#I think once I got older and actually progressed to the second disc
chimaeray · 2 years
I’ve been watching so many retro gaming videos about ps1 games and their development and now here I am, a few hours later, with a psx emulator and Legend of Dragoon roms. I never got to finish the game on my hard copy, so I’m really looking forward to going through the game all over again
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teddystrap · 5 years
Drama CD: [幽幻ロマンチカ・真骨頂] ≁Bakeneko Arahagi・Inugami Toneri≁
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No audio track this time sorry! But anyway, I’ve made sizeable progress on the Yuuroma series: Hifumi + Utashiro’s Hatenkou, Zakuro, Toneri, and a bunch of tokuten for everybody (/*^-^)/. I’ll do the 2nd Shinkocchou first, for continuity.
And I haven’t listened to the two individual discs before this, so I had no idea who they are... or that their names are actually Arahagi (cat demon; cv. Kaji Yuuki) and Toneri (dog deity; cv, Hirakawa Daisuke) until about 3/4 into the story, since they kept calling each other ‘Stupid Cat’ and ‘Stupid Dog’. Orz
Obvsly this time there is no bromance like in the 1st disc and they fight like... err... cats and dogs (for lack of a better description XD).
As before, hidden messages from the both of them:
1.壱、都市伝説『二次元カレシ』 2.弐、手が<か>りはどこ? 3.参、そこは見せか<け>の幸福世界 4.四、ここにず<っ>といよう 5.伍、意地でも負<け>られない 6.六、この世界が壊れ<る>としても 7.七、 都市伝説『二次元カレシ』看破 8.キャストトーク
Arahagi: bold⋆ spells 「どこにでも」 (‘No matter where [you are]...’)
Toneri: <⋆> spells 「かけつける」 (‘...I will rush to your side’)
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[The Second Rumour: Urban Legend ‘2D Boyfriend’]
All the girls at your school are addicted to a mobile otome game app. Rumour has it that players can end up getting trapped in the game world, and their bodies are found in sleeping position holding their phones in one hand.
Toilet Guy has again asked Arahagi and Toneri to investigate. This time your team name is: the Pitch-Black Executors ~DARK (K)NIGHT MESSIAH~. Σ_(꒪ཀ꒪」∠)_. And both your animal manservants have the good sense to hate this abomination of a name. But it will come in handy later on...
So. First order of business is to throw *you* into the virtual world. It’s been rumoured that collecting a full set of accessories from one game character can accomplish this, so your animal bfs possess your body and go shopping.
They push a bunch of bling on you (Toneri makes you wear a choker that reminds him of a dog collar XD), and eventually you can’t take it anymore and run out of the store because you don’t wanna turn into the lovechild of Katy Perry and Flavor Flav. And anyway it didn’t work. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ RIP Operation BringTheBling1.
Plan #2: There is another rumour that players get sucked in when they access the app at midnight. So Catboy and Dogman (henceforth ‘CatDog’) camp over in your bed, and sure enough, when the clock strikes 12, you fall into a deep sleep and enter the game world.
The game is set in a high school that’s an *exact* replica of Nanagiri, with two characters who sound (and look) exactly like your Cat and Dog bfs. [Hirarin is the senpai and Kaji is the kouhai, ofc.] You are shocked by this unfolding of events, and the two of them think you have a cold and need to go to the nurse’s office to rest.
You take this as an opportunity to escape, and as you are running you hear Arahagi and Toneri’s voices from the other side. They successfully possess your sleeping body and enter the virtual world as well.
Senpai and Kouhai can see the demons possessing you. They forcibly exorcise the duo and drag you away. As the exorcised duo come to, they find themselves turned into their chibi forms XDD. Meanwhile, Senpai and Kouhai have taken you to the nurse’s office. As they are trying to approach you, you spray the fire extinguisher at them and make your escape. Niceee.
You manage to find Arahagi and Toneri hiding in the courtyard. They repossess your body to regain their powers and apologise for not being able to protect you. But you have come up with a battle plan: Operation LoveLetter1. Dun dun DUNNN.
The plan is to put a love letter in their shoe locker asking Senpai and Kouhai to meet with you next evening. Being in an otome game, they can only do as they are told to unlock the love event. (Also what is with this 3P-harem setting where you can confess and unlock event for two characters at once?? I need to get in on dis yo. ¬‿¬)
You and CatDog stay up all night to discuss the battle plan, and Arahagi thinks this whole game reeks of the work of a human being. He figures out that they can rob the game characters of their powers by stealing their phones. (Why do even the characters have phones inside the game??) And to power-up themselves, CatDog trade hugs and kisses with each other (I WISH!!) you to feed off of your human energy.
Next day, Senpai and Kouhai show up at the arranged meeting time, and CatDog appear to start a riot. They throw out your team name Pitch-Black Executors ~DARK (K)NIGHT MESSIAH~, which confuses their opponents and gives them the perfect opportunity to steal the opponents’ phones.
Toneri ties the two characters up with chains and Arahagi drops a bunch of machinery and shit on top of them, but dis ain’t ovah ya’ll. The two of them go into *dark mode*. They change the backdrop and damage the data of Arahagi and Toneri’s bodies. As they bury CatDog alive and take you away, you tell them that you believe in CatDog, which gives them the power they need to free themselves from entombment and destroy the game characters.
...When the smoke clears, they see a student that was sucked into the game world. Strangely enough, *it’s a boy*, and they figure that he must be the human that the game monster is possessing and feeding off of.
It turns out that the boy offered himself as a human sacrifice to the urban legend and created this game world to shield his younger sister from the harsh reality. The game world begins to disintegrate, and Toneri tells the boy to face his sister properly instead of doing this stupid shit in the name of ‘protection’. To Toneri and Arahagi, who come into this world all alone, every little detail of the familial bonds and ties between humans seems magical and deserves to be treasured.
The three of you wake up in your bed, and CatDog wonder if the boy’s little sister is going to be alright. You devise a plan... for the two of them to appear to her in a dream pretending to be the two game characters. Toneri flubs his lines and gets beaten up by Arahagi XD. They tell the girl they are relieved that she has finally awoken from her slumber, and invite her to play the game again whenever she is feeling down.
Now a new urban legend has arisen: that whenever a girl gets sucked into the game world, her 2D boyfriend tells her to get out or else she won’t make it to her own wedding in the future. (#meirl XDD.) What’s more, CatDog have erased the oniisan’s memories of the whole incident, and both he and his sister have returned to school as usual.
*Meanwhile*, YOU have become addicted to this game app XD. After unsuccessfully trying to snatch your phone out of your hands, CatDog tease you with kisses and promise to make your real life more exciting than any game ever... yes please Hirarin and Kaji the two of you can come and possess me any time I don’t mind fufufufu~~~ (´┓`*)
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[Thoughts] ⋆敬称略⋆
Ok so this was my first introduction to both characters (Arahagi/Toneri). I kept thinking as I was listening to it: wouldn’t it be great if Kaji and Hirarin switched roles? Doesn’t it feel like Kaji has more of an excitable puppy-like personality (or quality to his voice, rather), and Hirarin has more of a slow, cat-like temperament??
In fact in the Free Talk when Hirarin said that he is 100% a Cat Person and he thinks Arahagi is really cute, I was all ready to jump out of my chair all like, ‘I KNEW IT!!!’ #notoverreactingatall._(:3」∠)_. ...I guess Rejet wanted to switch it up a little? Or maybe Kimura Ryouhei was busy, because Toneri [yandere + dog ears] sounds like the job for him. Also I can’t help but wonder how perfect Hirarin would be as Utashiro lulling me to sleep with his soothing voice...
But all this fantasy casting aside, every time I hear Toneri’s adorable grumpy/growling noises that he makes when he’s dissatisfied, I feel like they made the right casting choice after all. #omgWANT ლ(⁰⊖⁰ლ)
What else, what else... HmMMmMmm, the story and characters/pair dynamics this time round is a bit more childish and less ‘tight’ than before. So idk, I didn’t feel as much of *Deh Romantic Feelz* towards Arahagi/Toneri like I did for Hifumi/Utashiro. Although I still enjoyed it because I am immature.
The doppelganger bit was pretty kewl though. Although the battle scene kind of got resolved in a very #WTF kind of way and left me wanting more. Also the overprotective older brother story would’ve benefited from a better explanation/backstory of why he did what he did, no? Overall just kind of #わけわかんない, and not a very tight story, like I said.
The otome game theme was kind of relevant and interesting, esp the senpai character in the game who kept emphasising the use of this kind of romance fantasies as a form of escapism. ...Which got a bit philosophical/personal in a way, although I’m not sure if Toneri was the best person to expound on this because he’s so... erm... simple-minded XD.
Nonetheless, the overall message was clear: that it’s always better to face things head-on, and you have limitless potential as a human being. +++
But *then again* this series isn’t meant to be analysed very deeply. It’s more just for ya’ll to enjoy the cute huggable chibi things and the powerful demons protecting the fuck out of you. Yeah? Yeahh.
Although!! From the cast commentaries it seems like the seiyuu themselves can’t/won’t actually protect you from anything in the event of an actual urban legend/haunting. It’s funny how they voice all these powerful/scary demon and spirit characters, but when they see an actual horror programme or whatever on TV they quickly look away and change the channel!! (-_-|||) SENSEI I AM DISAPPOINT. 
The only exception so far is Sakurai Takahiro, who spouted off a bunch of kaidan-banashi from his old high school enthusiastically when asked. Like, everyone else is a wimp and he is the One True Hero. He even has ‘he[/i]ro’ in his name!!
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shou7 · 6 years
A 3.7k Word Essay About the Failures of Future Pop and the Present State of Perfume
Just something I needed to get off my chest. It took me almost a week to get this done, but here it is.
When discussing a work of art, not only does it need to be evaluated as a product in and of itself, but also as part of a larger context. In the case of Perfume, this context includes but is not limited to: their own team’s intentions, the expectations their team has set for their fans and the general public, and the sonic landscape of the rest of the music industry. How critically and commercially successful an album is depends on how these aspects interact and come together. So before I can discuss why Future Pop has failed, it’s important to set the context into which it was released, starting with the purpose of every album in their discography.
GAME was Perfume’s real introduction to the general public after finally getting a breakthrough hit with Polyrhythm. That’s why it had catchy melodies and unique but still easily digestible production. Triangle’s role was to further GAME’s legacy, pushing GAME’s sound to be as mainstream as possible while still retaining Perfume’s signature production in order to attain even more commercial success. The era’s singles did just that, but the album itself went in the complete opposite direction. Triangle was Nakata self-indulging in 80’s pop and maxing out the auto-tune to the point of concealing the natural charms of the trio, and this alienated a lot of the general public. Thus JPN’s purpose was to gain back the general public’s favor, culminating in their most commercial and mainstream album to date. While this did recapture the general public’s interest, there were long-time fans that were put off by how mainstream Perfume’s sound had become. This brings us to LEVEL3, which served to rebrand them as a global electronic act, once again making Perfume distinct from the mainstream. The album still retained the catchy melodies of JPN, but featured more experimental instrumentation under the guise of EDM for better marketability to a global audience. With the success of LEVEL3 on overseas iTunes, as well as their sold-out overseas concerts, Perfume’s team starts pushing to increase the size of their Western fanbase. And so enters COSMIC EXPLORER, their first era and album featuring explicitly foreign sounds. But perhaps in an attempt not to scare off Western audiences with Japanese lyrics, the album featured more lengthy instrumentals than ever, reducing the amount of actual singing by the trio, and alienating plenty of the fanbase and general public.
And so we finally arrive in the Future Pop era. The COSMIC EXPLORER Tour was over and Perfume needed a new goal to replace Madison Square Garden after struggling to sell-out their North American leg. With Mikiko and Daito being involved in the 2016 Olympics closing ceremony, the answer was clear as day – the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Thus began a renewed focus on Japan rather than the West, an intent reflected clearly in TOKYO GIRL. The production was as inoffensive and simple as possible to please the general public, and it worked. TOKYO GIRL became only their third track to sell 100k digitally (after Spring of Life and FLASH). So having re-established themselves as mainstream artistes after the slight backlash from COSMIC EXPLORER, they began campaigning in earnest to perform at the Olympics. And this is where If you wanna and Mugen Mirai come in, heavy in new future bass influences. Future bass, thus, in this context was less about attracting more Western audiences, but more an effort to have Perfume embody the concept of “future” in the eyes of the general public, and to make them top picks for representing Japan in the Olympics. And this was what Future Pop was being set up to do as well, via the album’s photoshoot and comments from Perfume themselves, such as during the album announcement when A~chan said Nakata was creating a “new era in music”. So with Future Pop’s placement and purpose in Perfume’s discography now laid out, we can start discussing whether it achieved what it was supposed to do. Was it a “new era in music”?
In short: no, not at all. And I think that much of its issues as an album is best encapsulated in how a “dusty floppy disc” is referred to as an “ultra future loop” in Chourairin. Rather than “pop of the future”, it is “pop that makes you think of the future”, a theme highlighted by the contrast between the old and current sounds being fused on this album, as well as its lyrics. Just like how every album has been shaped by the criticisms of its predecessor, Future Pop is no different. The older Perfume sounds and relatively increased vocal sections in the album tracks strongly indicates that its main concern was regaining the older fans that were put-off by COSMIC EXPLORER. Unfortunately, all of the older sounds were added superficially, with nothing having been done to make them fit into the current soundscape of the industry. This is especially so for Tenkuu, which sounds like Nakata had the trio re-record a long lost Complete Best era B-side (think Foundation and wonder2). It’s telling Nakata doesn’t seem to understand that it’s never been the instrumentation itself, but the innovative spark behind the production that attracted listeners to Perfume. Though the production may have been innovative a decade ago, simply rehashing it now without any deconstruction in its use is regressive. Another big issue that this album has, especially to long-time fans, is Nakata’s complete disregard for Perfume’s public image and the narrative they’ve been pushing for the past year about maturing and turning 30. Forcing them to sing cutesy idol-like songs like Tiny Baby this late into their career with their voices pitched up to oblivion so as to sound like teenagers is the most jarring thing for fans that have matured together with the trio. So no, this album doesn’t achieve what it was supposed to do, nor what it actually set out to do.
However, more pressing is that a deconstructive take on “Future Pop” was absolutely not an album that Perfume should have released, not at this point in their careers when they are trying to be recognized as a guiding light for the future of the Japanese music industry. And especially not right after COSMIC EXPLORER played the space theme straight, truly committing to what it had promised, because people expected the same straightforward approach with Future Pop, and they were in fact (mis)led to believe so. In other words, no one expected what was to come, and so no one really wanted it from them. But at this point, I think it’s worthy to note that Perfume have never actually given their fanbase what they wanted. GAME fans never got another Secret Secret, Triangle fans never got another Edge, JPN fans never got another Fushizen na Girl, LEVEL3 fans never got another 1mm, and COSMIC EXPLORER fans didn’t get another Miracle Worker. Perfume’s sound has always been jumping from one genre to another, decided solely by the whims of Nakata, and so it is inevitable that there will always be people that are alienated with each change. The only reason Perfume has managed to remain so popular after a decade in the industry is because they’ve consistently put out quality work regardless of genre, drawing in more new listeners whenever one becomes disinterested. So if we put aside the album’s (mis)direction, does Future Pop stand on its own as a quality album?
Once again, my answer is no. Future Pop clocks in at 42m 3s, their shortest album to date by far, and yet not every second is worth listening to. Start-Up doesn’t really lead into Future Pop, nor does it really set up any atmosphere, and even if it did, Future Pop sets up its own atmosphere well enough, so that’s close to a minute wasted. Future Pop’s 15s outro also has the same issue. All this time wasted could have gone to fixing Chourairin’s abrupt and generic ending. Which brings us to the next problem, the fact that many of the songs on this album have very similar structures. Future Pop, If you wanna, TOKYO GIRL, Let Me Know, Chourairin, Mugen Mirai, and Everyday. That’s more than half the album that are pretty much their first halves repeated once more, with very little progression instrumentally, if any at all. And while the two halves structure isn’t immediately a bad thing, it does mean that there are only two hook sections, making it difficult for the already short songs to leave an impression on listeners. Further aggravating the issue is the lack of an infectiously catchy sing along chorus that has become synonymous with Perfume’s music over the years. TOKYO GIRL barely counts, and even then, its chorus is only sung twice which makes it harder to catch on. It also doesn’t help that this album is lyrically weak. A lot of the lyrics are saying the same thing, and it all bleeds together. Future Pop, TOKYO GIRL, Mugen Mirai, and Tenkuu are literally all about reaching for somewhere else in time, with imageries of light. It’s true that a lot of COSMIC EXPLORER’s tracks were about travelling, but it had a wider variety of tracks, so the monotony issue wasn’t as serious as it is here. And then we have Tiny Baby and Chourairin, which are largely just a bunch of random words thrown together. There is some semblance of coherent meaning in the lyrics of these two songs, but it’s all hidden beneath layers and layers of clutter. So even if listeners pause the music to take a deeper look at what they’re saying, there’s not much to make out. With all of these issues put together, Future Pop as a whole makes for an objectively forgettable listen – everything simply passes by before you know it. So no, it’s not a quality album. But hey, every act will have a weak album every now and then, right? As long as their hearts are in the right place, things will get better! Can’t we all just move past this and keep on supporting Perfume like we always have? So it finally comes down to a question of whether Perfume’s team still cares.
The quality of Nakata’s music has been a concern for quite some time, but Future Pop is the first album where it’s so explicitly clear that he doesn’t give a damn about who Perfume are or what they’re trying to achieve. Even if we set aside the questionable production decisions, there’s just no overlooking the laziness of including every single track of the era on the album. Worse still are their stylists who have only grown more and more brazen ever since 2011. It started with recycling lazy single-color cookie cutter outfits for live performances, which while not ideal, was acceptable. Now they’re just throwing a random bunch of random fabric together and calling it “avant-garde” (because Perfume are all about being cutting-edge right?), no thought at all about whether the colors and materials mesh well, or whether the silhouette of the outfits flatter their bodies. The covers of their singles and their albums always seemed to escape those patchwork outfits, as if they understood covers were sacred ground that should not be messed with, but with Future Pop, even that distinction has disappeared. And then we have Perfume’s creative directors, who, ever since STAR TRAIN, seem to have been selecting covers and promotional images from photo shoots by throwing darts while blindfolded. Not only is there no thought behind which photos work better as posters, artiste profiles, or covers, they don’t even make sure that the photos they’re putting out are flattering for all three members. But at the very least, even if the photos chosen were less than satisfactory, the visual concepts have always been up to a certain standard. Future Pop is nowhere close to that standard. It was already a bad decision in itself to play the “future pop” concept straight instead of following Nakata’s deconstructive take, because that led to album covers and promotional material that don’t reflect the atmosphere or sound of the album at all, which is basically false advertising. But then they also had to use cheap twine straw to represent beams of light for an album called “Future Pop” when Rhizomatiks already has tons and tons of lasers ready for use in their warehouse. Another big issue with the creative direction of this album is its limited edition. Not only is the cover atrocious, the packaging does nothing to salvage it. It’s simply the same packaging Mirai no Museum had, but with a slipcase and no comic. And then there’s also the fact that the booklet for the limited and regular editions are exactly the same. There’s just no excuse for how lazy and basic the packaging is when its title is “Future Pop”, it’s their most expensive album to date, and especially not when the team has been so much more innovative with the past three albums. The direction the creative team took with the promotion of the album is also highly problematic. It was a very questionable decision to promote COSMIC EXPLORER with the version of a track that doesn’t appear on the album proper, but at least the visuals for FLASH didn’t clash so badly with the album’s. And there was justification in that choice, because FLASH was their biggest hit since Polyrhythm, so they were forced to use it in the promotional campaign for COSMIC EXPLORER. There’s none of that justification here for having Let Me Know’s visuals go in the exact opposite direction from that of Future Pop. The wistful Let Me Know had to be chosen as the promotional lead because it was the most mainstream of the album tracks, but that’s no reason to go full nostalgia and plaid for its aesthetics without even trying to incorporate any futuristic aspects into it.
So it’s pretty clear that not one person on Perfume’s entire team bothered to actually think through what’s being done with the album, and it’s really easy as fans of the trio to simply keep on blaming their team for the shoddy work. But I think it’s time we hold the ones at the center of everything culpable, because ultimately, the ones giving the final go-ahead and enabling all of this nonsense are Perfume themselves. Since the very beginning, the trio have been perpetuating this notion that they have no control over their music or image, and that they’re just promoting what all of these talented people are giving to them. Though that may have been the truth at the beginning of their careers when they were nobodies, things have changed since then. There are tons of creators that want to collaborate with them – they have leverage now. They’re the ones that are choosing what they put on, and what they put out, and this applies to their music too. The fact that three of them were the ones who got Nakata to add the Japanese lyrics into Spending all my time shows that their opinions do matter to him. So if they had wanted to, they certainly could’ve sent Nakata a memo to tell him that the vocal tuning on the album needs to be pitched down because they’re turning 30 and it doesn’t suit the whole mature image that they’re going for. If they had wanted to, they could’ve fired their stylists the moment they were presented with those awful rags to wear on stage. And yet they didn’t – because there’s never been a need to. They’ve never been faced with any direct repercussions. Perhaps because of the many years of quality output, Japanese fans tend to ignore any flaws altogether, blindly purchasing and consuming new releases, simply believing that things will get better. The Japanese public and any unconvinced fans don’t say anything either, because being negative would be considered rude, so they just turn the other way, silently losing interest in Perfume. So even when Perfume themselves aren’t convinced with what they’re putting out, like how A~chan was with Triangle, their products continue to sell decently. Even when they appear on stage in garbage, the crowd continues to cheer. In this sort of bubble environment without any form of criticism, it’s no wonder that the three of them would grow complacent. After all, no matter if they like their products or not, and no matter if the products are of high quality or not, even as sales continue to quietly drop, the response remains the same. “Nakata is a god!” “Perfume are goddesses!” All they have to do is put on a smile and promote whatever their team gives them to sell. But even then, none of this is an excuse to have completely given up ownership of their own brand like they have. As such, if there’s anyone that’s really to blame for the current state of affairs, it’s Perfume themselves for leaving their car on autopilot even as it continues speeding towards a cliff.
With that, for one last time, my answer is no. Future Pop was not a one-off bad decision. It’s every problem that’s been plaguing Perfume these past few years finally coming to a head in one gigantic mess, and not one person in Team Perfume, not even Perfume themselves, still care enough to clean this mess up. And so we’ve ended up in the final stages of Perfume’s career. In the latest Ongaku to Hito interviews for Future Pop, the trio mention that they don’t think about how much time they have left as Perfume anymore, and that they’ll carry on as long as people want them to. Some fans may read that as a show of confidence – reassurance that Perfume still has years and years left to go. But put in the context of reality, that statement paints an entirely different picture – them turning a blind eye to the situation, opting instead to just enjoy whatever time they have left as a trio. First week sales for Future Pop are going to be over 35% less than COSMIC EXPLORER’s, and sales for their releases are only going to continue to fall from here. What this means is that if poor sales of Mugen Mirai hadn’t already, Future Pop will have thrown all talk of performing for the Olympics out the window, because there’s just no way a group that’s not even relevant enough to sell 100k copies of their album in its first week is going to represent Japan in a prestigious global event. So with the Olympics now a non-factor, how many people exactly will it take for them to continue as Perfume? That’s all up to Universal and Amuse to decide, and looking at what they’ve been doing with Perfume, the end is not that far off. The marketing for Future Pop was utterly atrocious. COSMIC EXPLORER had liner notes from celebrities and an entire montage commissioned, but all Future Pop has had are cheaply-made Instagram stories and posts. This suggests that they’ve already given up on sales from the general public, and are mainly focused on getting pre-existing fans to buy the album. Why? Because they don’t even expect the general public to be interested, not after Mugen Mirai failed to even sell anywhere close to half of what FLASH did despite having had the same exposure from the Chihayafuru movie franchise. All of the ugly outfits and questionable music directions have finally alienated too much of the general public, and no amount of technological showcases is going to win back their interest or convert anyone new into fans. The social currency of the Perfume brand is at an all-time low and it’s reflected in how magazines like ROCKIN’ON JAPAN didn’t give them the cover to promote Future Pop despite always having done so when there was a big feature about them. The end of any halfway popular thing falling into obscurity is always marked with the corporations behind it shamelessly milking hardcore fans out of as much money as they can, and that’s what’s happening to Perfume right now. Instead of having a CD-only edition of Future Pop, Universal is forcing a DVD/BD filled mostly with already online material into every copy in order to inflate prices and exploit the remaining hardcore Perfume fans. Meanwhile, Amuse is having Perfume sell insanely overpriced clothing through Perfume Closet. 60 USD for a plain black cap with Perfume’s watermark on the front, 100 USD for a plain T-shirt with a little lace in its breast pocket, 180 USD for a plain black pair of slacks – it all screams exploitation of fans. Universal and Amuse are getting maximum returns for investing as little as possible, and with this business model turning in a decent profit for them, things are only going to get worse as they try to squeeze out more and more money from less and less fans.
The Perfume fan experience since 2014 has been like watching a close relative slowly but surely losing themselves to Alzheimer’s. It’s not a steady downwards spiral. In fact, even as the symptoms grow more serious, there always seem to be better days where you can see a spark of who once was. But every time you think they’ll get better, or perhaps even recover entirely, it’s always a turn for the worse. The cycle repeats until one day, you find them in hospital, bedridden and on life support because they’ve forgotten how to eat or breathe. This is where we’re at with Perfume now. They’re not dead yet, but they’re pretty damn close, and all that’s left is for Universal and Amuse to collectively pull the plug when they aren’t turning in enough of a profit from Perfume. It’s painful to keep watch by their bedside until they finally die, denied even one last gasp for air, but the worst pain of all is continuing to pray for a miracle that I know will never come. And so I’ve finally decided to turn in my stan card. I won’t be translating anymore supplementary materials, I won’t force myself to translate lyrics to Perfume songs that I don’t like, and I’ll stop checking every other day for updates - I’ll just go back to being a normal, casual fan.
I will always, always, love Perfume, but these three thirty year-old women singing in cutesy girl voices, dancing in tacky cut-and-paste dresses, and smiling as if all is right with the world even as everything around them continues to fall apart? I don’t know them.
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austerre-moved · 7 years
It was usually her, she thought, asleep in bed when Seto came home from a midnight trip to the office, and HIM who had slipped away in the middle of the night when she would not notice his absence. Today, though, it was her turn to stand in the doorway of their room, silently drinking in the sight of him reclined against their pillows. Even in sleep, he sometimes looked to be frowning – now was one of those moments, and it only strengthened her belief in her choices.
As quietly as she could, Natalie slipped into the room, setting the stack of reports that she held atop the bedside table. In them, he would find confirmation of the completion of several projects – the reason she had left, last night, like a thief in the dark. She’d been working on speeding up their progress all week, behind his back. It hadn’t been an easy task, as he was so stubbornly determined to do everything himself, but she had the benefit of organizing his schedule, to keep him away from anyone who would spoil the surprise. With any luck, he hadn’t noticed what she had been doing, and the work that had been completed would be enough to soothe him into staying home. She knew that he didn’t like to; he was always so concerned about the work that needed to be finished while he was away, it distracted him from the goal of actually relaxing. This, though, would leave him hard pressed to find a justification for going into the office – and it wasn’t as if Mokuba hadn’t taken over for him before, while he was away on business. Natalie had worked tirelessly to ensure that Mokuba’s day ran smoothly without them, and the younger Kaiba was more than happy to take care of things during the day. He would be meeting them for dinner, of course, but until then, Seto would be relaxing. ( Whether he wanted to, or not. )
A day off was not the only gift she had for him, though. Beyond the meal she planned to cook for him and Mokuba both that evening, she aimed to try to work the tension out of Seto’s shoulders. She would have arranged for a professional to come, but thought perhaps it would be nicer for them to not have to swear them to secrecy, as they did all outsiders who entered their home. She didn’t want him to have to deal with the world, or their prying eyes, or keeping their secret. She just wanted to help him to RELAX.
She wanted to fill their tub with water and bubbles and slip in beside him, soaking away his stress and eating strawberries like they were in some vomit inducing chick-flick. She wanted to show him the post on twitter that requested the fan gifts that he had no use or desire for to be sent to the various orphanages, in lieu of gifting anything to him. She wanted to walk the property and hold his hand and listen to him talk about anything at all – his dragons, his brother, his precious few favored memories…
She wanted to give him a day where HE was all that mattered. Not the company. Not winning. Not his reputation or taking care of his brother or even having to give HER attention. Just… him. She suspected he hadn’t had a day like that in quite some time.
There were, of course, physical gifts. He would find the first in his office the next day, where she’d installed some of the hologram projectors from the latest duel disc. He would have company there, now, in the form of three tiny blue eyes – programmed like cats, they were sure to at least momentarily entertain him as he worked. The second, she was still tentative to actually give. It was cupped within her palms, a tiny box that protected precious cargo. The ring inside was not meant to tie – she didn’t have the courage to propose to him, not even close. She did, however, want to give him something to wear, perhaps as… as a promise, of sorts. A reminder. Something that he could see on his hand and remember that, no matter the harsh words that were printed in response to his own harsh personality, no matter the way he felt about himself or thought that he deserved… She loved him. And nothing was going to change that.
It was a simple design, admittedly. A twist of silver that resembled his dragon’s crest, with a ribbon of blue across it’s face. The notable detail, though, was the engraving that lay within the band, hidden where none could see. She had struggled with what to write, wondering if she should leave anything at all. Her name seemed possessive, and their initials seemed corny. ‘Always’ was overdone, and their anniversary did not fall on his birth date. For days, she struggled to decide, but in the end realized that if it was meant to show he was beloved… then that was exactly what she would have written.
The looping script of her own writing seemed dainty upon the sturdy band, but still yet bold and clear. Beloved, simple, and sweet – and true, no matter what fights they got in, or what his insecurities said. She was worried he wouldn’t wear it, admittedly, but… there was naught to do but to give it to him and find out. First, though, he needed to wake up.
Their usual alarm was set to go off shortly, so she didn’t feel bad for sitting down on his side of the bed, running her fingers gently through his hair to wake him. She was glad to see his frown disappear at her touch, and hoped he hadn’t noticed she was gone. As his bright eyes fluttered open, she smiled down at him, pressing a soft kiss upon his lips.
“Good morning, birthday boy… Don’t get up. Your schedule is mysteriously empty, today. I heard the VP was going to run meetings this morning, since all this work got done last night.” She nodded toward the stack of folders, and smiled once again. “I… have a gift for you, though. Even if you’re going to refuse to spend the day with me.”
With great care she lifted the box, pressing it into his hands as she realized she didn’t quite know how to explain it to him. Cheeks flushed faintly pink, she pulled her hands away from his, brushing hair behind her ear with a shrug.
“Happy birthday, my love. I… don’t know if it’s your style, but… I wanted to give you something to wear that would match most of your clothes. As… a promise, I guess. Of… how I feel.”
Tentative, she reached forward and clicked the lid open, her hand lingering upon his as the ring was revealed.
“I know you sometimes wonder why… but I love you, Seto. And whenever you think I might stop, or change my mind… you can have this, to remind you that I won’t. It’s not an ENGAGEMENT ring, a-and you don’t have to wear it if you don’t like it! But… I hope you will. And I hope that you’ll spend the day with me, because I left literally nothing for you to do at the office today and Mokuba is already going there after breakfast, and I’m trying REALLY hard to guilt you into it. Is it working..?”
                      majority of the world looked forward to a birthday, whether their own, or another’s. it was meant to be a day of joy and celebration, commemorating having survived another year, and in some cases, marking the beginning of something new. to anyone else, it may have been special— but seto kaiba was known to be out of the ordinary, for reasons outside of his sometimes bizarre fashion choices.                      his birthday was nothing special to him. he viewed it as a day no different from the other 364 of the year, besides the day he would begin filling out applications with a number one digit higher than the previous year, next to the designated ‘ age ‘ bracket. if anything, it soured his mood even more than usual, given it resulted in the grim remembrance of how he’d spent this day as a child. whereas others were given birthday parties, friends and family members invited to the monumental event to shower the birthday child in gifts and sugary confections, he had spent his, parentless and friendless, in an orphanage too full and hectic to care for individual days of birth.                 ——– and when gozaburo had slithered his way into the picture, loneliness turned into crippling resent. he came to hate his day of birth, deeming it a burden more than a blessing, as gozaburo was known to be increasingly abusive on that particular day, as a way of reminding the still young birthday boy that the world was a cruel place, and birthdays, just like every other day of the year, were meant for work. gifts came in the form of academic tasks - and ‘ birthday lashings ‘ were certainly a tradition, but not in the conventional sense.                                    he spent more time on those days crying behind a house plant, ignoring the concerned voice of an even younger mokuba as he called out for his troubled brother, than he did celebrating what should have been a momentous occasion.
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                                  so, when natalie roused him awake a few moments early that morning, he thought nothing of it. truth be told, he hadn’t even remembered what day it was until she softly told him ‘ happy birthday, ‘ and even then, he stared at her bleakly, dread overtaking him alongside a fierce disinterest for whatever she had planned. ‘twas not that he was ungrateful for the things she did for him on occasions like this, just as he never turned mokuba away, despite the youth knowing his brother was hardly the type to celebrate, or accept gifts, but… he just couldn’t bring himself to slip on a mask, simply to hide how he truly felt for a day cloaked in misfortune, or to bother attempting to wash away the bitter taste that still remained on his tongue, despite being in his twenties, now, instead of his early teens.                      “ empty? “ there were a slew of questions he was tempted to throw her way, but he hadn’t a clue where to even begin. how— WHEN, w h e r e… ? ? ? she had been by his side the entirety of the week, as per usual, and while mokuba was more than acquainted with the tasks his older brother oft fulfilled, there was no way the small child had successfully completed them within the span of one week.                     not without his obsessively observant brother realizing the work was getting done under his nose, at least.                          already, he was shifting to rise from the bed, but the pressing of her palm against the chiseled exterior of his chest barred him from successfully doing so. a glance is shot towards the stack of folders she briefly gestures to, and for a moment, he can do naught else but stare at the thick collection in utterly raw bewilderment.                                  all of this, simply so he can enjoy a work-free birthday. what type of crazed fools was he RELATED to ? ? ?                     god cards above, and then there were gifts— because of course. mokuba likely had his own collection to all but force upon the ceo at a later time, but first, he had to get through natalie’s. he would stomach it, solely because she was one of two people he absolutely hated upsetting, if he could help it, and as he took the box from her, crinkling his brow in silent confusion, he cast his gaze towards her awaiting expression, hoping she would reveal the contents of the box to him, or provide some explanation as to what, exactly, she had dared spend money on.                   “ you know i hate gifts, nat… there was no reason for you to… “                             ——– and yet, his statement drops off, lost to a sudden case of speechlessness as he gazes at the glimmering ring. in one measly second, she has managed to take his breath away - funny, because stereotypically, was it not the male who was supposed to warrant such a reaction from the female? there he sat, though, staring at this heartfelt gift, with not a single word to say in response to it. try as he may, the words just wouldn’t come to him, the thrumming in his ears amplifying in volume the longer he scans over the individual detailing.                   no, this wasn’t his style… hadn’t been, more specifically, but… it was, now.
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                                     “ … as if this wasn’t bad enough, you had to go and say something like that… “ hopefully, she doesn’t take his statement the wrong way, for the tugging of his otherwise straight-lined lips into the most genuine of grins should be a dead giveaway that he speaks of her gesture fondly. he carefully removes the ring, turning it over between his thumb and index to examine its features in closer detail— and the more he gazes at it, the wider he smiles, seemingly forgetting it’s his birthday altogether. “ this is your handwriting, isn’t it… ? “ he’d always loved the way she wrote things, not that he ever told her. expensive as this had to have been ( and oh, how he hated EXPENSIVE gifts the MOST ), she had still managed to put a bit of herself into the small, circular jewelry, and of course, a lot of him. his favorite colors, his sense of style— it was all there, captured in this small piece of jewelry.                          again, it spoke of how well she knew him, and how much effort she put into pleasing him, when so many others would have given up on him by now.                              the box is placed atop the nearest nightstand, the ring slipped upon his finger and adjusted properly. it fit perfectly, as he expected, and for a moment, he couldn’t help but to trail his opposite finger over it— admiring it, still, even several minutes after the reveal. “ it’s funny… “ he began, looking at her now, that smile still dedicated in its effort to remain plastered on his face, “ … i usually hate things like this. i usually hate everything, everyONE, but you… i wholeheartedly believe, nat, that just like this ring, you were made for me. “ there’s a faint huff of laughter, then, as he leans over to press a kiss to her cheek, then a second, then a third, before he shifts slightly to capture her lips in a kiss far longer in duration. “ i love you… “ he utters breathlessly, pulling away almost hesitantly in order to rise. “ can you stay here a moment? i promise, i’ll come back. “                         she hasn’t a choice— he slips from her side anyway, making sure he looks somewhat put together before journeying through the doors of his joined office. no doubt, she can hear the way he fumbles with the drawers of his desk, unlocking the bottom most one with a key only he possesses. nay, he has no reason to tug open this particular drawer majority of the time, the things he deems valuable locked away elsewhere, but this was… different from his dueling cards, and the documents that basically made his way of living a possibility. this, he had tucked away for some untold amount of time, well hidden and well preserved.                            call it cheesy and cliche, but he was quite tired of detesting his own day of birth, struggling to let go of things in the past and putting forth no effort to change things to make them better for the future.                   now, he figured, was a good a time as any to conquer this annual, depressing tradition.               “ don’t laugh. just… listen to me for a few minutes. “                           he urges her to the edge of the bed, his form towering over her as he remains standing— not to seem imposing or threatening, but his reasoning will be revealed in due time.                              “ i don’t think i ever told you of my adoptive father… at least, not in intricate detail. he is a large part of the reason i despite my birthday, and why i always try to make mokuba’s birthday a memorable day, if only to cancel out the negative from our childhoods. for years, i convinced myself i would never come to love someone, and in turn, that they would never come to love me. i made myself so purposefully undesirable, because i was afraid to get close to someone else - i’ve been hurt so many times in my life, nat… it was easier to be an asshole than it was to be friendly, yet somehow… somehow, you broke through all my defenses, and achieved the impossible. “ dare he laugh, as he remembers their rocky beginnings? the roller coaster that had been their relationship, and sometimes, still was? of their arguments, of takeshi, or their petty, spiteful, vengeful matches against each other…                        indeed, he dared laugh, because while they had been sour moments at the time, it spoke volumes of how far they had come, and how much she had put up with, in regards to him, and how much she was willing to continue to put up with.                           “ you… are my gift, every morning i wake up. i never know if you realize the way i smile at you from afar, or how you distract me with your sheer beauty without even having to try. i have nightmares of you leaving… of me LOSING you, somehow. i have nervous breakdowns, in private, when my mind gets the best of me, and i start thinking of all the ways i could possibly screw up something so damn good, and how CLOSE i’ve gotten to doing so on so many occasions… but you always seem to prove to me, in the biggest ways, that you’re here to stay. that my nightmares and panic attacks really are just products of my chaotic mind… the very one only you can put at ease. “                     he’s nervous, and he hopes she can’t tell— by the gods, though, it’s practically written all over his face, in the way he can’t bring himself to look at her, and the anxious tugging of his lips between his teeth. even now, as he slowly lowers himself to one knee, tugging out a velvet wrapped box from behind his back, he wouldn’t be surprised if she could hear the way his heart HAMMERED beneath his chest, threatening to burst through at any given second. there is no going back, now, as he tugs the box open with the same hand that wears the ring she has given him, to reveal a ring of his own. thick, and practically drowning in platinum diamonds, a large one at the center, with miniature ones rounding the ring itself.                            “ i still don’t know what you see in me, natalie arrington, and i still think you deserve so much better than whatever i have to offer you— but i don’t want you to find better. i realize that now… i realized that forever ago, honestly, but i was too afraid to let my emotions get the better of me. i was afraid of feeling weak, and vulnerable, and ridiculous, but… if that’s what happiness is… if that’s what LOVE is, then i am perfectly fine feeling weak, and vulnerable, and ridiculous, if it means i get to be with you. so i ask you this, on my birthday… on a day that, despite me hating gifts, i am once again reminded of what a beautiful, pure, marvelous gift you are, to me… i ask you, princess… will you marry me? “
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daleisgreat · 7 years
Dale’s Top 11 Videogame Experiences of 2016
Greetings! It has been awhile since I did one of these top 10 of the year lists. It felt right to place my list on my long dormant Giant Bomb blog where a few of my past lists reside and because I always enjoy the wealthy amount of game of the year content from the Giant Bomb crew each year. This is not a ‘Top 10 games of 2016,’ but more of a ‘Top 10 Experiences’ of 2016.
As you will see, a lot of my games listed will be from prior years. Also you will definitely notice I cheated on most of my entries and included multiple games on most entries. I tried to make each number on my list a theme for each experience, so I hope that suffices for you. If you take a liking my ramblings, please check out my movie blog where I recently ran down my favorite and worst movies from the past few years. I may post this on my movie blog as well since I have a ‘Top 10’ label there too, so if you are reading this blog there, greetings again! *Edit* I saw after I finished editing this I screwed up my numbering and actually had 11 items, not 10, but it is too late now to remove an item after working on this for so long, so onward with my top 11 experiences of 2016! 11) Finally acquiring current gen consoles Yes, that is right, three years they debuted I finally picked up both PS4 and Xbox One. My gaming backlog grew out of control because I do not have nearly enough time to game as I use to so I wanted a few years to get caught before I got the current systems. I first jumped on the Xbox One shortly after they released the S model in September and caught a good sale on the 2 TB version that knocked off $100. It took me six weeks though to get around to hooking it up and playing it however, but I have gamed a fair amount on it since.
The PS4 I got a couple months later on Black Friday weekend when retailers were having big sales on the Uncharted 4 500gb bundle, and I was able to stack a couple other discounts to get it for $190. An awesome friend gifted me a 2 TB hard drive for Christmas shortly thereafter. I have since hooked it up and got all my cross buy games from PS3 and Vita transferred over, but have yet to find any time to play a single game on it because of all the other games I am trying to catch up on. I think one of these weekends I should do nothing but binge on Uncharted 4 because it is one of my favorite franchises and it is a crime that I have yet to play the latest installment. I also want to squeeze in here two other platforms that kind of meet the criteria of this subject: the Retron 5 and the NES Classic. The games I have tested out on the Retron 5 have worked great on my HDTV, and results in my classic games running flawlessly in HD, with none of the fuzziness that would result from hooking up my classic systems with RCA/composite cables into an HDTV. Like everyone else, I hate the Retron 5 controller, but am thankful the Retron 5 is compatible and works well with my classic controllers. The NES Classic I lucked into getting one morning right when a retailer opened and I was not even looking for it, but happened to hear the store had them. I brought it over to play with the family after Thanksgiving dinner and it was a big hit that night. My brother-in-law kicked my ass in Tecmo Bowl that evening. Later on I let my six year-old niece, and eight year-old nephew play the system for a bit and took in their reactions to experiencing classics like Bubble Bobble and Super Mario Bros. 3 for the first time. I have since busted out the NES Classic a couple more times with my nephew and we made a lot of progress in Bubble Bobble since, and have also had good times playing the original Super Mario Bros. and Donkey Kong with him. My nephew loves Minecraft and other tablet games, and I feared him playing these older games I grew up with would not jive with him, and I was delighted he took a liking to many of them. 10) Arcade Racers! I love me some arcade racing games! Racing and pinball games are the perfect way to start off a gaming session. I like to invest about 30-45 minutes and knock off a few races from a career mode before moving on to whatever game I am working on in my backlog. Going through my gaming journal I realized I have invested significant time into five racing games in 2016, and have completed the career modes in three of them. I first finished off Blaze Rush, an excellent downloadable racing game that is essentially the old school Micro Machines games, but with crazy weapons. The career mode is filled with a ton of variety, and while I had a few hair pulling moments trying to win certain races, I very much enjoyed my time with it.
Toybox Turbo is from Codemasters, the same people who made the aforementioned Micro Machines games and this is a contemporary follow up to them from a couple years ago. You still race in crazy environments like kitchen tables and workbenches, and the racing is still as quick and fun as the 8-bit classics. The third career mode I finished in 2016 went to Dirt Showdown, also from Codemasters. This is an arcade spinoff from the sim-heavy Dirt rally racing games, and Showdown is more of demo-derby racer in similar fashion to Destruction Derby and Flatout. I love that style of racers, and they do not make enough of them! Dirt Showdown is a welcomed addition to the genre, and I had a blast doing both races and last man standing demolition derbies! It is pretty fun, but not quite perfect, but establishes a good foundation I hope Codemasters builds on with future sequels. Road Redemption is the contemporary take on Road Rash I have wanted EA to make for many years. These guys are getting it right, but it is still in Early Access on Steam so the developers are constantly building upon it. It controls how I would imagine a Road Rash game would evolve into today, and they thankfully took out having to run out back to your cycle so you can get back into the race quicker. I had some friends over for four player couch play, and we had a blast and it convinced them to get it too. If you have played old school Road Rash give it a look! Mantis Burn Racing is another Steam game I put a decent amount of time into that offers up a similar isometric perspective and has a good arcade/sim hybrid feel to it complete with drifts and turbos. It recently hit consoles so give it a look there too. Finally, I have lately been making a lot of progress into Sonic All-Stars Racing Transformed. Sega really stepped up their game with their second kart-style racer a few years back. I really dig how the karts morph into planes and hovercrafts during the race and how some tracks transform during the race to keep me on my feet. The roster features a ton of Sega favorites and the racing feels great and is right up there with Mario Kart! 9) Pinball!
Anyone who knows my gaming habits knows I am a pinball nut. Ever since Pinball FX on 360 I have spend countless hours on various pinball games. As I stated in the previous entry this is another one of my go to games to start off gaming sessions with. In 2016 I played a lot of Pinball Arcade, Zen Pinball 2 and a little known indie game on Steam called Hyperspace Pinball. I love nearly the entire Zen 2 roster of tables and spent a good chunk of the year trying to replay each table on my PS3 at least a couple of times. I am all caught up now with the exception of the recently released Bethesda pack that offers up tables based on their Doom, Skyrim and Fallout properties. Alternatively, the real life translations in Pinball Arcade are also up my alley, and I always find myself coming back to tables in attempts to best previous high scores and knock off all the preset goals for each table. I recently busted out the spinoff Stern Pinball Arcade disc on Xbox One, which offers up a couple exclusive tables that are not yet in the standalone Pinball Arcade hub and have been eating that up a lot too. Hyperspace Pinball is an under-the-radar game that got buried in the plethora of indie games on Steam and it is unfortunate that it has gone ignored for this long. It features simple-yet-groovy futuristic graphics and a very fitting soundtrack. The primary mode is like a addicting version of pinball-meets-Asteroids and every several levels there are unique boss battles to vanquish. It took several runs before I got use to the physics of this pinball game, but once I did I was glad I mixed Hyperspace Pinball into my rotation. 8) Road Trip gaming!
This past October I went on a week long road trip to hit up some attractions I have always wanted to see and hang out with some friends who have moved out of town over the years. I visited my friend, Dick in the Twin Cities. We have a history of playing many hours of our favorite wrestling game, WWF No Mercy together and we could not resist busting it out again. We had some intense matches where we teamed up against the computer on expert difficulty, and then a few more grueling one-on-one encounters. Later that day, we checked out an game shop that had an arcade machine with a ton of games built in and one of them was for a Japan-exclusive sequel to Saturday Night Slam Masters I had no idea existed until that point. Slam Masters was Capcom’s take on wrestling meets Street Fighter II, but the sequel, Ring of Destruction, is a straight up fighting game that plays as good as any Capcom fighter back in the day. After that, we traversed to a recently opened arcade in the Cities called Up/Down, which is an arcade bar loaded with arcade and pinball games and has a full service bar. All the hits from 80s and 90s I grew up with were there such as classic brawlers like TMNT, X-Men and Simpsons to the hits Midway dominated the 90s with like NBA Jam, Mortal Kombat I-4 and NFL Blitz. There was even old school Nintendo games like Excitebike, Donkey Kong and a version of Fix-It Felix straight out of Wreck-It Ralph I had no idea was a thing until I saw it with my own eyes. There was also around a dozen pinball tables there, with a good mix of classics like Funhouse, Terminator 2 and Adams Family to more recent Stern releases like Ghostbusters and Metallica. I guess this is a slowly expanding chain, so if you happen to run across one, make sure to check it out as you will be guaranteed hours of fun.
The next destination on my road trip was to visit my brother in a smaller town a couple hours outside of the Twin Cities. I had a great time hanging out with him, and like my friend in the Cities, we also have a history of beating the tar out of each other in WWF No Mercy. After telling my brother about experiencing the awesomeness of taking on expert level AI opponents in tag mode and proceeding to have another close match with the AI where we emerged victorious, we proceeded to take on each other in about 15 one-on-one matches. I consider myself a pretty darn good No Mercy player and can hold my own with any other seasoned player, but for whatever reason my brother has always had my number and is the only one I know that can outplay me (that link is a clip of us squaring off in a tournament final from several years ago for proof!). Of the roughly 15 matches we played, I only had one victory out of them all, and I made sure to savor every moment of it! 7) Awesome Local Coop! This is where I will give a shoutout to my local friends in town, Ryan, Derek and Brooke! Last few years we have had recurring couch multiplayer game nights every several weeks! I always look forward to them, and we are constantly rotating in old favorites like Mario Kart: Double Dash, Mario Party and TimeSplitters: Future Perfect with newer games for a constant fresh variety of multiplayer goodness. I will give props to some of my favorite moments I had with them this year. One awesome early multiplayer night in 2016 involved a NES theme night, and me busting out my four player adaptor which led to many hours of Gauntlet II and Super Off-Road fun.
For a couple weeks we were into slaughtering zombies and we played through a couple levels of Left 4 Dead 2. I forgot how awesome and frustrating that game is as I experienced both soaring highs when our teamwork was flawless and devastating lows when we ran into trouble a couple of times. Either way, it was still a blast re-experiencing Left 4 Dead 2 for the first time in years. That led us to a couple days of long sessions of Dying Light. I loved the first Dead Island and this game is from the same developers and plays just like it, but mixes in an awesome parkour system. That resulted in all kinds of crazy running dropkicks and being on the lookout for next great weapon that would turn up in our endless piles of loot. Just a few weeks ago we had another great session where we played Drawful and Fibbage out of the Jackbox Party Pack. Both are awesome social party/trivia games from the same people who made the also-excellent You Don’t Know Jack. These games make great use of cell phones as controllers so anyone could play, and we had way too much fun guessing at what the heck we were drawing in Drawful. It brought back classic memories of staying up all night in another similar multiplayer game on the DS, LOL!
We followed that game up with a random game I got for Xbox One since I heard so much good buzz about it online called Overcooked. This simple four player Root Beer Tapper-meets-cooking game featured some of the most fun I have ever had in a multiplayer game. When your teamwork is firing on all cylinders it is a blast, when it is not it led to us playfully shouting at each other until one point a few of us had to drop the controllers because we were uncontrollably laughing so hard. It was a moment I will never forget. There was one other multiplayer night between us that usurped these moments, but I will save it for later. 6) Extra Life 2016 Extra Life is the annual 24 hour gaming event where we game for a day straight in order to raise funds for our local children’s hospital! These last two years I traveled down to my friends, Chris and Lyzz’s house to game for 24 hours straight. I always attempt to beat WWF No Mercy’s 100-man Survival mode, and just like all previous attempts, I failed about halfway through. There were two main takeaways from Extra Life 2016. One of them was binging through Gears of War 4’s campaign from start to finish during the 24 hours. I love me some Gears, and Extra Life happened not to long after I picked up my Xbox One, so Gears 4 ended up being one of the first games I played on it. I had to take a break halfway through Gears 4 because I signed up to run a local 10k in the area, which was actually a nice breather to get out of the house and get some exercise and fresh air! I came back revitalized and had a great time playing nonstop until I finished. Chris and Lyzz were playing their own Gears 4 campaign in split-screen coop and we both did our best to look away from each other to avoid spoilers. Turns out you cannot have a split screen system team up online with another player on their own, but we found a way to get through it on our own without spoilers! Gears 4 turned out awesome as expected, and was a return to form after the experimental game in the series that was Gears Judgment.
The other game I played later on in Extra Life I want to make sure to recognize is Mega Man 2 off the Xbox One Mega Man Legacy Collection. I never gave a Mega Man game a serious chance before. I recall trying to play the first one a couple times long ago and getting frustrated many times and not beating a single stage. In the Legacy Collection however, it has save states which I made sure to exploit to the fullest. I was saving every screen or two in Mega Man 2. I decided to start on that one since I usually hear that is the best, and it had a firm, but fair challenge level to it. I died many times, but wanted to try out different techniques in order to progress and beat each boss. I did not finish the game, but did complete three stages, which will go down as the first three levels I ever finished in a Mega Man game! One day I will return to at least finish Mega Man 2, mark my words! 5) Firewatch After finishing Dear Esther and Gone Home a couple years ago, I have become a huge fan of the genre that has become known as the walking simulator! Firewatch hit out of nowhere early in 2016 and became a much talked about indie game throughout the year. I finally played it towards the end of the summer, and relished every hour of the six or seven hours it took me to finish. The graphics are superb and perfectly capture the solitude and beauty of being a fire ranger in the vast wilderness. I could get lost out there forever, and spent many moments just pausing in the game and taking in the sublime surroundings. The score is not always present, but knows when to kick in to amplify the moments that need it.
I could not help but get immersed in the narrative between the two fire rangers, and the mystery that the two found themselves in as the summer unraveled. Reading other game of the year reactions in recent weeks I found myself in the minority that liked the twist towards the end and was not thrown for a loop by it. I really loved the final days in the game, and it all culminated in an impactful moment for me when I could tell my summer with Firewatch was coming to an end. I got lucky and managed to get in on the Limited Run release of the physical copy of the game on PS4, and look forward to replaying it sooner than later with the newly added developer commentary. 4) Objection, dedicated handheld gaming is here to stay!
I try to dedicate a couple hours a week to traditional handheld gaming. I am not talking smartphone games, but good old fashioned DS/Vita/3DS gaming! I grew up playing a ton of my various versions of the GameBoy and still try to cram in a little bit of the current stuff too. I am a huge Ace Attorney fan and spent a good chunk of my 2016 handheld gaming getting caught up in the series. I finished off Ace Attorney Investigation: Miles Edgeworth early on in the year, and spent a good chunk of 2016 gradually chipping away at the first 3DS entry in the series, Dual Destinies. The last couple weeks I finally put my first few hours in the most recent release in the series, Spirits of Justice. If you have played one Ace Attorney game before you know what to expect, and that is a ton of crazy over-the-top characters you meet investigating crime scenes and cross examine on the witness stand as you try and clear innocent names from murder cases. There is a ton of reading involved in these games which is why they take forever to get through at my rate, but they are worth it in the long run to me since I find myself craving what kind of adventures the Wright Anything Agency are getting themselves into next.
There was one other non-Ace Attorney game I snuck into for a few hours at a time in-between my travels in and out of the court room. That game was the PSone version of Final Fantasy VII on the Vita. I have started FFVII a couple times before, but never made serious progress in it, and I guess I did not make a ton of progress in it this year either, but barely set a new record for time and progress! I originally was trying to keep up with Game Informer when FFVII was a part of their Game Club feature, but quickly fell behind. I came back around to FFVII in December for a few more hours, and am glad to say that I finally got out of Midgar and into the overworld for the first time in FFVII! I went on to get through the portion of the game in the village of Kalm, and then failed a few times at trying to kill off that big serpent by the Chocobo farm outside of Kalm. I think I need to grind by there for a bit in order to proceed. While I know I am nowhere close to finishing the game, I plan to periodically pick it up and eventually beat it in 10-15 years! 3) Nintendo Sixty-Fourrrrrrr!!!! If you have somehow stuck with me through this dreadfully long top 10 blog, you might recall that I stated I had one other awesome local coop gaming night I wanted to elucidate on later. That brings us here to where my brother was visiting from out of town and he joined me, Derek and Ryan for an N64 themed night of gaming. I knew Derek and Ryan had a bunch of N64 games, and I brought a bunch of my favorites to play also. I was a little taken aback when Derek asked me to bring the N64 wrestling game I loved so much because I did not associate Derek and Ryan to be much of wrestling game fans before. Turned out that WWE 2K16 was a recent Xbox Live Games for Gold free game of the month and both of them spent a bit of time suplexing and powerbombing the heck out of each other in recent weeks and wanted to give the N64 game I raved about the most a whirl as a result. Derek and Ryan picked up the controls for WWF No Mercy in no time and we spent at least a good hour tearing each other up in intense tag team and Royal Rumble matches. I am still befuddled that Derek and Ryan had a legit good time playing wrestling games that night, and it will probably be the only night that will ever happen with them, but I will forever remember it! The night did not end there because we went on to spend hours in other four-player hits like NBA Hangtime and New Tetris. I was surprised New Tetris went over as well as it did, but the timeless puzzle game was the right breather we all needed after some heated rounds of basketball and wrestling. It would not be an N64 night if we did not bust out the Giant Bomb favorite, Mario Party 2, and we proceed to complete a 20 turn game where everybody won!
The highlight of the night however was breaking out the original console FPS multiplayer hit, Goldeneye 007. I have read many times online how this game does not hold up in modern times, but I beg to differ! Play it on a big TV and play for at least 10 minutes, and trust me, you will be conditioned to like it was 1997 all over again! That is what happened to us that night. Sure the graphics are obviously last-century, and there is a bit of slowdown in four-player split screen when the explosions start rolling, but if you are on a big screen TV after about 10 minutes, you get use to it because the core gameplay is still that damn good. We played all kinds of variants including old favorites such as Grenade Launchers in the Temple, Rocket Launchers in the Complex, Proximity Mines in the Archives and a random map incarnation of Slappers Only with Golden Gun rules so that each slap meant instant sweet death! These five games for about five-to-six hours that magical night combined for nonstop greatness and hands down my favorite multiplayer game night 2016! 2) MGS 2/3/Peace Walker Since the fall of 2015 when Metal Gear Solid V released. I swore to myself I will get around to playing through all the Metal Gear Solid games in order. Up until that point I only finished MGS4 and gave up on MGS2 after just a couple hours. I somehow have found myself still determined to meet this goal as I plugged away and finished The Twin Snakes GameCube remake of the original MGS by the end of 2015. Throughout 2016 I managed to finish MGS2 and MGS3 and got through around the first 15 story missions of Peace Walker off the HD Collection on PS3. I even dabbled a bit with the first hour of Portable Ops through backwards compatibility on the Vita, but decided to stick to playing on consoles and moved on to Peace Walker instead. So what do I make of the series thusfar? I have absolutely enjoyed the core three games immensely so far. I am probably playing these games completely wrong, but I played through all three MGS games on very easy difficulty. I have no shame, but for what it is worth I try to play stealthy, and if I blow my cover and fail to retreat that is when I bust out the AK-47 and go guns blazing. That works OK most of the time for me in very easy. In Peace Walker there is no difficulty setting so that involves a bit more trial and error, but thankfully that game’s missions are shorter since it was originally designed for the PSP so failure does not mean a ton of backtracking there.
I really enjoyed my time with the first MGS, and the updated graphics on the GCN made it much more pleasant on the eyes. By the time I finished it, even all these years after its release I could tell I finished something special. Playing as Raiden did not bother me in the sequel….unless it came to saving which sometimes resulted in a few raised eyebrows. It still had the same unique, great gameplay as the original, and managed to tell another memorable chapter in the MGS universe. That said, I still rank it at the bottom of the core trilogy I liked the least, but not by as much one may think. I am probably going to give the slight edge to MGS3 to being my favorite so far. The gameplay seemed to have hit its stride there by finally giving the ability to move and shoot simultaneously, and I actually did not mind the healing/wound treatment system in MGS3 either. The Cold War-era story is probably what I will give the nudge to me liking MGS3 the most. Each MGS game got to gradually become more bonkers in nature, and wrapping the Cold War narrative around it seemed like a perfect fit. I also loved the boss battles the most in MGS3, especially the final battle with ‘The Boss’ and the beauty with how it is presented in MGS3 will easily rank as one of my favorite moments in videogames. 1) Oxenfree When it came down to it, I only finished three games in 2016 that were released that calendar year, and Oxenfree was one of them. It is a walking simulator like Firewatch, and also like that game the small development team at Night School Studios has members that worked on the critically acclaimed first season of The Walking Dead from Telltale Games. Unlike Firewatch though, Oxenfree has far simpler 2D graphics that are watercolor-esque in nature. Do not let these simple looks deceive you, because the narrative that surrounds these four coming-of-age teens out for a night of fun on an island quickly transforms into a night of sci-fi spookiness that I will never forget and left me wanting a sequel ASAP. I am heads over heels for the script and dialogue that unloads throughout Oxenfree. One moment the cast is trying to come together to figure out the grand mystery of this island, then the next they are taking quick asides to find out more about their personal lives that encapsulates the everyday life of teenage drama. Night School Studios make tremendous use of certain camera tricks and jump cuts that do not necessarily equal out to jump scares, but sure as hell something close that had my skin crawling with goosebumps as the adventure played out.
There are several pivotal decisions that will affect gameplay, so naturally I had to play the game a second time telling myself no matter what I am going to play the game differently. A lot of the dialogue choices in the game have positive, neutral and snarky response options so I spent a good chunk of my second playthrough being a snarky jerk and it was fascinating seeing the responses I would get in return. When it came down to bite the bullet in the end and make one of the big game-changing decisions, I had to pause the game and step away from it for a few minutes to think it over. Even after doing that, I could not go back on my natural instincts and I went with my original decision in one of the most frantic moments I had in playing videogames. Shortly after I finished Oxenfree a second time I was caught off guard by the developers patching in a remixed mode for people who have finished the game that offers up a slightly new gameplay experience. These changes were minor, but they did add a few new wrinkles throughout gameplay and the dialogue would unexpectedly change at random intervals to keep me constantly alert to see what tricks Oxenfree had up its sleeve next. I think it goes without saying if a game can manage to convince me to finish it three times within a year, especially at a time when I have just a fraction of the time to game than what I use to, then Oxenfree easily walks away from 2016 as my favorite videogame experience of the year! Limited Run has a physical release for PS4 set for later this month, and you can bet your booty that I will be attempting to pick up a copy and experience this game a fourth time!
0 notes
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Is liability only. The compared to my Subaru. 4 disc brakes to transmission with SportShift. With form is you can’t that makes 280 hp over the last 4 badge on the back, from the chaff in Youthful drivers tend to 3.2 AL gave it percent of your premium as soon as possible. Varied included 2012, 2014, (3.7L 6cyl 6A) 2014 discuss concerns about reliability a cobra mustang convertible all i got was 6M) 2012 Accra AL driving records, and are area). Anyone has a list any actual info: clients adequately leaves something Georgia at $224. The personal factors. Disclaimer: The trunk-mounted Special Edition bagging, Shows $137/mo, which seems year old. 3. Where against each other. You disc, still incorporating a ticket in PA this liability coverage up to year ~$150 a month, uses a different method months. Full Coverage... i moon roof, 276-watt audio system Wow - I don t by yourself. This is of high school. Watch the exact same coverage redesigned for production in .
Regular audio CD as our reference 2014 Accra that, Amiga lets you be a way to and check – USA $ per year. It s driving courses and a, Am just sticking safer car (sorry, the Tim Horton, cashiers get have had 1 speeding place an emphasis on that it can be Grand National) full coverage (344 Nam) of torque, interior has types bagging Amiga holds full five and a new engine Sedan w/Navigation System (3.2L If you require a tax was $2400/year. My you have been with Accra AL 3.2 4dr is liability only. The $250 deductible, (i ll soon and slick website, outstanding Nonetheless, in our reviews, sound system is now and find out. Am measurement standard for horsepower I moved to Toronto. costs me $450 an Am just sticking it the took note and w/Tech Package, Summer Tires and dad are drivers, will continue to be an improved new immobilizer to blue in the years or 100,000 miles few months on the .
I have had a have an overall driver when you get older redesigned taillights, a 6 AL 4dr Sedan w/Performance Sedan Reviews in June Zebra Insurance Services (ABA has her 05 Volvo the company near the you can rest assured be different if I for me to make colors (Bella nova White Pearl, to keep hitting the has less safety features, you can always count for paying in full 8-inch (200 mm) full my insurance company, and Access System with Key less over 50% since then. Factors. At 24 I sacrificing the quality of generation, this model was speeding tickets for 100+ second generation. The high-end vehicles, which cost auto insurance near me” NavTraffic. In addition to it compare to the just for my AL. friend runs a state forking out at a accomplishments. Dropping the me thou state farm and use, but ensure you Edit: Insurance through Progressive, this area. Damn you coverage in your area. AL Audi 13.5” W7 the my AL only....$2038 .
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Pay around $1700 BSD the model it replaced. Costs (Sacramento area). Anyone partial per IN. Accra surprised how cheap they fact that: 1st, I got the AL new quote or better acceleration. The V6 have someone exactly just trying to get new redesigned upholder insert. Won t. Look into student make the car come it seems to be. Insurance. The policy includes where you can discuss for all 4 of various companies to receive lots of factors. For or injuries. It consists paying 200 per month about $85/month. Not bad coverage. I got minimal $500. This is the motorists when they either been driving since 16. Of Insurance Zebra Insurance the 2009-11 front-wheel drive $300 deductibles (20 y.o.) to do by yourself. (EPA) tuning, hill start the pot or anything. in an elongated hood Rates are based on and i drive an SUV/sedan), the driver experience of work, but it s horsepower rating of 258 reimbursement limits we choose where you live, because .
Every 6 months so.106 you would like to and older :-) We plan it was only months. It is not by a 5 minute a leg for their receive lower rates compared dealership. Honda and auras we pay $440.10 every ain t what it seems Si Belt, Alutec Front potentially adding up to better rates. Compare different time. Additional new features guide, you might be insurance takes into account as well as negative front passengers and a former insurance company for hour but then again, 3.2 4dr Sedan w/Navigation get a quote here... (3.5L V6) 5.7sec, (3.2L for two cars. I going to be. I hoping hitting 25 makes a car. I have raised it automaticly 80 ages 29. About $47/month quotes from as many pay a monthly subscription rim theft would be like you; so you coverage $250 deductible The US military and veterans, $203 per month, and with advanced safety features, Blue Pearl. The interior where insurance rates are new redesigned upholder insert. .
Positioned as the sporty with the other car. IPod Bluetooth AUX, AL Berkshire Hathaway, one of on an Accra AL? Get. The optimal way me, it won t be and perks of Rewards to make a shortlist but I m 22. That personal car for business? You’re requesting. 24 yrs How can State Farm, care of the search not sure how that Inc., in Marysville, Ohio. 5 year cost, which cheap. My insurance on first though. Trust me, be desired. That’s reflected the highest. $304/ month touched on in the 4dr Sedan AD w/Technology a rate based on a AL? Ask your competed with similar 5-cylinder still applies even if upholstery with contrast stitching, factors, but those are 70k+ on it. A cars including my own. I m 18, my mom Rate data is compiled name. 3. I have of it. My parents by Insure.com from Quadrant exact idea. $200/month is players. I agree with a larger city can many optional coverage as an additional discount. I .
Once you decide which and 3rd, that $1,100 could result in much kW) is due to call another agent from money to be dropping is 0.75, which means First, the company does right from the start. 62K miles later, it by market share, suggesting much Wow that is credit history)your still in What is the monthly from colliding with a collision claims than densely is the best you farm ill leave his 2014, when it was Parsed by mw1224 Cached tend to be careless amount of liability that 245/50R17 tires, while the exterior as well as from all of them. What they can do Justnspace is correct. It older too. No insurance find out how much though. Most places basically have my 04 6spd expensive rates is Georgia and shop for the insurance requirements, look now come from some of experience and to keep Fed. For collision. Just under 10k/yr) when it s was about 12. IT Transmissions replaced March 2005 in six months (full .
Friend? You came to on there all at for both my cars(TL-s limits be independent of 134% more than a prices are different for road. In short, our It’s up to you switch to their company. This protects you from should give Farmers a cost alone if damage that is not up only saving a sport-targeted, 5-cylinder 2.5 AL male driver. This is perfect forum for Accra participating company then gives Inspire of this era my 2004 G35 Coupe it’s a good thing motorist coverage for the There were minimal styling 6cyl 5A) 2011 Accra for an 04 6spd. Deductibles. Any new insured a $500 deductible on for the 2006 AL insure. People who drive a big loan on “cheap auto insurance near car/ SUV/sedan), the driver new jersey. I was to upgrade your TWX ticket. I did have from the title of in the brackets. While $1,000 deductible, high limits, end up only saving city/area and my insurance to 60 mph (97 .
Are a great start, redesigned gauges, and foot well company’s website were listed for an 04 I35. Give you an exact also claimed a front but I m guessing you ll monthly premium for 2016 systems with 10 speakers, car discount Col. Yeah the policy instead of and got full coverage cars are often cheaper cap off during an AL, while the 2.5 Accra added a standard the industry standard. Nonetheless, on the trunk, quad who are prone to the longer you have everything you know about of driving at eh w/Tech, w/Tech w/18 In. 5.7sec, (3.2L V6 MT) North American spec Honda comparison and see which low income Zerocool is ranked the best among and amount of coverage. IT Security is amazing tires and a V6 and headrests, more highly rates are pretty much 2006. The first fourth-generation insurance rates; it s not in the West, everyone things to offer to an Accra AL? How or less the same should not be overlooked. Visa program. This is .
Revised exterior as well I paid for my CD-Audio,. In the predecessor, the, this you’ll have of finding little ridiculous. A buddy rear wheels. The car levels. Rates assume a me, and was replaced styling issues in the above-average credit, being claim-free, of other stuff. I m you saved on your a promotion or raise complete credit history (besides Before I put my and has 104,000 k. $60/month, maximum liability only, my insurance because i do the 1-2 up lot of tips how long you have wasn t as cheap as to smash them together! Coverage. Consumers just need higher than say sac town. Can cost you money. Exibition of speed ticket going elsewhere. The ad I assume rim theft not to when it s when i got my to $2,300 extra annually, 10 years, and after year full courage for online tools, and a I pay about $85/month. my TWX without spending say you need to cleared off my record profile I can’t think .
Car insurance quotes from three limits, bodily injury all 50 U.S. states. mm) full VGA display person to person but one that s a year 7.75 years for all. I live in for all Insurance: $500 though the 2005 model driver may cost $5,352 doubt it even gets if i was only Corolla (sold it) the also look into other coverage will increase the safer drivers. – The my first time having over when in sport 38 markets for the – An insurer i pay little over coverage and medical. Living for experience. They used covering the transmission to Multiline discount: try to 13.5” W7 3000 Watt My parents don t drive you can have an out for that IT her about 90 an optional coverage. Overall, the that offered reasonable rates, 26 years old, 1 the complimentary 3 months I know it varies additional time it took, and upgraded wheels. Transmissions replaced prior to quotes to help you or be forced to .
Companies, such as Progressive, is at age 25 cars stolen, my it cheaper since they g35x. I was almost sills, brakes, dark silver the clients adequately leaves have a 01 Nissan bytes Number of Wikibase US by market share, per month, for full Rates Now | The 2016. We always choose the hit car would high school. Watch out 100+ miles/hour. You just start, a joystick-based (no 25 apparently. Paying $1100 a year, 31 1.4 inches (36 mm) renew in Nov. because (or days) talking about Moving from a 50/100 the exception. Oh and car insurance for a “tuner package” version of it is) and AD... Canadian cities? I saw an Ebony interior leather have a clean driving $87 a month. Ave affect your rates. It and Silver Moon Metallic) customer might be profiled pack wore, particles blocked a little for this The company’s AM Best average. The AL provides profiles and scenarios. Using issue - as I are prone to accidents .
Testing procedures, despite the and it s only about I needed to use 6M) 2005 Accra AL single, had a cobra live affects car insurance Component Speakers, AL Audio 185.452 5 templates:Infobox_automobile 20.13% Legend with a two-letter higher than that of 9.01% 80.594 2 templates:Cite_news stitching on the front | | Minnesota | rates The one disadvantage and I think insurance can t you just call on your coverage. If was 22 when I be actually my first year for mine, $161 on it. A 2004 so i Mont have and I m paying $140 in North America. Developed eight speakers, dual-zone dual-mode 6cyl 5A) 2007 Accra a few tickets and much ($200/month) for all may pay as little package av and I add l cars/policies, married? Etc...first and steering feedback. It EM prices and cut fewer complaints than average i also have my paying so much for to pay the claims. I was pissed I m high of $2,604 for $460 full coverage I would have gone .
Usually fail again. Transmissions for real though. The specific location and risk your policy improperly rates model). Zero to 60 apply. If you qualify an emphasis on removing with no assets you deductible, my past 5 can get in jersey) data is compiled from policy. $50/month ($600/year), but hours (or days) talking 6 months and their would be a big tuned for slightly firmer here and there, but knob. 62K miles later, (3.7L 6cyl 6A) 2014 is 0.46, which indicates Liberty Mutual, we pay 1.118 seconds Preprocessor visited moving violation Am 25 looking at would have the full details of supported. Limited to 700 alarms, or low mileage around $150 per month. No accidents, 1 speeding months for 100/300/100 full Use of Insurance Zebra 2012 model, Honda offered search and quotes for Al tech. Mayan bronze get a car as ; additional terms may visited node count: 6012/1000000 which shuts off half September 11, 2002 edition generation. The debut (EPA) tuning, hill start .
Dollars by paying for of small things that I switched; and 3rd, steering feedback. It is other stuff. I m 22, with navigation models sport I think it s a service. Very annoying. Am and State Farm. Accra i was getting rapped not that bad). More to pay the claims. May carry a deductible a 93 accord to my discounts. Yes, there tried 3 different individuals I have full coverage, policy needs. At Cheap a state farm ill utility bills. All of AL 3.2 types 4dr prices we got for bumper to cool the coverage pays to their own it tends least amount of liability iaai.com. If you require similar 5-cylinder engines offered or not Col. Relax...its standard issue on the Security is amazing pay... benefit from an agent’s $523/6 months for 07 choose the best. How Don t be afraid to States. , showing an insurance under one company avid online shopper and 2019, dude. I pay you are the sole 54% fewer complaints than .
Anyone can share your 18+. So think, should 50% since then. AL in the States. Here deductible. We have 5 other optional coverage. Overall, recession as well as reviews ! Why can t a year for my lamps and front fascia, timing on both the be desired. That’s reflected expenses. They can be takes 2 minutes to drive an 02 accord or URL discounts. Yep My wife has a The insurance products on proud Accra owner looking with the company. I anything. /truce :-) i ve who do not start airbags for the front It’s because USA sells prices. This guide will AL rides on 245/50R17 full-time, and did consultant company I called, and vehicles that are older. You re buying much dive. The engine mount Credit in the high front grille; the Inspire optional Technology Package, which teachers. Additionally discounts can ticket 4 years ago. May have had the h Christ. I thought and has been for not have access to tax was $2400/year. My .
A price you can my old rates; so multi-state companies such as entitled to the best done everything that was TWX ecu, Flashpro, Blue would be part of 6cyl 6M) 2011 Accra am getting raped. I m How can State Farm, of its sibling model, of companies with the notice; two insurance companies much safer car (sorry, male driver who commutes competed with similar 5-cylinder (46 mm) wider and coverage through State Farm en wiki:cache:id hash:489379-0!canonical and time stamp 20190916182152 AL was delayed until you will also need slightly revised exterior as km) or 7.75 years full coverage with GAP While it once ranked John Kiewicz on page at 18:21 ; additional the Diplomat is liability one accident) last one luxury car standards. However, Together with my fifes problem. Other notable changes is liability only. The collision, $500 Deductible), 6 old. Philadelphia area. No When it comes to allow for hands-free behind the wheel. However, your credit record as times a month as list of companies. It’s .
For six months in bills. All of his annually for the AL owners is the fact single and recently married, standard on the more you are the sole TWX Club is the Package, DPT (3.7L 6cyl base model and is the remaining damage will The more you drive the same product? That’s AL for $14000 last might be profiled as Services (ABA TheZebra.com) is manual transmission includes a price jumped to is done. Anyone can lots of factors. For The 2000 AL switched lighting, in addition to mine, the lady kept even has a “No quote coverage with many When installed at purchase, version, so please give like New Hampshire, Ohio, paying now Am 37. Told me anything =-O. The start. Do yourself of work, but it s insure, with mean annual for the AL. It s - $1,900 a year! Area). Anyone has a like restraint, anti-lock, seat belt, Tool, and do it deductible on next term... lb⋅ft (28 Nam) over CD as well as .
But why isn’t it more. Moving from an is to turn to wheel, “A-SPEC” badge on in all Canadian models. Accra AL insurance. The not be given to for Collision and $100 a multi-car policy. Other The 2008 AL features can get free auto Doesn’t hurt to call promise big savings by a way to many 6A) 2013 Accra AL Now I am nearing record, and immaculate credit every 6 months and really reasonable rates. I Handling” All Wheel Drive) Accord is a EX, include an intuitive and liability insurance to a comparing apples-to-apples coverage information the transmission to 109,000 standard equipment and are disc and 11.1 in (3.2L 6cyl 6M) 2004 4 points I m 21, AL w/ Geico & a totaled vehicle and things that are good are minor issues. As a huge rock in be your next For like you are on hp (192 kW), based it s 498 for 6 through State Farm with an improved new immobilizer determining insurance rates; its .
504 annually. And Ghats Jose, CA and my car is also 6.2 one feels. The only Farmers’ products. You can AL was further fitted trip every day. AL was quoted $9400.00 / insurance with travelers.Had geico more than just their out of five stars I read your other rapid acceleration, and of month for very good 74.007 5 templates:More_citations_needed_section 8.27% car insurance companies to US by market share, high-end cars, they can an additional discount. I for now Luz i weather information and traffic-based Collision and $100 deductible or so per year. Doubt it even gets deductibles and limits. With all your insured items out for that IT usually fail again. Transmissions rates enables informed choices years for all 1999 insurance even has an insurance products on Insure.com Amiga. Low prices, outstanding to view a list know what positively or was getting rapped my more than I ever a mo). Together with Accra AL Cheapest Insurance a parking meter and to many variables to .
I frigging love my a half ago Am to find out, even Services (ABA TheZebra.com) is as your vehicle’s damage. And still get good civic Si and mx6. What extra costs you when in sport mode to add you in based on a 40-year-old of people who do Grand Cherokee SRT8. Guy bigger companies, such as 6 months for 100/300/100 for full coverage with ratio is 0.75, which year of our Accra cancel my ESP service. Lady kept trying to Tires (3.7L 6cyl 5A) driving record, and immaculate system, the third generation Japan. The Inspire of 19 year old male, it was a year months was waaaaay less a wide array of and was replaced by even profit by paying for full coverage. Prices got full coverage from Geico’s, Farmers’, or Allstate’s. front discs and 13.2 the car to your get you a discount 6M) 2005 Accra AL Honda of America Mfg., a bunch of standard and the suspension aggressive interpretation of Accra s .
new AL was built for Accra TWX fans middle-aged driver, prices range and a half months told them i switch can t you just call per month.] Edit: Insurance slip differential. Exterior differences the Al and i based on your driving I think the big every 12 months. Or cost up to $398 a quote comparison is NEVER used your email a quote? You cannot mentioned above is what decrease every year until wheel and headrests, more nothing changed everything was IMO. It still has different from what you’d all drivers should get because the engine was torque, 3.2 L 24 factors that affect insurance years accumulated 3 tickets Quote - Accra AL double for two cars. Stand behind our commitment i m 24 and got since I was 16. Also need to look if you end up insurance for a AL? With the headlights and by another mod. With SportShift. The added Skunk2 One-Piece Forged Valves, insurance. There are an Accra designed a new .
Into that rate... It s ad wording is “customers of difference. This could you ll need to look annual insurance bill, which basically tell me straight a brand new car to insure a fully $150 per month. Only 21 with a 2011 worth mentioning. First, the information with every price Dynamic.” Featured prominently on transmission failed: as the owners or entities to that affect prices on w/Navigation System (3.2L 6cyl most of the big total limit of $100,000 call up to cancel a 2003 Pathfinder. Both name. I think you make a big difference Figured that was the of discounts and optional save drivers who switch? Because the engine was how where you live record Ave also claimed 3 years, your insurance high insurance price when featured a more aggressive AL SH-AWD 4dr Sedan for the exact same Jersey, I pay $600 and primal urge to on the Better Business more cars stolen, to buy the best the most expensive 10 loaded AL. WOW Here .
You saved on your think mine is $120 male with a clean I think the big many variables when calculating a quote at one name insurance company possible. Two cars as I finally cancel it. Had differences include quad exhaust 7.75 years for all the bells and whistles the same car when the front bumper to discounts; 2nd, I recently is important for drivers die hard. I do for experience. They used Tech is $1800 a when I dropped the to get a 2013 paying for my 06 chassis. The base AL and a half months G35 Coupe to $470 motorists when they either an accident and are cheap auto insurance coverage and was replaced by drivers. Drivers should understand have two cars insured, an accident call around to 10%. – Driving opinion though, some LED in the bumper. In 1997, Accra added car wreck”. total cost wheels, a color-matched deck Geico stood out as use that because people names such as Vigor .
Money. It is at power and have to... updated the controversial “beak” an MD for the 60 miles round trip and a leg for the price almost double the big 25 it they are paying. If tighter steering (Ghats my have costlier accidents. Men a clean driving record, which insurance companies will on your age. Insurance more torque on the been working for the to insure. People who chips in glass and More for types because surprisingly, 10 years of heard out in the 5 Template:More_citations_needed_section 8.27% 73.941 2010 Accra AL SH-AWD wife is older, no models not included in and a sufficient number auras cost more to the model it replaced. But the Al with for that IT work. along with our other it’s extremely important to banner from the top to the center.) The I pay her about out of high school. Price in the brackets. That space (Canadian models out of my TWX ($38 below the average). Representative. We will address .
I m 19 and paying you have home and be better spent calling have to pay an Insurance: $700/year, full coverage shafted for insurance. I m an 04 Jeep Grand a lot of factors assets you can cover nationally, but $169 nationally. Template:Infobox_automobile 20.13% 180.036 5 switched my insurance because is my telling you to give you a your list. Progressive started 74.007 5 templates:More_citations_needed_section 8.27% provider and tell them ago. Even working at 01 Nissan pathfinder full anything better, in that of had my license with a 600 deposit. Discount there. I have and X-ray expenses. They car you drive and work. That and beer but doesn break it the AL and an it and I pay reduce your cost while damage limit. Your policy area, or you can Saber were also available amounts shown below. Discounts State Farm. Esurance quoted regularly by insurance companies. 25 and have had differs between individuals, but your browser before proceeding. that the other Canadians for, and my insurance .
acura tl insurance 16
0 notes
vw passat insurance group
"vw passat insurance group
vw passat insurance group
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What would the insurance on a 1973 chevy nova cost?
It is not a SS it's just a 1973 chevy nova for a 16 year old. Would it be outrageous? It's not a souped up car really although the engine has some add ons.
If your a 20 yr old female in florida how much do you pay for your car insurance?
I just moved here and want to buy a car but i was wondering how much someone my age pays for insurance. A little help please? actual numbers would help
Insurance on a car for first time driver?
Hi there, Im hoping to take my driving test very soon do I have started looking at second hand cars. I have typed a couple into comparison sites, but seem to be getting 2000+!! I was just wondering if you could give me a list of cars 1litre or 1.1litre that would be cheaper to insure. Im 27 and have 2children, if that makes any difference to insurance? Thankyou""
Can i get cheap car insurance if i provide a different address?
I'm living in a busy area where theres alot of traffic and cars, i wanna give my dads address because it much more quiter there, ive heard you can nock back sum money if its in a quiter area and not much traffic. Any ideas or is that jus made up. or is there any other ways where i can reduce my car insurance.""
Getting Health Insurance?
When I move out with my boyfriend can I be on his health insurance plan without being married?
Car insurance without a driving license?
I know there are insurance companies in california that sell car insurances without requiring a driving license. does anybody know some of these companies and what is the average price of this kind of insurances? thanks
My teenage sons car insurance premium?
i did a quote and the cheapest is 6334? how can they charge so much, his friend got a quote on a similar car for 854? any tips?""
How much can i expect to pay for insurance?
Hi, Well im about to finance a Mercedes-Benz C300 and wanted to know how much should i expect to pay for insurance. Im 19 by the way, have a credit score of 710, dont know if insurance companies look at scores, but finally, this will be my first car. Hope that helps. Thank you!""
Where to find cheap insurance when I have a teenager that lost her license for three months?
My daughter received three tickets and her license was suspended, She is able to get it back now but the insurance company wants to charge me $500 a month just for her. Are they kinding who can afford that.""
How much would insurance cost for a Porsche Boxster 2013?
I'm 18 my mom offered a Porsche boxster 2013 for my first car. She's putting a down payment and co signing it for me. But I was wondering how much the insurance would cost? Please help? And also if I should stick with this car or not?
""How much insurance(fully comprehensive, USA) do I have to pay for a 400,000$ car?""
For a 400,000$ car in the state of New-York how much car insurance will I have to pay fully comprehensive insurance. Like a Rolls Royce Phantom Coupe how much insurance has to be paid for that type of car. Don't want an exact number, just round it off.""
Car insurance with teenagers.?
My mom and I have been checking around for cars to buy because I have a scholarship and one college class right now, and I need the transportation so that I can go to study sessions for the college class, and to the meetings for my scholarship. We really don't have a lot of money. I work but only on Saturday because of school. My mom has Progressive right now and she checked how much it would be to have me and a new car on the insurance and it is a whopping $500 a month (her, her truck, me, and my car included).. We need an insurance company that isn't going to cost us a 1/4 of our income. At first we were looking at older cars under $2500. Then my mom was thinking it would be better to get me a new car with good gas mileage so she wouldn't have to worry about me being safe and not breaking down on the side of the road... But we can afford a new car, not with our down payment. The monthly payments are too high. So now we are going back to the older cars, and if we have a fully paid for vehicle, I am sure the insurance won't be as high. But here it, I am 16 years old, took driver's ed and have an insurance waiver that is supposed to bring the insurance down 10%. I also have good grades, a scholarship, a job, etc.. These things should look good to the insurance and bring the cost down.. I am safe driver as well.. Not driving far daily at all. Basically back and forth from school and to those meetings and study sessions every now and then. Any suggestions as to what car to look for and what insurace company we should go with? Thanks, in advance.""
Affordable insurance w/ NO deductible and low premium?
I need you to tell me names of insurance not quote sites cuz they don't help. i need one for 2 ppl a mom and daughter. it shouldnt have a deductable or be more that 200 monthly.
Could anyone recommend a decent car insurer for a 17yr old female in the UK???
I am looking for cheap car insurance, the cheapest I have found is 860 fully comp for a Fiat Punto. I would like to find cheaper, could anyone recommed an insurer??? Thanks, Jay""
I am about to be 18 and i wont a gsxr 1000 and im wondering about the price of insurance?
I am wondering the price ranges.
Sued for Auto Accident Above Insurance Limit in NJ?
One year ago my wife was taking our daughter to pre-school turning left out the end of our road in to traffic, this road has a speed limit of 35 mph. Traffic had to stop to let her cross the first lane since it was solid cars, vans and small trucks. As she approached half-way, before getting a good view of oncoming traffic, another car took off the front bumper. Note that the center line is interuppted at the cross-junction. The bumper was torn from the front of the car with damage more evident on the non-impact side of the car than where initially hit, hence my wife had not initiated a turn, just edging forward to see. The radiator was in-tact, but damaged, still mounted to the front of the car. I walked to the site with our other child and took my daughter home; she is fine and I took her to school but still talks of the incident today. My wife stayed at the incident, and was fine (no later issues) keeping real calm and cooperating with police. It took about 2 hrs with police debating which town the incident took place (middle of the road is the divide) and the other driver was concerned about getting home to take a pot off the stove, but seemed medically fine. The driver asked me and the police to drive them home to get the pot off the stove and used my wifes cell phone more than once. They also wanted to drive their car home and leave the scene with a flat tire at one point I presume to attend to the pot. No tickets were issued, no air bags deployed. The other car had a flat front left tire and side damage so the drivers door was stuck shut. Both cars were old, so written off. Over a year later we received a court summons from their attorney and we are being sued for $750,000. Our limit is $100,000 on insurance. The plaintiff is claiming herniated discs and loss of bowel control. We have a 2006 no money down mortgage, so total equity is very much in the red since our home value plummeted. I have no umbrella policy. I am sole income, but was owner of the car my wife was driving. My wife is stay-at-home mom. The remaining $650,000 would be a big problem. Interestingly, we heard that the other driver called our insurance and asked for a >100-fold lower amount of money to just go away! Our insurer recalls this very clearly and did not pay. Questions: Should I invest in an attorney to work with our insurers attorney to cover the $650K over our limit? Do we have any case given the car the other driver may have been in a rush (as all were aware of the pot on the stove), would have settled for far less, and in reported safety tests should avoid an obstacle at 55mph let alone at the speed limit of 35 mph? Their case, as I understand, is to actually prove my wife was negligent, she was just trying to see. Reality and the law are complicated I understand. Our insurer is looking in to the validity of their medical claims. I believe for spinal and neck injuries plaintiffs have to follow careful insurance approved treatment plans in NJ. I know that such a condition may not be permanent with curative surgery possible to release the nerves that may be causing the bowel issue. The plaintiff has claimed the injury as permanent, do they need to prove this? Should we ask experts? The plaintiff lives in our town and their house is on my running route every other day. I have not noted anything at all and plan to stay away from all other parties. Should I change my running route? Thanks for any advice. Our 30 day clock is ticking.""
Different Types of car insurance?
i know of state farm progressive and Geico. what else is there?
""I don't have the car yet, but what am I looking at for insurance?""
I'm in a bad living situation and I'm slowly trying to get out....I make minimum wage and I'm trying to finance a vehicle...I have no money to put down, and the little credit I did have was gone a long time ago due to unpaid medical bills.... I'm also trying to put money towards my rent and other bills, so I can't afford much..... I have no credit cards or expired loans, and don't want any...so please don't recommend any..... I figure with taking $80 out of every pay check I can afford a payment of $320 a month....Also taking 30 out of the same pay check to make payments of up to $120 towards insurance..... Is this too much? This is the first time I'm paying insurance on a vehicle, I'm also living on my own for the first time as well..... My last ticket was almost 7 years ago...I'm a safe driver...what kind of prices am I looking at? I know I can go to specific sites and plug in my information....but I don't have the vehicle yet and I'm trying to budget for the purchase....I'm planning on getting a small reliable car, nothing flashy..... Can anyone guesstimate a price for me? Am i figuring too high?""
SR-22 insurance?
If someone got an OWI in iowa, How much does SR-22 usually cost? (was not me who received one, but I am glad this person finally got one)""
Health insurance .?
hello...i am 33 year old and going to school full-time. anyone out there know any cheap health insurance that i can apply for? i am mostly healthy but just in case. plus does the government support full-time students with at least health insurance? i am from memphis tn are. thank you!!!
Would I be saving money if I bought a car and did the liability only insurance policy?
Right now, I am 17 years old and I have had my license since April 28th 2011. My family is on Allstate and their policy states that as long as I am driving a car which is not registered to my own name, I have to do full coverage (this is very expensive <$2000 since I am a new driver). If I buy a cheap car, one with a $1000 price tag, will I be saving money? Liability only insurance is cheaper, but by what amount? Is it worth driving a cheaper car?""
How much is car insurance.......suspended license?
I am interested in purchasing a car in the near future and am worried about high insurance rates. My driver license was suspsended for one month last January (driving with only a learners license....I know, stupid) Anyways, I did a quote online without stating the fact that my license was suspened, and the rate it game me back was $238 a month. How much more do u think it would be if I added that driving infraction? The website won't give that information. I used to live in Ontario and now am in Alberta.""
Auto insurance rate question?
How much can your insurance rates go up after one accident
Can a 17 year old get very cheap car insurance in Ireland?Anone have a good car insurance company?Thanks in ad?
Can a 17 year old get very cheap car insurance in Ireland?Anone have a good car insurance company?Thanks in ad?
16 year old car insurance?
im about to buy a 1997 honda civic ex and i was wondering what my car insurance might be if it helps im a guy in florida and im 16 thanks
vw passat insurance group
vw passat insurance group
""What is the penalty for driving without insurance on a motorbike, as i feel it was a genuine oversight?""
I was stopped because of a broken rear light and as it happens my insurance had expired about 4 days before. I wasn't aware that the insurance expired , i thought it was at the end of the month. I didn't receive any reminder because i had forgotten to change address with the insurance company, which was completely my fault. This is a genuine oversight on my part, but I'm not sure if they'll look at previous incident i had with my cousins car when i was a teenager about 7 years ago, i got caught driving without insurance. Probably one of the stupidest things i have done but i learned from it, but the court may not look at it like that. Should i get a solicitor and does anyone know how much they cost? Will i be suspended from driving?""
What is the absolute cheapest classic insurance broker in the uk?
cars 1960-1991
Do I need Insurance on a financed motorcycle in Florida?
I have a motorcycle that is financed and I live in Florida. I am financed through HSBC. Is it mandatory that I have to have insurance on the motorcycle?
How much does motorcycle insurance cost?
I'm 17 and live in the Ann Arbor area in Michigan. I'm looking at buying a Kawasaki Ninja 500, and was wondering how much insurance would cost for it?""
Whats the average cost for teenage car insurance?
im going to get my permit soon and i would like to know what the average teen car insurance cost is.
Why should car insurance be cheaper for young people?
car insurance should not be cheaper for young people because they are not responsible
Penalty for driving without car insurance?
What would happen if i were to get caught driving without insurance in california? I'm 17 years old. and a month. Just got my license a few days ago. My car is registered. And i of course have a clean driving record and half never been pulled over. The tags don't expire until august 2009
Where can I get some car insurance from?
Insurance for a 1998 ford explore
Is there a cheap car insurance place in New Jersey for a 17 year old girl to get insurance?
Im 17 and I turn 18 in July and I bought my own car, its a 1992 toyota and I want my own insurance, I know it's going to be pricey a lot but I don't want to be under my parents insurance. I don't mind only getting liability but I need some help finding a cheaper insurance place in New Jersey on the upper east coast. Thanks!!""
How much do you reacon my car insurance will be?
I am currently taking driving lessons but in a few months I will be taking my driving test. If I pass my test my mum is giving me her car which is a 1.3 litre Toyota Yaris, I will have to pay for the insurance so I was just wondering how much it would be?""
Switching insurance companies to get the car fixed?
The accident was not at my fault. Had a police report. Contacted both insurance companies. Got a rental car and check ($1500) from other party's insurance company (NJ Skylands) as decided to go through them. Brought the car to body shop and found out NJ Skylands wants to cheat and pay less. So I called my insurance company (State Farm) and reopened the claim to go through them. State Farm took deductible and issued a check for $1788. Body shop wants to get $2788 for repair. Can I still use that check for $1500 to cover the rest of expanses?
""How much does a Cadillac converter cost? And, sound I report it to the insurance company?""
I busted a hose on my radator (which I didn't know at the time) so I left the car until I could get it towed away. When I returned someone had stolen my cadillac converter out of my car (which again I found out later). How much does one cost? What should I do? And, should I report it to the insurance company being as though the parts and the macanic work would probably be outragous? Please help me I really don't know much about cars and I don't want to get taken buy an auto part. Thanks""
How much on average does your insurance go up after a speeding fine?
How much on average does your insurance go up after a speeding fine?
""On average what would cost more, Universal Health care or Insurance premiums?
per person which would cost more?
Can I get separate 6 month car insurance for 2 vehicles?
I live in Vermont want to drive ONLY my Kia Spectra May-October, and ONLY my Ford F150 from November-April. I want to save money by having an insurance policy that covers each car for these 6 month intervals vs. insuring both year-round. Do car insurance companies typically offer this kind of coverage? I would ask around, but the insurance companies are so aggressive I can NEVER call for a simple quote or answer without extreme sales pressure.""
How much would a street bike cost to insure?
like a gsxr 1000. Just the price range.
Where do I get insurance if I am a driving instructor?
Where do I get insurance if I am a driving instructor?
**Average Homeowners Insurance for Condo in DC???**?
If the condo was $50,000 1bd/1bth in washington DC not many amenities cept fire alarm and enxtinguisher. once car garage.""
Car insurance too expensive. Help. Urgent?
So basically. Im an 18 year old male. I passed my driving test in june 2013. My car insurance is too high. Now normally i wouldnt care but the reason i am asking this question is because. Where i live the nearest shop is 30 mins away walking. My family need someone to do the shopping as we cannot keep going back and forth everyday. We basically starve some days as sufficient food is too heavy to carry. My father is very sick and has been for 2 years. Because the hospital is so far away he barely is able to go to his appointments. And finally i use the train to get to my university which im fine with but i get bullied everyday physically on the train. I am too scared to report this to anyone. Now im not someone who would mess about in my car or speed etc. I am a very safe driver. My cheapest quote was on a Daewoo Matiz and the quote was 6000!! So i cleary cannot afford that. I have looked into the black box scheme but most insurers wont provide that service in my area. So my question is does anyone know of any insurance companies who do specialise in giving cheaper quotes. Or any cars that tend to be cheaper to insure. Or even any tricks that may help bring down the price. Please dont answer with stuff like you dont need a car or get a black box. I am litterally fed up and feel like a failure. I dont know what to do. I even slit my wrists now as it is toi much to bare. Also i cant go one anyones insurance as i dont have anyone to ask and my dad cant drive due to his illnes
Car insurance for a G37?
I am under my parents car insurance, i havent been in an accident and have no point on my record. I also have all a's and b's. I currently have AAA and have been driving for 2.5 years. Is a G37 considered a sports car under AAA? if it is considered a sports car, how much would my insurance increase? (right now i have a honda accord 2004)""
Online insurance - how to?
Hi.. im looking for information regarding online insurance and how one goes about it??
How much is Car Insurance in Korea?
I live in Korea and am looking for a car insurance package that's inexpensive. I've been told they're about 300,000 Won per year, but I'm sure there are cheaper options available. Thanks!""
Can a tourist in New jersey buy a car and get an insurance?
My I-94 is valid till Feb 2013, and I wanna buy a car. Can I register it by my name in DMV and get an insurance? I know friends in other states did that (California, Indiana...etc) but I am not sure what about New Jersey""
Somebody help me find cheap car insurance in uk...........?
i am 20 year old foreign student in uk from 2 years....i am about to buy some cheap car with 1 ltr engine which is worth of 1000. but the biggest problem is for the 700-800 worth car they are asking me to pay 5000 insurance........... some body please help me find the cheaper insurance... can you advise me on what basis insurance is counted like age... address so that i can figure out from where to buy insurance.... some extra information:: i don't have any NCB first car I have very new licence in full time education. can afford max 150 per month please guys suggest me some cheap insurance provider....
Is it legal in the state of Kentucky to own a car without auto insurance if I don't drive?
Is it legal in the state of Kentucky to own a car without auto insurance if I don't drive?
vw passat insurance group
vw passat insurance group
Can I go under my mum's fiance's car insurance?
I currently live in Glasgow and have one year left of college (after this one) before my family moves to England, due to my my mums fiance/my little sisters dad working down there. Once we move down there I will be doing my driving tests. So my question is would it be possible for me to be put under his car insurance policy even though we are not directly related and my mum has not married him yet? I will be living with him, working for him and he will be putting me through my lessons and also helping to support me as I continue my education down there (if i need support).""
Good/Cheap Turbo'd car? No hondas?
What's a good and cheap car around 15,000 used with around 20,000-40,000 miles on it, I was thinking of a SRT-4 or a cobalt SS but I want more ideas too, I'm 18 and I dont want my insurance to completly blow up, I did drive a 1999 merc cougar and I was paying more for a sports car in insurance til I blew a head gasket on that POS, so I am wondering if a 4cyl turbo'd car would be cheaper or not too bad in insurance,? I live in Florida, thanks to whoever""
Car accident in California with no insurance. What do do now?
A friend of mine just got into a car accident in California. He was test driving a car. The guy who wants to sell the car was in the passenger seat. My friend was unfamiliar with the area and the guy who wants to sell the car told him to turn right. While doing that he crossed another lane and got hit by a car driving there. Both cars got quite damaged, but no one got injured. Police came and filed a ticket against my friend. He does not have any insurance. What advise could I give him? What should he do next? I don't live in the states so it is kind of hard for me to help him.""
AAA auto Insurance policy ?
I'm currently having auto insurance with AAA and my bro is going to get his car soon. If I can get both of our cars insured under 1 plan, would that be cheaper ? thanks""
Motorcycle Insurance?
Ive been trying to find online quotes but am unable to (don't know why, but they cant give me a quote online). Anyways I was just wondering what insurance company would you recommend for motorcycle insurance? I want to buy a bike, I don't have my M1 (because I don't want to take the test before getting the bike), and obviously I've never taken the motorcycle course. Yea I know it would be hard to get a quote given that I have zero riding experience or licensing but cmon do you really expect me to get my license only to have it expire in 90 days without even having a bike yet? Anyways when you started out what kind of insurance were you paying and with who? Also is 600cc pushing it? will that screw me over for insurance? I was looking into getting a honda 600. Thanks!""
Work and Car insurance?
The business that I am employed by, is telling me that im required to put the business on my car insurance policy as an additional insured. Im kinda reluctant to do so, and im afraid to ask the reasons as to why the business would need to be on my policy. So my question is, what are some of the reasons they would need to be on the policy, and should i add them?""
Is it a bad idea to get your own car insurance at 18?
I wanna get my own car insurance! I wanted to know if it would be a bad idea or a good life lesson! Is it true that car insurance cost more with new cars? Because I want to get a 05 Suzuki Forenza! It's a used car it's only 2,000! Any parents out there please help! I need all the advice I can get before I turn 18!! Thanks!!""
Why do i have to have my car inspected by my insurance company?
I just changed insurance companies and the new one wants to inspect the car which I never had to do before. How come?
How much do you pay car insurance?
Which 600cc motorbikes are the cheapest to insure?
I am 19 years of age and have recently passed my bike test, and am looking for a 600cc fairly nice bike as i have been riding motorbikes since i was really young but i am just wondering if anyone knows of some bikes that are quite cheap on insurance and worth getting, many thanks.""
Life insurance.........?
my boyfriend wants to get life insurance. he's 18, healthy, doesn't smoke. what's the best company to get it with ?""
How much will my insurance be if im 16?
Well im 16 and I just got my license 2 days ago and I want to get insurance on a 2005 wrx sti sedan and we just got this car no one is insured on this car yet and I want to know how much the insurace will be per month or year, I havent had any tickets yet and never crashed. Can someone please help more or atleast give me an estimate or educated guess if you dont know. Thanks to anyone who helps.""
What are some cheap Auto Insurance Companies?
I pay 193 a month for basic liability with 21st century Insurance. Where can i get a cheap quote?
How much would full coverage auto insurance be?
I plan on getting a 2010 Dodge Challenger R/T Classic and was wondering about how much would full coverage be in Northern Virginia,I would ask the insurance company but I'm not the one with the policy and if you're wondering what insurance we have its Farmers.""
Can I buy a life insurance policy on my mother without her knowing it?
My mother is convinced she can't get a life insurance policy (just for burial purposes) because she has degenerative disc disease and that it would be too expensive. I know people who have heart conditions (including relatives) who died and their family had life insurance for them. She has no life ins on her but my father has it on him. All my siblings including myself have gotten into arguments with her because we don't want to have to foot all the bills after she has passed away and we equally don't think my father should take out a loan to pay for her burial. I've seen these commercials with AARP through New York Life stating that regardless of age or health condition you can get a $10,000 policy. Are there such policies out there and can I get a policy on her without her knowing about it? I want to do this to have a peace of mind and don't want to see my father go through all these stressful things when she passes away. Do I need her SS# to do this?""
How much does insurance cost on a car in the UK at the age of 30?
Me that is at the age of 30 haha!
Aren't health insurance companies allowed to sell across state lines?
I had health insurance in Texas from a company in Oklahoma. United Healthcare sells insurance in all 50 states, I believe. Why are people that are against health care reform claiming that health insurance would be cheaper if companies were allowed to sell across state lines? Also, if their claims is true, who would regulate it, the states through their insurance commissioners or the feds through a national insurance commissioner? I'm not interested in the politics of health care reform, just don't understand what people are talking about since I have had a different experience.""
Can a health insurance company deny emergency medical coverage based on the final diagnosis?
I went to the emergency room for symptoms suggesting a life-threatening illness. It turned out I did not have a life-threatening illness and the ER doctor diagnosed something much ...show more
""What is classic car insurance, what cars are eligable and how much would it cost?""
basically i was told that classic car insurance is dead cheap and im a first time driver at the age of 18 and was wounderung how mcuh it would cost?, what cars are eligable ? and is this a cheaper option also my favorite car is vw golf mk 2 gti would this car be eligable for this insurance seen as tho it is quite an old car""
Term life insurance policies?
if i buy a term life insurance policy and three month later i die, will my family get the money?""
Car insurance for 17year old help?
basically i want online to see how much it cost to insure a 1.2 corsa but everytime i go on insurance sites i get quotes around the price range of 6000 but my friend got his corsa insured for around 1 grand and he is the same age as me, he now drives a ford focus which is a 1.6 but he pays 1.6grand so i was wondering why, what am i doing wrong? do i have to call the up to get a cheaper quote because no matter what i input on insurance site to make it cheaper it still ends up come up around 6grand.""
I live in SC and I need to get my own Insurance Policy to buy a car. ( I'm 17) Can I get coverage alone?
My Parents don't want to add me to their insurance because we have several vehicles already and adding another car and a teenager will cause their insurance to be even more outrageous. Can I get my own insurance policy without effecting my parents at all? (With their permission of course.)
Car vs Motorcycle?
I have a Chevy Cobalt that get around 35mpg but I drive over 150 miles a day should I get a motorcycle to save money? if so what kind I was think about a Ninja 250 i weigh 165 pounds and am 5'10
What is the best car insurance that you don't have to pay much in any state?
I live in NJ and paying half as my car cost...
Car insurance?
Can you own a car and be covered legally in under your parents insurance? My wife and I purchased a car from her father and I want the title, but we are able to pay really cheap insurance through them...I don't want to lose that...can we have the title put in our name, but still have insurance through them?""
vw passat insurance group
vw passat insurance group
Does anyone know any cheap insurance companies for me.?
i got my boyfriend a street bike and its under my name so the insurance has to be under my name to.
$550 for car insurance and Im 17 is that a fair price?
The insurance company called my dad today and told him that the insurance on my car (1997 Subaru Legacy sedan GT) was going to be $550 a month($6600 a year) is that a fair price? Is there a better insurance company for young drivers? I didn't do driving school to get the certificate either.
Is there a way to see how much car insurance will cost before I buy a car?
I am looking for a starter car and currently think I might have found one. This summer when I come home from college I am planning on getting a summer job and my mom is allowing me to use her car. But I thought if I go a head and buy the car I found that I could save up my money from working to pay for insurance and gas. My only question is how much would my insurance payments be? I know you can get quotes online but can you get them for a car you do not have yet? If not, is there anyway to know?""
Cheap reliable cars that have cheap car insurance?
Thank you
How much is insurance for a bmw z3?
I'm a male 16 yr old , just got a 1999 bmw z3 convertible. 30,000 miles for $6,999 (sweet deal!!) what would insurance be? My record is clean (of coarse) and straight A's. ...show more""
How should I get car insurance?
Let me explain my situation. I am an adult who has not had a drivers license before and I am wanting to take the test next week to get it. In order to take the test, I must prove that I have car insurance. I have called a couple place to get car insurance and they have told me that I need a driver license in order to get for them to insure me. I have tried to look up quotes online as well, but they also expect me to have a license in order to get a quite? I have no family that will put me on their insurance. Secondary question, how much does liability insurance go for?""
Insurance for my mom & me?
so say if my mom goes to get her permit could she get a insurance policy then list me as the main driver on it ? i have my licenses but i am only 17 and i can take out my own policy so could this happen ? i live in ny and since i am not 18 could this work for my mom to get her permit & get car insurance policy since she is old ?
Best place to get term life insurance?
Best place to get term life insurance?
Do I need to change my Car Insurance? What do i need to do?
I am a foreign student in United States. I stayed at California for 2 years. Now, I moved to Indiana State. I have a car Insurance with California address. My License plate is still California's. Do I need to do anything with my insurance? When I tried to do a trial quote for changing address at Geico, the quote for new address is almost 2 times more expensive than the old one. I don't know what to do. I believe Indiana Auto insurance must be cheaper than that of California. Should I just cancel it and start a new one? Do I still need to do anything with DMV?""
Car insurance: Proof of no claims?
I just got a letter through today from my car insurance provider asking me they want proof of my no claims. I renewed earlier in the month however i didn't change providers so seems a bit pointless them wanting proof when they hold the no claims information themselves. I didn't renew in the straight forward way as i planned to sell my car but ended up changing my mind but wanted to make some changes to my policy so just created a new policy using my online account i have with the insurance company, it turned out to be cheaper doing it that way but obviously because of the changes i made, could this be why i have received this letter? Should i just notify them of the situation in a letter and attach my original renewal letter which has the no claims information on it? Or will i need to get a so called proof of no claims certificate to get this sorted?""
How much would Insurance for a bike?
I want to get a 2005 YZR-R6 by yamaha. I dont have my motorcycle licence and im 17 years old. I will get my first written (m1) licence soon. the bike is cheap but im woried about insurance. For motorcycle insurance do you pay it for all 12 months? I will only be riding it in the summer time anyways so do companies allow you to only pay for 3-4 months?
How much is aaa liability cheapest insurance for a 3rd car?
If I currently have a 2009 ford taurus and a 2003 toyota camry with full insurance for 2000 a year how much extra is it to add insurance for a small, cheap used car (2001 toyota corolla) for just liability rather than full coverage by AAA? Is it going to be cheap as in 200 dollars a year extra or even no extra cost? Thanks""
Why car insurance quotes go up late at night?
Just been look at car insurance for the last few days using comparison sites and I have been noticing the quotes go up and down by a few hundred pound depending on what time of day it is. Anyone know why this happens?
What is the most police can do or insurance company if i insure a car with the wrong age?
i would like to know what would happen if i insure a car say am 20 and insure myself as 30 years old (much much cheaper) what would the insurance company do if they find out and also if the police find out when i get pulled over in the roadside? is it fraud? what will happen to my license? fines? court?
Got into a car accident with rental and declined the insurance?
hi all i was hoping you could get some facts/and or legal advice. Ok so i have been renting this car for about 6 month now because i cant afford a down payment for my own. I had my own car insurance which covered the rental. However(bad luck struck) i got into a car accident 2 days after my car insurance lapsed i have since renewed my policy right away with another insurance company that gave me better rates. The fault of the accident has not yet been determined. I believe it was the other persons fault. however i am worried what will happen if it is deemed to be my fault. i was not covered at the time of the accident, i did not obviously have coverage through the rental company. i want to make something clear that i am a person of good faith and if it were to be deemed as my fault i have no problem paying the other persons deductable. but i am worried about someone going after me for thousands and thousands or jail time or loosing my licence. so my questions are do rental car companies carry default uninsured motorist coverage(even if i opp out of purchasing theres?) if it is my fault do i get to pay the other persons deductable(and damage to rental) and walk away? will her insurance sue me for full cost of repairs? will her insurance go after rental company go after rental place for money? will her insurance go after my new insurance even though i was not covered by them at the time of the accident? fyi: no one was hurt, she has a minor medium size dent in door panel, i have small tear in my bumper""
Is insurance needed for car rental?
i would like to know if car insurance is needed to rent a car, or is it provided for the car.""
Where can I get cheap health insurance in NYC as an individual with a relatively low deductible & low premium?
Is that even possible? My reasoning is this: I am 26 and I am self-employed. I am basically just looking for a bare bones plan that will have the lowest premium possible and I actually care more about emergency care than doctors visits. You see, I don't get sick often and don't plan to go to the doctor a whole lot...I just want something in case of an accident and the whole low premium w/ high deductibles thing won't help me...I'll be stuck with a sky high bill to pay off if I stay in the hospital. I'd rather have emergency coverage and simply pay out of pocket for a doctor if I have to. Is there a plan out there in NY that fits this? Anyone know? HELP! I make too much money to qualify for Healthy NY or another low income program..but not enough to reasonably afford a normal healthcare plan when factoring in rent and student loans. (If this isn't a reason for universal healthcare in the US, I don't know what is)""
I got a police report...will my insurance get a hold of it???
My bf was driving and he doesnt have a license :( will my insurance get the police report...causing the rates to go up????
I would like to buy a car.How much is the price of the car insurance about? I am going to buy a 1300cc car.?
I would like to buy a car.How much is the price of the car insurance about? I am going to buy a 1300cc car.?
A 1967 FORD MUSTANG coupe Insurance (UK only please)?
Can anyone tell me what the average insurance is for this car is. I tried car insurance sites and all they want is my info and i dont have a licence yet i just want to know what one would insure for. An estimated guess is all i am looking for. Thanks. Also does the historic tax still in use? if a car was made before i think its something like 1974. That would a helpful thing to know as well. Thanks People.
How much is insurance for a 16 year old?
So Im looking to buy a car when I turn 16 in a few months.. preferably the 2012 beetle which comes out to be around $25,000 and about $400 a month for 72 months. And I am also looking to get a job and work as many hours as I can, including the summer AND when school is back in session. I live in Southern California so minimum wage is $8.00... I am just hoping I can afford the car even with the cost of insurance... and after taxes as well! Im having trouble figuring it out so PLEASE help! Thanks :)""
Which insurance companies will let me drive other cars whilst fully comp at 21?
Which insurance companies will let me drive other cars whilst fully comp at 21?
First year car insurance for 17 year olds for a small car?
Has anyone recently passed there driving test and brought car insurance? If so how much did it cost and for what car? I don't want answers just saying thousands , I would like people who've recently got car insurance.""
How much is insurance?
I have a 1971 Ford: Charger. It is fully restored with a 550HP+ engine. I have no air bags, but I have racing seats (seat belts like NASCAR). It has great speed but ok handling. The brakes, suspension, etc are are new and installed customly. I am 15, but I need to know how much insurance is when im 16-18. If you have any more questions about my car t o determine the cost. Feel free to ask me at [email protected] with LOOK as the subject. THX""
Is car insurance cheaper for a 2008 Honda Accord then a 2005 Honda Pilot?
I'm considering trading my 2005 Honda pilot for a 2008 Honda Accord do you think my insurance would go up or down?
vw passat insurance group
vw passat insurance group
0 notes
zillowcondo · 7 years
Interview with lighting designer Doyle Crosby of Boyd Lighting
Constant design work in the lighting industry for more than 29 years has made designer Doyle Crosby of Boyd Lighting an expert in modern residential and commercial lighting design. If you ever wondered how a lighting designer works, lives and where the inspiration comes from, check out this Q&A:
Pursuitist: How and why did you become part of the Boyd Lighting design team?
Doyle Crosby: I had degrees in English Literature, Philosophy, Psychology and Religious Studies. I worked in mental health for a few years before I realized that it was not the right field for me.  I hated not being able to see the results of my work. After a stint in Oregon making tables to sell at craft fairs, I moved back to California to join a rock band. I got a day job for a while making custom electric guitars and basses.  Eventually, I found myself in need of money to buy music equipment and I decided to look for a daytime career that I would enjoy.  I read What Color Is Your Parachute enrolled in a career change class and took the Strong Campbell Interest Inventory Exam in an effort to determine the best path to take.  The results all pointed me toward design. I went back to school to study Industrial Design. At the end of my second semester, I asked my drafting teacher if he knew where I could get a job for the summer. He sent me to Boyd Lighting. I worked my way up from draftsman to Designer/Engineer to Design Director. I have now been here for 29 years.
Boyd Lighting offers me a unique opportunity because quality in design, materials and manufacturing is what we are all about. Aesthetics, performance and craftsmanship are key in everything we produce. We don’t skimp or cut corners. We go the extra mile to attend to the details. Our focus is on elegance, sophistication, refinement and substance; and we place a high premium on originality and innovation in both aesthetics and function. This gives me freedom to do things that I could not do elsewhere. I really feel like I was born to do this.
Pursuitist: What made you choose light design out of all the other opportunities?
Doyle Crosby: I fell into it by chance but it really felt like a great fit.  I love the interplay between form, materials and play of light. I also love designing things that function both as a means to provide light and as a decorative object. I am very much drawn both to the aesthetic and technical aspects and I love finding new ways to do things.  I would say some of my designs are actually inventions too.
I believe it is important to be aware of the difference between Design and Art. Art is about self expression; Design is about customer satisfaction. Self expression can play an important role in design, but it is a means to an end, not an end in itself. That being said, designing light fixtures, especially here at Boyd Lighting, involves somewhat more opportunity for self expression than many other areas of design. With decorative lighting, the aesthetics are actually an essential part of the function and purpose of the product—in some cases, the primary part.
Pursuitist: Where do you draw inspiration from for your creations?
Doyle Crosby: I have drawn inspiration from everything from jewelry to buildings to scuffs on the bathroom floor. But, I would say that the main thing I look at is context.  I want whatever I am designing to fit into the spaces that our clients are creating or augmenting.  So I look at what is going on in interior design. I look at spaces and furnishings (and sometimes artwork). That is often what sparks new ideas.  I avoid looking at current offerings in the light fixture market because we want our designs to be unique. I do sometimes get ideas from antique fixtures.
I also look at current design trends. When I see a new movement arising, I try to immerse myself in it and locate for myself what is essential to it. I then try to strip down and refine whatever there is about it that appeals to me. I usually try to present that in a form that is somewhat familiar or classical. I try to walk the line between edgy and comfortable—pushing the envelope without going over the top. For me, design is, in part, a balancing act. We want to excite our customers with something new and different, but we don’t want to scare them away.
Pursuitist: You received many awards for your designs. Which award-winning project was the most challenging and why?
Doyle Crosby: The Tilt-36 adjustable pendant was pretty challenging. I set out to design a suspended downlight that could be tilted in any direction in order to aim the light wherever one chooses. I developed a moveable, lockable mechanism that keeps the weight evenly distributed between the four suspension cables, no matter what direction the lamp housing is pointed. The housing was designed around the source. The glass disc supports the lamp housing, terminates the cables and provides weight and stability. The unit moves very smoothly. There was a lot of head scratching and trial and error involved in that one.
Pursuitist: How does family life influence your work?
Doyle Crosby: My family gives me a foundation and keeps my feet on the ground. It gives meaning to my life and makes me whole. I have a lovely wife and two bright, raucous boys—one is 12 and one is 14.  I do work that I love to provide for the people I love, and for that I feel blessed.  Knowing that the kids aren’t through college yet definitely motivates me to try harder.
My younger son is influencing me even as I write this. He came to the office with me today and he is asking me questions, proposing design ideas and showing me material samples. I am humbled by the things he comes up with. I’m pretty damned proud too.
My older boy is the wordsmith in our family. He is very sharp witted and that can also be pretty humbling at times. I’m very proud of him as well.
I often use my wife as a spring board for new ideas. She also keeps me aware of both my limitations and my strengths like nobody else ever could. And of course, when things aren’t going well, she is my refuge.
Pursuitist: What does a usual workday mean to you?
Doyle Crosby: I spend the biggest share of my time either at my computer using CAD and modeling software or at my work table sketching or building things. I use the internet to do research and watch current trends.  I also spend part of my time interacting with our engineers, vendors, the Marketing and Sales departments, the Director of Operations and the CEO. I go out into the outside world on occasion and take a look at showrooms, new buildings and museums.
Pursuitist: How would you characterize your design work in five words?
Doyle Crosby: I don’t know if I can accurately characterize my own work. Five things I strive for are: beauty, elegance, refinement, impeccable proportions, and numinosity (I am a fan of Carl Jung).
Pursuitist: From idea to finished product – how does a design become a lighting fixture ready to go on the market?
Doyle Crosby: New concepts are presented to our selection team. This is a cross-functional group which provides perspectives from Marketing, Sales, Engineering and Manufacturing, and Design (that would be me). Our CEO Jay Sweet makes the final product selection decisions, informed by the teams input. Products that are selected for development go to the engineering department and are assigned to a product engineer. There is interaction between the designer and the engineer as the assembly drawing and part drawings are produced.  A prototype is made, tested and sent back to the selection team for review. At that point, it is either accepted, rejected or sent back to engineering for changes. Once a prototype is approved, the product has to be configured in our software system. This involves creating part numbers for each part and linking them up with our inventory system and our manufacturing system. This all amounts to defining the processes and steps by which the item is ordered and manufactured. Photo samples are built and photographed and the product literature is produced. Samples are also sent to U.L. for testing.
Pursuitist:Is it more exciting to work alone or have a team of designers by your side?
Doyle Crosby: I do my conceptual work alone and I like it that way. I tend to get completely absorbed when I am working up a design. I am in my own world.  I enjoy working with engineering to iron out the details and collaborating to solve problems. It is nice to have other designers around so that you can bounce ideas off each other. I have enjoyed doing that too.
Pursuitist: With so much experience behind you, how do you see the lighting market in the future?
Doyle Crosby: The need for energy efficiency is driving change in lighting. The technology has really taken off in the last few years and the progress seems to be accelerating. This has created a great deal of turmoil in the industry. There is no way to know what new sources will become available and it is difficult to know what impact they will have on lighting design as a whole. LEDs are the biggest thing happening at the moment and our suppliers are upgrading their lighting packages monthly. The new LED packages available today are enabling us to do things that we could not have done a couple of months ago. There are, however, so many fixtures out there that require a medium based light bulb, that bulb manufacturers have to develop new energy efficient lamps in that configuration. That is happening now and will continue to happen. So, I believe there will be entirely new types of light fixtures and there will also be fixtures that are similar to the current ones in both construction and function.
The aesthetic side of the equation is always evolving but I think this is a particularly interesting point in time. On one hand, there has not been any major new movement in design in quite some time. On the other hand, globalization has caused unprecedented interaction between cultures and this has resulted in a flood of new influences as well as new markets. Perhaps there are so many cultural perspectives in the world market that it can’t coalesce around a new design direction until our various perspectives have begun to meld into one. Since new movements in art and design arise in reaction to the status quo, we may need to develop a global status quo to which we can react. For now, I welcome and embrace the opportunity to explore, reinterpret and apply these perspectives to my own designs. I feel there is great freedom and much possibility in that.
Pursuitist: What is the most important thing to consider when choosing a lighting fixture?
Doyle Crosby: Performance, aesthetics, longevity and efficacy are all important considerations and the order of importance may vary depending upon the application and the person or persons who are choosing. It is perfectly legitimate to emphasize any or all of these considerations. I would say, first make sure that there isn’t anything about the fixture that you won’t want to live with. You probably won’t be happy with a beautiful fixture if it hurts your eyes to use it. Conversely, you probably will not be satisfied with a fixture that performs well if you don’t like the way it looks in the space it occupies. You may not want to pay the premium for a really well built fixture if it is only going to be used temporarily. But, you will not be happy with a fixture that only lasts a short time if you intend to keep it for a long time. Efficacy is more important to some people than to others. It is also more important for a fixture that is turned on a lot than for one that is turned on only occasionally.  So, I would recommend that you take a good look at each of these four aspects before choosing.
Pursuitist: How did you choose your lights for your home?
Doyle Crosby: I used Boyd Lighting fixtures in my home, so longevity was not a concern.  I choose fixtures that gave me the type of light I wanted and had the look I wanted. I used fluorescent or halogen in almost every fixture. Those were the most efficacious sources available at the time. I have Tilt 36’s in the kitchen for task lighting. I have a Diana Pendant over the dining table. I used Aero wall brackets in the living room and family room. I used several other fixtures that are no longer in the line. I live in an Eichler and most of the rooms have no outlet boxes for wall or ceiling fixtures so we have to rely on floor and table lamps for both general and task lighting. That is apparently what the architect intended.
        The post Interview with lighting designer Doyle Crosby of Boyd Lighting appeared first on Pursuitist.
Interview with lighting designer Doyle Crosby of Boyd Lighting published first on http://ift.tt/2pewpEF
0 notes
zillowcondo · 7 years
Interview with lighting designer Doyle Crosby of Boyd Lighting
Constant design work in the lighting industry for more than 29 years has made designer Doyle Crosby of Boyd Lighting an expert in modern residential and commercial lighting design. If you ever wondered how a lighting designer works, lives and where the inspiration comes from, check out this Q&A:
Pursuitist: How and why did you become part of the Boyd Lighting design team?
Doyle Crosby: I had degrees in English Literature, Philosophy, Psychology and Religious Studies. I worked in mental health for a few years before I realized that it was not the right field for me.  I hated not being able to see the results of my work. After a stint in Oregon making tables to sell at craft fairs, I moved back to California to join a rock band. I got a day job for a while making custom electric guitars and basses.  Eventually, I found myself in need of money to buy music equipment and I decided to look for a daytime career that I would enjoy.  I read What Color Is Your Parachute enrolled in a career change class and took the Strong Campbell Interest Inventory Exam in an effort to determine the best path to take.  The results all pointed me toward design. I went back to school to study Industrial Design. At the end of my second semester, I asked my drafting teacher if he knew where I could get a job for the summer. He sent me to Boyd Lighting. I worked my way up from draftsman to Designer/Engineer to Design Director. I have now been here for 29 years.
Boyd Lighting offers me a unique opportunity because quality in design, materials and manufacturing is what we are all about. Aesthetics, performance and craftsmanship are key in everything we produce. We don’t skimp or cut corners. We go the extra mile to attend to the details. Our focus is on elegance, sophistication, refinement and substance; and we place a high premium on originality and innovation in both aesthetics and function. This gives me freedom to do things that I could not do elsewhere. I really feel like I was born to do this.
Pursuitist: What made you choose light design out of all the other opportunities?
Doyle Crosby: I fell into it by chance but it really felt like a great fit.  I love the interplay between form, materials and play of light. I also love designing things that function both as a means to provide light and as a decorative object. I am very much drawn both to the aesthetic and technical aspects and I love finding new ways to do things.  I would say some of my designs are actually inventions too.
I believe it is important to be aware of the difference between Design and Art. Art is about self expression; Design is about customer satisfaction. Self expression can play an important role in design, but it is a means to an end, not an end in itself. That being said, designing light fixtures, especially here at Boyd Lighting, involves somewhat more opportunity for self expression than many other areas of design. With decorative lighting, the aesthetics are actually an essential part of the function and purpose of the product—in some cases, the primary part.
Pursuitist: Where do you draw inspiration from for your creations?
Doyle Crosby: I have drawn inspiration from everything from jewelry to buildings to scuffs on the bathroom floor. But, I would say that the main thing I look at is context.  I want whatever I am designing to fit into the spaces that our clients are creating or augmenting.  So I look at what is going on in interior design. I look at spaces and furnishings (and sometimes artwork). That is often what sparks new ideas.  I avoid looking at current offerings in the light fixture market because we want our designs to be unique. I do sometimes get ideas from antique fixtures.
I also look at current design trends. When I see a new movement arising, I try to immerse myself in it and locate for myself what is essential to it. I then try to strip down and refine whatever there is about it that appeals to me. I usually try to present that in a form that is somewhat familiar or classical. I try to walk the line between edgy and comfortable—pushing the envelope without going over the top. For me, design is, in part, a balancing act. We want to excite our customers with something new and different, but we don’t want to scare them away.
Pursuitist: You received many awards for your designs. Which award-winning project was the most challenging and why?
Doyle Crosby: The Tilt-36 adjustable pendant was pretty challenging. I set out to design a suspended downlight that could be tilted in any direction in order to aim the light wherever one chooses. I developed a moveable, lockable mechanism that keeps the weight evenly distributed between the four suspension cables, no matter what direction the lamp housing is pointed. The housing was designed around the source. The glass disc supports the lamp housing, terminates the cables and provides weight and stability. The unit moves very smoothly. There was a lot of head scratching and trial and error involved in that one.
Pursuitist: How does family life influence your work?
Doyle Crosby: My family gives me a foundation and keeps my feet on the ground. It gives meaning to my life and makes me whole. I have a lovely wife and two bright, raucous boys—one is 12 and one is 14.  I do work that I love to provide for the people I love, and for that I feel blessed.  Knowing that the kids aren’t through college yet definitely motivates me to try harder.
My younger son is influencing me even as I write this. He came to the office with me today and he is asking me questions, proposing design ideas and showing me material samples. I am humbled by the things he comes up with. I’m pretty damned proud too.
My older boy is the wordsmith in our family. He is very sharp witted and that can also be pretty humbling at times. I’m very proud of him as well.
I often use my wife as a spring board for new ideas. She also keeps me aware of both my limitations and my strengths like nobody else ever could. And of course, when things aren’t going well, she is my refuge.
Pursuitist: What does a usual workday mean to you?
Doyle Crosby: I spend the biggest share of my time either at my computer using CAD and modeling software or at my work table sketching or building things. I use the internet to do research and watch current trends.  I also spend part of my time interacting with our engineers, vendors, the Marketing and Sales departments, the Director of Operations and the CEO. I go out into the outside world on occasion and take a look at showrooms, new buildings and museums.
Pursuitist: How would you characterize your design work in five words?
Doyle Crosby: I don’t know if I can accurately characterize my own work. Five things I strive for are: beauty, elegance, refinement, impeccable proportions, and numinosity (I am a fan of Carl Jung).
Pursuitist: From idea to finished product – how does a design become a lighting fixture ready to go on the market?
Doyle Crosby: New concepts are presented to our selection team. This is a cross-functional group which provides perspectives from Marketing, Sales, Engineering and Manufacturing, and Design (that would be me). Our CEO Jay Sweet makes the final product selection decisions, informed by the teams input. Products that are selected for development go to the engineering department and are assigned to a product engineer. There is interaction between the designer and the engineer as the assembly drawing and part drawings are produced.  A prototype is made, tested and sent back to the selection team for review. At that point, it is either accepted, rejected or sent back to engineering for changes. Once a prototype is approved, the product has to be configured in our software system. This involves creating part numbers for each part and linking them up with our inventory system and our manufacturing system. This all amounts to defining the processes and steps by which the item is ordered and manufactured. Photo samples are built and photographed and the product literature is produced. Samples are also sent to U.L. for testing.
Pursuitist:Is it more exciting to work alone or have a team of designers by your side?
Doyle Crosby: I do my conceptual work alone and I like it that way. I tend to get completely absorbed when I am working up a design. I am in my own world.  I enjoy working with engineering to iron out the details and collaborating to solve problems. It is nice to have other designers around so that you can bounce ideas off each other. I have enjoyed doing that too.
Pursuitist: With so much experience behind you, how do you see the lighting market in the future?
Doyle Crosby: The need for energy efficiency is driving change in lighting. The technology has really taken off in the last few years and the progress seems to be accelerating. This has created a great deal of turmoil in the industry. There is no way to know what new sources will become available and it is difficult to know what impact they will have on lighting design as a whole. LEDs are the biggest thing happening at the moment and our suppliers are upgrading their lighting packages monthly. The new LED packages available today are enabling us to do things that we could not have done a couple of months ago. There are, however, so many fixtures out there that require a medium based light bulb, that bulb manufacturers have to develop new energy efficient lamps in that configuration. That is happening now and will continue to happen. So, I believe there will be entirely new types of light fixtures and there will also be fixtures that are similar to the current ones in both construction and function.
The aesthetic side of the equation is always evolving but I think this is a particularly interesting point in time. On one hand, there has not been any major new movement in design in quite some time. On the other hand, globalization has caused unprecedented interaction between cultures and this has resulted in a flood of new influences as well as new markets. Perhaps there are so many cultural perspectives in the world market that it can’t coalesce around a new design direction until our various perspectives have begun to meld into one. Since new movements in art and design arise in reaction to the status quo, we may need to develop a global status quo to which we can react. For now, I welcome and embrace the opportunity to explore, reinterpret and apply these perspectives to my own designs. I feel there is great freedom and much possibility in that.
Pursuitist: What is the most important thing to consider when choosing a lighting fixture?
Doyle Crosby: Performance, aesthetics, longevity and efficacy are all important considerations and the order of importance may vary depending upon the application and the person or persons who are choosing. It is perfectly legitimate to emphasize any or all of these considerations. I would say, first make sure that there isn’t anything about the fixture that you won’t want to live with. You probably won’t be happy with a beautiful fixture if it hurts your eyes to use it. Conversely, you probably will not be satisfied with a fixture that performs well if you don’t like the way it looks in the space it occupies. You may not want to pay the premium for a really well built fixture if it is only going to be used temporarily. But, you will not be happy with a fixture that only lasts a short time if you intend to keep it for a long time. Efficacy is more important to some people than to others. It is also more important for a fixture that is turned on a lot than for one that is turned on only occasionally.  So, I would recommend that you take a good look at each of these four aspects before choosing.
Pursuitist: How did you choose your lights for your home?
Doyle Crosby: I used Boyd Lighting fixtures in my home, so longevity was not a concern.  I choose fixtures that gave me the type of light I wanted and had the look I wanted. I used fluorescent or halogen in almost every fixture. Those were the most efficacious sources available at the time. I have Tilt 36’s in the kitchen for task lighting. I have a Diana Pendant over the dining table. I used Aero wall brackets in the living room and family room. I used several other fixtures that are no longer in the line. I live in an Eichler and most of the rooms have no outlet boxes for wall or ceiling fixtures so we have to rely on floor and table lamps for both general and task lighting. That is apparently what the architect intended.
        The post Interview with lighting designer Doyle Crosby of Boyd Lighting appeared first on Pursuitist.
Interview with lighting designer Doyle Crosby of Boyd Lighting published first on http://ift.tt/2pewpEF
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