#Iyna Cauld
autumnslance · 8 months
Added my ladies to page 6, post#56, on this feedback thread on the NA forums cuz the lack of darker-skinned examples in the graphics and model updates discussions is...concerning to many people.
My example images come from the Dark Knight lvl 50 "Our Answer" cutscene 2, the ARR story climax for that job. The lighting does change a little depending on if doing it during the day or at night.
C'oretta and Dark, for instance, I replayed the scene at night.
For Aeryn and Iyna, I tried during the day.
I only cropped, no other post-processing, and only a barely-there gameplay shader (removes the "gray" and gauss blur effects).
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Also for reference: here's my characters' skintone selections, lightest to darkest: C'oretta, Aeryn, Dark, Iyna--who is similar in tone to Erenville, set to be a major figure in Dawntrail, and who wouldn't be the first important NPC to be badly lit and nearly invisible in dark rooms and nighttime scenes.
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Not to mention all the roes, elezen, miqos, and auri who have not only dark but fantasy skintones a variety of colors and how obvious it is, from shadowed to washed out, that the game's environmental colors and lighting are NOT tested on anyone but pale-skinned base races.
So give feedback, politely, on the graphics changes you want to see, and those you don't, on the forums.
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driftward · 1 year
Zoissette on Aeryn .oO ( I should speak with her once we are done in Omphalos. Oh, and I need to ask her for advice... again. I hope she does not mind. ) Zoissette on Dark .oO ( She has not lambasted me over the investigation fiasco yet... and signed off on my sabbatical. I owe her one. ) Zoissette on C'oretta .oO ( I really do hope she and Reinhardt are keeping each other out of trouble more than they are getting into it. WHY DO I KEEP THINKING ABOUT THIS. )
Zoissette on Iyna .oO ( Ever quiet and competent. I hope she is not put out too badly about the investigation. )
Nyx on Aeryn { It has been a while since she has done something entertaining. I should watch her for a bit. } Nyx on Dark { Mission report completed and turned in. She has been one of my better commanders. } Nyx on C'oretta { I should proposition her. To see what happens. } Nyx on Iyna { Excellent friend. }
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barnaby-wyznfarr · 4 years
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Commission for @autumnslance of their viera, Iyna Cauld! Thank you for commissioning me! ^.^
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autumnslance · 2 months
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0, 50, 100 on the Benchmark's Gamma slider in the "Display" tab in Settings. Messing with this can adjust how much light comes through your screen; it's pretty simplified from the in game setting.
If you're experiencing some character color washout even after checking other settings, give this a try. Then make any potential color adjusts in chargen.
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autumnslance · 5 months
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FF14 Picrew Generator!
Ladies only, can't seem to get highlights. But there are submenu options when you see a number on a selection, so you can get your correct horns or the placement of the earrings and so on! There are an impressive number of hair options, and recognizable glamours too.
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autumnslance · 2 months
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Dark Autumn, Aeryn Striker, C'oretta Khell, and Iyna Cauld, with current hairstyles and no other tweaks as of yet.
I may adjust some shapes of jaws and noses, and colors of some things; Dark's eye color may go down a shade, I'm debating warming some skintones or not. Just some minor adjusts.
And of course played around with the hrothgals:
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A Lost and a Helion to play with the options.
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autumnslance · 2 months
send HELPED for a scene from my muse's past in which someone helped / saved them
For Iyna, please!
She was surrounded.
The magitek smoked and sparked beyond the line of advancing soldiers; she'd accomplished that much, at least.
"Make sure to capture her," the Pilus called. "Sas Laccius will be pleased we've snared this hare!"
Iyna froze, pulse hammering in her ears, mouth dry, fingers clenched on her gun's stock. She had to move, had to react, had to do something, but the mention of Tyrsis had unnerved her far more than it should.
He still hunted her? After all this time?!
The soldiers nearest to her fell, cries cut short and blood spurting, arrows protruding from their necks and torsos. The squad reacted, turning to the new threat.
"More of her rebel friends!"
But she did not know these people; she had been on a solo mission to destroy this depot, her last cell dead and none willing to work with her--not with her strange visions of others' pasts.
Still, the sudden appearance of others unfroze her, and she lifted her gun and fired.
The battle was quickly finished, and the rebels dispersed into the depot to complete their work. Their leader, however, walked up to Iyna, her eyes wide at the sight of another Viera. The woman wore filigree armor, her thick white hair hanging long down her back, and her sharp red eyes raking over Iyna.
She was more threatening than the Garleans had been.
"Didn't know anyone else was operating here," the other Viera said.
Iyna shook her head. "It's just me."
The Viera's brows raised. "Working alone? No wonder you were in such a tight spot." Her long ears twitched and she looked toward the road. Iyna heard it too; the faint, tell-tale sounds of vehicles on the way. "We need to move; there's room, if you want to join us."
Iyna was certain the woman didn't just mean to leave the depot, but she nodded. "If you've got an extract plan, I'll take it. I...didn't really," she looked away.
The Viera studied her a moment, even as she called to her team. "I'm Fran," she finally said to Iyna. "General of Lente's Tears."
"Iyna. Not of anything," she replied as she followed the group through the ruined fence. Behind them, the depot exploded into a brilliant plume of fire and smoke, the incoming vehicles screeching to a halt outside the gate on the opposite side. "Thanks for the help." Her own plan to disable the depot had been terribly incomplete.
Somewhat on purpose, if she was being honest.
Fran's slight smile was feral. "You're welcome. Let's go--and maybe we can talk about making you a talented operative of somewhere again."
Iyna drew in a breath, nodded, and followed Fran.
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autumnslance · 25 days
(@driftward) Glimpes of the past meme. What has AERYN ACHIEVED? A CRITICAL C'ORETTA moment? When was IYNA INJURED? And when Dark, uhhh, Dark.. uhhhh.. AUTUMN AFRAID? And maybe a bonus MORTAL moment with... (wait for it) MEVAN?
Gremlin. All of these prompts on the same doc came to a bit over 4000 words. Half of these words are these scenes.
There's a lot here, so under a cut they go!
send ACHIEVED for a scene from my muse's past in which they completed / achieved something they were proud of
“Top marks again,” Emelia said, smiling brightly. “Even beating out the older students.”
Aeryn shrugged, trying to remain modest but seeing how pleased her parents were made her smile in return.
“Your academic skill has been noticed,” Tanzel said, reaching over to squeeze her skinny shoulder. “My old friend at the High Crucible has been following with interest. He is willing to sponsor your continued studies, on the condition you apprentice with him afterwards.”
“Truly?” Emelia asked, while the grandmothers murmured in the background.
Aeryn frowned. “I like alchemy, but I want to study magic.” She ignored Nani Shaila’s derisive snort.
Tanzel nodded. “I told him so, even with how…difficult, casting has been for you,” he said diplomatically. “But he thinks a well-rounded education in the current theories will be an excellent foundation, given the work they must do for the satrap.”
Her heart beat a bit faster. She could still study what she wanted—she was so close to figuring out how to tap into her aether, she just knew it—and would have secured herself a position in the High Crucible as well. She nodded eagerly, trying to contain her excitement.
Even better, Zaine was coming home on leave in a few days, and she couldn’t wait to tell him.
send CRITICAL for a scene from my muse's past in which they thought about / were reminded of something they're insecure about
C’oretta paused just inside the door of their house, hearing the nurse Master Hamon had insisted upon talking with her mother. “Now then, Miss C’leiha, let’s get this done before your daughter gets home.”
“I told you before, Mida,” C’leiha said. The nurse’s name was not Mida. “Khell wants a big family, but I am not interested in having children.”
C’oretta bit her lip as the nurse took in a deep breath. “Is that so, Miss?” The nurse said mildly.
“Pregnancy is awful, and the changes to one’s health and body, even lasting after, ugh,” C’leiha shuddered. “And I’ve missed opportunities with my career I wouldn’t otherwise. No, we shall not be having a big family. I’d be happy with just the two of us.”
C’oretta forced her smile back on and called “Mama, I’m home!” before she stepped into the room.
C’leiha sat up, beaming. “Oretta! Welcome home, darling, did you have a good day at school?”
Reminding C’leiha that she was training at the Pugilist Guild now wouldn’t be useful, so C’oretta only nodded, still smiling, shrugging slightly at the nurse’s apologetic look.
send INJURED for a scene from my muse's past in which they sustained a significant injury
To all of my children in whom Life flows abundant…
The sky burned. Iyna’s head ached as if struck, though it was her side that felt every flame.
…To all of my children, to whom Death hath passed his judgment…
She had been returning to the Citadel when something had obviously, terribly gone Wrong with the transmitter, Dalamud distantly pulsing red in the sky above.
…The soul yearns for honor, and the flesh the hereafter…
Her flesh was certainly yearning for relief of some kind, though not that of the Lifestream just yet. She pulled herself to her feet, wincing and holding the gushing wound at her side. That wasn’t good.
…Look to those who walked before to lead those who walk after…
Her ears rang, the words hard to make out, but she turned back to where her contacts had risked dropping her off and hobbled that way.
…Shining is the Land's light of justice…
The land was twisted and torn, what parts of the city that hadn’t collapsed burning. She blocked out the sounds and scents of people dying, as she had hundreds of times over the decades.
…Ever flows the Land’s well of purpose…
What the fuck had Garlond done?
…Walk free, walk free, walk free, believe…
She stumbled on, holding her side, calling on years of training and discipline and hate and stubborness to keep going, the ringing sound almost like a song in her ears urging her forward…
…The Land is alive, so believe…
“Iyna!” The familiar voices of her rebel contacts drew near, and she almost wanted to weep in relief. They were still there. They had come to find her, knowing she wouldn’t have gotten to the city proper yet, in her circuitous route to throw off suspicion.
Caution was no longer needed. There would never be a better time.
“Let’s get out of here,” she said, swaying into her allies’ arms. “They’ll think I died with the rest.”
“You still might. Gods, this is a lot of blood!”
“Carry her, we have to go.”
A hrothgar scooped her up, and they ran through the burning woods to their transport.
The song continued, a terrible lullaby sending Iyna into dreams of more fiery skies and burning cities.
When she woke days later, side stitched and burns covered, she did not remember the dreams nor the song.
(Later she recognized the voice)
send AFRAID for a scene from my muse's past in which they were scared / under threat
Dark shouldn’t have wandered away from her siblings.
They were noisy even when not chattering and laughing and so she had slipped away to hunt for herself, and had found a nice young antelope she could easily take with her bow.
Then the boar had arrived, scaring off her quarry and staring at Dark with its angry eyes.
She stood frozen, hoping if she just didn’t move one way or another it would go. At thirteen summers, she was taller than many adult Hyurs, but still unmistakably adolescent in her gangly limbs that did not match the size of her hands and feet, nor her still plank-straight torso. Her shortbow’s pull was strong, enough for wildlife up to small deer, but a boar?
It was larger than her, its hide thick and tough, its yellowed tusks long and pointed. It huffed out a heavy breath.
Dark swallowed a whimper and tried to stop her trembling.
It rushed forward. Dark screamed, loosing her arrow instinctively. It pinged off a tusk.
There was a shout, and the boar was body checked by a large roegadyn man, his spear driving into the creature’s side. Dark let loose another arrow. This one, luckily, pierced through the boar’s eye, finishing its ferocious death throes.
She fell to the ground, shaking and choking out a little sob.
Cold Autumn pushed himself off the boar’s twitching, whimpering, dying body. He stood there for a moment, shaking himself, muttering prayers and curses to both Nophica and the Elementals, apologizing for what had transpired, thanking them for the bounty of the boar’s body while keeping his sister safe, promising to see none of the boar wasted. The ritual helped him calm down, giving Dark the time to settle as well, and whisper her own prayers in response, following her eldest brother’s example.
His broad shadow fell over her, and she looked up. His expression of relieved anger was almost more frightening than the boar had been. “I told you to stick with us,” Cold said.
She nodded. She had disobeyed. The others were calling from the woods, hurrying through the underbrush, asking if everything was all right.
“We’re fine!” Cold called, deep voice easily carrying through the woods, slowing their siblings’ rush. He reached down and grabbed Dark’s upper arms, his hands huge and strong as he hauled her to her feet and looked her over. “Hurt?” he asked, tone gentler.
She shook her head.
“Good shot,” he said. “Finished it quicker than I could alone. Don’t do this again, Mouse.”
She nodded, flinging forward to hug him tightly. He returned the embrace, and then led her to rejoin the others.
send MORTAL for a scene from my muse's past in which they had a brush with death, either themselves or someone close to them
The tunnel’s collapse was sudden, no Earth inspired nearby to sense, let alone stop, it. Mevan’s training with the town physicker wasn’t so much interrupted as changed in its course, following him to the site as people were pulled out of the rubble. She and the physicker were kept busy, hours passing in a blur.
She used the basic cleanse inspiration, many of the miners too injured to hiss at the sharpness of the aether scouring their forms. She used alchemical solutions to dull their pains and medicate scraped and torn flesh. She traced her hands over their wounds as if she were stitching them, her inspiration knitting them together. She set broken bones, weaving torn tendons, ligaments, muscles, flesh into whole pieces before splinting the limbs or wrapping the ribs, the spines.
Through it all, Mevan grit her teeth, mouth full of the taste of copper and grit, bones aching, skin tender, innards twisted. She felt each cut and bruise, each break and tear, that her patients experienced, her inspiration’s sympathetic reactions guiding her to what needed healing.
Her back ached, legs tingling as if asleep as she worked on a broken spine. She wasn’t good enough to deal with nerve damage yet; hopefully Master Ildris would come soon, a message had been sent to the enclave…
A shout, as one more body was pulled from deep in the rubble. They called for Mevan, and she ran to see. The man barely breathed, every attempt a shallow, raspy hiss. He was a mass of blood and bruising, limbs crushed and mangled. She set to work.
Sparks danced in her hair as she cleansed him, more blood welling and pooling in places it should not be. His skull had been mostly protected by his helm and luck besides, so there was no brain damage—not from being struck, anyway. She ignored his extremities for now, seeking the damages in his pulverized and punctured torso.
It was so much. Too much, making her sway as blackness crowded her vision. But she sucked in a breath and set to work. Mevan was only Celestial inspired, but she had aetheric reserves that made even Divines jealous. She could keep going. She had to.
So she began knitting his wrecked organs back together. Clearing and repairing his lungs so he could breathe…but his airways were blocked, so take care of that. That caused a skip in his also damaged heart, so hurry there, finish the lungs in a moment…but now other things were failing, more blood and bile where it shouldn’t be, a cascade that she chased, trying to catch up to the failing pieces. She even tried turning the sympathetic bond around, willing her own organs to remind his how they ought to work—
“Mevan,” Ildris’s voice, soft and sad. Her thin, calloused hand rested on Mevan’s. “Ease his pain. And let him go.”
“But I can—”
“No,” her mentor said. “There are some things beyond even Inspiration. You’ve done more than could be expected, but it’s just as important that we know when to give in to fate.”
Mevan’s vision blurred, from both weariness and tears. The man was too weak to groan, but as deep as she was in his innards, she felt every agony. She withdrew; slowly, carefully, and with Ildris’s guidance, dulled his nerves and released the humors that would make him feel better than he was. Mevan fumbled for one of her vials, pouring it down his throat, sensing further relief as he relaxed, little other sensation left to him as she watched his battered organs fail.
Her own breath paused, briefly, as his finally rattled to a stop.
Mevan slumped against Ildris, who held and rocked her, brushing a kiss across Mevan’s temple, as she had when Mevan was a child and sobbing about how she missed her home, how she couldn’t reach the promise of her inspiration—not until she found her calling to heal.
“I know,” Ildris said. “The first is the hardest.”
“It gets easier?” Mevan rasped, her vision swimming, darkening as she shivered; she had been healing for hours, and this had been the worst. She had hit aethershock.
“No,” Ildris admitted, as Mevan’s consciousness faded away.
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autumnslance · 9 days
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Ran the Old Benchmark and then the New Benchmark this evening, same exact settings, same styles and gear.
Character Creation loves my dark skinned gals; that richness of tone we saw in 1.0 Benchmark is there.
The cinematics have the gray filter wash out back. It's not as noticeable on C'oretta, but the others?
If this is how the live game looks and not just a quick fix for Benchmark, looks like I'm still using ReShade after all.
Also definitely have to shift Dark Autumn's eye color with the Fantasia; her current default ends up brown in the new system.
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autumnslance · 9 months
FFXIV Write 2023 Day 13: Check
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C’oretta seemed oddly subdued as she left the Quicksand, Iyna thought. Holiday celebrations continued, though the petite Miqo’te hardly seemed to notice.
Iyna had assumed the festivities were the reason C’oretta had taken this particular job to Thanalan; since Gage Acquisitions’ move to the Twelveswood, trips to Ul’dah were not as frequent, even for the teleport-capable employees. There just weren’t as many reasons to return, though Iyna found the dry, sandy air almost refreshing despite the heat, simply because it was now a change from what had become the norm.
Their job was complete, however—a simple courier trip, handling some of those leftover Corpse Brigade that sometimes liked to harass Little Ala Mhigo, when the vile fools remembered their origins to be more than mere bandits—and now they were on their own time.
Still; she had rarely, if ever, seen C’oretta look so…normal. There was none of the spring or pep she usually associated with her pink-clad companion as she walked out of the Adventurer Guild and down the street.
So Iyna followed. Discreetly, at a distance.
It wasn’t difficult to keep C’oretta in sight, nor to find her again when crossing through crowds or around corners. Iyna did not expect to turn a corner and find C’oretta waiting for her, arms crossed, scowling up at her—which was honestly adorable, but Iyna wasn’t going to tell the kid that.
“You’re not as sneaky as you think you know and it’s not polite to follow someone off on personal business.”
“I know how sneaky I am, Kitten, you’ve just gotten better at picking up a tail.” Which was, unfortunately, true. Damn the girl’s observation skills, and probably some of that combat-prescient Echo of hers. “And you could have simply mentioned you had something to attend to, instead of trying to sneak off, from a sneak.”
C’oretta frowned more, which looked utterly alien on her typically cheerful face. “Maybe but it’s complicated except not really it just feels that way and it’s been too long since I’ve been back here what with the move and everything.”
“It’s nothing dangerous or illegal, right?” Granted, Ul’dah’s rules in the latter regard were often lax if one had the money and influence. Still, there were some things by general Eorzean agreement one steered clear of.
“It’s not and if you’re so curious you might as well come along and see but no blabbing to everyone,” C’oretta sighed, turning and walking on.
“You know I won’t.” Iyna followed along.
She was not expecting C’oretta to lead her into a sanitarium. The man at the desk welcomed C’oretta warmly, waving off her apologies. “It’s a good day, I hear. She’ll be happy to see you, and meet your friend.” He turned a careful smile to Iyna. “But don’t be surprised if you’re forgotten by the end of the visit, or unrecognized next time you accompany Miss C’oretta.”
Iyna only nodded, as her friend still hadn’t explained what this was about.
It became clear once they went upstairs and into a room, filled with carefully-selected personal belongings that did not hide its hospital functions. A Miqo’te woman sat inside; only just started to reach what one might call middle-aged in the shorter-lived races. She had red, gray-streaked hair, big green eyes, fair skin, and was about as petite as C’oretta, several facial features the same between them.
She looked up from her writing or drawing by the window and beamed as she saw her guests. “Oretta! Oh, and a friend, how exciting, hello!”
C’oretta plastered on a fake smile as she bound across the room with a facsimile of her usual energy. “Hello Mama! Yes this is my friend Iyna we work together and came to check on you I’m so sorry it’s been so long since I stopped by.”
“It’s fine, darling, your schooling is important, but the sun will set soon, and Papa will be home and we can watch the fireworks together with your friend. Won’t that be lovely?”
C’oretta managed not to flinch, but her smile wavered. “That’ll be wonderful Mama.”
Iyna bit her lip, staying quiet as C’oretta visited with her mother, understanding now why the girl kept this to herself.
She couldn’t decide if her own orphaned situation was in the end preferable after all.
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autumnslance · 9 months
FFXIV Write 2023 Day 11: Once Bitten, Twice Shy
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“We’re almost to the test site Mikoto’s marked,” Dark Autumn said, checking the map.
Iyna peeked around the corner of the ruins, scanning for hostiles. “Good. It’s too damn quiet out here, it’s making my ears twitch.”
“They do that anyway,” C’oretta pointed out.
“You know what I mean.”
“Quiet,” Dark admonished, taking point, bow in hand. The trio crept across the wartorn fields of the Bozjan southern front. Dark wondered once again what it might have looked like before the disaster and more recent rebellions, her forestborn sensibilities mourning for the land and its creatures as much as for the people. This was one of those times she was glad to not be able to hear the elements of the world and how they must feel in places like this.
They reached the location the archon had indicated, C’oretta deploying the device and checking back with Lilja and Mikoto via linkpearl, the trio’s excited scientific babble far too much for Dark to follow. That was an unexpected trio of overly intelligent energy that left her and Iyna, not to mention the Bozjan leadership, utterly exhausted, but they certainly got their results.
It could be worse, she supposed. They could add Aeryn to the mix. But the Warrior of Light was off trying to rescue the Scions from whatever was happening, and Twelve only knew when she’d return.
“OK we’re good to go,” C’oretta said. “They’re getting the readings now and should have some data for us when we get back.”
“If you say so,” Dark said. “Let’s…where’s Iyna?”
C’oretta’s ears went flat and her tail stiffened as she looked around. The viera was nowhere in sight. “She can’t have gone far but I don’t know why she would have wandered off that isn’t like her.”
They exchanged a look, the betrayal still fresh in their minds. It was hard to believe that of Iyna, given her time in Lente’s Tears, but they honestly knew so little of her—and like Misija she had been raised by Garleans.
Dark caught Iyna’s track and they crept along, though they didn’t have to go far. Around another ruined building corner only a few yalms away, Iyna stood very still, staring at something they couldn’t see.
“Iyna?” Dark kept her voice very quiet.
“Go back,” Iyna replied in a nearly voiceless whisper. “I saw movement coming our way, went to check, realized too late what it was, and now I am just waiting for it to get bored. Or at least realize I’m not a threat as I think this ruin might unfortunately be its nest.”
C’oretta frowned, took out a mirror, and held it out to where she could see around the corner and past Iyna. The little miqo’te paled. “Oh we should do what she says very carefully quietly and quickly let’s go Dark,” she whispered.
Dark began backing up, keeping an eye out in case whatever it was came around the building the other way, or had friends. Or for anything else that was out there.
C’oretta’s mirror must have caught the light when she pulled it away, as there came from around the wall a too familiar slow, throaty warning wark.
“Fuck,” Iyna said. “Run!”
C’oretta used her Scholarly skills to speed them along to outrun the red chocobo’s meteor strikes.
Dark would take this mad dash from an angry avian over going through that particular heartbreak again.
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autumnslance · 9 months
LynMars FFXIV Write 2023 Master Post
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This year's challenge completed! Congrats to everyone who wrote anything at all this month, even if just one prompt! Thanks again to @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast for 7 years of this!
Previous Years Master Posts: 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022
Anything wolcred ship-related is marked by an asterisk* as usual. Commentary and stats for anyone interested below the Read More.
01. Envoy: ARR; Aeryn makes her Grand Company choice. 02. Bark: Dark has the wrong pie thief suspect. 03. Free Day! 04. Off the Hook: EW; Lucia & Maxima explore their new HQ. 05. Barbarous: HW; Aeryn's frustrated by the land of her birth. 06. Ring: EW; keepsakes & memories of Aeryn's mother. 07. Noisome: Dark & Iyna contend with ubiquitous seasonal flavors. 08. Shed: EW; Aeryn answers Zenos at the edge of everything. 09. Fair: EW; Azem's brother tries to ensure the future has his aid. 10. Free Day! 11. Once Bitten Twice Shy: ShB Bozja; unwarranted concerns. 12. Dowdy: Backstory; Aeryn's always had Opinions about fashion. 13. Check: Iyna discovers C'oretta's personal business. 14. Clear*: ShB; semi-poetic sweetness of coming together. 15. Portentous: Backstory. Zaine speaks to Tanzel about a decision. 16. Jerk: EW; Aeryn meets an old friend as the Final Days loom. 17. Free Day! 18. Fish Out of Water: Shb: G'raha gets used to his new life. 19. Weal: EW; Vrtra sees to his people and their home. 20. Hamper: In a possible future, Iyna answers academic questions. 21. Grave: Legacy; Zaine Striker returns to his childhood home. 22. Fulsome: C'oretta sorts through her parents' old promos. 23. Suit: ARR; what the Scions wore that most fateful night. 24: Free Day! 25. Call it a Day: Pre-ARR; Iron Summer contemplating his daughter. 26. Last: EW; a final conversation between ancients. 27. Sole*: Post-ShB; Thancred vs the perils of Aeryn's flip-tastic jobs. 28. Blunt: Post-ShB; working with Gaius, like it or not. 29. Contravention: EW; "In from the Cold" violates laws of nature. 30. Amity: EW; Varshahn & Aeryn discuss Thavnair & Garlemald.
Only 2 short shippy prompts all month! All 4 modern girls got a couple spotlights, various family cameos and backstories, a future prompt as is tradition, Zaine had a few posts, a few NPC-only scenes, a LOT of Endwalker, and even Ancient Icarus got a story, tying into 2021's "Destruct" prompt and how/why the siblings' souls have been connected through time and reincarnations.
A few of these are alternate takes on scenes I've touched on before, but it's interesting what a new prompt at a different time can get one to say, how we change as writers in what we focus on and how we say it.
This comes in roughly 300 words shorter than last year, at 18,493. The week of the 18-22 I had off work for my birthday, and that had the most 1k+ prompts, with a word count nearly double the other 3 full weeks. While the longer prompts are good, I'm really happy with how so many of the short ones turned out!
I was again trying to be realistic about my time, energy, not pushing free write days...and also working on an original writing project on the side, so I actually did do more writing over the month, just not FFXIV related!
(Also why some of my responses were in just under the wire...)
But this was a good break and exercise from that other writing, and let me try a few new things.
And comparing to earlier years--especially 2017 and 2018 when I was getting back onto the writing horse and feeling out my OCs--I feel like my growth as a writer, especially to be more succinct yet still evocative when needed, is evident. I've gotten a lot of practice in over time, and this challenge is one of the things that helped me get to where I can write an original story on top of my fanfic!
Breakdowns for funsies: Longest: 21 Grave; 1,652 words Shortest: 14 Clear; 106 words
Between 100-500 words: 1 Envoy; 2 Bark; 4 Off the Hook; 5 Barbarous; 7 Noisome; 8 Shed; 14 Clear; 15 Portentous; 26 Last; 27 Sole. Between 500-1000 words: 6 Ring; 11 Once Bitten, Twice Shy; 13 Check; 16 Jerk; 18 Fish Out of Water; 22 Fulsome; 23 Suit; 25 Call it a Day; 28 Blunt; 29 Contravention; 30 Amity. 1000+ words: 9 Fair; 12 Dowdy; 19 Weal; 20 Hamper; 21 Grave.
I didn't look at the totals until the end; I only checked some of the shorter ones during the challenge to see if they hit my personal "500+ words" cut off for adding a Read More to the posts.
"Grave" honestly could have been a lot shorter; I started the plot too early, and much as I like Zaine making one last visit to his childhood Nana, for the purposes of the challenge, I could have just focused on going to the lichyard to save myself time and energy, and wrote about the visit on my own another time. On the other hand, it's done now!
Not sure which is a favorite; there's a lot I like.
As usual, these will be revised at...some point (some more than others, probably) and added to Ao3, in my various series and threads.
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autumnslance · 8 months
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Using Anamnesis to test the new hairstyle on my alts, as well as on various friends I have saved cuz so far, it looks good on everyone (whether it's IC or not is another story!).
Durante's aesthetician needed a raise.
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autumnslance · 9 months
FFXIV Write 2023 Day 2: Bark
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In the Gage Acquisitions public dining area...
“What makes you think I took the pie?” Aeryn demanded, arms crossed as she glowered up at Dark Autumn.
Dark’s gold eyes narrowed. “You’re a known chocolate fiend, for one thing.”
“Oh come on! I do enjoy it, but I’m not a thief!”
“Technically you are given you did join the Rogue’s Guild and were trained by them which I still say was unacknowledged flirting with a certain other rogue we all know and are lovingly annoyed by,” C’oretta piped up, watching from one of the booths, sprawling across the seat.
Aeryn glared at her, face red. “It was not flirting, I was learning a new fighting style and also if I did take the pie, by that logic, I’d be a code breaker.”
“Could string you up from the roof,” Dark mused.
“Dark, I didn’t do it!”
“Opportunity and motive, and you were seen in the vicinity at the last known time…”
“For the love of the—” Aeryn pinched her nose. “I saw the pie, but was told it was for a specific meeting, so had fruit instead, ask your staff!”
As they continued to argue, C’oretta stole a peek over the railing into the stairwell leading down to the game room. Sitting on the platform against the decorative tree, Iyna lounged with her hands behind her head and a smirk on her face. She looked up at C’oretta and winked, cheekily wiping the last bit of chocolate off her lip with a clawed thumb.
C’oretta turned back to her soda, sipping through the straw noisily. Dark and Aeryn continued to argue—ooh, Aeryn was even foot stomping and waving her arms now—but C’oretta wasn’t about to tell Dark she was barking up the wrong tree. Iyna could do whatever she wanted, and this was far more entertaining.
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autumnslance · 10 months
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Fashion Report 8/11/23
Redolent Masked Rose reminding us that there are some good pieces in the racial starter gear, actually.
And I do keep some bits around in glamour dressers--and also sets for general wear, as baseline "for RP glamours" for island and holiday event outfits to run around in.
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autumnslance · 2 years
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Black Magic Woman
(I am so bad at playing this job but I keep trying anyway for glams & poses and maybe one day I'll even figure out how it works)
Gshade Filter: Maya Shungite Colorful. Gpose Filter: Bright 1 Darkened studio, just using Gpose's droplights. Very minor contrast adjusts in Picasa3.
Gear: Exclusive Eastern Journey Circlet (Store), Kokuko Dogi (PvP Genyo gear) dyed Dark Purple, Claws of the Beast dyed Turquoise Green, Makai Priestess's Skirt, Viera Sandals dyed Dark Purple, Scintillant Staff dyed Turquoise Green, some basic jewelry.
I'm noticing that some PvP gear pieces that I dislike, or am simply "eh" about, on my other ladies look really good on Iyna. I'm please this robe works for her; it looks like a stormcloud.
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