#I'll be your friend / in the daylight again / there we will be / like an old enemy / like the salt and the sea'
ereborne · 5 months
Song of the Day: January 18
"Settle Down" by The 1975
#song of the day#maybe one of the days I've had the hardest time choosing a song#it might have been 'Royals' by Neon Jungle (Lorde cover) which I talked to Lily about earlier#(the other day when we spent all that time traveling that was almost 'Eight Legged Blues' by Vixy and Tony#I played it for my family in the car on hour three of our drive and it was a big big hit#but it did get very cleanly overtaken by the Diva's Lament after I spent so much time with it on the train)#the original Lorde version of Royals played on Lily's playlist on the first hour of that drive and I mentioned I had a good cover#real good harmonies and neat acoustics in the big room they recorded in#and then today I finally remembered to send the link to Lily so that might have been today's song#or today's song also could have been 'Ringleader' by The Madison Letter which I tried but failed to sing in the shower#(I definitely don't know all the words yet. I did get a good echo off my 'ring-ring-ring-ringleader / ringleader' though which was nice)#and it also could have been 'Salt and the Sea' by the Lumineers which was in my single-song-by-artist playlist accidentally#no artist listed on the track somehow. very strange especially since it is so clearly a Lumineers song. they got the sound you know#anyway Salt and the Sea has some killer lines. 'from the destruction / out of the flame / you need a villain? give me a name#I'll be your friend / in the daylight again / there we will be / like an old enemy / like the salt and the sea'#but instead today is 'Settle Down' which is unbelievably fun to sing just for the way some of the words are pronounced and delivered#hits my brain just right every time#I had to do surgery on some of my poor plants (I can never leave them for so long again) and it was awful but the playlist provides#truly a wealth of song options today
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What if we fake married for real? (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^) ~★ (Idia)
Eliza is gone, but not without making life harder for Idia.
NOTE: I only write for female reader but everyone is welcome to read it!
A continuation of Homewrecker, husband-stealer villainess!
I had this sudden idea and couldn't do anything until I wrote it, so here we go
— (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^) ~★
After the honestly prize worthy drama that took place in NRC, things are finally settling. When (Y/N) was ready to beat the living—the, uh, dead daylights out of Eliza for "stealing her man", Eliza's guard stepped in, determined to protect her.
When the Prefect pressed him for answers as to why he's protecting the homewrecker, he admitted to loving his princess and wanting nothing more than to see her happy. Somehow, that touched Eliza so deeply, she... Decided that Puffy was her true prince.
Everyone is still trying to understand what just happened, but hey! Eliza is finally married and Idia is not dead and they're all unfrozen!
"I'm so sorry for almost taking your groom from you!" Eliza apologizes again, holding the Prefect's hands like they're old friends, and (Y/N) lets her like she didn't just try to kill one of her friends.
"I forgive you, Lizzy. I can't hate someone who also sees just how great my Idia is, now can I?" She winks at the ghost princess, as if Idia is not literally standing a meter from her, trying not to faint.
"You're too sweet... Oh, your wedding! It was today, wasn't it?"
"It's ok, it's ok. I did want a spring wedding, anyways."
"Oh, then I'll come visit during spring! And maybe I'll see the children? I can't wait to meet Little Meg and the new baby!"
"... Of course!"
The sound that left some of the people present in their efforts to not reveal the ruse will forever haunt the halls of NRC. And it still doesn't reach the levels of... Whatever it is they're feeling that shows on Idia's face alone.
"Then, it's decided! We'll see each other next year!"
And Eliza leaves with her husband and her entourage, just like that. Silence befalls the room, eyes meet in surprise, smiles widen on the faces of the bastards, Idia looks more aghast than anyone has ever seen him.
"Hey, Idia, wanna marry and have children?"
"Big Brother!"
The Prefect laugh as Idia finally loses it, falling like a log onto the nearest chair while Ortho fans him with his hand fan—literally, his hand turned into a fan. That's enough to break the dam, and then everyone is saying everything at the same time and no one is understanding nothing at any point.
"Absolutely not!" Crowley booms, and where the fuck has this guy been? "You are far too young!"
"Idia is eighteen and so am I, we can marry and adopt a child. As for the baby... We can make one in time if we start today~"
"You're eighteen?!"
"You don't even know my age, you deadbeat?!" Rook is there in a breath, holding (Y/N) to his chest so she can't kill the Headmaster. "And you ask why I call Crewel dad instead of you?!"
"Calm down, mon amour!" The blonde is smiling far too big for someone well meaning. "Besides, if Roi de Ta Chambre isn't up to it, I'll gladly follow our novella and step up."
As if that makes the entire situation any less weird.
Wait, no, scratch that. This makes the entire situation way weirder.
In an out of character plot twist, Idia rises from the chair, hair burning a voracious red. He's using all of his height—and, fuck, they forgot how tall he actually is!—to glare at Rook.
"A–are you implying I'm not h–h–husband material?!"
Being dumped by Eliza did some unexpected damage, it seems.
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vulpixisananimal · 1 month
(A house for Defenders. Or a castle. Or maybe just a place. Regardless that's where they were now. You were leading the charge, as usual. Followed by Mirabelle, Isabeau, Odile, Bonnie, and Nille. It was like that old routine, just follow Siffrin. It was... comforting? You weren't really sure.)
(The Defenders, as Isabeau had once told you, had a house of their own. All about protecting the weak and looking over the city and those in it. It looked welcoming, people coming in and out, bringing in snacks, running around, chatting. If you had time, you'd ask what was making the place so busy.)
(Why do I need to be the one in charge here?)
(I'm pretty tired, plus, you did good at guiding them before.)
(You're their guiding star~)
(You groan internally. That was horrible.)
(You step into the Defender place. It looked grand and busy. It was built like a public place. So many smiling faces around, it would have made you relaxed.)
(You glance at your party. They all looked so tense.)
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(The stranger went right up to Isabeau like they were old friends.) "Isa!! It's been, what, almost a year??"
(Isabeau hesitated.) "... Yeah!! Sorry I was just surprised to uh, see you!"
"Care to introduce us, Isabeau?" (Odile and the others were coming around to meet the new face.)
"Oh!! Right!! This is uh, Ramos! We hung out a lot before I left." (Isabeau mentioned each of you all in turn.) "Odile, Bonnie, Nille, Mirabelle and Siffrin! We're all traveling together!"
"Good to see you again Mirabelle!" (They waved, all chipper and smiling.) "I'm glad that I can see you again, not that I doubted you or 'beau."
"O-oh! Uh, thank you!!" (Mirabelle replied. Maybe telling them all that something bad happened here wasn't a good idea.)
"Are you guys just coming to visit? Or ya need a hand?"
"Someone grabbed Bonnie in broad daylight at the market yesterday. (Odile said, voice steady. At least she could keep a straight face here.)
"What!?!" (Ramos scowled at that.) "In the middle of the busiest place in town! Dunno if that's gutsy or stupid."
"I'd say lucky, if I caught em I'd knock their teeth out!" (Nille continued.) "If it wasn't for Mirabelle I woulda lost em."
"Oh Change." (Ramos shook their head.) "Well tell ya what. There's a few people who can help with that, I'll lead you there! Plus I gotta catch up with my buddy."
(Joke time.)
"Oh, do you keep flowers?"
(Ramos turns to you.) "Flowers?"
"'Cause you have a budding friendship."
(There were a mix of groans and laughs from your family and Ramos. Who moved towards you and was about to put an arm around you.)
(But stopped.)
(. . ?)
"Hey let's get going! The sun isn't waiting for us after all." (Said ramos, turning to lead you all.)
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(Ramos and Isabeau were leading the group, chatting and catching up. You were keeping step with them, glancing around the halls and rooms they passed. It all seemed so... Normal.)
(You glance back, Mirabelle was biting her nails (stopping as you give her a look) Odile looked calm and analytical as always, Nille and Bonnie were chatting. Bonnie sniffed the air.)
"Do you keep plants here?"
"Huh? This isn't another joke, is it?" (Ramos replied.)
"Wait! Wasn't there that guy who was keeping roses? It could be that! What was his name..." (Isabeau pondered.)
(... Wait.)
"What's it smell like?" (You ask)
"Huh?" (Bonnie glanced up at you.) "Oh, mint. A neighbor used to have it all over their garden, I'd smell it all the time."
"Oh no!" (Mira exclaimed.) "Mint is so hard to remove, a friend of mine at the House tried using Craft to get rid of it but that didn't even work!"
"Those poor roses..." (Ramos mused.) "He has been stressed lately, maybe that's why."
"Oh!! Maybe I could try, helping with that then?"
"Sure!" (Ramos walked over to Mirabelle and put a hand on her shoulder, and pointed down a hall.) "Should be down there, not hard to miss."
"I'm coming too!!!" (Bonnie ran after Mirabelle, Nille following right behind yelling at them to slow down.)
(Your hand twitches, about to protest but... They were already off, Isabeau catches your look, and smiles at you as if to say "they'll be okay." You hope so.)
"Not far now." (Ramos continued.) "Sorry this place can be a maze."
"I'm used to mazes." (You reply. Odile snorts at that.)
"Has Jouvente had a history of kidnappers?" (Odile asks.)
"Nope! It's supposed to be real safe here." (Another turn.) "Dunno why someone would try to grab a kid."
"Hmm." (You knew that look. If Odile had THAT look then something was up.)
(Another turn.)
"Oh don't worry M'dame, Ramos has always been able to help!" (Isabeau looked back and smiled at you.) "They helped me a lot with my defenders exams! It was a real struggle."
(... What?)
(Another turn.)
"Are the Defender exams particularly tough?" (Odile asked, ever curious.)
"Oh yeah!! But thanks to Ramos I didn't break a sweat-"
(You stop walking.)
(How many loops had you and Siffrin talked to him? How many lines of his has you memorized. You probably knew his history better than he did.)
(Then why was he getting it wrong?)
"You never mentioned Ramos before, Isabeau."
(He tilted his head.) "I haven't?"
(No. You haven't. Over hundreds of loops, of hundreds of variations. You never once heard that name. But you knew Isabeau asked a favor tree to ace his exams. You knew he studied. You knew he found it easy and didn't need help.)
(What's that smell?)
"You have not, no." (Odile adds.) "And I must ask, if Jouvente is safe, how'd you get that bandage, Ramos?"
(You look at the Defender. You knew their look too.)
(Fear. Fear about a flubbed line. Fear about a slipping mask.)
"Siffrin! M'dame! Please there's no need for any of that-"
(Odile pushes past Isabeau and grabs Ramos' arm.) "What's going on? I don't want to hurt you, Ramos, but someone tried hurting Bonnie."
(What. That. SMELL.)
"M-miss Odile please! I just want to figure this out and, and I want to help!"
(She looks at him for a moment, then stumbles back.)
(Ramos continued.) "If you'd just, just help me out here I'm sure we can-"
"Siffrin?" (Odile glances at you. Her face, it's, she looks panicked. Confused.)
(You look between her, Isabeau, and Ramos. What was going on? What was that smell? What weren't they telling you? Odile put a hand to her head. Isabeau took a step to her to help.)
(You could see Ramos trying to get back into character.)
(. . . Time to play your own role then. You draw your dagger.)
(You take a step towards Ramos and speak.) "Tell me the truth."
"I, I-I am I promise I am! I don't know why I'd ever lie to you!"
(Step.) "Liar liar pants a'fire~"
"Siffrin they're, I don't think they're a threat." (Odile mumbled.)
"They're my friend Sif!! Leave them alone!!!" (Isabeau added.)
"I don't want to fight you, but, but I will! I will defend myself!!"
(Step.) "I don't want to hurt you either, Ramos~" (You twirl your knife.) "But I don't know if I can hold myself back~"
(Loop, you're scary.)
"Siffrin?!?!" (Isabeau stood up and stepped towards you.) "What's gotten into you?!?"
(Running out of time.)
(You breathe in, and out. Dash towards Ramos and swipe at their kerchief.)
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(. . . You were right.)
"Siffrin! That's enough!" (Isabeau got between you and Ramos, but the star pendant was there for all to see. Why was Isabeau being so strange! Couldn't he see that's who grabbed Bonnie?!?)
"That's enough?!? 'Beau please, you can see they're wearing that blinding pendant!" (You were loosing patience.)
"That's just fashion! How do you know it's connected to anything!"
"It's not just fashion!" (You were yelling.) "It's a star! And it-"
"Stop making excuses!! You're just being selfish!"
(. . . Selfish?)
"You've been nothing but rude to me and my friends! You always have been!"
(What. No that, that's not-)
(Something's wrong, this isn't right!)
"I should never have trusted you."
(You feel a tug-)
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(. . .)
(He didn't mean it. He didn't mean it. he didn't mean it he didn't mean it he didn't mean it he didn't mean it he didn't mean it.)
(He. Didn't. Mean. It.)
(. . . He didn't. . .)
(. . . Please. . .)
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tavina-writes · 8 months
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From the destruction, out of the flame You need a villain, give me a name I'll be your friend in the daylight again There we will be, like an old enemy I'll be your friend in the daylight again There we will be, like an old enemy Like the salt and the sea Like the salt and the sea
"Salt and the Sea" by the Lumineers, covered by Gregory Alan Isakov here (x).
ANYWAY how could I not make a bad image edit of this song for NieYao + NHS.
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fandomtherapy44 · 3 months
Klaus x reader chapter 6 Bloodletting
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Summary: This story is from the perspective of Y/n Marshall the younger sister of Hayley Marshall. Side note I love Hayley one of my favorite characters. Basically Y/n will be pregnant instead of Hayley and I will be changing some things up but then that it should stay pretty close to the series. I hope you enjoy the story! Also, if you like I have a Castiel x reader
Paring: Klaus x reader
Word count: 3,238
Warnings: Some language, Typical the Originals violence, Spoilers for season one of The Originals, Pregnancy, Refence to sex
I got the divder from
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Chapter 6: Bloodletting
There were about forty vampires in the courtyard at the compound of Marcel Gerad of squaring up to fight to get a chance to get a special ring. “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Fight Night! And, the first rule of Fight Night is: the vampire left standing at the end of the night is one step closer to the inner circle, and one of these--[He holds up the hand on which he wears his ring]-- a daylight ring. If you can impress me with a little ultra-violence, you too can enjoy the warmth of the sun on your face. All you got to do is kick a little ass. Here we go!”
A woman and man step up. Of course, the women won victoriously. But not a moment later her neck was snapped by Klaus. Elijah and Hayley in tow. "Good evening! I'd like a word.” “What do you think you're doing?” Marcel was pissed that Klaus was once again stepping on his throne. “It appears that we've interrupted a collection of filthy amateurs! We've come here for the girl. Give her to us, or we kill everyone here... starting with you.” Elijah was always so methodical with his words.
“You two got a lot of nerve, coming into my home and making demands. And who is she?” He pointed out Hayley. “I'm about to kick your-” She tried to walk forward but was pulled back by Elijah. “Your home, is it?” Klaus has a sarcastic smile. “The girl! I will not ask again.” “I assume you're talking about Y/n? Yea high, H/c, sweet attitude? Who is she, anyway?”
“She's an old friend. You know how sentimental I am about old friends.” “Well, I ain't got her. And before you start whining, I did pay her a little visit earlier tonight. I was feeling nostalgic, so I took a trip out to the plantation where I used to be a slave. And, imagine my surprise when I realized that the Original family of vampires had taken up residence. Your girl, Y/n, answered the door, we exchanged hellos, and that was it. You don't believe me? Look around. Hell, I'll even help you find her. But the question that I'd ask is: if Y/n isn't here, then where is she?” 
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POV: (Y/N)
I wake up and all I smell is dirty socks and all I see is the back of SUV window. I kick up at the window in some hope to somehow knock it out and climb out. The driver pulls over and gets out and opens the back. I kick him and he blocks me. “Seriously?” “Tyler?” I had not seen him for over like six months at this point. “You don't wanna fight me, Y/n. You know you can't beat a hybrid.” He zip-locks my ankles and picks me up. “AHHH! Let me go you asshole!” “Shut up!”
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Tyler had brought me to the backwaters of the bayou of this small shack next to the water. It would be prettier if I wasn't currently being held against my will. “Tyler why the Hell am I here?” He doesn’t answer, instead he brings out a pocketknife. “Ok, geese! I won't ask again.” He then cuts my ankle zip locks. “This is just in case.” He held the knife up, the gall of him. “Hey, aren't you the one you knocked me out in my backyard!?” “It's not your backyard, it's Klaus'! You're shacked up in that mansion with that psycho. A long way from the sweet girl I've met in the Appalachians, helping other werewolves.”
“Tyler, I am still the same girl, just a couple of things have changed.” “You mean that you're pregnant? A hybrid baby, yeah, I know all about it. I've been roaming around the Bayou, asking questions. Let me tell you what I learned! [He pulled down my sweater sleeve to show my birthmark on my shoulder] This crescent birthmark means you come from a big-shot family. Some kind of royalty for the werewolves of this region. And right here-- [He gestured around him]-- this is all that's left of them.”
I look around and see tents that are barely being held together by worn-down rope. “My family is out here?” At that moment I see a blond woman hiding by the trees. “HEY HELP!” I held my arms up. She ran away as soon as I did. “They can't help you! They're in the woods, hiding, because they were persecuted for decades by vampires.” Of course, those poor people, this man walks up. “Is that her?” “Excuse me!?” “Yeah, Dwayne. Get her inside.” Dwayne comes and picks me up like I was a bag of air. He must be a werewolf too or he hits the gym every day. “Tyler? Tyler!” 
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Back at the compound, Sabine was doing a locator spell to find Y/n while Hayley, Elijah, and Klaus were crowding around. “She's in the backcountry. Way up past Houma, deep in the Bayou.” “Bayou?” Hayley questioned. “There are stories of exiled werewolves, encampments. If Y/n went out that far, chances are she went to find them.” “Clearly, she hopes to make the acquaintance of more like herself. I suppose our company wasn't good enough for her.” Klaus quipped. “No, Y/n is not like that. She would at least tell me, if she's there she's not there by choice.” Klaus looks at Hayley with the slightest bit of worry.
The three of them had traveled to the Bayou. “We should head south towards the water.” Elijah pointed out. “You seem quite determined to find the littlest wolf.” Klaus commented. Hayley was just trying to sense her sister. “If I'm moving too fast for you, Niklaus, you're welcome to wait in the car. Do be certain to leave the windows down.” “ Ah, so I've touched a nerve? You've begun to admire her sister. Perhaps that's why you've been barking orders since your return, hoping to impress Hayley by assuming the role of family patriarch.” she had walked enough away that she couldn't hear them.
“If you're going to insist on treating her like a walking incubator, then that's your mistake.” “I do not see her as a-” Klaus stopped. “Have you found her scent?” They walk over to the SUV so does Hayley. “No, but I found someone else's. This vehicle reeks of someone I thought I was rid of... Tyler Lockwood.” “Tyler? why the Hell would he care to kidnap Y/n.” Hayley said. “He wants revenge because I went after his girl.” “Really over a high school girlfriend?” “Why do I suspect this is the least of your offenses?” “Well, there was this business with his mum…”
“Great so my sister is going to die now because of you! She’s here because of you!” “He needed to be taught a lesson!” “And what lesson will you be taught, Niklaus, if he retaliates by harming Y/n?” “So, you do care about her. Well, go on, then. Have at it, brother. Save her. Claim what spoils you can. I've sampled what she has to offer and let me tell you, she is exquisite–” Hayley slapped Klaus. “Don't you ever talk about her like that again!” She goes to keep searching but stops. “Oh, and Klaus if she is hurt or worse I will find some way to kill you.” With that, she walks, and Elijah follows.
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POV (Y/n)
I am brought into the shack and zip-tied to some type of iron oven aka not easy to pick up. Might as well ask. “Tyler, there's been two wolves watching Hayley and me lately. Protecting us, like they instinctively know that we are part of their pack. You're a hybrid, you can turn into a wolf whenever you want... Was one of them you?” He shakes his head no. “No, but you're right-- only hybrids can control when they change. And I'm the only one left, besides Klaus. Which is why we're here.” “Whatever you think you're doing, you know that whole Original family has made some sort of pact, or something, to keep me and the baby safe. So, if you hurt me, they'll kill you. Believe it or not I don't want to see you die Tyler.”
“Of course, the nice, sweet Y/n wouldn't want that but then again you conspired to help kill twelve hybrids. How did you even trigger your curse if you do not believe in killing huh? I'm generally curious.” He got close and up in my face. “An accident the same as you.” I looked to the side. “I don't believe you but that's not why we are here, Dwayne? You ready for this?” Dwayne looked really hopped on whatever he was about to do.
“Let's do it.” Tyler goes to dig out a large syringe. “What are you doing?” I asked with fear flooding my body. Dwayne holds me down. “Tyler, please. NO! Tyler!” “Klaus destroyed everything good in my life! So, I'm gonna take away the thing he wants most!” He jammed it into my stomach. “AHH!” I breathed heavily. As I see it leave my body it’s filled with my baby’s blood. Tyler goes and injects it in Dwayne and then snaps his neck. 
I just stare at the dead body now. “Don't get all judgy! Dwayne knew what he was getting into. He volunteered!” “To get killed!? How in the hell does make any sense?” “Dwayne is a werewolf who died with your blood in his system. The same blood you share with your hybrid baby.” I furred my eyebrows in confusion. “You're trying to turn him into a hybrid? That's impossible!” “I've been running with wolf packs all over the country. One of them was tight with a witch. She had nightmare visions about your baby and how Klaus could use its blood to make an army of hybrid slaves.” I breathed deeply in to control my anger.
“That’s enough from everyone! I don't care what anyone says about my baby it’s just that, my kid and if you keep on making threats on it, Klaus will be the last person to worry about.” “That’s cute and all but that's where Dwayne comes in. You see, he was happy to be the test case. If you haven't noticed, these people don't have much to live for. They'd all welcome the chance to become the superior species. Trouble is, all hybrids are sired to Klaus. They follow his every move. [He grabs a knife from his bag and sets it on the table] No way I let that happen.”
“How can you be so sure Klaus knows what the baby's blood will do?” “What do you think? Klaus Mikaelson, killer of men, women, and puppies, all of a sudden wants to be a daddy? Or, he's got an ulterior motive. Hybrids can walk in the sun. Their bite is lethal to vampires. They'll take over New Orleans by the end of the week. And you know what's going to stop Klaus then? Nothing.” Could it be true all this time? Suddenly Dwanye wakes up breathing a lot.
"You're gonna have to feed on her.” Dwayne walks over to me. “What? No! Ahhhhh!” He bites in my neck and it hurts like all Hell. He freaks out and runs out and Tyler goes after him. In the freak out he broke a chair I’m able to reach and grab a broken sharp leg. Tyler walks back in.“It worked, didn't it? He's a hybrid.” “If Klaus gets a hold of you, if he gets that kid? He wins.” He picks up the knife. “Maybe we can run if those are his attentions.”  “He'll find you, he'll take your kid away, and he'll make more hybrid monsters. Slaves who do everything he says.” “Please murder is not the answer, Tyler You're not like this.”
He walks closer and I stab him in the leg with the wood. “That was stupid!” He starts again but Dwayne walks in. “Get away from her!” “What do you care?” “I said get away!” “You got what you wanted, now get lost!” “Dwayne, he's gonna kill me! And he's gonna kill you, too! He said that hybrids are too dangerous to live! You need to stop him!” Dwane attacks Tyler and I'm able to grab the knife and cut my binds and I run like never before.
I ran behind a tree hearing footsteps get closer and I jumped out and slide kicked him to the ground and pounced and almost daggered him until I realized it was Elijah. “Elijah I am so sorry! I thought-” I helped him stand up. "You thought I was Tyler, and here I thought you were in danger. It appears I was mistaken.” “Y/N!? Y/N!” It was Hayley. “Over here!” She runs over straight into my arms. “Oh thank God are you ok!? The baby!?” “Yes both of us are fine, a little sweat and a couple of scratches. Nothing I can't live through.” “Let's go!” She tugs on my arm. “Wait guys there's something you need to know about the baby.”
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“Klaus must have known, that's the only explanation! He could care less about the baby. He just wants her to be born so he can use her to make more sired hybrids.” Hayley was pissed from what I told them and I don't blame her. “Look, we don't know if Klaus knew.” “Oh like Hell he didn't, he's Klaus !” “We can talk about this later after I take you two home.” Elijah of course is trying to break the tension. “Are you serious? Home to what?” Hayley replied back in her snappy sarcasm.
“Look, regardless of my brother's intentions, mine remain the same. I said that I would protect you and your sister, even, if need be, from Klaus himself.”  “Guy’s let’s talk about this.” “What’s there to talk about Y/n! And Elijah I can take care of myself. I've done it for a long time.” She walks away. And I am left to question just about everything at this point but especially Klaus.
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We had walked back to the shack where Klaus was standing. He had blood on his shirt in the middle. He saw me and looked like he wanted to run to me, but he didn’t. Instead, he looked between Elijah and I and started to think things that weren't true. “There you are! I see you've found our wandering stray. Perhaps you could shed some light on the situation. This-- [kicks the body over] -- appears to be a hybrid.” He pointed to me wondering why there was even a hybrid in the first place. “His name was Dwayne.” I answered kind of hesitating because I knew the bomb that was about to explode.
“Well, whoever it was, I didn't sire him. Any idea how that's possible?” Hayley gets pissed and jumps up to defend me. “[ She stomps toward him] As if you didn't know!” “Hayley please!” I pleaded to her. Elijah looked to me to make sure I was ok. And Klaus saw. “Ahhh, well, aren't you two fast friends? Oh, come on, then. What kind of horrible accusation have you conspired to levy against me?” Here comes the boom. “Guys let’s talk-” Elijah started to talk.
“Tyler Lockwood brought Y/n here to test a theory. [Klaus nods at him to continue] That the blood of her child could be used to sire hybrids. He claims that you knew that. Furthermore, that you intended to use this knowledge to build an army.” Klaus looked hurt and with that I knew that he did not know about the blood I knew because I've had the same look before. “And, of course, you assume it's true. I mean, why else would I show interest in my own flesh and blood? A heartbroken little crybaby points his finger at me, and my own brother falls in line, eager to believe it! How quickly you believe the worst, especially when it comes from her.” Klaus pointed at Hayley.
“Oh, spare me your indignation. When have you ever demonstrated any kind of concern towards Y/n or her child and sister, beyond your own selfish pursuits? And what was it you once said to me? [He impersonates Klaus] "Every king needs an heir!"” “My big brother. So, you doubt my intentions? Well, I can't say I'm surprised, standing next to the noble Elijah, how can I be anything but the lesser brother? A liar, a manipulator, a bastard.” My heart broke. “Klaus wait please-” I tried to soften this conversation after that because I knew how much pain that phrase brought to Klaus even more when he said it himself.
“And you, of course you agree with them I mean why would the big bad wolf be interested in his own blood. [He got closer to me] I knew you never would want to have a child with me.” “Brother, if–” Elijah was hurt too. “interrupts] You've said all that needs to be said, brother. [He steps back a few steps and holds his arms out in defeat] I'll play the role I've been given.” He speeds towards Elijah and bites him with his venom. Hayley and I are both shocked.
“You three enjoy each other's company. You'll have much to bond over, once the hallucinations and dementia set in. Consider that bite to be my parting gift to the three of you.” Before I even have a chance to say his name he speeds away. Hayley and I turn to Elijah to get him to the shack.
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About an hour later Elijah was on the old cot and Hayley and I were looking through old photos to see if we could find any hint towards our family. Elijah gets up to help us look. “You don't have to help us. We can dig through the werewolf antique show on our own. Besides-- [She looks at his neck wound] -- shouldn't you put some kind of ointment or something on that?” Hayley said to him concerned. “The bite won't kill me. Like Niklaus himself, it's more of a nuisance than anything.” I didn’t say anything, but I got mad at that moment. So before I got more mad, I went outside to get air. The pregnancy definitely did not help being hot.
Going outside I looked around and I finally had a chance to fully appreciate the beauty of everything like the Bayou water with the sun reflecting off of it. And the crickets making their own song. The fresh smell of no smog and instead weed flowers having a sweet nectar hanging in the air. Sometimes being a werewolf has its upsides. I couldn't wait to share this with our daughter. When I walked a little more on the deck my feet kicked into something it was big bible. I picked it up and flipped through it.
“Hayley, get out here!” Both of them came out. “What is it?” I held it and flipped through to the page that was saved. “A Bible, with a family history that goes back generations.” “What are these names? Who is Andrea and Elizabeth?” Elijah asked. “I think we are... those are the days that we were born.” I said realizing that my family just got a whole lot more intriguing. 
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Hey yawl! Hope you enjoyed the story! Sorry it's been a while since I've updated. I wanted to finish my Castiel x reader which the first season is now finished if you want to you can read that. So hopefully I can focus more on these chapters because I love this story so much. This chapter really stirred the pot between Klaus and reader, so I love that. I also hoped that I showed that Y/n could hold her own. I might skip next episode's plot and move on to the next one depends. So look out for the next one! XOXO Gossip girl ;) ;)
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apricia · 2 years
For ever by your side / Aemond Targaryen x reader // Part VII
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Chapter 7 - Reunion with old friends
The wind whipped Alyssa's face as she flew towards King's Landing on Vermithor's back. Beside her flew Jace und Luke. Rhaena sat behind her on Vermithor. He was the only dragon that could easily carry two people and didn't mind if Alyssa invited a guest to fly. But Alyssa knew that her half-sister would rather have her own dragon than always have to fly with her.
Alyssa looked down at Luke skeptically. Arrax was still so small, just big enough for Luke to ride, and that didn't look too professional if you asked Alyssa. They flew in good conditions. The wind might be cold but not strong and the sun was shining. The perfect conditions for a flight on a dragon.
"Are we going straight to the dragon pit?" Jace asked her over the howling wind. Alyssa nodded to him. 
At the dragon pit, they would meet up with Daemon and Rhaenyra, who had their youngest children with them. They would then be taken to the red keep in a carriage.
But Alyssa would separate from the group first. She still had something to do.
Vermithor let out a roar and the younger dragons around him whined away from him in fear. Alyssa searched for the reason for Vermithor's reaction and spotted Vhagar on the shore of Blackwater Bay. She lay quietly on the beach and looked like she was sleeping.
Alyssa stared at the dragon. Vhagar was beautiful, tall and powerful. She was glad that Vhagar was down and not flying through the air with her rider. She didn't want to see Aemond again from the back of her dragon. She wanted to look presentable, well dressed and she wants to stun him. Just out of spite. 
The dragon pit looked exactly as Alyssa remembered it. Nothing had changed. She even ran into some of the dragon keepers. Those who recognized her smiled at her kindly. Alyssa climbed off Vermithor's back, leaving him in the capable hands of the dragonkeepers.
"Where are you going? The carriage is over there," Jace said, pointing to the vehicle.
Alyssa nodded. "I see that. I'll meet you later in the red keep."
"Alyssa, you can't just leave."
Alyssa raised an eyebrow. "Of course I can. Take a good look, Jace." She waved to her stepbrother before joining Rhaena, who had climbed down from Vermithor after her.
"Make sure these two don't get into trouble while I'm gone," she whispered to Rhaena. Rhaena had managed to charm the two Velaryon brothers, and Luke and Jace often listened to her opinions.
"Do I want to know where you're going, sister?"
"Probably not."
Rhaena sighed and grabbed Alyssa's forearm. "Please be careful. I always get worried sick when you just disappear like that."
Alyssa smiled at Rhaena. "I'm the older sister, Rhaena. I'm the one who should be worried about you, not the other way around. And your concern is unfounded. I know the streets of King's Landing and know which areas to avoid. I'll be back faster than you think. Also, I'm armed, so I won’t get in trouble.“
Rhaena seemed unconvinced, but nodded. "In that case, I'm glad father taught you how to fight."
Alyssa couldn't contradict her. Only thanks to Daemon's training did she feel ready for her illicit adventures. "Please hurry," Rhaena said before Alyssa set off.
Her destination was Fleabottom. It might seem strange that a Targaryen princess would visit a brothel in broad daylight, but Alyssa wasn't there for the whores.
She wasn't interested in this business. Even if she knew exactly what the women were doing here and how they earned their money. When Alyssa came here at night, she tried to ignore the naked bodies and the moans, although that was easier said than done. Sometimes she would have a cup of wine with one of the girls who wasn't busy. Regardless of what the girls were up to at night, they were all friendly and nice, and some of them were even extremely intelligent.
Alyssa had her cloak pulled low over her face to hide her silvery white hair. She didn't want anyone to recognize her. That would only raise unnecessary questions.
She knocked three times on a heavy wooden door and waited for it to be opened. A scowling man opened the door and gave her a silent look before letting her in. He already knew Alyssa and he knew that his mistress was waiting for her.
The man led Alyssa up a flight of stairs, and then onto a balcony. A beautiful dark haired woman sat on an inviting sofa with a mug of wine in hand. She looked up when she saw Alyssa.
"Princess, how nice to see you."
"Mysaria, or should I call you White Worm." Alyssa grinned at the woman. Mysaria returned Alyssa's grin. It had been years since Alyssa had met the woman who had once had an affair with Daemon and had been a friend of her late mother. Mysaria found out that Alyssa had gone to Dragonstone and sent her a message. She wanted to meet her and Alyssa, just thirteen years old, had been curious. She wanted to know more about her mother, wanted to know who the woman who gave birth to her was. Alyssa had sneaked out on Vermithor and flown to King's Landing. The journey was not easy, but she had managed to get to the named meeting point undetected and without any problems.
Since then, Alyssa has been visiting Mysaria more frequently, completing tasks for the White Worm that no one else could complete. Or wanted. Alyssa was a messenger of the White Worm. At least if it suited her. She brought messages to Pentos or Bravos when she was headed there anyway. In all other matters, Alyssa did not interfere. She did not read the letters Mysaria received or sent. She did not open the packages and was not interested in their contents.
Mysaria had offered her a position as a spy, but Alyssa had turned it down. She was a Targaryen, not a spy. She did not share family information with anyone. "Are you in the capital about the business with Lord Corlys?" Mysaria asked and Alyssa nodded. "There will be a hearing. Lord Vaemond has requested an audience with the king. As will Princess Rhaenyra audition for her son." It was not classified information that she shared with Mysaria. Soon everyone would know that Lord Corlys had been injured in battle and his successor would have to be settled. That was no secret. 
"I'm excited to see how this hearing goes."
Alyssa shrugged. She wasn't really interested in the outcome of this discussion. She would grant Luke the title of Lord of the Tides. Somehow at least. She understood Lord Vaemond's objection. After all, he was Lord Corly's younger brother and the only living male Velaryon. Because no matter what Rhaenyra or King Viserys might say, everyone knew that Luke, Jace and Joffrey were not Ser Laenor's children. Everyone knew that, only nobody was stupid enough to say it out loud.
"Did you get it?" Alyssa asked now. She didn't want to spend any more time in Fleabottom than necessary. Knowing that she was already expected and that Daemon would probably be furious that she left without a word.
Mysaria nodded and gestured to the man who had escorted Alyssa inside to get it."May I ask why you want a scorpion? Are you planning to poison someone?"
"If I were to do that, I would hardly leave any traces that can be traced back to me. No, the scorpion is a gift," said Alyssa, laughing.
Mysaria raised an eyebrow. "A gift? A most unusual gift if you ask me."
"As a matter of fact."
It was an unusual gift for an unusual girl. Woman, meanwhile. 
The man rejoined them and handed the white worm a small black box. "Why didn't you fly to Pentos and get one yourself?" Mysaria asked.
Alyssa shrugged. "I need a very specific kind and I knew you could source it. It was easier for me that way."
Besides, she had been too busy with matters on the Stepstones the past few days. 
Mysaria nodded in understanding and handed the box to Alyssa. Small holes were made in the lid to allow the animal to breathe inside. Alyssa didn't bother to check the contents. She could rely on Mysaria. So she dug the agreed-upon money out of her coat pocket and handed it to the older woman.
"I have to go now, but I'm sure we'll see each other again soon." Should she get bored at court, Alyssa would come back tonight.
"One more thing you should know, the prince recognized you on your last visit."
Alyssa held her breath. "Did he? I thought he was so drunk he didn't even know his own name."
Mysaria laughed softly. "I haven't checked, but it's possible. He did mention your name several times, Alyssa."
The princess nodded. Aegon would not pose a problem for them. He was a drunk and no one would believe him when he said he met Alyssa in Fleabottom.
"Why did you help him then?" the white worm asked curiously.
Alyssa didn't look at Mysaria but sighed. "He may be a drunken fool, but he's still my cousin. I will not allow anyone to harm my family."
"You could have been hurt," Mysaria insisted.
"He too. Only unlike Aegon I was able to defend myself. He was barely responsive when I found him."
"Yet he knew it was you."
"He'll think he imagined this encounter. Don't worry."
Mysaria smiled. "I never do that. Worries are for fools." The White Worm knew all things King's Landing, but especially Fleabottom. When a prince set foot on her turf, Mysaria knew it. And she knew how to use that information. 
"Then go, little bird. I'm sure that you are already expected in the palace." Alyssa said goodbye to Mysaria and left the brothel. With quick steps and unrecognized, she made her way into the red keep.
Aemond was at the training ground, sword in hand while Ser Criston wielded the morning star. It was his third fight this morning. First he had defeated Ser Erryk, then his twin brother, on whom he had vented his anger at Aegon. Aemond did not blame Ser Arryk for Aegon's missteps, but the knight was the prince's personal protector, and yet Aegon always managed to sneak out of the keep and indulge his deviant tendencies. As a Knight of the Kingsguard, Ser Arryk should be able to prevent that. 
Now he faced Ser Cristion, who was not as easy to defeat as the Twin Knights. He was more practiced, more brutal, and he knew Aemond's fighting style. As if he could predict his steps.
Onlookers stood around them as they did every day. Minor lords and ladies of the court whose names Aemond didn't even bother to remember. They were lucky to be allowed to stay at court, they couldn't expect any more favours, including the respect of a prince. Aemond didn't care about the crowd. When he held the sword in his hand, he blocked out everything around him. He could see everything around him when he wanted to, but his only focus was on his opponent and the steel in his hands. Although he had only one eye, he saw more than most people, heard more than most. He had trained to make up for his loss, to compensate for the limitation in his vision. It hadn't been easy, but now he moved and fought as if he still had both eyes.
As he threw a punch at Ser Criston, he heard the rushing through the crowd, heard the low whispers and shouts of encouragement. But his training company blocked the attack, instead the morning star sped through the air. Aemond heard the whirr of the weapon as it flew through the air and he dodged at the last moment. He certainly didn't want to be hit by that weapon.
Although his concentration was on Ser Criston, Aemond caught two dark haired heads joining the gaping crowd. Dark hair, like Ser Harwin Strong's hair. Proof of their illegitimate descent.
Aemond didn't look at his nephews, instead his focus slipped back to the fight. Just as the morning star met its shield. The wood shattered into many pieces and the splinters flew through the air.
He felt the impact of the weapon throughout his body. It didn't hurt, he had experienced worse, but anger was now running through his veins. He'd been distracted by the two bastards. That mustn't happen to him again. Aemond threw the shield away, useless now anyway. Armed only with his sword, he charged at Ser Criston. Crouched under the knight's slash and got into battle stance to plan his next attack. Sword raised and ready to stab.
He felt his nephews' eyes on him. Ser Cristion wiped his shirt sleeve across his face, where sweat was already dripping down. The student had overtaken the master. Aemond wasn't even out of breath.
When the knight charged again, Aemond dodged him. Twice. Three times, a fourth time. On the next swing, Aemond blocked the Morningstar, positioning himself behind Ser Criston and bringing the blade to his throat. Another victory.
Ser Criston seemed annoyed at his defeat, but he nodded to Aemond nonetheless.
"Well done, my Prince," he praised him. "You'll be winning tourneys in no time."
Aemond narrowed his eye. Did Criston seriously believe he was training so hard to win any tourneys? He wasn't a fool who cared about something so insignificant!
"I don't give a shit about tourneys," he ground out, blade still raised. Except it wasn't for Ser Criston. His sword and revenge were for others. His gaze slid to the two Velaryon bastards. “Nephews,” he greeted them. Have you come to train?"
Aemond prayed they would say yes. He would enjoy humiliating them as they had so often done to him. He would shove both of them in the dirt, over and over again, until he lost interest in their humiliation. If that ever happened.
Jace looked straight at him. He had grown. Not as tall as himself, but not the little boy he was six years ago. Luke, on the other hand, still looked like a frightened child. He stood behind his older brother and took another step back. They both looked nervous.
Aemond lowered his sword and took a step toward his nephews. "You can attack me at the same time if you like, that's what you're best at anyway. Once a coward, always a coward, it seems to me."
Luke and Jace exchanged an uncertain look and the older one shook his head. Aemond grinned. The bastards wouldn't dare challenge him, they wouldn't stand a chance against him anyway. Not anymore, even if they tried it together.
"They may be cowards, but you still act like a defiant child," came a voice from the crowd.
Aemond spun around. And there she was. Years had passed, years in which she had grown. The girl had become a woman. Her silvery white hair was longer than he remembered. She had braided it into an elaborate tail that hung over her shoulder and still reached almost to her waist. She wasn't dressed like a lady, no, she was dressed like a dragon rider. Black leather pants, black boots, an equally black vest with silver embroidery on the collar and hem. A three-headed dragon was embroidered on the front. Her clothes were wrapped tightly around her body and Aemond could see that her body has changed, she had become a woman.
She had one hand on her hips, the other holding a black box. Two daggers hung from her thigh and hip. She looked different, but there was a familiar fire in her eyes. Aemond recognized Alyssa immediately. He would have recognized her anywhere.
At the sight of her his heart beat faster. He hadn't expected to meet her here. She was standing in the middle of the crowd and was slowly walking towards them.
"Princess Alyssa," Ser Criston greeted her, bowing his head.
"Ser Criston, it seems to me, you are still trying to teach the prince swordsmanship. Not very successfully may I say.“
Crison looked from Alyssa to Aemond, the corner of his mouth twitching. "The prince is an excellent student and has become as good as his master."
Alyssa raised an eyebrow. "Then it's probably your fault that his footwork is lacking. Is that what you're saying?"
Aemond raised an eyebrow. He knew Alyssa's fire, her taunts, her provocations. She had always spoken to Aegon or the bastards that way whenever one of them had teased him. But Aemond didn't know that tone when she addressed him. She had never spoken to him like this before. He didn't know if he liked that. But he would play her game.
"Won't you show me how to do it right then, cousin?" Aemond asked her.
Alyssa looked at him. Her gaze rested on him a tad too long as decency would allow. She eyed him, taking in the changes of his body. He wondered what she saw. What she thought of him. What was going on in her pretty head, because he certainly couldn't deny her beauty. As a girl she had been sweet, now a goddess stood before him.
She closed her eyes for a brief moment, then a smile appeared on her face that took Aemond's breath away. Alyssa shook her head. "No I do not want to." She stepped even closer to him so that they were only a few centimeters apart. Aemond took in the whispers around them. And at the same time her scent enveloped him. She smelled like dragon, like leather and some sweet pastries. Was she still that fond of lemon pie?
She leaned forward. "It wouldn't be fitting to send the king's son down and shove him in the dirt, wouldn’t it?"
Her provocation did something to Aemond that he couldn't name. He wanted to laugh out loud, but kept his emotions under control. "You're still fighting the fights of others," he said simply, but he felt the corner of his mouth twitch.
Alyssa looked at him and shrugged. "Maybe instead of bullying your nephews, find someone your size for your next fight."
Aemond's eye narrowed and he looked from Alyssa to Luke and Jace. He hated that she defended them both. Why was she on the side of those bastards? "Are you offering yourself?" He looked at the dagger at her hip. Could she handle it? Or were the weapons just a deterrent ornament? Aemond was dying to find out.
Alyssa smiled. "Maybe next time, if you dare."
Aemond looked back from the knife at her hip to Alyssa's face. Her violet eyes shone. A fire burned within that threatened to consume him. She was enjoying this. Enjoyed their spanking. Aemond did, too. He could have teased her for hours.
Then his gaze wandered to her lips. They were fuller than before, inviting. He swallowed when he had to remind himself that they weren't alone. The members of the Court stood around them and watched. Enjoying the show they put on for them.
Then Aemond couldn't help but chuckle. Alyssa's eyes widened slightly at the sound and she took a step back as if she has burned herself on him. Something had changed in her face, but Aemond couldn't quite put his finger on what it was.
Not until she bit her lip and took a deep breath. Her chest heaved faster and she licked her lips. He now knew what it was. Desire. And she didn't want to feel this desire, he could say, because now a frown appeared on her forehead and she clenched her jaw.
No matter how much time had passed, he still had an impact on her, had an effect on her. They were drawn to each other, burning in the same ceaseless fire.
A grin curled Aemond's lips. He was still in the game. In the game about Alyssa's heart. Maybe her heart would refuse at first, but her body was already on his side, that was for sure.
"And how I will dare. It would even be an honor for me."
"The honor will be on my side, my prince," she whispered the last words and smirked. "It will be my pleasure to wipe that grin off your face."
He heard Luke laugh behind them and that only angered Aemond more. He closed the distance between him and Alyssa and grabbed her chin, pushing it up so she had to face him.
She didn't even look surprised, let alone impressed. Instead she laughed.
He felt her breath on his face. Their lips were only a few centimeters apart. He would only have to bend down and he would be able to conquer her mouth with his. He would love to do that. He wanted to know how she tasted, how she felt and what sounds she made when she enjoyed his touch. He wanted her!
"If you dare touch me again, I'll slit your throat," she said in a sweet voice.
Aemond raised an eyebrow in surprise. "I think you're misinterpreting the situation, Princess. You don't have the upper hand here."
"Oh really? Then you want to die childless?"
At first he didn't understand what she meant, but then she moved a little and he felt the blade on his thigh. Not right on his thigh, he liked to say.
He was impressed without wanting to be. But he wouldn't let her win. "I thought you were going to slit my throat. That's not my throat, in case you don't know, Princess."
Alyssa looked at him in surprise, but he saw the slight blush on her cheeks. The innocence in her eyes that she was trying to hide.
"And just in case you don't know, I don't care if I cut your balls off or slit your throat. Put your hands on me one more time and you'll regret it."
She was pure fire. And he loved it. Her interactions were different than six years ago, that much was certain. But somehow the same. They had grown up, the childlike behavior between them had disappeared. What was left was passion and fire. Maybe a little bit of hostility too.
Aemond grinned at her, wanting to disarm her, pull her close and kiss her. But he wasn't allowed to. Not yet.
At that moment, the entrance gates opened and Alyssa tore herself away from him. Tucked the blade back into the belt at her waist, but didn't take her eyes off Aemond. He too continued to stare at her. Out of the corner of his eye he caught Lord Vaemond Velaryon entering with his entourage. Soon the game would begin and he was ready to make the first move to claim his queen.
@girl-with-an-orange-cat​ @itsjustmyopinionf1​ @xcharlottemikaelsonx​ @immyowndefender​ @kohsongbird​ @curiouser-an-curiouser​ @stargaryenx  @multiple-fandoms-girl @itsemy01 @crazymusicgirl104 @draganaludoski​
@stargaryenx​ @beccaerenswife @kaitieskidmore1​ @sunmoon-01​
@jbaby2 @fullmetalriotts @justaproudslytherpuff​ @claudie-080102​ @awesomemikaus​ @linkpk88​ @imjustboredso​ @abrielletargaryen​
@literishdegree99 @delilah1990​ @warmness0ul @kaitieskidmore1​ @tswiftsthings @girl-with-an-orange-cat​ @grungegrrrl​ @stargaryenx​ @midnightrqin​
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musingbythor · 5 days
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the sea child sings — a pacifica raynott playlist
#01. Salt and the Sea — The Lumineers
I'll let the darkness swallow me whole (Eu vou deixar a escuridão me engolir inteiro) I need to find you, need you to know (Eu preciso te encontrar, preciso que você saiba) I'll be your friend in the daylight again (Eu vou ser seu amigo na luz do dia novamente) There we will be, like an old enemy (Lá nós vamos ser, como um velho inimigo) Like the salt and the sea (Como o sal e o mar)
#02. ocean eyes — Billie Eilish
No fair (Não é justo) You really know how to make me cry (Você sabe mesmo como me fazer chorar) When you gimme those ocean eyes (Quando você me dá aqueles olhos de oceano) I'm scared (Eu estou assustada) I've never fallen from quite this high (Eu nunca caí de tão alto) Fallin' into your ocean eyes (Caindo dentro dos seus olhos de oceano) Those ocean eyes (Aqueles olhos de oceano)
#03. Ocean Breathes Salty — Modest Mouse
The ocean breathes salty, won't you carry it in? (O oceano respira salgado, você não vai carregar isso?) In your head, in your mouth, in your soul (Na sua cabeça, na sua boca, na sua alma) And maybe we'll get lucky and we'll both grow old (E talvez nós tenhamos sorte e envelheçamos) Well, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I hope so (Bem, eu não sei, eu não sei, eu não sei, eu espero que sim)
#04. Homesick — Noah Kahan
I would leave if only I could find a reason (Eu iria embora se eu apenas conseguisse encontrar um motivo) I'm mean because I grew up in New England (Eu vou malvado porque eu cresci na Nova Inglaterra) I got dreams but I can't make myself believe them (Eu tenho sonhos, mas não consigo me fazer acreditar neles) Spend the rest of my life with what could have been (Passar o resto da minha vida com o que poderia ter sido) And I will die in the house that I grew up in (E eu vou morrer na casa em que eu cresci)
#05. King — Florence + The Machine
But a woman is a changeling, always shifting shape (Mas uma mulher é um metamorfo, sempre mudando de forma) Just when you think you have it figured out (Assim que você pensa que compreendeu) Something new begins to take (Algo novo começa a tomar conta) What strange claws are these scratching at my skin? (Que garras estranhas são essas arranhando a minha pele?) I never knew my killer would be coming from within (Eu nunca saberia que o meu assassino viria de dentro) I am no mother, I am no bride, I am king (Eu não sou mãe, eu não sou noiva, eu sou rei)
#06. It's Called: Freefall — Paris Paloma
Anyway, you say you're too busy (De qualquer forma, você diz que está muito ocupada) Saving everybody else to save yourself (Salvando todo mundo para salvar a si mesma) And you don't want no help, oh, well (E você não quer ajuda nenhuma, oh, bem) That's the story to tell (Essa é a história a contar)
#07. Ship to Wreck — Florence + The Machine
And, ah, my love, remind me, what was it that I said? (E, ah, meu amor, me lembre, o que foi que eu disse?) I can't help but pull the earth around me to make my bed (Eu não posso evitar puxar a terra ao meu redor para fazer a minha cama) And, ah, my love, remind me, what was it that I did? (E, ah, meu amor, me lembre, o que foi que eu fiz?) Did I drink too much? Am I losing touch? (Eu bebi demais? Estou perdendo o jeito?) Did I build a ship to wreck? (Eu construí esse navio para ele naufragar?)
#08. I am not a woman, I'm a god — Halsey
I just wanna feel something, tell me where to go (Eu só quero sentir algo, me fale para onde ir) 'Cause everybody knows something I don't wanna know (Porque todo mundo sabe algo que eu não quero saber) So I'll stay right here 'cause I'm better all alone (Então eu vou ficar aqui mesmo porque eu estou melhor sozinha) Yeah, I'm better all alone (Sim, eu estou melhor sozinha) I am not a woman, I'm a God (Eu não sou uma mulher, eu sou um Deus) I am not a martyr, I'm a problem (Eu não sou um mártir, eu sou um problema) I am not a legend, I'm a fraud (Eu não sou uma lenda, eu sou uma fraude) So keep your heart, 'cause I already got one (Então guarde o seu coração, porque eu já tenho um)
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bitchywaldof · 8 months
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I'll be your friend in the daylight again
There we will be, like an old enemy
Like the salt and the sea
- The Lumineers
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justplainwhump · 1 year
Making Angel - A documentary
I didn't intend to do something for the @bbu-on-the-side Community Days today, but well. I did. Have a transcript of in-BBU-media. Contains minor spoilers for Tyler's story, but then again, could be an AU.
[Angel's story]
Content: BBU, kidnapping, presumed death.
Making Angel - A documentary on the WRU pet system by Tara McKenzie.
Opening shot is a long drone shot of a rich hillside suburb, lush vegetation, large mansions in big parks.
[Before Angel] a subtitle says; [Danielle]
Cut to a video obviously taken by a smart phone, a group of young women lounging by a pool. In the center, there's a tall woman in her early twenties with long blond locks in a white swimsuit. She grins and waves, like people do who have their photo taken, then frowns at the camera. "Are you filming me?"
The person behind the camera laughs, a woman's voice. "I am! Want to remember you like this, before you'll go start corporate work and forget all your friends."
The camera zooms in on the blond woman. Her face is specked with freckles, and her amused grin has a dimple appear in her left cheek. "I'll never forget you. My best friend who is violating my personality rights by filming me without my consent."
"May I film you, babe? Please? Just some words to future generations, before your first steps of becoming the superstar and role model for female CEOs?"
"Fine, fine. Hi everyone. I'm Dany Hammond, I'm a little tipsy because my friends wanted to throw me this party, I'm 22 years old, have a bachelor's degree in psychology and I'll start my position in corporate management next week. As an intern, though, an intern, which my friends refuse to understand, whatever they tell to this camera. And uh- oh, come on, turn this camera off?"
"What can you tell us about your private life?"
Danielle throws her head back and laughs. "That's what you're going at? Find out if I'm dating via an interview?" She winks at the camera. "I'm not dating anyone, boys out there, but if you have both a brain and a nice biceps, call me. Also, I'm a very competitive tennis player, if you think you can beat me at tennis, call me as well, and, well, we'll see where it leads-"
The video ends.
Now there's another young woman in an interview chair facing the camera.
[Olivia Voss, Danielle's friend]
When she speaks, you recognize her voice as the woman filming before. "That's the last time we saw her, before... Well, she did die, in a way, didn't she? For six years, we've been convinced she'd died for real. She... The footage of that kidnapping was on all news stations, but it had been resolved, right? They found who did it, within just days. But Dany... Dany stayed dead."
Pictures from a news station show up, showing black and white surveillance videos from the street in front of an office building. The blond woman from before, in a business pant suit, with a man walking by her side. A van stopping next to them, people with guns, the woman frozen in place, her companion putting a hand on her shoulder, all but pushing her in the van, and then all of them gone in the van, bystanders watching in shock. "Danielle Hammond, daughter to influential businessman Stuart Hammond, appears to have been abducted in broad daylight yesterday in downtown, right by her father's company headquarters. To our reporters, officials mentioned a conflict in organised crime, now reaching the higher levels of management."
Another news video, some days later, the moderator in front of two photos. "Danielle Hammond and her bodyguard Frankie Mueller, who had been abducted in one of the city's most notorious kidnappings just last week, have been confirmed dead. Their remains have been found burned in a car just out of town."
Cut back to the interview room and the woman from before. She's sobbing. "I believed it. We all did. And it was horrible. I... I could never have dreamed, she was alive and she was... She was going through something so much worse."
Cut to another drone video, filming a company logo - WRU - on a small sign in front of a nondescript office building; flying up to show a big building complex in the desert outskirts of another town.
[WRU High Security Training Facility 002]
The name [Danielle] shows up again, is then replaced by [002238] in the same font.
There's a man in the interview chair now, probably around thirty, tall, broad shoulders, long dark blond hair tied up into a bun. He seems nervous, foot tapping onto the ground, finger running over a scar on his neck, but his gaze is evenly on the camera, or the person behind it. "Assisted walk-in, we called them," he says. "Involuntary Acquisitions. 238 was a custom order, and it was my job to get her ready for it."
[Tyler Parker, former WRU Romantic Handler]
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humblemooncat · 9 months
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FFXIV Write 2023: A Journey of Remembrance Day 6: "Ring" ♫
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"I thought we were headed to Ishgard today"
"We are, I just needed to make a stop to see Tataru about a few things. Then I figured we could make our way through Coerthas. It's my birthplace after all, I know all the shortcuts" Ki'to explained, making his way through to the Rising Stones. G'raha trailed behind him, curiosity piqued.
"Good morning~" Ki'to sang, looking around for their lalafellin friend. He heard clambering and a few boxes topple before the pink visage of Tataru rounded the corner.
"Well hello, you two! I wasn't expecting you so early!"
"It's nearly midday, is your chronometer off?"
"Apparently!" she said, glaring at the timekeeper on her desk, "Anyway, early or not, I just finished up your orders so no need to worry"
"Ever reliable! Whatever would we do without you, Tataru my dear?" Ki'to said with a laugh, making his way over to her workspace.
"Freeze to death, most likely" she remarked, handing him a neatly-folded coat. "If you're Ishgard-bound, you need to be prepared!" She trotted over to G'raha to hand him a coat as well.
"I already have a winter coat, though. You needn't have gone through the trouble-"
"That is your coat!" Tataru replied, "I just sewed in some warmer inserts and a softer inside that will retain heat well"
"Oh! Well then, thank you Tataru. Much appreciated" G'raha gave her a smile, putting the jacket on himself to check the fit.
"And for you," she made her way back over to Ki'to, who had made himself right at home in the new coat, "I worked with your mother on this, it should be perfectly done to your description" She handed him a small box which he placed within the pocket of his new coat.
"Thank you, dear. I'm certain he'll love it"
"Oh, I know he will. It suits him well" she said, giving him a smile before patting him on the back of the thigh, "Now, off you go. You've got a long trek before you today, and only so much daylight!"
Ki'to gave her a nod, clasping his hand in his husband's and heading towards the door. "We'll be back once we're done with our journey! Thank you again!"
"You better be! I'll be waiting with tea and sweets to hear the whole story!"
After exiting Mor Dhona, the two mounted up on horseback. Seeing as they had plenty of ground to cover, it seemed the better approach.
As they approached the Observatory gates, G'raha spoke up.
"I had figured you'd make mention of the box and its contents after we left, I can't help but be curious"
Ki'to patted his coat pocket where the box resided, "You'll see, I promise" he told him, "It's related to one of our stops as we approach Ishgard"
G'raha looked on at his husband with a quizzical tilt of the head, but did not ask further. Though his curiosity held tight in his mind, eyes flicking to the pocket on Ki'to's coat often as they journeyed through Coerthas.
"Dragonhead was the stage from which we sheltered from the storm, and from which we entered into Ishgard proper" Ki'to explained, poising himself by the northern gate, "with no small bit of help from Ser Haurchefant and Aymeric. For it was their voices that carried weight and gave us the leverage needed. Ser Haurchefant even went so far as to implore his family take us in as wards. An act I will forever be grateful for. For I regard them all as family now"
He lowered his head in remembrance, warm breath encircling his head in clouds backlit by the setting sun.
"It's little wonder why you're regarded so warmly here, then. They'd have kept us till dawn had we let them" G'raha mused, letting out a laugh.
"Of that you're not wrong" Ki'to grinned, "But we've one more stop before we can go bother Aymeric. Come"
He steered his horse towards the gate, urging it forward towards the northern path. G'raha followed behind, and the two made their way up towards the ruins of the old Vigil.
"My family made this journey quite a lot in our time here. Menphina's cairns are nearby" he mentioned, "It was after my first journey that I received this earring from my mother, much like my siblings before me" He flicked his ear, causing the jewelry hanging from it to jingle softly.
"She overlooks Ishgard, then?" Raha asked, "You would think it would be dedicated to Halone"
Ki'to chuckled, "They're both goddesses of ice, but Halone has dedications all over the city. I think it's fair Menphina at least gets an overlook"
He hopped off his horse, tying it to a tree as G'raha did the same.
"That said, she's not who we're here to see"
"Is she not? I thought she was your lady"
"She is, and I regard her with every breath that leaves my body, for I live for love", he spoke, "And love is the reason I know she will pardon me for passing by"
As the two walked through the cairns, Raha spied a headstone, a shield propped against it and fresh flowers at its base. Reading the name upon it, he understood.
Ki'to knelt before it, pulling out the box within his coat pocket. "Do you remember when I had asked all of your blessings for something? A ring for a lost love? That I might make my intent known even if it's never regarded?"
G'raha knelt next to him, seeing within the open box sat a ring, carefully crafted by the hands of expert goldsmiths.
"You loved him"
"I still do" Ki'to said, staring down at the ring, "Grief is simply the word we give love after death. It is when love becomes 'I wish they were here', or 'they would have loved this'; It is when love cannot be expressed directly, but it is no less love"
Raha placed a hand on his lover's back, rubbing a small circle in comfort.
"I will love you all the same, if you pass before I do" Ki'to spoke up, catching his husband off-guard, "I hope not. But, know you will always be loved, even if you are not here to feel it"
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Not knowing the words to express himself, G'raha gave him a hug, lingering a while before pulling back.
"I know you will..."
Ki'to leaned his head till it made contact with Raha's chest, "Allow me to bury this beside him, then we can head inside the city"
"Take all the time you need, love"
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That's about all the self-inflicted feels I can take for today. ;v;
It's been in the back of Ki'to's mind that he wanted to leave a ring with Haurchefant to communicate what he could not before his death, so I wanted to give him the opportunity to do that through this story. And the prompt came at the perfect time to do so.
Gonna be taking a couple days to chill, then we'll head to Ishgard proper! (Unless a prompt really speaks to me, of course!) Until then, enjoy this and the other write ups I've done so far! They're all tagged with #A Journey of Remembrance for easy reading! o/
Also, if you noticed Ki'to with the wrong haircut in today's picture no you didn't
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murderousxcoffee · 1 year
Amoricide [Dead by Daylight Dark Soulmate AU - Trickster/Survivor!OC]
Amoricide     The act of killing your soulmate Chapter 4: Double Date Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
CW: mentioned torture, mentioned [implied] noncon, blood, Danny Ghostface
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I want her.
That pissed Trickster off a little. Not as much as Cortez did, but a little. 
He sat at the table in the large, empty room, ripped straight from Earth, and stared at the old radio. Sunshine wasn't on right now. Right now, she'd put on some metal band from Sweden he probably should have heard of, the latest in a long mix of rock songs from Brazil to Japan. Later tonight she mentioned she'd play a few hours of dark electronic music, things she didn't know the genre of but felt like they should go together. She was doing her best.
He wanted her.
He didn't even know what she looked like, and he wanted her.
It was almost insulting.
Trickster propped his arm up on the table and slid his sleeve down his forearm. The mark hadn't changed, still the same twisting spiral that bloomed like flowers on either end. He placed two fingers on the mark, and cold sunk into his skin, crawling up his arm.
Cortez feared him? Good. And the bandages over her mark dripped with blood last he saw her. How stupid she must be to not understand how much he hated her, how satisfying it was to end her life like the bug she was.
No, she understood. But she didn't know why, or who he really was.
He smiled. 
A shadow passed behind him, a figure hopped up on his table. Trickster's smile dropped. Without moving his head, he looked towards the Killer who now swung his legs in the air beside him.
"Hello, Ji-Woon," The Ghostface's voice, changed by a modifier, still managed to show the smile in his voice. "Having fun all by yourself, are we? Aren't you bored?"
"Fuck off," Trickster said.
The Ghostface laughed. "Oh, don't be mean to me. Aren't we friends?"
"I'm warning you," Trickster said. "I don't have the patience for your bullshit."
"There's no bullshit here, Mr. Hak. Not tonight. Tonight's special."
Trickster leaned back in his chair, arms crossed over his chest. A special night for Ghostface meant some certain Survivor was in for it, either torture or sex, it all sounded the same when you were far enough away. 
It also meant the Killer wouldn't be in anyone's business until he got bored again.
He pinched the bridge of his nose. "Alright, I'll ask. Who are you going after tonight?"
The mask tilted to the side.
A small chill went up Trickster's back. He looked at Ghostface.
"They'll kill you for that," he said. "They'll kill you for even thinking about that."
"I need a challenge," Ghostface said. "And my sweet Felix is being very, very bad tonight. He's not left the Campfire once. If I didn't know better, I'd think he's learned." The mask tilted the other way. "What do you think?"
"Excuse me?" 
"Would you like to help me?"
Trickster spat out several choice words in Korean without thinking. Ghostface laughed.
"You assume the worst of me, Mr Hak. I don't need participation, just a little assistance…"
He glared. What Ghostface did was none of his business, but he'd never considered the possibility the other Killer would go after one of their own. Frank Morrison was no friend of his. The Legion were pains in the ass, unfriendly to anyone but each other, and desperate to prove themselves in the eyes of the older Killers. A terrible combination. Sometimes he thought if he could break Frank's nose and get away with it, he would.
But Ghostface was a different beast than the Legion. Even on Earth he'd known that, just from the movie Hollywood made about him. Without thinking, Ji-Woon rubbed the cold, cold mark on his arm. Did Frank deserve whatever fate Ghostface planned for him?
… Wait, when did he start developing morals all of a sudden?
"If you want my help," Trickster said, "It better be worth my time."
Behind the mask, he felt Ghostface grin.
"Don't worry," he said. "This is something you've been waiting for."
Someone knocked on the front door. Sunshine didn't move. Her eyes locked onto the TV screen on her desk. She swallowed.
Three figures stood at her door, all of them in masks. She shuddered. The Legion? How did they find her?
Her janky security system had no sound, no movement, just one unblinking eye at each door. But she could hear them.
"Open up! We are Legion and this place is ours!"
"I don't think she'll let us in."
"She doesn't have a choice. We'll break down the door if we have to."
"Hey, bitch! Open the fucking door, or I'll rip your pretty throat open!"
Bang. Bang. Bang.
She didn't move. Her numb fingers shook.
"What the hell kind of door is this… Hey! Open the door or I'll fuck another hole in you with my knife! You want that?! You wanna die like that?!"
"What if she's not in there?"
"She's gotta be in, right?"
"She is a Survivor…"
"And we're down one member."
"That bitch doesn't go into Trials, I don't care what she says. We would've seen her by now."
"I guess."
"What are we gonna do with her if she is in there?"
A pause.
"Guess it depends if she's cute or not."
Men laughing, a woman's nervous giggle.
The sound cut short. Sunshine listened closer.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Was that Frank speaking? He'd only spoken to her a few times before. "That's from - Give me that!"
A rustling of paper, a silence again.
Frank mumbling. 
"Fuck the radio girl," the other man, Joey, said. "This is bad."
"That's really bad!"
"Fucking… fine, we'll deal with this bitch later. Let's go."
The tension left her body. Sunshine leaned in the back of her chair. She looked towards the window, the top of it cracked open. A smile spread over her face. They'd had no idea.
She looked back at the TV. The blood rushed from her face.
Trickster stood at the door.
"Finally," he said. "Annyeong nae salang. I've been waiting for this, Sunshine."
She jumped from her chair, and it rolled back, slamming against the wall.
I need to hide, she thought.
She looked around, looked back at the screen. The door was open.
"Don't be scared." His voice wasn't coming from the window anymore. "It's only me."
Her eyes looked to the floor. Did she have enough time?
She couldn't wait, couldn't waste it. With care and difficulty, she pulled up the floor beneath her desk. The harder part was getting the floorboards back on top of her. Sunshine lay face down in the dark, her hands pressed over her mouth, and waited.
Wood creaked. Footsteps so close by. She closed her eyes, tried to stop the way she shook. 
"Are you hiding from me?" He said. "That's a disappointing thing to do. I've been looking forward to seeing you."
Creaking, squeaking wood. He stood next to the desk. 
"What's this?" He said. "Some song you've been working on? I don't know this program you're using. Music isn't an easy thing to do alone, Sunshine. Wouldn't you like some help?"
Tears burned in her closed eyes. Please, please, please, she begged. Please please, go away.
He must know I'm still here, she thought, her eyes opening. He must…
Wood creaked, right next to her head.
Something like fingernails scraped against the floor.
"Come out, come out, wherever you are."
Sunshine clenched her eyes shut and reached out for the only help she had.
When Trickster peeled open the floorboards, all that waited was a patch of deep, fresh blood.
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evereinefaust · 9 months
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝐂𝐚𝐧 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐌𝐞? ࿐ྂ
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Pairing: Killua Zoldyck X afab!Reader
Sypnosis: A fateful incident was what allowed them to be true to their feelings.
Word Count: 2,453
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Hey, um say... Can you hear me?
Ehh? What did you say?
Liar! Don't lie to me. Take out your earbuds!
Sorry, sorry! It's just that I love seeing your adorable expressions~
Adorable?!? What are you talking about, I'm not cute!
Huhu~ Or so you think!
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For some reason, hanging out with her always made my day. She always smiled, no matter how lame or boring something was, she'd always smile. At least more than 2 times a day. She always had these earbuds plugged into her ears, listening to who knows what. But she could always hear me or Gon even from a distance, so sometimes I think that she's not listening to anything at all. I'm always asking her, can you hear me, but she always responds with a yes. I really can't understand this mysterious girl.
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After all of the commotion seized, Gon and I left our old selves behind to start a new. We went back to Whale Island, where it was peaceful like always, and lived the rest of our youth there in peace. Well, to be honest, we are still teens and we aren't quite.. You know, peaceful. Gon went fishing like always, catching that giant fish over and over again, I actually feel bad for all of the holes Gon has put through it's mouth! But, regarding that, we actually met a girl who was around our age, she's pretty tall for her age! Around an inch or two taller than me. She's just recently moved to Whale Island, so now Gon-- and I hang out with her I guess. She's actually pretty cool and collected.
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Birds chirping, blue sky with no clouds, bright green grass... What's not to like about this nice weather? It's not like me to say this but the weather is unusually really nice!
"Hey, Gon! Let's go to the forest!" I called out to my best friend. He shouts back from inside the house, most likely the kitchen. "Sorry, Killua! I promised Mito-san that I'll help her in the kitchen today!" He says, rushing to the opened door and pressing his hands together in apology. "You can go hang out with (y/n) though!" He grins such an innocent smile and starts heading back towards the kitchen. Popping his head out of the door frame so that I could still see him, he says, "I'll catch up if I finish cooking with Mito-san!" I sigh and smile right back at him. "Alright! I'll go look for her!" I stood up, walking towards the house that she lived in.
Crossing the busy main street, there was a lot of people talking to others, from what I could tell, they looked very... Worried? I didn't pay much attention to them though. Meeting up with (y/n) and what we were going to do was all I could think about. I arrived at the house, and somehow, it had... A weird aura around it. I go to the right side of the house and throw a rock at the middle window. "Heey! You in there?" I call out to the girl. "(y/n)? You there!?" I say a little louder. No answer? I thought of climbing up the wall to get to the window but ehh... No thanks. I decided to go to the front door like a normal person. I knock on the door. "S'cuse me! Is (y/n) here?" I ask. The house is weirdly dark, though it's not unusual to see a dark house when it's still broad daylight outside. "Excuse me.." I mumble and walk inside.
Hearing two pairs of footsteps from behind me, I turn around, my eyes falling upon a young woman and a child. "Oh! You must be.." says the taller one. "Killua!" The little girl who looks very similar to (y/n) shouts. They approach me. They don't seem very dangerous, but I keep my guard up anyway. "Yes... I am Killua. Is there anything you need?" I ask. The older one speaks up. "Ah! I'm Yulia, (y/n)'s older sister... This is Noir, her younger sister..." She trails off every sentence she says. "But, have you seen (y/n)? She's been missing since last week, I thought she would have come back sooner or later but she never leaves over than a week before telling us.." Yulia has clear signs of worry in her expression, but (y/n) missing?! She's rather cautious of her surroundings, why would she be missing?! "Uh- Ms.Yulia? Do you remember the last place you've seen her?" I ask. That idiot! What in the world is she doing?!
"No... I remember her leaving the house and that's it.. K-Killua, if you can, please help us find (y/n)!" She pleads. Well duh, why wouldn't I help!? I might as well just find her myself! "Don't worry. I'll find her." I find her room inside the house and look around for any clues. "Nothing seems out of the ordinary.." I mumble. Snooping around more and figuring out there's nothing here to learn about makes me leave the house. "Where could that idiot be?! Arghh she's making me so irritated!" I ruffle my hands in my hair, trying to think of possible places she could be. "Whale Island isn't that big. Let's start by searching the island, then going on the boat to see if she's not on the island." I mutter to myself.
I arrive at the lake where Gon always fishes. "(y/n)! Are you here?" I call out once before scanning the water and scenery. "Not here."
I look around the shopping area, but still no signs of (y/n). I asked around, but they all either said they hadn't seen her or that she'd gone to a different place. Where is Gon when you need him? Why is he still working in the kitchen?! It's been hours already!
I've looked all over Whale Island, but I still can't find her. "What, are my assassin skills fading away when I need them the most?!" I yell in frustration. "All that leaves is another place... Where would that place be?" Why is (y/n) so mysterious?! But if I think about all the places (y/n) might be... Mm... Wait. No way... She can't be! If you think about it..!
I rush to the dock where the boats are being loaded. I hop on and have it take me to my destination.
I arrived at a town, running to the top of the hill where a big tree lived. "Kirikos! Are you there!?" I call out. "It's Killua!" "... Killua?" An unfamiliar boy peeks out of the door of the house I was standing in front of. This is the son of the Kiriko if I can recall correctly. "Ah! I remember you! What are you doing here by the tree?" He asks with a smile. It's been quite a long time since I've seen him. "Ah, well, do you think you could take me straight to the Hunter Exam?" The Kiriko tilts his head in confusion, well, of course, he wouldn't know why I need to go back to the hunter's exam. "I- Uh... It's a long story... Do you think you could!? Please!" I bow. I need to hurry! A sudden chuckle from the Kirko jerks my head up. "Ahaha! Sure, why not?" "...! Thanks, man!"
I arrive at the Hunter Exam, looking around frantically for that (h/c) hair-colored idiot. "It's starting..!" "Yeah! So excited!" I hear bunches of people whispering about the Hunter Exam starting... It shouldn't be starting right now right? Shouldn't there be another day left or so?! I start to squirm through the crowd. Is she really not here...? I spot a familiar shade of (favorite color) at the corner of my eyes. "(y/n)?!?" I whisper, keeping my voice down. I follow the familiar color, finding the one I need to look for. As I'm in her hearing distance, I reach out my hand to her. "(y/n)--- TONPA?!?!" I go to (y/n)'s side, smack the juice out of her hand, and put my hands on her shoulders. "Tonpa! What the heck do you think you're doing to her!? Don't give her a freaking laxative!" ".... A laxative?" I face (y/n) and shake her. "What did your parents and sister teach you?! Didn't they tell you to not take anything from a stranger!? What are you doing at the Hunter Exam anyways?!" That fatty decides to speak up, remembering my face somehow. "A-ah Killua! What are you doing back here at the Hunter Exam? Ahaha..." There was a small 'tch' that came from his mouth but I ignored it. "We're leaving!" I say and pull her to an emergency exit that only us Hunters know about.
"Killua! What are you doing!?" "What am I doing!?! What are YOU doing!?!?" "I'M DOING THE FREAKING HUNTER EXAM OF COURSE!" She yells in anger, pulling her arm away. "I want to stand on the same ground as you and Gon! You don't know how it feels to be the one who always seems and needs to be protected!" I stand in place, listening to her yell. It's like they've frozen me to stay in one spot. Is.. is this how she's always felt...? But.. she's always smiled? She smiled every day... "I.. (y/n)--" "SHUT UP! I'm going back to the Hunters Exam!" She turns around and quietly mumbles some words I can't hear quite clearly. "(y/n)..! Wait!" I ran towards her and took hold of her wrist. She pulls her arm away and runs away, definitely not in the direction of the Hunters Exam. "(y/n)!" I started to chase after her, being faster than her, I caught up to her quite quickly. "(y/n)! Stop!" "Stop chasing after me! Go away!" She starts to run faster, but I bet her legs are pushing themselves. She hasn't run this fast before, especially during long distances. Flashing lights start to appear, and I notice that we're now in the city part of the place. She starts running into a busy street. There's absolutely no way that she's conscious right now! She's going to get hit! "(y/n)! Move!!" I scream at the top of my lungs, running faster and faster before I can------
Beep.. Beep... Beep.... Beep....
All I can see is black. Black there, black here... Why is there this annoying beeping sound in my head... It's so annoying! ... Just like.. that idiot.. (y/n)... Always smiling when things are rough. Thinking that she can do something when she clearly can't... Haaahh... Why am I so tired just thinking about her. Might as well sleep.
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I don't know how long it's been, but I've been in this pit for a while now. Sometimes it's black, sometimes it's white.. Can't it make up it's mind? I'm getting sick of it. There's nothing to do.
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I.. can't wake up. Why is it so hard to wake up..! All I have to do is open my eyes, yet why won't they open!?
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Hey, um say.. Can you hear me?
Ehh? What did you say?
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What is this strange memory? Who's speaking?
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Liar! Don't lie to me. Take out your ear buds!
Sorry, sorry! It's just that I love seeing your adorable expressions~
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Adorable, huh.. I'm envious... They seem like they're having so much fun. I wish.. I could have fun like that too.
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Adorable?!? What are you talking about, I'm not cute!
Huhu~ Or so you think!
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"... Killua, I'm sorry." A voice says. "It's been a while since I've seen you, huh. You've.. gotten a lot skinnier..! Ahaha.." ... (y/n)? Is.. that you..? "I'm sorry that I haven't come at all before, it's just- how can I ever face you again? I've done something so stupid, and I've gotten you hurt. Because of me.." There's this warm liquid falling onto my hand. I wonder what it is..? "I'm sorry..!" Why is she saying sorry? It feels so.. weird. "... Killua, can you hear me..? I.. have always wanted to say this, but I've never said it because I wanted to stand on the same ground as you. I'm... sorry. But, I've always loved you, ever since the day we first met. Maybe it was just love at first sight, but, after spending lots of time with you, I've noticed I've fallen head over heels for you.." She trails off at the end. She walks away..? Love.. huh? Maybe... "Killua, can you hear me?"
"Yeah... Loud and clear." I say with a hoarse voice. I finally open my eyes, seeing that familiar hair color of hers, her shade of (e/c) eyes that I've always noticed. "Killua...!" I find her rushing back towards me and embracing me in a tight hug. She lets go so soon, it felt.. nice to have someone hug you though. After being in the dark for so long. "You.. didn't hear me right...?" "Of course I did. 'I love you Killua!'~" I laugh and smile at her red tomato-blushing face. I.. missed it. A lot. "S-s-so! Y-y-your answer?" She stutters, hiding her face behind her hands. I take one of her hands and lightly place my lips on there. "Of course, milady~" I sweetly say, teasing her. "K-k-k-Killua! I-I-I-I need to go and tell the others that you're awake!! E-excuse me!" She whimpers and immediately runs out of the room. So I'm in a hospital huh... I wonder how long it's been.
A chuckle escapes my mouth as I slowly close my eyes and rest them. "Can you hear me..? It's been too long since I've last heard that sentence."
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harleenfleck · 2 months
"5 years later" A letter for Artie
This is a kind of fanfiction/selfshipping. It'll be soooo cringely, yes is a warning haha, just wondering how is that Arthur comes back to my life after those long five years without him.
So, I hope you like it, oh my god, will be so cringely but i don't care hahaha! Based on a lot of Taylor Swift music, to be specific, "the 1", "right were you left me" and "daylight" Hope you like it! Again, sorry for the grammatical and language mistakes, English is not my mother tongue.
Hope you like it!
Hey. Hello?
Arthur? Arthur Fleck? Is that you?
It's me, hi. It's a very bad, really bad way to say "hello" as nothing after 5 years later, don't you think so?
It's hard to explain what is in my head now, in my heart and even in my lungs. I wanted to ask what happened to those years. How have you been? I hope better than the last time we saw each other. Something inside me wants to beliv you're better now, I want to belive it, help me to belive in it.
You're still in the same old city? I am right in my own old and sad town. A lot of friends of mine aren't my friends now. That narcisist guy who you hated to death is ruinning the life of another girl, hope she's okay and she'll be okay. I'm still in the same job I hate, but I try to make it better.
Speaking about it, do you remember the social worker who don't help you? I think what would happen if she could help you since the first moment... And you know what? Today I'm studying to be a Social Worker too. Everybody thinks was to get a better job and it's true in a strange way. But the real reason was you... I'm studying that career because I want to help, that help was deny to you, to help others like you.
I try to found relief and cure in music as you, I found a blonde and beautiful woman who writes songs of love, pain, girlhood, anxiety, sadness, freedom and poetry. I've heard her songs and I even go to her concert, was one of the best nights in my life.
And you know something funny? When you come back, all her songs about love started to come to life and make sense to me.
Do you remember "California"? That song we listened for hours and hours in midnights? You finally come back, and I want to take you yo California, forever.
It's kind of funny you back after I go on with my life, I have new friends, some of my old friends, a new partner who help me as you did it in the past. He treats me so well, so tender and gives me peace, sometimes I think both of you have the same soul.
I see you found love for your way, she's the character I've played for months and wanted to be, to convert myself to her. She looks like so interested on you, and I hope she treats you and loves you as I do. I hope you have her picture in your journal, I hope you dance with her with emotion and hold her hand with passion, I hope she laughs with your jokes as I did, I hope she helps you as I try to do in the past.
I never thought you'll come back again to my life, you were in my mind, my daydreams and my lungs after you showed in my eyes again. It's funny that I use "lungs" and not "heart", but since you come back, your name is in my breathing. Heart has envy to lungs now.
There's a lyric in a song who makes me think about you since I've heard it, "In a world of boys, he's a gentleman". Be a gentleman with her as you was with me before.
I think I'll bought a chain with your initial, and I'll use it for the rest of the year until our next date in October. I'll use it and you'll know I'm still owns you and you really knows me. I take this from a song of the blonde singer I've tell you.
I'm starting to think I'll never stop to love you, you show me after the darkest period in my life I can back to love again, to take me to the dark and scary night and bring me to the golden daylight. Maybe you know that I need to be saved again, and you're here to take me to daylight again... Thank you again, Artie...
With love
You know who I am
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unusual-raccoon · 1 year
Lyrics that make me think of JaceLuke in A Brother’s Love:
Salt and the Sea by the Lumineers
Could it be I was the one that you held so deep in the night
On the back staircase you fell to your knees with tears in your eyes
All that you suffered, all the disease You couldn't hide it, hide it from me
All alone scared in your room, would you swear there's nobody home
On the bed laying awake as you prayed he'd leave you alone
I'II let the darkness swallow me whole
I need to find you, need you to know
I'll be your friend in the daylight again
There we will be, like an old enemy
Like the salt and the sea
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the-starry-seas · 2 months
decided to assign Florence + The Machine songs to my clones
Racer: June (In those heavy days in June when love became an act of defiance / You were broken-hearted and the world was too, and I was beginning to lose my grip / Choirs sing in the street and I would come to you / I'm always down to hide with you)
Fury: Seven Devils (Holy water cannot help you now, a thousand armies couldn't keep me out / And it's an evensong, it's a litany, it's a battle cry, it's a symphony)
Blue: Shake It Out (Regrets collect like old friends, here to relive your darkest moments / I am done with my graceless heart so tonight I'm gonna cut it out and then restart)
Whisper: Morning Elvis (If I make it to the mornin' I should've come with a warnin' / And after every tour, I swear I'll quit It's over, boys, now this is it, but the call it always comes / Oh, you know I'm still afraid, I'm still crazy and I'm still scared)
Ember: Free (Is this how it's always been? To exist in the face of suffering and death, and somehow still keep singing? / There is nothing else that I know how to do, but to open up my arms and give it all to you / And for a moment, when I'm dancing, I am free)
Ghost Squad
Harlow: St Jude (Another battle never won, and each side is a loser, so who cares who fired the gun? / I'm learning, so I'm leaving, and even though I'm grieving, I'm trying to find the meaning)
Karla: Cassandra (I used to move into the future, bring it all back, let it bleed through my fingers, a treasure in my hands / Well, can you see me? I cannot see you. Everything I thought I knew has fallen out of view.)
Cavalry: Are You Hurting the One You Love? (Bite your tongue until it tastes like blood / Are you hurting the one you love? You'd like to stay in heaven but the rules are too tough)
Boom: Leave My Body (I'm gonna be released from behind these lines and I don''t care whether I live or die / I'm gonna leave my body [moving up to higher ground], I'm gonna lose my mind [your history keeps pulling me down])
Ray: Hardest of Hearts (And the kindest of kisses break the hardest of hearts / There is love in your body but you can't get it out, it gets stuck in your head, won't come out of your mouth)
Tally: Breaking Down (Even when I was a child, I've always known there was something to be frightened of / I think I'm breaking down, all alone, on the edge of sleep)
Nox: Spectrum (We are shining and we will never be afraid again / WIth metal on our tongues and silver in our lungs / Say my name as every colour illuminates)
Shay: No Light, No Light (I was disappearing in plain sight, Heaven help me, I need to make it right / You want a revelation, some kind of resolution / And I'd do anything to make you stay)
Clone Force M
Winter: I'm Not Calling You a Liar (I'm not calling you a ghost, just stop haunting me, and I love you so much I'm going to let you kill me)
Bee: Delilah (These chains never leave me, I keep dragging them around / 'Cause I'm gonna be free and I'm gonna be fine, but maybe not tonight / A different kind of danger in the daylight, can't you let me know?)
Indigo: You've Got the Love (Sometimes, it seems the goin' is just too rough and things go wrong, no matter what I do / Sooner or later in life, the things you love, you lose, but you've got the love I need to see me through)
Jewel: Remain Nameless (I wish to remain nameless and live without shame, 'cause what's in a name, boy? I still remain the same / Tell me what you're running from, I know everybody lets you down and I'll do the same)
Nebula: All This and Heaven Too (And all my stumbling phrases never amounted to anything worth this feeling, all this heaven never could describe such a feeling as I'm hearing)
Zenith: Falling (Falling is not the problem, when I'm falling I'm at peace. It's only when I hit the ground, it causes all the grief)
Sunny: Third Eye (You don't have to be a ghost here amongst the living, you are flesh and blood and you deserve to be loved / I'm the same, I'm the same, I'm trying to change)
Star: Howl (If you could only see the beast you've made of me, I held it in, but now it seems you've set it running free / Like some child possessed, the beast howls in my veins, I want to find you, tear out all your tenderness and howl, howl) [+ bonus: Long & Lost (Without your love I'll be so long and lost, are you missing me? is it too late to come on home? / It's been so long between the words we spoke, will you be there up on the shore? I hope)]
Sky: Sky Full of Song (Be careful, oh, my darling, oh be careful what it takes. From what I've seen so far, the good ones always seem to break / I feel like I'm about to fall, the room begins to sway, and I can hear the sirens but I cannot walk away)
Silver: Stand By Me (I won't be afraid, oh I won't be afraid, just as long as you stand, stand by me / Whenever you're in trouble, won't you stand by me? Oh stand by me)
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islandiis · 1 year
𝐈. Salt and The Sea - The Lumineers
Could it be I was the one that you held so deep in the night On the back staircase you fell to your knees with tears in your eyes All that you suffered, all the disease You couldn't hide it, hide it from me From the destruction, out of the flame You need a villain, give me a name I'll be your friend in the daylight again There we will be, like an old enemy Like the salt and the sea
connected to his relationship with Denmark through the ages
𝐈𝐈. Brestir - Árstiðir (lyrics translated)
Deep in the recesses of his mind he conceals his sadness nothing can be done about it it no makes no difference no matter how he tries Happy in daytime when he is momentarily between struggles but when the day is dwindling again he is plagued with anxiety
connected to his guilt complex and the way he tries to internalise his sadness
𝐈𝐈𝐈. Phantom - Of Monsters and Men
All this time wasted and all this time gone You are still waitin' on me Every time you leave the house Remember you're not safe But you are hardly ever And all those times that I could swear I heard you speak You spoke in such a low voice Of how if you could choose, you would choose not to feel 'Cause you are hardly ever happy
connected to the aftermath of Laki and how it affected him
𝐈𝐕. Shake me Down - Cage the Elephant
Shake me down Not a lot of people left around Who knows now Softly laying on the ground, ooh Not a lot of people left around, ooh In my life, I've seen People walk into the sea Just to find memories Plagued by constant misery Their eyes cast down Fixed upon the ground Their eyes cast down I'll keep my eyes fixed on the sun
connected to his adjustment to independent life in 1944
𝐕. When I Grow Up - First Aid Kit
I put my soul in what I do Last night I drew a funny man With dark eyes and a hanging tongue It goes way bad, I never liked that sad look From someone who wants to be loved by you I'm very good with plants When my friends are away They let me keep the soil moist On the seventh day I rest For a minute or two Then back on my feet To call for you
connected to his feelings for Norway after the events of 1814
tagged by: @frestoniia tagging: @xbasilrp @kuragryning @dietrologie @fangmother @czesarevich and literally anyone else who wants to do it you can just say I tagged you
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