#JAU Galacta Knight
moonverc3x · 5 months
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(gosh I hope that comic is at least readable- Ignore all the inconsistencies, I've never drawn and colored a comic before 😭) Anyways- meet the heroes of yore! sort of... you get to know what they look like at least!
Im finally getting around to publicly sharing some tidbits of lore with yall! Originally the "heroes of yore" spiel Galacta reads was going to be just text but I thought people would probably like it a little better if there was a comic to accompany it!
and im. not sure how to end this post?? I suppose I can say that Meta and Galacta Knight are open for asks!!! Im hoping I can keep the energy to keep this thing going, but only time will tell!
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moonverc3x · 6 months
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being an artist means you can draw literally ANYTHING. this could be the same character fifteen million times in a row or your sona holding that character like its their newborn child (and vice versa)
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moonverc3x · 2 months
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n. the state of not knowing how you really feel about something, which forces you to sift through clues hidden in your behavior, as if you were some other person—noticing a twist of acid in your voice, an obscene amount of effort put into something trifling, or an inexplicable weight on your shoulders that makes it difficult to get out of bed.
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moonverc3x · 5 months
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n. the feeling of emptiness after a long and arduous process is finally complete—having finished school, recovered from surgery, or gone home at the end of your wedding—which leaves you relieved that it’s over but missing the stress that organized your life into a mission.
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moonverc3x · 3 months
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oc art jumpscare!!! raahh!!! @starflungwaddledee and I have been rotating these three in our heads for forever now, and I just had to draw up something for these goobers!! more art below ;)
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moonverc3x · 9 months
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pspspsp the homies in with JAU Galacta and then, BOOM!! oc JUMPSCARE!! (JAU Taranza and DMK are also there)
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Beast and Comet (top two images) belong to @kittenvirus, and the bottom right is Night Terror, who belongs to @justalilstar!
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moonverc3x · 7 months
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I dont think ive told tumblr much about my heros of yore, so heres some no context doodles of them for yall
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