#I'm sorry I can't love him normally. When I love sm it makes me wanna kill myself but in a good way. It is good I promise
nonokoko-draws · 5 months
Grim: *Exists*
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redr0sewrites · 3 months
Can you write Vox x reader where like the reader just says like really unhinged things and just like vile things whenever they rage and stuff like the internet could be slow or smth and the reader is just like “IM GOING TO RIP OFF MY SKIN” idk man I’m kinda just self projecting rn like you can right anything with it tbh idk sorry for rambling anyway you don’t have to do this if you don’t wanna
THIS IS SO MEEEEE I LOVE THIS IDEA SM!!! sorry it took me a hot minute to reply to this i have over 70 hazbin hotel requests in my inbox 😭
🥀Cw: fluff, crack, silly vox
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when he first met you, vox was charmed by your seemingly sweet nature- that is, until you were pissed
your unholy screech of how you were going to rip off your skin if he cut the wifi again was both endearing and confusing in his eyes
vox would just short circuit for a second, just blinking at you while he tries to process what you just said
once it clicks, he just starts giggling. vox very rarely genuinely laughs, most of his laughs are professional or part of the persona he adopts as the leader of vox enterprises, but when he's so shocked by what you just said, he can't control the booming laughter thay fills the room
he's wheezing and gasping, each barking laugh only pissing you off more
"what's so funny? if you keep laughing i am going to fucking break ur fingers like carrot sticks!" you snap, and vox only giggles harder
after a few seconds, you can't help but notice how adorable his laughter is, and soon you don't mind it as much
once you two are officially together, you notice how stressed vox often is, yet how he seems to visibly relax around you
the batshit crazy things you say, which normally disgusts other people, only seem to amuse him
its actually a wonderful dynamic because you bring some spontaneity and slight insanity into vox's otherwise irritating and depressing lifestyle, and vox balances out the crazy things you say and calms you down every time
you often find yourself searching for new phrases to baffle him with, and for new ways to make him laugh
after vox has a stressful day, he enjoys just listening to you ramble about the most insane things and adores hearing whatever fucked up saying you've adopted recently
vox notices himself beginning to copy your speech patterns. he only begins to realize when he slips in an exceptionally odd metaphor into a work meeting and everyone stares at him, yet his heart skips a beat at the thought
there's something so charming to him about the fact that he's adopting your mannerisms, and you truly make him laugh when no one else can
whenever another one of the vees pisses him off, he always comes to you for advice on incredibly deranged comebacks, and you never disappoint!
he's won multiple arguments by just repeating one of your fucked up sayings and the other vees being too lowkey shocked to disagree
vox LOVES IT when you diss people he hates, hearing you ramble some fucked up insults about alastor made him fall in love with you all over again
"that worm on a string fucked up karen cut bob looking ass- if i see him around here again im going to eat a fucking brick" *cue vox looking at you with the biggest heart eyes*
overall, you are both menaces, but you're menaces in love ♥️
vox lay with his head in your lap, the blue light of his screen illuminating the dim room as you rambled mindlessly about your day.
"and THEN, this fucking asshole tried to flirt with me! ME!! as if he doesn't know were dating! ugh, it makes me feel like i have an entire beehive living beneath my skin. i swear if he even looks at me again im going to lick wet cement i can NOT deal. how can you even work with him? he's such a fucking CREEP voxy, i'm going to cut off those ugly ass wings and shove them so far down his throat- hey, are you even listening?"
you look down to see vox half asleep, his eyelids drooping as his light dimmed. "keep talking.." he murmurs, looking up at you with a lazy smile on his face. "you're my favorite person t' listen to.."
i love the idea of vox with a partner who challenges his very idea of power. he clearly wraps himself in a sort of persona, surrounding himself with powerful people and acting like he's so serious and important. i love the idea of him falling in love with someone who can break down his walls in seconds, someone who can dismantle his entire bravado act and who allows him to truly be himself. this is such a wonderful prompt and i am eating this up. nonnie ur awesome!!!!
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redroses07 · 3 months
Heartfirst // Johnnie Guilbert
Johnnie Guilbert x Fem!Reader
Summary: Reader is best friends with Johnnie and is avoiding telling him her feelings, but it's Tara's 1mil celebration party and she seems to be having some newfound confidence.
WC: 2.3k
Warnings: Swearing, kissing, slightly suggestive, drinking, use of y/n (i tried to avoid i’m sorry)
A/N: Hey guys, this is my first time writing for Johnnie and tbh I'm really proud of it! It took me a few days to finish and I really hope you guys like it. As always requests are open if you wanna see more of this type of stuff. Love y'all sm!! ♡⋆˙
You were at your house getting ready for your roommate Tara's party. She was throwing a party to celebrate reaching 1 million on her Youtube channel, and almost everyone you knew was attending.
Reaching 1 million was an amazing milestone for her and you were so incredibly proud. You were also a content creator with a solid following, but nothing close to what she had accomplished.
You were finished with your hair and makeup and now just had to decide what to wear. You were torn between a silky black slip, or a sparkly gold mini dress.
"Tara come in here I can't decide what to wear!" You shouted down the hall.
Tara comes rushing out of her room, always prepared to give the best fashion advice. She was already dressed but her makeup was noticeably incomplete, only sporting her signature winged eyeliner on one eye.
"Okay, show me the options." Tara exclaimed, clearly filled with excitement.
You went into your closet and emerged holding the two dresses.
"I feel like the black fits better, but it's kinda basic."
Tara looks between the two and smirks.
"Well which one do you think Johnnie would like better?"
Your jaw fell open, clearly embarrassed by her words.
Johnnie was one of your best friends, and Tara's too. You two spent an awful lot of time together, especially recently since you had begun filming together much more frequently. You will admit, you two had chemistry, and your friends and fans alike picked up on it.
You couldn't deny the not so little crush you had on him, but no way you were ever gonna admit that. It took you forever to admit it to even Tara, you would be mortified if Johnnie ever found out. Although that didn't stop Tara from pressuring you almost every day to confess. It was according to her "obvious he felt the same", but you refused to take the risk and find out.
"What! I'm just being real." Tara said, eyeing your nervous expression.
You shook your head, giving her an annoyed glance.
"I say gold. We can be like opposites cause I'm wearing silver." Tara pointed to her dress.
You smiled, throwing the black dress to the side.
"See I can always count on you to make my decisions for me."
Tara laughed and sped out of the room to finish her makeup.
You proceeded to finish getting dressed, and while you did you thought about what Tara had said.
Maybe it was time for you to finally stop avoiding things and fess up, at least you would know the truth. The only drawback was losing your best friend. If Johnnie didn't feel the same then that would surely make your friendship awkward.
Curiosity was beginning to get the better of you, and maybe tonight would be the night you would find out the truth.
You could've said speak of the devil, because right at that moment Tara popped her head into your room to tell you that Jake and Johnnie had arrived.
"I hope you're ready, Jake said they brought a ton of stuff and need help carrying it all inside." Tara said with a sigh.
Her makeup was now complete, eyeliner perfectly symmetrical on both sides and glitter eye shadow completing the look.
"Yeah hold up I'm coming." You replied, jumping up from your seat and sliding your feet into your black platforms.
As you headed out the door and towards the car, you couldn't help but contain your excitement to see Johnnie. This recent rush of confidence has made you more eager and energetic than normal.
When you reached the car the first thing you saw was Jake piling boxes into his arms, and Johnnie very loudly complaining about how much shit he brought.
"What the hell...how much did you guys bring?" Tara asked, raising her eyebrows.
"Uhhhh, lots of food, and lots of alcohol," Jake began.
"Let's just say I'm gonna get fucked up tonight."
Tara rolled her eyes, and reached into the trunk to grab more boxes.
You rounded the corner and crept up behind Johnnie.
"Boo!" You said, causing him to jump and drop the box he was currently holding.
"Y/N!" Johnnie exclaimed the moment he saw you, completely forgetting about the box he had dropped.
"Johnnie, that could've been breakable." Jake huffed half jokingly.
Johnnie replied by flipping him off as he ran in to give you a hug. He wrapped his arms around you tightly as if he hadn't seen you in forever, when in reality it had only been about two days.
You breathed in the musky scent of his cologne as the hug lasted a bit longer than it should.
You broke apart and took a long look at your best friend. He was wearing a low cut black dress shirt that showed off several tattoos on his chest. He matched it with black jeans, a silver belt, and several chains hanging from his waist.
“You look pretty” Johnnie gave you a sheepish smile.
"Aww thank you!" Him complimenting you like this wasn't unusual for your friendship, but that didn't stop your heart from skipping every time.
Jake walked behind Johnnie slapping him on the back of the head as he did. "What the fuck Jake." Johnnie snapped, rubbing the back of his head.
"You know what." Jake responded without hesitation, giving Johnnie a telling look.
You wondered what Jake could possibly mean by that, maybe there was something Johnnie wasn't telling you. Although it wasn't unlike the two of them to share an inside joke that was impossible for you to understand.
"Let's get back to work." You laughed pointing at the trunk.
Johnnie nodded, pushed his bangs out his eyes, and brushed your shoulder lightly while reaching into the trunk.
You, Johnnie, Jake, and Tara spent the next hour or two setting up for the party, the sun slowly disappearing as you came closer to being complete.
Just as the night arrived, so did many of your guests. People began pouring in in small, or large, groups. Tara waited at the door, greeting everyone upon arrival like the amazing host she was.
Unfortunately, without Tara, you could be pretty awkward at parties. You and Johnnie had that in common, which is why you found yourself hanging out in the corner with him.
Obviously you didn't mind, you loved hanging out with him after all. The two of you spent the early hours of the night attached at the hip, ignoring the busy sections of the party, and sipping on your drinks while making small talk with your friends.
You were on the way to refill your cup with water, fearing that you had had one too many when a clearly tipsy Tara grabbed your arm.
"Y/N! I've been looking for you all over! I need to get a clip of you to add in my video before I forget."
You happily obliged, excited that you were finally got to spend some time with your best friend.
She led you into the living room, a camera following the two of you.
"Come on, dance with me!" Tara said excitedly, throwing her hands up in the air.
You giggled, and joined her moving to the beat of the music. Tara only needed a few shots of the two of you for her video but she spent much longer dancing with you.
You hadn't realized how much time had passed until, a few more drinks and many songs later, your feet began to ache.
"Hey Tara, keep on having fun, I'm gonna go find Johnnie and then relax for a bit." Tara gave you a hug, just in case she didn't see you again that night, and then ran off to join a few of her friends.
It took you a few minutes of aimlessly searching to find Johnnie. When you did find him, you saw he was talking to Sam and Colby while sitting on your couch that had been pushed to the back of the living room.
You plopped down next to Johnnie, carelessly resting your pounding head on his shoulder.
"Hey look at who's back." Johnnie announced, looking over at you.
You smiled, nuzzling your nose into his neck. It must be all the alcohol mixed with the excitement giving you this newfound confidence.
You sat there for a moment, letting Johnnie finish his conversation.
While you waited you thought over the same situation from earlier, and suddenly the drawbacks to confessing your feelings didn't seem so bad.
Whether Johnnie felt the same or not he would always love you regardless, whether that love be platonic or romantic.
Sam and Colby walked off, marking the end of the conversation. Johnnie turned to you, and you picked your head up from its position on his shoulder.
"I think it would be best if we both got out of here." Johnnie got up, reaching his hands out to help you up.
You took his hands and allowed him to lead the both of you away from the chaos.
You followed Johnnie down the hall until he entered your room and shut the door behind the two of you.
You took a deep breath, it was nice to be in a calm space and away from the loud party. Although you could still hear the base pumping it was easier to ignore.
"This is much better." Johnnie collapsed onto your bed.
"Hmm, my room is a real creative way to get some alone time with me." You smirked sarcastically.
Johnnie's mouth fell open, his face turning red.
"Okay dirty minded." He retorted, fidgeting with his hands.
"As if you aren't" You snapped back playfully, plopping onto your bed.
Johnnie shoved you playfully, causing you to fall back into your pillows.
The pair of you exploded into a fit of laughter. The concerning amount of mixed drinks you had both had made the ordeal much more hilarious than it really was.
After several moments a silence fell over the two of you. You were laid back on your bed, Johnnie's body only inches from yours.
You may have been slightly drunk, but you were sober enough to remember your feelings.
You turned to face Johnnie, finding yourself face to face with his icy blue eyes.
Johnnie smiled at you, that signature, warm smile of his that you loved. The sincere, loving smile that he seemed to only ever use with you.
Johnnie reached out and brushed your messy hair out of your face.
"There, now I can see all of your pretty face."
Your heart stopped, suddenly all your nerves had returned. You were scared, scared of losing this, and of losing him.
You weren't going to let this stop you though. You had spent too long avoiding this, and today you would finally confess.
"Hey Johnnie,"
"I have something important to you about." Your voice was shaky, and you were convinced he noticed.
You could see his eyes fill with concern, maybe you should have used less ominous wording.
"I've been wanting to tell you this for a long time, and PROMISE ME you won't make fun of me."
"Are you serious? After how long we've known each other what could I possibly make fun of you for?"
You turned away shyly, he did have a point.
"Okay, well this is different."
"Well then I have to know, spill it." Johnnie said as he nudged your shoulder.
You blushed, avoiding eye contact in order to hide how flustered you were.
"I love you Johnnie, not like a best friend, like in love." You spat out, still refusing to make eye contact. God you sounded like a stupid high school kid.
"Hey..." Johnnie whispered.
He cupped your cheek and forced you to look him in the eye. Goosebumps formed on your skin where his skin met yours.
"I'm in love with you too, and I have been for a long time.
Your heart felt like it was going to stop, especially since he was now so close his nose was brushing against yours.
You closed your eyes before taking the leap and closing the gap between the two of you. His lips were softer than you expected, and you hoped he didn't notice how dry yours were.
Johnnie pulled you closer to him, and you re-situated yourself on top of him.
You leaned down to kiss him again, but he stopped you abruptly.
You looked at him concerned, wondering if you had done something wrong.
"I owe Jake money now!"
You began to laugh as your face landed in your hands.
"You two had a bet...about me?"
Johnnie giggled nervously, still underneath you.
"I'll explain later." He said, his eyes staring intently at your lips.
He pulled you down into another kiss, this one much more passionate than the last. You felt his hands run down your sides, grabbing longingly at your hips. You pushed your tongue into the roof of his mouth, causing him to grip your hair.
You let out a soft moan, which was followed by Johnnie flipping you over so that he could be on top.
Your lips not breaking apart once during the swift motion.
You continued to kiss him, your hands tugging at his shirt in an attempt to bring him even closer.
He began kissing your neck softly, as he reached behind you to fiddle with the zipper on your dress.
Just as things were heating up you heard the door swing open followed by an extremely loud voice.
"You better pay the fuck up bitch!!" Jake shouted cause the both of you to nearly jump out of your skin.
The two of you scrambled to sit up, adjusting your clothes as you did.
"What the fuck Jake!" You shouted, re-zipping your dress.
"Oh don't you start with me missy,"
"Tara come here I was right, look at them!"
You groaned, letting your head fall into Johnnie's chest.
"There, there." Johnnie patted your head sarcastically.
"Well, I hope you're okay with the whole world knowing." You say grumpily.
"Are you kidding, the whole world better know that I'm in love with you!"
You smiled, and kissed Johnnie on the cheek. If only you had done this sooner.
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claires-mind1 · 1 year
All Yours
Jake Sully x fem!omatikaya!reader
notes: i don't even know how to properly use this app and I'm not a good writer I'm still learning. so expect grammatical errors and typos. i literally cannot do this i think about him every single second of the day.
neytiri doesn't exist here I'M SORRY i love her sm and i feel so bad but fr tho girl don't know what to do with all that Imao. sorry girl but you HAVE to share. and this is purely just smut so there's no specific background of the characters.
summary: In which Jake reminds you that he only belongs to you.
warnings: alcohol consumption, jealous reader, reader almost beating up some bitch, lack of using y/n cuz that shit turns me off, extremely soft!dom jake, shy reader, reader is drunk, sexual confessions, this is so filthy, oral fem!receiving, face-sitting, squirting, overstimulation, reader cries from pleasure, LOTS of fluff, praise kink, jake finds reader so adorable, extreme size kink, possessive behaviour but it's fluffy, they're just so in love, established relationship.
“If i ever hear you talking about my husband like that again, I'll cut this damn braid off that you're not gon' be able to think about any man ever in that dumb little brain of yours.”
Jake's eyes widen as everyone gasps. it hasn't even been five minutes since you left him with his warriors, saying you were gonna get drinks. he didn't even wanna come to this stupid party in the first place, but seeing you so excited for your friend's birthday and the fact that he can't let you be drunk out here all alone was enough reason for him to get along.
there you were, with your left hand tightly tugged around a girl's queue and your other hand pressing her wrists together on her back. you softly slam her head on the tree as you speak. the people can't do anything but watch since they all knew about your deep hatred for the girl for flirting with jake every chance she gets from the beginning.
normally you wouldn't care since this happens everyday. almost all of the pandora girls had their eyes on him since he arrived, even the mated ones. and you can't really blame them because you've been drooling over him too. but since you knew your feelings were reciprocated, the rest is history.
you, on the other hand, is no different. boys literally fight everyday to get a chance to court you. but then you and jake mated and no man ever dared to touch toruk macto's mate since jake always makes sure the whole clan knows that you're taken, that you belong to him. and now you guess it's your time to express that the olo'eyktan too, is yours and yours alone.
your eyes slightly red under the influence of alcohol as your thoughts go back to how she giggled talking about all the intimate positions she wants jake to put her in. well what she didn't know was that you and your mate had tried each and every single one of them already.
your ears perks up at your mate's voice calling your name and you turn to see jake walking fast towards you. he pulls you from the girl and checks your body for any bruises. your gaze softening as you look at his worried state but quickly turns into a frown when he apologizes to everyone for you and put his hand around your waist, proceeding to walk you home. but you don't say anything because of your lack of energy and the effect of alcohol making your knees weak as you hiss softly.
“are you okay, baby?” jake asks you now that you both are away from the crowd. your knees only getting weaker at his voice almost losing your balance. that goddamn pet name. and the way he says it so casually. his arm tightened around your waist as his other hand comes up to hold your tiny one at his side helping your body up. you feel hot at his touch and barely processed his question.
he hums looking at you who's completely looking down, too flustered to look at him, the pandora ground suddenly being interesting. no matter how much intimate you two have been, you can't help but be shy in these moments. eyes looking at his hand that's holding your tiny one. both of your hands would easily fit in his one palm. looking at those slender fingers reminds you of those nights when he showed you what they were able to do, what places they were able to reach.
your small steps suddenly stops as you remembered his question, “no.” you whisper just enough for him to hear, as you squeeze his hand. you take a deep breath and look up at him, and jake swears, he's never seen such an ethereal being as you and he still couldn't believe that you were his. he patiently waits as you try to speak but kept getting lost in his gaze.
“carry me.” you don't know what got into you as you say your words loud enough for him to hear, suddenly feeling the need to be closer to him. he doesn't hesitate as he proceed to pick you up in bridal style but you stop him and stand in front of him with his hands still around your waist. he gasps when you suddenly jump wrapping your legs around his waist. his hands immediately tighten around your hips to hold you up, afraid you might fall. “like this.” you say near his ear as his breath hitches feeling your own.
“but we're in public sweetheart,”
“and? we're not doing anything?”
you press yourself harder against him and bury your face into his neck. he starts walking and you can't help but notice how strong he is, again, carrying you like you weigh as a feather. you wonder how he felt when he saw your jealous state moments ago. did he find you hot and wanted to kiss you right there just like you did whenever he showed his possessive side? or did he just think that you're an insecure annoying bitch?
him on the other hand though, he sure as hell went with the first one. and he's gonna make sure you know that.
“you do know that I'm all yours right?” and he even dared to press a quick kiss on your shoulder after saying that, like a fucking cherry on top. you almost let a moan out as you unintentionally pressed the specific part of your body between your legs against his pelvic bone, your thighs slightly shaking at the friction. and that alone was enough for jake to know what was up.
he smiles as he gives more kisses on your shoulder and you whine when he starts pressing your body to his. his ears twitching when dick hardening moans of his name fell off your soft lips. “shh, we're here baby,” he walks past the entrance of the tent that you both share. he sits down on the mat and attempts to lift you off his lap before you straddle his thighs again. “no! stay.”
you swipe your thumb against his lips before eagerly kissing him. he returns the same energy, you both only stopping to take breaths. “gotta clean you up baby, aren't you tired?” he asks and you can only shake your head as you're too busy biting and kissing his neck, you smile when you feel his cock right under you. you're sure that your loincloth is soaked as you grind on him.
he feels like he might accidently fuck your brains out right here from the way you're grinding your cunt on his very much hardened dick. he can literally feel how wet you are from the way your slick's transferring through your loincloth to his own. and the way you're marking his body up isn't helping either. especially when he knows why you're doing it all considering usually, he's the one who does it. but he held back, letting you do whatever you want to him.
but when he notices you getting rougher with your ministrations, “are you in heat baby?” he jokes. and you stop momentarily to look him straight in the eyes, making sure to let him see your lust filled ones. “I'm always in heat for you jake,” little smooch to his lips before continuing, “just want you.” you pant against his lips as if you just ran a thousand miles. “want you so bad.” and you're back on his lips. and god it's turning you on even more that he's just under you, taking all that you give.
“you have me, sweet girl.” he says before pressing his lips to yours harshly. and that made you pull away looking at him taking deep breaths. you want him to know how fucking deep he got you in love with him. so you start, “Jake...”
“yeah?” he responds, all ready to hear you out, so ready to take whatever you're willing to give him. your grip on his shoulder tightens at the simple yeah, it's almost embarrassing that he knows the effect he has on you. must he really do this to you? for fuck's sake, you're willing to give him all of you, your heart, your mind, body and soul. hell, you would even die for him without thinking twice if it comes to any certain circumstances.
“you know, you are so beautiful, so so, so—” you emphasize each word, making sure he hears what you're saying. you can barely hear yourself as you struggle to speak. you feel like you're dreaming, and you wish to live in this dream forever. he encourages you, drawing tiny circles on your thigh with his thumb.
you cup his face in your hands and he leans into your touch. he smiles as he watches you adoringly tracing your fingers through each of his freckles. you fight the sudden urge to bite his lips until he bleeds into your mouth when you runs your thumb on his under lip, not that he'd mind.
“I love you, i love you. so, so much. it's too much sometimes I can barely feel myself, you're everywhere, I feel you everywhere, it's overwhelming.” your eyes are completely set on his lips and you know he's watching you, observing your every movement.
you throw yourself even closer to him, pressing your body impossibly hard to his own. “I want you close, always. I just want you to never leave me. I want you to hold me like this forever. I just—” your hands travel down to his chest, to his broad shoulders and to his thick and veiny arms, before coming down to his hands that are placed securely on your hips, thumbs grazing the dip of your waist.
you take one of his hands into your own, bringing it up between the two of your bodies. you wrap your small fingers to his pinky, admiring the difference before you place the large hand above your left breast, right where your heart beats for him.
Jake feels like he's the one who's drunk, he's never seen you this vulnerable before. it's not that he doesn't know about your feelings for him, you're literally the love of his life. your mind is connected to his own. even without making the bond, he can tell how you're feeling just by taking one look at your face. you're like an open book for him, so easy to read.
now looking at his hand, you took a deep breath before continuing, “when you're away and I'm home early, and I'm feeling—” you almost choke on your words and his smile only widen. you're so adorable, “needy? for me?” he coos. you nod shyly, “ye—yes, for you.” you stutter.
he hums, urging you to go on, and you do. “I try to do it like you do.” your voice now coming out slow and quiet. he always found your shy demeanour amusing, “do what? touch yourself?” he teases you even more when he sees that you started grinding down on his thigh, a movement so insignificant that only a person who's watching you as intense as jake can notice.
“hm-mhm, and it doesn't feel good, actually, it's nothing compared to what your fingers can do!” you whine, small fingers tightening their hold on his hand to show him what you mean, “and even if it does, I don't like it. I only want you to do it.” and jake curses internally.
“well it's a good thing you have me then.” with that, his hand slowly crawls out of your tiny palms to make their way between your legs. and your mind slowly goes insane as your arousal takes over your body. his hand disappears inside your loincloth before placing his thumb right on your clit directly, your body stiffening when he does so.
“it's all yours baby, I'm all yours. every part of my body belongs to you.”
“all mine?”
“yes, all yours.”
“all mine?” again. say it again.
“yes, baby. all yours. my fingers, my thighs, my mouth, my tongue, my heart and my cock. it's all yours, doll. I'm all yours.”
not a single sign of hesitation in his voice as he referred to all parts of his body that he let you use and own. he would repeat it all a million times and more if you wanted him to.
you thought you would last at least ten minutes before he makes you snap. “undress me.” you order before smacking your lips to his own. he was taken a back by your sudden demand but obliged nonetheless.
when you're fully naked, you try to lift yourself off of him so that you can submit to him and show him that you belong to him too. excitement rushing through your veins as you can't wait for him to dick you down like you're his personal whore.(you are).
that, was until he gently placed you back down on his lap. “I can't, I'm too tired.” he doesn't reply and instead, he lays himself down before moving you further up. what? and before you knew it, he somehow manhandled you into sitting on his stomach. what's happening? you thought he wanted you to ride him? but the next words that flew from his mouth made your jaw wide open.
“sit on my face.” he didn't have to say it. cocky bastard, you're so damn sure that he just wanted to get a reaction out of you. he can literally make your body move however he wants. he could've just sat you down on his face if he so desperately wants it, but no. he just had to say it, with such a seductive voice that it made your body filled with need.
the mere sound of him saying it was enough to make blood rush into your cheeks. it was just so lewd and tainted, both of your palms come up to cover your face while jake chuckles at the sight. you can lie and say that you don't wanna do it, but your body is already giving in. he can feel your wetness literally dripping down on his abs.
“I can't. I'll crush you.” your voice so small and fragile, full of uncertainty, and it only fuels him to prove you wrong.
“I'd like to see you try.” he says with a smug face. the act wasn't unfamiliar to you, Jake has eaten you out plenty of times before. it's just the position. you don't know how'd he even come up with that, you can only guess it's some sort of sky people stuff.
“c'mon baby, up. want you on my tongue baby, please.” there he is, he knows you'll eventually give in. he knows you'd do anything he asks and now, he's asking—no, more like begging to pleasure you? fuck, one must be fucking mentally insane to not want jake sully's face between their thighs.
you find yourself fantasizing about it even though your mate is literally waiting under you to make your fantasy come true. you both haven't been giving that much time into foreplay lately, though jake always insists on getting you ready for his cock with his fingers stretching you out. so eager to just feel each other, considering you both being busy with your duties all day.
but when you do it though, you both get so into it, especially jake. he makes it feel like it was the actual sex. you would beg for his cock and eventually give up, knowing he wouldn't stop until he's fully satisfied. so many nights, he's fingered you to sleep, keeping them inside your warm walls for the whole night, you'd wake up so guilty that you passed out on him without having him inside you. but he would quickly get you out of your thoughts, curling his calloused fingers inside you, still soaked with your cum, “morning, princess.”
but you can't blame him, you're just too beautiful. it arouses him, to watch you fall apart for him from the simplest touches. going down on you has always been one of his most favourite activities to do. sometimes he feels like he doesn't even need to fuck you. he could easily get off just from eating you out without touching himself.
he loves it. the way you'd desperately grab his hair and rut onto his face as he does everything in his power to get you off the edge. pushing his face into you as deep as he can, your slippery entrance swallowing his tongue inside, nose putting just the right amount of pressure onto your clit. these are moments where he gets the privilege of drowning in you. he can see you, hear you, smell you, taste you.
while you were distracted, he's already moved you up to his face, legs spreading on either side of his head, it's only when you feel him kissing your sticky clit, that you notice everything. your hips moves away almost immediately, it feels so lewd. but you can't go far of course, with the way his hands are gripping your hips, keeping you in place.
and Jake being the best mate he is, realized he's going too fast. so he takes his sweet time teasing you, trailing sloppy kisses closer to your core. his nips and licks at your arousal that are dripping down your thighs. “shh it's okay, i promise.” his eyes drinking up the way you pussy glistens and clenches around nothing as he smirks against your inner thighs. he knows you'll be begging to get his tongue inside you within minutes.
when he feels you getting relaxed, “that's my girl.” that was all he said before he hungrily nudges his nose against your swollen bud, taking a deep sniff of your arousal. his eyes are tightly shut when he smells your sweet scent. he takes the pink muscle out of his mouth before tracing the length of your cunt with it.
he starts to roll your hips on his face causing deep moans to come out from the both of you. the way he eats you is so, slow and sensual, as if you're the most expensive dish in the world. he takes his time with you, and it makes you feel even more frustrated. he rocks you against his face, tongue eagerly lapping up the essence coming out of you. “taste so sweet.” Jake mumbles, pressing a long kiss to your clit earning a loud breathy moan out of you.
his grip on your hips loosens from time to time willing to let you take control. he needs to keep his hands on you to not touch himself, it was supposed to be about you and he's making sure it stays that way. eyes tightly shut as he tries his best to ignore the ache between his own legs and he's not gonna lie, his cock is now so sensitive that he's sure the slightest touch against it would instantly make him cum, you just taste that good for him. but he ignores it, his full concentration only on you as his brows furrowed, focusing on your release.
but you can't. the moment you realize he's not guiding you anymore, you're lost. you're completely lost, your hips losing rhythm as your built-up orgasm is rudely interrupted by no other but you. you know he just wanted to let you know that you have complete control over him, that you can ride and use his face however you want.
it's not the same doing it all on your own. usually, you wouldn't even know anything, mind blank as you just lay on your back, letting him do all the work because you knew he'd take care of you. and he does. but now that you are the one who's doing it, it doesn't feel the same. it doesn't feel good.
so you just can't help but writhe above him not knowing what to do, your dripping cunt hovering above him now, ready to get up. your lover figures you just needed a break so he slowly hums against you leaving trailing kisses on your thighs. you can't even talk because of how frustrated you are, so you use your actions instead.
with shaky hands, you slowly catches his hands that are threatening to crawl away and place them back on your hips, right where they belong. “please...” was all you could mutter before he realised what you wanted. he raised his head enough to reach your pussy and pressed a soft kiss on your clit. he smiles against you, god she's gonna be the death of me. your actions arouse him even more, letting him know that you want him to make you feel good, you want him to do it however he wants and you'll take it without a single complaint.
“I love you.” he mumbles into your pussy, before slowly sinking you down back on his face. you jolt as he kisses your cunt slowly as if he's trying to savour every moment. and the truth is, he is, he doesn't want this to end ever. he knows you wouldn't have agreed to do this if you were sober, too shy. but god he wishes you were drunk all the time so that he can be smothered between your thighs, eating his favourite meal all the fucking time.
he kisses your labia the same exact way he kisses your lips, pulling at it before exploring your folds with his tongue. the wet sounds of him kissing your clit and muttering things to it makes your head spin. “so pretty,” smooch “so good...” smooch “doing so good for me.” followed by his loud moans sending electricity right through your cunt.
when your moans get louder, he uses the tip of his tongue to tease your hole pushing it in slightly before pulling it out, leaving your cunt to clench around nothing. he feels you move above him trying to get his tongue inside you. he chuckles as he looks up at you to see his favourite sight. eyes tightly shut as you grind down on his mouth using the guidance of his hands.
and that's when he suddenly stops. your eyes cracked open, immediately looking down to see if he's hurt. “I-I'm sorry, are you hurt?” your folds hovering his face once again. and you were met with an unreadable expression of your mate before he pushes your knees up, putting you into a squatting position above his face. no way. “keep your eyes on me. I need you to look at me while i pleasure you yeah?”
and with that, he sticked his tongue out and quite literally slammed you down on his face causing the pink wet muscle to slide inside your hole, earning a loud moan from you at the sudden penetration of his tongue. you unconsciously try to pull away, the pleasure being too much for you. but he only pulls you back down making a wet slapping sound.
you obeyed his command and kept your eyes on his that are looking straight at you, half of his face buried under the weight of your cunt. he bounces you on his face and twirls his tongue inside you. at this point you don't even care anymore because it felt unbelievably good. your legs were spread wide for his face to settle in between, it fits so well. jake thinks this is right where he belongs and he wishes to stay like this forever.
you moan his name as he moves you up and down, smearing your arousal that keeps oozing out of you on his face. he sticks his tongue as deep as he could before pressing his face into you, nose nudging against your bud. he works two jobs between fucking you with tongue and sucking the life out of you from your clit.
it doesn't take you long before you are trembling above him, chanting his name like a prayer. you would've lost your balance long ago if it wasn't for his strong hold around your thighs. he focuses on your clit, flicking the sensitive button with the tip of his tongue before taking it into his mouth to suck.
he presses his tongue flat against your sore pussy before he shakes his head side to side, the movement being hard and fast to give you that pleasurable vibrating friction. soon, he feels you lose it, hands coming to his hair to pull at it, hard. hips desperately trying to move away from his unresting mouth, indicating him that you're about to reach your high.
final and the loudest scream of his name fall from your lips before you completely and utterly lose it. you're sure the whole world of pandora heard you, but you both couldn't give a fuck less about that. in fact, jake's proud of it. he feels your cunt dripping into his mouth and he pulls away just for a millisecond.
“yes baby. such a good girl, gushin' into my mouth oh—” he cuts himself off, lapping up the mixture of your slick and his spit that streams out of you. your lover moans into you, dipping his tongue into you once again, to get more of your sticky liquid. his hand coming up to rest on your stomach, thumb lazily drawing circles on your slick coated clit. he knows you're sensitive but he wants more.
he still tries though, fucking into you slow with his tongue, helping you through your orgasm, hands patting your thighs for comfort. you wait for him to stop so you can get off, but he doesn't. his hold on you only getting tighter as he spreads your thighs even wider. his chin comfortably tucked between your ass cheeks from how deep he's pushing his face into your cunt.
he keeps you plugged full with his tongue, letting you ride it as if it were his fat cock, causing your slick to drip down his tongue directly into his mouth as he gulp the sweet essence down his throat.
you feel like you might die, you thought it was gonna be like a one time thing. you hear him hiss for a moment before he's tugging your legs to his arms. hands holding the underside of your thighs, and then he lifts you off of the bed. you can barely feel your toes touching the mat, your whole body weight on him as he finally reaches his goal by making you actually sit on his face.
your ass resting on his chin as he impatiently buries his face into your warm cave. you want to squirm away and just stop everything because never once in your years of living, did you ever think about actually sitting on someone's face, specifically jake sully's. but you knew better than to move, too afraid that you might hurt him. and even if you tried, he would just yank you back down to where he wants, anyway.
even though you are on top, you don't have much control over this. well, he tried to let you, but you both knew that you've always preferred his way of doing things. tears are starting to form in your eyes from the overstimulation, but you love it.
you love the way his face fits between your legs just right, mouth pressed to your pussy like a human on pandora with an oxygen mask. you would laugh if you weren't just as desperate, with the way he's acting like he might die if he stops, groaning loudly when you try to push his face away, even if just for a second.
you look down to see if he's comfortable but when you did, he's not even looking at you anymore. eyes tightly shut in concentration as he drinks up your slick. it's almost like he's enjoying this more than you are. he rocks you hard against his face, using every muscle to stimulate your core to death.
even though you're a little concerned, this was no surprise to you. Jake has always been wild when it comes to sex. you'd known that since the first memorable night you two had shared. he never even let you spend your heats alone. and for that reason, you rarely touched yourself but mostly because you never felt the need to. he always kept you full and satisfied, even had his little inside joke that he's gonna need his wheelchair back, not for him, but for you.
my jake's so mesmerising, you think. it was a sight, seeing such a pretty face coated and smeared with your arousal. it boosts your ego, seeing a powerful man that so many people bow down to, between your thighs with you sitting on his face, worshipping you like a goddess, so desperate to pleasure you.
and just like that, he coaxes three more orgasms out of you in just a tiny amount of time that it's almost embarrassing.
your throat is sore just like your little clit that's still in jake's mouth. you're sure that he must be hurting too, he didn't even do anything or let you do anything to get him off. he just lets himself suffer and you don't know how on earth is he able to be still so collected, acting like he doesn't have a very angry dick to calm.
even though you can barely open your eyes, tears streaming down your face, thin coat of sweat covering your skin, panting like a dog with your tongue rolled out, you love what's happening, though you'd never say it out loud.
before you know it, two thick slender fingers are plunging into you, making you scream. “c-can't 'nymore! too much. too much!” you can't even form proper words because of the tongue, that is now relentlessly working on your sensitive and overstimulated clit. the way he's fingering you isn't what he normally goes for, it's hard and rough, almost like he's chasing for something.
he watches your hole welcomingly sucking his digits in. “I know, i know. just give me one more baby, just one more then we'll be done.” Jake once again gets you to obey. you feel so small above him as you chant, Jake. Jake!
“Jake! something's coming! I—” he hopes it's what he thinks it is. “shh, let it go baby, I'm right here. I'm gonna take care of you.” and you do just that. and it happens. he feels your whole body shake and your thighs pressing together above his face before he splitting them open again, not wanting to miss the sight he's been dying to see.
jake watches in awe as the clear liquid squirts out of you, pushing his fingers out from how powerful it was. eyes widening as you pour on his face and rolling down his neck and chest. some of it even getting into his mouth, letting him taste your immense amount of pleasure.
he traps your sore clit into the gap of his two fingers and he shakes it as the remaining juices sprays onto his face. and jake fucking whimpers into you as if he's the one who's being pleasured. "so good for me, fuck, yeah just like that. so sweet." your small body shaking and writhing above him was such a pleasing sight. and he's still shocked by the fact that it was all because of him.
he keeps you firm on his face, tongue slowly licking your sore pussy still, making sure you fully rode out your orgasm. he looks up at you just to see your pained expression, you're crying. what the fuck. he lifts you gently off his face, sitting you back down on his lap.
you let a whine out from the friction when the bulge from his crotch touches your sensitive button, which he backs off when he realises. he panics when he sees that you still haven't opened your eyes. “hey, hey! baby...” you smile like an idiot when you hear the familiar sweet like honey voice.
“look at me?” he pleads.
your eyes slowly open but you still keep your head down, too embarrassed to look him in the eyes after what you just did as you mumble a few sorrys' and sob through whatever you were saying, still too fucked up to process anything. but jake wasn't having it. so he starts “look at me,” grabbing your chin up to make eye contact. “you did so good, such a good girl for me. I'm so fucking proud of you. I love you baby, you were so fucking hot you know that?”
now, his voice is clear, you're sobering up, as if he'd just sucked all the alcohol out of your cunt. he reaches for the bowl full of water on the side of the bed and brings it near your lips, giving you no other choice but to drink.
your gaze finally lands on his face and Jake almost let a giggle out from how you completely dipped your head back down. well, how can you not when his face was completely soaked with your cum, your arousal dripping down his face like sweat. he spares you, rubbing your slick off his face with his forearm.
you're sobering up. god, what do i do? a million thoughts runs into your head, eywa please. the way he's looking at you as if you're the only woman to exist in the whole universe, it's not fair, please stop. you beg.
shoving your thoughts away, you lean in. your eyes trailing down to his body, landing on his loincloth, fully soaked with his- wow did he just? you catch a glint of shyness on his face. you tug at his bottom, seeing that he's still rock hard. “no, I'm okay. you need to sleep.” so what? that was it?
“I don't wanna sleep.” you glare, continuing to untie the string on his loincloth.
“princess, you don't have to.” he insists. bringing your hands back in front of his face before pressing kisses on each knuckle. he scoops you up as if you're some doll and lays you down. you don't wanna lie, of course you're tired. but you at least need to feel him, so you try. you pull him by the neck so that he falls on top of you.
“you said you're all mine...” you pout and jake's eyes soften.
“I came just from eating your sweet cunt baby,” you slam your eyes shut from his words. god why? he's so shameless with it too.
“completely untouched.” it makes your stomach filled with guilt as much as it fills you with butterflies.
he buries his face into your neck, which had become his comfort place on your body. you notice that he does it often, whenever he's tired, upset or frustrated. he heavily breathes into your skin as if he's holding back, you know he is. his cock is still hard and you are still wet. you need to feel him, feel his body, feel his soul.
so instead of talking, you quickly tug your longest and the thickest braid before grabbing his own. bringing the ends together, you catch how messy his nerves are moving, revealing the state of his mind. they immediately recognise yours as they rush to tug at each other.
jake's eyes widen at the sudden intrusion of you in his head. he can never resist you, not when he can feel you, not when he can feel the way you yearn for him, the way you beg for him, the way your mind is filled with nothing but him. you didn't give him a chance to prepare, your being taking over his head, he needs a moment.
“inside, want you inside.” before giving him a chance to deny your desire, your hands quickly work to untie the strings on his loincloth while he's was still processing all your thoughts in your head through the bond. it's all too much for him, it always is. whenever you both make tsaheylu, the mere need you feel for him amazes him, makes him wonder just how someone could love him this much.
with his head still buried in the crook of your neck, he feels your fingers wrap around his girth, earning a whimper from him. “you said this is mine too...” you softly say with a frown. “yes fuck yes, it is baby.” you align his length with your entrance, “then please.”
who the fuck is he to deny?
wow now THAT was something 😋
tell me if y'all want a part 2
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strawberrykisseslia · 2 months
"i wish you were a boy."
☆ pairing: vanessa shelly x fem! reader
☆ part 1
☆ tw: hurt, no comfort only near the end, slight fluff, not proof read at all, the images do NOT belong to me. only the absolutely trash good fiction.♡ use of y/n once
☆ cw: 1.1k
☆ genuinely dk why it took me so long to write this but this song saved the whole small series, thank her ( no jk, im dead serious )
☆ how i love this trope. ( LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER )
☆ heavily inspired by Good Luck, Babe! by Chappell Roan ( PLEASE I LOVE HER SM, i think this is a normal reaction to her? )
☆ yall... did i make reader toxic? now that i've come to think of it... I HOPE NOT OH MY GOD
☆ also so so sorry if it looks messy!!! i didnt write it on Tumblr but i kinda like it, thoughts? please give me thoughts about this whole thing because i'm genuinely not sure how to feel about it, would appreciate it!
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It has been some time since you and Vanessa actually had a right conversation. always passing each other quickly though the house, awkward greetings here and there but nothing close to a “how are you?” or “how was your day?” nothing.
you had been thinking about moving out as fast you can but didn't really find anything good right now. especially because your work was taking more and more free time away from you. which led you to just wanting to sleep instead of doing anything.
you noticed though how vanessa stayed out longer, even on her breaks. she was really not the one who would go out even. not to stay out more than two hours.
you guessed this whole thing had an effect on her too. right? at least she was regretting it. but oh, how you craved to talk to her really again. at least she used to be your best friend. your favorite person. and you were hers. it was true.
you didn't really know but she thought of you. a LOT. at work. at the bars when she tries to numb her feelings for you. in her car on her way to somewhere. even at home, when you two are basically only some meters away.
as much as she was thinking of you she realized how much you mean to her. and how much she loves you.
at first, she didn't want to accept it. it felt weird and new to her. she was never in love with a girl before.
she knew you were hurt, deeply. but she didn't know how to cheer you up right now. she never got comforted in her life at all, of course you did comfort her. but she didn't know how to comfort someone.
though, one night something changes. she puts every confidence in her and tries to talk to you.
she gently knocks on your door around 10pm on a Tuesday night. you are laying in your bed all comfortable, watching some shitty tv show while eating your favorite snack. you feel your heart beat a little bit faster as you climb out of the warm and make your way to the door.
she looks down, fidgeting with the bottom of her shirt. she is almost silent for a minute.
“i am… so sorry, (y/n).” she manages to speak up. almost crying.
you sigh and look down at your feet.
“i wanna make things right between us. after all… we were once best friend?”
you nod, yet you can't forget how she said ‘i wish you were a boy.’
“vanessa…” you whisper.
“i know i messed up. it was a lot. but please, give me a second chance,” you look up at her. she is already looking at you.
“i want to be friends again— i’m sorry… but i have no feelings for you.”
you can only nod at that. you should have expected this outcome. she could never be in love with another girl. yet, there were times where you hooked up. however… you both were really drunk.
vanessa exactly knew she was lying to herself but somehow she couldn't tell you how much she loves you. even, she didn't know why. maybe it was because she always wanted to be the perfect daughter for her terrible father. you heard her cries about him so many times, you couldn't even count on your two hands. deep down in her heart, she knew she will never be enough for him, yet you told her countless times that she doesn't have to be.
“i am not too sure, vanessa… i'm sorry.” you answer to her.
“after these past weeks of us ignoring each other..,” you don't really wanna bring up the thing she said because you know, you would break down. “both of us acted childish, but it's taking it's tool out on us now,” you look down. “and i want someone who doesn't only hookups with me when they're drunk.” you say the last part much more quietly.
she nods. she is unable to speak up. her stomach flips with every second. she prepared herself for the first really, but deep down she was never prepared enough for this.
“i understand you.” after some time she manages to talk.
you don't know what's going on inside you. your stomach is walking up and down in you and your heart is loud enough for the neighbors to hear it. you don't know if you wished for vanessa to be understanding or to fight for you.
she doesn't wanna push you past your limits. she doesn't wanna make you cry again.
the fact you craved to talk to her again like old times yet here you are saying you don't wanna get close to her again.
“well, i hope everything goes good for you.” she speaks up and gets you out of your thoughts. you can hear she is about to cry depending on seconds. you only nod.
“goodnight.” she says and turns around.
“you know…,” you starts she faces you. “it's better to talk about feelings then for them to drown.”
she nods in agreement. “yes, i know…” she hesitantly reponds. deep down you know that applies for you too, but wasn't that kiss enough to tell everything to her?
the next week you move out. you finally found a house that you can afford and it looks exactly like how you want it to. after that, you never talked to vanessa. in fact, you even started to slowly move on and start to search for love. not always thinking about needing a relationship but if you find the right person then you'll go for them.
for vanessa… well. she thought about you too much. she missed your presence in the house so much. your voice, your smiles, your laughter, your cooking. everything.
though, after two years or so, she found love. or maybe someone who would look after her when needed someone. a man, of course. vanessa never spoke about you. tried to not think of you after her marriage yet… almost every night she thought of you. the pictures of you on her phone, she often looked through them.
in the meantime you found love too! a really sweet girl. she was your whole world. your everything. you never really thought of vanessa. maybe some times. but this girl showed you colors no one has ever.
sometimes you fantasize about standing in front of vanessa and telling her everything you felt when you moved out and wanted to tell her, you told her so many times how she would end up in a loveless marriage if she doesn't speak about her feelings at least a little bit more often as time went on. at least to you. someone she used to call her best friend!
still, these were meaningless little fantasies you had maybe two monthly.
only if you knew.
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sugar-omi · 10 months
Incoming ramble I wanna hear you’re thoughts on this cause it’s been on my brain for a little bit and it’s got me in my feels
K so I forget if it’s in the step 3 prologue or in the Drive moment but either way when on the topic of Cove leaving for Nevada every now and again and choosing how your MC feels about it there’s the option to choose that it makes you sad and nervous specifically because the little 8 year old in you (who remember was probably HORRENDOUSLY lonely) was scared that Cove was gonna leave and never come back
Now that option alone already gets to me (cause I relate to it hard cough cough) but just imagine the MC actually confessing to Cove about that fear!! Obviously the MC doesn’t want to make Cove stop going cause yknow he’s literally going to see his own mom but MC also can’t deny that there’s that sad lonely little kid inside their head who just doesn’t want to be left alone again so they’re kinda just stuck in the dilemma. But soon enough after feeling well enough to admit it they finally tell Cove about it and get to actually work it out!!!
cove would actually feel so relieved omg bc it makes him sad too and he misses you, ofc ik he says that no matter what but I think he also worries abt leaving n nevering coming back
very traumatized from the move after his mom n dad divorced n he tried to run away bc he missed krya, yk 😟
reassures you that he'll always come back, and that if that did happen he'd prbly try to run away to see you LOL
would offer to take you with him!!! if you're dating ofc you need to work it out w his mom a bit more than necessary but she wouldn't mind if you stayed over or came to hang out w them
I imagine krya spends a Lotta time at work anyway since she can't be on leave the entire time he visits, so she'd be relieved that he has someone to keep him conpany
he talks abt you so much anyway, it's like you're basically there w them already
if you can't or don't want to go with him, he'd video call you sm more
sends lots of pictures n texts and voice messages
tells you basically everything abt his day and sends gm and gn texts
coves sleepy, raspy voice saying "good morning" (
sounds like this, would even call you sunshine like sonny did!!!😭😭
I'm falling apart
mmm if he's gone a long time he'd prbly even come see you, or meet you half way
which is stressful bc he has a long drive but he would bc he's crazy abt you
omg gives you a shirt of his.
omg and asks you what you're wearing every day until you say that shirt n he wears it like "omg!!! what a coincidence!!!!" babe we know u did it on purpose PLEASE
sends you flowers
n by send you flowers I mean asks his dad to pick up some flowers and deliver them to you
sends his dad money too but cliff would prbly pay for them once or twice bc he thinks this is so chge n send the money back to cove so cove is like "dad!!!" n just makes an order on his card bc his dad is so stubborn😭😭
cliff is actually in love w your guys relationship he's so happy,,, pls
I should write some hc's on how cliff feels abt you guys dating bc my man's is so happy!!!! pls. OK anyway
will ask what you're eating n have the same thing if he can
n you can just see his chin, the sky and then it's like kinda black n then for some reason u can see the floor and then he's like "sorry" and he starts running back to his car AGAIN
and so he delicately places the phone down n is panting n just goes, "sorry. I'm ready now" *throws his head back* "omg gimme a minute... man. climbing thru your window really came in handy"
big "mmmmwaahhh!!!"
or tiny "mweh", no in between
falling asleep on the phone too
he's totally normal abt you I swear
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linabirb · 25 days
Hi for the milgram asks
1, 8, and 9 for general questions
1 and 2 for both trials for trial questions
3 for Fuuta, Shidou, Amane, Kotoko, and 5 for Muu for prisoner questions
hi hi thank you sm for the questions!!
"Which Milgram character is your favourite, and why?"
my top faves are mappi, yuno and amane! i really like characters who are like. basically very cute and sweet on the outside but have Something Wrong with them. and these three feel like a very refreshing take on this trope bc mahiru is like. she's not a yandere (even though i do love yanderes..), she's just such a loving person that she doesn't know when to stop and. and i can rely to that a lot 😔 and yuno isn't like, "secretly evil", she's just very cold and empty on the inside and that's all. amane is more similar to characters that i usually tend to like and i love how at the same time she's a very traumatized child, but also i do believe that she committed her murder for the sake of her faith and not.. idk.. self-defense?.. i also like haruka and muu but i also get second-hand embarrassment from them sometimes bc these mentally ill teenagers remind me of myself when i was a mentally ill teenager a bit too much /lh
"Which prisoner do you think you would get on with the least if you met in person, and why?"
honestly i really don't think i would get along with any of them irl 😭 i'd be too terrified.. i think it would most likely be haruka or muu bc long story short i had my experience with people who got a bit too attached to me. did not like that. but also bc i'd just see them as really annoying irl, i'm sorry..
"Which prisoner's signature colour do you like the most?"
yuno's! pink 💞💕💘💝💖💗💓
"Which trial (number) verdict do you agree with the most?"
for trial 1.. i think fuuta? fuuta's crime is something that personally. um. i don't wanna say disgusts me but it's an emotion close to that. sorry to all fuuta fans i really don't care much about him feeling sorry about it and possibly changing, he's a grown man and he should've known better.
for trial 2, im gonna say it. i do agree with haruka's verdict the most. i honestly hate the way fandom treats him as a cute little baby and a pure cinnamon roll and constantly goes "oh okay if you voted him guilty you just hate autistic people", there is something very wrong with haruka and his murder and him killing animals is something that is very. hm. how do i say this. makes me want to punch him or something. i don't care how supportive people say they are, treat him like a normal human being and accept his flaws and accept that he's a murderer just like the others and that his possible disability can explain his actions but doesn't excuse them.
"Which trial (number) verdict do you disagree with the most?"
for trial 1. yeah i think muu should've been voted guilty back then tbh. sure maybe after pain does look sad and make her look like a victim out of context but then you listen to her vd and you're like. the red flags were always there 😭😭 this is not me denying that she was bullied, she definitely was, but it doesn't mean that i can still forgive her that easily AND i say that as someone who was horribly bullied for a huge part of my life.
for trial 2. i look around. i make sure nobody can hear me. i say kazui and refuse to elaborate and leave.
SHSJSKSKKS listen i don't care about kazui. like. at all. he's not my type of character sorry. but i think i'd be more interested in him if the fandom wasn't so focused on his sexuality and ignored other parts of his character. honestly i don't even know if there are any other parts of his character anymore. but i still can't forgive him for what he's done tbh. BEFORE ANYONE SAYS ANYTHING most people are extremely homophobic and transphobic where i live, so i understand his situation perfectly (IF most theories about him really are true), but something about him just. i cannot trust this man. i feel too sorry for hinako honestly. i can talk about this more but i won't because he's this fandom's beloved old man so i'll shut up.
"What do you think of (name)'s verdict/s?"
fuuta: again, he deserved the t1 guilty and i did vote him inno during the second trial because i felt sorry for him, but i wouldn't be surprised if he did something that changed my opinion and made me vote him guilty during the third trial.
shidou: i am so sorry i don't care about milgram guys at all, haruka is like the only exception 😭 i guess his verdicts are. fine? i did vote him inno during the second trial though i'd probably vote him guilty if i got into milgram earlier. just like with fuuta, i will not hesitate to vote him guilty in the future if something happens.
amane: milgram fandom hates children especially traumatized ones that's all im gonna say. yes i can be a bit mean to haruka and muu, but amane is a huge comfort character to me and her experiences are very similar to my own, so seeing the fandom prioritize characters like shidou over A LITERAL CHILD is. hm. hey guys are you normal about children with religious trauma. oh also forgot to add, children with religious trauma who don't act like perfect victims and who can snap and act out and who refuse to accept that they were abused? i'm happy that she finally got an inno verdict (I WAS FIGHTING FOR HER ALMOST FOR THE ENTIRETY OF HER TRIAL..) but i do wish the percentage was bigger. it makes me sad every time i see it.
kotoko: i actually was kinda surprised when i found out she was voted inno in s1?.. like idk when i saw her for the first time, i was like "okay i do not like where this is going"? ig the fandom just went "yesssss you go girlboss" and that's it shsjskks. but anyway congrats on your t2 verdict guilty queen ✨✨
"What do you think of (name)'s song/s?"
muu: i like them! like them a lot! though i don't really vibe with her version of otome kaibou, like it just doesn't sound right to me.. but i do like her mkdr/dscf cover a lot! my fav muu song is probably still after pain, i think inmf is fun, but it's a bit too short for me and it feels kinda incomplete.
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inchidentally · 2 months
god I wish xkit still had the inbox features - but I'm gonna screencap all the stuff under tricky asks and save them for later so I can see the fun asks and not have them get buried <3
gonna do a few of the more recent ones now and then from there bundle them every couple weeks!
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I've mostly just fallen out of interest w the ship apart from the way I enjoy it (which isn't popular lol) for a few reasons but mostly the misogyny toward real life gfs. I still enjoy it for myself and I'm even writing it rn but I'm just not motivated to go crazy over it anymore <3
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oh babe I'm a massive complainer about McLaren's new media approach meaning we don't get the fun, regular teammate content that we used to but truly there's no motive for actually keeping them apart! the carlando challenge was F1TV and I actually can't tell who pushed for the Oscar/Esteban RC car challenge but it makes sense bc they've chatted a fair amount during down time since Bahrain. I think there's a casual friendliness there.
but also this kind of cross-team content isn't unusual at all and tbh it's a coincidence that feels annoying mainly bc it coincides with McLaren sm deciding to go all slick edits rather than spontaneous and fun content.
and first anon if anything it felt like Oscar put himself in time out for well, actually slightly stalking Lando in the preseason and Bahrain kasgfkaflsagfslja I'm... mostly joking
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oh listen, Carlos and Lando absolutely are friends - and I don't wanna jump down your throat if you're not saying they aren't - but don't get me wrong, I enjoy carlando for what it actually is and not the 'secretly in love/fucking/relationship/actually gay for each other' version. ironically the reality is a lot sweeter and more real than desperately ignoring everything about Carlos to pretend he's gay or to pretend that Lando and Carlos rank even in the top 100 of people closest to them. sorry but to me the reality of baby Lando latching onto Carlos for support in F1 and Carlos quite liking this funny little dude fluttering around him even when they have nothing but driving, golf and beautiful women in common - like, that's sweet to me!! sorry ?? it's the whole imprinted on each other but we wouldn't normally be friends thing that happens in these little brother/big brother scenarios.
the fact is tho that carlando is indeed a major popularity and engagement spinner for everyone from F1 official to sponsors to Lando and Carlos themselves, and they both know that hanging out and documenting it can serve two purposes at once. the Australia stuff was all probably a bit too cynical but they wouldn't do any of it if they didn't actually enjoy spending time together! plenty of these sports bromances do similar things it's just that of the F1 bromances, carlando caught on with the 1D rpf conspiracy theorist pipeline by ticking every box. you'd think they'd catch on that it's all the ones they're convinced are RealTM that end up flopping butttt
but yea I remember the ask linking to ppl saying that landoscar and charlos are PR and to this day it's like did they just want to face a deluge of constantly being proven wrong or ??? esp the fact that Charles and Carlos get absolutely zilch out of their dynamic this season (and forever after that) - especially Carlos who could easily decide to just be blandly polite to Charles and focus on buddying up to a hopeful new teammate if charlos was purely PR. even when they play it up, it's not cynical and they make it clear. but the way they've chosen to deal with this whole circus in a joint way is like damn. they're not besties or anything but they respect the fuck out of each other and talk a lot about how to deal with being friends and also teammates.
and landoscar literally has no bromance content, no fake gay, not even excessive touching or physical proximity, Oscar isn't remotely interested in being camera friendly, they don't document any of their time together when it's not official media, and they don't remotely play up to the cameras together. the ship literally exists bc two guys like to watch each other with sweet dopey smiles, they are on a freakishly similar wavelength, have immense respect for each other, Oscar has observed and learned Lando to almost worrying degrees, and Lando has no filter so when he keeps having horny verbal burps about Oscar's body that make the people around them uncomfortable or awkward - and that Oscar just blushes and giggles through. it's absolutely not planned or strategic bc what a horrible strategy to try and convince fans to ship them like carlando and dando askflgsajlgflaf.
like, everything about Lando and Oscar's real life dynamic and friendship is one of the few cases where they're categorically known to not cynically try to promote it for fans and they don't play up to the cameras for engagement. literally they like each other and get on well and it's just. like that !!
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s-i-m-p0 · 2 years
It's not I like you
Rook x reader
Pronouns: she/her
Tw: English speaking rook (aka no ultered lyrics that make it sound French sorry)
"I-i-ah-i-i-Ah, I de-da-di dam sm da dep pa, i-i-ah-i-i-ah, i~"
"Hey, that's pretty good" y/n snap my head towards the voice and see a familiar blond hat wearing lover.
"Wha-! No one asked you" she blush picking up her books
He stopped her hand with using gloved one and by the rook continued singing
"I've got myself just a little bit of love that I wanna spend on you~"
he winked
"but, baby ill never get that chance to dance that romance with you"
she blush red as he pulls her closer to him.
Y/n push him away
"oh,no~ cause you're always hitting"
as predicted I threw my book
That he narrowly avoided
",and kicking,"
She kicked his leg
,causing himfall
." and putting me down."
"Ehehehe" she giggle, "get off the ground idiot"
'I Hope you dont mean what you say.'
(I give up on separation lyrics from normal lines sorry)
"But I keep seeing you sticking around" I sing along giving in to his plan, "like you can't get enough so I stay," y/n pause there and kept singing in her head.
"And I wonder, how my hand would feel intertwined with yours?" Rook took a bold move and lightly wrapped his pinky around her pinky.
'As of now though," she yanks her hand away "what are you doing?!" 'nothing but closed doors.'
~later that day in rooks spy book-~
He humed lightly sticking in pictures of you.
"My girl a dere-A-Tsun-Tsun-dere, just saying hi gets me a punch in the face" he smiles at the picture someone caught of you punching by accident.
"And if I dhoudk compliment her, she~ start~ to chase~"
The photo had y/n chasing rook around the court yard.
Rook smiles at the photo and remembers it.
"HEY! that was a direct attack!" Y/n yells with red cheeks.
"Oh no the wild cat found my hiding place."
"Stupif octopus! Take it back!"
Room imagined himself as an octopus before y/n stormed off.
He rushed after her "hee,so, ah...Ah, how am I an octopus?" He laughs. "how am I a cat?!" The mad girl asked after seeing herself with cat ears.
"Well,uh,cats are cute." "E..a...go away!"
She stormed off and sat on a bench and crossed her arms pointing.
"Can we get along? You're so headstrong." He sang sitting next to her.
"Hmmpf! There's no way! Go away! Now so long!"
"Just talk to me~" he kissed y/n hand light "and you will see~," rook hand lightly held her cheek
"That's not fair! using flair! You dummy!"
With y/n she's lightly humming writing her love conffesion"I've got myself, just a little bit of love I wanna spend~..."
Out of nowhere rook appears "on NOT you!!" Y/n yells pushing him out of the dorm.
She had her back to the door,"Cause, baby, I'm afraid you'll say,that it's not with you,
Oh-oh, Cause you're always laughing," she imagined his little laugh:'hee-hee.", and joking.." His face popped into her head "you look like a clown!"
~~~next day~~~
Y/n couldt stop hearing rook compliments of praise, she buried herself in her pillow.,"But I hope you mean what you say." She sayed muffled by pillows. "I do." She heard him say.
Y/n sat up in her school uniform and walked towards the window too see a couple. She opened the window to let in the breeze
"And I wonder what you would think, if I let my pride down. Let it sink.
Could we hold hands,kiss? Live our life in gentle bliss~?"
"We could!" She heard a femiliar French man below her balcony. Y/n turned bright red "Ah- I'm not talking about you! You're not my Prince In this."
She waved him off dismissively. When she left her room and was walking down to first period y/n heard whisperer about her being a tsundere.
"I'm not a dere. -A-Tsun-Tsun-dere" she leant agsint the stone stairs holding her books. "I have a jello heart. I'm not that mean.."
The h/c girl found rook next to her smiling stupidly, "I'm not blushing! I was just rushing, and forgot sunscreen!" She yelled pointing out on the cloudy day.
"Ahahah! You're smile is really cute though." He laughed cover his mouth politely.
The girl turned sunburn red "You'll never see it from underneath my pigtails!" Y/n pulls her hair over her mouth.
In defeat he let put a sigh, "alright, I just wanted to let you know." And he turned to leave before the first bell went.
"Uh-um...H-hey..." "Yeah?"
Y/n averted her eyes away from him and swung on her heels. "Umm.." "are you ok?" He asked leaning close.
"Eh,y-yeah...um...well..." the blush on her cheek just bot brighter and brighter
"Ehee...hey hey are you free,free today?" "Oh,ho ho. Why do you want to know?" He smirked slightly
"EH! It's not like I like you! Okay..."
"Alright cool where do you wanna go?" Rook pulled out a book with the tittle of 'best places to take a girl dating'
She roll my eyes and walked off muttering at lunch.
"We could rent a boat and sail," a snow bunny hoped over to y/n feet "or find a bunny and feed it soem juicy kale."
"No, that sound really stupid. "
"Okay well how about a... classy dinner by candle light? Or scary stories till midnight? so that I can hold you tight.~"
I get anoyed "and get cheeto crumbs on me?! No way!"
I push him off me and place down the rabbit. "O-kay, I think you're a little dense. I really do not like all this talk you have in the present tense, Ba ba da ba da!"
She turn and face him pointing a finger at him "so listen here buddy, uts all just a big fantasy you see inside of your head."
As soon as movment off rooks mouth happened Ishe cut him off.
" NO! so just say good bye"
"Eh-whatever." He sighs
Y/n mock walking away.
~~the next day~~~
Y/n walks skipily past rook with a special note in her hand. 'Whats that?' The stalker questions reaching for it "hm?" He hums grabbing it.
"Oo~ a love letter for you're ever lasting love~?"
She spin round and try and grab it "for whom?" He questions opening it "Let's see"
Y/n panics and ripped her shoe from her foot before she threw it at him full Forse within 5 meters "ouch! You wouldn't me!"
"I'm not a dere-" "my girls a dere" "Tsun-Tsun-dere" they say in unison.
"HEY! I can kick you're but even In this dress!"
"UH!" He groans as she kick his chest (you go flexible y/n!)
"I disgress! So let's just go to the park...I guess?"
"Pfft- you wouldnt even know what to bring!" She laugh.
Suddenly y/n was pinned against a tree "oh, come on will you just please just say yes?"
She crossed her arms and closed her eyes action proud
"Eh geez! Fine baka-tako! Itsn ot like ill enjoy it or anything!"
She opened one eye to see a smiling rook and a giggle left her mouth "hee-hehe."
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spocks-husband · 2 months
I finally made it to season three of Picard, so as I said I would to a very very good friend who happens to be quite important to the creation of this show (🤭) I am gonna live blog the first episode and possibly others! So yeah let's go :3
-i love the ink spots dude this soundtrack goes so hard
-Shes so cheekbones
-omg she has a gun yasss
-erm that phaser rifle is NOT set to stun 🤓☝🏽
-can I ask why this whole opening scene is made up of like two colors--
-i want a painting of the 1701-D in my house :(
-little Bajoran statue on his desk..... That's there specifically for me......
-i love my beautiful boyfriend Jean-Luc
-omg I know the computer voice she's my favorite person ever 🤭🤭
-THE old uniform omg I'm screaming
-the lighting is giving sub rosa for some reason
-that was very cryptic Beverly are you fucking your grandma's old ghost boyfriend again
-why would she cut them off?? That's. Very odd
-its been two seasons of this already but can I ask why the Romula OH MY GOD SHE KISSED MY BOYFRIEND
-sorry I'm normal I promise
-The fat ones help 😭😭
-if they make Deanna and Will fight I will LOSE MY SHIT
-i'm so glad will is gonna be actually relevant in this season I missed him sm 😭
-this reminds me of the Orion bar on Nimbus III that you go to for that one mission in Star Trek Online that I can't beat lmao
-does being able to recognize and distinguish different star trek alien scripts make me a nerd ☹️
-i wasn't all that attached to them actually it's fine
-why is everyone having a mental breakdown and it's only episode one 💀
-i wanna have my bones crunched by a hot Orion man........ He's so green and beautiful.........
-earth space dock is a lot quieter outside STO lmao
-neo constitution?????
-making seven use her human name when she pretty explicitly doesn't like that is sooo cute........ I don't trust this new captain.......
-is geordi not gay. Is that not actually canon. Did I make that up. I think I made that up.
-wathcing Jean-Luc and Will harass each other is my favorite thing so far
-New captain is kinda hot unfortunately ☹️
-Oh god and he's an asshole. That's my type. Oh God. Oh no.
-dude I can't stand this man. But also I need him.
-"bragging rights" will please
-everytime Jean-Luc gets something about modern starfleet wrong and embarrasses himself I contemplate suicide
-fuck this guy actually
-nvm he's not hot anymore he was mean to my boyfriend
-raffi needs help dude is she okay 😭
-Uhhhh what's up with this. Handler thing.
-the warrior comment made me think Klingon but that's probably very very wrong lmao
-AWWW THEY GOT BUNK BEDS!! They're having a sleepover :3
-angry Will is really really hot. Sorry. Sorry. I'll leave.
-seven is so cool I'm losing it
-yeah no I can't stand this guy
-The special effects in this show are so bomb I actually don't care what you all are going to say, you have no whimsy and joy
-Jonathan Frakes has never done anything wrong in his life and I'm obsessed with him
-will stop playing with the cremated remains
-i'm so tired of British people dude
-YEAHHH BEAT HIS ASS WILL aw he's done nvm...
-HER WHAT???? HER HUH????? HELLO????
-oh that ship is totally fine and not terrifying at all
Overall rating, 9/10. Very solid.
0 notes
baekhvuns · 1 year
The most common avo types are Lula and Hass, the latter is better also depends on how ripe it is. It definitely taste grassy, but if you spice it up then ut can be good. Why am I giving you avo 101 lol
I'm kinda a hag, but I don't understand "fans" like this, they're embarrassing. Everyone can be a fan regardless of age and they should always be respectful. But if you're 25+ you should definitely know better. Also the younger ones, no school? Can just fly everywhere and show up at ass crack of dawn to take some photos???
Alright alright spoilers incoming. I don't know everything, but the first kid (a daughter) is with... Ranamun lol. But Latil didn't bond with her. Now she's pregnant again and people are like, is it Sonnaught's, is it Tasir's? Soooo essentially Mr Knight continued to be emotionally constipated then got broody and something happened to him once he killed some Angel that changed his demeanour? But then Latil told him she'd have sex with him if he promised to join the Harem, he agreed, they did the deed, but during the consort ceremony he was like "sorry, no" so he pretty much betrayed her, I hope the kid isn't his. 🔪 Tasir on the other hand, bestie if you wanna read something about him and Latil then I reccomend this excerpt 👀 and they're so cuuuute. I hate that they changed Flounder to Halibut in the eng webtoon. Also some new guys have joined the gang, but idc
RM x Mbappe saga felt never-ending, but oh well... I wonder who's winning 3rd place, I'll be busy though cause it's an early match
Omfg that's so cool, the mini disc?! You're right, Orbits are boycotting by not buying many albums, but I bet most will turn up to listen to the songs. Yikes? The girls look great in suits though 😭
Girl I work from home and basically have no neighbours at least not that I know of ahsgajsgajsgsb also don't want any bitches. The only neighbour I care about is a black cat who lives on the ground floor, I love him 💖 But I can be in an ETL with fictional Seonghwa, no problem. So the cousin is both ETL and workplace romance 🙉
Hongjoong revisited his red hair, so blue Hong next plsssss.
Unfortunately people need to realise that the line distribution can't really be equal most of the time, it should be fair though. Or members should at least shine in other areas. Kpop stans lack common sense, what's new 🔫
When people say Seonghwa is the normal one, they clearly didn't see THAT edit lmao. There are so many song parallels between ATZ and DC, Deja Vu, Wonderland... both have interesting lore 😭 and shared producers too. So sad Leez left Edenary though, he's good
The autotune in Paradigm killed me, once I heard Hwa I was like??? I saw a tweet that said "omfg, Hwa's range I never heard him sing like that!!!" bestie... that's Robo-Hwa lmao. The chorus is very messy, the instrumental is too loud. Yunho and San got good parts, it's a shame the whole song is weird as hell, but most people love it so 🤐 hopefully the new one isn't such a mess...
Good question 👁👁 Personally bandaged Seonghwa awakened something in me, oiling sounds good even though I don't like the feeling of oil very much. I think I'll go with the bandage wrapper. I can oil his arms afterwards though
Lmao the red carpet looks are always boring black. But Ateez covering Shinhwa??? That wasn't on my bingo card :o DEMON KING HWA OPENING
SM is freeing EXO, finally! So happy for you and my Exo-l flatmate!
Vampire prince Seonghwa back at ittttttt. Baeks it's a sign, boxer Hwa actually needs to happen...... hear me out, their make up! And if we see it on Seonghwa then whatttt. Come on blue + gemstones would match so well with his icy hair. And the vooooooiceeeeeee. Also his fit reminds me of this white outfits PK performance - DV 💖
The most common avo types are Lula and Hass, the latter is better also depends on how ripe it is. It definitely taste grassy, but if you spice it up then ut can be good. Why am I giving you avo 101 lol
AVO 101 GRKWHDKW LMFAOOO 😭😭 I would actually sign for this class <3 im assuming the midterm is on the nutritional benefits of avocados?? 25% of the grade? u bet 🫡
I'm kinda a hag, but I don't understand "fans" like this, they're embarrassing. Everyone can be a fan regardless of age and they should always be respectful. But if you're 25+ you should definitely know better. Also the younger ones, no school? Can just fly everywhere and show up at ass crack of dawn to take some photos???
no yeah, like bro u don’t got anything else to do? id be working and getting money not going on twt to go constantly shit on someone come on 😭😭😭 exactly! be a respectful person regardless of ur age bc how hard is that, tbh why’s everyone so bitter after the rona 😭😭🤚🏼 NO SERIOUSLY GIRLIES UR 17YO FOLLOWING WHOLE ASS ADULT MEN LIKE UR GRADES??? EXAMS??? HELLO???
Alright alright spoilers incoming. I don't know everything, but the first kid (a daughter) is with... Ranamun lol. But Latil didn't bond with her. Now she's pregnant again and people are like, is it Sonnaught's, is it Tasir's? Soooo essentially Mr Knight continued to be emotionally constipated then got broody and something happened to him once he killed some Angel that changed his demeanour? But then Latil told him she'd have sex with him if he promised to join the Harem, he agreed, they did the deed, but during the consort ceremony he was like "sorry, no" so he pretty much betrayed her, I hope the kid isn't his. 🔪 Tasir on the other hand, bestie if you wanna read something about him and Latil then I reccomend this excerpt 👀 and they're so cuuuute. I hate that they changed Flounder to Halibut in the eng webtoon. Also some new guys have joined the gang, but idc
look…ranamun was a underrated etl, idc he was just constantly jealous to the point their ‘small’ banter was >> im sorry a daughter w him.
when is sonnaught’s turn to be a dad. i need him to go at it NOT FUCK EVERYTHING UP WHAT IS HE DOING 😭😭😭😭 why did he betray her, does he give a reasonable reason. bc then I will forgive him.
TASIR AND LATIL GETTING IT ONNNNN FUCK IT UP THQKDBQLDHQL new guys?? come on we couldn’t get enough of these ones 😭😭 does klein get a chance 😭🤚🏼
RM x Mbappe saga felt never-ending, but oh well... I wonder who's winning 3rd place, I'll be busy though cause it's an early match //// Omfg that's so cool, the mini disc?! You're right, Orbits are boycotting by not buying many albums, but I bet most will turn up to listen to the songs. Yikes? The girls look great in suits though 😭
i do wonder too! morocco’s defense sent french to the hospital, what are they gonna do to croatia 😭😭 modrić vs hakimi phewww also brkwhd I think i cried laughing at this but richarlison got pele and neymar and his face tattooed on his back and 😭😭 neymar sent him like 26k to get his face removed bc he didn’t like it 😭😭😭🤚🏼
THE MINI DISK IS GENIUS??? SM’S ON ANOTHER LEVEL ??? no yeah ppl will def turn up for the videos bc they wanna see what their company did for sure, WOMEN IN SUITS >>>>
Girl I work from home and basically have no neighbours at least not that I know of ahsgajsgajsgsb also don't want any bitches. The only neighbour I care about is a black cat who lives on the ground floor, I love him 💖 But I can be in an ETL with fictional Seonghwa, no problem. So the cousin is both ETL and workplace romance 🙉
see u work from home, and u don’t go out often right how would u know if u don’t have a very hot neighbour on ur floor 🧍🏻‍♀️<3 bitchless for life anon 😭😭 OMG NO WAY STOP IT CHECK WHO’S PET THAT IS U NEVER KNOW FJWKVD. how we will live life atp with no one to experience this with
now, etl workplace with a mix of rivalry are u saying, ur cousin is really living the yn life, i bet they both attractive as hell too 😭 STOP IT THIS IS MAKING ME SCREAM !!!!! EMQHDKQJCHAK
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Hongjoong revisited his red hair, so blue Hong next plsssss. //// Unfortunately people need to realise that the line distribution can't really be equal most of the time, it should be fair though. Or members should at least shine in other areas. Kpop stans lack common sense, what's new 🔫
IF HONGJOONG A MOOT HE NEEDS TO SEE THIS, the cerulean blue on him wowzie. yeah! a person’s not only contributing just to the lyrics, there’s sets to the adlibs, harmonies and yeosang’s deeper voice is def mixed and used for underlying harmonies! the contribution is equally done 😭😭 like come on we don’t know what’s happening back there + he’s getting more lines now! AND I NEED IT TO STOP BC THAT DEEP VOICE OF HIS RHAKHEQKDJKWH I WILL PERISH
When people say Seonghwa is the normal one, they clearly didn't see THAT edit lmao. There are so many song parallels between ATZ and DC, Deja Vu, Wonderland... both have interesting lore 😭 and shared producers too. So sad Leez left Edenary though, he's good
The autotune in Paradigm killed me, once I heard Hwa I was like??? I saw a tweet that said "omfg, Hwa's range I never heard him sing like that!!!" bestie... that's Robo-Hwa lmao. The chorus is very messy, the instrumental is too loud. Yunho and San got good parts, it's a shame the whole song is weird as hell, but most people love it so 🤐 hopefully the new one isn't such a mess...
Good question 👁👁 Personally bandaged Seonghwa awakened something in me, oiling sounds good even though I don't like the feeling of oil very much. I think I'll go with the bandage wrapper. I can oil his arms afterwards though
this entire passage i agree with, unfortunately this one didn’t hit, the autotune excuse get’s overshadowed by ���they sing it live and they sound better like this!” idc 😭😭 if i don’t like the song i don’t think it’ll make a different if it’s live or not bc the background instrumental is still the same! just didn’t hit as much for me for the points u mentioned above, the beat drop is messy- bc their vocals harmonize so prettily but the drop is just going 📉📉📈📉📈📉📈📉📈📉 i think ateez need to bring back some dazzling light type of songs, it was pretty and the beat HIT along with the vocals,, BANDAGING SOUNDS BETTER NGL THE OIL WOULD JUST FEEL WEIRD TO PUT ON BC ITS STICKY 😭😭 and then the smell stays on the entire day fhwkdh
Lmao the red carpet looks are always boring black. But Ateez covering Shinhwa??? That wasn't on my bingo card :o DEMON KING HWA OPENING ////// SM is freeing EXO, finally! So happy for you and my Exo-l flatmate!
THEIR LOOKS. SEONGHWAS HAIR. SEONGHWA CULLEN. this is the king hwa anon, im about to start writing
sm letting exo breathe 😭😭😭 THE WAY WE BEEN THRU SO MUCH AND THEY SAY THAT FUCKASS WE ARE ONE SLOGAN 😭😭COMEBACK COMING 😭😭🤚🏼 BAEKHYUN RETURNING IN 49 DAYS IM GEQKHDWK READY TO FIGHT FOR THE TICKETS a very slutty santa for the good return of baekhyun bc that means taemin’s coming too
Vampire prince Seonghwa back at ittttttt. Baeks it's a sign, boxer Hwa actually needs to happen...... hear me out, their make up! And if we see it on Seonghwa then whatttt. Come on blue + gemstones would match so well with his icy hair. And the vooooooiceeeeeee. Also his fit reminds me of this white outfits PK performance - DV 💖
hear me out. if i writer boxer hwa next instead of the series what do u prefer fbwndb bc a ballerina reader x a boxer 👀👀 pretty promising if u ask me <33 STOP THEY LOOK SO GOOD, THE WHOLE ICE PRINCE THING WOULD FIT HWA WITH THE HAIRSTYLE HE HAD AT THE SBS WITH BLUR RHINESTONES ON HIS FACE STOP IT, WE NEED A PHOTOSHOOT RIGHT NOW
omg he was actually so fire here i can’t believe i never looked at him twice 😭😭
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one-strugling-bean · 2 years
Random Thoughts on HTTYD RoB S1 (Ep7-13)
Ep7- Hiccup trying to teach Stoick how to ride Toothless is like that one time I tried to teach my grandma how to go back on the TV programming, so she could watch that one novela that passed too late at night for her to watch when it was on normally
She ended up erasing a show my sister had recorded three months prior for when school was over.... So yeah, perhaps Hiccup, I would keep the control over the remote- I mean, Toothless
Stoick is gonna get himself on the wrong side of a well-deserved plasma blast if he keeps being this level of disrespectful to both Toothless and his son
Astrid always has been and always will be Hiccup's favorite person to vent to
Oh, a Thunderdrum huh? I remember you guys from RttE
You know, Stoick's comment about Meatlug, refering to her as a mother, made me wonder. Fishlegs is super needy, his extremely fast attachment to Meatlug makes me think he might've been touch-starved before she appeared in his life. Where are his parents?? Did this kid receive that little affection in his life?? That he's this dependent on Meatlug
I gotta say Im not the biggest fan of how Stoick and the Thunderdrum became partners - it was too easy
And uh, no you didn't listen, otherwise the Thunderdrum wouldn't have ran away
Ep8- Another Stoick/Hiccup episode? Alright
Snotlout doing an impression of Hamish the 1st just gave me such Draco Malfoy vibes, it was weird
Okay, Stoick the heck, that's an awful thing to say to your son
Fishlegs is a great lookout, you guys just might as well be deaf
I love that Gobber immediately understood that Hiccup was upset about the painting - he really is his 2nd dad
Like, I know they were never gonna be too difficult, but these clues are just, extremely simple
"Isn't our friendship treasure enough??" Fishlegs is such a freaking sweetheart i cannot-
We're not gonna question how a viking from that era was able to create such intricate and kind of impossible-looking mechanisms are we?
Wow, the twins and Snotlout were completely useless. Astrid and Fishlegs trying to unbury the rocks and those three just watching as if it was all a mere scene from a novela
Why would only a Hiccup be able to get to the treasure?? Are Hiccups the only smart vikings, is that it?
The easyness with which Stoick picked Hiccup up, I can't - he must be like a feather to him
Ep9- Trador Johann? Don't you mean- traitor Johann??
I'm sorry, I'm going home now
Thornado is not a very original name, but then again, Stoick never stroke me as a very original man either, so we're fine
Is it weird that I find Toothless's deadly sneezes adorable?
The way Tuff and Ruff spoke of Barf&Blech saddened me. They were talking about them as if they were a toy that lost its batteries
What history does Gobber have with Scauldrons
"I spent my whole life trying to kill them. Now look at me," - the "Valka" at the end of this sentence was unspoken but might as well have been said. He was talking to her when he said that and no one will be able to convince me otherwise
Okay, that scene with them extracting the venom from Mildew's butt was extremely unpleasant to me, ngl
Ep10- So this is Heather's introduction? Neat
"Remember, I found it, I get to keep it" that is so messed up, geez
"Hookfang, get your butt over here!" Hookfang promptly flies away - i love this dragon sm, i sweaaaaaar
Oh no, we're going the jealous route...? Save me, please, I don't wanna watch this kind of plot again
Hookfang is still offended about yesterday, this dragon is a gem
The twins just chilling with Barf&Belch on the arena's floor was so nice to see - they looked so comfy
"Ohhhh, Astrid's jealous of the pretty one! Why talk about hens and roosters??" Ya know, given the fact that you'll be in a serious relationship with a chicken in just a couple years, I really don't think you can talk much Tuff
"See ya later, Astrid~~" Aighhhh, why did that whole conversation sound so flirty??
Also, it was so badass of Heather to let the innocent act drop, but still reveal zero about anything - I honestly am clueless to what she's up to
Hiccup is so freaking oblivious, my god
Astrid's anger issues are taking some good space this episode
"This is gonna be awe-sooooome!" Only Tuff
Ep11- Random but kinda cute piece of info - Hookfang likes for his horns to be held to the ground, it apparently calms him
Tuff is such a damn masochist
"Has Astrid been eating dragon-nip again?" Again??
Okay, Astrid dressing up as Heather is a semi-solid plan, I'll take it
Peoples, you should listen to Fishlegs, he's never freaking wrong
Ah okay, they did that thing with Snotlout and Hookfang in the beggining so Astrid could use it now
"-we could be unstoppable! How does that sound?" "Uh, insane, demented, delusional, stupid?" Omg, Hiccup go easy on the old man, damn
They forgave Heather too easily, like c'mon guys - her parents were hostages and suddenly you're all besties?
Welp, I know we'll get to see more of Heather in the future, so I'll just wait for that before judging more
Ep12 - Gobber is the one training with Hiccup - one more tip for "Gobber being Hiccup's 2nd dad" jar
Aaand, Spitelout is back - help, i want him gone
Snolout beats Astrid? In axe throwing?? How????
"Why don't you sit down, Spitelout?" "Ohhhhhh~" pfft, nice Stoick
Also, Spitelout would definitely be a PTA Karen parent in today's society, you cannot convince me otherwise
Hicctooth is their ship name, isn't it? Is Snotlout behind every single ship name in the fandom?? I know Hiccup was the one who said it, but it was because of Snotlout's Snotfang
"What? He started it!.. when we were five.." So before that you guys got along? I wanna see some cute toddler cousins playing together
I'm sorry but Astrid doing flips on Stormfly's back is a lot cooler than Toothless flipping in the air by himself, she deserved that point
"Snotlout your dad looks reaaally mad right now~!" "What would you know? He always looks like that!" That's uh, really bad to know
Snotlout actually turned to the scoreboard when Hiccup told him to
Hiccup's been such a little gremlin this ep
What the heeeeck, the difference between Stoick and Spitelout! Stoick literally just said "No pressure" with a smile on his face, meanwhile, Spitelout freaking threatens his son over the goddamn game
I really really hate that man, and yeah, I understand why people say he's worse in RoB, his demeanor is a lot meaner and crueler here
Watching Lout and Hiccup interact before the race reminded me of their cute interactions in RttE - it's ridiculous how much their relationship changes
And Snotlout's mini-panic attack (can we call it that?) during the race when Hiccup passed him reminded me of RttE's "Not Lout" - if you know, you know
These two have been kissing consistently, apparently, ever since this show and only got together near the end of rtte? Whyy
Ep13- Those three - four, if you count Toothless - eating together feels like another possible image to add to my "Gobber is 2nd dad" jar
Poor Toothless actually looked pretty scared there.. With an iron tail, he does have good reason to fear lightning, honestly
Mildew..... Hi, really missed you..
#justice4toothless - the unholy offspring of lightning and death itself deserves better
Hiccup has been exuding "I'm surrounded by idiots" vibes this episode
After Toothless got captured, this episode's plot resumed to a copy of the end of httyd1 I think
Can't really think of more to say on this one except that I'm glad Tuff and Snotlout put Thor's statue in front of Mildew's house
I wonder, are we gonna focus on the other riders at some point? We kinda had an episode more focused on Snotlout, and Astrid has the 2nd spotlight in plenty of them, but it is all still mostly Hiccup-centered
I wanna see the twins actually doing something and just more Fishlegs generally, because that kid is sho gosh darn cute
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stardust-and-blades · 4 years
Hi love! I was wondering if you took emergency requests? I know you mostly do Klance, and I love them! But, a week ago I was verbally sexually harassed by my friend. It made me self conscious about my sexuality. (I'm a lesbian btw) and last night I had a nightmare that my friend...r**ed me. Do you think I can have Keith and Lance comforting the reader after waking up from this nightmare. Maybe Keith reminding her that there's nothing wrong with being gay? If you can't I understand. Thank you sm!
Hello there! First, I wanna say how sorry I am you had such a horrid nightmare and dealt with being harassed. That is not okay from anyone, even if they are your friend. I hope they leave you alone. I am a bisexual woman and though I have not experienced your exact situation, I have dealt with judgement from family. It isn’t fun and can do a lot of damage.
Secondly, I do not normally take reader requests. Personally I am not a fan of second-person. Like you have seen, I write mostly fanfiction from a third person point of view, and occasionally first person. I do not consider myself skilled in said POV, it is hard to convey, a bit confusing, and not my cup of tea. HOWEVER, I will try my best with what I can come up with!
Do be lenient with me, this may be a disaster >_< But if it’ll help, I’ll lend my hand to you.
Remember, you are not alone and there is nothing wrong with you. Love is love. 
Now, *cracks knuckles and bREAKS NECK* Lets try this out
When you wake up, you’re in a cold sweat. The air around you is stifling. The blankets heavy, and for a moment you wonder if your bed is actually a coffin, ready to bury you away and suck the life from your bones until all that remains is a shell of a human.
You wipe your brow, slick with the remnants of the nightmare still lingering, a vivid, broken record player repeating the same horrible fear your so-called friend instilled in you.If you could reach in your head and pull out memories, you’d do it in a flash, removing the filthy, disgusting, wretched thing daring to plague your thoughts. It was real. Far too real. Yes you have been stressing about the incident for awhile, but you didn’t think it would be bad enough to enter what one would usually call a solace. A safe place among a reality ruled by chaos.
You switch on the light by your bedside, driving the shadows licking at your feet back to where they came from. You move out of the covers, feeling suffocated, and sit there, hearing nothing but the hum of the lamp and your erratic heartbeat.
You have closed your eyes, trying to think of something else. Something happy and comforting, but you just can’t get rid of this sense of...wrongness. The feeling of being and outlier and wondering if the nightmare lead to a truth.
You are so into your head that it takes you a couple minutes to realize you aren’t alone.
A red and blue hue glimmers against your eyelids. It is not harsh like the notifications of your phone, nor bright enough to make you assume your overhead lights were switched on. You peak through your dark eyelashes, sleep lingering at the corner of your eyes and a curiosity pushing aside the demons for a bit.
When you look, two very familiar boys stood before you. One with dark hair curving at the nape of his neck and eyes resembling the cluster of stars amidst a dusk night. The other with a darker skin color, tall and lanky, and the irises mirroring the seas of the beautiful and unknown. They smile, posing no threat or ill-intention. You do a double take, seeing if they would disappear the moment you blink, their bodies translucent. But they remain, the taller boy’s smile broadening ever slightly.
“Lance,” he winks. “And this fireball is Keith. We heard your distress.”
“My...distress,” you say carefully. “This--this isn’t real. You guys are fictional. I must be dreaming still.”
“No, no dream.” Lance shakes his head, pointing to the window. “We are from the stars. I was going to come alone, but Keith over here is a sad pup whenever I leave.”
Keith rolls his eyes, nudging him with his elbow. “You know why I’m here, jackass.”
“Because you love me?”
“Literally not the point.”
“So you DO love me.” Lance’s eyes were practically sparkling.
Keith rubs his eyes, sighing. “I question my taste in men.”
Lance juts out his bottom lip, ocean blues big and watery. “How rude! And after I gave you a cute purple lion at the faire.”
You couldn’t help it, you giggle. It is funny to see the interaction take place, your focus less on your nightmare and more at the boys bickering, though with love placed in their hearts. It was nice, seeing something so natural. Sweet, even. It makes you feel less abnormal, though the slithering thing in your gut turned to remind you of why you are awake in the early hours of morning.
You cringe from the reminder, the boys noticing and quiet their conversation. They ask what is wrong, and you tell them as best you could without breaking into tears, though it proves challenging.By the time you’re finished, they are sitting by you, attentive and sympathetic, Lance offering his hand for you to take and Keith telling you you do not have to go into details. That is the great thing. They listen. Not once do they interrupt, shame you, or display signs of disappointment. They care not of why they were called, but genuinely concerned, the pain all too familiar.
You spill everything out. Even your insecurities. How you love girls rather than boys, your worry if the friend was right, whether there is something wrong with you or not. If you are someone in need of fixing; in need of divine intervention like so many have preached on television and on the streets. If you should force yourself to like boys rather than girls, and if you are deserving of love if you go against the hetero-normative standard friends and family kept badgering for.
They listen. But more importantly, they care.
“It’s scary,” Keith starts. “Not knowing if you belong. Being different. There is this whole expectation of you built up the moment you’re born, and if you don’t fulfill those expectations, it’s a gamble to be you. You don’t want to lose people, because you love the idea of being accepted. But you hate denying who you are, because it’s like slowly dying.”
“You love being loved. it’s a lot easier, but the closet you shoved yourself into becomes cramped.” Lance adds softly.
“I’m not you, and you are not me.” Keith says, looking to the sky. “We are very different. But if there is one thing I learned in my short life, being loved for all of you is the best feeling in the world. Being who you are, being what is right in your heart, it’s the wings you need to fly.”
He moves his gaze to you, and gives a warm smile. “Being gay--being you--is okay. There is nothing wrong with loving girls. You deserve to find love, even if it’s in a girl. Which would you rather be, feigning a marriage to a man and be miserable, or kicking the big man in the balls and smooching the hell out of the girl next door?”
“Keith, a true man of wisdom and words.” Lance jokes, earning him a flip of the bird. Lance smirks, it melting into understanding and kindness as he turns to you. “He is right, though. Honestly, that friend of yours can take a hike. You don’t need that negativity in your life. You deserve way better. And I mean five star better, not the bare minimum. Do not settle for less, go on and kiss the girl of your dreams. If I were to have remained closeted, I sure wouldn’t have been able to be with that man over there.” 
He points to Keith, the dark haired boy blushing. Lance then grabs some tissues nearby and wipes away your tears. Keith brings you water, and they remain by your side until you felt comfortable and sleepy enough to curl back into the covers. The boys tuck you into bed, and you are hit with a wave of melancholy, for you know they are about to leave.
‘Don’t look so sad. Chin up, buttercup.” Lance rustles your hair. “We aren’t leaving forever. We will be with you every step of the way. When the hours are late and all seems frightening, just know we are beside you. You may not be able to see us, but we are there.”
Lance grabs Keith’s hand, Keith squeezing back and not letting go. “you’re not as alone as you think you are.” Keith says. “Your found family is out there, excited for you to enter their lives. Hold onto that hope.”
“And no one is going to hurt you.” Lance continues. “Guard yourself and stay away from that friend of yours, if you can call them that. You are not a toy. You are a human being, and you should be treated like one.”
“Call on us if you need anything.” Says Keith. “We will be there.”
And so they were until you closed your eyes, filled with nothing but sweet dreams and a sense of a weight being lifted from your chest.
I really hope this helped a little bit, dear reader. If you feel in danger, please contact someone you trust or report it. The behavior of your friend is not acceptable and should not be tolerated. I’d deck them in the face if I could 
You are loved. You are strong. You are a badass.
Sincerely, Shania
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logicalstansadvice · 3 years
Some anons calling his mom dumb and claiming she abandoned him, when he always thx her for providing for him... How can some people be like that? They shit on him, on his life, on his career, on his gf and now on his mom? Wtf kind of fandom is this?
Mods, pls help me understand. Some of you are also in other actors fandoms as well. Do other celeb's fans behave the same way? Because this to me is crazy, aside for your blog all the other ones are full of hateful anons. He has hate blogs not fan blogs.
Is this normal and I am crazy for being surprised? I'm not saying everyone should kiss his ass but all he seems to get is hate and is criticized even for how he sits at a table. I have not seen anything like this until now. But I've only been in the fandom of a singer aside from his, so maybe I'm clueless.
Anon 2: I am so done with this fandom. They actually called his mother dumb and made other hasty comments in regards to her.
Anon 3: I hope his team looks at this blogs and tell him what his "fans" call his mother. I am totally disgusted. We truly don't deserve him.
Anon 4: Maybe I'm too emotional cause I'm pms-ing like crazy, but I actually cried a little when I saw what they said about his mother. These people should have their internet privileges revoked. They are vile and trash. I really hope Sebastian doesn't see that. Some believe him or his team keep tabs on his blogs sometimes. For his sake, I hope that's not true. And if he does see it, I hope he does something about it. No one's mother should end up the trash talk of pathetic desperate fans who judge everything like they are freakin god. I hate this fandom! Sebastian doesn't deserve this.
Anon 5: They are idiots! I'm sorry but I can't anymore. I need to vent. I'm sick of them! Now they go after his family too, cause it's not enough they called him, his dick and his gf all sorts of names. It's the parents turn apparently. Some people should be committed. Seriously. You have to be disturbed to do and say some of the things they do/say. Fans my ass. Wtf are they doing on his blogs, I wonder? Make it make sense. Why come to his blogs if you hate him so much? Why? Why would you wanna even think about someone you loathe?
Anon 6: I am disgusted with this fandom beyond belief. I follow tumblr blogs of other actors too and never have I ever seen such stupidity, entitlement, slander and borderline sociophatic behavior, as in Sebastian's fandom. Some people really need to get their head checked. And all these youngsters judging life by sm posts need a good wake up call. Ffs this is truly getting ridiculous!
Anon 7: When I thought I've seen it all and that nothing would surprise me, I see anons calling his mom dumb and other nasty names. Seb should go get bathed in holy water or smth, to get the "curse" of this fandom of his back. It's like they've gone mental attacking his family, criticizing the way he sits at a table like it's forbiden to sit next to your gf/bf. They are beyond idiotic! I would be so curious to meet these people in real life, just to see how stupidity and ignorance looks like.
Anon 8: Can we make a vaccine to cure stupidity and vile behaviour too? It would be so useful in this forsaken fandom. I am so done. Never thought I'd read something like this.
Vamp - some "fans" believe that Seb has "done them wrong" so they feel the need to punish him until he sees the error of his ways.
Many go around trying to recruit followers to their cause in an attempt to legitimize their crusade and make it appear that hundreds of his fans have taken up arms.
Lady Danger - Ugh THIS FANDOM. They’re trashing his mom now for deigning to want a better life for her and her child by looking for work in a safer place while his family looked after him. Family he loved. God forbid she want to escape communism.
Le Chef - This is privilege through and through. As a person who grew up, at a certain point, with a very young mother who sometimes had to leave me for a few months at a time with a stable grandparent while she got her shit together so she could provide a home and food for a child, this actually pisses me off.
This woman was trying to figure out how to get a child out of communism with nothing but herself. Like, imagine how hard is was for HER to have to leave her child with his grandparents and be with out him on her own in a foreign country. probably barely knew the language. just trying to FIGURE shit out. Like?
He wasn't abandoned. he was with family. family he loved. and who loved him just as much as his mother.
Vamp - I need these people to experience some family hardship and then get back to me. Better yet, go birth some babies, have the father of your babies walk out and be left to raise them as a single parent in an unstable country. Until then they need to STFU.
Lady Danger - With “fans” like these, who needs enemies? The best thing anyone can do is unfollow, block, report blogs like those. Without attention, they wither and die off.
Vamp - Usually it's just a handful of fans who need to go nap and let us adults drink our wine and continue our conversation.
Le Chef - Why don't they ask his daddy why he couldn't come back to Romania and take care of his fucking son and help out so that they could have gotten out without separation.
Heroine - These fans are asking to get smacked. Seb adores his mother & probably would hit them with an immediate block. This woman was in her early/mid 20s, poor, and doing it on her own in a country suffering other authoritarian rule. This was most likely last resort for survival. Anyone with sense would know this is not abandoning a child. If it were his ass still would have been in Romania. Based on stories he told, it sounds like she went back and scooped her baby up ASAP.
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dork-with-a-uke · 7 years
YEET🙃 Okay ur gonna be so bored js... well - firstly I wanna buy a drawing tablet SO BAD I can get a crapoy one for like £27 but I'm saving up for cosplay also. I think I'll ditch the cosplay and just get the tablet EVEN THOUGH I can't draw for the life of me idk it's fun. I like drawing Steven universe characters sometimes so -🌼 (ik I'm not on anon but it feels normal to put the flower)
Okay SECONDLY I absolutely adore my friends. My Bubbie (it's a cglre thing I'll explain later if u want idc) thinks I have a crush on Nathaniel because I talk about him so much like no?? Like I'm excuse me I'm gay as heck and ALSO I just love him to bits?? I spend all my time with him idk I just love him a lot (platonically). Sorry there will be more I'm annoying I know -🌼
This new girl started school today and OH MAN she's so cute. Anyways I rlly like imagine dragons at the moment (but Lauren Mayberry will always be my idol (CHVRCHES)) and there's these lyrics --- "Your time will come if you wait for it / It's hard, believe me, I've tried" --- from a song called Amsterdam and aw omg they make me so happy they've got me through a lot lately. Anyways I think that's it from me, sorry I'm so annoying lol -🌼
shHhhHHH you’re not annoying!! tablets are fuckin great tbh i feel like you should get one just for the sake of it bc you can do??? so much?? with it?? and goD i feel u its rly annoying when ppl think u have a crush on someone but you really dont and you’re like “lol.,.,.,.,no” dsfsdh get the girl get the giRL  and im so glad that you’ve found songs that can help you!! music is so important tbh it gets me through sm aaa 
talk to me about anything!
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