#I thought 'it's time to make this gifset' lol
cametotheshowinsd · 9 months
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The autumn chill that wakes me up, you loved the amber skies so much;
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fairyroses · 11 months
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— SMALLVILLE, "Accelerate" (2.21) & "Wrath" (7.07)
+ bonus:
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#someday I want to make a really comprehensive 'morally grey lana' gifset but god knows I don't have the time for that right now lol#but for now here's this#given this show's piss poor track record with continuity I'm actually shocked that these s2 and s7 scenes complement each other so well#(the 7x07 convo had to be edited down but I kept the most important/relevant bits)#smallville#smallvilleedit#svedit#clark kent#lana lang#lex luthor#clana#dcmultiverse#sv 2x21#sv 7x07#my gifs#lana always knew that she wasn't perfect and she was right to worry about what would happen once clark finally realized it#but he just wouldn't listen to her#and when he finally saw the real dark ruins of her soul... he flinched#because the lana that clark thought he loved was really just an idealized image that he had projected onto her#and that's why their relationship was always doomed to fail#even though they technically stayed together after this (which was a baffling writing choice tbh) they were never the same#also I just need to point out that lex is obviously trying to save his own life in the bonus gif... but he's also RIGHT#lex knows better than anyone what it feels like to topple off the pedestal that clark kent put you on#and I think he really was trying to save lana from the same fate#btw I didn't include his next line but it's 'you might not want to admit it but we understand each other' and that's just... whew#real 'I've seen you in all your fucked up glory and I know that you're just like me' energy#(sorry I'm clearly still thinking about that post that I reblogged last night lmao)
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bigothteddies · 19 days
one of my dreams as a bright-eyed freshie noob nsfw tumblr user was to one day have my own place with tons of extra rooms and to have partners and kink friends rotating in an out of the house like all the old big kink creators used to on here, making content and gif sets with my friends and enjoying our sexuality together
#unimportant thoughts#doable still? maybe one day#I don’t know !#used to dream about it a lot#there used to be a big (since cancelled) creator that did a lot of stuff like that#creators would come and stay in his house for month(s) long vacations in between jobs and school#like could you imagine?#going and living with a creator you love for a summer?#getting to make content together snd have fun with no stress or pressure?#I don’t know maybe im alone in this!#BUT#I don’t know itd be nice!#i love the idea of being a Home#maybe not peoples permanent home#i csnt imagine being a lot of peoples healthy long time permanent partner lol#but yk its enough to be Somebody in peoples lives yk?#im happy to be someone who was right for you for a little while#be it a few months or a summer or a year or a few years#im happy with that#i want to end it on a high note and keep going as friends after#i want to still have occasional flings and catch up on each orhers lives all the time#i dont think i can be everyones forever#and itd be greedy to think i could be !#but i want to be someone people look back on fondly#that people say ‘he was a good influence in my life. i’m happy I was with him. he was the right person for me in a lot of ways’#i want to be someone people are proud of havin been involved with#i want those tumblr gifsets and relationship maps and talking about how x is moving out to go to grad school soon but we still love each#other and im proud of them for moving to the next stage in life#i want to be a revolving door thats always open!#but it only works if other people want it too! and if those people DO actually value me like tjat
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blueberry-beanie · 5 months
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"Herr Uthoff, unser Brainstorming hat eindeutig ergeben, wie wir das machen, dass wir diese Sendung auf ein sicheres Fundament stellen. Und zwar stellen wir uns hin und sagen: 'Die Sicherheit Israels ist deutsche Staatsräson'".
Der Nahostkonflikt und die deutsche Staatsräson pt. 1/2 Die Anstalt vom 12. Dezember 2023
English translation below the cut:
Mr. Uthoff, our brainstorming has clearly shown how we are going to put this show on a safe foundation. In fact we are going to stand here and say: 'Israel's security is German reason of state'."
The Middle East conflict and the German reason of state pt. 1/2 Die Anstalt on the 12th December 2023
GIF1 | MU: "What exactly does 'reason of state' mean?" GIF2 | CvW: "Yes, this is very easy! Reason of state, it's already contained in the word. State- GIF 3 | State, then reason. Many don't know - French for rationality. GIF 4 | Or reason. So state reason. Rationality, therefore... reason-rationality... GIF 5 | ...state." GIF 6 | MU: "You have studied communication science, haven't you?" GIF 7 | CvW: "Yes, why?" MU: "I'm asking myself the same question."
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heybaetae · 7 months
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brookbee · 8 months
sometimes I make something to post on here and I’m like. wonder if people will be normal about this one
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aesadraws · 1 year
Thing I would love to see written/drawn/etc but would never have the drive to actually make: vampire hangout between that Astarion (?) fellow from Baldurs Gate 3 and Regis from The Witcher. I just think it'd be neat.
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Well, I guess I can call yesterday/today productive - I spent many, many hours on a post dedicated to my hero, my literal icon. Unfortunately basically none of it was my writing or anything, but I've written about Janis enough times before that...I think it's okay if I don't say anything new at this time. But I DID MAKE A GIFSET (A WHOLE GIFSET) so I hope y'all like it. 😅
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kuiinncedes · 2 years
#my mom was like lets watch something right and i was like u choose bc i thought i was gonna just do work and not rly pay attention#but she chose 18 99 just kinda randomly but now we're 6 eps in and im kinda invested ngl TT#it's so far from what i would usually watch and it's creeping me the fuck out#but it's highkey rly good i think#i ws like scrolling thru the tag a tiny bit bc i was just like#i need to see some ppl saying like it's gonna end ok or something bc im just lowkey freaked out at all times rn watching njfnjfnbjggffj#i did see a bit of a gifset of some of the actors in an interview/game thing like laughing and having fun#and like usually w shows i like i get invested in the cast a lil bit and watch interviews and everyhing#but i feel like im gonna fucking NEED to for this LMAO just to be like THESE R PPL THAT CAN BE HAPPY AND GOOF AROUND JSGJHKFJDJHGKSDF#idk if my mom's gonna stay up to watch this whole thing tonight....... but ngl i feel like if she doesnt im going to#bc im like i need to know at this point i need resolution idk if i can like sleep if not lmfaooo#also the fucking soundtrack for this show is too fucking good at being mysterious and creepy#like pls lmao jfnfjbnjfkkfgdf im like half watching most of the time bc i . dont watch shit like this lol#but the fucking music and sound effects and stuff damn#also the damn violence rn wow :D#watching over top of my glasses so i cant rly seeeeeeeee lmfaooo#also the language thing rly makes this so interesting to me#woof anyway i was not made for watching shit like this lmfao *continues to watch* lets go#need to watch some hea/rtstopper interviews and shti after this make me happy and calmer LMFAO#jeanne talks#also i have aboue a 20% idea of what the FUCK is going on in this show lmaoo#and i think that;s all i could take knowing lmfao
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mothdruid · 1 month
Within the past 72 hours the TGM fandom got a fire put under it's ass, for lack of a better term/phrase. Even though I'm not as active in the fandom anymore, it did make me want to talk about a few things. This isn't the first time that I've had to make a post similar to this, usually speaking about reblogs and keeping your fanfic writers feeling wanted within the fandom spaces, but today I'm going to talk more about fandom etiquette and my experiences in fandom spaces. So, if you want to hear my opinion on fandom etiquette, how I learned fandom etiquette, and my thoughts about the doxing situation that has happened, keep on reading.
My Fandom Experience.
The first fandom that I was ever a part of was The Hunger Games fandom in the 8th grade (if you don't include my anime fandoms). I was 12-13 at the time. This was when I was first introduced to Tumblr and being involved within a fandom online. At the time I was super young, barely even knew who I was as a person, let alone in a fandom space. All I did was reblog little gifsets and fawn over Josh Hutcherson. I remember getting my first hate anon, even though I didn't do anything that would generate that to even happen. Even when I was 12-13, I couldn't understand why anyone would send a hate anon. That was when I found out a friend of mine found my Tumblr and actually secretly hated me, so she sent me hate anons. Still, before I knew it was her I didn't understand.
Fandoms were a formative part of my childhood. I think that main one that helped form me though was the Supernatural (yeah, I know, eye roll), Naruto, and The Hobbit fandoms. I had made friends on Tumblr and Instagram through these fandoms. During these times was when I had first started consuming fanfiction. Specifically, destiel and thilbo fanfiction. This is how I started to find the things in fanfiction that I loved, and the things that I hated. Instead of sending hate to the writers for their thoughts and stories that I didn't agree with, I would back out of the story or just scroll past. Not only that, I also started to use the filters on AO3 constantly, ensuring that I was only reading the fics that I knew I'd enjoy. Also, I was careful to read warnings and tags prior to reading the fic. Never once did I blame the writer for something that I knew I didn't like and accidentally read or read for see what it was about.
After high school was when I started getting into fanfiction writing. I've written for a lot of fandoms during this time. The IT movies, Total Drama, Haikyuu, Attack on Titan, Marvel, Bridgerton, Top Gun: Maverick, and currently ASOIAF. As a writer I've never gotten hate, thankfully, but I have had a lot of friends that have. It's sad to see so many people who take the time to write, whether it's enjoyable or not, receive hate. As writers we are simply expressing our creativity for the things that we love. Since posting fanfiction on tumblr, I have experienced a lot of people pestering for new updates and when the next fic is, and so have a lot of other writers on here. Even though people only know us as a little icon and username, fanfiction writers are people. We have lives outside of writing fanfiction. Everyone also isn't the same type writer. One person may easily write multiple fics every week, some of us take longer, and some of us are even just passion writers (me lol).
The TGM fandom has been one of the most negative fandom experiences I've ever seen/had. It is full of some of the meanest people/anons I've ever seen. From writers being attacked for fic ideas, people being sent hate for something that the anon has full control over, and people constantly expecting new stories to read on the daily. Yes, I do know that other fandoms have these issues, but it seems to be almost a weekly, hell, even daily thing within this fandom. A lot of the issues that I see happen in this fandom are from people who don't understand fandom etiquette.
Fandom Etiquette.
If you had noticed there was a few things I put in bold above. These are key things that I learned during my time that attribute to fandom etiquette. So without further a do, I'll list out some fandom etiquette rules that I follow all the time.
Don't send hate anons to people
Block/unfollow people you don't like
If you don't like an idea or fic, don't read it
Read through all warnings and tags that the writer provided
Use AO3 filters
Don't blame the writer/creator for reading things they created that you actively know you don't like
Writers/Creators aren't "content farms"
There are people behind these blogs/usernames, treat them like someone you'd see on the street
Writers/Creators are expressing love/passion for something, don't hate them for doing that
If you see something fandom related that you don't like, scroll past it or ignore it
The Doxing Situation.
For those who are unaware but decided to read this anyways, recently there was a writer (Mama Mayhem) on here who got doxed from another writer in the fandom. Mayhem has since lost her job due to the doxing. This was apparently from her breaking HIPAA by posting a picture into a private groupchat/discord. This picture was posted almost a half year ago. Meaning that the person who reported/doxed Mayhem had known about this picture for months and only recently decided to do something about it.
I'll start by saying that I also work in healthcare, and know many other people here who do. I understand that a HIPAA violation is 100% an offense that gets you fired. I'm not excusing the HIPAA violation if one did occur.
Some people have brought up the idea that maybe the person that reported the picture, and doxed Mayhem, was doing it out of the goodness of their heart. Due to the timeline of it all, that doesn't seem likely. I had a previous coworker get fired for HIPAA violations and it took a total of a week from the initial report for her to be gone.
The biggest thing I want to convey is that TWO WRONGS CAN HAPPEN AT THE SAME TIME. Yes, if Mayhem violated HIPAA, it is wrong. But at the same time, the person held onto this information for months only to use it out of spite, pettiness, and cruelty, is wrong.
My Thoughts.
Due to Mayhem being doxed, a lot of people have decided to leave this platform, take indefinite hiatuses, stop writing, or move to AO3 exclusively., and I don't blame them. I'll be honest, I'm thinking about moving to AO3 exclusively now. AO3 feels a lot more rewarding in my experience. I already only post my fics for ships to AO3, so why not just post everything on AO3 (which I usually do).
I think a lot of people have forgot what it feels like to feel shame in something they say or do. When I say this, it's directed towards people who send hate or do other malicious things in fandom spaces. Fandoms were never this clique-ish and mean. I think it has to do with the pandemic, meaning that a lot of people who would have never joined a fandom did because they weren't allowed to do anything outside of their house. So, those mean girls that made fun of fandom girlies (g/n) previously, joined the fandoms and decided started bullying the people within them.
This situation is super shitty and people are now scared. It makes complete sense, especially after seeing someone, that many of you were close to, be doxed. A lot of people are scared of it happening to them now. I don't think this fandom will be the same after this situation, but who knows, maybe everyone will just forget and move on. Either way, I think I'll be taking a step back from the TGM fandom. I'll still be here, but until further notice, I won't be posting any TGM fanfiction. Maybe a gifset/picture here and there, but I don't think this is a fandom I feel comfortable writing for anymore.
If you've read all of this, thank you.
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sotvtaughtmehowtofeel · 7 months
let's talk tags
There are lots of posts out there about why reblogging is so important to tumblr and it is. Reblogging without tags still helps more people see the post, so I'm certainly not saying add tags or stop reblogging. Sometimes you don't have the spoons, sometimes you don't have anything to add, sometimes you're in a rush. It happens! Tagless reblogs are still reblogs and every reblog is a win for tumblr. But I know empty reblogs are super common now and I'm wondering if people (esp people coming from other platforms) don't quite understand the tagging system/culture?? so let's talk about it
1. When you post something, the tags are how other people find it. Your followers will see something you post even without tags on their dash, but other people only find them when they're looking in a tag (like a fandom or character tag). Tags are also important for people who want to filter a certain tag (to avoid spoilers or because they just don't like the content). Importantly (and I semi-recently learned this myself), tags on reblogs don't help anyone else find the posts. Reblogging helps other people see it, but tags on a reblog don't add anything beyond that. Adding fandom or character tags on a post is for your own organization.
2. Tags can help you find things on your own blog. Do you like things to find them later? Do you get frustrated trying to find things again in your likes? If you reblog something and tag it, you can search the tag on your own blog to find it later. tumblr is a little bit of a garbage site (but it's OUR garbage site), so tags don't always work lol but you have a much better chance of finding it again this way than you do scrolling through hundreds of liked posts.
3. Tags are for reactions! This is what I refer to as "tag culture". A decade ago, everyone on the fandom side of tumblr was screaming in the tags. It's fun. It's fun for creators to see your reactions to things we make, it's fun for your followers to read your thoughts on things, it's fun for mutuals to talk back and forth in tags. Tags are how you get to know the personalities of other people on tumblr. Tags are why it's not boring to scroll past the same gifset 6 times because you get to see 6 different takes on it. Tags are how you can react to what other people are saying about a post while keeping the post in circulation so more people can see it and react to it.
Scream in tags. Be a little unhinged. Join the fun.
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rocketturtle4 · 10 months
Don't mind me I'm just collecting evidence for Ray's complete lack of self-esteem self-anything
(I'm shadowbanned which means that fact that I'm tagging everyone is USELESS (although I may have someone to help me out) but maybe it won't be useless later. Also I also cannot reply to comments, and you will not see in your notes if I reblog your post...fun times) @waitmyturtles should thee wish)
Finally pushed over by this post (@burnsuncomet @dewtu @plantsarepeopletoo) because @thegalwhorants that's right, it is VERY SAD
Because is this scene funny and ironic? Yes!
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Do I think people (me, I'm people) are going to swing around in 1-11 weeks time pull out screenshot one and comment not on the irony of this shirt but it's poignancy? ALSO YES. (Screenshots stolen out of this post @chickenstrangers)
So I'm starting my evidence collection now...
Poor Boy Gifs (a selection) (in no particular order)
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His t-shirt and reactions @khaotunq
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Drunk boy this gifset by @gunsatthaphan
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More Drunk Boy this gifset @heretherebedork
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This gifset @gunsatthaphan
Also this scene again because it's so awful it deserves to be included twice:
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this gifset by @userneos
speaks for itself:
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this set by @sunsetandthemoon (whose ENTIRE set here is just good evidence, but I promised myself I'd only steal one gif per post)
Ray's face when he sees Top and Mew dancing
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gifset here by @plantsarepeopletoo (multiple parts of this gifset have flashing lights)
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this gifset by @nick-nellson
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Look how happy he is surrounded by his friends!!!
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Oh and I'm sad again...
I gave in and grabbed 2 from this one @raypakorn
Since I already broke my rule I'm grabbing another one from @sunsetandthemoon:
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This is clearly just the (shit)icing on the (shit)cake of his (shit)life.
Finally thanks to @plantsarepeopletoo
His pure excitement at the idea of doing this project with his friends help...
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verses everyone else...
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Other Posts:
You're a burden screenshots (by @heretherebedork)
Information about Ray's subtitle/label "the one who [abandoned/discarded/threw away/cast out] himself" @lurkingteapot
Interesting thoughts on Sand and Ray by @bird-inacage - Ray's Fear of Inadequacy
Someone else who is sad with excellent screenshots @poetry-protest-pornography
I feel like this line might come back to haunt us lol @sparklyeyedhimbo
Trajectory of relationships and sex by @thatgirl4815
also by @thatgirl4815: Ray and apologising
Body language notes @captain-xandis
More random thoughts worth noting (Sand & Ray) @clara-maybe-ontheroad
this post by @thatgirl4815
(directly referencing the scene where Ray wakes up and doesn't seem to mind the fact that he thinks he got roofied and kidnapped for sex)
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originally posted here by @elliebirdwrites
(I'm not really taking it THIS seriously, just apreciating all my feels...also I don't think I've ?EVER actually watched a show from week 1...I normally have 2-3 episodes to obsess over by the time I start. This one ep business is not taking up enough time)
How much of Ray's identity revolves around making his friends (Mew) happy?
How much is he going to break when the ?rich? hotel owner moves into the only space he feels like he has value in?
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(and how much is his breaking going to break our best boy Sand?)
Let's see how much Ray(and Sand) can singlehandedly make me cry for the next 11 weeks...It is afterall, a FirstKhao specialty.
(now do I make a similar collection about Sand...or wait till next week hmmmmm....)
I'm going along with the masses and loving the poor boy and his rich (poor) boy.
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add1ctedt0you · 4 months
ChengQing for the ask game?
Ship It
What made you ship it?
Your posts lol. No, but seriously! I watched the donghua, then I read a ton of fics ( mostly Xicheng fics lol, being jiang cheng most popular ship on ao3) and then I read the novel, so I never even thought about them as a thing. Then, jc brainrot made me install Tumblr and I saw one of your gifset! I didn't quite ship them back then, but the more I thought about it, the more I could see the appeal! So, now, is one my top three ship! Also, this art lives rent free in my head. Idk why, I just like it!
What are your favorite things about the ship?
The families feud plus the noncon of it all lol. I like how both of them are complicit in each other's loved ones deaths! Wen Qing looked the other way while the jiang were massacred, jiang cheng did the same (if not worse, if you think that he actively participated in the wen remnants killing!)
I like thinking about them struggling so much to connect, because it's my favorite kind of relationship and because I think it works quite well with them?? Out of the other characters, imo, they could understand each other as no one else!
Both are pragmatic leaders, put in dire situations from almost the first time we encounter them. Both can read a room and understand where the wind is blowing... So, I think, they will look at each other, pondering the other's choices and think... 'yeah, I'll have done that too' (thanks cql for validating me!). So, their mutual understanding, plus their compassion (wen qing) and ability to get over something for loved ones sake (jiang cheng), create an interesting dynamic!
Also. She rearranged his guts. He's her greatest creation! People thought wen qing was a crazy bitch for theorizing a golden core's transfer (while clutching in fear their stomach so hard). And she managed it! She proved them wrong!!! Wen Qing should wake up every day looking at the face of the man she reinvented. I don't make the rules.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Mmm, I think my unpopular (???) opinion is about how they work together. Wen Qing is kinda momming her ill softhearted brother (cql!wq more, but the novel hints at it too imo), she works for years under her megalomaniac uncle and then, girl has to take care of her family (plus an alcoholic wei wuxian). Let her rest! Let someone take care of her!!!
And tbh, jiang cheng's problem isn't that he has too much responsibility (like, yeah, it's a problem lol. But imo, taking care of his sect it's jiang cheng's way to show love), his problem is that no one (wei wuxian) really let him take care of them! Let him have someone to pamper with his embarrassing devotion!
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lacebird · 4 months
Making Hayden Christensen's tea 🫖 | Recipe
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After seeing the gifset above (from this interview), I could not stop thinking about Hayden's ginger tea. So I did what any normal person would do and bought all the ingredients required to make this tea. I did some research before doing this and used all the tea knowledge I possess (I basically just winged it). This recipe is for a single serving, but I'm sure you could eyeball it to make a full pot.
Obviously, I don't know if this is how Hayden does it. Ya'll who'll be meeting him at cons this year can maybe ask him lol
Recipe and directions below the cut 💜
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Hayden's mean cup of ginger tea
I won't give exact measurements because I pretty much eyeballed this, but it's pretty straightforward. Feel free to add more or less of something if you want!
Water (fill the cup you'll be drinking from + add a splash)
Cinnamon sticks
Wash the ginger, mint and lemon.
Fill the cup you'll be drinking from with water, place in a saucepan and bring it to boil on the stove.
While the water comes to a boil, smash and chop the ginger (I used a piece the size of my thumb, feel free to use more or less). Slice the lemon (I used one slice about a 1/2 cm thick). You don't have to peel the ginger and lemon since we washed them first (also who has the energy to peel stuff — not me). Pick a few mint leaves, I think I used about six, but I'd use more next time since I didn't really taste the mint that much.
Throw everything in the saucepan, add a stick or two of cinnamon. Cover and let it boil for about 10 minutes or longer depending on how strong you want the tea to be.
Pour the tea into a cup (strain it of course) and add some sweetener if you like. I'm vegetarian so I use agave syrup, but you could also use honey or plain sugar. Or since Hayden's canadian, I guess maple syrup could work too? Feel free to try whatever you want—it's your tea, not mine!
For the peeps that find pictures helpful!
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Water added to a small saucepan. As it boiled, I washed the ingredients (except the cinnamon)
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When the water was boiling, I added everything to the saucepan, put a lid on it and set a timer for 10 minutes.
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Done! How adorable is this little teapot T_T
To conclude, I thought the tea was pretty delicious. It's very warm and cozy, a really nice drink for winter, I think! I hope you try this out! Let me know if it was any good! 💜
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0046incognito · 2 months
first of all i REALLY love CYM2K (?) and all thats going on with it. i love the robots, i love the style and animation, the staticy effect goes crazy, and im super enamoured by the plot.
secondly, a question you may or may not have answered. do livicoms have any reaction to human death? Does it depend on the bot? mainly cuz i looked at the server room shot and hibiki generally seemed neutral to it, although i could be missing context there.
firstly THANK YOUU i'm always ecstatic to hear people like CMY2K it is my greatest love in life i genuinely no joke care about nothing more
secondly: the server room gifset IS actually missing a little context, since it's directly preceded by the hibiki flying gifset i'd posted before, the last shot of which i extended since posting it. so yadda yadda all that to say the full shot of hibiki's reaction is This:
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my VHS emulator is so weird with gif framerates IDK why this one exported on 1s this time LOL BUT anyway.
hibiki Absolutely is distressed by human death, but he's not particularly bothered by human blood+gore, more just at the idea he was unable to save a human's life and thus inadvertently violated the first law [he's far more squeamish about Computer gore, actually]. he also has a bit of a flat affect, so he isn't particularly prone to more emotive facial expressions
with his extremely black&white moral scrupulosity issues and hero complex, as soon as he finds a robot was responsible for harm to humans--in this case, cytrus, after she calmly monologues algorithmic nonsense at him about it--the only thing he can do to make up for said first law violation is punish the robot to make sure they can't ever harm any humans again. thus:
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^hibiki's honest reaction when someone takes him to yapperville
in general, it does really depend on the bot, but most livicoms are at the very least not huge fans of human death. plenty of them are detached from it and don't particularly care but know it's normal to at least offer condolences, plenty feel exorbitantly guilty for even incidentally wishing death on someone, plenty are extremely saddened by it, but the type of reaction hibiki has--IE, being more immediately upset about a first law violation--is maybe the most common response, to a certain extent. it's wildly distressing to be a being forbidden by nature from causing harm to anybody and then witness death; the thought of being blamed for it and then punished by execution without trial has gotta be Terrifying
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lurkingshan · 5 months
✨2023: A Summary✨
Post your most popular and/or favourite edit/gifset/analysis for each month (it’s okay to skip months!)
Tagged by @dribs-and-drabbles, thanks dribs! It's kind of fun to go back and see what I was on about at various points this year.
This blog was a mere bebe this time last year and I hadn't started posting anything substantial yet, so nothing of note here.
most popular — Making fun of Hira in Utsukushii Kare 2 (affectionately)
favorite — Praising Moonlight Chicken's character writing
most popular — The Glory does revenge right
favorite — Whining about people using the friends to lovers label wrong
most popular — Celebrating Queen Ae Ri from The Eighth Sense
favourite(s) — Making sure people understand Ji Hyun is a drama dork, helping to kick off the most batshit week of discourse in T8S fandom, and of course the first (of many) appreciation posts for Porsche's sweater
most popular — On Step By Step removing a scene critiquing BGP because of fan outcry
favorite(s) — 10 Things I Love About WDYEY and 10 Things I Love About Khun Chai (please watch them if you haven't yet people!)
most popular — Having a ball with King the Land
favorite(s) — Breaking down Pat's effect on Phupha in Our Skyy 2, the complexity of family trauma in Our Dining Table, and Jeng's reaction to his failed confession in Step by Step (ugh remember when this show was good). And of course this was the month that the La Plue meta round up was born.
most popular — Bitching about romance discourse (it was about King the Land at the time but it's quite widely applicable lol)
favourite(s) — Hysterical praise for La Pluie's conflict writing, kudos for Be My Favorite's character work for Kawi, breaking down where Step By Step went wrong
most popular — Ah the good times when we were still so amped about Only Friends
favorite(s) — Every moment of the My Ride rewatch, great moments in subtitlery from Laws of Attraction, and praise for Sing My Crush
most popular — That one time I actually liked a Mew thing in Only Friends
favorite(s) — Trying to get y'all to watch Love in Translation, comparing Someday or One Day and A Time Called You, clarifying the differences between Boston and Brian Kinney
most popular — Boston and Nick my beloveds (it would be shocking if they didn't make this list they are responsible for many of my most popular posts)
favorite(s) — A couple I Feel You Linger in the Air breakdowns: why the romance works despite being underwritten, and Fong Kaew's excellent character arc
most popular — Goofing on the unseriousness of Kiseki: Dear to Me
favorite(s) — Breaking down how the writing choices in Only Friends sent toxic messages and final thoughts on the IFYL finale
most popular — Japanese BL starter pack
favorite(s) — Simping over Mohk simping over Day in Last Twilight, yelling about Cherry Magic Thailand, kicking off bl superlatives 2023
In addition to all the people dribs tagged that I am double tagging because I want to see your answers (@wen-kexing-apologist @grapejuicegay @btwinlines @twig-tea @rocketturtle4 @waitmyturtles @telomeke and @respectthepetty) I am adding some other folks I know wrote/created a lot this year because I'm curious what stuck with you most: @bengiyo, @ranchthoughts, @jemmo, @chickenstrangers, @chicademartinica, @slayerkitty, @my-rose-tinted-glasses, @colourme-feral, @blmpff, @liyazaki, @wanderlust-in-my-soul, @troubled-mind, @benkaaoi.
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