartstopper -> the comics are maybe better but it’s still cute af
julie and the phantoms -> so funnyy i’m so mad they cancelled it :(
business proposal -> the only k-drama i’ve watched so far and i love it so much it’s so funny!!!
shadow and bone -> the characters are just like i imagined them in the books and just ughh YES
friends -> my absolute fav but it’s really long
disenchantment -> love love LOVE
stranger things -> a classic for me!
you -> the plot twists!!! haven’t seen s3 and up though
obx obvi🙄🙄
thank you so much asheeee 🤍🤍🤍
gonna start some of these tonight for sure
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r-manoff · 5 months
2023 Marvel Review
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (7/10):
A fun movie whose ridiculousness only worked precisely because it was a Ant-Man movie. What I loved most about this movie was the healthy, unproblematic depiction of a blended family. Cassie calling Janet and Hank grandma and grandpa… I’m sorry, I’m still not recovered from that. The two minor critiques—Luis and not enough Hope😔
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (7,5/10):
I love Rocket’s little family. They deserved the world. His backstory was beautifully told. I was really curious about how they were gonna deal with Gamora and I’m so glad they did not make her end up with Peter again. I loved the ‘original’ ship, but that was uniquely them. I love how Gamora was able to find a family like Peter did in the first GOTG movie. Plus, yeah, Florence + The Machine. Perfect ending of the movie.
Secret Invasion (8/10):
Unpopular opinion apparently. This gave me major Captain America TWS vibes in terms of action. We got Emilia Clarke (!!!!!), a peak into Fury’s personal life (fucking amazing that his wife was Skrull), and Olivia Coleman (holy shitballs what a character).
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse:
I have not yet watched this… I’m sorry, I desperately wanted to, but when this came out I was dying, writing my BA thesis, so I did not have time and then I kinda forgot… it’s most likely a 10 though!!!
Loki s2 (8/10):
I disliked season 1, so I was really not excited for this. But this season was so good and idk what changed 😭😭😭 I love how Loki had to realize that he didn’t want to let go of his friends but had to if he wanted them to have lives of their own. His smile at the end was all any loki fan wanted—seeing him content.
The Marvels:
Have not watched yet, don’t ask me why, I don’t have a reason.
What if s2:
Haven’t watched either, don’t ask me why, I just don’t care
I am suffering from major Marvel fatigue, but I’m glad they cut back on some stuff and pushed back on projects. From the stuff I’ve watched that came out this year, I liked most. The quality has noticeably gone down, and I feel myself siding more and more with Martin Scorsese, but at least we’re getting more proper action-packed stories (Echo, Deadpool, etc.).
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trials-era-sam · 3 years
Rules: tag 9 people you want to know better.
Thank you for tagging me @carry-on-neverland-magic!! 🥰🥰🥰
Fave color: dusty pink
Currently reading: still Good Omens because I haven’t read anything in ages help (Goodreads challenge is not going well)
Last song: One Day/Reckoning Song by Asaf Avidan (on the car radio)
Last series: The Great French Bake Off I guess 😅 Haven’t had time to watch the first episode of Walker s2 yet, I’m away this weekend
Last movie: Luca
Sweet, spicy or savory: sweet all the way :)
Currently working: in translation, but it’s reaaaaally starting to become Not Fun. I feel like I need to find something else, and I do know what I would love to do, but I’d need a few years to become a tap dance teacher probably, so. I guess I’ll stick to this for now. :/
Aaaah 9 people is a lot 😅 No-pressure tagging @deans-love-is-sam @samsoleil @reaperdean @pumpkinpiefuckerdean @luminescent-chorus @fandom-hoarder @ilovemoose @decadent-prince and @samanddeanandtheimpalamakesthree (ELLA COME BACK TO US 😭)
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charles-edwin · 2 years
beloved mj,
hope you're doing well ❤️ sorry for dropping off the face of the earth like that 🥺 i needed to clear my head and tend to irl matters. i still don't think i'm ready to come back. just here for a bit bc i missed talking to you too much 🥺
must confess im behind on Not Me by 2 eps 😔😭 thankfully i've not run into any spoilers (yet). i'll catch up this sunday in time for the finale. i have no idea what turn it took after sean found out about the twins, but i hope they land the ending well!🤞
the last thing i watched was Semantic Error and OMG. I LOVED IT!!! the tension!!the chemistry!! the music!! DELIGHTFUL. almost redownloaded tumblr just to go apeshit in the tags lol. right there in my top 3 KBLs with TMS & WYEL. i heard the actor enlisted but i hope we get a s2 at some point🤞
speaking of... TMS S2 WHENNNN (i hope i haven't missed an announcement lol). how much longer before we see our sunshine puppy and grumpy softie together again 😩 (i remember the ring 👁️👁️)
must say, im still going through it deeply with BB 😔 i keep rewatching the eps whenever im down, i keep going back to your playlist just to feel something. i hope patpran are living their best not-a-porno life. and everytime i think about inkpa and miss pansa im just 🥺🦋💕 
ALSO OHMNANON UPVEL!!! 🤩🤩 i screamed!!! them fighting each other full time is going to single handedly fix me adfgjssk im beyond hyped 💃💃
i hope you're enjoying Enchanté babe!! i'll probably binge it once it's over. i remember your header and how excited you were for the scene... hoping it was worth the wait! 😌
so that was a lot huh. i just miss screaming about shows with you so much 😭😭 
and finally, i hope you're sleeping well (cuddling luna 🥺🤍), eating well, drinking enough water and smiling a lot!! take care of yourself, you're very precious 🥺
all the love and hugs,
cheems ❤️💙
(you don't have to reply to this btw, i'll be glad if this made you smile if only for a moment 😊)
CHEEEEEEEEEEEMS!!!!!! i miss you so much!!!!!! no worries!! take your time but thank you for stopping by!! you can do that any time!!!! i’m doing as okay as i can!!! hope you are too!!
i’m………. not gonna spoil not me for you akdkskdk just please prepare yourself for a ride.
aww i’m glad you liked semantic error that much!! i’ve heard they didn’t plan a second season but seeing as it was very successful, i’m sure they’ll come up with something eventually. they have time until seoham is discharged.
TO MY STAR 2 WHEEEEEN!!!!!! they haven’t announced anything yet, only a fanmeeting this month so hopefully they’ll announce something by then!! pray circle 🙏🏼🙏🏼 the ringggggg yes pls husbands!!! i need them Right Now!!!!
it’s totally okay to still be going through it with bad buddy!! and i’m really glad to know you still listen to my playlist!! it’s your comfort show so stay there with it for now!! it’s not a ride one can easily move on from! and same!! i miss milk so much!!!! where’s her gl 😭😭😭
yes!!! i’m really glad ohmnanon are getting their own variety show!! i’m sure it’s going to be great and it’ll entertain us a lot!! 🥳🥳🥳
thank you so much!! no rush!! yes, it was definitely worth the wait 🥰🥰🥰
i miss screaming about shows with you as well 😭😭😭
i’m doing my best, promise!! hope you’re taking care of yourself as well!! you are EXTREMELY precious to me!!!
all the love and hugs right back to you, my dearest!!!!!
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of course i’ll reply!!! you stopping by made my day and i want you to know that!!!!
thank you so much!!! LOVE YOU TO THE MOON AND BACK!!!!!!! ❤️💙
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